I have lurked around this lovely P2 land of make believe for long
enough-now I must speak! I just picked up SummerTeeth and I am amazed
the closed mindedness of many of the "critical reviewers" that make
this place their cyber home. 

If musical maturation is worthy of disdain, well then I say lets all
focus an evil eye on Wilco! So the man in front is tired of being
pegged as an Alt. Country demi-god, can anyone with any soul really
blame him?  SummerTeeth shows what years of playing and writing can do
for a band with the raw talent that brought us A.M-they get better and
they grow musically.  However, there will always be those who think
that the universe should remain static, change bothers you folks. Well
I say move over and make room for a new  generation of music coming our
way and it is seasoned with the sound of  some bands that make Alt.
Country fans feel like they are betraying their solid white trash
roots. A sprinkle of Pink Floyd , just enough to mellow out the strong
flavor of Beatles, and finish it off with big dollop of eighties pop
and  you have a sound that brings it all home for those of us too young
to know that the music we loved in our youth apparently sucked!
SummerTeeth is an omen of sorts, a sign that all is not lost-there are
new and uncharted territories yet to be discovered and Jeff Tweedy and
Wilco are just the guys to prove it.

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