Re: PowerMail 5 Hiding Bug: Round 4

2008-01-28 Thread Don Zahniser
On or about 1/28/08, Christian Roth wrote:

>I do have some Yahoo! Groups subscriptions, but have yet to encounter
>the "does not hide bug". However, I'm consistently suffering from the
>"does not show bug", i.e. trying to bring PM to the foreground by
>clicking its icon in the Dock once or tabbing to it using Cmd-Tab brings
>either no or only its frontmost window to the foreground instead of all
>of its windows as is the case with all other applications I have (among
>which there are Cocoa, Carbon and Java apps).

I ran into this also in December, which I described on the list as a
'Focus Problem'.  Below is what I wrote about my 'fix' for the problem. 
Sorry it wasn't more definitive and systematic, but I would probably
start with cleaning the user caches.  I have since completely moved
PowerMail from my G4 Cube to my Pismo running the same system version
(10.4.11).  The problem didn't recur on the Cube, nor on the Pismo after
the move.  I did start with a completely fresh mail database on the Pismo.

Anyway - My response to my own problem:

I just got out the shotgun (MainMenu) and did the following:
 - Repaired Permissions (seemed to only find permissions related to
iTunes and Flash to repair)
 - Update Prebindings (I've heard that this is no longer relevant in
10.4.?, and the log seemed to only contain 'image not found' and 'no
need to re-prebind' messages at a quick scan.
 - Cleaned user caches - A bunch of PowerMail cache files were listed
 - Cleaned archived logs
Now, the front PowerMail window snaps into focus when I click on the
dock icon or use the application switcher.
It occurs to me that I have my Cube set to sleep between 10:00 pm and
5:00 am, so perhaps the daily/weekly/monthly scripts could have also
'fixed' this problem.
Anyhow, problem solved for me...
 - Don

Don V. Zahniser
PowerMail 5.6.1 on Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: PowerMail 5 Hiding Bug: Round 4

2008-01-28 Thread Don Zahniser
On or about 1/28/08, C. A. Niemiec wrote:

>Another Yahoo! Group I'm subscribed to didn't make this switch to an
>HTML format. 

You should be able to control this.  Go to the group's page and choose
'Edit Membership'.  You should be able to select how to monitor the
group (web only, individual emails, digest, etc) and below that, you can
choose either 'Fully Featured' or 'Traditional'.

Be aware that Yahoo groups mailings in 'Traditional' format will mess up
URLs that wrap at the end of a line, especially in digests.  An easy
remedy in PowerMail is to highlight the full URL, control-click on it
and choose 'Create new text clipping...'.  You can then edit out the
extraneous line feed (?) and (sometimes) backslash, and then double-
click the URL in the text clipping window to open it in your browser. 
Faster to do than to describe it.  At this point I usually close the
text clipping window without saving the new clipping, but there may be
occasions to save one.

 - Don

Don V. Zahniser
PowerMail 5.6.1 on Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Newbie Has Questions

2008-03-30 Thread Don Zahniser
On or about 3/30/08, The Perfesser said:

>Greetings, PowerMail People:
>As I gather this is the only means of support for PowerMail, I will
>avail myself to this channel and hopefully get some of the help I need
>assessing this program.  I am presently experimenting with the trial


>  PowerMail
>looks like it may offer the solution I am looking for, but I am having a
>bit of trouble sorting out some its own indiosyncracies.  
>Here are some if the issues/questions I hope to find resolutions/
answers for: 
>1) Exactly what purpose do the default "In Tray" and "Out Tray" serve? 
>When my (IMAP) e-mail account is connected, all the incoming messages
>are displayed under that account's mailbox headers, and nothing show up
>in "In Tray."  I see now that messages I have sent via PowerMail show up
>in the "Out Tray," but there is nothing in the "In Tray"  Is that
>supposed to be configured somehow in preferences to determine what it

Others will have to speak to the quality of experience in PowerMail for
IMAP, but that's where incoming and outgoing mail respectively go in a
POP3 environment, which is how I use PowerMail.

>The remaining questions relate to things I miss from Eudora: 
>3) Will the filters functions in PowerMail apply themselves to OUTgoing
>mail?  In other words, when I hit "send," will a filter automatically
>store that message in a folder I have designated?  (Apple Mail won't do
>that, "Rules" have to be applied manually to the outbox)

My understanding is that you can use filters in this way.  IIRC, there
is a quirk that the filter would not be applied until _after_ the
message is sent.
>4)  I see a reference to "waiting messages" somewhere, but can't quite
>figure out how to place messages in a "queue" like Eudora would do
>(store messages in the outbox until I checked/sent mail).  Likewise,
>this is a major function missing form Apple Mail). 

Check in the PowerMail Manual (Help menu, under 'Manual...'.  There's an
explanation of the options in Section 4.  The preferences for doing this
are in Setup/Mail Schedulings and Locations... under 'Schedulings'.  For
example, leaving all of the options unchecked will result in a mail
queue that is sent manually using the Connection/Send Waiting Messages
menu item.  

>I don't regret for an instant my switch the Mac platform, even after
>nearly 30 years of CP/M, DOS, and Windows.  But I would sure like to be
>able to do everything on the Mac that I could do in Windows, and these e-
>mail issues central to raising my comfort level.
You might want to check out:


Many of the POP3 clients mentioned also have IMAP support.


 - Don

Re: Newbie Has Questions (2)

2008-03-31 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi again, Paul!

On or about 3/31/08, The Perfesser said:

>This is a message I tried to send last night that bounced back,  
>apparently because I had attempted to include some HTML (which, I  
>think, was in the INcoming message).  Anyway, here it is again:

In the header to this message, it indicates that you are using Apple
Mail.  I would guess that under Preferences, Composing, the message
format is set to 'Rich Text', and that Apple Mail 'intelligently' did
something in response to the URL that made your outgoing message into HTML.

>I have deleted the HTML reference here, since I think that's what  
>caused the original message to bounce back.  It was a link to a page  
>at  But the link appeared fragmented, on two lines,  
>about which I wrote:

Did you try that URL in Apple Mail, or in PowerMail?  In the note that I
received back from the list, the URL worked fine to open the link in my
browser.  Only the first line was highlighted, but the full URL worked. 

N.B. - PowerMail requires either a double-click or command-click to open
a URL.

About the manual - Both the manual available from the Help menu and the
online version of the manual say that they were last modified in 2004. 
There have been changes to PowerMail since then; From what I have
recently read, the manual is correct in the information conveyed, but is
missing a number of details.

 - Don

Don V. Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 768MB RAM, 400MHz, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Review of Power Mail

2008-06-12 Thread Don Zahniser

On Jun 12, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Tim Hodgson wrote:

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:32 pm -0400, Bill Lane wrote:

Sorry to say, I also switched from PowerMail to Thunderbird last  

I don't think I've come across a mailing list before where so many of
its members are no longer using the app under discussion. Should  
CTM be

disheartened by the loss of users or encouraged by their lingering
interest? :-)

Right now I am using Apple Mail in preference to PowerMail, but I do  
keep the latter installed.  The main thing that drove me out of  
PowerMail was the inflexible (to me) message access options.  I like  
to keep an empty Inbox, and also like to have my messages filed in  
ways that make sense to me.  It is also very important to me to be  
able to flag messages as needing action.  I _don't_ want to have to  
constantly refile messages in and out of a 'todo' mailbox.  Apple  
Mail's Flag function with a smart folder serves me admirably.  With  
PowerMail, I can label messages and then Search them, but it is  
clunky, awkward and too many steps.  If I could save 'Search'  
criteria for instant access (instead of having to re-input), or if  
the Search function were scriptable, allowing me to save searches as  
Applescripts, I would probably go right back to PowerMail.

I did try Thunderbird, and found that (at least on my hardware) the  
interface felt unfinished and inconsistent (e.g. - why should I have  
to double-click a 'reveal triangle' when the folder is highlighted,  
but only single-click when it is not?). I was also very frustrated by  
the lack of Services.

I don't care about the idea of PowerMail's interface being 'old- 
fashioned', if I understood the criticism correctly.  I moved to  
PowerMail from Claris Emailer (which my wife still uses on her Quadra  
650), and still like the way it is laid out.

At worst, we'll continue to use PowerMail here, when I manage to drag  
Lady Technophobe kicking and screaming from System 7 to OS X. Her  
video card appears to be giving out, and I have a nice G3 iMac  
waiting for her.  :^)

 - Don

Don Zahniser
PowerBook G3 (Pismo), 768 MB RAM, OS X 10.4.11

Thoughts at random - V6.0 public beta

2008-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, All - 

First, I am coming at this from a different direction.  I stopped using
PowerMail about 6 months ago in favor of Apple Mail, thinking that I
would 'turn over' my PowerMail license to my wife, who is still using
Claris Emailer on a Quadra 650 under System 7.6.1 (but is getting more
and more HTML stuff, which is getting problematic).  I have an iMac all
set up for her to use PowerMail under Mac OS X, but she is in no hurry
to make the switch.  So, when the public beta became available, I bought
an upgrade license.  I am basically 'starting over' while waiting for
Lady Technophobe (her self-appointed title) to decide to make the
change, so am looking at the new version from perhaps a different
perspective than some list members might have.

I am using a PowerBook G3 (Pismo) with Mac OS X 10.4.11, completely updated.

So, here go some of my observations:

I started out with a new user identity, and imported my database from
Apple Mail.  There were a few minor glitches:

a) I have a folder in Mail named 'Mailing Lists' with some messages in
it, but also some subfolders containing messages.  The import created
'Mailing Lists' with the messages, plus a folder 'Mailing Lists 2'
containing no messages, but containing the subfolders.  

b) My 'Drafts' folder in Mail is empty, but the imported 'Drafts' folder
(s) contained (partial or previously saved) versions of messages that I
had already sent. 

c) I had a 'Duplicate Messages' folder as a result of using Mail Scripts
with Apple Mail.  In Mail, the folder is empty.  The imported folder
contained numerous messages.  

Unfortunately, I cleaned all this up before thinking to check more
thoroughly, but I suppose I could start with a new user environment to
see if it is repeatable.

d) I was viewing a message in HTML format, and tried clicking on a link
in the message when the cursor changed to a hand.  Nothing happened
except that the link changed color in response to my click (as if the
click was accepted).  I tried Command-clicking, and also trying to use
the contextual menu.  No functional response.  I was able to open the
link by switching to plain text view, but some HTML mails don't have a
'functionally equivalent' plain text part.  I know I can open the
message in a web browser and go from there, but it is really, REALLY
counterintuitive to display a non-functioning link cursor and/or show a
non-functional contextual menu.  This sort of issue is a deal-breaker
for my wife.

e) Printing HTML mail is _badly_ broken.  In the 3-pane view, If I
highlight the message in the list and choose 'Print...', I am shown the
print dialog.  Looking at the Preview, only the subject would print.  If
I click on the message preview portion of the window, or open a message
pane window and choose 'Print...', the message is printed immediately,
with no intermediate print setup dialog, and there are no headers
printed.  While the latter is bad enough (and a long-standing issue on
this list), direct printing from the File/Print.. menu without an
intermediate dialog is just plain WRONG.   

f) We _still_ have the issue of saved drafts with no visible indication
in the folder list pane display that there is an unsent draft in the Out Tray.

g) I also see the attachment highlighting issue that Ben noted in his
message.  Click on one attachment name, it is highlighted.  Click on a
second adjacent name, the first remains highlighted.  Click on a third,
and after a second or two, the previous two names are un-highlighted. 
Does not happen when Finder-like lists are used.

h) I appreciate the ability to view a thread.  Implemented more like a
search than a change in the view as in other clients I've tried.

i) The Finder-like lists are a nice addition, but so far as I can see,
purely cosmetic.  There are other functional issues to address...

j) I like to queue all messages before sending, then initiate sending
manually.  Adding this command to the Dock menu is a small, but good,
functional improvement.

k) It has always bugged me that the Window menu doesn't indicate when
one of the setup menu windows is open, or if one of the windows
selectable in the Windows menu is open.  I may have missed it before,
but I just noticed that all open windows are listed in the Dock menu,
and the frontmost window is checked.  I have really missed this
functionality, and if it is new, appreciate the addition, but why is
this information not shown in the Window menu?

Well, that's a starter list.  As I find more, or verify others'
observations, I'll try to chime in.

 - Don

Re: Thoughts at random - V6.0 public beta

2008-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser

>d) I was viewing a message in HTML format, and tried clicking on a link
>in the message when the cursor changed to a hand.  Nothing happened
>except that the link changed color in response to my click (as if the
>click was accepted).  I tried Command-clicking, and also trying to use
>the contextual menu.  No functional response.  I was able to open the
>link by switching to plain text view, but some HTML mails don't have a
>'functionally equivalent' plain text part.  I know I can open the
>message in a web browser and go from there, but it is really, REALLY
>counterintuitive to display a non-functioning link cursor and/or show a
>non-functional contextual menu.  This sort of issue is a deal-breaker
>for my wife.

Hmmm... I turned the HTML reader off and tried clicking on some links in
messages after displaying the HTML through the menu at the bottom of the
frame, and suddenly I was able to get links to open in my default
browser.  I turned the HTML browser back on, and it continued to work.  

The contextual menu that appears when I control-click on a link
continues to be non-functional, however.

 - Don

Hint for viewing images safely in HTML Mail

2009-04-07 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, all - 

I tried this hint:

and it seems to work nicely with PowerMail.

 - Don

Applescript Archive gone?

2009-04-27 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, all - 

I was trying to find the archive of PowerMail AppleScripts, and was
unable to locate it.  In one Google search, I did find a link to a page
that had a link to a .Mac page that is now defunct.  I couldn't find any
link on the CTM website for AppleScripts, and the information in the
online manual is only passing references in the filtering and spam sections.

Is AppleScript no longer of interest to CTM?

I don't really have any specific goal in mind - I had made a couple of
rudimentary scripts to assign specific labels, and was looking for
examples other than those provided with the program.  Just looking to learn...

What I am really hoping is that there will be some way eventually to
'save' or the criteria for a 'Find'.  Unfortunately, I can't see
anything in the dictionary for PowerMail that looks promising.

 - Don

Re: Back

2009-05-12 Thread Don Zahniser
On 5/12/09, Mirko Kranenburg wrote:

>Working in this client feels like home, like no other! And I tried Mail,
>Mailsmith, Gyaz, Postbox, you name it!

...been there!
>Now: I dug up this mailinglist from my archives, as the ctm website does
>not list it anymore. (Nor does it list the AppleScript, shame on them!)

I raised the AppleScript issue on the list a week or two ago.

>Is this list still active?

Yes, but there hasn't been a lot of traffic lately.

 - Don

Re: Registration Code

2009-05-19 Thread Don Zahniser
On 5/19/09, wrote:

>I left on a trip after transferring my database to an old PowerBook.
>However, the PowerBook has PowerMail 5 installed, and the database is from
>PowerMail 6. I do not have the Registration Code for my copy of PM 6. How
>do I get my PM6 code? The address returns a mailer
>error that says it is not valid.
You can try submitting a request using the form on this page:


 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: growl integration

2009-05-31 Thread Don Zahniser
On 5/30/09, Alan Harper wrote:

>When I turn Growl off in Powermail's preferences I get lots of annoying
>notifications every time new mail arrives. When I turn Growl on, I get
>NO notifications.
>For testing purposes, I set Growl preferences for PowerMail to
>Notification: New Mail
>Display Style: Default
>Stay on Screen: Always
>Priority: Normal
>Play Sound: Tink
>And in PowerMail Preferences I have
>New Mail notification: Display Alert
>Alerts: Use Growl
>If change PowerMail Preferences to "Alerts: Display in front of other
>applications" I get the annoying PowerMail alerts.
>Is there something I am doing wrong? Does PowerMail play well with Growl?
Yes, it does.

I had Growl deactivated to save a bit of RAM, but I just tried it out
again.  I initially didn't get it to work, but when I quit PowerMail and
restarted it, the Growl notifications worked.

I get two types of Growl new mail notifications:  If only one message is
new, the notification shows the address of the sender.  If multiple new
messages have arrived, the notification shows how many have arrived.

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Powermail on OS X 10.6? - G3 Alert

2009-08-29 Thread Don Zahniser
On 8/29/09, PowerMail Engineering wrote:

>PowerMail 6.0.3b1 is now available (from the menu "PowerMail / Check for
>Updates"), and fixes the Quick Look bug on Snow Leopard.
>Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Just to save a bit of problems for G3 users -

When I downloaded and installed 6.03b1, it immediately crashed on my
PowerBook G3 (Pismo).  I restored the application from a previous
download, and am back in business.

Here's the crash log:

Host Name:  Pismo
Date/Time:  2009-08-29 07:13:14.328 -0400
OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Report Version: 4

Command: PowerMail
Parent:  WindowServer [137]

Version: PowerMail version 6.0.3b1 build 4604 (6.0.3b1)

Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

incompatible cpu-subtype

Re: Current Version?

2009-09-04 Thread Don Zahniser
On 9/4/09, A Sanna wrote:

>What's the current version of PM?  I had 6.0.3b1 on my computer, and the
>PM updater replaced it with 6.0.2.  On their home page, if you click
>"download" in " PowerMail 6.0.3b1 - Snow Leopard compatible - download ·
>upgrade · buy", it sends you 6.0.2 from last March.

Version 6.0.3 appeared in the auto update check for me this morning.
The 'about' dialog shows version 6.0.3 build 4609.  I had not
(successfully) updated to 6.0.3b1 because it crashed on my PowerBook G3
Pismo, so I was running 6.0.2.

Thanks to the crew at CTM for including compatibility with G3s in this build.

 - Don

Re: 6.0.3 & PPC...?

2009-09-12 Thread Don Zahniser
On 9/12/09, Fabian Ramirez wrote:

>PM 6.0.3 won't launch on my G5, but 6.0.3b1 works fine...
>Anyone else having any problems?

v6.0.3 is running fine on my lowly G3 Pismo

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Clearing Remembered Recipients equals beachball

2009-09-20 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, all - 

In PowerMail 6.0.3, when I try to clear Remembered Recipients, I get a
spinning beachball that doesn't seem to want to go away.  The first time
this happened to me (on September 15), I waited several minutes, then
force quit PowerMail.  Upon restart, I got a database error which was
resolved by doing some of the repair routines when starting up. 

Today, I noticed that the Remembered Recipients had not, in fact, been
cleared when this happened.  I tried again to clear them, and again got
the spinning beachball.  Not wanting to get a repeat of the previous
error, I tried a different approach.  Turns out, while the beachball was
spinning, PowerMail was still responsive (to some extent).  I turned off
the option to remember recipients and did a Command-S while in the
preferences dialog and closed it.  I was not able to Quit PowerMail, so
was again down the path of Force Quit.  On startup, this time I got no

Not really sure I need PM to remember recipients anyway, but there
appears to be a bug I thought I should report.  Looking at the
various .old databases in my user's folder, it appears that the Setup
Database may have been the one affected, as it decreased in size by
about 32K between September 15 and this morning.  Assuming, of course,
that the remembered recipients data was purged after I unchecked the
preference and restarted PowerMail.

All this because I had a typo in my wife's email address one day that I
kept repeating, resulting in the occasional 'Did you get my email?' 
'No' ... conversation.

System info in signature...

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

AppleScripting in PowerMail

2009-10-17 Thread Don Zahniser
Hi, All - 

I haven't seen much about writing scripts for PowerMail lately, and last
time I checked the script page was missing from CTM's web site (I did
write to CTM about it).  I admittedly have a great deal of difficulty
wrapping my mind around AppleScript, but I have hacked out a few simple
and easy scripts to help my usage.  Thought I would share:

Set Label to 

I have a series of these, to set and remove labels from selected
messages.  Labels have an internal numerical ID within PowerMail, with 0
being 'none' and the label IDs corresponding to the Command-key numbers
as set in Preferences.  I assign the file name for the script to
correspond to how I have the labels set up.  In the following example, I
have the third label set to 'Waiting', and the file name is "Set Label
to 'Waiting'".

tell application "PowerMail"
set theMessages to the current messages
repeat with theMsg in theMessages
set label of theMsg to 3
end repeat
end tell

Purge Spam Immediately

The following script purges all messages from the Spam folder
immediately, without moving them to the Trash first.  

tell application "PowerMail"
set fldr to spam container
set alertText to "Do you want to delete all spam messages IMMEDIATELY?"
set answer to display dialog alertText buttons {"No", "Delete"} default
button "Delete"
if button returned of answer is "Delete" then
delete messages of fldr
end if
end tell

ClamXav PowerMail Check

Over at the ClamXAV Forum site:


...there is a 'sticky' discussion thread for checking email as it
arrives, with some setup instructions and script examples.  I was never
able to get a script working reliably in Mail under Tiger, but took some
time to edit the script for use with PowerMail.  My post with the script
listing and application notes is on the 6th page into the thread. 
Please note that I only adapted an existing script so that it would run
in PowerMail, and take no credit for the rest of the functionality.

As I indicated in my post, it is easy to set up ClamXav Sentry to scan
the Attachments folder for PowerMail and get protection in that way. 
However, scanning the mail as it arrives seems to have very little
performance impact (less than Sentry) and has the advantage of scanning
for phishing schemes as well.  

There are several options commented in the script for customizing the
'results' of the script to fit a particular user's needs.

Now if I could only find a way to script the PowerMail 'Find' operation
to get an analog of the functionality of 'Smart Folders'...

Anybody else have scripts to share?

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: AppleScripting in PowerMail

2009-10-17 Thread Don Zahniser
On 10/17/09, CTM info wrote:

>Sorry if I may have missed your message regarding scripts. 

You may not have missed anything.  

I looked back into my messages sent to CTM, and the only thing that I
found relating to website information being missing was an error 404
when trying to access the FAQ from the PowerMail menu, but that has been

Maybe I sent it telepathically...

>FYI, we have
>left our former website up and running for cases such as this one, where
>information had not been migrated over. Check out:
>for a list of scripts, and some of which can be used as starting points
>for other ideas.

Thanks!  I had been trying to find that page to look for syntax examples
in the scripts.
>jean michel/ctm qa
>On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 11:59:50 -0400, Don Zahniser
> wrote:
>>Hi, All - 
>>I haven't seen much about writing scripts for PowerMail lately, and last
>>time I checked the script page was missing from CTM's web site (I did
>>write to CTM about it).  I admittedly have a great deal of difficulty
>>wrapping my mind around AppleScript, but I have hacked out a few simple
>>and easy scripts to help my usage.  Thought I would share:
>>Set Label to 
>>I have a series of these, to set and remove labels from selected
>>messages.  Labels have an internal numerical ID within PowerMail, with 0
>>being 'none' and the label IDs corresponding to the Command-key numbers
>>as set in Preferences.  I assign the file name for the script to
>>correspond to how I have the labels set up.  In the following example, I
>>have the third label set to 'Waiting', and the file name is "Set Label
>>to 'Waiting'".
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>  set theMessages to the current messages
>>  repeat with theMsg in theMessages
>>  set label of theMsg to 3
>>  end repeat
>>end tell
>>Purge Spam Immediately
>>The following script purges all messages from the Spam folder
>>immediately, without moving them to the Trash first.  
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>  set fldr to spam container
>>  set alertText to "Do you want to delete all spam messages IMMEDIATELY?"
>>  set answer to display dialog alertText buttons {"No", "Delete"} default
>>button "Delete"
>>  if button returned of answer is "Delete" then
>>  delete messages of fldr
>>  end if
>>end tell
>>ClamXav PowerMail Check
>>Over at the ClamXAV Forum site:
>>...there is a 'sticky' discussion thread for checking email as it
>>arrives, with some setup instructions and script examples.  I was never
>>able to get a script working reliably in Mail under Tiger, but took some
>>time to edit the script for use with PowerMail.  My post with the script
>>listing and application notes is on the 6th page into the thread. 
>>Please note that I only adapted an existing script so that it would run
>>in PowerMail, and take no credit for the rest of the functionality.
>>As I indicated in my post, it is easy to set up ClamXav Sentry to scan
>>the Attachments folder for PowerMail and get protection in that way. 
>>However, scanning the mail as it arrives seems to have very little
>>performance impact (less than Sentry) and has the advantage of scanning
>>for phishing schemes as well.  
>>There are several options commented in the script for customizing the
>>'results' of the script to fit a particular user's needs.
>>Now if I could only find a way to script the PowerMail 'Find' operation
>>to get an analog of the functionality of 'Smart Folders'...
>>Anybody else have scripts to share?
>> - Don
>>Don Zahniser
>>Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Sent Mail Folder Issue

2009-11-03 Thread Don Zahniser
On 11/3/09, wrote:

>After upgrading to the latest Powermail version, all my Sent emails are
>stuck in the 'Out Tray' (until I move them to 'Sent').
>How do I change my settings so that I ensure that all Sent Mail goes to
>the 'Sent' Folder.

Open PowerMail's Preferences.  In the 'General' panel, the second item
under 'Upon sending a message' should be checked, and your Sent folder
should be selected.

 - Don

Re: 6.0.4!!

2010-03-30 Thread Don Zahniser
On 3/30/10, m. osti wrote:

>funny to know about new version on macupdate instead of here ;)

I saw it on MacUpdate first, but immediately updated.  I've not noticed
any difference (not expecting to, since most of the changes are 'under
the hood' and for newer systems than I have).

I must say it is really good to have continued support for the older
hardware, as the speed of PowerMail's interface really shines on my
Pismo compared to other software.

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: 6.0.4!!

2010-04-07 Thread Don Zahniser
On 4/5/10, Tobias Jung wrote:

>in case my previous two messages will ever arrive on the list:

They arrived in my inbox together this morning (April 7, 2010).
>> I just tried to install PM 6.0.4 and now, I've got a serious problem...
>For now, I solved this problem using a, as we say here in Germany,
>"Holzhammer Methode" (I think "brute force method" might be an
>appropriate translation):
>Instead of trying to find out which file permissions have to be set in
>which way, I ran a recursive "chmod 777" on my "PowerMail Files" folder.
>PowerMail 6.0.4 is running now.
>Still, id'd be interesting to know what exactly went wrong. So if anyone
>has an idea...

Sorry, I don't have any explanation for how or why your PowerMail Files
folder might have gotten altered permissions. 

Under Tiger, I have occasionally had problems when updating
applications, with a message about insufficient permissions.  This was
not simply an issue of User vs Admin privileges, but of the system not
permitting me to drag a new application version into the Applications
folder to replace an old version of the same application, even when
authenticating with an admin password.  I have always been able to work
around the problem by dragging the old version of the application to the
Trash, then installing the new version.  Doesn't sound like a related
problem, but I thought I would mention it, since you mentioned problems
with the application, as well.

 - Don

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2835 - 03/30/10

2010-04-09 Thread Don Zahniser
On 4/9/10, Powermail wrote:

>Am 08.04.10 16:27, schrieb PowerMail Engineering:
>> Ulrik Larsen wrote:
>>> Running PM 6.0.4 on PowerMac G5 2x 1.8 Ghz...  and this update sucks out
>>> the processor bigtime! Slowing the whole system down, even freezing
>>> whole Mac OSX 10.4.11 totally, so reboot was needed..  (application
>>> hang)..  whats up?
>> Does rebooting fixed the problem?
>> If this occurs again, please open Applications/Utilities/Activity
>> Monitor, select PowerMail in the process list, then click the "sample
>> process" button. Save the sample in a file and send it to us.
>Is 6.04 actually supporting Tiger (10.4.11)?
>It might be necessary to update to Leopard.

I'm using 6.0.4 on my G3 Pismo under 10.4.11 with no significant
performance problems.

 - Don

Re: [to be tested] PowerMail 6.0.5b1

2010-05-20 Thread Don Zahniser
On 5/19/10, CTM info wrote:

>Please discuss your findings regarding the points above with us directly
>or on the list, as appropriate. Thanks.

Maybe it is my imagination, but in a first impression, everything (GUI,
AppleScript, etc.) seems to be even more responsive than the current
released version on my PPC system.  I have noticed no new issues. 

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Deleting Attachments

2010-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser
On 11/22/10, A Sanna wrote:

>Is there a way to delete a message's attachments when deleting the
>message itself?   My Downloads folder seems to get clogged with junk GIF's.

If I understand correctly, PowerMail is supposed to delete attachments
when the message is deleted.  
What I think happens in practice, is that the attachment is deleted when
PowerMail's Mail Trash is emptied.

So, look in the Attachments folder, delete all Spam messages, empty
PowerMail's Mail Trash, and for good measure quit PowerMail, then check
the Attachments folder again.

 - Don

Re: Deleting Attachments

2010-11-22 Thread Don Zahniser
On 11/22/10, Mirko Kranenburg wrote:

>What about exporting as PowerMail Exchange including attachments, the
>deleting the whole lot and importing again?
>It is a bit a roundabout way, and it will take a lot of time for a large
>archive, but it should work, or am I wrong?

I have a relatively small PowerMail message database (<170 MB) and less
than 500 files in my Attachments folder.  Unfortunately, many of the
attachment files are duplicates from when I took a couple of excursions
into other email programs, and re-imported messages that weren't
recognized as duplicates by PowerMail.  I figured I would try exporting
the database, then importing into a new environment.  I gave up
exporting after it sat for an hour showing 25 minutes left, with the CPU
on my Pismo maxed out, and the fan running (The first time EVER the fan
on my Pismo kicked in!).  The Dock icon, when clicked, said "Application
not responding".  I gave up, force quit PowerMail, and tried again, with
the same results.

Looks like I'll clean out the attachments manually...

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Database problems

2010-11-23 Thread Don Zahniser
After my spinning beachball adventures trying to export my PowerMail
database to PowerMail exchange format, I thought I would try to do some
maintenance on the database.  I restarted PowerMail and checked all of
the items in the first category.  Everything seemed to work except the
low-level rebuild.  I got a series of errors, one for each database
component that needed rebuilding.  In each case, the error codes were
the same:

Class-DB what=100 err=130

Translation, please?

Could this be related to my seeming inability to export to PowerMail
Exchange format?

Any further assistance would be welcome!

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11;
PowerMail 6.0.5

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b1 for testing

2010-12-07 Thread Don Zahniser
I did a low-level rebuild after installing the update.  No apparent problem.

 - Don
On 12/6/10, CTM info wrote:

>We are pleased to announce the release of PowerMail 6.0.6b1, available from:
> <>
>This version:
>- fixes the systematic bug when attempting a low-level rebuild in 6.0.5
>- includes the latest SpamSieve on the disk images
>If you've experienced an issue with low-level rebuilding recently,
>please report back your findings to the list or in direct e-mail (under
>the Help menu).

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b1 for testing

2010-12-08 Thread Don Zahniser
I think I am seeing a new issue since starting to run this build:

When viewing a message in its own window (the clone of the Claris
Emailer message window), if I choose a folder from the pick list to file
the message, the immediate rectangle around the selected folder in the
pick list remains visible superimposed on the message window after the
folder is chosen and the pick list otherwise disappears. 

This appears to be a visual/drawing artifact, as the message is properly
filed in the selected folder.  It may have been present in previous
versions, but I just noticed it with this one.

Question:  Is there any concern about running PowerMail 6.0.5 after
running PM 6.0.6b1?


I was going through my messages, deleting some old ones (mostly to get
rid of attachments).  I used the 'View only' control to see messages
relating to a single subject, which produced a list of three messages. 
When I tried to select the three messages (click first, shift-click the
last), I got a database error, followed by 100% CPU usage and PowerMail
became completely unresponsive.  I force-quit PM, then tried to
duplicate the error, but was able to complete the action of selecting
then deleting the messages with no problems.  

Sorry I didn't capture the specific message that accompanied the
database error...

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b2 for testing

2010-12-12 Thread Don Zahniser
On 12/10/10, PowerMail Engineering wrote:

>A new beta of PowerMail 6.0.6 is available, and fixes some newly
>introduced bugs that were reported on this list.

Thanks for the update!  The visual artifact from the filing pick list no
longer happens when I am filing messages - at least on the half dozen or
so that I tried.
>It is currently only available from the built-in version checking, from
>the PowerMail menu.

A minor issue:  When I used 'Check for Updates' from the menu, I clicked
on the 'download' link in the resulting pane.  I am using iCab, and for
some reason iCab tried to load the .tbz file into a window.  When I used
the link to get to the release notes, and clicked on the link on that
page, the same thing happened.  I was able to download the file from the
release notes page by selecting 'Download Link' from iCab's contextual
menu when control-clicking the link.  

I then decided to update within PowerMail instead of using the
downloaded file, and that process worked fine.

Any hope of getting the exporting of an entire database to PowerMail
Exchange format fixed, or is that beyond the scope of this pending update?


 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

Re: Do Text Signatures work?

2012-03-29 Thread Don Zahniser
On 3/28/12, Winston Weinmann wrote:

>The buttons you show in that screen shot are not on my Text Signatures
>window. I only have the normal round close (red), hide (yellow) and size
>(green) buttons at the top of the window.
>Bug in the PowerPC version of PowerMail?

I'm running PowerMail 6.1 on an iBook G4 under OS X 10.5.8, and the dialog 
works fine.  I can also boot this machine into OS X 10.4.11. I just checked the 
later suggestion from CTM regarding the oval show/hide toolbar button, and it 
toggles the toolbar, hiding the '+' button in my installation, so I hope that 
this is the solution to your difficulty.

 - Don

Re: AppleScript archive

2012-07-02 Thread Don Zahniser

> I'm trying to find the script archive. I think that it was here 
> <>. But that page is now closed. 
> Does anyone know if the archive still exists and where I can find it? Right 
> noew I'm looking for the delete aged messages script but it would be good to 
> have the resource available to us POP fans.

Try this:

Don Zahniser

Re: PowerMail 6.2b1, now with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks support !

2013-07-29 Thread Don Zahniser
Sorry to take so long to reply!

PowerMail 6.2b1 appears to be working just fine on my iBook G4 running Mac OS X 

On 7/22/13, CTM info wrote:

>Greetings from the sweltering Swiss summer,
>Please be advised that a new version of PowerMail, 6.2b1, is now
>available for download and testing from:
>The main feature brought in by this new release is a complete rewrite of
>our networking code to do away with OpenTransport, which as some of you
>know will bed ropped by Apple in Mac OS X 10.9.
>In order to support a single release across multiple versions of the OS,
>we've tried to make sure that the new implementation is backwards-
>compatible at least to OS X 10.5, if not earlier.
>So regardless of the OS version you run, please try 6.2b1 and report
>back to this mailing list.
>Kind regards,
>jean michel/ctm qa