ooo2any: Batch convert office documents with

2006-05-14 Thread Thomas Guettler is a small script to convert office documents with

It can read and write any format which is supported by openoffice.

It uses pyuno to connect to a running openoffice process.

It is developed on linux but should be portable to windows, too.

Thomas Guettler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python API, Initialization, Path and classes

2006-05-14 Thread nojhan
I'm trying to embbed the python interpreter as a class attribute,
initializing it in the constructor, and finalizing in destructor.

The code is rather simple:

// base_path is an attribute of the class, // initialized with argv[0] at
the instanciation clog  Python base program name asked:   base_path
 endl; Py_SetProgramName( base_path ); Py_Initialize();
clog  Python isInitialized ?   ( Py_IsInitialized()?yes:no ) 
endl; clog  Python base program name set:  Py_GetProgramName() 
endl; clog  Python path:   Py_GetPath()  endl;

But it produce a rather strange output :

Python base program name asked:
/home/nojhan/travail/openMetaheuristic/source/ometah/ometah Python
isInitialized ? yes
Python base program name
set:/home/nojhan/travail/openMetaheuristic/source/ometah/ometah Python

The code ends in an ImportError if I try to import a module in the current

Note that the python C API reference manual precise that Py_Initialize()
initializes the module search path (sys.path) [1].

I'm searching for a way to force the python interpreter considering the
current path when searching for available modules.



(Cross-posted to comp.python.c++)


Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Ant
A script I use for comparing files by MD5 sum uses the following
function, which you may find helps:

def getSum(self):
md5Sum =

f = open(self.filename, 'rb')

for line in f:


return md5Sum.hexdigest()


Re: Cellular automata and image manipulation

2006-05-14 Thread defcon8
Thank you very much. That is highly simple, useful and it works.


Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Paul Rubin
 def getSum(self):
 md5Sum =
 f = open(self.filename, 'rb')
 for line in f:
 return md5Sum.hexdigest()

This should work, but there is one hazard if the file is very large
and is not a text file.  You're trying to read one line at a time from
it, which means a contiguous string of characters up to a newline.
Depending on the file contents, that could mean gigabytes which get
read into memory.  So it's best to read a fixed size amount in each
operation, e.g. (untested):

   def getblocks(f, blocksize=1024):
  while True:
s =
if not s: return
yield s

then change for line in f to for line in f.getblocks().

I actually think an iterator like the above should be added to the
stdlib, since the for line in f idiom is widely used and sometimes
inadvisable, like the fixed sized buffers in those old C programs
that led to buffer overflow bugs.

Re: Cellular automata and image manipulation

2006-05-14 Thread defcon8
It seemed to work with a 1d list but not with 2d.


Re: Cellular automata and image manipulation

2006-05-14 Thread defcon8
import Image
x = []
buff = []

buff = [[0 for y in range(41)] for x in range(21)]
buff[0][(len(buff)-1)/2] = 1
def rule1():
for i in range(len(buff)-1):
for j in range(len(buff[0])-1):
if i == len(buff)-1:
elif j == 0:
if buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif j == len(buff[0])-1:
if buff[i][j-1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j-1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1

def rule2():
for i in range(len(buff)-1):
for j in range(len(buff[0])-1):
if i == len(buff)-1:
elif j == 0:
if buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif j == len(buff[0])-1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j-1] == 1 and buff[i][j+1] != 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j+1] == 1 and buff[i][j-1] != 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1

nim =, (400,600))

for a in buff:
for x in a:
   if x == 1:
print X,
   else: print  ,

That is my code. Could you tell me what maybe is wrong? Rule2 makes the
fibonacci triangle btw.


Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Paddy
John Machin wrote:
 On 13/05/2006 7:39 PM, Paddy wrote:
  Extension; named RE variables, with arguments
  In this, all group definitions in the body of the variable definition
  reference the literal contents of groups appearing after the variable
  name, (but within the variable reference),  when the variable is
  So an RE variable definition like:
defs = r'(?smx) (?P/GO/ go \s for \s \1 )'
  Used like:
rgexp = defs + r
  (?P=GO (it) )
  (?P=\GO (broke) )

  Would match the string:
go for it  go for broke
  As would:
defs2 = r'(?smx) (?P/GO/ go \s for \s (?P=subject) )'
rgexp = defs2 + r
  (?P=GO (?Psubject it) )
  (?P=\GO (?Psubject broke) )

  The above would allow me to factor out sections of REs and define
  named, re-ussable RE snippets.
  Please comment :-)

 1. Regex syntax is over-rich already.

First, thanks for the reply John.

Yep, regex syntax is rich, but one of the reasons I went ahead with my
post was that it might add a new way to organize regexps into more
managable chunks, rather ike functions do.

 2. You may be better off with a parser for this application instead of
 using regexes.
unfortunately my experience counts against me going for parser
solutions rather than regxps. Although, being a Python user I always
think again before using a regexp and remember to think if their might
be a clearer string method solution to tasks; I am not comfotable with
parsers/parser generators.

The reason I used to  dismiss parsers this time is that I have only
ever seen parsers for complete languages. I don't want to write a
complete parser for Verilog, I want to take an easier 'good enough'
route that I have used with success, from my AWK days. (Don't laugh, my
exposure to AWK after years of C, was just as profound as more recent
speakers have blogged about  their fealings of release from Java after
exposure to new dynamic languages - all hail AWK, not completely put
out to stud :-)
I intend to write a large regexp that picks out the things that I want
from a verilog file, skipping the bits I am un-iterested in. With a
regular expression, if I don't write something to match, say, always
blocks, then, although if someone wrote ssignal definitions (which I am
interested in), in the task, then I would pick those up as well as
module level signal definitions, but that would be 'good enough' for my
All the parser examples I see don't 'skip things',

- Hell, despite writing my own interpreted, recursive descent, language
many (many..), years ago in C; too much early lex yacc'ing about left
me with a grudge!

 3. \\ is overloaded to the point of collapse already. Using it as an
 argument marker could make the universe implode.

Did I truly write '=\GO' ? Twice!
Sorry, the example should have used '=GO' to refer to RE variables. I
made, then copied the error.
Note: I also tried to cut down on extra syntax by re-using the syntax
for referring to named groups (Or I would have if my proof reading were

 4. You could always use Python to roll your own macro expansion gadget,
 like this:

Thanks for going to the trouble of writing the expander. I too had
thought of that, but that would lead to 'my little RE syntax' that
would be harder to maintain and others might reinvent the solution but
with their own mini macro syntax.


- Paddy.


Re: Cellular automata and image manipulation

2006-05-14 Thread defcon8
Sorry this is the latest, the previous didn't work so well:

import Image
x = []
buff = []

buff = [[0 for y in range(41)] for x in range(21)]
buff[0][(len(buff[0])-1)/2] = 1
def rule1():
for i in range(len(buff)-1):
for j in range(len(buff[0])-1):
if i == len(buff)-1:
elif j == 0:
if buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif j == len(buff[0])-1:
if buff[i][j-1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j-1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1

def rule2():
for i in range(len(buff)-1):
for j in range(len(buff[0])-1):
if i == len(buff)-1:
elif j == 0:
if buff[i][j+1] == 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif j == len(buff[0])-1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j-1] == 1 and buff[i][j+1] != 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][j+1] == 1 and buff[i][j-1] != 1:
buff[i+1][j] = 1
elif buff[i][len(buff[0])-1] == 1 or buff[i][0]  == 1:

nim =, (50,50))

for a in buff:
for x in a:
   if x == 1:
print X,
   elif x == 0: print  ,
for a in buff:
print a


Re: Cellular automata and image manipulation

2006-05-14 Thread defcon8
Actually never mind either. I guessed I needed to append all values
after eachother in one row list:
x = []
for y in buff:
for z in y:

thanks for the help


Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Paddy
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Proposal: Named RE variables

Hi Paul, please also refer to my reply to John.

 By contrast, the event declaration expression in the pyparsing Verilog
 parser is:

 identLead = alphas+$_
 identBody = alphanums+$_
 #~ identifier = Combine( Optional(.) +
 #~   delimitedList( Word(identLead, identBody), .,
 combine=True ) ).setName(baseIdent)
 # replace pyparsing composition with Regex - improves performance ~10% for
 this construct
 identifier = Regex(
 r\.?[+identLead+][+identBody+]*(\.[+identLead+][+identBody+]*)* ).

 eventDecl = Group( event + delimitedList( identifier ) + semi )

I have had years of success by writing RE's to extract what I am
interested in, not react to what I'm not interested in, and maybe make
slight mods down the line as examples crop up that break the program. I
do rely on what examples I get to test my extractors, but I find
examples a lot easier to come by than the funds/time for a language
parser. Since I tend to stay in a job for a number of years, I know
that the method works, and gives quick results that rapidly become
dependable as I am their to catch any flak ;-).

It's difficult to switch to parsers for me even though examples like
pyparsing seem readable, I do want to skip what I am not interested in
rather than having to write a parser for everything. But converely,
when something skipped does bite me - I want to be able to easily add
it in.

Are their any examples of this kind of working with parsers?

 But why do you need an update to RE to compose snippets?  Especially
 snippets that you can only use in the same RE?  Just do string interp:

  I could write the following RE, which I think is clearer:
vlog_extract = r'''(?smx)
  # Verilog identifier definition
  (?P/IDENT/ [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9\$\.]* (?!\.) )
  # Verilog event definition extraction
  (?: event \s+ (?P=IDENT) \s* (?: , \s* (?P=IDENT))* )
 IDENT = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9\$\.]* (?!\.)
 vlog_extract = r'''(?smx)
   # Verilog event definition extraction
   (?: event \s+ %(IDENT)s \s* (?: , \s* %(IDENT)s)* )
   ''' % locals()

 Yuk, this is a mess - which '%' signs are part of RE and which are for
 string interp?  Maybe just plain old string concat is better:

Yeah, I too thought that the % thing was ugly when used on an RE.

 IDENT = [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9\$\.]* (?!\.)
 vlog_extract = r'''(?smx)
   # Verilog event definition extraction
   (?: event \s+ ''' + IDENT + ''' \s* (?: , \s* ''' + IDENT + ''')* )'''

... And the string concats broke up the visual flow of my multi-line

 By the way, your IDENT is not totally accurate - it does not permit a
 leading ., and it does permit leading digits in identifier elements after
 the first ..  So .goForIt would not be matched as a valid identifier
 when it should, and go.4it would be matched as valid when it shouldn't (at
 least as far as I read the Verilog grammar).

Thanks for the info on IDENT. I am not working with the grammer spec in
front of me, and I know I will have to revisit my RE. you've saved me
some time!

 (Pyparsing ( is open source under
 the MIT license.  The Verilog grammar is not distributed with pyparsing, and
 is only available free for noncommercial use.)
 -- Paul

- Paddy.


Re: cx_freeze and matplotlib

2006-05-14 Thread Flavio
My application needs needs matplotlib. So cx_Freeze bundles it in. But
it only bundles matplotlib python modules, not its data files!

In the original machine I believe that the frozen executable is somehow
finding those datafiles in their original locations, which is not
desirable, ecause the bundle should be completely independent of
external files.


send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread anya
I have a certain problem and till now I didnt find an answer on the

I want to send an email message with picture in it. I dont want to put
it as
attachment but make it in the body of the mail, so every one who open
the email will see the picture.. (it is possible that the solution will
be in any other format that will be opened i.e pdf, doc and I will put
this in the body )

Neither in MimeWriter nor using the definition of MymeTypes I was able
to do it ..

Does anyone have a solution?



Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
anya [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want to send an email message with picture in it.

Please, reconsider. Email is a text medium.

 I dont want to put it as attachment but make it in the body of the
 mail, so every one who open the email will see the picture..

No, they won't; my email client displays only text, and that's the
case for a great many people on the net.

 Does anyone have a solution?

If you want people to view something other than text, email is not
what you want. Give a URL to the place where they can view what you
want them to see; then they can choose a time when they are using a
graphically capable terminal.

 \  Why should I care about posterity? What's posterity ever done |
  `\ for me?  -- Groucho Marx |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Sonntag 14 Mai 2006 13:24 schrieb anya:
 I want to send an email message with picture in it.


 I dont want to put 
 it as
 attachment but make it in the body of the mail, so every one who open
 the email will see the picture..


 (it is possible that the solution will 
 be in any other format that will be opened i.e pdf, doc and I will put
 this in the body )


 Neither in MimeWriter nor using the definition of MymeTypes I was able
 to do it ..


That is, unless you design your own MIME standard, and get all email clients 
out there to read your type of structured document, which you inherently 
need for including pictures directly in an email (body), as MIME (as we know 
it today) only knows about stacked message parts, not about message content 
and higher level formatting.

Basically, to include a picture in a body today, there's concensus that you 
insert a HTML-document into one MIME part, and an img link refers to the 
attachment that comes in another MIME part (by the filename, which is the 
same as for the attached MIME part). But, as you see, this specifically 
requires that the recipient is able to view HTML mails (which quite a lot of 
people, even those using M$ Outlook, have turned off by default).

Anyway, read Ben Finney's response carefully. If you're trying to send out 
commercial email, I'll be the first person to dump your mail if it doesn't at 
least come in a format I can read (and understand!) text-only.

--- Heiko.

Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Astan Chee
what about sending the mail as html instead of normal plain/text ?

anya wrote:

I have a certain problem and till now I didnt find an answer on the

I want to send an email message with picture in it. I dont want to put
it as
attachment but make it in the body of the mail, so every one who open
the email will see the picture.. (it is possible that the solution will
be in any other format that will be opened i.e pdf, doc and I will put
this in the body )

Neither in MimeWriter nor using the definition of MymeTypes I was able
to do it ..

Does anyone have a solution?




Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Miki
Hello Anya,

IMO if you'll place the picture as 1'st MutliMime part the *some* email
readers will show it  like you want.



Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
Miki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 IMO if you'll place the picture as 1'st MutliMime part the *some* email
 readers will show it  like you want.

And most good spam filters will recognise it for the junk that it is,
and flag it appropriately. Messages that contain little plain text get
flagged as likely spam.

If there's useful information for the recipient to see in an email,
put it in as text. If you want to distribute files, put them online
for fetching -- and then feel free to send an email containing the URL
to the people who want those files, so they can get them at an
appropriate time, with appropriate tools.

 \ Contentsofsignaturemaysettleduringshipping. |
  `\   |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread Duncan Booth
John Salerno wrote:

 Just wondering if this will ever happen, maybe in 3.0 when print becomes 
 a function too? It would be a nice option to have it available without 
 importing it every time, but maybe making it a builtin violates some 
 kind of pythonic ideal?

There are so many things which *could* be builtins, and it really is better 
not to pollute the global namespace with more than absolutely necessary. 

Personally I'd just like to see 'python' a builtin shorthand for importing 
a name you aren't going to use much


Re: Is there any pure python webserver that can use FCGI

2006-05-14 Thread Miki
Hello llothar,

IIRC trac ( is pure python, have a web
server and support FCGI



Re: distutils and binding a script to a file extension on windows

2006-05-14 Thread Miki
Hello Alex,

Not really an answer but if you use InnoSetup
( you can set file type association (see



Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Ten
On Sunday 14 May 2006 12:24, anya wrote:
 I have a certain problem and till now I didnt find an answer on the

 I want to send an email message with picture in it. I dont want to put
 it as
 attachment but make it in the body of the mail, so every one who open
 the email will see the picture.. (it is possible that the solution will
 be in any other format that will be opened i.e pdf, doc and I will put
 this in the body )

 Neither in MimeWriter nor using the definition of MymeTypes I was able
 to do it ..

 Does anyone have a solution?


The problem with doing this, programmatically or otherwise, is that however 
you implement it, it's not going to work everywhere.

You can easily send it, but if you do include binary data in the message body, 
then however you do it most people will be seeing a garbled (and offensive to 
the the eye) message body.

I think it's not the right thing to do, either, if you ever managed to do this
it would be by working around how email is supposed to work.

Eventually, unless you have a userbase that is happy to open things in a 
particular way for you, you'll have to bite the bullet and use more orthodox 
techniques, methinks.

(he says with an image in his headers)


There are 10 types of people in this world,
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread Tim Golden

Duncan Booth wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:

  Just wondering if this will ever happen, maybe in 3.0 when print becomes
  a function too? It would be a nice option to have it available without
  importing it every time, but maybe making it a builtin violates some
  kind of pythonic ideal?

 There are so many things which *could* be builtins, and it really is better
 not to pollute the global namespace with more than absolutely necessary.

 Personally I'd just like to see 'python' a builtin shorthand for importing
 a name you aren't going to use much


I think that's what the py.lib people have done with
their py.std module:

(At least, it looks like it; I've never used it myself).



Re: retain values between fun calls

2006-05-14 Thread Kent Johnson
George Sakkis wrote:
 Gary Wessle wrote:

 the second argument in the functions below suppose to retain its value
 between function calls, the first does, the second does not and I
 would like to know why it doesn't? and how to make it so it does?


 # it does
 def f(a, L=[]):
 return L
 print f('a')
 print f('b')

 # it does not
 def f(a, b=1):
 b = a + b
 return b
 print f(1)
 print f(2)
 It's a FAQ:
 Whenever you want to control one or more objects beyond the lifetime of
 a single function call, your first thought should be to use a class to
 couple behaviour with state:
 class SomeFancyClassName(object):
 def __init__(self, b=1):
 self.b = b
 def f(self, a):
 self.b += a
 return self.b
 x = SomeFancyClassName()
 print x.f(1)
 print x.f(2)

If you make the class callable you can match the original syntax:
In [40]: class F(object):
: b=1
: def __call__(self, a):
: F.b += a
: return F.b

In [41]: f=F()

In [42]: f(1)
Out[42]: 2

In [43]: f(2)
Out[43]: 4

Alternately you can use an attribute of the function to save the state:

In [35]: def f(a):
: f.b += a
: return f.b

In [36]: f.b=1

In [37]: f(1)
Out[37]: 2

In [38]: f(2)
Out[38]: 4


Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread Kent Johnson
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Personally I'd just like to see 'python' a builtin shorthand for importing 
 a name you aren't going to use much

Would you settle for
import py
py.std.pprint.pprint(x) ?


Re: State of the Vaults of Parnassus

2006-05-14 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
 Does anybody know what happened to the Vaults of Parnassus site at

 Dr Dobb's weekly Python news still claims that it ambitiously 
 collects references to all sorts of Python resources. But I have the 
 impression that it does not do this any more since April 2005, probably 
 because we have the Cheese Shop now. It's strange that the site does not 
 mention that it is not maintained any more, and it is still possible to 
 submit and update entries, but these changes seem to be discarded. 
 That's not very nice. Also, I found no contact address on the whole 
 website. Who is in charge of it?

 -- Christoph
The Vaults are run by one of my colleagues, who is (as it seems we all
are), rather overworked these days.  Last I heard he had someone who was
helping him every once in a while to review the new submissions, but
that was quite a while ago.  I don't *think* there's any discarding, but
rather a delay so long in publishing that it would feel like a discard...

Take care,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: copying files into one

2006-05-14 Thread Ten
On Sunday 14 May 2006 05:09, Gary Wessle wrote:

 I am looping through a directory and appending all the files in one
 huge file, the codes below should give the same end results but are
 not, I don't understand why the first code is not doing it.


Hi there - I think you might need to give a more whole code sample when asking
this question, as it's all a bit ambiguous - for instance file is a type, 
like string or list but...

 combined = open(outputFile, 'wb')

 for name in flist:
 if os.path.isdir(file): continue

 ^If you can successfully get past this line, you must have reused file to 
describe a string (which is probably quite a *BAD* idea ;) ) and just not 
included some of the code... BUT

 infile = open(os.path.join(file), 'rb')

This line suggests it's a list, so I don't know. Argh.

Anyway, I'm not being pernickety, just pointing out that it's a little too 
ambiguous - the code sample you gave alone would not work at all..

 # CODE 1 this does not work
 tx =
 if tx == : break

 # CODE 2 but this works fine
 for line in infile:


Hope to help when you post back,


There are 10 types of people in this world,
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Re: do/while structure needed

2006-05-14 Thread Ten
On Sunday 14 May 2006 06:17, John Salerno wrote:
 1 random.shuffle(letters)
 2 trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]
 3 trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)

 So what I'd like to do is have lines 1 and 2 run once, then I want to do
 some comparison between original_set and trans_letters before running
 line 3. If the comparison passes, line 3 runs; otherwise, lines 1 and 2
 run again.

 A do/while would be good for this, but perhaps I'm looking at it in the
 wrong way? Or is there some kind of do/while type of idiom that I could


while not comparison(original_set, trans_letters):
trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]

trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)



There are 10 types of people in this world,
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread Duncan Booth
Tim Golden wrote:
 Duncan Booth wrote:
 Personally I'd just like to see 'python' a builtin shorthand for
 importing a name you aren't going to use much

 I think that's what the py.lib people have done with
 their py.std module:
 (At least, it looks like it; I've never used it myself).
Yes, I know it is easy enough to implement. I'm just suggesting that it 
might be useful as a builtin. After all, if I have to import something to 
use it I'd mostly just do the imports I needed instead.

SQl to HTML report generator

2006-05-14 Thread George Sakkis
I'm kinda surprised that while many web frameworks provide both some
ORM and a template language, they do very little to combine them into
higher level blocks, like report generation. So I'm wondering if I have
missed any toolkit out there that can
1) take a SQL select (either raw or the equivalent expressed in an ORM)
as input
2) generate nice looking HTML templates in some template language, e.g.
Cheetah (preferably with associated CSS for customization) and
3) run the query on a specified backend and populate the template with
the results ?

If not, what do people here use for report generation ?



Re: Aggregate funuctions broken in MySQLdb?

2006-05-14 Thread Wade Leftwich
Works fine for me, and I certainly hope MySQLdb is ready for prime
time, because I use the heck out of it. Maybe you're getting fooled by
the fact that cursor.execute() returns the count of result rows. To
actually see the result rows, you have to say cursor.fetchone() or
fetchall() --

In [34]: cur.execute(select article_id from articles limit 10)
Out[34]: 10L

In [35]: cur.fetchall()
Out[35]: ((3L,), (4L,), (5L,), (6L,), (7L,), (8L,), (9L,), (10L,),
(11L,), (12L,))

In [36]: cur.execute(select count(article_id) from articles where
article_id  13)
Out[36]: 1L

In [37]: cur.fetchall()
Out[37]: ((10L,),)

In [38]: cur.execute(select sum(article_id) from articles where
article_id  13)
Out[38]: 1L

In [39]: cur.fetchone()
Out[39]: (75.0,)

In [40]: cur.execute(select avg(article_id) from articles where
article_id  13)
Out[40]: 1L

In [41]: cur.fetchone()
Out[41]: (7.5,)


Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Alex Martelli
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  As clunky as it seems, I don't think you can beat it in terms of
  brevity; if you care about memory efficiency though, here's what I use:
  def length(iterable):
  try: return len(iterable)
  i = 0
  for x in iterable: i += 1
  return i
 Alex's example amounted to something like that, for the generator
 case.  Notice that the argument to sum() was a generator
 comprehension.  The sum function then iterated through it.

True.  Changing the except clause here to

except: return sum(1 for x in iterable)

keeps George's optimization (O(1), not O(N), for containers) and is a
bit faster (while still O(N)) for non-container iterables.


Starting/launching eric3

2006-05-14 Thread Byte
Decided to try the eric3 IDE, but I cant figure out how to start it!
When I extract the file, all I can see is a ton of files and Python
scripts. What script will run the program? Where is it? Please help!

 -- /usr/bin/byte


Re: Starting/launching eric3

2006-05-14 Thread Byte
OK, now I've managed to get it working, but when I run it the eric3
splash screen pops up, and then it says (in terminal):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/, line 147, in ?
  File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/, line 132, in main
mw = UserInterface(loc, splash)
  File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/UI/, line 265, in
self.sbv = SBVviewer(dbs, self.sbvDock, 1)
  File /usr/lib/site-python/eric3/UI/, line 75, in
TypeError: argument 1 of QSizePolicy() has an invalid type
Segmentation fault

Its not ment to do that... how to make it work right??

 -- /usr/bin/byte


Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Cameron Laird
Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My preference would be (with the original definition for
words_of_the_file) to code

   numwords = sum(1 for w in words_of_the_file(thefilepath))
There are times when 

numwords = len(list(words_of_the_file(thefilepath))

will be advantageous.

For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
on iterables?  It could be faster and thriftier on memory than
either of the above, and my first impression is that it's 
sufficiently natural not to offend those of suspicious of
language bloat.

Re: send an email with picture/rich text format in the body

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
anya wrote:

 I want to send an email message with picture in it. I dont want to put
 it as attachment but make it in the body of the mail, so every one who
 open the email will see the picture.. 

Step 1: convert image to ascii art
Step 2: send
Step 3: hope recipient uses a fixed-width font

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Paul Rubin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) writes:
 For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
 on iterables?

   print len(itertools.count())


The best way of calculating and adding a block check character to a string

2006-05-14 Thread H J van Rooyen

Hi All

I am new to this language, 
and in using it to drive a serial port, I need to calculate classic block check 
characters - for the veterans amongst you - think "Burroughs Poll Select" or 

This is a program fragment 
that puts the string in an array of Bytes - is there a better way to do this 
job? - the annotated action starts after the ascii definitions of the 
first 32 control characters...

# some ascii control character values defined
nul = '\x00' # null char
soh = '\x01' # start of header
stx = '\x02' # start of text
etx = '\x03' # end of text
eot = '\x04' # end of transmission
enq = '\x05' # enquiry
ack = '\x06' # ack
bel = '\x07' # bell char
bs = '\x08' # backspace
ht = '\x09' # horizontal tab
lf = '\x0a' # line feed - linux newline
vt = '\x0b' # vertical tab
ff = '\x0c' # form feed
cr = '\x0d' # carriage return
so = '\x0e' # shift out
si = '\x0f' # shift in
dle = '\x10' # data link escape
dc1 = '\x11' # data control 1 - aka xon
dc2 = '\x12' # data control 2 
dc3 = '\x13' # data control 3 - aka xoff
dc4 = '\x14' # data control 4
nak = '\x15' # negative acknowledgement
syn = '\x16' # sync char
etb = '\x17' # end of transmission block
can = '\x18' # cancel
em = '\x19' # end of message
sub = '\x1a' # sub
esc = '\x1b' # escape
fs = '\x1c' # field separator
gs = '\x1d' # group separator
rs = '\x1e' # record separator
us = '\x1f' # unit separator

# some strings defined

poll = soh + 'P' + 'A' + stx + etx # rudimentary poll string 
bcc = nul
# here starts the trouble:

ar = array.array('B', poll)

bccint = ar[0] # this is prolly dicey - what type and how big is this?

for x in ar[1:]:
 bccint = bccint ^ x # this works, but is it the best 

print repr(bccint)


# this seems so left-handed - we make a string, then we put it in an 
# then we iterate over the array elements to calculate the
# bcc (block check character), then we add it to the array - then we 
# really make it all a string again to write it to the port...
# it would be nice to be able to write:
# nul = '\x00'
# bcc = nul
# poll = "some arbitrary string"
# bcc = bcc ^ (x for x in poll[0:]) # calculate and
# poll = poll + bcc # add the bcc to the string
# port.write(poll) # and write the lot to the port
# port.flush()
# and on the way in:
# numchars = 5 # some magic number depending on what we are expecting 
# response = # or a more complicated char at a time 
# bcc = nul
# bcc = bcc ^ (x for x in response[0:])
# if bcc != nul:
#  error_routine(response)
# so we would stay working with strings - the stuff from the port
# coming in is a string, and we need a string to write again...
# *grin* but of course the xor and strong typing won't allow the
# string - to say nothing of the iterator...

# here is a loop, demonstrating getting an arbitrary lf terminated string 
# and writing the fixed one with a bcc tagged on out as a response, along
# with some debug printing.
s = esc + '@' + esc + 'v' + lf # the line we are searching for

while True:
  buffer = port.readline() # read in as a 
string, (unblocked)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
  print "\n^C - Returning to Shell - 
Error is:", KeyboardInterrupt
ret_val = 1 # ^C while 
waiting for input
return buffer, ret_val # go 
out on error
except IOError:
 continue # IOError on input - no 
record available
 if buffer == '': # empty string is rubbish - ignore it
rawfile.write(buffer) # Keep the record as read
 print repr(buffer) # show how python sees it
 print repr(s) # show what our target looks like
 if s == buffer:
  print 'Bingo !!!'
  ar.tofile(port) # luckily there is this 
  port.flush() # so we don't have to 
convert back to string...

This lot was cut and pasted from the 
little test program Iam using to debug the port stuff -there may be 
tab issues - the question I suppose has to do with the types that the xor 
supports, andI suppose I amsaying that it would be nice if a single 
byte string (also from an iterator) would be supported by the xor operator... ( 
maybe a single char string...there's a difference between ascii and 
Asmy programstands it 
works, but it seems long - winded and ugly
- Hendrik van 

continue out of a loop in pdb

2006-05-14 Thread Gary Wessle

using the debugger, I happen to be on a line inside a loop, after
looping few times with n and wanting to get out of the loop to the
next line, I set a break point on a line after the loop structure and
hit c, that does not continue out of the loop and stop at the break
line, how is it down, I read the ref docs on pdb but could not figure
it out.


Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Paul McGuire
Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 It's difficult to switch to parsers for me even though examples like
 pyparsing seem readable, I do want to skip what I am not interested in
 rather than having to write a parser for everything. But converely,
 when something skipped does bite me - I want to be able to easily add
 it in.

 Are their any examples of this kind of working with parsers?

pyparsing offers several flavors of skipping over uninteresting text.  The
most obvious is scanString.  scanString is a generator function that scans
through the input text looking for pattern matches (multiple patterns can be
OR'ed together) - when a match is found, the matching tokens, start, and end
locations are yielded.  Here's a short example that ships with pyparsing:

from pyparsing import Word, alphas, alphanums, Literal, restOfLine,
OneOrMore, Empty

# simulate some C++ code
testData = 
#define MAX_LOCS=100
#define USERNAME = floyd
#define PASSWORD = swordfish


print Example of an extractor
print --

# simple grammar to match #define's
ident = Word(alphas, alphanums+_)
macroDef = Literal(#define) + ident.setResultsName(name) + = +
for t,s,e in macroDef.scanString( testData ):
print,:, t.value

# or a quick way to make a dictionary of the names and values
macros = dict([(,t.value) for t,s,e in macroDef.scanString(testData)])
print macros =, macros

Example of an extractor
MAX_LOCS : 100
USERNAME :  floyd
PASSWORD :  swordfish
macros = {'USERNAME': 'floyd', 'PASSWORD': 'swordfish', 'MAX_LOCS':

Note that scanString worked only with the expressions we defined, and
ignored pretty much everything else.

scanString has a companion method, transformString.  transformString calls
scanString internally - the purpose is to apply any parse actions or
suppressions on the matched tokens, substitute them back in for the original
text, and then return the transformed string.  Here are two transformer
examples, one uses the macros dictionary we just created, and does simple
macro substitution; the other converts C++-namespaced references to
C-compatible global symbols (something we had to do in the early days of

print Examples of a transformer
print --

# convert C++ namespaces to mangled C-compatible names
scopedIdent = ident + OneOrMore( Literal(::).suppress() + ident )
scopedIdent.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: _.join(t))

print (replace namespace-scoped names with C-compatible names)
print scopedIdent.transformString( testData )

# or a crude pre-processor (use parse actions to replace matching text)
def substituteMacro(s,l,t):
if t[0] in macros:
return macros[t[0]]
ident.setParseAction( substituteMacro )

print (simulate #define pre-processor)
print ident.transformString( testData )

Examples of a transformer
(replace namespace-scoped names with C-compatible names)

#define MAX_LOCS=100
#define USERNAME = floyd
#define PASSWORD = swordfish


(simulate #define pre-processor)

#define MAX_LOCS=100
#define USERNAME = floyd
#define PASSWORD = swordfish

a = 100;
CORBA::initORB(xyzzy, floyd, swordfish );

I'd say it took me about 8 weeks to develop a complete Verilog parser using
pyparsing, so I can sympathize that you wouldn't want to write a complete
parser for it.  But the individual elements are pretty straightforward, and
can map to pyparsing expressions without much difficulty.

Lastly, pyparsing is not as fast as RE's.  But early performance problems
can often be improved through some judicious grammar tuning.  And for many
parsing applications, pyparsing is plenty fast enough.

-- Paul


Re: do/while structure needed

2006-05-14 Thread Paul McGuire

Ten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Sunday 14 May 2006 06:17, John Salerno wrote:
  1 random.shuffle(letters)
  2 trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]
  3 trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)
  So what I'd like to do is have lines 1 and 2 run once, then I want to do
  some comparison between original_set and trans_letters before running
  line 3. If the comparison passes, line 3 runs; otherwise, lines 1 and 2
  run again.
  A do/while would be good for this, but perhaps I'm looking at it in the
  wrong way? Or is there some kind of do/while type of idiom that I could

 while not comparison(original_set, trans_letters):
 trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]

 trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)

I don't think the OP wants to call comparison until after the first pass
through the loop.  Here's a modification to your version that skips the
comparison test on the first pass:

first = True
while first or not comparison(original_set, trans_letters):
first = False
trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]

trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)

-- Paul


Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Paddy
I have another use case.
If you want to match a comma separated list of words you end up writing
what constitutes a word twice, i.e:
As what constitues a word gets longer, you have to repeat a longer RE
fragment so the fact that it is a match of a comma separated list is
lost, e.g:

- Paddy.


Re: continue out of a loop in pdb

2006-05-14 Thread Paul McGuire
Gary Wessle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 using the debugger, I happen to be on a line inside a loop, after
 looping few times with n and wanting to get out of the loop to the
 next line, I set a break point on a line after the loop structure and
 hit c, that does not continue out of the loop and stop at the break
 line, how is it down, I read the ref docs on pdb but could not figure
 it out.


This is exactly how I do this operation using pdb, and it works for me, so
you are on the right track.  Is it possible that something inside the loop
is raising an exception, thereby jumping past your breakpoint? Try putting
the loop inside a try-except.

-- Paul


Re: do/while structure needed

2006-05-14 Thread John Salerno
George Sakkis wrote:

 while True:
 trans_letters = ''.join(letters)[:len(original_set)]
 if some_compatison(original_set,trans_letters):
 trans_table = string.maketrans(original_set, trans_letters)

Thanks, that looks pretty good. Although I have to say, a do/while 
structure is the much more obvious way. I wonder why it hasn't been 
added to the language.

Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread John Salerno
Kent Johnson wrote:
 Duncan Booth wrote:
 Personally I'd just like to see 'python' a builtin shorthand for importing 
 a name you aren't going to use much

 Would you settle for
 import py
 py.std.pprint.pprint(x) ?

Interesting, but that could start to get a little too messy I think. I'd 
rather just have the 'authentic' code in my program (i.e. pprint.pprint) 
instead of the py.std prefix as well.

It's a good point not to pollute the builtin namespace with too much, so 
I think I'd rather just import pprint when needed instead of using the 
py.std call.

Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread BartlebyScrivener
 True.  Changing the except clause here to

 except: return sum(1 for x in iterable)

 keeps George's optimization (O(1), not O(N), for containers) and is a
 bit faster (while still O(N)) for non-container iterables.

Every thing was going just great. Now I have to think again.

Thank you all.



Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Andrew Robert

When I run the script, I get an error that the file object does not have
 the attribute getblocks.

 Did you mean this instead?

 def getblocks(f, blocksize=1024):
while True:
s =
if not s: return
yield s

 def getsum(self):
md5sum =
 f = open(self.file_name, 'rb')
 for line in getblocks(f) :
return md5sum.hexdigest()


Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Sonntag 14 Mai 2006 20:51 schrieb Andrew Robert:
  def getblocks(f, blocksize=1024):
   while True:
   s =
   if not s: return
   yield s

This won't work. The following will:

def getblocks(f,blocksize=1024):
while True:
s =
if not s: break
yield s

--- Heiko.

Converting hex to char help

2006-05-14 Thread Ognjen Bezanov
Hi all, I am trying to convert a hexdecimal value to a char using this code:

print ' %c ' % int(0x62)

this works fine, but if I want to do this:

number = 62
print ' %c ' % int(0x + number)

I get an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin,line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for in(): 0x62

How can I convert a string 0x62 to int/hex without this problem?



Re: copying files into one

2006-05-14 Thread Gary Wessle

thanks, I was able 'using pdb' to fix the problem as per Edward's


Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Paul McGuire
Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have another use case.
 If you want to match a comma separated list of words you end up writing
 what constitutes a word twice, i.e:
 As what constitues a word gets longer, you have to repeat a longer RE
 fragment so the fact that it is a match of a comma separated list is
 lost, e.g:

 - Paddy.

Write a short function to return a comma separated list RE.  This has the
added advantage of DRY, too.  Adding an optional delim argument allows you
to generalize to lists delimited by dots, dashes, etc.

(Note - your posted re requires 2-letter words - I think you meant
[A-Za-z_]\w*, not [A-Za-z_]\w+.)
-- Paul

import re

def commaSeparatedList(regex, delim=,):
return %s[%s%s]* % (regex, delim, regex)

listOfWords = re.compile( commaSeparatedList(r\w+) )
listOfIdents = re.compile( commaSeparatedList(r[A-Za-z_]\w*) )

# might be more robust - people put whitespace in the darndest places!
def whitespaceTolerantCommaSeparatedList(regex, delim=,):
return r%s[\s*%s\s*%s]* % (regex, delim, regex)

# (BTW, delimitedList in pyparsing does this too - the default delimiter is
a comma, but other expressions can be used too)
from pyparsing import Word, delimitedList, alphas, alphanums

listOfWords = delimitedList( Word(alphas) )
listOfIdents = delimitedList( Word(alphas+_, alphanums+_) )

-- Paul


Re: Converting hex to char help

2006-05-14 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Ognjen Bezanov enlightened us with:
 Hi all, I am trying to convert a hexdecimal value to a char using this code:

 print ' %c ' % int(0x62)
This is an integer   

 this works fine, but if I want to do this:

 number = 62
 print ' %c ' % int(0x + number)
This is a string ^

 How can I convert a string 0x62 to int/hex without this problem?

In [0]: exec('num=0x%s' % '62')

In [1]: num
Out[1]: 98

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Converting hex to char help

2006-05-14 Thread Tim Chase
 How can I convert a string 0x62 to int/hex without this problem?

The call to int() takes an optional parameter for the base:

  print int.__doc__
int(x[, base]) - integer

Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible.  A 
floating point argument will be truncated towards zero (this 
does not include a string representation of a floating point 
number!)  When converting a string, use the optional base. 
It is an error to supply a base when converting a 
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a 
long object will be returned instead.

  int('0x62', 16)



Re: Converting String to int

2006-05-14 Thread Ognjen Bezanov
Hi all, Another problem, with the same error (error: invalid literal for 


mynums = 423.523.674.324.342.122.943.421.762.158.830

mynumArray = string.split(mynums,.)

x = 0
for nums in mynumArray:
   if nums.isalnum() == true:
x = x + int(nums)
print Error, element contains some non-numeric characters

/end code

This seemed like a simple thing, and I have done it before with no issues. 
have I missed something obvious? taking into account my previous hex 
question, I tried changing int(nums) to int(nums,10) but it still gives me 
the error


Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 When I run the script, I get an error that the file object does not have
  the attribute getblocks.

Woops, yes, you have to call getblocks(f).  Also, Heiko says you can't
use return to break out of the generator; I thought you could but
maybe I got confused.

Re: Converting String to int

2006-05-14 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Sonntag 14 Mai 2006 22:23 schrieb Ognjen Bezanov:
 mynums = 423.523.674.324.342.122.943.421.762.158.830

 mynumArray = string.split(mynums,.)

This is the old way of using string functions using the module string. You 
should only write this as:

mynumArray = mynums.split(.)

(using the string methods of string objects directly)

 x = 0
 for nums in mynumArray:

This is misleading. Rename the variable to num, as it only contains a single 

if nums.isalnum() == true:

.isalnum() checks whether the string consists of _alpha_-numeric characters 
only. So, in this case, it may contain letters, among digits. .isdigit() 
checks whether it is a (base = 10) number.

   x = x + int(nums)
   print Error, element contains some non-numeric characters

As you don't know what the offending element is, insert a:

print nums



If you change the code as noted above, it works fine for me.

--- Heiko.

Re: continue out of a loop in pdb

2006-05-14 Thread Gary Wessle
Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Gary Wessle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  using the debugger, I happen to be on a line inside a loop, after
  looping few times with n and wanting to get out of the loop to the
  next line, I set a break point on a line after the loop structure and
  hit c, that does not continue out of the loop and stop at the break
  line, how is it down, I read the ref docs on pdb but could not figure
  it out.
 This is exactly how I do this operation using pdb, and it works for me, so
 you are on the right track.  Is it possible that something inside the loop
 is raising an exception, thereby jumping past your breakpoint? Try putting
 the loop inside a try-except.
 -- Paul

the code works with no problem, I am playing around with the pdb, i.e

from pdb import *

for i in range(1,50):
print i
print tired of this
print I am out

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/python/practic$ python 
- for i in range(1,50):
(Pdb) n
- print i
(Pdb) n
- for i in range(1,50):
(Pdb) b 6
Breakpoint 1 at /home/fred/python/practic/
(Pdb) c
- print i  I expected (print tired of this)

help using smptd

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
I'm having trouble using the smptd module.  The docs are woefully inadequate
and inspecting the source didn't help either.  So far I've figured out how
to subclass smtpd.SMTPServer and override the process_message method to
handle smtp messages.  I create an instance of my server and it listens on
the given interface.  I can connect to the port it's on and send SMTP
commands but it doesn't respond.  I've verified that it's actually bound
and I'm connecting to the right port.

The server object doesn't appear to have any methods like poll() or loop()
to continually handle connections, which is all I want it to do.  There is
a listen method but it does something else.  Does SMTPServer have an
equivalent to the serve_forever method of
BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler?  If not how do I handle smtp
sessions?  SMTPServer derives from asyncore/asynchat, but I didn't find
what I wanted there either.

import smtpd

class SMTPProxy (smtpd.SMTPServer):
def process_message (self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
# my code here

proxy = SMTPProxy (listen_addr, relay_addr)
# now what?

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: Named regexp variables, an extension proposal.

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
Paddy wrote:

 I have another use case.
 If you want to match a comma separated list of words you end up writing
 what constitutes a word twice, i.e:

That matches one or more alphanum characters followed by exactly one comma,
plus, or alphanum.  I think you meant 

or if you don't care where or how many commas there are

or if previous but has to start with alphanum

 As what constitues a word gets longer, you have to repeat a longer RE
 fragment so the fact that it is a match of a comma separated list is
 lost, e.g:

That's why god invented % interpolation.

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: Question regarding checksuming of a file

2006-05-14 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Sonntag 14 Mai 2006 22:29 schrieb Paul Rubin:
 Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When I run the script, I get an error that the file object does not have
   the attribute getblocks.

 Woops, yes, you have to call getblocks(f).  Also, Heiko says you can't
 use return to break out of the generator; I thought you could but
 maybe I got confused.

Yeah, you can. You can't return arg in a generator (of course, this raises a 
SyntaxError), but you can use return to generate a raise StopIteration. So, 
it wasn't you who was confused... ;-)

--- Heiko.

Re: help using smptd

2006-05-14 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Sonntag 14 Mai 2006 23:47 schrieb Dennis Lee Bieber:
 On Sun, 14 May 2006 20:47:33 GMT, Edward Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
  class SMTPProxy (smtpd.SMTPServer):

   Don't you need to have an __init__() that invokes SMTPServer's

If you don't define an __init__() yourself (as it seems to be the case here), 
MRO (and the rules associated with class methods) will take care that the 
base class' __init__() gets called automatically.

--- Heiko.

Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread George Sakkis
Paul Rubin wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) writes:
  For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
  on iterables?

print len(itertools.count())

How is this worse than list(itertools.count()) ?


Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Alex Martelli
Cameron Laird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My preference would be (with the original definition for
 words_of_the_file) to code
numwords = sum(1 for w in words_of_the_file(thefilepath))
 There are times when 
 numwords = len(list(words_of_the_file(thefilepath))
 will be advantageous.

Can you please give some examples?  None comes readily to mind...

 For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
 on iterables?  It could be faster and thriftier on memory than
 either of the above, and my first impression is that it's 
 sufficiently natural not to offend those of suspicious of
 language bloat.

I'd be a bit worried about having len(x) change x's state into an
unusable one. Yes, it happens in other cases (if y in x:), but adding
more such problematic cases doesn't seem advisable to me anyway -- I'd
evaluate this proposal as a -0, even taking into account the potential
optimizations to be garnered by having some iterables expose __len__
(e.g., a genexp such as (f(x) fox x in foo), without an if-clause, might
be optimized to delegate __len__ to foo -- again, there may be semantic
alterations lurking that make this optimization a bit iffy).


Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Alex Martelli
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Rubin wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) writes:
   For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
   on iterables?
 print len(itertools.count())
 How is this worse than list(itertools.count()) ?

It's a slightly worse trap because list(x) ALWAYS iterates on x (just
like for y in x:), while len(x) MAY OR MAY NOT iterate on x (under
Cameron's proposal; it currently never does).

Yes, there are other subtle traps of this ilk already in Python, such as
if y in x: -- this, too, may or may not iterate.  But the fact that a
potential problem exists in some corner cases need not be a good reason
to extend the problem to higher frequency;-).


RE: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
George Sakkis wrote:

 Paul Rubin wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) writes:
 For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
 on iterables?
print len(itertools.count())
 How is this worse than list(itertools.count()) ?

list(itertools.count()) will eventually fail with a MemoryError.

Actually len(itertools.count()) would as well - when a couple of long
instances used up everything available - but it would take a *lot*

Tim Delaney

RE: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:

 Actually len(itertools.count()) would as well - when a couple of long
 instances used up everything available - but it would take a *lot*

Actually, this would depend on whether len(iterable) used a C integral
variable to accumulate the length (which would roll over and never end)
or a Python long (which would eventually use up all memory).

Tim Delaney

Re: continue out of a loop in pdb

2006-05-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 the code works with no problem, I am playing around with the pdb, i.e
 from pdb import *
 for i in range(1,50):
 print i
 print tired of this
 print I am out
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/python/practic$ python 
 - for i in range(1,50):
 (Pdb) n
 - print i
 (Pdb) n
 - for i in range(1,50):
 (Pdb) b 6
 Breakpoint 1 at /home/fred/python/practic/
 (Pdb) c
 - print i  I expected (print tired of this)

In TFM it says that set_trace() puts a breakpoint to the current frame. 
I admit that I also wouldn't read that as each and every instruction in 
this very frame, but that is what essentially happens. I think the docs 
could need some enhancement here. Try debugging a called function, there 
things will work as expected.


comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread John Salerno
I'd like to compare the values in two different sets to test if any of 
the positions in either set share the same value (e.g., if the third 
element of each set is an 'a', then the test fails).

I have this:

def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
 for pair in zip(original_set, trans_letters):
 if pair[0] == pair[1]:
 return False
 return True

zip() was the first thing I thought of, but I was wondering if there's 
some other way to do it, perhaps a builtin that actually does this kind 
of testing.


Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread skip

John I'd like to compare the values in two different sets to test if
John any of the positions in either set share the same value (e.g., if
John the third element of each set is an 'a', then the test fails).

Do you really mean set and not list?  Note that they are unordered.
These two sets are equal:

set(['b', 'a', 'c'])

set(['a', 'b', 'c'])


Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Actually len(itertools.count()) would as well - when a couple of long
  instances used up everything available - but it would take a *lot*
 Actually, this would depend on whether len(iterable) used a C integral
 variable to accumulate the length (which would roll over and never end)
 or a Python long (which would eventually use up all memory).

That's only because itertools.count itself uses a C int instead of a long.
IMO, that's a bug (maybe fixed in 2.5):

Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb  2 2005, 12:11:53) 
[GCC 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys,itertools
 a=sys.maxint - 3
 b = itertools.count(a)
 [ for i in range(8)]
[2147483644, 2147483645, 2147483646, 2147483647, -2147483648,
-2147483647, -2147483646, -2147483645]

RE: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
Paul Rubin wrote:

 That's only because itertools.count itself uses a C int instead of a

True. In either case, the effect is the same in terms of whether
len(itertools.count()) will ever terminate.

Tim Delaney

Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread bearophileHUGS
Note that you are comparing ordered sequences, like lists, tuples,
strings, etc, and not sets. Something like this can be a little
improvement of your code, it avoids building the zipped list, and scans
the iterable unpacking it on the fly:

from itertools import izip
def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
 for elem1, elem2 in izip(original_set, trans_letters):
 if elem1 == elem2:
 return False
 return True



Re: any plans to make pprint() a builtin?

2006-05-14 Thread pjw
It has been proposed to replace the current print statement with a
print function for python 3.0.

From BDFL state of the python union:

print x, y, x becomes print(x, y, z)
print f, x, y, z becomes print(x, y, z, file=f)


Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread bearophileHUGS
So you probably have to change the function test_sets name, because
it's not much useful on real sets.

Can't you use the == or != operators on those sequences?



Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread John Machin
John Salerno wrote:
 I'd like to compare the values in two different sets to test if any of
 the positions in either set share the same value (e.g., if the third
 element of each set is an 'a', then the test fails).

 I have this:

 def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
  for pair in zip(original_set, trans_letters):
  if pair[0] == pair[1]:
  return False
  return True

 zip() was the first thing I thought of, but I was wondering if there's
 some other way to do it, perhaps a builtin that actually does this kind
 of testing.

There is no such concept as position in [a] set. Sets in
math[s]/logic are *NOT* ordered. The order in which Python retrieves
elements when you do (for example)  list(a_set) is a meaningless
artefact of the implementation du jour, and is not to be relied on.

 s = set(['xyzzy', 'plugh', 'sesame'])
 t = set(['xyzzy', 'plugh', 'mellon'])
set(['sesame', 'plugh', 'xyzzy'])
set(['plugh', 'mellon', 'xyzzy'])
 zip(s, t)
[('sesame', 'plugh'), ('plugh', 'mellon'), ('xyzzy', 'xyzzy')]

You may need one or more of these:
 s  t
set(['plugh', 'xyzzy'])
 s ^ t
set(['sesame', 'mellon'])
 s | t
set(['sesame', 'plugh', 'mellon', 'xyzzy'])
 (s | t) - t
 (s | t) - s

If that doesn't meet your needs:
 back up a level and tell us what you are trying to achieve

If True:
read about sets in the Python docs



Re: Threads

2006-05-14 Thread placid

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Fri, 12 May 2006 14:30:12 -, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  On 2006-05-12, Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   placid enlightened us with:
   Did you read the documentation for Queue methods?
   there is no need to be patronizing about this dude, im just learning
   Python in my spare time, as im a Intern Software Engineer
   There is nothing patronizing about the question, it's merely
   an enquiry to a possible fact. If you're going to be a techie,
   you should learn stuff like that.
  It's also valuable information to the maintainers of the
  documentation.  If he _did_ read the documentation and still
  didn't know that Queue.get() could block, then one might ask
  how the documentation could be improved.

   If it means anything -- I typically do bring up the help files and
 cutpaste the relevant paragraph. But I had a 24-hour backlog and it was
 late at night so a straight off-the-cuff entry was made. Though I
 suppose one could go back to the smart questions FAQ, and have
 suggested the original poster tell us what documentation was read in
 search of a solution prior to their post (in which case my short
 response could be interpreted as a less than subtle hint to read the
 references first).

telling me to read the documentation would have been a good reminder

   WulfraedDennis Lee Bieber   KD6MOG
   (Bestiaria Support Staff:   [EMAIL PROTECTED])

thanks again for all of you who replied with great answers.


Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread Tim Chase
 I'd like to compare the values in two different sets to
 test if any of the positions in either set share the same
 value (e.g., if the third element of each set is an 'a',
 then the test fails).

There's an inherant problem with this...sets by definition
are unordered, much like dictionaries.  To compare them my
such means, you'd have to convert them to lists, sort the
lists by some ordering, and then compare the results.
Something like

s1 = set([1,3,5,7,9])
s2 = set([1,2,3])
list1 = list(s1)
list2 = list(s2)

if [(x,y) for x,y in zip(list1,list2) if x == y]:
print There's an overlap
print No matching elements

Just to evidence matters, on my version of python (2.3.5 on
Debian), the following came back:


That's not the original order, but the definition of a set
isn't hurt/changed by any ordering.

Thus, asking for the position in a set is an undefined


PS:  for the above was done in 2.3.5 using this line:
from sets import Set as set

Re: Converting String to int

2006-05-14 Thread Tim Chase
 Hi all, Another problem, with the same error (error: invalid literal for 

Having the actual code would be helpful...

 mynums = 423.523.674.324.342.122.943.421.762.158.830
 mynumArray = string.split(mynums,.)
 x = 0
 for nums in mynumArray:
if nums.isalnum() == true:

This line would likely bomb, as in python, it's True, not 
true (unless you've defined lowercase versions elsewhere)

   x = x + int(nums)
   print Error, element contains some non-numeric characters

However, I modified your code just a spot, and it worked 
like a charm:

mynums = 423.523.674.324.342.122.943.421.762.158.830
mynumArray = mynums.split(.)
x = 0
for num in mynumArray:
 if num.isdigit():
 x = x + int(num)
 print Error

and it worked fine.

A more pythonic way may might be

x = sum([int(q) for q in mynumArray if q.isdigit()])

or, if you don't need mynumArray for anything, you can just use

x = sum([int(q) for q in mynum.split(.) if q.isdigit()])

Hope this gives you some stuff to work with,



Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread Paul Rubin
John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'd like to compare the values in two different sets to test if any of
 the positions in either set share the same value (e.g., if the third
 element of each set is an 'a', then the test fails).

I think by sets you mean lists.  Sets are unordered, as a few
people have mentioned.

 I have this:
 def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
  for pair in zip(original_set, trans_letters):
  if pair[0] == pair[1]:
  return False
  return True

That's fairly reasonable.  You could use itertools.izip instead of
zip, which makes a generator instead of building up a whole new list
in memory.  A more traditional imperative-style version would be
something like:

   def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
   for i in xrange(len(original_set)):
   if original_set[i] == trans_letters[i]:
   return True
   return False

You could even get cutesy and say something like (untested):

from itertools import izip
def test_sets(original_set, trans_letters):
return not sum(a==b for a,b in izip(original_set, trans_letters))

but that can be slower since it always scans both lists in entirety,
even if a matching pair of elements is found right away.

I don't offhand see a builtin function or not-too-obscure one-liner
that short-circuits, but maybe there is one.

Note that all the above examples assume the two lists are the same
length.  Otherwise, some adjustment is needed.

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-14 Thread Lasse Rasinen
Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ps. flaming aside, PyCells really would be amazingly good for Python. And
 so Google. (Now your job is on the line. g) k

Here's something I wrote this week, mostly as a mental exercise ;-)
The whole code is available at,
I'll include a test example below. Feel free to flame away ;-)

(As for background: I like CL better as a language, but I also like Python
a lot. However, I was employed for 3 years as a developer and maintainer
in a Python data mining application, so I'm more fluent in Python than CL.)

The code is mostly based on Kenny's descriptions of Cells in the following

In addition, I have looked at the CL source code briefly, but I'm not sure
if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
defined per-class (however, if you define a rule by hand in the __init__
function, it'll work also. I think; haven't tested).

I can possibly be persuaded to fix bugs in the code and/or to implement
new features ;-)

- Tracks changes to input cells dynamically (normal attributes are not tracked)
- Callbacks for changes (see caveats)
- Requires Python 2.4 for the decorator syntax (@stuff)
- Should calculate a cell only once per change (haven't tested ;-)

- The input cell callbacks are not called with the class instance 
  as the first argument, while the rule cell callback are. This
  is mostly due to laziness.
- There is no cycle detection. If you write cyclic dependencies, you lose.
- There is very little error checking.

Example follows:

def x_callback(oldval, newval):
print x changed: %s = %s % (oldval, newval)

class Test(cellular):
   def __init__(self):
   self.x = InputCell(10, callback=x_callback)

   def y_callback(self, oldval, newval):
   print y changed: %s = %s %(oldval, newval)

   def a_callback(self, oldval, newval):
   print a changed: %s = %s %(oldval, newval)

   def g_callback(self, oldval, newval):
   print g changed: %s = %s %(oldval, newval)
   def y(self):
   return self.x ** 2

   def a(self):
   return self.y + self.x

   def g(self):
   if self.x % 2 == 0:
   return self.y
   return self.a

$ python

y changed: __main__.unbound = 100
a changed: __main__.unbound = 110
g changed: __main__.unbound = 100
x changed: 10 = 4
y changed: 100 = 16
a changed: 110 = 20
g changed: 100 = 16
x changed: 4 = 5
y changed: 16 = 25
a changed: 20 = 30
g changed: 16 = 30
Lasse Rasinen

Re: comparing values in two sets

2006-05-14 Thread John Salerno
John Salerno wrote:
 I'd like to compare the values in two different sets 

Oops, I guess I was a little too loose in my use of the word 'set'. I'm 
using sets in my program, but by this point they actually become 
strings, so I'm really comparing strings.

Thanks for pointing that out to me, and I'll look into izip as well. I 
was wondering if I could use an iterator for this somehow. :)

Windows Copy Gui

2006-05-14 Thread placid
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone knows how to pop up the dialog that windows
pops up when copying/moving/deleting files from one directory to
another, in python ?  



Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Xah Lee
Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

Xah Lee, 2006-05-13

In coding a computer program, there's often the choices of tabs or
spaces for code indentation. There is a large amount of confusion about
which is better. It has become what's known as “religious war” —
a heated fight over trivia. In this essay, i like to explain what is
the situation behind it, and which is proper.

Simply put, tabs is proper, and spaces are improper. Why? This may seem
ridiculously simple given the de facto ball of confusion: the semantics
of tabs is what indenting is about, while, using spaces to align code
is a hack.

Now, tech geekers may object this simple conclusion because they itch
to drivel about different editors and so on. The alleged problem
created by tabs as seen by the industry coders are caused by two
things: (1) tech geeker's sloppiness and lack of critical thinking
which lead them to not understanding the semantic purposes of tab and
space characters. (2) Due to the first reason, they have created and
propagated a massive none-understanding and mis-use, to the degree that
many tools (e.g. vi) does not deal with tabs well and using spaces to
align code has become widely practiced, so that in the end spaces seem
to be actually better by popularity and seeming simplicity.

In short, this is a phenomenon of misunderstanding begetting a snowball
of misunderstanding, such that it created a cultural milieu to embrace
this malpractice and kick what is true or proper. Situations like this
happens a lot in unix. For one non-unix example, is the file name's
suffix known as “extension”, where the code of file's type became
part of the file name. (e.g. “.txt”, “.html”, “.jpg”).
Another well-known example is HTML practices in the industry, where
badly designed tags from corporation's competitive greed, and stupid
coding and misunderstanding by coders and their tools are so
wide-spread such that they force the correct way to the side by the
eventual standardization caused by sheer quantity of inproper but set

Now, tech geekers may still object, that using tabs requires the
editors to set their positions, and plain files don't carry that
information. This is a good question, and the solution is to advance
the sciences such that your source code in some way embed such
information. This would be progress. However, this is never thought of
because the “unix philosophies” already conditioned people to hack
and be shallow. In this case, many will simply use the character
intended to separate words for the purpose of indentation or alignment,
and spread the practice with militant drivels.

Now, given the already messed up situation of the tabs vs spaces by the
unixers and unix brain-washing of the coders in the industry... Which
should we use today? I do not have a good proposition, other than just
use whichever that works for you but put more critical thinking into
things to prevent mishaps like this.

Tabs vs Spaces can be thought of as parameters vs hard-coded values, or
HTML vs ascii format, or XML/CSS vs HTML 4, or structural vs visual, or
semantic vs format. In these, it is always easy to convert from the
former to the latter, but near impossible from the latter to the
former. And, that is because the former encodes information that is
lost in the latter. If we look at the issue of tabs vs spaces, indeed,
it is easy to convert tabs to spaces in a source code, but more
difficult to convert from spaces to tabs. Because, tabs as indentation
actually contains the semantic information about indentation. With
spaces, this critical information is lost in space.

This issue is intimately related to another issue in source code:
soft-wrapped lines versus physical, hard-wrapped lines by EOL (end of
line character). This issue has far more consequences than tabs vs
spaces, and the unixer's unthinking has made far-reaching damages in
the computing industry. Due to unix's EOL ways of thinking, it has
created languages based on EOL (just about ALL languages except the
Lisp family and Mathematica) and tools based on EOL (cvs, diff, grep,
and basically every tool in unix), thoughts based on EOL (software
value estimation by counting EOL, hard-coded email quoting system by
“” prefix, and silent line-truncations in many unix tools), such
that any progress or development towards a “algorithmic code unit”
concept or language syntaxes are suppressed. I have not written a full
account on this issue, but i've touched it in this essay: “The Harm
of hard-wrapping Lines”, at

This post is archived at:



Re: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread George Sakkis
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:

 George Sakkis wrote:

  Paul Rubin wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) writes:
  For that matter, would it be an advantage for len() to operate
  on iterables?
 print len(itertools.count())
  How is this worse than list(itertools.count()) ?

 list(itertools.count()) will eventually fail with a MemoryError.

 Actually len(itertools.count()) would as well - when a couple of long
 instances used up everything available - but it would take a *lot*

 Tim Delaney

That's more of a theoretical argument on why the latter is worse. How
many real-world programs are prepared for MemoryError every time they
call list(), catch it and handle it graciously ? I'd say that the only
reason an exception would be preferable in such case would be
debugging; it's nice to have an informative traceback instead of a
program that entered an infinite loop.



RE: count items in generator

2006-05-14 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
George Sakkis wrote:

 Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
 list(itertools.count()) will eventually fail with a MemoryError.
 That's more of a theoretical argument on why the latter is worse. How
 many real-world programs are prepared for MemoryError every time they
 call list(), catch it and handle it graciously ? I'd say that the only
 reason an exception would be preferable in such case would be
 debugging; it's nice to have an informative traceback instead of a
 program that entered an infinite loop.

That's exactly my point. Assuming your test coverage is good, such an
error would be caught by the MemoryError. An infinite loop should also
be caught by timing out the tests, but that's much more dependent on the
test harness.

Tim Delaney

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Bryan
Xah Lee wrote:
 Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code
 Xah Lee, 2006-05-13
 In coding a computer program, there's often the choices of tabs or
 spaces for code indentation. There is a large amount of confusion about
 which is better. It has become what's known as “religious war” —
 a heated fight over trivia. In this essay, i like to explain what is
 the situation behind it, and which is proper.
 Simply put, tabs is proper, and spaces are improper. Why? This may seem
 ridiculously simple given the de facto ball of confusion: the semantics
 of tabs is what indenting is about, while, using spaces to align code
 is a hack.

i agree, tabs is proper and i always use the tab key to indent... it puts in 4 


Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Eli Gottlieb
Actually, spaces are better for indenting code.  The exact amount of 
space taken up by one space character will always (or at least tend to 
be) the same, while every combination of keyboard driver, operating 
system, text editor, content/file format, and character encoding all 
change precisely what the tab key does.

There's no use in typing tab for indentation when my text editor will 
simply convert it to three spaces, or worse, autoindent and mix tabs 
with spaces so that I have no idea how many actual whitespace characters 
of what kinds are really taking up all that whitespace.  I admit it 
doesn't usually matter, but then you go back to try and make your code 
prettier and find yourself asking WTF?

Undoubtedly adding the second spark to the holy war,

The science of economics is the cleverest proof of free will yet 

Problem with Tkinter on Mac OS X

2006-05-14 Thread Jean Richelle

I installed version 2.4.1 (and I tried also with 2.4.3) of Python  
under 10.3.9 (and 10.4.6), and I trying to use Tkinter.  For  
simplicity I'm testing the hello world that I found in the  
I first launch IDLE,  write (cut and paste from the web) the program  
in an editing window, save it, and then run it. The window with two  
buttons is displayed in the back of the IDLE window (and I cannot  
bring it to the front), and there nothing happening when I click  
either button.
Did anybody do a fresh install recently and can run program using  
Tkinter ?


Re: help using smptd

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
Heiko Wundram wrote:

 If you don't define an __init__() yourself (as it seems to be the case
 here), MRO (and the rules associated with class methods) will take care
 that the base class' __init__() gets called automatically.

Yes __init__ is being called.  smtpd.PureProxy doesn't define its own init
either and it shows the same behavior as my class: binds to the port but
doesn't respond to connections.

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
Eli Gottlieb wrote:

 Actually, spaces are better for indenting code.  The exact amount of
 space taken up by one space character will always (or at least tend to
 be) the same, while every combination of keyboard driver, operating
 system, text editor, content/file format, and character encoding all
 change precisely what the tab key does.

What you see as tabs' weakness is their strength.  They encode '1 level of
indentation', not a fixed width.  Of course tabs are rendered differently
by different editors -- that's the point.  If you like indentation to be 2
or 3 or 7 chars wide, you can view your preference without forcing it on
the rest of the world.  It's a logical rather than a fixed encoding.

 There's no use in typing tab for indentation when my text editor will
 simply convert it to three spaces, or worse, autoindent and mix tabs
 with spaces so that I have no idea how many actual whitespace characters
 of what kinds are really taking up all that whitespace.  I admit it
 doesn't usually matter, but then you go back to try and make your code
 prettier and find yourself asking WTF?

Sounds like the problem is your editor, not tabs.  But I wouldn't rule out
PEBCAK either. ;)

 Undoubtedly adding the second spark to the holy war,

Undoubtedly.  Let's keep it civil, shall we?  And please limit the
cross-posting to a minimum.  (directed at the group, not you personally

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: help using smptd

2006-05-14 Thread Edward Elliott
Edward Elliott wrote:

 import smtpd
 class SMTPProxy (smtpd.SMTPServer):
 def process_message (self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
 # my code here
 proxy = SMTPProxy (listen_addr, relay_addr)
 # now what?

Update: I think I've solved it.  SMTPServer registers with asyncore, so the
'now what' to handle connections is this:


I tried that once before I posted without success, however I think I had
accidentally closed the socket already.

Now a follow-up question: does anyone know the purpose of the timeout
parameter to loop()?  The asyncore docs say this:

The timeout argument sets the timeout parameter for the appropriate
select() or poll() call, measured in seconds; the default is 30 seconds.

According to the select man page, timeout determines how long it blocks
before returning.  But AFAICT, asyncore.loop() runs forever (as long as a
channel is open) no matter how long select blocks.  What's the point of
passing a timeout for select when loop just calls it again every time it

Edward Elliott
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
complangpython at eddeye dot net

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread John McMonagle
Personally, I don't think it matters whether you use tabs or spaces for
code indentation.  As long as you are consistent and do not mix the two.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-14 Thread Ken Tilton

Lasse Rasinen wrote:
 Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
ps. flaming aside, PyCells really would be amazingly good for Python. And
so Google. (Now your job is on the line. g) k
 Here's something I wrote this week, mostly as a mental exercise ;-)

It's fun, right? But what you have is a complete wreck. :)

 The whole code is available at,
 I'll include a test example below. Feel free to flame away ;-)
 (As for background: I like CL better as a language, but I also like Python
 a lot. However, I was employed for 3 years as a developer and maintainer
 in a Python data mining application, so I'm more fluent in Python than CL.)
 The code is mostly based on Kenny's descriptions of Cells in the following
 In addition, I have looked at the CL source code briefly, but I'm not sure
 if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
 model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
 defined per-class...

That will be a total disaster for PyCells, if true. But I do not think 
it is. You just need a constructor that takes some slot initializers, 
and initialize the slots to one of: a normal value; an InputCell itself 
initialized with a starting value, if only nil; or a RuledCell itself 
initialized with a lambda.

Trust me, you lose a vast amount of power unless different instances of 
the same class can have different rules for the same slot.

... (however, if you define a rule by hand in the __init__
 function, it'll work also. I think; haven't tested).
 I can possibly be persuaded to fix bugs in the code and/or to implement
 new features ;-)

PyCells looks like it will be a project for SoC2006, so you may as well 
relax. But I understand if you want to keep going, it is great fun. btw, 
I have met more than a few people who had done something like Cells 
independently, and there are many full-blown similar implementations 
around. Mine is just the best. g Kidding, i do not really know, there 
are so many.

 - Tracks changes to input cells dynamically (normal attributes are not 

Ha! All your rules depend on the input cell itself! How about A depends 
on B depends on C? :)

 - Callbacks for changes (see caveats)
 - Requires Python 2.4 for the decorator syntax (@stuff)
 - Should calculate a cell only once per change (haven't tested ;-)

Quite hard to test deliberately, but it happens in nature. But it will 
not happen until you do A-B-C. Once you have /that/ working, make A 
the input, then have B and C both use A. But also have B use C, and 
jiggle things around until A happens to think it should update B first, 
then C. What happens is that B runs and uses C, but C has not been 
updated yet. C is inconsistent with A, but is being used to calculate a 
new value for B which does see the new value of A. Mismatch! B will get 
sorted out in a moment when C gets recalculated and tells B to calculate 
a second time, but meanwhile after the first recalculation of B the 
on-change callback for that got invoked, missiles were launched, and 
Moscow has been destroyed.

 - The input cell callbacks are not called with the class instance 
   as the first argument, while the rule cell callback are. This
   is mostly due to laziness.

And unacceptable!

have fun. :)


ps. In the getattr for any Cell-mediated slot, look to see if parent 
is non-nil. If so, set up a dependency. k


Have you ever been in a relationship?
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread Chris Klaiber
On 5/14/06, Edward Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Eli Gottlieb wrote: Actually, spaces are better for indenting code.The exact amount of space taken up by one space character will always (or at least tend to be) the same, while every combination of keyboard driver, operating
 system, text editor, content/file format, and character encoding all change precisely what the tab key does.What you see as tabs' weakness is their strength.They encode '1 level ofindentation', not a fixed width.Of course tabs are rendered differently
by different editors -- that's the point.If you like indentation to be 2or 3 or 7 chars wide, you can view your preference without forcing it onthe rest of the world.It's a logical rather than a fixed encoding.
I think the logical encoding argument justifies that tabs are the proper tool for the job of indentation. For me, the problem is really indentation of source code and how it conflicts with the historically imposed 80 character line width. When programming, I tend to set my editor window widths to 80 characters so I know when I'm going over, and my terminals all default to width 80.
The problem comes when the author prefers a smaller tab width than what my editor is set to. Sure, I could change it for that file, but what if I'm reading a whole directory? Sure, I could change the default setting in my editor, but what if I'm browsing multiple projects in the same day? Sure, I could find a way to set the tab width based on the directory I'm currently in, but by now I'm annoyed and simply replacing tabs with spaces is a far simpler solution that requires zero configuration on my part.
 There's no use in typing tab for indentation when my text editor will
 simply convert it to three spaces, or worse, autoindent and mix tabs with spaces so that I have no idea how many actual whitespace characters of what kinds are really taking up all that whitespace.I admit it
 doesn't usually matter, but then you go back to try and make your code prettier and find yourself asking WTF?Sounds like the problem is your editor, not tabs.But I wouldn't rule out
PEBCAK either. ;) Undoubtedly adding the second spark to the holy war,Undoubtedly.Let's keep it civil, shall we?And please limit thecross-posting to a minimum.(directed at the group, not you personally
Eli).--Edward ElliottUC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)complangpython at eddeye dot net--


Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread David Steuber
Spaces work better.  Hitting the TAB key in my Emacs will auto-indent
the current line.  Only spaces will be used for fill.  The worst thing
you can do is mix the two regardless of how you feel about tab vs

The next step in evil is to give tab actual significance like in

Xah Lee is getting better at trolling.  He might fill up Google's

1998 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport
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The lithobraker.  Zero distance stops at any speed.

Re: Tabs versus Spaces in Source Code

2006-05-14 Thread jmcgill

If I work on your project, I follow the coding and style standards you 

Likewise if you  work on my project you follow the established standards.

Fortunately for you, I am fairly liberal on such matters.

I like to see 4 spaces for indentation.  If you use tabs, that's what I 
will see, and you're very likely to have your code reformatted by the 
automated build process, when the standard copyright header is pasted 
and missing javadoc tags are generated as warnings.

I like the open brace to start on the line of the control keyword.  I 
can deal with the open brace being on the next line, at the same level 
of indentation as the control keyword.  I don't quite understand the 
motivation behind the GNU style, where the brace itself is treated as a 
half-indent, but I can live with it on *your* project.

Any whitespace or other style that isn't happy to be reformatted 
automatically is an error anyway.

I'd be very laissez-faire about it except for the fact that code 
repositories are much easier to manage if everything is formatted before 
it goes in, or as a compromise, as a step at release tags.

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-14 Thread Lasse Rasinen
Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  if any concepts have survived to the Python version. Since Python's object
  model is sufficiently different, the system is based on rules being
  defined per-class...
 That will be a total disaster for PyCells, if true. But I do not think it
 is. You just need a constructor that takes some slot initializers, and
 initialize the slots to one of: a normal value; an InputCell itself
 initialized with a starting value, if only nil; or a RuledCell itself
 initialized with a lambda.

Hmm, just tried it:

 class A(cells.cellular):
...   def __init__(self):
... self.a = cells.InputCell(10)
... self.b = cells.RuleCell(lambda self: self.a+1, self, None)

 a = A()

So it does work out-of-the-box ;-)

 PyCells looks like it will be a project for SoC2006, so you may as well

You really want to start a SoC project on something that takes about two
weeks from an average Python programmer? What does the guy do for the rest
of the summer?

(I think I spent 4-5 hours on this actually sitting on the computer,
sandwiched between remodeling and cleaning and work. The rest of the two
weeks would be making it more robust ;-)

  - Tracks changes to input cells dynamically (normal attributes are not 
 Ha! All your rules depend on the input cell itself! How about A depends on
 B depends on C? :)

Oops. I'm sorry for the inaccurate terminology. They depend only the cells
they use as inputs (their children), and not only on InputCells.

(I use the parent-child terminology because as English is not my native
language, I had trouble remembering which depend* variable was which ;-)

 Quite hard to test deliberately, but it happens in nature. But it will
 not happen until you do A-B-C. Once you have /that/ working, make A the
 input, then have B and C both use A. But also have B use C, and jiggle
 things around until A happens to think it should update B first, then C.
 What happens is that B runs and uses C, but C has not been updated yet. C
 is inconsistent with A, but is being used to calculate a new value for B
 which does see the new value of A. Mismatch! B will get sorted out in a
 moment when C gets recalculated and tells B to calculate a second time,
 but meanwhile after the first recalculation of B the on-change callback
 for that got invoked, missiles were launched, and Moscow has been

If you check the testcase, you'll see there are such dependencies, and all
the callbacks fire just once (and in dependency-related order).

Furthermore, the timestamp mechanism SHOULD take care of those (if the
cell is older than its children, it gets recalculated before it will
provide any data, and thus C will get recalculated before B uses it.

 ps. In the getattr for any Cell-mediated slot, look to see if parent is
 non-nil. If so, set up a dependency. k

Already done, see BaseCell.value() ;-)
Lasse Rasinen

[ python-Feature Requests-1080727 ] Add encoding to DocFileSuite

2006-05-14 Thread
Feature Requests item #1080727, was opened at 2004-12-08 01:47
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by quiver
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Unicode
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Bjorn Tillenius (bjoti)
Assigned to: Jim Fulton (dcjim)
Summary: Add encoding to DocFileSuite

Initial Comment:
If one writes doctests within documentation strings of classes and 
functions, it's possible to use non-ASCII characters since one can 
specify the encoding used in the source file.

But if one wants to combine the documentation and testing, by 
writing a text file, and thus use DocFileSuite, it's not possible to use 
non-ASCII characters in the tests. This is because there's no way 
of specifying which encoding the text file uses. Instead one has to 
\-quote all non-ASCII characters, and that makes the tests harder 
to read IMHO.


Comment By: George Yoshida (quiver)
Date: 2006-05-15 02:42

Logged In: YES 

Updated the patch for the trunk.
Documentation is also included.

If there is no objection, I'll commit it before 2.5 a3 
rolled out.


Comment By: Jim Fulton (dcjim)
Date: 2005-11-15 07:50

Logged In: YES 

The patch looks good to me.  I haven't looked at the tests,
but I assume that they are good too.  I will look at them. :)

I'm also going to add PEP 263-style encoding specification.



Comment By: Bjorn Tillenius (bjoti)
Date: 2005-09-14 05:12

Logged In: YES 

Attaching new version of the patch that will apply cleanly against latest CVS


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2005-09-14 03:59

Logged In: YES 

Ed, can you make time to review this patch?  If not, please 
unassign it again.


Comment By: Bjorn Tillenius (bjoti)
Date: 2004-12-19 03:05

Logged In: YES 

Uploaded new patch, which adds the possibility to specify an encoding to 
testfile as well, since I assume this is desirable.


Comment By: Bjorn Tillenius (bjoti)
Date: 2004-12-18 23:08

Logged In: YES 

Added patch for Tim to review.


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2004-12-15 12:09

Logged In: YES 

Unassigned myself -- can't make time to work on it.  I'll be 
happy to review a patch (code/tests/docs) if one appears.  I 
approve of the idea wink.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1324799 ] Curses module doesn't install on Solaris 2.8

2006-05-14 Thread
Bugs item #1324799, was opened at 2005-10-12 07:21
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by enchanter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Andrew Koenig (arkoenig)
Assigned to: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Summary: Curses module doesn't install on Solaris 2.8

Initial Comment:
During installation, the following happens:

building '_curses' extension
gcc -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -
fno-strict-aliasing -I. -I/tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-
2.4.2/./Include -I/usr/gnu/include -I/usr/local/include -
I/tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-2.4.2/Include -I/tmp/build-
gnu20746/Python-2.4.2 -c /tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-
2.4.2/Modules/_cursesmodule.c -o build/temp.solaris-2.8-
2.4.2/Modules/_cursesmodule.c: In 
function 'PyCursesWindow_GetStr':
2.4.2/Modules/_cursesmodule.c:822: warning: implicit 
declaration of function 'mvwgetnstr'
gcc -shared build/temp.solaris-2.8-sun4u-
2.4/_cursesmodule.o -L/usr/gnu/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lcurses -
ltermcap -o build/lib.solaris-2.8-sun4u-2.4/
*** WARNING: renaming _curses since importing it 
failed: ./python: fatal: relocation error: file 
build/lib.solaris-2.8-sun4u-2.4/ symbol 
mvwgetnstr: referenced symbol not found
building '_curses_panel' extension
gcc -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -
fno-strict-aliasing -I. -I/tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-
2.4.2/./Include -I/usr/gnu/include -I/usr/local/include -
I/tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-2.4.2/Include -I/tmp/build-
gnu20746/Python-2.4.2 -c /tmp/build-gnu20746/Python-
2.4.2/Modules/_curses_panel.c -o build/temp.solaris-2.8-
gcc -shared build/temp.solaris-2.8-sun4u-
2.4/_curses_panel.o -L/usr/gnu/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpanel -
lcurses -ltermcap -o build/lib.solaris-2.8-sun4u-
*** WARNING: renaming _curses_panel since importing 
it failed: No module named _curses


Comment By: Tim Mooney (enchanter)
Date: 2006-05-14 21:06

Logged In: YES 

First, your patch does fix the problem.

Next, Solaris 8+ *does* have mvwgetnwstr, the problem is
that it's in the X/Open version of the curses library, not
the (old, stinky, backwards-compatible) default version of

Solaris 10's man pages do a much better job of explaining
the differences, on 10 one can look at

  man -s 3xcurses libcurses


  man libcurses

If you want to compile and link against the X/Open version
of the curses library, you need to have


in CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS, and either




(depending on whether you're compiling for ILP32 or LP64).
/usr/xpg4/lib and /usr/xpg4/lib/64 are also not in the
default loader search path, so you either need to modify the
loader search path (man crle) or your also need a
-R/usr/xpg4/lib or -R/usr/xpg4/lib/64 in LDFLAGS too.

Because of the way the _cursesmodule is currently written,
though, it assumes that if __sun is defined as a
preprocessor symbol, STRICT_SYSV_CURSES should be defined,
which actually causes problems if you try build with with
newer X/Open curses.

It should be possible to support building against either
curses implementation on Solaris, but for now your patch at
least makes _cursesmodule compile with the default version.


Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Date: 2005-11-22 08:45

Logged In: YES 

One use of mvwgetnwstr in the module is replaced by a manual
emulation of the function, if STRICT_SYSV_CURSES is true,
but another use isn't replaced; I suspect this is the problem.

I've attached a patch that ensures that mvwgetnstr() is only
used when STRICT_SYSV_CURSES is undefined.  Please let me
know if this fixes the compilation problem.


Comment By: Nelson Arzola (narzola)
Date: 2005-10-29 03:01

Logged In: YES 

I would like to add that this problem also exists under
Solaris 2.10.  For some reason, mvwgetnstr is not defined
under Solaris 10.  When I use nm to get the symbols out of
/usr/lib/, I do not find it.

When I replace the two references in
/dsk/data0/build/Python-2.4.2/Modules/_cursesmodule.c from
mvwgetnstr to mvwgetnwstr, I was able to compile the module
and pass the appropriate tests.

Since I don't use curses, I really don't have a good way to
test this.


You can 

[ python-Bugs-1199282 ] subprocess _active.remove(self) self not in list _active

2006-05-14 Thread
Bugs item #1199282, was opened at 05/10/05 11:24
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by sf-robot
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: cheops (atila-cheops)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess _active.remove(self) self not in list _active

Initial Comment:
I start a subprocess in a seperate thread (25 concurrent 
in some of the threads the following error occurs
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 442, in 
  File, line 45, in run
returncode = p.wait()
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 765, in wait
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
this is the code that starts the subprocess and where I 
wait for the result
p = subprocess.Popen('command', \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
returncode = p.wait()
errormessage = p.stdout.readlines()


Comment By: SourceForge Robot (sf-robot)
Date: 05/14/06 19:20

Logged In: YES 

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).


Comment By: Georg Brandl (gbrandl)
Date: 04/30/06 12:52

Logged In: YES 

The error causing _active.remove(self) call was removed
from wait() with patch 1467770, so I think this is fixed.


Comment By: cheops (atila-cheops)
Date: 04/11/06 13:10

Logged In: YES 

there are 2 definitions of the function poll, one for 
windows and one for POSIX systems
in the windows version _deadlock is not used
in the POSIX version _deadlock is used

see also modification made by loewis in committed version 


Comment By: HVB bei TUP (hvb_tup)
Date: 04/11/06 00:21

Logged In: YES 

I looked at the patch #1467770 you mentioned and 
downloaded the patch.

Is it correct that _deadlock variable is used in the 
definition of poll but it is not in the argument list?


Comment By: cheops (atila-cheops)
Date: 04/10/06 07:57

Logged In: YES 

see patch #1467770


Comment By: Tristan Faujour (tfaujour)
Date: 03/29/06 05:50

Logged In: YES 

 Simply list operations such as remove() and append() are
 thread safe,

OK, my apologies... I did not know.

I did some more tests. On Linux, I found lots of:

  File ./, line 428, in call
return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
  File ./, line 1023, in wait
pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

The try...except solution does not handle this (since we are
in the posix section).

In my opinion, the call to _cleanup() in Popen.__init__() is
useless (it just checks if older processes have stopped when
a new one is started. I cannot see why it could be
mandatory) and it is the root of this bug.

I commented it out (line 506) and retried my tests on Linux
 Windows plateforms: I had no exception at all.


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 03/28/06 21:11

Logged In: YES 

I think accesses to _active should be serialized in a
thread-safe way. _active could be a Queue (from the Queue
module) for example

Simply list operations such as remove() and append() are
thread safe, so there should be no need for a Queue. Also, a
Queue cannot be used since the subprocess module needs to be
compatible with Python 2.2. 


Comment By: Tristan Faujour (tfaujour)
Date: 03/28/06 15:17

Logged In: YES 

I am running into the same problem on a Windows 2k/XP
plateform with a multi-threaded application. It occurs randomly.

It has never appened (yet) on a Linux plateform.

I think accesses to _active should be serialized in a
thread-safe way. _active could be a Queue (from the Queue
module) for example.

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