Re: Big Book of Country Music

1999-03-02 Thread Shane S. Rhyne


Dern. I thought y'all were talking about a new Richard Scary book or

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: $1000 Wedding, Somewhere In Between

Re: Big Book of Country Music

1999-03-02 Thread Terry A. Smith

Thanks for some of you guys' input on this book. I sort of figured you
wouldn't be too thrilled about it, those of you who take a tolerant view
of pop influences on country music. Even skimming through the book, I do
detect that the author, Richard Carlin, definitely has a bad attitude
about pop music. Every time he mentions it, nearly, he adds some snide
adjective or comment. The fellow apparently comes from a roots-oriented
perspective, and has a disdain for the "phoney" sounds of pop. Me, I like
pop just fine, as long as it's old pop and not new pop. Picky, picky. --
Terry Smith

Re: Big Book of Country Music

1999-03-02 Thread David Cantwell

At 03:30 PM 3/2/99 -0500, Mr. "I have to go to my brother's jazz festival
instead of twangfest" Smith wrote:

Thanks for some of you guys' input on this book. I sort of figured you
wouldn't be too thrilled about it, those of you who take a tolerant view
of pop influences on country music. 

Well, actually, my objection with the book is not his tastes--I can weed
that out--but his knowledge: he gets tons of  stuff just plain wrong, which
makes the book virtually (I'm being generous) useless as a resource. 

If remember right, there was a JCM review years back that went through the
Big Book error by error. It was a very long review. --david cantwell