Re: Anyone using Networked PowerMail Folder?

2007-10-10 Thread Charles Maurer
Justin Beek wrote (10/10/2007):

Ever since we upgraded from 5.1 last month, we have been getting a  
LOT of corrupted attachments.

We do have the PowerMail folder  App on the server so it gets backed  
up nightly. I am guessing that the networking of the folder must be  
the issue since no one else is having this problem.

Is there anyone running PowerMail off a server install that could  
help me figure out why our attachments are being corrupted?

We have found no version of PowerMail able to cope with the momentary
glitches that our network evinces from time to time.  We have tried
several releases and the network has destroyed the database with every 

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
(1) 905 627 7035

Re: Bad aftersales Service

2007-07-13 Thread Charles Maurer
Carl Darby wrote (13/07/2007):

Does anybody else get lack of response to Powermail developers. I have
sent about five emails to their customer support and have got no answer.
The only one I did get a reply to was when I complained about their
product. Might just as well ask the cat!

Some cats I know have been more forthcoming.  If the developers don't
have the time to support the product, they might at least set up a web-
based forum.  

Charles Maurer

Re: Forthcoming with support

2007-07-13 Thread Charles Maurer
The Cat wrote (13/07/2007):

My masters dropped the ball a number of times, but I thank you for
pinging me since I have no access to the keyboard otherwise.

Maybe that explains it.  My last attempt to contact you (using the help
menu) was to request a multi-user rate for FoxTrot, after I had failed
to obtain one by e-mailing Sales.  After you did not answer that, I
figured that you must be trapped within a bag, so there was no point
ever to try contacting CTM again.

Anyway, since you appear to be alive, I would appreciate your contacting
me off the list about another matter.

Derry Thompson wrote (13/07/2007):

If the developers don't
have the time to support the product, they might at least set up a web-
based forum.  

What's wrong with an e-mail forum?

Let's say that I know nothing about computers, I just want to use them. 
I have a question about Apple's Mail, I go to Apple's web-based forum
and search for an answer.  There is a good chance that I will find one
and if I do not, I can ask a question and receive notice of a reply.  If
I have a question about PowerMail, I cannot look up any previous
discussion and I must subscribe to a list to ask the question.  Before
the question is answered I will receive a lot of mail I don't care about
and then I need to unsubscribe. 

The Cat wrote (13/07/2007):

We are thinking of
a forum-like format although more for FoxTrot than for PowerMail, since
the dynamic and contributions on powermail-discuss are pretty exceptional. 

By not having a web-based forum for PowerMail, you are providing no
quickly accessible means of support.  Without retailers to flog and back
up the product, this is shooting yourselves in the foot. 

On a more serious note: yes, it is possible to redirect an HTML message
(forwarding will only forward its text portion, since we do not include
an HTML editor in the product)

The purpose is to forward developers spam that their filter missed, to
help them improve the filters.  I do not want to redirect the spam, I
want to incorporate it within a forwarded message.  I also want to be
able to forward headers of non-spam that was identified as spam.  Is
there no way to do this with a script?

Charles Maurer

Forwarding scripts and headers

2007-07-12 Thread Charles Maurer
I need a script to forward messages including complete headers.  This
script works except that it excludes most of the header.  How can I get
it include the full header? 

tell application PowerMail
 set theMessages to current messages
 repeat with msg in theMessages
  forward msg to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 end repeat
 connect again
end tell

I also need a complementary script that forwards only headers, not the
body.  Can anybody suggest a way?

Charles Maurer

Re: Stuffit problem

2003-06-07 Thread Charles Maurer

Mikael Byström wrote (07/06/2003):

 while you're at it you might as well boot from your OS X
install CD, start Disk utility and repair permissions.

Easier:  from a window in Terminal run:

sudo diskutil repairPermissions /

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: multiple messages revisited

2003-06-07 Thread Charles Maurer

Mikael Byström wrote (07/06/2003):

Let me take that back. I missed it. It's 6 copies of the welcome message
and now a few of Bounce back from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Interesting though
that only those messages are affected and not all that came with it.

Any ideas what to look for in the headers? They look alright and well
formed to me.

Over the years, CTM's release notes have mentioned various sorts of
errors that they have learned to cope with.  Each sounds more arcane than
the next.

I do not think you are describing a routine failure of PowerMail.  I have
also been leaving my messages on the server for awhile but I rarely
receive duplicate messages and when I have received some, and have
examined the headers, I have always seen different numbers and time
stamps at the sender's end, as I did with the last messages you sent this
list.  I think you are describing a failure of communications with a mail
server.  The trigger for this could be a fault in PowerMail but it is as
likely to be in the mail server or in the ethernet between them.  (If you
want to have sadistic fun, try switching the portfast setting on a Cisco
router and watch everybody run around trying to figure out what's wrong.
 A mis-set router can cause timing delays with effects on applications
that are isolated and form no pattern, although when a problem occurs it
tends to repeat.)

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Stuffit problem

2003-06-07 Thread Charles Maurer

Pat O'Halloran wrote (07/06/2003):

Could someone confirm one way or another whether they can use
the check box at the bottom of each message for Stuffit? many thanks.

Yes.  We have never had a problem with this.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Randomly double, triple and quadruple messages

2003-06-07 Thread Charles Maurer

Mikael Byström wrote (06/06/2003):

This aspect also indicates that the problem really is that PM is getting
the same mail several times. But why is it?

Is this known problem with a known solution? Any ideas?

PM 3.1.3

PowerMail used to be unreliable about removing mail from servers.  CTM do
seem to have improved this.  I used frequently to find left-over messages
that I needed to remove from the server by hand but I rarely do now.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Failure to Send

2003-06-03 Thread Charles Maurer

Scott at HobbyLink Japan wrote (03/06/2003):

I certainly don't doubt that this problem is affecting the people who
have written about it, but it has never once occurred to me in a year of
intense PM usage.

Why would an SMTP server timeout frequently as you mention?  I've never
had trouble like that with any of the SMTP servers I connect to.  Again,
no doubts, just a raised eyebrow.  Certainly it appears that PM has a
problem here, but your SMTP server sounds far from guiltless.

Or the connection thereto.  I had this happen frequently when using a
telephone modem and occasionally even using a cable modem, when the pipe
at the server has been narrow.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Trouble with Cisco routers?

2003-05-28 Thread Charles Maurer

Victor Orly wrote (27/05/2003):

 Does anyone here have trouble sending mail out with Cisco routers? A
client of mine is having trouble from one location but not others. Their
mail server is Communigate Pro using SMTP AUTH - no trouble on incoming
POP messages but more often than not, outgoing SMTP traffic doesn't work
(the firewall in the router is set to allow SMTP traffic)

Could be that PORTFAST is set wrong for the port that the one machine is

A PORTFAST option speeds up the spanning tree protocol, which operating
systems can have problems with.  Spanning tree should be enabled only on
ports that other switches may be plugged into.  For more info see

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Address book problems

2003-05-01 Thread Charles Maurer

I have had frequent crashes while editing the address book, three of them
last night.  This has always been while working with multiple windows
and/or groups.  I have been unable to identify a way to repeat this but
there is not the ghost of a hint of a shadow of a doubt that PowerMail
has a problem in its code here. 

I am suspicious that at least some of these problems lie in the
synchronization routines but I cannot tell, because I cannot figure out
exactly what is supposed to happen when the various preferences are
checked off.  CTM, will you please explain this.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Problems accessing Message DB on server with 10.2.5

2003-04-23 Thread Charles Maurer

PowerMail Engineering wrote (23/04/2003):

The 10.2.5 update includes improvements to AFP, so maybe there is also
some new problems. PowerMail is totally independent of the location of
the database. I think you should report the problem to Apple.

No, PowerMail is not independent of the location of the database.  If the
database is on a remote server, and if there is a hiccup in the
connection, a momentary hiccup that the user cannot see, then PowerMail's
database can become damaged, often irreparably.  When we were having
difficulties with a setting on a router, I saw this happen time and time
again and time again.  Indeed, destruction of PowerMail's database proved
to be the first signal that something was awry.  I finally gave up and
moved the people who were keeping their mail on this server from
PowerMail into Apple's Mail.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

Re: Services

2003-04-22 Thread Charles Maurer

Bob Raiselis wrote (22/04/2003):

Suddenly the Services menu under the PowerMail menu won't open. There's a
right arrow, so it knows that there is stuff there, but it won't pop
open. Works in other applications.

Any known conflicts? I just installed Office X the other day, but I can't
be sure that's when the problem started...

Carbon has a limit on the number of services it can handle.  If an
application adds one service past the limit, then no services become
available to Carbon programs.  Apple acknowledge this to a bug and say
that they may fix it some day.  I pruned the Services menu by moving
applications that provide unneeded entries to a new folder called /
Applications_without_services and putting aliases to them in /Applications.

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.

PDF Services

2003-04-21 Thread Charles Maurer

Has anyone a script to send a print job to PowerMail through PDF Services?

Failing that, can anybody tell me why this one leads to a printer error?

on open these_items
tell application PowerMail
make new message new_message
tell new_message
tell content
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
set this_file to item i of these_items
make new attachment with properties 
{name:this_file} at before the
first character
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end open

Charles Maurer

5 Grandview Court
Dundas, Ontario
Canada  L9H 5C8
Telephone:  905.627.7035
This message originates from a Microsoft-free zone.