Re: Twangfest Auction

1999-04-12 Thread Bill Lavery

M  M,
what is the deadline?
Bill Lavery

marie arsenault wrote:
 The next Ebay?
 To raise money for Twangfest (in the spirit of
 all those PBS fundraisers), we're
 pulling together an internet auction.
 We plan to hold the auction during the first
 week of May. It will be run off the Twangfest
 web site. Details for that will follow.
 Right now we are trolling for donations.
 We already have a few very impressive
 items in the vault (items autographed
 by some pretty well-known artists, who
 also happen to be fictional future ex-husbands
 to a few P2 gals. g).
 For example, the Sovines are donating
 one of their snazzy tuxedo jackets (worn
 on the cover of their soon to be released
 cd) and a canned ham. Fear and Whiskey
 are donating a limited edition FW baseball
 cap designed by Kinky Friedman. Jerry Curry
 is donating that hideously ugly shirt
 that's been talked about so much on the
 Fluff list. Bill "The Sliver" Silvers is donating one
 of his purses. CK promises to give us a sweatpant
 leg hat. Maybe Shane will donate a case of fluff.
 Twangfest will donate one all access backstage
 pass and badge (Neal?). Alex promises to buy
 a round of shots for the highest bidder's favorite band.
 Get the picture? We need stuff.
 No item is too trivial or, well, stupid.
 We'd like to auction off P2 band cd/tapes,
 t-shirts, bumper stickers, general swag, etc.
 We'll probably auction them off in lots of 5 or so.
 If every P2 band could
 donate a cd and t-shirt or whatever, it would be
 a beautiful thing. The Twang Gods and Goddesses
 would surely smile down upon you.
 All you record labels, music stores, publications,
 etc. out there, I'm sure you can find something to give us.
 How about a gift certificate?
 So, if anyone has anything to offer, please contact
 us. Remember, we know your email addresses.
 If we don't hear from you, we'll come a callin'.
 This is going to be a lot of fun. We promise.
 Keep an eye open for updates.
 Thanks for your time and thanks for the help!
 Meshel and Marie

More Twangfest Auction

1999-04-07 Thread Marie Arsenault

Just a reminder. We are still accepting donations for the
Twangfest Auction. We have some fabulous items 
ready for the auction block. We want more.

Use your imagination. I'm sure each and every one of you can 
come up with something. People are donating everything from 
cherished items from their personal music collections
to goods and services from their day jobs to magical coolers full
of beer. 

We are open to *suggestions* or *requests* for donations as well.
Now, if somebody is just dying to bid on a lock of Super-Ranger
Mark Wyatt's hair, well, that can probably be arranged.

Please send auction item(s ) by 4/16/99 to:
Meshel Watkins or
Marie Arsenault 
Twangfest  Auction
1306 Shelton Ave
Nashville, TN  37216

Please email us when the item is in the mail.
Please include with the item, or in the email, 
info associated with it like
1) how much it is worth in dollar terms, if that applies
 you can deduct this as a donation on your taxes, 
we'll send you a receipt
2) what information you'd like listed on the web site at the auction
-details, descriptions, etc
3) contact info - email, phone, address, etc.
4) suggestion for an opening bid, etc.

Contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, suggestions,
whatever. Again, we'd like to thank all the P2ers and P2 friends 
who have already made generous donations.

Twangfest Auction

1999-03-29 Thread Meshel

Hey P2ers,

we've already gotten some very cool offers of donations, some hilarious,
some valuable, some that will curl your eyelashes, but we can always use

so if you have something you'd be willing to donate to the cause, please
contact us - a few folks have gone to their respective employers and gotten
donations of  some services and products that will probably fetch nicely on
the auction block, so if you haven't thought along those lines yet, please

Direct any questions or offers to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or just to

Thanks again!  We are looking to have received all the items and be working
on the auction site by mid-April, with the Auction scheduled for the first
part of May.


Re: Twangfest Auction - P2 stuff

1999-03-29 Thread NancyApple

Hey ya'll -

I found a great old policemans shirt at the trift store Sat that has a P2
patch with two stripes on each sleeve. Hey, I can even emroider the name of
the winner on the pocket!

Can't promise, but I am asking some well known Memphis cats for stuff.

Nancy (with way too much time and not enough gigs this week)

Re: Twangfest Auction

1999-03-25 Thread Debnumbers

I think that's a great idea.  I'll donate Drive-By Trucker CDs (the new one is
in but hasn't been released).  I have a collection of P2 friendly band t-
shirts given to me by ex-boyfriends that were only worn once.  (Hey, I'm house
hunting and will be moving -- I need to clean out the closets).  I also have
lots of band photos from the days when someone was paying me to do
photography.  I'll go through them, see what's relevant -- see if I can get
some autographed -- particularly the Emmylou photos (wonder who will bid on
those g).  You said early May?  That will give me time to go through things,
still buy a house, finish a book and keep my "day" job g I also have R.E.M.
photos (mostly individual shots) taken on the Monster tour -- not twang but
there might be a bidder out there somewhere and I could probably get those
autographed if anyone was interested.  Oh, and Marie -- I have some great Jim
Lauderdale photos g

Deb Sommer
(trying to remember to sign my real name)

Twangfest Auction

1999-03-24 Thread marie arsenault

The next Ebay?

To raise money for Twangfest (in the spirit of
all those PBS fundraisers), we're
pulling together an internet auction. 

We plan to hold the auction during the first
week of May. It will be run off the Twangfest
web site. Details for that will follow.

Right now we are trolling for donations.
We already have a few very impressive
items in the vault (items autographed
by some pretty well-known artists, who
also happen to be fictional future ex-husbands
to a few P2 gals. g). 

For example, the Sovines are donating
one of their snazzy tuxedo jackets (worn
on the cover of their soon to be released
cd) and a canned ham. Fear and Whiskey
are donating a limited edition FW baseball
cap designed by Kinky Friedman. Jerry Curry
is donating that hideously ugly shirt
that's been talked about so much on the
Fluff list. Bill "The Sliver" Silvers is donating one
of his purses. CK promises to give us a sweatpant
leg hat. Maybe Shane will donate a case of fluff.
Twangfest will donate one all access backstage
pass and badge (Neal?). Alex promises to buy
a round of shots for the highest bidder's favorite band.
Get the picture? We need stuff.
No item is too trivial or, well, stupid. 

We'd like to auction off P2 band cd/tapes,
t-shirts, bumper stickers, general swag, etc. 
We'll probably auction them off in lots of 5 or so.
If every P2 band could
donate a cd and t-shirt or whatever, it would be
a beautiful thing. The Twang Gods and Goddesses
would surely smile down upon you. 

All you record labels, music stores, publications,
etc. out there, I'm sure you can find something to give us.
How about a gift certificate?

So, if anyone has anything to offer, please contact
us. Remember, we know your email addresses.
If we don't hear from you, we'll come a callin'.

This is going to be a lot of fun. We promise.
Keep an eye open for updates.

Thanks for your time and thanks for the help!

Meshel and Marie