Re: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec PowerShell Provider

2015-01-23 Thread Jim Ficarra
So for what it’s worth, I stopped inheriting the powershell provider and just 
utilized some of the code in the provider to build the powershell command 
method, write the file out to temp, return the native path, and call 
Puppet::Util::Execution.Execute() directly.  Seems to achieve what I want and 
lets me remove all the extraneous extra parameters I don’t need.

So in this case, provider inheritance wasn’t my friend. 

From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's 
Exec PowerShell Provider

Ok – so it seems the the underlying base classes of my provider are expecting 
the parameters and their validations from the exec type instead of my new type 
– makes sense.  I was able to test that theory out by adding the parameters 
(and in many cases copying the parameters from the exec type) being validated 
to my new type, but that’s not exactly what I was hoping for.  I did get to the 
point where it’s writing out the temp ps1 file and executing, but now I have 
some challenges on the return output.

I was trying to avoid direct execution of calling cmd.exe with powershell and 
re-inventing the wheel because it’s been done so well with the powershell 
provider, and it avoids some of the escape hell with double quotes if trying to 
pass them on the command line.

I’m likely going about this the wrong way (e.g. going overboard) but if anyone 
wants to provide guidance from the realm of sanity, please feel free. 

From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:24 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec 
PowerShell Provider

I'm as newbie as they come to both Ruby and custom provider development, so 
apologies if I'm missing the obvious up front. :)

I want to write a custom type/provider to manage IIS Settings. I realize that 
there are at least 3 IIS modules in the forge already (and we are using one of 
them) but I am attempting to write my own because 1) I want to learn how to 
write custom providers and not just defined types in Puppet DSL and 2) The 
existing IIS modules don't hit all the granular configurations I need to manage 
so I have a bunch of execs I need to reign in.

That said, the first type/provider I'm playing with is to simply enable and 
disable Logging in IIS at the server and site level.  I am trying to inherit 
from Josh Cooper's Powershell provider because it executes PowerShell, does it 

I sometimes see the temp powershell file being written to temp then disappear, 
but it seems I've hit a wall on the exists? method right out of the gate.  When 
I do a puppet run, I get the error:

Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)

Any insight would be appreciated.  Relevant code below.

Running with --trace shows (partial stack trace):
Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/errors.rb:97:in `fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:618:in `[]'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/property/ensure.rb:81:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1035:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in 

The resource would be called like this

iis_logging {'TestLogging':
   ensure  = present,
   site   = 'applicationhost'

Type I've Defined
Puppet::Type.newtype(:iis_logging) do
desc Puppet type to set the configuration of IIS Logging
newparam(:site, :namevar = true) do
desc ApplicationHost for server level or the name of the site
munge do |value|

Provider I've Defined (just showing the exists? method - that's the first 
(I've defined (copied) command(:powershell) in this provider because of the 
lack of inheritance of the commands method, but I get the same error with or 
w/out it)
(run method is already redefined in Josh's provider, which is inherited from 
the exec provider - didn't think I need to do antying else)


Re: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec PowerShell Provider

2015-01-22 Thread Jim Ficarra
Ok – so it seems the the underlying base classes of my provider are expecting 
the parameters and their validations from the exec type instead of my new type 
– makes sense.  I was able to test that theory out by adding the parameters 
(and in many cases copying the parameters from the exec type) being validated 
to my new type, but that’s not exactly what I was hoping for.  I did get to the 
point where it’s writing out the temp ps1 file and executing, but now I have 
some challenges on the return output.

I was trying to avoid direct execution of calling cmd.exe with powershell and 
re-inventing the wheel because it’s been done so well with the powershell 
provider, and it avoids some of the escape hell with double quotes if trying to 
pass them on the command line.

I’m likely going about this the wrong way (e.g. going overboard) but if anyone 
wants to provide guidance from the realm of sanity, please feel free. 

From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:24 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec 
PowerShell Provider

I'm as newbie as they come to both Ruby and custom provider development, so 
apologies if I'm missing the obvious up front. :)

I want to write a custom type/provider to manage IIS Settings. I realize that 
there are at least 3 IIS modules in the forge already (and we are using one of 
them) but I am attempting to write my own because 1) I want to learn how to 
write custom providers and not just defined types in Puppet DSL and 2) The 
existing IIS modules don't hit all the granular configurations I need to manage 
so I have a bunch of execs I need to reign in.

That said, the first type/provider I'm playing with is to simply enable and 
disable Logging in IIS at the server and site level.  I am trying to inherit 
from Josh Cooper's Powershell provider because it executes PowerShell, does it 

I sometimes see the temp powershell file being written to temp then disappear, 
but it seems I've hit a wall on the exists? method right out of the gate.  When 
I do a puppet run, I get the error:

Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)

Any insight would be appreciated.  Relevant code below.

Running with --trace shows (partial stack trace):
Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/errors.rb:97:in `fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:618:in `[]'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/property/ensure.rb:81:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1035:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in 

The resource would be called like this

iis_logging {'TestLogging':
   ensure  = present,
   site   = 'applicationhost'

Type I've Defined
Puppet::Type.newtype(:iis_logging) do
desc Puppet type to set the configuration of IIS Logging
newparam(:site, :namevar = true) do
desc ApplicationHost for server level or the name of the site
munge do |value|

Provider I've Defined (just showing the exists? method - that's the first 
(I've defined (copied) command(:powershell) in this provider because of the 
lack of inheritance of the commands method, but I get the same error with or 
w/out it)
(run method is already redefined in Josh's provider, which is inherited from 
the exec provider - didn't think I need to do antying else)

Puppet::Type.type(:iis_logging).provide(:iis_logging, :parent = 
Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:powershell)) do

commands :powershell =
desc Uses the Exec resource's PowerShell provider to configure IIS Logging 
confine :operatingsystem

[Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec PowerShell Provider

2015-01-22 Thread Jim Ficarra
I'm as newbie as they come to both Ruby and custom provider development, so 
apologies if I'm missing the obvious up front. :)

I want to write a custom type/provider to manage IIS Settings. I realize 
that there are at least 3 IIS modules in the forge already (and we are 
using one of them) but I am attempting to write my own because 1) I want to 
learn how to write custom providers and not just defined types in Puppet 
DSL and 2) The existing IIS modules don't hit all the granular 
configurations I need to manage so I have a bunch of execs I need to reign 

That said, the first type/provider I'm playing with is to simply enable and 
disable Logging in IIS at the server and site level.  I am trying to 
inherit from Josh Cooper's Powershell provider because it executes 
PowerShell, does it well:)  

I sometimes see the temp powershell file being written to temp then 
disappear, but it seems I've hit a wall on the exists? method right out of 
the gate.  When I do a puppet run, I get the error:

Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not 
evaluate: Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)

Any insight would be appreciated.  Relevant code below.

Running with --trace shows (partial stack trace):
Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not 
evaluate: Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/errors.rb:97:in `fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:618:in `[]'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/property/ensure.rb:81:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1035:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) 
in evaluate'

The resource would be called like this

iis_logging {'TestLogging':
   ensure  = present,
   site   = 'applicationhost'

Type I've Defined
Puppet::Type.newtype(:iis_logging) do
desc Puppet type to set the configuration of IIS Logging
 newparam(:site, :namevar = true) do
desc ApplicationHost for server level or the name of the site
munge do |value|

Provider I've Defined (just showing the exists? method - that's the first 
(I've defined (copied) command(:powershell) in this provider because of the 
lack of inheritance of the commands method, but I get the same error with 
or w/out it)
(run method is already redefined in Josh's provider, which is inherited 
from the exec provider - didn't think I need to do antying else)

Puppet::Type.type(:iis_logging).provide(:iis_logging, :parent = 
Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:powershell)) do

commands :powershell =
 desc Uses the Exec resource's PowerShell provider to configure IIS 
Logging Parameters
confine :operatingsystem = :windows
 def exists?
check = false
if resource[:site] == applicationhost
pscommand = Import-Module WebAdministration;(Get-WebConfiguration 
/system.webServer/httpLogging -PSPath IIS:\\).dontLog -eq \$False
output = run(pscommand, check)
if output.downcase == true
return true
return false
pscommand = Import-Module WebAdministration;(Get-WebConfiguration 
/system.webServer/httpLogging -PSPath IIS:\\ -Location 
#{resource[:site]}).dontLog -eq \$False
output = run(pscommand, check)
if output.downcase == true
return true
return false

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Re: [Puppet Users] Best way to deploy the Puppet client to a large set of Windows servers?

2014-10-02 Thread Jim Ficarra
In our organization, we created a chocolatey package for the puppet client 
hosted on our internal nuget server.  We then created a powershell module that 
includes several tools for our environment, one of which remotely invokes the 
installation of chocolatey on windows systems in parallel, and another to 
invoke the installation of the chocolatey puppet package from our internal 
nuget server, also in parallel.  The chocolatey package contains the majority 
of the MSI properties for configuration, and we leverage the installargs option 
to pass in the puppet environment we need to point to.  The “meat” for this is 
just looping through a bunch of invoke-commands and running them as jobs after 
passing in one or more servers with a simple text file manifest.  This avoids 
the “patch party” scenario.

Of course the above depends on having WinRM configured as Rob mentioned.  If 
you do have WinRM enabled, you can take out the chocolatey package 
pre-requisite as in our case (e.g. if you don’t have a nuget server setup), and 
then still build a simple PowerShell script to use invoke-command kick off  the 
installation of the msi with parameters on multiple servers, as jobs, so they 
occur in parallel.  You could have the msi hosted on a share to access during 
the installation.

Do you have any tools such as Microsoft System Center to package and deploy? 
That would be another way to do this, or a myriad of other tools that can be 
used to deploy.  For example, I’ve not used psexec for puppet, but you could 
try to use psexec from to execute as well.  It has an 
option (-c) to copy the the program to the remote system before it executes, so 
that can serve to ensure the MSI is available on the remote node.  Note that 
psexec does create a windows service on the remote server – so there’s a trace 
left behind you may need to clean up (yuck). 

Hope this helps.


From: Brian Morris 
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Best way to deploy the Puppet client to a large set 
of Windows servers?

Thank you, Rob. I have a lot of reading to do. :)

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Rob Reynolds wrote:

  On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Brian Morris 

Hello all, 

There may come a need for me to perform a wide deployment of the Puppet 
client to Windows servers. I am curious to know how others have accomplished 

Concerns I have:

- No other tools are in place that readily come to mind for pushing the 
client out. VCM is in play, but is difficult at best to deploy other 
applications with. The client could certainly be placed on a central file 
share, but pulling rather than pushing sounds like it will require direct 
Sysadmin involvement.

- To ease the pain I could set the Puppet Master to auto-sign certificates 
for a small window of time, but am unsure if this would be worthwhile.

- I can imagine a patch party where a bunch of Sysadmins each get a list 
of servers to go hand perform the installation on, but I am hoping for 
something much cleaner than this.

  I'm not sure yet if we have an official/recommended way of getting the agent 
installed. I believe we are working on making this process easier though.

  So now an alternative recommendation of going about it - 

  Is WinRm configured on these servers? I'm guessing no b/c they are stock. If 
so you have a much easier time moving forward, but it is not configured by 
default. So the next option is Wmi calls.

  There is a really low level Wmi call you can make to  Win32_Process.Create[1] 
that you can use to create a process to install the puppet agent if you have 
administrative privileges. You can do this remotely. This works with Windows 

  If one could connect, you could pass a command to msiexec to run the 
installer with a url to the agent msi. You would want to put it on a file share 
that all of these servers can access (or use the official download).  Take a 
look at automated installation[2] and msi properties[3].

  So you could set your call as msiexec and args /qn /i 

  You could run that command as fire and forget and wait for them to all finish 
up as they check in with the master. I did a little searching and found a 
couple of gems out there that are related to WMI[4][5].

  Note: I once worked on a tool where we did something very similar to this.


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Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points

2014-09-01 Thread Jim Ficarra

Have you declared the folder before the file resource? Something like this:

file {'c:/srv':
   ensure = 'directory',

file {'c:/srv/newfile':
   ensure= 'file',
   source= 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/myfile.txt',
   require= File['c:/srv'],

It's not clear what the source of your file is so as part of the example I 
arbitrarily specified it coming from the files folder from puppet.  The key 
take-away item is to declare the folder and ensure that the file resource(s) 
are dependent on the folder being there regardless of your choice of 
chaining and ordering syntax you choose, variables, et.

Hope that helps.


-Original Message- 
From: Benjamin Priestman

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 1:00 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] windows mount points


On windows hosts, I've taken to putting all my app data in c:\srv, mimicing 
the /srv location on Linux. Depending on the host, this may be a location on 
the system drive, or it is sometimes an additional disk mounted at that 
location. In the latter case, `puppet resource file ` shows this as a link 
whose target is the underlying volume.

An attempt to define a file resource within this location fails with:
'Parent directory C:/srv does not exist'
If I create subdirectories here by hand, the puppet run proceeds just fine. 
Has anyone else come across this behavior?

I'm running puppet 3.4.2 at the moment. Happy to upgrade but I can't find 
any big reports that indicate this is a known issue.

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Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points

2014-09-01 Thread Jim Ficarra
whoops - disregard - I re-read and missed that the latter case was a linked 

-Original Message- 
From: Jim Ficarra

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] windows mount points

Have you declared the folder before the file resource? Something like this:

file {'c:/srv':
   ensure = 'directory',

file {'c:/srv/newfile':
   ensure= 'file',
   source= 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/myfile.txt',
   require= File['c:/srv'],

It's not clear what the source of your file is so as part of the example I
arbitrarily specified it coming from the files folder from puppet.  The key
take-away item is to declare the folder and ensure that the file resource(s)
are dependent on the folder being there regardless of your choice of
chaining and ordering syntax you choose, variables, et.

Hope that helps.


-Original Message- 
From: Benjamin Priestman

Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 1:00 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] windows mount points


On windows hosts, I've taken to putting all my app data in c:\srv, mimicing
the /srv location on Linux. Depending on the host, this may be a location on
the system drive, or it is sometimes an additional disk mounted at that
location. In the latter case, `puppet resource file ` shows this as a link
whose target is the underlying volume.

An attempt to define a file resource within this location fails with:
'Parent directory C:/srv does not exist'
If I create subdirectories here by hand, the puppet run proceeds just fine.
Has anyone else come across this behavior?

I'm running puppet 3.4.2 at the moment. Happy to upgrade but I can't find
any big reports that indicate this is a known issue.

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Re: [Puppet Users] How can we satisfy goals of having all data in hiera and not modifying the module code?

2014-08-25 Thread Jim Ficarra
You could setup setup the host-specific yaml as:

port:  “80”

Then your module:

$vhost = hiera(‘vhost’)
$port = hiera(‘port’)
$priority = hiera(‘priority’)
$docroot: = hiera(‘docroot’)

apache::vhost { $vhost:
  port= $port,
  priority = $priority,
  docroot = $docroot,

This would allow you completely segregate the configuration from the data and 
not require modification of the module code unless something in the 
configuration changes.  You could use common.yaml for configuration data that 
applies to all hosts.

From: JeremyCampbell 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 5:04 AM
Subject: [Puppet Users] How can we satisfy goals of having all data in hiera 
and not modifying the module code?

We understand that all site specific data should be in Hiera. We also 
understand that modules shouldn't have to be modified when they are well 
designed e.g. the puppetlabs/apache module. However, how do I setup apache 
using this module with a virtual host without putting data into the manifest. 
E.g to create a vhost according to the docs we need to use:

apache::vhost { '':
  port= '80',
  docroot = '/var/www/first',

As a define it would appear that we need to use create_resources() somewhere in 
the module and then create a hash in hiera e.g.

priority: 10
port: 80
docroot: /var/www/first

This means that we either need to put data into the manifest (e.g. first 
example) or to change the module code by implementing create_resources(). So 
how can we satisfy both goals of having all data in hiera and not modifying the 
module code?

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Re: [Puppet Users] install windows package

2014-08-12 Thread Jim Ficarra
If you mean installing a windows package (such as an MSI or EXE) – you should 
review the package resource type documentation

This works really well out of the box if your installer displays information in 
Control Panel/Installed Programs.  If your installer doesn’t, you should look 
at using Rob Reynold’s Chocolatey packaging tool in conjunction with Josh 
Cooper’s Chocolatey Provider for the package resource type.


From: huhm4n 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 5:22 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] install windows package

is it possible to install the windows package using puppet? I know I can do it 
using the Powershell but I want to dry run it to ensure if it is installed 
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Re: [Puppet Users] installation of package to a different folder

2014-06-26 Thread Jim Ficarra
Try the install_options attribute of the package type.  You need to know what 
the install option is for the JDK itself to go to another folder, then use the 
install_options attribute in puppet.

From: bobby38 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 1:04 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] installation of package to a different folder

Hello All,

I am trying to install jdk package to a different folder rather than the 
default folder.
i am trying to install for instance to /operation/tools/jdk-1.7
is there anyway to do this in puppet?

Thanks and regards
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Re: [Puppet Users] installation of package to a different folder

2014-06-26 Thread Jim Ficarra
You won’t find how to install the JDK on the puppet page describing the package 
resource.  You need to first find out how you would install the JDK to an 
alternate path – that will be in the JDK documentation and not Puppet.  Once 
you figure it out with the JDK you then specify the parameter in the puppet 

I did a quick look but can’t find it on the linux platform (I’m primarily a 
Windows guy - maybe someone can chime in), but I believe you need to create a 
properties file with the options you want to set during installation, and I 
believe it’s the USER_INSTALL_DIR property you’ll want to set.

So, find out how to do this silently first w/out puppet, and that will tell you 
what you need to tell puppet to install it where you want.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help on finding the specific parameters on the linux 
platform – the ones for Windows seem easier to find. 

From: bobby38 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] installation of package to a different folder

Hi Jim, 

Thank you for your reply.
i couldnt find anything related to JDK installation option in that page but I 
was thinking to do it this way ...

class java_rpm::install { 
$version = 'jdk-7u25-linux-x64.rpm' 
package { $version: provider = rpm, 
exec {$version: install_options = 
owner = operation,
group = admin,
mode = 0755, 
command = rpm -ivh --prefix=/operation/tools/jdk-1.7 jdk-7u25-linux-x64. rpm 
source = 

On Thursday, June 26, 2014 1:30:31 PM UTC-4, Jim Ficarra wrote:
  Try the install_options attribute of the package type.  You need to know what 
the install option is for the JDK itself to go to another folder, then use the 
install_options attribute in puppet.

  From: bobby38 
  Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 1:04 PM
  Subject: [Puppet Users] installation of package to a different folder

  Hello All,

  I am trying to install jdk package to a different folder rather than the 
default folder.
  i am trying to install for instance to /operation/tools/jdk-1.7
  is there anyway to do this in puppet?

  Thanks and regards
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Re: [Puppet Users] Chocolatey pre-fetch fails with Puppet - Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

2014-06-23 Thread Jim Ficarra
It was installed on our puppet master which I don't control, so I'm not
100% sure - however this issue has been identified and fixed.  The issue
boiled down to the PSModulePath system environment variable.  It was
missing a semicolon between the stock path
(%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\) and a new path I
had put in earlier to point to a set of powershell modules.

This got messed up in my ChocolateyUninstall.ps1 and instead of removing
the ';c:\path\to\modules' I had added,the uninstall messed it up and just
removed the semicolon.

The puppet master admins ended up putting in some debug code in the
chocolatey provider ruby code (execpipe where it fetches the list of
installed chocolatey packages via the provider pre-fetch) and it dumped out
a powershell error that it couldn't find split-path. The odd thing was
that I could use split-path when opening up a powershell prompt while the
PSModulePath was messed up.

This was a bit of a tough one to crack as the underlying powershell errors
were masked behind the ruby.

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Rob Reynolds wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

 Hey Rob,

 Thanks for the response!

 Yes – chocolatey version is installed on both servers (found via
 choco version).  They both respond to choco /?.  This is a customized
 version that has had the install path modified and the default repository
 restricted to an internal Nuget repository.

 I can also install chocolatey packages manually on both servers –
 specifically this package that is failing by typing “cinst carbon”.

 Are you using the puppet-chocolatey module from the forge or from github?

 I am running puppet as a windows service and ran the service with
 debug/trace (sc start puppet –debug –trace) to pull the previous errors
 from the event log, though they were a bit segregated across event entries.

 It's also worth noting that there are 4 resource types ahead of the one
 that's failing.  The 4 resourcs types (two files and two execs) are applied
 successfully.  I ran the puppet agent –td –verbose –trace and received a
 lot of output, but essentially the same errors that don't appear to have
 any new information.   The successful output shows that the 4 previous
 resource types ran.

 Included below is the start of when it begins to apply the package with
 the chocolatey provider:

 executed successfully
 /Stage[main]/Copy_externalfacts/Exec[BuildStatusFacterFile_SetPerms]: The
 container Class[Copy_externalfacts] will propagate my refresh event
 Debug: Class[Copy_externalfacts]: The container Stage[main] will
 propagate my refresh event
 Debug: Prefetching chocolatey resources for package
 Debug: Executing 'C:\Tools\Chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd
 list -lo'
 Error: Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method
 `each' for nil:NilClass
  C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:67:in `block in evaluate'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/log.rb:149:in `with_destination'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:163:in `apply'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:125:in `block in
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:161:in `block in benchmark'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:160:in `benchmark'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:124:in `apply_catalog'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:192:in `run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (4 levels) in run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent/locker.rb:20:in `lock'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (3 levels) in run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:114:in `with_client'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:79:in `run_in_fork'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:40:in `block in run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `call'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `controlled_run'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:38:in `run'

[Puppet Users] Chocolatey pre-fetch fails with Puppet - Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

2014-06-17 Thread Jim Ficarra
Chocolatey is installed as a shared module on the puppet master. Below is 
the specific part of the puppet code that uses the chocolatey provider to 
install a custom package.  

class install_carbon {
 package {'carbon':
 ensure = '1.7',
 provider = 'chocolatey',

This class is part of a larger set of modules and classes that work 
together and execute completely and successfully on another host but fails 
on a second host with the error below.  Same puppet client version (3.4.2 
installed from an internal NuGet repo).  Chocolatey is also customized to 
point to an internal repo.

Any help/thoughts/insight would be appreciated.


Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' 
for nil:NilClass
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:67:in `block in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/graph/relationship_graph.rb:116:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in 
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/log.rb:149:in `with_destination'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:163:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:125:in `block in 
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:161:in `block in benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:160:in `benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:124:in `apply_catalog'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:192:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (4 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent/locker.rb:20:in `lock'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (3 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:114:in `with_client'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:79:in `run_in_fork'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:40:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `controlled_run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:38:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:355:in `onetime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:321:in `run_command'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block (2 levels) 
in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:470:in `plugin_hook'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:478:in `exit_on_fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:137:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:91:in `execute'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/bin/puppet:4:in `main'

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Re: [Puppet Users] Chocolatey pre-fetch fails with Puppet - Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

2014-06-17 Thread Jim Ficarra
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels)
in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:327:in `block in thinmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:326:in `thinmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/log.rb:149:in `with_destination'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:163:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:125:in `block in
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:161:in `block in benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:160:in `benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:124:in `apply_catalog'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:192:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (4 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent/locker.rb:20:in `lock'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (3 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:114:in `with_client'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:79:in `run_in_fork'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:40:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `controlled_run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:38:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:355:in `onetime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:321:in `run_command'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block (2 levels)
in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:470:in `plugin_hook'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:478:in `exit_on_fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:137:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:91:in `execute'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/bin/puppet:4:in `main'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Install_iis/Windowsfeature[IIS]/Exec[add-feature-IIS]:
Dependency Package[carbon] has failures: true
Skipping because of failed dependencies

(list of failed dependencies go on)

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Rob Reynolds wrote:

 Let's make sure everything is set up correctly. Do you have chocolatey
 (the client tool) already installed on both of those servers? If so what
 versions of chocolatey?

 Do they both respond to output? (choco /?)

 Moving up the chain to the provider, let's execute puppet agent -td
 --verbose --trace
 This should really get us to what might be causing the error.

 On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Jim Ficarra

 Chocolatey is installed as a shared module on the puppet master. Below is
 the specific part of the puppet code that uses the chocolatey provider to
 install a custom package.

 class install_carbon {
  package {'carbon':
  ensure = '1.7',
  provider = 'chocolatey',

 This class is part of a larger set of modules and classes that work
 together and execute completely and successfully on another host but fails
 on a second host with the error below.  Same puppet client version (3.4.2
 installed from an internal NuGet repo).  Chocolatey is also customized to
 point to an internal repo.

 Any help/thoughts/insight would be appreciated.


 Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each'
 for nil:NilClass
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:67:in `block in evaluate'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
 C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in

Re: [Puppet Users] Chocolatey pre-fetch fails with Puppet - Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

2014-06-17 Thread Jim Ficarra
/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in 
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:327:in `block in thinmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:326:in `thinmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/graph/relationship_graph.rb:118:in `traverse'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/log.rb:149:in `with_destination'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:163:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:125:in `block in apply_catalog'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:161:in `block in benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:295:in `realtime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:160:in `benchmark'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:124:in `apply_catalog'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/configurer.rb:192:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (4 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent/locker.rb:20:in `lock'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:44:in `block (3 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:114:in `with_client'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:79:in `run_in_fork'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:40:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:179:in `controlled_run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/agent.rb:38:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:355:in `onetime'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application/agent.rb:321:in `run_command'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block (2 levels) in 
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:470:in `plugin_hook'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `block in run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util.rb:478:in `exit_on_fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:364:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:137:in `run'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:91:in `execute'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/bin/puppet:4:in `main'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Install_iis/Windowsfeature[IIS]/Exec[add-feature-IIS]: 
Dependency Package[carbon] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Install_iis/Windowsfeature[IIS]/Exec[add-feature-IIS]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies

(list of failed dependencies go on)

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Rob Reynolds wrote:

  Let's make sure everything is set up correctly. Do you have chocolatey (the 
client tool) already installed on both of those servers? If so what versions of 

  Do they both respond to output? (choco /?)

  Moving up the chain to the provider, let's execute puppet agent -td --verbose 
  This should really get us to what might be causing the error.

  On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

Chocolatey is installed as a shared module on the puppet master. Below is 
the specific part of the puppet code that uses the chocolatey provider to 
install a custom package.  

class install_carbon {package {'carbon':ensure = '1.7',provider = 

This class is part of a larger set of modules and classes that work 
together and execute completely and successfully on another host but fails on a 
second host with the error below.  Same puppet client version (3.4.2 installed 
from an internal NuGet repo).  Chocolatey is also customized to point to an 
internal repo.

Any help/thoughts/insight would be appreciated.


Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' 
for nil:NilClass
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:67:in `block in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/graph/relationship_graph.rb:116:in `call'

Re: [Puppet Users] Chocolatey pre-fetch fails with Puppet - Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

2014-06-17 Thread Jim Ficarra

Sorry if this is a duplicate – I tried to send earlier but it didn’t seem to 
hit the distro.  
Also truncating it for readability

Hey Rob,

Thanks for the response!

Yes – chocolatey version is installed on both servers (found via choco 
version).  They both respond to choco /?.  This is a customized version that 
has had the install path modified and the default repository restricted to an 
internal Nuget repository.

I can also install chocolatey packages manually on both servers – specifically 
this package that is failing by typing “cinst carbon”.

I am running puppet as a windows service and ran the service with debug/trace 
(sc start puppet –debug –trace) to pull the previous errors from the event log, 
though they were a bit segregated across event entries.

It's also worth noting that there are 4 resource types ahead of the one that's 
failing.  The 4 resourcs types (two files and two execs) are applied 
successfully.  I ran the puppet agent –td –verbose –trace and received a lot of 
output, but essentially the same errors that don't appear to have any new 
information.   The successful output shows that the 4 previous resource types 

Included below is the start of when it begins to apply the package with the 
chocolatey provider:

executed successfully
Debug: /Stage[main]/Copy_externalfacts/Exec[BuildStatusFacterFile_SetPerms]: 
The container Class[Copy_externalfacts] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Class[Copy_externalfacts]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my 
refresh event
Debug: Prefetching chocolatey resources for package
Debug: Executing 'C:\Tools\Chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd list -lo'
Error: Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method 
`each' for nil:NilClass
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:167:in `prefetch_if_necessary'
Debug: Executing 'C:\Tools\Chocolatey\chocolateyInstall\chocolatey.cmd list -lo'
Error: /Stage[main]/Install_carbon/Package[carbon]: Could not evaluate: 
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:19:in `properties'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type/package.rb:178:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1035:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Install_iis/Windowsfeature[IIS]/Exec[add-feature-IIS]: 
Dependency Package[carbon] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Install_iis/Windowsfeature[IIS]/Exec[add-feature-IIS]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies

(list of failed dependencies go on)

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Rob Reynolds wrote:

  Let's make sure everything is set up correctly. Do you have chocolatey (the 
client tool) already installed on both of those servers? If so what versions of 

  Do they both respond to output? (choco /?)

  Moving up the chain to the provider, let's execute puppet agent -td --verbose 
  This should really get us to what might be causing the error.

  On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

Chocolatey is installed as a shared module on the puppet master. Below is 
the specific part of the puppet code that uses the chocolatey provider to 
install a custom package.  

class install_carbon {package {'carbon':ensure = '1.7',provider = 

This class is part of a larger set of modules and classes that work 
together and execute completely and successfully on another host but fails on a 
second host with the error below.  Same puppet client version (3.4.2 installed 
from an internal NuGet repo).  Chocolatey is also customized to point to an 
internal repo.

Any help/thoughts/insight would be appreciated.


Could not prefetch package provider 'chocolatey': undefined method `each' 
for nil:NilClass
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/package.rb:4:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:277:in `prefetch'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:67:in `block in evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/graph/relationship_graph.rb:116:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:108:in `evaluate'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/resource/catalog.rb:164:in `block in 

Re: [Puppet Users] Ability to wait for dotnet to complete installation

2014-06-04 Thread Jim Ficarra
Did you try using the package resource over the exec resource?  I install .NET 
4.0 using the package resource and it works just fine on Windows 2008 R2 
Enterprise  Standard, though I haven’t tried on Data Center but I’m not sure 
how different it would be.  I’ve done something similar with .net 4.5.   The 
package resource allows the installation of .NET to be idempotent as it is 
aware of packages installed/registered in Control Panel.

Here is one I use for .NET 4.5.1, but it’s the same pattern for 4.0 (I can’t 
find the one I had for 4.0, but it was similar).  Update the package name to 
match the description as it appears in Control Panel as well as the version.  
In my case I have a previous resource that I require that downloads the .exe to 
a temp folder for local execution(Download_file).  I also ensure that IIS is 
installed (Windowsfeature)

package { 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1': 
ensure = '4.5.50938',

source = 

install_options = ['/q','/norestart'],

require = 


As I said I can’t find the 4.0 package def I had, but let here’s a crack at 
what I remember.You’ll need to ensure that the source is updated to where 
you have it.  The source attribute works for local and UNC resources, but not 
http urls.  We use the download_file puppet resource type (from puppet forge) 
to download files from an HTTP url.

package { 'Microsoft .NET Framework Extended':  

ensure = '4.0.30319',

source = 

install_options = ['/q','/norestart'], 


.NET 4.0 installs both extended and client profile.  You *could* chain these 
together, but I haven’t tried.  Puppet will check that these are installed and 
if they are, will not install them again.  The first one would kick off and 
install both, then when the Client Profile was checked it would see it was 
installed.  You could use this to ensure that both were installed – if someone 
uninstalled the client profile but not extended, it would kick off the 
installer again, but I’ve not tried a repair option.  Perhaps .net would do a 
full refresh, but I don’t know for sure.

package { 'Microsoft .NET Framework Extended':  

ensure = '4.0.30319',

source = 

install_options = ['/q','/norestart'], 

} -

package { 'Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile':

ensure = '4.0.30319',

source = 

install_options = ['/q','/norestart'], 


Hope this helps.


From: Stephen Wallace 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 2:15 AM
Subject: [Puppet Users] Ability to wait for dotnet to complete installation

Hi all,
Interesting timing challenge around installing dotnet on Windows 2008 R2 Data 

In essence, when we run the following command, it appears to complete in a few 
seconds. The reality is that it spawns multiple new msiexecs to install and 
configure itself over the next 5 mins or so.

dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart

This causes an obvious issue if we need to install a bit of software with 
dotnet as a dependancy, unless, we can wait until dotnet has finished it's 5 
min dance.

From command line, this issue is resolved by adding a start /wait to the 
above command. The next challenge is how to get the correct syntax for my exec 

command   = start /wait 
${dotnet::params::deployment_root}\\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart,

Without the start /wait, the above command works. 

With the start /wait, it complains as follows...


Error: start /wait  
 /q /norestart returned 1 instead of one of [0]

Short of writing a new function called go for a cup of tea feeding it the 
required number of sleep seconds(!), does anybody have any experiences or ideas 
around this one??



Stephen J Wallace
M +61 (0)415 306731

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Re: [Puppet Users] Windows exe fork

2014-06-01 Thread Jim Ficarra
I’m not familiar with how the Reimann monitoring client runs – but if you run 
it at the command line and it runs within the shell and requires the command 
shell to run perpetually, you could try “start.exe reimannclient.exe” or 
whatever the name of the exe is.  There are a # of command line switches that 
you can look at in the help by typing start /? at the command line.  This would 
be a kludgey way to do it though to be honest.  You won’t have a very good way 
to control it.

Alternatively, it’s usually better to run these types of things within the 
service control manager as a service if they are supported which will give you 
more control over starting, stopping, and ensuring it starts up when the 
servers reboot, etc.  Hopefully your tool is able to run natively as a service. 
 if not, you can try to set up a service wrapper to run it as a service 
(Unfortunately you can’t just convert any exe natively into a Windows service). 
 SrvAny (the wrapper) and InstSrv (sets up the SrvAny wrapper in the 
registry/service control manager) were tools available in the Windows 2003 
Server Resource Kit.  I’ve recently read that those 2003 tools still work in 
2008, but keep in mind that they are not supported and your mileage may vary.

If your client is available as something that can run as a service that would 
be much better. 

You could use puppet to ensure the components are installed properly and that 
the service is set to run all the time.  

From: Bill N 
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 12:27 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] Windows exe fork


Just wrote my first puppet module for Windows  provisioning. All is working 
well except I am having a problem running a windows exe file in that Puppet 
appears to wait for the exe to complete. At least this is the case when I run 
Puppet agent --test from the Windows Server command line. 

What I want to do here is install a set of files for a Riemann monitoring 
client on several Windows Server 2008 R1 VMs. These files include an exe, which 
I want to start and run in perpetuity. I don't want Puppet to wait for this 
process to complete. It appears I could run the exe in a separate shell using 
cmd.exe, but when I try that on the command line I do not see the named process 
running in the Resource Monitor. I only see cmd.exe running. This is not very 

My question is, what is the best way to run this executable via Puppet? Should 
I convert the exe to a Windows service, install that and run it as a service? 
Should I use shell cmd and live with the unhelpful Resource Monitor listing? Or 
should I use Power Shell to fork the process like I would in linux?

Any help would be most appreciated.  
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g client install

2014-05-24 Thread Jim Ficarra
Sorry for not responding in a while – I moved on to automating other parts and 
now I’m back to this one.

It happens if I run puppet apply or puppet agent – either way it’s running as a 
domain service account.

I can run the installer perfectly fine outside of puppet with no user 
interaction whatsoever.  I have the appropriate command line options and the 
response file simply provides the settings that would’ve been requested through 
the UI – but as I said, I have it working w/out a lick of interaction required. 
 It’s just when I hit it in puppet this occurs.

Puppet is running as a domain service account.  Not sure what you mean by 
having an issue with the D: drive.  D: is a local drive, not a mapped drive, so 
we’re not trying to use localsystem across to a network/mapped drive.  Puppet 
has no issues install everything else from the same d:\build source – for 
example I’ve used it to install the MSDeploy MSI and a custom MSI to install 
some http modules in IIS.  These installers reside in D:\Build as well.  Also, 
the fact that it’s able to access the installer and unzip the files in the temp 
install directory is telling me that it has no issues accessing the files on D:.

That said, I just tried to execute it as the puppet service account 
interactively – I see an issue (maybe THE issue) - the installer throws a 
java.lang.NullPointerException.  I don’t get this when I run it as myself, so 
at least another lead with the specific user it’s executing under.  I’ll update 
this thread when I find out more but if you have any other diagnostic tips let 
me know.


From: Josh Cooper 
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g 
client install

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

  Thanks for replying, Josh.

  I just tried your suggestion but the same thing happens.  

  install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile', 'D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

  It spawns several processes (javaw, oui, etc) and then it unzips the files (I 
see unzip.exe execute in task mgr, and I see the files expanded in the puppet 
users appdata/local/temp folder) then it hangs with the following processes 
hung (in the security context of the service account under which the puppet 
service is running) – 0% CPU utilization on these processes.

  conhost.exe (two of them), ruby.exe*32 (two of them), setup.exe*32, 
oui.exe*32, javaw.exe*32, cmd.exe*32 (two of them) hanging with 0 CPU 

  I have turned on debugging and I get the following in the event log shortly 
before it hangs.
  Executing 'cmd.exe /c start puppet-install /w 
D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -noconsole -waitforcompletion 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'

  It eventually times out.

  Any other thoughts?  The odd thing is that I can install this from the 
command line with the same options, so I know I have the options correct.  Are 
these processes getting orphaned? I’m guessing based on the behavior, but it 
looks like the install kicks off several processes, and after the unzip the 
other processes seem to be waiting for some signal that never happens.  

  Any additional thoughts?

Are you running `puppet apply` or `puppet agent` when the hang happens? In 
either case, I'd recommending using process explorer to find the child process 
that all of those are waiting on. As a first approximation, you can usually use 
procexp to see if one of the threads is calling MessageBoxA, e.g. a service 
that tries to display a message dialog on the service window station.

Second, is D: a mapped drive? If so, then puppet running as LocalSystem won't 
be able to access it (as specified).

Also, it would help if you could provide your response file with redacted 
passwords, etc.



  From: Josh Cooper 
  Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 3:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g 
client install

  On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

Trying the following in both package and exec providers 

D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -noconsole 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp

I can run this at the command line and install Oracle 11g client 
silently.Once I put it in a package or try to exec it, I get as far as the 
installer auto-unzipping the files needed for the install but then it just 
hangs and after 5 mins, puppet times out.  The processes are just hung.

I've tried the following two ways  (I have a custom fact that determines if 
oracle is installed which works correctly - if I install oracle outside of 
puppet the fact correctly determines if it's installed).  The files are placed 
in the source path by other statements that work as expected.

Attempted providers

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g client install

2014-05-24 Thread Jim Ficarra
So I think I found the issue.  Others are having the same issue – the service 
account used to execute puppet is prefaced with an exclamation mark: ‘!’

Seems that others are having similar issues with accounts that have ! in them.

Folks are indicating it’s a bug, but I haven’t found an official statement for 
Oracle indicating so – still this is pretty plausible given that others are 
having the same issue with accounts prefaced with ! and that in my case puppet 
has no issues installing other installers from the same location.  Either way, 
I have what I think is the root cause and a direction to address it.

Thanks for hanging through with this, Josh – much appreciated.  Also, great 
work on the powershell provider – that has saved me more than you can imagine!

If you have any additional thoughts, please feel free.


From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g 
client install

Sorry for not responding in a while – I moved on to automating other parts and 
now I’m back to this one.

It happens if I run puppet apply or puppet agent – either way it’s running as a 
domain service account.

I can run the installer perfectly fine outside of puppet with no user 
interaction whatsoever.  I have the appropriate command line options and the 
response file simply provides the settings that would’ve been requested through 
the UI – but as I said, I have it working w/out a lick of interaction required. 
 It’s just when I hit it in puppet this occurs.

Puppet is running as a domain service account.  Not sure what you mean by 
having an issue with the D: drive.  D: is a local drive, not a mapped drive, so 
we’re not trying to use localsystem across to a network/mapped drive.  Puppet 
has no issues install everything else from the same d:\build source – for 
example I’ve used it to install the MSDeploy MSI and a custom MSI to install 
some http modules in IIS.  These installers reside in D:\Build as well.  Also, 
the fact that it’s able to access the installer and unzip the files in the temp 
install directory is telling me that it has no issues accessing the files on D:.

That said, I just tried to execute it as the puppet service account 
interactively – I see an issue (maybe THE issue) - the installer throws a 
java.lang.NullPointerException.  I don’t get this when I run it as myself, so 
at least another lead with the specific user it’s executing under.  I’ll update 
this thread when I find out more but if you have any other diagnostic tips let 
me know.


From: Josh Cooper 
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g 
client install

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

  Thanks for replying, Josh.

  I just tried your suggestion but the same thing happens.  

  install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile', 'D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

  It spawns several processes (javaw, oui, etc) and then it unzips the files (I 
see unzip.exe execute in task mgr, and I see the files expanded in the puppet 
users appdata/local/temp folder) then it hangs with the following processes 
hung (in the security context of the service account under which the puppet 
service is running) – 0% CPU utilization on these processes.

  conhost.exe (two of them), ruby.exe*32 (two of them), setup.exe*32, 
oui.exe*32, javaw.exe*32, cmd.exe*32 (two of them) hanging with 0 CPU 

  I have turned on debugging and I get the following in the event log shortly 
before it hangs.
  Executing 'cmd.exe /c start puppet-install /w 
D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -noconsole -waitforcompletion 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'

  It eventually times out.

  Any other thoughts?  The odd thing is that I can install this from the 
command line with the same options, so I know I have the options correct.  Are 
these processes getting orphaned? I’m guessing based on the behavior, but it 
looks like the install kicks off several processes, and after the unzip the 
other processes seem to be waiting for some signal that never happens.  

  Any additional thoughts?

Are you running `puppet apply` or `puppet agent` when the hang happens? In 
either case, I'd recommending using process explorer to find the child process 
that all of those are waiting on. As a first approximation, you can usually use 
procexp to see if one of the threads is calling MessageBoxA, e.g. a service 
that tries to display a message dialog on the service window station.

Second, is D: a mapped drive? If so, then puppet running as LocalSystem won't 
be able to access

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g client install

2014-05-19 Thread Jim Ficarra
Thanks for replying, Josh.

I just tried your suggestion but the same thing happens.  

install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile', 'D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

It spawns several processes (javaw, oui, etc) and then it unzips the files (I 
see unzip.exe execute in task mgr, and I see the files expanded in the puppet 
users appdata/local/temp folder) then it hangs with the following processes 
hung (in the security context of the service account under which the puppet 
service is running) – 0% CPU utilization on these processes.

conhost.exe (two of them), ruby.exe*32 (two of them), setup.exe*32, oui.exe*32, 
javaw.exe*32, cmd.exe*32 (two of them) hanging with 0 CPU utilization.

I have turned on debugging and I get the following in the event log shortly 
before it hangs.
Executing 'cmd.exe /c start puppet-install /w 
D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -noconsole -waitforcompletion 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'

It eventually times out.

Any other thoughts?  The odd thing is that I can install this from the command 
line with the same options, so I know I have the options correct.  Are these 
processes getting orphaned? I’m guessing based on the behavior, but it looks 
like the install kicks off several processes, and after the unzip the other 
processes seem to be waiting for some signal that never happens.  

Any additional thoughts?



From: Josh Cooper 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g 
client install

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jim Ficarra wrote:

  Trying the following in both package and exec providers 

  D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -noconsole 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp

  I can run this at the command line and install Oracle 11g client 
silently.Once I put it in a package or try to exec it, I get as far as the 
installer auto-unzipping the files needed for the install but then it just 
hangs and after 5 mins, puppet times out.  The processes are just hung.

  I've tried the following two ways  (I have a custom fact that determines if 
oracle is installed which works correctly - if I install oracle outside of 
puppet the fact correctly determines if it's installed).  The files are placed 
in the source path by other statements that work as expected.

  Attempted providers (unsuccessful)
  exec {'OracleInstall':
command  = 'D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -waitforcompletion 
-noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',

  exec {'OracleInstall':
command  = '  D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent 
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',
provider  = powershell,

  #command = ' D:\Build\Oracle 11g client\setup.exe -silent 
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',

  package {'OracleInstall':
source = 'D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe',
install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

Shouldn't that be:

install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile', 'D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

Otherwise puppet will think you're passing a single argument with spaces in it, 
and will quote it.


  When either of these run, it kicks off - I see the unzip.exe kick off and it 
begins to unpack the files.  I then see the java installer process and 
setup.exe in task manager but after a few seconds it stops and just hangs.  The 
installActions file shows the following - which is not complete compared to 
when I run the puppet module locally on the box (puppet apply 

  Contents of installAction log
  Using paramFile: D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\install\oraparam.ini

  The commandline for unzip:
  D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\install\unzip -qqqo 
..\stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/*.jar -d 

  So, it seems it's getting as far as unzipping but then just hangs - I'm 
thinking something is getting orphaned somewhere but I can't figure it out.  

  Hoping someone has some insight or suggestions.

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Josh Cooper


[Puppet Users] Puppet for Windows - Problems with Oracle 11g client install

2014-05-18 Thread Jim Ficarra
Trying the following in both package and exec providers

D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -noconsole 
-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp

I can run this at the command line and install Oracle 11g client 
silently.Once I put it in a package or try to exec it, I get as far as the 
installer auto-unzipping the files needed for the install but then it just 
hangs and after 5 mins, puppet times out.  The processes are just hung.

I've tried the following two ways  (I have a custom fact that determines if 
oracle is installed which works correctly - if I install oracle outside of 
puppet the fact correctly determines if it's installed).  The files are 
placed in the source path by other statements that work as expected.

Attempted providers (unsuccessful)

exec {'OracleInstall':
  command  = 'D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent 
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',

exec {'OracleInstall':
  command  = '  D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe -silent 
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',
  provider  = powershell,

#command = ' D:\Build\Oracle 11g client\setup.exe -silent 
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp',

package {'OracleInstall':
  source = 'D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\setup.exe',
  install_options = ['-silent', '-waitforcompletion', '-noconsole'. 
'-responseFile D:\Build\Ora11gclient.rsp'],

When either of these run, it kicks off - I see the unzip.exe kick off and 
it begins to unpack the files.  I then see the java installer process and 
setup.exe in task manager but after a few seconds it stops and just hangs. 
 The installActions file shows the following - which is not complete 
compared to when I run the puppet module locally on the box (puppet apply 

Contents of installAction log
Using paramFile: D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\install\oraparam.ini

The commandline for unzip:
D:\Build\Oracle11gclient\install\unzip -qqqo 
..\stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/*.jar -d 

So, it seems it's getting as far as unzipping but then just hangs - I'm 
thinking something is getting orphaned somewhere but I can't figure it out.

Hoping someone has some insight or suggestions.


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