Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Marlyse Comte

hmmm... I think I'll wait with upgrading to the next beta as my current
version works quite well :)

there was a bug at some point that if you hadn't selected a folder or a
message in the browser, the return result was zero. the problem you guys
are having doesn't sound the same though.


-former message(s) quotes:-
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I have exatly the same problem with the last version. 
In the menu 'research in messages', in the submenu with ' subject, from,
to, etc.', when you select one of the 6 firts , the research'll fail.
If I don't make a selection in theze 6th first, it'll be right ...

Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Marlyse Comte

I wonder then, if it is a system related problem? Not heard anybody else
having such problems (so far) as you've rebuild all within PM. You might
check your drive with an utility and/or fix permissions (seems to handle
a lot of problems) next to re-logging and/or rebooting the machine itself.

Did you try creating a new user environment and does it behave just as
badly there? If not, you might want to create a new user environment,
then quit PM, duplicate database and address book and move those manually
into the new user environment folder and relaunch PM. This might work.

Sorry, not much more on ideas here how to handle your problem.


original message(s) follows
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I thank all of you who are trying to help!


Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Jean de Crombrugghe

On 8/24/03 10:17 PM Marlyse Comte wrote:

still doesn't work - meaning what exactly? getting no results? no search
window opening? which type of search exactly are you trying to achieve?
do you have a folder or a single message selected before beginning a search?


original message(s) follows
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I thank all of you who are trying to help!



I have exatly the same problem with the last version.
In the menu 'research in messages', in the submenu with ' subject, from,
to, etc.', when you select one of the 6 firts , the research'll fail.
If I don't make a selection in theze 6th first, it'll be right ...

Jean de Crombrugghe
Belgiummailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM: jean1dc
--- ? ---
Ce que j'exècre le plus, c'est la suffisance, qu'elle soit
intellectuelle, temporelle, morale ou religieuse.
Elle tend à imposer, à mépriser, et ne permet pas de se remettre en
question ...

Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/24/03 10:17 PM Marlyse Comte wrote:

still doesn't work - meaning what exactly? getting no results? no search
window opening? which type of search exactly are you trying to achieve?
do you have a folder or a single message selected before beginning a search?


original message(s) follows
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I thank all of you who are trying to help!
