Re: [pydotorg-www] Manning Publications MEAP - Geoprocessing with Python

2015-04-29 Thread Paul Boddie
On Wednesday 29. April 2015 14.57.19 Nicole Butterfield wrote:
 I'm writing on behalf of Manning Publications. I have just created an
 account on the wiki, and I see that in order to update the wiki, I need to
 contact you directly.

That's right: we need to give you access to edit the wiki. If you could 
provide your wiki username, you could be added to the list of editors and then 
be able to make any changes you feel are necessary.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Editing the Python Wiki

2015-04-05 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 2. April 2015 06.45.26 Reuven M. Lerner wrote:
 Hi there!I've published an ebook about Python, and wanted to add it to
 the Introductory Books page.  My username on the wiki is ReuvenLerner,
 and the book I want to add/promote is at

Hello! I remember your articles in Linux Journal many years ago!

You are now added to the editors list. Happy editing!

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Help accessing

2015-01-07 Thread Paul Boddie
On Wednesday 7. January 2015 01.59.56 Robert Lugg wrote:
 Hey all,
 I am having a heck of a time accessing this wiki.  I do have an account and
 can log in to as well as on pypi.  Not sure exactly what
 help to ask for L.
 Basically, login on a page asks for name, password, and OpenID.  Regardless
 of what I tried it either sat there for a while, timed out, or told me my
 login is incorrect.
 Any help is appreciated.

To edit the wiki you will need a dedicated wiki account. You can either create 
one from scratch by following the link on the login page, or you can use your 
OpenID credentials to identify yourself and associate your OpenID with a wiki 

I'm not too familiar with the account system, but I do have an 
account for PyPI, and you can use your PyPI OpenID to identify yourself to the 
wiki. Take a look at your user profile page on PyPI to get information about 
your PyPI OpenID. I have successfully used the long form to log into the 

...but the short form may also work.

Note that you *only* need to fill out the OpenID field in the login form on 
the wiki. I believe I created a patch against MoinMoin to make the login page 
more intuitive (so that you can see that you only need to fill out the OpenID 
field if you choose that mechanism), but I don't believe it ever got 
incorporated into the upstream versions of the software, so we're stuck with a 
somewhat confusing interface for the time being.

The wiki will still make you create an account even if you log in via OpenID. 
This appears to be fairly standard practice: systems like to have their own 
way of identifying people, and it also allows you to associate multiple OpenID 
identities with the same wiki account.

Let us know how you get on!

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] web frameworks page feedback

2014-12-21 Thread Paul Boddie
On Sunday 21. December 2014 00.14.01 Martijn Faassen wrote:
 Hi there,
 [I'm not sure where discussion about the wiki content should go,
 perhaps not here, in which I apologize. please skip to read the

I think this list is as good as any for discussion of the content.

 I noticed a recent change to the that moved Grok (I
 framework I helped found) down from the popular frameworks. I agree
 with that move; it's not been popular for a while now and was never as
 popular as, say, Pyramid or Flask are now.
 Here are some concerns I have with the current page:
 * Frameworks that I consider are big and get a lot of attention such
 as Flask and Pyramid do not come under any popular heading. But they
 are very popular, and right now they're ranked with obscure things
 like BlueBream or Aquarium. I don't think this reflects the state of
 the Python community. If you're going to do popularity stuff at all,
 why not list some of the popular non-full stack frameworks?

The problem with popularity is that it is fluid. Originally, the notion was 
introduced into the page because people were unhappy that the cool 
frameworks (my choice of terminology, here) weren't being emphasised enough 
and that people were being shown too many options. One has to look even 
further back to see that the page and its predecessor were only ever intended 
to catalogue the available solutions and not offer advice.

At some stage, someone even wanted to remove all but the most popular 
frameworks, citing the meme going round the Python community at the time that 
people were overwhelmed with choice and that the way to deal with this was to 
remove evidence of choice. Perhaps they overlooked the fact that people who 
perceive there to be insufficient choice may then go and create their own Web 
framework in response. ;-)

 * Why are some frameworks in a table format (which gives them more
 attention, I think) and some not? I can see doing so for popular
 frameworks, but why do it for some other full stack frameworks and
 some not?

It looks like someone started converting the lists to table format and didn't 

It would have been a lot of dull work to do that, and I don't think it's worth 
the effort, really.

 * A framework like wheezy.web is considered full stack and is
 highlighted in a table as such. I appreciate wheezy.web, but I really
 think this is unfair to frameworks like Pyramid and Flask, which offer
 more or less the same facilities. You can argue they offer some of
 them through extensions, but so does wheezy.web. If you're going to
 say wheezy.web is full stack, then so are Pyramid and Flask.
 For a traditional Python full-stack framework I'd look for something
 like tight database integration and a form generation system, like
 Django has, or Grok has. wheezy.web is far more roll your own. (For
 a more modern full-stack framework a lot of it might be done
 client-side instead)

I think you've just described some of the problems with categorising things 
like Web frameworks. Unless a thorough job is done in presenting the 
characteristics of each solution, however, any categorisation will seem 
arbitrary. And again, people tend to get upset if you put any detail on a page 
like this because it confuses people. (Personally, I think that the people 
who get upset should stick to their 140 character tweets.)

 Finally, I'm the developer of a non-big non-full-stack framework
 called Morepath. I'd like to see it added to the page somewhere too.
 If someone gives me editor access I can see about making some edits
 myself, but I'd be happy if someone else took care of these concerns
 My account name is MartijnFaassen

You sound like someone with sufficient enthusiasm for, and understanding of, 
the topic to be remedying some of these issues. :-)

Marc-André mentioned the editorial notes on the page. I added these a long 
time ago, and they were really only intended to rein in some of the more 
extreme editing exercises going on at various points to improve the page. 
Some of the notes seem rather specific because they actually reference fairly 
destructive behaviour on the part of one contributor:

(Of course, one gets described as a censor if one tries to prevent people 
wiping away other people's work because they know best. There's another page 
I can think of where people have whined about choice and confusion before 
now, and I find that it's often the case that the people with the problem just 
happen to have a pet solution that they think everybody else should be using. 
That's quite a coincidence!)

Nevertheless, a new perspective is welcome for this page, and I encourage you 
to edit away. :-)

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] editing Python wiki

2014-11-20 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 20. November 2014 21.23.56 Irmen de Jong wrote:
 I would like to correct the url for PYRO on this page:
 but I cannot edit the page anymore.
 (the corrected URL that I wanted to put there is )
 -irmen de jong
 (my wiki user is IrmenDeJong)

I've just added you as a wiki editor. Welcome back!

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Edit request for TerriOda

2014-10-13 Thread Paul Boddie
On Monday 13. October 2014 08.29.39 Terri Oda wrote:
 I'd like to (re)request editing permissions on  The
 GSoC 2015 students have actually started showing up already  and I'd
 like to at least put up a stub of a page telling them to check back in
 January for projects.

Added! Happy editing!

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Request for edit permissions

2014-08-12 Thread Paul Boddie
On Tuesday 12. August 2014 22.39.17 Audrey M Roy wrote:
 Hi, I would like to request permission to edit
 I would like to:
 1. add info about the new #pydiversity IRC channel (part of the
 original Python Diversity mailing list, used for real-time
 2. add links to all currently existing Python-related diversity
 3. help make ongoing improvements to the page as needed. I'm aware
 from the page history that the page was controversial in the past;
 please note that I'm very much open to your advice and guidance here.
 Disclaimer: I'm active in PyLadies leadership, but I will do my best
 to be neutral and inclusive to all Python diversity initiatives. I am
 also now an admin for and IRC

Do you have a wiki account already? As soon as you let us know what it is, we 
can add you to the editors group.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Vandalism/spam on changes to default permissions

2014-05-31 Thread Paul Boddie
On Saturday 31. May 2014 22.49.58 M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 in recent weeks, the Python Wiki has seen an increasing amount of
 spam and vandalism:
 Since the textchas we've been using apparently no longer serve their
 intended purposes, I've now pulled the plug and disabled editing
 permissions for new users: (see Editing pages)
 I've added a new user group called NewUsersGroup, which does
 get editing rights, but we'll have to manage this manually and
 new users who want to receive editing rights will have to write
 to this mailing list to be added to the group.

Thanks for doing this! I imagine that this will have very little impact on 
serious contributors. Certainly, anyone wanting to edit the pages will need an 
account, but they should be able to manage their credentials using OpenID and 
not have to remember another password for the site.

 I'm sorry for having to take this step, but the level of spam
 and (more importantly) vandalism we've been getting is too high
 to keep the wiki as open as it used to be.
 Please regard the above step as emergency action. I'm more than
 open to discussing alternative approaches to the situation, since
 I don't like this step myself.
 PS: I've only applied the new configuration to the Python wiki.
 We may also have to take this step for the Jython wiki.

I think I've made my position on this quite clear before. We can certainly 
implement measures similar to those used by other Web applications, but this 
requires an investment in the development of functionality that has been 
rather difficult to justify doing until now (speaking personally). For anyone 
motivated enough, just looking at Wordpress and MediaWiki extensions for anti-
spam should provide enough to go on, however.

Meanwhile, in contrast to many sites where highly restrictive policies prevail 
- indeed, how many sites have disabled editing entirely due to spam? - the 
available forms of registration and editing approval for MoinMoin are rather 
benign, in my opinion.

In any case, thanks for taking this step and also for cleaning up some of the 
recent spam. I for one appreciate this!

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Fwd: Re: [Python Wiki] Update of PythonEditors by PaulBoddie

2014-02-09 Thread Paul Boddie
On Sunday 9. February 2014 12.14.14 anatoly techtonik wrote:
 Can somebody make Wiki send mails from some list address more suitable
 for discussions?

You can't argue with the wiki? ;-)

But regarding the change I made...


  The PythonEditors page has been changed by PaulBoddie:
  Added ACL.

Because I'm fed up of having to revert wiki pages all the time. Some people 
may subscribe to the idea that things should be super-easy for random people 
on the Internet to go in and make their oh-so-vital contribution to shared 
resources like the Python Wiki, because it's otherwise setting a high 
barrier, inconvenient for quick changes or just being elitist, but when 
it just means that people go in and vandalise it with their stupid link 
spamming, I'd much rather raise the barrier so that it's more likely that only 
people motivated enough to sign up and to actually demonstrate competence and 
benign intent get to edit those resources.

  + #acl TrustedEditorsGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read
If you have anything to contribute -- e.g. configurations for editors,
new editors, or opinion -- don't hesitate to edit or create pages.
 Isn't it contradicting with ACL?

Not really. Random spammers don't have anything to contribute, and short of 
introducing other measures (which exist but don't seem to be palatable to the 
admins, at least as far as I know), I don't think it's much to ask people to 
demonstrate that they are sincere about making genuine contributions. There 
are people who send mails to me personally to edit pages without ACLs, so it's 
no hardship for people to do what you managed to do and to work your way up 
into the trusted editors group.

Currently, I'm setting ACLs only on the most spammed pages after reverting 
them for the nth time. Again, we could add other measures, but there seems to 
be a resistance to do so. I think admin time and resources are limited (and 
I've been waiting for months for the go-ahead on something else that involves 
the infrastructure, although I'm quite prepared to wait), and so we 
just have to make the best out of what we have. But that doesn't mean asking 
more from me and others who de-spam the wiki just to make everybody else's 
lives, including those of random spammers, easier.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Fwd: Privacy policy of

2014-01-23 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 23. January 2014 13.26.53 Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
 * Michael Foord
  Anyone feel like responding to this?
 Sounds like nonsense to me.

In what sense? Looking at what they asked, having a clearly indicated privacy 
policy is pretty standard these days, even mandated by law in some situations.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Editing the wiki

2013-11-19 Thread Paul Boddie
On Tuesday 19. November 2013 00.57.18 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 ​Yeah I figure out that much. I am trying to improve the Spanish page also
 wonder if I can link it to the frontpage of the wiki. I see many (like
 Chineese at ) that insert a
 link on the header.
 JZA - SpanishLanguage​

You should be able to update things like BeginnersGuide, which only needs you 
to be a logged-in user for editing rights, so adding a link to SpanishLanguage 
from that page should be possible. You also shouldn't have any problems 
editing the SpanishLanguage page: there's no ACL on it, so it should be 
editable by you.

The FrontPage is locked down a bit more because it's an easy target for 
spammers and doesn't really need to change very much anyway. On that page, 
there's a link to the Languages page, which is a listing of different 
resources in languages other than English. If you think this should be more 
prominent, we can probably make some edits to make these resources more easy 
to find.

It is possible to have translated versions of pages in MoinMoin. If installed, 
MoinMoin provides a page called PáginaInicial for Spanish-speaking visitors, 
but it's possible to make such a page anyway and have it as a translated 
version of FrontPage. I think some sites don't really encourage this because 
it requires a lot of work from translators - you don't even see Wikipedia 
trying to have the same content on its front page or even on most content 
pages - but I don't have any objections to this in principle.

One example of providing translations of pages in MoinMoin is this:

Here, pages are marked with #language xx and also have a suffix _xx on the 
page name (although you can also use translated page names if MoinMoin knows 
about the translation), and I wrote an extension to allow the display of 
translations for a given page (like similar Wikipedia/MediaWiki 
functionality). I wouldn't have a problem with such functionality on the 
Python Wiki, but it would need installing, and as far as I understand it the 
system administrators are rather conservative about what they install.

Anyway, I hope this gives you some options.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Editing the wiki

2013-11-19 Thread Paul Boddie
On Tuesday 19. November 2013 14.04.52 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 ​Thanks for your help, the reason why I wrote to the list is precisely
 because I couldn't submit my editing to the SpanishLanguage page. Unless
 the page has been recently unlocked. I'll try again.​

I can't see any obvious technical reason why you shouldn't be able to edit 
that page, but I'll certainly try and look at any problems that may prevent 
you from editing.


 ​I also want to know about the non-wiki site, and how can I add or request
 changes (see my other email on the topic). If you know about this process
 please let me know.​

I don't personally have anything to do with the non-wiki site, but the 
following links might be of interest:

 ​I include the raw text of the modified page, to see if someone else have
 any issues applying the changes:​

OK, I'll see if you're successful, but if you aren't, I'll try and give you 
access and also make any edits for you that you need to make. If you could 
report any errors then that would be useful, too. I suppose that errors you've 
seen up to now have been of the kind You do not have permission to edit this 
page or something like that.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Hardcore is not only porn

2013-11-19 Thread Paul Boddie
On Tuesday 19. November 2013 15.58.15 M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 On 19.11.2013 15:38, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 8:29 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
  On 19.11.2013 14:46, anatoly techtonik wrote: doesn't allow the word hardcore in contents,
  which is a bad filter choice, because, well, some talks about
  Python internals are hardcore for the most users out there.
  I've made the filter more selective.

Of course, the need to use hardcore frequently in a reference like the 
Python Wiki is somewhat debatable. :-)

  ​I had a related experiencie with ambien  which I am not sure if it is
  even a word. Originally it was part of Python tambien ... so the word
  would be tambien yet the filter capture it partially.​
 Thanks. I've fixed that one as well. Ambien is a drug which some
 spammers tried to promote on the wiki.

Yes, this is the reason for the unfortunate problem with editing. I hope 
you'll forgive us for the inconvenience you have experienced, Alexandro.

Such spam patterns used to be very important tools in preventing people from 
vandalising existing content and creating huge amounts of spam content on the 
wiki, and you only need to look at certain public wiki installations to see 
what occurs when no such measures are in place. I would argue that anti-spam 
measures need to be a bit more varied these days, though, and I've written 
about that on this list in the recent past, I believe.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Editing the wiki

2013-11-18 Thread Paul Boddie
On Monday 18. November 2013 23.42.03 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 Hi I tried to edit the wiki but I am not sure if there is a protocol for
 contributors as some of the pages are 'locked' and can't accept changes.
 Should I get in touch with the original author/mantainer of the page?

Those of us with administrative rights tend to lock down repeatedly spammed 
pages because it gets tiresome to have to revert such contributions all the 
time. If you could tell me/us which pages would you like to edit and what your 
wiki username is, I/we can probably give you access.


P.S. The wiki guidelines are here:
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Python Wiki Spam

2013-03-18 Thread Paul Boddie
On Monday 18 March 2013 19:00:37 Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Paul Boddie wrote:
  We're getting a fair amount of spam on the Python Wiki. Can someone with
  administrative privileges check that the textcha feature is enabled and
  has been given a set of effective questions?

 You can see that it is enabled by visiting this link:

 (make sure you are logged out)

 As for the questions, I'm open to suggestions.

I don't think How many words are in this question? is really setting the bar 
very high for spammers. Textcha questions are supposed to retain the context 
of the site on which they are placed so that bulk spamming cannot just scrape 
the question and serve it up to someone on some other site. This means that 
we should be asking Python-related questions, not simple Are you human? 
questions that ceased to be effective about ten years ago.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Python Decorators

2013-03-02 Thread Paul Boddie
On Saturday 02 March 2013 17:08:23 anatoly techtonik wrote:

 I think it is fair to put non-HomePage wiki content to CC0 / Public Domain
 unless specified otherwise. If you want to preserve your rights - go
 publish the content in your blog and supply a link. Tracking down authors
 is a useless activity - nobody will do this, so I'd not make things more
 complicated for contributors and users. Wiki is for sharing, not for
 placing restrictions on each other.

I agree that if you're contributing stuff to some site where the obvious 
intention is to share things with others, you probably shouldn't expect to 
restrict how that content is used, especially if those contributions involve 
editing other people's work, but the lack of any explicit licensing terms 
means that we can't just apply CC0 to what we already have.

I don't think that it would be too difficult to get people to agree to 
relicensing, but I was just saying that nobody seemed to think it was worth 
doing in the first place. Personally, I do think it is worth it if we are to 
regard the content as useful or valuable, and if Justin wants to use the 
decorators content in some other context, I encourage him to at least 
consider that approach for that page before giving up.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Fwd: JavaScript problem

2013-02-28 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 28 February 2013 19:22:02 M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 On 28.02.2013 17:57, Michael Foord wrote:
  We have at least one user who is using the LibreJS extension that blocks
  javascript not known to be free (in the ideological sense). Parts of break when you do this. I promised I would forward this
  feedback to the web team.
  It looks like the google calendars break (no surprise) and also the
  sphinx search for the python documentation (really a sphinx issue instead
  of a web team issue).

 Google calendars show some HTML when JS is no working. It's not
 pretty, though.

 I'd say we close this as won't fix :-)

Is it not sufficient to have the JavaScript that is under the control of the 
Sphinx project tagged with a Free Software licence, however this is supposed 
to be done, so that LibreJS is happy about it? The inquirer may wish to 
follow up on this with the Sphinx developers.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] (PEP )?redirector service

2013-02-11 Thread Paul Boddie
On Monday 11 February 2013 20:30:10 M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 On 11.02.2013 16:18, anatoly techtonik wrote:
  Right now to go to pep from an URL, you have to type exactly:
  What is needed to create redirector service on that sends
  all the following URLs to the page above?

A host entry on some level of DNS server and some Apache directives?

 I think it's better to link directly to the correct URL. If you want
 shorter URLs, there are plenty URL shorteners out there. Many browsers
 also allow customizing search, so you could add a PEP search to your

There are always concerns about general link shorteners:

Some go beyond the practicalities, too:

As for browsers and custom searches, there are also search engines that 
recognise things like PEPs:

Amusingly, !pep 8 sends me to the following, outdated location:

I seem to remember some discussion about shortening URLs, but I 
can't find anything about it at the moment. It might be useful to have a more 
memorable way of referring to PEPs, but allowing all sorts of alternatives is 
just inviting people to rely on potentially bizarre spellings that one day 
may no longer work. See above for an example. ;-)

So, I think that is potentially a good idea and might be 
provided fairly easily with a rewrite rule, but too much magic is just not 
worth having: it's only when pages become completely undiscoverable 
that guess the URL becomes worthwhile, and then time would arguably be 
better spent improving navigation on the site concerned.


P.S. To take an example, typing takes you to Dell's 
current secret page about Linux that you just know will be moved around, 
obscured in favour of Dell recommends Microsoft Windows 8 adverts, 
hidden, removed, lost, and so on, but that is only a useful shortcut because 
such sites make searching and navigation so awkward and awful otherwise.
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Changing default wiki permissions

2013-01-24 Thread Paul Boddie
Aahz wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 24, 2013, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
  We're currently working on setting up the new VM with the Python and
  Jython wikis.
  In order to increase security and also to help a bit with avoiding
  spam/vandalism, we'd like to disable editing of wiki pages without
  Any objections ?

 That was in fact the setup previously, and I strongly support reverting
 to it.  As Barry notes, there are some pages that will need a higher
 level of protection, but as long as we've got off-VM backups, we can
 handle any mishaps.

Indeed. I don't buy into the myth that people perpetuate about Wikis having to 
allow anonymous access or otherwise be instruments of The Man, or whatever. 
The Internet is full of people who will happily pollute any editable site 
with their idiotic spams and scams, and some fairly basic measures will deter 
the bulk of these people.

I recommend...

Requiring some kind of login. This actually makes it easier for the editors to 
see at a glance who has edited a page (Aahz rather than, say, and make a quick judgement about whether 
the edit needs investigating. We can support OpenID - you can even use your 
Python Package Index identity! - and so don't even need to make people set 
and remember distinct passwords.

Maintaining the textcha protection for random newcomers. I appreciate that 
textcha questions can be a pain - on one Wiki I use, the questions required a 
fair amount of research on my part because I am a mere developer and not part 
of the target audience - but we can migrate people quickly to a group/list 
that doesn't get bothered with questions. Textcha can be very effective: on 
some sites I've seen where they turned the feature on, spam was more or less 

Having some kind of mechanism for managing new user registration. I wouldn't 
want to impose the approval of new users because it stops the quick-but-good 
edits of people who are new to the Wiki but want to fix something, but it is 
the case that there may be a lot of registration spam, meaning that the 
Wiki fills up with users who will never succeed in making an edit because 
they can't answer the textcha questions. Maybe there are already tools that 
deal with this. If not, I may be encouraged to write something.

Beyond this, we could introduce edit approval for random newcomers - I wrote 
something that puts edits in approval queues - but this is really something 
for a site where you want the barrier to editing to be very low but the 
barrier to publishing to be much higher. For the Python Wikis, the barrier to 
editing should be low but not *very* low, and the barrier to publishing 
should not be significantly higher.

Finally, I would like to thank Marc-André for his forensic and recovery work 
as well as Thomas and Reimar for their work in attempting to restore the 
content. Once again, the PSF should be thanked for making resources available 
for the improvement of MoinMoin in various respects. Ensuring the vitality of 
widely-used Python projects like MoinMoin is an essential part of ensuring 
the vitality of Python itself.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] [PSF-Members] [Infrastructure] Wiki news?

2013-01-18 Thread Paul Boddie
On Friday 18 January 2013 22:50:10 Brian Curtin wrote:

 Speaking of improving it: on Wednesday, the PSF approved a grant to
 expedite development efforts that the MoinMoin team is putting in to
 using passlib for their password handling.

This is a most welcome development.

Although there may be people who argue that usage of this library is overdue, 
any effort or initiative that can encourage more sharing and collaboration 
amongst Python Web projects and revive channels like the Web SIG, so that 
best practices can be propagated and projects may look after each other 
instead of justifying factionalism through the idea that there must be 
winners and losers, is an initiative worth supporting.

Thanks for keeping us informed!


P.S. Personally, I'd either not heard of passlib or had forgotten about its 
existence, but then again I'm not doing password handling myself on a 
day-to-day basis.
pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] Wiki ACLs

2012-12-06 Thread Paul Boddie
Stefan Drees wrote:
 Am 06.12.12 18:31, schrieb Skip Montanaro:
  I finally got around to this today.  I added a PythonTrainingGroup page:

Thanks for doing the hard work!

  This lists a few known trainers.  Marilyn Davis confirmed that she can
  edit the PythonTraining page:
  I can edit it as well, but that's because I'm in the AdminGroup.  Can
  someone who is not in the AdminGroup and not listed in the
  PythonTrainingGroup page check the PythonTraining page to make sure it
  appears immutable for you?

 To me it looks immutable.
 URL =

 On the left under Page I see Immutable Page

Yes, I think everything is as it should be. I think that the initial problem 
may have been related to not being logged in, as the ACL was only letting 
people who are in the Known category (which is everyone who is effectively 
logged in or returning the Moin cookie) edit the page, and I see that Marilyn 
edited it back in September as a logged in user.

If people don't want to have to maintain separate Moin account details, we 
could once again consider the OpenID support, I suppose.

pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] Wiki is too slow (Fwd: 1.2 beta release date/roadmap)

2012-07-09 Thread Paul Boddie
anatoly techtonik wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Martin v. Löwis martin at 
  Is it possible to speed up somehow?
  Hopefully by migrating it to the new infrastructure.

 It appears it didn't help. Creating of a new page took 35seconds,
 which is twice the worst editing operation that I personally
 experienced with previous install.

Did we look into the potential problem with mail notifications...?

See also this:

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Re: [pydotorg-www] Internal Server Error while reverting spam

2011-12-02 Thread Paul Boddie
On Friday 02 December 2011 03:00:29 wrote:
 anatoly And it could be a little easier to type if mysterious somebody anatoly could adjust
 web-server configuration accordingly.

 There's another layer in the URL which distinguishes the Python and Jython
 wikis.  At least there used to be.  Now I see the selector page briefly,
 then it redirects me to the last page I was viewing on the Python wiki.

Yes, I think there was a discussion about this: in principle, it makes sense 
to eliminate the /moin part, and I guess that this was changed. I must 
admit that I haven't been following this list for some time, so I'm sorry if 
I'm not up-to-date with what people have been doing.

 As a person who monitors both wikis (at least for spam postings, if not
 actual content), I'm a little disappointed that I can no longer go to then select which wiki I want to dive into.

Doesn't direct you to the Jython Wiki?

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Internal Server Error while reverting spam

2011-12-01 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 01 December 2011 00:27:49 Richard Jones wrote:
 On 1 December 2011 10:07, Carl Karsten wrote:
  They are not needed for legitimate use.

 I respectfully disagree. It's significantly easier to promote:


That may be the case, but *on* the Wiki, there's absolutely no reason why 
people can't use full URLs referring to the actual resource in question (but 
see my remarks below). The reason why I disallowed shortened URLs is that 
it's easy for people to post spam links and there be absolutely no initial 
indication that this is what they are. I certainly don't feel like checking 
random links to who-knows-where just because people don't want to be 
transparent about where they are linking to.

I believe that such links primarily benefit spammers/scammers/tricksters (who 
don't want people to see where they are going) and people using Twitter (who 
are constrained by whichever architectural limitation that service still 
has), along with people needing to promote an easy-to-remember URL by word of 
mouth or on physical objects, potentially in that order. I accept that from 
trustworthy people like yourself, the promotional benefit outweighs the I 
feel lucky part of the experience that comes from using these URLs, but the 
balance is different when random people on the Internet are posting them to 
one's site.

It is unfortunate if people don't get a nice error message if their edits are 
disallowed, but I am willing to improve that (without telling spammers how to 
defeat anti-spam mechanisms) if it would be appreciated - the internal 
server error probably shouldn't happen, and that may be fixed somehow by a 
review of the configuration. If you think that trusted users shouldn't be 
prevented from using shortened URLs that are mentioned for promotional 
purposes, say, then I am also willing to work towards a solution.

This isn't empty rhetoric - I've already developed things like edit approval 
functionality for Moin, even though I doubt that it will ever be deployed 
because of cries of censorship or general inconvenience, just so that I have 
something to offer if/when people start to say that policing Wikis is too 
much work - so if you think that improvement is needed, I am prepared to 
spend some time making that improvement.

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused, but please understand the motivation 
for eliminating what could easily be a source of significant additional work 
for those of us who volunteer to maintain this resource.


P.S. I also find it interesting that a bunch of people happily used domains 
leased from a now-defunct North African regime (some of whom walked the 
tightrope more happily than others, though) without any second thought, but 
that's a separate concern. Personally, I never gave it much thought myself, 
but then I largely ignored what the Web 2.0 crowd were doing until someone in 
the Mercurial community raised the matter in the context of mailing list 
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Jython wiki is still getting spammed

2011-04-26 Thread Paul Boddie
On Tuesday 26 April 2011 17:00:27 A.M. Kuchling wrote:

 If that's so, I don't know what can be done about this, other than
 making the textchas harder or just restricting editing of the Jython
 wiki to a limited list of people, which might be OK if the Jython
 community agrees -- not many people edit the wiki.

I've seen this kind of spamming on other Wikis, but banning the users and 
blacklisting their sites keeps the spamming down somewhat. This is, after 
all, nothing like some really aggressive spamming I saw once where there 
would be tens of pages created or changed per day, all involving content 
containing strings of hexadecimal- or base64-like values.

On occasions like this, I wish address-blocking were more readily pursuable 
with Moin, since the spamming appears to involve the same IP address, and 
I've seen edits from hosted servers being used for spamming. But maybe better 
textchas might be the answer - the Python Wiki seems to manage just fine on 
that basis.

 We could add rel=nofollow to the links to deny the spammers pagerank,
 but are they sophisticated enough to notice?  (They certainly aren't
 noticing that we delete pages pretty quickly.)

I don't think spammers care: they create new pages that aren't really linked 
to from the rest of the site (apart from via RecentChanges and other dynamic 
pages/content); it's all an attempt to feed search engines in some way, 
whether there's an actual effect or not. As long as they can create pages on 
a site, they'll just do it as a write-only activity.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Upgrades completed

2011-03-03 Thread Paul Boddie
On Thursday 03 March 2011 13:45:57 Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

   I volunteered to
 update and maintain the python wiki, but somehow never found the time
 to sort out all the details. Now that I did, I hope to help with the
 wiki on regular basis, and also add any changes and
 details that might be needed for it.

This is great news! Thank you for installing the theme and making it work on 
the Python Wiki.

 Going back to your question, I consider the theme to be finished --
 that is, I don't plan to make huge changes to it. I will, however, not
 abandon it, and I will continue to fix any problems that are reported
 and add improvements that are desired. I keep the theme in a mercurial
 repository at htttp://, but I can move it
 somewhere, like bitbucket, if needed. Of course all collaboration on
 improving it is welcome.

I think the theme works very well for the given purpose. My own suggestions 
for improvements would involve separate extensions or patches. An example of 
the latter category is a patch I have for making the edit spans one sees in 
RecentChanges (for example, [1-3]) selectable, so that one can see groups 
of changes made by an individual a lot quicker than going through the info 
page and manually selecting the range of diffs to be shown.

With regard to such patches, I don't know what the situation is with Moin 1.x 
and whether there's any interest in adding such enhancements, but I've 
submitted a few patches like that to the Moin project anyway.

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] copyrights in the wiki?

2011-02-26 Thread Paul Boddie
On Sunday 27 February 2011 00:16:20 wrote:
 Do we care about people adding copyrights to wiki pages (or the code

In this case, it makes more sense for the code to be attached. If it then has 
copyright and licence information, which is arguably desirable, then this is 
not really a problem. What is more of a problem is when such information is 
added to a page without being clear what the scope of the claim is, 
although the revision history can help us to figure that out.

There's never been a copyright/licensing policy on the Python Wiki as long as 
I've had anything to do with it, probably leading to some initiatives being 
abandoned because of this. For example:

What one should do to remedy this situation, if that is considered necessary 
in order to let the content be delivered by other means, is rather unclear.

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