[Puppet Users] puppetd no-daemonize

2009-07-13 Thread Derek Yarnell
So I have been trying to run puppet once in my kickstart %post scripts but
every time it detaches and daemonizes even though I have explicitly stated
otherwise.  Am I missing something?

# rpm -q puppet

# /usr/sbin/puppetd --onetime --no-daemonize --verbose --debug
debug: Creating default schedules
debug: Failed to load library 'shadow' for feature 'libshadow'
debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet/state]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl]
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet/state]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certs]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl]
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
Autorequiring File[/var/puppet]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl/certs]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys]
Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet/ssl/public_keys]
debug: Finishing transaction -606390474 with 0 changes

Derek T. Yarnell

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[Puppet Users] Re: exec inside a function bombs and kills the puppetmaster

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Smith

Jeff wrote:
>   newfunction(:mirror) do |args|
> user  = args[0]
> host  = args[1]
> src   = args[2]
> dest  = args[3]
> cmd   = "/usr/bin/rsync -vaz --delete --delete-during --rsh=\"ssh -
> i /var/puppet/.ssh/" +
> user +" -l " + user +"\" " + src + " " + host + ":" + dest
> exec(cmd)

You might want to sanitize those parameters before blindly passing them 
to a shell.




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[Puppet Users] Re: custom definitions require and +>

2009-07-13 Thread David Schmitt

robert.gstoehl wrote:
> I'm trying to get the dependencies right:
> define wget($source, $options = "", $unless = "") {
> include pkg::virtual_packages
> realize (Package["wget"])
> exec {"wget $options -O $title $source":
> path=> "/usr/bin:/opt/csw/bin",
> unless  => "$unless",
> timeout => 18000,
> require => Package["wget"]
> }
> if $require {
> Exec ["wget $options -O $title $source"]{
> require +> $require
> }
> }
> }
> Bombs with:
> err: Could not retrieve configuration: Parameter 'require' is already
> set on Exec[wget  -O ...  ] by wget at /etc/opt/csw/puppet/
> manifests/definitions/wget.pp:8; cannot redefine at /etc/opt/csw/
> puppet/manifests/definitions/wget.pp:14
> The docs say:
> Note that all defined types support automatically all metaparameters.
> Therefore you can pass any later used parameters like $require to a
> define, without any definition of it:
> define svn_repo($path) {
> exec {"create_repo_${name}":
> command => "/usr/bin/svnadmin create $path/$title",
> unless => "/bin/test -d $path",
> }
> if $require {
> Exec["create_repo_${name}"]{
> require +> $require,
> }
> }
> }
> What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to add the require
> metaparameter to the nested exec resource?

"+>" is only valid when inheriting resources.

Instead do this:

 > define wget($source, $options = "", $unless = "") {
 > include pkg::virtual_packages
 > realize (Package["wget"])
 > exec {"wget $options -O $title $source":
 > path=> "/usr/bin:/opt/csw/bin",
 > unless  => "$unless",
 > timeout => 18000,
 > }
 > if $require {
 > Exec ["wget $options -O $title $source"]{
 > require => [ Package["wget"], $require ]
 > }
 > } else {
 > Exec ["wget $options -O $title $source"]{
 > require => [ Package["wget"] ]
 > }
 > }
 > }

Regards, DavidS

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[Puppet Users] Re: exec inside a function bombs and kills the puppetmaster

2009-07-13 Thread Thomas Bellman

Jeff wrote:

> I'm trying to use the puppetmaster to mirror directories. Here's my
> function:
> cmd   = "/usr/bin/rsync -vaz --delete --delete-during --rsh=\"ssh -
> i /var/puppet/.ssh/" +
> user +" -l " + user +"\" " + src + " " + host + ":" + dest
> exec(cmd)
>   end
> end
> This seems pretty straight-forward but the first time I hit this
> function, the puppetmaster dies and leaves no traces in the logs for
> troubleshooting the problem. I tested the rsync command and it works
> fine. Any ideas?

That's pretty much expected behaviour if you understand what exec()
does.  From http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Kernel.html#M005968 :

 Replaces the current process by running the given external command.

I suspect that what you were really looking for was the system()

Although doing mirroring in the Puppet *master* doesn't seem like a
particularly good idea at all.  Why do you want to do that?  Isn't
it better to do that in the client (possibly the client running on
the same machine as the master, but still in the client)?

> BTW: If there's an easier way to synchronize directories, I'm open to
> using it. The problem I've had in puppet is removing files from dest
> if they're removed in the source directory.

If the source directory resides on the Puppet master, or on the same
machine as the destination and where you are running puppetd, you
can do it using the normal file type.  If it resides on a different
machine, the following definition might help you:

# Mirror a directory tree using rsync.

define rsync_mirror($source, $target,
$unless="", $onlyif="", $creates="",
$month="1-12", $monthday="1-31", $weekday="0-7",
$hour="", $minute="",
 if $sshkey {
$sshcmd = "ssh -i$sshkey"
 } else {
$sshcmd = "ssh"
 $rsynccmd = "rsync -aRqv --no-implied-dirs --delete --delete-excluded"
 $command = "RSYNC_RSH=\"$sshcmd\"  $rsynccmd  '$source'  '$target'"

 case $ensure {
"present": {
exec {
"$rsynccmd '$source' '$target'":
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
unless => $unless ? { "" => undef, default => $unless },
onlyif => $onlyif ? { "" => undef, default => $onlyif },
creates => $creates ? { "" => undef, default => $creates };

if $hour {
cron {
command => "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin;  $command",
user => "root",
month => $month, monthday => $monthday,
weekday => $weekday,
hour => $hour, minute => $minute;
"absent": {
tidy {
recurse => true, rmdirs => true,
size => 0,
backup => false
cron {
command => "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin;  $command",
ensure => absent;
default: {
fail("Bad rsync_mirror parameter ensure: $ensure")

This does an rsync directly, and optionally creates a cron job that
continues doing the rsync regularly.  That way you don't need to
tie up your normal Puppet runs with the rsync, only the first time.
Use it something like this:

 rsync_mirror {
 source => "rsync://my.centos.mirror/CentOS/5/os/x86_64/./",
 target => "/var/cache/mirrors/centos-5.x86_64/",
 creates => "/var/cache/mirrors/centos-5.x86_64/images/README",
 hour => 2, minute => 10;

The month, monthday, weekday, hour and minute parameters control the
cron job.  The creates, unless and onlyif parameters control if Puppet
should run rsync immediately, exactly like the exec type.


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[Puppet Users] custom definitions require and +>

2009-07-13 Thread robert.gstoehl

I'm trying to get the dependencies right:

define wget($source, $options = "", $unless = "") {
include pkg::virtual_packages
realize (Package["wget"])
exec {"wget $options -O $title $source":
path=> "/usr/bin:/opt/csw/bin",
unless  => "$unless",
timeout => 18000,
require => Package["wget"]

if $require {
Exec ["wget $options -O $title $source"]{
require +> $require

Bombs with:

err: Could not retrieve configuration: Parameter 'require' is already
set on Exec[wget  -O ...  ] by wget at /etc/opt/csw/puppet/
manifests/definitions/wget.pp:8; cannot redefine at /etc/opt/csw/

The docs say:

Note that all defined types support automatically all metaparameters.
Therefore you can pass any later used parameters like $require to a
define, without any definition of it:

define svn_repo($path) {
exec {"create_repo_${name}":
command => "/usr/bin/svnadmin create $path/$title",
unless => "/bin/test -d $path",
if $require {
require +> $require,

What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to add the require
metaparameter to the nested exec resource?

Regards Robert

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[Puppet Users] exec inside a function bombs and kills the puppetmaster

2009-07-13 Thread Jeff

I'm trying to use the puppetmaster to mirror directories. Here's my

module Puppet::Parser::Functions
  ## function: mirror
  ## arg[0]user - the login name and corresponding key
  ## arg[1]host - remote host
  ## arg[2]:   src  - local directory
  ## arg[3]:   dest - remote directory
  ## returns:  void
  newfunction(:mirror) do |args|
user  = args[0]
host  = args[1]
src   = args[2]
dest  = args[3]
cmd   = "/usr/bin/rsync -vaz --delete --delete-during --rsh=\"ssh -
i /var/puppet/.ssh/" +
user +" -l " + user +"\" " + src + " " + host + ":" + dest

This seems pretty straight-forward but the first time I hit this
function, the puppetmaster dies and leaves no traces in the logs for
troubleshooting the problem. I tested the rsync command and it works
fine. Any ideas?

BTW: If there's an easier way to synchronize directories, I'm open to
using it. The problem I've had in puppet is removing files from dest
if they're removed in the source directory.

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[Puppet Users] Fwd: using noops from puppetrun

2009-07-13 Thread Dan Bode
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dan Bode 
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:49 PM
Subject: using noops from puppetrun
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com

Hi All,

I was surprised to notice that a call to noop from puppetrun did not work as

on the agent side (for this case the server side..), I ran:

  puppetd --verbose --no-daemonize  (where listen is set in the puppet.conf)

on the puppet server side(in this case the client side), I ran:

  puppetrun --noop --host SERVER

notice: SERVER(IP) triggered run
info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet-agent//localconfig.yaml
notice: Starting catalog run
notice: //Node[SERVER]/test/Exec[echo "This is the Test Class"]/returns:
executed successfully
notice: //Node[SERVER]/base/puppet/File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]:
Filebucketed to main with sum fe274facc165e952f32848c8798306a9
notice: //Node[SERVER]/base/puppet/File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]/content:
content changed '{md5}fe274facc165e952f32848c8798306a9' to
info: //Node[SERVER]/base/puppet/File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]: Scheduling
refresh of Service[puppet]
notice: //Node[SERVER]/base/puppet/Service[puppet]: Triggering 'refresh'
from 1 dependencies
notice: Caught TERM; shutting down
notice: Shutting down
Killed (as a sidenote, puppetd dies in this case)

So, the question is, where exactly is the noop option valid?
  puppetd command line
  puppetd conf
  from any resource object?
  can it be set anywhere on the puppetmasterd settings?

Here is the use case that I am working with. I would like to be able to run
all puppet agents in noop mode when there is new puppet code deployed. I
would like to this action to be controlled from a central location. Any
suggestions are appreciated.



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