Re: [Puppet Users] install vmware tools through puppet

2012-09-22 Thread Christian McHugh
I've done something similar using the open-vm package on debian hosts. 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 3:06:10 PM UTC-5, Alan Evans wrote:

 I believe the open-vm-tools at are ESX 
 host version agnostic.

 We pull the rhel 4-6 repos into RHN satellite and just use puppet ensure 
 the latest is installed.

 If you do t use satellite you could just clone the repo and configure yum 
 on the clients.

 Packages are available for RHEL, SuSE and deb at least.

 On Sep 22, 2012 3:25 PM, Hai Tao javascript: wrote:

 It is a useful tool. However, the difficulty is that our ENV has
 multiple versions of ESX hosts, 3.5, 4.1 and 5.0. The guest OS has no
 clue what version of ESX it is running on, so how can puppet server
 push a correct version of vmware tools to a client?

 On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Michael Stahnke javascript: wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Jakov Sosic jso...@srce.hrjavascript: 
  On 09/19/2012 11:55 PM, Hai Tao wrote:
  There seems to be a few vmware tools installation modules. Has someone
  used these modules to install VMware tools?
  Searching ...
  vchoi-vmwarePuppet module to handle installation, upgrade
  and reconfiguration of vmware tools on vmware virtual nodes.
@vchoivirtualization vmware vmware-tools
  vmware_tools vmtools
  razorsedge-vmwaretools  Puppet VMware Tools OSP Module
   @razorsedge   vmware vmware-tools vmware_tools 
  rhel CentOS SuSE OEL
  puppetlabs-vcenter  VMware vCenter installation and management
   @puppetlabs   windows vmware vcenter vsphere
  5UbZ3r0-vmwaretools This module handles the installation the
  VMware Tools Operating System Specific
 @5UbZ3r0  debian virtualization rhel CentOS
  vmware vmware-tools vmwaretools
  puppetlabs-appdirector  # VMware vFabric Application Directorâ
  @puppetlabs   vmware
  How well does it work?
  It seems that nobody tried this already. I'm interested too...
  Jakov Sosic
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  I don't know that I would endorse one over another, but Puppet Labs
  did a module of the week post about one of them.
  That might be a good starting point.
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 Hai Tao

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[Puppet Users] Re: hiera scope and hiera-foreman

2012-08-10 Thread Christian McHugh
Okay. I figured out my issue. 

I'm not a developer so this is probably ugly, but came up with:
  fqdn = scope.catalog.tags[4]
  fqdn = scope['fqdn'] if scope.has_key?('fqdn')
  Hiera.debug(trying mcollective)
Hiera.debug(got fqdn #{fqdn})

That fqdn with both:
puppet master --debug --compile FQDN
hiera -d -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml -m FQDN

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[Puppet Users] hiera scope and hiera-foreman

2012-08-09 Thread Christian McHugh
Hey all,

I've been messing around with the hiera-foreman backend to see if it would 
let me migrate to hiera and use foreman and an ENC.

It works by querying each node's yaml file from foreman. Currently this 
code works when called from the hiera command line with the -m (mcollective 
option). It uses the mcollective facts to pull the fqdn variable to know 
which node to grab the yaml for. So far so good. However, this breaks when 
you attempt to use it as a hiera backend in a puppet module, since it no 
longer has the mcollective facts, and fqdn available to it. 

So my question is, what is the recommended way of querying the current 
hostname(s) in a hiera backend for it to know what host it should lookup 
the needed yaml? 


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-06-19 Thread Christian McHugh
I have this working in our environment as a module, which I will attempt to 

module: casfirewall
class casfirewall {
  include casfirewall::default, casfirewall::fwpre, casfirewall::fwpost

  file {/etc/iptables:
ensure = directory,
owner = root,
group = root,
mode = 700,

  # Always persist firewall rules
  exec { persist-firewall:
command = $operatingsystem ? {
  debian = /sbin/iptables-save  /etc/iptables/rules.v4,
  /(RedHat|CentOS)/ = /sbin/iptables-save  /etc/sysconfig/iptables,
refreshonly = true,
require = File[/etc/iptables],
  Firewall {
notify = Exec[persist-firewall],
before = Class[casfirewall::fwpost],
require = Class[casfirewall::fwpre],

  # Setup firewall resource
  resources { firewall: purge = true }

As you can see, this holds the meat and potatoes by including the Firewall 
notify, before, and require bits. 
The fwpre class contains the initial firewall settings (abbreviated here)
class casfirewall::fwpre {
  Firewall {
require = undef,

  firewall { 000 allow outbound:
proto = all,
chain = OUTPUT,
action = accept,

The fwpost class contains the drop everything else rule. Because of the 
before ordering in init.pp this rule gets applied last (and was the reason 
for starting this thread in the first place)
class casfirewall::fwpost {
  firewall {999 drop all:
proto = all,
action = drop,
before = undef,

In our init.pp we also have defined a default class. This contains all the 
rules to open ports to our monitoring servers or backup servers. These get 
applied after the initial pre class, and before the post as you would 

I hope that helps. The suggestions given in this thread about firewall 
ordering very much helped us. I look forward to seeing the firewall module 
get another release and more user uptake.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-03-14 Thread Christian McHugh
Great! ... almost?

The Firewall notify dependency check almost covers everything. I really 
like its elegance.

The one problem I can still think of is that the firewall module is not the 
only one setting firewall rules. In the puppetlabs/apache module, for 
example, it attempts to open up port 80. Since there is no guarantee when a 
module is applied it is possible the firewall module will kick, followed by 
apache. Since the last rule in the firewall module is to drop all, it will 
match before the apache open port 80.

It is a little bit difficult to test module ordering aside from restarting 
the puppet master and just trying it out on a test node for about an hour. 
So I haven't tested this today. 
You said: 

 the numbers in the namevar are ultimately for how they get 

ordered in the file ruleset as you state - but not what order 

they are _inserted_.

Which makes me still think that the order various modules kick can affect 
the firewall rules. Thus, a stage after main is still needed to guarantee 
that the drop happens last. I hope I'm wrong, is there any alternative? 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-03-14 Thread Christian McHugh
Super, it all works great!

Since the whole fwpre class is run before everything else, is it necessary 
to define each resource with dependencies with firewall {002 testing: 
...}-firewall {... as in your gist?

Anyway, works great for us now. Thanks much!

All that remains is waiting for a new release to get firewall rules at boot 
on debian, and then some magic work yet to be done for not stomping on 
custom chains like fail2ban.

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:53:31 AM UTC-5, Ken Barber wrote:

  You said:
  the numbers in the namevar are ultimately for how they get
  ordered in the file ruleset as you state - but not what order
  they are _inserted_.
  Which makes me still think that the order various modules kick can affect
  the firewall rules. Thus, a stage after main is still needed to guarantee
  that the drop happens last. I hope I'm wrong, is there any alternative?

 If you look at my example in the gist:

 Firewall {
   notify = Exec[persist-firewall],
   before = Class[my_soe::fwpost],
   require = Class[my_soe::fwpre],

 I'm setting it so that by default, every rule firewall resource runs
 'before' Class[my_soe::fwpost], and it requires
 Class[my_soe::fwpre]. So in this example it doesn't need stages -
 just put your pre  post in those classes.


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[Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-03-13 Thread Christian McHugh
I appreciate the interest but I don't understand how you can tell me you 
don't have any experience with the module but yet know that I'm doing it 
wrong. The puppetlabs firewall module does not have classes or anything 
else to base a dependency on. I agree, I would rather not use stages, which 
is why I originally posted this to see how folks were making it go. 

If you do find a way to order rules without stages I'd love to hear about 

On Monday, March 12, 2012 7:49:18 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:

 It is incorrect that you must use run stages to achieve your desired 
 ordering.  In fact, it is *never* the case that run stages are the 
 only solution to ordering issues in Puppet, because there is nothing 
 you can do with them that you cannot also do with ordinary resource 

 In many cases, solving an ordering problem by use of run stages is 
 like putting in a tack with a sledgehammer: not only is it overkill, 
 it also doesn't afford much precision or finesse. 

 I have no experience with the module in question, so I have no 
 specific suggestions to offer, but if you find run stages too crude a 
 tool for your task then I can advise you about how to achieve your 
 ordering requirements otherwise. 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-03-13 Thread Christian McHugh
In the pre main stage I have defined rules to allow outbound and allow 
related and established. In the post main stage, it does a drop all. Before 
this was organized into stages, occasionally the drop all would get applied 
before keep established and allow outbound, and thus the client could lose 
its connection to the puppet master mid run.

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:16:07 PM UTC-5, Mohamed wrote:

 Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by:

  We ended
  up in situations where the drop rules would kick before the allow
  established rules, and thus kill the puppet run

 In my experience, what breaks is the reporting attempt puppet clients
 makes to the master, not the puppet run itself.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-03-09 Thread Christian McHugh

 Thus far I've only been able to get puppet to run without making the 
 firewall persistent.

In the case of running the exec save-rules in the post: it's no good if 
your hosts are at all dynamic since it only runs after the main stage. So 
if you have an existing host, add another normal firewall rule, that rule 
will get added on the next puppet run. But since the firewall drop rule 
that exists in the post stage has already been pushed out, the post bits 
never get called, and thus the firewall rules are not saved and your update 
will be lost at boot.

I'm hoping something happens in development since there has not been a new 
revision in a little while and the github patches are stacking up.


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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-02-15 Thread Christian McHugh
Hi all,

I'm attempting to use the puppetlabs-firewall module. In testing,
rules are enabled in a random order, so it seems necessary to utilize
puppet stages to guarantee proper ordering.

I created a module to organize my firewalling. It consists of
localfw::pre to open the INPUT chain for established and related
connections, localfw::default for most normal rules, and localfw::post
to block everything else.

I run localfw::pre before stage[main] and localfw::post after. This
has fixed my firewall rules ordering issue, yay. However, rules are
now not being saved :(

I tried adding include localfw::config to ::pre, ::post, and ::default
which consisted of the persistence definitions:
exec { persist-firewall:
command = /sbin/iptables-save  /var/lib/iptables/rules.v4,
require = File [/var/lib/iptables],
refreshonly = true,
  Firewall {
notify = Exec[persist-firewall]

and while I don't get any errors, I also don't get any firewall rules
saved. It appears that Firewall never kicks to run the exec. If I add
these bits to localfw::pre, then the pre rules get saved. If I add to
localfw::post then all get saved, as expected. But in that case,
normal firewall changes to a node don't cause localfw::post to run
again, and thus aren't saved.

What is the recommended way to save iptables rules for persistence
when using puppet stages? Has anyone made this work?


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[Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-firewall stages and persistence

2012-02-15 Thread Christian McHugh
I've got slightly more info. In trying to figure this out I ran across where it was suggested
that the persist-firewall bits (already shown in the previous message)
get placed into site.pp. This almost worked perfectly.

I've placed the following inside a node definition.
class { localfw::pre: stage = pre }
class { localfw::post: stage = post }
include localfw

If I keep localfw::post empty of firewall definitions, everything
works fine. However, once I place anything in there (such as an empty
test: firewall { 999 testing: ; } I get an error about cyclic

# puppet agent -v --no-daemonize --onetime
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in iptables
info: Loading facts in sshkeys
info: Loading facts in etc_facts
info: Loading facts in iptables
info: Loading facts in sshkeys
info: Loading facts in etc_facts
info: Caching catalog for testhost
err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found dependency cycles in the
following relationships: Firewall[999 drop all] = Exec[persist-
firewall], Exec[persist-firewall] = Firewall[999 drop all]; try using
the '--graph' option and open the '.dot' files in OmniGraffle or
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.65 seconds

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? In trying to figure that
out it looks like it may be related to puppet bug #5349? Any thoughts?

The puppetlabs firewall module seems so close to being usable. Saving
the firewall to enable on boot is the last missing bit in my
checklist. Thanks much!

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