Re: How I learned Tkinter

2006-04-24 Thread Ian Parker
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I've been trying to teach myself Tkinter programming over the last few
(in a strictly amateur way), and have made a number of requests for
help in this
newsgroup and elsewhere.

I've now (sort of) got there - in that I have used Tkinter for some
programs for
personal use - and I've written up my experiences at

In general I found that while Frederik Lundh's tutorial is
comprehensive and
well written, there is little else around to help the newcomer working
the benefit of more experienced colleagues, and that in places the
is too sparse to be of much help.

Any thoughts? Is my experience typical?


Recently I decided to use tkinter because it was included with Python 
and like you I suffered through a few weeks of puzzling out tkinter.  I 
wish I'd read your notes before I started!


Ian Parker

Re: Generate a sequence of random numbers that sum up to 1?

2006-04-24 Thread Terry Reedy

fumanchu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm surprised noone has pursued a course of subtraction rather than

I believe someone did mention the subtraction method in one of the initial 
responses.  But the problem is this.  If you independently sample n numbers 
from a given distribution and then rescale, then the scaled numbers still 
all have the same distribution (and are uniform in that sense).  In the 
subtraction method, each comes from a differnt distribution, as others 
explained, with the nth being radically different from the first.

Terry Jan Reedy


MinGW and Python

2006-04-24 Thread Srijit Kumar Bhadra
Is there any specific reason for not using MinGW to build the official
distribution of Python for Win32?
A quick Google search did not reveal the answer to my question. If a
link is available, please post it.

Best Regards,


cmd module busy waiter ?

2006-04-24 Thread placid
Hi all,

Just wondering if the cmd module in python uses busy waiting for
polling user command input as this is inefficient.



Read and extract text from pdf

2006-04-24 Thread Julien ARNOUX
Thanks I use that and is all right :)

import commands
txt = commands.getoutput('ps2ascii tmp.pdf')
print txt 


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Can anybody suggest where to get a Framework SDK 1.1., or any other
 legal way to get the core msvcrt.lib for msvcr71.dll against which to
 link your extensions.  This is critically important...???


 I'm sure my Windows-loving
 colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
 Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
 and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
 considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
 with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
 mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.

Not sure whether this mark was meant to be sarcastic: but why you don't
want to use mingw to build extensions on Windows, I cannot understand.


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Alex Martelli wrote:
 As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
 does work.

Can you please try this again: I'm also getting the error message
that AIM is getting.


Re: MinGW and Python

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Srijit Kumar Bhadra wrote:
 Is there any specific reason for not using MinGW to build the official
 distribution of Python for Win32?

What could be the reasons to use MinGW?

As for reasons not to do that:
- there is no build process available to do that
- people building extensions to Python must be able to do so with
  Microsoft C++, since some of these extensions are written using MFC.
- developing Python itself in Visual Studio is quite convenient; in
  particular, the debugger works better than gdb.


Re: i18n hell

2006-04-24 Thread Serge Orlov
fyleow wrote:
 I just spent hours trying to figure out why even after I set my SQL
 table attributes to UTF-8 only garbage kept adding into the database.
 Apparently you need to execute SET NAMES 'utf8' before inserting into
 the tables.

 Does anyone have experience working with other languages using Django
 or Turbogears?  I just need to be able to retrieve and enter text to
 the database from my page without it being mangled.  I know these
 frameworks employ ORM so you don't need to write SQL and that worries
 me because I tried this on Rails and it wouldn't work.

Frequently asked question to people who are burning in i18n hell: are
you using unicode strings or byte strings? Unicode string means that
type(your_string) is unicode, it does not mean you keep utf-8 encoded
text in python byte strings.

AFAIK Ruby has only byte strings that have the same set of
issues/problems/traps as Python byte strings.


Re: bug in modulus?

2006-04-24 Thread Gerard Flanagan
 But maybe I'm reading it wrong. In any case what I wanted was simply a
 way to extract the angle from a complex number where the angle is
 between 0 and 2*pi. I think I'll just take the modulus twice.

 def angle(complex):
   Returns angle where 2*pi  angle =0

angle(1+1j) - atan(1)  1e-3
angle(-1+1j) - (atan(-1) + 3*pi) % (2*pi)  1e-3
angle(0+1j) == pi/2
angle(0-1j) == 1.5*pi
angle(1+0j) == 0
angle(0+0j) == 0
angle(1-1e-100*1j) == 0
   if complex.real == 0:
   if complex.imag == 0:
   return 0
   if complex.imag  0:
   return 1.5*pi
   return pi/2
   theta = (atan2(complex.imag, complex.real) % (2*pi)) % (2*pi)
   assert 2*pi  theta =0, (theta, complex)
   return theta

from math import atan2, pi

def cangle(z):
ret = atan2(z.imag, z.real)
if ret  0:
ret += 2*pi
return ret

assert cangle(1+1j) * 180 / pi == 45.0
assert cangle(-1+1j) * 180 / pi == 135.0
assert cangle(-1-1j) * 180 / pi == 225.0
assert cangle(1-1j) * 180 / pi == 315.0
assert cangle(1+0j) * 180 / pi == 0.0
assert cangle(-1+0j) * 180 / pi == 180.0
assert cangle(1j) * 180 / pi == 90.0
assert cangle(-1j) * 180 / pi == 270.0



thread support help

2006-04-24 Thread jkiter
I installed Python 2.4.2 windows installer from,
but when I compiled a python related project on mingw, I got a error
error: python must be compiled with thread support
Thank you for any help you can provide.


Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Ben Sizer
 i have a script that waits for message packets from a data server over
 a socket.

If you're using TCP, bear in mind that you do not receive packets - you
receive a stream of data, which may usually come in the same quantities
as it was sent, but not always. If you don't take that into account,
you may end up missing a valid message because it arrived in several

 it works fine for a while, but the server requires that i send a
 heartbeat ping every 600 seconds or it will terminate the connection.

It is probably worth just reconnecting if necessary. After all, you
could be disconnected for other reasons too.

Ben Sizer


Re: what has python added to programming languages? (lets be esoteric, shall we ;)

2006-04-24 Thread Boris Borcic
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
 Over the time I've seen lots of remarks about python that read like a 
 lot like lists in lisp or like the hashtable in java or any other 
 form of like feature in language.
 Are there any concepts that python has not borrowed,

Esoterically speaking, you should better distinguish between historic and 
individual time.

Python's foo is like Java's foo speaks of the individual's exoteric order 
experience with Python and Java, that may reverse esoteric historical 
chronology (and in fact, does so).

Re: Passing data attributes as method parameters

2006-04-24 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Panos Laganakos [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PL) wrote:

PL Thanks Ben.
PL What does it mean that they're statically bound?

It means that the default values are evaluated at definition time. At that
time there isn't a variable 'self' defined. It would only work if the
defaults would be evaluated at the time the method is called, but that's
not how Python works.

PL It seems weird that I'm not able to access variables in the class
PL namespace even though these attributes come into existance after class
PL instantiation.

What do you mean 'variables in the class namespace'? Which variable is in
the class namespace? Please note that you can access variables in the class

class MyClass:

a = 10
b = 20

def my_method(self, param1=a, param2=b):
print param1, param2

Piet van Oostrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: getattr from local scope

2006-04-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I know I can use eval, but I've always been told that if you're using
 eval, you're doing it wrong. Also not using eval limits the scope damage
 that can be caused by any errors in my application which could cause
 the database to be poisoned.

a more robust approach is to explicitly add public entry points to a
dictionary, and dispatch via that dictionary:

a simple decorator can be handy for this purpose:

registry = {}

def public(func):
registry[func.__name__] = func

def func1():
print func1

def func2():
print func2

def func3():
print internal func3

registry[func3]() # this will fail

in pre-decorator versions of python, this can be implemented either
by explicitly registering the entry points:

def func2():
print func2


def func2():
print func2
registry[func2] = func2

or by using a prefix to make accidental publishing less likely:

def public_func2():
print func2

globals()[public_ + funcname]()

and/or by making all the callbacks methods of a class, and use getattr
on an instance of that class.



Re: MySql -Python question

2006-04-24 Thread Vladimir 'Yu' Stepanov
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On 23 Apr 2006 21:25:48 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following
 in comp.lang.python:

 Hey all, I'm running a query within some python code, and I'm having
 difficulties doing something that seems to be really simple . I'm
 running a query in the following form:
 query01 = 'select max(DirectorID) +1 from Director;'
 table = cursor.fetchall()
 the resulting table , is a 1 row , 1 column table,showing 1 number and
 I just need that number inside that table,and save it for a different
 query,  but I can't get it , can anybody tell me the best way to do
 this? thanks

   What does

   table[0]#first element of list table

 return to you? Or, since fetchall() might be assuming multiple rows even
 for a single row data set...

   table[0][0] #first element of first sublist of list table

There is no method for work with data who are presented only in one 
column. This method would raise speed of work with such data as it is 
not necessary to make allocation one-item tuple object.

Therefore I have a some expanded the module py-sqlplug_mysql
( where such API it is
delivered through methods of the cursor: fetchcol0, fetchallcol0,

Now on a site of the project the documentation is inaccessible. The
basic methods correspond to the specification described in PEP-249.

P.S. The project while was tested only on FreeBSD and Linux though can
work and on other platforms.

P.P.S. For drawing up of the documentation the translator from Russian
is required.

Re: Can you create an instance of a subclass with an existing instance of the base class?

2006-04-24 Thread bruno at modulix
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 I think you're taking Python's OO-ness too seriously. One of the 
 strengths of Python is that it can _look_ like an OO language without 
 actually being OO.

According to which definition of OO ?

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Looking for resources for making the jump from Java to Python easier and more productive

2006-04-24 Thread bruno at modulix
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  ToddLMorgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm looking for the common types of mistakes that say a Java/C# or
even C++ developer may commonly make.
 Using subclassing when you don't have to. For instance, you might have a 
 Java method which takes an argument of type to 
 which it writes. You might translate this to a Python method to which 
 you are careful to only pass instances of subclasses of file objects. 
 But in fact there is no necessity for this: you are free to pass any 
 object which has appropriate members.
 I suppose this is an instance of the more general rule: using OO when 
 you don't have to.

Lawrence, I'm afraid you're confusing OO with statically-typed
class-based. FWIW, dynamic typing is part of OO since Smalltalk.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-24 Thread bruno at modulix
bruno at modulix wrote:
 Neal Becker wrote:
I see various answers that Python doesn't need interfaces.  OTOH, there are
responses that some large Python apps have implemented them (e.g., zope). 
Does anyone have an explanation of why these large systems felt they needed
to implement interfaces?
This might help:

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


2006-04-24 Thread mailadmin
Message Delivery BLOCKED
Reason: Virus found in message.
Our Virus scanner found a virus in the message that you sent.

Virus scanning report  -  24 April 2006 @ 14:17

Program version: 4.3.2
Engine version: 3.14.7

SIGN.DEF created 21 April 2006
SIGN2.DEF created 21 April 2006
MACRO.DEF created 21 April 2006

Search: /var/tmp/emailscan2388/attachment
Action: Automatic deletion
Files: Dumb scan of all files

/var/tmp/emailscan2388/attachment/  Infection: W32/[EMAIL 
Virus-infected files in archives cannot be deleted.

Results of virus scanning:

Files: 2
MBRs: 0
Boot sectors: 0
Objects scanned: 3
Infected: 1
Suspicious: 0
Disinfected: 0
Deleted: 0
Renamed: 0

Time: 0:00

Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Roy Smith

 hey there,
 i have a script that waits for message packets from a data server over
 a socket.
 it goes a little like this:
 while 1:
 databack = sockobj.recv(158)
 if databack:
 print 'caught a message %s bytes ' % len(databack)
 if len(databack)  120:
 message = databack[3:-3] #strip stx and enx
 print '\n\n%s' % message
 print 'end data ack'

You need to go review how TCP works.  All that it guarantees is that you 
will receive bytes in the same order they were sent.  It says nothing about 
maintaining record boundaries.  Just because you did a send(n) at one end, 
it doesn't mean that you can expect to read n bytes in a single recv() call 
at this end.  Multiple send() calls could have their contents accumlated 
into a single recv() call, or a single send() could get broken up into 
several recv() calls.

If you want to read fixed-length messages (as you appear to be trying to do 
with your recv(158)), you need to build a buffering layer which reads from 
the socket into a buffer and then doles out messages to a higher layer from 
that buffer.

 it works fine for a while, but the server requires that i send a
 heartbeat ping every 600 seconds or it will terminate the connection.
 so i also need something like
 while 1:
  ping_acknowlage = sockobj.recv(48)

This needs to be burried in a lower layer as well.  You want to build some 
kind of bufferedConnection class which hides all this gunk from your 
application.  You probably will want sendMessage() and recvMessage() 
methods for your class.  You probably want to have this class create a 
thread to handle the low-level I/O asyncronously, and put the heatbeat 
processing in there.

This is not a trivial problem.  By the time you're done with it, you will 
have learned a lot about how to communicate over a network.

Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Roy Smith wrote:

 If you want to read fixed-length messages (as you appear to be trying to do
 with your recv(158)), you need to build a buffering layer which reads from
 the socket into a buffer and then doles out messages to a higher layer from
 that buffer.

 This is not a trivial problem.  By the time you're done with it, you will
 have learned a lot about how to communicate over a network.

however, creating a buffered layer for reading is a trivial problem: just call
makefile on the socket object, and use the resulting object as a file handle:

 s = socket.socket()
 s.connect((, 80))
 s.send(GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n)
 f = s.makefile()
'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
'Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:37:46 GMT\r\n'
'Server: Ap'
'4 (Debian GNU/Linux) DAV/2 SVN/1.1.4 mod_python/3.1.3 ...
'Last-Modified: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 04:52:53 GMT\r\n'




Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread pascal . parent
Hello, can anybody explain/help me:

Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2

class Upper(str):
  def __new__(cls, value):
return str.__new__(cls, value.upper())

u = Upper('test')
class '__main__.Upper'
u = Upper('')
class '__main__.Upper'

All seems to be ok...

class MyObject(object):
  def __init__(self, dictionary = {}): = dictionary.get('id', '')
  def __setattr__(self, attribute, value):
value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value)

m = MyObject({'id': 'test'})
class '__main__.Upper'
m = MyObject()
type 'str'

Why is a str ?


GRIB to images

2006-04-24 Thread Sheldon

I am interesseted on reading some GRIB files using python and then
converting the fields to gif images.

Does anyone know if this is possible or have a program that does this?



Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread JW
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 21:15:23 -0700, Alex Martelli wrote:

 As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
 ...  huge URL snipped  ...

Alas, somehow this URL was split in two, and all the kings horses and all
the kings men can't seem to put it back together again (at least in my
browser).  Could someone post a tinyurl?

 And, as an aside...:
 [Those] not willing to shell out mucho $$$ to MS for a pro VS
 2003) must go through such gyrations as these in order to be able to
 build Python extensions on Windows.  I'm sure my Windows-loving
 colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
 Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
 and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
 considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
 with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
 mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.

Well, so long as there's a way to get the requisite tools.  I'm sure
these Windows-loving colleagues confirmed these free tools worked under
WINE, else how would us cheap programmers with Windows-less boxes avoid
sending $$$ to the Great Satan?

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL

Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Roy Smith
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 however, creating a buffered layer for reading is a trivial problem: just call
 makefile on the socket object, and use the resulting object as a file handle:

The problem with that is that makefile() requires the socket to be in 
blocking mode.  If you're going to be implementing heartbeat, that's 
probably not what you want.

Re: GRIB to images

2006-04-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sheldon wrote:
 I am interesseted on reading some GRIB files using python and then
 converting the fields to gif images.
 Does anyone know if this is possible or have a program that does this?

Yes of course with PIL.



Re: Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread harold


 Hello, can anybody explain/help me:

 Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
 [GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2

 class Upper(str):
   def __new__(cls, value):
 return str.__new__(cls, value.upper())

 u = Upper('test')
 class '__main__.Upper'
 u = Upper('')
 class '__main__.Upper'

 All seems to be ok...

 class MyObject(object):
   def __init__(self, dictionary = {}): = dictionary.get('id', '')
   def __setattr__(self, attribute, value):
 value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
 object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value)

 m = MyObject({'id': 'test'})
 class '__main__.Upper'
 m = MyObject()
 type 'str'

 Why is a str ?

Because Upper(value) will be False in the line
 value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
and thus, you assign value itself to value again.
rewrite it for exmaple in this way:

   def __setattr__(self, attribute, value):
 if type(value) is type('') :
 value = Upper(value)
 object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value)


Re: Writing backwards compatible code - when?

2006-04-24 Thread Laurent Pointal
Scott David Daniels a écrit :
 Bob Greschke wrote:
 Is there a list of all of the Python commands and modules that tell
 when (what version) they were added to Python?  I was hoping the new
 Essential Reference would have it, but it doesn't.
 Here's a reference that stops at 2.3:

Remove the 2.3, and you get the 2.4 :-)



Re: MinGW and Python

2006-04-24 Thread Josef Meile
 Is there any specific reason for not using MinGW to build the official
 distribution of Python for Win32?
 A quick Google search did not reveal the answer to my question. If a
 link is available, please post it.
You may look at this thread:

* E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

There was a big polemic and it is really long, but there are some useful
posts there.



Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Serge Orlov
 hey there,

 i have a script that waits for message packets from a data server over
 a socket.
 it goes a little like this:

 while 1:
 databack = sockobj.recv(158)
 if databack:

 print 'caught a message %s bytes ' % len(databack)
 if len(databack)  120:
 message = databack[3:-3] #strip stx and enx
 print '\n\n%s' % message
 print 'end data ack'

 it works fine for a while, but the server requires that i send a
 heartbeat ping every 600 seconds or it will terminate the connection.

 so i also need something like
 while 1:
  ping_acknowlage = sockobj.recv(48)

 should i do this with threads? i dont want to interrupt the listening
 cycle to send a ping.

 appreciate any tips on how would be the best way to pull this off.


before the loop and later in the loop:

databack = sockobj.recv(158)
except socket.timeout:

Also, as other people pointed out, you'd better make buffered socket
with .makefile() socket method.


Re: what has python added to programming languages? (lets be esoteric, shall we ; )

2006-04-24 Thread beliavsky
Michael Tobis wrote:
 Although somewhat more elegant, Python slices follow Matlab's slice
 notation. In simpler cases they are identical.


I think in Matlab, as in Fortran 90, i:j refers to the elements from i
up to and including j, unlike Python, where j is excluded. Another
language with slicing is S, implemented in S-Plus and R. It follows the
same convention as Fortran.

The languages treat negative subscripts of lists and arrays
differently. In Fortran, since lower bounds of arrays can be negative,
a negative subscript has no special meaning. In S, where arrays start
with element 1, a negative subscript means that the absolute value of
the subscript is excluded, so that if array x has three elements, x[-2]
refers to (x[1],x[3]). In Python, negative indices wraparound.


Update Demo/ and Tools/ directories

2006-04-24 Thread Dennis Benzinger

I'd like to help with updating the Demo/ and Tools/ directories as it is 
suggested in the Python Wiki

How exactly should the directories be updated? Should it just be made 
sure that the demos and examples are working or should they be updated 
to use the newest applicable Python features (e.g. the new any/all 


Python Evangelism

2006-04-24 Thread BartlebyScrivener
Python On WinXP: 7 Minutes To Hello World!

Call it Python for the Complete XP Idiot if you must, but it's getting
dugg on



Re: how to append to a list twice?

2006-04-24 Thread Petr Prikryl

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:

   But of course that only does it once, and I don't want to have to copy
   and paste the append line. Perhaps there's a better way than this.
  def makeseries(N):
series = [N]
append = series.append
for tailer in xrange(N-1, -1, -1):

 But Now You've Violated The DRY Principle!!!

Do you mean the three times -1 in the xrange arguments?  :-)



Re: Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread pascal . parent
This is good... try this:

value = 'test'
type 'str'
value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
 class '__main__.Upper'

value = 1
type 'int'
value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
type 'int'


Re: what has python added to programming languages? (lets be esoteric, shall we ; )

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
Aahz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Cameron Laird wrote:

Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:

Are there any concepts that python has not borrowed, concepts that were
not even inspired by other languages? I'm just interested if it is
merely a best-of collection of language features or if there are
actually inventions that have not - or hardly - existed in programming
before python?

Nesting by indentation

You *do* realize this was present in ABC, among others, right?

Yes.  I took the question to mean what has Python made a commercial
success out of that wasn't popular before, which I guess was taking
quite a bit of liberty with it.  But he did give us the out of
hardly.  I think it would be fair to say nesting by indentation
hardly existed before Python.
 Yup.  I started following up to your post exactly as Cameron did before
 I realized the rejoinder you were almost certain to make.  So I kept my
 mouth shut.  ;-)

That's a refreshing change ;-) Long time no see!

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Can you create an instance of a subclass with an existing instance of the base class?

2006-04-24 Thread Sandra-24

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 All you want is a dictionary, then. That's basically what Python objects

Yes, that's it exactly. I made a lazy wrapper for it, and I was really
happy with what I was able to accomplish, it turned out to be very




2006-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone know what this error means?

C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u  C:/Python24/MyProjects/HeadsUp/
  File C:/Python24/MyProjects/HeadsUp/, line 10246
elif handname == 'straightflush':
SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
Michael Tobis wrote:
 Is this the right room for an argument?
Is that a gun in its pocket, or is it just glad to see me? (with 
apologies to Mae West).

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: MySql -Python question

2006-04-24 Thread ataanis
both of your suggestions don't work, that's kind of what I was trying
the whole time


Re: Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread Peter Otten

 This is good... try this:
 value = 'test'
 type 'str'
 value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value
 class '__main__.Upper'

Try again with 

value = 

This makes Upper(value) a False value in a boolean context:

 class Upper(str):
... pass
class '__main__.Upper'
 type(Upper() or )
type 'str'


 type(Upper(x) or x)
class '__main__.Upper'



Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
Michael Tobis wrote:
Not that I'm disagreeing, but how to you rate resonance with the product?
 Hmm, I'm not a marketing professional, but this is would I would do
 with my focus groups:
 Ask people familar with the product to name what they like about the
 image, and what they like about the product, and look for analogies
 between them. Ask them what they dislike about the image and the
 product, and minimize overlap.
 (The main thing I dislike about Python is that the documentation is too
 sketchy. It's very unclear what the official logo represents. So
 another strike against it; it reminds me of the confusion I often face
 on making use of an unfamiliar module.)

As opposed to, for example, Apache's feater, which immediately says ... 
er, er, ... ?

Anyway, none of this is intended to discourage you, I think it's good 
that people are still interested in improving Python's image (as am I: 

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: error

2006-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 Anyone know what this error means?
 C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u  C:/Python24/MyProjects/HeadsUp/
   File C:/Python24/MyProjects/HeadsUp/, line 10246
 elif handname == 'straightflush':
 SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large

Google dead today?

Given the linenumber is over 1, I presume that is your problem. I guess
you'd have to read upon modules... :)


freebsd thread problem

2006-04-24 Thread Dorian Mcfarland
Hi there,
I have installed python(2.4.3)  trac(0.9.4) on freebsd(4.8) from the ports 
collection and I seem to have an underlying problem with the thread module.

Pysqlite is calling 'import thread' which is failing with no such module and 
causing it not to load. I thought that 'thread' was one of the core sys.modules 
and when I install python via ports I can see in the makefile that threading is 
turned on.

Salling 'import thread' from the python prompt yields the same result.

I have a '' and a '' in my /usr/local/lib/python2.4 
folder and I only have one version of python installed.

Can anyone help me with this? I've googled it and can't find any mention of a 
similar problem anywhere else. I've also been through the trac mailing-list, 
but it doesn't seem like a trac-specific problem.

All/any help greatly appreciated


Re: proposed Python logo

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
Michael Tobis wrote:
 A more Monty sort of Python logo would be fine with me. A flying sheep
 perhaps? An exploding penguin? A giant hedgehog? A dog license with the
 word dog crossed out and cat written in crayon? A great big book on
 how to put your budgie down?
 I'm not sure that conveys the intended gravitas to the corporate
 community, though.
How about a big P with the serif at the bottom being the foot that 
stamps on things?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread pascal . parent
Thanks a lot Peter and Harold.


Re: Subclass str: where is the problem?

2006-04-24 Thread harold
Hi Pascal,

Indeed, the example you show work corrctly. But in the
code you posted before, you wonder about the behavior
of these lines:

 m = MyObject()
 type 'str'

So what happens when you provide the empty string '' to your and-or
value = ''
value = type(value) is type('') and Upper(value) or value

As you can easily check, bool('') resolves to False. Thus, your line
value = False and False or value
Python first evaluates the and expression, which resolves to False. The
expression evaluates the second argument and returns that one as the
if and only if the first one evaluates to False, which is the case
here. So the
result of False or value is value. You can check that
 value is (False or value)
so, in you code, the empty string gets indeed assign as value again.

Be carefull with the condition/and/or chain! You must be 110% sure,
the desired return value in case of condition==True can never evaluate
to False!

- harold -


Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Roy Smith
Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, as other people pointed out, you'd better make buffered socket
 with .makefile() socket method.

If I understand the docs for the socket module correctly, these two
suggestions are mutually incompatable.

Twisted/wxPython Problem...

2006-04-24 Thread PeterG

I am relatively new to Python, and am learning it as part of a

Im currently undertaking a project to create an IM server and IM gui

I have a very basic server, and a basic gui client.  I can get my
client to
connect to my server, but cant get it to disconnect or send messages to

I am getting the following error when I click on the 'Disconnect'
button -
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'loseConnection'

I have attached the code for both the server and the client below this.

I am using the Twisted and wxPython packages, and as previously stated
fairly new to Python so would appreciate any help anyone can offer.



from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver

factory = Factory()
#this is a list
factory.transports = []
#this is a dictionary
userNicknames = {}

class SimpleLogger(LineReceiver):

def connectionMade(self):
userNicknames[self.transport.client] = ''
#write to the client
self.transport.write(Welcome to Chris  Pete's chat server!\r\n)
self.transport.write(Please enter your nickname:\r\n)
#prints on the server screen
print 'got connection from', self.transport.client

def connectionLost(self, reason):
who = str(userNicknames.get(self.transport.client)) + '
Disconnected' + '\r\n'
print who
userNicknames[self.transport.client] = ''
for transport in self.factory.transports:

def lineReceived(self, line):
#if the users nickname in the dictionary (userNicknames) is
blank, create a
#value in the dictionary with the line just received.
#if the user already has a nickname then it must be a message
they are writing.
#So instead print out the message
if userNicknames.get(self.transport.client) == '':
#if the username is already in the dictionary someone is
#already using it so ask for another one.
if line in userNicknames.values():
self.transport.write('That nickname is already in use,
please use another:')
userNicknames[self.transport.client] = line
#print userNicknames.items()
message = userNicknames.get(self.transport.client) + '
has joined\r\n'
for transport in self.factory.transports:

message = userNicknames.get(self.transport.client) + ': ' +
line + '\r\n'
for transport in self.factory.transports:

factory.protocol = SimpleLogger

reactor.listenTCP(1234, factory)
from wxPython.wx import *
import wx
from twisted.internet import wxreactor
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientCreator

class imApp(wxApp, Protocol):

def buildMe(self):
frame = wx.Frame(None, title=IM Client, size=(800, 550))

bkg = wx.Panel(frame)

global ipAdd
global portNo
global messages
global newMsg

ipAddLab = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, 'IP Address: ')
ipAdd = wx.TextCtrl(bkg)
ipAdd.SetToolTipString('Please enter the server IP address
spacer1 = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '  ')
portNoLab = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, 'Port No: ')
portNo = wx.TextCtrl(bkg)
portNo.SetToolTipString('Please enter the port number the
server is using here.')
spacer2 = wx.StaticText(bkg, -1, '  ')
connectButton = wx.Button(bkg, label='Connect')
connectButton.SetToolTipString('Click this button to connect to
the server.')
connectButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.connectMe)
disconnectButton = wx.Button(bkg, label='Disconnect')
disconnectButton.SetToolTipString('Click this button to
disconnect from the server.')
disconnectButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.disconnectMe)
messages = wx.TextCtrl(bkg, style=(wx.TE_MULTILINE |
newMsg = wx.TextCtrl(bkg)
sendButton = wx.Button(bkg, label='Send')
sendButton.SetToolTipString('Click this button to send a
message to the server.')
sendButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.sendMe)

hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer()

hbox1.Add(ipAddLab, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(ipAdd, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(spacer1, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(portNoLab, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(portNo, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(spacer2, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
hbox1.Add(connectButton, proportion=0, flag=wx.LEFT, border=5)

Re: MySql -Python question

2006-04-24 Thread Frank Millman

 both of your suggestions don't work, that's kind of what I was trying
 the whole time

I am sure you have read this before somewhere, but -

1. Tell us what you have tried so far
2. Tell us what you expected (or hoped) would happen
3. Tell us what actually happened, including any traceback

Then there is a possibility that someone might be able to help you.

Frank Millman


Re: How I learned Tkinter

2006-04-24 Thread Ken Dere
peter wrote:

 I've been trying to teach myself Tkinter programming over the last few
 (in a strictly amateur way), and have made a number of requests for
 help in this
 newsgroup and elsewhere.
 I've now (sort of) got there - in that I have used Tkinter for some
 programs for
 personal use - and I've written up my experiences at
 In general I found that while Frederik Lundh's tutorial is
 comprehensive and
 well written, there is little else around to help the newcomer working
 the benefit of more experienced colleagues, and that in places the
 is too sparse to be of much help.
 Any thoughts? Is my experience typical?

Programming Python by Mark Lutz has several chapters on Tkinter
(O'Reilly).  Thanks for your notes as I am still behind you.

Ken D.


Re: Twisted/wxPython Problem...

2006-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
PeterG wrote:

 I am relatively new to Python, and am learning it as part of a
 Im currently undertaking a project to create an IM server and IM gui
 I have a very basic server, and a basic gui client.  I can get my
 client to
 connect to my server, but cant get it to disconnect or send messages to
 I am getting the following error when I click on the 'Disconnect'
 button -
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'loseConnection'

It seems that your client inherits from two classes, but doesn't invoke
their respective constructors. That makes python only call the first
classes constructor, as this simple experiment shows:

class A(object):
def __init__(self):
print I'm A

class B(object):
def __init__(self):
print I'm B

class C(A,B):


 - I'm A

so - create a constructor, invoke both constructors of your super-classes
either explicitly or using super (make sure you understand super!)



Re: debugging in emacs

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Juranich
Gary Wessle wrote:

 Gary Wessle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi python users
 I am using emacs and python-mode.el under dabian testing.
 is there a way to debug python code where I can step over each line
 and watch the value of all the variables and be able to change
 any during debugging. say you have a loop structure and want to see
 what the values of your variables are during debugging when your code
 is running as you step line by line.
 what is the most used the older python-mode.el or the newer python.el?
 I am using eamcs 21.4.1 under dabian testing.

I use python-mode.el v. 4.63 with Emacs 21.3 (I haven't made the switch to
21.4 yet).  When I'm running an interactive *Python* buffer inside of Emacs
and get a stack trace, I then use and I get the familiar
GDB-in-Emacs style interface.

Good luck.
Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Alex Martelli
  As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
  ...  huge URL snipped  ...
 Alas, somehow this URL was split in two, and all the kings horses and all
 the kings men can't seem to put it back together again (at least in my
 browser).  Could someone post a tinyurl?


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Alex Martelli
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  Can anybody suggest where to get a Framework SDK 1.1., or any other
  legal way to get the core msvcrt.lib for msvcr71.dll against which to
  link your extensions.  This is critically important...???

Thanks!  For the convenience of tinyurl-preferrers:

  I'm sure my Windows-loving
  colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
  Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
  and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
  considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
  with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
  mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.
 Not sure whether this mark was meant to be sarcastic: but why you don't
 want to use mingw to build extensions on Windows, I cannot understand.

Jocular, but not sarcastic.  I have no problems using mingw if that's
what it takes -- the later instructions I saw were those suggesting the
Toolkit instead, so those are the ones I'm trying to follow.  What's the
updated URL for the instructions about using mingw instead?



Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Alex Martelli
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
  does work.
 Can you please try this again: I'm also getting the error message
 that AIM is getting.

Try tinyurl please.

I've also tinyurl'd your URL for the 1.1 SDK, to .

((I suspect the problem has to do with a limitation of 80
characters/line in NNTP messages, which my favorite newsreader enforces


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Alex Martelli
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Edward Elliott wrote:
  I think Apple switched to the Intel compiler for 
  x86 macs, was python built with that or with gcc?
 I'm pretty sure MacTel OS X still uses gcc 4 (although I think there is a beta
 version of the Intel compiler available). All of the Python builds floating
 around for it certainly use gcc.

Apple's XCode still uses gcc.  The intel compilers are out of beta, and
cost many hundreds of dollars per developer, besides NOT supporting
ObjectiveC, while XCode is still free (as in beer for the GUI parts etc,
as in speech for the underlying commandline tools, though I'm not quite
sure where I'd start looking for the latters' sources if I wanted

Edward's request on this thread is eminently reasonable, but I don't
really have time to get and post all the detailed results of pybench
right now - I'll try to get to it this evening.


Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Serge Orlov
Roy Smith wrote:
 Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also, as other people pointed out, you'd better make buffered socket
  with .makefile() socket method.

 If I understand the docs for the socket module correctly, these two
 suggestions are mutually incompatable.

Perhaps this restriction was lifted?

 s = socket.socket()
 s.connect((, 80))
 f = s.makefile()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#21, line 1, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 340, in readline
data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)
timeout: timed out


Python C API question

2006-04-24 Thread Gabriele *darkbard* Farina

I'm a newbie in python extension development, and I'd like to ask you a
simple question. I have to implement a simple estension that parses a
source file and returns an xml.dom.minidom.Document instance. I'd like
to know how can I import and then manage xml.dom.minidom.* objects
using Python C API.



Re: freebsd thread problem

2006-04-24 Thread Ivan Voras
Dorian Mcfarland wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have installed python(2.4.3)  trac(0.9.4) on freebsd(4.8) from the 
 ports collection and I seem to have an underlying problem with the 
 thread module.

 Salling 'import thread' from the python prompt yields the same result.
 I have a '' and a '' in my 
 /usr/local/lib/python2.4 folder and I only have one version of python 

How did you install python? By default, if built from ports, it should 
pop up a configuration dialog in which one of the options is to enable 
thread support. If you have a bad configuration record, you can do a 
make config in /usr/ports/lang/python to re-create it.

(if there's no such option, then maybe using threads with python is 
disabled in 4.x)

Re: Python C API question

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Juranich
Gabriele *darkbard* Farina wrote:

 I'm a newbie in python extension development, and I'd like to ask you a
 simple question. I have to implement a simple estension that parses a
 source file and returns an xml.dom.minidom.Document instance. I'd like
 to know how can I import and then manage xml.dom.minidom.* objects
 using Python C API.

Have you looked at the PyImport_* functions?

Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ


Re: Python C API question

2006-04-24 Thread Gabriele *darkbard* Farina
It seems to be what I need. Thank you!


Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-24 Thread robert
Ivan Voras wrote:
 robert wrote:
 maybe thats a good idea to put it on to boil out all bugs.
 Yet I like it in that simple default manner, maybe switch on those 
 additional creation functions with commandline switches (or config 
 class instance passed to run..(config=None) )
 I'm thinking of making a small separation between the actual WebDAV 
 server ( and the library/libraries that do the actual protocol 
 ( This way, we can still have a simple server 
 (, libraries with new features, and possibly an advanced 
 server (possibly called or something like that) that 
 can use all those new features.
 I'll submit a project request, and will post here when it's processed, 
 so stay tuned :)


what is the current status of Pandav?

KL wrote, he added some more capabs. I'd need MOVE and saw PUT has bugs 
to also not respect URL-quoted folders/elements (with spaces, utf-8 etc.)

Wanted to ask to not double things?


Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Apr 24)

2006-04-24 Thread Peter Otten
QOTW: Going from Python to Java (as it's in my case) is real pain I wish
nobody to feel... Even with multi-million support for Java from giants
like Sun, IBM or Oracle, I find it much easier to gain full control over
my project when using Python than Java. - Jarek Zgoda

while 1: life.side.bright.look() - Robin Becker

When debugging your code, would you have to dedent the block inside a
for loop to run it just once? Of course not:

You can query the Python package index or Cheese Shop through XML-RPC.;

Peter Mosley gives a thorough report of how he learned Tkinter.

Python seeks mentors and students for Google's Summer of Code.

Guido van Rossum gives a brief overview of his plans concerning
Python 3000.

Irmen de Jong's wiki is one of the resources that turn up in Todd
L.  Morgan's hunt for information to ease the transition from Java
to Python.

Michael P. Soulier proposes a sly shell one-liner:
python -c 'help(time.sleep)'

John J. Lee has a few tricks up his sleeve to make dealing with
cookies easier.

Many PyCon 2006 presentations are now available online, announces
conference chair Andrew Kuchling.

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url  
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python. 
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher, and Tony Meyer continue the marvelous
tradition early borne by Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson and Brett
Cannon of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.   

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.
Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

ANN: PyScript 0.6.0 released

2006-04-24 Thread cochrane

  PyScript is a python module for producing high quality postscript 
  graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is 
  programmed using python and the PyScript objects.
  Some of the key features are:
  * All scripting is done in python, which is a high level, easy to 
learn, well developed scripting language.
  * All the objects can be translated, scaled, rotated, ... in fact
any affine transformation.
  * Plain text is automatically kerned.
  * You can place arbitrary LaTeX expressions on your figures.
  * You can create your own figure objects, and develop a library of 
figure primitives.
  * Output is publication quality.


  Released under the GPL


  The major change in this release is a complete rewrite of the Talk and
  Poster classes of the presentation library.  There have also been 
  many bug fixes and minor other improvements.  For details see the 
  PyScript web page: 
  a href=;

Getting the software:

  One can download the latest version (0.6) from:
  a href=;PyScript/a


  * Python 2.2 and above
  * An up-to-date LaTeX distribution


  * Alexei Gilchrist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Paul Cochrane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you use this software, have any suggestions, or bug reports, please let
  us know!


Re: i18n hell

2006-04-24 Thread Martin Blais
On 24 Apr 2006 00:38:42 -0700, Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 fyleow wrote:
  I just spent hours trying to figure out why even after I set my SQL
  table attributes to UTF-8 only garbage kept adding into the database.
  Apparently you need to execute SET NAMES 'utf8' before inserting into
  the tables.
  Does anyone have experience working with other languages using Django
  or Turbogears?  I just need to be able to retrieve and enter text to
  the database from my page without it being mangled.  I know these
  frameworks employ ORM so you don't need to write SQL and that worries
  me because I tried this on Rails and it wouldn't work.

 Frequently asked question to people who are burning in i18n hell: are
 you using unicode strings or byte strings? Unicode string means that
 type(your_string) is unicode, it does not mean you keep utf-8 encoded
 text in python byte strings.

I used to live i18n hell, a while ago, until I understood this: 
everytime you keep a reference to some kind of string object, ALWAYS
ALWAYS ALWAYS be AWARE of whether it is not encoded (a unicode object)
or an encoding string (a str object), and if so, which encoding it is
in.  Then deal with the conversion between the two domains EXPLICITLY
(e.g. encode(), decode()).   If you hold onto a str or unicode object
and you don't know which it is, you are inevitably bound to face
unicode hell at some point.  You can use a prefix convention if that
makes it easier for you, but the point is that you CANNOT just wing
it.  Python makes it too easy to just wing it and that creates a
lot of surprises, especially since some methods hide the conversions,
e.g. str.join.

w.r.t. to DB storage, that depends on the specific database you're
using and the DBAPI module you're using, read up on it, write a few
tests on your corresponding DBAPI (simple tests, easy peasy), know
what kinds of strings you're sending in and reading back.  I'm using
PostgreSQL often and my configuration always stores strings in UTF-8
in the database.  I have a lightweight mapping module that
disambiguiates and does the encoding/decoding automatically in a
consistent way (that decision belongs in the client code for now,
unfortunately, but is centralized using my table declaration that
lists the desired conversions for each column).  See for something simple that works well.


Furius Python Training --

Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Robert Kern
Alex Martelli wrote:

 Jocular, but not sarcastic.  I have no problems using mingw if that's
 what it takes -- the later instructions I saw were those suggesting the
 Toolkit instead, so those are the ones I'm trying to follow.  What's the
 updated URL for the instructions about using mingw instead?

Install mingw (an large task in and of itself that I'm not going to go into
here, but look at and make sure the bin/ directory is on
your PATH. You will have to edit the gcc specs file to replace -lmsvcrt with
-lmsvcr71. Its filename is lib/mingw32/3.4.2/specs . After that, use the
--compiler=mingw32 option on build_ext when using distutils.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: error

2006-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks for the heads up.  I read other posts on this error, but it's
unclear to me whether the following will be a problem as well.  Suppose
I break up my very long module into smaller modules and import them
into another module 'main'.  Will I get the same error running main if
the total number of lines in the smaller modules is  10k?


Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-24 Thread Panos Laganakos

I have a list that includes lists of integers, in the form of:
li = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...]

packed = struct.pack(str(len(li)*3)+'i', li)

The frmt part is right, as I'm multiplying by 3, 'cause each inner list
has 3 elements.

What can I do to get li as a single list of integers?

I tried list comprehension in the form of:
[([j for j in i]) for i in li]

But that doesn't seem to work, any ideas?


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Robert Kern
Alex Martelli wrote:

 Jocular, but not sarcastic.  I have no problems using mingw if that's
 what it takes -- the later instructions I saw were those suggesting the
 Toolkit instead, so those are the ones I'm trying to follow.  What's the
 updated URL for the instructions about using mingw instead?

Oh, that's right, you need an import library for Python24.dll . If you build
numpy first, it will automatically build the import library for you. The
implementation is fairly simple if you would rather bodge a script together. The
driver is the function build_import_library() here:

This uses the following module:

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-24 Thread Panos Laganakos
Just came up with this:

litemp = []

[litemp.extend(i) for i in li]

Seems to give me a list with all the inner elements of li, not sure if
struct.pack will accept it now, but I'll give it a try.


Re: MinGW and Python

2006-04-24 Thread Robert Kern
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Srijit Kumar Bhadra wrote:
Is there any specific reason for not using MinGW to build the official
distribution of Python for Win32?
 What could be the reasons to use MinGW?
 As for reasons not to do that:
 - there is no build process available to do that
 - people building extensions to Python must be able to do so with
   Microsoft C++, since some of these extensions are written using MFC.
 - developing Python itself in Visual Studio is quite convenient; in
   particular, the debugger works better than gdb.

- gcc does not optimize particularly well.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: error

2006-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 thanks for the heads up.  I read other posts on this error, but it's
 unclear to me whether the following will be a problem as well.  Suppose
 I break up my very long module into smaller modules and import them
 into another module 'main'.  Will I get the same error running main if
 the total number of lines in the smaller modules is  10k?

No. There exist quite a few projects out there with several 10K lines of


Re: Looking for resources for making the jump from Java to Python easier and more productive

2006-04-24 Thread gene tani

Ant wrote:
 Take a look at the newgroup archives over the last week or two - there
 seem to have been a glut of people coming from Java to Python and
 asking the same sort of questions. There were some links to a bunch of
 Python 'gotcha' pages which will be useful.

Here's a few gotchas which i would like to drop into the python wiki,
but I couldn't find an appropriate place.  Maybe the Intermediate
Conundrums page?
Anyway, if OP take the time to flip through these, it'll speed the
learning, I hope.


Re: Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Panos Laganakos wrote:

 I have a list that includes lists of integers, in the form of:
 li = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...]

 What can I do to get li as a single list of integers?

 I tried list comprehension in the form of:
 [([j for j in i]) for i in li]

 But that doesn't seem to work, any ideas?

you have it backwards: a nested list expression is like a nested
for loop, but with the innermost expression at the beginning.  a
for-loop would look like:

for i in li:
for j in i:
... do something with j ...

so the corresponding comprehension is

[j for i in li for j in i]

which gives you the expected result.  when you pass this to pack,
you can use a generator expression instead:

data = struct.pack(%di % (len(li)*3), *(j for i in li for j in i))



Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.0.6 release

2006-04-24 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.0.6 have been released

Check for details on Pydev Extensions

and for details on Pydev

Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:

- New Feature: Show hierarchy (F4) -- Still in a beta state (currently only looks for subclasses on the same project).
- Analysis happens in a Thread, so, you should now always have the
latest parse without any halts (this happened only when the option was
set to analyze only on save).
- Class variable marked as error when self ommitted
- when an undefined import is found within a try..except ImportError, it will not be reported.
- Allow changing the keybinding for activating the Interactive Console (Ctrl+Enter)
- Added a simple text-search that looks for in all .py and .pyw files
(will be improved in the future to make a real python-like search).
- The keywords that match the 'simple' keywords completion do not show up.

Release Highlights in Pydev:

- Assign variables to attributes (Ctrl+2+a): Contributed by Joel
Hedlund (this is the first contribution using the new jython scripting
- 3 minor 'quirks' were fixed in the indentation engine
- The debugger had some changes (so, if you had halts with it, please try it again).
- Allow changing the keybinding for activating the Find next problem (Ctrl+.)
- The debugger step-return had its behaviour changed.
- Additional scripts location added to pythonpath in the jython scripting engine
- Transversal of nested references improved
- Fixed problems with compiled modules when they had 'nested' module structures (e.g.: wx.glcanvas)

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread gangesmaster
calling sys.exit() from a thread does nothing... the thread dies, but
the interpreter remains. i guess the interpreter just catches and
ignore the SystemExit exception...

does anybody know of a way to overcome this limitation? 



Re: error

2006-04-24 Thread alisonken1
 Will I get the same error running main if
the total number of lines in the smaller modules is  10k?

Not sure if this would solve your problem, but I noticed the 10K

I don't know about other programmers, but I find it much easier to
keep track of stuff if I keep the individual file sizes less than 10K
in size.

Another thought would be to create a module with several submodules of
grouped functionality (similar to the xml module where submodules
dom/parsers/sax are) - this way it's easier to keep track of the


Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
gangesmaster wrote:

 calling sys.exit() from a thread does nothing... the thread dies, but
 the interpreter remains. i guess the interpreter just catches and
 ignore the SystemExit exception...
 does anybody know of a way to overcome this limitation?

Use Thread.setDaemon(True) on your threads.


Re: error

2006-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks for the help.


Re: freebsd thread problem

2006-04-24 Thread Dorian Mcfarland
That was the problem. thanks for the clarity - finally working.

 How did you install python? By default, if built from ports, it should 
 pop up a configuration dialog in which one of the options is to enable 
 thread support. If you have a bad configuration record, you can do a 
 make config in /usr/ports/lang/python to re-create it.
 (if there's no such option, then maybe using threads with python is 
 disabled in 4.x)

Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread gangesmaster
 import threading



Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread gangesmaster
(i forgot to say it didn't work)


Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread Rene Pijlman
(i forgot to say it didn't work)

It's the remaining threads that need to be daemon, when some thread
performs sys.exit. When no non-daemon thread remains, the application

René Pijlman

Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread nephish
ok, thanks for all the suggestions, gents, i clearly have more to read
on this.
i have discovered that the server will send a request for the heartbeat
ping if its almost timed out, so i use the length of the message to
determine what to do with it.

msg = sockobj.recv(1024)

if len(msg) == 158:
record the data
elif len(msg) == (34): # length of request for ping
ping the server
yada yada.

each real message ( according to their docs ) should be exactly 158

i know i need to look more into all of this.. but thanks for all of
your help



Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Roy Smith
elif len(msg) == (34): # length of request for ping
ping the server

This seems really dangerous.  You are obviously writing to some
already defined (and hopefully, documented) protocol.  What does the
protocol spec say about ping request messages?

I would be very surprised if the spec says that a ping request is
defined as any message which is 34 bytes long.  More likely, it says
something like, A ping request is defined by the command code being
set to 5 or something like that.  That's what you should be testing,
not the length of the message.

get in reply to with nntplib

2006-04-24 Thread Hanman
I am coding a small newsarchiv and have a question: When trying to read
out the in reply to data with xhdr i always get a (none) as return.


s = nntplib.NNTP('')
 resp, count, first, last, name ='comp.lang.python')
resp, subs = s.xhdr('In-Reply-To', first + '-' + last)
for id, sub in subs[-20:]:
print id, sub

529515 (none)
529516 (none)
529517 (none)
529518 (none)
529519 (none)
529520 (none)

What do I wrong?

Many greetings


Re: Looking for resources for making the jump from Java to Python easier and more productive

2006-04-24 Thread Harry George
Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  ToddLMorgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are there python specific equivalents to the common Patterns,
 Anti-Patterns and Refactoring books that are so prevalent as
 reccomended reading in C++ and Java?
 I don't think they exist. Such books are targeted more towards 
 development in a corporate environment, where every proposal has to go 
 through multiple layers of management, and nothing is ever done by 
 individuals working alone, always by teams working on separate parts 
 of the project. And also where the end-users don't really get much say 
 in how things are supposed to work. It's only in such a high-overhead, 
 top-down, cover-your-ass environment that such books are looked on as 
 being at all useful. Possibly on the grounds that nobody ever got fired 
 for buying them.
 I'd say languages like Python and Perl are the absolute antithesis of 
 this sort of development culture.

On antithesis comment:

Python can be used for Agile Programming, with the end user there at
the monitor.  But it can also be used for heavy duty development
regimens with data models, specifications, development teams working
multiple shifts or working worldwide, separate test-and-release teams,

On response to the OP:

The most important thing you bring to the table is knowledge of data
formats, algorithms, OO programming, and test-driven design. E.g.,
XML, HTML, LDAP, SQL, pipes, stacks, queues, threads, dictionaries,
lexers, parsers, regular expressions, matrix transformations, GUI
dialogs, etc.  Many of us consider Python a secret weapon in learning
new paradigms and technologies

The most important things you need to leave behind:

1.  Intuition about what is already available vs what you have to
write.  Java tries to reinvent the whole compsci world.  Python just
says Nice C/C++/FORTRAN library; I think I'll use it via a binding.
If it is codable, it is probably scriptable in Python.

2. Temptation to reinvent entire stacks of libraries to replicate the
Java module import structure.  This is a real problem in migrating
existing code.  You have to take deep breath and ask What is the
fundamental task, and how would a programmer do that in Python?
Entire library trees melt away when you do this.

3. Fear you are missing something when you get done.  Python takes
c. 1/3 as many LOC as Java for the same task. At first I kept saying:
This wee bit of code couldn't posssibly do the whole job, could it?
If you have a good regression test suite, you are done when it works.
If you need help getting on board unittests, see mkpythonproj:

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

Re: i18n hell

2006-04-24 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Martin Blais napisał(a):

 See for something simple that works well.

I'd like to know what is this module/library good for *before* I start
downloading it. Almost like ORM but not exactly is rather vague term
and can denote anything. Is it dishwasher? Or microwave oven?

BTW, I don't have any problems without character encodings since I
started using unicode objects internally in my programs. Database is the
same kind of data source, as regular files, sockets or ttys -- you have
to know client encoding before you start receiving data. Then decode it
to unicode and you are fine.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

2006-04-24 Thread Rene Pijlman
i have discovered that the server will send a request for the heartbeat
ping if its almost timed out, so i use the length of the message to
determine what to do with it.

msg = sockobj.recv(1024)

if len(msg) == 158:
record the data
elif len(msg) == (34): # length of request for ping
ping the server

Incorrect. There are no 'messages' with TCP, only bytes.

René Pijlman

Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread Ron Adam
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:
 As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,

 does work.
 Can you please try this again: I'm also getting the error message
 that AIM is getting.
 Try tinyurl please.

I still get the following with the tinyurl link:

The download you requested is unavailable. If you continue to see this 
message when trying to access this download, go to the Search for a 
Download area on the Download Center home page.

Pasting the above tinyurl into firefox results in the following link.

Which appears to still be truncated. :-/

 I've also tinyurl'd your URL for the 1.1 SDK, to .

This one works.

 ((I suspect the problem has to do with a limitation of 80
 characters/line in NNTP messages, which my favorite newsreader enforces


Re: Recommended IDE for creating GUI?

2006-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Always nice to recommend myself:

Free WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython (and wxRuby!).

Have fun...


Re: Recommended IDE for creating GUI?

2006-04-24 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Marty Christion napisał(a):

 What are some good free or inexpensive ($50) IDE's for learning how to 
 program and create GUI's for Python?  I'm pretty good with the simple 
 programming aspect of the language, but I'm a little mystified by the world 
 of GUI's, and the options available in python. 

Glade is a GUI builder for GTK and PyGTK. Free, cost free, OpenSource,
multiplatform. Not as easy as Delphi, but with Python can do wonders.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread robert
gangesmaster wrote:

 calling sys.exit() from a thread does nothing... the thread dies, but
 the interpreter remains. i guess the interpreter just catches and
 ignore the SystemExit exception...
 does anybody know of a way to overcome this limitation? 

call thread.interrupt_main()

on *NIX:  os.kill(os.getpid(),signal.)

or best design your threading correctly with resonable/flexible 
communication channels, e.g. CallQueue:

(infact that latter (example2) uses sys.exit/SystemExit the other way 
correctly: to terminate a thread cleanly in functional style. in the 
same style reverse the mainthread could be terminated cleanly.)




Re: test assignmet problem

2006-04-24 Thread Paolo Pantaleo
2006/4/23, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Paolo Pantaleo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 So I tried this

 if(not (attr=global_re.match(line)) ):

 it says  invalid syntax [on the =]
   ... because this syntax is not valid ...

 so it is not possible to do test and assignment in C style?
   ... no it's not, see

 how can I write this otherwise?
   ... is this so bad?...

 if not attr:

   ... or, since you don't seem to be doing much with attr, you could just do

 if not global_re.match(line):

   ... and get rid of all those distracting ()'s!


Thnx for the help,
actually the problme is not solved

i have [well I want to do...] something like:

if a=b():
   do stuff with a
else if a=c():
   do stuff with b
   do other stuff

well, two solutions are


if a1:
   do stuff with a1
else if a2:
   do stuff with a2
   do other stuff

the other is

if b():
   do stuff with a
else if c():
   do stuff with b
   do other stuff

Even if none is exactly the same about:
 * the number of times the b() and c() functions are executed
 * the final value of a

I think the right one is:

if a:
   do stuff with a
   if a=c():
   do stuff with b
do other stuff

if you have a minute to spend please visit my photogrphy site:

Re: MySql -Python question

2006-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
 both of your suggestions don't work, that's kind of what I was trying
 the whole time
Well it seems firly obvious that your universe is somehow broken. Please 
send it back to God in a plain wrapper and it will be replaced with a 
new universe in which all programming is done in assembly language :-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread gangesmaster
i can't make the main thread daemonic. the situation is this:
* the main thread starts a thread
* the new thread does sys.exit()
* the new thread dies, but the process remains
i can do os.kill(os.getpid()), or TerminateProcess(-1) but that's not
what i want



Re: threads and sys.exit()

2006-04-24 Thread gangesmaster
that's not a question of design. i just want a child-thread to kill the
process. in a platform agnostic way.


SOAP server with WSDL?

2006-04-24 Thread Lonnie Princehouse
Does anyone know of a Python SOAP package that will publish a SOAP
service /and/ generate a corresponding WSDL file?

Looking at SOAPpy and ZSI, it seems that their WSDL support is limited
to client-side stuff.


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