Re: POE::Component::Player::Mpg123 fails make test?

2010-02-22 Thread Erick Calder
it's been years since I touch that stuff too.  the PoCo::Player:Mpg123  
was supplanted with PoCo::Player:Mp3... I'd suggest you try that one  

On Feb 21, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Daniel Risacher wrote:

I confess it has been several years since I last worked with POE, so
I'm out of touch.
I'm having troubles, and I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing
wrong or it it's bitrot in the packages.
Perhaps someone here will have insight?

Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop
Perl 5.10.0
mpg123 1.7.3.
POE 1.006 (which is in the Ubuntu repos) and POE 1.286 (latest from  

'make test' fails like this:  (note you have to provide ./test.mp3)

POE-Component-Player-Mpg123-1.2$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch
ok 1 - finding player
ok 2 - finding test track
ok 3 - read permissions
ok 4 - use PoCo::Player::Mpg123
ok 5 - session created
ok 6 - component instantiated
not ok 7 - play issued
#   Failed test 'play issued'
#   at line 46.
Not a HASH reference at blib/lib/POE/Component/Player/ line  

# Looks like you planned 20 tests but ran 7.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 7 run.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 7.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

Further investigation indicates that the arguments to the 'stdout'
callback do not appear to be what I expect, based on the documentation
for POE::Component::Child.

Re: run an interactive command using POE::Wheel?

2009-09-26 Thread Erick Calder

On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:52 AM, chris fedde wrote:

2009/9/26 Olivier Mengué

It would be easier if the mailing list admin would reconfigure the  
list so

we get as the recipient when we choose Reply.
More than once I made the mistake of replying only to the post  

I know my agreement with you on this point counts for naught but I too  
find it bothersome to have to constantly remove private addresses from  
the To: and CC: fields and to have to move the lists's address to the  

Unfortunately that would be exactly the opposite of normal mailing
list behaviour.

IMO what constitutes normal mailing list behaviour is debatable.   
there are any number of lists out there that do the more expedient  
thing (if not the right thing).

The email client presents two choices reply to all and reply.
Etiquette suggests that you normally choose reply to all.

If the list were to attempt to subvert this behaviour as you suggest
then special actions would be required on the part of any recipient if
they wished to open a private dialogue with the sender.

seems to me joining a mailing list carries the implicit intention of  
conversing across the list, thus replying to the list should be the  
default behaviour and opening private dialogue should require a  
special effort.

Suggesting a
technical solution to a simple misunderstanding of community
expectations seems inappropriate to me.

With best wishes

incidentally, I did always mean to request that a prefix be added to  
the Subject header of this like, as is done with most other lists e.g.  
[POE] Re: ... as that makes it easy to file mail into a special box (I  
know, I can create a rule that defines that if _any_ of the To: Reply- 
to: Cc: or Bcc: contain then file away, but it would be  
much easier to rely on the subject.  aside from that it's visually  
easier to deal with)

Re: Bug in PoCo::Child when PID wraps round

2009-06-04 Thread Erick Calder
sorry, I still own it.  I've just been disconnected from the world a long
time.  it will take me a while to get back to you on this but I will

 From: Tony Wildish
 Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:58:12 +0200
 Subject: Re: Bug in PoCo::Child when PID wraps round (fwd)
  just checking one more time: is anyone looking after PoCo::Child, or is
 it orphaned?
 On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, Tony Wildish wrote:
  I sent this to the list some time ago
 but it looks like that list is dead. Is there someone here managing
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 12:56:33 +0100 (CET)
 From: Tony Wildish
 Subject: Bug in PoCo::Child when PID wraps round
  we have been using PoCo::Child in a project for a while now and have just
 uncovered a bug. The internal bookkeeping for the association of wheelIDs
 and PIDs is wrong, with the result that when the OS PID wraps round, the
 wrong wheelID will be given to the 'done' event.
  I'm using PoCo::Child version 1.39, perl 5.8.5, kernel
  You can see the bug by inspection of the code. At line 192 we have:
 my $id = $wheel-ID;
 $self-debug(qq/run(): @$cmd, wheel=$id, pid=/ . $wheel-PID);
 $self-{$PKG}{pids}{$wheel-PID} = $id;
  so the {pids} are inserted keyed on $wheel-PID. But at line 268, the
 clean up deletes as follows:
 delete $self-{$PKG}{wheels}{$id};
 delete $self-{$PKG}{pids}{$id};
  so it's deleting keyed on wheel-ID, not $wheel-PID.
  When the PIDs wrap round, the protection in sig_child is broken by this:
 sub sig_child {
 my ($kernel, $self, $pid, $rc) = @_[KERNEL, OBJECT, ARG1, ARG2];
 my $id = $self-{$PKG}{pids}{$pid} || ;
 # child death signals are issued by the OS and sent to all
 # sessions; we want to handle only our own children
 return unless $id;
  Because the {pids} hash had the wrong entry deleted in the cleanup, when
 the PIDs wrap, an old $id will be found where none should be. So sig_child
 will not return here, and will cause 'done' to be fired with the old
 wheelID, which is plainly wrong.
  Also, the cleanup around line 268/269 should remove {CLOSED} and
 {SIGCHLD} entries for the wheel too. That's less serious because it won't
 cause a problem until wheel-IDs wrap round, which will take a lot longer,
 but it's still a leak.


2005-12-31 Thread Erick Calder
with my apologies to everyone who has waited so long for this release,
version 1.39 of this module has just been posted to CPAN.

it fixes a number of issues, see the Changes file.

in the coming year I hope to have more time to devote to POE (at present I'm
working 60+ hrs/wk which leaves little time for anything else), specifically
to release a series of modules that implement a p2p network I built a while

until then, Happy New Year's everyone!

- ekkis

Re: namespace request - PoCo::Server::MDP

2005-08-27 Thread Erick Calder
 On Aug 26, 2005, at 16:27, Jeff Lowrey wrote:
 use POE::Component::Server::MDP::POEQueueProvider;

is a server really a component?  wouldn't POE::Server::MDP make more sense?

Re: POE 0.32 is released

2005-08-17 Thread Erick Calder
 I would say that the important bit here isn't that the problem exists in
 0.2802 but that it exists in perl 5.8.0. that version sucks. upgrade to
 .1 at least already.

well... according to up2date my Shrike box has the latest available perl on
it (5.8.0) so I guess that to overcome this issue I'll have to wait till I'm
done installing Fedora Core IV on my new MacMini...

I had rather hoped to get a new release of PoCo::Child out there now... but
it's waited months so i guess it can wait a bit longer...

thx - e

Re: POE 0.32 is released

2005-08-11 Thread Erick Calder
is there a good reason why this release should require File::Spec = 0.87 ?
I have 0.83 on my cruddy old Shrike box (which used to come as part of the
perl RPM (but apparently is not sold separately)) and don't particularly
care to upgrade perl just for File::Spec if I don't have to.

 From: Rocco Caputo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 12:28:12 -0400
 Subject: POE 0.32 is released
 POE 0.32 has just gone onto the PAUSE.  It should reach your favorite
 CPAN mirror shortly.  It's also available through SourceForge, with a
 homegrown ActiveState PPD and tarball for your convenience.  As usual, is there for guidance.
 Highlights of the changes since 0.31:
  - The POE::Session-new() deprecation continues.  The new()
constructor carps when used.
  - Signal semantics have changed slightly.  Now SIGCHLD and SIGPIPE
are IGNORE by default.  Previously, programs that didn't handle
SIGCHLD would leave zombie processes.
  - Ed W. patched POE::Wheel::SockteFactory to support non-blocking
connect() under ActiveState Perl.  Merijn Broeren patched it so the
non-blocking semantics don't bleed into sockets created through
other means.
  - All known issues with POE running under Cygwin have been addressed.
  - The core of the Tk event loop bridge has been rewritten, improving
its robustness and portability.  It supports loop_do_timeslice(),
and it should be less prone to memory leaks.
  - POE's tests now compensate for time fluctuations (especially
negative ones) on machines with variable CPU rates.
  - POE::Kernel's select() methods have gained pass-through parameters.
Values passed to select() this way will be passed through to event
handlers.  It's easier to maintain continuity through file access.
  - Jonathan Steinert found and fixed a nasty edge case where event
arguments were not destroyed within the proper context.  In rare
cases this would cause bizarre fatal errors.
 The other 90% of this iceberg can be found at .
 Thank you for your help.  A lot of POE's development comes from people
 on this list, whether through comments, bug reports or patches.  POE
 wouldn't be nearly as cool without you.
 Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: POE 0.32 is released

2005-08-11 Thread Erick Calder
how I got into this pickle is that I'm getting a warning from Wheel::Run but
rather than reporting it, since I figured no one would want to hear of
troubles with my old 0.2802 POE, I thought I'd upgrade...  in case anyone
cares, or can suggest what the issue might be:

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/POE/Wheel/ line 865.

- e

 From: sungo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:42:21 -0400
 To: Erick Calder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Rocco Caputo [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: Re: POE 0.32 is released
 On (08/10 23:12), Erick Calder wrote:
 care to upgrade perl just for File::Spec if I don't have to.
 File::Spec lives a dual life and is available from CPAN. most core
 modules are this way. you do not have to upgrade perl to get a newer

Re: POE on OSX

2005-01-29 Thread Erick Calder
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 1 RC3) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=7.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level
uname='darwin hampsten 7.0 darwin kernel version 6.0: fri jul 25
16:58:41 pdt 2003; root:xnu-344.frankd.rootsxnu-344.frankd~objrelease_ppc
power macintosh powerpc '
config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dccflags=-g  -pipe
-Dldflags=-Dman3ext=3pm -Duseithreads -Duseshrplib'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN
-no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include',
cppflags='-no-cpp-precomp -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN
-no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include'
ccversion='', gccversion='3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build
1495)', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc', ldflags ='-L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-ldbm -ldl -lm -lc
perllibs=-ldl -lm -lc
libc=/usr/lib/libc.dylib, so=dylib, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dyld.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Locally applied patches:
  Built under darwin
  Compiled at Sep 12 2003 19:50:49

 From: Rocco Caputo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:39:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: POE on OSX
 On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 11:57:34PM -0800, Erick Calder wrote:
 has anyone successfully installed POE on OSX?  I'm failing the test suite
 for the latest available with the following:
 Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of
 tests/30_loops/10_select/k_alarms1   256371   2.70%  36
 tests/30_loops/10_select/wheel_ac41  25.00%  3
 tests/30_loops/20_poll/k_alarms.t1   256371   2.70%  36
 tests/30_loops/20_poll/wheel_tail91  11.11%  6
 58 tests and 7 subtests skipped.
 Failed 4/125 test scripts, 96.80% okay. 4/3508 subtests failed, 99.89% okay.
 make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
   /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
 Running make install
   make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
 Time for some perl -V action, because I'm developing POE on OS X
 now, and I run make test before most commits.
 Rocco Caputo -

Re: POE on OSX

2005-01-29 Thread Erick Calder
the only difference I see in this listing is the /sw directories added to
@INC... I don't have such a directory, how did you get that?

 Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 16:17:09 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Re: POE on OSX
 I just installed POE using CPAN last night on OS 10.3.7 without a problem.
  Here's the output of `perl -V` on my machine; feel free to compare.  The
 only difference I see is that I have Fink installed.

Re: POE on OSX

2005-01-29 Thread Erick Calder
hmm... maybe it has to do with your installing Gtk/tk/etc.  did you install  I fail 2 tests on Event 2.01 -- I've googled and found other ppl
with the same issue but no solutions so far.

for the record, I'm running 10.3.7

- e

Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e
test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/*.t
t/attach_to...v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/bored...v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/callbackv-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/datav-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/delete..v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/evalv-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/fifov-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/generic.v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/group...v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/hookv-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/hup.v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/idlev-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/idle2...v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/io..v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/io..NOK 6# Test 6 got: '0' (t/io.t at line 87)
#   Expected: '1'
#  t/io.t line 87 is: ok $noticed_bogus_fd, 1;
t/io..NOK 7# Failed test 7 in t/io.t at line 88
#  t/io.t line 88 is: ok !defined $bogus-fd;
t/io..FAILED tests 6-7
Failed 2/8 tests, 75.00% okay
t/leakv-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/leak2...v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/loopv-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
t/now.v-strings are deprecated at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.
v-string in use/require non-portable at
/private/var/root/.cpan/build/Event-1.02/blib/lib/ line 11.

Re: POE on OSX

2005-01-29 Thread Erick Calder
I installed Fink but don't find anything resembling - in any case,
this module is optional (as is Gtk/Tk), right?

so if I can't build POE there's some other reason... what should be my next

 From: Rocco Caputo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 19:04:44 -0500
 Subject: Re: POE on OSX
 On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 02:50:04PM -0800, Erick Calder wrote:
 hmm... maybe it has to do with your installing Gtk/tk/etc.  did you install  I fail 2 tests on Event 2.01 -- I've googled and found other ppl
 with the same issue but no solutions so far.
 for the record, I'm running 10.3.7
 No, Event, Tk, and Gtk didn't install with Apple's Perl.  Tk builds
 successfully with Perl from fink.  I think Event does, too.  Gtk
 doesn't, however.
 Rocco Caputo -


2005-01-28 Thread Erick Calder
has anyone successfully installed POE on OSX?  I'm failing the test suite
for the latest available with the following:

Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
7/56 skipped: PUT not supported yet.
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: not implemented yet
all skipped: most of these should move into other tests
tests/30_loops/10_select/k_alarms...ok 31/37
# Failed test (tests/30_loops/00_base/ at line 167)
tests/30_loops/10_select/k_alarms...ok 37/37# Looks like you
failed 1 test of 37.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
DIED. FAILED test 36
Failed 1/37 tests, 97.30% okay
tests/30_loops/10_select/k_signals..ok 2/8# Waiting 2
seconds for child processes to settle.
tests/30_loops/10_select/wheel_accept...FAILED test 3
Failed 1/4 tests, 75.00% okay
*** This test may hang if your firewall blocks IPv6
*** packets across your localhost interface.
all skipped: most of these should move into other tests
tests/30_loops/20_poll/k_alarms.NOK 36
# Failed test (tests/30_loops/00_base/ at line 167)
tests/30_loops/20_poll/k_alarms.ok 37/37# Looks like you
failed 1 test of 37.
Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

Re: POE sessions, clients, confused

2005-01-26 Thread Erick Calder
 Also, check out POE::Component::Child.

which reminds me I have some patches I need to release, and I better
do it before my upcoming vacation in mid Feb too!

Re: PoCo::Child

2004-12-18 Thread Erick Calder
 From: Mike Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: DonorWare LLC
 Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 16:12:31 -0700
 Subject: PoCo::Child
 The PoCo::Child examples all use ls as the child program.

Mike, for examples of how to read/write, see the PoCo::Player components
e.g. Mp3, Enc, Slideshow.

 However, I'm not sure how to get rid of the thing!  When I am done
 sending info to the STDIN, I send a $c-quit(), (and checking the
 process list the process is indeed gone), but something seems to be
 hanging on -- POE won't wrap up and clean up after itself -- it just
 hangs.  I tried using PoCo::DebugShell, but PoCo::DebugShell and
 PoCo::Child seem to fight over STDOUT:

this likely has to do with the fact that ::Child is not closing the pipe...
Philip Gwyn sent me a patch months ago but only now am I getting around to
applying it.  I should have something ready for release soon.  will post to
this list then.

- ekkis

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-26 Thread Erick Calder
 That seems possible as long as there's some way to map
 sessions to network nodes

well... sessions are much like ports with the exception that you could have
multiple kernels per host so two sessions with the same id could exist in
the host.  but that could be remedied at the POE::Kernel level.  if
everytime a session is created, it is guaranteed to be unique within that
host (regardless of kernel) then we can safely say:

http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/event

in the case of localhost, since


would not be very meaningful.  we could of course also do:


-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 11:09:33PM -0700, Erick Calder wrote:

 I like poe://session/event but agree that [EMAIL PROTECTED] makes more sense
 than [EMAIL PROTECTED] however I don't think session@ is necessary since
 poe:://kernel/event would make no sense anyway.

I understand there's a desire to use POE for applications distributed
across several processes.  Up to now, the method for determining which
process a session exists within has been to specify a Kernel ID in the
event name.  For example:

  kernel/session/event - fully-qualified sample event name
  session/event- for events within the current kernel
  event- for events within the current session

I objected to poe://session/event based on that assumption.  It seemed
that session would need to move between the URI's host and path
parts.  That would be a proprietary change to an established standard,
which is just wrong no matter how convenient.

If I understand your proposal correctly, however, you're not
suggesting we break URI semantics at all.  You might be suggesting the
elimination of a kernel field entirely.  That seems possible as long
as there's some way to map sessions to network nodes.  The kernel
field would be implied by the session, and the URI semantics are

I withdraw my objection if that's the case.

Rocco Caputo -

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-19 Thread Erick Calder
 It allows people to publish modules autonomously.

using POE:: shouldn't present any problem with this

 It avoids name collision between core POE and third-party

avoided via the use of POE::Core

 It implies a border between POE and all these things that must be
 installed separately.

see above

 Implies that all the modules have something in common.

they have POE in common... beyond that POE:: simply provides a space to
create namespaces e.g. POE::Server for servers POE::Client for clients, etc.

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 10:17:59PM -0700, Erick Calder wrote:
  Perhaps I'm too sentimental but I prefer names that are pronounceable.

 POEx is pretty pronounceable: POE-ex


 I like the brevity of this.  my issue however, is that the implication is
 that modules in that namespace are extensions... and I don't perceive
 components as extensions... an extension is more or less an afterthough:
 uh... we didn't think of this so let's extend the framework, whereas a
 component is an integral part of a system, which I believe is more closely
 aligned with the function of POE components.

 I also don't like PoCo, even though it's easy to say and writes nicely,
 because I think everything POE related should be under that namespace.

 perhaps a better suggestion would be to create special namespaces for
 internal stuff e.g. POE::Kernel and let everything else just hang off of




 POE::Kernel::Child (or some such thing)

 - ekkis

POE:: could be used, as long as there's a standard namespace layout
for people to follow.  The theory behind a second namepace:

- It allows people to publish modules autonomously.
- It avoids name collision between core POE and third-party
- It implies a border between POE and all these things that must be
  installed separately.
- Implies that all the modules have something in common.

A standard namespace layout would solve the first two issues.
Publishing and maintaining it would solve the third.

Rocco Caputo -

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-19 Thread Erick Calder

I like poe://session/event but agree that [EMAIL PROTECTED] makes more sense
than [EMAIL PROTECTED] however I don't think session@ is necessary since
poe:://kernel/event would make no sense anyway.

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 07:17:28AM -0700, David Davis wrote:
 I like POEx also.

 If you wanted to get a postback for a certain session/event you could do:
 ZipEvent =

 pretty ugly and would cause an error for a session that didn't exist

 I would like to suggest we use
 with an optional kernel param:
 poe://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/event

I don't like misusing URI fields like that.  If kernel is a process
address, it would be more appropriate to say

  poe://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/event

Safari at least translates

  http:///  into http://localhost/
  http://moo@/  into http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

so there's precedent for this actually working.

Rocco Caputo -

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-13 Thread Erick Calder
 I propose a common nomenclature.

I never like reverse Hungarian notation and variants because invariably you
end up with names that don't describe the datatype well, or you end up with
long names, and I hate long names.

I think names should be functional: state describes the thing without
describing the datatype, as does event, regardless of the implementation.

   on_stupid = Undecided::Cb::Chain-new(
 Undecided::Ob-new($object, method),
 Undecided::Cl-new($class, method),
 Undecided::Ev-new(event),  # probably only valid as the last item

not that the above couldn't equally be expressed as:

on_stupid = [
[$object = method],
[$class, method]

which I find more concise and perlish.  yes, the Undecided thing helps hide
behind objects but it just seems so unwieldy.

- ekkis

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-13 Thread Erick Calder
 Perhaps I'm too sentimental but I prefer names that are pronounceable.

POEx is pretty pronounceable: POE-ex


I like the brevity of this.  my issue however, is that the implication is
that modules in that namespace are extensions... and I don't perceive
components as extensions... an extension is more or less an afterthough:
uh... we didn't think of this so let's extend the framework, whereas a
component is an integral part of a system, which I believe is more closely
aligned with the function of POE components.

I also don't like PoCo, even though it's easy to say and writes nicely,
because I think everything POE related should be under that namespace.

perhaps a better suggestion would be to create special namespaces for
internal stuff e.g. POE::Kernel and let everything else just hang off of POE




POE::Kernel::Child (or some such thing)

- ekkis

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-08-06 Thread Erick Calder
I actually do like that things live inside POE::... I just think Component
is too long... so maybe POE::Co:: could be ok... or for that matter even we
could just dump the Co altogether e.g. POE::Player::Mp3, POE::Server::TCP

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 06:41:35PM +0100, Matthew Trout wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 01:19:59PM -0400, Rocco Caputo wrote:
  There's no requirement that they exist in POE::.  For example,
  Term::Visual lives somewhere entirely different.
  One drawback, however, is you can't then use
use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP Component::Client::DNS);
  The savings from a shorter base namespace may make that moot.

 Is there any reason we couldn't create a 'PoCo' base class or similar that
 does the same job?

The shortcut was a workaround for long class names.  Shortening the
class names may eliminate the need for a workaround.

The reasons for or against a loader class are fuzzy judgment calls,
not good vs. evil issues.  One negative aspect I can think of offhand
is that it makes class loading more complex.  You should decide
whether the convenience outweighs the complexity.  Consider that the
margin is ten characters narrower using PoCo (or even POEx, to
follow in DBIx's footsteps).

So, is it worth it?  Does anyone have other reasons for or against it?

Rocco Caputo -

RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-07-29 Thread Erick Calder
 Maybe I skimmed to fast through the doco, but I had to read the code to
 find the arguments that were pasted to the postbacks.

unless you have an ancient version of the ::Child you should have seen this:

Event handlers are passed two arguments: ARG0 which is a reference to
   the component instance being used (i.e. $self), and ARG1, a hash
   ence containing the wheel id being used (as wheel) + values specific
   the event.  Callbacks are passed the same arguments but as @_[0,1]

or maybe that is not sufficient.  I will think about rewriting it in greater

 rather then having to hold on to the object reference

huh? what's wrong with keeping the object?  why would you prefer to post
messages to an internal session when there is a perfectly good abstraction
behind $o-run()?

 I can't currently

I suppose I can always just add a method to return the name of the internal
session so you can send it messages directly... but I don't get it.

 In my mind you shouldn't even have an argument like this,

if you don't tell ::Child what session to throw its events at, how are you
supposed to get callbacks?

 it should be set with the postback.  Or it should use $_[SENDER].

*ekkis feels clueless


what are you looking at?? ::Child doesn't offer spawn()!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a proposed way of saying event
 command_error in session monitor

you can currently ask that events be sent to the session indicated by

 Note these are much more complex use scenarios then PoCo::Child
 currently allows.

perhaps you'll need to elaborate because from the posted code I don't see
anything you couldn't do with ::Child

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:56 AM
To: Erick Calder
Subject: RE: New PoCo Guidelines

On 29-Jul-2004 Erick Calder wrote:
 The doco for both is thin.

:( I thought I did a pretty decent job at doc for ::Child... if you have
any suggestions I'd be happy to consider them.

Maybe I skimmed to fast through the doco, but I had to read the code to
find the arguments that were pasted to the postbacks.

 PoCo::Child has the strangely named parm Alias, which doesn't
 set the alias of the component but the alias of the session
 postbacks are posted to.

 why would you want to set the alias of the component's internal session
 when you are never going to address it?

You see, I do expect to address it.  Looking at your code, I see that it
is designed to handle executing concurrent commands.  So I expect to be
able to do

$poe_kernel-post('Child' = 'run', 'lpr -P lp1');

or equiv from my code, rather then having to hold on to the object
reference.  I can't currently, unless I write a wrapper session around the
PoCo::Child object and session.

 and what's strange about naming it alias?  what would you name it?

Most other components use that param to name their alias.  At least one
other person was supprised at PoCo::Child's behaviour in this regard.

   what would you name it?

This is part of what I want the PoCo Guidelines to describe.  In my mind
you shouldn't even have an argument like this, it should be set with the
postback.  Or it should use $_[SENDER].

IMHO, the interface to PoCo::Child should be multiplexed.  That is :

StderrEvent='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
ErrorEvent='[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

## [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a proposed way of saying event
## command_error in session monitor

##  Later, in session Zip
$poe_kernel-post(runner='run', Command='lpr -P lp1',
## lpr_error in session Zip would be called if there was text on
## stderr

## and elsewhere, in another session even
$poe_kernel-post(runner='run', Command= 'pgpv',
  StdoutEvent=sub { }, # ignore
  StdinEvent=sub { return shift @text },
  StderrEvent='[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

Note these are much more complex use scenarios then PoCo::Child currently
allows.  The simplified form could maybe be done with

$run-run('ls -lr');

and now the current session will receive all the events with the default


 I love it.  and now that we're talking about this, could we shorten the
 base name?  I have components like POE::Component::Player::Mp3 - which
 is entirely too long!  Could we at least do POE::Co?

Agreed!  However, I'd propose that only components that meet some
guildlines would be allowed in that name space.


RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-07-28 Thread Erick Calder
 The doco for both is thin.

:( I thought I did a pretty decent job at doc for ::Child... if you have any
suggestions I'd be happy to consider them.

 PoCo::Child has the strangely named parm Alias, which doesn't
 set the alias of the component but the alias of the session
 postbacks are posted to.

why would you want to set the alias of the component's internal session when
you are never going to address it? and what's strange about naming it
alias?  what would you name it?


I love it.  and now that we're talking about this, could we shorten the base
name?  I have components like POE::Component::Player::Mp3 - which is
entirely too long!  Could we at least do POE::Co?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:44 AM
To: sungo
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On 26-Jul-2004 sungo wrote:
 On (07/25 16:56), David Davis wrote:

 -call conventions (use hashrefs instead of arrays?)

 are you talking about the insides of a component object? if so, don't
 meddle there. any guidelines for components really need to stick to
 interface alone. let the components do what is necessary to get their
 jobs done.

I was the one who proposed talking about PoCo guidelines.  I came to this
conclusion after playing with PoCo::Server::HTTPD and PoCo::Child.  The
doco for both is thin. PoCo::HTTPD doesn't allow post-backs.  PoCo::Child
has the strangely named parm Alias, which doesn't set the alias of the
component but the alias of the session postbacks are posted to.  Things
like this made me that there had to be a better way.

No, I don't think the guidelines should dictate internal component
implementation.  With one exception : if you are doing OO and want people
to overload your component, then following a standard object model would
be nice.

Actually, 2 exceptions, if/when we agree on a standard, it would be nice
to implement POE::Component::Base which would help in conforming to the
standard.  In that case, internals would be dictated by that component.
Mind you, there could also be POE::Component::Helper which would export
subroutines that did some of the dirty work to help non-OO implementations


RE: New PoCo Guidelines

2004-07-26 Thread Erick Calder
I always prefer more flexibility so one thing I'd like to see is call
signatures that can take a hash or list of hashrefs so I can write:

$y = { three = 'tre' };
$x-(one = 'ett', two = 'tva', $y, etc = 'whatever');

-Original Message-
From: sungo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 6:48 AM
To: David Davis
Subject: Re: New PoCo Guidelines

On (07/25 16:56), David Davis wrote:

 -call conventions (use hashrefs instead of arrays?)

are you talking about the insides of a component object? if so, don't
meddle there. any guidelines for components really need to stick to
interface alone. let the components do what is necessary to get their
jobs done.


RE: small wishes to poe::wheel::run can't figure out.

2004-03-11 Thread Erick Calder
you might also want to look at PoCo::Child for inspiration

-Original Message-
From: Andy Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:23 AM
Subject: RE: small wishes to poe::wheel::run can't figure out.


 I would like to get an error_level for each program i run in parallel...
Pass the param ErrorEvent when you instantiate the POE::Wheel::Run to trap

 And it would also be nice to get a value back so i can track which program
 that return a
 given answer...

I get program exit codes by trapping SIGCHLD to tell when my child process
die. In your 'start' handler, add something like this:

  $kernel-sig(CHLD = '__sig_child');

Then handle the __sig_child event. The program exit code is one of the
parms, as follows:

sub onSIGCHLD {
my($self, $heap, $signalname, $kidPID, $kidRC) =

 Thanks a lot in advance...

 Michael , Denmark.

 - snip ---


 use warnings;
 use strict;

 use POE;
 use POE::Wheel::Run;

 my $time1=time();

 # Start a multitasking session to manage several child processes.  Map
 # each event to a function which will handle it.  Run POE::Kernel,
 # which manages the session's activity.  run() will return when the
 # session is done, and so we exit.

   ( _start = \start_processes,
 process_stdout = \read_stdout,
 process_stderr = \read_stderr,
 process_closed = \cleanup_proc_wheel,


 my $time2=time();
 my $usedtime=$time2-$time1;

 print$time2 - $time1 - $usedtime\n;

 exit 0;

 # Start a number of child processes.  Record their abstractions
 # (wheels) in the session's local storage (its heap).  All the
 # process events include the IDs of the wheels that have activity.
 # We'll use that later to clean up after finished processes.

 sub start_processes {
   my $session_storage = $_[HEAP];
   my $nr;
   my @servers;
   my $t;
   my $command=uptime;

   $nr = @servers = qw(;

   for (1..1) {
   for ($t=0;$t$nr;$t++) {
   my $program=ssh $servers[$t] $command;
   my $proc_wheel = POE::Wheel::Run-new
 ( Program = $program,
 StdoutEvent = process_stdout,
 StderrEvent = process_stderr,
 CloseEvent = process_closed,
   $session_storage-{$proc_wheel-ID} = $proc_wheel;

 # Process stdout and stderr from the child process.

 sub read_stdout {
   my ($stdout, $proc_wheel_id) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
   print Wheel $proc_wheel_id stdout: $stdout\n;

 sub read_stderr {
   my ($stderr, $proc_wheel_id) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
   print Wheel $proc_wheel_id stderr: $stderr\n;

 # Clean up after a process when it's done.

 sub cleanup_proc_wheel {
   my ($session_storage, $proc_wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
   delete $session_storage-{$proc_wheel_id};

RE: POE::Sweeten::Args

2004-02-25 Thread Erick Calder
 pulling it into the core with a name like POE::Arguments

side note: my vote would go for POE::Args.  one thing I've always liked
about perl and detested about Java is the length of namespaces.  I for one
hate to type so shorter names are better!

- e

p.s. don't I remember that there had been some discussion about creating a
PoCo in place of POE::Component?

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 8:27 PM
Cc: sungo
Subject: Re: POE::Sweeten::Args

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 04:54:02PM -0500, sungo wrote:

 so the question is: newbies seem to not understand $_[KERNEL] and
 friends. what to do about it?

 my answer is this: POE::Sweeten::Args, written by Casey West,
 specifically to alleviate this problem.  Let's document it in the core
 (Don't like this argument style? POE::Sweeten::Args offers two other
 varieties.).  If it really becomes must, lets talk to casey about
 pulling it into the core with a name like POE::Arguments.

 basically, i think this is a solved problem and we just need to add more
 docs about the possibilities.  the key here is to add more possibilities
 not remove old ones.

I agree that the documentation should point to POE::Sugar::Args,
POE::Session::MessageBased, and whatever @_ alternatives are out

If it goes into the core, though, we're stuck with it forever.  We
should make sure it's a good and lasting solution.

Another idea to throw into the mix:  While documenting different
calling conventions, it might be good to describe how to subclass or
replace POE::Session.  POE::Session's generic interface would get
documented, and the interaction between POE::Kernel and POE::Session

The perldoc for POE::Loop has the sort of documentation I'm thinking
of here.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Test Reforms

2004-02-23 Thread Erick Calder
Randal L. Schwartz
 Don't remove all examples from the distro.  At 30K feet, they were
 very helpful for me while I was trying to write code, but couldn't
 to the website.  Or maybe make a simple one-stop-download link on
 the website.

they can at least be packaged separately.  in fact, a -doc package
could include all the sample code and recipes from the web

Re: Test Reforms

2004-02-23 Thread Erick Calder
 At some point, the cookbook and possibly the tutorials
 should be bundled into CPAN distributions.  Perhaps POE::Tutorials
 or POE::Examples

I'm almost tempted to suggest that should be left to each distro...
in RH one often finds packages like -doc containing all that stuff.

Re: Test Reforms

2004-02-23 Thread Erick Calder
 At some point, the cookbook and possibly the tutorials
 should be bundled into CPAN distributions.  Perhaps POE::Tutorials
 or POE::Examples

I'm almost tempted to suggest that should be left to each distro...
in RH one often finds packages like -doc containing all that stuff.

RE: Proposal: Registered PIDs

2004-02-13 Thread Erick Calder
as long as the child's process id remains available in the current place you
won't break existing code like PoCo::Child so no objections here :)

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 8:32 PM
Subject: Proposal: Registered PIDs

Proposal: Registered PIDs.

Currently SIGCHLD is broadcast to every session that registers a CHLD
signal handler.  Quite often, this means every session with child
processes receives signals for every other one.  They all must track
their children and filter the incoming signals against theirs.

A conversation in IRC reminded me about this issue.  I suggested the
customary pattern for dealing with broadcast SIGCHLD.

  One of the parameters is the child PID.  You can return unless
  exists $heap-{mine}{$pid}

Philip Gwyn and I had just covered the heavyhanded _signal event,
which is in the throes of deprecation.  It further occurred to me that
dispatching SIGCHLD to every session with a handler is often useless,
since most of them don't care one whit about any other session's
process IDs.

  Maybe an optimization would be a Kernel registry mapping child PIDs
  to sessions.  After you fork, you can call $kernel-forked($pid) to
  focus that PIDs SIGCHLD on the current session.  POE::Wheel::Run
  could do it internally.

  Unregistered PIDs would still be broadcast around.  And to be fair,
  I guess multiple sessions could register interest in a child PID.
  For whatever that's worth.

This would require a new POE::Kernel method.  I wish it could be
incorporated into something like sig(CHLD = event), but re-
registering the SIGCHLD handler shouldn't be necessary for every new

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

RE: Grandwheels or wheel-wheels question

2003-08-20 Thread Erick Calder

also check out POE::Component::Child which makes setup easier.

- e

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Grandwheels or wheel-wheels question


Take a look at POE::Wheel::Run. Run can be initiated as spawning a separate
program or subroutine.  Use a ReadWrite wheel to connect the subprocess back
the Run Wheel.  In the subroutine or separate script, run a kernel inside of
that to handle the IO, multiwhatevers, etc.


In a message dated 8/19/03 5:10:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

I have a program where I need to execute some longish tasks in parallel.
So far I have understood that POE is some first class choice,
and that the way to go is to have some POE::Filter::Reference wheels
spawned off.

However, these wheels have to deal with collecting the longish data itself.
Recently, I learned that this may be some n GBytes each, so backquotes
or even file redirection could turn out improper.

I would like to employ POE also - does anybody have experience with
wheel processes (children) creating one or more wheels again?

Of course I could fold the output handling into one hierarchy,
but this would make a line oriented processing problematic, and a
load oriented job spawning quite hard.

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,


Markus Jansen  Senior IS/IT Support Engineer, EED/IT
Ericsson Eurolab Deutschland GmbH  Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ericsson Allee 1   Phone : +49 2407 575 5157
52134 Herzogenrath Fax   : +49 2407 575 7289
GermanyMobile: +49 172 274 2003

RE: definitely a POE::Wheel::ReadLine understanding problem....

2003-06-13 Thread Erick Calder

just as a side comment, the

inline_states = { method = \method }

can also be expressed as:

package_states = [ method ]

which allows for something like:

package_states = [ qw/_start _stop got_input/ ]

-Original Message-
From: Bruno Boettcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: definitely a POE::Wheel::ReadLine understanding problem

  sorry bothering so much and beeing too dumb as it seems

  just to test (and maybe that would be a better code snippet (once
commented..) for the man page script is at the bottom of this

set up the smallest possible sample program that uses readline...

but here too, as soon as i run it, it blocks on the first char i type...
  so seems i missed something somewhere

this example is surely easier to parse than the other stuff...

- cut here --

use warnings;
use strict;

use POE;
use POE::Filter::Reference;
use POE::Wheel::ReadLine;

  #Alias = leveShell,
  inline_states =
  {  _start = \_start,
  _stop  = \_stop,
  got_input  = \got_input_handler,

# Input handler.  If $input is defined, then it contains a line of
# input.  Otherwise $exception contains a word describing some kind
# of user exception.  Currently these are 'interrupt' and 'cancel'.
sub got_input_handler {
  my ($heap, $input, $exception) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
  if (defined $input) {
$heap-{wheel}-put(\tGot: $input);
$heap-{wheel}-get('Prompt: '); # get another line
  else {
$heap-{wheel}-put(\tException: $exception);


=item start of the poe session


sub _start
  my ($this, $kernel, $heap, $dsn, $queries,$session) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL,
# Create the wheel.
  $heap-{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadLine-new( InputEvent = got_input );

# Trigger the wheel to read a line of input.
  $heap-{wheel}-get( 'Prompt: ' );

}#sub _start


=item stop of the poe session


sub _stop
  my ($this, $kernel, $heap) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, HEAP];
# Clear the terminal.
}#sub _stop
- cut here  --

ciao bboett

RE: Feedback on POE::Wheel::Run changes

2003-03-06 Thread Erick Calder
 I think it's an interesting feature, but I don't use Wheel::Run enough
 to know how generally useful it is.  I'm looking for more discussion
 on it before making any decisions.

I think it's fairly useful.  I've implemented it in PoCo::Child but was
hoping to hear the other ideas Robert mentioned before releasing.

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: Feedback on POE::Wheel::Run changes

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 11:00:26AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I understand that there is a long-term goal to supercede POE::Wheel::Run
 with a component module with the tentative title of
 ( and there has been a discussion on the
 mailing list previously about how the POE::Wheel::Run module could be
 improved.  In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, I have made some
 simple additions to the POE::Wheel::Run module which I have needed for
 in-house projects which I would like to get some feedback on.

 The first of these changes is a simple addition to include a Directory
 parameter to specific the location from within which the program specified
 is executed.  The diff for these changes against the CVS version of
 POE::Wheel::Run (version 1.44) is as follows:


 Note that this creates a locally scoped directory change for execution and
 should not affect execution of other components and wheels.

I think it's an interesting feature, but I don't use Wheel::Run enough
to know how generally useful it is.  I'm looking for more discussion
on it before making any decisions.

 I also have changes for username and group specification with name rather
 than UID/GID, bute these changes are very minor and depends upon the
 getpwnam and getgrnam functions which may affect portability of the

 Comments and feedback welcomed.

POE::Wheel::Run is already very UNportable.  We can probably work
around missing get(gr|pw)nam functions, or at least throw
unsupported errors wherever they fail.

-- Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

RE: Feedback on POE::Wheel::Run changes

2003-03-05 Thread Erick Calder
 some simple additions to the POE::Wheel::Run module

I'm interested in what other changes beyond the directory argument you have
in mind.  I've implemented the chdir feature in PoCo::Child which is a layer
on top of Wheel::Run and would be interested in whatever improvements you or
anyone might suggest.

- e

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: Feedback on POE::Wheel::Run changes

I understand that there is a long-term goal to supercede POE::Wheel::Run
with a component module with the tentative title of POE::Component::Process
( and there has been a discussion on the
mailing list previously about how the POE::Wheel::Run module could be
improved.  In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, I have made some
simple additions to the POE::Wheel::Run module which I have needed for some
in-house projects which I would like to get some feedback on.

The first of these changes is a simple addition to include a Directory
parameter to specific the location from within which the program specified
is executed.  The diff for these changes against the CVS version of
POE::Wheel::Run (version 1.44) is as follows:

 use vars qw($VERSION);
 use vars qw($CWD $VERSION);
   use Cwd;

   sub FETCH { cwd }
   sub STORE { defined $_[1] and ( chdir $_[1] or die $! ) }
   sub TIESCALAR { bless \$_, shift }

   tie $CWD, __PACKAGE__;

   my $directory = delete $params{Directory};

 # Change the current working directory and maintain within this scope
 local $CWD = $CWD;
 $CWD = $directory if defined $directory;

Note that this creates a locally scoped directory change for execution and
should not affect execution of other components and wheels.

I also have changes for username and group specification with name rather
than UID/GID, bute these changes are very minor and depends upon the
getpwnam and getgrnam functions which may affect portability of the change.

Comments and feedback welcomed.


Rob Casey
Implementation Analyst
Essential and Direct Mail Development
Hermes Precisa Australia (Victoria)
Phone : (03) 9217-5501

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RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: POE 0.25 is released

2003-02-12 Thread Erick Calder
for those who care, the RPM is now also available and may be found at the
usual place.  the binaries I distribute are built on a Redhat 7.0 i386
platform but I do also provide the source rpms so you can --rebuild on your

I've only compiled the POE rpm for now, if anyone needs any other modules
packaged, just let me know, or download cpan2rpm (which may be found at and do it yourself.

- erick

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: POE 0.25 is released

POE 0.25 is finally released.  Thanks, everyone, for the work you've
put into it.  Special thanks go to our new committers and testers.
Their help is invaluable.

This release fixes several bugs reported in IRC and on this mailing
list.  ActivePerl 5.8.0 is supported, to the extent that it can be.
Gentoo Linux's Perl should stop dumping core.  TCP clients and servers
have interesting enhancements.  Much of this would not have happened
without your feedback.  Thank you.


Even now the latest tarball should be hurtling towards your favorite
CPAN mirror.  It is also on the web, with an improved ActiveState PPD
and tarball.


Thanks again for making this release possible.

-- Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

RE: RFC: Persistent Object Client/Server Scheme

2003-02-12 Thread Erick Calder
if what you develop is a perl RMI interface, POE programs could be written
to interoperate in Java environments, allowing those of us who prefer it to
code in perl rather than Java.  I see that as big positive :)

-Original Message-
From: Phil Crow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:11 AM
Subject: RE: RFC: Persistent Object Client/Server Scheme

Since some discussion has started I think it is time
for my true confession.  Though I love Perl, I am
really mostly a Java programmer.  My intent with the
project I mentioned is to provide schemes like Java
has, but with a  heavy Perl spin.  With them I might
some day convince my employer that Perl is ready for
prime time.  While I think Perl is ready, they don't
see it, hence the need for more tools.

In this case the scheme is RMI (Remote Method
Invocation).  In case you aren't familiar, I'll bore
you with details.  An rmiregistry daemon keeps track
of all registered rmi services on one host by name.
As service daemons start, they register.  When a
client asks the registry daemon for a service, the
daemon connects the two.  This allows the client to
make calls on persistent objects in the remote
registered service.  The protocol is proprietary (but
published) and travels over TCP sockets.

So, my current scheme is RMI for Perl.  The clients
instantiate remote objects and use them without
worrying about event call backs.  Simply say $result =
$remote_objet-method(@args).  The servers use POE,
but without having to think about it.  This means
(among other things) that the exposed objects don't
explicitly know they are exposed.  This creates
modularity since the same code can be used locally or

The primary purpose for an RMI like scheme is to allow
separation of application components across servers
(what patterns people call layering).  That's what the
current project allows.  It does so with simplistic

My goal is to eventually provide the kinds of
functionality that has made the Java platform
successful without introducing the unPerlish
complications that dominate the Java frameworks.  In
this case that means no rmic (rmi compiler), no
interfaces or stubs, etc.  It also means a clean
Perlish set of support modules.  Currently there is a
server module, a client module, and a registry daemon
which just uses the server module.

Thanks for all comments so far.  I'm interested in
hearing more and in working with anyone.

Now back to my Java programming job :(,

Phil Crow

Do you Yahoo!?
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RE: RFC: Persistent Object Client/Server Scheme

2003-02-11 Thread Erick Calder
 In my case, lack of response means I'm busy

I'll second that motion.  I do have an interest in this idea and will reread
the original message before commenting but given that Philip mentions object
persistence I should just hit that I'm working at a schema layer, perhaps
similar to Java Entity Beans.  someday I foresee a nice mixture of this with
IKC to do replication stuff.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:06 AM
To: Rocco Caputo; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RFC: Persistent Object Client/Server Scheme

On 11-Feb-2003 Rocco Caputo wrote:
 Would a server helper module like OOPersistServer be a
 candidate to be a genuine POE::Component::Server?

 The lack of response to this message seems to indicate no. :(

In my case, lack of response means I'm busy.  Object persistance is
something I've wrestled with often.  My latest stab was for JAAS (just
another application server).

I have some ideas about object persistance that I would like to share, but
lack of tuits has held me back.


naming quandary

2002-12-16 Thread Erick Calder
need a little input:  I have a component that detects changes to directories
and files that I originally called PoCo::Dir::Watch because it only detected
directory changes...  now I thought to call it PoCo::Detect::Filesystem...
but then it occurred to me to rename PoCo::CD::Detect to PoCo::Detect::CD...
trouble is I also have PoCo::CD::Rip... so now I don't know what makes

also, these names are getting rather long... would PoCo::Detect::Fs, or
PoCo::Detect::Path be better?

feedback guys?

RE: naming quandary

2002-12-16 Thread Erick Calder
so should I have Detect::CD or CD::Detect?

-Original Message-
From: Dmitri Tikhonov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 3:50 PM
To: Erick Calder
Subject: Re: naming quandary

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Erick Calder wrote:

 also, these names are getting rather long... would PoCo::Detect::Fs, or
 PoCo::Detect::Path be better?

I think PoCo::Detect::Fs looks prettier.  To make it prettier yet, use 
caps: PoCo::Detect::FS.

- Dmitri.

RE: Pseudo Lexical State Parameters

2002-11-12 Thread Erick Calder
 Actually, you can save you 2 additional keystrokes:

laughing!  now ekkis truly happy.  my vote for that approach!

-Original Message-
From: Garrett Goebel [mailto:garrett;]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:53 AM
To: 'Erick Calder'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Pseudo Lexical State Parameters

Erick Calder wrote:
  I like the simplicity of this syntax.
 me too.  I still prefer $kernel-yield() as it is simple, but 
 certainly kernel()-yield would be better than 
 $message-kernel-yield()? i.e. where better == shorter
 - me lazy and hate to read/type  I have to :)

Actually, you can save you 2 additional keystrokes:

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road   Main: 913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202  Fax: 913.384.2180  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-09-29 Thread Erick Calder

Matt Cashner (sungo) has graciously agreed to relinquish ownership
of PoCo::MPG123 so I could re-implement it using PoCo::Child.  First
pass at it is done and available on CPAN.  the RPM may be found at
the usual place:

I've renamed the component in the hopes of having other players
under this category (requests for other wrappers gladly accepted)
and the thing now sports a new oo interface, full docs and a
comprehensive test suite.

bugs/suggestions, etc. should come to me directly at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] until I figure out how to use the new bug tracker
(if I even have access to it)


- ekkis

p.s. if you're going to use this module, do also pick up the latest
copy of PoCo::Child (v 1.16)

RE: PoCo::Child

2002-09-19 Thread Erick Calder

 FYI, the link on seems to be broken:

thx.  I've fixed it.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 7:11 AM
To: Erick Calder
Subject: Re: PoCo::Child

On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 00:49, Erick Calder wrote:
 Rocco thought it'd be useful to have a component made out of
 so as to eliminate having to create an interim session just to receive
 events from the wheel... so I've put one together under the name in the
 subject header.  It should be available on CPAN or you can pick up a copy

 hope you find it useful.

That's great.  I found it on CPAN

FYI, the link on seems to be broken:


RE: :Component::Client::FTP problem

2002-09-18 Thread Erick Calder
 /look|browse/i) {
$info{look}[0] = $user;
$info{look}[1] = $pass;
elsif (!$info{download}[0]) {
$info{download}[0] = $user;
$info{download}[1] = $pass;
elsif (/^(ip:[ ]?)?(.+\..+\..+[\..+]*)$/i
 !$info{address}) {
$info{address} = $2;
elsif (/^req(uest)?(ing)?(s)?(:)?\s*(.*)/i) {
$info{request} = $5;
elsif (!$info{other}) {
$info{other} = $_;
return %info;

sub getAdByName {
my ($name) = @_;
for (my $x = 0; $x  scalar(@database); $x++) {
if ($database[$x][0] eq $name) {
return $x;
return -1;

sub getAdByOwner {
my ($owner) = @_;
for (my $x = 0; $x  $#database; $x++) {
if ($database[$x][1] eq $owner) {
return $x;
return -1;

sub insertDB {
my (%info) = @_;

0. Name
1. Owner
my @ftpsite = ( $info{name},$info{owner},  
 #   2. IP   3. Port
$info{address}, $info{port},
4. Download User5. Download Pass   
$info{download}[1], #   7. Upload User  7. 
Upload Pass
$info{upload}[0],   $info{upload}[1],
8. Look User9. Look Pass   
 $info{look}[0], $info{look}[1], #
10. Requests11. Other
$info{request}, $info{other},
12. Status  13. Last Check 
#   14. Last time ad seen   15. Last login
time,   0,
16. Login OK ?  17. Total FTP Size
if (getAdByName($info{name}) == -1) {
push (@database, [@ftpsite]);
else {
my $ad = getAdByName($info{name});
foreach(12, 13, 15, 16, 17) {
$ftpsite[$_] = $database[$ad][$_];
$ftpsite[14] = time;
$database[$ad] = [@ftpsite];

Erick Calder wrote:
 grr.. I keep hitting reply and I keep getting the messages bounced back

 you should post the code so we know what you're doing.  I suggest you drop
 by #poe on EFNET or feel free to contact me on AIM/YM: svekkis or ICQ

RE: :Component::Client::FTP problem

2002-09-17 Thread Erick Calder


the session you are creating needs an alias set to try since you're
telling the ftp client to use try to send its events...

you can do it like this:

sub start {
print *** test\n;

dngnand was going to add an arg to the session create function so you could
name it at creation time... but I don't know if that's released yet.

- e

-Original Message-
From: Bart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:04 AM
Subject: POE::Component::Client::FTP problem


I'm trying to run Poco::Client::FTP in a self-made module file, but somehow,
it's going wrong.
I execute the function try::try($kernel, $1, $who); somewhere in the main file. The try function searches for $adname ($1) in the database, and if
it can find it, it logs into the ftp with the host/ip user/pass for that
ftp. Everything is going fine, POE connects to the server, executes the
start function as it should (*** test gets printed) and logs in. Then, it
should execute the inline authenticated() function, but it doesn't. I have
absolutely no idea why this is. The other 2 functions won't get executed
either, when they should.
Does anyone have an idea of what's going wrong ?


use strict;
use warnings;

sub POE::Component::Client::FTP::DEBUG () { 1 };

use POE qw (Session Component::Client::FTP);

package try;

return 1;

sub login_error {
print *** no login\n;
sub authenticated {
print *** yes\n;
sub connect_error {
print *** no connection\n;

sub start {
print *** test\n;

sub try {
my ($kernel, $adname, $who) = @_;
my $number = -1;
my $counter = 0;
my $ftp = main::getAdByName($adname);
while ($number  0) {
if (!$main::leeches[$counter]) {
$number = $counter;
$counter ++;

Alias = try,
Username = $main::database[$ftp][4],
Password = $main::database[$ftp][5],
RemoteAddr = $main::database[$ftp][2],
RemotePort = $main::database[$ftp][3],
Timeout = 5,
Events = [qw (authenticated login_error connect_error
cmd_connected) ]

inline_states = {
authenticated = sub { print test; }, #DOES NOT
_start = \start, # GETS EXECUTED 
login_error = \login_error, #DOES NOT GET EXECUTED
cmd_connected = sub { print CONNECTED
connect_error = \connect_error, #DOES NOT GET

RE: ANNOUNCE: POE 0.23 is released

2002-09-12 Thread Erick Calder

RPM now available at the usual place:

- e

-Original Message-
From: Rocco Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: ANNOUNCE: POE 0.23 is released

POE 0.23 has been released to the CPAN and the web.  This is mainly a
bugfix release with a couple of useful features thrown in.  Most of
POE's improvements would not have happened without feedback and
discussion on this list.  Thank you.

Change highlights since 0.22:

 - Added IPv6 support.
 - Added Unicode support.
 - Improved Cygwin support.
 - Improved Event, Gtk, and Tk bridges.
 - Improved child process management.
 - Improved TCP client and server components.
 - Improved documentation.
 - Improved sample programs (see

Detailed changes are available on the web.


The latest tarball should be heading towards your favorite CPAN
mirror.  It is also on the web, and so is a Windows PPD.


Thanks again to everyone who helped with this release.  Keep that
feedback coming. :)

-- Rocco Caputo / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / /

RE: Happy Birthday, POE!

2002-08-16 Thread Erick Calder

I will second that.  if you have a paypal account, would you put it up on
the site?

-Original Message-
From: Peter Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 12:54 PM
To: Rocco Caputo
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday, POE!

On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 15:42, Rocco Caputo wrote:
 August 15, 2002 marked the fourth anniversary of POE's first public
 release.  As lead designer and developer of the project, I would like
 to thank the hundreds of people who have helped make POE as great as
 it is today.  Unfortunately, I cannot thank you individually.

 Thank you, everybody!

 -- Rocco Caputo / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / /

If you have a wish list on Amazon or some site of the sort, I will be
happy to send you/POE a birthday gift.

POE has been good to me. :-)
