Re: [Puppet Users] Parsing key/value pairs in ruby

2010-08-12 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Paul Nasrat's message of Thu Aug 12 06:45:52 -0700 2010:
 You might use shellwords to handle the quoting.
  require 'shellwords'
  l = %q(printer-make-and-model='Brother HL-2060 Foomatic/hpijs-pcl5e 
  (recommended)' printer-state=3 printer-state-change-time=1266621145 
  printer-state-reasons=none printer-type=8564756)
 = [printer-make-and-model=Brother HL-2060 Foomatic/hpijs-pcl5e
 (recommended), printer-state=3,
 printer-state-change-time=1266621145, printer-state-reasons=none,

Paul, shellwords.rb is one of the many great but little-known Ruby
standard library tools. Going a little further, we can turn a string of
shell-quoted key/value pairs separated by an '=' into a hash using:

require 'shellwords'

shellwords = Shellwords.shellwords(your_string)
pairs ={ |s| s.split('=', 2) }.flatten

This may be a little daunting, so let's break it down:

1) shellwords = Shellwords.shellwords(your_string) turns the string into
   an array of tokens, assuming it's been assigned to your_string.

2){|s| s.split('=', 2)} takes each string in turn and splits
   it on the first '=', returning a new array containing arrays of
   [before-the-equals, after-the-equals] pairs.  Splitting on the first '='
   avoids any possible bugs where there is an = in the value.

3) .flatten flattens this array of arrays into an array that looks like [ key, 
   key, value, ... ]. We'll need this for step 4.

4) Hash[1, 2, 3, 4] turns the arguments into a hash: { 1 = 2, 3 = 4 }.
   We use this to turn the array above into a Hash. The * is used to
   turn the array into a series of arguments, because Hash[[1,2,3,4]]
   doesn't work, but Hash[*[1,2,3,4]] does. (I often think of * in this
   context as the unary unarray operator.)

Rein Henrichs

There are two types of Linux developers - those who can spell, and
those who can't. There is a constant pitched battle between the two.
(From one of the post-1.1.54 kernel update messages posted to c.o.l.a)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: RHEL4 puppet-dashboard 1.0.3

2010-08-10 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from ScubaDude's message of Tue Aug 10 06:58:53 -0700 2010:
 Packages I needed to get dashboard running on a RHEL4 Server:

Thanks for detailing your installation procedure. We'll add it to the
Dashboard instructions.
Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Facter does not recognise Xen HVM DomU

2010-08-10 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Jean Baptiste FAVRE's message of Sat Aug 07 05:46:12 -0700 2010:
 Hello everyone,
 While discovering puppet, I just figured out that facter does not
 recognise my server as Xen HVM DomU, at least not in virtual fact:
 [ snip ]

 A quick look into virtual.rb, and a dirty hack later, I can see my HVM
 domU as what they are. Now I wonder to know if I use the right fact ?

Hi Jean,

Thanks for reporting this. I've added a ticket [1] to our issue tracker
so we can follow up on this issue more easily. Your issue seems to be
related to (or possibly a duplicate of) some existing tickets. I've
listed them as related in the ticket itself. Would you mind taking a
look at those to see if your issue is a duplicate? If so, we can assign
it as such.


Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet + OpenVZ

2010-08-10 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Matthew Cluver's message of Tue Aug 10 12:59:51 -0700 2010:
 I'm not sure if you've seen the message on github, I wanted to respond
 here to make sure that you'd seen it. I've tested and confirmed that
 the patch Kai submitted will work correctly moving forward.

Thanks Matt. I'm merging the ticket branch into next and marking the
ticket Ready for Check-in, meaning it will go into master and then an
upcoming release, possibly 1.5.8, when we can close it.
Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Facter does not recognise Xen HVM DomU

2010-08-10 Thread Rein Henrichs

Thanks for the info, I'll add it to the ticket.
Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] RHEL4 puppet-dashboard 1.0.3

2010-08-06 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from ScubaDude's message of Fri Aug 06 06:59:21 -0700 2010:
 Has anyone got dashborad-1.03 working on RHEL 4?
   I'm struggling to find the ruby / rubygem RPMs for RHEL4...

The packages you need should be in EPEL. Have you tried the instructions
for CentOS 5.5 in the README[1]?

Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet + OpenVZ

2010-08-06 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Matthew Cluver's message of Thu Aug 05 21:48:21 -0700 2010:
 Hi Everyone,
 I'm working on developing what would be an openly available module for
 puppet, to allow for the development and manipulation of virtual
 containers on OpenVZ host nodes.
 Here it is on google code:
 If you have been working on the same thing and have any code that
 you'd like to contribute it would certainly be appreciated!
 Cheers  best regards,

Hi Matt,

I see that you've commented on Facter bug #4156[1]. Is there any consensus
on the correct way to fix this bug? I'd like to get it resolved for
1.5.8, especially if it's affecting your work on an OpenVZ module.

Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.0.3 released

2010-08-03 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Rob McBroom's message of Mon Aug 02 12:40:21 -0700 2010:
 I updated to 1.0.3 and now all I get from the web interface is the
 “something went wrong” message. All I really need to know is where to
 look for clues. There’s nothing in
 `puppet-dashboard/log/production.log` and nothing from Apache in

Hi Rob,

The something went wrong message is shown in the Rails production
environment instead of the error message and stack trace you would see
in the development environment. Unfortunately, it tells us nothing about
what's actually wrong. If the production.log file is empty, it might be
a permissions issue for the user you use to run Apache (can't write to
the log).

Since the production log doesn't show anything, you can try running
script/server from the Dashboard's directory. This will start a Ruby
server (probably Webrick) in development mode. If the problem is during
boot, it'll dump an error message. Otherwise, if you make a request to
that machine's host at port 3000, you should see an actual error report
in your browser and in the standard output of the server (and in your
log/development.log). If not, it may be specific to the production
environment (unlikely) or to your Passenger setup (more likely). Let us
know and we can continue to troubleshoot.

Once we get some more information, we should be able to figure out
what's going on.

Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.0.3 released

2010-08-03 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Rein Henrichs's message of Tue Aug 03 10:15:05 -0700 2010:
 Once we get some more information, we should be able to figure out
 what's going on.

Rob, looks like you've already resolved the issue. I guess I was late
to the party. Glad you got it sorted.
Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet dashboard and environments

2010-07-30 Thread Rein Henrichs
Excerpts from Ben Tullis's message of Fri Jul 30 04:29:46 -0700 2010:
 Why doesn't the dashboard understand which environment applies to the
 host, and return that in the yaml output?
 Is this something that is better handled another way, or is it on the
 roadmap for the puppet dashboard?

Hi Ben,

Dashboard doesn't currently handle environments but it is on the

Rein Henrichs

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Re: [Puppet Users] Empty set in MySQL for puppetdashboard.

2010-07-26 Thread Rein Henrichs
Hello there,

Thanks for reporting the issue you're having. I've taken the liberty of
creating a ticket[1] for it so we can track it. Can we continue this
discussion there?


Rein Henrichs

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Make Mine a Double wrote:

 Hey all,
 recently installed puppet-dashboard (latest), to puppet with MySQL.
 Things are looking hunkydory, but some nodes are not appearing in the

 In the puppet-dashboard logs we have:

 Node Load (0.4ms)   SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE (`nodes`.`name` =
 '') ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 1

 Quering the db directly, that is indeed the case:
 mysql SELECT * FROM `nodes` WHERE (`nodes`.`name` = '') ORDER
 BY name ASC LIMIT 1;
 Empty set (0.00 sec)

 However, under /var/lib/puppet/reports on the puppet box, I can find a
 directory called after

 I have forty nodes up, all of which are successfully updating via
 puppet, unfortunately ten of those are not appearing in puppet-
 dashboard. I have confirmed that puppet is indeed successfully running
 on all machines.

 Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Problem with dashboard using live report aggregation

2010-06-21 Thread Rein Henrichs
Hi folks,

Thanks for the dashboard questions. I'm glad people are using dashboard and
reporting these issues.

The dashboard installation instructions currently say to add the
puppet_dashboard.rb's directory to your Puppet libdir. This fails due to This makes me sad as well so I'm
working on resolving that issue.

In the meantime, I'm updating the installation instructions with a work
around, which is: symlink dashboard's puppet_dashboard.rb into your $libdir,
typically to /var/lib/puppet/reports.

The ultimate solution is to add an http reports processor to puppet-core
that can be configured to point to dashboard (or any other http endpoint
that accepts reports). No more modifying libdir or creating symlinks. Just a
couple puppet settings and you're done. Yay. I've got code for this that is
working its way into Puppet as we speak.

Dashboard's (lack of) timezone support is an important issue. I don't have a
fix right now but I'm working on it. I'll let you guys know when that's

Rein Henrichs

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 2:11 AM, christian wrote:

 After I put puppet_dashboard.rb into site_ruby/1.8/puppet/reports as
 Don told now the aggregations seems to work just fine.
 But I guess it's supposed to work if you put that file in the correct
 directory in your there still seems to be some
 unresolved problems.

 Btw, where does the dashboard get its time informaiton from? All our
 server run with CEST but the dashboard shows all times in WAT (CEST -2
 hours). The time in the report-files themselves is correct...


 On 20 Jun., 18:05, Don Jackson
  I am having all the problems that the following two threads reported.
  Like tomholl reported, I was finally able to get reporting to work by
 copying the puppet_dashboard.rb file into the directory
  And when I had previously attempted to specify libdir to be a colon
 separated path, puppetmasterd died/crashed.
  I am running puppet version 25.5 on OpenBSD (4.6) (Yes, I built new
 packages from the tip of OpenBSD port tree), and dashboard 1.0.0
  I would definitely appreciate any advice as to what I am doing wrong….
  On Dec 17, 2009, at 10:04 AM, tomholl wrote:
am still having some trouble getting this to work as per the
   README.markdown instructions.
   I was able to get it working by copying the puppet_dashboard.rb into /
   Setting the $libdir in puppet.conf seemed to work but I still kept
   getting No report named 'puppet_dashboard'  errors after each
   successful catalog compile.
   The reason I think the $libdir was getting set is that the output of
   'puppetd --configprint libdir' and 'puppetmasterd --configprint
   libdir' is /opt/puppetdashboard/lib/puppet (where I put my test
   Since I kept getting errors about not finding the report I ran
   'puppetmasterd --configprint reports'  and got an output of store.
   Once I found where the store file was and copied the
   puppet_dashboard.rb file into that location (/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/
   1.8/puppet/reports) everything worked.
   So what am I missing? Why did I have to copy the report file over to /
   usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/reports if my $libdir was set
  On Jun 16, 2010, at 5:02 AM, Jon Choate wrote:
   I am seeing similar issues.  In my puppet.conf I set
   reports = store, puppet_dashboard
   and libpath = /var/puppet/lib:$RAILS_ROOT/lib/puppet
   (RAILS_ROOT being /opt/puppet-dashboard where I installed puppet
   Using a combined path like this does not seem to work for libpath. It
 views the entire string as one path.  Is this by design?
   I then set libpath to just $RAILS_ROOT/lib/puppet
   With these settings I still get the message that it can't find the
 report named 'puppet_dashboard'.  I even tried linking the .rb files for the
 puppet_dashboard report to /var/puppet/lib and use the default libpath but
 that did not seem to help either.
   Any idea?
   On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:35 AM, christian wrote:
   I'm exploring puppet-dashboard right now and I want to get the live
   aggregation running.
   But somehow I'm already failing at the puppet.conf entries ;)
   The Dashboard readme says:
   ### Live report aggregation
   To enable report aggregation in Puppet Dashboard, the file `lib/puppet/
   puppet_dashboard.rb` must be available in Puppet's lib path. The
   easiest way to do this is to add `RAILS_ROOT/lib/puppet` to `$libdir`
   in your `puppet.conf`, where `RAILS_ROOT` is the directory containing
   this README. Then ensure that your puppetmasterd runs with the option
   `--reports puppet_dashboard`.
   So how do I add that line?
   If I try something like $libdir = $vardir/lib;/usr/local/puppet

Re: [Puppet Users] broken image links on puppet-dashboard tour documentation

2010-04-09 Thread Rein Henrichs
This probably happened in the course of the move. Thanks for letting us

Rein Henrichs

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Gustavo Soares gustavosoa...@gmail.comwrote:


 I don't know if here is the right place to say this, but the
 tour webpage (
 seems to have some broken image links.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Using sqlite with dashboard?

2010-03-09 Thread Rein Henrichs
Sorry for the late response. We have a ticket for this at The SQL code in the Status
model that is used for report stats aggregation is the only non-portable

There are a number of available solutions of varying completeness and
complexity, from removing these statistics for non-MySQL databases to
re-implementing with portable (or ported to each supported dababase) SQL.
The latter is the goal but the former would at least get Dashboard running
on non-MySQL databases immediately (albeit with some loss of functionality).

I'm interested in the community's thoughts on this. I would also welcome any
ported SQL for sqlite or other databases if anyone feels like doing so .
There are already suggestions for porting to PostgreSQL in the ticket.
Ideally we would like fully portable, compliant SQL, but that may not be

Rein Henrichs

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:18 AM, Peter Meier wrote:

  Is there any way to make Dashboard to use sqlite instead of mysql?

 I tried changing the database options in environment, but rake still
 insists on mysql.

 so far imho not. will come in the future.

 cheers pete

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[Puppet Users] Announcing Puppet dashboard 0.2.0 Release

2009-12-22 Thread Rein Henrichs
Greetings Puppeteers,

I'm pleased to announce the immediate release of Puppet Dashboard 0.2.0,
codenamed Satria. You know why.

Major new features in this release are a rake task for importing report YAML
files into the Dashboard and a sample External Node script. See the README
for more information.

We probably won't be releasing next week (Christmas and all) but releases
should resume shortly thereafter.

Happy holidays.

Code and installation instructions:



Rein Henrichs


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-dashboard - connection to existing puppet environment

2009-12-16 Thread Rein Henrichs
Hi folks,

Dashboard doesn't (currently) use stored configs or existing reports. The
README.markdown file in your Dashboard directory has instructions on using
the included puppet_dashboard report processor with your puppetmasterd to
send reports to the Dashboard. Please let me know if you run into any
problems following them.

Your puppetmasterd must be able to speak to the Dashboard via HTTP and
assumes that the Dashboard is available at localhost on port 3000 by

You do not have to configure individual puppet clients.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Joe McDonagh

 tomholl wrote:
  I was able to get puppet-dashboard up and running on my existing
  puppet server and the interface looks great. However none of my
  existing puppet environment activity is showing up in the puppet-
  I have successfully setup puppetshow and storeconfigs in a prior
  installation of puppet and I thought that maybe the configuration
  might be similar but after looking at the configs and comparing the
  two databases/tables I'm not sure that I know how to configure it
  properly for puppet-dashboard. I'm still pretty new to puppet.
  How do I get my existing puppet environment pointed to the puppet-
  dashboard database? Did I miss a step in the puppet-dashboard
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 I was also under the impression it would use the stored config and
 existing reports, however Ohad Levy informed me that it uses a custom
 report and sends it to the dashboard at :3000, assumed on localhost by
 default. So you need to make sure you install the custom reporter, I
 think it's called 'puppet-dashboard' on your nodes, as well as enabling
 this type of report in the 'reports' config directive.

 Joe McDonagh
 Silent Penguin Services
 Operations Engineer
 AIM: YoosingYoonickz
 IRC: joe-mac on freenode


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Rein Henrichs


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-dashboard

2009-12-15 Thread Rein Henrichs

Interesting. I think the issue here is with migration order. The
Report#success? method depends on the existence of a `success` boolean field
on the reports table, which may happen at a later migration than when the
method is called. Flattening the migrations into a single file should
alleviate this and is also a good idea in general. I'll fix this ASAP and
release a new point version.

Thanks for the heads up.

Rein Henrichs


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announcing Puppet Dashboard 0.1.0 Release

2009-12-15 Thread Rein Henrichs
I understand and sympathize with the political/legal reasons. We obviously
want to do our best to support default RHEL4 configurations (since we have
so many RHEL4 nodes running Puppet) and it is unfortunate that the available
rake RPM lags JUST behind our requirements.

Try running things with a rake = 0.8.3 dependency in config/environment.rb
and see if things break. There may be a simple way to fix it (by
monkey-patching rake inside our application, for instance) or it just might
work, which would be fantastic. I'll do some digging myself as well.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 3:00 PM, jw2dot...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm sure this RubyGems topic probably deserves it's own thread...

 We go through a lot of political/legal paperwork at $WORK to deploy
 open-source software on our Red Hat systems.  Throwing logic aside, we
 managed to get approval to use any RPM package from EPEL, but that's
 not the case for RubyGems out on   RPM packages are
 simple to maintain and track for inventory purposes, but I agree with
 your comments on packaging systems falling behind..  (We still have
 lots of RHEL4 boxes, which can be very difficult with the ruby RPMs
 offered with that distro).

 Thanks for the gem docs.  I'll pursue that route.

 On Dec 15, 4:43 pm, Rein Henrichs wrote:
  At the risk of sparking another flame war, the best way to manage Ruby
  library dependencies is via Rubygems rather than your platform's
  system -- which tends to have out of date Ruby packages and can conflict
  with installed gems[1]. Fortunately, it is entirely possible and in fact
  quite easy to install and use Rubygems as a local user (rather than
  root)[2]. We've done our best to remove external dependencies but this
  unfortunately remains.
  The bottom line is that rake 0.8.4 is the first known-good version for
  version of Rails that Dashboard uses and, as such, the first that we
  currently support. However, the rake install task (which is the only
  that requires rake aside from running the spec suite) may work or be made
  work with older versions of rake. We would be happy to bump the
  down to 0.8.3 to provide out-of-the-box support for RHEL5 and will
  gratefully accept patches that let us do that.
  [1] See
  On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:09 PM, 
   Bummer.  Requires rake = 0.8.4, but RHEL5/EPEL is only 0.8.3.
   On Dec 14, 3:29 pm, Rein Henrichs wrote:
Greetings Puppeteers,
It's the holidays once again and, in the spirit of the season, I
the immediate release of Puppet Dashboard 0.1.0, codenamed Wira.
the Wira is a car. From Malaysia. And cars have dashboards. Even cars
This release includes run success and total run time graphs and a
status drop-down tab that provides at-a-glance system status updates.
still deciding on which information to present where and how best to
it, so expect these to change in upcoming releases as we converge on
most useful set of data to display. Coincidentally, this would be a
time to tell us which information is most important to you on which
You could even reply to this message on the list if you want (hint).
Also, at the request of just about everyone, I've posted a tour of
latest Dashboard release on the Reductive Labs blog athttp:// Yes,
it includes screenshots. Huzzah.
Get the code at
Submit feature requests and bug reports athttp://
Have a great holiday season, folks.
Rein Henrichs
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  Rein Henrichs


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[Puppet Users] Announcing Puppet Dashboard 0.1.0 Release

2009-12-14 Thread Rein Henrichs
Greetings Puppeteers,

It's the holidays once again and, in the spirit of the season, I bring you
the immediate release of Puppet Dashboard 0.1.0, codenamed Wira. Because
the Wira is a car. From Malaysia. And cars have dashboards. Even cars from

This release includes run success and total run time graphs and a global
status drop-down tab that provides at-a-glance system status updates. We are
still deciding on which information to present where and how best to present
it, so expect these to change in upcoming releases as we converge on the
most useful set of data to display. Coincidentally, this would be a great
time to tell us which information is most important to you on which pages.
You could even reply to this message on the list if you want (hint).

Also, at the request of just about everyone, I've posted a tour of the
latest Dashboard release on the Reductive Labs blog at Yes,
it includes screenshots. Huzzah.

Get the code at
Submit feature requests and bug reports at

Have a great holiday season, folks.

Rein Henrichs


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[Puppet Users] Puppet Dashboard 0.0.1 Release Announcement

2009-12-08 Thread Rein Henrichs
Greetings Puppeteers,

Reductive Labs and the Puppet Dashboard team (that would be me) are
proud to announce the immediate release of Puppet Dashboard 0.0.1,
codenamed Enterra. Because the Enterra is a car. And cars have
dashboards. Puppet Dashboard is (or will be) a web front end that keeps you
informed and in control of everything going on in your Puppet
ecosystem. It currently functions as a reporting dashboard and an
external node repository and will soon do much more, including having
better marketing copy.

This release is a minimally functional alpha release targeted
especially at those of you who are interested in playing with a shiny
new tool and helping to shape its further development. As Puppet
Dashboard is under active development, you can expect future releases
to be frequent and driven largely by feedback from the Puppet
community (that would be you).

Code and installation instructions:


I am also available via the puppet-users list and in #puppet on as ReinH for any questions.

Rein Henrichs | |


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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Dashboard 0.0.1 Release Announcement

2009-12-08 Thread Rein Henrichs
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

 First thoughts are that I really quite like it, it's zippy and clean.

Thanks! That's one of the design goals for the UI. Namely, to get out
of the way and let you see the information that's important to you.

 Are you planning to expose storeconfigs data as well? I'd love to at
 least be able to see thin_storeconfigs fact/value data for hosts as
 well as reports.

We're definitely planning on exposing node facts and other information
in an upcoming release.

 (I've actually often thought facts would make sense as part of a report)

Once we have more structured reporting data to work with (which we're
currently adding to Puppet), we'll be able to do more interesting and
informative reporting without having to parse log data (which is slow,
inaccurate and bound to be quickly obsoleted).

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Silviu Paragina wrote:
 It may sound stupid but are there any screen shots to see (at least)
 some of the functionality currently exposed by the dashboard?

It doesn't sound stupid at all. In fact, I'm writing up a blog post on
the Reductive Labs blog[1] this week to provide screenshots and an
overview of the existing functionality.

Please don't hesitate to use the Redmine tracker[2] for feature or
enhancement requests and bug reports. We're definitely interested in
the feedback.

Also, apologies for the double post.


Rein Henrichs | |


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