[ppiindia] Danang, Hapuslah Air Matamu

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik agussyafii
Danang, Hapuslah Air Matamu

By: Agussyafii

Sore itu Danang duduk terdiam. Air matanya membasahi pipi. "Kenapa
menangis Danang?" tanya saya. Danang menjawab bahwa sudah dua hari ini
ia tidak sekolah sebab mesti menjaga ibunya yang sedang sakit. Ibunya
berjualan jamu keliling. Dari jualan jamu itulah untuk menghidupi dan
biaya sekolah Danang dan kakaknya. 

"Danang, hapuslah air matamu. Biar nanti kakak membawa ibumu ke
dokter" kata istri saya. Danang terlihat mengusap air mata yang
dipipi. Wajahnya tersenyum, "Bener kak?" tanya Danang. "Iya, sebentar
lagi kakak ke rumah Danang." Jawab istri saya.

Danang nampak gembira, dia berlari keluar. Air mata yang terhapus
menjadi sebuah kebahagiaannya. Buat kami sekeluarga kebahagiaan Danang
juga kebahagiaan kami. Air mata yang mengalir, juga air mata kami.


"Aku dan pemelihara anak yatim di surga (dekatnya) seperti dua jari
ini (seraya Rasul isyarat dengan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah dengan
posisi merenggang)"

Hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhori, at-Turmudzi dan Abu Daud
di atas sudah cukup jelas memberikan gambaran tentang keutamaan
pemelihara anak yatim (kafil al-yatim). 



Tulisan ini dibuat dalam rangka sosialisasi Program Baksos "Ananda
Anak Sehat" Terima kasih atas berkenannya berpartisipasi maupun
memberikan dukungannya, silahkan kunjungi kami di
http://agussyafii.blogspot.com atau sms 087 8777 12 431

[ppiindia] Asia's Economic Lessons for the U.S. (Richard Elkus)

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Insight November 24, 2008, 8:49AM EST
Asia's Economic Lessons for the U.S.
The U.S.is mortgaging its future by outsourcing
technological inventions in exchange for short-term cash
By Richard Elkus
This year's mortgage meltdown suggests the U.S.standard of living is a house of 
Mortgaging the nation's future is no substitute for a productive globally
competitive society that borrows to invest rather than borrows to consume. The
current economic crisis should be a wake-up call that the U.S.needs to boost 
its productive capacity and
win in global markets—something we've been neglecting for the last 40 years. 
The VCR became one of the most successful
consumer-electronics products the world had ever seen, but the U.S.gave it 
away. Although the VCR was first
introduced by American-owned Ampex in 1970, it was never manufactured in the 
U.S.In the mid-1980s no VCRs at all were built
in the U.S. Japan's dominance in the market built the foundation of its
consumer-electronics industry, contributing significantly to Japan's export 
surplus and the U.S.trade deficit. As the VCR was the largest
user of semiconductor devices of any product of that day, a major part of the 
U.S.semiconductor industry shifted to Japanas well. 
The cell phone is another example. Today
there are in excess of 1 billion cell phones sold annually. There have been
more electronic cameras sold in cell phones in the last 10 years than cameras
sold by Kodak in its first 100 years of existence. But although the first 
cell phone was introduced by American-owned Motorola (MOT)
in 1973, relatively few cell phones are manufactured in the U.S.today. Most of 
the critical components are
manufactured in Asia, including the displays and semiconductor
devices. China, not the U.S., is the largest consumer. Yet the U.S.'s 
consumption of cell phones continues to
contribute to its trade deficit. 
Devastating for
the Future
The U.S.is no longer a significant producer of
VCRs, cell phones, cameras, TV sets, displays, CD and DVD players,
semiconductors, or most other consumer-electronics products. The technological
base that has been lost as a result of exiting these markets is devastating for
the U.S.economy and our future. IBM (IBM),
once the largest manufacturer of personal computers, sold its PC business to 
China's Lenovo. The old-line consumer-electronics
companies like RCA, Zenith, Magnavox, Sylvania, and Polaroid are gone. Even 
Bell Labs has
been sold. Most of the component parts of America's computers are made in Asia. 
Today's hottest innovation,
high-definition TV, is an Asian phenomenon. Americais only the consumer. 
How did these events transpire? America's obsession with short-term profits and
cash flow often occurred at the expense of everything else. 
Outsourcing is necessary when the
technological and manufacturing investment required of these businesses is too
high for any nation, let alone an individual company, to handle on its own. The
question is not whether or not to outsource, but are you outsourcing to advance
your competitive position in the industry or are you really just on your way to
exiting the business altogether? 
Losing a
Technological Base
In the case of the VCR, the TV industry, and
most consumer electronics, U.S.companies chose to exit each business.
Better profits were available elsewhere. But the price paid by the U.S.for this 
choice relative to its industrial
competitiveness is enormous. For the last 40 years the U.S.has reduced its 
productive capacity and its
ability to innovate, all for the sake of short-term profits and cash flow. 
By exiting these businesses, we've lost a
technological base necessary not just for them but also for other businesses
that we're still involved in and value much more. 
For example, the markets that the U.S.has abandoned are critical to image and
information processing, which are fundamental to most other products and
markets in today's Information Age. Thus other major American enterprises,
including automobiles and aircraft, already have been or will soon be
negatively affected. Without giving it a second thought, the U.S.has been 
willing to trade long-term
national competitiveness for short-term cash. If this continues, the present
may be ours, but the future will in the hands of someone else. 
Richard Elkus is the author of WINNER TAKE ALL: Why
Competitiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations(Basic Books, 2008). He
has been chief executive or on the board of directors of over 15 different
high-tech companies during his career, as well as board member of the
University of California President's Board of Science and Innovation, Scripps
Research Institute, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the
Economic Strategy Institute, the American Electronics Assn., and many other
organizations. He lives in Atherton, Calif.
Asian economi

[ppiindia] Re: seorang Kristenn ... , keliru MENAFSIRKAN AQ.

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik Lina Dahlan
Yang dimaksud pintar dalam konteks ini bukan pintar akademis yang punya ijazah 
dari universitas terkenal. Bukan pintar yang material. Bukan IQ. Tapi ESQ. Baca 
deh ESQnya Ary Ginanjar ato ikut pelatihannya. Bagus kok untuk selalu berfikir 
positif. Ato dengerin Mario Teguh...juga bagus.

Ya Nabi Muhammad (saw) gak pernah makan sekolahan.  Tapi secara materi dia 
telah diakui sebagai panglima perang terhebat, pemimpin agama terhebat, 
pemimpin kaum terhebat. Paling gak kata orang2 terkenal tsb atau kata bukunya 
Michael Heart. Adakah Nabi Isa as (Yesus) dikenal sebagai orang yang pintar, 
hafal ini hafal anu? Tidak! Namun saya percaya Isa (as) tetap mulia sebagai 
nabiullah dan kalamullah dan dapat menerima AlQur'an yang mengajarkan keesaan 
Allah, Tuhan yang Nabi Isa (as) sembah juga.

Ya Nabi Muhammad (saw) digambarkan sebagai buta huruf yang tidak bisa menulis 
dan membaca. Lalu bagaimana bisa dikatakan AlQur'an adalah hasil karyanya? 
Meniru dan mencontek Inil? Naudzubillah mindzaalik. Sorry ya, ngarab dikit.

Jadi bukan kontra argumen bhw AlQur'an hanya untuk orang2 pintar. Yang kontra 
adalah argumen soal 'pintar'...:-). Begitulah dunia maya: hanya bermain dengan 
kata. Tapi kita manusia harus bisa menangkap esensi dari setiap kata yang 
terangkai dengan pikiran positif.
Lina Dahlan

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ppiindia@yahoogroups.com; Budi P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Cc: great pretender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 8:22:09 PM
Subject: Re: seorang Kristenn Dungu, keliru MENAFSIRKAN AQ.

Kalau mau nakal ini kontra argumen bahwa Al Quran hanya untuk orang-orang 
pintar, ialah Nabi Muhammad selama hidupnya tidak bisa menghafal 24 huruf Arab 
untuk bisa menulis dan membaca. Orang tidak bisa menghafal 24 huruf adalah  
orang yang pintar? 
- Original Message - 
From: riri cute 
To: ppiindia@yahoogroups.com ; Budi P ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
Cc: great pretender ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:26 PM
Subject: seorang Kristenn Dungu, keliru MENAFSIRKAN AQ.

(Al Qur'an memang cuma untuk orang2 pintar dan menggunakan akal pikirannya)!
Tanggapan dari buku " Kebenaran Yang Terungkap dari Al-Quran"
tanggal : 01/11/2008

 Robert P. Walean (seorang Kristen) dalam bukunya, Kebenaran Yang Terungkap 
dari Al-Quran, halaman 18, menulis: 
Sesungguhnya hanya si Nama Allah yang Rahmaanir Rahiim, yaitu Isa Putera Maryam 
yang rel

[ppiindia] Save the Emerging Markets (Dani Rodrik)

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Save the Emerging Markets
Dani Rodrik
CAMBRIDGE– If the world were fair, most emerging
markets would be watching the financial crisis engulfing the world’s advanced
economies from the sidelines – if not entirely unaffected, not overly concerned
either. For once, what has set financial markets ablaze are not their excesses,
but those of Wall Street.
Emerging markets’ external and fiscal
positions have been stronger than ever, thanks to the hard lessons learned from
their own crisis-prone history. We might even have allowed these countries a
certain measure of schadenfreude in the troubles of the United States
and other rich countries, just as we might expect kids to take perverse delight
from their parents’ getting into the kinds of trouble they so adamantly warn
their children against.
Instead, emerging markets are suffering
financial convulsions of possibly historic proportions. The fear is no longer
that they will be unable to insulate themselves. It is that their economies
could be dragged into much deeper crises than those that will be experienced at
the epicenter of the sub-prime debacle.  
Some of these countries should have known
better and might have protected themselves sooner. There is little excuse for 
Iceland, which essentially turned itself into a
highly leveraged hedge fund. Several other countries in Central and Eastern 
Europe, such as Hungary, Ukraine, and the Baltic states, were also living 
dangerously, with large
current-account deficits and firms and households running up huge debts in 
currency. Argentina, the international financial system’s enfant
terrible , could always be relied on to produce a gimmick to spook
investors – in this case a nationalization of its private pension funds.  
But financial markets have made little distinction
between these countries and others like Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, or 
Indonesia, which until just a few weeks ago appeared
to be models of financial health. 
Consider what has happened to South Koreaand Brazil. Both economies have 
experienced currency
crises within recent memory – South Koreain 1997-1998 and Brazilin 1999 – and 
both subsequently took steps
to increase their financial resilience. They reduced inflation, floated their
currencies, ran external surpluses or small deficits, and, most importantly,
accumulated mountains of foreign reserves (which now comfortably exceed their
short-term external debts). Brazil’s financial good behavior was rewarded as
recently as April of this year when Standard & Poor’s raised its credit
rating to investment-grade. (South Koreahas been investment-grade for years.) 
But both are nonetheless getting hammered in
financial markets. In the last two months, their currencies have lost around a
quarter of their value against the US dollar. Their stock markets have declined
by even more (40% in Braziland one-third in South Korea). None of this can be 
explained by economic
fundamentals. Both countries have experienced strong growth recently. Brazilis 
a commodity exporter, while South Koreais not. South Koreais hugely dependent 
on exports to advanced
countries, Brazilmuch less so.  
They and other emerging-market countries are
victims of a rational flight to safety, exacerbated by an irrational panic. The
public guarantees that rich countries’ governments have extended to their
financial sectors have exposed more clearly the critical line of demarcation
between “safe” and “risky” assets, with emerging markets clearly in the latter
category. Economic fundamentals have fallen by the wayside.  
To make matters even worse, emerging markets
are deprived of the one tool that the advanced countries have employed in order
to stem their own financial panics: domestic fiscal resources or domestic
liquidity. Emerging markets need foreign currency and, therefore, external 
What needs to be done is clear. The
International Monetary Fund and the G7 countries’ central banks must act as
global lenders of last resort and provide ample liquidity – quickly and with
few strings attached – to support emerging markets’ currencies. The scale of
the lending that is required will likely run into hundreds of billions of US
dollars, and exceed anything that the IMF has done to date. But there is no
shortage of resources. If necessary, the IMF can issue special drawing rights
(SDRs) to generate the global liquidity needed. 
Moreover, China, which holds nearly $2 trillion in foreign
reserves, must be part of this rescue mission. The Chinese economy’s dynamism
is highly dependent on exports, which would suffer greatly from a collapse of
emerging markets. In fact, China, with its need for high growth to pay for
social peace, may be the country most at risk from a severe global downturn. 
Naked self-interest should persuade the
advanced countries as well. Collapsing emerging-market currencies, and the
resulting trade pressures, will make it all the more difficult for them to
prevent their unemployment levels from risi

[ppiindia] Indonesia sets an example

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Indonesiasets an example
Nov 19th 2008
>From The World in 2009 print edition 
By Peter Collins, BANGKOK
The largest
Muslim country will stage a remarkable feat of democracy
In 2009 Indonesiawill mount an impressive specta­cle of
popular choice, in which around 174m voters across 14,000 tropical islands will
choose a president and vice-president and 560 parliamentarians. The chances are
good that, as in the previous national elections in 2004, polling will be
mostly peaceful and that the overwhelming majority of successful candidates
will be committed to a pluralistic Indonesiawith freedom of both speech and 
Once again, the world’s most populous Muslim country will demonstrate that
there is nothing incompatible between practising Islam and being democratic. 
This achievement will be all the more
remarkable considering where Indonesiawas just ten years ago: in chaos. After
three decades in power, the authoritarian regime of President Suharto had
collapsed amid rioting and no one knew what might take its place. Could such a
huge, diverse and impoverished archipelago, with hundreds of ethnic groups,
possibly hold together, given the weakness and corruption of its national
Since then the country has consistently
surprised on the upside, even if the pace of reform has been ploddingly slow. 
Indonesia’s shattered finances have been repaired. It
has developed a free press. The army’s hands have been prised from the levers
of power. And, above all, Indonesiahas become a democracy in which the voters
can chuck out their government. Freedom House, an American think-tank, now
rates Indonesiaas the only completely free country in South-East Asia—putting 
its richer neighbours, Malaysia, Singaporeand Thailand, to shame. 
Popular wisdom
The 2004 elections allowed Indonesians, for
the first time, to choose their president directly. The man they selected,
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, a liberal ex-general, was deemed by international
observers to have been the wisest choice from those on offer. Though the
speculation about possible presidential candidates and governing coalitions has
already begun, the parties will wait and see how they do in the legislative
elections in April before entering into serious talks about the presidential
vote (whose first round will be in July with a run-off, if needed, a few months
Even so, it is quite likely that the two
main presidential contenders will be the same as last time: Mr Yudhoyono and
his immediate predecessor, Megawati Sukarnoputri. Mr Yudhoyono’s popularity has
been dented by decisions to cut fuel and electricity subsidies, so as to avert
financial ruin and redirect state spending towards the poorest. Miss Megawati
has been on a meet-the-people comeback tour since early 2008 and has benefited
from discontent over rising living costs. Yet the election is Mr Yudhoyono’s to
A few other candidates will run, probably
including Wiranto, a former army chief indicted by a UN-backed tribunal over
the violence that accompanied the break­away of the former East Timorin 1999. 
Mr Wiranto will argue that an
old-fashioned strongman is what the country needs but it will be surprising if
he does any better than the third place he got in 2004. Golkar, the party that
used to support Suharto, is now led by Vice-President Jusuf Kalla but his
opinion-poll ratings are probably too weak for him to win the presidency. Thus
Golkar may, as in the second round in 2004, offer him for the vice-presidential
slot on Mr Yudhoyono’s ticket.
Whereas the presidential race will feature
some very familiar per­sonalities, the parliamentary contests will also 
fresher faces. In recent elections for provincial governors, voters have
spurned established figures. This has convinced the main parties that they will
need an infusion of new blood to do well in the parliamentary races: Miss
Megawati’s Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) says up to 70% of
its candidates will be newcomers.
At first sight the parliamentary elections
look like a recipe for confusion. There will be something like 12,000
candidates from 38 parties bat­tling for the 560 seats. This is a big increase
on the num­bers in 2004 but the next parliament will in fact be less fragmented
than the current one. This is mainly because a new rule requires parties to get
at least 2.5% of the na­tional vote to win any seats. Of the 17 parties that
won seats in 2004 only eight would have met that test. 
Furthermore, several mid-sized parties, such
as the National Awakening Party of Abdurrahman Wahid (president in 1999-2001),
are riven by splits. So the new parliament will be dominated by Golkar, the
PDI-P and Mr Yudhoyono’s Democrats—all of which are staunchly secularist—plus
the mildly Islamist Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). The PKS, like the smaller
Islamist parties, has found that moderating its calls for sharia and em

[ppiindia] Re: [mediacare] Islamists hunt tanker hijackers

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik mediacare

  - Original Message - 
  From: Holy Uncle 
  To: National ; media care 
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 2:48 PM
  Subject: [mediacare] Islamists hunt tanker hijackers

   Monday » November 24 » 2008 
Islamists hunt tanker hijackers

Crime against Muslim nation, insurgents say

  Abdi Sheikh 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

MOGADISHU - Dozens of Somali Islamist insurgents stormed a port on 
Friday hunting the pirates behind the seizure of a Saudi supertanker that was 
the world's biggest hijack, a local elder said.
Separately, police in the capital Mogadishu said they had ambushed and 
shot dead 17 Islamist militants, in the latest illustration of the chaos in the 
Horn of Africa country that has fuelled a dramatic surge in piracy.
The Sirius Star -- a Saudi vessel with a $100-million-US oil cargo and 
25-man crew from the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Poland and Britain -- 
is believed anchored offshore near Haradheere, about halfway up Somalia's long 
"Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country and hijacking its ship is a bigger 
crime than other ships," Sheikh Abdirahim Isse Adow, an Islamist spokesman, 
told Reuters. "Haradheere is under our control and we shall do something about 
that ship."
Both the U.S. navy and Dubai-based ship operator Vela International 
said they could not confirm a media report the hijackers were demanding a 
$25-million ransom. That would be the biggest demand to date by pirates who 
prey on boats in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean off Somalia.
A pirate identifying himself as Jamii Adam told the Saudi-owned Asharq 
al-Awsat newspaper that negotiations were taking place with the ship's owners, 
saying the ransom demanded was not excessive but declining to give a figure.
He said it had cost the pirates $500,000 to seize the vessel. "We bore 
many costs to hijack it," he said.
Iran's biggest shipping firm said gunmen holding a Hong Kong-flagged 
ship carrying wheat and 25 crew members had set demands for its release, but it 
did not reveal what they were.
An upsurge of attacks this year has forced up shipping insurance costs, 
made some firms go round South Africa instead of via the Suez Canal, brought 
millions in ransom payments, and prompted an international naval response.
Pirates released a commercial vessel with 19 crew on board which had 
been hijacked in September, Andrew Mwangura of the East African Sea-
farers' Association said Friday. Mwangura said the crew were Romanians, 
but Romanian authorities denied this. Interfax news agency said the crew 
included six Georgian citizens.
In Mogadishu, police said they laid in wait and shot dead 17 fighters 
from the militant al-Shabaab insurgent group during an attempted attack on a 
senior official. The Islamists have been fighting the government and its 
Ethiopian allies for about two years. They launch near-daily guerrilla strikes 
in the capital and control most of the south, including a town just 14 
kilometres from Mogadishu.
The elder in Haradheere port told Reuters the Islamists arrived wanting 
to find out immediately about the Sirius Star, which was captured Saturday 
about 450 nautical miles off Kenya in the pirates' furthest strike to date.
"The Islamists arrived searching for the pirates and the whereabouts of 
the Saudi ship," said the elder, who declined to be named. "I saw four cars 
full of Islamists driving in the town from corner to corner. The Islamists say 
they will attack the pirates for hijacking a Muslim ship."




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[ppiindia] Memecah kebekuan komunikasi Iran-AS?

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik Kartono Mohamad
Linda Milazzo 

In an effort to establish peaceful diplomacy with the government and 
people of Iran, and to model for the new Obama administration the 
power of cooperative good will, three highly regarded American peace 
makers have ventured to Iran. CODEPINK cofounders, Jodie Evans and 
Medea Benjamin, along with former Army Colonel and decorated Foreign 
Service Diplomat Ann Wright, are visiting Iran on visas personally 
granted them by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Ahmadinejad 
provided the visas after receiving a personal request from CODEPINK: 
Women For Peace at a September 24th meeting in New York City where 
Ahmadinejad had gone to speak to the United Nations. While in New 
York, Ahmadinejad met with approximately 60 representatives from 
American peace and social justice organizations, where, over the 
course of two hours, he took unfiltered questions from the groups. 
The question from CODEPINK, which travels extensively on missions of 
peace, addressed why the organization's founders were repeatedly 
denied visas to Iran. Ahmadinejad offered to remedy the situation. He 
followed through on Monday when visas to Iran were issued to 
Benjamin, Evans and Wright. Within 48 hours, these intrepid citizen 
diplomats were packed and on their way.I caught up with Evans 
yesterday on her stop-over in Frankfurt and asked her to explain the 
intent of her mission. She replied:
"We're traveling to Iran to strengthen our connections with as many 
groups as possible in the areas of government, culture, education, 
women and, of course, peace. We've come to deepen our work as citizen 
diplomats to model the type of diplomacy we HOPE to see from our new 
With the Bush administration's unrepentant militarism over the past 
eight years, preferring destruction over discussion and war over 
words, and with Bush refusing to meet with his contrived opponents 
unless antagonistic preconditions were met, it's fallen upon citizen 
diplomats to pursue and model the adult diplomacy this nation needs. 
Thus Evans, Benjamin and Wright, who understand that peace is 
achievable, that ALL war is failure, and the salvation of the planet 
is at stake, valiantly took up the task.For the past three years, 
Medea Benjamin, author and internationally recognized human rights 
advocate with Masters Degrees in Economics and Public Health, has 
been denied travel to Iran - even though Global Exchange, the San 
Francisco-based global justice organization she founded with husband, 
Dr. Kevin Danaher, has sent groups to Iran every year. Still, 
Benjamin was never deterred in her efforts to visit Iran or in her 
desire to model the diplomacy needed to promote understanding. With 
the Bush administration soon to exit and the Obama administration 
coming in, Benjamin has new hope for more conciliatory relations 
between the United States and other nations. When I asked Benjamin 
about the purpose of this mission, she wrote the following from Iran:
We hope the Obama administration will begin direct talks with Iran - 
without preconditions. On this visit to Iran, we are modeling the 
policy we would like to see. We're meeting with pro- and anti-
government groups. With religious and secular people. With 
environmentalists, women's groups ? a wide swath of the Iranian 
people. We hope to take their messages back to the US, and find 
creative ways to expand people-to-people ties. Our motto is "Let's 
talk!" which has tremendous resonance among Iranians, who are all 
anxious to promote dialogue and avoid war.
Indeed, CODEPINK's current campaign, directed at President-elect 
Obama, is simply called, "Let's talk!" It's a wide-ranging invitation 
to the incoming President to be ALL-communicative and ALL-inclusive. 
It calls upon Mr. Obama to be the great communicator he's capable of 
being and to use his formidable skills to dialogue with ALL the 
world's leaders, absent the egocentric preconditions of his 
predecessor. "Let's talk!" is similarly a resounding invitation to 
the President-elect to meet with the individual members of peace and 
social justice organizations who worked so hard to elect him. It 
calls upon Mr. Obama to show these American patriots, who like him, 
opposed the Iraq war from the start, the same respect they were shown 
by the President of Iran who gave them his time and took their 
unfiltered questions. "Let's talk!" invites Mr. Obama to be The 
People's President and take the opposite tack of his predecessor who 
not only refused to meet with anti-war patriots, but scorned their 
love of country.It IS after all love of country and love of humanity 
that embolden organizations like CODEPINK and individuals like Medea 
Benjamin, Jodie Evans and Ann Wright, to travel thousands of miles to 
Iran to speak on behalf of peace. Undeniably, idle time and lack of 
commitment ensure less complicated lives. But these heroes amongst us 
are committed to cha

[ppiindia] Re: Sholat Yang Berkualitas

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik phyllobates.terribilis
--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, "yustamb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *** yah seharusnya mereka sholat sehingga mereka tahu ada tuhan yang
> mengawasi perbuatan mereka. begitulah bagi mereka "God has dead" even
> though they are muslim. bung phillo punya pegangan yang sama, kali  .
> . . ?
> salam

** Pegangan saya? Hanya dengan berbudi dan perilaku mulia manusia 
mencapai kharma yang sempurna... yang lain lain sekedar tata upacara 
buatan manusia...

[ppiindia] Re: [RumahKita] Tulang Raksasa di Bekasi

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik mediacare
Bisa jadi tulang belulang dari masa Kerajaan Tarumanegara.

  - Original Message - 
  From: danarhadi2000 
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:50 PM
  Subject: [RumahKita] Tulang Raksasa di Bekasi

  Senin, 24/11/2008 19:46 WIB

  Tulang Raksasa di Bekasi
  Kisah Tek Lim dan Kerangka Manusia Setinggi 4 Meter
  Ivan Gading - detikNews

  Bekasi - Pada tahun 1992, warga Kampung Bungin, Desa Pantai Bakti, 
  Muara Gembong, Bekasi, juga pernah menemukan tulang-belulang kerangka 
  manusia di areal tambak. Tapi ini bukan manusia biasa. Setelah 
  disusun layaknya kerangka manusia, ternyata tingginya mencapai 4 

  "16 tahun kejadian itu benar-benar terjadi," kata Supriatna Hadi, 
  Kepala Desa Pantai Bakti, kepada detikcom di areal tambak tempat 
  Muasim, warga setempat, menemukan tulang raksasa, Senin (11/24/2008).

  Supriatna menceritakan, kerangka manusia raksasa itu juga ditemukan 
  areal pertambakan milik warga Jakarta bernama Tek Lim. Temuan 
  tersebut membuat warga setempat heboh. Namun demikian tidak sampai 
  mencuat ke media massa.

  "Yah jaman itukan wartawan tidak banyak kayak sekarang," ujar 

  Selain itu, lanjut Supriatna, warga juga tidak melaporkan temuan 
  tersebut ke kepolisian. Sebab tulang-belulang tersebut dibawa oleh 
  Tek Lim ke Jakarta. Tidak jelas untuk apa Tek Lim membawa pergi 
  tulang-tulang tersebut. Namun kabar yang beredar dari mulut ke mulut 
  di desa tersebut, Tek Lim bermaksud menjualnya kepada kolektor barang 

  Selesaikan kehebohan di Kampung Bungin? Ternyata tidak. Beberapa saat 
  kemudian justru warga kampung tersebut dibuat ramai berita yang 
  menyeramkan. Konon tak lama setelah membawa pulang tulang-belulang 
  tersebut, Tek Lim dan istrinya meninggal tanpa sebab yang jelas.

  "Karena itulah, Muasim khawatir akan mengalami musibah setelah 
  menemukan tulang-tulang raksasa hari Minggu kemarin. Malam ini dia 
  akan menggelar selamatan agar terhindar dari bencana apa pun," ujar 

  Muasim (32) secara tak sengaja menemukan sejumlah tulang berukuran 
  besar saat meninggikan tanggul tambak. Dia mengalami sejumlah 
  peristiwa aneh setelah kejadian tersebut. Pada malam harinya, Muasim 
  didatangi sesosok manusia melalui mimpi. Sosok itu mengatakan di 
  tambak tersebut masih terdapat tulang-belulang lainnya.

  Muasim yang penasaran akhirnya mencoba membuktikan mimpinya. Dan 
  ternyata benar, di tambak tempatnya bekerja memang masih terdapat 
  sejumlah tulang meski dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil. 

  Selain bermimpi didatangi sosok yang tidak dikenalnya, Muasim juga 
  tiba-tiba saja tidak enak badan. Tubuhnya meriang tidak karuan. 
  Padahal sebelumnya dia tidak mengalami gejala apa pun. Dia juga 
  terbiasa bekerja di tambak seharian. 

  Benarkah apa yang dialami Muasim ini juga terkait penemuan tulang 
  tersebut? Entahlah(djo/djo) 


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[ppiindia] Re: Fatwa Haram Rokok Diputuskan MUI Januari 2009

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik edihukumugm
--- wah pakyai saya bisa setress neh rokok ga derbolehkan ha...
sebagi perok saya mengharamkan fatwa mui itu berlaku pada perokok hwa.
> upps..muslim yg ngerokok, sblm ngerokok baca bismillah ga yah? :p
> Fatwa Haram Rokok Diputuskan MUI Januari 2009
> JAKARTA- Fatwa apakah hukum merokok adalah haram,
> makruh (tidak dianjurkan), atau mubah (diperbolehkan), akan diputuskan
> Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dalam forum ijtihad ulama pada Januari.
> Demikian disampaikan Ketua MUI KH Ma'ruf Amin dalam seminar Fatwa MUI
> versus wacana antirokok di Gedung MUI, Jalan Proklamasi No 51, Jakarta,
> Senin (24/11/2008). "Awal Januari tapi lokasinya belum kita tentukan
> apakah di Sumatra Barat atau di Pulau Jawa," ujarnya.
> Kyai
> Ma'ruf menjelaskan, secara substansial rokok bisa masuk dalam kategori
> hukum haram, makruh, haram, atau ikhtilaf (diperselisihkan). "Kalau
> orang berpendapat rokok itu makruh karena ada kejelekan apabila
> mengonsumsinya," terangnya.
> Karena berbagai perbedaan sudut
> pandang di atas serta penafsiran terhadap bahaya merokok, hingga kini
> para ulama belum sepakat untuk mengharamkan rokok. "Baru sebatas
> memakruhkan saja," ujarnya.
> (ful)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [ppiindia] Re: Fatwa Haram Rokok Diputuskan MUI Januari 2009

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik IrwanK
Sorry, 'ini' maksudnya tulisan phyllobates (Eyang Danar?)..

2008/11/24 IrwanK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ini kalau gak sinis, ya fitnah..
> Na'udzu billahi min dzalik..
> --
> Wassalam,
> Irwan.K
> "Better team works could lead us to better results"
> http://irwank.blogspot.com
> 2008/11/24 phyllobates.terribilis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>   --- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com , si pitung
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > upps..muslim yg ngerokok, sblm ngerokok baca bismillah ga yah? :p
>> >
>> >
>> **beresssh, pokoke ucapin bismillah... si ryan juga sebelum
>> mutilasi ucapin bismillah pasti.. lha wong jebolan pesantren?


"Better team works could lead us to better results"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [ppiindia] Re: Fatwa Haram Rokok Diputuskan MUI Januari 2009

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik IrwanK
Ini kalau gak sinis, ya fitnah..
Na'udzu billahi min dzalik..


"Better team works could lead us to better results"

2008/11/24 phyllobates.terribilis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   --- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com , si pitung
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > upps..muslim yg ngerokok, sblm ngerokok baca bismillah ga yah? :p
> >
> >
> **beresssh, pokoke ucapin bismillah... si ryan juga sebelum
> mutilasi ucapin bismillah pasti.. lha wong jebolan pesantren?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Re: Fatwa Haram Rokok Diputuskan MUI Januari 2009

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik phyllobates.terribilis
--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, si pitung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> upps..muslim yg ngerokok, sblm ngerokok baca bismillah ga yah? :p

**beresssh, pokoke ucapin bismillah... si ryan juga sebelum 
mutilasi ucapin bismillah pasti.. lha wong jebolan pesantren?

Re: [ppiindia] Re: [mediacare] Adam Malik Pejabat Tertinggi Indonesia yang Direkrut CIA

2008-11-24 Terurut Topik A. Marconi

Di ngeri Belanda pernah diterbitkan sebuah buku yang menceritakan seluk-beluk 
dan polah-laku dinas rahasia Kerajaan Belanda yang bernama BVD (Binnenlandse 
Veiligheid Dienst) oleh seorang wartawan. Dalam buku tersebut diceritakan bahwa 
DR. Roeslan Abdoel Gani yang pernah menjadi penyusun ide-ide Soekarno sebagai 
Soekarno-isme dan pernah menjabat sebagai Menteri dalam salah satu Kabinet RI 
adalah seorang AGEN BVD yang selama kedinasannya menerima gaji dari BVD dan 
daftar namanya tercantum dalam loonstrook (surat bukti pemberian gaji BVD) - 
yang oleh "Cak" Roeslan dibantah sebagai fitnah terhadap pribadinya yang 
pancasialis dan Soekarnois.

Kini Adam Malik yang pernah menjabat Dubes RI di USSR (Mockba) dan mantan 
Wapres-nya mantan Presiden Soeharto dibongkar sebagai agen CIA - sayangnya dia 
sudah meninggal dunia, nggak bisa membantah apa-apa. 
Dengan pembongkaran-pembongkaran demikian maka jawaban terhadap beberapa kali 
malapetaka pembunuhan dan pemenjaraan kaum Komunis dan kaum Progresif serta 
kaum Muslimin di Indonesia menjadi semakin mendekati praduga yang sudah menjadi 
pemikiran publik Indonesia. 

"Pejuang Kemerdekaan Indonesia" yang mana lagi akan DIBONGKAR penghianatannya 
terhadap Negara Republik Indonesia?

  - Original Message - 
  From: mediacare 
  To: ppiindia@yahoogroups.com ; media-jakarta ; RumahKitaBersama 
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 2:15 AM
  Subject: [ppiindia] Re: [mediacare] Adam Malik Pejabat Tertinggi Indonesia 
yang Direkrut CIA

  - Original Message - 
  From: teddy sunardi 
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:05 AM
  Subject: [mediacare] Adam Malik Pejabat Tertinggi Indonesia yang Direkrut CIA


  Kontroversi CIA di Indonesia

  Adam Malik Pejabat Tertinggi Indonesia yang Direkrut CIA 
  Nurul Hidayati - detikNews

  Jakarta - Mantan Wakil Presiden Adam Malik agen CIA. Boleh jadi kontroversi 
ini akan mencuat ke permukaan. Sejarah masa lalu Indonesia kembali diuji. Buku 
berjudul "Membongkar Kegagalan CIA" membeberkan secara gamblang bagaimana Adam 
Malik direkrut CIA.

  Buku karya wartawan The New York Times, Tim Weiner ini berjudul asli "Legacy 
Of Ashes The History Of CIA". Dalam edisi Indonesia, buku dengan sampul depan 
warna merah itu diberi judul "Membongkar Kegagalan CIA". Buku terbitan Gramedia 
Pustaka Utama ini sudah dipasarkan sejak dua bulan yang lalu.

  Tim Weiner yang pernah meraih hadiah Pulitzer menulis "Membongkar Kegagalan 
CIA" berdasarkan 50.000 arsip CIA dan wawancara mendalam dengan ratusan veteran 
CIA. Plus pengakuan sepuluh orang direktur CIA.

  "Buku ini menyertakan sejumlah informasi dan analisa luar biasa mengenai 
keterlibatan CIA di Indonesia, terutama berkaitan dengan peristiwa 
pemberontakan daerah tahun 1950-an dan tragedi kemanusiaan tahun 1965," tutur 
Baskara T Wardaya. Pernyataan sejarahwan penulis buku "Cold Was Shadow: United 
States Policy Toward Indonesia, 1953-1963" tercetak di sampul belakang 
"Membongkar Kegagalan CIA".

  Pembeberan Adam Malik sebagai agen CIA, boleh jadi merupakan salah satu 
informasi yang luar biasa itu. Soal Adam Malik ini dapat dibaca mulai dari 
halaman 330. Kisah berawal dari bagaimana CIA mengingatkan Gedung Putih bahwa 
hilangnya pengaruh Amerika di Indonesia akan membuat kemenangan di Vietnam 
menjadi tidak berarti. 

  Dan CIA pun kemudian mulai bergerak menemukan pemimpin baru -- untuk 
menggantikan Soekarno. Setelah 7 tahun CIA berusaha menggulingkan Soekarno, 
pada 1 Oktober 1965 meletuslah ontran-ontran politik. Di tengah perseteruan 
hebat antara Soekarno, PKI di satu sisi dan tentara di sisi lain, sebagaimana 
dituliskan Tim Weiner, Stasiun CIA di Jakarta sudah memiliki seorang agen yang 
memiliki posisi baik.

  Agen itu, tak lain adalah Adam Malik. Adam malik, dituliskan sebagai seorang 
mantan Marxis (penganut aliran Karl Marx) berusia 48 tahun yang mengabdi 
sebagai duta besar Soekarno di Moskow dan menteri perdagangan.

  Lantas siapa yang merekrut Adam Malik menjadi agen CIA? Tim Weiner secara 
gamblang mengungkapkan. Adalah Perwira CIA Clyde McAvoy yang menggarap Adam 
Malik. Adam Malik dan McAvoy pertama kali bertemu di sebuah tempat rahasia dan 
aman di Jakarta pada 1964.

  McAvoy adalah operator rahasia handal CIA yang bahkan pernah merekrut Perdana 
Menteri masa depan Jepang. McAvoy diterbangkan ke Jakarta dengan tugas utama 
menyusup ke dalam kubu PKI dan pemerintahan Soekarno. 

  "Saya merekrut dan mengontrol Adam Malik," ujar McAvoy dalam sebuah wawancara 
pada tahun 2005. "Dia adalah pejabat Indonesia tertinggi yang pernah kami 
rekrut," tambah McAvoy.

  Adam Malik berhasil direkrut McAvoy, sebagaimana ditulis Tim Weiner, atas 
jasa seorang perantara. Perantara itu adalah pengusaha Jepang dan mantan 
anggota partai komunis di Jepang. Siapakah jati diri perantara ini?


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