
2004-05-15 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe


Is it possible to have threads on PowerMail ? I don't find that  ...


  Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgium mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: jean1dc
 -- -- ? -- --  

Re: Re(2): Threads

2004-05-13 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

Le 13-mai-04, à 20:20, computer artwork by subhash a écrit :

 [listes [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 13.5.2004 um 19:50 

 Well, it shows mail threads exactly the same way it shows newsgroup
 threads -check the image taken by Christian Roth on this very 

 You don't understand: I know about this function, know about threading
 but it is not on my wishlist for PM.

But it's my wish ! ;-)
I'm returning on Mail, and waiting for threads to come back on 

Jean, Belgium


2004-05-10 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe


Is it possible to have threads on PowerMail ? I don't find that  ...


  Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgium mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: jean1dc
 -- -- ? -- --  

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 5 public beta 12 now available

2004-04-19 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

En réponse au mail de DavidG, daté du 19/04/04 à 11:07 :

PowerMail info wrote on Mon 19 Apr 2004 at 09:10 +0200

We are hereby pleased to announce the availability of the PowerMail 5.0b12
public beta release, which can be directly downloaded from:

I have found the demo however that page needs fixing, I'm seeing only
HTML code.
Try to open it in Safari. I havec also the code in Mozilla

  Jean de Crombrugghe
A vendre iBook G4 14, 1Ghz, DD60 Go, 256 Mb acheté décembre 03
Belgium mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: jean1dc
 -- -- ? -- --

Re(2): multi comptes

2003-11-10 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

En réponse au mail de Tim Lapin, daté du 10/11/2003 à 20:13 :

On   Mon, Nov 10, 2003  at  1:54 PM,   John Snippe   sent forth:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003,  it is attributed to Richard Davis to have said:

When I reply to an email the default is to reply with the account
information from the account the message was addressed to.

Really?  I seem to have missed that option.   Where do I find it?

Check the following:

In Mail Schedulings and Locations (under Setup menu) look at the
Locations tab of your chosen schedule.  Make sure the following is
Also use this account when replying

There might be other modifiers to watch but I think you'll find that the
above is the most likely source of your problem.

Great ! I haven't see that option ;-)
Thanks a lot Tim,

Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgiummailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM: jean1dc
-- -- ? -- --
Trouvons au moins un point positif dans l'autre personne et construisons
à partir de là.(M. Theresa)

multi comptes

2003-11-10 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

Hi, I have 2 comptes (for 2 differents addreses) in powermail.
I'ld like that the reponses for [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes out with, and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] goes out with

How can I do that ?
Thanks (and sorry for my poor English ;-) )

Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgiummailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM: jean1dc

Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

On 8/24/03 10:17 PM Marlyse Comte wrote:

still doesn't work - meaning what exactly? getting no results? no search
window opening? which type of search exactly are you trying to achieve?
do you have a folder or a single message selected before beginning a search?


original message(s) follows
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I thank all of you who are trying to help!



I have exatly the same problem with the last version.
In the menu 'research in messages', in the submenu with ' subject, from,
to, etc.', when you select one of the 6 firts , the research'll fail.
If I don't make a selection in theze 6th first, it'll be right ...

Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgiummailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM: jean1dc
--- ? ---
Ce que j'exècre le plus, c'est la suffisance, qu'elle soit
intellectuelle, temporelle, morale ou religieuse.
Elle tend à imposer, à mépriser, et ne permet pas de se remettre en
question ...