Re: The X/Brave New Waves

1999-03-19 Thread Ameritwang

Dave P. wrote:

For those who  don't know what Paul is talking about (that's a lot of us,
g), least it's good to know that I'm not the only one...

Is it really? Interesting. I haven't been to Oxford in years (no good 
reason to go there, unless I have a jones to around rich, white, 
snob kids). That was a great record store.

well, at least as of 1992...

 I did hear that the 
basement of Mac  Joe's got remodeled, it's no longer the cold 
little punk dungeon it used to be.

no more pool of "liquid" in the middle of the floor anymore?


Re: The X/Brave New Waves

1999-03-19 Thread cwilson

PaulAmeritwang asks after Brent Bambury and Mitch remarks on "early-morning 
news coverage" -- well, I don't know what time you get up, Mitch, but I don't 
usually consider noon "early morning." Brent is the co-host of Midday, a 
mostly inane CBC-TV chat and news lunchtime show; he interviews people, 
banters with his female co-host, and tries to look heterosexual as frequently 
as possible. He's fine on TV but it's a waste of a real talent - CBC should 
at least assign him to host an arts show of some kind.

(Altho, trivia note, Brent wasn't actually the first host of BNW, which has 
its 15th anniversary this year; that honour goes to Augusta Lapaix, who's 
still working various CBC hosting jobs and running a bed-and-breakfast in 

Mitch also says:
"Nightlines" was cool because the host (name?),
David Wisdom
... would also allow listeners a "free hour" of music,
called an "hour of power"
 in which you could send in a format of one hour's music for him to 
Yes, I loved listening to those. The show that's replaced Nightlines on the 
weekends, Radiosonic, has its own version, occasionally having guest 
musicians etc. act as DJs (the last time I heard it they had one of the 
members of Combustible Edison, who played a great array of soundtrack and 
electronic music) -- but that isn't nearly as populist and exciting.

Carl W.

The X/Brave New Waves

1999-03-18 Thread Ameritwang

Carl Wilson wrote:

Good friends of mine run the (*very* professional - 
 much more so than commercial radio) all-night CBC Radio 2 new-music 
 program Brave New Waves,

Ok, you Cinti folk had the X - Bam, the future of rock and roll - thanks to
89.9 out of Windsor, it was Brave New Waves and Nightlines that I was taping
at night (and listening to the next day) to hear some great bands (that didn't
receive much airplay).  I found an old tape of the show only to discover they
were playing something off the *just released* "Whites off earth now" album by
this new group out of Toronto, Cowboy Junkies. (the music set also included
Patti Smith and Half Japanese)

Carl W: what ever happened to Brent Bambrey (wasn't that the original hosts

But I wasn't as cool as Gravel Train Mitch...he actually got on the show by
calling the answering machine and leaving a request. (Note to the uneducated:
on Nightlines, in order to put in a request, you must call this answering
machine and answer the question posed on the recorder first, and then place
your request)  The following week, they would play back some of the better
responses to the question.

re: Oxford.  Who else recalls when Looney T-birds was this little hole in the
wall on some side street in Oxford?  Last time I drove through that town, it
was on the main drag, and quite large.


Re: The X/Brave New Waves

1999-03-18 Thread Masonsod

In a message dated 3/19/99 3:33:09 AM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Carl W: what ever happened to Brent Bambrey (wasn't that the original hosts
Last that I heard, he was handling some early morning news coverage
(Announcing? Production?) on CBC-TV.  If I get up early enough someday, I'll
check up on it.

BB was one of the best for giving unknown (especially Canadian) talent a
start.  Some of the bands that he used to promote included DOA, Shadowy
Men..., Blue Rodeo, 5440, Leslie Spit Treeo, and Teenage Head.

My biggest query regarding Brave New Waves bands (perhaps someone can help me
on this one): BB used to play a single from a Montreal band called The Hodads.
They reminded me of Leslie Spit Treeo, and had a great Americana feel to them.
I was able to tape the one song off the show once, but lost that cassette.
Anybody aware of this band or where I can get more info.

"Nightlines" was cool because the host (name?), besides you calling in to his
answering machine to answer a stupid skill test to get a request, would also
allow listeners a "free hour" of music, in which you could send in a format of
one hour's music for him to play (he even allowed for listeners to send in a
quality tape of them doing the hour as long as it was decent and no profanity)
with a prominent theme (songs about numbers, history of the electric guitar,
musical bio of a composer, etc.)

Ah, those younger days when I could stay up until the wee hours of the

Mitch Matthews
Gravel Train/Sunken Road