RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-04 Thread Ken Dibble

I choose to learn to work within the confines of my condition.  I can't
imagine rolling over and turning my back on the occupation I have loved
being involved with for over 20 years.  Much less leaving my clients hanging
in the breeze.  I have more of a condition that will change how I do things,
not one that has stopped me dead in my tracks.  It is irritating, but I
prefer to not dwell on, Why me?  There are many folks far worse off than I
am, this is a ripple in a large pond, hardly detectable in the overall
scheme of things.

  You (Gil) may want to give the folks at the Center for Disability
  Rights in
  Rochester a call. They will probably be able to connect you to folks who
  will have insight not only into speech recognition software but
  into other
  adaptations to address your situation.

Good advice.  I never even thought to look for help from any such
organization.  Never had to consider it in the past.  Thank you.

You're welcome, and you've got a great attitude.


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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-03 Thread mrgmhale
 So it becomes a question of--do I cope with the imperfections in the
 assistive technology and take the time necessary to minimize
 them? Or do I
 give up doing the work I love? When push comes to shove, the vast
 of people faced with this situation do the former.

I choose to learn to work within the confines of my condition.  I can't
imagine rolling over and turning my back on the occupation I have loved
being involved with for over 20 years.  Much less leaving my clients hanging
in the breeze.  I have more of a condition that will change how I do things,
not one that has stopped me dead in my tracks.  It is irritating, but I
prefer to not dwell on, Why me?  There are many folks far worse off than I
am, this is a ripple in a large pond, hardly detectable in the overall
scheme of things.

 You (Gil) may want to give the folks at the Center for Disability
 Rights in
 Rochester a call. They will probably be able to connect you to folks who
 will have insight not only into speech recognition software but
 into other
 adaptations to address your situation.

Good advice.  I never even thought to look for help from any such
organization.  Never had to consider it in the past.  Thank you.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ken Dibble
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 10:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 At 10:06 AM 2/2/07, you wrote:
   Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the
 day, but it is
   important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough
 problem to solve and
   (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The
 parallel tracks
   are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
   a limited domain for any speaker.

 To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25
 years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is
 actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally
 from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.
 For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab (SQL is a
 language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone
 who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit
 (which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable
 vehicle right now.
 One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
 (speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
 And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
 and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.

 Whil's right. There are people with very significant disabilities
 who rely
 on this software to do their jobs. It works well enough for them
 to earn a

 Another aspect of all this is the fact that most people work best
 with one
 particular communication channel. Just because a person can
 compose text or
 code quickly and well at a keyboard does not mean they'll immediately be
 able to do so orally--with or without extremely responsive voice
 recognition software. Each mode requires a very different form of
 concentration and thought. It will take a lot of practice to
 become good at
 composing in a different mode--but that's not the software's fault.

 So it becomes a question of--do I cope with the imperfections in the
 assistive technology and take the time necessary to minimize
 them? Or do I
 give up doing the work I love? When push comes to shove, the vast
 of people faced with this situation do the former.

 You (Gil) may want to give the folks at the Center for Disability
 Rights in
 Rochester a call. They will probably be able to connect you to folks who
 will have insight not only into speech recognition software but
 into other
 adaptations to address your situation.

 And I wish you great good luck. You can do this.

 Ken Dibble

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread John Weller
This one has been going the rounds for years!  I first heard it in the days
of DOS, reputedly shouted from the audience during a demonstration of speech
controlled computers.  Undoubtedly an urban myth.

Hope you are better soon and can continue with ProFox.  I, for one, would
miss your very reasonable and sensible replies to some of the more
'excitable' (for want of a better word g) discussions here.



John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

 I came across a recent article advising one of the problems with the MS
 Vista voice recognition engine is that a web site (or eMail) with certain
 embedded words can actually fire off commands that can cause problems (PC
 says, FORMAT DRIVE C: kind of stuff).  Funny as hell, but it was written
 in a serious manner.

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread mrgmhale
 This one has been going the rounds for years!  I first heard it
 in the days
 of DOS

I never heard it myself, but the article made sense as I was reading it
(  The Urban Myth you are referring to
sounds like a fun story to spread around, though g...

Re: me continuing with ProFox, hell, y'all are the only portal I have to the
Real World g...  Other than our 3 Siberian Huskies I have nobody else!
(certainly not true, Lynda is awesome)...  Seriously, I see no need to roll
over and quietly go away.  I just have to adapt to my new circumstances, and
remain grateful for the 52 pain free years I have had.  And, not every day
is going to be horribly painful, especially in contrast to fates that befall
other fine folks through no fault of their own.  Our ProFox members who work
within the medical community know that far better than me.  Pretty all this
week the pain has been moderate, and tolerable, regardless of the constant
numbness.  Things could be far worse.  My arm isn't going to wither away and
fall off at least, and my brain is functioning in any less capacity than
before despite some of the pain killers I been taking the first few weeks
g...  So, no, y'all aren't getting rid of me that easily!  heh-heh...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Weller
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 4:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 This one has been going the rounds for years!  I first heard it
 in the days
 of DOS, reputedly shouted from the audience during a
 demonstration of speech
 controlled computers.  Undoubtedly an urban myth.

 Hope you are better soon and can continue with ProFox.  I, for one, would
 miss your very reasonable and sensible replies to some of the more
 'excitable' (for want of a better word g) discussions here.



 John Weller
 01380 723235
 07976 393631

  I came across a recent article advising one of the problems with the MS
  Vista voice recognition engine is that a web site (or eMail)
 with certain
  embedded words can actually fire off commands that can cause
 problems (PC
  says, FORMAT DRIVE C: kind of stuff).  Funny as hell, but it
 was written
  in a serious manner.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread Ed Leafe
On Feb 2, 2007, at 7:37 AM, mrgmhale wrote:

 So, no, y'all aren't getting rid of me that easily!  heh-heh...


-- Ed Leafe

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread Jeff Johnson
Gil:  Sorry to hear about your medical issues.  Sounds like you have a good
approach to dealing with it.  Good luck!

We had a guy in our user group - Tim Anderson I think his name was.  He
scanned books like Code Complete.  He said it didn't take long once you got
after it.  He had a kid do it for him.  He reviewed the text and removed any
diagrams that would not convert to speech.  He then ran it through a text to
speech program.  On the weekend and when driving around in his car he would
listen to these books.  The voice was a little hokey, but the content is
what was important.



Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of mrgmhale
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 3:56 PM
 Subject: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought
 Greetings All!
 I need some assistance from my esteemed ProFox colleagues.  About 3 weeks
 ago I managed to pinch a nerve quite badly while running some cable.
 a week of severe pain  numbness I finally gutted out and went to see my
 primary care physician.  He concluded I indeed had a pinched nerve, and
 confirmed my father's long distance diagnosis re: the problem coming from
 C-6 (my father is a retired physician).  He ordered x-Rays (and prescribed
 some interesting pain killers g).  One week later I visited the doc and
 saw the x-Ray results.  Not good, but could be far worse.  I have several
 spurs and the start of arthritis  deterioration in several vertebrae in
 neck, several discs that are pretty flattened out, and the prognosis is
 good.  It is not reversible, the neck vertebrae will get worse with time,
 surgery is not yet a viable option, but the pain ought to be lessened over
 time until I do something silly and pinch a nerve yet again.  My father
 predicted this would happen 25 years ago after a lady ran a red light in
 Redlands, CA, and broadsided me pretty good (bad).  He told me that
 age 50  60 I would have neck problems, and spur growth due to the
 He sure nailed that prophecy!  Luckily I took out one hell of a strong
 very expensive) disability policy about 15 years ago in case he was right.
 So, until this past Monday I have been in tremendous nerve pain, and
 much relegated to providing clients with phone support, and minimal work
 keyboard entry due to the severe pain and constant numbness in my left arm
 and hand.  This week the pain has not been as bad, but the perpetual
 numbness in the left hand drives me nuts, and still makes keyboard work
 challenging.  You would not believe the typos!  Thank goodness for spell
 check.  I guess my days of pulling cable, pulling PCs apart, romping all
 over the place to visit clients, installing network equipment, etc., are
 pretty much over.  And my coding days in terms of hours per day will
 be limited as well.  I am sure glad my commercial VFP apps are stable, and
 for my past decision to use a recurring license billing structure for my
 Anyway, I have never been a raving fan of Speech-To-Text programs due to
 some very poor results in years past despite claims of up to 98%
 But I am likely going to need to move in that direction.  I have come
 fairly recent reviews, and it seems Nuance's Dragon Speaking Naturally v-9
 may be worth the investment.  But I do not know how well it may work in a
 Fox coding environment.  I invite any and all comments re: other
 Speech-To-Text software my fellow FoxHeads may have used for Word, Outlook
 and even Fox coding.
 I thank you for your anticipated input, which I am certain will provide
 powerful insights as in all other matters we manage to go over as a group.
 Gilbert M. Hale
 New Freedom Data Resources
 Pittsford, NY
 585-359-8085 - Office (Rolls To Cellular)
 585-202-4341 - Cellular/VoiceMail
 --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
   text/plain (text body -- kept)
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread mrgmhale
heh-heh, Ed, you especially will continue to be plagued by me!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ed Leafe
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 8:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 On Feb 2, 2007, at 7:37 AM, mrgmhale wrote:

  So, no, y'all aren't getting rid of me that easily!  heh-heh...


 -- Ed Leafe

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
 Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the day, but it is
 important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem to solve and
 (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The parallel tracks
 are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
 a limited domain for any speaker.

Dave's nailed it on the head.

To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25 
years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is 
actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally 
from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.

For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab (SQL is a 
language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone 
who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit 
(which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable 
vehicle right now.

One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline 
(speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.) 
And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt, 
and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.


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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread john harvey
I beg your pardon, it's properly spelled y'all.


-Original Message-
Of Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the day, but it is
 important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem to solve
 (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The parallel tracks
 are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
 a limited domain for any speaker.

Dave's nailed it on the head.

To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25 
years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is 
actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally 
from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.

For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab (SQL is a 
language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone 
who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit 
(which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable 
vehicle right now.

One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline 
(speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.) 
And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt, 
and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
john harvey wrote:
 I beg your pardon, it's properly spelled y'all.

I believe that's the singular formal. I was referring to the plural 
casual form.

Sorry, if I'd been able to attach an audio clip of the message, it would 
have been more obvious.

But my Windows computer says I'm pirating my own voice and it won't let 
me make a copy of the recording I made.


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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread mrgmhale
 One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
 (speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
 And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
 and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.

... Siberian Huskies howling at me in the background because they expect me
to feed them... g...

I have had to take a strong stance re: not feeding the Huskies.  They are so
darned clever.  They learned that if I am talking on the phone (or into a
microphone perhaps?) that by howling and bitching about wanting food I would
feed them snacks just to shut them up.  I decided I was no longer going to
be the trained animal, and refused to feed them for a few weeks (only
Lynda would feed them morning and evening), and explaining to whoever I was
chatting with why they were hearing such nonsense in the background.  They
kind of learned to not howl (as much g), but from time to time they test
me.  Too smart for their own britches!  So, your comment re: background
noises is quite appropriate for my circumstances.  Thank you!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 10:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

  Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the
 day, but it is
  important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem
 to solve and
  (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The
 parallel tracks
  are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
  a limited domain for any speaker.

 Dave's nailed it on the head.

 To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25
 years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is
 actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally
 from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.

 For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab (SQL is a
 language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone
 who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit
 (which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable
 vehicle right now.

 One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
 (speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
 And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
 and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread john harvey
Aight, uv convinced me.


-Original Message-
Of Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

john harvey wrote:
 I beg your pardon, it's properly spelled y'all.

I believe that's the singular formal. I was referring to the plural 
casual form.

Sorry, if I'd been able to attach an audio clip of the message, it would 
have been more obvious.

But my Windows computer says I'm pirating my own voice and it won't let 
me make a copy of the recording I made.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread MB Software Solutions
Jeff Johnson wrote:
 We had a guy in our user group - Tim Anderson I think his name was.  He
 scanned books like Code Complete.  He said it didn't take long once you got
 after it.  He had a kid do it for him.  He reviewed the text and removed any
 diagrams that would not convert to speech.  He then ran it through a text to
 speech program.  On the weekend and when driving around in his car he would
 listen to these books.  The voice was a little hokey, but the content is
 what was important.

I've thought that this idea could be great...or it could cause you to 
crash because of the technical content putting you to sleep.  g

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread mrgmhale
 I've thought that this idea could be great...or it could cause you to
 crash because of the technical content putting you to sleep.  g

Or from laughing so hard as vaporware claims that my eyes may tear up and
cause me to not see the car just 50' ahead of me, which I am approaching at
65mph, a closing g...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MB Software Solutions
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 Jeff Johnson wrote:
  We had a guy in our user group - Tim Anderson I think his name was.  He
  scanned books like Code Complete.  He said it didn't take long
 once you got
  after it.  He had a kid do it for him.  He reviewed the text
 and removed any
  diagrams that would not convert to speech.  He then ran it
 through a text to
  speech program.  On the weekend and when driving around in his
 car he would
  listen to these books.  The voice was a little hokey, but the content is
  what was important.
 I've thought that this idea could be great...or it could cause you to
 crash because of the technical content putting you to sleep.  g

 Michael J. Babcock, MCP
 MB Software Solutions, LLC
 Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-02 Thread Ken Dibble
At 10:06 AM 2/2/07, you wrote:
  Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the day, but it is
  important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem to solve and
  (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The parallel tracks
  are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
  a limited domain for any speaker.

To add onto Dave's synopsis (I did a bit of looking into this about 25
years, along with vision systems for robots), what Gil is looking for is
actually quite reasonably these days. The tales of woe are generally
from folks who have expectations beyond the current realm of technology.

For a single person to train a system with a distinct vocab (SQL is a
language, not the followup to a hit movie), particularly with someone
who knows what they're doing and has the discipline to adapt a bit
(which fits Gil to a 't'), voice recog is definitely a reasonable
vehicle right now.

One gets into trouble if one won't exercise a little discipline
(speaking too fast, background noise, slurring words, using slang, etc.)
And even then, with just a single speaker, systems will learn to adapt,
and translate y'wl to the more proper you-all.

Whil's right. There are people with very significant disabilities who rely 
on this software to do their jobs. It works well enough for them to earn a 

Another aspect of all this is the fact that most people work best with one 
particular communication channel. Just because a person can compose text or 
code quickly and well at a keyboard does not mean they'll immediately be 
able to do so orally--with or without extremely responsive voice 
recognition software. Each mode requires a very different form of 
concentration and thought. It will take a lot of practice to become good at 
composing in a different mode--but that's not the software's fault.

So it becomes a question of--do I cope with the imperfections in the 
assistive technology and take the time necessary to minimize them? Or do I 
give up doing the work I love? When push comes to shove, the vast majority 
of people faced with this situation do the former.

You (Gil) may want to give the folks at the Center for Disability Rights in 
Rochester a call. They will probably be able to connect you to folks who 
will have insight not only into speech recognition software but into other 
adaptations to address your situation.

And I wish you great good luck. You can do this.

Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread Kevin Cully
First, I'm sorry that you're having so much trouble and pain.  Here's
hoping for a quick and complete recovery.

I can't comment on the Speech to Text programs but I was just
researching the Dvorak keyboard.  There is a right hand version that is
optimized for one handed typing.  This might be worth looking into.
Just my $0.02

mrgmhale wrote:
 I thank you for your anticipated input, which I am certain will provide some
 powerful insights as in all other matters we manage to go over as a group.

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Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread Vince Teachout
Sorry to hear about your pain, I hope you recover fully, and quickly.

I can't give you any actual usage based feedback, but the last time I 
looked seriously into purchasing one of these programs (including 
Dragon), the feedback Google brought up was all negative.  The consensus 
was it ain't there yet.  YMMV.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread MB Software Solutions
Vince Teachout wrote:
 Sorry to hear about your pain, I hope you recover fully, and quickly.

 I can't give you any actual usage based feedback, but the last time I 
 looked seriously into purchasing one of these programs (including 
 Dragon), the feedback Google brought up was all negative.  The consensus 
 was it ain't there yet.  YMMV.

It's been over 10 years since I first heard about this stuff, and it's 
still not ready.  I don't think it ever will be in our working lifetimes.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread Michael Madigan
All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
got to be doing something right.

--- MB Software Solutions

 Vince Teachout wrote:
  Sorry to hear about your pain, I hope you recover
 fully, and quickly.
  I can't give you any actual usage based feedback,
 but the last time I 
  looked seriously into purchasing one of these
 programs (including 
  Dragon), the feedback Google brought up was all
 negative.  The consensus 
  was it ain't there yet.  YMMV.

 It's been over 10 years since I first heard about
 this stuff, and it's 
 still not ready.  I don't think it ever will be in
 our working lifetimes.
 Michael J. Babcock, MCP
 MB Software Solutions, LLC
 Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software
 Post Messages to:
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 are the opinions of the author, and do not
 constitute legal or medical advice. This statement
 is added to the messages for those lawyers who are
 too stupid to see the obvious.

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author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread MB Software Solutions
Michael Madigan wrote:
 All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
 got to be doing something right.

Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator 
was accurate about 90% of the time.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Bernard
OK, let me jump in here and see if I can help. 

Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the day, but it is
important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem to solve and
(2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The parallel tracks
are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2) a limited
domain for any speaker. 

Domain is essentially the body of work that the recognizer can understand.
By limiting a recognizer to a specific domain, such as the art world, you
can accurately handle many types of speakers without training the engine on
particular speaker voices. This is because you are arming the recognizer
with lots of hints about what is likely to be said, easing accurate
recognition across many types of speakers.

The flip side is the only way to handle an unlimited domain (that is, where
there is no way to tell ahead of time what the speaker will utter) is to
have the recognizer learn a particular speaker's voice very, very well.

These approached are known as speaker-dependent (Dragon) vs.
speaker-independent (Microsoft Speech Services, e.g.) technology. 

An IVR system, such as an automated attendant, needs to be
speaker-independent for obvious reasons. Therefore, the domain it supports
is very limited, often yes, no, one, etc. It is also why you are not
yet seeing widespread deployment of airline reservations systems that
understand Do you have any flights from Atlanta to Chicago next Wednesday
night? It's much more difficult to do this reliably in a
speaker-independent way.

And remember this, too: voice recognition (converting sounds to text) is not
the same as natural language understanding (ascertaining the meaning of
text). Both are large problems that are still in the early stages of

Michael Madigan wrote:
 All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
 got to be doing something right.

Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator 
was accurate about 90% of the time.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP

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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread Bill Anderson
MB Software Solutions wrote:
 Michael Madigan wrote:
 All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
 got to be doing something right.

 Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator 
 was accurate about 90% of the time.
Companies are going to more and more of the voice recognition customer 
support software. All I can say is don't have a dog barking in the 
background or have the TV/radio on...


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author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread mrgmhale
I knew of the Dvorak keyboard since the mid 80s, but had no idea there was a
right hand version.  That may work out well.  Thanks!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin Cully
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 7:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 First, I'm sorry that you're having so much trouble and pain.  Here's
 hoping for a quick and complete recovery.

 I can't comment on the Speech to Text programs but I was just
 researching the Dvorak keyboard.  There is a right hand version that is
 optimized for one handed typing.  This might be worth looking into.
 Just my $0.02

 mrgmhale wrote:
  I thank you for your anticipated input, which I am certain will
 provide some
  powerful insights as in all other matters we manage to go over
 as a group.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread mrgmhale
 It's been over 10 years since I first heard about this stuff, and it's
 still not ready.  I don't think it ever will be in our working lifetimes.

That had been my disappointing observation since the mid-90s.  I gave up on
the hype, and figured it would be a long time before it really worked.

Funny thing, in 1984 when I told my father that I was going to get into the
PC industry by learning to program he told me about a newspaper article he
read.  Some guy (in LA?) had claimed to have perfected a voice-to-text
program, and planned to sell it for $10 to anyone who wanted it.  How can
anyone make any money if he can do that?, he asked.  I introduced him to the
concept of Vaporware, and how so soon into my fledgling effort I had already
seen enough of that crap to know that often reality is more founded on
intersecting points of desperation, FUD, greed, ignorance and outright
hucksterism.  He really did not belive I knew what I was talking about,
and dismissed my intentions as rather silly.

Even funnier, my successes are measured by myself more in relationships than
in cash flow.  But I am not doing all that badly, not at all.  But it was
not until I picked up a Medical Center in Seneca Falls, NY, (in 2001) that
my father finally decied I may just succeed at this computer thing after
all.  So what is so funny about that?  I do all my work for the Medical
Center on a Pro Bono basis.  They have the money to pay me, but I admire
their social outreach program, and the philosophy of the ownng physician.
So this is one of the ways I try to give back a little something to society.
My father has no idea I do my medically related work, which persuaded him to
believe I was going to do okay, for free!  I do not have the heart to tell


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MB Software Solutions
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 Vince Teachout wrote:
  Sorry to hear about your pain, I hope you recover fully, and quickly.
  I can't give you any actual usage based feedback, but the last time I
  looked seriously into purchasing one of these programs (including
  Dragon), the feedback Google brought up was all negative.  The
  was it ain't there yet.  YMMV.

 It's been over 10 years since I first heard about this stuff, and it's
 still not ready.  I don't think it ever will be in our working lifetimes.

 Michael J. Babcock, MCP
 MB Software Solutions, LLC
 Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

[excessive quoting removed by server]

Post Messages to:
Subscription Maintenance:
OT-free version of this list:
** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread mrgmhale
 Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator
 was accurate about 90% of the time.

I find the phone system voice recognition accurate almost 100% of the time
for me...  Representative!...  Almost always gets me to a real human being


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MB Software Solutions
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 Michael Madigan wrote:
  All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
  got to be doing something right.
 Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator
 was accurate about 90% of the time.

 Michael J. Babcock, MCP
 MB Software Solutions, LLC
 Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

[excessive quoting removed by server]

Post Messages to:
Subscription Maintenance:
OT-free version of this list:
** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread mrgmhale
Excellent description.  Thanks!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dave Bernard
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:49 PM
 Subject: RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 OK, let me jump in here and see if I can help.

 Voice recognition is getting more and more accurate by the day, but it is
 important to realize that (1) it's still a very tough problem to solve and
 (2) there are parallel efforts attacking the problem. The parallel tracks
 are handling (1) an unlimited domain for a single speaker and (2)
 a limited
 domain for any speaker.

 Domain is essentially the body of work that the recognizer can
 By limiting a recognizer to a specific domain, such as the art
 world, you
 can accurately handle many types of speakers without training the
 engine on
 particular speaker voices. This is because you are arming the recognizer
 with lots of hints about what is likely to be said, easing accurate
 recognition across many types of speakers.

 The flip side is the only way to handle an unlimited domain (that
 is, where
 there is no way to tell ahead of time what the speaker will utter) is to
 have the recognizer learn a particular speaker's voice very, very well.

 These approached are known as speaker-dependent (Dragon) vs.
 speaker-independent (Microsoft Speech Services, e.g.) technology.

 An IVR system, such as an automated attendant, needs to be
 speaker-independent for obvious reasons. Therefore, the domain it supports
 is very limited, often yes, no, one, etc. It is also why you are not
 yet seeing widespread deployment of airline reservations systems that
 understand Do you have any flights from Atlanta to Chicago next Wednesday
 night? It's much more difficult to do this reliably in a
 speaker-independent way.

 And remember this, too: voice recognition (converting sounds to
 text) is not
 the same as natural language understanding (ascertaining the meaning of
 text). Both are large problems that are still in the early stages of

 Michael Madigan wrote:
  All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
  got to be doing something right.
 Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator
 was accurate about 90% of the time.

 Michael J. Babcock, MCP

[excessive quoting removed by server]

Post Messages to:
Subscription Maintenance:
OT-free version of this list:
** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

2007-02-01 Thread mrgmhale
 All I can say is don't have a dog barking in the
 background or have the TV/radio on...

I came across a recent article advising one of the problems with the MS
Vista voice recognition engine is that a web site (or eMail) with certain
embedded words can actually fire off commands that can cause problems (PC
says, FORMAT DRIVE C: kind of stuff).  Funny as hell, but it was written
in a serious manner.  Apparently this has been a problem in the past as well
with other OS platforms including Mac.  Go figure.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Anderson
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [NF] Speech-To-Text software opinions sought

 MB Software Solutions wrote:
  Michael Madigan wrote:
  All the automated phone systems use it, so someone's
  got to be doing something right.
  Good point.  I've used some phone systems where the electronic operator
  was accurate about 90% of the time.
 Companies are going to more and more of the voice recognition customer
 support software. All I can say is don't have a dog barking in the
 background or have the TV/radio on...


[excessive quoting removed by server]

Post Messages to:
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OT-free version of this list:
** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are the opinions of the 
author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.