Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-09-08 Thread kdf
Quoting smst [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 kdf Wrote:
  I'll be posting another new version tonight, that will include FWD/REW
  as allowable commands and continue cycling.I missed your reply before;
 thanks for addressing the problem.  I've
 grabbed a recent SlimServer nightly so will look forward to using the
 updated RandomPlay plugin later (though first I've got to work out
 which one I need to disable in the plugins list, since the old separate
 plugin is still listed...).

Delete Plugins/  In the plugins list, the old one will be listed as
Random Play and the new, included version is Random Mix.

 Thanks again for writing this

The included version is heavily rewritten by Dan to be much lighter and faster,
plus the addition of a web interface.

-- there was something psychologically
 unsatisfactory about shuffling the entire playlist... I think it was
 because I knew the order was fixed (after the shuffle) and that I was
 just working my way through a list of 1 songs.  It felt sort of
 tedious.  Odd, huh?

I suspect more people share your feelings on this that you might think.

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-09-08 Thread kdf
Quoting Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Those changes that I made earlier in this thread don't seem to work
 with Dan's version

 The code is in the plugin so I suspect it's to do with the custom

 7.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-tracks
 8.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-albums
 9.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.Random-artists

 Is this because the plugin is now in a subdirectory?

Yes, exactly. Try:
 7.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.RandomPlay::Plugin-tracks
 8.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.RandomPlay::Plugin-albums
 9.hold = modefunction_PLUGIN.RandomPlay::Plugin-artists


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-09-08 Thread kdf

 kdf, is it the intended behavior that when a track is deleted from the
 playlist, the continuous play stops?

it was in my, so I would assume it still is.  I think the only safe command is
'jump', so you can skip a song you can't stand or are embarassed to have guests
hear.  It should then be dropped and a new song added to the end.

 I also notice that if you click on a track down the list - say track
 #5, then the plugin continues to play the track at position #5,
 removing track #1 and adding a new track at #10.  Seems to me that it
 would be the intention of the user to skip over tracks 1-4, so that the
 plugin should delete 1-5 after #5 has played and add 5 new ones.

That seems logical, but I dont know offhand how well the server differentiates
between playing a track later in the list vs playing some other track.  I think
they may both be 'play'.  If it is simply a jump, or something else we can test
then its possible.  Might as well file a request and let someone come up with
an idea.
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-07-12 Thread kdf
Quoting Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Would it be possible to add continuous play to the Album and Artist
 modes so that it plays one random album or artist after another?


one current issue that I haven't bothered to trap, yet, is that it will not work
with single-track albums or single-track artists.  I'll be fixing that when I
get another block of time.

I think I'll add a few other modes for disabling.  Currently, most changes to
the playlist will cause the continuous mode to stop.  I'm thinking of a mode
where only power-off/stop disables, and another that is only a manual disable
(continually cycling from where you left off until you turn off the cyclic mode
or shut off from the plugin menu).

After that, I expect I'll wrap it up and ship it :)

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-07-12 Thread kdf
Quoting Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi KDF,

 Those changes seem to work fine if you start playback from the menu
 however if you start playback from a defined remote control key (as you
 explained in another thread) they don't work, I expanded your
 instructions and added some code to allow a button to start Album or
 Artist play too.
 If you jump in with the Play tracks command then the new FF  RWD
 functions don't work and  if you jump into Album or Artist Play then
 there's no cycling.

which new FF and RWD functions?

 I cannot see any difference in the debug output between starting play
 from the menu or from a hotkey

can you send me any diffs to the plugin, and a copy of your map file?

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-07-12 Thread kdf
Quoting Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi KDF,

 You made changes so that pressing fwd on the remote played the next
 random track and added a new one to the list whereas before it would
 break the cycle and play the playlist to the end. It's this doesn't
 seem to work if you use the custom map to start playback.

seems to be working for me, but I'll add some more debug lines so you can get a
better picture of what is happening for you.

Album and Artist cycling is not going to happen on a track-by-track basis, as it
is just too hard to keep track of when to start adding from a new album or not.
 Instead, it will delete the completed track and only add another random
artist/album when the track count is down to 1.  Again, this does not work if
the album or artist has only one track, and I can't be sure that it will work
if you FWD on the last track :)

The only thing I can think of as to why FWD/REW might be stopping teh track
cycling is if you are in some other mode that has these defined as a function
other than 'playlist jump +/- 1'.  The plugin is unable to monitor buttons,
only the resulting function as reported by the command callback.

I'll post an updated Beta for the morning.
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-07-12 Thread kdf
Quoting Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi KDF,
 It's late here and I'm confusing myself now!!!

 Do those changes of mine look ok to you?

seem fine :)

 I'm just thinking that there's some difference between starting play
 using the mapped key and using the menus and actually pressing play.

Yes, there is.  Pressing play from within the plugin happens only once. 
Pressing and holding from elsewhere can end up being repeated.  These repeat
calls appear to be causing an overlapping callback that cancels itself out.

Then, it seems that refreshing the web interface can send unwanted
commands...etc etc.

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Random Play and continuous

2005-07-09 Thread kdf
Quoting Bruce Hartley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks a lot to KDF, this for me is the best plugin ever created.
 This should definitely make it into the core code.

more than welcome.

I expect something like it will at some point. It is always easier to do it with
a plugin when the functions are something that a plugin is perfectly capable of
doing.  There are a few requests filed that would probably also make good
functions for this feature.

 Also a player I am setting up at my parents, will mainly be used for
 random playing and the delays on startup of a huge playlist would not
 be acceptable to them.

This was exactly why I created it.  It is not fancy, but its quick :)

its good to know it will be well-used.
plugins mailing list