Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-22 Thread ModelCitizen

Cheers bpa. The Listen by Genre is exactly what I have created in my

The search is very useful too. But the best thing is it's made me aware
of what I can create in the BBC menus. Thanks.

If I come across the right person or can get access to a right person
in the BBC I might attempt to see if the organisation would be
interested in providing a useful menu structure for the use of third
party players like the SB3. It can't be hard for them can it? Or is
there some factor I'm not aware of or am missing?

I don't suppose by any small chance you might at some time have
sketched out the top levels of a proposed useful BBC radio menu?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread ModelCitizen

bpa;271092 Wrote: 
 Basically the AlienBBC menus are a copy of the BBC web page menus
 because they are built on the fly.

Thanks for this. Have you seen the Reciva BBC menus? It'd be
interesting to see how they were arranged.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread bpa

I haven't seen the Reciva menu but from the Reciva posting I've read
they are created centrally and seem to be updated about once a day.

They are using a similar process of web walking and I guess looking for
text heading to start their menus.  However every so often bits of the
menu fall off as a result of unexpected web layout changes and
typically takes 1-2 days before the menus are accessible to users
again. So this method requires staff to daily check and as necessary
fix the problem.

Reciva have staff to maintain the whole Reciva web  site 24x7 and
ensure if URLs of station change that they are updated, answer user
requests to add URLs and presumably update the BBC menus as their USP
is RealAudio support  BBC Listen Again.

A year ago I did a test and wrote a program to walk the complete BBC
website to get an index to all programs so that a user could search for
a program name.  It generated a large amount of traffic and to do this
daily would require permission from BBC but also continuous checking 
maintenance as every so often few days I had to change the code to
ensure all menus were found.  I didn't see the benefits outweighting
the effort to maintain. 

I now have added the Search facility to AlienBBC and it gives me
enough searching for my needs. There is an undocumented tweak which
enables me to have preprogrammed searches so for example, I can have a
menu of all shows On Radio 4 with the word comedy in Title or


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Triode;271096 Wrote: 
 I suggest you raise an enhancement request for this and we can discuss
 with Michael how easy it will be to do with the new skin.

Enhancement raised:

Was intrigued by the line Access to bugs in the Ray product at the
botom of the bug report. Is it new and what's does it mean?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread ModelCitizen

As the Receive is taking off (and presumbly does not have the border
line legality concerning mplayer?) I can't imagine it will be long
before they pressure the BBC to produce an XML feed of their programmes
so they don't have to continually manually check for consistency.
Hopefully sooner rather than later and it is something AlienBBC can

Or.. there must be someone from BBC management of technical department
using a SlimDevices/Logitech product who will be aware of the problem
organising the Listen Again menus. Or perhaps there are even current
AlienBBC users who have the correct contacts within the organisation? I
live in hope.

The new SC7 favourites functionality is enabling me to sort it out in
my own way though. I am beginning to create my own personalised player
navigation system under favourites (which is why fully implemented drag
and drop would be very handy!).

That undocumented search tweak also sounds vey handy. Is it something I
might be able to use (i.e. non-technical to implement)?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread bpa

The tweak is an edit to the OPML file  Alien/Addons/BBCAZAddon.opml.  

If you are using Windows edit with Wordpad.

The following is edit file to add 3 entries to show entries with
Book, Quiz and Comedy.  It require deleting the type parameter
and adding the lookfor.  The code only looks for the first word
just alpha chars and not case sensitive. I also editing the text part
to reflect the change.

Restart SC to pick up the new OPML - as a result of update the Search
A-Z menu item will be bottom of AlienBBC menu.


  outline text=Search Radio 4 A-Z
URL=; type=search 
  outline text=Search Radio 4 Book   
URL=; lookfor=Book
  outline text=Search Radio 4 Comedy 
URL=; lookfor=Comedy  
  outline text=Search Radio 4 Quiz   
URL=; lookfor=Quiz
  outline text=Search Five Live A-Z  
  outline text=Search 6 Music A-ZURL=; 
  outline text=Search BBC 7 A-Z  

You will be able to move these entries to other


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-20 Thread bpa

The BBC have many similar menu to present similar information.  Before I
had the search I created an Addon for the Listen by Genre menu on BBC
Radio front. I couldn't find these by navigating the Listen Again
menus. IMO They still have too many entries to browse easily on SB -
hence the search.

Unzip the attached file and put the BBCListenByGenre.opml file into the
AlienAddons and then restart Slimservers.  You will now have a BBC
Listen by Genre menu.

|Filename: |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread ModelCitizen

I'm afraid this still doesn't work for me (with latest nightly).
It might be best if I describe exactly what I am doing.

I am creating a folder in my favourites called BBC Radio (by
category). I then go and add each of the categories I want from Home 
AlienBBC   BBC Listen Again  to my favourites using the heart burron on
the item. Unfortunately it is not possible to add them directly into my
new folder or drag and drop the items onto the folder, so I then either
go to the favourites.opml and change the position of the new favourites
so they appear under my folder or copy and paste the favourite URLs
using the web interface into the correct position (i.e. recreate the
favourites in the correct place). I've tried adding them as folder and
also as direct links under my new folder. Neither appears to work. SC7
tries to play the URL (example:

As an addition to this it would be really handy to be able to drag and
drop a newly created favourite on to a favourite folder via the web
interface. It would also be useful to be able to chose to create a
favourite directly in a chosen folder when clicking the heart button
for any item (but I imagine this is a lot more fiddly to implement).

I hope this all makes sense.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread bpa

This would bee confirming but I think what is happening is Favorites is
saving a menu item as an URL but not all BBC URLs are playable or OPML
- they need a special parser and this parameter is being lost or
perhaps it doesn't work when URL is played outside of AlienBBC menu.

I don't think all the functionality you want can be provided but
perhaps some of it could be.

Could you accept that these categories be in a top level of AlienBBC
rather than Favorites ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread ModelCitizen

But the Listen Again categories *do* work correctly if I add them to
favourites. It's just that they appear to stop working if I then move
them into a favourites folder of my own making. Try this:

Navigate to Home  AlienBBC  BBC Listen Again.  Add the category
Comedy to your favourites using the favourite heart icon.
Now go to favourites and click on the new Comedy item. You should be
returned with a list of all the programmes under Comedy, and each one
playable. So far so good.

Now make a favourites folder called BBC Listen Again (by category)
and move the new Comedy item to it (you can do this by looking at the
URL in the web interface and manually recreating it in the new folder,
or better still turn off SlimCenter and directly edit the OPML file...
where you can see that the link code appears includes some sort of
extra code).
When your restart SlimServer and use favourites via the web interface
you should find (mysteriously) that the the Comedy link doe now not
return a listing of programmes but has become an (unplayable) item.

Now the second thing you appear to infer from your post that the
AlienBBC menus are configurable. If this is the case is it possible to
lay them out more sensibly than they are now? I was under the
impression that the current (rather strange) menu system was governed
by the BBC.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread Triode

So you should be able to do the following (just worked for me), all from
the web interface

1) navigate to an alien menu you like and press heart to add to

2) go to favorites and select edit to move into editor mode
(notice the alien menu you added should be at the root level)

3) select add new folder if you want to create a new folder

4) select the alien menu you added and delete it (this is really cut
but the buttons is a cross for delete)

5) move into the new folder you added and select insert deleted this
will paste the menu level you want into this folder

Feedback on the UI would be appreciated (for post 7.0), but we should
be able to store menu levels with the parser defination and then cut
and past them inside favorites.

If you manually edit the opml you would need to include all the extra
code for parsers etc so I definately recommend you do the above using
the web editor itself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread bpa

Basically the AlienBBC menus are a copy of the BBC web page menus
because they are built on the fly.

In each BBC radio web pages there are many href URLs -  a number of
entries most are programs/shows but some are links to other menus. I
can't remember the exact mechanism but there is some text (e.g. class,
id ) associated with the href and AlienBBC uses this text to know if
the the URL is playaable or another menu.

AlienBBC opml file sets up a number of start points and the relevant
Parser.  This means the whole menu structure is available and it is low
maintenance and always up to date.  

The BBC is quite good at being consistent across web pages especially
within a station but there are some differences at program level (e.g.
previous episodes/broadcast) between Stations.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread ModelCitizen

bpa. If you have a moment can you let me know what it is that determines
the BBC menus/navigation within AlienBBC?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread ModelCitizen

Cheers. That worked.

However the method is not intuitive or *normal*.
Drag and drop would be much better and fits.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-19 Thread Triode

ModelCitizen;271084 Wrote: 
 However the method is not intuitive or *normal*.
 Drag and drop would be much better and fits.

I suggest you raise an enhancement request for this and we can discuss
with Michael how easy it will be to do with the new skin.  The original
favorites code was written before drag add drop was added and hence the
cut/paste approach was the main way to move things round.  Looks like
we need to extend the drag and drop capability so that it is not needed
for this type of editting.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-16 Thread Triode

This should work exactly as you described.. The main reason for the new
favorites is so I can have Comedy and Quizzes as a favorite!

You should be able to add any menu level from alien to your favorites. 
When you do this and then navigate to your favorites you see the submenu
and anything below it from Alien.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-16 Thread Triode

Looks like I need to update Alien to allow this again - bear with us.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - adding categories to SC7 favourites?

2008-02-16 Thread Triode

I hope this will be fixed in the next server nightly.  This should allow
you to add alien menu levels from the web interface to favorites.


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