[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2021-10-21 Thread Irit Katriel

Change by Irit Katriel :

resolution: duplicate -> wont fix

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2021-10-20 Thread Irit Katriel

Change by Irit Katriel :

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
superseder:  -> MinGW is unsupported - close all open issues and list them here.

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Changes by Ivan Pozdeev :

nosy:  -Ivan.Pozdeev

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Mark Lawrence

Changes by Mark Lawrence :

nosy:  -BreamoreBoy

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Berker Peksag

Changes by Berker Peksag :

Removed message: http://bugs.python.org/msg263481

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Berker Peksag

Changes by Berker Peksag :

Removed message: http://bugs.python.org/msg263480

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

I know it's a wiki but I couldn't edit the page even after I registered, so I 
thought It's protected. I'll try the e-mail now.

nosy: +Ivan.Pozdeev

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-04-15 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

Whoops, wrong ticket.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2016-01-02 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

Hi all,

There is now a much more concrete plan for the static MinGW-w64 based 
toolchain, and the first funding has materialized.

Please see the announcement on the Numpy mailing list 
(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/62207), the MingwPy 
site (http://mingwpy.github.io/) and in particular the "main milestones" in 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-25 Thread matham

Changes by matham :

nosy: +matham

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith added the comment:

> We are working on the Fortran issue in a few different ways, one of which is 
> your work on MinGW compatibility so that gfortran can be used. But that isn't 
> the only solution to this whole problem, and it's not even preferable for a 
> lot of Python users, so expect other proposals to come out.

Hey Steve, I'm a bit surprised to be hearing this now given all our off-list 
discussions about these issues this year. Can you clarify what you're talking 
about here? Who is "we", what other solutions do you see, and why would they be 
preferable? (If the compatibility issues are solved, then AFAIK gfortran is 
basically perfect for 99% of uses; the only alternatives are proprietary 
compilers with much nastier -- F/OSS-incompatible -- license terms. Note that 
by contrast gfortran itself is GPLed, but with a specific exemption added to 
clarify that it is totally okay to use for compiling proprietary code.)


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

"We" is a lot of different companies and individuals. Anyone distributing 
prebuilt binaries is helping here, a few people are working on the licensing 
concerns for some components, other people are working on C BLAS libraries.

I see the issue approximately as "it's hard to install the scipy stack", which 
is broader than "Windows does not have a Free Fortran compiler" and allows for 
more solutions (apologies for putting words in your mouth, which is not my 
intent, though I have certainly seen a fixation on this one particular solution 
to the exclusion of other possibilities).


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith added the comment:

Hi Steve- okay, thanks for clarifying! I think you already know this, but for 
the general record: the reason for the apparent fixation on this solution is 
that after a lot of struggle it's emerged as basically the only contender for 
scipy-development-on-windows; there are a number of problems (fortran, BLAS, 
C99, python 2.7 support, desire to distribute F/OSS software) and it's the only 
thing that solves all of them. The details that lead to this conclusion are 
rather complicated, but here's how I understand the situation as of the end of 

- If you just want to compile C/C++ (don't need fortran or BLAS), and you can 
either [live with MSVC 2008's somewhat archaic understanding of C] or [drop 2.7 
support and only support 3.5], then we're actually in a pretty good place now: 
you can install the msvc-for-2.7 distribution for 2.7, install msvc 2015 for 
3.5, and you're good to go.

- Alternatively if you don't care about your code being F/OSS and have money to 
spare, then you can solve all of the above problems by using icc/ifort for your 
compiler and MKL for your BLAS. (The "F/OSS" caveat here is because you 
actually cannot distribute binaries using this toolchain as F/OSS.)

- If you're a F/OSS project and you need BLAS, then your options are either 
OpenBLAS or (hopefully soon) BLIS. Neither of them can be compiled with any 
version of MSVC, because both of them use asm extensions/dialects that MSVC 
doesn't understand. The good news is that soon probably you will be able to 
compile them with clang! However, I think clang only targets compatibility with 
recent MSVC, not MSVC 2008, so this is useless for python 2.7? I could be wrong 

(Well, you can also try crossing your fingers and try mixing runtimes -- the 
BLAS interface specifically is narrow enough that you might be able to get away 
with it. I'm not sure how many projects can get away with just BLAS and no 
LAPACK, though, and LAPACK is Fortran; I've heard rumors of LAPACK-in-C, but 
AFAICT they're still just rumors...)

- If you're a free software project who needs [C99 on Python 2.7] or [BLAS on 
2.7] or [Fortran, period], then none of the above options help, or show any 
prospect of helping (except maybe if clang can target MSVC 2008 compatibility). 
OTOH the mingw-w64-with-improved-MSVC-compatibility approach fixes all of these 
problems at once, thus eliminating the whole decision tree above in one swoop.

It is true that it doesn't help with the "GPL cooties" problem; AFAIK that's 
the only limitation. Of course any company has the right to decide that they 
absolutely will not use a GPL-licensed compiler, for any reason they might feel 
like. But if they want random volunteers at python.org to care about this then 
it seems to me that those companies need to *either* articulate some convincing 
reason why their needs are legitimate (gcc seems to work just fine for tons and 
tons of companies, including e.g. the entire linux and android ecosystems), 
*or* start paying those volunteers to care :-). And even if we do care, then 
I'm not sure what there is to be done about it anyway -- if you want to go buy 
a license to icc/ifort then you can do that today, have fun, it seems to work 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

And FTR, there are plenty of major Python-using companies that insist on 
compiling from scratch and also refuse to touch GPL at all, no matter how many 
exemptions are in the licenses. GFortran is not the ideal solution for these 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

> "We" is a lot of different companies and individuals. Anyone distributing 
> prebuilt binaries is helping here, a few people are working on the licensing 
> concerns for some components, other people are working on C BLAS libraries.

Note that we by default recommend to users to use a distribution like 
Anaconda/Canopy (for example at http://scipy.org/install.html). That's fine for 
many scientific users, but not for people that already have a Python stack 
installed or simply prefer to use pip for another reason.  So pre-built 
binaries like the ones in Anaconda/Canopy help, but don't solve the "make `pip 
install scipy` work" problem. And giving up on pip/PyPi would make no one 

> I see the issue approximately as "it's hard to install the scipy stack", 
> which is broader than "Windows does not have a Free Fortran compiler" 

It's: "it's hard to install the scipy stack on Windows". On OS X and Linux it's 
really not that hard. On OS X, you can install all core packages with pip 
(there are binary wheels on PyPi). On Linux you can do that too after using 
your package manager to install a few things like BLAS/LAPACK and Python 
development headers.

And the lack of Windows wheels on PyPi is directly related to no free Fortran 

> and allows for more solutions (apologies for putting words in your mouth, 
> which is not my intent, though I have certainly seen a fixation on this one 
> particular solution to the exclusion of other possibilities).

Much more effort has gone into pre-built binaries than into MinGW, as well as 
into other things that help but can't be a full solution like a C BLAS. And I 
haven't seen other solutions to "make the scipy stack pip-installable" that 
could work. So I have to disagree with "fixation".


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

> I'm happy and keen to help so please feel free to poke me if you need 
> assistance with anything. I'll keep an eye out too - is it actively being 
> discussed on any list?

Thanks Henry. There's no ongoing discussion on a list right now, but give it a 
week or two. I'll make sure to ping you.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

We are working on the Fortran issue in a few different ways, one of which is 
your work on MinGW compatibility so that gfortran can be used. But that isn't 
the only solution to this whole problem, and it's not even preferable for a lot 
of Python users, so expect other proposals to come out.

I'm not aware of any C99 limitations still present in VC14, so please let me 
know so I can file bugs against the team.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-22 Thread Henry Gomersall

Henry Gomersall added the comment:

Thanks Ralf - I'm happy and keen to help so please feel free to poke me if you 
need assistance with anything. I'll keep an eye out too - is it actively being 
discussed on any list?


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

As an occasional Linux user, I notice a huge difference between pure Python and 
extension packages there, but basically always have a compiler handy on my 
Windows machines. It's all about context and what you're used to :)

The advice has always been "Visual Studio X" is what is needed, and for 3.5 
onwards that becomes "Visual Studio 2015 or later". Unfortunately, the story 
isn't so simple for legacy Python and 3.3/3.4 because those versions of VS are 
not so easy to get (unless you're a professional Windows developer with an MSDN 
subscription, which is pretty common). It is possible to use some other 
installers to get the old compilers, but Python was not designed to work with 
those and so there are issues that we cannot fix at this stage.

It also doesn't help that older versions of VC weren't as standards compliant, 
so people wrote code that doesn't compile when ported. There are also many 
dependencies that don't work directly with MSVC (for the same reason, but in 
this case it wasn't the package author's fault).

If you follow distutils-sig, where this occasionally comes up, you'll see the 
direction for packaging generally is to avoid needing to build. The hope is 
that even setuptools becomes nonessential enough that it can be dropped from a 
default install, but package developers will install it or another build 
manager to produce their packages (on Windows at least, though there's work 
ongoing to make this possible on many Linux distros too).


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

> @Steve Great, so what needs to be done so that I as a package developer can 
> do `pip install windows-build-system`, `python setup.py bdist_wheel` and it 
> actually creates a wheel? (which AFAICT is the same problem).

Hi Henry, I expect progress on the mingw-w64 front within the next few months. 
There'll be a status update with some more concrete plans soon. Also, 
http://mingwpy.github.io/ has appeared last week - a few wheels have been set 
in motion.

> The advice has always been "Visual Studio X" is what is needed, and for 3.5 
> onwards that becomes "Visual Studio 2015 or later".

Hi Steve, that's actually not very useful advice for the scientific Python 
community. While things like C99 compliance are or could get better, there will 
always be a large Fortran-shaped hole in your suggestion. See my post above 
(from May 19) for more details.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Henry Gomersall

Henry Gomersall added the comment:

@carlkl right, but it's not really a seamless experience. I think my question 
is: What needs to still be done in order that a user with a fresh Python 
install in Windows (and no compiler installed) can do "pip install 
an_extension_that_needs_compiling" and it _just works_?

Is someone with a better understanding of the issues able to comment on this?


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

> What needs to still be done in order that a user with a fresh Python install 
> in Windows (and no compiler installed) can do "pip install 
> an_extension_that_needs_compiling" and it _just works_?

The package developer takes the time to build a wheel on Windows (presumably 
they are already testing on Windows...?) and publishes it. Problem solved.

Most of our efforts are (or should be) aimed at making it easier for the 
developers to do this, rather than trying to make a seamless build toolchain 
for the end user.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Henry Gomersall

Henry Gomersall added the comment:

@Steve Great, so what needs to be done so that I as a package developer can do 
`pip install windows-build-system`, `python setup.py bdist_wheel` and it 
actually creates a wheel? (which AFAICT is the same problem).

My interest is precisely as a package developer. I've spent far far too much 
time fighting compilers on Windows (many days) and I don't want to do that any 
more. Every time I come across a new machine, I need to re-establish the 
current way to do things, which invariably doesn't work properly because I 
can't find the SDK to download, or the SDK installation doesn't include things 
any more, or some other reason which I can't work out. On Linux, everything is 
basically wonderful - I notice no difference between pure python packages and 
extensions packages.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-21 Thread Zachary Ware

Changes by Zachary Ware :

nosy: +zach.ware

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-20 Thread Nathaniel Smith

Changes by Nathaniel Smith :

nosy: +njs

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-08 Thread Carl Kleffner

Carl Kleffner added the comment:

The situation is not THAT bad. You can install a prerelease of mingwpy with pip:

  pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/carlkl/simple mingwpy

or with conda: (thanks to omnia-md)

  conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/omnia mingwpy

It is not hosted on PYPI as long as there is no version for python-3.5.

nosy: +carlkl

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-01 Thread Henry Gomersall

Henry Gomersall added the comment:

Of course, I mean:

*To be clear, the MinGW situation surely cannot be worse than the current 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-12-01 Thread Duncan McBryde

Changes by Duncan McBryde :

nosy: +Duncan McBryde

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-10-20 Thread Stefano Taschini

Changes by Stefano Taschini :

nosy: +taschini

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-08-22 Thread Steve Dower

Changes by Steve Dower steve.do...@python.org:

nosy: +steve.dower

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Ruben Van Boxem

Ruben Van Boxem added the comment:


Thank you for your serious take on the issue.

I'm Ruben, a long-time contributor and 3-ish year toolchain builder for 
MinGW-w64. I originally helped patching Qt 4.5/4.6 so that it worked with 
MinGW-w64 on 64-bit Windows.

I can help liaison between you and the MinGW-w64 project, and point you towards 
stable, well-maintained MinGW-w64 builds. Perhaps we can discuss all the nitty 
gritty details elsewhere (or I can continue here of course), so we can get this 
straightened out.

In short, this is the story:
 - MinGW.org is the old MinGW project, which has become pretty stale and is 
behind in s many aspects that it isn't even funny anymore (mostly new 
Windows APIs, DirectX support, and C++11 threading support is lacking). 
MinGW-w64 is a clean-room implementation that was released into the public 
domain, and by now included in all (I repeat, all) major Linux distro's as a 
cross compiler. Arch, Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora/Redhat etc. all provide a MinGW-w64 
based cross-compiler. A complete list of MinGW-w64 features can be found on the 
web page: http://mingw-w64.yaxm.org/doku.php
 - TDM is a famous name in the MinGW world because he provided a high quality 
toolchain with installer when MinGW.org lacked in providing the new GCC 4. 
Unfortunately, he applies (perhaps useful) patches which break binary 
compatibility with upstream GCC. Since my toolchains (first uploads in 
September of 2010, last one in June 2013), and later with the MinGW-builds 
toolchains which are now installable through the MinGW-w64 website directly 
(and shipped with Qt), there is really no reason to go look elsewhere for 
toolchains. The MSYS2 project also provides numerous binary packages and I 
think almost exactly the same toolchains within their environment. The official 
MinGW-w64 installer can be found here:
(it might occasionally complain it cannot download repo.txt, that's a 
Sourceforge redirect error thing that's proving might hard to fix, in any case 
you can also find the toolchains directly below)

 - There are several ABI incompatible variants, explained nicely on the Qt wiki:
This is a choice you'll have to make. The greatest compatibility is offered by 
the posix threading (which gives C++11 thread support) and 32-bit sjlj and 
64-bit seh variants. The 32-bit-dw2 provides a bit more juice in exception 
heavy code, but has the caveat that exceptions cannot be thrown across 
non-GCC-built code. The 32-bit dw2 variant is also what works with Clang, and 
is what is delivered in MSYS2 when installing the 32-bit toolchain. Since the 
32-bit sturctured exception handling Borland Patents have expired, maybe a new, 
32-bit seh version will emerge, but I have heard nothing concrete towards this 

 - The MSYS2 project also provides GCC-built Python binaries, which of course 
needs quite heavy patching. These patches and build scripts can be found here:

 - the -mno-cygwin option is really a dinosaur, and should be thrown into a 
deep pit, buried, and forgotten. Cygwin provides MinGW-w64 cross-compilers 
({x86_64,i686}-w64-mingw32-gcc) which work in exactly the same way as a 
Linux-Windows cross-compiler. The official Windows binaries are just gcc and 
work as any native compiler on Linux.

I hope this provides you with much of the information you need. If anything is 
unclear (I wrote this up in like ten minutes) or you need some concrete help 
figuring some things out, feel free to contact me directly or through the 
I sent an email to the MinGW-w64 public mailing list (subscription needed to 
post though, otherwise your message will be lost in the review queue) stating 
your and my intentions and current state of affairs:



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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

Thanks for the detailed explanations. Just to be clear, I am *not* the person 
that will take this aspect of the process forward - that will be the community 
of people building (or wanting to build) extensions for Python with mingw. I 
don't know if that community has a spokesperson yet (or even if it's a 
well-defined community) but they would be the ones to to engage with the 
mingw developers.

In particular, the choices around ABI incompatible variants that you mention 
are precisely the sort of thing the community needs to establish - which 
variant is compatible with Python, how to get a maintained build of that 
variant (there seems to be a lot of get such-and-such's personal build from 
this URL in the current crop of instructions for building Python extensions 
with mingw - that's not really sustainable).

The problem boils down to there needing to be a definitive, simple, and 
maintained set of instructions and software for how to set up a mingw build 
environment for Python extensions. The core Python developers can't provide 
that (as we use MSVC). What we can do, when such a thing exists, is look at 
whether it's a toolchain that we can reasonably support.

At the moment mingw patch requests come in based on someone's custom build 
environment, that we can't easily reproduce, and we can't be sure is the same 
as anyone else's. That's not something we can support - hence the frustration 
from the mingw-using community, because we have partial support from the days 
when mingw.org and cygwin were the only two options for gcc-on-windows and we 
didn't really communicate the change in status (which admittedly would have 
been we no longer support mingw, so wouldn't have helped much...)

Hopefully, the discussion on this issue clarifies the position a bit. Give us a 
well-defined gcc on Windows (mingw) platform definition, and we'll look at 
supporting it. Otherwise, we can maintain the status quo (what's there remains, 
but patches pretty much never go in, because reproducing issues and testing 
changes is too much effort to be viable) or formally drop support for mingw 
(which I'd be reluctant to do, but it may be worth it just to offer clarity).


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Ruben Van Boxem

Ruben Van Boxem added the comment:


OK, I understand your point of view. As you say, there is no single MinGW 
community, nor a guiding body that takes these decisions. If you're not willing 
to choose one, all I can say is this: it will probably not matter which version 
you choose (all will work), only mixing them won't work.

A sound choice would be to follow the Qt Project (it's what they ship in their 
They chose the dw2/posix combo, which IMHO is the best choice all-round.
For 64-bit, the obvious one is seh/posix.
Incidentally, that's what MSYS2 people chose, and they regularly build all of 
Python with these toolchains (plus some other packages including numpy/scipy), 
see https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages/ and search for -python-.
These python builds are done from source, do not link to msvcr100, but just 
msvcrt.dll, which is the OS component MinGW GCC links to currently and in the 
foreseeable future.

As it stands, you can easily reproduce these builds by:
1. Installing MSYS2 (download and install, see 
2. Installing GCC (i.e. pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc for 32-bit or pacman -S 
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc for 64-bit)
3. Installing all of Python's dependencies (see e.g. PKGBUILD: 
4. running makepkg in the directory with the python PKGBUILD with the patches 
next to it. make sure to use the MinGW-w64 Win64 Shell or MinGW-w64 Win32 
Shell) that MSYS2 places in your start menu. This sets PATH to include the 
relevant toolchains and tools, much like the VS command prompts.

You can then extract the necessary dependency DLLs from the MSYS2's 
/mingw32/bin and /mingw64/bin directories so that a standalone MinGW-w64 Python 
installation can be created from that without issue. 

If you feel this qualifies as an easy, maintainable, reproducible setup, 
perhaps work can be done to integrate the large amount of patches currently 
required. Note that these patches will work with any decent and/or official 
MinGW-w64 GCC build. The time of everyone needing to build their own toolchain 
is past. Even if some people still building all kinds of cludgy variants seem 
to have missed the memo.

Note that these builds differ from the official MSVC builds (which may not be a 
bad thing: it keeps MSVC-GCC compatibility issues arising from mixing the 
code to a minimum). Obviously, when MinGW-w64/GCC supports the UCRT stuff, this 
incompatibility can be harmoniously resolved. Until then, this seems to me like 
a good solution, and it is how everyone else is doing it (i.e. separate GCC 
builds on Windows).

If there is no interest in having a (community-supported, semi-official) 
GCC-built Python on Windows, I'm sure something else can also be worked out, 
which would include stripping the current dinosaur -mno-cygwin code which is 
what this bug was originally all about.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

Indeed, our idea of easy to install was/is a wheel or set of wheels so that 
pip install mingw64py does all you need. If necessary that can of course be 
repackaged as single download to unzip as well.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Case Van Horsen

Changes by Case Van Horsen cas...@gmail.com:

nosy: +casevh

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

 If there is no interest in having a (community-supported, semi-
 official) GCC-built Python on Windows, I'm sure something else
 can also be worked out, which would include stripping the current
 dinosaur -mno-cygwin code which is what this bug was originally
 all about.

The issue is about building Python *extensions* with gcc, not about building 
Python itself - that's not a supported approach at all (MSYS2 does it, but the 
patches used aren't going to be integrated in core Python).

The problem is that the people who build those extensions (which is not me, nor 
is it anyone on the core Python team) have never settled on a single version of 
the mingw toolchain as what they want the distutils to support. So each bug 
report or patch is needs different how to install mingw instructions to be 
followed before a core developer can work on it.

I'm suggesting that the people raising distutils bugs about mingw support get 
together and agree on a common toolchain that they'll use as a basis for any 
future bugs/patches.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

On 19 May 2015 at 17:09, Руслан Ижбулатов rep...@bugs.python.org wrote:
 3) Use MSVC for CPython and MinGW-w64 for the rest and somehow ensure that 
 FDs are converted when passing the CRT barrier. And stat structs as well. And 
 everything else that differs. This is a path of frustration that leads 
 nowhere and does not seem sustainable to me.

That is the one this issue is about. It *is* possible (mingw grew the
-lmsvcr100 and similar flags, at least in part to support it). But
it's not easy to set up, and the people asking for it to be supported
have never really addressed all of the issues involved (at least not
in a reproducible/supportable way).

Building Python with mingw, while out of scope for this particular
issue, has always failed because nobody has been willing to step up
and offer the long-term support commitment that would be required,


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Ralf Gommers

Ralf Gommers added the comment:

A few comments from the perspective of what's needed for the scientific Python 

1. Of the three options mentioned in msg243605, it's definitely (3) that is of 
interest. We want to build extensions with MinGW-w64 that work with the 
standard MSVC Python builds. We've done this with mingw32 for a very long time 
(which works fine); not being able to do this for 64-bit extensions is the main 
reason why there are no official 64-bit Windows installers for Numpy, Scipy, 

2. There is work ongoing on a mingw-w64 toolchain that would work for the 
scientific Python stack: 
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/Mingw-static-toolchain. It actually works 
pretty well today, what needs to be sorted out is ensuring long-term 
maintainability. More details about what it's based on are provided in 
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/Mingw-w64-faq - I think it's consistent 
with what Ruben van Boxem recommends. Carl Kleffner, who has done a lot of the 
heavy lifting on this toolchain, is working with upstream mingw-w64 and with 
WinPython to ensure not creating yet another incompatible flavor mingw.

3. It's good to realize why making mingw-w64 work is especially important for 
the scientific Python stack: there's a lot of Fortran code in packages like 
Scipy, for which there is no free compiler that works with MSVC. So one could 
use MSVC + ifort + Intel MKL (which is what Enthought Canopy and Continuum 
Anaconda do), but that's quite expensive and therefore not a good solution for 
the many of contributors to the core scientific Python stack nor okay from the 
point of view of needing to provide official binaries that can be redistributed.

Paul's comments on picking a single mingw-w64 version, and that version not 
being a download from someone's personal homepage, make a lot of sense to me. 
We (Carl  several core numpy/scipy/scikit-learn devs) happened to have planned 
a call on this topic soon in order to move towards a long-term sustainable 
plan. I wouldn't expect everything to be sorted out in a couple of weeks (it's 
indeed a hard goal), but knowing that Paul is willing to review and merge 
patches definitely helps.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

Ralf, thanks for the comments. The scientific community is definitely the key 
group that *need* mingw (as opposed to people who merely want to use it because 
they don't want to buy into MS compilers, or for similar personal reasons).

My personal view is that if the scientific community comes up with a mingw/gcc 
toolchain that they are happy with, and willing to support, then I would see 
that as a reasonable target to be the supported mingw toolchain for distutils.

I'd like to see a single-file download, unzip, and use distribution rather 
than the current rather intimidating set of instructions on how to set the 
toolchain up - but I'm sure that's part of what you're intending to cover under 
ensuring long-term maintainability.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

My understanding matches yours, Paul.  Core does not want to *distribute* a 
mingw built python, but if the mingw community came up with a support strategy, 
including one or more buildbots building using mingw, I believe that we would 
accept the patches.  Basically, it has to meet the PEP 11 rules for supported 
platforms (including enough userbase to produce the people to maintain it long 
term :)


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-19 Thread Руслан Ижбулатов

Руслан Ижбулатов added the comment:

 If there is no interest in having a (community-supported, semi-
 official) GCC-built Python on Windows, I'm sure something else
 can also be worked out, which would include stripping the current
 dinosaur -mno-cygwin code which is what this bug was originally
 all about.

 The issue is about building Python *extensions* with gcc, not about
 building Python itself - that's not a supported approach at all
 (MSYS2 does it, but the patches used aren't going to be integrated
 in core Python).

Let's say you have the official, upstream W32 CPython, built with MSVC and 
linking with, say, msvcr90.dll
You build, say, libarchive-1.dll with MinGW-w64, because that's what you use to 
build stuff. Because it's MinGW-w64, libarchive-1.dll links to msvcrt.dll.
Then you want to build, say, pyarchive extension for your Python and you do 
that with MinGW-w64, because that's what you use to build stuff. Because it's 
msvcrt.dll, libpyarchive.pyd link to msvcrt.dll.
Then you run Python code that takes, say, sys.stdout file object and passes it 
to pyarchive. Python file object is backed by msvcr90 file descriptor. 
pyarchive expects a file object backed by msvcrt file descriptor. Boom.

Only three ways of avoiding this:
1) Use MSVC for everything. This is what upstream CPython does.
2) Use MinGW-w64 for everything (including CPython itself). This is what MSYS2 
3) Use MSVC for CPython and MinGW-w64 for the rest and somehow ensure that FDs 
are converted when passing the CRT barrier. And stat structs as well. And 
everything else that differs. This is a path of frustration that leads nowhere 
and does not seem sustainable to me.

This is why the discussion keeps coming back to building Python with MinGW-w64. 
This is why Universal CRT can be a solution (the absence of CRT incompatibility 
would resolve a lot of issues; the rest is manageable - remember MinGW-w64 has 
to use the same CRT/W32API DLLs that MSVC does, so binary compatibility is 
always achievable for anything with C interface).

nosy: +LRN

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Ismail Donmez

Ismail Donmez added the comment:

Still a problem with mingw-w64 gcc 5.1 and Python 3.4.3, time to fix this?

nosy: +cartman

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Ralf Schmitt added the comment:

Well, the time to fix this would have been six years ago. The python core 
developers have shown a disinterest to fix problems with gcc on windows for a 
rather long time. I wouldn't expect this issue to be fixed.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Changes by Ralf Schmitt python-b...@systemexit.de:

nosy:  -schmir

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

Not at all. Mingw support is important for the scientific community, as I 
understand it, and I'm willing to help there if I can. That won't be at the 
cost of other areas I can contribute to, but I consider packaging as much my 
area of expertise as Windows - and mingw support covers both of those areas.

To give some background, I was involved in adding mingw support for the MSVC 
2010 builds of Python, which involved working with the mingw project on getting 
-lmsvcr100 support added. That was a battle, and I fully expect universal CRT 
support to be even harder[1]. I do *not* expect to get involved in that, but as 
I said, I do want it (along with a single mingw distribution blessed by the 
Python mingw user community) as a prerequisite for a higher level of core 

That's (IMO) a *very* high bar, and I don't expect it to be easy for the 
mingw-using community to achieve it. But if they do, then the amount of effort 
involves deserves some recognition, and for my part I am offering some of my 
time improving core Python support on that basis.

[1] For example, AIUI, with the universal CRT, even the header definitions 
change - e.g., FILE* is not based on an _iob symbol - so you have to know the 
target CRT at *compile* time, not just at link time. That's an additional level 
of complexity not present in previous CRT releases.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

For what it's worth I dropped support for mingw32 in psutil for exact the same 
reasons. As such I cannot imagine how hard could it be to add and maintain 
support for mingw in a much larger project as Python.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Please note that Paul is pretty new to the core team, and is a crossover with 
the packaging folks (which is mainly where the mingw issues lie).  What this 
means to the mingw community is that with Paul on the core team and willing to 
work on the support, the mingw users have the best chance they've ever had of 
making progress on this.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Does this mean scarce Windows resources being diverted off to what I consider a 
side show?  Unless it's categorically stated that mingw is officially supported 
in which case fine, provided the experts index and everything else associated 
with official support is updated accordingly.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore added the comment:

Supporting mingw building of extensions has always been a complicated process, 
mainly because there appear to be many variants of mingw (and in particular, 
there seem to be multiple 64-bit builds). Add to this the fact that cygwin is 
sometimes used as a cross-compiler (often using the same code in distutils) and 
it's hard to know what to support, or what will break.

I would be very happy to see support for building of Python extensions using 
mingw (even though I use MSVC myself). However, in order for core Python to 
have a stable target to aim at, I believe the users of mingw need to work to 
provide an easy to use, unified platform that can be the target for core 

I think the following would go a long way to giving the core developers 
(specifically me, I'd be willing to work on the core end of things to improve 
the situation) a chance of providing maintained support for using mingw as an 
alternative compiler for building Python extensions on Windows:

1. A well-documented and maintained process for setting up 32-bit and 64-bit 
mingw environments which can be used to build Python extensions. These need to 
use stable, well-maintained builds of mingw - ones that can be relied on to 
remain available in the long term (the links to equation.com and the Scipy 
instructions in this issue are now dead, for example, and both TDM and 
Mingw-W64 have been mentioned as toolchains, but it's not practical to try to 
support both - by support I mean at least that some core developer installs 
them both and checks that things work). Documentation patches to explain how 
to set up the official mingw build environment (once the community has agreed 
what it is) can be submitted to the packaging.python.org tracker.

2. Python 3.5 will be built using the MSVC 2015 Universal CRT. From what I've 
seen on the mingw lists, there seem to be no plans for mingw to support this 
CRT in any form. Without that support, it's not clear to me how mingw builds 
for Python 3.5 will be possible, so the mingw community needs to work out how 
they will provide a solution for Python 3.5. Timely solutions for issues like 
this are needed if mingw is to be a supported build environment going forward. 
While it's understandable that the mingw community hasn't had much 
encouragement to work on things like this in the past, it is something that 
needs to change if full core Python support is to happen.

So that's the position, really. If the mingw community can come up with an 
official mingw distribution that supports building extensions for Python 32 
and 64 bit, including for 3.5+, I will look at how we ensure that distutils 
supports that distribution going forward (that will likely mean *dropping* 
support for other mingw builds at some point). I know the Scientific Python 
users make a lot of use of mingw for builds, so maybe their standard build 
environment is a good target to aim for.

Bluntly, I'm not sure the community can achieve the above. It's a pretty hard 
goal, and lots of people have been working on it for a long time. But that's 
precisely why the core developers can't offer much in the way of support for 
mingw - it's too much of an unstable target as things stand. (Note for example, 
that I currently have *three* mingw 64-bit installations on my PC, and they all 
work slightly differently - to the extent that I have projects that I can 
*only* build with particular ones).

With regard to this specific patch, it seems that according to msg132798 it's 
easy enough to work around the issue by manually defining the symbol. The patch 
seems to apply cleanly, still, but I'm not aware if it has been tested on 
cygwin, for example. So, like Martin, I'm reluctant to apply it just because it 
*looks* harmless. Particularly this close to the 3.5 beta deadline.

nosy: +paul.moore

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2015-05-18 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Hunting around I found this on #3871 

From #17590 upwards there are perhaps 25 issues with mingw in the title, so 
there's certainly work to be done.  Please don't look at me, I'm simply not 

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2014-04-29 Thread Simon Zack

Simon Zack added the comment:

The problem is still present in python 3.4 with mingw gcc 4.8.2. I was having 
trouble with compiling radare2's python swig bindings.
The solution described here: 
also fixes my problem when using generated dlls.

nosy: +simonzack

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2013-12-23 Thread Ralf Gommers

Changes by Ralf Gommers ralf.gomm...@gmail.com:

nosy: +ralf.gommers

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2013-09-06 Thread Alex

Alex added the comment:

I want to add that this bug led to bizarre behavior (described here: 
 when using 64-bit Boost-Python compiled with Mingw-w64 in Windows 7.  
Boost-Python and programs linked to it compiled, but failed at run-time with 
segfaults.  The solution described by jdpipe worked for me, but I only found it 
after a day of fruitless debugging attempts.

nosy: +arbitraryvalue

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2013-08-17 Thread John Pye

John Pye added the comment:

This bug is still present in Python 2.7.5 on Windows 64-bit . I am currently 
providing the following instructions for MinGW-w64 users wanting to link to 



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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2013-08-04 Thread Roumen Petrov

Changes by Roumen Petrov bugtr...@roumenpetrov.info:

nosy: +rpetrov

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2012-02-06 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Ralf Schmitt python-b...@systemexit.de added the comment:

Marting, this issue is about building python extensions with mingw-w64 not 
about building python itself.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2012-02-06 Thread John Pye

John Pye j...@curioussymbols.com added the comment:

Martin, Ralf is right and my as previously linked is about building a python 
extension. I should have been more explicit about that.

FWIW I found that the configure scripts on MinGW-w64 generally work fine if you 
add a --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 argument on the ./configure command line. 
Then you should only add /mingw/bin to your path (and edit /etc/fstab to map 
c:/mingw64 to /mingw). Adding those subdirectories to the PATH doesn't seem to 
be successful; I suspect that those binaries are off the standard path for some 
reason, eg internal use by GCC only, or something (GCC seems to do some clever 
tricks with relative paths, so I'm sure it's important that you use the correct 
starting executable).


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2012-02-06 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Ralf Schmitt python-b...@systemexit.de added the comment:

There's no need to discuss or even run configure scripts. Martin, please reread 
the OPs original message. It's easy enough to reason about the issue instead of 
trying to reproduce it.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2012-02-05 Thread John Pye

John Pye j...@curioussymbols.com added the comment:

Hi Martin

I have documented a build process for a Python package on MinGW-w64, including 
a requirement that this patch be applied. You might want to revisit it, given 
that your attempt to reproduce this bug earlier was unsuccessful.


Please let me know if you're looking at it and if there's anything that needs 
to be clarified.


nosy: +jdpipe

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2012-02-05 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

John: in the current versions of the toolchain, Python's configure fails for 
me. I follow steps 1..3 of Steps to date. Then running ./configure fails 
saying that it does not work. I then tried alternatively these three approaches:

1. set PATH to include /mingw/mingw/bin
2. set CC to /mingw/mingw/bin/gcc.exe
3. set CC to /c/mingw/mingw/bin/gcc.exe

Even though I can run gcc -v just fine, configure fails with

configure:3593: checking whether the C compiler works
configure:3615: /mingw/mingw/bin/gccconftest.c  5
gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory^
configure:3619: $? = 1
configure:3657: result: no

So apparently, mingw has some problem mapping the file name back to a Win32 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-05-17 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Ralf Schmitt sch...@gmail.com added the comment:

I'm also using this patch successfully (together with 


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-05-16 Thread René Schümann

Changes by René Schümann whitet...@gmail.com:

nosy: +WhiteTiger

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-05-10 Thread Ruben Van Boxem

Ruben Van Boxem vanboxem.ru...@gmail.com added the comment:

Has anyone looked at this? I'm trying to build gdb with Python enabled with 
mingw-w64 (Python 2.7.1 with manually created import libraries), but have to 
manually define MS_WIN64 in the CFLAGS. The patch only does what's right (i.e. 
define a macro that should be defined). David has nicely explained what needs 
to be done to reproduce the issue.


nosy: +rubenvb

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-04-03 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org:

nosy: +eric.araujo
versions:  -Python 2.6

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-04-02 Thread cournapeau david

cournapeau david courn...@gmail.com added the comment:

Hi Martin,

It was nice meeting you at Pycon.

I finally took the time to set up a windows 64 bits environment, and here are 
the exact steps I needed to do to reproduce the issue, and fix it by hand:

  - Start fresh from windows 7 64 bits
  - clone python hg repository, and checkout the 2.6 branch (path referred as 
$PYTHON_ROOT from now on).
  - build python with VS 2008 pro, 64 bits (release mode)
  - install mingw-w64. I used this exact version: 
mingw-w64-1.0-bin_i686-mingw_20110328.zip (release 1.0, targetting win64 but 
running in 32 bits native mode), and unzipped it in C:¥
  - I compiled a trivial C extension in foo.c as follows:

C:\mingw-w64\bin\x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe foo.c -I $PYTHON_ROOT\Include -I 
$PYTHON_ROOT\PC -shared -o foo.pyd  $PYTHON_ROOT\PCbuild\amd64\python26.lib 

The patch removes the need for defining MS_WIN64. I don't know exactly the 
policies for which branch this could be applied - anything below 2.6 does not 
make much sense since most win64 users use 2.6 at least. Ideally, it could be 
backported to 2.6, 2.7 and 3.1 ?

nosy: +cournape

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-02-15 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Changes by Ralf Schmitt sch...@gmail.com:

nosy: +schmir

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-02-12 Thread Christoph Gohlke

Changes by Christoph Gohlke cgoh...@uci.edu:

nosy: +cgohlke

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2011-02-10 Thread Scott Tsai

Changes by Scott Tsai scottt...@gmail.com:

nosy: +scott.tsai

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2010-09-20 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Changes by Giampaolo Rodola' g.rod...@gmail.com:

nosy: +giampaolo.rodola

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2010-01-31 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

I have now tried reproducing the problem, and still failed to. I downloaded, 
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/, the distribution 

With this, I get

c:\cygwin\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -shared -s 
build\temp.win-amd64-2.6\Release\w64test.def -LC:\Python26\libs 
-LC:\Python26\PCbuild\amd64 -lpython26 -lmsvcr90 -o 
-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lmsvcr90
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 

How am I supposed to link with this toolchain? If linking with -lmscvr90 is 
incorrect, what should I use instead? If it is correct, where do I get the 
proper import library from?


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-05-06 Thread Cournapeau David

Cournapeau David da...@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp added the comment:

Ok, it looks like following gcc 4.4.0 release, there is an installer for
the whole toolchain:


This installs gcc (C+Fortran+C++ compilers, the download is ~ 40 Mb),
and it can be used from the command line as conventional mingw32.
Hopefully, this should make the patch much easier to test.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-05-06 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

 The toolchain is difficult to build, but the patch is easy to review, it
 just moves the MS_WIN64 outside the MS compiler specific part. If it
 does not break the MS toolchain (the one used to build the official
 python), I don't see the problem.

As a principle, I always try to reproduce a problem when reviewing a
patch. In many cases, doing so reveals insights into the actual problem,
and leads to a different patch.

That the patch is harmless is not a convincing reason to apply it.

 I can make the toolchain available to you as a tarball, though, so that
 you can easily test from a windows command shell without having to
 install anything.

That would be nice.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-05-05 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

Lowering the priority. It's too difficult to setup the environment to be
able to reproduce the issue being fixed.

priority: critical - normal

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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-05-05 Thread Cournapeau David

Cournapeau David da...@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp added the comment:

The toolchain is difficult to build, but the patch is easy to review, it
just moves the MS_WIN64 outside the MS compiler specific part. If it
does not break the MS toolchain (the one used to build the official
python), I don't see the problem.

I can make the toolchain available to you as a tarball, though, so that
you can easily test from a windows command shell without having to
install anything.


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-03-26 Thread Cournapeau David

Cournapeau David da...@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp added the comment:

Is there any change to see this integrated soon ? The patch is only a
couple of lines long,



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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2009-03-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

Can you please provide some setup instructions for mingw-w64? What URLs 
should I install in what order, so that I can compile Python?


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[issue4709] Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64

2008-12-21 Thread Cournapeau David

New submission from Cournapeau David da...@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp:

I believe the current pyport.h for windows x64 has some problems. It
does not work for compilers which are not MS ones, because building
against the official binary (python 2.6) relies on features which are
not enabled unless MS_WIN64 is defined, and the later is not defined if
an extension is not built with MS compiler.

As a simple example:

#include Python.h

int main()
printf(sizeof(Py_intptr_t) = %d\n, sizeof(Py_intptr_t));
return 0;

If you build this with MS compiler, you get the expected
sizeof(Py_intptr_t) = 8, but with gcc, you get 4. Now, if I build the
test like:

gcc -I C:\Python26\include -DMS_WIN64 main.c

Then I got 8 as well.

I believe the attached patch should fix the problem (I have not tested
it, since building python on amd64).

components: Build
files: mingw-w64.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 78140
nosy: cdavid
severity: normal
status: open
title: Mingw-w64 and python on windows x64
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12411/mingw-w64.patch

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