Re: catching exceptions in sessions

2005-02-02 Thread Leif Gustafson
Sungo wrote:
hell, i'm still waiting for the COMMENTS, let alone a pattern to emerge
from them. the module seemed to kill the conversation and i've never
figured out whether that meant that i hit a home run or totally scared
everyone off :)
I have some observations about the module.  Please correct me if I'm 
wrong or if I've misunderstood anything about the design of the module.
I like the idea of POE::Exceptions, but I feel it doesn't accurately 
represent the way exceptions should be used.  I think one of the biggest 
problems is the fact that it uses a POE DIE signal to indicate an 
exception has occured.  I feel like this encourages programs to be 
written that have a single exception session that handles exceptions 
for the entire program.  This is probably okay for small programs. 
However, I'm not sure how easy it would be once you start adding 
components in the mix that throw and/or catch exceptions.  It seems to 
me in this case there would be a good chance that the wrong session 
might catch another sessions exception.  In general, it would seem to 
negate the modularity of components.
I think what we need is a way to KNOW where the exception is going to 
go.  With non-POE exceptions, when you throw an exception, you know 
where the code is going to go (outside the eval in perl or in the catch 
block in some other language).  With the current module, one doesn't 
neccessarily know who's going to catch the exception.  Maybe we need the 
kernel sending a predefined event to the parent of the session that 
throws the exception (to represent a catch block in the calling 
code)...I don't know.
Of course, another problem is that we can't rethrow exceptions.  I think 
this is an important concept in non-POE code.


Re: 0.3003+cygwin+perl 5.8.5

2004-12-15 Thread Leif Gustafson
Rocco Caputo wrote:
In that case, try changing the test in nonblocking() so it falls
through to the POSIX code on Cygwin?
unless ($^O eq MSWin32) {
  if ($] = 5.008 and $^O ne Cygwin) {
  else {
# Long, drawn out, POSIX way.
I can commit that for the next release if it works.
Unfortunately, this makes no difference.  I made sure that the alternate 
code was executed.  It locks in exactly the same way, on test 12 while 
performing a syswrite.  I wanted to point out a couple of different things:
If I change line 96 in the following way:
my ($r, $w) = POE::Pipe::OneWay-new(inet);
my ($r, $w) = POE::Pipe::OneWay-new(socketpair);
the tests passes test 12 and 13, but locks up while trying to close, on 
line 124: close($w).
Unfortunately, I haven't had any time to do any deeper troubleshooting 
than that.  I'm still curious if there are any other cygwin users out 
there that have had success with this version of POE.

Leif Gustafson

Re: 0.3003+cygwin+perl 5.8.5

2004-12-13 Thread Leif Gustafson
Rocco Caputo wrote:
The problem is probably in the test program itself.  I've had problems
with this test on different systems.
I haven't noticed this test failing on previous versions of POE, but 
maybe it's a new test, I haven't checked.

The idea is to set the pipe non-blocking, and use Driver::SysRW to
flush as much data to the pipe as it will hold.  Eventually the pipe
fills up, and the driver's can't write anymore code is exercised.
It sounds like the pipe isn't really non-blocking, despite the
nonblocking() code in 01_drivers.t.  One thing to try is replacing
nonblocking() with $w-blocking(0).  You may need to use IO::Handle
The intersting thing is that I followed the code through nonblocking() 
in the test.  In that function, $handle-blocking(0) is definitely 
called, as $^0 neq MSWin32 on cygwin.  Maybe it doesn't work properly 
though on cygwin.I'll try and look at this further at a later time.

Leif Gustafson

0.3003+cygwin+perl 5.8.5

2004-12-12 Thread Leif Gustafson
I have a problem with the tests on POE 0.3003 on cygwin running Windows 
XP with perl 5.8.5.  I don't believe it is a POE bug, but I am curious 
if any other cygwin users have experienced it.
Test 11 of 17 in 10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t locks up perl.  I have 
traced the problem through to POE::Drivers::SysRW, in the flush method. 
  Running through the perl debugger, I have discovered that perl locks 
on the third call to syswrite in the loop.
Looking at the CVS diff of, the only thing that has been added 
in that method since that last stable release of POE was line 140:
	$! = 0 if defined $wrote_count;
but I don't think this has anything to do with the problem, so I feel 
the problem is elsewhere.

Anyhow, since syswrite is hanging, my feeling is that this is a cygwin 
bug, or a cygwin perl bug.  Has anyone else had success with cygwin.  If 
so, please post what version of the cygwin dlls you are using and what 
version of perl.

Leif Gustafson

Re: POE and exceptions

2004-11-16 Thread Leif Gustafson
Sungo wrote:
not so much. i imagine we'd probably add a _death handler or something.
and if no one registered that they care about exceptions, we'd just let
the die pass on through like normal and terminate the program
That's a good way of handling it.  Are there any solid plans for 
implementing this?  Is there anything currently holding this back 
technically (obviously other than no one has had time or desire to make 
and test patches)?

POE and exceptions

2004-11-14 Thread Leif Gustafson
I am curious how other users handle exceptions with POE.  I have 
explored POE::Exceptions to some degree, but unfortunately it requires a 
degree of cooperation between all the components, and I don't know of 
any other components that use POE::Session::Exception.  Are there any 
plans to build exception handling into the base distribution of POE?

Re: POE and exceptions

2004-11-14 Thread Leif Gustafson
Sungo wrote:
POE::Exceptions was an idea we had for how to put exceptions in the
core. the hope was to spur discussion and other ideas beyond my
implementation thoughts. turns out that was false hope. *shrug*
Well, I certainly like the idea of sending a die signal.  It actually 
gives you more control over your exception handlers than what can be 
easily done in non-POE programming.  For example, you could have a 
single exception-handling session, or have a session handle it's own 
exceptions.  The trickiest part, I think, is actually having the parent 
session handle the child sessions exceptions.  It seems like parent 
session has to keep an updated list of child sessions through the _child 
state and compare every die signal against it.
Anyway, wish it was in the core.but I imagine it might break some 
programs out there if die suddenly stops killing programs and starts 
throwing exceptions.