[PyQt] QAxBase.dynamicCall overloaded with list as arguments
Hello everyone, calling QAxBase.dynamicCall like this works: my_comp.dynamicCall("MyMethod(const QString&, int, bool)", "test", 2, False) however, using the overloaded call (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qaxbase.html#dynamicCall-2) doesn't: my_comp.dynamicCall("MyMethod(const QString&, int, bool)", ["test", 2, False]) It gives an Error: ... Non-optional parameter missing As I've got 18 args I need to use the overloaded call. Cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] including Unicode in QListWidget
Am 17.06.2012 22:55, schrieb David Beck: Message: 2 Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 18:42:54 +0200 From: Knacktus mailto:knack...@googlemail.com>> To: pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com <mailto:pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com> Subject: Re: [PyQt] including Unicode in QListWidget Message-ID: <4fde090e.1070...@googlemail.com <mailto:4fde090e.1070...@googlemail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Am 17.06.2012 18:29, schrieb David Beck: I am trying to build a GUI for navigating through a large XML database on a Mac running OS 10.7, Python 3.3, PyQt 4. I want to get a list of the text in all of the nodes called and put them into a QListWidget called "hLexNav". To do this, I wrote the following bit of code (this isn't the whole thing, just the parts that are supposed to add items to the listbox): import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from xml.dom import minidom import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from fieldbookGui import Ui_Fieldbook import images import btnCmds class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Fieldbook() self.ui.setupUi(self) xmltree = etree.parse('BabyDb.xml') root = xmltree.getroot() for child in root: self.ui.hLexNav.addItem(child.findtext('Orth')) The first 25 items that are returned by child.findtext('Orth') are: ['a:', 'a:ch?j', 'a:chul?:', "a:h?:xtu'", 'a:ho:t?n', 'a:k?s', "a:li:ma'ht?n", 'a:li:st?:n', 'a:m?', "a:ma'ha:'pi'tz?'n", 'a:mixtzay?n', 'a:nan?:', 'a:t?:n', 'a:tz?:', "a:tzem?'j", 'a:x?:lh', 'a:xt?m', 'a:x?:x', "a:'h?la'", "a:'j", "a:'jm?", "a:'jnan?:", "a:'jtz?:", "a:'jtzanan?:", "a:'kn?:"] In the QListWidget created by this code, I see only items corresponding to those elements that do not contain accented vowels (here, those that don't contain "?", "?", etc.); items that correpsond to strings with accented vowels are left empty. Further experimentation with addItem( ), addItems(), and insertItem( ) show that any string that contains an non-ASCII character results in an empty Item being inserted into the QListWidget. Any ideas about what is going on would be appreciated. Are you 100 % sure that unicode is handled properly while reading the xml? I never had problems with unicode and PyQt but I strictly using unicode strings only in my apps. This for example works for me (Python 2.7): # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import * app = QApplication(sys.argv) list_widget = QListWidget() list_widget.addItem(u"??^? l? l?") list_widget.show() app.exec_() Yes, it seems to be independent of the XML. For instance, I get the same thing when I run the little app below (the GUI is generated by pyuic4): import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_UTFWidget(object): def setupUi(self, UTFWidget): UTFWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("UTFWidget")) UTFWidget.resize(400, 300) self.centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget(UTFWidget) self.centralWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralWidget")) self.listWidget = QtGui.QListWidget(self.centralWidget) self.listWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(17, 9, 362, 241)) self.listWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("listWidget")) UTFWidget.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) self.menuBar = QtGui.QMenuBar(UTFWidget) self.menuBar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 400, 22)) self.menuBar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menuBar")) self.menuUTF_test = QtGui.QMenu(self.menuBar) self.menuUTF_test.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menuUTF_test")) UTFWidget.setMenuBar(self.menuBar) self.mainToolBar = QtGui.QToolBar(UTFWidget) self.mainToolBar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("mainToolBar")) UTFWidget.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.mainToolBar) self.statusBar = QtGui.QStatusBar(UTFWidget) self.statusBar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusBar")) UTFWidget.setStatusBar(self.statusBar) self.menuBar.addAction(self.menuUTF_test.menuAction()) self.retranslateUi(UTFWidget) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(UTFWidget) def retranslateUi(self, UTFWidget): UTFWidget.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("UTFWidget", "UTFWidget", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.menuUTF_test.setTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("UTFWidget", "UTF test", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
Re: [PyQt] including Unicode in QListWidget
Am 17.06.2012 18:29, schrieb David Beck: I am trying to build a GUI for navigating through a large XML database on a Mac running OS 10.7, Python 3.3, PyQt 4. I want to get a list of the text in all of the nodes called and put them into a QListWidget called "hLexNav". To do this, I wrote the following bit of code (this isn't the whole thing, just the parts that are supposed to add items to the listbox): import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from xml.dom import minidom import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from fieldbookGui import Ui_Fieldbook import images import btnCmds class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Fieldbook() self.ui.setupUi(self) xmltree = etree.parse('BabyDb.xml') root = xmltree.getroot() for child in root: self.ui.hLexNav.addItem(child.findtext('Orth')) The first 25 items that are returned by child.findtext('Orth') are: ['a:', 'a:cháj', 'a:chulá:', "a:hé:xtu'", 'a:ho:tán', 'a:kús', "a:li:ma'htín", 'a:li:stá:n', 'a:má', "a:ma'ha:'pi'tzí'n", 'a:mixtzayán', 'a:nanú:', 'a:tú:n', 'a:tzá:', "a:tzemá'j", 'a:xí:lh', 'a:xtúm', 'a:xú:x', "a:'hála'", "a:'j", "a:'jmá", "a:'jnanú:", "a:'jtzá:", "a:'jtzananú:", "a:'kní:"] In the QListWidget created by this code, I see only items corresponding to those elements that do not contain accented vowels (here, those that don't contain "á", "ú", etc.); items that correpsond to strings with accented vowels are left empty. Further experimentation with addItem( ), addItems(), and insertItem( ) show that any string that contains an non-ASCII character results in an empty Item being inserted into the QListWidget. Any ideas about what is going on would be appreciated. Are you 100 % sure that unicode is handled properly while reading the xml? I never had problems with unicode and PyQt but I strictly using unicode strings only in my apps. This for example works for me (Python 2.7): # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import * app = QApplication(sys.argv) list_widget = QListWidget() list_widget.addItem(u"ÄÜ^° là lÁ") list_widget.show() app.exec_() ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Using Windows DwmApi
Hi guys, I want use the DwmApi on Windows 7. Mainly the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea method. The API doc is here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ms748975.aspx and a Qt Example here: http://nicug.blogspot.com/2011/03/qt-windows-7-extend-frame-into-client.html I'm trying to use the Python ctypes module to call the native method. The Code is here: ### import sys from ctypes import * from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore # struct needed as input for DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea class Margins(Structure): _fields_ = [("cxLeftWidth", c_int), ("cxRightWidth", c_int), ("cyTopHeight", c_int), ("cyBottomHeight", c_int)] margins = Margins(-1, -1, -1, -1) app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) w = QtGui.QWidget() w_handle = w.winId() # The question is how to create proper args proper_w_handle_arg = byref(c_int(w_handle)) proper_margins_arg = byref(margins) # From an Internet research I assume windll for stdcall convention # but not sure, really windll.DwmApi.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(proper_w_handle_arg, proper_margins_arg) w.show() app.exec_() 1) I'm not 100 % sure about the calling convention (windll vs. cdll) 2) It seems I don't get the arguments right. How do I do it properly? Cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Professional IDE
Am 07.09.2011 23:06, schrieb Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi: On 07/09/2011 10:07 م, Knacktus wrote: Am 07.09.2011 15:20, schrieb ad...@mbnoimi.net: On 07/09/2011 03:18 م, 机械唯物主义 : linjunhalida wrote: I use emacs... you can try wing ide:http://wingware.com/ Actually I found eclipse better than wing but both of them don't have PyQt integration just like eric. They both have PyQt integration. See e.g. http://wingware.com/doc/howtos/pyqt See what wing says: Wing IDE doesn't currently include a GUI builder for PyQt but it can be used with an external GUI builder. Wing will automatically reload files that are written by the GUI builder, making for a fairly seamless integration. it hasn't eric's PyQt integration at all. What does eric do to integrate more with PyQt? (I tested eric 2 years ago. So I might not be up to date of what you mean with "PyQt integration". Does is provide it's own GUI builder?) - Best Regards Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi My Blog: http://mbnoimi.net ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Professional IDE
Am 07.09.2011 15:20, schrieb ad...@mbnoimi.net: On 07/09/2011 03:18 م, 机械唯物主义 : linjunhalida wrote: I use emacs... you can try wing ide:http://wingware.com/ Actually I found eclipse better than wing but both of them don't have PyQt integration just like eric. They both have PyQt integration. See e.g. http://wingware.com/doc/howtos/pyqt The only missing thing in eric is good auto completion just like wing or eclipse. PS Project management & auto completion are perfect in eclipse. -- Best Regards Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi My Blog:http://mbnoimi.net ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Excess closing bracket in ActiveX Example
Hi Phil, there's one excess closing bracket in the example of the activex webbrowser (webbrowser.pyw, line 139). I'm still fiddeling around to get my control to work (it's a licensed one), but so far I'm really very happy with the option to use activex. Chees, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Basic 3D Viewer
Hi guys, I need to evaluate the options for building a basic 3D viewer with PyQt. The scenes are static, but quite large (some hundreds medium complex (~500 triangles) objects). Show/Hide objects, rotate, drag, zoom, change colors and some other basic operations need to be available. Currently, I've got some very coarse understanding of OpenGL and scenegraphs, but cannot really grasp the complexitiy of the topic. Can anyone comment on the complexity of building it from scratch? I'm looking for some directions, best practices. E.g., do PyOpenGL and PyQt play together? Also, are there some higher level scenegraph libs (or bindings) or 3D engines (CAD engine) compatible with PyQt that could be usefull? Cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] StyleSheet for Menu Button
Hi guys, I've got a problem applying a stylesheet to a Menu Button. I expect the following code to apply a blue background to all widgets, including the Button for the menu. But it doesn't. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? Cheers, Jan import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui class MyMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MyMainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.menu_bar = self.menuBar() self.session_menu = self.menu_bar.addMenu("&Session") self.setStyleSheet(""" * { background-color: blue; } """) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) main_window = MyMainWindow() main_window.show() app.exec_() ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Question on QTreeView, interactive expanding/collapsing
Am 19.04.2011 23:29, schrieb Zoltan Szalai: The "*" key expands all children but you can easily implement your own expand / collapse subtree functionality. Wow, I didn't know about that! But Qt needs a method to expand all subchildren recursively. Why is this method not available? Or is it? Background story: I've needed an expand_all_below action. I've implemented this similiar to what Paul suggested (a bit more rookie-like with recursion), but wasn't so happy with the performance on very large trees. So my hope is that the method used by Qt internaly must be a faster. ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Overloading new-style signal
Hi guys, I don't get overloading of new-style signals to work. I can't spot the mistake ... my eyes don't see anything anymore ;-). Any help is highly appreciated. Cheers, Jan Here's an example: import PyQt4.Qt as Qt import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore class ItemsChangedNotifier(Qt.QObject): items_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal([list], [dict]) class ItemChanger(object): def __init__(self): self.notifier = ItemsChangedNotifier() def change_with_list(self, items): self.notifier.items_changed.emit(items) def change_with_dict(self, old_items_to_new_items): self.notifier.items_changed[dict].emit(old_items_to_new_items) class Presenter(object): def __init__(self, item_changer): self.item_changer = item_changer self.item_changer.notifier.items_changed.connect(self.show_list) self.item_changer.notifier.items_changed[dict].connect(self.show_dict) def show_list(self, items): print "list %s" % items def show_dict(self, old_items_to_new_items): print "dict %s" % old_items_to_new_items if __name__ == "__main__": changer = ItemChanger() presenter = Presenter(changer) changer.change_with_list(["Check", 1, 2, 3]) changer.change_with_dict({"old": "new"}) ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Loading from DB: Threading vs. Multiprocessing
OK, I'll give QThreads a try. Thanks, Erik and Matt. Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Loading from DB: Threading vs. Multiprocessing
Hello everyone, here the background story ;-): -- I'm writing an application which handles a lot of nested data. Imagine a QTreeView with 10-20 levels and up to 5 lines. The standard use case would be to expand one level after the other in the GUI. For each level I would load the data from the database. This can be very slow, as I have a lot of network traffic and DB requests with little amounts of data. On the other hand, I am able to identify all the data of the tree in the database. Therefore I can load all items to the client with one request. But this is not always necessary. My idea is to load all the data to the client (as bulk) on certain user requests only, e.g. if the user clicks "expand all". In the meantime, the user should be able to keep on working with the app. Here the question: -- I've read about multithreading and multiprocessing, but have no experience with it yet. I've done a lot of MPI programming with Fortran, so multiprocessing is more familiar to me. Right now I have these options in my mind: 1) Multiprocessing: Loading the bulk data from the DB with a seperate process and merge this data with the exisiting data in my main process. The data is in a huge dict with the item ids as keys. So merging should not be a problem. That sounds clean to me, but I'm concerned about the fact, that multiprocessing is copying the whole app (with all the data already loaded from the DB) in memory. 2) Multithreading: I guess trying to write to the same dict with my items with two threads could be messy. Therefore I would create a temporary dict in the secondary thread that loads the bulk from the DB and merge with the main dict later. The question here would be the responsiveness of the GUI as Python can't perform "real" multithreading. 3) Creating a Subprocess: I would create a helper app that loads the data from the DB and saves it temporarly on the local drive as pickle. The main app would read the data from the file and merge with the main dict. What are your recommendations and experiences? Are there best practices? Any comments are welcome! Cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] ANN: PyQt v4.8.2 Released
Am 24.12.2010 13:49, schrieb Phil Thompson: PyQt v4.8.2 has been released. This is primarily a bug fix release but also includes a number of new examples from Hans-Peter Jansen. For the first time 64-bit Windows installers are provided. Awesome! Thank you Santa ;-) Phil ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Send data from GUI to an external file
Am 05.12.2010 19:24, schrieb Alasdair Mac Arthur: Hi need to have the slider values from a GUI sent to an external file external to the GUI just as text or csv file. Currently, I can only see the values in a LCD widget. Ultimately, these will go to a python wrapper for a script. Any help would be much appreciated Why not create a custom slot (function/method) that writes the value to the external file? Connect this function to the desired signal (e.g. valueChanged()) and done. HTH, Jan Cheers Alasdair ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] ANN: PyQt v4.8.1 Released
Am 08.11.2010 20:48, schrieb Arnold Krille: On Monday 08 November 2010 17:40:02 Phil Thompson wrote: On Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:11:07 -0500, John Posner wrote: On 10/30/2010 7:47 AM, Phil Thompson wrote: PyQt v4.8.1 has been released and is available from the usual place. Over the past year, downloads from http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download have been impossible for me. More precisely, the download speed starts at about 0.6KB/sec, and degrades from there. After a minute or so, I put the download out of its misery. Does anyone else experience this behavior? Out of curiosity, what are you using (ie. which browser) to download? We used Firefox on windows and chromium on Linux both with the same (slow) result. We are in Germany, other sites work as well as they should with our universities connection (that is a lot faster then downloads from riverbankcomputing...). Just downloaded PyQt 4.8.1 also from Germany with Firefox 3.6.12. It took about 2 minutes. I have a T-Online DSL 16000 contract. (16000 kbits/s). Maybe this info is of any help... Jan Have fun, Arnold ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Observations with nesting-level: Performance of QTreeView
Am 10.10.2010 23:28, schrieb Baz Walter: On 10/10/10 18:39, Knacktus wrote: Those results are very interesting! Thanks. Just to confirm: You had 5000 items and to expand the whole tree took only 0.67 seconds? Also, only 1 call to parent(). Now, that makes my wonder and hope. The main differences are that I'm on Windows 7 and I'm using pyqt 4.7.4 (build on Qt 4.6 afaik). I've read about some performance optimisation in Qt 4.7. That would be great news. yes, 5000 in 0.67 for qt 4.7 is correct. the only change to your previous example code was to replace the expand_all method with this: I just installed Qt4.7 and can confirm your observation. Now, I'm at 0.266 seconds compared to more than 90 seconds. Sweeet. Thanks for your help!! Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Observations with nesting-level: Performance of QTreeView
Am 10.10.2010 18:39, schrieb Baz Walter: On 10/10/10 15:43, Knacktus wrote: Hi everyone, a little update of my observations so far for the interested: The flatter the tree, the better the performance. I've done some tests with 10 children per parent. Now, that looks much better. For 10 items expanding all takes about 30 seconds. is that a more realistic test of your actual use case? I'm expecting on average 5 children per parent. Fortunately the performance is highly depending on the nesting. i'm not sure what to make of the example code you posted. given how expensive python method calls are, it doesn't seem all that surprising that you get relatively poor performance with *five thousand* levels of nesting :) Well, if you know how Qt works, it might be natural. But if you don't (like me ;-)), you're surprised. I still wonder why the nesting levels make such a big difference. anyway, i profiled the expandAll() method in your example code (with max_items=5000). most methods get called 1-3 times per child item, which doesn't look abnormal. however it does look very different from the profiling results you posted earlier. are we testing the same thing? I think so. To be sure I've attached a module with the code and the profiling commands. Note: I've added some code to allow variation of the number of children per parent. here are my results: Those results are very interesting! Thanks. Just to confirm: You had 5000 items and to expand the whole tree took only 0.67 seconds? Also, only 1 call to parent(). Now, that makes my wonder and hope. The main differences are that I'm on Windows 7 and I'm using pyqt 4.7.4 (build on Qt 4.6 afaik). I've read about some performance optimisation in Qt 4.7. That would be great news. [arch-linux 2.6.35, python 2.7, qt 4.7.0, sip 4.11.1, pyqt 4.7.7] 110103 function calls in 0.670 CPU seconds ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 1 0.000 0.000 0.670 0.670 :1() 10003 0.095 0.000 0.317 0.000 tree_model.py:178(rowCount) 5001 0.022 0.000 0.031 0.000 tree_model.py:190(columnCount) 24 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 tree_model.py:193(data) 12 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 tree_model.py:206(headerData) 5005 0.046 0.000 0.128 0.000 tree_model.py:213(index) 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 tree_model.py:218(parent) 15012 0.093 0.000 0.154 0.000 tree_model.py:233( view_item_from_index) 4999 0.021 0.000 0.021 0.000 tree_model.py:43(__init__) 15008 0.060 0.000 0.110 0.000 tree_model.py:50(children) 5000 0.029 0.000 0.050 0.000 tree_model.py:77( get_view_item_children) 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {built-in method column} 5005 0.021 0.000 0.021 0.000 {built-in method createIndex} 1 0.194 0.194 0.670 0.670 {built-in method expandAll} 15005 0.029 0.000 0.029 0.000 {built-in method internalPointer} 15012 0.033 0.000 0.033 0.000 {built-in method isValid} 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {getattr} 15007 0.028 0.000 0.028 0.000 {len} 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects} ___ PyQt mailing list PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt import sys import cProfile import pstats import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore # # Underlying data # # - RuntimeItems hold the data. They come from a database. # - ViewItems are the objects, that are given to the model indexes of Qt. # They are constructed according to some rules like filters and # configuration. # - DummieViewItemFactory processes the rules and configurations. # The example here is simplfied. An instance of the factory is given # to each ViewItem. # The view item calls the # DummieViewItemFactory.get_view_item_children method # to request calculation of its children on demand. # - For this demo-version, the number of items is controlled by # DummieViewItemFactory.max_items. It's passed in by the constructor. # - Nesting as high as possible: One child per parent. # class RuntimeItem(object): """Represent the real world business items. These objects have a lot of relations. """ def __init__(self, name, ident, item_type): self.name = name self.ident = ident self.item_type = item_type class ViewItem(object): """Represent items that are to be shown to the user in a QTreeView. Those items do only occur one time in a view. They have a corresponding runtime_item. The children are calculated by the view_item_factory on demand. """ def __init__(self, view_item_factory, runtime_item=None, parent=None, hidden_runtime_items=None): self.view_item_factory =
[PyQt] Observations with nesting-level: Performance of QTreeView
Hi everyone, a little update of my observations so far for the interested: The flatter the tree, the better the performance. I've done some tests with 10 children per parent. Now, that looks much better. For 10 items expanding all takes about 30 seconds. Cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
Re: [PyQt] Performance of QTreeView
Am 10.10.2010 13:01, schrieb Virgil Dupras: It probably has something to do with the bazillions of parent() call that are made to your model. I asked a similar question on stack overflow a while ago. I profiled the example, so the bottleneck is evident. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/841096/slow-selection-in-qtreeview-why So the answer is: In some respects, Qt sucks balls. Regards, -- Virgil Dupras Hardcoded Software http://www.hardcoded.net Thanks for your reply. I've used your profiling instructions (never done that before, so another thing learned;-)) and now I'm puzzled... In my example with just 500 Items(!!) Qt calls some of the model methods 125000 times for one "expandAll()" call What!?!? Does anyone know something about that? Here's the profiling data: Sun Oct 10 13:23:55 2010profdata 896930 function calls in 8.202 CPU seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 15.8855.8858.2028.202 {built-in method exec_} 1258531.2380.0001.9430.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:220(parent) 10.3360.3362.3012.301 {built-in method expandAll} 1282940.2390.0000.3000.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:235(view_item_from_index) 1273720.2120.0000.2170.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:53(children) 1257340.1790.0000.1790.000 {built-in method createIndex} 1282940.0400.0000.0400.000 {built-in method isValid} 1250450.0280.0000.0280.000 {method 'index' of 'list' objects} 1281680.0200.0000.0200.000 {built-in method internalPointer} 16380.0080.0000.0230.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:180(rowCount) 6890.0040.0000.0080.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:215(index) 8010.0030.0000.0040.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:195(data) 5000.0020.0000.0050.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:80(get_view_item_children) 4990.0020.0000.0020.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:46(__init__) 10180.0020.0000.0020.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:192(columnCount) 1140.0010.0000.0010.000 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:208(headerData) 26780.0000.0000.0000.000 {len} 10.0000.0002.3012.301 C:\Users\Jan\Desktop\Integrations-System\Source\ipdm\QTreeView_Performance.py:141(expand_all) 1140.0000.0000.0000.000 {built-in method column} 1140.0000.0000.0000.000 {getattr} 10.0000.0008.2028.202 :1() 10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects} ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Last update: Code Example -- Performance of QTreeView
OK, here the last update, I promise ;-) ... (The expand_below action was broken - not sensitive for the problem, but for correctnes of the code): import sys import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore # # Underlying data # # - RuntimeItems hold the data. They come from a database. # - ViewItems are the objects, that are given to the model indexes of Qt. # They are constructed according to some rules like filters and # configuration. # - DummieViewItemFactory processes the rules and configurations. # The example here is simplfied. An instance of the factory is given # to each ViewItem. # The view item calls the # DummieViewItemFactory.get_view_item_children method # to request calculation of its children on demand. # - For this demo-version, the number of items is controlled by # DummieViewItemFactory.max_items. It's passed in by the constructor. # - Nesting as high as possible: One child per parent. # class RuntimeItem(object): """Represent the real world business items. These objects have a lot of relations. """ def __init__(self, name, ident, item_type): self.name = name self.ident = ident self.item_type = item_type class ViewItem(object): """Represent items that are to be shown to the user in a QTreeView. Those items do only occur one time in a view. They have a corresponding runtime_item. The children are calculated by the view_item_factory on demand. """ def __init__(self, view_item_factory, runtime_item=None, parent=None, hidden_runtime_items=None): self.view_item_factory = view_item_factory self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.parent = parent self.hidden_runtime_items = hidden_runtime_items @property def children(self): try: return self._children except AttributeError: self._children = \ self.view_item_factory.get_view_item_children(self) return self._children @children.setter def children(self, children): self._children = children class DummieViewItemFactory(object): """Creates the view_items. This is a dumb dummie as a simple example. Normally a lot of things happen here like filtering and configuration. But once the view_item hierachy is build, this shouldn't be called at all. """ def __init__(self, runtime_item, max_items): self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.max_items = max_items self.item_counter = 0 self.aux_root_view_item = ViewItem(self) def get_view_item_children(self, view_item_parent): if self.item_counter > self.max_items: return [] self.item_counter += 1 view_item = ViewItem(self, self.runtime_item, view_item_parent) return [view_item] # # Qt classes # # - This should be standard stuff. I've got most of it from the Rapid # GUI Programming book. # - The ActiveColums class tells the model which colums to use. # - The TreeView has a context menu with navigation actions. # - The expand_all calls the Qt slot. Here the surprise for the # performance. # class ActiveColumns(object): def __init__(self, columns): self.columns = columns class TreeView(QtGui.QTreeView): def __init__(self, aux_root_view_item, active_columns, parent=None, header_hidden=False): super(TreeView, self).__init__(parent) self.setIndentation(10) self.active_columns = active_columns self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setHeaderHidden(header_hidden) self.setAllColumnsShowFocus(True) self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) self.model = TreeModel(aux_root_view_item, self) self.setModel(self.model) e_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all", self) e_a_action.setToolTip("Expands all items of the tree.") e_a_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all) e_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all below", self) e_a_b_action.setToolTip("Expands all items under the selection.") e_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all_below) c_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all", self) c_a_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items of the tree.") c_a_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all) c_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all below", self) c_a_b_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items under the selection.") c_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all_below) for action in (e_a_action, c_a
Re: [PyQt] Performance of QTreeView
import sys import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore # # Underlying data # # - RuntimeItems hold the data. They come from a database. # - ViewItems are the objects, that are given to the model indexes of Qt. # They are constructed according to some rules like filters and # configuration. # - DummieViewItemFactory processes the rules and configurations. # The example here is simplfied. An instance of the factory is given # to each ViewItem. # The view item calls the # DummieViewItemFactory.get_view_item_children method # to request calculation of its children on demand. # - For this demo-version, the number of items is controlled by # DummieViewItemFactory.max_items. It's passed in by the constructor. # - Nesting as high as possible: One child per parent. # class RuntimeItem(object): """Represent the real world business items. These objects have a lot of relations. """ def __init__(self, name, ident, item_type): self.name = name self.ident = ident self.item_type = item_type class ViewItem(object): """Represent items that are to be shown to the user in a QTreeView. Those items do only occur one time in a view. They have a corresponding runtime_item. The children are calculated by the view_item_factory on demand. """ def __init__(self, view_item_factory, runtime_item=None, parent=None, hidden_runtime_items=None): self.view_item_factory = view_item_factory self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.parent = parent self.hidden_runtime_items = hidden_runtime_items @property def children(self): try: return self._children except AttributeError: self._children = \ self.view_item_factory.get_view_item_children(self) return self._children @children.setter def children(self, children): self._children = children class DummieViewItemFactory(object): """Creates the view_items. This is a dumb dummie as a simple example. Normally a lot of things happen here like filtering and configuration. But once the view_item hierachy is build, this shouldn't be called at all. """ def __init__(self, runtime_item, max_items): self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.max_items = max_items self.item_counter = 0 self.aux_root_view_item = ViewItem(self) def get_view_item_children(self, view_item_parent): if self.item_counter > self.max_items: return [] self.item_counter += 1 view_item = ViewItem(self, self.runtime_item, view_item_parent) return [view_item] # # Qt classes # # - This should be standard stuff. I've got most of it from the Rapid # GUI Programming book. # - The ActiveColums class tells the model which colums to use. # - The TreeView has a context menu with navigation actions. # - The expand_all calls the Qt slot. Here the surprise for the # performance. # class ActiveColumns(object): def __init__(self, columns): self.columns = columns class TreeView(QtGui.QTreeView): def __init__(self, aux_root_view_item, active_columns, parent=None, header_hidden=False): super(TreeView, self).__init__(parent) self.setIndentation(10) self.active_columns = active_columns self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setHeaderHidden(header_hidden) self.setAllColumnsShowFocus(True) self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) model = TreeModel(aux_root_view_item, self) self.setModel(model) e_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all", self) e_a_action.setToolTip("Expands all items of the tree.") e_a_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all) e_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all below", self) e_a_b_action.setToolTip("Expands all items under the selection.") e_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all_below) c_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all", self) c_a_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items of the tree.") c_a_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all) c_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all below", self) c_a_b_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items under the selection.") c_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all_below) for action in (e_a_action, c_a_action, e_a_b_action, c_a_b_action): self.addAction(action) def expand_all(self): self.expandAll() def collapse_all(self):
[PyQt] Exmple better formatted Performance of QTreeView
Some lines have been to long. Here's the example again: import sys import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore ### # Underlying data # # - RuntimeItems hold the data. They come from a database. # - ViewItems are the objects, that are given to the model indexes of Qt. They # are constructed according to some rules like filters and configuration. # - DummieViewItemFactory processes the rules and configurations. The example # here is simplfied. An instance of the factory is given to each ViewItem. # The view item calls the DummieViewItemFactory.get_view_item_children method # to request calculation of its children on demand. # - For this demo-version, the number of items is controlled by # DummieViewItemFactory.max_items. It's passed in by the constructor. # - Nesting as high as possible: One child per parent. ### class RuntimeItem(object): """Represent the real world business items. These objects have a lot of relations. """ def __init__(self, name, ident, item_type): self.name = name self.ident = ident self.item_type = item_type class ViewItem(object): """Represent items that are to be shown to the user in a QTreeView. Those items do only occur one time in a view. They have a corresponding runtime_item. The children are calculated by the view_item_factory on demand. """ def __init__(self, view_item_factory, runtime_item=None, parent=None, hidden_runtime_items=None): self.view_item_factory = view_item_factory self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.parent = parent self.hidden_runtime_items = hidden_runtime_items @property def children(self): try: return self._children except AttributeError: self._children = \ self.view_item_factory.get_view_item_children(self) return self._children @children.setter def children(self, children): self._children = children class DummieViewItemFactory(object): """Creates the view_items. This is a dumb dummie as a simple example. Normally a lot of things happen here like filtering and configuration. But once the view_item hierachy is build, this shouldn't be called at all. """ def __init__(self, runtime_item, max_items): self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.max_items = max_items self.item_counter = 0 self.aux_root_view_item = ViewItem(self) def get_view_item_children(self, view_item_parent): if self.item_counter > self.max_items: return [] self.item_counter += 1 view_item = ViewItem(self, self.runtime_item, view_item_parent) return [view_item] ## # Qt classes # # - This should be standard stuff. I've got most of it from the Rapid GUI # Programming book. # - The ActiveColums class tells the model which colums to use. # - The TreeView has a context menu with navigation actions. # - The expand_all calls the Qt slot. Here the surprise for the performance. ## class ActiveColumns(object): def __init__(self, columns): self.columns = columns class TreeView(QtGui.QTreeView): def __init__(self, aux_root_view_item, active_columns, parent=None, header_hidden=False): super(TreeView, self).__init__(parent) self.setIndentation(10) self.active_columns = active_columns self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setHeaderHidden(header_hidden) self.setAllColumnsShowFocus(True) self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) model = TreeModel(aux_root_view_item, self) self.setModel(model) e_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all", self) e_a_action.setToolTip("Expands all items of the tree.") e_a_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all) e_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all below", self) e_a_b_action.setToolTip("Expands all items under the selection.") e_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all_below) c_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all", self) c_a_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items of the tree.") c_a_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all) c_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all below", self) c_a_b_action.setToolTip("Collapses all items under the selection.") c_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.collapse_all_below) for action in (e_a_action, c_a_action, e_a_b_action, c_a_b_action): self.addAction(action) def expand_al
[PyQt] Code-Example: Performance of QTreeView
Hi all, here's an example of my code. It've tried to make minimal ... In my E-Mail client some lines are wrapped. But I think if you copy and paste it to your editor you should be able to run it in one module (using Python 2.7 and PyQt 4.7.4). (It worked for me) Performance is even worse then in my real world example, but here I have a one-child-per-parent structure. Therefore it's as deep as it can get. So that seems to matter a lot. Cheers, Jan Here's the code with comments: import sys import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore # Underlying data # # - RuntimeItems hold the data. They come from a database. # - ViewItems are the objects, that are given to the model indexes of Qt. They # are constructed according to some rules like filters and configuration. # - DummieViewItemFactory processes the rules and configurations. The example # here is simplfied. An instance of the factory is given to each ViewItem. # The view item calls the DummieViewItemFactory.get_view_item_children method # to request calculation of its children on demand. # - For this demo-version, the number of items is controlled by # DummieViewItemFactory.max_items. It's passed in by the constructor. # - Nesting as high as possible: One child per parent. class RuntimeItem(object): """Represent the real world business items. These objects have a lot of relations. """ def __init__(self, name, ident, item_type): self.name = name self.ident = ident self.item_type = item_type class ViewItem(object): """Represent items that are to be shown to the user in a QTreeView. Those items do only occur one time in a view. They have a corresponding runtime_item. The children are calculated by the view_item_factory on demand. """ def __init__(self, view_item_factory, runtime_item=None, parent=None, hidden_runtime_items=None): self.view_item_factory = view_item_factory self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.parent = parent self.hidden_runtime_items = hidden_runtime_items @property def children(self): try: return self._children except AttributeError: self._children = self.view_item_factory.get_view_item_children(self) return self._children @children.setter def children(self, children): self._children = children class DummieViewItemFactory(object): """Creates the view_items. This is a dumb dummie as a simple example. Normally a lot of things happen here like filtering and configuration. But once the view_item hierachy is build, this shouldn't be called at all. """ def __init__(self, runtime_item, max_items): self.runtime_item = runtime_item self.max_items = max_items self.item_counter = 0 self.aux_root_view_item = ViewItem(self) def get_view_item_children(self, view_item_parent): if self.item_counter > self.max_items: return [] self.item_counter += 1 view_item = ViewItem(self, self.runtime_item, view_item_parent) return [view_item] # Qt classes # # - This should be standard stuff. I've got most of it from the Rapid GUI # Programming book. # - The ActiveColums class tells the model which colums to use. # - The TreeView has a context menu with navigation actions. # - The expand_all calls the Qt slot. Here is the surprise for the performance. class ActiveColumns(object): def __init__(self, columns): self.columns = columns class TreeView(QtGui.QTreeView): def __init__(self, aux_root_view_item, active_columns, parent=None, header_hidden=False): super(TreeView, self).__init__(parent) self.setIndentation(10) self.active_columns = active_columns self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setHeaderHidden(header_hidden) self.setAllColumnsShowFocus(True) self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) model = TreeModel(aux_root_view_item, self) self.setModel(model) e_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all", self) e_a_action.setToolTip("Expands all items of the tree.") e_a_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all) e_a_b_action = QtGui.QAction("Expand all below", self) e_a_b_action.setToolTip("Expands all items under the selection.") e_a_b_action.triggered.connect(self.expand_all_below) c_a_action = QtGui.QAction("Collapse all", self) c_a_action.setTool
[PyQt] Performance of QTreeView
Hi everyone, I've got a QTreeView with a custom model. I've set the setUniformRowHeights property to True: self.setUniformRowHeights(True) Now, to expand the tree with a model with 1 rows and 6 cols calling the expandAll slot takes about 1 minute! (on a 2.8 GHz Intel 860) I'm doing some calculations in my underlaying data. But when I iterate recursivly over the model and print the lines to the shell, it takes a couple of seconds. Is that the kind of performance one can expect from pyqt or Qt? Also, when collapsing all and expanding again, it takes the same amount of time. Further, I saw no benefit setting the setUniformRowHeights property to True. Another hint: My data is deeply nested. Does that come into account? Thanks, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Newbee: Approach to expand QTreeView completely below selected index
Hi everyone, I'm writing my first app, so I'm sometimes a bit unsure if my approaches are recommended practice. To expand everything below a selected index in a TreeView with custom QAbstractItemModel, I've done the following (I didn't find a predefined slot for this case, only for expanding one level or the whole tree): 1) expand the index using the slot expand(index) 2) get the number of rows from TreeModel.rowCount() 3) loop over the rows and get the child indexes from TreeModel.index() 4) go recursively to step 1) Is that the way to go or do I miss some other, better approach? Thanks in advance, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] Newbie: get one of several QDockWidgets to perform action on
Hi everyone, I'm kind of stuck to find the best approach for handling multiple dockwidgets. Imagine this case: I have a QMainWindow with two QDockWidgets. Each QDockWidget contains one QTreeView. Now I'd like to implement a button "Expand all" that calls a method "expand_all()" which in turn triggers the ExpandAll slot of the QTreeView which is active. I think I need to identify the QDockWidget, which had focus when I pressed the button. I've tried the following approaches: 1) qApp.hasFocus() in my "expand_all()" method --> didn't work, gives the focus of the button I pressed 2) qApp.activeWindow() --> didn't work, gives the QMainWindow Overall, I have a bit of a lack of understanding what's "active" and "focus" means in the context of QDockWidgets. Hints to documentation is appreciated. Thanks in advance and cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt
[PyQt] createIndex() in treemodels and pyqt-book
Hello everyone, I'm a bit confused about the third argument of the createIndex() method. The Qt class documentation simply says it's an internal pointer. Then, the PyQt-Book "Rapid GUI Programming ..." says index have a row, column and a parent. So I thought the pointer must be a pointer to the parent index. That's also what additional Qt documentation on the model-view framework is saying: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/model-view-model.html (paragraph "Parents of Items") But on the other hand, the Qt doc says about ModelIndex::internalPointer, that it's an association with the internal data structure, so it wouldn't be a pointer to another model index. Also, when I look at examples in the pyqt-Book it looks like parent is the parent in the underlaying data structure. code from the example of chapter 16, treeoftable.py: def index(self, row, column, parent): assert self.root branch = self.nodeFromIndex(parent) assert branch is not None return self.createIndex(row, column, branch.childAtRow(row)) def nodeFromIndex(self, index): return (index.internalPointer() if index.isValid() else self.root) So, what's the pointer pointing to? - a QModelIndex of the the parent in the underlying data structure - a reference to the corresponding item itself in the underlying data structure - a reference to the corresponding parent of the item in the underlying data structure Thanks in advance and cheers, Jan ___ PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt