Re: [pydotorg-www] Success stories procedure

2020-07-07 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

On 6/12/20 1:13 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

On 03.06.2020 23:10, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:

I see there isn't yet a Python Success Story in the Arts category so I'm helping
someone write one up. I have publishing access. Is it
okay for me to just create and publish it, or is there a group/committee
I should check with first?

A long time ago (at the time we ran the Python brochure), there was an
effort to have a group screen submissions, but this failed due to the
website not implementing a usable workflow.

Now, it's better to have at least some new stories rather than none,
but there should be at least a bit of editorial screening, so perhaps
you could simply post the story here to get some additional feedback.

The relevant artist doesn't have time to work with me on it so I'll 
instead say: hey, other people here, if you know folks who are using 
Python in the arts, consider writing a case study and submitting it!

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] some requests for a meeting minuting feature on

2020-06-12 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

On 6/12/20 1:22 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

On 12.06.2020 18:30, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:

I spoke with Ernest a few weeks ago about how could
become a better home for public minutes of meetings. So here is my
current thinking - this is long, but I want to share it in public in
case it helps others understand the work.

You may have noticed: the website has a completely
non-working CMS. If you want to achieve collaboration, I'd strongly
suggest looking for something different (e.g. the NextCloud/OnlyOffice
idea you're floating) and focus on that.

The documents would then appear under a subdomain, but at least
there'd be proper control over who gets to edit what and, what's
really more important, enables other people than the handful with editing rights to submit content in a user friendly

BTW: I may sound a bit negative on all this. That's because I
had been fighting to make more user (= people providing
and maintaining content) friendly for several years without
success. If you have more luck: more power to you :-)
Hi, Marc-Andre! I was probably less clear than I should have been about 
my suggested workflow:

1. Before, during, and immediately after meeting: people collaboratively 
edit agenda and notes using Etherpad, Google Docs, Nextcloud, or 
something like that
2. After meeting, once notes are finalized: someone moves them into the CMS.

That second step doesn't absolutely need to be a multi-person step. The 
"Granular privileges: I'd like to let all my team members add minutes
within our chunk of the site hierarchy." item in my list was in the 
"heavily encouraged" section, not the requirements. If you would 
prioritize requirements for this feature differently I would like to 
read your remix of my list (and what project are you minuting meetings 
for? if it's a very different type than the one I've been working on 
then maybe we have different requirements).

Also, when you say "completely non-working" I'm not sure what you mean. 
I can successfully log in and edit pages, and the changes then display 
on the site. Perhaps you mean that the granularity of editing rights is 

I don't intend to fight anyone, but thank you for the kind wishes!

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] some requests for a meeting minuting feature on

2020-06-12 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
I spoke with Ernest a few weeks ago about how could 
become a better home for public minutes of meetings. So here is my 
current thinking - this is long, but I want to share it in public in 
case it helps others understand the work.


Right now, hosts the board meeting minutes . We talked about 
maybe also making space for working group/project meeting minutes, like 
the ones I write up and currently host on the wiki (example: 

In the call, Ernest asked me to list what would be important in a 
minuting package for, distinguishing "required" from 
"heavily encouraged" to "dream features".

Current workflow:

Right now, in order to minute meetings of Packaging WG-funded projects, I:

* use an Etherpad at (just because it's a public 
and reliable EtherPad instance) and take notes with bullet points

* after the meeting, use its Export function to export to plain text
* mess with the formatting to adjust to MoinMoin wiki syntax
* go to and create a new 
placeholder link in the table of meeting notes, annotating with the 
description, type (meeting notes), and date

* copy the text into that page, fix formatting, and hit Save
* erase the meeting notes from the Etherpad and hyperlink to the 
archived notes

What I want:

For the process in general, I have 3 core values:
* Ease of writing: it should be easy for me and for other meeting 
attendees to collaborate on writing minutes, live, during the meeting, 
in a reasonably lightweight syntax (such as Markdown)
* Privacy: as we write the minutes, they should be private to meeting 
attendees, so we can discuss things we then redact before sharing 
(vacations, burnout, criticism of other people or projects)
* Transparency: the final minutes should be public where anyone can read 
them, without having to log in anywhere, and linkable

As I understand it, a minuting system on would have a 
hierarchy like PSF -> Working Group -> Project.  Example: PSF -> 
Packaging WG -> Pip dependency resolver & UX improvements.


* Discoverability: the public minutes should be easy to find from a 
central project info hub, and show up in search engine results.
* Linkability: each meeting should have some unique URL or anchor tag, 
so that it's easy to link to minutes within an issue or mailing list post.
* Ease of formatting: some subset of HTML, Markdown, and 
reStructuredText should be supported.

Heavily encouraged:

* Automated table of contents on the Project page. Should include (by 
default) date and title of meeting, and it should be possible for me to 
also manually append (maybe in a separate list) links to relevant blog 
posts, reports, podcasts, etc.
* Automated table of contents on the Working Group page to all Projects 
underneath it.
* Finding aid/intro: A structure on each Project page that includes a 
freeform text field but also encourages certain fields (project name, 
list of participants, estimated start and end dates).

* Ease of formatting: Markdown support.
* Ease of import: a batch process to import old minutes from, even if I then have to mess with formatting.
* Granular privileges: I'd like to let all my team members add minutes 
within our chunk of the site hierarchy.

* Ease of sign-on: Single sign-on with other PSF systems.
* Minutes structure: Structured text fields for meeting title, list of 
participants, discussion, and Next Steps/TODOs/Commitments.


* Ease of navigation: from a particular minutes entry, I'd love to be 
able to click Next or Previous to go to the next/previous entry within 
that project chronologically.
* Ease of import: take an HTML import from Etherpad and strip the colors 
and other unnecessary syntax.
* Ease of import: On some note-taking platform (could be HackMD, 
Etherpad, Dropbox Paper, Google Docs, Nextcloud, or something else), I 
could choose an option to export to a new minute. The new 
draft would autopopulate, so I could make changes and click Publish, and 
then it would show up at the right URL and be present in a Table of 
Contents automagically.
* Ease of formatting: support MoinMoin wiki syntax (so I can copy old 
stuff easily).
* Ease of reporting: this is really out-there, but if I could use some 
feature to automatically pull out the top-level discussion headings from 
each minute, and make a list of "here's what we discussed", then I could 
use that when publicizing the meeting notes, and it would make people 
more likely to read them.
* Analytics: so I could see who is linking to those notes and where 
they're being referred to.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting

[pydotorg-www] Success stories procedure

2020-06-12 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
I see there isn't yet a Python Success Story in the Arts category so I'm helping 
someone write one up. I have publishing access. Is it 
okay for me to just create and publish it, or is there a group/committee 
I should check with first?

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Editing IntroductoryBooks page

2020-06-03 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

On 1/29/20 11:47 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:

On 1/29/20 7:36 AM, daniël bosold wrote:

I was just reading the wiki looking for some recommended introductory
books on the IntroductoryBooks page and noticed that most of the
entries there are Video courses. While, interesting, it's not what
this page is about. Hoping to edit this page (and move the courses to
a VideoCourses page - or some such) I found that it's locked down,
likely due to inconsiderate users or spammers.

your guess is correct (the latter).

I'd like to be able to fix this page as well as add a separate one for courses.

Sigh. It looks like Packt has been at it again.  We need some kind of
solution to their overwhelming the pages, and maybe some solution to the
currency of materials (I notice the end of the list have some things
approaching 20 years old, not terribly likely to be that useful).

In any case, you need to tell us your wiki name before you can be added
to the editors list.  Since spambots aren't able to provide the
explanation you have just given, the bar is set right there: just tell
us why you want to edit and we'll turn it on for you.

Note: if you don't have a wiki account yet, there have been some issues
in recent times with account creation, the auth system there
occasionally times out.  The current recommendation there is just to
keep trying, hopefully that will be good enough.

Packt's behavior is so demoralizing. Ever since I read 
I've been so wary of their work.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] [Webmaster] Error on "Sunsetting Python 2" Article

2020-04-21 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

Dear Joseph,

Thank you for your note.

I wrote that piece. I do not think there is an error. The duplication is 
deliberate, and the end of the paragraph is different and relevant to 
the "I depend on some software written in Python 2. What should I do?" 
question. Could you share your thoughts on why the answer in that 
section does not apply?

Thank you!

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting

On 4/21/20 12:04 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

Copying to site maintainers. Thanks for your input.

Kind regards,

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 2:55 PM Corvino, Joseph P <> wrote:

Dear Python Webmaster,

There is an error on the “Sunsetting Python 2” page. In the section titled
“I depend on some software written in Python 2. What should I do?”, it
seems that the response was copy-pasted from the previous section and does
not apply.

Here is the url:


Joe Corvino

Webmaster mailing list

pydotorg-www mailing list

pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] tip on converting reStructuredText to MoinMoin wiki format

2020-02-10 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
Well, phooey, wasn't I silly for missing that! I could swear I had tried 
that and it hadn't worked; perhaps I'd been messing something else up. 
Thanks for the tip, David.


On 2/10/20 11:42 AM, David Goodger wrote:

FYI, you could have simply inserted:

 .. contents::

Details here:

David Goodger

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 9:51 AM Sumana Harihareswara 

Here is a tip for anyone who is converting a complicated page on the
wiki from reStructuredText to MoinMoin wiki format, as I just did .
I'd been looking for an rST-to-MoinMoin converter but hadn't found one,
so I ended up using pandoc to get to an intermediate HTML state, then an
HTML-to-MoinMoin format.

(I did this so I could use the  `<>`  syntax to
automatically get a table of contents and easy anchor tag links to page

Cleaned up to remove backtracking, I:

1) copied the rST source text of the page into a local file,

2) removed the `#format rst` line from the start (but copied the rest of
the hashmarked stuff from the start, like an #acl line, into a separate
scratch pad to retain for later)

3) turned the rST into HTML using pandoc: `pandoc -o packagingwg.html
packagingwg.rst` (this gave me a few errors, like "[WARNING] Reference
not found for 'fundable packaging improvements' at chunk line 1 column
50", which meant it slightly misformatted a few internal wiki links

4) installed libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl which is available as a
Debian package

5) converted from HTML to MoinMoin using  `html2wiki --dialect=MoinMoin
packagingwg.html >`

6) pasted the non-format-related hashmarked lines from my scratch pad
into the start of

7) corrected the "Reference not found" errors by removing the `|` in any
hyperlinks that had turned into `[[|internal-pagename]`

8) replaced the contents of the page source with

Worked fine!

Only on the revision AFTER that (so, knowing what format to use for the
renderer, I suppose) will MoinMoin properly preview a table of contents
for the page. So, heads-up.

If there is an easier rst-to-MoinMoin path, or if there's a table of
contents syntax available that works for reStructuredText-formatted
pages on, please let me know! I looked but I may have
missed something.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting

pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] tip on converting reStructuredText to MoinMoin wiki format

2020-02-10 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
Here is a tip for anyone who is converting a complicated page on the 
wiki from reStructuredText to MoinMoin wiki format, as I just did . 
I'd been looking for an rST-to-MoinMoin converter but hadn't found one, 
so I ended up using pandoc to get to an intermediate HTML state, then an 
HTML-to-MoinMoin format.

(I did this so I could use the  `<>`  syntax to 
automatically get a table of contents and easy anchor tag links to page 

Cleaned up to remove backtracking, I:

1) copied the rST source text of the page into a local file, 

2) removed the `#format rst` line from the start (but copied the rest of 
the hashmarked stuff from the start, like an #acl line, into a separate 
scratch pad to retain for later)

3) turned the rST into HTML using pandoc: `pandoc -o packagingwg.html 
packagingwg.rst` (this gave me a few errors, like "[WARNING] Reference 
not found for 'fundable packaging improvements' at chunk line 1 column 
50", which meant it slightly misformatted a few internal wiki links

4) installed libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl which is available as a 
Debian package

5) converted from HTML to MoinMoin using  `html2wiki --dialect=MoinMoin 
packagingwg.html >`

6) pasted the non-format-related hashmarked lines from my scratch pad 
into the start of

7) corrected the "Reference not found" errors by removing the `|` in any 
hyperlinks that had turned into `[[|internal-pagename]`

8) replaced the contents of the page source with

Worked fine!

Only on the revision AFTER that (so, knowing what format to use for the 
renderer, I suppose) will MoinMoin properly preview a table of contents 
for the page. So, heads-up.

If there is an easier rst-to-MoinMoin path, or if there's a table of 
contents syntax available that works for reStructuredText-formatted 
pages on, please let me know! I looked but I may have 
missed something.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] Wiki edits for Python 2 sunset

2019-10-17 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
Confirming that Greg, Frances and Jenny are working with me on this. :)

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019, at 9:02 PM, Greg Hendershott wrote:
> Hi. I am working for Changeset Consulting who is helping the PSF with
> the Python 2 "sunset". One task is to audit and update the wiki.
> Would it be possible to add the following accounts to EditorsGroup,
> please?
> FrancesHocutt
> GregHendershott
> JennyRyan
> If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to let me
> know!
> Thank you,
> Greg
> ___
> pydotorg-www mailing list
pydotorg-www mailing list

Re: [pydotorg-www] python2 EoL wiki "Python2orPython3"

2019-08-07 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

On 5/22/19 3:36 AM, mal at (M.-A. Lemburg) wrote:

On 21.05.2019 21:19, Matt Callaghan wrote:

Thanks Chris - and I completely agree with your point.

What is the community's preference to that consideration?

The simplest solution I see is to add a "top header / block" that says
the summary of:
"It is Python3 going forward, officially as of Jan2020. This page is
largely out of date, but kept for historical reference as it provides
value for maintaining legacy Python2 systems."


I've now made that change at and will continue updating 
it and relevant parts of the wiki (including some amount of deleting, 
merging, etc.) throughout Changeset's work on the Python 2 sunsetting.

As a general matter of wiki-editing etiquette: I've read and understand and 
appreciate the guidance. Since this is work I'm contracted with the PSF 
to perform, I'm going to try to move reasonably speedily to remove 
obsolete material; I figure it's available in the post's history if 
people need to retrieve it to reference or reuse elsewhere. But if a 
page is actively maintained, I will do what I can to contact page 
maintainers so they know what I'm up to and we can collaborate.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] kicking off Python 2 sunsetting work on

2019-08-06 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

Hi, colleagues!

Changeset Consulting (me & my coworkers) is kicking off some work on 
adding material to to communicate better about the upcoming 
End of Life for Python 2.x. More about what we're doing:

I'd like to keep our project roadmap, issues/TODOs, and milestones 
within the repository, if that's 
ok with you?

And pretty soon we'll be editing a lot and basically making 
a version of that to go onto . I want to make sure it 
fits with the visual design & information architecture of the existing 
site. So you will be seeing PRs/issues from me about that in the repo soon.


Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list

[pydotorg-www] please add me to the Editors Group

2019-06-21 Thread Sumana Harihareswara

Hi! My wiki username is


or possibly


I'm not sure. My user page is

Could I please be in the EditorsGroup so I can improve pages about 
publishing and distributing Python code, distribution utilities, and pip?

Thank you.

Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting
pydotorg-www mailing list