RE: Artist of the Decade?

1999-04-23 Thread Jezzy Larue

Do you know any black people who listen to the Beasties? Do other rap
acts give them shout-outs on record? They are making white music for
people. Nothing wrong with that, but it ain't hip-hop. 

As a matter of fact, in the latest edition of Rolling Stone, a rap
artist by the name of Juvenile (or maybe that is the name of his cd,
I'm not familiar with him) said that he loved the Beastie's song "Paul
Revere" and if there was any song that he would cover, it would be that
one (by the way, the article is not in front of me and this is not a
direct quote, but what he said was to that effect.) He is black, so I
guess the answer to you question is yes SOME black people do listen to
the Beasties. 

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Wilco's new horizon

1999-04-09 Thread Jezzy Larue

I have lurked around this lovely P2 land of make believe for long
enough-now I must speak! I just picked up SummerTeeth and I am amazed
the closed mindedness of many of the "critical reviewers" that make
this place their cyber home. 

If musical maturation is worthy of disdain, well then I say lets all
focus an evil eye on Wilco! So the man in front is tired of being
pegged as an Alt. Country demi-god, can anyone with any soul really
blame him?  SummerTeeth shows what years of playing and writing can do
for a band with the raw talent that brought us A.M-they get better and
they grow musically.  However, there will always be those who think
that the universe should remain static, change bothers you folks. Well
I say move over and make room for a new  generation of music coming our
way and it is seasoned with the sound of  some bands that make Alt.
Country fans feel like they are betraying their solid white trash
roots. A sprinkle of Pink Floyd , just enough to mellow out the strong
flavor of Beatles, and finish it off with big dollop of eighties pop
and  you have a sound that brings it all home for those of us too young
to know that the music we loved in our youth apparently sucked!
SummerTeeth is an omen of sorts, a sign that all is not lost-there are
new and uncharted territories yet to be discovered and Jeff Tweedy and
Wilco are just the guys to prove it.

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No Subject

1999-04-09 Thread Jezzy Larue

Boy Howdy! If I’d a known I would cause this kind of commotion with my
little ol’ post I might have actually thought about what I was writing
before I wrote it! I must apologize if I was too harsh with my words-I
think you all are a great bunch of people! I guess I get a little giddy
when I have enough money to actually buy music and it was in my state
of giddy that I wrote. 

If you don’t mind I would like to defend myself a bit because I
apparently offended a few among us and did so very unintentionally. To
Mr. Yates: Maybe the two of us do not share the same definition of
dissing, but I would have to disagree with your statement . I have
heard a lot of dissing of Wilco.   

To Jon, who said:
How do you get from this: 
   A sprinkle of Pink Floyd , just enough to mellow out the strong 
   flavor of Beatles, and finish it off with big dollop of eighties
  to this: 
   there are new and uncharted territories yet to be discovered and 
   Jeff Tweedy and Wilco are just the guys to prove it. 
  in the space of a single paragraph?

I am afraid I did not communicate well here. Being that "there is
nothing new under the sun," we can both probably agree that all
musicians derive certain aspects of their sound from their musical
influences. Those attributes that are adopted from the aforementioned
influences combine with one another in the influenced, and, if this
happens to take place in an individual who knows what to do with it, a
new and exciting sound is born-musical genetics if you will?  The
uncharted territory that I was speaking of was the way in which Wilco
produces a new (in my opinion) sound from those influences.

remember i am a Wilco sympathizer and applaud the new production. 
(although Summerteeth IS starting to bore me). But it is funny to talk
 this being ground breaking when the High Llamas and a few other bands
 already been copying Brian Wilson for years and when the concept
itself is 
 very retro.

Sorry, I am not quite of your stature when it comes to musical
knowledge, I have never heard of the High Llamas ( although I will
check them out if ever I encounter them) so I can not agree or disagree
on your point. I will ,however, say this: Jeff Tweedy has called this
album a pop album, and for a pop album, I think it kicks ass.
Definitely not Nick Lowe! But up against the trash that has come to be
known as pop music; Matchbox Twenty or N’Sync, Wilco is doing fine!
What I wouldn’t give to be able to hear that kind of pop when I turned
on my car stereo! 

I might be a  minority here but I think it would be a good day for
music if Wilco got  a push from their label and went to that next
level, I think American pop music needs it .  

Thank you for  inciting me to think more about my subject. No offense
intended. Peace on Earth. Good will toward men.


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RE:Aren't you a sweetie!(Was Wilco...)

1999-04-09 Thread Jezzy Larue

Feel free to participate, but DO NOT come in here and insult folks who
been part of this community for years. You are out of line. 
::whispering:: hey everyone, this is where Jezzy either apologizes
for being a putz or tells us all to fuck off. If it is the later, I
can't wait for the ill-sent unsub ::whispering off:: 

  Jeff (Not tweedy) weiss

No, I will stay on thank you. I quite enjoy the wealth of knowledge
concerning music that can be found here. Unless, of course, I can get
kicked out for pissing you off, kind Sir. And I think when I do unsub,
I will be able to figure it out. My apology, that you so rightly
anticipated, was for inadvertently insulting the folks in this
community, and I guess if apologizing is lame well so be it. But you my
friend are much ruder than even I, in my ignorance of the etiquette
here, ever was. So there! 


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