Re: PowerMail Doesn't Start TCP Connection Automatically Any More

2005-03-13 Thread Rein Ciarfella

By the way:
Wouldn't you like to update to Mac OS X at long last? These problems
could be the opportunity. You will be surprised how fine it works, better
than every other Mac OS ever in many many aspects. No more restarts.
After 3 days you are used to the changes.
Or do you have special needs or hardware so that you have to use the old
OS with its bad RAM management?

I don't care to get into a discussion about the relative merits of OS X
versus previous Mac OS's.  Let's just say my sig says it all.  :)  I'd
prefer constructive help about the OS I *am* using and the version of
this app most people here seem to have had some experience with prior to
the current version.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1

Re: PowerMail/Epson conflict (RESOLVED!) :)

2005-03-10 Thread Rein Ciarfella


you have a port problem.
The OS thinks the modem is connected to this port.
How do you connect to the internet?
Check your settings under Schedules.
Check your connection settings.

You're correct!  See below...


I reported a problem between PowerMail, Mac OS 9.1, and my Epson Stylus
740 to PowerMail Engineering back in May 2003 when we were still in
4.1.2, and also posted a note to the list about this issue a few months
later.  I _think_ I resolved the issue on my machine by making sure that
Appletalk was not pointing to my Printer/Modem port, even when turned
off.  I don't recall having seen it under Mac OS 8.6 or 9.0.4.

I've solved the problem, as per your help, by going into my AppleTalk
control panel and making one adjustment.  I never did understand what the
deal with AppleTalk was about, probably because I've never set up a
network.  Somewhere along the line since installing OS 9.1 I must have
inadvertently selected the wrong choice.  What I don't understand is why
everything worked fine until now, but now that I'm fully functional with
PowerMail not triggering my printer anymore I'm happy as a clam!  :)

Thanks guys!


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1

Re: Turnaround time for licence? (Changed to Threading query)

2005-03-09 Thread Rein Ciarfella


Threading is not available in PowerMail. The workaround is to sort by
subject. This has come up periodically in the past and I think the end
result is that, it is not going to be a part of PM. I originally wanted
threading and even tried a couple other e-mail clients that do threading
of one sort or another; but PowerMail's other features of particular
views, filtering, etc. drew me back.

I just tried Basheera Khan's suggestion.  I've been manually dragging
(until I figure out how to get a filter to do it automatically - I'll get
into *that* later!) every PM List message into a single folder and I just
opened up that folder in a separate window and clicked on Subject. 
Although it's not true threading, the subjects line up alphabetically and
then chronologically, so you *can* scroll down to see posts on specific
topics.  (Another brilliant reason for my not posting, inappropriately,
with my dating stamp in the Subject line!)  This, to my mind, achieves a
result every bit as useful. I suppose if you've got umpteenzillion posts
in there it might not work, but for now, for me, it's a way to make order
out of chaos.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1


2005-03-09 Thread Rein Ciarfella


this might be a problem of the printer driver or a conflict between the
printer driver and another extension of your system.

Try installing the last version of the printer driver for classic.
Disable all System Extensions and enable them step by step.

I checked a printer forum and couldn't find any problem reports about
Stylus Color 600 and OS 9.x

I have the latest driver for this printer and never had this problem
prior to using PM.  This suggests to me it is PM-related.  In
troubleshooting I forced the Epson driver to the top of the extensions
list to load first but it didn't help.  Actually, I've used this printer
since my OS 7.6.1 days but the previous driver didn't allow this printer
to function when I upgraded to OS 8.1 so I had to retire it until I
discovered they came out with a new driver which enabled the printer in
my subsequent OS 9.1.  Dusted off the old printer, installed the new
driver and was good to go, until now.

I know little about ports, but have a suspicion it may be port-connected.
 Remember - the printer is on, functioning perfectly (but not being used
at the time), I launch PM and the printer immediately gets a signal from
PM and starts printing a garbage page all by itself and requires a
factory reset to function properly once again.  I did not send a print
job to it.  Something in PM is communicating to the printer.  No other
app I have ever used has caused this to occur.

Thanks for your help!

As an additional query, could someone test print a PM email with v4.2.1
just to see what happens?  It occurs to me that using a printer while
doing email may not be a common occurence (I can't recall ever doing it,
myself) and this would be a way to determine if it is, in reality, my
printer driver or the problem exists within the 4.2.1 code.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1

Re: Subject: Re: 05/03/08-(....)

2005-03-09 Thread Rein Ciarfella

can you please post your answers or postings with a normal subject line ?

Yes.  Sorry, folks.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1


2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

A while back I created a filter to auto-redirect all incoming email (IMAP
server) (IMAP 4 protocol) to my previous email address.  This worked very
well until I decided a while ago to stop that action.  Deleting that
filter did nothing and all mail continued to redirect.  I recreated the
filter one more time and tested it before and after I deleted it to see
if that would help, with no change in results.  In an attempt to repair
this I did restart with PM First Aid and reset Prefs but it did not help.
 I realize this may be a fault of the IMAP server at my ISP, but since
the filter was created using PowerMail I thought I should try to address
it within the application first, before contacting my ISP.

I contacted my ISP this morning and he suggested I log onto my online
email server via a browser to access it that way.  As I had not done this
yet it hadn't even occurred to me that rules could be created or modified
there.  As is probably obvious to most other users, I realized I could
delete the filter I had created and I did so, with success.

My question is why I could not delete a rule I had created *with* the
software *from* the software.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1


2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

A very small issue I have is when saving an email and typing something in
the Name cell if I hit the Spacebar the text in the body of the email
(underneath the Save dialogue box) scrolls downward one section for every
time I hit the Spacebar.  I'm sure this is a simple programming oversight
but it would be nice to confirm that I'm not doing something incorrectly
or overlooking some preference.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1


2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

Opening up an old email always results in a Save Changes? dialogue when I
go to close it, even when I have done nothing to the email.  I would
prefer a default that does nothing when I close an email.  If I'm going
to save it I can do that without a prompt.  Better yet would be a
preference to toggle this on and off as desired.  Have I missed something?


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1


2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

A problem has arisen with a conflict between PowerMail and my Epson
Stylus Color 600 printer.  Any time PM is turned on my printer fails to
function properly and I must do a factory reset (only achieved by turning
off my computer, unplugging the serial cord to the printer, resetting,
reconnecting and restarting).  I have duplicated this malfunction in two
ways: printer on first and then launching PM (resulting in the printing
of 1/3 page of garbage) or PM on first and powering up the printer
(resulting in printer power light flashing).  Both cases necessitate a
factory reset of the printer to enable functionality once again.  Any Ideas?


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1

Re: 05/03/08-RC (Barbara)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

If you have any System 9.x you can update to 9.2.2 for free.

Well, I stand corrected, big time!

I'll stick by my guns with the terminology; upgrade=$, update=free.  I'll
also stick by my guns in terms of glitches with systems subsequent to
9.1; they all had problems and 9.1 is pretty much bug free.


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1

Re: Still Love PowerMail but...(Dr. D)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

Dr. D

If something works, is efficient and cheap it does not need to evolve.
Such biological metaphors in computing are tempting but possibly
misleading. There are lots of people out there with a financial interest
in such evolution but we know who they are and can try to resist them
by not giving them out money.

I'm more optimistic than that: free software has made a big difference to
the amount of proprietary gouging software firms can do. If Powermail
gets too annoying I can choose to bite the bullet and spend a couple of
days getting to grips with mutt. Hard core, but then I know I won't get

Dude, you just echoed what I wrote, at the same time!  You are *MY* kind
of person!  The other catchword is grow, as in financial growth,
nation's growth, etc.  Who ever said 'growing' was good?!  How about

I see you're at 4.2.1 Carbon.  Does that mean you're running with
CarbonLib 1.5 or 1.6 on a 9._ system?  If not, and you're on an OS X
machine, are you satisfied enough with 4.2.1 to stick, even though you
could upgrade?


Rein Ciarfella
Cape Cod Sailmakers
Cape Cod Sailing Brokerage
Old Valley Road/POB 3046
Waquoit, MA   02536
(Do not add my email to
any group. Always blind copy)

05/03/08-RC (DON Z)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

Reporting in...
PB1400/133MHz; 64Mb RAM; MacOS 9.0.4; PM 4.2.1 
Don V. Zahniser

Oh, thank God!  Another non-power user!  ;-)

You know you can update to MacOS 9.1 for free, right?  It'll fix some
known problems you may be having.  Email me aside?

How long have you been using v4.2.1?


Rein Ciarfella
Cape Cod Sailmakers
Cape Cod Sailing Brokerage
Old Valley Road/POB 3046
Waquoit, MA   02536
(Do not add my email to
any group. Always blind copy)

05/03/08-RC (ANNA, ET AL)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

Hi, I am also relatively new here. I am using OS X.3.5 with PM 5.1. I
moved to OS X at the end of December, and before that was still using 9.1
with Claris Emailer. It has been quite a project transitioning to a new
OS, but I am happy I did it. So far I am happy with PowerMail.

Yeah; I'm still working out how to transfer Address Book groups out of
AOL.  I've downloaded Claris Emailer and the last updates because I looks
like that's what it will take.  Had to do similar contortions to get tens
of thousands of bookmarks out of AOL and into iCab.

I didn't respond to your question earlier because it looked like a lot of
people were responding with the same answers, and I thought it would be

G4 MDD, 1.25 dual, 1.5G RAM, OS X.3.5

Well, I thank you, just the same!  Thanks also to all those who let me
know what OS and PM version they were using.  It *is* helpful to me to
know what sort of support group I have out there for my (now) outdated
version.  As usual, a *real* manual would have been nice...  ;-)


Rein Ciarfella
Cape Cod Sailmakers
Cape Cod Sailing Brokerage
Old Valley Road/POB 3046
Waquoit, MA   02536
(Do not add my email to
any group. Always blind copy)

05/03/08-RC (CHRIS)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

You can always look at the headers to see which versions people are
using. Lurk a little and they'll show up. 

Duh!  (slap myself up side the head)  I *did* know that, but totally
forgot!  Brilliant, and *done*!  Looks like (for those who could really
give a ) that the predominant version is 5.1 with a handful using the
latest alpha and one (Jerome, of course) using the 5.2 alpha.  There
appears to be perhaps as many still using 4.2.1 as using the alpha, so at
least I'm not totally alone.  :)

Since I've moved on to Jaguar/Panther I've kept a version of PowerMail on
my OS 9 partition just in case. Haven't had the need to use it, so it
recently got deleted and I'm now version 5.1 in Panther.

...and if I were using one of those Cats I'd be right there with ya, dude!

It is courteous to ask if there's an archive before posting questions, as
you did, and as many people have done when getting started with the list
here. From the number of messages people reported saved from the
PowerMail list, you might get some idea of what an archive would look
like/how useful it would be, of course, were it now existing. So from the
4.2 release date it's been, what, less than two years of messages and a
release into version 5. Not much to have missed.

...and I'm always, if not anything else, courteous!  ;-)  (My mom always
told me to be that way; didn't yours?)

I guess all that is to say, Ask away! We don't bite. Really. :)

...and it's a good thing, given the number of inane questions I've got! 
:)  Brace yourself for the barrage!


Rein Ciarfella
Cape Cod Sailmakers
Cape Cod Sailing Brokerage
Old Valley Road/POB 3046
Waquoit, MA   02536
(Do not add my email to
any group. Always blind copy)

05/03/08-RC (Barbara)

2005-03-08 Thread Rein Ciarfella

It took me a long time to decide to upgrade from 4.2, since it really met
my needs.
As far as 9.1, isn't 9.2 a free upgrade?

I don't tend to migrate rapidly either (although I wouldn't mind
migrating annually to the BVI).  ;-) 

When I do migrate, the upgrade has to be a finished release with all the
bugs worked out; I'm not interested in bug testing (that's what I pay my
money for).  No, MacOS 9.2 is not a free upgrade, to my knowledge.  Only
*updates* are (free) and they are labelled as such.  I've never used a
MacOS that was in it's initial stages, so I've gone from 7.1 to 7.6.1 to
8.1 to 9.1, skipping merrily right over all the updates that exhibited
multitudes of problems and caused so many Mac users to pull their hair
out in frustration.  In my opinion Apple has never perfected (as far as
humanly possible) OS X and I have no intention of upgrading until I'm
absolutely forced to for reasons of software requirements.

My wife has 10.3 on her machine and what I've seen of OS X so far (over
the last couple of years) is bells and whistles with no substance.  It
has far less intuitive user control over interface or function, the
primary reasons I've liked the Mac for the last decade.  I stopped
upgrading at 9.1 because the primary motivation for the design of 9.2+
was migration to OS X and there were bugs in it that were never fixed as
Apple pushed OS X out the door.

I'm a tool user.  I perform exhaustive research prior to the purchase of
the best tool I can afford to accomplish a specific task.  I then take
very good care of it and expect it to last until I have no more use for
it.  I reject the concept that I should blindly accept, for reasons of
affluence or boredom or ignorance, every single software and hardware
offering that the whiz kids at Apple (or anywhere else) decide they think
we might want or they can persudes us we somehow can't live without.  If
I decide I want to acquire a tool (read - hardware, software) it's
because I have a genuine requirement for the task that tool will
accomplish, not a desire generated by some sales person or designer whose
raison d'etre is not connected with service to my needs or providing
reasonable product for compensation but instead only the golden pot at
the end of the IT highway.

Harumph!  Have I finished ranting for the day?  Sheesh!  Sorry! ;-)

To take myself down a couple pegs, yes, I was an AOLamer for a decade and
yes, it's the tool (I use that term lightly here) which I utilized to get
me connected to the Internet.  It took years for me to deduce that there
might be a better way.  Hey, we all had to start SOMEWHERE!  :)  Could I
blame this on Apple for including AOL connection software in my Performa
575 package?  Yup!  Hey; all I really wanted was a word processor!  Who
knew the durned thing would connect to the Internet too!  By the way,
anyone want to buy a perfectly good Performa 575?  ;-)


Rein Ciarfella
Cape Cod Sailmakers
Cape Cod Sailing Brokerage
Old Valley Road/POB 3046
Waquoit, MA   02536
(Do not add my email to
any group. Always blind copy)


2005-03-07 Thread Rein Ciarfella

1-My initial question was related to whether there existed a PM List
archive and got transmuted to how many PM *List* saved messages a few
individuals had.  Someone then transmuted that to how many archived PM
messages one had altogether.  Although those are very interesting
statistics to me (and I'm sure others, because it brought up an
interesting point of file capability), I question how useful a PM file
might be to me in troubleshooting and learning PM.  If the experienced
group members think I could actually glean information effectively from
acquiring one of those files (from a helpful member) and performing PM
searches on it then I might be game for that solution.

2-Some individuals have given their input (Thanks!) on their OS, PM
version, etc., but quite a few members have not responded, which makes me
wonder whether they are receiving the List as a digest and how often/when
that goes out (?) or whether my question is just being viewed as coming
from a goofy newbie and not worth wasting time on.

3-So far not one other individual has mentioned that they are still at OS
9.1 or using PowerMail 4.2.1.  I'm getting really lonely here!  ;-)


Rein Ciarfella
OS 9.1 (holdout)
PowerMail 4.2.1