[Puppet Users] Re: Clearing delayed job failures in dashboard

2011-10-31 Thread Evgeny
this will clean all reports, I don't know how to clean only delayed
job failures but it may help

rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:prune upto=0 unit=day

On Oct 28, 9:32 pm, Steven L. Seed slseed1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a ton of delayed job failures in my dashboard under background tasks. 
 They are mostly failed imports of report yaml files that were deleted. There 
 are over 4 of them so I can't use the Mark all as read button because 
 it causes dashboard to hang forever. Anyone know how I can clear these from 
 the command line?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet class dependency

2011-10-31 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 29, 2:50 am, Jean Baptiste FAVRE
jean.baptiste.fa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Andrew,
 Thanks for your answer.

 Infact, pkgrepo *is* already like you suggest:
 class pkgrepo {
     Nginx::Vhost[website.domain.tld] - Class['Pkgrepo']
     include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config


 Just forget about Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] and replace it
 wherever you see it with Nginx::Vhost[website.domain.tld] (my bad for
 the typo).

 And, that's why I don't understand because
 Nginx::Vhost['website.domain.tld'] - Class['Pkgrepo'] is supposed to
 make vhost applied before pkgrepo. But in my output examples, package
 reprepro definied in pkgrepo::install got installed before vhosts is set up.

 About setting require for pkgrepo::repository, I will try asap.
 My first thought was to specify dependencies between classes in root
 class (ie, in pkgrepo and not in pkgrepo::install) for readability purpose.
 But, it that case, I could specify it pkgrepo::repository since it
 defined in node definition. Just wonder why I did not tought about it
 before :-/

 Will let you updated right after my tests.


 On 29/10/2011 09:26, Andrew Hendry wrote:

  Hi Jean,

  Is Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] getting set up somewhere
  else in your code?

  If not should your pkgrepo be like this?
  class pkgrepo {
           Nginx::Vhost[website.domain.tld] - Class['Pkgrepo']
           include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config


       pkgrepo::repository { test:
           docroot     = /var/www/website.domain.tld,
           gpgkeyid    = C78033BD,
           require = Nginx::Vhost[website.domain.tld],

  Good luck.

  On Oct 29, 12:41 am, Jean Baptiste Favre
  jean.baptiste.fa...@gmail.com wrote:
  There's something I don't understand with classes dependency.
  I saw many thread about this subject, but still can not figure how it
  works exactly.

  I'm trying to setup a debian package repository. For that, I need:
  - a vhost, served by nginx
  - repo managment tools as well as GPG key copied into directory tree

  So, that makes 2 classes:
  include nginx
  include pkgrepo

  nginx class install nginx package and provide a define to deal with
  vhost definition:
       nginx::vhost { 'website.domain.tld':
           port     = 80,
           docroot  = '/var/www',
           priority = 00,
  This define will create directory /var/www/website.domain.tld as well as
  deploying vhost file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/00-website.domain.tld

  pkgrepo class will install repo managment tools and deploy repository
  GPG key in /var/www/website.domain.tld/key.gpg

  Therefore, it will require vhost to be created before being able to copy
  GPG key.

  Here's my setup:
  node nodetest {
       include nginx
       nginx::vhost { 'website.domain.tld':
           port     = 80,
           docroot  = '/var/www',
           priority = 00,
       include pkgrepo
       pkgrepo::repository { test:
           docroot     = /var/www/website.domain.tld,
           gpgkeyid    = C78033BD,

  And for classes definition, I got:
  class pkgrepo {
           Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] - Class['Pkgrepo']
           include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config


  Problem is, when I try to executed it twice, I don't alway have
  dependency respected. For sure, I'm doing something wrong, but can not
  figure what. Bellow are the execution output.

  Best regards,
  Jean Baptiste Favre

  Wrong behaviour:
  # /usr/sbin/puppetd --no-daemonize --logdest console --onetime --verbose
  --preferred_serialization_format marshal
  notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run
  info: Caching catalog for nodetest
  info: Applying configuration version '1319805719'
  notice: /Stage[main]/Pkgrepo::Install/Package[reprepro]/ensure: ensure
  changed 'purged' to 'present'
  defined content as '{md5}bad3fd5741e335516e2e51aaefe2963c'
  Scheduling refresh of Service[nginx]
  notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx::Service/Service[nginx]: Triggered 'refresh'
  from 1 events
  notice: Finished catalog run in 6.25 seconds

  Good behaviour:
  # /usr/sbin/puppetd --no-daemonize --logdest console --onetime --verbose
  --preferred_serialization_format marshal
  notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run
  info: Caching catalog for nodetest
  info: Applying configuration version '1319805719'
  defined content as '{md5}bad3fd5741e335516e2e51aaefe2963c'

[Puppet Users] Re: Unable to define order of modules

2011-10-31 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 28, 10:07 am, Baptiste Grenier baptiste.gren...@gmail.com

 I am trying to define the modules' run order like this:

You are running up against a common source of confusion: the
difference between order of manifest evaluation (on the master) and
order of catalog application (on the client).  You appear to be
conflating the two into run order, but in general there is no need
for them to be the same, and indeed, one sometimes wants them to

Evaluation order affects (only) the compilation of your manifests into
a catalog, and the key mechanisms available for influencing it are
(1) the 'require' and 'include' functions (*not* the 'require'
resource metaparameter), and
(2) lexical order within individual manifest files

Application order affects (only) the order in which resources are
applied to your nodes, but that's irrelevant if catalog compilation
fails.  The user-accessible mechanisms for influencing it are
(1) the 'require' resource metaparameter and its friends,
(2) the arrow syntax for defining resource relationships,
(3) run stages, and
(4) the 'require' function (which also affects order of manifest

You have an evaluation order problem, and you have tried to fix it by
constraining the application order.  Instead, you want something like


class sudo {
  include aptdater::client

  file { '/tmp/sudoers':
ensure  = 'present',
content = template('/tmp/sudoers.erb'),
  notify { class_sudo: message = class sudo }



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[Puppet Users] Re: Duplicate exported resources

2011-10-31 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 30, 2:42 am, Galed Friedmann galed.friedm...@onavo.com wrote:
 I didn't know there was such a difference between exporting the ensure and
 setting it when collecting, I thought it was supposed to be the same thing

As I seem to be saying frequently of late, the effect on the client
should be the same if the catalog compiles, but the effect on catalog
compilation is not necessarily the same.  Also, it's cleaner design-
wise to collect resources without overriding their properties.
Overriding has legitimate uses, but you should prefer to export the
full target state of a resource when you can do so.


 Anyways, I fixed this but I still see the error happening from time to
 time, got a few of those this morning:
 Oct 30 07:34:16 ubuntu puppet-master[10501]: Exported resource Host[proxy4]
 cannot override local resource on node lb2
 Oct 30 07:34:16 ubuntu puppet-master[10501]: Exported resource Host[proxy4]
 cannot override local resource on node lb2
 Oct 30 07:34:17 ubuntu puppet-master[10337]: Exported resource Host[proxy4]
 cannot override local resource on node lb5
 Oct 30 07:34:17 ubuntu puppet-master[10337]: Exported resource Host[proxy4]
 cannot override local resource on node lb5
 Oct 30 07:34:19 ubuntu puppet-master[10337]: Exported resource Host[proxy4]
 cannot override local resource on node lb3back

 This is the new manifest:
 proxy* servers:
         @@host { $hostname:
                 comment = $hostname,
                 ip = $ec2_local_ipv4,
                 name = stable_host$proxy_id,
                 tag = production-proxy,
                 ensure = present,

 lb* servers:
         Host | tag == production-proxy | {

         Host | tag ==backup-proxy | {

If you're not performing any actual overrides then you should remove
the empty braces, too.  It seems unlikely that that would solve the
problem, but not completely out of the question.  I'd remove for
clarity, though, if for no other reason.

 Still no idea why this is happening. I have some hosts that sometime change
 their IP address and I have to sync this with the other servers. Is it
 possible that the cause is that there is already a host record in the
 /etc/hosts file that has another IP address in it? (Although I'd assume
 puppet should just change it and not take it as a local resource...)

It is conceivable that Puppet gets confused if in /etc/hosts it finds
separate records, one having the same host name as the collected
resource but a different address, and the other having the same IP
address but a different name.  I agree, however, that that *shouldn't*
be a problem, and I would be surprised if it were.  You should be able
to test that case.

Do you have hosts with duplicate hostnames (perhaps in different
domains)?  Are any of the affected hosts flipping between being
primary and backup proxies, or have they done since you turned on
storeconfigs?  If you clear out your storeconfig database do the
problems continue and/or come back later?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Basic questions about puppetlabs-java

2011-10-31 Thread Nan Liu
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Robert Atkins snikta.tre...@gmail.com wrote:
 Some progress...

 On Oct 31, 1:07 pm, Robert Atkins snikta.tre...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've installed puppet, rubygems, puppet-module and the puppetlabs-java
 module on my OpenSUSE 11.4 system. When I do:

 puppet apply java/manifests/init.pp

 ... nothing happens. I was expecting output telling me my system is

 I've now realised I can't use the class directly, but have to
 include it from my own manifest file. This I've done; I've now
 gotten as far as receiving the expected error message, modifying the
 java module to include OpenSuSE as an RPM-style system, and getting
 zypper complain No provider of 'jdk' found.

Here's an example for how to use this class:

I'm expecting OpenSuSE to fail with operating system not supported
based on the latest code:

I don't know the extracted jdk package name on SuSE. You will need to
copy the rpm to your zypper package repo first. Next I would copy the
package_redhat class to package_suse and update the init.pp file with
the following section:

  case $operatingsystem {

opensuse: {

  class { 'java::package_suse':
version  = $version,
distribution = $distribution,
require  = Anchor['java::begin'],
before   = Anchor['java::end'],


If this works, we would love to get a merge request to add support to
this platform.

 I had to manually move the java and stdlib classes into /usr/share/
 puppet/modules though. Shouldn't puppet-module put them there

There's different modulepath defaults on different platform (as well
as enterprise vs. opensource). The tool currently installs in the
current working directory. I'm not sure how best to improve this
default behavior, but it seems worthwhile to have a feature request
opened in projects.puppetlabs.com if it doesn't already exist.



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[Puppet Users] Incorrect architecture fact value during catalog run

2011-10-31 Thread Alexander Azarov
Hi all,

Can you help me diagnose a problem please?

I have Facter 1.6.2 and Puppet 2.7.6 installed and what happens is that I 
rely on architecture fact in my manifests and this fact looks correct 
when I run Facter and it is set to incorrect value during catalog run:

r4:/var/log# facter -p | grep architecture
architecture = amd64

r4:/var/log# puppet facts find r4.osinka.int 

r4:/var/log# puppet agent --test --noop
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
info: Caching catalog for r4.osinka.int
info: Applying configuration version '1320071507'
notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Notify[Architecture x86_64]/message: 
current_value absent, should be Architecture x86_64 (noop)

Any ideas? Where to dig?

Alexander Azarov

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[Puppet Users] useradd question

2011-10-31 Thread Peter Horvath
I am using Ubuntu LTS 10.04 with the backported puppet

I am trying to create user with the following manifests but at the end
always getting the Could not find user git error message:
What am i missing, seems the manifest not creating the missing git


class git::user {
name= 'install',
ensure  = absent,

name= 'git',
password= 'x',
ensure  = present,
comment = 'Git user for puppet',
managehome  = true,
shell   = '/bin/bash',
uid = '1000',
require = User['install'],
provider= 'useradd',
Some other classes uses this as requirement:


class git::ssh {
ensure  = installed,

ensure  = directory,
path= '/home/git/.ssh',
require = User['git'],

path= '/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys',
ensure  = file,
source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/
owner   = 'git',
group   = 'git',
mode= '600',
recurse = true,
require = User['git'],


class git {
ensure = installed,

path= '/etc/puppet/.git/config',
ensure  = file,
source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/config',

path= '/etc/puppet/.git/hooks/post-receive',
ensure  = file,
source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/post-

path= '/etc/puppet',
owner   = 'git',
group   = 'root',
mode= '755',
recurse = true,
require = User['git'],

Thank you

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[Puppet Users] Puppet client starting problem !!

2011-10-31 Thread Swati Longia

I have installed puppet 2.7.5 from tar on open suse 10.1. My ruby version
is 1.8.5 and facter version is 1.6.2. The opensuse OS is pretty
I don't even have normal linux commands like useradd or groupadd in this OS.

When I run the master it runs completely fine.

*puppetmasterd  --server puppetmaster.mydomain.com --verbose --no-daemon*
*notice: Starting Puppet master version 2.7.5*

But when I try running the puppet client, the hostname for that client is *
Proc_m0_s2*, it gives me error.

*puppetd --server puppetmaster.mydomain.com  --verbose --no-daemon*
*warning: iconv doesn't seem to support UTF-8/UTF-16 conversions*
*err: Could not create resources for managing Puppet's files and
directories in sections [:main, :agent, :ssl]: Could not find a default
provider for user*
*err: Could not create resources for managing Puppet's files and
directories in sections [:main, :ssl]: Could not find a default provider
for user*
*info: Creating a new SSL key for proc_m0_s2.tspinternal*
*err: Could not request certificate: Could not write
/etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/proc_m0_s2.tspinternal.pem to privatekeydir:
Could not find a default provider for user*
*info: Creating a new SSL key for proc_m0_s2.tspinternal*
*err: Could not request certificate: Could not write
/etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/proc_m0_s2.tspinternal.pem to privatekeydir:
Could not find a default provider for user*

I tried googling for this error but without any result. Please someone help
!! I have a deadline before which I need to get the master and client
configuration done correctly.

Thanks !!


Nothing is too small to know, and nothing too big to attempt.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Incorrect architecture fact value during catalog run

2011-10-31 Thread Adrien Thebo
What operating system is this? I'm looking at the documentation for
the architecture fact, and theres this:

# Resolution:
#   On OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the hardwaremodel fact.
#   Gentoo and Debian call x86_86 amd64.
#   Gentoo also calls i386 x86.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Alexander Azarov alaz...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Can you help me diagnose a problem please?

 I have Facter 1.6.2 and Puppet 2.7.6 installed and what happens is that I
 rely on architecture fact in my manifests and this fact looks correct when
 I run Facter and it is set to incorrect value during catalog run:

 r4:/var/log# facter -p | grep architecture
 architecture = amd64

 r4:/var/log# puppet facts find r4.osinka.int

 r4:/var/log# puppet agent --test --noop
 info: Retrieving plugin
 info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
 info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
 info: Caching catalog for r4.osinka.int
 info: Applying configuration version '1320071507'
 notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Notify[Architecture x86_64]/message:
 current_value absent, should be Architecture x86_64 (noop)

 Any ideas? Where to dig?

 Alexander Azarov

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[Puppet Users] Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread treydock
I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.

So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
root_password is failing like so,

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld

The definition looks like this,

node 'puppetnode1.tld' {

class { 'mysql::server':
root_password   = 'test'

database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')
database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':
privileges  = ['ALL'],

mysql::db { 'zabbix':
user= 'zabbix',
password= 'zabbix',
host= 'localhost',
grant   = ['ALL'],


The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being

There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
first time using parameterized classes.

- Trey

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Re: [Puppet Users] bug: recursive directory copy that re-copies nightly

2011-10-31 Thread Jo Rhett
man pre link will tell you:
   prelink  is  a program that modifies ELF shared libraries and ELF 
dynamically linked binaries in such a
   way that the time needed for the  dynamic  linker  to  perform  
relocations  at  startup  significantly

In short, don't use recursive copy to duplicate ELF binaries, or exempt them 
from pre link in some fashion. In our case it was determined that only an 
initial copy was necessary at this time.

On Oct 26, 2011, at 9:21 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:
 Thank you Doug, for the clue-by-four.  I overlooked that.  I owe you a beer.
 On Oct 26, 2011, at 7:23 AM, Doug Warner wrote:
 On 10/26/2011 12:51 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
 It happens every night around 9pm (4am UDT). EVERY night.
 4am, so cron.daily?
 Jo Rhett
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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread Dan Bode
you are running into a documentation issue. All of the configuration was
moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
 module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.

 So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
 root_password is failing like so,

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
 SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
 nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld

 The definition looks like this,

 node 'puppetnode1.tld' {

class { 'mysql::server':
root_password   = 'test'

should be changed to:

 class { 'mysql::server':
   config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}

database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')

   database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':
privileges  = ['ALL'],

mysql::db { 'zabbix':
user= 'zabbix',
password= 'zabbix',
host= 'localhost',
grant   = ['ALL'],


 The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
 I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being

 There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
 first time using parameterized classes.

 - Trey

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet class dependency

2011-10-31 Thread devon
 And for classes definition, I got:
 class pkgrepo {
          Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] - Class['Pkgrepo']
          include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config


The way I understand it, all included classes are basically included
at the same time before catalog compilation. And then the resource
dependencies don't take effect until the catalog is being applied to
the node...or in short - includes aren't treated like resources.

You basically end up with a node that includes pkgrepo,
pkgrepo::install, and pkgrepo::config classes, then puppet ensures
that Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] occurs before
Class[pkgrepo] - ignoring any sort of ordering for classes that
pkgrepo included.

To ensure the strict ordering when classes include other classes, you
need to specify the requirements for all the classes - something like
this should work:

class pkgrepo {
        Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] -
Class['pkgrepo::install'] - Class['pkgrepo::config'] -
        include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config

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Re: [Puppet Users] Incorrect architecture fact value during catalog run

2011-10-31 Thread Alexander Azarov
This is Debian 6.0.3

On Monday, October 31, 2011 8:43:50 PM UTC+4, Adrien Thebo wrote:

 What operating system is this? I'm looking at the documentation for
 the architecture fact, and theres this:

 # Resolution:
 #   On OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the hardwaremodel fact.
 #   Gentoo and Debian call x86_86 amd64.
 #   Gentoo also calls i386 x86.

 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Alexander Azarov ala...@gmail.com 
  Hi all,
  Can you help me diagnose a problem please?
  I have Facter 1.6.2 and Puppet 2.7.6 installed and what happens is that I
  rely on architecture fact in my manifests and this fact looks correct 
  I run Facter and it is set to incorrect value during catalog run:
  r4:/var/log# facter -p | grep architecture
  architecture = amd64
  r4:/var/log# puppet facts find r4.osinka.int
  r4:/var/log# puppet agent --test --noop
  info: Retrieving plugin
  info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
  info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
  info: Caching catalog for r4.osinka.int
  info: Applying configuration version '1320071507'
  notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Notify[Architecture x86_64]/message:
  current_value absent, should be Architecture x86_64 (noop)
  Any ideas? Where to dig?
  Alexander Azarov
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[Puppet Users] Re: Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread treydock

On Oct 31, 12:26 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 you are running into a documentation issue. All of the configuration was
 moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch

 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
  module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.

  So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
  root_password is failing like so,

  err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
  SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
  nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld

  The definition looks like this,

  node 'puppetnode1.tld' {

     class { 'mysql::server':
         root_password   = 'test'

 should be changed to:

  class { 'mysql::server':
        config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}

     database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
         password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')

    database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':

         privileges  = ['ALL'],

     mysql::db { 'zabbix':
         user        = 'zabbix',
         password    = 'zabbix',
         host        = 'localhost',
         grant       = ['ALL'],


  The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
  I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being

  There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
  first time using parameterized classes.

  - Trey

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  Puppet Users group.
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  For more options, visit this group at

Ah that was it!  Thanks.

Is there a way to similuate or run the equivilant of
mysql_secure_installation within this module?  I tried an initial
attempt with the following...but once it's added to the mysql::server
class it never seems to get called...

class mysql::server::secure {

database_user {
ensure= absent,
require   = Service['mysqld'];

ensure= absent,
require   = Service['mysqld'];

database {
ensure  = absent,
require = Service['mysqld'];


Would the easier route be to just modify the mysql_secure_installation
script to be more puppet friendly?

- Trey

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Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread Dan Bode
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 31, 12:26 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
  you are running into a documentation issue. All of the configuration was
  moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch
  On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
   I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
   module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.
   So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
   root_password is failing like so,
   err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
   SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
   nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld
   The definition looks like this,
   node 'puppetnode1.tld' {
  class { 'mysql::server':
  root_password   = 'test'
  should be changed to:
   class { 'mysql::server':
 config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}
  database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
  password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')
 database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':
  privileges  = ['ALL'],
  mysql::db { 'zabbix':
  user= 'zabbix',
  password= 'zabbix',
  host= 'localhost',
  grant   = ['ALL'],
   The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
   I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being
   There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
   first time using parameterized classes.
   - Trey
   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Puppet Users group.
   To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

 Ah that was it!  Thanks.

 Is there a way to similuate or run the equivilant of
 mysql_secure_installation within this module?  I tried an initial
 attempt with the following...but once it's added to the mysql::server
 class it never seems to get called...

what failed? How did you add it to the mysql::server class?

 class mysql::server::secure {

database_user {
ensure= absent,
require   = Service['mysqld'];

ensure= absent,
require   = Service['mysqld'];

database {
ensure  = absent,
require = Service['mysqld'];


 Would the easier route be to just modify the mysql_secure_installation
 script to be more puppet friendly?

 - Trey

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 Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet class dependency

2011-10-31 Thread Jean Baptiste FAVRE
Hash: SHA1

Hello Devon,
You're tight and that's the point I was looking for.
I discovered that point when doing some tests after Andrew's contribution.
So, now it works and I'll be able to deal with class ordering.

Thanks for your answer,

On 31/10/2011 18:45, devon wrote:
 And for classes definition, I got: class pkgrepo { 
 Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] - Class['Pkgrepo'] include
 The way I understand it, all included classes are basically
 included at the same time before catalog compilation. And then the
 resource dependencies don't take effect until the catalog is being
 applied to the node...or in short - includes aren't treated like
 You basically end up with a node that includes pkgrepo, 
 pkgrepo::install, and pkgrepo::config classes, then puppet ensures 
 that Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] occurs before 
 Class[pkgrepo] - ignoring any sort of ordering for classes that 
 pkgrepo included.
 To ensure the strict ordering when classes include other classes,
 you need to specify the requirements for all the classes - something
 like this should work:
 class pkgrepo { Nginx::Vhost[packages.iscoolapp.com] - 
 Class['pkgrepo::install'] - Class['pkgrepo::config'] - 
 Class['pkgrepo'] include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config }

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Re: [Puppet Users] Incorrect architecture fact value during catalog run

2011-10-31 Thread Adrien Thebo
Just as a curiosity, what web server are you using for your puppet master?

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Alexander Azarov alaz...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is Debian 6.0.3

 On Monday, October 31, 2011 8:43:50 PM UTC+4, Adrien Thebo wrote:

 What operating system is this? I'm looking at the documentation for
 the architecture fact, and theres this:

 # Resolution:
 #   On OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the hardwaremodel fact.
 #   Gentoo and Debian call x86_86 amd64.
 #   Gentoo also calls i386 x86.

 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Alexander Azarov ala...@gmail.com
  Hi all,
  Can you help me diagnose a problem please?
  I have Facter 1.6.2 and Puppet 2.7.6 installed and what happens is that
  rely on architecture fact in my manifests and this fact looks correct
  I run Facter and it is set to incorrect value during catalog run:
  r4:/var/log# facter -p | grep architecture
  architecture = amd64
  r4:/var/log# puppet facts find r4.osinka.int
  r4:/var/log# puppet agent --test --noop
  info: Retrieving plugin
  info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
  info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
  info: Caching catalog for r4.osinka.int
  info: Applying configuration version '1320071507'
  notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Notify[Architecture x86_64]/message:
  current_value absent, should be Architecture x86_64 (noop)
  Any ideas? Where to dig?
  Alexander Azarov
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  Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Incorrect architecture fact value during catalog run

2011-10-31 Thread Alexander Azarov
The simplest default, that is WEBrick I guess.

On Monday, October 31, 2011 10:28:12 PM UTC+4, Adrien Thebo wrote:

 Just as a curiosity, what web server are you using for your puppet master?

 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Alexander Azarov ala...@gmail.com 
  This is Debian 6.0.3
  On Monday, October 31, 2011 8:43:50 PM UTC+4, Adrien Thebo wrote:
  What operating system is this? I'm looking at the documentation for
  the architecture fact, and theres this:
  # Resolution:
  #   On OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the hardwaremodel fact.
  #   Gentoo and Debian call x86_86 amd64.
  #   Gentoo also calls i386 x86.
  On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Alexander Azarov ala...@gmail.com
   Hi all,
   Can you help me diagnose a problem please?
   I have Facter 1.6.2 and Puppet 2.7.6 installed and what happens is 
   rely on architecture fact in my manifests and this fact looks 
   I run Facter and it is set to incorrect value during catalog run:
   r4:/var/log# facter -p | grep architecture
   architecture = amd64
   r4:/var/log# puppet facts find r4.osinka.int
   r4:/var/log# puppet agent --test --noop
   info: Retrieving plugin
   info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
   info: Loading facts in ec2_facts
   info: Caching catalog for r4.osinka.int
   info: Applying configuration version '1320071507'
   notice: /Stage[main]/Nginx/Notify[Architecture x86_64]/message:
   current_value absent, should be Architecture x86_64 (noop)
   Any ideas? Where to dig?
   Alexander Azarov
   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Puppet Users group.
   To view this discussion on the web visit
   To post to this group, send email to pupp...@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet class dependency

2011-10-31 Thread Jean Baptiste FAVRE
Hash: SHA1

Hello John,
Answers inline

On 31/10/2011 15:40, jcbollinger wrote:
 Your setup is a bit strange in using arrow syntax within a class to 
 declare a dependency of that class itself, though I'm not sure that 
 shouldn't work.  Instead, the key problem may be capitalization: to 
 the best of my knowledge, when you reference a resource you must 
 capitalize the resource *type*, but not the resource name, thus I 
 think you should use
 Nginx::Vhost[website.domain.tld] - Class['pkgrepo']
About dependency of a class declared in the class itself, it bascially a
matter of modules/class organization:
- - Each module should be as much independent as possible. If they need
some other modules/classes, all requirement should be setted up in
root class.
For example, it's a simple module but still relevant: pkgrepo
Its goal is to set up a debian package repository. For that, it'll
install all relevant package and configure everything it can.
But, it need nginx::vhost to set up directory tree so that it'll be able
to deploy GPG key.
To make code maintenance easier, I've choosen to put all dependancies in
root class (in my example pkgrepo and not pkgrepo::install or

The example here is quite simple, but I'm working on other modules like
zabbix, which needs specific MySQL database/user.

About capitalization, it's basically an error from me :-/

 Nevertheless, it shouldn't just fail silently.  If you see nothing 
 relevant in either the master or the client's log about the 
 relationship not being honored, the resource not being found, or a 
 dependency cycle being detected, then you should file a ticket about 
 Meanwhile, there are a couple of alternative, more conventional ways 
 to define your relationship.  For example, you might find this to
 work more reliably:
 node nodetest { include nginx # NOTE relocation: include pkgrepo
 nginx::vhost { 'website.domain.tld': port = 80, docroot  =
 '/var/www', priority = 00, # NOTE: require = Class['pkgrepo'] } 
 pkgrepo::repository { test: docroot =
 /var/www/website.domain.tld, gpgkeyid= C78033BD, } }

This example should work, but won't for more complicated modules
(example above with zabbix module I'm working on)

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[Puppet Users] Re: Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread treydock

On Oct 31, 1:05 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Oct 31, 12:26 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
   you are running into a documentation issue. All of the configuration was
   moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch

   On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.

So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
root_password is failing like so,

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld

The definition looks like this,

node 'puppetnode1.tld' {

   class { 'mysql::server':
       root_password   = 'test'

   should be changed to:

    class { 'mysql::server':
          config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}

   database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
       password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')

      database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':

       privileges  = ['ALL'],

   mysql::db { 'zabbix':
       user        = 'zabbix',
       password    = 'zabbix',
       host        = 'localhost',
       grant       = ['ALL'],


The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being

There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
first time using parameterized classes.

- Trey

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For more options, visit this group at

  Ah that was it!  Thanks.

  Is there a way to similuate or run the equivilant of
  mysql_secure_installation within this module?  I tried an initial
  attempt with the following...but once it's added to the mysql::server
  class it never seems to get called...

 what failed? How did you add it to the mysql::server class?

  class mysql::server::secure {

     database_user {
             ensure        = absent,
             require       = Service['mysqld'];

             ensure        = absent,
             require       = Service['mysqld'];

     database {
             ensure  = absent,
             require = Service['mysqld'];


  Would the easier route be to just modify the mysql_secure_installation
  script to be more puppet friendly?

  - Trey

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  Puppet Users group.
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  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

It didn't fail, it just simply did nothing.

This is it's inclusion in mysql::server

class mysql::server(
  $service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
  $config_hash  = {},
  $package_name = 'mysql-server'
) inherits mysql::params {

include mysql::server::secure

  # automatically create a class to deal with
  # configuration
  $hash = {
mysql::config = $config_hash

I am doing it via Exec now anyways.  Though I'd prefer to do it with
the new type and provider

- Trey

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[Puppet Users] Re: Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread treydock

On Oct 31, 1:56 pm, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 31, 1:05 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

  On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Oct 31, 12:26 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
you are running into a documentation issue. All of the configuration was
moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql provided
 module, but am not able to get very far with the README documentation.

 So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
 root_password is failing like so,

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
 SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
 nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld

 The definition looks like this,

 node 'puppetnode1.tld' {

    class { 'mysql::server':
        root_password   = 'test'

should be changed to:

 class { 'mysql::server':
       config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}

    database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
        password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')

   database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':

        privileges  = ['ALL'],

    mysql::db { 'zabbix':
        user        = 'zabbix',
        password    = 'zabbix',
        host        = 'localhost',
        grant       = ['ALL'],


 The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done anything.
 I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being

 There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also my
 first time using parameterized classes.

 - Trey

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Puppet Users group.
 To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

   Ah that was it!  Thanks.

   Is there a way to similuate or run the equivilant of
   mysql_secure_installation within this module?  I tried an initial
   attempt with the following...but once it's added to the mysql::server
   class it never seems to get called...

  what failed? How did you add it to the mysql::server class?

   class mysql::server::secure {

      database_user {
              ensure        = absent,
              require       = Service['mysqld'];

              ensure        = absent,
              require       = Service['mysqld'];

      database {
              ensure  = absent,
              require = Service['mysqld'];


   Would the easier route be to just modify the mysql_secure_installation
   script to be more puppet friendly?

   - Trey

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   Puppet Users group.
   To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

 It didn't fail, it just simply did nothing.

 This is it's inclusion in mysql::server

 class mysql::server(
   $service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
   $config_hash  = {},
   $package_name = 'mysql-server'
 ) inherits mysql::params {

     include mysql::server::secure

   # automatically create a class to deal with
   # configuration
   $hash = {
     mysql::config = $config_hash

 I am doing it via Exec now anyways.  Though I'd prefer to do it with
 the new type and provider

 - Trey

Slightly different question...is there a way to pass / store the hash
for the root password rather than the plain text password?  Similar to
how the puppet user resource works?

- Trey

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Puppet Users group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Help using puppetlabs-mysql

2011-10-31 Thread Dan Bode
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:44 PM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Oct 31, 1:56 pm, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Oct 31, 1:05 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
   On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:55 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com wrote:
On Oct 31, 12:26 pm, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 you are running into a documentation issue. All of the
 configuration was
 moved to a new parameter called: config_hash. I can submit a patch
 On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:01 AM, treydock treyd...@gmail.com
  I'm working to begin managing MySQL with the puppetlabs-mysql
  module, but am not able to get very far with the README
  So far, simply trying to add the server module and define the
  root_password is failing like so,
  err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
  SERVER: Invalid parameter root_password at /etc/puppet/manifests/
  nodes.pp:882 on node puppetnode1.tld
  The definition looks like this,
  node 'puppetnode1.tld' {
 class { 'mysql::server':
 root_password   = 'test'
 should be changed to:
  class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash = { root_password   = 'test'}
 database_user { 'treydock@localhost':
 password_hash   = mysql_password('pass')
database_grant { 'treydock@localhost/*':
 privileges  = ['ALL'],
 mysql::db { 'zabbix':
 user= 'zabbix',
 password= 'zabbix',
 host= 'localhost',
 grant   = ['ALL'],
  The database_user and _grant thus far haven't actually done
  I'm assuming it's because mysql::server isn't working or being
  There's likely something very obvious I'm missing.  This is also
  first time using parameterized classes.
  - Trey
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the
  Puppet Users group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at
Ah that was it!  Thanks.
Is there a way to similuate or run the equivilant of
mysql_secure_installation within this module?  I tried an initial
attempt with the following...but once it's added to the mysql::server
class it never seems to get called...
   what failed? How did you add it to the mysql::server class?
class mysql::server::secure {
   database_user {
   ensure= absent,
   require   = Service['mysqld'];
   ensure= absent,
   require   = Service['mysqld'];
   database {
   ensure  = absent,
   require = Service['mysqld'];
Would the easier route be to just modify the
script to be more puppet friendly?
- Trey
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Puppet Users group.
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  It didn't fail, it just simply did nothing.
  This is it's inclusion in mysql::server
  class mysql::server(
$service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
$config_hash  = {},
$package_name = 'mysql-server'
  ) inherits mysql::params {
  include mysql::server::secure
# automatically create a class to deal with
# configuration
$hash = {
  mysql::config = $config_hash
  I am doing it via Exec now anyways.  Though I'd prefer to do it with
  the new type and provider
  - Trey

 Slightly different question...is there a way to pass / store the hash
 for the root password rather than the plain text password?  Similar to
 how the puppet user resource works?

I am not quite sure if mysql supports that. Could you open a ticket here:
http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/modules and explain what the
implementation would look like?


 - Trey

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[Puppet Users] Announce: Facter 1.6.3rc1 available

2011-10-31 Thread Michael Stahnke
November welcomes us to another round of Release Candidates for our software.

Facter 1.6.3rc1 is a maintenance release containing fixes, updates and

This release is available for download at:

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an
affected version of 1.6.3rc1:

Full Release Notes at: https://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/facter/wiki/Wiki


 (#7038) Validate prtdiag output in manufacturer

prtdiag cannot be run inside zones, and calling
Facter::Util::Resolution.exec on it will return nil. The manufacturer
utility was calling split() on nil, which was raising an exception.
Added validation of prtdiag output, and simplified the regex to extract
values for facts. Added more coverage for the related facts as well.

 (#10228) Ascendos OS support for various facts.

This patch will make various facts return the correct value on Ascendos
(a new RHEL rebuild - http://www.ascendos.org/):

* hardwareisa
* lsbmajdistrelease
* macaddress
* operatingsystem
* operatingsystemrelease
* osfamily
* uniqueid

(#10233) Adds support for Parallels Server Bare Metal to Facter

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Re: [Puppet Users] useradd question

2011-10-31 Thread Andrew Hendry
Hi Peter,

Where do you call git::user and git::ssh from?
Maybe the spots where you have require = User['git'], should they be
require = Class['Git::User']?


On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:21 AM, Peter Horvath
peter.horvat...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am using Ubuntu LTS 10.04 with the backported puppet

 I am trying to create user with the following manifests but at the end
 always getting the Could not find user git error message:
 What am i missing, seems the manifest not creating the missing git


 class git::user {
                name            = 'install',
                ensure          = absent,

                name            = 'git',
                password        = 'x',
                ensure          = present,
                comment         = 'Git user for puppet',
                managehome      = true,
                shell           = '/bin/bash',
                uid             = '1000',
                require         = User['install'],
                provider        = 'useradd',
 Some other classes uses this as requirement:


 class git::ssh {
                ensure          = installed,

                ensure          = directory,
                path            = '/home/git/.ssh',
                require         = User['git'],

                path            = '/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys',
                ensure          = file,
                source          = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/
                owner           = 'git',
                group           = 'git',
                mode            = '600',
                recurse         = true,
                require         = User['git'],


 class git {
                ensure = installed,

                path    = '/etc/puppet/.git/config',
                ensure  = file,
                source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/config',

                path    = '/etc/puppet/.git/hooks/post-receive',
                ensure  = file,
                source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/post-

                path    = '/etc/puppet',
                owner   = 'git',
                group   = 'root',
                mode    = '755',
                recurse = true,
                require = User['git'],

 Thank you

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[Puppet Users] severe bug in 2.6.12: Caught TERM; calling stop

2011-10-31 Thread Jo Rhett
Mon Oct 31 23:03:31 + 2011 Puppet (notice): Caught TERM; calling stop

Ever since the 2.6.12 upgrade I've been seeing these reports reach us. As in, 
about a hundred of a half thou machines. Most of the time we find that 
$vardir/state/puppetdlock is in place and blocking further puppet runs, which 
requires a manual resolution.

I wrote a quick cron script to look for puppetdlock files older than one hour, 
remove them and mail me a report and I've received several dozen in the last 
few hours.  Something is clearly broken in 2.6.12, we are backgrading our 
systems to 2.6.11.

No-- I have no other information than that it crosses all of our machine types, 
and we have had no significant changes in our modules in this time period.  
Many of the machines which have failed have had zero module or manifest changes 
which would apply to them.  I cannot get this to replicate on the command line.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Variable interpolation in class parameters

2011-10-31 Thread Steve Shipway
FWIW, I find I agree with jcbollinger on this one -- the class parameter 
declaration block is not a code block, so you should not use variables 
defined there to define other variables in the same block.  That it works 
at all is surprising, and probably down to the order the parameters are 
processes (which, as it most likely depends on hash table sequence, is 
going to appear random)

Best practice would seem to be to make the variables default to null, and 
then use subsequent evaluations within the class code to perform the 
relevant defaulting, as he said.


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Re: [Puppet Users] useradd question

2011-10-31 Thread Peter Horvath
I call them here.

#Puppet Node configurationsnode eurwebtest01 {        include apache2
      include apache2::mods        include apache2::vhost-eurwebtest}
node eurwebtest02 {        include apache2        include
apache2::mods        include apache2::vhost-eurwebtest        include
system       include git       include git::ssh       include
git::user       include git::sudoers}
node eurwebtest03  {        include apache2        include
apache2::mods        include apache2::vhost-eurwebtest        include
        include git        include git::ssh        include git::user
     include git::sudoers}

On 1 November 2011 01:19, Andrew Hendry andrew.hen...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Peter,

 Where do you call git::user and git::ssh from?
 Maybe the spots where you have require = User['git'], should they be
 require = Class['Git::User']?


 On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:21 AM, Peter Horvath
 peter.horvat...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am using Ubuntu LTS 10.04 with the backported puppet

 I am trying to create user with the following manifests but at the end
 always getting the Could not find user git error message:
 What am i missing, seems the manifest not creating the missing git


 class git::user {
                name            = 'install',
                ensure          = absent,

                name            = 'git',
                password        = 'x',
                ensure          = present,
                comment         = 'Git user for puppet',
                managehome      = true,
                shell           = '/bin/bash',
                uid             = '1000',
                require         = User['install'],
                provider        = 'useradd',
 Some other classes uses this as requirement:


 class git::ssh {
                ensure          = installed,

                ensure          = directory,
                path            = '/home/git/.ssh',
                require         = User['git'],

                path            = '/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys',
                ensure          = file,
                source          = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/
                owner           = 'git',
                group           = 'git',
                mode            = '600',
                recurse         = true,
                require         = User['git'],


 class git {
                ensure = installed,

                path    = '/etc/puppet/.git/config',
                ensure  = file,
                source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/config',

                path    = '/etc/puppet/.git/hooks/post-receive',
                ensure  = file,
                source  = '/etc/puppet/modules/git/files/post-

                path    = '/etc/puppet',
                owner   = 'git',
                group   = 'root',
                mode    = '755',
                recurse = true,
                require = User['git'],

 Thank you

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