Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Scott Haneda
Hello, mail_version = 2.5.5, Dovecot for pop and imap, myqsl as the  
auth backend.

I am a little confused about and  Is there overlap  
in some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at  
least are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions  
do you decide to do so?

I successfully sent emails through this system as unauthenticated,  
authenticated, with tls, and with ssl. This is a migration, and I  
would like to have minimal email client settings needing change.  My  
old server did not have SSL or TLS.

Old Server:
port 25 = normal inbound, plus smtp auth'd users
port 587 = forced auth'd users

I am willing to disallow user connection to port 25.  How do I do  
this?  In or Right now, I believe I only have this:

[snip... ]
smtp  inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
I believe I need to add a restriction in there to stop clients from  

For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non encrypted  
to cover the users who will not want to change their settings.  I can  
not seem to get this to work, it is either no encryption, or forced  

[snip... ]
submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

* Do I even need the milter line?

Port 465, I believe will be reserved exclusively for SSL?  Port 587  
does the TLS, is that correct?  Or is the SSL just wrapping around the  

[snip... ]
465 inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

* Do I need this milter line?

In Apple Mail, there are auth options of ntlm, md5 Challenge-Reponse,  
Kerberos, and Password.  In Thunderbird I notices there are no such  
options.  Which are used in Thunderbird?  What is the best to use, or  
is it only applicable if you are choosing to not use SSL/TLS?

I have been pretty up and down the docs, this is somehow not making a  
lot of sense.  I think once I understand what crosses over in config  
from and, it will make more sense.

postconf -n
alias_maps = hash:/opt/local/etc/postfix/aliases
biff = no
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /opt/local/sbin
config_directory = /opt/local/etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /opt/local/libexec/postfix
data_directory = /opt/local/var/lib/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
debug_peer_list =
default_privs = nobody
disable_vrfy_command = yes
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = all
invalid_hostname_reject_code = 450
mail_owner = _postfix
mailq_path = /opt/local/bin/mailq
manpage_directory = /opt/local/share/man
maps_rbl_reject_code = 450
message_size_limit = 0
mydestination = localhost
myhostname =
mynetworks =
newaliases_path = /opt/local/bin/newaliases
non_fqdn_reject_code = 450
queue_directory = /opt/local/var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /opt/local/share/postfix/readme
sample_directory = /opt/local/share/postfix/sample
sendmail_path = /opt/local/sbin/sendmail
setgid_group = _postdrop
smtp_tls_cert_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
smtp_tls_key_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:$data_directory/ 
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining, 

smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks 

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes
smtpd_sasl_exceptions_networks = $mynetworks
smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostname
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/postfix.pem
smtpd_tls_key_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/postfix.pem
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:$data_directory/ 

tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/opt/local/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-,mysql:/opt/local/etc/postfix/

virtual_gid_maps = static:5000
virtual_mailbox_base = /opt/local/var/vmail
virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/opt/local/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-
virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/opt/local/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-

virtual_minimum_uid = static:5000
virtual_transport = dovecot
virtual_uid_maps = static:5000

Scott * If you contact me

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:

> I am a little confused about and  Is there overlap in
> some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at least
> are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions do you
> decide to do so?

>From master(5) []:

-o name=value
   Override  the  named  configuration
   parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
   other parameters as $name etc., just like in  See postconf(5) for syntax.

As implied, it's useful when you need to override the settings in to get different behaviour appropriate to the service you're
setting up in (submission, reinjection from proxy/filter, etc.).

> I successfully sent emails through this system as unauthenticated,
> authenticated, with tls, and with ssl. This is a migration, and I would
> like to have minimal email client settings needing change.  My old
> server did not have SSL or TLS.
> Old Server:
> No SSL, No TLS
> port 25 = normal inbound, plus smtp auth'd users
> port 587 = forced auth'd users
> I am willing to disallow user connection to port 25.  How do I do this? 
> In or Right now, I believe I only have this:
> [snip... ]
> smtp  inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
> I believe I need to add a restriction in there to stop clients from
> connecting?

There was a recent thread on this subject, worth reading:

> For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non encrypted to
> cover the users who will not want to change their settings.  I can not
> seem to get this to work, it is either no encryption, or forced encryption.
> [snip... ]
> submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
>   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
>   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
>   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated
>   -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING


-o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
-o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no

I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the submission
port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent weaker
ones, add:

-o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
-o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous

> * Do I even need the milter line?

Good question. It may depend on whether or not you use milters. I don't,
but I leave it in because I don't want issues later if I decide to
deploy a milter.

> Port 465, I believe will be reserved exclusively for SSL?  Port 587 does
> the TLS, is that correct?  Or is the SSL just wrapping around the TLS?
> [snip... ]
> 465 inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
>   -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
>   -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
>   -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
>   -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

This is for legacy support. I suggest you don't activate it until you're
sure you need it. Wrapper mode is different from offering STARTTLS.
Nearly all modern clients support STARTTLS. If someone absolutely needs
port 465, that could be a red flag that the user needs an upgrade.
However, some webmail programs might have poor support for STARTTLS,
forcing you to enable smtps if you require an encrypted connection.

> In Apple Mail, there are auth options of ntlm, md5 Challenge-Reponse,
> Kerberos, and Password.  In Thunderbird I notices there are no such
> options.  Which are used in Thunderbird?  What is the best to use, or is
> it only applicable if you are choosing to not use SSL/TLS?

Thunderbird has a "Use secure authentication" checkbox that supports
multiple mechanisms (independent of SSL/TLS). Unfortunately, *it*
decides which one to use, which I find very frustrating. I'm happy for
mail clients to select the best mechanisms available for easy
autoconfiguration, but it would be nice to have the ability to set them
explicitly (for troubleshooting or security reasons).

In any case, it's good practice to check this box if the server supports
secure mechanisms, for a little extra protection beyond SSL/TLS.

> I have been pretty up and down the docs, this is somehow not making a
> lot of sense.  I think once I understand what crosses over in config
> from and, it will make more sense.
> postconf -n

> smtp_tls_cert_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
> smtp_tls_key_file = /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem

If you're not using client certificate authentication (and you probably
aren't), delete those lines.

> smtp_tls_security_level = may

This is good.

> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks   
> permit_sasl_authenticatedreject_unauth_destinationpermit

You can remove permit_sasl_authenticated from here if you don't want to
offer authenticated submission on port 25...

> smtpd_sasl_auth_en

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Scott Haneda
Thanks for this, this is getting me on track, comments interspersed  

On Apr 24, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:

I am a little confused about and  Is there  
overlap in
some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at  
are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions do  

decide to do so?

From master(5) []:

-o name=value
  Override  the  named  configuration
  parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
  other parameters as $name etc., just like in  See postconf(5) for syntax.

As implied, it's useful when you need to override the settings in to get different behaviour appropriate to the service you're
setting up in (submission, reinjection from proxy/filter,  

I have a little affliction against man type pages, they never seem to  
make a lot of sense to me :)  This section does though.  Just to be  
clear, this is a full blown over-ride, in that deleting the  
corresponding value from would do nothing to the server, so  
long as it exists in


I am willing to disallow user connection to port 25.  How do I do  

In or Right now, I believe I only have this:
[snip... ]
smtp  inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
I believe I need to add a restriction in there to stop clients from

There was a recent thread on this subject, worth reading:

Nice, thanks again, that was very telling.  I will use that as a  
reference on how to best set this up, I think I still have some  
general questions below, as a result of my never having dealt with SSL/ 
TLS other than on ftp servers and SSL in the http space.

For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non  
encrypted to
cover the users who will not want to change their settings.  I can  
seem to get this to work, it is either no encryption, or forced  

[snip... ]
submission inet n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
 -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated
 -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING


   -o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
   -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no

I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the submission
port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent  

ones, add:

   -o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
   -o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous

If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port  
what do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any  
TLS?  You let them work on port 25?  I could go that route, but I am  
really trying to find a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no  
client connections are made on 25, from a troubleshooting perspective  
alone, it seems to make things simpler on me.

My mailserver has a setting where I can disable auth on port 25.   
Maybe I will do this pre-migration, which would allow me to force all  
my users to change to port 25.  The hobbly little server I am using  
now does not offer any way for me to look and see what users are  
connecting on 25 still.  I think most are on 587 as a result of most  
ISP's filtering 25.

Maybe a little tcpdump would get me those numbers.

* Do I even need the milter line?

Good question. It may depend on whether or not you use milters. I  

but I leave it in because I don't want issues later if I decide to
deploy a milter.

Quick research seems to lead me to believe milter is for mail  
filtering, hence the name.  Since I plan to have a proxy sit in front  
of my system, it should be safe to never use milter at all?

I may want to auto file IMAP email to a junk mail folder, but I  
believe that would be done in dovecot, not postfix.

Port 465, I believe will be reserved exclusively for SSL?  Port 587  
the TLS, is that correct?  Or is the SSL just wrapping around the  

[snip... ]
465 inet  n   -   n   -   -   smtpd
 -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
 -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
 -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
 -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING

This is for legacy support. I suggest you don't activate it until  

sure you need it. Wrapper mode is different from offering STARTTLS.
Nearly all modern clients support STARTTLS. If someone absolutely  

port 465, that could be a red flag that the user needs an upgrade.
However, some webmail programs might have poor support for STARTTLS,
forcing you to enable smtps if you require an encrypted connection.

Glad you brought up webmail.  I am going to use Roundcube, on the same  
machine, worst case, on a close 

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Larry Stone
On 4/24/09 6:41 PM, Scott Haneda at wrote:

> If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port
> what do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any
> TLS?  You let them work on port 25?  I could go that route, but I am
> really trying to find a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no
> client connections are made on 25, from a troubleshooting perspective
> alone, it seems to make things simpler on me.

Every connection made to port 25 is from a client. Some are internal clients
(usually users) and some are external clients (usually other mailservers but
acting as a client from the view of your mailserver). But they are all
clients. If you think of users as clients and external mailservers as
something else, you'll have trouble configuring things correctly.

Larry Stone

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Scott Haneda

On Apr 24, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Larry Stone wrote:

On 4/24/09 6:41 PM, Scott Haneda at wrote:

If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port
what do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any
TLS?  You let them work on port 25?  I could go that route, but I am
really trying to find a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no
client connections are made on 25, from a troubleshooting perspective
alone, it seems to make things simpler on me.

Every connection made to port 25 is from a client. Some are internal  
(usually users) and some are external clients (usually other  
mailservers but

acting as a client from the view of your mailserver). But they are all
clients. If you think of users as clients and external mailservers as
something else, you'll have trouble configuring things correctly.

Right, but that is a tad pedantic given the context of my other  
emails :)  The context it that case would have been a person, as in a  
client of mine, or an email client.  For clarity, in my referenced  
post above, when I said "client", I meant a desktop email client, such  
as Outlook, Mail, Entourage, Thunderbird etc.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Barney Desmond
2009/4/25 Scott Haneda :
> I have a little affliction against man type pages, they never seem to make a
> lot of sense to me :)  This section does though.  Just to be clear, this is
> a full blown over-ride, in that deleting the corresponding value from
> would do nothing to the server, so long as it exists in

Not quite. It's an override for when you want to change the settings
for a particular daemon. Overrides in don't "propagate" out
to the rest of the config though. If you want a setting, put it in If a particular process needs an override, *then* it goes in A relevant example:

For spam-filtering most people fill out smtpd_recipient_restrictions.
smtpd_recipient_restrictions will be used for any smtpd process, which
in is the lines like this:
smtp  inet  n   -   -   -   -   smtpd
submission inet n   -   -   -   -   smtpd
smtps inet  n   -   -   -   -   smtpd

A lot of the time you'd like a different set of
smtpd_recipient_restrictions for the submission port. *That's* when
you override it; you DO NOT delete the smtpd_recipient_restrictions
from! Otherwise you'll get the default restrictions for your
smtp and smtps ports.

> If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port what do
> you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any TLS?  You let
> them work on port 25?  I could go that route, but I am really trying to find
> a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no client connections are made on
> 25, from a troubleshooting perspective alone, it seems to make things
> simpler on me.
> My mailserver has a setting where I can disable auth on port 25.  Maybe I
> will do this pre-migration, which would allow me to force all my users to
> change to port 25.  The hobbly little server I am using now does not offer
> any way for me to look and see what users are connecting on 25 still.  I
> think most are on 587 as a result of most ISP's filtering 25.

There's a few distinct concepts here:

SSL and TLS. While it's not entirely accurate, it's easiest to think
of it in this way: SSL is an encrypted pipe that goes around the smtp
session. SSL is negotiated before SMTP starts and is transparent to
the MTA at each end. This is why you can use tools like stunnel to
setup transparent security for HTTP, SMTP, etc. TLS is negotiated
in-band, at least for SMTP. The session starts in plaintext, the
server offers STARTTLS in its reply to EHLO, the client can choose to
initiate negotiation by sending "STARTTLS", then the crypto kicks in
and the session is protected. Each side then keeps talking SMTP as

Port 25 == regular SMTP, this must always be enabled if you want to
receive mail from the internet
Port 465 == de-facto port for running SSL-mode SMTP
Port 587 == usual port for running "TLS" SMTP - this is exactly the
same as port 25 however! You can talk plain SMTP to port 587 if you
want, try it in a telnet session.

Because port 25 and port 587 are configured separately in,
you can have different settings. You can't enforce crypto on port 25,
but you can do that on port 587 if you want. You can enforce the
requirement to perform auth on port 587 if you want.

Auth and crypto: these are separate things. MTAs can use opportunistic
encryption across the internet even if they don't know each other;
this is confidentiality without authentication. Given that regular
mail transit is already unauthenticated, this can only be a net gain.
Authentication is what you want your users to do before they can relay
mail. In the context of SMTP it just means they prove their username
and password to you, one way or another.

Obviously it's bad if customers send their username and password in
the clear, which is why you can tackle this in a couple of ways.

1. Require them to use a "secure" authentication protocol - this does
*not* necessarily imply crypto, which is where a lot of confusion
stems from. If you send me your password in plaintext, that's
"insecure". If we perform a challenge-response session, you send me a
hash that allows me to verify your password, but your password was not
transmitted, so attackers can't steal it - that's "secure". Due to
various reasons relating to secure storage of passwords, using an
insecure auth protocol means I don't have to store a plaintext copy of
your password on the server; that's a Good Thing. A "secure" auth
protocol like CRAM-MD5 requires the server to have a plaintext or
effectively-plaintext copy of your password, and that's not as nice.
Note that even if I use a secure auth protocol, the rest of the mail
session is unprotected and can be read by an attacker sniffing the

2. The alternative is to wrap everything in a crypto pipe - this is
SSL or TLS. Once the whole session is encrypted we don't care how
authentication happens, as confidentiality is provided ex

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-24 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:41 PM:
> Thanks for this, this is getting me on track, comments interspersed
> below...
> On Apr 24, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
>> Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:
>>> I am a little confused about and  Is there overlap in
>>> some of the settings? Do some settings exist in both files, or at least
>>> are interchangable?  If this is the case, under what conditions do you
>>> decide to do so?
>> From master(5) []:
>> -o name=value
>>   Override  the  named  configuration
>>   parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
>>   other parameters as $name etc., just like in
>>  See postconf(5) for syntax.
>> As implied, it's useful when you need to override the settings in
>> to get different behaviour appropriate to the service you're
>> setting up in (submission, reinjection from proxy/filter,
>> etc.).
> I have a little affliction against man type pages, they never seem to
> make a lot of sense to me :)  This section does though.  Just to be
> clear, this is a full blown over-ride, in that deleting the
> corresponding value from would do nothing to the server, so long
> as it exists in

Yes. But keep in mind that most settings have a default value. It's
healthy to define a base configuration in, where your needs
differ from the defaults, then only apply overrides in where

>>> For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non encrypted to
>>> cover the users who will not want to change their settings.
>> Use:
>>-o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
>>-o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no
>> I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the submission
>> port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent weaker
>> ones, add:
>>-o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
>>-o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous
> If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port what
> do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any TLS? 

I suggest they use it if they want to send mail. :)

Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
communication should be encrypted.

> You let them work on port 25?

In some cases, I allow the use of a secure mechanism without TLS on port
25. This protects the login, but not the message contents. I don't allow
unencrypted plaintext logins.

> I could go that route, but I am really
> trying to find a way to do traffic isolation.  If I know no client
> connections are made on 25, from a troubleshooting perspective alone, it
> seems to make things simpler on me.

I think it's reasonable. Just give your users advance notice so they can
change their settings.

> Glad you brought up webmail.  I am going to use Roundcube, on the same
> machine, worst case, on a close machine, in the same subnet.  Since I
> have the nynetworks setting set to allow mail, all should be ok?  I do
> not want to deal with AUTH for SMTP in webmail, it is going to be local
> to local, I see no point in securing that part.  Is that correct?

It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it provides
better logging for troubleshooting.

> I am confused about your comments about 465.  Reading it makes me think
> that 465 is sort of a last resort option.  I am not understanding the
> difference between SSL and TLS.  If I was setting up a email client, and
> could use TLS versus SSL, my logic would be to use SSL, it seems the
> better option, but I do not know why.
> Are you saying SSL email is the lesser of the options, and I should use
> TLS when I can?

I'm saying that smtps (wrapper mode on port 465) is deprecated in favor
of STARTTLS on ports 25 or 587.

> So the ideal situation is using TLS on a non 25 submission port?

Ideally, STARTTLS on the standardized submission port 587.

> Do you know how this related to Apple Mail?  There is no setting in the
> SMTP section to opt for SSL versus TLS?  "Use SSL" is the only checkbox
> there is.  I take it if you do not select that, it will use TLS if it
> can, but do so in a invisible way?

Default autoconfiguration appears to use ports 25, 465, & 587 and SSL if
detected. The server I tested supports all of these and the mechanism
list is PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5. After autoconfiguration, Apple
Mail used STARTTLS and the PLAIN mechanism on port 25 to send a message.

I assume it follows an algorithm to determine a fallback strategy for
trying the other ports if its first choice is not available. Although I
would have preferred it start with port 587, the choice it made is
acceptably secure. If you only offer port 587, it probably won't pose
any problems (as long as it remembers the other ports are unavailable).

In any case, you can set the por

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-30 Thread Scott Haneda
Barney, ( and Jorey ), thanks so much for your help in understanding  
this, moving to postfix is something I have needed to do for some  
time, glad to finally get down to it.  I had to step away for a few  
days and get some other work done, but made some good progress last  
night.  I have some more clarifications thought if you do not mind.

On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:35 PM, Barney Desmond wrote:

2009/4/25 Scott Haneda :
If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port  
what do

 [snip... on SSL/TLS methods]
think most are on 587 as a result of most ISP's filtering 25.

There's a few distinct concepts here:
[snip... Explanation of SSL/TLS]

I am hesitant to detract and add more to this, but here goes.  My  
current email server does not support SSL/TLS.  I have 250-AUTH CRAM- 

( Does the order of my methods matter? )

I do have some auth methods in regards to the user/pass, but from what  
I understand, the data is always in the clear.  My current setup is  
*mostly* MTA to MTA on port 25, there are a handful of users whose  
ISP's have not filtered 25, so those users are still on port 25.

I can force auth on 25, but with no way of testing that before  
toggling the setting, I am not anxious to do so.  tcpdump would be the  
only way, and a little too much of a pain to deal with.

The reason I want to force all users to 587, and allow auth and crypto  
on 587, and not mandate crypto exclusive, is that is how 99% of my  
users are set now, 587 using md5-challenge response.

This has been done at suggestion of the developer of my current  
server.  What happens is, under heavy MTA load on port 25, I will run  
out of connection slots on port 25.  By moving users to 587, I do not  
care about port 25 connection slots.  MTA's will try again later if  

What I do not want, is MUA users getting a server busy response on  
port 25 just because mail volume is high that day.  The general  
suggested idea from the developer of my mail server is to move all  
users to port 587, and only have MTA mail on port 25.

Hopefully this issue of running out of connections is not much an  
issue in postfix.  I also have a setting of "limit x connections from  
same host".  If I have an office of users, logging in over a LAN,  
where their public IP is a fixed IP, and they all have private IP's,  
my current mail server sees them all as many connections from the same  
IP, and they get too many simultaneous connections errors. ( How does  
postfix deal with this? )

Because of this, I can not limit connections from same host on port 25  
to a reasonable number to slow dictionary attacks and the like, as the  
office of 100 employees is going to hit a wall really soon.

By moving them to 587, I have more control.

Maybe I am just jaded in how my old email server forced me down a  
path, and I should not worry about this, and allow 25 and 587 to  
behave identical, with one exception in that 587 would disallow  
explicitly any non authenticated connections.

I think I can force auth and crypto on 587 and not hassle my MUA users  
one bit; then allow auth no crypto on 25, and also open it to non auth  
non crypto for MTA chatting.  Not sure if that is possible, to allow  
non auth MTA mail on 25, but also tell MUA clients they must at  
minimum, auth.

What do you guys think?

My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these  
ports to, for example, 25 -> 2525 and 587 -> 587587 unless there is  
some other convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front  
of all this.

I just do not want to add too much to my learning curve, so first, get  
postfix to where I understand it, then toggle the ports and put the  
proxy in.  It should blindly pass the traffic, I assume in much the  
same way stunnel does.

I am open to any and all advice on this matter to make this work  
best.  I have a feeling later on down the road I will need to learn  
exactly what things to disable in postfix, as it should not do any  
bouncing at all, anything that will lead to backsplatter, since I am  
putting a proxy ahead of it.

2. The alternative is to wrap everything in a crypto pipe - this is
SSL or TLS. Once the whole session is encrypted we don't care how
authentication happens, as confidentiality is provided externally.

It's obvious that there's a 2x2 matrix of auth+crypto options here. If
you're trying to be very flexible then you're probably interested in
stopping the one possibility that could leak passwords - no-crypto
while using insecure auth.

Correct.  I was actually not aware that something like password, md5-*  
etc was even a legitimate way of protecting yourself.  I understand  
the data channel is plain text, but the user and pass being hashed in  
some way, I had assumed it would be trivial to crack, something akin  
to base64.  Good to know it is a lot more than that.

I'm happy for
mail clients to select the best mechanisms av

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-04-30 Thread Scott Haneda
Jorey, thanks for your email also.  Sorry for the delay, but you and  
Barney have been hugely instrumental in getting me on track with this.

On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:41 PM:

Thanks for this, this is getting me on track, comments interspersed

On Apr 24, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/24/2009 07:58 AM:

For port 587 submission, I want to offer SSL, TLS, and non  
encrypted to

cover the users who will not want to change their settings.


  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
  -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no

I think it's normally a bad idea not to enforce TLS on the  
port, but if you're using a secure mechanism and want to prevent  

ones, add:

  -o smtpd_sasl_security_options=noanonymous,noplaintext
  -o smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options=noanonymous

If you do not like a lack of TLS enforcement on the submission port  

do you suggest for users who just do not care enough to use any TLS?

I suggest they use it if they want to send mail. :)

Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
communication should be encrypted.

I am in a bad spot in this regard, because of some of the faults of my  
current email server.  It is pushed a bit to move users to 587, but  
the server does not support SSL/TLS.  It would be very hard for me to  
get them to all change their settings to use SSL/TLS.  I would love to  
make 587 the default secure port, I just do not thing I can put my  
users in that situation.

If postfix can log in a way that I can tell what is going on, and over  
time, I can make a call a day, and convert people over to TLS,  
eventually I will flip this switch.

You let them work on port 25?

In some cases, I allow the use of a secure mechanism without TLS on  
25. This protects the login, but not the message contents. I don't  

unencrypted plaintext logins.

I am leaning back on this idea again.  Have to hash that out from the  
standpoint of a proxy.  I am just do not know if I gain anything by  
putting all user MUA traffic on a non port 25 port.  I know the proxy  
tries to learn from users sending emails, and white list the  
recipients, I do not know if that learning is port bound or not.

Glad you brought up webmail.  I am going to use Roundcube, on the  

machine, worst case, on a close machine, in the same subnet.  Since I
have the nynetworks setting set to allow mail, all should be ok?  I  
not want to deal with AUTH for SMTP in webmail, it is going to be  

to local, I see no point in securing that part.  Is that correct?

It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it  

better logging for troubleshooting.

Good point.  What webmail are you using?  Does it globally SMTP AUTH  
via a config file and a smtp account, or is each user login it's own  
SMTP AUTH case, which is where you are picking up the logging data  
specific to the sender under that specific account?

I am confused about your comments about 465.  Reading it makes me  

that 465 is sort of a last resort option.  I am not understanding the
difference between SSL and TLS.  If I was setting up a email  
client, and

could use TLS versus SSL, my logic would be to use SSL, it seems the
better option, but I do not know why.

Are you saying SSL email is the lesser of the options, and I should  

TLS when I can?

I'm saying that smtps (wrapper mode on port 465) is deprecated in  

of STARTTLS on ports 25 or 587.

Good to know.  For some reason, SSL sounds the better way to go in my  
head, and in the heads of a lot of people I talk to.  Strange, because  
when I think about it, how it sends out a STARTTLS, and moves on from  
there, that seems a better policy, less prone to problems as well.

Do you know how this related to Apple Mail?  There is no setting in  
SMTP section to opt for SSL versus TLS?  "Use SSL" is the only  

there is.  I take it if you do not select that, it will use TLS if it
can, but do so in a invisible way?

Default autoconfiguration appears to use ports 25, 465, & 587 and  
SSL if

detected. The server I tested supports all of these and the mechanism
list is PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5. After autoconfiguration,  
Mail used STARTTLS and the PLAIN mechanism on port 25 to send a  

Are there are good reasons to support PLAIN and LOGIN and PASSWORD?  I  
have told all our users to use MD5 Challenge Response.  Maybe I would  
aid Apple Mail in figuring out which to pick, it seems to always fall  
back on PASSWORD iirc.  Perhaps other desktop clients do not support  
md5 mechanisms.

I assume it follows an algorithm to determine a fallback strategy for
trying the other ports if its first choice is not available.  
Although I

would have preferred it start with port 587, the choice it made i

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:31 PM:>
> On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Jorey Bump wrote:
>> Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
>> warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
>> communication should be encrypted.
> I am in a bad spot in this regard, because of some of the faults of my
> current email server.  It is pushed a bit to move users to 587, but the
> server does not support SSL/TLS.  It would be very hard for me to get
> them to all change their settings to use SSL/TLS.  I would love to make
> 587 the default secure port, I just do not thing I can put my users in
> that situation.
> If postfix can log in a way that I can tell what is going on, and over
> time, I can make a call a day, and convert people over to TLS,
> eventually I will flip this switch.

You can alter the name syslog uses for the submission service by adding:

  -o syslog_name=postfix-submission

I recommend setting up port 587 correctly and securely from the start
and migrating users gradually. Since they are already changing
configuration settings, have them switch to TLS at the same time, so it
doesn't have to be dealt with later. The new log name will aid in
troubleshooting. You'll be able to tell who is still authenticating on
port 25 because it will be logged under a different name. Just grep for
sasl_username in your logs.

>> In some cases, I allow the use of a secure mechanism without TLS on port
>> 25. This protects the login, but not the message contents. I don't allow
>> unencrypted plaintext logins.
> I am leaning back on this idea again.  Have to hash that out from the
> standpoint of a proxy.  I am just do not know if I gain anything by
> putting all user MUA traffic on a non port 25 port.  I know the proxy
> tries to learn from users sending emails, and white list the recipients,
> I do not know if that learning is port bound or not.

Well, that's another potential advantage of using port 587: you can
spare authenticated users (and your system) from filter/proxy scans.

Note that some environments still want to scan outgoing mail. Once
again, the fact that you're using an alternate port allows you to
customize settings to suit the purpose, so it can be another win.

>> It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it provides
>> better logging for troubleshooting.
> Good point.  What webmail are you using?  Does it globally SMTP AUTH via
> a config file and a smtp account, or is each user login it's own SMTP
> AUTH case, which is where you are picking up the logging data specific
> to the sender under that specific account?

I use SquirrelMail, which uses individual login credentials for both
IMAP access and SMTP AUTH. It's nice to have the user information in the
logs. In fact, if you are using Roundcube, make sure it's fully patched.
There is a vulnerability that is still being probed for daily against
likely locations for it on web servers.

>> Default autoconfiguration appears to use ports 25, 465, & 587 and SSL if
>> detected. The server I tested supports all of these and the mechanism
>> list is PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5. After autoconfiguration, Apple
>> Mail used STARTTLS and the PLAIN mechanism on port 25 to send a message.
> Are there are good reasons to support PLAIN and LOGIN and PASSWORD?  I
> have told all our users to use MD5 Challenge Response.  Maybe I would
> aid Apple Mail in figuring out which to pick, it seems to always fall
> back on PASSWORD iirc.  Perhaps other desktop clients do not support md5
> mechanisms.

PLAIN & LOGIN are almost universally supported, and are safe to use over
an encrypted channel. If you force encryption for plaintext logins, you
get peace of mind and your users get more flexibility when configuring
clients (which I've found to be a big win as they point and click randomly).

I've also had to support some "enterprise" applications that have
severely limited SMTP capabilities, so this extra flexibility comes in

> A friend of mine signed up for some cheapo hosting account, and they had
> a apple script to set it up.  It did not work, but I have been meaning
> to swipe it and fix it.  It looks very simple to deal with, and you can
> shove the users login name in, so all they do is run it, connect to get
> email, enter in their password, and click "remember" and they are done.
> I would bet I can alter the default port in this script as well.

That's one option, but you might be better off going with the
autoconfiguration and providing instructions where that fails. Asking
users to run scripts is sending the wrong message, IMHO. It just makes
them more vulnerable to phishing and other exploits that rely on bad

>> You'll have to refer to your SASL implementation to see what mechanisms
>> you can support. There can be some additional overhead with the secure
>> mechanisms, but it's nice to have the flexibility. Also, some MUAs
>> behaved unpredictably when 

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:11 PM:

> What happens is, under heavy MTA load on port 25, I will run out of
> connection slots on port 25.

Have you investigated the nature of this problem?

> By moving users to 587, I do not care
> about port 25 connection slots.  MTA's will try again later if busy.

You might be chasing a red herring. If your server is overloaded, there
is a reason why, and there may be more effective remediation techniques
available. Improving your submission service is good, but it might not
deliver the performance payoff you're expecting.

> What do you guys think?
> My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these ports
> to, for example, 25 -> 2525 and 587 -> 587587 unless there is some other
> convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all this.

If you still have a heavy load, consider separating your MX entirely
from submission, using separate instances/machines. It's generally
easier to move the MX, since MUA configurations don't care about it.

> I just do not want to add too much to my learning curve, so first, get
> postfix to where I understand it, then toggle the ports and put the
> proxy in.  It should blindly pass the traffic, I assume in much the same
> way stunnel does.
> I am open to any and all advice on this matter to make this work best. 
> I have a feeling later on down the road I will need to learn exactly
> what things to disable in postfix, as it should not do any bouncing at
> all, anything that will lead to backsplatter, since I am putting a proxy
> ahead of it.

FWIW, a poorly implemented proxy can do more harm than good. A lot of
sites just toss them in, and don't pay attention to finer details like
DNS settings and recipient validation.

> I am still not entirely clear.  The docs:
>  I am still not entirely clear. The docs: "Do not configure client
>  certificates unless you must present client TLS certificates to one or
>  more servers. Client certificates are not usually needed, and can
> cause
>  problems in configurations that work well without them. The
> recommended
>  setting is to let the defaults stand"
> That supports your statement.  What is confusing, is most of the
> tutorials for setting up Postfix have a section on setting these up. 

Trust the Postfix documentation, not random tutorials.

> Indeed, the ones I set up used a specific host name, and when I  smtp,
> or pop or imap, I am asked to authorize the self signed cert, as at this
> time I do not have a purchased cert from a CA.

That's something else. You get that prompt from the server certificate
(smtpd_tls_cert_file), which you need. That is different from the client
certificate (smtp_tls_cert_file), which you obviously don't need.

> What is the correct way to not use certs for MTA's, but to present one
> to the MUA?
>> # server TLS parameters
>> smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_key
>> smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_crt
>> smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes  <-- as mentioned, user can only auth on a
>> secure connection
>> smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
>> smtpd_tls_received_header = yes
> You have the two cert, ahhh, smtp*d*.  Ok, I think I get it, that is for
> MUA traffic, and you present them a cert authorization when they are
> auth'ing.  So I can even use the current certs I have in place now?

These are for all client connections that use STARTTLS, not just MUAs.
The difference is that MTAs typically don't quit if they can't verify
the cert (check it against a root certificate store), so using a
self-signed cert is adequate.

It is increasingly harder to support MUAs with noncommercial certs,
however. You can get basic ones fairly cheaply, so I recommend it to
avoid annoying warnings to your users.

>> # client TLS parameters, forward mail via TLS if possible
>> smtp_tls_security_level = may
> I had this one already I believe.

This is what you need for your server to connect *as a client* to other
MTAs, opportunistically using STARTTLS when offered.

> The wrapper mode is probably a Outlook issue, or at least an older buggy
> MUA client issue?  I do not have any easy access to Outlook.  How do you
> go about testing before deployment?

Don't set it up until you have everything else working properly (TLS,
submission, etc.). Then wait until you find a need for it. Normally, the
 Postfix defaults in will suffice (assuming your distribution
hasn't fiddled with them).

> smtp_tls_cert_file   = /opt/local/etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
> smtp_tls_key_file= /opt/local/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem


> smtp_tls_security_level  = may


> smtp_tls_session_cache_database  =
> btree:$data_directory/smtp_tls_session_cache

Keep if you need it.

> smtpd_sasl_security_options  = noanonymous

Change to noanonymous, noplaintext if you don't want passwords sent in
the clear.

> smtpd_tls_ask_ccert  = yes


> smtpd_tls_ce

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 10:19:40AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:

> > My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these ports
> > to, for example, 25 -> 2525 and 587 -> 587587 unless there is some other
> > convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all this.

There is no port "587587", the TCP port range (over both IPv4 and IPv6) is
from 0 to 65535, but "0" means "unspecified" at the socket API level. In
any case 587587 is usually equivalent to its residue mod 2^16 which is
63299, not a good port to choose for a service (dynamic port range on
most systems).


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Please do not ignore the "Reply-To" header.

To unsubscribe from the postfix-users list, visit or click the link below:

If my response solves your problem, the best way to thank me is to not
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"It worked, thanks" in the "Subject" so I can delete these quickly.

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Victor Duchovni wrote, at 05/01/2009 10:26 AM:
> On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 10:19:40AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:

FTR: No, I didn't! :)

>>> My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these ports
>>> to, for example, 25 -> 2525 and 587 -> 587587 unless there is some other
>>> convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all this.
> There is no port "587587", the TCP port range (over both IPv4 and IPv6) is
> from 0 to 65535, but "0" means "unspecified" at the socket API level. In
> any case 587587 is usually equivalent to its residue mod 2^16 which is
> 63299, not a good port to choose for a service (dynamic port range on
> most systems).

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 1, 2009, at 6:30 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:31 PM:>

On Apr 24, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Since one of the purposes of the submission port is to support road
warriors, I feel it should be as secure as possible and the entire
communication should be encrypted.

I am in a bad spot in this regard, because of some of the faults of  
current email server.  It is pushed a bit to move users to 587, but  

server does not support SSL/TLS.  It would be very hard for me to get
them to all change their settings to use SSL/TLS.  I would love to  
587 the default secure port, I just do not thing I can put my users  

that situation.

If postfix can log in a way that I can tell what is going on, and  

time, I can make a call a day, and convert people over to TLS,
eventually I will flip this switch.

You can alter the name syslog uses for the submission service by  

 -o syslog_name=postfix-submission

Nice, thanks.

Well, that's another potential advantage of using port 587: you can
spare authenticated users (and your system) from filter/proxy scans.

Glad you pointed that out, slipped my mind, but that is probably the  
most compelling reason to get all users to port 587 for me at least.

Note that some environments still want to scan outgoing mail. Once
again, the fact that you're using an alternate port allows you to
customize settings to suit the purpose, so it can be another win.

Indeed, great point.

It's up to you. I use SMTP AUTH for webmail, partly because it  

better logging for troubleshooting.

Good point.  What webmail are you using?  Does it globally SMTP  
AUTH via

a config file and a smtp account, or is each user login it's own SMTP
AUTH case, which is where you are picking up the logging data  

to the sender under that specific account?

I use SquirrelMail, which uses individual login credentials for both
IMAP access and SMTP AUTH. It's nice to have the user information in  
logs. In fact, if you are using Roundcube, make sure it's fully  

There is a vulnerability that is still being probed for daily against
likely locations for it on web servers.

Thanks for the heads up, I will make sure I am patched.  I have been  
using SM for years now, I just find it is too slow, and even with some  
skins, is not what my users are after.  I have a feeling the slowness  
will be a non issues once I get dovecot talking to it.  However, my  
users rarely care about what is under the hood, and eat with their eyes.

A friend of mine signed up for some cheapo hosting account, and  
they had
a apple script to set it up.  It did not work, but I have been  
to swipe it and fix it.  It looks very simple to deal with, and you  
shove the users login name in, so all they do is run it, connect to  
email, enter in their password, and click "remember" and they are  

I would bet I can alter the default port in this script as well.

That's one option, but you might be better off going with the
autoconfiguration and providing instructions where that fails. Asking
users to run scripts is sending the wrong message, IMHO. It just makes
them more vulnerable to phishing and other exploits that rely on bad

I hear ya.  Auto configuration is something Apple Mail only seems to  
do.  I have never seen it in other apps, though I have only personally  
used Entourage.  I use Thunderbird in testing now, and I do not see  
any really slick auto conf in there either.

Let me put it this way, many times, my users can not enter in their  
own email address, or will enter in a host name as  
over, I know right away when I tell them to "get  
mail" and do not see the connection come in.

I have learned the common mistakes they make, but even a auto  
configuration still requires some data entry on their part.  What I  
would prefer is a simple xml or text file, that I could tell them to  
import into a mail app, this could be universal, and have all the  
settings in it, sans a password.

When it comes to a TLS or even an SSL connection, I take it at that
point, the AUTH mechanism you chose really makes no difference?  Is
there a performance hit, where it would be more ideal to use a less
complex mechanism since you are TLS'ing the entire channel anyway?

Absolutely. Enforced TLS with PLAIN/LOGIN is often the best all-around
solution (total message encryption, low overhead authentication
mechanism). In that case, you can target TLS if you need to throw more
resources at it (increase entropy for the PRNG, hardware encryption,  

Thanks, makes good sense.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Scott Haneda

On May 1, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

Scott Haneda wrote, at 04/30/2009 10:11 PM:

What happens is, under heavy MTA load on port 25, I will run out of
connection slots on port 25.

Have you investigated the nature of this problem?

Thoroughly. My current email server lacks control, it is only recently  
we have even been given greylisting.  Moving users to port 587 largely  
solved it, but issues still remain.  It is just time for me to move  
on.  I am at the whim of the developer, this is not a config file  
driven email server.  Even mention of SPF on his mail list get you  
told to not talk about it.  It is not an option, and while I  
personally do not intend to use SPF, I want options, which postfix has  

To be honest, I have received more education and support from you and  
a few other people on this list in a few days than the 10 years of  
using something else.

I do thank you all again, as well as those who make postfix what it is.

By moving users to 587, I do not care
about port 25 connection slots.  MTA's will try again later if busy.

You might be chasing a red herring. If your server is overloaded,  
is a reason why, and there may be more effective remediation  

available. Improving your submission service is good, but it might not
deliver the performance payoff you're expecting.

You nailed it, there are indeed many more techniques for dealing with  
my issues.  Manually scanning logs and putting IP ranges into a local  
DNS blacklist and manually creating rules that are not flexible in how  
they can match patterns is what hinders me for the most part.

What do you guys think?

My end goal here is to get this all working, and then change these  
to, for example, 25 -> 2525 and 587 -> 587587 unless there is some  
convention.  I am going to put a anti spam proxy in front of all  

If you still have a heavy load, consider separating your MX entirely
from submission, using separate instances/machines. It's generally
easier to move the MX, since MUA configurations don't care about it.

I have this as a option from the beginning of setup.  I was given a  
large enough IP allocation that I tend to give up an IP for each  
service, and create DNS records pointing to each IP.  If I ever need  
to for example, most SMTP 587 to it's own machine, it is as simple as  
just setting up the software, remove the old IP from the old machine,  
and putting it into the new machine.

I use will use this when I migrate as well, not having to fiddle with  
DNS TTL's and some other ISP's that seem to cache DNS and not honor  
TTL's then becomes a non issue.

I just do not want to add too much to my learning curve, so first,  

postfix to where I understand it, then toggle the ports and put the
proxy in.  It should blindly pass the traffic, I assume in much the  

way stunnel does.

I am open to any and all advice on this matter to make this work  

I have a feeling later on down the road I will need to learn exactly
what things to disable in postfix, as it should not do any bouncing  
all, anything that will lead to backsplatter, since I am putting a  

ahead of it.

FWIW, a poorly implemented proxy can do more harm than good. A lot of
sites just toss them in, and don't pay attention to finer details like
DNS settings and recipient validation.

I have spent the past few years looking at them and reading about  
them.  Starting with the hardware driven devices like Barracuda.  My  
main reason for not deploying as of yet was the only way to get user  
validation on my server was LDAP, which I could not ever get to work  
reliably.  Maintaining a text file of users was an option, but at  
minutes to dump a list of users via AppleScript from the email server,  
I did not like that option.

I am settling in on ASSP, which seems to solve my needs, and provide  
everything I need.  If it turns out I do not like it, the nice thing  
about a proxy is, you just turn it off, a quick change of port  
listeners in postfix, and I should be back up and running.

# server TLS parameters
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_key
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/yoshino.meidokon.net_crt
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes  <-- as mentioned, user can only auth on a
secure connection
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
smtpd_tls_received_header = yes

You have the two cert, ahhh, smtp*d*.  Ok, I think I get it, that  
is for

MUA traffic, and you present them a cert authorization when they are
auth'ing.  So I can even use the current certs I have in place now?

These are for all client connections that use STARTTLS, not just MUAs.
The difference is that MTAs typically don't quit if they can't verify
the cert (check it against a root certificate store), so using a
self-signed cert is adequate.

It is increasingly harder to support MUAs with noncommercial certs,
however. You can get basic ones fairly cheaply, so I recommend it to
avoid annoying 

Re: Suggestions on submission port config

2009-05-01 Thread Jorey Bump
Scott Haneda wrote, at 05/01/2009 08:37 PM:
> On May 1, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:
>> The difference is that MTAs typically don't quit if they can't verify
>> the cert (check it against a root certificate store), so using a
>> self-signed cert is adequate.
 # client TLS parameters, forward mail via TLS if possible
 smtp_tls_security_level = may
>>> I had this one already I believe.
>> This is what you need for your server to connect *as a client* to other
>> MTAs, opportunistically using STARTTLS when offered.
> In a previous sentence you used the word 'typically' in regards to if
> the MTA will quit or not on seeing a cert.  What is the risk here?

Most connecting MTAs will still encrypt the communication if they cannot
*verify* the certificate, so there is little risk of sniffing on the
wire. Some policies will require verification, but that usually implies
a special relationship.

> If I
> understand, this gives an opportunistic ability for MTA to MTA
> discussion to be secure, falling back on the old plain method if it is
> not available.


> Is there really a lot of exploiting going on in-between one MTA and
> another?  From what I can tell, this would boil down to a rogue person
> at some router between me and say, gmails servers, that wanted to
> intercept traffic.  Just does not seem likely.

Which is why most MX hosts and relays use encryption opportunistically
instead of enforcing it. Perhaps the days are numbered even for this
innocent approach...

>>> smtpd_sasl_security_options  = noanonymous
>> Change to noanonymous, noplaintext if you don't want passwords sent in
>> the clear.
> If I set this to noanonymous, noplaintext to confirm, if any of my
> current users are using an authenticated plain text login method, they
> would fail to login?

In many cases, yes, because plaintext mechanisms won't even be offered
unless the channel is encrypted. However, some clients might
automatically use the remaining secure mechanisms that are still offered.

> This then gets my phone ringing, where I can help them make the changes
> to either use a non plain text login method, with auth, or use a plain
> style login with crypto.  I think I have that correct.


>>> submission inet  n - n -
>>> - smtpd
>>> -o smtpd_tls_security_level=may
>>> -o smtpd_tls_auth_only=no
>>> -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
>>> -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated
>> IMHO, too weak for port 587.
> Can we explore your HO on this.  I have helped many a friend set up
> email for any number of the 9.99 a month ISP's out there, the are all
> offering normal 25, some alt submission port, and some SSL port as
> well.  I am yet to see any particular mandate that the submission port
> be crypto mandated.  Not that I want to just follow the examples set by
> others, as often is the case, they are "doing it wrong" anyway.
> I am just not seeing why a user can not auth with no crypto.  Or, are
> you taking the stance that users really do not know about this stuff,
> and it would be best if you protect their actions on their behalf?

No, I'm more interested in protecting the integrity of the submission
service on port 587, and prefer to see it locked down as tightly as
possible. The main reason is to prevent a breakdown in security that
could lead ISPs to block port 587 as many have done with port 25. I've
seen misguided configurations that duplicate port 25 settings on port
587, making the port a fully functioning MX that can be abused by spammers.

Another reason is that some hotels and internet cafes arrogantly try to
proxy email connections, and that's a lot more threatening than
unencrypted MTA to MTA communication. TLS helps mitigate this, as it is
really hard to proxy encrypted connections without generating a warning
(unless they trick you into installing a root certificate in your client).

> I certainly can appreciate that.  Having to deal with hundreds of iPhone
> users, and desktop users, when I toggle this switch may prove less than
> fun.  Since my old server does not support SSL/TLS, it is not like I can
> send an email out, tell them to switch, and then mass move everyone to
> postfix.  This is going to be a throw the switch, and start answering
> phone calls.
> I do really like the idea of all users being secure.  Perhaps I will set
> up a new MX, run the old and the new at the same time, and migrate one
> domain at a time, that would remove the "throw the switch" support burden.
> Not really liking the idea of using a new domain for setting up the
> postifx server.  I am pretty sure I can not do this in the same domain,
> as the second I add in a MX pointing to the new postfix server, that is
> going to break everything.

You have your work cut out for you.

> What specifically about smtps was it that you ended up determining you
> needed it?

I needed to support legacy clients. I don