ANN: PyQwt3D-0.1.1 released

2006-02-20 Thread Gerard Vermeulen
What is PyQwt3D?

- it is a set of Python bindings for the QwtPlot3D C++ class library
  which extends the Qt framework with widgets for 3D data visualization.
  PyQwt3D inherits the snappy feel from QwtPlot3D.
  The examples at
  show how easy it is to make a 3D plot and how to save a 3D plot to
  an image or an (E)PS/PDF file.

- it requires and extends PyQt, a set of Python bindings for Qt.

- it supports the use of PyQt, Qt, Qwt, the Numerical Python extensions
  (any combination of NumPy, numarray, and numarray) and optionally
  SciPy in a GUI Python application or in an interactive Python session.

- it runs on POSIX, MacOS/X and Windows platforms (practically any
  platform supported by Qt and Python).

- support for NumPy, see
- support for SIP-4.3.x
- build fixes for MacOS/X

The home page of PyQwt3D is

PyQwt3D-0.1.1 requires:

1. Python-2.4.x or -2.3.
2. PyQt-3.15.x or -3.14.x.
3. SIP-4.3.x or -4.2.1.
4. Qt-3.3.x, -3.2.x, or -3.1.x.
5. QwtPlot3D-0.2.6.

Have fun -- Gerard Vermeulen

Support the Python Software Foundation:

itools 0.12.4 released

2006-02-20 Thread J. David Ibáñez

itools is a Python library, it groups a number of packages into a single
meta-package for easier development and deployment:

  itools.catalogitools.i18n itools.web
  itools.cmsitools.ical itools.workflow
  itools.datatypes  itools.rss  itools.xliff
  itools.gettextitools.schemas  itools.xml
  itools.handlers   itools.tmx
  itools.html   itools.uri


  - Now the transacion code follows the open/close protocol of resources.

  - Now the index load code follows the open/close protocol of resources.

  - Add a global try..except clause to catch any error that may reach
the main loop, so the server never stops.
  - Return 400 Bad Request whenever the parsing of the request fails.
  - Ignore parameters added to the If-Modified-Since header. Since some
some browsers do append extra-information (what does not respects the
  - Fix HEAD requests, call GET first, then send only the headers.

  - Remove a debugging line that slipped in the previous release.
  - Fix the Epoz editor (a couple of files were missing).




Mailing list

Bug Tracker

J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris  Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88 


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Urwid 0.9.0 - Console UI library

2006-02-20 Thread Ian Ward
Announcing Urwid 0.9.0

Urwid home page:



About this release:

This is the first release of Urwid with UTF-8 input and display support.
A new raw_display module was added to enable UTF-8 display.  This module
also fixes the dead corner in the bottom right of the screen and
improves legibility of bright text in some terminals.

New in this release:

  - New support for UTF-8 encoding including input, display and editing
of narrow and wide (CJK) characters.

Preliminary combining (zero-width) character support is included,
but full support will require terminal behavior detection.

Right-to-Left input and display are not implemented.

  - New raw_display module that handles console display without relying
on external libraries.  This module was written as a work around
for the lack of UTF-8 support in the standard version of ncurses.

Eliminates dead corner in the bottom right of the screen.

Avoids use of bold text in xterm and gnome-terminal for improved
text legibility.

  - Fixed overlay bug related to UTF-8 handling.

  - Fixed Edit.move_cursor_to_coords(..) bug related to wide characters
in UTF-8 encoding.

About Urwid

Urwid is a console UI library for Python. It features fluid interface
resizing, UTF-8 support, multiple text layouts, simple attribute markup,
powerful scrolling list boxes and flexible interface design.

Urwid is released under the GNU LGPL.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Yet another template engine : HYPY

2006-02-20 Thread manatlan
HyPy : means HYperText in PYthon
It's yet another template engine, under GPL2 license
The main feature is that it let you code yours templates like you code
your python. (the indentation defines the structure of the html). So,
it's very easy to render xhtml content. But hypy let you render any
kind of string document too ! It's a very young project, but i think
it's usable.

Features :
- let you code your html like you code in python
- lightweight engine (300 lines)
- Compile templates to bytecode (pyc files)
- classical clauses (if/else, for, capture ...)
- templates inheritances (concept of masterpages and childpages)

Url (tutorial and download) :

Support the Python Software Foundation:

OSDC::Israel - last minute reminder

2006-02-20 Thread Amit Aronovitch

 This is a last minute reminder for the Open Source Developers Conference 
that will be held from Sunday to Tueseday in Netanya, Israel.

 The schedule is available here:
Online registration and payment are open until 25/2.

Open Source Developers' Conference,
26-28 February, 2006, Netanya, Israel

The Open Source Developers' Conferences (OSDCs) are grassroots symposia
originating from Australia. The conference tries to bring together the
users of various OS technologies such as Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, PHP,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Subversion and more.
The Israeli OSDC is organized by the Israeli Perl Mongers and the
Israeli Python user group.
 Our aim is to bring together practitioners, scholars, students,
programmers, researchers and managers from different areas to discuss
their views on various aspects of the Open Source technologies, to share
knowledge and to have fun while doing so.

The conference will last for 3 days with 3 parallel tracks of
presentations. Presentations will be given in either Hebrew or English,
depending on the speaker's preference (language listed on the


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Is inifinite loop not a good practice?

2006-02-20 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Alvin A. Delagon enlightened us with:
 I have to write a python script that would continously monitor and
 process a queue database. [...] I've been planning to do an infinite
 loop within the script to do this but I've been hearing comments
 that infinite loop is a bad programming practice.

I think it's just fine. You could improve it a bit by using something

class Monitor(Thread):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.interrupted = False

def run(self):
while not interrupted:

def interrupt(self):
self.interrupted = True

 I'm opted to run the script via crontab but I consider it as my last

The advantage there is a stability issue. If your program quits,
you've got a problem. Using crontab, the program is started over and
over again, so even if it crashes, it'll be restarted in time for the
next monitor run. Cron has been around for such a long time that the
chance of a crash is much less than with a freshly developed program.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Multiplication optimization

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten
Atanas Banov wrote:

 Paul McGuire wrote:
 Does Python's run-time do any optimization of multiplication
 operations, like it does for boolean short-cutting?  That is, for a
 product a*b, is there any shortcutting of (potentially expensive)
 multiplication operations
 no. and the reason is very simple: to the extent such optimization
 makes sense, it has been done on assembler/CPU level already. i.e. when
 the multiplication is mapped to the machine code
IMUL  op
 the Pentium processor would be smart enough not to do the work if AX or
 the op are 0 or 1.
 Python has no job trying to outsmart Intel (and the other chipmakers).
 Boolean shortcuts are useful for entirely different reason, not speed.
 if lastDigit == 0 or i % lastDigit != 0:
 if both operands of OR were to be evaluated, that would end up with
 division-by-zero exception for lastDigit=0.

The point is not to avoid the multiplication on the CPU level but the object
creation overhead:

 a = 1234
 1 * a is a
False # could be True

$ python -m timeit -s'a=1;b=1234567' 'if a is 1: x = b' 'else: x = a * b'
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.171 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s'a=1;b=1234567' 'x = a * b'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.211 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s'a=2;b=1234567' 'if a is 1: x = b' 'else: x = a * b'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.329 usec per loop

If 'a is 1' is sufficiently likely, that test speeds up the code even in
pure Python. Of course a generalized implementation would also have to
check b's type:

$ python -m timeit -s'a=1;b=1234567' 'if a is 1 and b.__class__ is int: x =
b' 'else: x = a * b'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.484 usec per loop

So that is not a good idea, at least in pure Python.



Re: zope 3.2 and imprt errors

2006-02-20 Thread zunbeltz
Hi Benji

Thanks, but i've solved installing zope from svn instead of tarball




Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
John Zenger wrote:

 I strongly agree that Python should promote range or xrange to syntax. I 
 favor [0..10] rather than [0:10] because 0..10 is inherently easier to 


You mean people are born with an instinctive, unlearnt 
understanding of ..? Or that our brains are constructed 
in such a way that .. is easier to understand?

For what it is worth, even after years of Python 
programming, I still sometimes write this:

for i in len(myList):
 # Oops.

I too prefer range() or xrange() over magic syntax, but 
I'm not especially a lover of the range() idiom. How 
about this? With the introduction of a single keyword, 
we could do this:

for i in 2 to 5:
 print i,

which would print 2 3 4 5

(I'm open to arguments that it should be more Pythonic 
and less mathematical, and halt at 4.)

A second keyword downto would allow easy backwards 
loops, and a third step will absolutely kill any 
chance of Guido agreeing to this whatsoever.

 Haskell also has a good step notation.  In Haskell:
 [1..10] means [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
 [1,3..10] means [1,3,5,7,9]

I'm wary of that notation. It is too easy to make 
typos, what with , and . next to each other, and the 
typos often will not raise an exception but will simply 
give incorrect but puzzling behaviour. This isn't 
unique to the proposed syntax (e.g. under Python today 
it isn't obvious whether [0,3] is a typo for [0.3]) but 
it gives me pause.



Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Petr Jakes
Endless stories about IDEs (try to browse through this discussion group
first). Of course it depends about users personal needs and taste. So
install them and try them (I know, it's really time consuming). I thing
there is not the other way to decide which one is the best for YOU.

Petr Jakes


timeit module: am I missing something obvious?

2006-02-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
When using the timeit module, you pass the code you 
want to time as strings:

import timeit
t = timeit.Timer(foo(x, y), \
from module import foo
x = 27
y = 45
elapsed_time = t.timeit()

This is all very well, but it feels quite unnatural to 
me. Why am I passing strings around when functions are 
first class objects? Have I missed something obvious?

I understand that sometimes you have to pass strings, 
because statements are NOT objects in Python. But what 
about when your code doesn't use statements?

It seems to me it would be really useful to be able to 
do something like this:

# this doesn't work...
import timeit
from module import foo
x = 27
y = 45
t = timeit.Timer(foo, args=[x, y])
elapsed_time = t.timeit()

instead of messing about with setup strings and the like.

Am I missing something obvious? Does this functionality 
already exist? Is there a reason why it can't exist?



Re: timeit module: am I missing something obvious?

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 When using the timeit module, you pass the code you
 want to time as strings:
 import timeit
 t = timeit.Timer(foo(x, y), \
 from module import foo
 x = 27
 y = 45
 elapsed_time = t.timeit()
 This is all very well, but it feels quite unnatural to
 me. Why am I passing strings around when functions are
 first class objects? Have I missed something obvious?

You are supposed to time small pieces of code where a function call would be
a significant overhead.
 I understand that sometimes you have to pass strings,
 because statements are NOT objects in Python. But what
 about when your code doesn't use statements?
 It seems to me it would be really useful to be able to
 do something like this:
 # this doesn't work...
 import timeit
 from module import foo
 x = 27
 y = 45
 t = timeit.Timer(foo, args=[x, y])
 elapsed_time = t.timeit()
 instead of messing about with setup strings and the like.
 Am I missing something obvious? Does this functionality
 already exist? Is there a reason why it can't exist?

Just do it :-)

I would suggest a slight modification:

t = timeit.Timer.for_function(foo, x, y, a=..., b=...)

And while you are at it you could also move the code that dynamically
adjusts the number of repetitions from the main() function into a Timer
method and make its invocation the default for the timeit() method. (If
that has not been done already, see


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread billie
I really think that IDLE is one of the best around in Python source editing. 
The only great lacks are tabs. Does somebody know if is there some IDLE 
modified version including tabbed browsing, out there? 


Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Zefria
 class Fighter:
... '''Small one man craft that can only harm other fighters on
their own.'''
... def __init__(self,statsTuple=(50,5,0,(2,4),1)):
... self.fuel = statsTuple[0]
... = statsTuple[1]
... self.armor = statsTuple[2]
... self.weapon = statsTuple[3]
... self.bulk = statsTuple[4]
... __slots__ =
 ral = Fighter() = 2

I was reading the special methods, got to slots
( and decided that i should use
this to save memory in the program because it'll have to support very
large numbers of fighers at once. It says that once you define slots
then you can't add any variables not listed in slots, but from that
example section I just did, so am I doing something wrong or did I read
it wrong?


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Michele Simionato
Alexander Schmolck wrote:
 As common lisp and scheme demonstrate you can have high level of dynamism (and
 in a number of things both are more dynamic than python) and still get very
 good performance (in some cases close to or better than C).

Just for personal enlightment, where do you think Lisp is more dynamic
of Python?
Can you new name a few features?

 What's far more interesting to me, however, is that I think there a good
 reasons to suspect python's slowness is more of a feature than a flaw: I'd not
 be suprised if on the whole it greatly increases programmer productivity and
 results in clearer and more uniform code.

 If you know the language to be dog slow any way, you're much less likely to
 waste your time (and that of future maintainers) on the pointless
 microoptimizations that geeks so love. Also, since only builtins have
 reasonable performance there's added motiviation to become very familiar with
 the available builtins (and standard libarary) and far less temptation to roll
 one's own version of say dict.setdefault (even if it it sucks). The fact that
 non-standard library code is inherently somewhat inferior (because it will
 either be written in python and slow or written in C and a pain to install)
 adds further incentive to attempt community wide standardization.

 I think it's not unreasonable to speculate that all this decreases production,
 maintenance and reuse costs of python code considerably, so much in fact that
 python's very slowness represents part of its competetive edge over languages
 that are in some ways better engineered and more capable.

I think you have a very good point here. +1000!

  Michele Simionato


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Jonathon Blake
Steven wrote:

 And I'm just waiting for somebody to mention Forth,

Probably not the context you expected it to be mentioned in.

  Yet one could potentially have that bytecode interpreter in hardware.
 Not potentially, in actuality. I know of only one example,

Shouldn't the Forth Chips from the late 70's and early 80's also get a
mention here?


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

Re: Is inifinite loop not a good practice?

2006-02-20 Thread Alvin A. Delagon
Thanks for the quick heads up! The comparison between implementing an 
infinite loop and cron is great. I'm beginning to see cron as the better 
solution between the two specially during crash instances. I'll try to 
code the script using the two solutions and do some stress testing to 
determine which is better between those two.

Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bonono

Zefria wrote:
  class Fighter:
 ... '''Small one man craft that can only harm other fighters on
 their own.'''
 ... def __init__(self,statsTuple=(50,5,0,(2,4),1)):
 ... self.fuel = statsTuple[0]
 ... = statsTuple[1]
 ... self.armor = statsTuple[2]
 ... self.weapon = statsTuple[3]
 ... self.bulk = statsTuple[4]
 ... __slots__ =
  ral = Fighter() = 2

 I was reading the special methods, got to slots
 ( and decided that i should use
 this to save memory in the program because it'll have to support very
 large numbers of fighers at once. It says that once you define slots
 then you can't add any variables not listed in slots, but from that
 example section I just did, so am I doing something wrong or did I read
 it wrong?

Seems that __slots__  in your case is nothing but a 'local variable' to
the function __init__. I think you need something like this :

class Test(object):
  __slots__ = ['attr1','attr2']


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Zefria wrote:
class Fighter:

Old-style classes are deprecated, use new-style class wherever possible:

class Fighter(object):

 ... '''Small one man craft that can only harm other fighters on
 their own.'''
 ... def __init__(self,statsTuple=(50,5,0,(2,4),1)):
 ... self.fuel = statsTuple[0]
 ... = statsTuple[1]
 ... self.armor = statsTuple[2]
 ... self.weapon = statsTuple[3]
 ... self.bulk = statsTuple[4]
 ... __slots__ =

 I was reading the special methods, got to slots
 ( and decided that i should use
 this to save memory in the program because it'll have to support very
 large numbers of fighers at once.

premature optimization is the root of all evil.

 It says that once you define slots
 then you can't add any variables not listed in slots, but from that
 example section I just did, so am I doing something wrong or did I read
 it wrong?

I think it's:

class Fighter(object):
  __slots__ = ['fuel', 'life', 'armor', 'weapon', 'bulk',]
  def __init__(self, ...):
# code here

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 F. Petitjean:
Rene Pijlman:


I beg to disagree :-) Use ed
Ed is the standard text editor.
 That was 1991. This is 2006.

Yes, but that rant is still a pure jewel of geek madness.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: share function argument between subsequent calls but not between class instances!

2006-02-20 Thread Duncan Booth
Ben Finney wrote:

 Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you intend to only use the default some of the time, and at other
 times pass in a different list, then save the 'default' in the
 instance and use a special marker value to indicate when you intend
 the default to be used:
 The most common idiom for such a marker is the None value.

Can you provide any firm evidence that using None is more common?

Both uses are common. Use whichever you are happier with (except of course 
in the case where None is a potential value distinct from the default).

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 Sriram Krishnan:
Check out
 This page can't be taken seriously. vi is not listed.

Well, this prove that this page *is* to be taken seriously !-)

(René, don't bother replying : this is a troll ;-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Removing Non-Unicode Support?

2006-02-20 Thread Jeff Rush
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 On 2/17/06, M.-A. Lemburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Neal Norwitz wrote:
Another candidate for removal is the --disable-unicode

We should probably add a deprecation warning for that in
Py 2.5 and then remove the hundreds of
from the source code in time for Py 2.6.
 I've heard of a bunch of people using --disable-unicode.  I'm not sure
 if it's curiosity or if there are really production builds without
 unicode.  Ask this on c.l.p too.

Such a switch quite likely is useful to those creating Python interpreters 
for small hand-held devices, where space is at a premium.  I would hesitate 
to remove switches to drop features in general, for that reason.

Although I have played with reducing the footprint of Python, I am not 
currently doing so.  I could never get the footprint down sufficiently to 
make it usable, unfortunately.  But I would like to see the Python 
developers maintain an awareness of memory consumption and not assume that 
Python is always run on modern fully-loaded desktops.  We are seeing 
increasing use of Python in embedded systems these days.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Torsten Bronger wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Alexander Schmolck a écrit :

Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode?

Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?

interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc
redone at each execution, which is not the case with a
bytecode/vm based implementation.
 That sounds like an implementation feature rather than a language

It is, of course. When we say that 'this language is
[interpreted|bytecompiled|compiled|runs on clay tablets|whatnot], we're
of course talking about the standard or reference implementation(s).

 Besides, it's not a very sensible distinction in my
 opinion.  Much better is to think about the structure of the
 interpreting machine.  I'm not a CS person (only a physicist) but if
 you *need* a bytecode interpreter on top of the CPU interpretation,
 it's an interpreted language to me.

So there are only interpreted languages nowadays.

 I've had such a discussion about TeX already, and my personal
 conclusion was that you can defend almost any opinion in that area.
 However, one should ensure that the definitions make a pragmatic and
 useful distinction.

The only pragmatic and useful distinction I can see here is between
languages that have to re-parse the whole source for each and every
executions ('interpreted') and languages that don't.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

multiple email recipients

2006-02-20 Thread eight02645999
i currently am using this email function that can send single email
import smtplib
import string, sys
body = string.join((
From: %s % FROM,
To: %s % TO,
Subject: %s % SUBJECT,
CC: %s % CC,
BODY), \r\n)

server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO,CC],body)

was wondering how to modify the code so as i can send to multiple email
recipients using TO? thanks.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Paul Boddie wrote:

 I'm not sure why people get all defensive about Python's
 interpreted/scripting designation

Because it carries a negative connotation of slow toy language not
suitable for 'serious' tasks. Dynamicity apart, CPython's
implementation is much closer to Java than to bash scripts - but still,
as soon as you say interpreted, scripting, peoples think not serious.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
OK, but then we should change,
which starts with Python is an interpreted, interactive,
object-oriented programming language.
 I second this motion. Even tried to persuade the site maintainer
 before. We should really, really change it. The perceived speed of
 Python will at least triple on dropping that interpreted - and I am
 NOT joking.

+1 on this.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Zefria
 class Fighter(object):
... '''Small one man craft that can only harm other fighters on
their own.'''
... __slots__ = [fuel,life,armor,weapon,bulk]
... def __init__(self,statsTuple=(50,5,0,(2,4),1)):
... self.fuel = statsTuple[0]
... = statsTuple[1]
... self.armor = statsTuple[2]
... self.weapon = statsTuple[3]
... self.bulk = statsTuple[4]
 examp = Fighter()
 examp.rock = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'Fighter' object has no attribute 'rock'

Thank you both, I had tried making it a class variable and didn't see
anything. The trick must have been in making a class that inheriets
from object.

Also, I don't generally do any optimization at all yet (as a highschool
student projects get trashed often enough no to bother over), but in
this special case I'm expecting each carrier to have up to 150
fighters, and 3 to 5 carriers for each of the two teams, which comes
out to be quite large.

Additionally, this program's purpose was to experiment with as many of
the special methods as possible, so I suppose I'm on track so far.


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten
Zefria wrote:

 Also, I don't generally do any optimization at all yet (as a highschool
 student projects get trashed often enough no to bother over), but in
 this special case I'm expecting each carrier to have up to 150
 fighters, and 3 to 5 carriers for each of the two teams, which comes
 out to be quite large.

However, 'large numbers' are more likely to start (picture me looking out of
the window) at 100,000 than 10,000 in this context -- and you are at 750...



Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bonono

Peter Otten wrote:
 Zefria wrote:

  Also, I don't generally do any optimization at all yet (as a highschool
  student projects get trashed often enough no to bother over), but in
  this special case I'm expecting each carrier to have up to 150
  fighters, and 3 to 5 carriers for each of the two teams, which comes
  out to be quite large.

 However, 'large numbers' are more likely to start (picture me looking out of
 the window) at 100,000 than 10,000 in this context -- and you are at 750...

He could be working on a machine with  1M RAM or some other


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Zefria wrote:

 Also, I don't generally do any optimization at all yet (as a highschool
 student projects get trashed often enough no to bother over), but in
 this special case I'm expecting each carrier to have up to 150
 fighters, and 3 to 5 carriers for each of the two teams, which comes
 out to be quite large.

That's 750 fighter objects.  This is not a large amount of objects.  So
I think it's premature optmization.  Especially because you think of using
__slots__ without actually trying if the program uses too much memory.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

module time

2006-02-20 Thread Sergey
There is function
mktime() -- convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch
in module time.
But how about to convert *GMT time tuple* to seconds since Epoch?

Is there such function?


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Mystilleef
I'm writing a simple yet powerful text editor for GNOME that is great
for Python development called Scribes. It features

Snippets (ala Textmate/Eclipse)
Automatic word completion
Automatic indentation
Automatic bracket completion
Automatic saving
Syntax Highlight

Flash Movie:

Gif Screencast:


It's faster, lighter, simpler and as powerful than the alternatives,
and most important it never gets in your way and you would never need
to decipher cryptic manuals to do anything moderately productive,
unlike some other editors. It's free software too, give it a try. As a
bonus, it's written in Python.


Re: Format file size for printing

2006-02-20 Thread Fuzzyman

abcd wrote:
 is there a built-in way of printing the size of a file nicely?

 So if the file size is 103803 bytes it prints out like: 103.8K

 something liek that?

Pathutils (small extension module - not builtin) contains a basic
function that does this.

All the best,



Re: module time

2006-02-20 Thread jean-michel bain-cornu
Sergey wrote:
 There is function
 mktime() -- convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch
 in module time.
 But how about to convert *GMT time tuple* to seconds since Epoch?
 Is there such function?
Does mktime(gmtime()) suit your needs ?

Re: Komodo - Will it Lock Me In?

2006-02-20 Thread Fuzzyman

Matt wrote:
 Peter Decker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You should take a look at Dabo,

 Yes, I have Dabo installed on my system. I made a small test app, but was
 unable to deploy it. I was getting an error from py2exe, I think, about how my
 wxPython installation was not correct. This is the kind of thing I am talking
 about. If Dabo were an integrated system, I wouldn't have to spend many days
 struggling to install package after package and then get them all to play nice
 with each other.

 Having said that, I will continue to struggle and like Dabo as the best option
 so far.

Have you reported your problem on the py2exe mailing list ? Lots of
people use py2exe with wxPython - so it should be possible to resolve.

(To post to the py2exe mailing list, please incldue the full error
message and a copy of the '' you are using. This will help
people diagnose the problem.)

I have two other recommendations.

1) Look at SPE the editor - htttp://
It is open source and includes a GUI builder as well. It's a very
nice editor.
2) For *deploying* applications you could consider Movable Python.
You'll need to buy a license per *target* machine, but it's a full
distribution of Python - so doesn't need the 'build' phase of deploying
with py2exe.

All the best,




Re: multiple email recipients

2006-02-20 Thread Tim Williams (gmail)
On 20 Feb 2006 01:01:38 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:hii currently am using this email function that can send single email
address[SNIP]was wondering how to modify the code so as i can send to multiple emailrecipients using TO? thanks.
You are making the common mistake of thinking that the header sender
and recipients are the same as the SMTP-envelope sender and
recipients, in reality they do not have to bear any
similarity or relationship :)

You need a single list containing all the recipients by email
address, and strings containing the text representations of the
header From, To and Cc fields.

There is a module called email, so beware of calling your
function the same name. Also, you may find the email module
becomes helpful for building emails as your function/requirements get
more complex.


TO =  Undisclosed recipients 
CC =  Uknown recipients 

  import smtplib  import string, sys  body = string.join((  From: %s % FROM,  To: %s % TO,  Subject: %s % SUBJECT,  CC: %s % CC,
  ,  BODY), \r\n)  server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST) failed = server.sendmail(SENDER, RECIPIENTS,body)  server.quit()

HTH :)-- Tim Williams

cElementTree encoding woes

2006-02-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

I've got to deal with a pretty huge XML-document, and to do so I use the
cElementTree.iterparse functionality. Working great.

Only trouble: The guys creating that chunk of XML - well, lets just say they
are encodingly challanged, so they don't produce utf-8, but only cp1252
instead, together with some weird name (Windows-1252) for that. That is not
part of the standard codecs module. cp1252 is, of course.

But that won't work for iterparse. So currently, I manually change the
encoding given to utf-8, and use a stream-recoder. 

However, I was wondering if I could teach cElementTree about that encoding
name. I tried to register cp1252 under the name Windows-1252, but had no
luck - cET won't buy it.

Any suggestions?


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Torsten Bronger

bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Torsten Bronger wrote:


 I've had such a discussion about TeX already, and my personal
 conclusion was that you can defend almost any opinion in that
 area.  However, one should ensure that the definitions make a
 pragmatic and useful distinction.

 The only pragmatic and useful distinction I can see here is
 between languages that have to re-parse the whole source for each
 and every executions ('interpreted') and languages that don't.

Well, I think that it's fair to say that there are by principle deep
run time differences between CPython and, say, a typical
C++-compiled program.  Your definition would not reproduce that.  I
think it's also fair to say that these differences should be known
if somebody tries to find the best tool for a job.  After all, they
include advantages, too.

My definiton would be that an interpreted language has in its
typical implementation an interpreting layer necessary for typical
hardware.  Of couse, now we could discuss what is typical,
however, in practice one would know it, I think.  In case of Python:
CPython and all important modern processors.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetusICQ 264-296-646

Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Zefria
Well, my computer tends to run at about 497 to 501 out of 504 MB of RAM
used once I start up Gnome, XMMS, and a few Firefox tabs, and I'd
prefer not to see things slipping into Swap space if I can avoid it,
and the fighter data would be only part of a larger program.

And as I said, learning how to use __slots__ is important enough to
hazard a premature guess this time around. If I mess up, the worst that
happens is that I have to write down a new variable name in two places
instead of one now.


Regular expression gone mad

2006-02-20 Thread fileexit
Would someone please tell me what is going on here??!! Why does the
following code work

 pat = re.compile(a), re.DOTALL)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7f7eaa0

But this one does not!!! (Search finds nothing)

 pat = re.compile(a), re.DOTALL)

ProcMem contains:

 print ProcMem
MemTotal:  8247952 kB
MemFree:   5980920 kB
Buffers:417044 kB
Cached: 703036 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
Active:1440136 kB
Inactive:   370668 kB
HighTotal: 7405512 kB
HighFree:  5977600 kB
LowTotal:   842440 kB
LowFree:  3320 kB
SwapTotal: 8339440 kB
SwapFree:  8339296 kB
Dirty:  96 kB
Writeback:   0 kB
Mapped: 786672 kB
Slab:   359208 kB
Committed_AS:  2453912 kB
PageTables:  24696 kB
VmallocTotal:   106488 kB
VmallocUsed:  8700 kB
VmallocChunk:96708 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free:  0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB


Re: multiple email recipients

2006-02-20 Thread Rene Pijlman
was wondering how to modify the code so as i can send to multiple email
recipients using TO? thanks.

You add RFC 2822 headers.
(3.6.3. Destination address fields)

René Pijlman

Re: why does close() fail miserably on popen with exit code -1 ?!

2006-02-20 Thread Rene Pijlman
Atanas Banov:
i ran onto this weirdness today: seems like close() on popen-ed
(pseudo)file fails miserably with exception instead of returning exit
code, when said exit code is -1.

Not here.

Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import os
 print os.popen('exit 1').close()

René Pijlman

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Paul Boddie
bruno at modulix wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:

  I'm not sure why people get all defensive about Python's
  interpreted/scripting designation

 Because it carries a negative connotation of slow toy language not
 suitable for 'serious' tasks. Dynamicity apart, CPython's
 implementation is much closer to Java than to bash scripts - but still,
 as soon as you say interpreted, scripting, peoples think not serious.

Perhaps we should blame the main man for this confusing label, then

From one perspective you can say Python is a very high-level scripting

Interestingly, with regard to my remark about various criteria being
more appropriate when distinguishing between interactive and
non-interactive languages, we also learn the following:

From another perspective you can say it's a high-level programming
language that happens to be implemented in a way that emphasizes
interactivity. Python shares some characteristics with scripting
languages, but also shares some characteristics with more traditional
programming languages.

Of course, we've all had this debate before, or rather everyone else
has had this debate before and I've mostly ignored whether people call
Python a scripting language, an interactive language, an agile
language, a dynamic language, an applications programming language, or
whatever. Personally, I rather think that whichever labels one chooses
to attach to a language or platform generally come about from the
success stories one can show people in relation to that language or

But there are always going to be people who contrast something like
CPython's runtime with the Java virtual machine and ask whether CPython
has, for example as one distinguishing factor, just-in-time compilation
as a generally supported feature, and such people will be genuinely
interested in why such things typically lie outside the principal
runtime development process. People like to find distinctions between
things - sometimes arbitrary ones - and make classifications that allow
them to arrange such things conveniently in their mind. What I find
quite worrying is that while in previous years people have responded to
such discussions with a critical analysis of where Python (or rather
CPython) can be improved, it's now the fashion to just trot out some
response or other which excuses rather than explains the way things




Re: multiple email recipients

2006-02-20 Thread Tim Williams (gmail)
On 20/02/06, Rene Pijlman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:was wondering how to modify the code so as i can send to multiple email
recipients using TO? thanks.You add RFC 2822 headers. Destination address fields)

RFC 2822 relates to the format of the message, not the sending of
it. Adding headers such as Destination address
fields will not affect nor necessarilly be related in any way to
the actual recipients of the message

The correct RFC might be RFC 2821 , Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
 But the OP doesn't need RFC help, just help with the
smtplib module itself. :)


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bonono

Zefria wrote:
 Well, my computer tends to run at about 497 to 501 out of 504 MB of RAM
 used once I start up Gnome, XMMS, and a few Firefox tabs, and I'd
 prefer not to see things slipping into Swap space if I can avoid it,
 and the fighter data would be only part of a larger program.

 And as I said, learning how to use __slots__ is important enough to
 hazard a premature guess this time around. If I mess up, the worst that
 happens is that I have to write down a new variable name in two places
 instead of one now.

For this particular setup, I don't think it would be a concern given
your mentioned size as you are very unlikely to be actively using all
the apps at the same time and linux is quite efficient in handling it.

However, I don't think attempting to use __slots__ in this case is bad
either. Afterall, one of the strength of python is allowing you to
quickly test out different approachs.


Re: Regular expression gone mad

2006-02-20 Thread Rene Pijlman
(Search finds nothing)

 pat = re.compile(a), re.DOTALL)

From the docs:

Compiled regular expression objects support the following methods and
match( string[, pos[, endpos]])

Your re.DOTALL is seen as start position. That's why it's probably
matching 'MemFree' instead of 'MemTotal'.

René Pijlman

Re: os.mkdir simple help

2006-02-20 Thread XBello
I'm new to python too, but I've read that sys.stdin.readline() is
preferred. Is that right?


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Paul Boddie
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Alexander Schmolck wrote:

  My point was that Guido probably (and fortunately!) was unaware of the 
  to which you can have both dynamism and speed

 any my point was that chosing to ignore something doesn't mean
 that you're ignorant.

I think it's more charitable (or rather, it possibly expresses the
intent behind the quoted text more accurately or objectively) to
rephrase ignorance on Guido's part and Guido... was unaware of with
Guido's deliberate design decisions upon considering previous work on
dynamic language runtime implementation and Guido chose to disregard
strategies illustrating respectively. Not that I actually profess to
know what Guido's knowledge of the field was in the late 1980s or what
he actually knows right now beyond what he has said in various articles
and interviews.

 (but since you keep repeating this nonsense, it's clear that you're
 pretty ignorant wrt. software design.  too much CS exposure?).

Unfortunate choices of words notwithstanding, I think the contributor
in question raises interesting issues at a level way above this kind of
response. Not that I actually profess to know what his level of CS
exposure is beyond a brief perusal of his Google Groups profile, but I
don't see how that really comes into play here, apart from as a
convenient put-down label.



Re: cElementTree encoding woes

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 I've got to deal with a pretty huge XML-document, and to do so I use the
 cElementTree.iterparse functionality. Working great.
 Only trouble: The guys creating that chunk of XML - well, lets just say
 they are encodingly challanged, so they don't produce utf-8, but only
 cp1252 instead, together with some weird name (Windows-1252) for that.
 That is not part of the standard codecs module. cp1252 is, of course.
 But that won't work for iterparse. So currently, I manually change the
 encoding given to utf-8, and use a stream-recoder.
 However, I was wondering if I could teach cElementTree about that encoding
 name. I tried to register cp1252 under the name Windows-1252, but had no
 luck - cET won't buy it.
 Any suggestions?

Both my python2.3 and python2.4 interpreters seem to know Windows-1252:

 import codecs, encoding=windows-1252)
open file 'windows.xml', mode 'rb' at 0x403737e0

Maybe the problem lies in the python installation rather than cElementTree?
Just guessing, though.



Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten

 Zefria wrote:
 Well, my computer tends to run at about 497 to 501 out of 504 MB of RAM
 used once I start up Gnome, XMMS, and a few Firefox tabs, and I'd
 prefer not to see things slipping into Swap space if I can avoid it,
 and the fighter data would be only part of a larger program.

 And as I said, learning how to use __slots__ is important enough to
 hazard a premature guess this time around. If I mess up, the worst that
 happens is that I have to write down a new variable name in two places
 instead of one now.
 For this particular setup, I don't think it would be a concern given
 your mentioned size as you are very unlikely to be actively using all
 the apps at the same time and linux is quite efficient in handling it.
 However, I don't think attempting to use __slots__ in this case is bad
 either. Afterall, one of the strength of python is allowing you to
 quickly test out different approachs.

Yes, something like

import sys

class Fighter(object):
if --use-slots in sys.argv:
__slots__ = [...]

and then comparing

$ python


$ python --use-slots

might be instructive. I don't think the OP will perceive a difference. 

 He could be working on a machine with  1M RAM or some other

I have 256K, by the way.



Pythonpath and gnome panel

2006-02-20 Thread egbert
My pygtk gui can not be started from a gnome panel, 
because, apparently, the panel doesn't know about my
modified PYTHONPATH. So how can I instruct the panel ?
Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991


Re: cElementTree encoding woes

2006-02-20 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 I've got to deal with a pretty huge XML-document, and to do so I use the
 cElementTree.iterparse functionality. Working great.

 Only trouble: The guys creating that chunk of XML - well, lets just say they
 are encodingly challanged, so they don't produce utf-8, but only cp1252
 instead, together with some weird name (Windows-1252) for that. That is not
 part of the standard codecs module. cp1252 is, of course.

 But that won't work for iterparse. So currently, I manually change the
 encoding given to utf-8, and use a stream-recoder.

 However, I was wondering if I could teach cElementTree about that encoding
 name. I tried to register cp1252 under the name Windows-1252, but had no
 luck - cET won't buy it.

you need cET 1.0.5 or later for this to work.  for earlier versions, you have 
to use
stream recoding:



Re: cElementTree encoding woes

2006-02-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Both my python2.3 and python2.4 interpreters seem to know Windows-1252:
 import codecs, encoding=windows-1252)
 open file 'windows.xml', mode 'rb' at 0x403737e0
 Maybe the problem lies in the python installation rather than
 cElementTree? Just guessing, though.

Hm. No idea why I was under the impression they weren't there - but still,
it doesn't work: I get

inf = file(sys.argv[1])
#inf = codecs.StreamRecoder(inf,encoder, decoder, reader, writer)

for event, elem in cElementTree.iterparse(inf):

pukes on me with

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 31, in ?
for event, elem in cElementTree.iterparse(inf):
  File string, line 61, in __iter__
SyntaxError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 35, column 34

That is the first french character encountered.

titleIntroduction aux Probabilités/title

So - then the problem is not the codec being ignored, but it simply is not



Re: module time

2006-02-20 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sergey wrote:
 There is function
 mktime() -- convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch
 in module time.
 But how about to convert *GMT time tuple* to seconds since Epoch?

 Is there such function?

 import calendar
Help on function timegm in module calendar:

Unrelated but handy function to calculate Unix timestamp from GMT.



Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 01:14:20 -0800, Zefria wrote:

 class Fighter(object):
 ... '''Small one man craft that can only harm other fighters on
 their own.'''
 ... __slots__ = [fuel,life,armor,weapon,bulk]
 ... def __init__(self,statsTuple=(50,5,0,(2,4),1)):
 ... self.fuel = statsTuple[0]
 ... = statsTuple[1]
 ... self.armor = statsTuple[2]
 ... self.weapon = statsTuple[3]
 ... self.bulk = statsTuple[4]
 examp = Fighter()
 examp.rock = 3
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: 'Fighter' object has no attribute 'rock'

 Thank you both, I had tried making it a class variable and didn't see
 anything. The trick must have been in making a class that inheriets
 from object.

For technical reasons, __slots__ don't work as expected for old-style
classes, and never will. You have to inherit from object to make them work

 Also, I don't generally do any optimization at all yet (as a highschool
 student projects get trashed often enough no to bother over), but in
 this special case I'm expecting each carrier to have up to 150
 fighters, and 3 to 5 carriers for each of the two teams, which comes
 out to be quite large.

750 objects is not very many, not unless they are carrying around large
chunks of data. And even then, using __slots__ saves only a small
amount of memory per object.

Write your code the slot-less way, see how it performs, and if it is slow,
change your class definition.



Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Tim Parkin
Mladen Adamovic wrote:


I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.


I've been using wing for quite some time and it's an excellent dedicated
editor for python. If you want flexible debugging in a gui environment
it's hard to beat.

Tim Parkin

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Doug Bromley
I did a review of Python IDE's at my blog. If you're interested you can take a look: have a couple of links to other reviews on there too. Worth a look if you're trying to find a good IDE.
On 2/20/06, Tim Parkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mladen Adamovic wrote:Hi!I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Pythonprograms. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.I've been using wing for quite some time and it's an excellent dedicated
editor for python. If you want flexible debugging in a gui environmentit's hard to beat.Tim Parkin--


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bonono

Peter Otten wrote:
  He could be working on a machine with  1M RAM or some other

 I have 256K, by the way.

Impressive, curious to know what kind of environment it is as it has
been a long time I have seen such limited spec. My first x86(IBM PC)
had more than that.


Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Otten

 Peter Otten wrote:
  He could be working on a machine with  1M RAM or some other

 I have 256K, by the way.

 Impressive, curious to know what kind of environment it is as it has
 been a long time I have seen such limited spec. My first x86(IBM PC)
 had more than that.


Re: Python Oracle Interace on Solaris

2006-02-20 Thread Bill Scherer
Kenny wrote:

 Thanks... Im not sure if you would know how to solve this one, but when
 I ran my setup python scripts I got the error: library -lclntsh not
 found. In the instantclient folder the library exists... is this a
 matter of just copying the libraries to a different spot or just
 setting up the correct environment variables?

Not sure on Solaris... You might try exporting an LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or 
editing /etc/ and running ldconfig, if Solaris has such a thing.
I would caution against moving the library, it's probably already where 
it's expected to be. You have ORACLE_HOME set?

Scientific Survey: Working Conditions in Open Source Projects

2006-02-20 Thread Dirk Jendroska
We like to invite you to a survey about the working conditions in 
Free/Open-Source Software development. This survey is conducted by the 
Open-Source Research Group of the University of Würzburg (Germany).

We will compare work design in open source and proprietary software 
development. Our findings should be used to adjust the working 
conditions of software development to the needs of the developers. The 
results will be published under the Creative Commons License.

To start the survey, please click on the following link:

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us!
Dirk Jendroska


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread pikatxu
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 20:52:54 +0100, Mladen Adamovic wrote:

 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

eclipse+pydev ?
I've never tried it though


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Carl Friedrich Bolz
Torsten Bronger wrote:
 Well, I think that it's fair to say that there are by principle deep
 run time differences between CPython and, say, a typical
 C++-compiled program.  Your definition would not reproduce that.  I
 think it's also fair to say that these differences should be known
 if somebody tries to find the best tool for a job.  After all, they
 include advantages, too.
 My definiton would be that an interpreted language has in its
 typical implementation an interpreting layer necessary for typical
 hardware.  Of couse, now we could discuss what is typical,
 however, in practice one would know it, I think.  In case of Python:
 CPython and all important modern processors.

Well, if we take any modern Intel/AMD chip (which could be described as 
typical), a C++ program would fit the interpreted definition, since 
the processor does not execute the machine code directly but rather 
breaks it down into smaller microcode instruction -- a process that 
could be described as intepretation.

Another problem with the definition: what would you call a C++ program 
that is running on top of an emulator? Does a language become 
interpreted just by running the program on top of an emulator? Why is 
the python interpreter different from an emulator in this respect? I 
think that the disctinction between interpreted and compiled 
(whatever both means) is really just not sensible at all.


Carl Friedrich


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Kay Schluehr
 What's far more interesting to me, however, is that I think there a good
 reasons to suspect python's slowness is more of a feature than a flaw: I'd not
 be suprised if on the whole it greatly increases programmer productivity and
 results in clearer and more uniform code.

Yes, it's Guidos master-plan to lock programmers into a slow language
in order to dominate them for decades. Do you also believe that Al
Quaida is a phantom organization of the CIA founded by neocons in the
early '90s who planned to invade Iraq?



Re: any ftpd written in python?

2006-02-20 Thread Kenneth Xie
 Kenneth Xie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need a simple ftpd example in pure python. Is there already such a 
 ftpd available?
 Thank you very much in advance.

 it is a bit dated and I do not develop it anymore, but as a base of your
 own server software it can be quite good.

Exactly what I need now, thank you very much.

Re: Quesion about the proper use of __slots__

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Zefria wrote:
 Well, my computer tends to run at about 497 to 501 out of 504 MB of RAM
 used once I start up Gnome, XMMS, and a few Firefox tabs, and I'd
 prefer not to see things slipping into Swap space if I can avoid it,
 and the fighter data would be only part of a larger program.
 And as I said, learning how to use __slots__ is important enough to
 hazard a premature guess this time around. If I mess up, the worst that
 happens is that I have to write down a new variable name in two places
 instead of one now.

Ok, but don't forget that using slots prevents you from attaching new
attributes on the fly on a given instance - which can be quite handy for
some use cases.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Torsten Bronger

Carl Friedrich Bolz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Torsten Bronger wrote:


 My definiton would be that an interpreted language has in its
 typical implementation an interpreting layer necessary for
 typical hardware.  Of couse, now we could discuss what is
 typical, however, in practice one would know it, I think.  In
 case of Python: CPython and all important modern processors.

 Well, if we take any modern Intel/AMD chip (which could be
 described as typical), a C++ program would fit the interpreted
 definition, since the processor does not execute the machine code
 directly but rather breaks it down into smaller microcode
 instruction -- a process that could be described as intepretation.

This is an interpreting layer within the hardware, not necessary for

 Another problem with the definition: what would you call a C++
 program that is running on top of an emulator?

Compiled.  I said necessary for typical hardware.

 [...] I think that the disctinction between interpreted and
 compiled (whatever both means) is really just not sensible at

The question is whether such features have to be considered when
choosing the right tool for a task.  I think, yes.  Whereas C is
very close to the fastest code you can get because it works very
closely to how the machine itself works, Python can well be one or
one and a half orders of magnitude farther away.  No problem since
you can get the best of both worlds but: You must be aware of it.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetusICQ 264-296-646

Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-20 Thread bruno at modulix
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are very good web framework for java and ruby ,
Is there one for python ?

In fact, there are actually too much *good* python web frameworks.
 Dear Mr. BDFL,
 there are too many good web frameworks nowadays. Please eliminate three.

Seems like I should have added a smiley somewhere...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Print a PDF transparently

2006-02-20 Thread Daniel Crespo
 Have you seen this?
 In particular, the section on using win32print directly.

Yes, I have. The problems is that an external program is launched for
handling the file and print it. In the case of PDF, acrobat is
launched. In the case of PS, Ghostview is launched. When printing a
PDF, acrobat keeps alive, so the user has to close it manually. On the
other hand, Ghostview is opened, prints the file and closes
automatically. The last one is which I find the best for me, until now,
(because the Ghostview closes automatically). If I decide to go this
way, my problem then is to transform a pdf to ps, or generate a ps

For further information on what I want, please, refer to my first two
posts in this topic.

Any other help?

Thank you very much


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread zelova
It was said that Boa is good, but I prefer SPE.
WingIDE is good but commercial, I tried it but didn't buy.


Re: general coding issues - coding style...

2006-02-20 Thread calmar
On 2006-02-19, Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1/ learn OO and get rid of globals.

Well I created two classes now. I put some things global (your point 6).
e.g. if it's on Windows or not, and other things.

 2/ use dict or list based dispatch instead of long if/elif/elif... clauses

when I find out what you mean, I will. Probably something lika a 'case'
thing? #python meant a list containing functions or so. So that the
values represent the functions to call, isn 'it?

 3/ stdout is meant for *normal* program outputs. Errors and verbosity go 
 to stderr

yeah, changed (somebit)

 4/ triple quoted strings are fine for multiline text

yeah. I have lot of triple prints...

 5/ os.path is fine for portable filepath operations

I don't really understant what you mean here, sorry

 6/ things that dont change during program execution (ie : constants) 
 should not be defined inside a function

As I mentioned above, these I placed globally:

main gtkwindows, 
smwin or not, 
pyexe or not,  
preferred encoging

according to your statement?

Anyway, since I did lot of changes, I'm myself confused actually.

Will try to cleanup and  implement even further all good
advices from all in some days.

Thanks a lot!!


  (o_  It rocks: LINUX + Command-Line-Interface

Re: Print a PDF transparently

2006-02-20 Thread Daniel Crespo
 Have you seen this?
 In particular, the section on using win32print directly.

Yes, I have. The problems is that an external program is launched for
handling the file and print it. In the case of PDF, acrobat is
launched. In the case of PS, Ghostview is launched. When printing a
PDF, acrobat keeps alive, so the user has to close it manually. On the
other hand, Ghostview is opened, prints the file and closes
automatically. The last one is which I find the best for me, until now,
(because the Ghostview closes automatically). If I decide to go this
way, my problem then is to transform a pdf to ps, or generate a ps

For further information on what I want, please, refer to my first two
posts in this topic.

Any other help?

Thank you very much


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 20:52:54 +0100, Mladen Adamovic


I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

Maybe you try out DrPython.

(Written in Python and wxPython, Autocompletion, Calltips,
easily extensible with plugins and scripts, source browser, ...)
Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: Komodo - Will it Lock Me In?

2006-02-20 Thread Peter Decker

 Yes, I have Dabo installed on my system. I made a small test app, but was
 unable to deploy it. I was getting an error from py2exe, I think, about how my
 wxPython installation was not correct. This is the kind of thing I am talking
 about. If Dabo were an integrated system, I wouldn't have to spend many days
 struggling to install package after package and then get them all to play nice
 with each other.

Dabo is an open source package written by two guys in their spare
time. I'm not surprised that there might still be some loose ends,
especially with integrating with external packages.

Did you post a message to their list explaining the problem? Just last
week someone found a problem building with py2exe, and Paul, one of
the authors, identified the problem (py2exe wasn't 'finding' a library
that it should have), and had a fix posted within a couple of hours.

 Having said that, I will continue to struggle and like Dabo as the best option
 so far.

Good to hear! And don't struggle too much without posting a message
about your problem on the Dabo lists, or on their issue tracker
( I've never worked with a more helpful
team than with the Dabo folks.


# p.d.

Re: Komodo - Will it Lock Me In?

2006-02-20 Thread BartlebyScrivener
matt Any other thoughts on Komodo?

If you code in any other languages (Perl, Ruby) or need to edit xml,
html, php etc, Komodo will handle all of these for you with appropriate
color coding, nested loops etc.


Matt wrote:
 Hi Everybody,

 If I were to use Komodo to write in Python, would it add a lot of goo to my
 code such that I would not be able to switch to another IDE without having to
 claw my way out of a tarpit first?

 Any other thoughts on Komodo? I am considering it because I am hoping to find
 a solution to the install-packages-until-you-go-blind aspect of Python.
 Setting up a serious, cross-platform, gui development environment is quite a
 struggle for a newbie.


Python for PHP Programmers

2006-02-20 Thread Doug Bromley
Hi AllPlease be gentle but I'm primarily a PHP coder after a few years of academic experience in Java I've lost my object orientated programming style and have become a procedural PHP coder. I started using Python almost 12mths ago now but I'm still very much working in a PHP style. Obviously I need to learn the Python way and I have been doing a piece at a time, however, I was wondering if you had any specific advice for PHP - Python programmers? Any habits I need to pickup/drop?
Thanks for any input and thanks for your patience.Doug

Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-20 Thread John Zenger
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 John Zenger wrote:
 I strongly agree that Python should promote range or xrange to syntax. 
 I favor [0..10] rather than [0:10] because 0..10 is inherently easier 
 to understand.
 You mean people are born with an instinctive, unlearnt understanding of 

I mean that most people will have seen that notation somewhere else in 
their pre-Python lives, so it won't take much effort for them to 
remember what it is, at least more so than 0:10.

 With the 
 introduction of a single keyword, we could do this:
 for i in 2 to 5:
 print i,
 which would print 2 3 4 5

This proposed syntax is also easy to understand, maybe more than .., 
because it uses natural language.  The only criticism is that it creates 
a list without using [] notation.  How about [2 to 5]?

 (I'm open to arguments that it should be more Pythonic and less 
 mathematical, and halt at 4.)

I am also open to such arguments but it will be tough to convince me 
that x to y should mean something different from what it means in 
Pascal, BASIC, and English.

 A second keyword downto would allow easy backwards loops,

Downto would only be necessary if we wanted [10 to 1] to equal [].

 and a third 
 step will absolutely kill any chance of Guido agreeing to this 

What about [1 to 3 to 10]?  (Or [1 to 10:2]?)

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-20 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alexander Schmolck wrote:
  My point was that Guido probably (and fortunately!) was unaware of the 
  to which you can have both dynamism and speed

For the convenience of other readers, allow me to restore the snipped second
half of that sentence: ... and the extent to which very
dynamic languages are suitable for writing robust software.
 any my point was that chosing to ignore something doesn't mean
 that you're ignorant.

Interviewer: You said originally you thought 500 lines would be a big
   Python program. 
Guido van Rossum: That was just my lack of imagination.

Guido van Rossum: Another thing, much farther in the future, is
  compilation to C or machine code. I used to think that this was impossible
  and (perhaps because of that) uninteresting, but recent experiments (like
  Armin Rigo's Psyco and Greg Ewing's Pyrex) suggest that this will
  eventually be possible. It should provide Python with an incredible
  performance boost and remove many of the reasons why many people are still
  reluctant to switch to Python.

 (but since you keep repeating this nonsense, it's clear that you're
 pretty ignorant wrt. software design.  too much CS exposure?).
Indeed. Your amazing reading comprehesion and lucid argumentation would
obviously be lost on my posts.


Re: Tab Character?

2006-02-20 Thread Larry Bates
 How do I make a tab character in code to split a line read with tabs in
You should also take a look at csv module.  If you are reading lines
that contain tab delimeted data the csv module can make splitting very

-Larry Bates

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-02-19, Rene Pijlman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I beg to disagree :-) Use ed
Ed is the standard text editor.

 That was 1991. This is 2006.

That's a joke, son. A flag waver. You're built too low. The
fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I
keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep
your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son.
Joke, that is. 

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Wait... is this a FUN
  at   THING or the END of LIFE in
   visi.comPetticoat Junction??

Re: Is Forth for real?

2006-02-20 Thread rickman
Cameron Laird wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on the web for each language. By comparison, even Forth gives 13 million
 plus hits, and who uses Forth?
 The programmers of, among other things, the FedEx bar-code reader,
 the Sun boot loader, and parts of the Space Shuttle.

The original post seems to be missing, but my answer to the title
question is, No, Forth is not real.


Re: [Python-Dev] (-1)**(1/2)==1?

2006-02-20 Thread Jesus Rivero - (Neurogeek)
Hash: SHA1


it's Ok. Python gets from 1/2 0 as 0 is the integer part of that
division. So, Python is interpreting -1**0 so you get 1 as answer.

you should try this (-1)**(1.0/2.0) so 1.0/2.0 is an operation returning
 0.5 completely.

 and you'll get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ValueError: negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power


 Jesús (Neurogeek)

Jonathan Barbero wrote:
   My name is Jonathan, i´m new with Python.
I try this in the command line:
This is wrong, i think it must throw an exception.
 What do you think?
 Python-Dev mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Regular expression gone mad

2006-02-20 Thread Paul McGuire
fileexit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Would someone please tell me what is going on here??!! Why does the
 following code work

  pat = re.compile(a), re.DOTALL)
 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7f7eaa0

 ProcMem contains:

  print ProcMem
 MemTotal:  8247952 kB
 MemFree:   5980920 kB
 Buffers:417044 kB
 Cached: 703036 kB
 SwapCached:  0 kB
 Active:1440136 kB
 Inactive:   370668 kB
 HighTotal: 7405512 kB
 HighFree:  5977600 kB
 LowTotal:   842440 kB
 LowFree:  3320 kB
 SwapTotal: 8339440 kB
 SwapFree:  8339296 kB
 Dirty:  96 kB
 Writeback:   0 kB
 Mapped: 786672 kB
 Slab:   359208 kB
 Committed_AS:  2453912 kB
 PageTables:  24696 kB
 VmallocTotal:   106488 kB
 VmallocUsed:  8700 kB
 VmallocChunk:96708 kB
 HugePages_Total: 0
 HugePages_Free:  0
 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB

Are you going to create re's for every line of that data?  Here's a
pyparsing version that generates the grammar for you (or you can modify this
example to generate re's if you prefer).

This is an unusual form for pyparsing. Typically, people construct an And in
their grammar by connecting expressions together with '+' operators (as in
the procMemEntry method of the example).  But here, we are generating the
list of entries, and then directly creating the And with the resulting list
of expressions.

Download pyparsing at

-- Paul

procMemData = 
MemTotal:  8247952 kB
MemFree:   5980920 kB
Buffers:417044 kB
Cached: 703036 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
Active:1440136 kB
Inactive:   370668 kB
HighTotal: 7405512 kB
HighFree:  5977600 kB
LowTotal:   842440 kB
LowFree:  3320 kB
SwapTotal: 8339440 kB
SwapFree:  8339296 kB
Dirty:  96 kB
Writeback:   0 kB
Mapped: 786672 kB
Slab:   359208 kB
Committed_AS:  2453912 kB
PageTables:  24696 kB
VmallocTotal:   106488 kB
VmallocUsed:  8700 kB
VmallocChunk:96708 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free:  0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB

from pyparsing import Word,nums,Literal,Suppress,Group,And,Dict

# define an integer, and an integer kB value
integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:int(t[0]))
numKb = integer + Suppress(kB)

# convenience method for extracting procMem entries
def procMemEntry(name, valExpr):
return Group(Literal(name) + Suppress(:) + valExpr).setName(name)

# extract names from sample procMem data, and create list of matching value
names = [l.split(':')[0] for l in procMemData.split('\n') if l]
exprs = [n.startswith(HugePages_) and integer or numKb for n in names]

# generate grammar using names and exprs lists
procMemGrammar = Dict(And([ procMemEntry(nam,expr) for nam,expr in
zip(names,exprs) ]))

# check grammar by parsing input string
pmData = procMemGrammar.parseString(procMemData)

# access pmData as a dict
for k in pmData.keys():
print k,pmData[k]

# or create a standard Python dict from pmData
print dict(pmData)


Modifying an instances dict to change attribute lookup

2006-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hmm, I know this is something fundamental about how Python implements
predicate dispatch, but for some reason I believed that this would

class delegate_dict(dict):
def __init__(self, orig, deleg):
dict.__init__(self, orig)
self.deleg = deleg

def __getitem__(self, name):
print 'here:', name
v = dict.__getitem__(self, name)
except KeyError:
return self.deleg.__getitem__(name)
return v

def delegate(target, source):
target.__dict__ = delegate_dict(target.__dict__, source.__dict__)

As a simple usage, give:

class A(object):

class B(object):
def __init__(self, o):
delegate(self, o)

a = A()
a.test = 1
b = B(a)
print b.__dict__.__getitem__('test')

# This goes down in flames
print b.test

And then a dumb example showing the concept I assumed was a given:

class C(object):

c = C()
c.x = 1
assert c.__dict__.__getitem__('x') == c.x

Could someone please tell me why the first example using a customized
dict does not perform as advertised?


Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread nuttydevil
Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?

I'm going to be optimistic and thank you for your help in advance!


Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-20 Thread Tim Hochberg
 Tim Hochberg wrote:
Colin J. Williams wrote:

It would be good if the range and slice could be merged in some way,
although the extended slice is rather complicated - I don't understand it.

  The semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary
  must evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that
  is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list
  contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the
  conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone
  slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an
  expression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice
  item is the built-in |Ellipsis| object. The conversion of a proper
  slice is a slice object (see section section 4.2 The standard type
  whose |start|, |stop| and |step| attributes are the values of the
  expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride,
  respectively, substituting |None| for missing expressions.


The seems to be a bit of a problem with slicing that needs sorting out.

The syntax for a slice list appears to allow multiple slices in a list:

  extended_slicing ::= primary primaries.html#tok-primary [
  slice_list slicings.html#tok-slice_list ]
  slice_list ::= slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item (,
  slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item)* [,]

but the current interpreter reports an error:

a= range(20)
a[slice(3, 9, 2)]
  [3, 5, 7]
a[slice(3, 9, 2), slice(5, 10)]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File interactive input, line 1, in ?
  TypeError: list indices must be integers

Extended slicing has nothing to do with lists. All that gobbeldy gook is
trying to tell you is what the interpreter does with O[1:2:3, 4:5:6]
where O is some arbitrary object. What it does is:

O[1:2:3, 4:5:6] == O[slice(1,2,3), slice(4,5,6)]
 == O.__getitem__((slice(1,2,3), slice(4,5,6)))

In the case of python lists, __getitem__ doesn't support multiple slice
arguments. However, you are free to define your own types which do
support multiple slices.

 That explains it but the current documentation in the reference manual
 doesn't(I also tried what Colin did when reading that part). And as I
 mentioned in another post, the current documentation suggests that
 extended slicing is not supported for sequence type. As it said the
 primary must be evaluated to mapping object for extended slicing.
 Though it seems it doesn't matter as all python does now is turn
 [start:stop:stride] into slice object and pass that to __getitem__, no
 matter what object it is.

I try not to read the reference manual, since it just makes my eyes 
glaze over, but I believe that the distinction between sequences and 
mappings referred to only exists for objects defined at the C level. 
Objects can define getitem two different ways: using sq_item/sq_slice or 
using mp_subscript. The former functions take integers, the latter takes 
general PyObjects. So, only the mapping version (mp_*) supports extended 
slicing.  Python class objects always have the mp_subscript defined and 
it dispatches things to __getitem__.

In the past, lists only supported start and stop arguments to slices, so 
they could get by with using the sq_ functions. Now that they support 
step arguments as well, it seems that they must define the mapping 
methods as well, although I admit I haven't checked.

You can get an idea of what sq_slice does by looking at the following 
chunk of code:

class ExtendedSlicingDemo(object):
 def __getitem__(self, key):
 return key
 def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
 return start, stop

esd = ExtendedSlicingDemo()

print esd[1:2]
print esd[1:2:3]
print esd[1:2:3, 3:4:5]
print esd[1:2:3, ..., 3:4:5]

Note that __getslice__ is deprecated. I think sq_item/sq_slice is still 
around for efficiency reasons for sequences that don't support extended 
slicing as well as backwards compatibility / historical reasons.



Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-20 Thread Alex Martelli
bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are very good web framework for java and ruby ,
 Is there one for python ?
 In fact, there are actually too much *good* python web frameworks.
  Dear Mr. BDFL,
  there are too many good web frameworks nowadays. Please eliminate three.
 Seems like I should have added a smiley somewhere...

Naah, smileys unneeded -- you'll notice that my I am not a crackpot
comment was unsmilied either (and nobody nominated it for QOTW, darn!).
Having just coincidentally finished wrapping up the 2nd edition's
Nutshell first draft of the chapter on serverside web programming, after
a long time researching all the alternatives I've given up on even
MENTIONING all of the frameworks available, much less providing any
in-depth coverage, so I'm quite sensitized to the situation!-)


Re: timeit module: am I missing something obvious?

2006-02-20 Thread Dan Christensen
Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 When using the timeit module, you pass the code you
 want to time as strings:
 This is all very well, but it feels quite unnatural to
 me. Why am I passing strings around when functions are
 first class objects? Have I missed something obvious?

 You are supposed to time small pieces of code where a function call would be
 a significant overhead.

I think it can be useful to time longer code as well.

Moreover, when you pass in strings, you have to ensure that
the namespace is set-up correctly, which can be awkward at
times.  If you could pass in a function, this would often
be much easier.

 Just do it :-)

Yes, please do!

 I would suggest a slight modification:

 t = timeit.Timer.for_function(foo, x, y, a=..., b=...)

 And while you are at it you could also move the code that dynamically
 adjusts the number of repetitions from the main() function into a Timer
 method and make its invocation the default for the timeit() method. 

I agree.

Moreover, I think the calibration could be improved a lot.  What I use
is below.  It would be great if something like this could be merged

Notice how quickly it locks onto an appropriate number of iterations.
(Only 3% of the time is spent on calibration.)

 import timer
 timer.timing(3*2/6, goal=0.5, repeat=3, verbose=True)
1 loops - 1e-05 secs
49933 loops - 0.0396 secs
   630325 loops - 0.499 secs
   630325 loops - 0.499 secs 0.5 secs 0.501 secs
   630325 loops, best of 3 trials: 0.792 usec per loop


Uses timeit to benchmark code, quickly choosing number of iterations.


- This can be used interactively from python, not just from the
  command line.
- Doesn't use separate creation and timing steps.
- The algorithm for choosing the number of iterations is faster
  and more accurate.  It also allows for just 1 iteration.
- The result from the final pass through the convergence loop
  is used as one of the samples, which saves time
  (especially if repeat=1).

Sample usage:

import timer
timer.timing(sin(10),setup=from math import sin,repeat=3)
import time

To do:

- add support for passing in a function instead of a string.

import timeit
import time

def timing(stmt=pass,
'''Eval setup, and then time stmt.
goal is desired time in seconds, a float.
number is desired number of iterations.
At most one of goal and number can be specified.
If neither is specified, default to a goal of 1 second.
When number is not specified, it is determined in an
efficient way.
repeat is the total number of times to run the test.
timer is the timer to use.
if verbose, show information about calibration.
precision is the number of significant digits to display.

t = timeit.Timer(stmt,setup,timer=timer)
r = []

if number != None and goal != None:
raise ValueError,'Only one of number and goal may be specified.'

if number == None:
if goal == None:
goal = 1.0
# determine number so that total time = 90% of goal.
number = 1
x = 0.0
while x  0.9*goal:
x = t.timeit(number)

if verbose:
print %9d loops - %.*g secs % (number, precision, x)
if x == 0:
# 1e2 is chosen because this is a common resolution
# for time.clock.  Make sure that number gets increased
# by at least one, to avoid an infinite loop.
number = max(number+1,int(number*1e2*goal))
elif x  0.9*goal:
# If x is very small, goal/x is large (possibly inf);
# to be cautious we limit the ratio to 1e6.
# The +1 is to ensure that number increases by at least 1,
# since goal/x  1.
number = int(number*min(1e6,goal/x)+1)
repeat -= 1

r.extend(t.repeat(repeat, number))

best = min(r)
if verbose:
print %9d loops - % number,
print  .join([%.*g secs % (precision, x) for x in r])
print %9d loops, best of %d trials: % (number, len(r)),
usec = best * 1e6 / number
if usec  1000:
print %.*g usec per loop % (precision, usec)
elif usec  1e6:
print %.*g milliseconds per loop % (precision, usec/1000)
print %.*g seconds per loop % (precision, usec/1e6)

Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread Alex Martelli
nuttydevil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
 haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
 of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
 notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
 THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
 I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
 effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?

Open each file and call in a loop, move to the next file
when the current one is exhausted.  What part of this is giving you


Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread Xavier Morel
nuttydevil wrote:
 Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
 haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
 of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
 notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
 THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
 I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
 effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?
 I'm going to be optimistic and thank you for your help in advance!
Since you're reading from files, the read operation of file-like 
objects takes an argument specifying the number of characters to read 
from the stream e.g.

  f = file(stuff.txt)

Would that be enough for what you need?

Re: Open Relay Test

2006-02-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 17 February 2006 05:31, D wrote:
 Hi all .. how could one test to see if an open relay exists on a
 specific email server?

My simple favorite... run:


from the mail server in question (and be patient).

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Re: Modifying an instances dict to change attribute lookup

2006-02-20 Thread Alex Martelli
 c = C()
 c.x = 1
 assert c.__dict__.__getitem__('x') == c.x
 Could someone please tell me why the first example using a customized
 dict does not perform as advertised?

Because Python's __getattribute__ is currently not EXACTLY as you
imagine it to be, but slightly different, say something like:
dict.__getitem__(c, 'x')
at the crucial step rather than c.__getitem__.  More generally, when (on
any type or newstyle class -- oldstyle legacy classes are different) a
special method gets implicitly invoked, it's invoked on the type, not on
the instance (no per-instance overriding in this case); and, for speed,
many internal dict lookups do dict.__getitem__(obj,name) rather than
type(obj).__getitem__(obj, name).

The documented way to do what you want in Python is by overriding
__getattr__ (which gets called when other normal lookup procedures fail
and would, absent __getattr__, raise AttributeError), not by trying to
install as the __dict__ something whose type isn't exactly __dict__.
Other approaches may work, but they depend on implementation accidents
which are liable to change with every passing breeze.


Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread Roy Smith
 nuttydevil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
 haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
 of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
 notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
 THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
 I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
 effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?

Don't reinvent the wheel.  Take a look at

Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think this is what you want:

file = open(r'c:/test.txt','r')

c =
while c:
print c
c =



changing value of 'self' when subclassing int

2006-02-20 Thread David Coffin
I'd like to subclass int to support list access, treating the integer  
as if it were a list of bits.
Assigning bits to particular indices involves changing the value of  
the integer itself, but changing 'self' obviously just alters the  
value of that local variable.
Is there some way for me to change the value of the BitSequence  
object itself? I've also tried wrapping and delegating using  
__getattr__, but I couldn't figure out how to handle in-place methods.

Thanks for your help,
David Coffin

class BitSequence(int):
 An integer emulating a sequence of bits, subclassing int.
 def __new__(cls, value, length=32):
 inst = super(BitSequence,cls).__new__(cls, value)
 inst.length = length
 return inst

 def __setitem__(self, index, bit):
 mask = 1  self.length - index - 1
 if bit == 1:
 # XXX only changing local 'self'
 self |= mask
 elif bit == 0:
 self = ~mask

 def __getitem__(self, i):
 return (self  (self.length - i -1))  1

 def __repr__(self):
 s = ''
 for i in xrange(self.length):
 s = str(self  i  1) + s
 return s +  :  + str(self)

Re: Tkinter / Aqua (OS X) question (canvas borders)

2006-02-20 Thread Dave Opstad

 There appears to be an asymmetric border
 around the inside of the canvas.

There was a thread on this last May (you can search for the thread 
titled Unusable outer edge of Tkinter canvases?)

Fredrik Lundh suggested resetting the coordinate system via:


This seemed to help, but in the end it still seems that there's a narrow 
border inside the edges of a Canvas which can't be drawn to. And it 
seems to be different for OS X and Windows.

In the end I just made sure everything I draw is no closer than 5 pixels 
from the edge of the Canvas, and that seems to work on all the platforms 
I'm deploying on.

Dave Opstad

Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread Steven Bethard
 I think this is what you want:
 file = open(r'c:/test.txt','r')
 c =
 while c:
 print c
 c =


 def read3():
 for chars in iter(read3, ''):
 ... do something with chars ...


Re: Processing text using python

2006-02-20 Thread Fredrik Lundh
nuttydevil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
 haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
 of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
 notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
 THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
 I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
 effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?

did you read the string chapter in the tutorial ?

around the middle of that chapter, there's a section on slicing:

substrings can be specified with the slice notation: two indices
separated by a colon



Re: preserving POST data

2006-02-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 16 February 2006 22:35, Steve Young wrote:
 Lets say that I'm filling out a form and the information gets sent to 
 another server first for some processing(before the one that it 
 should go to). But from there, I want that intermediate server to be 
 able to preserve this POST data using python so it can still retrieve 
 the page that was originally requested (with some modifications from 
 the intermediate server). Is there a way to do this with python?

That's less a python-specific question. The general solution is to store 
the information on your server and remember who the user was. Many web 
programmers use a cookie based authentication/identification with a 
database backend. Which means:

- User comes to your website
- You send the user a cookie
- You create an entry in your database with that cookie
- User enters data
- You add the data to the database (referring to the cookie)
- User comes back later
- You can look up the data in your database according to the user's cookie

I use that scheme in a more complex way for cookie based authentication 

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