New PPCEncoder available (v00.34)

2006-04-18 Thread Ivo
PPCEncoder The xViD encoder for a PocketPC like aparatus has new
- IconTray in minimize
- Set Processing priority. Very handy If you want to convert movies and
still be able to work on you PC during the conversion

This application Encodes video to PocketPC DivX format and size.
With PPCEncoder you can encode and optimize your movies for the size of
your PocketPC screen and memory card

Check it out here:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread BartlebyScrivener
 Who's the ruling hierarchy?

I guess I just meant the congnoscenti. Them that knows what's what.

 I'm a Mac fan, with Linux a close second

I suspected. I've played with Linux distros, but never a Mac. That
takes more $$ than M$, and Apple is even more proprietary than MS, if
you ask me. It interests me how many Open Source advocates and
anti-Microsoft folks are willing to pay top dollar for Macs, which I
guess means that, for them, it's less a Cathedral vs. Bazaar thing and
more about It Works vs. It Doesn't?

I'm no Microsoft lover, but XP doesn't crash on my machines. So I
continue using it, along with Python, Firefox and whatever else I

Anyway, thanks for the info.


Re: How do you guys print out a binary tree?

2006-04-18 Thread bayerj

 1   2   3   4   5
 0   7   8   9   10
 0   0   13  14  15
 0   0   0   19  20
 0   0   0   0   25
 Look at the triangle represented by the non-zero
 integers.  This triangle is a binary tree if we take 5
 as the root and walk down on both sides.

Are you sure? Is 9  a child of 4 or 10? A binary tree can have up to
2^n - 1 nodes. A matrix can have up to n^2 values, in your case of a
half-empty matrix about (n-1)^2.


Re: How do you guys print out a binary tree?

2006-04-18 Thread bayerj
A half-empty matrix will of course have (n+1)* n * 1/2 elements.


Re: Upgrading and modules

2006-04-18 Thread Brian Elmegaard
Lawrence Oluyede [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (despite the ongoing Pypi project and Eby's efforts in setuptools)
 you have to do it manually :)

Great, there is progress in this. 

 How many modules do you really use? It's a matter of minutes. 

Yes, but 60 minutes make an hour. I installed 2.4 some days ago. I
then needed ctypes and mySQLdb. Both of them had had some updates in
addition to the version change. What could have been seconds did take
a while because of this. Of course it is because I try to do both
steps in one installation.

Brian (remove the sport for mail)

how to use socks5 proxy in pycurl?

2006-04-18 Thread Ju Hui
import pycurl
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt( pycurl.URL, '' )
import StringIO
b = StringIO.StringIO()
c.setopt( c.WRITEFUNCTION, b.write )
c.setopt( c.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 )
c.setopt( c.MAXREDIRS, 5 )
c.setopt(c.PROXYUSERPWD, 'user:pass')
print b.getvalue()

how to use socks5 proxy in pycurl?


Re: Java Developer Exploring Python

2006-04-18 Thread Renato
You don't actually *need* a libglade/pyGtk IDE: glade will be more than
enough :-)

By its very nature glade will enable you to design the GUI and define
the signals.

Then you'll load the glade file in python, and use whatever editor you
feel comfortable with.

Have fun,
Renato Ramonda


Re: scanning through page and replacing all instances of 00:00:00.00

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Kun assuming that my date column is 2, how would i parse out the date?

 No parsing required.  Just get its date:

d = record[2].date()

 The str() of a object is a string in -MM-DD form.

or, in other words, change:

for col in range(0, numcols):
print td, record[col], /td


# convert to list, so we can replace columns, if needed
record = list(record)

# fix the date column
record[2] = record[2].date()
# add other fixups here

# print it out
for col in range(0, numcols):
print td, record[col], /td

the last two lines are of course better written as

for col in record:
print td, col, /td



Re: freakin out over C++ module in python

2006-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 and so, i guess the main question i have is is there a module or
 program that will parse these classes and duplicate them for a python
 module ? Some kind of code translator ? Or is that just way out there?

No, there isn't.

 i would go thru it line by line, but i just dont know enough about C++,
 how it pulls off a socket connection, etc.. and some of the things i
 dont know how to do in python. like how to make an unsigned long init.

Use module struct.



Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
BartlebyScrivener wrote:

 I'll let somebody jump in and say, You're crazy!  But it seems to me
 the interest in IronPython on this list is pretty subdued. Maybe
 because most people are running on Linux or Macs?

umm.  CPython runs just fine on Windows, and can talk to most Windows-
specific stuff via the win32 extensions and ctypes and python for .net:



Error using tkinter

2006-04-18 Thread JyotiC

I am making a gui, in which specifiction are taken from user, which are
wriiten to a file. and that file will bw executed.

finalstr is a string

   f = open('','w')

I am getting the error

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/lib-tk/, line 1345, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File, line 248, in writescript
f = open('','w')
TypeError: an integer is required

Couldn't understand what it means
Plz tell me how to correct it.

Thanx in advance


Shell like syntax for subprocess.Popen # overloading , , |

2006-04-18 Thread jelle

I use python quite a bit to couple different programs together.
Doing so has been a _lot_ easier since subprocess came around, but
would really like to be able to use the succinct shell syntax; , , |

That really shouldn't be too hard to wrap in a class, but so far I
didn't succeed to do so this well, since I'm facing some trouble with
operator precedence that I do not know how to overcome.

Consider the following:

A = 'inputString'
B = Process('process.exe')
C = cStringIO.StringIO() # output bucket

A  B  C

A is being piped to B and processed, but the output of B is not being
piped to C
executing A  B; B  C works as expected however.
Which is disappointing, since what I'm trying to achieve is a sugar
syntax for Popen processes, where directly sees the chain of

Any suggestions to overcome this issue are greatly appreciated!


class Process(Popen, object):
def __init__(self, commandString, wait=False):
assert isinstance(commandString, str)
cmd = commandString.split()

self.cmd= commandString
self.exe= cmd.pop(0)
##self.args   = cmd

self.process = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE,
stdout=PIPE, close_fds=False)

self.stdout = self.process.stdout
self.stderr = self.process.stderr

def __repr__(self):
return 'Process instance ( %s ) ' % (self.exe)

def __or__(self, other): # PIPE
returns the output of Process A - Process B
takes a Process instance as argument
assert isinstance(other, Process), '%s\n is not a Process
instance' % (other)
print 'PIPE'
self  other

def __lt__(self, other): # STDIN
takes a StringIO, file or string objectas argument
print ''
print 'STDIN'
if isinstance(other, str):
self.stdout, self.stderr =

def __gt__(self, other): # STDOUT
takes a StringIO, file or string object as argument
returns the result of an external process
print ''
print 'STDOUT'
assert hasattr(other, 'write') or isinstance(other, str)
if isinstance(other, str):
other += self.stdout



Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Daniel Nogradi

 char code[] = print 'hello moshe';

 void main(...)

I don't get this, with python 2.4 there is no function called
Py_ExecString in any of the header files. I found something that might
do the job PyRun_SimpleString( ) in pythonrun.h, but couldn't get it
to work either. So what is really the way to execute python code in a
string from a C program?

Another SimpleXMLRPCServer question.

2006-04-18 Thread Jose Carlos Balderas Alberico
Let's hope this is my last question on the matter. I'm implementing a SimpleXMLRPCServer, and last week I had a problem John helped me solve. The thing is that my server is to be called from a remote machine, so when declaring the instance, the line (localhost, 8000) wouldn't work because it would only listen on

Next thing I tried was the line ('', 8000) (two simple quotes). That way it worked just fine, because now the server listens on all interfaces.

My question now is: is this the way SimpleXMLRPCServers are implemented? All the examples I've found use the simple quotes, without providing any other aditional examples. I want to know if there are any security risks that raise from the fact that it listens on all interfaces. I haven't been able to find any information on this. If you need more info regarding my question, please ask.

Thank you very much in advance.
Jose Carlos.

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Pablo Orduña
This article in Guido van Rossum's blog might be interesting for this



Re: piping question

2006-04-18 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
 Biggmatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem is that i want it to
get the stdout as the program runs, not hold it all till it's

This has been discussed before. If the program you're trying to control 
buffers its output and gives no option to disable that, then you're 
stuck with the way it works.

Re: Java Developer Exploring Python

2006-04-18 Thread bruno at modulix
 I've traditionally been a Java developer, although I play around with
 LISP. I recently migrated to Linux and I was exploring Mono as an
 option for development on Linux. However, I've had some problems with
 the maturity and support when working with Mono. So I was considering
 Python as an alternative development language.
 Is Python actively developed and supported on Linux? 

Yes. In fact, all distros I know ships with (and often depends on) Python.

 Would it be a
 viable option for cross-platform application development?

Yes. Python runs on most platforms, and wxPython runs on Windows, MacOS
X, and most Unices

 Can anyone recommend an open source IDE for Python that runs on Linux?

Emacs ?-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Error using tkinter

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
JyotiC wrote:

 I am getting the error

Exception in Tkinter callback
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/lib-tk/, line 1345, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File, line 248, in writescript
f = open('','w')
 TypeError: an integer is required

 Couldn't understand what it means

let me guess: contains the line from os import * ?

this means that open refers to, which is not the same thing as the
built-in open function.

the solution?  use import os, and add os. in front of all functions from
that module.  never use from-import in application code, unless you have
very good reasons:



Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread gangesmaster
okay, i got the name wrong. i wasn't trying to provide production-level
code, just a snippet. the function you want is
PyRun_SimpleString( const char *command)

#include python.h

char secret_code[] = print 'moshe';

int main()
return PyRun_SimpleString(secret_code);

and you need to link with python24.lib or whatever the object file is
for your platform.



Re: Error using tkinter

2006-04-18 Thread JyotiC
Thanx a lot, that was the problem


Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Daniel Nogradi
 #include python.h

 char secret_code[] = print 'moshe';

 int main()
 return PyRun_SimpleString(secret_code);

 and you need to link with python24.lib or whatever the object file is
 for your platform.

Are you sure? On a linux platform I tried linking with
(I assume this is the correct object file) but it segfaults in
PyImport_GetModuleDict( ).

Re: scanning through page and replacing all instances of 00:00:00.00

2006-04-18 Thread Kent Johnson
Kun wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Kun wrote:

 I have a python-cgi file that pulls data from an sql database, i am
 wondering what is the easiest way to remove all instances of
 '00:00:00.00' in my date column.

 how would i write a python script to scan the entire page and delete all
 instances of '00:00:00.00', would i use regular expressions?
 umm.  if you're using a database, why not filter out uninteresting dates 
 in the SQL statement, or when you're building the page ?

 because in my sql database, the date is only 'date' (as in -mm-dd), 
 only when i extract it with my python-cgi does the date turn into 
 (-mm-dd 00:00:00.00), thus i figured the best way to fix this 
 problem is to parse it after the matter.

It sounds like the problem is with the way you format the date for 
output. Just omit the time.


Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Daniel Nogradi wrote:

 char secret_code[] = print 'moshe';

 int main()
 return PyRun_SimpleString(secret_code);

 and you need to link with python24.lib or whatever the object file is
 for your platform.

 Are you sure? On a linux platform I tried linking with
 (I assume this is the correct object file) but it segfaults in
 PyImport_GetModuleDict( ).

I still don't understand why you think that embedding the *source code* in a 
named secret will do a better job than just putting the byte code in some 
packaging, but if you insist on embedding the code, reading the documentation 
At the very least, you have to call the function Py_Initialize()
(minimal PyRun_SimpleString example)



Re: Why new Python 2.5 feature class C() return old-style class ?

2006-04-18 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 why are you using an IDE that doesn't understand Python syntax ?


Because I don't like using a whole new editor for every new language I'm 
using (as you would not use a new hammer for each nail) and jedit just 
plain rocks. I guess it could be made to recognize class statements ... 
but its python mode works well enough, so I'll rather stick to that and 
create python magic.

ok, on to the next useless post ... ;)

Re: Queue can result in nested monitor deadlock

2006-04-18 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PM) wrote:

PM Jonathan Amsterdam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 If you don't want to call it deadlock, fine, but the program execution
 I describe will make no progress to the end of time. Thread 2 can never
 put anything in the queue, because Thread 1 holds M, and Thread 1 will
 never release M because that can only happen if someone puts something
 on the queue.

PM Ah, I get it now, and yes as you describe it, this is a deadlock.  But why
PM do you need both mutex M and a Queue, then?  You should release M before
PM calling Queue.get().  Then if you need to, you should reacquire it
PM afterward.

What Jonathan says is that in his example M and the mutex for the Queue
should be the same to solve the problem. And that the Queue API should
allow you to do that. I think he is right.
Piet van Oostrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Daniel Nogradi
  char secret_code[] = print 'moshe';
  int main()
  return PyRun_SimpleString(secret_code);
  and you need to link with python24.lib or whatever the object file is
  for your platform.
  Are you sure? On a linux platform I tried linking with
  (I assume this is the correct object file) but it segfaults in
  PyImport_GetModuleDict( ).

 I still don't understand why you think that embedding the *source code* in a
 named secret will do a better job than just putting the byte code in some
 packaging, but if you insist on embedding the code, reading the
 documentation might
 At the very least, you have to call the function Py_Initialize()
 (minimal PyRun_SimpleString example)

Well, I was not the original poster in this thread I just picked up
the idea of executing python code that is assigned to a string from
within C and tried to do it with no particular goal, that's all. And
thanks a lot for the links, the docs are pretty clear, I should have
checked them before

Re: Translate Cpp into python code

2006-04-18 Thread Fulvio
Alle 21:36, lunedì 17 aprile 2006, Ravi Teja ha scritto:
   If you are looking for ways to access C++ code in Python, there are
 several (Boost, SIP, CXX, SWIG, Weave etc). 

This way I knew about it.

   People usually convert higher level languages to lower level
 languages for performance 

Frankly I'm not looking for performances, but a viable python script which 
won't be tied up to a single platform. Those parts of the code which are 
calling proprietary functions will be removed.
Probably the first step to make a port on a multiplatform concept.
Another point will be a better chance to learn programming once I got the 


Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread bruno at modulix
 How can a proprietary software developer protect their Python code?
 People often ask me about obfuscating Python bytecode.  They don't want
 people to easily decompile their proprietary Python app.

Do they ask the same thing for Java or .NET apps ?-)

 I suppose another idea is to rewrite entire Python app in C if compiled
 C code
 is harder to decompile.  

Do you really think native code is harder to reverse-engineer than
Python's byte-code ?

 Any ideas?

I'm afraid that the only *proven* way to protect code from
reverse-engineering is to not distribute it *at all*.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Richard Brodie

bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Do they ask the same thing for Java or .NET apps ?-)

If you Google for bytecode obfuscation, you'll find a large number
of products already exist for Java and .Net 


[OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Christos Georgiou
Since there have been python limmericks, are there any Python lullabies that
I can sing to my newborn son (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur
some select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't very interested
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians


2006-04-18 Thread BBands
In the invaluable 'Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and
links' of April 17 Peter Otten writes: Michele Simionato's little
script lets you search for a name in Python scripts, avoiding false
positives that a standard tool like grep would yield. Can someone
explain why this is so? I have attached the script below.

import sys, tokenize, token

def count_name(name, script):
Count the occurrences of a Python name in a script
counter = 0
for tok_code, tok_value, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line in \
if tok_code == token.NAME and tok_value == name:
counter += 1
print 'line %s: %s' %(srow, line),
if counter: print '*** %s ***\n' % script
return counter

if __name__ == '__main__':
name = sys.argv[1]
scripts = sys.argv[2:]
total = sum(count_name(name, script) for script in scripts)
print 'Found %d occurrences of %r' % (total, name)

jab--who laments the day that Doctor Dobbs' Journal of Computer
Callisthenics and Orthodontics changed its name.


Re: How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Richard Brodie wrote:

 Do they ask the same thing for Java or .NET apps ?-)

 If you Google for bytecode obfuscation, you'll find a large number
 of products already exist for Java and .Net

and if you google for python obfuscator, you'll find tools for python.  
tools that use psychologically inspired techniques to produce extra confusion 
human readers (probably by inserting small snippets of Perl here and there...).



semi-[OT]: adding a reply-to line to these mails?

2006-04-18 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
I've noticed that I replied to individual posters' private addresses 
several times now ...
So a quick note to the admin(s): see topic ;)

Hey, maybe I'm just too dumb to use Thunderbird; I haven't figured out a 
way to reply comfortably to list posts (take this as a half asses excuse 
to why some of you got private mail from me ;))


Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Dan Sommers
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:12:14 +0300,
Christos Georgiou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since there have been python limmericks, are there any Python
 lullabies that I can sing to my newborn son (actually, born
 yesterday)?  I tried to murmur some select parts from the tutorial,
 but he somehow wasn't very interested :)

Then isn't that the perfect lullaby material?  ;-)


Dan Sommers
I wish people would die in alphabetical order. -- My wife, the genealogist

Re: Shell like syntax for subprocess.Popen # overloading , , |

2006-04-18 Thread Christos Georgiou
On 18 Apr 2006 01:37:03 -0700, rumours say that jelle
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:


I use python quite a bit to couple different programs together.
Doing so has been a _lot_ easier since subprocess came around, but
would really like to be able to use the succinct shell syntax; , , |

That really shouldn't be too hard to wrap in a class, but so far I
didn't succeed to do so this well, since I'm facing some trouble with
operator precedence that I do not know how to overcome.


Overload the __or__ special function (ie the 'pipe' operator) instead of the
__gt__ operator.

I remember I have seen such a proposition (mentioning pump, filters and
sinks) but I couldn't find it in --I think Aahz had
something to do with it, but ICBW.

Ah, I found it:

I don't know why I remembered Aahz about it :)

Check this too:
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Kent Johnson
I V wrote:
 To use interfaces in python, just what you would do in Java, except
 don't use interfaces.


Re: freakin out over C++ module in python

2006-04-18 Thread nephish
ok, well enough, looked at struct and it does seem to be what i am
after. for that anyway.
thanks, guess i will just have to take the time and pull it apart.



Re: Tokens?

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
BBands wrote:

 In the invaluable 'Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and
 links' of April 17 Peter Otten writes: Michele Simionato's little
 script lets you search for a name in Python scripts, avoiding false
 positives that a standard tool like grep would yield. Can someone
 explain why this is so?

consider grepping for main in this script:

def main():
# this is the main function
print hello, main

if __name__ == __main__:

a standard grep will find five instances.  a word grep will find four.  a name
token grep will find two.



genexp reduce syntax in 2.5a1

2006-04-18 Thread Boris Borcic

On the python3000 mailing list there was some discussion of a comprehension 
syntax for reduce.

This inspired me the following proof-of-concept in pure python 2.5a1, although 
don't know if it relies on an intended feature or a(n unintended) bug.

Cheers, BB

def ireduce(gen) :
 Generator expression syntax for reduce and generalizations

 Usage examples:

 - (yield) nothing as below if there is no seed value
 *and* the expression consists of a single arithmetic op

  ireduce(x+(yield) for x in range(101)) # famous Gauss example
  ireduce(x*(yield) for x in range(1,6))

 - if there is a seed, yield it (unless it's None)

  ireduce(x*(yield 2) for x in range(1,6)) # 2*1*2*3*4*5
  ireduce(x*(yield 2) for x in range(2,6)) # 2*2*3*4*5
  ireduce(x*(yield 2) for x in range(6))   # 2*0*1*2*3*4*5

 - if the seed is None, (yield INone) instead

  ireduce((x,(yield INone)) for x in for all good men.split())
 ('men', ('good', ('all', ('for', None

  ireduce([(yield INone),x] for x in for all good men.split())
 None, 'for'], 'all'], 'good'], 'men']

 - do as below if you want no special seed and the operation to reduce
 isn't a simple arithmetic operation

  ireduce((x,(yield Seed(x))) for x in for all good men.split())
 ('men', ('good', ('all', 'for')))

  ireduce(x+' '+(yield Seed(x)) for x in for all good men.split())
 'men good all for'

  ireduce({ x : (yield Seed(x))} for x in for all good men.split())
 {'men': {'good': {'all': 'for'}}}

 - and notice these for a comparison

  ireduce({ x : (yield x)} for x in for all good men.split())
 {'men': {'good': {'all': {'for': 'for'

  ireduce({ x : (yield Seed(None))} for x in for all good men.split())
 {'men': {'good': {'all': None}}}

 cumulate =
 if cumulate is None :
 cumulate = Neutral()
 elif cumulate is INone :
 cumulate = None
 elif isinstance(cumulate,Seed) :
 cumulate = cumulate.seed
 try :
 while True :
 cumulate = gen.send(cumulate)
 except StopIteration :
 return cumulate

class Neutral :
 def __coerce__(self,other) :
 self.other = other
 return (self,self)

 def __getattr__(self,attr) :
 return lambda *x,**y : self.__dict__['other']

class INone : pass

class Seed :
 def __init__(self,seed) :
 self.seed = seed

Re: freakin out over C++ module in python

2006-04-18 Thread Jay Parlar

On Apr 18, 2006, at 4:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ok, well enough, looked at struct and it does seem to be what i am
 after. for that anyway.
 thanks, guess i will just have to take the time and pull it apart.

I recommend you also take a look at 
  It has the same purpose as 'struct', but is MUCH more Pythonic. I've 
described Contstruct as the replacement for 'struct' I've been looking 
for since I started coding in Python.

Jay P.


Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread BartlebyScrivener
 If you are interested in a pure managed-code
  implementation of the Python language,
 you should check out the IronPython project

There's the rub. I don't know what pure managed-code means. But I'll
definitely look into CPython.




Re: Shell like syntax for subprocess.Popen # overloading , , |

2006-04-18 Thread jelle
Hi Christos,

Thanks for your pointers there, impressive to see
-that a 12 year old thread still can make an interesting read
-you being able to remember  trace it... impressive...

Thanks for your pointers.
I think the
input  process  output
Syntax is more powerful , since it would let you build chaining
commmands in a more readable fashion.

The goal of this class would be to construct command chains such as:

input  processA | processB  ouput

Something which wouldn't be possible if only one operator is
I'm curious to see if its doable via overloading, since no __rgt__
methods exists...


Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Chase
 Since there have been python limmericks, are there any
 Python lullabies that I can sing to my newborn son
 (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur some
 select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't
 very interested :)

Well, you might start with Twinkle, Twinkle, Little 
Asterisk or:

  Blind Mice * 3
  you is self.sunshine
  [horse for horse in horses if horse.pretty]
  for baby in
...if wind.blows(): baby.cradle.rock()
...if tree.bough.breaks():
...fall([baby, cradle, all])

and last, and certainly worst:

  Mary had a Little Lambda

While you're at it, if you want them to learn Vim, you can 
hum them Bram's Lullaby... (groan)

Okay...that's a bad enough starter :)



Re: semi-[OT]: adding a reply-to line to these mails?

2006-04-18 Thread Robert Kern
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
 I've noticed that I replied to individual posters' private addresses 
 several times now ...
 So a quick note to the admin(s): see topic ;)

(Ab)using Reply-To like that is undeservedly controversial. See the section The
Great Reply-To Debate in Karl Fogel's book _Producing Open Source Software_:

 Hey, maybe I'm just too dumb to use Thunderbird; I haven't figured out a 
 way to reply comfortably to list posts (take this as a half asses excuse 
 to why some of you got private mail from me ;))

OTOH, I am a big fan of a properly munged Reply-To for mailing lists, which I
tend to treat like USENET newsgroups. These days, I read the python-list and
many other mailing lists through the appropriate GMane newsgroup gateway, in
this case, gmane.comp.python.general . Now, python-list does have a gateway to
the regular USENET through comp.lang.python, but I can't access my home ISP's
news server at work, so I use GMane instead.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: freakin out over C++ module in python

2006-04-18 Thread Michael Ekstrand
 i would go thru it line by line, but i just dont know enough about C++,
 how it pulls off a socket connection, etc.. and some of the things i
 dont know how to do in python. like how to make an unsigned long init.

The networking code in C++ should be at least vaguely similar to the
appropriate Python code using the socket module.  Python's socket module
is a fairly thin wrapper around BSD sockets; its method names, etc.
match the socket system calls.  If the C++ is using plain berkely-ish
socket code, you'll find connect(), send(), recv() calls (or something
similar - I don't know what Winsock calls them for sure); these map to
appropriate methods and functions in the socket module.  If the C++ code
is using some C++ sockets wrapper, I don't know; it still would probably
be somewhat similar.  Or similar enough that you can read it.  Unless
they're somehow finagling sockets in to the iostreams library (possible,
but unlikely).

- Michael

mouse, n: a device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type.
-- Fortune
Visit me on the Web:

Re: Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Dustan

Tim Chase wrote:
  Since there have been python limmericks, are there any
  Python lullabies that I can sing to my newborn son
  (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur some
  select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't
  very interested :)

 Well, you might start with Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
 Asterisk or:

   Blind Mice * 3
   you is self.sunshine
   [horse for horse in horses if horse.pretty]
   for baby in
 ...if wind.blows(): baby.cradle.rock()
 ...if tree.bough.breaks():
 ...fall([baby, cradle, all])

 and last, and certainly worst:

   Mary had a Little Lambda

 While you're at it, if you want them to learn Vim, you can
 hum them Bram's Lullaby... (groan)

 Okay...that's a bad enough starter :)


Howsabout this?

 import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


Simple DAV server?

2006-04-18 Thread robert
For testing purposes I'm looking for a simple DAV server - best a python 
thing serving a folder tree. Don't want to install/change/setup the 
complex apache dav  ..

Found PyDav,
but the package is old and (crucial) webdav.ini.template is missing in 
that package.

Found python davserver ,
but it doesn't run. It uses xml libs which are not anymore in recent 

Is there something else? Or a (non-py) binary simple to set it up.


Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I suspected. I've played with Linux distros, but never a Mac. That
 takes more $$ than M$, and Apple is even more proprietary than MS, if
 you ask me. 

Depends. Sure, if you dive into Cocoa programming and stuff. But you have to
keep in mind that under the hood it's BSD - and even runs a X-Server if you
want to. So I can use all my Linux staples + have a fancy OS for

 It interests me how many Open Source advocates and
 anti-Microsoft folks are willing to pay top dollar for Macs, which I
 guess means that, for them, it's less a Cathedral vs. Bazaar thing and
 more about It Works vs. It Doesn't?

I can't comment on this in general, but on the CCC (Chaos Communication
Congress, a Hacker-con) last year the notebook-distribution was like this:

30% Macs
30% ThinkPads
40% rest

So - it seems that quality is important, and of course any decent Hacker
will run a *nixish OS.


Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread BartlebyScrivener
 I can't comment on this in general, but on the CCC (Chaos Communication
 Congress, a Hacker-con) last year the notebook-distribution was like this:

Now THAT sounds like a fun event for a journalist to cover! I'll have
to look into that one.




Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread A.M. Kuchling
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:07:27 -0500, 
Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [horse for horse in horses if horse.pretty]

I'm familiar with this one as:
all(pony for pony in ponies if pony.pretty).

Never knew there was a version with horse, not pony.  Jane Siberry
does a nice rendition of the pony version.

There's also:

if brother_john.is_sleeping():
if brother_john.is_sleeping():
assert bells['morning'].is_ringing()
assert bells['morning'].is_ringing()


Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Robin Becker
Not a lullaby, but appropriate near easter(s)

while 1:

Robin Becker


Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-18 Thread Larry Bates
Zope presents objects/folders via WebDAV.  It isn't simple,
but it works and is a Python thing.

On Windows you can get a demo of GroupDrive here:

-Larry Bates

robert wrote:
 For testing purposes I'm looking for a simple DAV server - best a python
 thing serving a folder tree. Don't want to install/change/setup the
 complex apache dav  ..
 Found PyDav,
 but the package is old and (crucial) webdav.ini.template is missing in
 that package.
 Found python davserver ,
 but it doesn't run. It uses xml libs which are not anymore in recent
 Is there something else? Or a (non-py) binary simple to set it up.

Re: Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Dustan wrote:

 Howsabout this?

  import this
 The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

 Beautiful is better than ugly.
 Explicit is better than implicit.
 Simple is better than complex.
 Complex is better than complicated.
 Flat is better than nested.
 Sparse is better than dense.
 Readability counts.
 Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
 Although practicality beats purity.
 Errors should never pass silently.
 Unless explicitly silenced.
 In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
 There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
 Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
 Now is better than never.
 Although never is often better than *right* now.
 If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
 If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
 Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

sung to what tune?

(lite ipren-mannen-varning här, liksom)



Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread Alex Martelli
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I suspected. I've played with Linux distros, but never a Mac. That
  takes more $$ than M$, 

Find me a 2-kg, 5+ battery hours, well-heeled laptop (with wifi, 801b,
etc etc) below the $999 of the iBook G4... it's hard today, it was just
imposible back when I bought mine in 2003. I intended to load Linux on
it (i.e., I bought it strictly for the nonpareil HW price/performance),
and I know a few people who do that, but that was before I found out how
well MacOSX works.  IOW, Apple is very price-competitive _in the niches
it plays in_ -- it just doesn't play in many cheap and nasty niches
(such as, 4-kg, hardly-any-battery-life laptops;-).

  and Apple is even more proprietary than MS, if
  you ask me. 
 Depends. Sure, if you dive into Cocoa programming and stuff. But you have to

...which is hardly more proprietary than MS, anyway, since OpenStep
does live, btw;-).

 keep in mind that under the hood it's BSD - and even runs a X-Server if you
 want to. So I can use all my Linux staples + have a fancy OS for

For me, just like for most people I've discussed it with, the reasoning
is similar.  For example, Chip Turner (once of RedHat, and a major
contributor to RPM tools, now a colleague at Google) blogs at and has a few notes on the matter
(e.g. there's nothing like sitting in the middle of a meeting and
having the ONLY WORKING LAPTOP in the room. Wireless AND suspend, both
working... -- that's about his Powerbook;-). I'd say Chip mostly
switched from Linux to Mac for the same reason he mostly switched from
Perl to Python though he was a CPAN contributor too. Others feel even
more strongly: e.g., Rob Pike, another colleague, apparently just
dislikes Linux technically (mostly, I think, X11, but not just that) and
that's why he uses Macs (Windows isn't even in the picture, of course).

  It interests me how many Open Source advocates and
  anti-Microsoft folks are willing to pay top dollar for Macs, which I
  guess means that, for them, it's less a Cathedral vs. Bazaar thing and
  more about It Works vs. It Doesn't?
 I can't comment on this in general, but on the CCC (Chaos Communication
 Congress, a Hacker-con) last year the notebook-distribution was like this:
 30% Macs
 30% ThinkPads
 40% rest

Not too different from what you see, e.g., at OSCON, though there may be
more Macs there.  At Google meetings the distribution is more like
45-45-10, since Macs and Thinkpads are the laptop brands Google gives
its employees for work use (and few bother to apply for a third
alternative when they can just pick up either at a tech stop).

But, sure, here we're talking about people who are primarily engineers,
so the main ethos is indeed it works/it doesn't. Opensource tends to
work better (and indeed many of Mac's advantages come from its BSD

 So - it seems that quality is important, and of course any decent Hacker
 will run a *nixish OS.

Not necessarily: Tim Peters, among my top choices for top Hacker in the
PSF Lifetime Award, prefers Windows.  So, s/any/most/...!-)


Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread Alex Martelli
BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you are interested in a pure managed-code
   implementation of the Python language,
  you should check out the IronPython project
 There's the rub. I don't know what pure managed-code means. But I'll

You can find much material about that on the net, e.g. is the top
Google hit for [managed code].

 definitely look into CPython.

That's a good choice: it's surely more mature than IronPython. But the
latter, with Jim Hugunin at the helm, must not be discounted either: as
it and Mono mature further, IronPython has the potential of becoming a
favorite choice.


Re: Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Alex Martelli
Dustan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howsabout this?
  import this
 The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
 Beautiful is better than ugly.
Anna and I used it as one of our wedding's readings back in 2004
(together with other texts from Dickinson, Petrarca, Lucretius...) and I
gave a lightining talk about it at OSCON that year (titled the first
Pythonic marriage). I don't consider it a lullaby!-)


Re: How do you guys print out a binary tree?

2006-04-18 Thread Anthony Liu

--- bayerj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1   2   3   4   5
  0   7   8   9   10
  0   0   13  14  15
  0   0   0   19  20
  0   0   0   0   25
  Look at the triangle represented by the non-zero
  integers.  This triangle is a binary tree if we
 take 5
  as the root and walk down on both sides.
 Are you sure? Is 9  a child of 4 or 10? A binary
 tree can have up to
 2^n - 1 nodes. A matrix can have up to n^2 values,
 in your case of a
 half-empty matrix about (n-1)^2.

Thanks.  I am not concerned about the shape of binary
tree.  So, let's forget about binary tree.  

Given a triangle like that, it does not matter which
is whose children.  How do we nicely present it as
tree in an ascii console?

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

pywin32 : scheduled weakup from standby/hiberate ?

2006-04-18 Thread robert
On Windows the task scheduler tool can program (the BIOS?) to weak up 
the machine from standby/hibernate at certain pre-configured times. Can 
this be done directly through the (py)win32 API?


Re: Ironpython book?

2006-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 ...which is hardly more proprietary than MS, anyway, since OpenStep
 does live, btw;-).

But certainly not PyObjc bindings for that :) 

 For me, just like for most people I've discussed it with, the reasoning
 is similar.  For example, Chip Turner (once of RedHat, and a major
 contributor to RPM tools, now a colleague at Google) blogs at and has a few notes on the matter
 (e.g. there's nothing like sitting in the middle of a meeting and
 having the ONLY WORKING LAPTOP in the room. Wireless AND suspend, both
 working... -- that's about his Powerbook;-). I'd say Chip mostly
 switched from Linux to Mac for the same reason he mostly switched from
 Perl to Python though he was a CPAN contributor too. Others feel even
 more strongly: e.g., Rob Pike, another colleague, apparently just
 dislikes Linux technically (mostly, I think, X11, but not just that) and
 that's why he uses Macs (Windows isn't even in the picture, of course).

I'm pretty satisfied with linux sitting on my desktop. But I totally agree
with you and whomever else that it certainly is a major PITA when it comes
to the niceties of mobile computing, including power-save-modes and WLAN. 

No, I _don't_ want to trick some M$-WLAN-Drivers into running under Linux.
And spend 2 1/2 Weeks exploring unknown depths of my ACPI-Bios-support.

 So - it seems that quality is important, and of course any decent Hacker
 will run a *nixish OS.
 Not necessarily: Tim Peters, among my top choices for top Hacker in the
 PSF Lifetime Award, prefers Windows.  So, s/any/most/...!-)

Ok. I'll take that back then.


Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread gmilas
I am currently working in C# after I spent about 3 years almost only in
python, The way I see thinks is that for me we need interfaces in C# to
allow for flexibility in using OOP because we must only pass defined
and known types at all times so for us to have the flexibility of
passing either a Car or a Bus to the Mechanic when we actually only
need their fixIt method we need to use a common type that will
accommodate the constraint of having the fixIt method. Of course this
could also be implemented using an abstract base class but since in C#
as well as in Java we don't have multiple inheritance it is better to
use an interface for flexibility purpose (for ex. sometime you have to
subclass from MarshalByRefObject in order to use the object in a
distributed system so inheritance is out of the question as a means to
flexibility in that case).

So for good and flexible OOP in C# someone should use interfaces
because it is the only way to achive the flexibility needed but in
python because of duck typing you always get the flexibility without
you doing anything special like trying to come up with a type that
accommodates some common ground of other types, so as someone say here
To use interfaces in python, just do what you would do in Java, except
don't use interfaces.

So to digress a little, for me the difference is that in C# you are
given safety, documentation (read app. domain definitions) and
track-ability (read refactoring, intelisense) but you have to code for
flexibility while in python you are given flexibility but you have to
code for safety and documentation and as far as for track-ability you
are usually out of luck. Now many people agree that the safety you are
given in C# is usually far from ideal (no app. domain logic safety
given) so usually you have to code for that as well as in python, and
my opinion is that the documentation provided by type definition wile
ok, for best maintainability you have to provide comments anyway about
their app. domain means just like you do in python, so the only think
that is different is that the lack of track-ability in python is
sometime annoying for me now when I'm going back to python after a
little bit of C#, but the annoyance is even bigger when in C# I always
have to think ahead of time how to make sure that my code if flexible
enough to support easy changing.

Gheorghe Milas


Re: Why new Python 2.5 feature class C() return old-style class ?

2006-04-18 Thread Ant
(OT) I don't have the same issue with Syntax highlighting, and I use
jEdit as my main Python editor (Though some of the dedicated Python
IDE's have some nice refactoring/code completion stuff, none has the
raw editing power of jEdit).

I'm using jEdit 4.3 pre3 - though I don't recall any problems with 4.2
(and it was only a week ago I changed). The Jython plugin enables
Structure browsing if you haven't already got it installed.


Speed abilities

2006-04-18 Thread Coyoteboy
Ive read a few comments, the usual about it being slower,sometimes vastly 
slower than a C++ written item but I was wondering if its 'slow' 
incomparison with what I need. I'm looking at taking two arrays of 12 bytes 
over an ethernet connection, comparing them, recieving correction data 
(single byte) from another module over a pipe at approximately 900Hz and 
using all these with a fairly complex set of algorithms to generate a new 
set of 12 byte data. This has to be done in a very short time, preferably 
the same rate of throughput as the 900Hz. Am i asking too much of Python? I 
find C++/MFC fairly complex and python looked like a great alternative if it 
hadnt been 'flagged' as slow.



Re: A 'Box' Function

2006-04-18 Thread Kent Johnson
 Hey guys.
 I should warn you, first off, that I'm relatively new to Python.
 Basically, what I'm trying to do is create a word-wrapping function
 with the added complication that it add a character at the beginning
 and end of each line, so that it encloses the text in a sort of 'box':
 | Like this |
 The word-wrapping function I'm working with is similar to the one given
 Does anyone have any ideas on how it could be modified?  Am I
 approaching it the right way?  Thanks a bunch!

Rather than rewriting wrap(), I would suggest wrapping it with a new 
function, wrap_box(), that adds the header, line endings and trailer to 
the lines returned from wrap().


Re: Threading problem

2006-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Here the error message:
 Exception in thread Thread-1:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Program Files\Python\lib\, line 442, in
   File G:\Robot teleskop\VRT\test\, line 25, in run
   File C:\Program
 Files\Python\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line 496, in
 raise AttributeError, %s.%s % (self._username_, attr)
 AttributeError: MaxIm.Document.OpenFile

Seems that you think it should doesn't impress the COM-object of type
MaxIm.Document very much. Play around with that w/o threads if it works.


How to stop winpdb programatically

2006-04-18 Thread Uwe Grauer

How can i stop winpdb at a special point in a file?
I know that there is set_trace() in pdb which stops execution in the
debugger, but how to do this in winpdb?

Thanks for hints,

Plug-Ins In A Python Application

2006-04-18 Thread redefined . horizons
Its the Java developer again...

I'm working on an application framework that I would like to implement
in Python. Part of the application framework is a plug-in model that is
similar to the one used in Eclipse.

Is it possible to load and use modules containing plug-in code
written by third party developers into a running instance of the
framework? How would I do this? Do I need to dynamically load the
module at runtime? (I will scan a folder in the application direcotry
for XML files containing information about the plug-ins, including the
modules that implement them.)


Scott Huey


2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Aahz
Roy Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) wrote:

 Consider for example that one of the additions to Python 2.5 (currently 
 in alpha stage) is the inclusion in the Python standard library of 

Indeed, I think the inclusion of ctypes is far and away the most exciting 
thing in 2.5.

Really?  More than pysqlite?


Re: Plug-Ins In A Python Application

2006-04-18 Thread Gary Herron

Its the Java developer again...

I'm working on an application framework that I would like to implement
in Python. Part of the application framework is a plug-in model that is
similar to the one used in Eclipse.

Is it possible to load and use modules containing plug-in code
written by third party developers into a running instance of the
framework? How would I do this? Do I need to dynamically load the
module at runtime? (I will scan a folder in the application direcotry
for XML files containing information about the plug-ins, including the
modules that implement them.)


Scott Huey


Look at the imp module.

Any module can be imported at any time in your code.   The import 
statement is usually used to the top of a file, making it *look* like a 
declaration, but in fact it may be executed anywhere.   The import 
statements does, however, hard code its module's name.  For a plugin 
system, you'll probably want to import a module given a string 
containing its name.  The imp module provides this as well as access 
to many of the features of the import mechanism.

Gary Herron


Updated PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Steven Bethard
I've updated PEP 359 with a bunch of the recent suggestions.  The
patch is available at:
and I've pasted the full text below.

I've tried to be more explicit about the goals -- the make statement
is mostly syntactic sugar for::

class name tuple:
__metaclass__ = callable

so that you don't have to lie to your readers when you're not actually
creating a class.  I've also added some new examples and expanded the
discussion of the old ones to give the statement some better
motivation.  And I've expanded the Open Issues discussions to consider
a few alternate keywords and to indicate some of the difficulties in
allowing a ``__make_dict__`` attribute for customizing the dict in
which the block is executed.

PEP: 359
Title: The make Statement
Version: $Revision: 45366 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2006-04-13 07:36:24 -0600 (Thu, 13 Apr 2006) $
Author: Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 05-Apr-2006
Python-Version: 2.6
Post-History: 05-Apr-2006, 06-Apr-2006, 13-Apr-2006


This PEP proposes a generalization of the class-declaration syntax,
the ``make`` statement.  The proposed syntax and semantics parallel
the syntax for class definition, and so::

make callable name tuple:

is translated into the assignment::

name = callable(name, tuple, namespace)

where ``namespace`` is the dict created by executing ``block``.
This is mostly syntactic sugar for::

class name tuple:
__metaclass__ = callable

and is intended to help more clearly express the intent of the
statement when something other than a class is being created. Of
course, other syntax for such a statement is possible, but it is
hoped that by keeping a strong parallel to the class statement, an
understanding of how classes and metaclasses work will translate into
an understanding of how the make-statement works as well.

The PEP is based on a suggestion [1]_ from Michele Simionato on the
python-dev list.


Class statements provide two nice facilities to Python:

   (1) They execute a block of statements and provide the resulting
   bindings as a dict to the metaclass.

   (2) They encourage DRY (don't repeat yourself) by allowing the class
   being created to know the name it is being assigned.

Thus in a simple class statement like::

  class C(object):
  x = 1
  def foo(self):
  return 'bar'

the metaclass (``type``) gets called with something like::

 C = type('C', (object,), {'x':1, 'foo':function foo at ...})

The class statement is just syntactic sugar for the above assignment
statement, but clearly a very useful sort of syntactic sugar.  It
avoids not only the repetition of ``C``, but also simplifies the
creation of the dict by allowing it to be expressed as a series of

Historically, type instances (a.k.a. class objects) have been the
only objects blessed with this sort of syntactic support.  The make
statement aims to extend this support to other sorts of objects where
such syntax would also be useful.

Example: simple namespaces

Let's say I have some attributes in a module that I access like::



and since Namespaces are one honking great idea, I'd like to be
able to access these attributes instead as::



I currently have two main options:

   (1) Turn the module into a package, turn ``roletypes`` and
   ``format`` into submodules, and move the attributes to
   the submodules.

   (2) Create ``roletypes`` and ``format`` classes, and move the
   attributes to the classes.

The former is a fair chunk of refactoring work, and produces two
tiny modules without much content.  The latter keeps the attributes
local to the module, but creates classes when there is no intention
of ever creating instances of those classes.

In situations like this, it would be nice to simply be able to
declare a namespace to hold the few attributes. With the new make
statement, I could introduce my new namespaces with something like::

 make namespace roletypes:
 thematic = ...
 opinion = ...

 make namespace format:
 text = ...
 html = ...

and keep my attributes local to the module without making classes
that are never intended to be instantiated. One definition of
namespace that would make this work is::

 class namespace(object):
 def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs):

Given this definition, at the end of the make-statements above,
``roletypes`` and ``format`` would be namespace instances.

Example: gui objects

In gui toolkits, objects like frames and panels 

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Jorge Godoy
Aahz wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Roy Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Indeed, I think the inclusion of ctypes is far and away the most exciting
thing in 2.5.
 Really?  More than pysqlite?

To me much more.  After all, why would I need pysqlite if I use
PostgreSQL? ;-) 

/me remembering the old days of Clipper Summer '87, when he'd use DBFs all
over... ;-)


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread olsongt
 I'm coming from a Java background, so please don't stone me...

 I see that Python is missing interfaces. The concept of an interface
 is a key to good programming design in Java, but I've read that they
 aren't really necessary in Python. I am wondering what technique I can
 use in Python to get the same benefits to a program design that I would
 get with interfaces in Java.

 For example, if I want to have a program with a Car object, and a Bus
 object. I want both of these objects to present a common group of
 methods that can be used by Mechanic objects, but slightly different
 methods that can be used by Driver objects.

 In Java I would accomplish this by defining an IFixable interface that
 would be implemented by both the Car and Bus objects. Mechanic objects
 would work with any object implementing this interface.

 How would I approach this problem in Python? I think I would use an
 abstract class instead of an interface for IFixable, since Python
 supports multiple inheritance, but I'm not sure this is correct.

 Thanks for any suggestions.

 Scott Huey

Everyone is getting off track here.

Java has interfaces because it doesn't support multiple inheritance.
Python supports MI, so you don't need to use the seperate concept of an
interface.  You're right that an abstract class is the equivilent of an
interface.  Just create a ABC that raises NotImplementedExceptions for
each of the methods, and use that class as one of the base classes.  Of
course, like a lot of stuff in python, this won't throw an exception at
'compile-time', only when you try to invoke a method that has no

The general wisdom is that Abstract Base Classes aren't pythonic
though.  If you want to  be pythonic, just implement the methods for
your 'interface', and (if necessary) check for their existance with
hasattr before calling (or even just call the method and you'll get an
attribute error anyway).  This is referred to as duck-typing.  If it
looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then for all practical
purposes it supports the 'duck' interface.


Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Aahz
Jorge Godoy  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Aahz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Roy Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed, I think the inclusion of ctypes is far and away the most exciting
thing in 2.5.
 Really?  More than pysqlite?

To me much more.  After all, why would I need pysqlite if I use
PostgreSQL? ;-) 

Heh.  Since we're just finally turning in our 100% first draft of Python
for Dummies, I tend to think more in terms of what a Python newbie will
find useful.  On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more
important because it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley
for simple database purposes.


Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Jorge Godoy
Aahz wrote:

 Heh.  Since we're just finally turning in our 100% first draft of Python
 for Dummies, I tend to think more in terms of what a Python newbie will
 find useful.  On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more
 important because it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley
 for simple database purposes.

You're right Aahz.  It is more useful.  I was just being smart with
you :-)

Now it will be easier to provide that classic phone book example in your
book :-)


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Plug-Ins In A Python Application

2006-04-18 Thread Jay Parlar

On Apr 18, 2006, at 9:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its the Java developer again...

 I'm working on an application framework that I would like to implement
 in Python. Part of the application framework is a plug-in model that is
 similar to the one used in Eclipse.

 Is it possible to load and use modules containing plug-in code
 written by third party developers into a running instance of the
 framework? How would I do this? Do I need to dynamically load the
 module at runtime? (I will scan a folder in the application direcotry
 for XML files containing information about the plug-ins, including the
 modules that implement them.)

Well, the state of the art in Python plugins is moving towards Eggs:

Though that might be a bit much for you to jump into considering you're 
just starting out in Python. However, if you do learn it now, you won't 
have to learn it again later when everyone's using it :)

Jay P.


Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Ralf Muschall
Christos Georgiou wrote:
 Since there have been python limmericks, are there any Python lullabies that
 I can sing to my newborn son (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur
 some select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't very interested

There is something near the end of the Camel book (p. 552ff).
This isn't exactly python, but the baby probably won't see
the difference.

SCNR, Ralf

RE: Slicing matrix

2006-04-18 Thread Shi, Jue

In Chinese, we say cutting Tofu. Cheese is really much harder to cut than
Tofu. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Anthony Liu
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Slicing matrix

Hi, James,

I just realized that my English is so good that I can
joke with slangs. Hopefully it isn't that offensive. 
Otherwise, I am sorry.

--- James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anthony Liu wrote:
  I figure it out, too.  NumArray is so flexible,
  like cutting the cheese. 
 Some idioms do not translate so well.
 James Stroud
 UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
 Box 951570
 Los Angeles, CA 90095

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Plug-Ins In A Python Application

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Is it possible to load and use modules containing plug-in code
 written by third party developers into a running instance of the
 framework? How would I do this? Do I need to dynamically load the
 module at runtime? (I will scan a folder in the application direcotry
 for XML files containing information about the plug-ins, including the
 modules that implement them.)

a simple approach is to do something like

for file in list_of_plugins:
ns = {}
execfile(file, ns)
# pick up interesting objects from the namespace dictionary
# e.g.
callback = ns[callback]

where individual plugins might look something like

# my plugin

def callback(event):
pass # do something here

You can prepopulate the namespace to make application-specific
objects available for the plugins:

context = MyContext()

for file in list_of_plugins:
ns = dict(context=context)
execfile(file, ns)

which allows the plugins to do e.g.

# my plugin

def callback(event):


or you can use a plugin initialization function:

context = MyContext()

for file in list_of_plugins:
ns = {}
execfile(file, ns)
setup = ns[setup]

where the plugins look like:

def callback(event):

def setup(context):

and so on.  To learn more about this, look up exec/execfile and
__import__ in the library reference.



Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Rene Pijlman
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then for all practical
purposes it supports the 'duck' interface.

The problem with that of course, is that there's much more to being a duck
than being called 'duck'.

public interface JarFile {
void explode();
public interface NuclearBomb {
void explode();

René Pijlman

Re: PEP 359: The make Statement

2006-04-18 Thread skip

Carl class some_attribute:
Carl __metaclass__ = PropertyMaker
Carl def get(self):
Carl whatever
Carl def set(self,value):
Carl whatever

Carl But the thing is, if I did that, I'd be lying bastard  With
Carl the make statement, I could instead write:

Carl make property some_attribute:
Carl def get(self):
Carl # etc.

Carl Then I'm not lying about it, and I'm using a more straightforward
Carl syntax.

I agree.  For the specific example of creating properties, you could
probably dream up some other syntax, but I suspect this notion will pop up
again.  Even if you comment the heck out of a lying class definition, tools
like pylint and pychecker will think you're creating a class anyway and
incorrectly apply their class heuristics to your whatever-it-is.


indirect import of standard module

2006-04-18 Thread BartlebyScrivener
I know this must have been answered a hundred times, but I must be
searching on the wrong terminology.

Let's say I have a module that imports os.

I make another script called that imports and now I want
to use, say, os.walk in

Which is faster or more correct or whatever: Do I import os at the top
of and use foo's functions?

Or do I call os.walk by writing foo.os.walk?

Sorry for lack of proper terminology. I read the module parts of the
Tutorial but couldn't find it there.



Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aahz wrote:
 On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more important because
 it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley for simple
 database purposes.

Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install
SQLite, so what's the point of including a wrapper for something you
may or may not have? Why is pysqlite included, for example, and not
MySQL-Python or postgresql or whatever?

Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Jon Ribbens wrote:

 Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
 wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install

I'm pretty sure the distributors will do this for you, just as they've included
zlib, dbm, tcl/tk, openssl, and many other standard libraries over the years.



Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Mark True
This is quite possibly one of the funniest examples of how Duck Typing can break down that I have ever seen!On 4/18/06, Rene Pijlman 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then for all practicalpurposes it supports the 'duck' interface.The problem with that of course, is that there's much more to being a duck
than being called 'duck'.public interface JarFile {void explode();}public interface NuclearBomb {void explode();}
--René Pijlman--

datetime question

2006-04-18 Thread Philippe Martin

I need to get the date and time under Windows and Linux but need the
information visible to the user (cannot find my words) not the sytem
information (ex: a PC setup on greenwich but the date/time displayed are
relative to some other place.




difference between class and static methods?

2006-04-18 Thread John Salerno
I've been reading up on them, but I don't quite understand how they 
differ in practice. I know how each is implemented, and from C# I 
already know what a static method is. But I won't assume that it's the 
same in Python. And on top of that, both the class and static methods of 
Python seem to do what a C# static method does, so I don't see the 
difference yet.


Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Peter Maas
Fredrik Lundh schrieb:
 Jonathan Daugherty wrote_
 # In Python, you would simply call the functions you need. No need to
 # make things that rigidly defined.

 Except when you need to handle exceptions when those methods don't
 exist.  I think interfaces can definitely be useful.
 so with interfaces, missing methods will suddenly appear out of thin
 air ?

He probably means that with interfaces one could test compliance with
the interface as a whole instead of testing each member and each
signature as a single piece.

Peter Maas, Aachen

2.5a1 import of .dlls

2006-04-18 Thread sven . nystrom
I've re-built an extension module (as a .dll) using the 2.5a1 release.
Unexpectedly, I'm not able to simply import it (not the way I can when
building it for 2.3). Using imp.load_dynamic() the import succeeds.

 import minx # Implemented in a .dll - fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ImportError: No module named minx
 import imp# Workaround
 import os
 minx = imp.load_dynamic('minx', os.getcwd() + '\\minx.dll')

I couldn't find anything to indicate this is by design in 2.5a1 (I did
read the PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports) - am I doing something


Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Peter Maas
Roy Smith schrieb:
 Python is a very dynamic language.  Java is a very static language.

What is the difference between static and very static? Is Java
more static than Fortran I? ;)

Peter Maas, Aachen

Re: datetime question

2006-04-18 Thread Jorge Godoy
Philippe Martin wrote:

 I need to get the date and time under Windows and Linux but need the
 information visible to the user (cannot find my words) not the sytem
 information (ex: a PC setup on greenwich but the date/time displayed are
 relative to some other place.

Something like this?

 import datetime
datetime.datetime(2006, 4, 18, 16, 19, 42, 159000)
2006-04-18 16:19:45.245053
['__add__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__',
'__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__ne__', '__new__', '__radd__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
'__rsub__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__sub__', 'astimezone', 'combine',
'ctime', 'date', 'day', 'dst', 'fromordinal', 'fromtimestamp', 'hour',
'isocalendar', 'isoformat', 'isoweekday', 'max', 'microsecond', 'min',
'minute', 'month', 'now', 'replace', 'resolution', 'second', 'strftime',
'time', 'timetuple', 'timetz', 'today', 'toordinal', 'tzinfo', 'tzname',
'utcfromtimestamp', 'utcnow', 'utcoffset', 'utctimetuple', 'weekday',


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread olsongt

Rene Pijlman wrote:
 If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then for all practical
 purposes it supports the 'duck' interface.

 The problem with that of course, is that there's much more to being a duck
 than being called 'duck'.

 public interface JarFile {
 void explode();
 public interface NuclearBomb {
 void explode();

 René Pijlman

Not that I disagree with you, but interfaces don't really guarantee any
semantics either.  You'd probably need to use Eiffel if you really want
to design by contract.

public class EarFile implements JarFile {
void explode()



Re: 2.5a1 import of .dlls

2006-04-18 Thread Thomas Heller
 I've re-built an extension module (as a .dll) using the 2.5a1 release.
 Unexpectedly, I'm not able to simply import it (not the way I can when
 building it for 2.3). Using imp.load_dynamic() the import succeeds.
 import minx # Implemented in a .dll - fails
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 ImportError: No module named minx
 import imp# Workaround
 import os
 minx = imp.load_dynamic('minx', os.getcwd() + '\\minx.dll')

 I couldn't find anything to indicate this is by design in 2.5a1 (I did
 read the PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports) - am I doing something
Extension modules for 2.5 can no longer have the '.dll' extension, they must
have a '.pyd' extension.  I don't know why this isn't documented somewhere 
I would expect it in Misc/NEWS instead of in PEP 328) - you should filke a bug 



Re: [OT] Any Python lullabies?

2006-04-18 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Christos Georgiou napisał(a):

 Since there have been python limmericks, are there any Python lullabies that
 I can sing to my newborn son (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur
 some select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't very interested

Your son is too small to understand all the good that comes with Python.
Let him be a usual newborn, but prepare a harness like I did for my
daughter (now nearly 2 y.o.): Tuxpaint. Now it's a big time to add
Python scripting to this proggie. ;)

Let our children see that programming can be straight and easy. Let them
express their thoughts as programs, if they wish to do so.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: Queue can result in nested monitor deadlock

2006-04-18 Thread Jonathan Amsterdam
No redesign necessary. I simply make M be the Queue's mutex, via the
LQueue class I posted. I am making the modest suggestion that this
feature be documented and exposed in the Queue class.


Re: Writing backwards compatible code - when?

2006-04-18 Thread Bob Greschke
Is there a list of all of the Python commands and modules that tell when 
(what version) they were added to Python?  I was hoping the new Essential 
Reference would have it, but it doesn't.




Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-18 Thread Roy Smith
Peter Maas  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He probably means that with interfaces one could test compliance
 with the interface as a whole instead of testing each member and
 each signature as a single piece.

All interfaces (as implemented by Java) prove is that your class has a
bunch of methods with the right names and signatures.  It doesn't
prove that those methods do the right things.  It's like having a
bouncer in front of a nightclub stopping people saying, You can't
come in here unless you tell me you're over 21 and aren't wearing
scruffy jeans.  OK, I'm happy to tell you that, but if you don't
check to make sure it's true, you're going to have a lot of scruffy 18
year olds crashing your party.


Re: Java Developer Exploring Python

2006-04-18 Thread Jarek Zgoda
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

 Is Python actively developed and supported on Linux? Would it be a
 viable option for cross-platform application development?

Yeas and yeas. Yeas. (That's how we pronounce yes here, in Poland,
East Europe).

 Can anyone recommend an open source IDE for Python that runs on Linux?

Komodo. But in most cases you don't need any IDE, just good text editor
would make it go. Like Kate, jEdit or similar.

Jarek Zgoda

Mouse control in OS X

2006-04-18 Thread Mateo

I'd like to be able to use python to control the mouse cursor in OS X.
( i.e. programmatically move it around, click things, etc...)  Anyone
know the best way to do it on a Mac?



Re: Java Developer Exploring Python

2006-04-18 Thread Carl J. Van Arsdall
Jarek Zgoda wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

 Is Python actively developed and supported on Linux? Would it be a
 viable option for cross-platform application development?

 Yeas and yeas. Yeas. (That's how we pronounce yes here, in Poland,
 East Europe).

 Can anyone recommend an open source IDE for Python that runs on Linux?
My favorite IDE:  vi

 Komodo. But in most cases you don't need any IDE, just good text editor
 would make it go. Like Kate, jEdit or similar.


Carl J. Van Arsdall
Build and Release
MontaVista Software


Re: 2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

2006-04-18 Thread Aahz
Jon Ribbens  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aahz wrote:

 On that front, I think that pysqlite is much more important because
 it finally gets rid of the excuse for using Berkeley for simple
 database purposes.

Apologies if I'm being obtuse, but how does including the pysqlite
wrapper module change anything? You still need to download and install
SQLite, so what's the point of including a wrapper for something you
may or may not have? Why is pysqlite included, for example, and not
MySQL-Python or postgresql or whatever?

SQLite will be included with the Windows distribution.  Not sure about
Macs; as Fredrik pointed out, most Linux/BSD distros should make that

As for why SQLite, there seems to be a consensus that it's the only
truly zero-admin SQL solution that provides decent SQL compatibility and
performance.  For more about the decision, I suggest you read the
python-dev archives.


Re: Speed abilities

2006-04-18 Thread Harry George
Coyoteboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ive read a few comments, the usual about it being slower,sometimes vastly 
 slower than a C++ written item but I was wondering if its 'slow' 
 incomparison with what I need. I'm looking at taking two arrays of 12 bytes 
 over an ethernet connection, comparing them, recieving correction data 
 (single byte) from another module over a pipe at approximately 900Hz and 
 using all these with a fairly complex set of algorithms to generate a new 
 set of 12 byte data. This has to be done in a very short time, preferably 
 the same rate of throughput as the 900Hz. Am i asking too much of Python? I 
 find C++/MFC fairly complex and python looked like a great alternative if it 
 hadnt been 'flagged' as slow.

There is no way to tell from this info.  This is a real-time problem.

If you assume 1GHZ CPU, 10 clks/instruction, 1 instructions/event
then you require 0.001 sec/event.  900Hz event rate means you only
have 0.0011 sec/event available, which is the same order of magnitude.
Chances are, variation in the event rate or in the OS response time
would violate this small safety factor, even if the assumptions were
dead on.

So you need a faster machine or fewer instructions.  Some instructions
will be used in the OS and interface stack, no matter what language
you use.  Some will be used in your fairly complex set of
algorithms.  You may have used up your 1 instructions without
getting around to Python.   Even assembler might be too slow.

If you did implement in Python and found it was too slow by a moderate
factor (e.g., you could only handle 500Hz event rate), then you can
stay in python to explore alternative implementations.  E.g., multiple
processors in parallel, more efficient algorithms, ctypes or pyrex to
speed up the python.

In terms of the overall project notion-to-delivery duration,
implementing in Python might be the right first step on your way to an
assembler implementation.  

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

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