[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Caleb Donovick
>  It captures a tiny fraction of Pandas style filtering while complicating
the syntax of Python

Sure maybe I we can't represent all filters super concisely but at least
inequalities, or any filter on single axis, would not be hard. E.g.

db[x=LT(1)] == db[db.x < 1]

Granted I don’t really see a way to express logical connectives between
filters in a beautiful way -- beyond doing something like db[filter=OR(x=1,
y=2)] which really isn't any better than db.filter(OR(x=1, y=2))

>  db['x=1']

Ah yes cause parsing strings is a reasonable replacement for language
support.  I have no idea why Pandas dropped support for this but I have to
imagine it's because it's horribly ugly, prone to bugs and difficult to
metaprogram.  Semantically meaningful strings are terrible. Everytime I
write a string literal for any reason other than I a want human to read
that string I die a little inside.  Which is part of the reason I want
db[x=1] instead of db[{'x':1}].  And yes everything is a string under the
hood in python but that doesn't make semantic strings less terrible. Really
under the hood (in assembly) everything is gotos but that doesn't make
their use better either. /rant
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 10:07 PM David Mertz  wrote:

> It's really not a worthwhile win.  It captures a tiny fraction of Pandas
> style filtering while complicating the syntax of Python. Here's another
> Pandas filter:
>   db[db.x < 1]
> No help there with the next syntax.  Here's another:
>   db[(db.x == 1) | (db.y == 2)]
> A much better idea doesn't require any changes in Python, just a clever
> class method. Pandas did this for a while, but deprecated it because...
> reasons. Still, the OP is free to create his version:
> db['x=1']
> Or
> db['x<1']
> db['x=1 or y=2']
> You can bikeshed the spelling of those predicates, but it doesn't matter,
> they are just strings that you can see however you decide is best.
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, 8:38 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 09:19:07AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> > On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
>> > >So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation
>> to
>> > >be translated
>> > >to dicts on the call,
>> >
>> > Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this
>> idea;
>> > language spec bloat to neglible gain.
>> As per Caleb's initial post, this is how Pandas currently does it:
>> db[db['x'] == 1]
>> Replacing that with db[x=1] seems like a HUGE win to me.
>> Even db[{'x': 1}] is pretty clunky.
>> --
>> Steven
>> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Caleb Donovick
>  But what if you wanted to take both positional AND keyword?

I was suggesting that that wouldn't be allowed.  So subscript either has a
single argument, a tuple of arguments, or a dictionary of arguments.
Allowing both has some advantages but is less cleanly integratible.

-- Caleb Donovick

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 12:16 AM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 12:47 PM Caleb Donovick 
> wrote:
> >
> > >  Why not?
> >
> > What if I want a getitem that only has keyword arguments? I have to take
> the empty tuple as a positional argument, instead of just ensuring that the
> key is a dict.
> >
> But what if you wanted to take both positional AND keyword?You can't
> ensure that the key is both a dict and a tuple.
> Cleaner to continue passing the tuple exactly as normal.
> ChrisA
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 12:47 PM Caleb Donovick  wrote:
> >  Why not?
> What if I want a getitem that only has keyword arguments? I have to take the 
> empty tuple as a positional argument, instead of just ensuring that the key 
> is a dict.

But what if you wanted to take both positional AND keyword?You can't
ensure that the key is both a dict and a tuple.

Cleaner to continue passing the tuple exactly as normal.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread David Mertz
It's really not a worthwhile win.  It captures a tiny fraction of Pandas
style filtering while complicating the syntax of Python. Here's another
Pandas filter:

  db[db.x < 1]

No help there with the next syntax.  Here's another:

  db[(db.x == 1) | (db.y == 2)]

A much better idea doesn't require any changes in Python, just a clever
class method. Pandas did this for a while, but deprecated it because...
reasons. Still, the OP is free to create his version:



db['x=1 or y=2']

You can bikeshed the spelling of those predicates, but it doesn't matter,
they are just strings that you can see however you decide is best.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, 8:38 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 09:19:07AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> > On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
> > >So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation
> to
> > >be translated
> > >to dicts on the call,
> >
> > Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this idea;
> > language spec bloat to neglible gain.
> As per Caleb's initial post, this is how Pandas currently does it:
> db[db['x'] == 1]
> Replacing that with db[x=1] seems like a HUGE win to me.
> Even db[{'x': 1}] is pretty clunky.
> --
> Steven
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Caleb Donovick
>  Why not?

What if I want a getitem that only has keyword arguments? I have to take
the empty tuple as a positional argument, instead of just ensuring that the
key is a dict.

> Now, assuming you want to allow ** in getitem lookups

I don't. *args are not allowed in subscripts either.  However, that would
make the syntax pretty much useless (in the keyword version) as indices
could not be passed to a function.

While I agree, not using a keywords create a certain class of bugs, those
bugs already exists.  At least in the sense that if I pass a dictionary as
index things are going to get weird.  However,  I'd rather not have all the
special casing that comes with keyword arguments.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 7:57 PM Andrew Barnert  wrote:

> On Oct 7, 2019, at 14:56, Caleb Donovick  wrote:
> >
> > > I think it might be better if it actually passed them as keyword
> arguments.
> >
> > If only keyword arguments are passed what happens to the positional
> index?   Is it the empty tuple?
> That seems like the obvious, and also most useful, answer.
> > Currently subscript with no index (`dict()[]`) is a syntax error should
> it continue to be?
> Why not? If you want to look up the empty tuple today, you can, you just
> have to be explicit: `d[()]`. This rarely comes up, but when it does, this
> reads pretty obvious (especially given that when people are using tuples as
> dict keys, they usually wrap them in parens anyway, even if it’s not
> necessary, because it looks clearer). I don’t see any reason to change that.
> Now, assuming you want to allow ** in getitem lookups, this would add
> another way to write the same thing: `d[**{}]`. I suppose this should be
> legal (since it could easily come up with a dynamic `d[**kw]` when there
> happen to be no keywords), but I don’t think anyone will ever be tempted to
> write it, and I don’t think anyone would be confused for more than a few
> seconds if they did, and I don’t think that allowing it requires us to
> start allowing `d[]`. That’s a restriction on the syntax for readability,
> not a limitation on the semantics, and the same readability issue still
> applies.
> > > Also, I think there are user implementations that accept any iterable,
> whether to treat it as a tuple or as an array-like, and a dict is an
> iterable of its keys, so it might do the wrong thing rather than raising at
> all.
> >
> > I had not thought about this.  I have a lot of code in the form:
> > ```
> > if not isinstance(key, iterable):
> > key = key,
> > # do stuff assuming key is an iterable
> > ```
> > Which would have very strange behavior if a dict was passed.
> Exactly. And I think what you want to happen here is a `TypeError:
> Spam.__getitem__ takes no keyword arguments` or similar, not treating the
> keywords as an iterable and ignoring their values. That’s why I think
> passing kwargs separately rather than just making key a dict might make
> more sense.
> But then I haven’t put a huge amount of thought into this. Given that
> there’s an existing abandoned PEP, I’ll bet this was already hashed our in
> more detail, and you probably want to go back to that, come up with answers
> to the objections and open questions, and start over
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 05:18:39PM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
> > On 7 Oct 2019, at 16:36, Batuhan Taskaya  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > In fact, that would be a cool feature for ORMs. IMHO instead of ugly call 
> > chain with filters, slicing is a better option (on `__class_getattr__`). As 
> > said there are some disadvantages but i think this proposal deserves a PEP.
> I really don't see why. Is () so much different than [] to you? Because that 
> seems like the only difference here. 

To me, "()" says "arbitrary function call potentially with side- 
effects". "[]" says "lookup".

We use list[idx] and dict[key], not list(idx) and dict(key). It is big 
enough that the distinction between () and [] calling conventions has 
been built into the language since before Python 1.0.

And it is big enough that when we were looking for syntax to use for 
type annotations, we settled on Union[Spam, Eggs] rather than round 
brackets Union(Spam, Eggs).

So yes, the difference between [] and () is a big difference.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 09:19:07AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
> >So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
> >be translated
> >to dicts on the call,
> Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this idea; 
> language spec bloat to neglible gain.

As per Caleb's initial post, this is how Pandas currently does it:

db[db['x'] == 1]

Replacing that with db[x=1] seems like a HUGE win to me.

Even db[{'x': 1}] is pretty clunky.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 02:22:22PM +0100, Rhodri James wrote:
> On 04/10/2019 20:34, Caleb Donovick wrote:

> >```
> >where_x_1 = db[x=1]
> >```

which would be equivalent to the existing syntax

   where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]

> OK, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, which all on its own 
> says that what you're doing isn't self-explanatory.

I think it is pretty self-explanatory. Caleb wants to allow passing
arguments to ``__getitem__`` by keyword, not just position.

Subscripting obj[x] is, effectively, an alternate form of function call 
syntax with a number of differences and restrictions compared to obj(x):

- calls the ``__getitem__`` dunder instead of ``__call__`` dunder

- by convention, is supposed to be used for item indexing, key 
  lookups, and type annotations, rather than arbitrary uses

- the syntax is different, and highly restricted, compared to regular 
  function calls:

  1. there is no zero-argument form
  2. the one argument form can accept any object (except a slice)
  3. but only by position ``obj[x]`` not by keyword ``obj[spam=x]``
  4. the two and three argument forms use colons as seperators, 
 rather than commas: ``obj[a:b:c]``

Caleb wants to remove the restriction 3.

> Would I be right in 
> thinking you want a shorthand for:
> where_x_1 = [k for k,v in db if v == 1]
> If so, I'd rather the comprehension, thanks.  It at least says what it does.

I know what the list comp does because if I stare at it for a minute or 
two, and mentally run through the code, I can work out that it's 
equivalent to iterating over the db (which gives key,value pairs), and 
returning the key if the value equals one.

I'd rather hide the implementation details behind a descriptive method 
name, or a documented query syntax. Just as we prefer to say:

chunk = sequence[1:-2]

rather than

chunk = [sequence[i] for i in range(n:=len(sequence)) if 1 <= i < n - 2]

I'm sure the list comp is more explicit and "says what it does" but I'm 
even more sure that you could count the number of experienced Python 
developers who prefer that over a slice on the fingers of one hand.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread MRAB

On 2019-10-07 23:22, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 08Oct2019 09:19, Cameron Simpson  wrote:

On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:

So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
be translated
to dicts on the call,

Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this 
idea; language spec bloat to neglible gain.

in the same way comma separated values are translated to tuples?

Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas, the 
commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot because 
of precedence.

I wrote "tuples don't need commas". That should read "tuples don't need
brackets". The brackets are not part of the tuple syntax.

You're forgetting about the empty tuple, which has no comma, but does 
need parentheses.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas
On Oct 7, 2019, at 14:56, Caleb Donovick  wrote:
> > I think it might be better if it actually passed them as keyword arguments.
> If only keyword arguments are passed what happens to the positional index?   
> Is it the empty tuple?

That seems like the obvious, and also most useful, answer.

> Currently subscript with no index (`dict()[]`) is a syntax error should it 
> continue to be?  

Why not? If you want to look up the empty tuple today, you can, you just have 
to be explicit: `d[()]`. This rarely comes up, but when it does, this reads 
pretty obvious (especially given that when people are using tuples as dict 
keys, they usually wrap them in parens anyway, even if it’s not necessary, 
because it looks clearer). I don’t see any reason to change that.

Now, assuming you want to allow ** in getitem lookups, this would add another 
way to write the same thing: `d[**{}]`. I suppose this should be legal (since 
it could easily come up with a dynamic `d[**kw]` when there happen to be no 
keywords), but I don’t think anyone will ever be tempted to write it, and I 
don’t think anyone would be confused for more than a few seconds if they did, 
and I don’t think that allowing it requires us to start allowing `d[]`. That’s 
a restriction on the syntax for readability, not a limitation on the semantics, 
and the same readability issue still applies.

> > Also, I think there are user implementations that accept any iterable, 
> > whether to treat it as a tuple or as an array-like, and a dict is an 
> > iterable of its keys, so it might do the wrong thing rather than raising at 
> > all.
> I had not thought about this.  I have a lot of code in the form:
> ```
> if not isinstance(key, iterable):
> key = key,
> # do stuff assuming key is an iterable
> ```
> Which would have very strange behavior if a dict was passed.

Exactly. And I think what you want to happen here is a `TypeError: 
Spam.__getitem__ takes no keyword arguments` or similar, not treating the 
keywords as an iterable and ignoring their values. That’s why I think passing 
kwargs separately rather than just making key a dict might make more sense.

But then I haven’t put a huge amount of thought into this. Given that there’s 
an existing abandoned PEP, I’ll bet this was already hashed our in more detail, 
and you probably want to go back to that, come up with answers to the 
objections and open questions, and start over 
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 at 19:19, Cameron Simpson  wrote:

> On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
> >So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
> >be translated
> >to dicts on the call,
> Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this idea;
> language spec bloat to neglible gain.
> >in the same way comma separated values are translated to tuples?
> Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas, the
> commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot because of
> precedence.
But in  the case of index-contents, there _is_ a translation, as the slice
is allowed in any comma separated value inside the `[ ] `, and parsed to a
slice object in the argument received by __getitem__.

So, mixing single values and "named indexes", and slice-parsing apart,
just parsing the "="s in df[axis="y"] to df.__getitem__({"axis": "y"})
to be quite usefull - not only to facilitate slicing and selection in
dataframe, or multidimensional
data structures, but also for ORMs, allowing a simple syntax to have filter
expression as data.

I agree that to maximise usability, ideally the syntax should get to the
point of allowing combining "positional" and "named" index parts, and
I think the object that would be passed to __getitem__ in this case
have to be discussed further.  But the dictionary idea seems
and won't complicate the language specs, as you say - it would just
remoce redundant mark signals in image[{"x": 10, "y": 30] when on types
"image[x=10, y=30]", just as you  demonstrate tuples benefit from this
in the continuation of your message.

Now, on another line of though, I think a valid objection is that indeed,
when calling a function we get this
and the whole "*" and "**" mechanisms on the calling side and callee side -
and rebuilding all expressiveness of function signatures in index would be
too much.

So, maybe, people thinking they need this feature could simply put together
a ".get" method to accepted the named indexes, and all other features
possible with function signatures.

> Tuple assignment:
> x, y = y, x
> Tuple iteration (tuple assignment in a loop):
> for x, y in some_dict.items():
> Store a tuple in a variable:
> t = x, y
> Call a function with an int, a tuple and an int:
> r = f(1, (2, 3), 4)
> Here we put some brakcets in to bind 2,3 as a tuple rather than as
> parameters, _no_ different to:
> r = 4 * (5 + 7)
> here we use brakcets to bind 5+7 together in preference to 4*5.
> >I see no backwards syntax incompatibility in that, and the
> >tuple-translation is
> >indeed quite a helper in many cases.
> It isn't a translator, it is merely a situation where a tuple does not
> need surrounding brackets to avoid precedence giving a different result.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson 
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Caleb Donovick
> I think it might be better if it actually passed them as keyword

If only keyword arguments are passed what happens to the positional index?
 Is it the empty tuple?

Currently subscript with no index (`dict()[]`) is a syntax error should it
continue to be?

> Also, I think there are user implementations that accept any iterable,
whether to treat it as a tuple or as an array-like, and a dict is an
iterable of its keys, so it might do the wrong thing rather than raising at

I had not thought about this.  I have a lot of code in the form:
if not isinstance(key, iterable):
key = key,
# do stuff assuming key is an iterable
Which would have very strange behavior if a dict was passed.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 2:44 PM Christopher Barker 

> Are you aware of PEP 472 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472 ?
> That is indeed the same idea, though perhaps the details are a bit
> different.
> This example from the PEP:
> gridValues[x=3, y=5, z=8]
> Makes me wonder:
> Should that yield the same results as:
> gridValues[3,5,8]
> Much like positional and keyword arguments work on function calls?
> I suppose that would be up to the implementation, as __getitem__ doesn’t
> currently provide much help with parsing out what’s in there, other than
> making slice objects.
> But if something like this did go forward, it would be nice to provide
> utilities, maybe built in, that would parse and sort out the “arguments”,
> similar to function calls.
> -CHB
> Maybe you have something different in mind, but for me your idea looks
>> pretty the same. While the PEP 472 is in Rejected, Abandoned section, I
>> do not remember any serious criticism of this idea. It’s just that the
>> authors of that proposal lost interest and it did not receive further
>> progress. And in this regard, over time, it was abandoned.
>> with kind regards,
>> -gdg
>> пт, 4 окт. 2019 г. в 23:01, Caleb Donovick :
>>> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so
>>> tends to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
>>> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
>>> ```
>>> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
>>> ```
>>> is more beautiful than
>>> ```
>>> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
>>> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
>>> # or by abusing slices
>>> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
>>> # or in the style of Pandas
>>> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
>>> ```
>>> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
>>> dataclasses / protocols.
>>> ```
>>> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
>>> ```
>>> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
>>> ```
>>> @dataclass
>>> class Record:
>>>   field0: T0
>>>   ...
>>>   fieldk: Tk
>>> ```
>>> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar
>>> protocol.
>>> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
>>> getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
>>> to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
>>> are gather into a single tuple.
>>> ```
>>> class Foo:
>>>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>>>  print(idx)
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>>> ```
>>> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know
>>> how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.
>>> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
>>> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
>>> ```
>>> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
>>> ```
>>> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could
>>> be extended without issue with the following rule:
>>> ```
>>> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
>>> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
>>> ```
>>> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it
>>> could be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>>>-  Caleb Donovick
>>> ___
>>> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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>>> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
>> ___
>> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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>> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> --
> Christopher Barker, PhD
> Python Language Consulting
>   - Teaching
>   - Scientific Software Deve

[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 08Oct2019 09:19, Cameron Simpson  wrote:

Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas,

Cough, "brackets", cough.

the commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot 
because of precedence.

Reviewing my mail folder, it was actually Steven D'Aprano who pointed 
this out to me.

Cameron Simpson 
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Random832
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 18:19, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:
> >So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
> >be translated
> >to dicts on the call,
> Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this idea; 
> language spec bloat to neglible gain.
> >in the same way comma separated values are translated to tuples?
> Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas, the 
> commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot because of 
> precedence.

To be clear, since slices can be a member of the tuple, the subscripting syntax 
does have to handle commas specially - it doesn't simply fall out of the 
regular tuple syntax as you may be suggesting. You also, can't, for example, 
use "*sequence" inside the subscripting brackets, whereas you can for normal 
tuples even without parentheses.

>>> class C:
...  def __getitem__(self, i): return i
>>> C()[1:2, 3:4]
(slice(1, 2, None), slice(3, 4, None))
>>> C()[1, 2, *'ab']
  File "", line 1
C()[1, 2, *'ab']
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> x = 1, 2, *'ab'
>>> x
(1, 2, 'a', 'b')
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 08Oct2019 09:19, Cameron Simpson  wrote:

On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:

So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
be translated
to dicts on the call,

Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this 
idea; language spec bloat to neglible gain.

in the same way comma separated values are translated to tuples?

Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas, the 
commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot because 
of precedence.

I wrote "tuples don't need commas". That should read "tuples don't need 
brackets". The brackets are not part of the tuple syntax.

Cameron Simpson 
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 07Oct2019 10:56, Joao S. O. Bueno  wrote:

So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
be translated
to dicts on the call,

Subjectively that seems like a tiny tiny win. I'm quite -1 on this idea; 
language spec bloat to neglible gain.

in the same way comma separated values are translated to tuples?

Chris pointed out to me recently that tuples don't need commas, the 
commas alone suffice. You see brackets _around_ tuples a lot because of 

Tuple assignment:

   x, y = y, x

Tuple iteration (tuple assignment in a loop):

   for x, y in some_dict.items():

Store a tuple in a variable:

   t = x, y

Call a function with an int, a tuple and an int:

   r = f(1, (2, 3), 4)

Here we put some brakcets in to bind 2,3 as a tuple rather than as 
parameters, _no_ different to:

   r = 4 * (5 + 7)

here we use brakcets to bind 5+7 together in preference to 4*5.

I see no backwards syntax incompatibility in that, and the
tuple-translation is
indeed quite a helper in many cases.

It isn't a translator, it is merely a situation where a tuple does not 
need surrounding brackets to avoid precedence giving a different result.  

Cameron Simpson 
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org
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Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Caleb Donovick
  >  Are you aware of PEP 472 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472 ?
Maybe you have something different in mind, but for me your idea looks
pretty the same. While the PEP 472 is in Rejected, Abandoned section, I do
not remember any serious criticism of this idea. It’s just that the authors
of that proposal lost interest and it did not receive further progress. And
in this regard, over time, it was abandoned.

I was not aware of it.  I had exactly this in mind.  Specifically the
strict dictionary strategy

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 5:56 PM Caleb Donovick 

> > I think it might be better if it actually passed them as keyword
> arguments.
> If only keyword arguments are passed what happens to the positional
> index?   Is it the empty tuple?
> Currently subscript with no index (`dict()[]`) is a syntax error should it
> continue to be?
> > Also, I think there are user implementations that accept any iterable,
> whether to treat it as a tuple or as an array-like, and a dict is an
> iterable of its keys, so it might do the wrong thing rather than raising at
> all.
> I had not thought about this.  I have a lot of code in the form:
> ```
> if not isinstance(key, iterable):
> key = key,
> # do stuff assuming key is an iterable
> ```
> Which would have very strange behavior if a dict was passed.
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 2:44 PM Christopher Barker 
> wrote:
>> Are you aware of PEP 472 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472 ?
>> That is indeed the same idea, though perhaps the details are a bit
>> different.
>> This example from the PEP:
>> gridValues[x=3, y=5, z=8]
>> Makes me wonder:
>> Should that yield the same results as:
>> gridValues[3,5,8]
>> Much like positional and keyword arguments work on function calls?
>> I suppose that would be up to the implementation, as __getitem__ doesn’t
>> currently provide much help with parsing out what’s in there, other than
>> making slice objects.
>> But if something like this did go forward, it would be nice to provide
>> utilities, maybe built in, that would parse and sort out the “arguments”,
>> similar to function calls.
>> -CHB
>> Maybe you have something different in mind, but for me your idea looks
>>> pretty the same. While the PEP 472 is in Rejected, Abandoned section, I
>>> do not remember any serious criticism of this idea. It’s just that the
>>> authors of that proposal lost interest and it did not receive further
>>> progress. And in this regard, over time, it was abandoned.
>>> with kind regards,
>>> -gdg
>>> пт, 4 окт. 2019 г. в 23:01, Caleb Donovick :
 While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so
 tends to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.

 The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
 where_x_1 = db[x=1]
 is more beautiful than
 where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
 where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
 # or by abusing slices
 where_x_1 = db['x':1]
 # or in the style of Pandas
 where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]

 Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
 dataclasses / protocols.
 foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
 where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
 class Record:
   field0: T0
   fieldk: Tk
 and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar

 Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
 getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
 to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
 are gather into a single tuple.
 class Foo:
   def __getitem__(self, idx):

 f = Foo()
 f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
 This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't
 know how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.

 There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
 indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
 obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError

 I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar
 could be extended without issue with the following rule:
 subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
 kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
 if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it
 could be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c

-  Caleb Donovick
 Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
 To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org

[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Christopher Barker
> Are you aware of PEP 472 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472 ?

That is indeed the same idea, though perhaps the details are a bit

This example from the PEP:

gridValues[x=3, y=5, z=8]

Makes me wonder:

Should that yield the same results as:


Much like positional and keyword arguments work on function calls?

I suppose that would be up to the implementation, as __getitem__ doesn’t
currently provide much help with parsing out what’s in there, other than
making slice objects.

But if something like this did go forward, it would be nice to provide
utilities, maybe built in, that would parse and sort out the “arguments”,
similar to function calls.


Maybe you have something different in mind, but for me your idea looks
> pretty the same. While the PEP 472 is in Rejected, Abandoned section, I
> do not remember any serious criticism of this idea. It’s just that the
> authors of that proposal lost interest and it did not receive further
> progress. And in this regard, over time, it was abandoned.
> with kind regards,
> -gdg
> пт, 4 окт. 2019 г. в 23:01, Caleb Donovick :
>> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so
>> tends to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
>> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
>> ```
>> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
>> ```
>> is more beautiful than
>> ```
>> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
>> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
>> # or by abusing slices
>> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
>> # or in the style of Pandas
>> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
>> ```
>> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
>> dataclasses / protocols.
>> ```
>> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
>> ```
>> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
>> ```
>> @dataclass
>> class Record:
>>   field0: T0
>>   ...
>>   fieldk: Tk
>> ```
>> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar
>> protocol.
>> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
>> getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
>> to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
>> are gather into a single tuple.
>> ```
>> class Foo:
>>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>>  print(idx)
>> f = Foo()
>> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>> ```
>> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know
>> how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.
>> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
>> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
>> ```
>> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
>> ```
>> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could
>> be extended without issue with the following rule:
>> ```
>> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
>> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
>> ```
>> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it
>> could be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>>-  Caleb Donovick
>> ___
>> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-ideas.python.org/
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>> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org
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> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Kirill Balunov
Are you aware of PEP 472 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0472 ? Maybe
you have something different in mind, but for me your idea looks pretty the
same. While the PEP 472 is in Rejected, Abandoned section, I do not
remember any serious criticism of this idea. It’s just that the authors of
that proposal lost interest and it did not receive further progress. And in
this regard, over time, it was abandoned.

with kind regards,

пт, 4 окт. 2019 г. в 23:01, Caleb Donovick :

> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so tends
> to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
> ```
> is more beautiful than
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
> # or by abusing slices
> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
> # or in the style of Pandas
> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
> ```
> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
> dataclasses / protocols.
> ```
> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
> ```
> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
> ```
> @dataclass
> class Record:
>   field0: T0
>   ...
>   fieldk: Tk
> ```
> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar protocol.
> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
> getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
> to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
> are gather into a single tuple.
> ```
> class Foo:
>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>  print(idx)
> f = Foo()
> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
> ```
> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know
> how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.
> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
> ```
> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
> ```
> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could
> be extended without issue with the following rule:
> ```
> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
> ```
> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it could
> be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>-  Caleb Donovick
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-ideas.python.org/
> Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/message/EUGDRTRFIY36K4RM3QRR52CKCI7MIR2M/
> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas
On Oct 4, 2019, at 12:34, Caleb Donovick  wrote:
> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of getitem.  
>  All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed to getitem 
> as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments are gather into 
> a single tuple.
> ```
> class Foo:
>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>  print(idx)
> f = Foo()
> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
> ```
> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know how 
> prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax. 
> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based 
> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
> ```
> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError

I think it might be better if it actually passed them as keyword arguments.

Then, using the syntax with existing objects would raise a TypeError saying 
that the type doesn’t take keyword arguments, instead of saying that dict can’t 
be converted to an int or something else less clear.

Also, I think there are user implementations that accept any iterable, whether 
to treat it as a tuple or as an array-like, and a dict is an iterable of its 
keys, so it might do the wrong thing rather than raising at all.

It would be a bit weird that what look like positional arguments are actually a 
tuple, but what look like keyword arguments are keyword arguments, but I don’t 
think that’s too bad.

Maybe it would help if you showed a realistic __getitem__ that did the existing 
type-switching to handle slice, ellipsis, thing with __index__, or tuple of the 
above, and then also did the switching on dict or also took **kwargs. I suspect 
that either way, it would turn out that most of the complexity is due to the 
existing complicated interface of __getitem__ and keywords don’t make it much 
different. But I’m not sure that would be true. And I think many of the 
objections are from people who suspect the opposite.___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Rhodri James

On 07/10/2019 15:43, Random832 wrote:

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 10:02, Rhodri James wrote:

It would still break a lot of user __getitem__ implementations IHMO.

It is already possible to pass any object. The fact that passing an object that an object 
is not designed to accept won't get good results doesn't mean the ability to do so 
"breaks" anything. And all existing syntax would continue to result in the same 
object being passed to __getitem__.

You're right.  Sorry, I have __getattr__ on the brain right now and 
totally misread what was written.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Anders Hovmöller

> On 7 Oct 2019, at 16:36, Batuhan Taskaya  wrote:
> In fact, that would be a cool feature for ORMs. IMHO instead of ugly call 
> chain with filters, slicing is a better option (on `__class_getattr__`). As 
> said there are some disadvantages but i think this proposal deserves a PEP.

I really don't see why. Is () so much different than [] to you? Because that 
seems like the only difference here. 

>> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019, 10:59 PM Caleb Donovick  
>> wrote:
>> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so tends 
>> to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
>> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
>> ```
>> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
>> ```
>> is more beautiful than
>> ```
>> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]  
>> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
>> # or by abusing slices
>> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
>> # or in the style of Pandas
>> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
>> ```
>> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for 
>> dataclasses / protocols.
>> ```
>> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
>> ```
>> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates 
>> ```
>> @dataclass
>> class Record:
>>   field0: T0
>>   ...
>>   fieldk: Tk 
>> ```
>> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar protocol.
>> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of getitem. 
>>   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed to getitem 
>> as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments are gather 
>> into a single tuple.
>> ```
>> class Foo:
>>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>>  print(idx)
>> f = Foo()
>> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>> ```
>> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know how 
>> prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax. 
>> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based 
>> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
>> ```
>> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
>> ```
>> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could be 
>> extended without issue with the following rule:
>> ```
>> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
>> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test  
>> ```
>> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it could be 
>> `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>>-  Caleb Donovick
>> ___
>> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to python-ideas-le...@python.org
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>> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Random832
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 10:02, Rhodri James wrote:
> It would still break a lot of user __getitem__ implementations IHMO.

It is already possible to pass any object. The fact that passing an object that 
an object is not designed to accept won't get good results doesn't mean the 
ability to do so "breaks" anything. And all existing syntax would continue to 
result in the same object being passed to __getitem__.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Rhodri James

On 07/10/2019 14:52, Random832 wrote:

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 09:22, Rhodri James wrote:

On 04/10/2019 20:34, Caleb Donovick wrote:

The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
where_x_1 = db[x=1]
is more beautiful than
where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
# or by abusing slices
where_x_1 = db['x':1]
# or in the style of Pandas
where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]

OK, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, which all on its own
says that what you're doing isn't self-explanatory.  Would I be right in
thinking you want a shorthand for:

where_x_1 = [k for k,v in db if v == 1]

If so, I'd rather the comprehension, thanks.  It at least says what it does.

It'd be [v for v in db if v['x'] == 1], anyway,

Sorry.  I regard this as more proof that what's being asked for isn't in 
the least bit obvious!

but the point is the list comprehension can't be analyzed by frameworks like 
Pandas (to execute more efficiently) or SqlAlchemy (to turn it into a sql query 
that gets executed server-side). And for that matter can't return any type 
other than a list [or generator, if you used the generator expression syntax 

Or a dict, or a set... or whatever the right tool for the specific job 
actually turns out to be.  I still think it's completely wrong-headed 
syntax trying to do something that would be much better done another 
way, in particular explicitly.  Caleb is right that "db[x=1]" looks 
prettier than all his alternatives, but that's a really low bar.  Is 
there something inherently wrong with a functional interface?

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Batuhan Taskaya
In fact, that would be a cool feature for ORMs. IMHO instead of ugly call
chain with filters, slicing is a better option (on `__class_getattr__`). As
said there are some disadvantages but i think this proposal deserves a PEP.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019, 10:59 PM Caleb Donovick 

> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so tends
> to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
> ```
> is more beautiful than
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
> # or by abusing slices
> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
> # or in the style of Pandas
> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
> ```
> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
> dataclasses / protocols.
> ```
> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
> ```
> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
> ```
> @dataclass
> class Record:
>   field0: T0
>   ...
>   fieldk: Tk
> ```
> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar protocol.
> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
> getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
> to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
> are gather into a single tuple.
> ```
> class Foo:
>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>  print(idx)
> f = Foo()
> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
> ```
> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know
> how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.
> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
> ```
> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
> ```
> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could
> be extended without issue with the following rule:
> ```
> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
> ```
> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it could
> be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>-  Caleb Donovick
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Rhodri James

On 07/10/2019 14:56, Random832 wrote:

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 09:22, Rhodri James wrote:

Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
to getitem as the index.

Um.  Stop me if I'm wrong, but isn't that exactly a change to the
interface of getitem?

Missed this on my previous reply - I think his point is that that the 
__getitem__ function *itself* would continue to take a singular positional 
argument (and so the C API for tp_getitem etc wouldn't have to change), it 
would merely be an additional way to construct that argument, just as x[a, b] 
passes a tuple (a, b) rather than two positional arguments. Presumably, x[a, b, 
c=d, e=f] would pass a tuple (a, b, {c: d, e: f}).

It would still break a lot of user __getitem__ implementations IHMO.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno
So, in short, your idea is to allow "=" signs inside `[]` get notation to
be translated
to dicts on the call, in the same way comma separated values are translated

I see no backwards syntax incompatibility in that, and the
tuple-translation is
indeed quite a helper in many cases. The use cases for this even in existing
popular libraries, such as Pandas, is very clear.

I am full +1 for this proposal - yes, it can help.

I hope people can argue here and see the benefits without a lot of
bike-shedding - and if it turns out good, I offer to help
formalizing a  proposal for that.

On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 at 16:58, Caleb Donovick 

> While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so tends
> to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.
> The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[x=1]
> ```
> is more beautiful than
> ```
> where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
> where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
> # or by abusing slices
> where_x_1 = db['x':1]
> # or in the style of Pandas
> where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
> ```
> Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
> dataclasses / protocols.
> ```
> foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
> ```
> where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
> ```
> @dataclass
> class Record:
>   field0: T0
>   ...
>   fieldk: Tk
> ```
> and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar protocol.
> Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
> getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
> to getitem as the index. Similar to how the all the positional arguments
> are gather into a single tuple.
> ```
> class Foo:
>   def __getitem__(self, idx):
>  print(idx)
> f = Foo()
> f[x=1, y=2] # {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
> ```
> This would make any legacy code using normal dicts as keys (I don't know
> how prevalent that is) automatically work with  the new syntax.
> There doesn't necessarily need to be support for mixing of tuple based
> indexing and keyword indexing. i.e.
> ```
> obj[0, x=1] # SyntaxError
> ```
> I don't really know anything about parsers but I think the grammar could
> be extended without issue with the following rule:
> ```
> subscriptlist: ... | kwargsubscript (','  kwargsubscript )* [',']
> kwargsubscript: NAME '=' test
> ```
> if `NAME '=' test` would result in ambiguity similar to argument it could
> be `test '=' test` with a block in ast.c
>-  Caleb Donovick
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Random832
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 09:22, Rhodri James wrote:
> > Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
> > getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
> > to getitem as the index.
> Um.  Stop me if I'm wrong, but isn't that exactly a change to the 
> interface of getitem?

Missed this on my previous reply - I think his point is that that the 
__getitem__ function *itself* would continue to take a singular positional 
argument (and so the C API for tp_getitem etc wouldn't have to change), it 
would merely be an additional way to construct that argument, just as x[a, b] 
passes a tuple (a, b) rather than two positional arguments. Presumably, x[a, b, 
c=d, e=f] would pass a tuple (a, b, {c: d, e: f}).
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Random832
On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 09:22, Rhodri James wrote:
> On 04/10/2019 20:34, Caleb Donovick wrote:
> > The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
> > ```
> > where_x_1 = db[x=1]
> > ```
> > is more beautiful than
> > ```
> > where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
> > where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
> > # or by abusing slices
> > where_x_1 = db['x':1]
> > # or in the style of Pandas
> > where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]
> > ```
> OK, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, which all on its own 
> says that what you're doing isn't self-explanatory.  Would I be right in 
> thinking you want a shorthand for:
> where_x_1 = [k for k,v in db if v == 1]
> If so, I'd rather the comprehension, thanks.  It at least says what it does.

It'd be [v for v in db if v['x'] == 1], anyway, but the point is the list 
comprehension can't be analyzed by frameworks like Pandas (to execute more 
efficiently) or SqlAlchemy (to turn it into a sql query that gets executed 
server-side). And for that matter can't return any type other than a list [or 
generator, if you used the generator expression syntax instead]

I'm not convinced either (this is effectively a special syntax that only works 
for equality, whereas you can't do db[x>=0]), but using comprehension syntax 
for cases like these would require a much more sweeping change like AST 
literals (something that, for example, C# has, but which can't possibly work as 
smoothly as it does there without static typing)
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow kwargs in __{get|set|del|}item__

2019-10-07 Thread Rhodri James

On 04/10/2019 20:34, Caleb Donovick wrote:

While there is no restriction on passing dicts to getitem.  Doing so tends
to be a bit ugly.  I have two main use cases in mind for this syntax.

The first  and perhaps the most obvious, is doing relational queries.
where_x_1 = db[x=1]
is more beautiful than
where_x_1 = db[dict(x=1)]
where_x_1 = db[{'x': 1}]
# or by abusing slices
where_x_1 = db['x':1]
# or in the style of Pandas
where_x_1 = db[db['x'] == 1]

OK, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, which all on its own 
says that what you're doing isn't self-explanatory.  Would I be right in 
thinking you want a shorthand for:

where_x_1 = [k for k,v in db if v == 1]

If so, I'd rather the comprehension, thanks.  It at least says what it does.

Beyond relational queries my own personal use case is a shorthand for
dataclasses / protocols.
foo: ProtoRecord[x=int, y=int] = DataRecord[x=int, y=int](0, 1)
where `DataRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates
class Record:
   field0: T0
   fieldk: Tk
and `ProtoRecord[field0=T0, ..., fieldk=Tk]` generates a similar protocol.

Explicit is better than implicit.

Allowing key value pairs in geitem need not change the interface of
getitem.   All the key value pairs could be collected as a dict and passed
to getitem as the index.

Um.  Stop me if I'm wrong, but isn't that exactly a change to the 
interface of getitem?

Sorry, I don't like it.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Python-ideas mailing list -- python-ideas@python.org
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