PSF Community Awards go to Stephan Deibel & Sean Reifschneider

2009-06-19 Thread David Goodger
[Also posted to the PSF blog:

The Foundation tries to recognize those whose assistance has been
significant in its growth and development as well as its day-to-day
operations. This quarter's Community Service Award winners are two
particularly noteworthy examples.

Stephan Deibel: Stephan was last year's outgoing chairman after four
years in harness. This year Stephan has stepped down as a director,
after helping to ensure that the Foundation's bylaws were reorganized.
Stephan developed to promote Python, and his work as
founder of Wingware ( and a developer of the Wing IDE has
also had a significant impact.

Sean Reifschneider Sean has master-minded the PyCon networking every
time it's worked, and without the support of this always helpful and
reliably competent director our conferences simply would not
have been the same.

Our thanks and congratulations go to both these recipients.

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"conferences" new mailing list created

2009-05-23 Thread David Goodger
The mailing list is for open discussion of
issues related to Python conferences.  All conferences are welcome:
established and planned, worldwide.  The archive is open to all.

Subscribe here:

Please spread the word to conference mailing lists and to anyone who
would be interested.

David Goodger
PyCon 2009 Chair

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PyCon 2009: Early-bird registration & hotel reservation deadlines soon!

2009-02-18 Thread David Goodger
The early-bird registration deadline for PyCon 2009 is February 21,
only a few days from now: <>.
After that, the price for registration will be going up.

Hotel reservations at the conference rates are still available, but
not for long: <>. Act now,
because the regular rate is considerably higher!

**A reminder to tutorial and talk speakers:** you are responsible for
your own registration and hotel reservations.  So don't delay!

-- David Goodger, PyCon 2009 Chair

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PyCon 2009 registration is now open!

2009-01-27 Thread David Goodger
Register here:

Information (rates etc.):

Hotel information & reservations:

Early bird registration ends February 21, so don't delay!

-- David Goodger, PyCon 2009 Chair

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July PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-08-11 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, July 14, 2008:

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Support the Python Software Foundation:

May & June PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-07-16 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation,

* May 12, 2008:

* June 16, 2008:

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Support the Python Software Foundation:

April PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-05-13 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, April 14, 2008:

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Support the Python Software Foundation:

March meeting minutes available

2008-04-15 Thread David Goodger
The following minutes were approved at a meeting of the PSF Board of Directors 
on April 14, 2008:

* PSF Board meeting, March 10, 2008:

* PSF Members' Meeting, March 14, 2008:

* PSF Board meeting, March 14, 2008 (first meeting of the newly elected Board of 
Directors, at PyCon):

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

February PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-04-04 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, February 11, 2008:

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon: deadline for hotel reservations and early-bird registration coming soon!

2008-02-13 Thread David Goodger

If you haven't registered for PyCon yet, now is the time!  The
early-bird registration deadline is February 20, one week away.  After
that, the price for registration will be going up.

The deadline for hotel reservations at the conference rate is also
February 20.  Act now, because the regular rate is considerably

A reminder to tutorial and talk speakers: you are responsible for your
own registration and hotel reservations.  So don't delay!

PyCon 2008: March 14-16, 2008 (& tutorials March 13, & sprints March 17-20)

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

January PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-02-13 Thread David Goodger

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, January 14, 2008:

David Goodger <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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PyCon 2008 Registration Open!

2008-01-21 Thread David Goodger

I am pleased to announce that PyCon 2008 registration is now open!

Early-bird registration is open until February 20, so there's one
month to register at the low rates.  Regular on-line registration will
be available from February 21 through March 7.

PyCon 2008 will be held from March 13 through 20 in Chicago:

* Tutorials: Thursday, March 13
* Conference: Friday, March 14, through Sunday, March 16
* Sprints: Monday, March 17 through Thursday, March 20

Register early, especially if you'd like to attend a tutorial or
three, as tutorials fill up early.  And yes, you heard that correctly
-- this year, we have three tutorial sessions: morning, afternoon, and
evening.  There are 29 great tutorials to choose from.  More about the
tutorials soon, but for now, you can check out the descriptions
yourself here:

The talk schedule is also up (in a preliminary form), although some
changes are expected:

Hotel reservations are also open:

The rate is $99/night plus tax ($112/night net), also until
February 20.  More hotel information is here:

See the PyCon web site for complete details:

Thanks to the PyCon organizers for developing the software, providing
the website content, testing & debugging.  PyCon is a community
conference, of, by, and for the Python community.  There is still
much to do, and you can help!

See you in Chicago!

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

December PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-01-15 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, December 10, 2007:

David Goodger <>

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: October PSF Board meeting minutes available

2007-12-13 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, November 12, 2007:

David Goodger <>

Support the Python Software Foundation:

October PSF Board meeting minutes available

2007-11-16 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, October 8, 2007:

David Goodger <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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Last chance for PyCon talk & tutorial proposals!

2007-11-16 Thread David Goodger
Thanks to all the proposal authors so far, we have received lots of
proposals for PyCon talks & tutorials.  But we'd like to have even
more.  Alas, the proposal submission deadline should have been set
after a weekend, not before. So we have decided to extend the proposal
submission deadline to Monday, November 19 at midnight (Chicago
time). This gives you a *whole extra weekend* to write up your talk
and tutorial ideas!

If you've been procrastinating, stop! Get started on a proposal

See the call for conference talk proposals:

Topic ideas:

See the call for tutorial proposals

Topic ideas from the PyCon 2007 feedback:

I hope to see (and hear) you at PyCon 2008!

-- David Goodger, PyCon 2008 Chair

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Only one week left for PyCon proposals!

2007-11-10 Thread David Goodger
There is only one week left for PyCon tutorial & scheduled talk proposals.  If
you've been thinking about making a proposal, now's the time!

Tutorial details and instructions here:

Scheduled talk details and instructions here:

The deadline is Friday, November 16.  Don't put it off any longer!

PyCon 2008:

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

September PSF Board meeting minutes available

2007-10-16 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, September 10, 2007:

David Goodger <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon 2008: Call for Talk & Tutorial Proposals

2007-10-16 Thread David Goodger
Proposals for PyCon 2008 talks & tutorials are now being accepted.
The deadline for proposals is November 16.

PyCon 2008 will be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA, from March 13-20.

Tutorial Day: Half-Day Tutorials

Do you enjoy teaching classes or tutorials?  Are you good at it?
PyCon is looking for proposals for tutorials.  The PyCon Tutorial Day
will be March 13, 2008 (Thursday).

There will be morning and afternoon tutorial sessions (3 hours each,
plus a 30-minute break); presenters may request two sessions in order
to make up a full day.  Tutorials may be on any topic, but obviously
should be instructional in nature.

Full details and instructions here:

Conference Days: Scheduled Talks

Want to share your experience and expertise?  PyCon is looking for
proposals to fill the formal presentation tracks.  The PyCon
Conference Days will be March 14-16, 2008 (Friday-Sunday).

Previous PyCon conferences have had a broad range of presentations,
ranging from reports on academic and commercial projects to tutorials
and case studies.  We hope to continue that tradition this year.  As
long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the
Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

We're especially interested in short tutorial presentations that will
teach conference-goers something new and useful. Can you show
attendees how to: use a module? explore a Python language feature?
package an application?

Full details and instructions here:

Development Sprints

Four days of development sprints will follow the conference days,
March 17-20 (Monday-Thursday).  Start thinking about sprints you'd
like to lead or join.  We'll have an announcement about these soon!

Lightning Talks & Open Space

If you don't want to make a formal presentation, you can still bring
your new project or idea to PyCon.

There will be several sessions of Lightning Talks (five minute
mini-talks, scheduled at the conference).

There will also be several Open Space rooms for informal and
spur-of-the-moment presentations. Open Space slots are allocated
during PyCon on a first-come first-served basis. These slots can be
used for presentations, round table discussions, hands-on tutorials,
follow-up discussions after scheduled talks, or anything else you wish
to present.

Help Out!

PyCon 2008 planning is in full swing, but we can still use more help,
*your* help!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

August PSF Board meeting minutes available

2007-09-17 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation, August 13, 2007:

David Goodger <>

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Next PyCon Organizers' Meeting Tuesday, 11 September

2007-09-10 Thread David Goodger
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 11, at 18:00 UTC (2PM Eastern, 1PM Central,
12PM Mountain, 11AM Pacific).

I'll post some agenda items, but feel free to add more:

Connection details:

PyCon is a community conference.  Please join in and help out!

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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PyCon Organizers' Meeting

2007-07-11 Thread David Goodger
I'd like to hold the inaugural organizers' meeting for PyCon 2008 on
Tuesday, July 17, at 2PM Eastern/1PM Central/11AM Pacific (6PM UTC).
Further meetings will be every other week.

The meetings will be held via Google Talk/Jabber (group chat).  We'll
use the 'pycon' room on


* Staff roles
* Keynote speakers
* PyCon tech
* Chicago visit

Please send any further agenda items to me, or edit the wiki page:

See you there!

David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chai

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon 2007 Funding Available

2007-01-05 Thread David Goodger
The Python Software Foundation has allocated some funds to help people
attend PyCon 2007.  If you'd like to come to PyCon but can't afford
it, maybe the PSF can help you.  The funding can cover any or all of:

* Your registration for PyCon
* Your hotel room at the conference hotel
* Your flight or other transportation

To apply, send e-mail to .  Please state your
name, location, and what you would like to have funded.  If you want
assistance with your transportation costs, please provide a rough
estimate (say, to the nearest US$100) of how much a round-trip will

You should also say why you should come to PyCon, and what you'll be
doing.  We don't need an essay, but please provide a few sentences of
explanation.  Priority will be given to people who can contribute
significantly to PyCon or to Python, e.g. students working on a task,
conference speakers, sprint leaders or developers critical to a
sprint, or people doing public service work with Python.

Messages must be received by January 19 2007.  Upon receiving your
message, we'll send you a notice of receipt.  The PSF's Conference
Committee and I will discuss the applications and allocate funding to
a subset of the applicants.  You should be notified of
acceptance/rejection by January 28 2007.

Cost notes: PyCon registration is US$195. Hotel rooms are around
$90/night; about $300 for the duration of the conference, $700 for
conference + sprints.  The hotel cost can be lower if you find someone
(or two or three) to share a room with; this is encouraged.  The PSF
can't cover your meals during the conference, or registration fees for

We will try to maximize the benefit of the funding, so three people
who need small amounts are more likely to be funded than one person
who needs a large amount.  To improve your chances, please try to
request the minimum amount of funding you need to attend PyCon.

David Goodger
PyCon 2007 Funding Coordinator

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Call for Nominations of PSF Directors

2006-12-17 Thread David Goodger
The Board of Directors of the Python Software Foundation is issuing
this call for nominations of new Directors.  Self-nominations are the
norm, so don't wait for somebody else to nominate you.  If you are
interested in serving as a Director, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Directors need not be PSF members.

Since the PSF is a small organization, the Directors and Officers are
the PSF's executive in more than name: we not only discuss the work to
be done, we also initiate and oversee the work (through committees),
and we get a lot of the work done ourselves.  It is therefore
beneficial to have a large number of active Directors.  As Tim Peters
eloquently put it,

This is pragmatic: volunteer time is hard to come by for PSF busy
work, and, overall, directors seem to feel more compelling
obligation in this regard than non-director PSF members.  So, the
bigger the board, the more gets done.

At the annual Members' Meeting in 2004 nine people stood for election
to the Board, but there were only seven positions, so two candidates
were not elected.  This was a mistake; we cannot afford to turn away
volunteers.  In 2005, when eight people stood for election, the Board
was first increased to eight positions, allowing all the candidates to
serve.  The size of the Board can change again.  (Section 5.4 of the
PSF bylaws states: "the number of directors shall be fixed by the
members at each annual meeting of members.")

The PSF's Directors and Officers conduct business via monthly meetings
(one hour on IRC) and an active mailing list.  We discuss the work
being done and the work to be done, and Directors vote on resolutions.

David Goodger, PSF Secretary
On behalf of the PSF Board of Directors

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Polyform Puzzler

2006-08-08 Thread David Goodger
Polyform Puzzler is a software toolkit for exploring & solving
polyform puzzles, like Pentominoes and Soma Cubes. It consists of a
set of front-end applications for specific polyform puzzles and a
Python library that does the heavy lifting. New polyforms and new
puzzles can easily be defined and added.

David Goodger <>

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PyCon TX 2006: Early-bird registration ends Dec. 31!

2005-12-28 Thread David Goodger
Early bird registration for PyCon TX 2006 ends on December 31st,
so there are only a few days LEFT. To register, please visit:

You can still register after Dec. 31st, but the cost will go up by
US$65 (US$25 for students).

This year PyCon will feature a day of tutorials before the three days
of regular presentations.  Course outlines for all the tutorials have
been posted; see

All of the PyCon tutorials are still open for new registrations, but
space is limited, and we suspect they'll all be filled up by the time
early-bird registration closes.

Don't forget to book your hotel room, too.  PyCon TX 2006 is being
held at a Dallas/Addison hotel, and we have negotiated a special low

We hope to see you in Texas!

-- David Goodger
   (on behalf of A.M. Kuchling, Chair, PyCon 2006)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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new PEP type: Process

2005-08-13 Thread David Goodger
Barry Warsaw and I, the PEP editors, have been discussing the need for a new PEP
type lately.  Martin von Löwis' PEP 347 was a prime example of a PEP that didn't
fit into the existing Standards Track and Informational categories.  We agreed
upon a new "Process" PEP type.  For more information, please see PEP 1
( -- the type of which has also been
changed to Process.

Other good examples of Process PEPs are the release schedule PEPs, and I
understand there may be a new one soon.

(Please cc: any PEP-related mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

David Goodger <>

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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