Re: Magic - wasThe end???? was: I did it again -- what a dummy!

2015-07-24 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

Anyway, a copy my PowerMail folder from back then was in the partition.
I don't think I have lost a single sent or received message.

THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME!  Sure am grateful, however!

You have certainly switched to this database, on the alternate partition, 
when using Spotlight, a long time ago. If Spotlight finds a message from 
another database, and you open that message, then PowerMail switches to this 
database. Then you kept using this database since then.

I don't know exactly how, maybe using Spotlight again, but you switched back to 
the database from your boot drive recently, and it was missing all messages 
since you stopped using it (2013).

Again, you can see where is stored the currently used database: select the file 
/ database / switch user environment, and check which folder is show in the 
open dialog. Do you understand what I mean?

And again, to avoid inadvertently switching database again, make sure you have 
one and only one database on your usually mounted drives and partitions. As 
previously explained, search for files named Message Database in the Finder, 
and if you find some other than the current one, compress then delete the 
folder containing them, and empty the trash.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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powermail-discuss Digest #3139 - 07/24/15

2015-07-24 Thread PowerMail discussions
powermail-discuss Digest #3139 - Friday, July 24, 2015

  Fwd: Underlining goes away when message sent
  by Winston Weinmann
  Re: The end  was: I did it again -- what a dummy!
  by Thomas L. Miller
  Magic - wasThe end  was: I did it again -- what a dummy!
  by T.L. Miller
  Re: Magic - wasThe end  was: I did it again -- what a dummy!
  by PowerMail Engineering


Subject: Fwd: Underlining goes away when message sent
From: Winston Weinmann
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:25:58 -0500

I tried to send this in HTML to the Discussion List, as it's about an HTML 
problem, but got the message back:
Your message could not be posted to the PowerMail discussions list because
the message contained HTML and the list does not accept HTML messages.

So my examples are all in plain text. In the HTML version, Bold is in bold, 
Italic is in italics, and Underline is not underlined.

- Winston Weinmann

On rare occasions I use PowerMail's HTML (FormatMake Rich Text) option, 
usually so that I can use bold, italic and underlining.

I've just noticed that when I send a message, any underlining I did goes away. 
The sent message has no underlining in places it had it in the draft.

The same thing happens if I save a message as a draft, then close and reopen 
it. Underlining goes away. Example:


PowerMail version 6.2 build 4666 on Mac OS 10.4.11.

Any solution?


- Winston Weinmann


Subject: Re: The end  was: I did it again -- what a dummy!
From: Thomas L. Miller
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:33:23 -0400

Well, copying over the 4 .old” files the the other drives after removing the 
.old didn't help.

I think that when I restarted my iMac after cloning and saw the problem, I had 
PM First Aid also compact the database.  I restarted from a clone, saw the same 
problem and may have compacted that too when running PM First Aid.  Therefore, 
the 4 sets of .old files are copies of bad versions. 
There are folders missing in Mail Browser and my still showing as POP3, 
and I think that change was done before 2013. I think there is something else 
that is causing that problem.

So, it looks like if I want to continue to use PM, I have to set up missing 
accounts and use a database missing all the messages from 2014 and most from 
2013 and 2015.

It is truly odd that this problem started after cloning to an external hard 
drive.  Something I had done 100s of times!  Sure wish I could go back to last 
Saturday in a time machine. 

Tom Miller

On Jul 23, 2015, at 12:07 PM, Thomas L. Miller wrote:

Jérôme, thanks for the response.  I tried a shortcut of what you recommended 
at the bottom (I have two other copies of the entire PM folder on the other 
drives).  I put an “X” in front of the file names of the 4 (current) items 
and removed “.old” from the other 4.  That didn’t help, but I think that 
could be because I compacted the database when I ran PM First Aid a day or two 
ago.  I may have done the same thing with one of the other drives.  However. I 
guess I can copy over from the .old” files from the 3rd drive and try that.  
Ought to work, right??

The really odd thing is that PM was working perfectly when I quit it before 
cloning.  I have cloned (SuperDuper) my hard drive 100s of times over the years 
with no problems.  The clone is a copy of everything — web browser history, 
apps, Preferences, Libraries, music, photos, everything.  Never has a restart 
of my Mac resulted in a change of PM’s Message Databases.  These external 
hard drives are only active when I’m making clones — otherwise they are 
turned off/disconnected.  Very, very, very odd to have this problem

Tom Miller

On Jul 23, 2015, at 9:02 AM, PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Thomas L. Miller wrote:

 I saved an unsent message, quit PowerMail and cloned my iMac’s hard
 drive to two external hard drives — nothing unusual, I do every week.
 I restarted from the internal drive, and after PM started, I saw that
 except for some very recent messages, I was missing all the messages
 sent after mid-September 2013.

Obviously, PowerMail is now using an older version of your database, and has 
only retrieved very recent messages still present on the server.

First possibility: instead of copying your database to the backup drive, you 
copied in the wrong way, replacing your main database with the backup. However 
if your backup was 1 week old, then you should not have lost all messages since 
September 2013.

Second possibility: PowerMail has switched to another database, which was a 
backup you made in September 2013. If your two external drives were still 