Re: Dual Boot Linux Installation

2009-10-29 Thread Mark Stanton
I don't know if I told you but what I've done is install Winders  
Linux on separate disks inside the same machine and use the BIOS 
startup to select which disk I boot from.

Works beautifully, keeps them very separate.  Windows knows nothing 
about the Linux and the Linux can read the windows files when I need 

If you try it, don't unplug the other disk (to be safe) when 
doing the installations.  It all goes horribly wrong :-(

Mark Stanton
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Re: Reverse DTOS?

2009-08-26 Thread Mark Stanton
Thanks both,

So quick when you know how :-)


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Reverse DTOS?

2009-08-24 Thread Mark Stanton
Is there really no VFP function that is the reverse of DTOS?

DTOS turns date into MMDD. I can break it apart manually and 
put it back together as a date, but it's a bit laborious.  Nothing 
already inside?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Reverse DTOS?

2009-08-24 Thread Mark Stanton
Thanks Jeff,

Now you mention it I seem to remember the client has this in their 
arsenal too.  Probably far poorer than that though.


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Re: [NF] need advice regarding Honesty vs. Brutal honesty with clients

2009-06-30 Thread Mark Stanton
I would add, from all too painful experience within the last few 
days, if you are going to say something, even in a friendly, helpful, 
and extremely non-threatening way, be very careful who you say 
something to.  The only people who can doing anything about it are 
likely to be the higher management, and you may well find they are 
more defensive than most.  They may well be higher management 
because they put in place the questionable solutions that you are 
seeking to improve on.

I too tend to be at the blunter end of the scale, so my version of 
what else has been said here is just don't do it.  They really don't 
want to know.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] is your billable rate dropping?

2009-03-04 Thread Mark Stanton
 The criminals who caused this will not go to jail and will be making
 even more money on the next upturn.

I'd agree with Stephen.  All they were doing was taking money that 
was presented to them.
I thought someone in this very mail list was only just the other day
saying that that is perfectly legitimate...

Mark Stanton
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Re: Codebook Runtime Application Help

2009-02-26 Thread Mark Stanton
 I was able to get it running by bypassing the preference form all together,
 but I would like to fix it so it works as intended.  I am not sure about the
 cancel that you mentioned.

It's a while since I've seen it so I'm afraid I don't really remember.  I'll 
try to find some time to look at it again, but I'm rather busy at the moment.

 Is there a way to make the forms read-only so that the user has to click a
 button to edit/change the data?  That way they can change the lot and/or
 serial number selection without being asked to save.

Codebook doesn't do the read or edit mode thing, forms are always editable.
I'm sure you could hack it around so that doesn't happen, it's a fundamental
part of the framework though.

Good luck...

Mark Stanton
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Re: Grids, row highlight and memo's

2009-02-26 Thread Mark Stanton
 As for grid highlighting try turning themes off.

Does that need to be in conjunction with something else?
I've set Themes to .F. both at the grid level and, because that didn't 
work, at the display object level.  That didn't work either :-(
I've still got the other settings the way they were before I tried that,
might those interfere?


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Grids, row highlight and memo's

2009-02-25 Thread Mark Stanton
I've got a dynamic row background colouring setup going on in my 
grid, alternating muted colours overlaid by rows with an error 
condition in red.  Works just fine.  But I want to turn current row 
highlighting off, so it doesn't muck up this colouring.

I've turned off cellselection (.F.), highlight style (0), and 
highlight row (.F.) and it's STILL highlighting the row I click on.
Is there any way to make it stop?

And in a (hopefully unrelated) situation, I've got a memo field that 
contain way more text than I've got room for on the form, so I just 
want the contents to appear in a tooltip.  I can do that at the cost 
of a whole column of meaningless (to users) memo/Memo text.  What 
I'd prefer is to show the first little bit of the contents, so empty 
fields show up as blank space, and *then* the tooltip contains the 
full text.  I haven't find a way to do this.  Is there a way?

Mark Stanton

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Re: Grids, row highlight and memo's

2009-02-25 Thread Mark Stanton
Thanks for that Dave,

 Mark, for the Memo display make the controlsource of the grid column:

I'd forgotten about that route.  I put an editbox in the grid.  It showed 
the first bit of the memo field as text or blank, which was fine, just
not the tooltip bit.
I really want the tooltip bit.  There's not going to be reams of text, the
red highlighting happens if there's anything in the field, and the
tooltip would neatly show the (one to three) message(s).  If it doesn't 
fire sometimes...  Hmmm.

 You could easily update it dynamically as you move up and down the grid

Ah, that would be good, I'd forgotten about that too.  Hmm, that might
make the error message tooltip show wherever they hover on the row, which
currently I also can't do. :-(

 As for grid highlighting try turning themes off.

Ah, fabulous!  Thanx, I'll try that.

Many thanks
Mark Stanton
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Re: Codebook Runtime Application Help

2009-02-25 Thread Mark Stanton
 I have developed a small application using codebook 6.2 and have a few

I remember thinking that too :-s

 1) Launching the runtime app does the flash and vanish after the First Time
 Running message that informs the user they need to set some settings.  When
 they click OK the preference form does not appear, the application just
 closes.  How do I fix this?

That sounds a bit odd.  I had one client have that happen too.  I seem to 
remember there are two options, one a bit like cancel, which is what closes
the app because it doesn't agree to change options.  Does that help?

 2) I have a couple of comboboxes on a form that keep asking if I want to
 save my changes when I select a new value in them.  I am not actually change
 any data, just what is displayed on the form.  What is happening here and
 how do I fix it?

Errr, pardon?  What's on the form is there by virtue of being in a table.
You change the value on the form, on close it notices that the value on the
form is not what it loaded from the table and it asks you if you want to
save it.  It's the way CodeBook's entry forms work.  Sounds like it's not 
quite what you're doing in this instance though... What are you doing? 8-)

Mark Stanton
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Re: VFP app over VNC

2009-02-23 Thread Mark Stanton
I suspect that VNC is single user on Windows because of Windows, and it
works properly multi-user on Linux for the same reason.

Windows Terminal Server is Bill's equivalent of a proper multi-user box.
I'm working remotely for one client exclusively through terminal server.
Yes there are some number of people logged in to the terminal server, each
with their own separate sessions.  It runs just as if I were there and, 
apart from the vagaries of IP packets, it's pretty robust.

You can access the application from anywhere, because you're doing no 
such thing, you're just accessing the machine and getting it to run the 
app for you.


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Re: VFP app over VNC

2009-02-23 Thread Mark Stanton
 My problem with Terminal server is that you can't talk to a customer about 
 what is seen on screen.

You can VNC to the terminal server session, errr, I think.

 I don't know if all this is still pertinent to the original topic.Maybe 
 someone just wanted a way to run VFP apps remotely. TS works well with that 
 (as does VNC of course).

As was pointed out though, VNC to Winders boxes isn't great for more than
one person though.

Mark Stanton
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Re: anyone using Sunline?

2009-02-06 Thread Mark Stanton
 Windows search does not by default look in hidden folders and windows has a 
 lot of those. It does let you turn that on though

It still sucks.

They have a freeware version called Agent Ransack.

If that's the free lite version I wonder what's in the paid for version 
'cos this one rocks!

Mark Stanton
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Re: anyone using Sunline?

2009-02-06 Thread Mark Stanton
 But comparisons with Windows
 Desktop Search are not valid. WDS and similar tools like Google Desktop
 Search run as services  and maintain a continually updated index as
 files are added and changed. 

Last I heard the general advice was turn it off as far as the continual 
updating, certainly of WDS, goes.  Has it got better?  Unless this is the case 
don't want something on my computer continually working away in the background 
keeping up indices.  And I *certainly* don't want something outside my PC doing 

 Agent Ransack is just a search tool that you fire up when needed.

That just covers a lot of ground.  Agent finds stuff for me in a fraction of 
time that WDS does, if WDS ever does which it frequently doesn't.  However, 
I've got the service turned off I may be doing it a disservice (pun only 
after the fact 8-D).

And as Paul (H) says, Agent finds text in any type of file.

Mark Stanton
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Re: PDF Watermarks

2008-10-18 Thread Mark Stanton
There's PHP code to do it...

Being PHP it's fairly easy to read, and modify?

It's an extention to fPDF called fPDi I think.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Netbooks - growing market sector

2008-10-05 Thread Mark Stanton
Not only do I not see what all the fuss is about, but it seems like a 
seriously retrograde step to me.

We started off with computers that no mortal could get near and then 
the personal computer arrived and bang!  Computing for the people.

Now it's terribly convenient for the big corporations to take the 
real computing power back behind closed doors, as far as I can tell 
largely for the benefit of their own income streams.  Of course we 
trust them to be nice, don't we boys and girls...

Mark Stanton
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Re: Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-05-02 Thread Mark Stanton
Yes, I don't have control of how the memo field is interpreted.

It's the company's main batch system.
Pretty central to their business.  
It's been running for ages.  
It doesn't work with execscript.  

I suspect it would be inappropriate for the sake of one query to 
suggest to them they change such a core part of the system.

Thanks for the help y'all.
Mark Stanton
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Re: Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-05-01 Thread Mark Stanton
 VFP memo?


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Re: Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-05-01 Thread Mark Stanton
Thanks for that Ted,

Sorry for the lack of sample.  You're quite right, in general, about 
how it should be though.

I also agree with you that I want a correlated subquery, but VFP (8) 
says it won't do it.  I get a dialog box that says

   SQL: Queries of this type not supported

Much to my surprise the following seems to work

   SELECT DataEntry.*, DEAudit.* ;
   FROM DEAudit ;
   JOIN DataEntry ON DataEntry.thisKey = DEAudit.thatKey ;
   GROUP BY DataEntry.thisKey ;
   ORDER BY DEAudit.tChanged DESC

with a bit more ordering and filtering.
Hmmm, doesn't look good at all, but, supplied by the lead developer 
from the client, I'll go with it for the moment.  Hmm.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-05-01 Thread Mark Stanton
Whilst the ExecScript thang is a great idea, my client's batch simply 
doesn't work like that at the moment 8-(

Mark Stanton
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Re: Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-04-30 Thread Mark Stanton
 Is there a reason why it needs to be done in one step? 

Because it's in an overnight batch driven from an SQL statement stored in a 

Mark Stanton
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Simple two step query possible in one?

2008-04-28 Thread Mark Stanton
I'm being asked to do this query in one step, and I'm not sure it's 

I have a table of data entry and an audit table that records changes 
to the data.

They want all data of a certain type (status open) and the date and 
username from the *latest* audit entry for each row.

The only way I can think to do it is with a subselect in the join 
condition, but this doesn't look possible from the help and my 


Yes, it's all in native VFP (8.0).


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Re: [NF] Big blue gets Black Balled

2008-04-02 Thread Mark Stanton
 Well that's one monopolistic, draconian, lock-in-focused, often unethical 
 company taken care of.

Only locally.
Here in England it's just been announced that the whole of the south west 
has outsourced it's emergency calls ( a whole lot of other stuff local
government related stuff I think) to...




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Re: [NF] Ready Ste Hack!

2008-03-28 Thread Mark Stanton
When they say no one had gained control of the Vista machine, that 
presumably includes the person trying to use it legally?


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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-26 Thread Mark Stanton
Hmmm, evidently not, because that fixes it.  Thank you Tracy!

The Fox remembers things without the resource file?
That's useful to know.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-26 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Crooks wrote:
 You can call the project what ever you want (fm) and then when you build
 the EXE change the name to farmersmarkets.

Yeah, unfortunately (?) it's important that it stays called what it's called
otherwise my version control stuff will go haywire.

Anyway, Tracy nailed it and it's now fixed.

Many thanx to all.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-26 Thread Mark Stanton
Thanks for those Ted,

I've just changed my source code control, to CVS+Tortoise, which was 
also muddying the waters, at least in my head.

I hadn't realised that Fox would keep track of resource file 
controlled items (window position in this case) even though I'd 
switched it off, if it had already been used in the current session.
That's why Tracy's fix worked.

So many things happening and going wrong here all at the same time, I 
got flustered :-(

Thanks again.
Mark Stanton
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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-25 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Richard Kaye wrote:
 Did you try using as a table and copying to a new table with a PJX 

Yes I did.  Copied to the new pjx file it's a bit bigger (13k, about 5%).

And as long as it's not called farmersmarkets (the old name) it works 
just fine. As soon as I rename it to this (which it needs to be), I get 
the same ol' same ol' 8-(

Reinstall Fox?  This seems very odd.


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Dissapearing project window

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Stanton
One of my projects refuses to show onscreen with the project manager.

The table (pjx) is there, I can view it as a table, although if I try 
to look in the DevInfo memo field VFP (9) hangs.

If I try to modify project ... the main VFP screen seems to lose 
focus, suggesting that the project window is active, but the form 
doesn't appear.  If I access the Projects collection off the _vfp 
variable the project information is there, so it *is* getting 
accessed, just it won't show on screen.

When I switch focus to the command window to try to do something 
about it _vfp.forms doesn't containt a reference to it!

Other projects appear properly, just not the one I'm working on.

If I switch off the resource file, it's still the same.

Any ideas how I can get this back?

Mark Stanton

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Re: Disappearing project window

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Stanton
Hi John,

 My solution would be to delete the project and re-create it by creating a
 new project with the same name, adding main.prg then build an app.

Hmm, well, in truth there's a few more complications that mean I was hoping 
not to do that, but on reflection, they may not have a bearing on this, and
it may be my only recourse anyway.


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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Stanton
 Is it off the screen? 
 Or hidden?

Nope, that's the bit where, when I switch to the command window, there's no 
form any more :-(

If I modify that project, then switch immediately to the command window and
DISPLAY MEMORY, there are no windows defined.  The project *is* in the
project collection off the _VFP global.

The other thing that happens is the format menu pad dissappears, until I
switch back to the command window.  HOWEVER, the project pad *doesn't*
appear as it should do... h :-(


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Re: Dissapearing project window

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rick Schummer wrote:
 You can try to PACK the pjx file when you have it opened exclusively. 
 Also look for any corruption in the file.

No obvious corruption, although this thing about looking in the DEVINFO
field hanging the (XP-PRO) machine seems a bit odd, isn't it?

No deleted records either, since the file is reconstituted from an
XML version of my original project file...


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Re: Disappearing project window

2008-03-24 Thread Mark Stanton
  My solution would be to delete the project and re-create it by creating a
  new project with the same name, adding main.prg then build an app.

Nope, it doesn't work.
I've renamed the project files (in Windoze) and used create project to set 
up a new one, it doesn't show in exactly the same way that the real one 

What's worse, if there's *no* project file with this name (farmersmarkets, 
in case it makes *any* difference, which I can't imagine it does), I still get 
the same result, MODIFY PROJECT farmersmarkets takes focus away from me.  If 
click in the command window I get focus back.  No error message.

If I try to open the project file as a table at this point I *do* get an error 
message, which is fine because there's no table there! 

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Network Viewer

2008-03-01 Thread Mark Stanton
The website ( says there's a GUI version too 8-)

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] any audiofiles ?

2008-02-08 Thread Mark Stanton
 I wish *I* had more money than brains.

Frontal lobotomy sir?


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Re: VFP9-Broadband detection

2008-01-18 Thread Mark Stanton
I agree with Paul on the no email front.
If your clients are private individuals with email accounts on 
general ISP's you *will* have problems emailing them files, some of 
those problems will be insurmountable.

Make some registered customer pages on your website that they have 
to log in to to get access.  Give 'em something useful in there and 
you're even adding value!  Check with a database that they've paid 
when they request the download.  Don't download the file to them if 
they haven't.  Make a record in the database of what they downloaded 
and when.

With not too much fiddling you can probably send data between your 
desktop database ( apps) and the web based one...

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Wireless Router Startup software.

2008-01-17 Thread Mark Stanton
What OS's are they running?  If the problem one has Vista that might 
be the culprit.

Microsoft appear to have decided they don't like the DHCP standards 
and have done something slightly different, which might need a 
firmware update on your router (since no-one is up to telling MS 
where to go with their unilateral changes).

Mark Stanton
Who's just upgraded firmware in his router because of Vista problems.

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Re: Nice VFP SQL Select * from virtually anything

2007-12-21 Thread Mark Stanton
Just in case anyone labours under the misapprehension that Microsoft 
invented this (after reading the intro to this excellent sounding 
utility), a database called Empress (I think) had some of this (the 
ability to query arrays as if they were tables) more'n twenty years 

Merry Christmas! 8-s

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Re: [NF] About OEM WinXP -- continued

2007-10-22 Thread Mark Stanton
 I just phoned Micro$oft Hong Kong. My guess was/is correct. The OEM
 WinXP and OEM Office licenses that accompanied a PC would expire when
 that PC died. There is no legal way of transferring to another PC, even
 though the PC is of the same build as the dead one. The OEM licenses are
 tied to the soul of the PC.

Isn't that a rather convenient thing for them to say?  Does it sound reasonable?
Fair?  Legal?  Or perhaps not...


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Re: SQL improvements

2007-09-03 Thread Mark Stanton
Hi Stephen,

 why are you using the group by?  Is it the sum of a column or
 another aggregate?

Two situations, only the first is an aggregation.

However the crux of the matter is the same in both, without this new 
requirement I can include fields I know to be non-variant across my group in 
the same query that produces my grouping to reduce the number of selections I
need to perform.

Mark Stanton
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Re: SQL improvements

2007-09-03 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Crozier wrote:

 The new behaviour only brings VFP into line with standard ANSI standards.

As I said, that's what I suspected

 It is VFP that previously had its own standard(s). However the standard
 behaviour can simply be made equivalent to the old method and when you look
 at it closely the standard is more logical.

Yes, but it's the details of that more logical that I was asking.  See my 
other replies

Mark Stanton
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SQL improvements

2007-09-02 Thread Mark Stanton
I'm guessing that the new enginebehaviour whereby a group by clause 
must include all the fields that are selected is to follow a new SQL 
standard, is that right?

Regardless of the source, why is this considered an improvement?  It 
seems to me to reduce my options for querying.  I can imagine that 
it's to protect coders from themselves, but that's the only excuse 
for it that I can come up with, and I don't want to be protected from 

Any thoughts?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-17 Thread Mark Stanton

 Our thread diverged, and Paul was asking me a somewhat different
 question, I think.

Ah, I see.  I hadn't thought that, but on reflection it looks like you're 
right.  I hadn't seen your reply to Pauls message either, don't know why, 
but I have now, sorry I missed it before.

Thanks for your thoughts, they're very much appreciated.

Best regards
Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-16 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ted 
Roche wrote:
 Codebook was written a long time ago. Some of the thoughts of the ways
 to do things have evolved since then. 

Anything, Ted?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-16 Thread Mark Stanton

Sorry Ted,

A couple of messages up you said the thing I quoted in that message, 

 Codebook was written a long time ago. Some of the thoughts of the 
 ways to do things have evolved since then. 

At the time Paul Newton asked what you were referring to, and I'm 
interested too.  Too busy is certainly a valid reply though.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-11 Thread Mark Stanton
I've been thinking more about this, and I don't think there's more than 
one advantage there, 

 Backends can be changed, 

Yup, the backend can be changed fairly (perhaps completely) transparently 
to the application.

 fields can be added, 

No more or less than with a table, surely.  Worse, if I'm trying to take 
fields *away* from tables, that'll break the views defined on them, which 
doesn't happen without the view.  You might claim that this only happens 
in a badly designed data scenario, though I would have to point out that 
situations evolve and require redesign.

 data normalized

??? Isn't this what data design is for?  And if you mean that tables can 
be joined and made to appear as one table, I'd say *that's* what I'm 
complaining about.  When I do anything other than view data the 
*appearance* falls apart leaving more to do than in the first place.  Is 
that appearance particularly helpful?

Though it p'raps doesn't sound like it, I'm trying to rant 
constructively.  I see the separation is potentially useful, I'm just 
starting to get the feeling that the table is in fact naked though it 
thinks it's clothed.  I'll have a deeper look at the CursorAdaptors since 
I'm (now) using VFP9.  The fact that I'm using CodeBook is probably a bad 
and good thing.  After the initial unpicking, it'll be easier to 
implement any change system-wide.

Anywhere I can find Andy Kramek's stuff?

You, Michael,  Steve have all talked about implementing something better 
via SQL, the VFP views are really SQL, so it looks like it's just a 
not-very-good implementation issue?

D'you think something clever here will extend the Fox's life? 8-)

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-11 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Ted Roche wrote:
 Perhaps you are expecting too much from views.

Yup, I think that's probably what it is.

 A view is a means of separating your processing code from the way the
 data is implemented on the back end. Backends can be changed, fields
 can be added, data normalized and the code calling the view doesn't
 need to change (even if the view may need to be recreated a few times
 along the way). Seems like some advantages to me.

Yes, it's true.  Just that incompleteness 'cos they're on the way to 

 an entire data manager layer.

Ah well.

 Cubes are primarily for querying data, not for updating it. You ought
 to make sure you understand what they're offering before you invest to
 much into that one.

Yup, I'd got that.  It sounds like it's useful in my application(s), but 
it's not the same conversation as the views one we've got on to here.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
Seems to me that the big disadvantage of views is the inability to 
update more than one table via the view, or have I got a big chunk of 
missing knowledge?

It certainly doesn't *seem* to work with the way business objects 
have been implemented in CodeBook...

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Leafe wrote:
  Why would you want to update more than one table per view? With the  
 possible exception of a 1:1 relationship that shares the same PK  
 across two tables, making it essentially one big table, how would  
 that work?

Yup, fair point.  But to me that knocks the question back a level.  Why 
bother with views?  My (apparently painfully) limited knowledge suggests 
that the point of view is to hide underlying data structure to make complex 
connections disappear and be able to deal with what appears to be a single 
table.  Which is great.  But if to do the other half of the job, update, I 
then have to go back to the complex underlying structure, really how much 
have I gained?  It seems to me that I've gained a whole extra level of
indirection for really not very much back.  I s'pose it's so's I can have
a nicely separated client/server setup, hmmm, are we impressed boys  girls?

VFP's view wizard lets (in fact seems to want) me to identify key fields in 
all the tables in the view, and if it knows that, how far off updating more
than one of the tables can it be?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Ted Roche wrote:
 On 8/9/07, Mark Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Seems to me that the big disadvantage of views is the inability to
  update more than one table via the view, or have I got a big chunk of
  missing knowledge?
 The latter, and it's relational database theory. One view should
 update one and only one table. Updating more than one is somewhere
 between difficult and impossible to achieve with 100% reliability. The
 solution is to update a series of views within a transaction.

That sounds a bit like it's the way it is because it's the way it is.

Why don't my view do that (update the tables of which it's composed 
individually, wrapped up in a transaction), since, as you point out, the 
solution is relatively simple and mechanical?  Why offer a solution and 
then make me do half the work?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
Ok, so you've both (Ed  Ted) put more or less the same scenario.

Encouraged by Ted's (wholly accurate, of course) outline of how to do 
this manually, and the VFP view wizard, how about the following.

My view (aka join) works by linking foreign and primary keys 
ideally.  To update it probably requires all primary keys to be 
included.  Then doesn't it become simple?  I've got the primary keys 
for all the tables I want to update.  Ok, *if* I don't include those 
keys or *if* I don't have primary it won't work.

Of course, I'd still like an answer to my previous question.  If this 
is really not doable and views can only update one table, how much of 
an advantage are they really, except to give server tables a local 

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], MB Software Solutions 

 I too am steering clear of views now for about a year or more and using 
 something like cursoradapters too...basically a local table called 
 SQLDEFS that has the SQL definition, updatablefieldlist, etc.

What's the advantage over views?
Is it more than I wrote it so it's got all the features I want?  Not 
that that's invalid at all, of course.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Crozier wrote:
 No, your pre made forms are just loaded with a n OLE control cube that the
 user can manipulate/filter at will using simple cursor drag/drop.

I can see I'm'a gonna have to revisit these, thanx

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen the Cook wrote:
 SPT or Stored procedures that take params.

Yup, Fairy Nuff

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike yearwood wrote:
 I will point out 1 thing I've never seen any of these great debaters
 mention. With ad-hoc parameterized SQL, USERS can do any combination
 of filtering THEY need. They win, we all win. They lose, we get fired.
 I don't let them build the entire SQL command, just the filtering

Yup.  Sounds like a point in favour of the cube stuff that David's using too.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Cascading triggers

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen the Cook wrote:
 What are you capturing?
 Table, OrigValue, NewValue, User, DateTime, Application

Yup, 'cept after an initial try with it I haven't captured application.  
My changes table is specific to each app.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Leafe wrote:
  Assuming that the main view that the form controls access is called  
 v_foo, I have a view in the main DBC named lv_foo_main. I use  
 that as the basis for constructing the dynamic view, which lives in a  
 temp DBC, and that is what the form controls see.

Does that need some quite fancy footwork shifting the BizObj's datasource 

(Is this is getting too CodeBooky?)

Mark Stanton
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Re: Cascading triggers

2007-08-09 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bill Anderson wrote:
 RETURN Trigger1() AND Trigger2() AND Trigger3()...

Presumably this'll need to be set up after all the RI have been put in 
place for the database?

Mark Stanton
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Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
What do you assembled guru's do about data filtering?

My situation is that, having developed an application which 
accumulates trading data, my users are getting boggled by the amount 
of information so want to filter it in various ways, for example by 
financial year.

However, there are various such filters that might be applied, either 
individually or in combinations.

The system is built with Codebook, so data is all accessed through 
views.  It seems a little ott to write the views so that they all 
have system wide filters in them, or is that the way you'd do it?
Or some other way?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
 Yes I follow a more C/S apprach where your only getting the data your
 looking for instead of all of the data and pick what you need.

Yes, but how do you go about that.

To be more specific about an example, someone on the database may have 
been making payments for several years, but the finance person only
needs to see this year.  What does the payments view do?  Have a 
filter for this year?

Hmmm, talking this out loud it's starting to sound like a daft question.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
 To be more specific about an example, someone on the database may have 
 been making payments for several years, but the finance person only
 needs to see this year.

To be more accurate, the finance person usually *wants* to only look at 
this year, though needs the ability to vary this, of course.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Crozier wrote:
 Why not take a look at some OLAP analysis software like ContourCube

I'd played around with contourcube, but only very very superficially and quite
a while ago now, so I can't claim any knowledge of it at all really.

As I said in the reply to Ed (although in slightly different context), this 
sounds like it takes me away from my pre-made forms, does it?

I don't s'pose that's necessarily a problem.
However, my user base is *extremely*, e, naive, so it has to be really
simple to use.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Leafe wrote:
  You could create dynamic views;

H, I wondered about something along those lines.
The thing that stopped me is that I need a very large collection of views 
to drive the forms that I've got, and it's those views that need further 
filtering, or at least that's what I'd thought so far.

I was wondering about an intermediate database, between the app and appViews
databases that Codebook uses.  The intermediate database would need one view
for each codebook view and it would act like a datalens (TM 8-) ) to restrict,
or not, the main view.
I haven't thought through how feasible that would be though...  What's the
dynamism of those views?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
Hi Mike,

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike yearwood wrote:
 Unlike most every other system I've seen, I give the user the
 ability to construct a where clause.

Yup, that sounds more like the direction I'm thinking to go in.
But the issue (I think) is that my preset views are a structural necessity,
and it's then a case of adding the filtering to those.

But how?


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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], MB Software Solutions 
 The data in the grid is a parameterized view, using several filter 
 variables from the choices above the grid.
 Here's the WHERE clause of my view that enables the filtering :

Yup, that's the kind of thing.  (Where's that view editor come from?  I 
remember seeing it before but have lost track of it now.)

I think my concern comes from the level I'd have to do this at.
I'd be practically making public variables to hold the thing together, because 
the user will want to set up some filters (this year, those traders, these 
markets), and then a large number of views will need to have those types of 
parameterised clauses.

I'm hoping not to have to do this to so many views, but I can't currently 
think of another feasible way.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
HIPAA?  Doesn't matter I s'pose, just curious.

How many views does that mean you have to adjust?


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Cascading triggers

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
Guess who's getting near to full delivery :-|

Rightly, or perhaps wrongly, I've implemented a system of triggers 
that records every database change in a backup database (I would'a 
caught Ollie North as well!).

The way I've done it is using the insert/update/delete triggers.

Whilst this hasn't been a problem directly it seems to preclude all 
the RI built in to VFP, and now it turns out that Codebook (there's 
hardly anyone over there so I thought I'd raise it here) relies on 
this for deletes!

So, the question, is there a sensible way of daisy-chaining (damn, 
spot the ex-hardware engineer) trigger routines?  I s'pose I can 
imagine a way of coding it, but it feels like it would be messy.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Leafe wrote:
 When users  
 entered their criteria, I would form the WHERE clause dynamically,  
 substitute it for the WHERE 1=0 of the original, and create an on- 
 the-fly view.

That sounds a bit more refined.

Not entirely sure how y'mean though.
Do you mean you used the view tied to the BizObj as the basis for a new one 
(produced by fiddling with the WHERE clause), and then switched the BizObj 
to look at this new one?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton
 ViewEditor is a great tool offered by Rick Schummer:

Ah, thanks.

 You don't have to use (nor would I recommend) public can 
 use PRIVATE scoped variables.

I mean, because of the scope of the filter it would have to be set very high 
No, not public variables (no no no, did I say that?  Not me.  Must've been my 
twin), but at least properties of the application object.

I don't s'pose it's really a problem, because it is appropriate use.


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Re: Data Strategy

2007-08-08 Thread Mark Stanton

 I don't use views anymore - they seem so outdated and limited,

Hehehe!  Now you're talkin' my kinda language 8-)
So what do you do?

 however, something like this may help you.

Yup, that effectively looks like a refinement of Ed's strategy above, 
whereby I wouldn't need to fiddle with the SQL.  The view's are dynamic
without having to fiddle with them.

Cool, thanx.
Mark Stanton
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Re: VFP9-Icon

2007-08-05 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sytze de Boer wrote:
 Hi foxers
 I have a reasonably old application in VFP6 which the client has asked
 me to update.
 Amongst other things, I want to now ADD an icon to all the FORMS.
 Is it necessary to modify every form to do this or can I specify this
 in the FPW (or some other method)

Hey, that's what OO is for (well, kinda sorta).
Or should I guess from that that the forms aren't classes?

Mark Stanton
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2007-07-26 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 My only suggestion for offline scenarios would be to use GUIDs as your 
 keys instead of integers to ensure uniqueness.  That should allow you to 
 see what you have different from another computer's data.

I'm going for character id's myself, because that lets me control users by 
them a unique (in my case) three char prefix defining the machine to which I 
add the character representation of a normal numeric key.

Unfortunately it's not finished yet ... 8-(

Mark Stanton
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Re: UK Job

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Stanton
There are three or four around at the moment (or there were last week 

One in Truro, one in Edinburgh, one in Birmingham, and a coupla 
others I don't remember.

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Re: Object engineering #2

2007-07-03 Thread Mark Stanton
 If you follow Ted's and my suggestion of generating a
 local, flat read-write cursor  do batch updates of the underlying tables

Seems a shame, doesn't it, that all that clever table buffering is actually
completely useless...
Ok, not completely, but it would appear not to do the job it's meant for
in anything but very simple situations.


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Re: Object engineering #2

2007-07-03 Thread Mark Stanton
 Don't forget that you can use WITH BUFFERING in your SQL now to reflect the 
 buffered changes!

I haven't converted any of my applications to it yet. 8-(

 ... a definite gotcha in this case.


Mark Stanton
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Re: Object engineering #2

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Stanton
Hi both,

Yes, I'm still here reading.
I hadn't particularly thought of it as an issue impacting on the end 
user's ability (right?) to design the ui, I thought it was me doing 
that not them.  It was more about the linked data issue and therefore 
about designing so that cancelling an editing session really cancels 
all the changes made in that session.

Seems to me the views here cause the problem (though being a good 
idea from another perspective of course), how do different views of 
similar data communicate, particularly when they're buffered, without 
changing the underlying data store?

Yes, it makes for a messy ui implementation, and that was why I 
started wondering about it, on the basis that often a design becoming 
messy is a sign that it's going the wrong way.  Unless of course, 
it's just real life being messy, as usual.

More of the problem seems to (me to) be that SQL doesn't work on 
buffered or local (to the data environment) data, but the tables on 
disk, so if I've got a clutch of rows to be added as a result of a 
users click I either can't do that, or I have to compromise the 
local, buffered, data, and save data to a real file.

Sounds like picking it apart into separate screens *is* the way to 
go, because that gives at least some indication of why some data has 
been committed and other data hasn't.

Mark Stanton
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Object engineering #2

2007-06-30 Thread Mark Stanton
Further to that conversation, or perhaps further to my private 
further thoughts about it, how d'you update linked data?

For example, I have a subscriptions table, which records 
subscriptions (cryptic I know), and a payments table, which records 
payments of all types.

My trader screen has tabs for the different types of data, and 
there's one for subscriptions, and another for all payments.

If I check the box in the grid for a particular subscription, it 
ought to immediately show up as checked on the payments page.
I *was* doing this by updating the underlying data (saving the view 
for this grid, and refreshing the one for the other grid).  But that 
has to be wrong, doesn't it?  If only because it doesn't give me the 
ability to (easily) roll back all my edits.

If I just update the screen (using the screen objects to locate and 
update the view[s]), then not only could I back out without making 
the change, but I'm keeping my layers separate, rather than tying 
them inextricably together as my previous strategy was doing.

And then followed through even more rigorously, doesn't this mean I 
*have* to have all my linked data on one screen rather than opening 
separate screens/forms to update bits of linked data?

Or is just that my medication is wearing off?

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Toner waste

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Stanton
 Michael:  I have a laser printer that fills up a plastic bin with waste
 toner.  The printer stops and will not print when the bucket is full.  The
 instructions say to dispose of the bucket in the same manner your client

As opposed to the Cannon S520 (I think), which just stops and the whole thing 
has to be disposed of 8-(


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Re: [NF] The Top 10 Dead or Dying Computer Skills

2007-06-20 Thread Mark Stanton
 instead I did one using ADA... a really
 practical skill set that turned out to be (not).

Isn't that still going?  I thought I say it mentioned in an ad for a 
contract (admittedly defense) just recently.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Printing on envelopes from VFP app

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], MB Software 
Solutions wrote:
 Sounds easiest to devise a 
 VFP Label Report and do that but thought I'd poll the list.

That's certainly what I've done.  Very easy, not hard at all.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Spam king arrested

2007-05-31 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Man-wai Chang wrote:
 I guess the rest of the world would be watching the consequences of the 
 newly passed laws. :)

Probably not holding it's breath though...


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Re: [NF] UK Microsoft: Kick out incompetent IT pros

2007-05-28 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Man-wai Chang wrote:
 Until there are standard tools, you can't compare the IT industry with 

And therein lies the rub.  Who's standards?  Let's have one standard view 
of the world that everyone can (be forced to) agree with.  It's bad 
enough in medicine where the mainstream are trying to squeeze out things 
they don't agree with.  But in a virtual environment where just ab out 
everything is fluid, who decides what is standard?  The biggest players 
would, of course.  I'm sure we can trust them to look after us...

And how much is that going to stifle innovation?

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] MySQL4 and MySQL5 residing on same machine

2007-05-20 Thread Mark Stanton
When using MySQL for website work a powerful, though unfortunate, 
reason for keeping 4 is that many hosts haven't updated their setups, 
and hence one may be forced to use 4.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] I love contracting!

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Virgil Bierschwale wrote:
 You guys need to remember that the reason foxbase, foxplus, foxpro, vfp,
 etc. took off so dramatically is that it gave the engineers (NOT IT People)
 the ability to develop solutions that the IT departments weren't or couldn't

Yes indeed.  And it would seem that the current climate is to try to put 
that particularly back in the box, d'you think?

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] I love contracting!

2007-05-17 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael Madigan wrote:
 Am I the only one that gets frustrated when they do
 the project incorrectly?

No, you're not the only one.  But I've found that that is usually the reason 
why my contracts don't get extended.  I start caring about the project
succeeding and suddenly want to stop doing the cr*p that I've been told
to add/change/remove and start telling them how it should be done right, and
suddenly they don't like me so much any more...

Mark Stanton
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Re: Need a Math Wiz

2007-04-29 Thread Mark Stanton
Last time I looked there was a whole load of stuff at the end of the 
MySQL (4.01 I think) manual about GIS functions.


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Re: Problem Closing DBC

2007-04-12 Thread Mark Stanton
This might be a daft answer, but you don't happen to have the project 
file open for the application that uses that database would you?  
'Cos *that* will hold the dbc open...

Daft I know, but I fell for it a couple of times.

Mark Stanton
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Re: Problem Closing DBC

2007-04-12 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Ted Roche wrote:
 Burned me, too. If you go to the data tab and highlight the database,
 one of the buttons in the Project Manager changes to Close that lets
 you close the project.

Ahah!  I hadn't noticed that.  Thanx!

Mark Stanton
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Re: Problem Closing DBC

2007-04-12 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jeff Johnson wrote:
 Mark:  This procedure runs in an exe and there is no project open.  I don't
 include dbcs  tables in my projects.

I thought that was probably the case, but you didn't explicitly say so.
Sometimes the silliest things are helpful... :-s


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Re: Office Automation

2007-04-10 Thread Mark Stanton
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Weller wrote:
 They already have for word processing, etc but OO automation is another
 thing entirely!

What other thing is it?

Mark Stanton
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Re: Office Automation

2007-04-09 Thread Mark Stanton
Hopefully you'll be suggesting they upgrade to OpenOffice???

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Microsoft Caught out - Naughty, Naughty!

2007-01-18 Thread Mark Stanton
 computer professionals. Or imagine the converse: that doctors made  
 their recommendations not on the best interests of the patient, but  
 on what would generate the most revenue for the doctor himself

You don't think this is happening already?

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] The end of desktop software development?

2007-01-10 Thread Mark Stanton
 petty # pretty...unfortunately...

It does too often for my liking...


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Re: [NF] MySQL List

2006-12-11 Thread Mark Stanton
Ummm alt.comp.databases.mysql (I think) recently started up, but I 
changed isp so in fact I've not been seeing it to be able to tell 
whether it's any good or not.

*Obviously* couldn't be as good as stuff that Ed's set up...

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] -- Hell yes to virtualization!

2006-12-06 Thread Mark Stanton
 Boy I don't understand this at all.
 You say that we should punish a company for making a living from the goods
 that their employees make ?

No, what's being said (in my understanding of it anyway) is that a company 
who thinks their revenue stream is more important than their customers
needs, and in fact try to use the law to restrict their customers from 
doing things that they might reasonably want to do, reasonably except
that it might reduce said company's revenue, should be brought to it's
senses, as quickly as possible.


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Re: [NF] -- Headaches May Remain In Microsoft Vista Land

2006-11-15 Thread Mark Stanton
 Yep. It's hard to go against MS.

Very good for the soul though... [;-)

 But I'd strongly advise that at the very 
 least you get things switched over to Open Office.

Yup, there is that now you mention it.  'Twould be a very good idea.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] -- Headaches May Remain In Microsoft Vista Land

2006-11-14 Thread Mark Stanton
 But we are a small segment (tech-savvy folks)the zillions out there 
 just take (and stay) with whatever is loaded onto their PC when they buy 
 themand M$ knows that.  Until Linux comes pre-loaded on the big 
 players PCs by default, M$ will always rule the day, imo.

Agreed.  I'm not trying to change the world (at least, not in this aspect), 
just wanting not to be completely out on a limb.


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Re: [NF] Python - Thinking Differently

2006-10-02 Thread Mark Stanton
And a very dangerous shift it is too.

Having got things going so the average man at the desk has some say 
in his computing, the big companies have worked out it's not good for 
their income and are trying to kill it.

Very bad for individual freedom imo.

Mark Stanton
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Re: [NF] Firefox addon for search engines

2006-08-28 Thread Mark Stanton
 Ted Roche  wrote:
  On 8/26/06, Whil Hentzen (Pro*) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There's a nifty add-on for Firefox that allows you to manipulate the
  engines in the Search Engine drop-down in the Firefox toolbar.
  There's a zillion other nifty add-ons. I'm a big fan of NoScript and
  AdBlocker. What other add-ons/plug-ins are people using? 
 StubleUpon, Pluck, TinyURLCreator and forecastfox

Session Saver

Mark Stanton

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