Re: [Puppet Users] Is there a way to find unused puppet code (2.7)?

2014-02-09 Thread gh
On 2/8/14 8:53 PM, Amos Shapira wrote:
 Is there a way to systematically find all modules we have which aren't used?
 Two reasons for this question:
  1. We use librarian-puppet to manage external modules and would like
 to find which of them can we remove.
  2. We did some major refactoring over the years, in particular we moved
 from a mix of old distribution to a single Ubuntu LTS version, and
 there could be some of our own classes which aren't used.
  3. If it's an automatic way, it will be great to run it as part of our
 Continuous Integration suite to find code which can be removed.
 So - is there such a thing?

Hi Amos,

With PuppetDB you can query[1] for the most recent catalog of a given
node which will list all of the classes used. You could the use the
process of elimination to see what classes you had in your modulepath
that are not showing up in your catalogs.

[1] -


Garrett Honeycutt

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Re: [Puppet Users] Code coverage for puppet resources

2014-02-06 Thread gh
On 1/26/14 7:50 AM, Gareth Rushgrove wrote:
 For anyone else who likes writing tests for their puppet manifests,
 I've just added basic code coverage to rspec-puppet:
 A blog post here about how to use it:
 I'd be interested in any feedback on how to improve or add to this.


Great blog post. I tried this on a module with 100% coverage and notice
that it reports back 50% coverage. After some poking around, found that
it is checking code in spec/fixtures/, the stdlib module actually. There
seems to be an open issue[1] regarding the inability to exclude things.
Curious if you found a work around for testing your code and not the
modules pulled in from .fixtures.yml.

[1] -


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Re: [Puppet Users] Augeus: Duplicate sysctl setting

2014-01-07 Thread gh
On 1/6/14 9:28 AM, bruce bushby wrote:
 I have a issue with duplicate Augeas settings and hoping to bounce the
 issue off the community for some ideas.
 I like to pre-deploy my servers regardless of what application they
 will run and I typically have them sitting in
 (/etc/puppet/manifest/classes/-linux-server) where they remain until
 they are moved into an application class which then adds
 additional modules 
 My base setup does not allow ip_forwarding:
 [root@puppetdev-stc development]# grep net.ipv4.ip_forward
 sysctl { 'net.ipv4.ip_forward': value = '0', comment = 'this is a
 comment' }
 [root@puppetdev-stc development]# 
 However, I have an application that does require ip_forwarding .and
 when I add the application layer I get a conflict:
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
 SERVER: Duplicate declaration: Sysctl[net.ipv4.ip_forward] is already
 declared in file
 /etc/puppet/modules/development/defaults/manifests/config.pp:4; cannot
 redeclare at
 /etc/puppet/modules/development/wombat/manifests/config.pp:5 on node
 How can I force puppet to simply execute the sysctl settings in order (I
 use requires to control module order) ...meaning the last setting will
 become the valid setting?

Hi Bruce,

Recommend that you move the data from your current pattern of defaults
and application names into Hiera. You can then use your application name
as a hierarchy level in Hiera to supply different data based on the
application name.

Your method of getting into a pre-deploy state and then moving into a
deploy state is also potentially dangerous. If you manage any resources
in the pre-deploy state that are not in the deploy state, then you
cannot simply run Puppet with the deploy level code to reach the end
system state that you desire. Ideally you would classify the node and
get it into one state instead of your method of getting it into one
state and then into another through the use of different code paths and
data in Puppet.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet module

2013-10-10 Thread gh
On 10/8/13 2:27 PM, John wrote:
 I need to write a puppet SSHD module that does the following:
 First I have 5 different operating systems to install to: Red Hat, Free
 BSD, AIX, Ubuntu, and SuSE.
 The second requirements:
 If the host file contains an entry of (for example)
 then I need ssh-config1 installed.
 If the host file contains an entry of then I need
 ssh_config2 installed.
 If there is an entry in hosts for then I need
 ssh_config3 installed.
 Is there a sample SSH module that has such parameters, or can someone
 provide a generic template to follow such requirements?
 Thanks in advance.

Hi John,

I have a ssh module[1] that supports RHEL 5 and 6 that I would be happy
to collaborote with you to support your other OS's.

Your second requirement, though technically possible, is not the puppet
way of doing things. The Puppet way is to be declarative and say that
you have three different types of systems: A, B, and C. You would then
have code to declare that you want a specific entry of host-X.domain in
your hosts file and that you want a different ssh configuration. We want
to declare what the system should be instead of looking at the host
entry and basing the logic on that.

With the use of Hiera, you could easily have different configurations
for your three different classifications.

[1] -

Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] Array being flattened

2013-09-19 Thread gh
On 9/19/13 4:13 PM, Darin Perusich wrote:
 Hello All,
 I've run into an issue where an array that's being passed into a
 defined type is being flattened when it's inclosed in double quotes
 and I'm not sure how to get around this. This is happening a the
 pdxcat/amanda module and I've raised an github issues for this but
 wanted to query the community as a whole. The issue and my branch of
 the code are below.
 The amanda::server or amanda::configs class/defined type allow you to
 populate amanda configuration directories from files,
 /etc/amanda/$configs, by setting configs = [ daily, weekly ] in
 the manifest. In my defined type, amanda::disklist, the parameter
 $configs needs to be used to set the correct target path to a file
 which I'm using contact::fragment to modify. When $configs is a single
 value, say daily, everything works as expected. But then $configs is
 an array, daily and weekly, it's flattened to dailyweekly which
 results in an Invalid relationship: error.
 Can anyone provide some guidance on how to get around this? I've been
 banging on this for a few days and my heads really starting to hurt.
 define amanda::disklist (
 $diskdevice = undef,
 $ensure = present,
 $interface  = undef,
 $order  = 20,
 $spindle= undef
 ) {
 include amanda::params
 include amanda::virtual
 concat::fragment { amanda::disklist/$title:
 target  = $amanda::params::configs_directory/$configs/disklist,
 ensure  = $ensure,
 order   = $order,
 content = $fqdn $name $diskdevice $dumptype $spindle $interface\n,
 tag = amanda_dle,

This is an issue with type casting. The target parameter[1] is using a
string and I think that you believe that multiple concat::fragments
should get called, one for each element in the array, which is not going
to happen.

If that is the functionality you want, then $configs[2] should stay a
string and not allow arrays. You can use create_resources()[3] to call
amanda::disklist multiple times, which from your issue[4], is what I
believe your intention is.

Here is a gist[5] to demonstrate with YAML files that you might place in

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -


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Re: [Puppet Users] Multiple sources for puppet configuration?

2013-04-03 Thread gh
On 4/2/13 7:48 PM, Thomas A. Fine wrote:
 As we gradually spread puppet management to all of our systems, we've
 run across a group that's managed by us, but also semi-self-managed, and
 they'd set up puppet to manage some of their own software configurations
 (they provide an outward facing archive service).
 Is there a way to set up puppet so that it looks at multiple servers for
 it's configuration?
 My first guess is to say that we control /etc/puppet/puppet.conf and
 point it at our servers, and that they fall back to running puppet from
 cron with --config /path/to/their/puppet.conf.
 Is there a better way to handle this?  i.e. can you put something in
 puppet.conf that tells it to apply rules found on more than one server?
 Of course we also plan on setting up some yet-to-be-designed revision
 control system.  So another alternative would be that when we set that
 up we design it so that some modules can be edited by individuals
 outside the systems group.  Then we're back to one single configuration,
 and not only that we can watch what other groups are doing with modules
 where we've handed out permission.  This may be the best solution since
 it's vaporware right now.  Has anyone done anything like this?


Check out defining multiple paths in the modulepath[1]. This would allow
both teams to have their own modules and versions with names that might

Environments[2] will also help, as you can place the other team's
systems in their own environment, even though all the systems would talk
to the same puppet master service.

Heavily recommend using VCS from the beginning, you are going to need
it. Here's an old talk I gave around version control (starts about half
way through) [3].

[1] -

[2] -

[3] -


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Re: [Puppet Users] serving large files formally code artifacts best practices

2013-03-10 Thread gh
On 3/9/13 4:21 PM, Eslam Mamdouh El Husseiny wrote:
 Hi All, I'd like to know best practices in serving code artifacts
 tarballs though puppet , I used to serve them using file{} resource
 but this method doesn't seem a good way as i have to either include code
 artifacts tarballs in puppet codebase repository or configuring puppet
 codebase repository to ignore such tarballs and providing a way to
 inject code artifacts in $path/to/puppet/modules/module_1/files
 Best Regards,
 Eslam Mamdouh El Husseiny
 /Systems Administrator//*
 Cloud Niners* Ltd.


I initially wrote an rsync module[1] to handle this, as using Puppet's
file transfer method is not really suited for  1GB files. Other ways to
solve this would be to turn your tarball into a package. A quick way to
do this would be with FPM[2]. You could use a version control system to
manage your code artifact and have a post commit hook that turns it into
a package and places that in your repo. Another approach would be using
BitTorrent to propagate your code artifacts to all the systems.

[1] -
[2] -


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Re: [Puppet Users] Variables within Manifests question

2013-02-22 Thread gh
On 2/22/13 2:20 PM, jim wrote:
 Hello all
 Can someone please help me or answer if this is possible
 I'm using the puppet forge IIS module, and want to use variables within
 the syntax dependent up ip address
 for example:
 colo_a =
 colo_b =
 if $network_local_area_connection =
 add colo_a
 elseif $network_local_area_connection =
 add colo_b
 iis_site {'':
 ensure = present,
 bindings   = [ 'http/*', 
 'http/*:80:*colo_?*' ],
 Any help or advise would be much appreciated


This is what Hiera[1] is meant to help with. You could determine values
based on which colo you are in.

[1] -


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[Puppet Users] CloudPack problems with CentOS AMIs

2011-09-22 Thread Hamoun gh
I noticed the following problems when working with CloudPack and the
image ami-08728661 (and it probably apples to other CentOS images as

1) the ssh user in this AMI is ec2-user, but sudo to root is not
possible in the ssh command unless  pseudo-tty allocation forced with
ssh -t option.
so I changed  cloudpack.rb, line 573  from:
ssh_remote_execute(server, options[:login], install_command, options[:keyfile])
process = ssh -t #{options[:login]}@#{server} -i
#{options[:keyfile]} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no \#{install_command}\;
IO.popen(process) do |f|
until f.eof? f.gets
(used external ssh because didnt know how to do it in Net::ssh)

2) There was no /etc/redhat-release file in the image, so
master/lib/puppet/cloudpack/scripts/gems.erb breaks.
For this I hardcoded redhat as default.

Its good to have these fixed if devs seem its important for them.

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[Puppet Users] problems using CloudPack for autoscaling

2011-09-22 Thread Hamoun gh
I have been trying to setup autoscaling with CloudPack and so far was
not that successfull.

The scenario is as follows:
in a 3 tier architecture when I see high utilization I fire a new
instance and configure it, but my configuration is not known
beforehead so I generate right I am firing instance. now I have two

1) enable autosigning on master, generate a GUID, add the node's
config with the GUID to site.pp, use CloudPack's node install ...
--certname myGUID to pass the generated name.
This one failed and we are discussing it in

2) disable autosigning, running CloudPack's node install ... without
passing certname, grabbing the certname generated by install and
sign it.
I was unable to do this because I guess agent tried to sign its
certificate and grab catalog too fast without retrying before GUID is
returned from install method  (see gems.erb line 41: puppet agent
--color=false --test | tee puppet_agent.log).
now lets assume I add --waitforcert 20 to this line. then is the ssh
in install method (cloudpack.rb, 574)  going to come back and give
me the generated GUID or is it going to get stuck for ssh to return.
what if I do puppet agent --color=false --waitforcert 20 --test | tee
puppet_agent.log ? then probably install returns, and I have to
pull in master using puppet cert --list and sign it when ready.

3) change init method, in cloudpack.rb so it applies my
configuration before signing the certificate.
This doesnt seem right because I am cloudpack user not developer.

Please let me know if you have suggestions.
thank you

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[Puppet Users] CloudPack's node install .... ignores certname

2011-09-21 Thread Hamoun gh
although in cloudpack.rb::install(...) user specified certname is
supprted (i.e. options[:certname] ||=, the certname is
not passed to the method when supplied through command line.

any idea?

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