Re(3): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Wayne Brissette

C. A. Niemiec [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 stated:

I did reformat/reinitialize the disk. But I doubt the data is
erased by this. The procedure takes a few seconds -- it should
take longer than that to erase some 50+ Gb of data.

If it only took a few seconds I would hazard the entire disk surface
wasn't completely initialized or reformatted (zeroing all the data).
From when I used Norton Utilities the Unerase utility that scanned the
entire surface looking for anything to restore was the right tool for the
job. The FileSaver utility was helpful in this process, keeping a
separate record of where things were and what they were supposed to be,
but you had to have enabled it and been using it before the disaster.

If you have Norton Utilities, I would try that option first. Somebody
mentioned Drive Savers, this company does wonders saving/recovering the
data. However, they don't work cheaply. Apparently their big loss leader
is the IBM microdrives (1 GB Type II CF card), which will still run you
$150.00. ¥


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Re(3): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread C. A. Niemiec

I did reformat/reinitialize the disk. But I doubt the data is
erased by this. The procedure takes a few seconds -- it should
take longer than that to erase some 50+ Gb of data.

If it only took a few seconds I would hazard the entire disk surface
wasn't completely initialized or reformatted (zeroing all the data).
From when I used Norton Utilities the Unerase utility that scanned the
entire surface looking for anything to restore was the right tool for the
job. The FileSaver utility was helpful in this process, keeping a
separate record of where things were and what they were supposed to be,
but you had to have enabled it and been using it before the disaster.

Unerase (even on its own) I found worked excellently well to find
things I deleted, often recovering text fragments months long gone. With
the advent of OS X and Symantec's terribly inflated upgrade policies, I
don't use it anymore.


Re(2): X PM quits on indexing

2003-03-25 Thread Mark Smith

I think I have an answer as to why PM stops during indexing. I have been
bursting digests, and have had no problem indexing a hundred or more
messages after a bursting session. However, now that I have some filters
set to burst digests on arrival, PM has started to quit (stop) when
receiving messages, if a digest is burst during the session. Is this
likely to be a problem with PM or AppleScript?

PM 4.1.2
OS X 10.2.4

At Sun, Mar 23, 2003, the nimble fingers of Wayne Brissette typed the

Louis Cornelio [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 3/23/03 at 11:28 AM stated: 

I have been using Pm for a week or so. No problems in , but in OSX it
will quit will indexing messages if there ae 40 or more. Do I need to
allocate more memory to it?  if so, how to I do that in OSX ( again I am
newly  reluctantly switched to OSX)


I have never gotten PM to index large amounts of documents in Mac OS X
properly without causing it to quit. Usually I just open PM again, and
manually index the documents and all is well. It's annoying, but since it
doesn't seem to cause any real problems I've lived with it.


Mark Smith (The Red Whales Rool)
Ashiya, Hyogo, Japan.
Selected Japanese match reports and league tables.

Re(2): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from: Leonard Morgenstern
At: 4:16 am (GMT) on Mon, Mar 24, 2003

Have you tried Norton SystemWorks or a similar utility package? Remember,
normally when you erase a file, it's not really erased. Instead, the
disk sectors that it occupied are flagged as available for new files. If
you use Norton before you have added too many new files, you can recover
some (or even all) your data. So, don't write anything to that disk until
you have attempted to recover the files!

I assume that's what happened to you. If your disk is physically damaged,
Norton won't work. I'm told DriveSavers is expensive but they often work

From Max's original message he seems to have actually reformatted the
drive, which is much more serious than simply deleting files. Actually,
when you delete a file in the normal way it isn't deleted at all; rather,
the OS simply flags the space that the file takes up as being available
to be overwritten (normally a file's space is protected from being
overwritten so that when you save file B it isn't saved over the top of
file A -- unless it has the same name, of course). So deleted files
actually aren't deleted until the OS uses that space for a new file.
Formatting, on the other hand, DOES wipe data. However, as the FBI and
other security agencies know very well, whilst a single reformat will
render the data on a drive Totally Gone to the average user, with the
right tools it *can* be recovered. I read once that it takes 7 reformats
of a drive to completely destroy the data on it to the point where it is
*really* unrecoverable (guys may want to bear that in mind when erasing
those girly pics before giving their girlfriend their old mac). So the
low-down is that a reformat is not the end of the line but you'll need  a
specialist service to have even a hope of recoving the data. I think.

Hope this helps;

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.4  ::  PM 4.1.2  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

Re(2): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Mirko Kranenburg

Yes! That gets you much farther (further?) than Norton.
Look here:


Mirko Kranenburg

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 22:52:10 +0100 Mikke Byström wrote:

Whatbout the app Data Rescue?

Re:(desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Mikke Bystr

Whatbout the app Data Rescue?

Re(2): OSX unreachable services

2003-03-25 Thread Mirko Kranenburg

Interesting! I am one of the beta-testers of Mariner that had problems
with Services while  they should be operational. 
Since you say it works for you, while it does not for me, that shows
there is something odd going on in my configuration.

This is getting off topic, but still is helpful for me. Thanks!

Mirko Kranenburg

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 16:06:05 -0500 Tim Lapin wrote:

I can vouch for that.  I just tested the speech service on a selected
part of a message and it worked just fine.  The key for most of the
service menu items is that a piece of text must be selected.

Re(2): OSX unreachable services

2003-03-25 Thread Mirko Kranenburg

True, but isn't it so that because of the non-presence of support for
services in Carbon-apps, most Carbon apps are not ready for them? For
example, Mariner Write is carbonized since v3.0, but only 3.1beta is
allowing services.

Anyway, PM doesn't give them on my Mac, OS X 10.2.4. Wayne, do they
appear in your setup?


Mirko Kranenburg

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:52:07 -0600 Wayne Brissette wrote:

As of Mac OS X 10.2.? (1? or maybe it was just 10.2)... Anyhow, as of Mac
OS X 10.2.x services are available to carbon applications. 


Re: OSX unreachable services

2003-03-25 Thread Wayne Brissette

Mirko Kranenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 stated:

As far as I know, services are only usable in Cocoa applications (of
which Texedit is an example), and some, but certainly not all Carbon
applications. Most not, as a matter of fact. Unfortunately PM is one of
those, and only CTM development can fix that, in a new release.


As of Mac OS X 10.2.? (1? or maybe it was just 10.2)... Anyhow, as of Mac
OS X 10.2.x services are available to carbon applications. 


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Re: OSX unreachable services

2003-03-25 Thread Wayne Brissette

Hervé Sainct [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 stated:

using PM v. 4.1.2 carbon on OSX 10.2.3 I can see the services menu but
get nothing at all (no submenu) when I select it in the menu. I tried
services inTextEdit, they work. I undestand there may have been issues
with services in OSX 10.1.2, but I am a newcomer in this list and am not
aware of the ways to handle them, nor what happened since then. My main
purpose is to occasionally use simple pgp functions (any advice on that?
GPG vs PGP?)


Services by definition must have something to put their results in. Some
work in a text area and some in a graphic area, still others require that
something be selected.

Do you see this problem in a open mail message?


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Re(2): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/24/03 8:15 PM Jonathan Greene wrote:

If what you nuked was something you really need you might try a service
company like  I've seen them on TechTV and
they certainly seem to be able to work some magic.  I have no idea what
it would cost...  can't hurt to call.

Have you tried Norton SystemWorks or a similar utility package? Remember,
normally when you erase a file, it's not really erased. Instead, the
disk sectors that it occupied are flagged as available for new files. If
you use Norton before you have added too many new files, you can recover
some (or even all) your data. So, don't write anything to that disk until
you have attempted to recover the files!

I assume that's what happened to you. If your disk is physically damaged,
Norton won't work. I'm told DriveSavers is expensive but they often work

Good luck.

Leonard Morgenstern

There are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters. But
there are no old, bold mushroom hunters. --David Smith, M. D., leading
authority on mushroom poisoning.

Re(2): Can't get original message

2003-03-25 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 24 3 2003 at 8:25 pm -0500, Adeline Moore wrote:

The Open Text File only adds the attachment to a new email. BBEdit opens
a document that only contains the header info.

Well, if BBEdit only shows the header, then the header is all you've been
sent back.

Fortunately, this particular email is not a critical piece of info, but
if it was, what would I do? Why isn't the original in my out tray along
with all my other sent email?

Well, that's a good question.  I had assumed that you had deleted it. 
Maybe you have some filters or something set up which might have moved or
deleted it?  Have you tried doing a find by content to hunt through
your entire database for it, in case it got moved to a different folder?


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re(2): Can't get original message

2003-03-25 Thread Adeline Moore

Ben ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Monday, 24 March 2003 wrote:

How about a text editor like BBEdit Lite?
Or as a matter of fact, the Open Text File... command from the File menu,
while you are composing a new message in PowerMail?

The Open Text File only adds the attachment to a new email. BBEdit opens
a document that only contains the header info.

Fortunately, this particular email is not a critical piece of info, but
if it was, what would I do? Why isn't the original in my out tray along
with all my other sent email?

iMac :: 700 MHz PowerPC G3 :: 10.2.3 :: 512MB RAM :: PowerMail 4.1 :: 2 Panes

I'm listening to Jimmy Page  Robert Plant Thank You from: No Quarter

Re: (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Jonathan Greene

I am not the expert you seek, but with the right disc utility you may
have been able to recover some data if you had only erased it since the
computer believes the memory space is free, but data is still written
there.  With initialization I think you set bits to zero which may really
prevent you from a recovery.

If what you nuked was something you really need you might try a service
company like  I've seen them on TechTV and
they certainly seem to be able to work some magic.  I have no idea what
it would cost...  can't hurt to call.

Good luck!


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

  - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

on Tue, 25 Mar 2003 02:03:40 +0100 / Max Gossell said: 

Once again, this has nothing to do with Power Mail:

It's extremely embarrassing, but I've managed to erase some 50 Gb of data
and software from a hard disk. I had a 120 Mb disk drive with two
partitions, one small 1 GB for a Classic OS and then the rest for data. I
moved it to an old 6500 Mac, and it refused to run Mac OS 9.2, although
it accepted Max OS 9.1. But I couldn't install v9.1 on the v9.2 volume so
I though I just reinitialize the small 1 GB volume and install v9.1 on a
empty volume.

When reinitializing, I got the usual warning about everything would be
erased, but I thought it concerned the 1 Gb volume only. Then the whole
hard disk was erased!! 

I feel so stupid and I'm in complete despair and wonder if some tech
magician out there would be kind enough to advise me about what to do. I
mean -- the data can be recovered...? Or can't it.?   :-(

Max G

(desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Max Gossell

Once again, this has nothing to do with Power Mail:

It's extremely embarrassing, but I've managed to erase some 50 Gb of data
and software from a hard disk. I had a 120 Mb disk drive with two
partitions, one small 1 GB for a Classic OS and then the rest for data. I
moved it to an old 6500 Mac, and it refused to run Mac OS 9.2, although
it accepted Max OS 9.1. But I couldn't install v9.1 on the v9.2 volume so
I though I just reinitialize the small 1 GB volume and install v9.1 on a
empty volume.

When reinitializing, I got the usual warning about everything would be
erased, but I thought it concerned the 1 Gb volume only. Then the whole
hard disk was erased!! 

I feel so stupid and I'm in complete despair and wonder if some tech
magician out there would be kind enough to advise me about what to do. I
mean -- the data can be recovered...? Or can't it.?   :-(

Max G

Re: Can't get original message

2003-03-25 Thread Ben Kennedy

On 24 3 2003 at 6:36 pm -0500, Adeline Moore wrote:

OK fine. I'll change the prefs in PM. But the problem I have is this: the
sent message is *not* in my out box and my original mail was returned as
an attachment and I can't find anything with which to open it! So, I have
no way to re-send my original message in the ISO-8859-1 character set the
list insists I use.

How about a text editor like BBEdit Lite?

Or as a matter of fact, the Open Text File... command from the File menu,
while you are composing a new message in PowerMail?

PS. Can anyone tell me why a list would demand a particular character set?

Probably for consistency amongst its subscribers; if it's compiling a
digest or whatever, then all participants can be assured of a homogeneous
character set.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Can't get original message

2003-03-25 Thread Adeline Moore

OK. Here's one for you...

I sent an email to a mail list. I received this back:

Your message cannot be posted.
 It is composed using the 'utf-8' character set,
 and this list accepts ISO-8859-1 only

OK fine. I'll change the prefs in PM. But the problem I have is this: the
sent message is *not* in my out box and my original mail was returned as
an attachment and I can't find anything with which to open it! So, I have
no way to re-send my original message in the ISO-8859-1 character set the
list insists I use.

PS. Can anyone tell me why a list would demand a particular character set?

Adeline Moore

iMac :: 700 MHz PowerPC G3 :: 10.2.3 :: 512MB RAM :: PowerMail 4.1 :: 2 Panes

I'm listening to Wynton Marsalis E-Flat Major Concerto (Allegro) from:
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