ANN : rest2web 0.2.0

2005-06-02 Thread Fuzzyman
*UPDATE* rest2web 0.2.0

This is a major update to rest2web, introducing lots of new features
and improvements.

The main new features are :

* rest2web now renders pages a whole directory at a time and builds
a tree of the site structureas it goes. This allows the new standard
functions to provide very simple ways of automatically building
sidebars. The data strucures are also available for you to process

* The new *standard functions* also include a one line way to print
navigation trails.

* You can now specify your template encoding and output encoding -
rest2web is fully unicode internally. It ought to 'do the right thing'
if you don't specify what encodings are being used (even if you mix

* A new system of macros for frequently used shorthands (including
smilies and Python source coloring).

* Lots more values available in the template namespace.

:Author: Michael Foord
:Version: 0.2.0
:Date: 2005/06/01
:License:  BSD-License
:Home Page:
:Development: SVN Repository
:Support: Pythonutils Mailing List

:Quick Download:

Note : rest2web requires the pythonutils module

What is restweb ?

rest2web is a tool for automatically building websites, or parts of
websites. It allows you to maintain your content as reST (see ) - a relaxed (WYSIWYG) text markup.
(You can keep content as HTML as well if you prefer).

It will generate HTML from your contents and insert it into HTML
templates, automatically building index pages, sidebars, and navigation
trails (breadcrumbs) as it goes. It features a simple templating
system, macros, and more.

Adding pages to your site can be as simple as dropping the text file of
cotnent into the desired directory. rest2web will add it to the index
page and build the target file. If you delete a page, rest2web can
automatically update the indexes for you.

Because rest2web resolves all links locally, it can be used to create
HTML files viewable from the filesystem. This makes it an ideal way to
create documentation.

See the docs and example site (included in the distribution) :

The example site illustrates most of the features of rest2web, which is
now building a significant proportion of Voidspace - see for a live example.

What's Changed Since 0.1.0 ?

Version 0.2.0   2005/06/01
Various minor changes
especially additions to the namespace pages are rendered in.
Sites are rendered a whole section at a time.
This means pages have index data for that section available.
This is the ``sections`` variable in the namespace.
Added the ``output-encoding`` and `final_encoding`` values to
the restindex.
Added the ``template-encoding`` value to the restindex.
rest2web is now entirely unicode internally.
It's now possible to specify title and description
for the default section.
Added indextree and thispage, allows building of sidebars.
Added standard functions.
Added macros.
Started using subversion repository.
Changed all line endings to 'LF'.

What's Next ?

The next step is to have rest2web automatically create contents and
sitemaps for sites it is creating. I'd like to integrate with a system
that inspects Python objects for helping to automate some of the
process of documenting Python projects.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Performance Issues please help

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Otten
PyPK wrote:

 I was testing this piece of code and it takes about 24-30 seconds to do
 a look up on a list(m) of size 1000x1000
 m - list of size 1000x1000
 import time
 print time.ctime()
 box = {}
 for r,row in enumerate(m):
 for c,e in enumerate(row):
  if box.has_key(e):
params = box[e]
box[e] = ( min(c, params[0]), min(r, params[1]),
   max(c, params[2]), max(r, params[3] ) )
 box[e] = [c, r, c, r]
 print time.ctime()
 Can some one tell me what exactly is taking more time here. Is it
 because I am using dictionaries or what is the problem. Can some one
 help me improve this .Is there a better way to write this.

AFAICT the row index 'r' can only grow. Therefore one min() and one max()
should be superfluous (untested):

def make_box(m):
box = {}
for r, row in enumerate(m):
for c, e in enumerate(row):
if e in box:
left, top, right, bottom  = box[e]
box[e] = (min(c, left), top, max(c, right), r)
box[e] = (c, r, c, r)
return box


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-02 Thread poisondart
If this thread has shown anything it is I'm a bit green with respect to
software licenses, but the other thing is that I consider myself as an
isolated case and I wanted to know if there were others who wanted the
same thing as me.

I'm curious to know what the money that open source or GPL'd projects
get and what this money means to these people's overall income. I am
sure that any amount would motivate somebody to continue their work on
a project, but myself in particular, I consider my project to be a tool
for teaching and I view teaching as helping others...which I would
gladly offer without price. I wanted to see if there were others who
shared my view of helping others freely with their knowledge.

Yes, what I ask may seem ridiculous, but I don't view it that way.
Instead, I find that it is the implication of using a restrictive
license such as I described to be ridiculous: if there is no monetary
gain option in the license, then this implies that nobody (or very few)
will be willing to do any work or asking for something for nothing.
It isn't for nothing if you value knowledge and learning.

I admit that my view is a bit idealistic which leads me to believe that
maybe I should reconsider the whole decision altogether.


Re: creating a hex value

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Otten
John Machin wrote:

 delim = chr(0x15)
 Ooooh -- a function with a constant arg; I wonder what that evaluates to?

OK, let's double-check that:

'The argument is constant -- but not necessarily the /function/.'

Shsh :-)



Moving Places, Subtracting from slices/lists

2005-06-02 Thread Mark Sargent
Hi All,

playing around with the tut now. How can I get this code to remove the 
original instance of 'roof'.?
  hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
  for x in hotcat[:]:
... if x == 'roof': hotcat.insert(6,x)
['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin', 'roof']

Perhaps a replace or something after the 2nd line of the for function.?
  hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
  for x in hotcat[:]:
... if x == 'roof': hotcat.insert(6,x)
... hotcat[x:len(x)] = []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 3, in ?
TypeError: slice indices must be integers

 I feel I'm close to it.


Mark Sargent.


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-02 Thread Paul Rubin
poisondart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If this thread has shown anything it is I'm a bit green with respect to
 software licenses, but the other thing is that I consider myself as an
 isolated case and I wanted to know if there were others who wanted the
 same thing as me.

You're going through the same issues that most of us involved in free
software have gone through at some time.  Welcome.

 I'm curious to know what the money that open source or GPL'd projects
 get and what this money means to these people's overall income. 

Well, it varies, but I'd say most of the time, it's done as a
community contribution, not for money.  It's similar to doctors doing
free medical clinics, lawyers doing pro bono legal work, etc.
However, it's possible to make a living writing GPL'd code, and some
people do that.  (I've done it in the past).

 Yes, what I ask may seem ridiculous, but I don't view it that way.
 Instead, I find that it is the implication of using a restrictive
 license such as I described to be ridiculous: if there is no monetary
 gain option in the license, then this implies that nobody (or very few)
 will be willing to do any work or asking for something for nothing.
 It isn't for nothing if you value knowledge and learning.

Well, long experience has shown that in practice, such clauses tend to
turn away users and developers.

 I admit that my view is a bit idealistic which leads me to believe that
 maybe I should reconsider the whole decision altogether.

The really idealistic view is that once the program is published, the
author has no special relation to it that others don't have.  This is
what the GPL tries to approximate, by giving users similar rights to
the author's (e.g. guaranteed access to the source code).  

Note also that in your other posts, you're using selling in an
imprecise and confusing way.  This might help:

Some more articles on the general free software topic:

Re: Moving Places, Subtracting from slices/lists

2005-06-02 Thread Mark Sargent
Hi All,

getting closer, me thinks.

  hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
  for x in hotcat[:]:
... if x == 'roof': hotcat.insert(6,x)
... del hotcat[x]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 3, in ?
TypeError: list indices must be integers

How do I get that x to be an integer b4 it is entered into the indice.? 

Mark Sargent.

Re: What's wrong with Zope 3 ?

2005-06-02 Thread Wolfram Kraus
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Wolfram Kraus wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
 The last downloadable release is from november 2004. The Windows 
 installer is configured for Python 2.3(!). The main page
  announces Zope 2.8 beta 2. Is it stillborn?
 What you see is not Zope 3, it is Zope X 3. To quote from the X3 
 information page: Zope X3 3.0 is for developers. If you are
 expecting an end-user application, this is not for you.
 Yes I noticed this almost 8 months ago, read a bit of the
 documentation and articles published that time, regarded it as
 interesting and considered it for future development. But since then
 absolutely nothing happened. No project plan, no time-schedule, no
 subsequent releases.
You can always scan the zope3-mailinglist at (or via to see whats happening. Migth be a better place for 
questions, too.

 The current stable brance is Zope2.X If you want to incorporate
 some functionalty from X3 in Zope 2.X, do a search for Five
 No, I do not want to migrate components from a new major release 
 backwards, as well as I do not want to migrate applications from
 WinXP to Win98. This seems to be the wrong development process
Well, the problem is that it is not a new major release but a new 
mayor experimental release. And X3 is not backward compatible, so a lot 
of Z2 products, e.g. Plone, don't work with X3.

 Regards, Kay

Wolfram (still using Z2 ;-))

Re: The need to put self in every method

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Maas
Fernando M. schrieb:
 i was just wondering about the need to put self as the first
 parameter in every method a class has because, if it's always needed,
 why the obligation to write it? couldn't it be implicit?
 Or is it a special reason for this being this way?

See section 1.4.4 in

Peter Maas,  M+R Infosysteme,  D-52070 Aachen,  Tel +49-241-93878-0
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0BtcGx1c3IuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: Moving Places, Subtracting from slices/lists

2005-06-02 Thread Elliot Temple

On Jun 2, 2005, at 12:12 AM, Mark Sargent wrote:

 Hi All,

 getting closer, me thinks.

 hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
 for x in hotcat[:]:

 ... if x == 'roof': hotcat.insert(6,x)
 ... del hotcat[x]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 3, in ?
 TypeError: list indices must be integers

 How do I get that x to be an integer b4 it is entered into the  

if you add print x to the loop you will see that X is the various  

to get an integer, you could search the list for the index of x.  but  
that's lame.

btw hotcat[:] is a *copy* of hotcat, so just leave out [:]

enumerate is a function that adds indexes to a list.  observe:

hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
for index, word in enumerate(hotcat):
 if word == 'roof': del hotcat[index]

you could also use a list comprehension

hotcat = ['Cat', 'roof', 'on', 'a', 'hot', 'tin']
hotcat = [x for x in hotcat if x != 'roof']

-- Elliot Temple

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]


Re: ConfigParser, mapping one key to multiple values

2005-06-02 Thread Thomas Guettler
Am Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:18:42 -0500 schrieb Larry Bates:

 I accomplish this by using the following construct
 with ConfigParser:
 [sync files]


I found out, that you can have newlines in the value:

ignore_regex =

If you call split() on the value, you get the list you need.


Thomas Güttler,


Re: The need to put self in every method

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Maas
Aahz schrieb:
Because Python has no declarations there must be a different way to
indicate in which category an identifier falls.
 Any objection to swiping this for the FAQ?  (Probably with some minor

There is already a 'self' section (1.4.4) in the official Python FAQ.
Looks like this has been forgotten. Perhaps it would be helpful to
create a short version of the FAQ with the top most frequently asked
questions/stumbling blocks/annoyances titled top 10 things you always
wanted to know about Python and didn't dare to ask and post it weekly
in this newsgroup :)

Peter Maas,  M+R Infosysteme,  D-52070 Aachen,  Tel +49-241-93878-0
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0BtcGx1c3IuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: How to restrict lenght of entry widget to certain number of character

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Otten
Michael Onfrek wrote:

 I'm playing with entry again and trying to restrict length of entry
 widget to certain number of character, so users cannot enter more
 character into it. Any ideas?

import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
var = tk.StringVar()

max_len = 5
def on_write(*args):
s = var.get()
if len(s)  max_len:

var.trace_variable(w, on_write)
entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=var)

Not very elegant, but better than nothing.



Re: Like a star, I burn bright, dissipating into the night.

2005-06-02 Thread Jeff_Relf

Hi  phaywood,  Re:  Your grooving to this mantra of mine:
  Like a star, I burn bright, dissipating into the night.

Seeing as you're in Comp.Lang.C, I'll express that in MicroSoft_C++ 7.1,
slowly dissipating Sun into Night.

I'm using special 32 bit random number routines here,
but, because the appropriate graphics would be too much work,
the results can only be viewed in a debugger.

#pragma warning( disable:  4127 4508  )
#include windows.h

#define LOOP while ( 1 )
#define Loop( N ) int J = - 1, LLL = N ; while ( ++ J  LLL )
#define LoopD( N ) int J = N ; while( -- J )
#define Tics ( QueryPerformanceCounter( ( Quad * )  _Tics ), _Tics )

typedef LARGE_INTEGER Quad ;  typedef int * int_P ;

const int HighResQual = 0x400, DecM = HighResQual* 4- 1, LongLeg = 63
, Short_Leg = 37, BothLegs = LongLeg + Short_Leg
, Seed_Buf_Sz = 2 * BothLegs - 1, StopBit = 1  30
, EvenBits = StopBit - 2, Rand_Mask = StopBit - 1 ;

int LegsBuf [ BothLegs ], HighResBuf [ HighResQual ];
int_P RanE = HighResBuf + BothLegs, RanP ;
__int64 _Tics ;

Shuffle () { int StreamSperation = 70 - 1, Seed_Buf[ Seed_Buf_Sz ]
  , Seed = int( Tics ), Seed_2 = Seed + 2  EvenBits;  RanP = RanE ;
  { Loop( BothLegs ) { Seed_Buf[ J ] = Seed_2 ;  Seed_2 = 1 ; 
  if ( Seed_2 = StopBit ) Seed_2 -= EvenBits; } }
  ZeroMemory( Seed_Buf + BothLegs, ( BothLegs - 1 ) * 4 ); Seed_Buf[ 1 ] ++ ; 
  Seed_2 = Seed  Rand_Mask ;
  LOOP {  { LoopD( BothLegs ) Seed_Buf[ 2 * J ] = Seed_Buf[ J ]; }
{ int_P P = Seed_Buf + 1, R = Seed_Buf + Seed_Buf_Sz - 1 ; 
  Loop( BothLegs - LongLeg / 2 - 1 ) 
P[ 2 * J ] = R [ -2 * J ]  EvenBits ; }
{ int_P B = Seed_Buf, P = B + Seed_Buf_Sz, R = B + Short_Leg - 1 ; 
  LoopD( BothLegs ) {  if ( ! ( * -- P  1 ) ) continue; 
  R [ J ] = R [ J ] - * P  Rand_Mask ; 
  B [ J - 1 ] = B [ J - 1 ] - * P  Rand_Mask; }  }
if ( Seed_2  1 ) { memmove( Seed_Buf + 1, Seed_Buf, BothLegs * 4 );
  * Seed_Buf = Seed_Buf [ BothLegs ];
  if ( Seed_Buf [ BothLegs ]  1 ) 
Seed_Buf [ Short_Leg ] 
= Seed_Buf [ Short_Leg ] - Seed_Buf[ BothLegs ]  Rand_Mask ;  }
if ( ! Seed_2  ! -- StreamSperation ) break ;  Seed_2 = 1 ;  }
  memmove( LegsBuf, Seed_Buf + Short_Leg, LongLeg * 4 ); 
  memmove( LegsBuf + LongLeg, Seed_Buf, Short_Leg * 4 );  Deal(); }

int Deal() {  if ( ! RanP ) Shuffle();
  if ( RanP  RanP  RanE )  return * RanP ++ ;  RanP = HighResBuf ;
  memmove( HighResBuf, LegsBuf, sizeof LegsBuf );
  { Loop( HighResQual - BothLegs ) 
  HighResBuf [ J + BothLegs ] 
  = HighResBuf [ J ] - HighResBuf [ J + LongLeg ]  Rand_Mask ;  }
  int_P  P = HighResBuf + HighResQual - Short_Leg; 
  { Loop( Short_Leg ) 
  LegsBuf [ J ] = P [ J - LongLeg ] - P [ J ]  Rand_Mask ;  }
  P = HighResBuf + HighResQual - LongLeg ; 
  Loop( LongLeg ) 
LegsBuf [ J + Short_Leg ] = P [ J ] - LegsBuf [ J ]  Rand_Mask ;  
  return * RanP ++ ; }

inline float Rand() { return Deal() / ( float ) Rand_Mask ; }

main() {  double Star = 1e308, Night = 0 ;
  LOOP {  float Dissipation = Rand();
if ( Star  Dissipation ) { Star = 0 ; return ; }
Star -= Dissipation, Night += Dissipation ;  }  }


where to find the doc about python regular expression?

2005-06-02 Thread ÒÊÃÉɽÈË


Re: BUG pythonw vs subprocess

2005-06-02 Thread Robin Becker
John J. Lee wrote:
 Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I thought pythonw didn't provide a console and so it could be that
stdin and stdout aren't connected to anything.  Popen therefore doesn't
make sense.  You have to use sockets or something.
 Yeah... I don't know about module subprocess, but I recall there's a
 known bug where pythonw actually crashes on win9x when you write to
 sys.stdout, since it's not connected to anything...
So then it's not possible to get pythonw apps eg tkinter guis to use 
subprocess properly? Seems a bit daft to me.

Robin Becker

pointers in com object functions

2005-06-02 Thread Gijs Korremans

One of the functions in the com object I need to use has a pointer in one of 
it's functions
(object.function(string input, struct * output))

I've tried to use the id() function but then Python gives me a message that 
it's an int, not a tructure
and when I just give the object without a pointer, the object is still empty 

I've created the struct with win32com.client.Record(structure, object)

Kind regards, 


This message has been scanned for viruses and
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wxpython or PyQT to make a simulink clone ?

2005-06-02 Thread cravephi
I would like to make a software like simulink:

using python.
In order of bulding the interface (dragdrop block, link system between
the blocks, run the simulation, double click on a block to open its
properties, ...) which library will make my job easyer, PyQT or
WxPython ?


Re: where to find the doc about python regular expression?

2005-06-02 Thread Klaus Alexander Seistrup
ÒÊÃÉɽÈË wrote:


Did you try Google:
First hit is:

Klaus Alexander Seistrup
Magnetic Ink, Copenhagen, Denmark

Re: How to restrict lenght of entry widget to certain number of character

2005-06-02 Thread Michael Onfrek
import Tkinter as tk

Hi! Can you explain what line above mean?

I also found :

It works for me, but I not really  understand how? :)

Thanks for help!


Re: viewing generated images

2005-06-02 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Tim Flynn wrote:

def createWidgets(self):
self.image_size = (50,50)
self.pilim = 1, self.image_size )

# Generate a blank image
f = lambda(x): 0
Image.eval( self.pilim, f )

I'm not sure what you think that line is doing, but it probably
doesn't do what you think it does.

try changing the call to

self.pilim = 1, self.image_size, 0 )


self.bmi = ImageTk.BitmapImage( image = self.pilim,
foreground = 'black' )

self.canvas = Canvas( width=100,
  height = 100,
  bg = 'white' )
self.quitButton = Button( self,
  command=self.quit )
im_id = self.canvas.create_bitmap( 0,
   anchor = 'nw',
   bitmap = self.bmi )

it's a terminology confusion: for historical reasons, Tkinter distinguishes 
bitmaps and images (this separation comes from the X window system).  Bitmap-
Image creates an image.

changing to create_image should fix the problem.

(if you're doing an image viewer, you may want to use PhotoImage
instead of BitmapImage, btw).



Re: Newbie Here

2005-06-02 Thread Dave Cook
On 2005-05-31, Mark Sargent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for the same things, what do you primarily use it for. Could you show me 

Web apps using nevow/twisted for work, and pygtk apps for fun.

You might browse around sourceforge a bit:

Dave Cook

Re: Python as client-side browser script language

2005-06-02 Thread Paul Boddie
Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 If the DOM objects are implemented as built-in Python
 types, there shouldn't be any difficulty with that.
 Python objects have complete control over which attributes
 can be read or written by Python code.
 That, together with restricting what the open() function
 can do, ought to provide a pretty good sandbox.

Is that really enough, though? Previous discussions [1] suggested that
the problem was pretty extensive, and the topic has been proposed [2]
for the Summer of Code thing [3], although $4500 may not be a lavish
enough amount if the work requires a complete overhaul of CPython.

But on the subject of Python as a browser *extension* language where
you download extensions from trusted sources and run them from the
browser, PyKDE can be used with Konqueror to explore this area,
although it does require a very recent PyKDE to work fully - see the
kpartplugins on this page for more information:

It would also be great to unify Konqueror and Mozilla in some way by
providing a common API for Python extensions - this could be done by
wrapping Mozilla's DOM, presumably exposed via PyXPCOM [4], in a way
similar to qtxmldom [5], and then making sure the boilerplate
(initialising the extension, getting initial references to browser
documents) is separated out from the actual extension code.



Re: wxpython or PyQT to make a simulink clone ?

2005-06-02 Thread Robert Kern
 I would like to make a software like simulink:
 using python.
 In order of bulding the interface (dragdrop block, link system between
 the blocks, run the simulation, double click on a block to open its
 properties, ...) which library will make my job easyer, PyQT or
 WxPython ?

wxPython has OGL which provides part of such an interface.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: wxpython or PyQT to make a simulink clone ?

2005-06-02 Thread cravephi
thank you.
I am watching the exemple of OGL. Very interesting!


Re: dictionaries and threads

2005-06-02 Thread Bloke
I've been trying to find a Python tutorial on threading - does anyone
have a reference?



Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-02 Thread Robert Kern
Paul Rubin wrote:
 poisondart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes, what I ask may seem ridiculous, but I don't view it that way.
Instead, I find that it is the implication of using a restrictive
license such as I described to be ridiculous: if there is no monetary
gain option in the license, then this implies that nobody (or very few)
will be willing to do any work or asking for something for nothing.
It isn't for nothing if you value knowledge and learning.
 Well, long experience has shown that in practice, such clauses tend to
 turn away users and developers.

And for thoroughness, allow me to add even if they have no intention or 
desire to profit monetarily. I can't explain exactly why this is the 
case, but it seems to be true in the overwhelming majority of cases. 
Academic projects with non-commercial clauses languish in obscurity 
while academic Open Source projects thrive. The contributors to the Open 
Source projects value knowledge and learning just as much as the lonely 
developers of the non-commercial-only projects, but for whatever reason, 
they don't contribute to those non-commercial-only projects.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: BUG pythonw vs subprocess

2005-06-02 Thread Robin Becker
Paul Rubin wrote:
 I thought pythonw didn't provide a console and so it could be that
 stdin and stdout aren't connected to anything.  Popen therefore doesn't
 make sense.  You have to use sockets or something.

Well my example is explicitly using PIPE for stderr  stdin, but I don't know 
how to tell it to ignore stdin. The value None seems to be used to signal that 
the existing stdin is used and that fails. I believe the solution is just to 
PIPE for stdin as well and then I don't have to write to it.
Robin Becker


Re: wxpython or PyQT to make a simulink clone ?

2005-06-02 Thread Pierre Schnizer
Pierre Schnizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There was an old discussion on comp.lang.python:

I have seen the later code of Eric Lechak looked very interesting, but the
link above is not active any more.

Unfortunately I have no copy any longer ...


Re: how to convert string to list or tuple

2005-06-02 Thread Duncan Booth
Ruud de Jong wrote:

 Steven Bethard schreef:
 But unless the person eval-ing your code *only* writes immaculate
 code I can see that you can probably screw them. ;)  I wonder why 
 __subclasses__ isn't a restricted attribute...  Is it ever used for 
 something that isn't evil? ;)
 Completely off topic, but I just cannot resist showing off.
 Some time ago I used __subclasses__ in a way that is not evil. I
 The details are described in the following thread:
 A summary: I used __subclasses__ to apply the Chain-of-Responsibility
 pattern to object creation. The code would appear to instantiate
 an object of the root of a class hierarchy, but the actual object
 that was created would be an instance of a subclass.
 So to get back to your question: yes, there are non-evil
 uses for __subclasses__. Weird perhaps, but non-evil.
 Non-standard, sure . Too clever for my own good, very likely.

I've done almost exactly the same thing. The base class uses __subclasses__ 
to find the best matching subclass based on the factory parameters. In my 
case I was retrieving files from the web, so I had a base Handler class and 
created HtmlHandler, ImageHandler c.

class Handler(object):
'''Class to process files'''
__map = {}

def _resolveClass(klass, isdir, name):
map = Handler.__map
if not map:
for c in klass.__subclasses__():
for ext in c.Extensions:
map['.'+ext.lower()] = c

if isdir:
klass = FolderHandler
ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1].lower()
if ext not in map:
map[ext] = DefaultHandler

klass = map[ext]
return klass(name)

def fromPathname(klass, name, path, uri, db):
isdir = os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name))
obj = klass._resolveClass(isdir, name)
obj._initialize(name, path, uri, db)
return obj

def fromUrl(klass, uri, text, db=None):
   ... and so on ...

and then subclasses such as:

class ImageHandler(Handler):
Extensions = ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')
type = 'Image'

class DefaultHandler(Handler):
Extensions = ('',)
type = 'Ignored'

This also contains the only code I think I've written with a class 
definition in a for loop:

# General categories
'js': 'javascript',
'php': 'php',
'doc': 'Word Document',
'xls': 'Spreadsheet',
'ppt': 'Powerpoint',
'css': 'Stylesheet',
'swf': 'Flash',
'pdf': 'File',
'rtf': 'File',
'zip': 'File',

Classes = []
for ext in EXTENSIONS:
class GeneralHandler(Handler):
Extensions = (ext,)
type = EXTENSIONS[ext]


Re: Moving Places, Subtracting from slices/lists

2005-06-02 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Elliot Temple wrote:

 btw hotcat[:] is a *copy* of hotcat, so just leave out [:]

when you want to modify the thing you're looping over, you need
to be careful.  looping over a copy is often a good idea (see the
Python tutorial and the FAQ for more on this).

 enumerate is a function that adds indexes to a list.  observe:

 hotcat = ['roof', 'roof', 'roof']
 for index, word in enumerate(hotcat):
if word == 'roof': del hotcat[index]
 print hotcat

if I understand the OP correctly, he wants to *move* the roof to the
end of the string.

except ValueError:

is most likely the fastest way to do that.



how to retrieve info about print jobs

2005-06-02 Thread Guy Lateur
Hi all,

We have several printers in our company network. I would like to know if it
is possible to check the current print jobs/queues for each of them. That
way, if a user wants to print something (big), I could give her a hint as to
which printer would get the job done first. We're using win2k and xp, btw.

Any ideas? I'm pretty new to python, I'm afraid..



decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Timothy Smith
i want to trunkate 199.999 to 199.99
getcontext.prec = 2 isn't what i'm after either, all that does is E's 
the value.
do i really have to use floats to do this?

Re: creating a hex value

2005-06-02 Thread Fredrik Lundh
David Bear wrote:

I have a file that I need to parse. Items in it are delimited by a hex 15
 (0x015). I know it must be trivial to assign a hex value to a variable but
 I'm not seeing it in my python essential ref. how can I do

 delim = 0x15
ln =
if ln[0] == delim:
do something

 I've looked at the hex function but it doesn't sound like what I want.

you can use use

ord(ln[0]) == delim


ln[0] == '\x15'


ln[0] == chr(delim)



or some other variation.

fwiw, I'm pretty sure doesn't do what you want either (unless
you're 100% sure that the file only contains a single item).

if the file isn't larger than a few megs, consider using

items =\x15)



Re: How to restrict lenght of entry widget to certain number of character

2005-06-02 Thread VK
Peter Otten wrote:
 Michael Onfrek wrote:
import Tkinter as tk

Hi! Can you explain what line above mean?

I also found :

It works for me, but I not really  understand how? :)
import Tkinter as tk
 Make objects defined in Tkinter available under the tk prefix.
 E. g. to access an Entry you can do 'tk.Entry'. Had you imported it 
 'import Tkinter' you would have to do 'Tkinter.Entry' instead. So you
 are saving a few keystrokes. Doing 'from Tkinter import *' saves you still
 more keystrokes but is considered bad style except for demonstration
var = tk.StringVar()
entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=var)
 Create a StringVar and connect it to the Entry widget. Any changes the user
 makes in the Entry are reflected in the StringVar's value which can be
 accessed with its get() method.
max_len = 5
def on_write(*args):
s = var.get()
if len(s)  max_len:
 Define a function that doesn't care about the arguments passed to it. It 
 reads the current value of the StringVar 'var' and, if necessary, trims it
 to 'max_len_' characters.
var.trace_variable(w, on_write)
 Tell the StringVar to call the function on_write() every time its value is
 changed. So every time the user edits the data in the Entry, in turn the
 Entry changes the data of the StringVar, which calls the on_write()
 function which may or may not change the StringVar -- and that change is
 reflected in what the Entry displays. This smells like an endless loop, but
 so far we seem to be lucky...
 If you look again at Fredrik Lundh's ValidatingEntry, you will find all the
 elements explained above packed nicely into one class, with the extra
 refinement that he keeps another copy of the value which is used to restore
 the old state when the new value is found to be invalid.

Thank you, man! You should write an tutorial to Tkinter or something 
like that.

Re: how to retrieve info about print jobs

2005-06-02 Thread Simon Brunning
On 6/2/05, Guy Lateur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have several printers in our company network. I would like to know if it
 is possible to check the current print jobs/queues for each of them. That
 way, if a user wants to print something (big), I could give her a hint as to
 which printer would get the job done first. We're using win2k and xp, btw.

You can probably do this with WMI. Ah yes, see

You can drive WMI from Python with Tim Golden's WMI module -

Do let us know what you come up with!

Simon B,

DOM question

2005-06-02 Thread Richard Lewis
Hi there,

I have an XML document which contains a mixture of structural nodes
(called 'section' and with unique 'id' attributes) and non-structural
nodes (called anything else). The structural elements ('section's) can
contain, as well as non-structural elements, other structural elements.
I'm doing the Python DOM programming with this document and have got
stuck with something.

I want to be able to get all the non-structural elements which are
children of a given 'section' elemenent (identified by 'id' attribute)
but not children of any child 'section' elements of the given 'section'.


section id=a
section id=b
   section id=c

Given this document, the working function would return foobaz/foo
for id='b' and barfoo/bar for id='c'.

Normally, recursion is used for DOM traversals. I've tried this function
which uses recursion with a generator (can the two be mixed?)

def content_elements(node):
if node.hasChildNodes():
node = node.firstChild

if not page_node(node):
yield node

for e in self.content_elements(node):
yield e

node = node.nextSibling

which didn't work. So I tried it without using a generator:

def content_elements(node, elements):
if node.hasChildNodes():
node = node.firstChild

if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: print node.tagName
if not page_node(node):

self.content_elements(node, elements)

node = node.nextSibling

return elements

However, I got exactly the same problem: each time I use this function I
just get a DOM Text node with a few white space (tabs and returns) in
it. I guess this is the indentation in my source document? But why do I
not get the propert element nodes?


Re: using builtin array

2005-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 Arrays are homogenous. No chance concatenating them.

This should of course read No chance concatenating arrays of different

Diez B. Roggisch

Re: DOM question

2005-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 However, I got exactly the same problem: each time I use this function I
 just get a DOM Text node with a few white space (tabs and returns) in
 it. I guess this is the indentation in my source document? But why do I
 not get the propert element nodes?

Welcome to the wonderful world of DOM, Where insignificant whitespace
becomes a first-class citizen!

Use XPath. Really. It's well worth the effort, as it is suited for exactly
the tasks you presented us, and allows for a concise formulation of these.
Yours would be (untested)

//section[id==$id_param]/node()[!name() == section]

It looks from the root throug all the descending childs 


after nodes with name section


that fulfill the predicate 


From this out we collect all immediate children


that are not of type section [!name() == section]


Diez B. Roggisch

Newbie question: Allocation vs references

2005-06-02 Thread Jan Danielsson
Hello all,


a = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]
b = [ 'Boo', 'Far' ]
q = [ a, b ]

print q[0][0]
print q[1][1]

a[0] = 'Snoo'
b[1] = 'Gnuu'

print q[0][0]
print q[1][1]

This will output:

   I assume it does so because q stores _references_ to a and b. How
would do I do if I want to copy the list? I.e. I want the output from
the code above to be:


..even if a[0] = 'Snoo' and b[1] = 'Gnuu' remain where they are.

   Or, better yet, how do I store a and b in q, and then tell Python
that I want a and b to point to new lists, without touching the contents
in q?

C equivalent of what I want to do:
a = calloc(n, size);

q[0] = a;

a = calloc(n, size);  // new list; 'q' is unaffected if I change 'a'

Re: Newbie question: Allocation vs references

2005-06-02 Thread rzed
Jan Danielsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Hello all,
 a = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]
 b = [ 'Boo', 'Far' ]
 q = [ a, b ]
 print q[0][0]
 print q[1][1]
 a[0] = 'Snoo'
 b[1] = 'Gnuu'
 print q[0][0]
 print q[1][1]
 This will output:
I assume it does so because q stores _references_ to a and b.
 would do I do if I want to copy the list? I.e. I want the output
 from the code above to be:

If your original assigment to q were:
q = [ a[:], b[:] ]
... you would have copies of a and b, so that:

 a = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]
 b = [ 'Boo', 'Far' ]
 q = [ a[:], b[:] ]
 print q[0][0]
 print q[1][1]

 a[0] = 'Snoo'
 b[1] = 'Gnuu'

 print q[0][0]
 print q[1][1]

 ..even if a[0] = 'Snoo' and b[1] = 'Gnuu' remain where they are.
Or, better yet, how do I store a and b in q, and then tell
 that I want a and b to point to new lists, without touching the
 contents in q?

That's easier:
 a = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]
 b = [ 'Boo', 'Far' ]
 q = [a,b]
 a = ['Splee','Hoongk']
 b = ['Blik','Poit']
 print q[0][0]
 print q[1][1]

You've stuck the 'a' and 'b' labels on new objects this way. The 
original objects would vanish except that there is still a reference 
to them through the 'q' list.

 C equivalent of what I want to do:
 a = calloc(n, size);
 q[0] = a;
 a = calloc(n, size);  // new list; 'q' is unaffected if I change
 'a' ---


Re: Newbie question: Allocation vs references

2005-06-02 Thread Stian =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=F8iland?=
On 2005-06-02 14:43:40, Jan Danielsson wrote:

 a = [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ]
 b = [ 'Boo', 'Far' ]
 q = [ a, b ]

Or, better yet, how do I store a and b in q, and then tell Python
 that I want a and b to point to new lists, without touching the contents
 in q?

There are several ways to create a copy of a list:

a1 = a[:]  # new copy, sliced from 0 to end
a2 = list(a)   # create a new list object out of any sequence
import copy
a3 = copy.copy(a)  # use the copy module

So you could do for example:

q1 = [ list(a), list(b) ]
q2 = [ a[:], b[:] ]
q3 = [ list(x) for x in (a,b)]

Note that the copy module also has a function deepcopy that will make
copies at all levels. So if you had:

q = [a,b]
q1 = copy.deepcopy(q2)

every list in q1, even the inner a and b will be new copies. Note
that non-mutables such as Foo and Bar are NOT copied, but as they
cannot be changed, that doesn't matter.

Stian Søiland   Work toward win-win situation. Win-lose
Trondheim, Norway   is where you win and the other lose.  Lose-lose and lose-win are left as an
exercise to the reader.  [Limoncelli/Hogan]
Og dette er en ekstra linje 

Re: dictionaries and threads

2005-06-02 Thread Bloke
thanks.  Looks good.


Re: xml processing

2005-06-02 Thread Jeff Elkins
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 11:01 am, Steven Bethard wrote:

 If you're not committed to pyxml, you might consider using ElementTree:

 I find it *way* easier to work with.

Thanks. I've installed it and am experimenting. 

Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread F. Petitjean
Le Thu, 02 Jun 2005 19:59:08 +1000, Timothy Smith a écrit :
 i want to trunkate 199.999 to 199.99

round(199.999, 2)  # 2 digits after the decimal point

 do i really have to use floats to do this?

19.999  is a float : 
type(19.999) is float  #  == True

Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
F. Petitjean wrote:
 Le Thu, 02 Jun 2005 19:59:08 +1000, Timothy Smith a écrit :
 i want to trunkate 199.999 to 199.99
 round(199.999, 2)  # 2 digits after the decimal point

Wrong. This will yield 200.00.

 do i really have to use floats to do this?
 19.999  is a float : 
 type(19.999) is float  #  == True

He is speaking of Decimals...

d = Decimal(199.999)
d._round(5, decimal.ROUND_DOWN)


Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Marc Christiansen
Timothy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i want to trunkate 199.999 to 199.99
 getcontext.prec = 2 isn't what i'm after either, all that does is E's 
 the value.
 do i really have to use floats to do this?

You could try this (from a script I use for my phone bill):

from decimal import Decimal as d

def roundDecimal(num, prec):
return d(num).quantize(d(1e%d % (-prec)))

where `prec` is the number of places after the decimal point.

I'm sure there is a better solutions and someone will tell it, thereby
teaching us both. ;-)

Adia, Marc

Re: wxpython or PyQT to make a simulink clone ?

2005-06-02 Thread cravephi
thank you,

I checked viper, but the license is not so simple..
I am testing your truffaldino !
seems interesting, but I could not launch it.
I am running:
Python 2.3
wxpython 2.6 (for python 2.3)
I installed mtalib, Truffaldino, Smeraldina and nodenet.
Also installed DSV and pygsl-0.3.1_Numeric.win32-py2.3.exe

Then, I launch /smeraldina/gui/wxsmeraldina

but, nothing ..
I do not have error messages. it could import all the modules.

Can you please help me ?


Re: Beginner question: Logs?

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Elliot Temple wrote:
 from math import *

It's always a good idea, especially when answering a beginner's 
question, to add the caution that this form (from xxx import *) has 
certain dangers** associated with it, and is widely considered poor 
style, and should really only rarely be used. (The math module is 
probably one of the few places where some people make an exception, 
however, but it's still not a good habit to get into.)


Re: DOM question

2005-06-02 Thread Richard Lewis

On Thu, 02 Jun 2005 14:34:47 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch
  However, I got exactly the same problem: each time I use this function I
  just get a DOM Text node with a few white space (tabs and returns) in
  it. I guess this is the indentation in my source document? But why do I
  not get the propert element nodes?
 Welcome to the wonderful world of DOM, Where insignificant whitespace
 becomes a first-class citizen!
 Use XPath. Really. It's well worth the effort, as it is suited for
 the tasks you presented us, and allows for a concise formulation of
 Yours would be (untested)
 //section[id==$id_param]/node()[!name() == section]
Yes, in fact:

//[EMAIL PROTECTED]//*[name()!='section']

would do the trick.

I was trying to avoid using anything not in the standard Python
distribution if I could help it; I need to be able to use my code on
Linux, OS X and Windows.

The xml.path package is from PyXML, yes? I'll just have to battle with
installing PyXML on OS X ;-)


Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Timothy Smith wrote:
 i want to trunkate 199.999 to 199.99
 getcontext.prec = 2 isn't what i'm after either, all that does is E's 
 the value.
 do i really have to use floats to do this?

I think you need a context with appropriate rounding set (e.g. 
ROUND_FLOOR?) and then use the quantize() method with an argument with 
the appropriate number of decimal places.

For example, this works, though I'm definitely not a Decimal expert and 
am confident there's a more elegant approach (which might depend on more 
information about what you're doing):

  d = decimal.Decimal('199.999')
  decimal.getcontext().rounding = decimal.ROUND_FLOOR


(I hope this inspires someone who actually knows what he's doing with 
Decimal to post an improved solution.)

Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread qscomputing

I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
application development tool.

My two questions:

1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
to from Delphi ie:
for I:=0 to 2 do begin

2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, I could potentially want to create a
binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these and, aside from
being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?

  - QS Computing.


Re: any macro-like construct/technique/trick?

2005-06-02 Thread Neal Norwitz
Andrew's approach is good, but you could so something a little
simpler/more flexible.  Untested of course. :-)

Every callable object is followed by the args to pass it.  So this:
debug_emit(DbgObjFoo(a, b, costly_function(c)))

debug_emit(DbgObjFoo, (a, b, costly_function, (c,)))

def debug_emit(*args):
if not debug:

# assume last arg is not a callable and skip it
i = len(args) - 2

while i  0:
if callable(args[i]):
# call it!  assume the next arg is a tuple of params
new_value = args[i](*args[i+1])
args = args[:i] + (new_value,) + args[i+2:]




Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 He is speaking of Decimals...
 d = Decimal(199.999)
 d._round(5, decimal.ROUND_DOWN)

Is one really supposed to call the underscore methods like that?


Python Win32 and Condor

2005-06-02 Thread brian.hamm
Hi.  I have a created a python script that opens a program then uses the com 
package to run a few things and then close. the program.

It works perfectly fine when run normally.  ie from command prompt or shell.

Now I am using the University of Wisconsins queueing program Condor to 
execute this on a number of machines.  So far it works perfectly on everyting I 
have tried.

Until today.  I tried It on another machine on the network, (same OS, WINXP as 
the rest) same everything actually but now I get this error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Condor\execute\dir_3760\, line 39, in ?
AB = win32com.client.Dispatch(Broker.Application)
  File C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line 95, in 
dispatch, userName = 
  File C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line 91, in 
return (_GetGoodDispatch(IDispatch, clsctx), userName)
  File C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line 79, in 
IDispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IDispatch, None, clsctx, 
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147024891, 'Access is denied.', None, None)

The funny thing is it works without Condor, just executing regularly with cmd 
prompt.  So I thought it was a condor problem but It runs on all other machines 
just fine, also a jscript run in the
problem machine works with condor.

Any help is apreciated.

Brian Hamm


Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen wrote:
   d = decimal.Decimal('199.999')
   decimal.getcontext().rounding = decimal.ROUND_FLOOR

Or skip changing the context and use the second argument to quantize:

d.quantize(Decimal('1.00'), decimal.ROUND_FLOOR)


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Richard Lewis

On 2 Jun 2005 06:45:18 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
 Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
 application development tool.
 My two questions:
 1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
 to from Delphi ie:
 for I:=0 to 2 do begin
for i in range(0, 2):
do stuff

The range([start], stop, [step]) function generates a sequence of
numbers which the the for loop iterates over.

(You can also use xrange() for a more memory efficient solution for very
large ranges).

 2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, I could potentially want to create a
 binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
 documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these and, aside from
 being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
 files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?
To create binary only distributions for Windows you can use py2exe. Its
distributions files can be fairly easily reverse engineered.


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
 I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
 Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
 application development tool.
 My two questions:
 1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
 to from Delphi ie:
 for I:=0 to 2 do begin

for i in xrange(0, 3):
 # code

Please read the tutorial.  I'm fairly sure this and many more things 
you'll want to know are covered adequately.

 2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, I could potentially want to create a
 binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
 documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these and, aside from
 being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
 files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?

They are compiled versions of the .py files, so definitely not the same. 
  They are created automatically and transparently when you import .py 
modules, so normally you don't pay any attention to them.  They can 
easily be reverse-engineered, if by that you mean turned back into 
source code.  See decompyle for example.  Using the compileall 
module you can manually compile .py to .pyc but, again, that's generally 
not needed.  Use of tools like py2exe is generally advised for packaging 
and distibution if you don't want to distribute source, though few of 
the existing tools do much more than package up .pyc files inside 
archives, bundle the runtime library, and add wrapper code to make the 
execution transparent.

Philosophy not entirely aside, you should note that object code in any 
language can easily be reverse-engineered in the same way, with the 
only difference being the degree of ease involved.  If the code is worth 
enough to someone that they are willing to risk violating your license 
terms, they *will* be able to recover enough source code (whether it was 
Python, C, or assembly) to do what they need.  The only certain 
protection is to keep the valuable code on a server and use some kind of 
web service (or whatever) to control access to its execution.  (There 
have been *many* past discussions of all this in the forum -- it's a 
very tired topic by now -- so please feel free to peruse the archives 
via Google Groups before asking lots of the same questions over again. 
You'll be doing yourself a favour.)


Re: How to restrict lenght of entry widget to certain number of character

2005-06-02 Thread Michael Onfrek
Ideed, good idea!


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Joal Heagney
 I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
 Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
 application development tool.
 My two questions:
 1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
 to from Delphi ie:
 for I:=0 to 2 do begin

Um, assuming that this loops through the numbers 0 to 2 and assigns them 
to the variable I, and then does something in code with I after it's 
been assigned, the python equivalent is:

for I in range(0,3):

(Note the whitespace after opening the for loop?)
And then break the indenting to finish the for loop. So you're next 
piece of code (Whatever you had after end;) would go here:


 2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, I could potentially want to create a
 binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
 documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these and, aside from
 being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
 files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?

As long as you have write access to the directory that you're .py files 
are in, when you run python, it will generate the .pyc files for you as 
they are loaded.
There is also a utility script in the main distribution called
E.g. compiling a whole directory of .py files:

python /path/to/main/install/ *.py

And to compile them as optimised binary files (.pyo):
python -O /path/to/main/install/ *.py

They are used like ordinary .py source files. (Python actually executes 
from the .pyc files it builds from your .py files.)
They can be reverse-engineered, but then so can Java/C++/Assembler. Have 
a look through the group for something about being able to distribute 
your modules.pyc as a zipfile - I remember something about being able to 
do a -tiny- bit of extra protection by having them as a passworded zip file.

   - QS Computing.


-- FutureWarning error

2005-06-02 Thread kosuke
I keep getting the following error/warning message when using the
python based program getmail4:

/usr/lib/python2.3/ FutureWarning: %u/%o/%x/%X of
negative int will return a signed string in Python 2.4 and up
  return (%s at 0x%x: %r

I'm using python2.3.5 on a debian sid box.

The getmail4 website/FAQ maintains that this is a bug in the optparse

Any idea on how to resolve this?



calling ksh script from python

2005-06-02 Thread ronan_boisard
hi all,

I'm trying to call ksh script from python.
I have a file (toto.env) with a scirpt looking like:

-- begin ---
export TOTO_ENV=/home/toto
-- end ---

I call it from python like that:
-- begin ---
import commands
commands.getstatusoutput('. toto.env')
-- end ---

but it always return an error saying:
sh: TOTO_ENV=/home/home: is not an identifier

doesn anyone know why ?
no matter what I use (popen,system...) it's always the same error...
if I directly try to do
commands.getstatusoutput('export TOTO_ENV=/home/toto')
it's the same error...
and what about this sh primpt in the error message, can't I use ksh
script ?

thanks for any help



Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread rbt
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Philosophy not entirely aside, you should note that object code in any 
 language can easily be reverse-engineered in the same way, with the 
 only difference being the degree of ease involved.  If the code is worth 
 enough to someone that they are willing to risk violating your license 
 terms, they *will* be able to recover enough source code (whether it was 
 Python, C, or assembly) to do what they need.  

Don't intend to hijack this thread, but this bit interests me. I know 
several accomplished C/assembly programmers who have told me that 
reverse engineering object code from either of these two languages is 
anything but trivial. Yet, I *hear* and *read* the opposite all of the 
time. Can anyone actually demonstrate a decompile that mirrors the 
original source?

Also, I'd venture to say that the number of people in the world who can 
consistently reverse engineer object code is almost statistically 
insignificant... sure, they are out there, but you'll win the lottery 
before you meet one of them and most of them work for big, bad 
government agencies ;)



2005-06-02 Thread Michael
I've got a question about wxPython, wheres the best place to ask??



return pramater in com object function

2005-06-02 Thread Gijs Korremans

One of the functions in the com object I need to use has a pointer in one of 
it's functions
(object.function(string input, struct * output))

(I've created the struct with win32com.client.Record(structure, object))

I've tried to use the id() function but then Python gives me a message that 
it's an int, not a tructure
and when I just give the object without a pointer, the object is still empty 

In the mailinglist archive I saw this message from Mark Hammond:
Well, their IDL is at fault, and it clearly should be marked as [in,out]. All 
we should need to do is to get the makepy generated code for this function, and 
change the last type tuple for this function. It will be a tuple of, eg 
(pythoncom.VT_OBJECT, pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FIN). Telling Python it is really 
_FIN | _FOUT should do the trick

So I opened the by genPy generated file and tried to change the last tuple from 
_ApplyTypes_ but it was already 2 (PARAMFLAG_FOUT):
return self._ApplyTypes_(1, 1, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (36, 2)), 'SetIDString', 
None,inID, outID)

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Kind regards, 


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by Network Sentry, and is
believed to be clean.


[python-gtk] problem with multiple inheritance

2005-06-02 Thread Taki Jeden


I'm trying to install a certain python program which uses gtk, and the
following line:

class view_tree_model(gtk.GenericTreeModel,gtk.TreeSortable):

raises a TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict
Is this a bug in gtk, or python-gtk, or something? I know of people who run
this program, so I guess sthg must be wrong in my system.

I have Mdk 10.0, and in particular:


Anybody can help?


Zamiast sensownej sygnatury...:
| |,0,0.html | |

Re: decimal and trunkating

2005-06-02 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 He is speaking of Decimals...
 d = Decimal(199.999)
 d._round(5, decimal.ROUND_DOWN)
 Is one really supposed to call the underscore methods like that?

Umm... no, I think not ;) But I couldn't find something better.


Re: Performance Issues please help

2005-06-02 Thread PyPK
Yep that improved the speed by about 50% now it takes about 10 secs
instead of 24 seconds..Thanks much. I guess that is the best we could
do right.It would be really helpful if I could get it less than 5
seconds. Any suggestions on that??


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
rbt wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
 Philosophy not entirely aside, you should note that object code in any 
 language can easily be reverse-engineered in the same way, with the 
 only difference being the degree of ease involved.  If the code is 
 worth enough to someone that they are willing to risk violating your 
 license terms, they *will* be able to recover enough source code 
 (whether it was Python, C, or assembly) to do what they need.  
 Don't intend to hijack this thread, but this bit interests me. I know 
 several accomplished C/assembly programmers who have told me that 
 reverse engineering object code from either of these two languages is 
 anything but trivial. Yet, I *hear* and *read* the opposite all of the 
 time. Can anyone actually demonstrate a decompile that mirrors the 
 original source?

I give you one example: Online/Multiplayer GTA 3 or 4

A C-App never intended to work that way - but skillfully patched so that 
it works! And that even only as OSS - no commercial interest (and thus 
funding). So I day Peter's statement has full validity - it's a question 
of interest.


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Richard Lewis wrote:
 On 2 Jun 2005 06:45:18 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
 Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
 application development tool.
 My two questions:
 1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
 to from Delphi ie:
 for I:=0 to 2 do begin
 for i in range(0, 2):
 do stuff

Eh, no. range(0, 3) would be correct, since the Python range function
generates a list from start to stop-1.

 The range([start], stop, [step]) function generates a sequence of
 numbers which the the for loop iterates over.
 (You can also use xrange() for a more memory efficient solution for very
 large ranges).

 2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, I could potentially want to create a
 binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
 documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these and, aside from
 being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
 files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?

They are a binary representation of bytecode, just like in Java. They can be
reverse-engineered more easily than machine code, but it still is no no-brainer.
Btw, they are created automatically...


PYTHONSTARTUP and the -i command line option

2005-06-02 Thread Christopher Wood

Greetings all,

A quick query: as all sorts of stuff can be defined in a 
file or similar and called at python startup using the PYTHONSTARTUP 
environment variable, it's very useful and can enhance the interpreter 
experience greatly.

However, executing a script using the -i command line option to put the 
Python interpreter into 'interactive mode' after script termination is 
also very useful.

But these two things won't play together, as (by design, it seems) 
$PYTHONSTARTUP isn't read when the -i option is used, leaving me with an 
unenhanced Python interpreter environment after after script execution.

Is the any way round this, other than editing all my scripts or manually 
loading the script in the interpreter?

Thanks in advance for any hints!

Chris Wood

Re: DOM question

2005-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Yes, in fact:
 //[EMAIL PROTECTED]//*[name()!='section']
 would do the trick.
 I was trying to avoid using anything not in the standard Python
 distribution if I could help it; I need to be able to use my code on
 Linux, OS X and Windows.
 The xml.path package is from PyXML, yes? I'll just have to battle with
 installing PyXML on OS X ;-)

As a fresh member of the MacOSX community I can say that so far except 
pygame I made everything run. So - I don't expect that to be too much of 
a problem.


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-02 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 01:57:25AM -0700, Robert Kern wrote:
 And for thoroughness, allow me to add even if they have no intention or 
 desire to profit monetarily. I can't explain exactly why this is the 
 case, but it seems to be true in the overwhelming majority of cases. 
 Academic projects with non-commercial clauses languish in obscurity 
 while academic Open Source projects thrive. The contributors to the Open 
Well, it's easily explained. (Well at least my motivation in this case)
I do not touch things that I cannot use generally and being a
commercial IT consultant this basically means:
*) opensource is better than commercial payware.
   (because for free (as in beer) is usable in more contexts)
*) GPL is acceptable for much stuff, because I can install GPL'ed
   stuff for a customer.
*) GPL is not acceptable for library stuff, because as a software
   developer I'm sometimes forced to do closed stuff.
   (Yep, even nowadays there are place where it's basically a legal


*) qt is a bordercase: GPL for free, or commercial for pay. Not perfect but
   good enough. 
*) A number of O-R mappers for Python are of no relevance to me,
   because they are GPL. O-R mappers are development libraries.

The idea is that I'm mostly not interested in learning tools that are
not of general use.

So basically, stuff not meeting this criteria, is only interesting if
it's unique:

*) commercial stuff is only interesting if there is no competing
   open-source project.
*) GPL'ed building blocks are only interesting when there is no
   competing LGPL version. Example: OCR on Linux/Unix. There are no
   perfect solutions there so a GPL'ed solution might be
   ok. (Especially because one can use OCR without linking with a lib


Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-02 Thread Thomas Bartkus
Skip Montanaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Are we talking about a drag-and-drop GUI builder?
 Thomas I am!

  What about Glade?
 Thomas Dying to try that.  Ask me again in a week.

 I use Glade at work on a regular basis.  Took me a few days to get
 proficient, and it has some warts, but it sure beats the heck out of
 manually creating all those widgets in my Python code.


Yes.  Anything that automates/assists the creation of the user interface is
a phenomenal time saver.  The task of getting data from and delivering it to
a human operator is still the most difficult and time consuming part of
creating software. It is so onerous that it tempts one to abandon writing
software for organic beings altogether.

My reference to Visual Basic was meant to be a poke in the eye.  The
language itself stinks.  BUT - having a robust IDE with keyword tooltip
prompts, built in language documentation, robust built in debugging, and
most of all - a stable GUI , a standard suite of widgets for interacting
with those pesky, error prone humans, the ability to draw these on a form
with a mouse and have all that running in minutes! It no longer matters that
the language itself smells like 4 day old fish!  No amount of linguistic or
structural elegance can have as much impact on productivity as the IDE/GUI.

It drives me crazy when someone suggests that it might amount to no more
than a bit of fluff hardly worth bothering with because when it comes to
programming -

An excellent IDE/GUI just trumps everything.
Thomas Bartkus


Re: Is there a better way of doing this?

2005-06-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 30 May 2005 14:05:36 +0200, Magnus Lycka wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   print is a statement, not a function. The brackets are syntactically
   correct, but pointless. Remove them.
 On Sat, 28 May 2005 13:24:19 +, Michael wrote:
 while( newNS ):
 Guido (our Benevolent Dictator For Life and creator of Python) hates
 seeing whitespace next to parentheses. I agree with him. while(newNS)
 good, while( newNS ) bad.
 while is a statement, not a function. The brackets are syntactically
 correct, but pointless. Remove them. ;^)

Um. Er.

Of course I knew that. I deliberately made that error to see if others
were paying attention. Well done, go to the head of the class. *cough*


  while newNS:
 Not only are they pointless (in both print and while), but they are
 blurring the distinction between statements and callables, and they
 add noise. Only wrap the expression following a statement such as
 while, if, print etc in () if the following expression spans several

Yes, of course you are right. Serves me right for replying to Usenet posts
in the wee hours of the morning. 

Although, pardon me for stating the obvious, using brackets for
precedence, or to add clarity by careful grouping, is always allowed even
if the expression doesn't span more than one line.

eg while (index  0) and (not found or still_working):



Software for System Builders, Resellers, and Hardware Purchasers Only.

2005-06-02 Thread Rosaline
GET latest softwares, 99% savings.

Human nature is not of itself vicious.  
I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.


TkInter Listbox Widget Formatting

2005-06-02 Thread Kyle . Robertson

I've searched high 
and low, and I can't seem to find a way to center or right justify the text in a 
Listbox widget using TkInter. The justify option is unrecognized. 
Any options I'm missing, or a known work-around?



Re: python 2.4: tarfile tell() and seek() seem to be broeken

2005-06-02 Thread =?iso-8859-1?q?Lars_Gust=E4bel?=
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 14:58:23 +0200, N. Volbers wrote:

 - subsequent calls of fd.readline() and fd.tell() will yield the correct
 lines but always the same value from fd.tell().  
 Is there a mistake on my side or does this need fixing?

This is a bug. Although the pseudo file object's readline() method returns
the file data line-wise, the data is processed block-wise (100 chars)
internally. Therefore, the output of tell() will always return the
position right after the current block if it is used in conjunction with

Thank you for pointing that out. I'll take care of this getting fixed.

Lars Gustäbel


link to the HP 3115 iPAQ - list of features for info -- $350 w/Bluetooth built-in

2005-06-02 Thread val


Re: convert a string to tuple

2005-06-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 31 May 2005 13:14:09 -0700, querypk wrote:

 how do I convert 
 b is a string  b = '(1,2,3,4)' to b = (1,2,3,4)

You can do:

def str2tuple(s):
Convert tuple-like strings to real tuples.
eg '(1,2,3,4)' - (1, 2, 3, 4)

if s[0] + s[-1] != ():
raise ValueError(Badly formatted string (missing brackets).)
items = s[1:-1]  # removes the leading and trailing brackets
items = items.split(',')
L = [int(x.strip()) for x in items] # clean up spaces, convert to ints
return tuple(L)

For real production code, you will probably want better error checking.



Re: calling ksh script from python

2005-06-02 Thread Donn Cave
 I call it from python like that:
 -- begin ---
 import commands
 commands.getstatusoutput('. toto.env')
 -- end ---
 but it always return an error saying:
 sh: TOTO_ENV=/home/home: is not an identifier
 doesn anyone know why ?


 and what about this sh primpt in the error message, can't I use ksh
 script ?

Yes and no.  You can expect system(), popen() et al. to
invoke the standard UNIX shell, sh, so you must supply
an expression that will be correctly executed by that shell.
That expression can execute a program written in another
language - for example, 'ksh toto.env' or just './toto.env'
if you have made it executable and it starts with #!/bin/ksh.
That's really the best way to invoke a script.

Meanwhile, it might be worthwhile to reconsider the use
of ksh here, if you have any choice in the matter.  Ksh
is fine for interactive use, but has some unfortunate
flaws as a programming shell, and due to proprietary issues
one commonly encounters an alternative implementation that's
even worse.  On most modern platforms, sh will have a pretty
good programming feature set, and will be more reliable
(especially if it isn't just ksh by another name.)


Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-02 Thread Skip Montanaro

Thomas My reference to Visual Basic was meant to be a poke in the eye.
Thomas The language itself stinks.  BUT - having a robust IDE with
Thomas keyword tooltip prompts, built in language documentation, robust
Thomas built in debugging, and most of all - a stable GUI , a standard
Thomas suite of widgets for interacting with those pesky, error prone
Thomas humans, the ability to draw these on a form with a mouse and
Thomas have all that running in minutes! It no longer matters that the
Thomas language itself smells like 4 day old fish!  No amount of
Thomas linguistic or structural elegance can have as much impact on
Thomas productivity as the IDE/GUI.

Thomas It drives me crazy when someone suggests that it might amount to
Thomas no more than a bit of fluff hardly worth bothering with because
Thomas when it comes to programming -

Thomas An excellent IDE/GUI just trumps everything.

Glade is fine for building Gtk user interfaces.  I have no idea if there are
similar tools for other widget sets, though I wouldn't be surprised if such
tools existed.  Once the GUI is fairly stable, most of the development after
that occurs in the underlying functional part of the code (at least in my
recent experience).  For that, no amount of Glade slinging will help.



Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread qscomputing
Thanks to you all for the quick response.

I've noticed that when I do
$ python
the file myprog.pyc file is not created, but the .pyc files for files I
import *are* created. Is this intentional and, if so, how do I get the
myprog.pyc file?

  - QS Computing.


Re: Newbie question: Allocation vs references

2005-06-02 Thread Steven Bethard
Stian Søiland wrote:
 There are several ways to create a copy of a list:
 a2 = list(a)   # create a new list object out of any sequence

I'll just point out that FWIW, this is by far my favorite idiom of the 
ones offered because it applies to pretty much all the builtin container 

py d = {1:42, -37:0}
py d2 = dict(d)
py d == d2, d is d2
(True, False)
py s = set(['a', 'd', 'e'])
py s2 = set(s)
py s == s2, s is s2
(True, False)
py L = [3.14, 0.707]
py L2 = list(L)
py L == L2, L is L2
(True, False)


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
 Thanks to you all for the quick response.
 I've noticed that when I do
 $ python
 the file myprog.pyc file is not created, but the .pyc files for files I
 import *are* created. Is this intentional and, if so, how do I get the
 myprog.pyc file?

I thought the docs covered this, so I left it out.  The
main .py file is not converted to a .pyc file for reasons I can't 
remember (and don't care... after it, that's just the way it is).  If 
you really need a .pyc for it, the simplest thing to do is import 
myprog from the interactive prompt.  The compileall module I mentioned 
would also be able to do this.


Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 02 Jun 2005 06:45:18 -0700, qscomputing wrote:

 I've developed in several other languages and have recently found
 Python and I'm trying to use it in the shape of the PythonCard
 application development tool.
 My two questions:
 1. What is the easiest way to create a for loop in the style I'm used
 to from Delphi ie:
 for I:=0 to 2 do begin

Use Delphi.

If you insist on using Python (and why wouldn't you?), then I'm afraid
you will have to create for loops in the Python style:

for i in range(3):

Notice the small gotcha: if you want to loop over the values 0, 1, and 2,
you have to use range(3), NOT range(2). This may seem strange now, but it
is actually very useful and prevents a lot of off-by-one errors.

 2. Philospohy(sp?) aside, 


 I could potentially want to create a
 binary-only distribution of my finished apps. I noticed the
 documentation on .pyc files: how do I create these 

In PythonCard? I have no idea. Sorry.

In ordinary Python?

When you run or import a Python module, the Python interpreter first looks
for a .pyc file of the same name that is more recent than the .py file. If
it doesn't find one, it compiles the .py file into byte-code, stores the
byte-code in the .pyc file, and runs that.

In other words, to create your .pyc file, just run your .py file and
Python will do it automatically.

 and, aside from
 being basically read-only, are they used just like ordinary .py source
 files? And can they be easily reverse-engineered?

Yes, they can be easily reverse-engineered.

The short answer is, Python has not been designed to hide your code. If
that's what you are trying to do, perhaps you need to think about _why_
you want to go to all that extra effort to keep your software secret,
rather than just _how_ to keep it secret.

I can think of a number of reasons why somebody might want to hide their
code. In no particular order:

(1) You are ashamed of the quality of your buggy code, and don't want
people to see how bad it is. If so, learn to write better code, and the
best way of doing that is to let people see your code and give you advice.

(2) You have stolen somebody else's code, and are trying to keep that fact
secret. If so, pay the licence fee, or legally reverse-engineer the code,
or use OpenSource software that allows copying. If the code you have
stolen is valuable enough, the legal owners will find out, even without
the source code.

(3) You have create an incredibly valuable piece of code that will be
worth millions, but only if nobody can see the source code. Yeah right.

(4) It's MY CODE, nobody is allowed to use it unless I SAY SO!!! Fine,
whatever you say, there are tens or hundreds of thousands of OpenSource
software packages competing with your software without those restrictions.
Good luck.

(5) Your code has security holes and you hope that the bad guys won't find
them without access to the source code. Be prepared for serious
embarrassment, because the crackers WILL crack your code, source code or
no source code. Obscurity is no substitute for security.

(6) You are worried about people copying the code for their friends
without paying you for it. How does keeping the source code secret stop
them from copying the .pyc files and giving them to their friends?

(7) You are using secret programs licenced from another programmer or
company, and the conditions of use are that the source code isn't made
available. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

(8) You are programming a game or puzzle, and you don't want players to
cheat by reading the source code. Consider pulling out the information
they need to cheat and putting it in an encrypted data file instead.

There may be other reasons for wanting to keep the code secret. Some of
them might even be good reasons, for some value of good.

The reality is, the more valuable your code is, the more effort people
will put into reverse-engineering it. People will find out how it works,
if they care enough, and the more valuable your program, the more they
will care.

On the other hand, there are incredible advantages to making your code
available to the users of your software. I'm sure you already know those
advantages: you are learning Python, which is based on those principles of

If you want to discuss these issues further, please feel free.

If you really what to hide your code, you might like to think about using
C-extensions instead.



Re: Two questions

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
rbt wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
 Philosophy not entirely aside, you should note that object code in any 
 language can easily be reverse-engineered in the same way, with the 
 only difference being the degree of ease involved.  If the code is 
 worth enough to someone that they are willing to risk violating your 
 license terms, they *will* be able to recover enough source code 
 (whether it was Python, C, or assembly) to do what they need.  
 Don't intend to hijack this thread, but this bit interests me. I know
 several accomplished C/assembly programmers who have told me that 
 reverse engineering object code from either of these two languages is 
 anything but trivial. Yet, I *hear* and *read* the opposite all of the 
 time. Can anyone actually demonstrate a decompile that mirrors the 
 original source?

It all depends on the definition of reverse engineering.

In my opinion and experience, very little code in the world is so 
sophisticated that it is not roughly as easy to write equivalent code 
from scratch (with the original, working program as a guide of what the 
code actually does) as it would be to convert the object code back into 
source.  (Exceptions such as decompyle which may make the job near 
trivial aside.)

If that's true, it leaves us with a very small subset of the code in any 
given program, that might actually be worth the effort of converting 
back to source.  That bit of code will generally turn out to be so small 
that once again an automated conversion to source is not really 
necessary, since analysis of the object code would with relatively 
little effort allow one to reverse engineer some equivalent source, in 
whatever language (or pseudo-code) one chose.

So, for languages like C, where the compilation process is fairly 
destructive to things like the variable names and control structures 
used, reverse engineering in the sense of automated conversion back 
to equivalent source code is rather difficult, probably infeasibly so 
for most non-trivial programs.  I personally don't understand the need 
for this, other than in the case of I lost my source, and the correct 
answer there is a session of pummelling, followed by tarring and 
feathering with the pages of the Subversion Book.

On the other hand, reverse engineering in the sense of creating 
source code capable of reproducing the effects of the valuable and 
interesting parts of the object code is not that difficult, and in the 
sense of understanding how this code works is even easier, being just 
the first part of that step.

Software development is far more about choosing the right problems to 
solve and the right ways to solve them than it is about writing source 
code for the program that will do the job.

And if I had an automated tool to reproduce source code for a given 
program, I'd still be very concerned that I didn't end up with any of 
its automated test cases. ;-)


Easy way to detect hard drives and partitions in Linux

2005-06-02 Thread RunLevelZero
I need a way to detect hard drives and their partitions... labels would
be nice too... I did some googling but did not find anything all too
useful. This will strictly be on Linux / Unix so any help would be
greatly appreciated.



Re: wxPython

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Michael wrote:
 I've got a question about wxPython, wheres the best place to ask??

The wxPython mailing list.  Visit to find it and more.

Re: Performance Issues please help

2005-06-02 Thread Michael Spencer
PyPK wrote:
 Yep that improved the speed by about 50% now it takes about 10 secs
 instead of 24 seconds..Thanks much. I guess that is the best we could
 do right.It would be really helpful if I could get it less than 5
 seconds. Any suggestions on that??
Things to try:
*  in-lining the min and max expressions
*  depending on the distribution of e, it may be faster to catch KeyErrors

def search1(m):
 box = {}
 for r,row in enumerate(m):
 for c,e in enumerate(row):
 minc, minr, maxc, maxr = box[e]
 box[e] = ( c  minc and c or minc,
r  minr and r or minr,
c  maxc and c or maxc,
r  maxr and r or maxr)
 except KeyError:
 box[e] = (c, r, c, r)
 return box



Re: PYTHONSTARTUP and the -i command line option

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
Christopher Wood wrote:
 But these two things won't play together, as (by design, it seems) 
 $PYTHONSTARTUP isn't read when the -i option is used, leaving me with an 
 unenhanced Python interpreter environment after after script execution.
 Is the any way round this, other than editing all my scripts or manually 
 loading the script in the interpreter?

Modifying the contents of your .pythonrc script and therein setting the 
PYTHONINSPECT environment variable via os.environ comes to mind.


Re: Easy way to detect hard drives and partitions in Linux

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Hansen
RunLevelZero wrote:
 I need a way to detect hard drives and their partitions... labels would
 be nice too... I did some googling but did not find anything all too
 useful. This will strictly be on Linux / Unix so any help would be
 greatly appreciated.

os.popen('/sbin/sfdisk -l /dev/hda') etc... ?

Or reading from /proc/ide and friends?

Re: calling ksh script from python

2005-06-02 Thread Cameron Laird
Donn Cave  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Meanwhile, it might be worthwhile to reconsider the use
of ksh here, if you have any choice in the matter.  Ksh
is fine for interactive use, but has some unfortunate
flaws as a programming shell, and due to proprietary issues
one commonly encounters an alternative implementation that's
even worse.  On most modern platforms, sh will have a pretty
good programming feature set, and will be more reliable
(especially if it isn't just ksh by another name.)
Infidel.  While I sure feel that way about csh(1), it
surprises me you'd criticize ksh(1) so.  'Fact, 'mong
all the *sh-s, I *recommend* ksh for programming.  May-
be the two of us see things differently.

PYSH? (was:Re: calling ksh script from python)

2005-06-02 Thread Paul McNett
Cameron Laird wrote:
 Infidel.  While I sure feel that way about csh(1), it
 surprises me you'd criticize ksh(1) so.  'Fact, 'mong
 all the *sh-s, I *recommend* ksh for programming.  May-
 be the two of us see things differently.

I keep wondering how difficult it would be to make a Python shell that 
exposes all of Python but also includes some builtin commands such as 
cd, mkdir, etc., that are just names bound to os.chdir, os.mkdir..., and 
is smart enough to take a given command from the user and try to do a 
os.system() on it based on the path. IOW, I'd love to have all of Python 
available as my unix shell, while still doing shell-type stuff such as 
traversing directories, launching applications, etc.

There's likely a project that does this already that I'm just unaware of.

Paul McNett


Re: Beginner question: Logs?

2005-06-02 Thread Terry Reedy
 import math

To find out the names of function in the math module without checking the 
docs, do

 dir(math) #same for any other module

To get more info, do

 help(math) # same for any other module with a doc string

Terry J. Reedy 


Re: Beginner question: Logs?

2005-06-02 Thread Terry Reedy

Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Elliot Temple wrote:
 from math import *

 It's always a good idea, especially when answering a beginner's
 question, to add the caution that this form (from xxx import *) has
 certain dangers** associated with it, and is widely considered poor
 style, and should really only rarely be used.

Which is why I often do things like
 import math as m


New mailing list to discuss Google Summer of Code

2005-06-02 Thread David Ascher
In order to centralize discussion and minimize spam, we've created a
new mailing list to discuss the Google Summer of Code from a Python
POV.  I strongly encourage people interested in discussing possible
projects, people who'd be willing to help students this summer as
mentors, and any students considering applying for the program to join
and start discussions on that list.

The mailing list web page is at:


-- David Ascher (PSF)

Re: python 2.4: tarfile tell() and seek() seem to be broeken

2005-06-02 Thread N. Volbers
Am Thu, 02 Jun 2005 17:57:20 +0200 schrieb Lars Gustäbel:

 On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 14:58:23 +0200, N. Volbers wrote:
 - subsequent calls of fd.readline() and fd.tell() will yield the correct
 lines but always the same value from fd.tell().  
 Thank you for pointing that out. I'll take care of this getting fixed.

Thanks for taking care of it ;-)


Re: Unicode string in exec

2005-06-02 Thread Jeff Epler
First off, I just have to correct your terminology.  exec is a
statement, and doesn't require parentheses, so talking about exec()
invites confusion.

I'll answer your question in terms of eval(), which takes a string
representing a Python expression, interprets it, and returns the result.

In Python 2.3, the following works right:
Here, the string passed to eval() contains the literal LATIN CAPITAL
LETTER OPEN E, and the expected unicode string is returned

The following behaves surprisingly:
... you seem to get the UTF-8 encoding of the unicode.

This is related to PEP 263 (
but the behavior of compile(), eval() and exec don't seem to be spelled


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Re: TkInter Listbox Widget Formatting

2005-06-02 Thread Jeff Epler
This isn't an option in the stock Tk listbox or any of the alternatives
I know of offhand (bwidget ListBox, TixTList).  The TkTable widget,
which can also display multiple columns, can select different
justifications, either for the whole table, or for single cells.
I've never used TkTable with Python/Tkinter, however.


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