Re: [Puppet Users] Re: A Question about mixing Puppet with other things

2011-07-13 Thread Ohad Levy
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Dan White wrote:

 This tells me RedHat picked Foreman over Cobbler.  It does not tell me WHY.

 Their reasons may not apply to my situation.

 I am not trying to be difficult, but I find that I cannot accept an opinion
 on a technical issue without technical information to back it up.  Also,
 this is for my job, so I need to be able to justify my decision with more
 than The folks on the puppet mailing list told me to do it this way.

I think I can try to break it down in different ways.

First, Foreman was created after realizing that Just pxe booting, or just
using puppet, does not cover everything.
With the notion of self service (e.g. people who don't know how to use
puppet and or lack access to your manifests) foreman was aiming to bridge
that gap.

Therefore, it was designed as a web service from day one, taking into
account multiple users, permissions, different views etc etc.

Another goal, was that you wont need to open 5 different consoles in order
to provision a host, that eventually lead to integrating: dns, dhcp, tftp,
puppetca, virtual machine creation, puppet class
assignments, hierarchical variables support, audit log etc all in one place.

Foreman users have come up with interesting usages cases,
from using it purely for monitoring puppet to ramp up whole datacenters.
its API is used today to feed external monitoring services, provision hosts,
update on the fly many hosts, and there is even a mobile app who utilize

Foreman is also not restricted to a specific subnet, datacenter etc, rather
is supposed to work across network segments and different backend software
(e.g. ms dns server, isc dhcp server etc) using its smart
proxy architecture.

My hope, is that by using Foreman, you can provide your users much better
service, taking you out of the deployment loop, e.g. You users can consume
your services, without you being actively part of it.

I obviously didnt cover every single aspect of foreman, but I hope it gives
you some useful information, if not, simply ask, or join our mailing list or
irc room (#theforeman) to ask more questions.


 “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
 in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
 Bill Waterson (Calvin  Hobbes)

 - Brian wrote:
  On Jul 7, 2:47 pm, Dan White wrote:
   In Pro Linux System Administration Mr. Turnbull discusses Cobbler and
   In Pro Puppet he discusses Foreman and Puppet.
   Would anyone out there be willing and able to talk about the
 differences between Cobbler and Foreman as they relate to Puppet and what
 factors I should consider in choosing one of them ?
  Red Hat is using Foreman in CloudForms System Engine, their successor
  to Satellite. I'd take this as a strong vote of confidence in Foreman.
  All the best,
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 Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: how to write classes to install package from source

2011-07-13 Thread vagn scott

On 07/12/2011 06:19 AM, Al @ Lab42 wrote:
command = mkdir -p $destination_dir ; cd 
$destination_dir ; $extract_command $work_dir/$source_filename,
Nice.  But  I would suggest changing ';' to ''.  That way, if the 
mkdir or cd fail you don't end up

trying to extract the archive in the wrong directory.

  command = mkdir -p $destination_dir  cd $destination_dir  
$extract_command $work_dir/$source_filename,

Also consider

  unless = test -d ${destination_dir }/${extracted_dir},

or even better

  creates = ${destination_dir }/${extracted_dir},

for the repetition guard.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: A Question about mixing Puppet with other things

2011-07-13 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1

On 07/12/2011 05:26 PM, Dan White wrote:
 This tells me RedHat picked Foreman over Cobbler.  It does not tell
 me WHY.
 Their reasons may not apply to my situation.
 I am not trying to be difficult, but I find that I cannot accept an
 opinion on a technical issue without technical information to back it
 up.  Also, this is for my job, so I need to be able to justify my
 decision with more than The folks on the puppet mailing list told me
 to do it this way.

* strong: foreman, thanks to its smart proxies, is not that subnet
  oriented as cobbler is. Means: You can use one foreman to deploy
  things into multiple subnets/locations from one installation, which
  gets much more complicated with cobbler.

* strong: foreman integrates puppet from the beginning on, means for

** strong: foreman integrates the configuration of puppet nodes, while
   cobbler has a much simpler general external parameter option meant
   for any configuration management system
** strong: foreman integrates puppet reporting, while with cobbler you
   would need another tool, like dashboard.

* strong: foreman has much better support for other distros than redhat
  based distros

* medium: cobbler has better integration to address baremetals, like
  powering them on via powerbars. According to my current knowledge
  foreman doesn't (yet) have the capability to tell powerbars to turn
  baremetals on.

* medium non-technical: cobbler is integrated in the current
  spacewalk/satellite solution, while foreman is part of the next
  generation of redhat's satellite. -

* medium: cobbler can also manage external repositories, while foreman
  rather delegates that to other tools (rsync scripts,...).

* uncertain, but rather strong: foreman has better integration with
  libvirt, actually within the webinterface cobbler doesn't have one at
  all imho. but I could be wrong...

* weak: foreman is written in the same language as puppet, so if you
  anyway would have to learn both ruby and python, it might be easier
  to have 2 new tools written in the same language

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Re: [Puppet Users] Seemingly random failures after 2.7.1 upgrade

2011-07-13 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1

 Is using an empty class in init.pp problematic ?  All of these modules
 worked just fine before going from 2.6.8 to 2.7.1.

I have no idea, whether this is the problem. But why do you do:

 # manifests/init.pp
 import classes/*.pp

 class kvm {

 # manifests/classes/host.pp
 class kvm::host {


Why not just have one file manifests/host.pp that contains the kvm::host
class? Everything else is not really necessary.

Puppet has quite a powerfull autoloading feature of classes and I think
it can be seen as a general best practice to have one class in a file in
its corresponding path on the filesystem.

With your current way you would need a global import kvm, so that the
init.pp class is actually parsed, so that the files in classes/ are
If this is not the case and the kvm::host class is not in a file that
can be found by the autoloader it won't find the class.

This becomes even trickier as other hosts can now interfere which
classes are available while compiling the next hosts classes, as an
import statement might only have been executed if Host A is compiled and
only this would then make these imported classes that Host B requires

Actually, I remember that the autoloader should also look into init.pp
for the kvm::host class. But it's possible that something like that
might have changed in 2.7. But I don't know it.

Due to these two reasones (magic availability of classes, possible
changes in how classes become available in 2.7) I would generally
recommend to *not* use import statements and instead use puppet's
autoloading feature. They're rather hard to debug.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: how to write classes to install package from source

2011-07-13 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1

On 07/12/2011 12:19 PM, Al @ Lab42 wrote:
 You might find this define useful (

or as a general best practice you might want to build your own packages.
They're much easier to handle!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Best way to create a repo, looking for advice and tips

2011-07-13 Thread Denmat

Not sure I completely understand what you're after but i'll try to give an 
answer  (from a red hat perspective).

Yes you can set up a repo that you point puppet clients at. yumrepo allows you 
to describe that.

Yes you can use the yum tool createrepo to create a yum repo from a bunch of 

It is a sound idea to create your own repo for packages when you have change 
control obligations or security concerns about package management.  It's also 
really useful when you compile your own packages.

So from that it is pretty easy to achieve. What does get fiddly is dependency 
management but if things don't change often it might be worth the effort. 

If you use EC2 or virtualbox it is neither here nor there really.


On 13/07/2011, at 15:19, S Ahmed wrote:

 What is the best way to create a repo? 
 I like to take baby steps, and test things as I go.
 Is this kind of development style possible with puppet?
 My hope was to do something like:
 Have 1 ec2 vm open that will be my test vm where I will manually install e.g. 
 mysql or nginx, and then look at what files I will need to work with.
 Make modifications to my puppet repo, then commit and apply the changes on a 
 single VM that will I will just manually apply the repo to.  
 (I believe this is possible i.e. to apply a repo on a system that isn't 
 running a puppet master, please correct me if I am wrong, I swear I read it 
 Once I have things all setup, I will then test things with a real puppet 
 master and node(s).
 Is this a good approach?  Comments?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Testing if a puppet class is going to be installed

2011-07-13 Thread Alan Barrett

On Thu, 07 Jul 2011, Keith Minkler wrote:
For example, for setting up the proper nagios monitors, you'd 
want to say something like if this machine has the apache 
class, then configure apache monitoring It's not feasible I 
think to put this logic in the apache class, since you'd 
have to have a way to build up the nagios config file from 
parts contained in many classes which sometimes are installed 

I would probably use a concatenated file for this.  Define a 
function in the nagios class that means please monitor this 
service using these parameters, and let the apache class call 
that.  Behind the scenes, the nagios class would use concat and 
concat::fragment to do the work.

for an example.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: How to avoid the use of defined

2011-07-13 Thread Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale

First, thanks for your help. However I still have some issues with your

jcbollinger writes:

 few bad ones.  Here's a good rule of thumb: never use Puppet's
 defined() function in your manifests.  Ever.  It is brittle, and it
 will cause you grief, increasing exponentially with the number of
 There is no need for subclassing or defined() here.  I would approach
 the problem something like this:

   # Resource defaults for Packages in this class
   Package {
 ensure = installed,
 require = Package['php'],
 notify = Service['httpd']

This creates a dependency loop:

err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found dependency cycles in the following 
relationships: Package[php] = Package[httpd], Package[httpd] = Package[php], 
Package[php] = Package[php-ldap], Package[php-imap] = Package[php-mysql], 
Package[php-gd] = Package[php-mysql], Package[php-ldap] = Package[php-mysql], 
Package[php] = Package[php-mysql], Package[httpd] = 
File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod-status.conf], Package[php] = Package[php-mbstring], 
Package[httpd] = Service[httpd], Package[httpd] = Service[httpd], 
Package[php-imap] = Service[httpd], Package[php-mysql] = Service[httpd], 
Package[php-gd] = Service[httpd], Package[php-ldap] = Service[httpd], 
Package[php] = Service[httpd], File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod-status.conf] = 
Service[httpd], Package[php-mbstring] = Service[httpd], Package[php] = 
Package[php-imap], Package[php] = Package[php-gd], Package[httpd] = 
File[/var/www/html]; try using the '--graph' option and open the '.dot' files 
in OmniGraffle or GraphViz

As far as I understand, Package['httpd'] (defined in class apache::base)
inherits the dependency on Package['php']. This is using Puppet 2.6.8;
has this changed in 2.7.x?

 # ** No class apache::php53 **

So how do I tell Puppet which nodes need 5.1 and which need 5.3? With my
sample wordpress class I get the following error:

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could 
not find class apache::php53 in namespaces wordpress at 
/etc/puppet/modules/wordpress/manifests/init.pp:6 on node

Looks like using a dummy class definition as a flag won't work. :-) I
could use a variable instead, but I guess the ordering issues would get
even worse?

 # class apache::params unchanged, not shown

So I'm still using defined().

 As my manifest shows, I'm not sure yum replace is really needed.  If
 it is needed after all, then it shouldn't be too hard to adjust the
 above to use it.

Actually your solution looks much cleaner than yum replace.


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[Puppet Users] puppet manifest execution orders

2011-07-13 Thread Roni
I created manifest for our webserver. manifest included git clone,
database creation and restore database etc How to order the
installation and exec exactly


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet manifest execution orders

2011-07-13 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1

On 07/13/2011 08:51 AM, Roni wrote:
 I created manifest for our webserver. manifest included git clone,
 database creation and restore database etc How to order the
 installation and exec exactly

by using require, before, notify, subscribe...

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: A Question about mixing Puppet with other things

2011-07-13 Thread Dan White
Thank you, Ohad.
This is the sort of info I am looking for.

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 
the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin  Hobbes)

- Ohad Levy wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Dan White wrote:
  This tells me RedHat picked Foreman over Cobbler.  It does not tell me WHY.
  Their reasons may not apply to my situation.
  I am not trying to be difficult, but I find that I cannot accept an opinion
  on a technical issue without technical information to back it up.  Also,
  this is for my job, so I need to be able to justify my decision with more
  than The folks on the puppet mailing list told me to do it this way.
 I think I can try to break it down in different ways.
 First, Foreman was created after realizing that Just pxe booting, or just
 using puppet, does not cover everything.
 With the notion of self service (e.g. people who don't know how to use
 puppet and or lack access to your manifests) foreman was aiming to bridge
 that gap.
 Therefore, it was designed as a web service from day one, taking into
 account multiple users, permissions, different views etc etc.
 Another goal, was that you wont need to open 5 different consoles in order
 to provision a host, that eventually lead to integrating: dns, dhcp, tftp,
 puppetca, virtual machine creation, puppet class
 assignments, hierarchical variables support, audit log etc all in one place.
 Foreman users have come up with interesting usages cases,
 from using it purely for monitoring puppet to ramp up whole datacenters.
 its API is used today to feed external monitoring services, provision hosts,
 update on the fly many hosts, and there is even a mobile app who utilize
 Foreman is also not restricted to a specific subnet, datacenter etc, rather
 is supposed to work across network segments and different backend software
 (e.g. ms dns server, isc dhcp server etc) using its smart
 proxy architecture.
 My hope, is that by using Foreman, you can provide your users much better
 service, taking you out of the deployment loop, e.g. You users can consume
 your services, without you being actively part of it.
 I obviously didnt cover every single aspect of foreman, but I hope it gives
 you some useful information, if not, simply ask, or join our mailing list or
 irc room (#theforeman) to ask more questions.
  “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
  in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
  Bill Waterson (Calvin  Hobbes)
  - Brian wrote:
   On Jul 7, 2:47 pm, Dan White wrote:
In Pro Linux System Administration Mr. Turnbull discusses Cobbler and
In Pro Puppet he discusses Foreman and Puppet.
Would anyone out there be willing and able to talk about the
  differences between Cobbler and Foreman as they relate to Puppet and what
  factors I should consider in choosing one of them ?
   Red Hat is using Foreman in CloudForms System Engine, their successor
   to Satellite. I'd take this as a strong vote of confidence in Foreman.
   All the best,
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: A Question about mixing Puppet with other things

2011-07-13 Thread Dan White
Thank you, Peter.  This is the type of response I wanted.

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 
the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin  Hobbes)

- Peter Meier wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 07/12/2011 05:26 PM, Dan White wrote:
  This tells me RedHat picked Foreman over Cobbler.  It does not tell
  me WHY.
  Their reasons may not apply to my situation.
  I am not trying to be difficult, but I find that I cannot accept an
  opinion on a technical issue without technical information to back it
  up.  Also, this is for my job, so I need to be able to justify my
  decision with more than The folks on the puppet mailing list told me
  to do it this way.
 * strong: foreman, thanks to its smart proxies, is not that subnet
   oriented as cobbler is. Means: You can use one foreman to deploy
   things into multiple subnets/locations from one installation, which
   gets much more complicated with cobbler.
 * strong: foreman integrates puppet from the beginning on, means for
 ** strong: foreman integrates the configuration of puppet nodes, while
cobbler has a much simpler general external parameter option meant
for any configuration management system
 ** strong: foreman integrates puppet reporting, while with cobbler you
would need another tool, like dashboard.
 * strong: foreman has much better support for other distros than redhat
   based distros
 * medium: cobbler has better integration to address baremetals, like
   powering them on via powerbars. According to my current knowledge
   foreman doesn't (yet) have the capability to tell powerbars to turn
   baremetals on.
 * medium non-technical: cobbler is integrated in the current
   spacewalk/satellite solution, while foreman is part of the next
   generation of redhat's satellite. -
 * medium: cobbler can also manage external repositories, while foreman
   rather delegates that to other tools (rsync scripts,...).
 * uncertain, but rather strong: foreman has better integration with
   libvirt, actually within the webinterface cobbler doesn't have one at
   all imho. but I could be wrong...
 * weak: foreman is written in the same language as puppet, so if you
   anyway would have to learn both ruby and python, it might be easier
   to have 2 new tools written in the same language
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet manifest execution orders

2011-07-13 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Roni wrote:

 I created manifest for our webserver. manifest included git clone,
 database creation and restore database etc How to order the
 installation and exec exactly

Roni, you really should have a run through our Learning Puppet series.

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

*Join us for **PuppetConf *
September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Seemingly random failures after 2.7.1 upgrade

2011-07-13 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Peter Meier

 Puppet has quite a powerfull autoloading feature of classes and I think
 it can be seen as a general best practice to have one class in a file in
 its corresponding path on the filesystem.

What he said. :)

Life really does become a lot simpler if you avoid 'import' everywhere you
can and just rely upon the class autoloader.

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

*Join us for **PuppetConf *
September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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[Puppet Users] Re: How to avoid the use of defined

2011-07-13 Thread jcbollinger

On Jul 13, 5:34 am, Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale

 First, thanks for your help. However I still have some issues with your

 jcbollinger writes:
  few bad ones.  Here's a good rule of thumb: never use Puppet's
  defined() function in your manifests.  Ever.  It is brittle, and it
  will cause you grief, increasing exponentially with the number of
  There is no need for subclassing or defined() here.  I would approach
  the problem something like this:
    # Resource defaults for Packages in this class
    Package {
      ensure = installed,
      require = Package['php'],
      notify = Service['httpd']

 This creates a dependency loop:

 err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found dependency cycles in the 
 following relationships: Package[php] = Package[httpd], Package[httpd] = 
 Package[php], Package[php] = Package[php-ldap], Package[php-imap] = 
 Package[php-mysql], Package[php-gd] = Package[php-mysql], Package[php-ldap] 
 = Package[php-mysql], Package[php] = Package[php-mysql], Package[httpd] = 
 File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod-status.conf], Package[php] = 
 Package[php-mbstring], Package[httpd] = Service[httpd], Package[httpd] = 
 Service[httpd], Package[php-imap] = Service[httpd], Package[php-mysql] = 
 Service[httpd], Package[php-gd] = Service[httpd], Package[php-ldap] = 
 Service[httpd], Package[php] = Service[httpd], 
 File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod-status.conf] = Service[httpd], 
 Package[php-mbstring] = Service[httpd], Package[php] = Package[php-imap], 
 Package[php] = Package[php-gd], Package[httpd] = File[/var/www/html]; try 
 using the '--graph' option and open the '.dot' files in OmniGraffle or 

 As far as I understand, Package['httpd'] (defined in class apache::base)
 inherits the dependency on Package['php']. This is using Puppet 2.6.8;
 has this changed in 2.7.x?

Fair enough, then move the 'require' parameter back out of resource
defaults into individual Package resources.  Using resource defaults
is not an essential aspect of the solution.

  # ** No class apache::php53 **

 So how do I tell Puppet which nodes need 5.1 and which need 5.3? With my
 sample wordpress class I get the following error:

See below.

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 Could not find class apache::php53 in namespaces wordpress at 
 /etc/puppet/modules/wordpress/manifests/init.pp:6 on node

 Looks like using a dummy class definition as a flag won't work. :-) I
 could use a variable instead, but I guess the ordering issues would get
 even worse?

As I wrote, Everybody that needs PHP just includes apache::php.
There is no more apache::php53.

  # class apache::params unchanged, not shown

 So I'm still using defined().

Ah.  That's a blunder on my part.  These are the alternatives I can
think of:

1) Per node, set a global variable that directs which set of PHP
packages to use.

2) Use extlookup() to retrieve a flag variable such as described in
(1), or else to retrieve the individual PHP package names.

3) Base the PHP package selection on node facts (possibly just
$hostname) instead of on defined()

4) Though I don't favor parameterized classes, you could parameterize
apache::php to allow your nodes to direct which set of PHP packages to
use; whether this is feasible depends somewhat on how the class is

Another way to do this might be to stick with apache::php53 as a
subclass of apache::php, and use resource overrides.  This is clean
only if you don't need the PHP package names in other classes, but it
looks like you're relying on titles instead of names anyway.  The
result might be something like this:

class apache::php {
  include 'apache::base'

  package { 'php':
ensure = installed,
require = Package['httpd'],
notify = Service['httpd'];
ensure = installed,
require = Package['php'],
notify = Service['httpd'];
ensure = installed,
require = Package['php'],
notify = Service['httpd'];
ensure = installed,
require = Package['php'],
notify = Service['httpd'];

class apache::php53 inherits apache::php {
  # $os is defined in site.pp.
  if $::os == 'rhel5' {
Package['php'] { name = 'php53u' }
Package['php-gd'] { name = 'php53u-gd' }
Package['php-imap'] { name = 'php53u-imap' }
Package['php-ldap'] { name = 'php53u-ldap' }

package { 'php-alt':
  name = 'php',
  ensure = absent,
  require = undef,
  before = Package['php']
  else {
warning 'Class apache::php53 should only ever be defined for RHEL5
and its clones.'

# No class apache::params, at least as pertains to apache::php

RHEL5 nodes that want PHP 5.3 then include apache::php53.  It is safe,
but unnecessary, for such nodes also to include apache::php.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: How to avoid the use of defined

2011-07-13 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 3:34 AM, Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale

# Resource defaults for Packages in this class
Package {
  ensure = installed,
  require = Package['php'],
  notify = Service['httpd']

 This creates a dependency loop:

An option here is to override the require on a per-package basis.

If you set a resource default for require, and then separately set require
for individual resources, they will overwrite the resource default rather
than append to it.

You could also use collections to do what you want, this is untested, but
something like:

Package | title != php | {
  require = Package['php'],
  notify = Service['httpd']

should work I believe.

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

*Join us for **PuppetConf *
September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet never finishing when there are thousands of resources

2011-07-13 Thread jcbollinger

On Jul 12, 9:53 pm, Rich Rauenzahn wrote:
 We are using puppet to export nagios resources (now we're using file
 resources to represent them) and the number of resources is probably
 in the thousands -- our puppet runs take 6GB (on the client side) and
 then just sort of spin forever (it's been running for a couple of
 hours now -- and no, we're not paging.)

 We're using puppet 2.6.4 and ruby 1.8.6 -- upgrading is on our
 roadmap, but we need to fight a few other fires first.

 Anyone have any suggestions for fixing this?  Or how to mitigate this?
  I wonder if something isn't scaling -- like maybe the number of edges
 in the puppet DAG is increasing exponentially

I don't know whether the size of the DAG is actually your problem, but
it sounds like it might be.  On that topic, then ...

Relationships involving whole classes, especially of one whole class
on another, tend to add a lot of edges that are not strictly
necessary, because they are reduced to multiple inter-resource
dependencies.  That is, given Class['a'] - Class['b'], you get a
relationship between each of the n resources of Class['a'] and each of
the m resources of Class['b'], for n x m DAG edges.

Run stages magnify that effect, because they establish relationships
between each class in a given stage and each class in each later
stage.  If there is a total of r resources under management, then the
number of DAG edges can scale as poorly as O(r*r).  It would be a rare
manifest set indeed where all those relationships are actually needed.

If you must use run stages (not a given!) then keeping as many classes
as possible in the main stage will tend to improve DAG scaling.  The
scaling effect for individual class relationships can be somewhat
managed by careful factoring of your classes into those intended for
other modules to depend on (these contain only a few key resources)
and those intended for use only inside the same module, coupled with
using only resource-level relationships intra-module.

For the most precise control and minimum number of DAG edges, however,
use only resource-level relationships everywhere, and audit those
relationships ruthlessly.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet never finishing when there are thousands of resources

2011-07-13 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:27 AM, jcbollinger john.bollin...@stjude.orgwrote:

 Relationships involving whole classes, especially of one whole class
 on another, tend to add a lot of edges that are not strictly
 necessary, because they are reduced to multiple inter-resource
 dependencies.  That is, given Class['a'] - Class['b'], you get a
 relationship between each of the n resources of Class['a'] and each of
 the m resources of Class['b'], for n x m DAG edges.

Note that 2.7.x resolved this relationship explosion, which is one reason I
suggested trying that.

Nigel Kersten
Product Manager, Puppet Labs
Twitter: @nigelkersten

*Join us for **PuppetConf *
September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Moving config to an ENC

2011-07-13 Thread Justin Lambert
Thanks for the response Dan, that was an easy fix.

Here is a trace:
# puppet agent -t --trace
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:56:in `deserialize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:75:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb:188:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector.rb:50:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:429:in `thinmark'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:428:in `thinmark'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:86:in `retrieve_catalog'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:150:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent/locker.rb:21:in `lock'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/sync.rb:230:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:103:in `with_client'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:37:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:172:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:172:in `controlled_run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:35:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/agent.rb:114:in `onetime'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/agent.rb:88:in `run_command'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:305:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:420:in `hook'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:305:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:411:in `exit_on_fail'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:305:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/command_line.rb:62:in `execute'
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Invalid parameter yumreposerver::locations on node
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Dan Bode wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Justin Lambert wrote:

 I have just gotten to playing with this and am doing something wrong,
 probably very basic.

 On the puppetmaster (which for my testing is also the client) I have
 create_resources.rb in /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/parser/functions.

 I wrote a new ENC that will just output a very basic YAML to test this,
 the output is:

 distro: centos
 version: 5.6

 it should be something like:


 there is no yumreposerver parameter in the yum server class, only an
 instances parameter

 In my modules directory I have yumreposerver/manifests/locations.pp:
 class yumreposerver::locations ( $instances = {} )
   create_resources('yumreposerver::location', $instances)

 define yumreposerver::location( $distro, $version ) {

 puppet agent -t --noop returns:
 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 Invalid parameter yumreposerver::locations on node name

 I agree that this is not a very clear error message, can you run with

  Puppet version 2.6.9 on SL6.

 Any insight as to where I have gone wrong?


 On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Justin Lambert

 This looks exactly like what I was looking for, thank you.  This might be
 worth mentioning on the ENC page so people like myself can find it easier.

 On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Dan Bode wrote:

 Hi J,

 The create resources function was created to serve this exact use case
 (the README actually mentions your exact use case :) )

 This will require 2.6.5 or higher to work (That is the first version
 where ENC's support param classes)

 The function was also merged into core in 2.7.0


 On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Justin Lambert wrote:

 I have recently started moving the config of our puppet hosts out of
 the nodes files and into an ENC so they can be managed through a web UI by
 someone with less technical experience without the fear of a typo causing 
 failure of all catalogs to compile.  As a result, I have been looking at
 which modules need to be rewritten to support this.  The problem I have 
 into is, how do you do something such as add multiple virtual hosts using
 the YAML output of an ENC?

 I currently have 

[Puppet Users] Exported Resources with --noop

2011-07-13 Thread Andrew Thompson
When I puppet with the noop flag resources are being exported to the
db.  Is this expected or a bug?

I would expect it to simulate the transaction with the db...


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?

2011-07-13 Thread Darrell Fuhriman

I've always thought there should be an implicit X::disabled class that gets 
included for every host where X isn't included.

Then if I create said class, it gets automatically executed on all hosts that 
don't include X. As it is now, one still has to go through and add X::disabled 
to every host, which is largely defeating the purpose of having a X::disabled 
class in the first place. (That purpose, for those not paying attention, is to 
make sure that things are in a known state, including services *not* running 
where they shouldn't be.)


 Create a class called sg_node::disabled that inherits sg_node and
 overrides all of it's resources to undo them.  This usually means
 setting 'ensure =absent' (or 'undef' if applicable) for most
 resources.  For execs, I usually set 'unless = true.'

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[Puppet Users] wrong nodes.pp being accessed by the client

2011-07-13 Thread newguy
I have two development environments, main and development and  my
puppet.conf looks like this:


modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules

I have made nodes.pp for both environments.

now when I execute the following on the client:
puppetd --test --verbose --environment development
it access the nodes.pp in the /etc/puppet/manifests rather than going
to /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/nodes.pp

In my site.pp stored at /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/
site.pp I have the following:
import 'nodes.pp'

How should I make puppet access the correct nodes.pp???

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[Puppet Users] help with new type

2011-07-13 Thread Mike Zupan
I'm trying to create a new type.. I followed the example on the wiki
and I have for the the type

module Puppet
  newtype(:append_if_no_such_line) do
@doc = Ensure that the given line is defined in the file, and append
the line to the end of the file if the line isn't already in
the file.

newparam(:name) do
  desc The name of the resource

newparam(:file) do
  desc The file to examine (and possibly modify) for the line.

newparam(:user) do
  desc The user

newparam(:line) do
  desc The line we're interested in.

newproperty(:ensure) do
  desc Whether the resource is in sync or not.

  defaultto :insync

  def retrieve
File.readlines(resource[:file]).map { |l|
}.include?(resource[:line]) ? :insync : :outofsync

  newvalue :outofsync
  newvalue :insync do[:file], 'a') { |fd| fd.puts resource[:line] }

My manifest is this

append_if_no_such_line { foobar:
  file   = /tmp/foobar.txt,
  line   = some line of text,
  user  = test,
  ensure = insync,

The error is

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Invalid parameter user at
/etc/puppet/manifests/modules/brsoft/manifests/history.pp:11 on node

If i remove the user part from the manifest, it works just fine.. i'm
scratching my head a bit


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[Puppet Users] Re: wrong nodes.pp being accessed by the client

2011-07-13 Thread newguy
I got the solution as I realize that puppet server needs to have only
one nodes.pp for every environment and as client with different
environments connect puppet looks for their module paths and install
the respective packages, all the node entries irrespective of the
environment they are attached to goes in the /etc/puppet/manifests/

Please correct me if I am wrong.

On Jul 13, 11:18 am, newguy wrote:
 I have two development environments, main and development and  my
 puppet.conf looks like this:


 modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules

 I have made nodes.pp for both environments.

 now when I execute the following on the client:
 puppetd --test --verbose --environment development
 it access the nodes.pp in the /etc/puppet/manifests rather than going
 to /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/nodes.pp

 In my site.pp stored at /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/
 site.pp I have the following:
 import 'nodes.pp'

 How should I make puppet access the correct nodes.pp???

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: wrong nodes.pp being accessed by the client

2011-07-13 Thread Darrell Fuhriman
No, you're right, at least as far as I've been able to tell – though I 
certainly may have overlooked something.

The puppetmaster only gets the configs from one environment, so you're stuck 
using that. There are other consequences as well, such as defined resources 
using the definition in the server's environment. Some of this is design, and 
some is from bugs:

It is, to my mind, a pretty serious deficiency – one makes safely testing 
significant changes much harder. It's enough of a pain that I've considered 
running a separate puppet master just for serving the testing environment.


On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:43, newguy wrote:

 I got the solution as I realize that puppet server needs to have only
 one nodes.pp for every environment and as client with different
 environments connect puppet looks for their module paths and install
 the respective packages, all the node entries irrespective of the
 environment they are attached to goes in the /etc/puppet/manifests/
 Please correct me if I am wrong.
 On Jul 13, 11:18 am, newguy wrote:
 I have two development environments, main and development and  my
 puppet.conf looks like this:
 modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules
 I have made nodes.pp for both environments.
 now when I execute the following on the client:
 puppetd --test --verbose --environment development
 it access the nodes.pp in the /etc/puppet/manifests rather than going
 to /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/nodes.pp
 In my site.pp stored at /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/
 site.pp I have the following:
 import 'nodes.pp'
 How should I make puppet access the correct nodes.pp???
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[Puppet Users] Re: Seemingly random failures after 2.7.1 upgrade

2011-07-13 Thread Gus

I've also noticed this (weird) behaviour. I am planning an (huge)
upgrade (from 0.25.x to 2.7.1) in all my puppet's boxes...

I've installed puppet's 2.7.1 gem and got a lot of Could not find
class problem... and everything worked just fine with 0.25.x.

So, I decided to uninstall the gem for version 2.7.1 and install
puppet version 2.6.9.

Everything worked just fine... no weird Could not find class

am I missing something?

Thanks in advance,

On Jul 13, 11:03 am, Nigel Kersten wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Peter Meier

  Puppet has quite a powerfull autoloading feature of classes and I think
  it can be seen as a general best practice to have one class in a file in
  its corresponding path on the filesystem.

 What he said. :)

 Life really does become a lot simpler if you avoid 'import' everywhere you
 can and just rely upon the class autoloader.

 Nigel Kersten
 Product Manager, Puppet Labs
 Twitter: @nigelkersten

 *Join us for **PuppetConf *
 September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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[Puppet Users] Solaris mount provider question

2011-07-13 Thread Aaron Grewell
I'm trying to mount multiple swap partitions in Solaris, but I'm not sure
how to create a working syntax for that.  Since the mountpoint for a swap
partition is '-' adding more than one is going to result in a multiple

I'd like to do something like this:

mount { '-':
device = '/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap01',
fstype = swap,
atboot = no,
options = -,

mount { '-':
device = '/dev/zvol/dsk/upool/swap02',
fstype = swap,
atboot = no,
options = -,

I would use the 'path' property, but it's listed as deprecated and I'd
rather not have my manifest break upon upgrading.  Is there a better way to
do this that I'm missing?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Exported Resources with --noop

2011-07-13 Thread Gabriel Filion
On 11-07-13 12:06 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
 When I puppet with the noop flag resources are being exported to the
 db.  Is this expected or a bug?

Hmm what version of puppet are you using?

I've just encountered exactly this with puppet 0.25.4. ran puppet with
-t --noop on a node that has yet never run puppet, and it exported a
nagios host.

I think it's a bug. If you open an issue about it, send the URL here and
I'll go vote for it.

 I would expect it to simulate the transaction with the db...

I would too. It could for example warn if there's a conflict
(redefinition of an exported resource) but it shouldn't commit resources
to database.

Gabriel Filion

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Re: [Puppet Users] Solaris mount provider question

2011-07-13 Thread Stefan Schulte
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 02:54:07PM -0700, Aaron Grewell wrote:
 I'm trying to mount multiple swap partitions in Solaris, but I'm not sure
 how to create a working syntax for that.  Since the mountpoint for a swap
 partition is '-' adding more than one is going to result in a multiple
 I'd like to do something like this:
 mount { '-':
 device = '/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap01',
 fstype = swap,
 atboot = no,
 options = -,
 mount { '-':
 device = '/dev/zvol/dsk/upool/swap02',
 fstype = swap,
 atboot = no,
 options = -,
 I would use the 'path' property, but it's listed as deprecated and I'd
 rather not have my manifest break upon upgrading.  Is there a better way to
 do this that I'm missing?

You cannot manage a mountpoint (here -) twice because puppet uses the
mount point to identify your resource.
(there is an old bug report about your exact same usecase:

Let's say there already is a swap entry in /etc/vfstab with device set to
/dev/zvol/dsk/upool/swap03. Is this the first resource and device is
out of sync (is swap03, should be swap01) or should this line match
your second resource and device is out of sync (is swap03, should be
swap02) or should it be treated as a separate resource?

To demonstrate the problem and get rid of duplicate error message you
can set two different resource titles and then set name = '-' on both
resources. But then you have the problem that puppet will constantly mix up
the two resources.

Puppet just needs something to identify a resource and for the mounttype
it is the mount point. You probably can use an exec resource like

exec { '/bin/echo .../swap01...  /etc/vfstab':
  unless = '/bin/grep .../swap01... /etc/vfstab',
exec { '/bin/echo .../swap02...  /etc/vfstab':
  unless = '/bin/grep .../swap02... /etc/vfstab',

Maybe someone else has better ideas?


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[Puppet Users] Open Source Team iteration planning summary 2011-07-13

2011-07-13 Thread Jacob Helwig
We've made some good progress on getting Facter  Puppet running on
Windows.  Currently, we have Facter installable and running through
install.rb, with all tests passing on Windows Server 2008 R2.  We also
have Puppet installable through install.rb, and are currently working
on getting the code and tests to a passing state.

We have explicitly disabled running the master under Windows with an
appropriate message stating that it is not supported.  We may re-visit
this at some point, but for now we're just concerned with getting
puppet agent, and puppet apply working on Windows.

We've been adding sub-tasks to the meta-ticket (#8268).  If you're
following along at home, please feel free to bring up any issues you
may find on the parent, or any of the appropriate sub-tickets.

Completed backlog items:

  * Explicitly disable master on Windows.

  * Facter installs on Windows

  * Facter tests passing on Windows

  * Puppet installs on Windows

  * #8356 - Default value of :color should be false on Windows

  * #7581 - Provide more detailed error message when missing gems on Windows

Current backlog:

  * #8341 - Puppet loading facts repeatedly

  * Disable tests exclusive to master functionality on Windows

  * All Puppet tests passing on Windows

  * #8322 - Facter should return as much info as Windows SystemInfo

  * #8272 - Windows Services Management

  * #8414 - Task scheduler type/provider for Windows

  * #8301 - Red Hat Spec file in 2.7.2rc1 isn't quite right

  * #8408 - Local user provider for Windows

  * #8409 - Local group provider for Windows

  * #8410 - Exec provider for Windows

  * #8411 - File type working on Windows

  * #8412 - MSI package provider for Windows

  * #8413 - Ability to run Puppet as an agent on Windows

Jacob Helwig
| Join us for PuppetConf, September 22nd and 23rd in Portland, OR

Description: Digital signature

Re: [Puppet Users] Solaris mount provider question

2011-07-13 Thread John Warburton
On 14 July 2011 09:06, Stefan Schulte stefan.schu...@taunusstein.netwrote:

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 02:54:07PM -0700, Aaron Grewell wrote:
  I'm trying to mount multiple swap partitions in Solaris, but I'm not sure
  how to create a working syntax for that.  Since the mountpoint for a swap
  partition is '-' adding more than one is going to result in a multiple

 You cannot manage a mountpoint (here -) twice because puppet uses the
  mount point to identify your resource.
 (there is an old bug report about your exact same usecase:

 That's the problem - Solaris swap entries in vfstab do not have unique
names for the mount point - just a -. I sort of hinted at this in (which Stefan sorted -
so he's the guru on this)

 Puppet just needs something to identify a resource and for the mounttype
 it is the mount point. You probably can use an exec resource like

Maybe someone else has better ideas?

 I can think of nothing short of modifying the mount provider to accept a
different name for the specific case of swap mount entries. Not pretty.
Maybe it could be merged into



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Re: [Puppet Users] wrong nodes.pp being accessed by the client

2011-07-13 Thread Nan Liu
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 11:18 AM, newguy wrote:
 I have two development environments, main and development and  my
 puppet.conf looks like this:


 modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules

 I have made nodes.pp for both environments.

 now when I execute the following on the client:
 puppetd --test --verbose --environment development
 it access the nodes.pp in the /etc/puppet/manifests rather than going
 to /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/nodes.pp

 In my site.pp stored at /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests/
 site.pp I have the following:
 import 'nodes.pp'

 How should I make puppet access the correct nodes.pp???


modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules
manifestdir = /etc/puppet/environments/development/manifests



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Smith
What if you specify a resource as being disabled/uninstalled/etc by default?
On Jul 13, 2011 9:40 AM, Darrell Fuhriman wrote:

 I've always thought there should be an implicit X::disabled class that
gets included for every host where X isn't included.

 Then if I create said class, it gets automatically executed on all hosts
that don't include X. As it is now, one still has to go through and add
X::disabled to every host, which is largely defeating the purpose of having
a X::disabled class in the first place. (That purpose, for those not paying
attention, is to make sure that things are in a known state, including
services *not* running where they shouldn't be.)


 Create a class called sg_node::disabled that inherits sg_node and
 overrides all of it's resources to undo them. This usually means
 setting 'ensure =absent' (or 'undef' if applicable) for most
 resources. For execs, I usually set 'unless = true.'

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