Call for Nominations of PSF Directors

2006-12-17 Thread David Goodger
The Board of Directors of the Python Software Foundation is issuing
this call for nominations of new Directors.  Self-nominations are the
norm, so don't wait for somebody else to nominate you.  If you are
interested in serving as a Director, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Directors need not be PSF members.

Since the PSF is a small organization, the Directors and Officers are
the PSF's executive in more than name: we not only discuss the work to
be done, we also initiate and oversee the work (through committees),
and we get a lot of the work done ourselves.  It is therefore
beneficial to have a large number of active Directors.  As Tim Peters
eloquently put it,

This is pragmatic: volunteer time is hard to come by for PSF busy
work, and, overall, directors seem to feel more compelling
obligation in this regard than non-director PSF members.  So, the
bigger the board, the more gets done.

At the annual Members' Meeting in 2004 nine people stood for election
to the Board, but there were only seven positions, so two candidates
were not elected.  This was a mistake; we cannot afford to turn away
volunteers.  In 2005, when eight people stood for election, the Board
was first increased to eight positions, allowing all the candidates to
serve.  The size of the Board can change again.  (Section 5.4 of the
PSF bylaws states: the number of directors shall be fixed by the
members at each annual meeting of members.)

The PSF's Directors and Officers conduct business via monthly meetings
(one hour on IRC) and an active mailing list.  We discuss the work
being done and the work to be done, and Directors vote on resolutions.

David Goodger, PSF Secretary
On behalf of the PSF Board of Directors

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Paste 1.1

2006-12-17 Thread Ian Bicking
Paste 1.1

This release includes a security fix, fixing a situation where you
could escape the root when serving static files and running the Paste
HTTP server publicly.  If you used other WSGI servers or used the
Paste HTTP server behind Apache this does not effect you.  For an
update of Paste 1.0 that includes *only* the security fix, use
easy_install Paste==1.0.1

What Is Paste?

Install: easy_install Paste PasteScript PasteDeploy

Paste is a set of WSGI components, each of which can be used in
isolation.  But used together they form an unstoppable force.  Team
WSGI, unite!

These components let you do things like create applications that proxy
to other websites, mount multiple applications under different
prefixes, catch exceptions and interactively inspect the environment,
and much more.

Paste Deploy is a configuration system for these components.  Paste
Script is a jack of all trades that builds new project file layouts,
runs WSGI server stacks, and does application deployment.

Interesting News


* Security fix for paste.urlparser.StaticURLParser.  The problem
   allowed escaping the root (and reading files) when used with
   paste.httpserver (this does not effect other servers, and does
   not apply when proxying requests from Apache to

* paste.httpserver and paste.fixture.TestApp url-unquote
   SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO, as specified in the CGI spec.
   Thanks to Jon Nelson for pointing out both these issues.

* paste.registry now works within the EvalException
   interactive debugger.

* Added a __traceback_decorator__ magic local variable, to allow
   arbitrary manipulation of the output of
   paste.exceptions.collector before formatting.

* Added unicorn power to paste.pony (from Chad Whitacre)

* For paste.httpserver SSL support: add support loading an
   explicit certificate context, and using ssl_pem='*' create an
   unsigned SSL certificate (from Jason Kirtland).

Paste Script

* Allow variable assignments at the end of paster serve, like
   paster serve http_port=80; then you can use %(http_port)s in
   your config files (requires up-to-date Paste Deploy).

Paste Deploy

* Really nothing interesting.

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: module wide metaclass for new style classes

2006-12-17 Thread Peter Otten
Daniel Nogradi wrote:

 I used to have the following code to collect all (old style) class
 names defined in the current module to a list called reg:
 def meta( reg ):
 def _meta( name, bases, dictionary ):
 reg.append( name )
 return _meta
 reg = [ ]
 __metaclass__ = meta( reg )
 class c1:
 class c2:
 print reg

That code does not create classes. Here's a slightly simplified version:

 reg = []
 def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
... reg.append(name)
 class A: pass
 A is None 
True # oops!

 This would correctly print [ 'c1', 'c2' ]. Now I would like to switch
 to new style classes but replacing class c1: and class c2: by class
 c1(object): and class c2(object): doesn't work because the metaclass
 associated with object will be called and not mine. Of course if I
 would add __metaclass__ = meta(reg)  to all class definitions that
 would work, but how do I do this on the module level?

If present, __metaclass__ serves as a factory for classes without an
explicit base class. For example,

__metaclass__ = type

would turn c1 and c2 into newstyle classes (that inherit from object).
If you want side effects you can wrap the metaclass into a function:

 reg = []
 def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
... reg.append(name)
... return type(name, bases, dict)
 class A: pass
 class B: pass
['A', 'B']
 issubclass(A, object)



Re: textwrap.dedent replaces tabs?

2006-12-17 Thread Peter Otten
Tom Plunket wrote:

 I guess I could manually replace all tabs with eight
 spaces (as opposed to 'correct' tab stops), and then replace them when
 done, but it's probably just as easy to write a non-destructive dedent.

You mean, as easy as

'alpha   beta'




Re: OT : Bug/Issue tracking systems

2006-12-17 Thread Paddy



 I am looking to put an open-source bug/issue tracking system in place
 for our current project (eventually expanded for all projects), and
 would appreciate any experiences/comments/suggestions.

 Note the project is encompasses embedded hardware (ASIC plus firmware)
 plus application software.
 The easiest method is using a spreadsheet, but this is not very

 The requirements I have come up with

 - Free ;-)
 - Easy to setup and maintain (I want this to be an engieering tool, not
 an IT project)
   - A non linux expert should be able to download and install (rpms OK,
 deep understanding of makefiles and linux kernel not OK)
   - Ideally via text files, a bit of perl/tcl/python OK. I'd rather
 avoid SQL
   - Prove the system and then hand-off to IT for maintenance
 - Easy use
   - Browser UI
   - Mail ?
 - Linux
 - Flexible reporting/search
 - User/admin accounts
   - Initially internal network access only, eventually external
 (customer, partner) access
 - Cover HDL, H/W, F/W, Documentation, Change requests. Both ASIC and
 - Eventually production issues (Yeild, Test programs?)
 - Maybe allow project deadlines included.
 - We use CVS, so any loose coupling useful
   - We have per project repositories, plus and repository containing
 common IP's (i.e a project will always use 2)
 - Medium size projects (upto 15-20 people)
 - Possible migration to other system in future (which I guess means a
 well supported database)

 Googling provided with lots of names
 - Bugzilla (seems to be in widest use for S/W projects)
 - GNATS (I recall using this in a previous job)
 - IssueTrackerSystem (ZOPE, Python)
 - Trac (Python)
 - Plus lots of others

 Any suggestions, comments, recommendations or pointers to
 papers/tutorals greatly appreciated.

Hi Steven,
We mainly do ASIC design and the Verification team installed RT for
local issue tracking at work. I would have suggested Trak, but I was on
a different project at the time and they were doing the work.
RT ( does the Job. They have got the IT
team to install it on the compute farm somewhere and after an initial
learning period, they got it to do what they want.
I have used gnats in the past. It worked.
Trac seems to me to have a lot going for it, but, alas, I have not had
a chance to try it.

i notice that you are using CVS. You might want to look into the
facilities available with tools like mercurial,,

At work we pay for clearcase and it does the revision control job very
well, but in another company that were using CVS or RCS I would
re-evaluate the source control needs.

- Paddy.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Raffael Cavallaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]'espam-s' writes:
  For example, a common lisp with optional static typing on demand would
  be strictly more expressive than common lisp. But, take say, haskell;
  haskell's static typing is not optional (you can work around it, but
  you have to go out of your way to do so); haskell's pure functional
  semantics are not optional (again, workarounds possible to a limited
  extent). This requires you to conceive your problem solution (i.e.,
  program) within the framework of a particular paradigm. This lock-in
  to a particular paradigm, however powerful, is what makes any such
  language strictly less expressive than one with syntactic abstraction
  over a uniform syntax.

 Incorrect, I believe.  The above is like saying Lisp's lack of
 optional manual storage allocation and machine pointers makes Lisp
 less powerful.

That is true. By itself, that feature makes Lisp less poweful for
real-world software dev, which is why we have implementation-defined
escape hatches for that sort of thing.

 It's in fact the absence of those features that lets
 garbage collection work reliably.

This is a bad analogy to the bondage-and-discipline of purely
functional languages.

The removal for the need for manual object lifetime computation does
not cause a whole class of useful programs to be rejected.

In fact, all previously correct programs continue to work as before,
and in addition, some hitherto incorrect programs become correct.
That's an increase in power: new programs are possible without losing
the old ones.

Wheas programs can't be made to conform to the pure functional paradigm
by adjusting the semantics of some API function. Programs which don't
conform have to be rejected,

  Reliable GC gets rid of a large and
 important class of program errors and makes possible programming in a
 style that relies on it.

Right. GC gets rid of /program errors/. Pure functional programming
gets rid of /programs/.

 You can make languages more powerful by removing features as well as by 
 adding them.

Note that changing the storage liberation request from an imperative to
a hint isn't the removal of a feature. It's the /addition/ of a
feature. The new feature is that objects can still be reliably used
after the implementation was advised by the program that they are no
longer needed. Programs which do this are no longer buggy. Another new
feature is that programs can fail to advise the implementation that
some objects are no longer needed, without causing a leak, so these
programs are no longer buggy. The pool of non-buggy programs has
increased without anything being rejected.

Okay, that is not quite true, which brings me back to my very first
point. GC does (effectively) reject programs which do nasty things with
pointers. For instance, hiding pointers from being visible to GC.
However, such things can be made to coexist with GC. GC and non-GC
stuff /can/ and does, for pragmatic reasons, live in the same image.

Likewise, functional programming and imperative programming can also
coexist in the same image.

/Pure/ functional programming isn't about adding the feature of
functional programming. It's about  eliminating other features which
are not functional programming.


Re: Metaclass uses?

2006-12-17 Thread Paddy

Nathan Harmston wrote:
 Also is there anymore interesting OO stuff that Python has apart from Java.
Duck Typing:;,
Python does not have checked exceptions:

- Paddy.


Re: Good Looking UI for a stand alone application

2006-12-17 Thread Luc Heinrich
The Night Blogger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone recommend me a good API for writing a sexy looking (Rich UI
like WinForms) shrink wrap application

No, because such a thing doesn't exist.

 My requirement is that the application needs to look as good on Windows as
 on the Apple Mac

Crossplatform GUIs are a myth, you *always* end up with a lowest common
denominator (aka Windows) which makes your application look like crap on
other platforms. And when the toolkit/framework only makes it look like
semi-crap, it makes it *feel* like crap.

Because, you know, user interfaces aren't only about the look but also
(and most importantly) the feel, and the lowest common denominator (aka
Windows) won't bring a Mac feel to your app.

Crossplatform toolkits/frameworks suck. All of them. No exception. If
you want your app to look *AND* feel great on all platform, abstract the
core of your application and embed it in platform native GUI code.

Luc Heinrich

Re: OT : Bug/Issue tracking systems

2006-12-17 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], moogyd wrote:

 The requirements I have come up with

   - Ideally via text files, a bit of perl/tcl/python OK. I'd rather
 avoid SQL

You should drop that requirement.  The tracker will be used concurrently
and this is handled very efficiently and reliable by a database backend.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Smarter way to do this? Unicode + stdin, stdout

2006-12-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
BenjaMinster schrieb:
 I want to read and write unicode on stdin and stdout.  I can't seem to
 find any way to force sys.stdin.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding to be
 utf-8, so I've got the following workaround:

What operating system are you using? Why do you want to do this?
Python attempts to determine the encoding of your terminal (if
sys.stdout is a terminal), and set sys.stdout.encoding accordingly.


Re: module wide metaclass for new style classes

2006-12-17 Thread Daniel Nogradi
  I used to have the following code to collect all (old style) class
  names defined in the current module to a list called reg:
  def meta( reg ):
  def _meta( name, bases, dictionary ):
  reg.append( name )
  return _meta
  reg = [ ]
  __metaclass__ = meta( reg )
  class c1:
  class c2:
  print reg

 That code does not create classes. Here's a slightly simplified version:

  reg = []
  def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
 ... reg.append(name)
  class A: pass
  A is None
 True # oops!

  This would correctly print [ 'c1', 'c2' ]. Now I would like to switch
  to new style classes but replacing class c1: and class c2: by class
  c1(object): and class c2(object): doesn't work because the metaclass
  associated with object will be called and not mine. Of course if I
  would add __metaclass__ = meta(reg)  to all class definitions that
  would work, but how do I do this on the module level?

 If present, __metaclass__ serves as a factory for classes without an
 explicit base class. For example,

 __metaclass__ = type

 would turn c1 and c2 into newstyle classes (that inherit from object).
 If you want side effects you can wrap the metaclass into a function:

  reg = []
  def __metaclass__(name, bases, dict):
 ... reg.append(name)
 ... return type(name, bases, dict)
  class A: pass
  class B: pass
 ['A', 'B']
  issubclass(A, object)

Thanks a lot, and sorry for the copy-paste error, I had the 'return
type(...)' line but didn't know that this already creates new-style

Control-C alternative in Windows

2006-12-17 Thread Vlad Dogaru

I've written a simple, standalone wiki server in Python. It runs a
BaseHTTPServer's serve_forever() method until a KeyboardInterrupt is
caught, at which point it writes changes to a file and exits. This
works as expected in Linux. However, in Windows I cannot stop the
script with Control-C. I've only been able to stop it with Ctrl-Break,
which does not send KeyboardInterrupt. This means no saving to the file
and effectively a useless script. Any ideas as to how I might make this
work in Windows?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Good Looking UI for a stand alone application

2006-12-17 Thread Christophe Cavalaria
Sandra-24 wrote:

 On 12/16/06, The Night Blogger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone recommend me a good API for writing a sexy looking (Rich UI
 like WinForms) shrink wrap application
 My requirement is that the application needs to look as good on Windows
 as on the Apple Mac
 wxPython or something layered on it would be the way to go. I tried all
 the popular toolkits (except qt) and nothing else comes close for cross
 platform gui work. Don't let people persuade you otherwise, that caused
 me a lot of trouble.

Well, you should try qt too ;)

BTW, does wxWindow/wxPython have something that allows you to switch the OK
and Cancel button position according to the current machine GUI guidelines?


Core dump revisited

2006-12-17 Thread Sheldon

I have a python script that uses a C extention. I keep getting a
recurring problem that causes a core dump a few lines after the C
extention return data back tp python. I tried using pbd and gdb but I
have not succeeded in understanding what went wrong and where. I post
the python script here is the error message and gdb output after
reading the core file:
. printout from with C extention
Completed freeing 2D arrays.
Now freeing 1D arrays
freed 1D arrays
freeing 15km arrays
Returning data back to Python!
In python: assigning tuple data to numeric arrays!
Time to do the coastal effects
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Now there next step after Time to do the coastal effects was never
executed. And even if I put another print statement there the same
thing happens. I am using python 2.3 and I have set my stacksize to
unlimited. When reading the core dump file with gdb I get:

gdb core.3203
GNU gdb 6.0-2mdk (Mandrake Linux)
Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for
This GDB was configured as
not in executable format: File format not recognized

Core was generated by `python'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x40079dfa in ?? ()


I am not very familiar with using gdb with python and C extentions. I
would like to get some ideas about where the problem might be. I have
made sure that all the arrays in the C extention are freed before
exiting so I doubt that this might be the problem.  Here is the python

#!/usr/bin/env python
#!-*-coding: UTF-8 -*-

class WriteHdfFile:

def __init__(self,outfile):

self.outfile  = outfile

def writeAreainfo(self):
import _pyhl
import sys
sys.float_output_precision = 2

aList = _pyhl.nodelist()
aNode = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.GROUP_ID,/PPS_MSG_COMP)
aNode = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.ATTRIBUTE_ID,/NSCENES)
aNode = _pyhl.node(_pyhl.ATTRIBUTE_ID,/SATELLITE)

self.status = aList.write(self.outfile,self.COMPRESS_LVL)

return self.status

if __name__ == __main__:
from Numeric import *
import sys, os, string, math, glob
import msgppsarea,msgppscoast
import shelve
date = str(200510)
#date = sys.argv[1]
#s= sys.argv[2]
cp   = 'cfc'
global stats,areascenes,satid,vanum,coast
valconcen  = 

Re: How to test if two strings point to the same file or directory?

2006-12-17 Thread Tim Golden
Sandra-24 wrote:
 Comparing file system paths as strings is very brittle. Is there a
 better way to test if two paths point to the same file or directory
 (and that will work across platforms?)

I suspect that the and that will work across platforms
parenthesis is in effect a killer. However, if you're
prepared to waive that particular requirement, I can
suggest reading this page for a Win32 possibility:



Re: OT : Bug/Issue tracking systems

2006-12-17 Thread moogyd

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], moogyd wrote:

  The requirements I have come up with
- Ideally via text files, a bit of perl/tcl/python OK. I'd rather
  avoid SQL

 You should drop that requirement.  The tracker will be used concurrently
 and this is handled very efficiently and reliable by a database backend.

   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Hi Marc,

I am aware that I will probably need a database (probably supporting
SQL), but I would like to avoid having to write SQL queries myself
(i.e. It should all be transparent to me).




Re: skip last line in loops

2006-12-17 Thread stdazi
lines = open('blah').readlines()
for i in range(0, len(lines)-1) :
   print lines[i]

 how can i skip printing the last line using loops (for /while)


 for line in open(file):
  print line.
 I want to skip printing last line of the file.thanks


Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Most values tend to work, but only because the SQL string representation 
 happens to be the same as the Python representation. That may not apply to 
 some float values, bool, perhaps others. I had hoped the tools would have 
 solved those problems so I don't have to. In typed languages (Java, C#) 
 those things tend to just work.

Not true. There might be frameworks that aid this process - as there are 
for python (e.g. TurboGears validators), but especially when it comes to 
dates, even the larger ones like Struts for Java pretty much suck.


Re: Shed Skin 0.0.15

2006-12-17 Thread Mark Dufour
Thanks to those that sent in bug reports. This is really, really useful.

I already released 0.0.16, with the following improvements:

-added frozenset
-time.sleep now works on WIN32
-constant-string expressions and __doc__ attributes are made into nice
C++ comments
-added --nowrap optimization option to (disables checking for
negative indices)
-several minor bug-fixes reported by users of 0.0.15


On 12/9/06, Mark Dufour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 After getting bogged down with work for a few months, I'm finally back
 to Shed Skin development. I have just released 0.0.15, with the
 following changes:

 -python2.5 support/compatibility
 -any, all, conditional expression support
 -moved libs to 'lib' dir; made it easier to add modules (see README)
 -os.stat, os.path.{split, splitext, isfile, isdir, islink, exists}
 compiled from PyPy source
 -os.{chdir, rename, stat, lstat} added
 -fnmatch module added
 -random.{sample, seed} added
 -several important bugfixes (e.g. except getopt.GetoptError)

 There's more information about this release and the current state of
 Shed Skin on my blog:

 I also started a page on Wikipedia. Maybe a text like this should
 replace the one on the Shed Skin website:

 Projects for the near future are getting 'shuffle-db' working (a
 600-line program to rebuild the database on an ipod shuffle; see my
 blog), and converting the 're' module from the PyPy implementation to
 C++ using Shed Skin.

 Please try out the new release, and let me know about any
 problems/wishes/successes. As always, I am very happy with minimized
 pieces of code that fail to compile or should produce a (better) error
 or warning message.

 One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code
 - Ken Thompson

One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code
- Ken Thompson

Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread Fredrik Lundh
dyork wrote:

 Most values tend to work, but only because the SQL string representation 
 happens to be the same as the Python representation. That may not apply to 
 some float values, bool, perhaps others. I had hoped the tools would have 
 solved those problems so I don't have to. In typed languages (Java, C#) 
 those things tend to just work.

if you think that Python isn't typed, you've completely missed how 
things work.  your problem is that you're removing every trace of the 
type information by casting everything to strings, not that Python 
itself (nor the database adapters) cannot handle typed data.



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread jayessay
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Kaz Kylheku [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Lisp just seems hopelessly old-fashioned to me these days.  A
   modernized version would be cool, but I think the more serious
   Lisp-like language designers have moved on to newer ideas.
  What are some of their names, and what ideas are they working on?

Aren't these old-fashioned and boring as well?


'j' - a n t h o n y at romeo/charley/november com

Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread Hertha Steck
Am Sat, 16 Dec 2006 16:31:18 -0500 schrieb Carsten Haese:

 This may come as a shock to you, but MySQL is not the only database
 engine on the planet. Your recommendation may apply to MySQL, but it is
 not true for all databases in general. I can name at least two examples
 (Informix and Oracle) of database engines that are supported under
 Python 2.5, and if I were less lazy I could probably find more.

Interbase / Firebird:

All you need, Windows binaries, .src.tar.gz for Python 2.3 - 2.5, Firebird
1.0 - 2.0.


Re: Control-C alternative in Windows

2006-12-17 Thread Kleine Aap
Vlad Dogaru wrote:

 I've written a simple, standalone wiki server in Python. It runs a
 BaseHTTPServer's serve_forever() method until a KeyboardInterrupt is
 caught, at which point it writes changes to a file and exits. This
 works as expected in Linux. However, in Windows I cannot stop the
 script with Control-C. I've only been able to stop it with Ctrl-Break,
 which does not send KeyboardInterrupt. This means no saving to the file
 and effectively a useless script. Any ideas as to how I might make this
 work in Windows?


The signal module now supports SIGBREAK on Windows, thanks to Steven
Scott.  Note that SIGBREAK is unique to Windows.  The default SIGBREAK
action remains to call Win32 ExitProcess().  This can be changed via
signal.signal().  For example:

# Make Ctrl+Break raise KeyboardInterrupt, like Python's default Ctrl+C
# (SIGINT) behavior.
import signal

while 1:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# We get here on Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break now; if we had not changed
# SIGBREAK, only on Ctrl+C (and Ctrl+Break would terminate the
# program without the possibility for any Python-level cleanup).
print Clean exit

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Jon Harrop
Raffael Cavallaro wrote:
 On 2006-12-16 13:58:37 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Why do you think that uniform syntax is necessary to provide new
 paradigms when it is equivalent to infix syntax?
 Because it doesn't require one to write a parser for each new syntax
 for each new paradigm.

Why not use a single, extensible parser, e.g. camlp4?

 In what way is Haskell's support for imperative programming limited?
 It requires one to frame everything in functional terms or to jump
 through the hoop of monads.

Can you give some example code demonstrating these hoops?

 Can you give an example of a Lisp macro that does something useful that
 you can't do in these other languages?
 It isn't a question of can't do in these other languages, it's a
 matter of can't do as easily in these other languages.

Yes, absolutely.

 Look at kenny 
 tilton's cells. Its a dataflow paradigm built largely of macros. It 
 goes completely against the semantics of haskell - cells is all about
 the eager evaluation of side effecting state mutation.

Perhaps that is because Cells is written in a language (Lisp) that forces
you to jump through hoops to get lazy evaluation?

The Cells project appears to deal with a graph (in the graph-theoretic
sense). There is nothing inherently side-effecting about that and the
problem that Cells is trying to solve seems to be fundamentally lazy:
update cells only when necessary.

 Could you do it 
 in haskell? Yes, in the greenspun/turing-completeness sense, but not
 nearly as easily as in common lisp, because the very paradigm - eager
 evaluation combined with side effecting state mutation - goes against
 the basic semantics of haskell.

Can you give some evidence to back that up, e.g. a program that solves a
problem like this in Haskell but is more convoluted that the Lisp?

 You'd have to jump through extra hoops 
 to build a system whose very nature contradicts two of the semantic
 foundations of haskell - laziness and absense of side effects.

What if eager impurity isn't the very nature of the problem but, rather,
is the very nature of Tilton's chosen solution?

 Then there's the issue of the new syntax. Easy to build in lisp without
 learning another language - lisp macros use lisp.

You can use Lisp macros to add some of the features found in modern FPLs.
Once you've done that, users of your modern Lisp variant must learn how to
use your macros. How is that better than learning a modern FPL directly?

 What little I've seen 
 of caml4p looks like perlesque line noise. Ultimately I think that the
 defaults of both haskell and ocaml - functional, static typing,
 non-uniform syntax - are things I don't want as defaults, but as
 options for later in the development of only certain pieces of code. I
 don't want to be required to jump through the pure-functional,
 must-use-monads-for-any-side-effects, static-type, non-uniform-syntax
 hoops to express my ideas. It makes me less flexible in dealing with
 individual parts of a program differently.

You can use tools like camlp4 to generate uniform syntax from OCaml's
syntax. You can also use the -dlambda to output OCaml's Lisp-like
intermediate representation.

Why do you think that uniform syntax like this Lisp:

(defun intersect (orig dir scene)
  (labels ((aux (lam normal scene)
 (let* ((center (sphere-center scene))
(lamt (ray-sphere orig
  (sphere-radius scene
   (if (= lamt lam)
   (values lam normal)
   (etypecase scene
  (dolist (kid (group-children scene))
(setf (values lam normal)
  (aux lam normal kid)))
  (values lam normal))
  (values lamt (unitise
(-v (+v orig (*v lamt dir))
(aux infinity zero scene)))

is better than syntax with conventional mathematical grammar, like this
equivalent OCaml:

  let rec intersect orig dir (lambda, _ as hit) (center, radius, scene) =
let lambda' = ray_sphere orig dir center radius in
if lambda' = lambda then hit else match scene with
| Sphere - lambda', unitise (orig +| lambda' *| dir -| center)
| Group scenes - List.fold_left (intersect orig dir) hit scenes

From my point of view, people started with Lisp and used its macros to add
new syntax to the language and they got Haskell and OCaml. After all,
Haskell and OCaml are more popular that any given Lisp variant with similar
features (e.g. pattern matching), AFAIK.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork

fumanchu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Here's the web adaptation layer I use:
 Have a look at the coerce_in and coerce_out functions.

Thanks! Plenty of useful ideas there.

My web framework already does all the HTML stuff, so I don't need that. 
Also, I note that alamode has hard coded dates in MDY order, which is 
surprising given the Unicode support, and a real problem.



Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork
Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Python is a typed language, too, and this thing works just fine,
 provided that you are using a reasonable DB-API implementation, and
 provided that you're actually binding objects as parameters instead of
 just sticking literal strings into your query.

I'm currently using MySQLdb, but I'm looking for solutions that work 

Binding objects is no different from literal strings. Since there is no 
portable underlying type for an SQL date, the interface will AFAIK always 
finish up using strings. At some point the SQL parser has to convert a 
literal string, either embedded in the query or bound as a parameter, into 
the equivalent date. I really hope the dbapi will know how to choose the 
right string format so I don't have to, but so far that's not at all 

 When reading stuff from the database, keep the results in whatever form
 they come. Convert to strings for display purposes if you must, but
 don't overwrite the object you got from the database if you intend to
 save it back into the database.

That's not feasible. For Web stuff, the object from the database got thrown 
away after the page was rendered. We're dealing with a whole new request, 
with little or no previous state, and all the dates coming in with the 
request are strings, using formatting that depends on what the user wanted 
to see. I need to package that into a form ready for either an INSERT or 
UPDATE query. The user might have typed in dd-mmm-yy order, but the database 
interface might use mm/dd/. It needs two conversion layers, and I would 
rather use someone else's than write my own. Lazy, I guess.



Re: How to test if two strings point to the same file or directory?

2006-12-17 Thread Tim Chase
 The current setup will not silently fail when run on win32. How could
 it? It doesn't exist; it can't be run.

Ah...didn't know which it did (or didn't do) as I don't have a 
win32 box at hand on which to test it.

In chasing the matter further, the OP mentioned that their 
particular problem was related to tilde-expansion/compression 
which python doesn't seem to distinguish.

To take this into consideration, there's some advice at

where Chris Tismer has an example function/module that uses Win32 
API calls to normalize a path/filename to the short-name equiv. 
It looks like this could be integrated into the previous code I 
posted, so you'd have something like

os.path.samefile = lambda f1, f2: (
LongToShort(abspath(f1)).lower() ==

As stated, it's a bit fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants as I don't 
have any boxes running Win32 here at home, but that would be the 
general gist of the idea.

It would be handy to add it, as the semantic meaning is the same 
across platforms, even if the implementation details are vastly 
different.  One of the reasons I use python is because it usually 
crosses platform boundaries with nary a blink.

Just a few more ideas,



Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork
Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 This may come as a shock to you, but MySQL is not the only database
 engine on the planet. Your recommendation may apply to MySQL, but it is
 not true for all databases in general. I can name at least two examples
 (Informix and Oracle) of database engines that are supported under
 Python 2.5, and if I were less lazy I could probably find more.

Of course, no question about it.

However, the database is currently in MySQL and it's convenient to keep 
working with it, given the other apps and other tools I'm using.

This would be the first time I've been told: don't use that database, the 
language doesn't like it.



Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork

Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 If you actually look at what the various DB-API adapters produce
 when sending to the database engine, floats, bools, etc. are all sent as
 string representations; about the only source for problems would be
 involved in the number of significant digits transferred for a float
 (you might feed 15 digits in, and only get 7 or 10 back)

Having written adapters myself, I would not be confident that is true. It's 
convenient to use native formats for floats and ints, and strings for 
everything else. Regardless, you get trouble with (a) nulls (b) dates/times 
(c) decimal/currency (d) precision mismatches (e)  collation mismatches (f) 
blobs (g) Unicode (h) special values like NaN. It takes great attention to 
detail to be sure it all works, and I really don't want to write it (again).

I'd just like to choose some product X and It Just Works!



Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread vertigo


I receive such error:
File, line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
 print %s %f % (word,words[word])
TypeError: list indices must be integers

i call PrintWordCountFloat with hash table, keys are words(string) and  
values float.
This part of the code:

def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
 number = 0
 for word in words:
 print %s %f % (word,words[word]) #line 24
 number = number + 1
 print Total words: %d %(number)

My function displays whole table correctly, and after that i receive  
mentioned error.
Why ? Where is the problem  ?


Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread Dustan

vertigo wrote:

 I receive such error:
 File, line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
  print %s %f % (word,words[word])
 TypeError: list indices must be integers

 i call PrintWordCountFloat with hash table, keys are words(string) and
 values float.
 This part of the code:

 def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
  number = 0
  for word in words:
  print %s %f % (word,words[word]) #line 24
  number = number + 1
  print Total words: %d %(number)

 My function displays whole table correctly, and after that i receive
 mentioned error.
 Why ? Where is the problem  ?

Perhaps you meant something more along the lines of this:

 def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
number = 0
for index, word in enumerate(words):
print %s %f % (index, word)
number = number + 1
print Total words: %d %(number)
0 0.00
1 1.00
2 2.00
3 3.00
4 4.00
5 5.00
6 6.00
7 7.00
8 8.00
9 9.00
Total words: 10

Or similar; I can't read your mind. Just know that enumerate(iterable)
yields (index, value) for each item in iterable.



Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
vertigo schrieb:
 I receive such error:
 File, line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
 print %s %f % (word,words[word])
 TypeError: list indices must be integers
 i call PrintWordCountFloat with hash table, keys are words(string) and 
 values float.
 This part of the code:
 def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
 number = 0
 for word in words:
 print %s %f % (word,words[word]) #line 24
 number = number + 1
 print Total words: %d %(number)
 My function displays whole table correctly, and after that i receive 
 mentioned error.
 Why ? Where is the problem  ?

words is a list. If your variable names mean anything, I presume that 
word is ... well, a word, thus a string. But you can't do


That only works on dictionaries, like this:

{'some_word' : 100}['some_word']


Re: Is there a way to push data into Ical from Python ?

2006-12-17 Thread dwhall
You could save your calendar_ to a .ics file which is in the VCal_ file
format; but that requires the extra step of manually saving your
calendar to a file or accessing the files that iCal creates behind the
scenes in ~/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/ which is unclear
and potentially hazardous to your data.

I'm guessing you would prefer to access the calendar data directly from
the script, like an Applescript would.  One way would be to use
Python's tie-ins to Applescript_ and apple events (AE).  As you will
read, this support isn't as strong as it used to be.

Another idea that would require more effort, but earn you some hacker
points, is to use PyObjC_ and access iCal's public programming

But by far the easiest is to google for what you want (my search was
for: ical api), find the iCalModule_ and try to make that work for
you.  Although that module appears to only read the data and is
targeted toward 3rd-party calendars that are stored in

share and enjoy,


.. _calendar:
.. _VCal:
.. _Applescript:
.. _PyObjC:
.. _iCalModule:

The Night Blogger wrote:
 Is there a way to pull  push data into (Apple Mac OS X Calendar) Ical from
 Python ?


Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread Peter Otten
vertigo wrote:

 I receive such error:
 File, line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
  print %s %f % (word,words[word])
 TypeError: list indices must be integers
 i call PrintWordCountFloat with hash table, keys are words(string) and
 values float.
 This part of the code:
 def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
  number = 0
  for word in words:
  print %s %f % (word,words[word]) #line 24
  number = number + 1
  print Total words: %d %(number)
 My function displays whole table correctly, and after that i receive
 mentioned error.
 Why ? Where is the problem  ?

You could be calling PrintWordCountFloat() twice, once with a dictionary and
then with a list :-) 

If I'm wrong, you have to provide more code.


Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Actually, MySQLdb isn't released for Python 2.5 yet, so for
 anything with a database, you need an older version of Python.

It's not really a problem so far.

If you really want to change the conversions for TIMESTAMP, add the
 conv argument to connect.  Make a copy of 
 then replace the key MySQLdb.FIELD_TYPE.TIMESTAMP, which normally has
 the value 'mysql_timestamp_converter' with your own converter.  You can
 then get the interface to emit a datetime object.

Thanks! Very helpful. Actually, it's DATETIME I want and not TIMESTAMP, but 
you certainly pointed me in the right direction.

Turns out the author of MySQLdb knows his onions, and virtually all of what 
I need is in there. Seems it's critical to send in the right Python type to 
trigger the right conversion routine to get the right result, and some of 
the choices are not completely obvious. Still, the concept is good.

None of this will help performance; dates and times are sent over the
 connection to a MySQL database as strings.

Whenever you touch SQL (a) you talk strings and (b) performance belongs on a 
different planet. I can live with that.



Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread Fredrik Lundh
vertigo wrote:

 I receive such error:
 File, line 24, in PrintWordCountFloat
  print %s %f % (word,words[word])
 TypeError: list indices must be integers

please post the *entire* traceback message.  see:



Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread dyork

Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 if you think that Python isn't typed, you've completely missed how things 
 work.  your problem is that you're removing every trace of the type 
 information by casting everything to strings, not that Python itself (nor 
 the database adapters) cannot handle typed data.

Fortunately, I'm not offended. I know perfectly well that Python variables 
are NOT typed, that Python relies on a dynamically typed model and most 
other languages support static typing.I assume you know that too.

The advantage of static typing in this context is that the variable still 
holds the type even if the value happens to be null. Any value that has been 
exposed to user input comes back as a string and has to be validated and 
converted to the correct data type. Static typing provides a convenient 
place to generically find out what that type is, to drive a 
validator/convertor. There are many ways to do the equivalent in Python, and 
I'm interested in any suggestions that save me some work.



Re: Serial port failure

2006-12-17 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
  In the embedded firmware, the each box re-transmits after it finishes
  reading the packet.  This is a very rudimentary system, and uses no
  flow control.  The topology is that each embedded box has a master and
  a slave port.  The master is used to receive data from the upstream
  box, and send acks or naks back to the upstream box.  The slave is
  connected to the master of the next downstream box.
  Does that clear up the picture a little bit?


I suggest you run with the rest of my post and see what happens...
I've seen dozens of broken serial port drivers over the years!


My advice is to try a different serial port hardware.  I've found ones
based on the PL2303 chip to be very reliable both under windows and

Eg this one :-

Or one of these (which were based on PL2303 last time I bought one)

I don't think anything you can do from python/user-space should be
able to lock up the kernel mode serial driver.  If it does lock up it
is a driver bug.

Here you'll find a little program I wrote which, with the help of a
loopback connector, you can check your serial port out

Run the program from a cmd prompt and it will tell you how to use it.

I've broken a lot of serial port drivers with that program ;-)

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread vertigo

 Perhaps you meant something more along the lines of this:

 def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
   number = 0
   for index, word in enumerate(words):
   print %s %f % (index, word)
   number = number + 1
   print Total words: %d %(number)
 0 0.00
 1 1.00
 2 2.00
 3 3.00
 4 4.00
 5 5.00
 6 6.00
 7 7.00
 8 8.00
 9 9.00
 Total words: 10

 Or similar; I can't read your mind. Just know that enumerate(iterable)
 yields (index, value) for each item in iterable.

sorry, i was not precise. words is a dictionary.
1. How can i show it's all variable (with key and value) ?
2. How can i show sorted dictionary (by key) ?
3. Is there any function which could do fast iteration on elements of  
sorted dictionary ?


Re: textwrap.dedent replaces tabs?

2006-12-17 Thread Frederic Rentsch
Tom Plunket wrote:
 CakeProphet wrote:

 Hmmm... a quick fix might be to temporarily replace all tab characters
 with another, relatively unused control character.

 MyString = MyString.replace(\t, chr(1))
 MyString = textwrap.dedent(MyString)
 MyString = MyString.replace(chr(1), \t)

 Of course... this isn't exactly safe, but it's not going to be fatal,
 if it does mess something up. As long as you don't expect receiving any
 ASCII 1 characters.

 Well, there is that small problem that there are leading tabs that I
 want stripped.  I guess I could manually replace all tabs with eight
 spaces (as opposed to 'correct' tab stops), and then replace them when
 done, but it's probably just as easy to write a non-destructive dedent.

 It's not that I don't understand /why/ it does it; indeed I'm sure it
 does this so you can mix tabs and spaces in Python source.  Why anyone
 would intentionally do that, though, I'm not sure.  ;)


This should do the trick:

  Dedent = re.compile ('^\s+')
  for line in lines: print Dedent.sub ('', line)




  text = s = '''   # Dedent demo
No indent
   Three space indent
\tOne tab indent
   \t\tThree space, two tab indent
\t  \tOne tab, two space, one tab indent with two tabs here \t\t'''

  print text
print s
   # Dedent demo
No indent
   Three space indent
One tab indent
   Three space - two tab indent
   One tab - two spaces - one tab indent with two tabs here 

  for line in text.splitlines (): print Dedent.sub ('', line)

# Dedent demo
No indent
Three space indent
One tab indent
Three space - two tab indent
One tab - two spaces - one tab indent with two tabs here 



Re: tuple.index()

2006-12-17 Thread Roy Smith
greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A Python tuple is like a C struct, and a Python list is like a C array.

A Python list is more like C++/STL vector than an array, but that's 
probably picking nits.

The real problem is that while the *intent* of the Python tuple is to act 
like a C/C++ struct (again, the C++ flavor is a better analogy, since 
tuples have methods), that's a poor comparison.

The struct does lookup by name, the tuple is inherently index based.  Yes, 
I know that the struct element names are converted to offsets by the 
compiler, but from the programming interface point of view, they're named 
elements.  In that respect, a Python dict is a better analogy for a C++ 
struct than a tuple is.

Also, consider that tuples and lists are completely fungible.  For any list 
l, list(tuple(l)) is an identity operation.  The same is true of 
tuple(list(t)) for any tuple t.  That implies that neither one contains any 
information that the other one doesn't.

Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 The advantage of static typing in this context is that the variable still 
 holds the type even if the value happens to be null. Any value that has been 
 exposed to user input comes back as a string and has to be validated and 
 converted to the correct data type. Static typing provides a convenient 
 place to generically find out what that type is, to drive a 
 validator/convertor. There are many ways to do the equivalent in Python, and 
 I'm interested in any suggestions that save me some work.

While this information in statically typed languages _can_ be used (but 
not always is, in a web context), it also is available in the database 
schema, which ultimately decides what it groks and what not.

But this is - especially in web-development - only half the truth. 
Because even such a simple thing as reading a float value from the user 
gets complicated in the presence of different locales. It buys you 
nothing then to have static type declarations available.

A decent framework for webdevelopment, as e.g. TurboGears, allows you to 
declare form field validation and coercion rules, thus on a higher 
application level (your code), you only deal with the correctly typed 


Class and instance question

2006-12-17 Thread rzed
I'm confused (not for the first time). 

I create these classes:

class T(object):
def __new__(self):
self.a = 1

class X(T):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 4

class Y:
def __init__(self):
self.a = 4

class Z(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 4

... and these instances:

t = T()
x = X()
y = Y()
z = Z()

and I want to examine the 'a' attributes.

 print T.a
 print y.a
 print z.a

So far, it's as I expect, but:

 print x.a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'

 print t.a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'

So what the heck is 'T'? It seems that I can't instantiate it or 
derive from it, so I guess it isn't a proper class. But it's 
something; it has an attribute. What is it? How would it be used 
(or, I guess, how should the __new__() method be used)? Any hints?


Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread fumanchu
dyork wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  If you actually look at what the various DB-API adapters produce
  when sending to the database engine, floats, bools, etc. are all sent as
  string representations; about the only source for problems would be
  involved in the number of significant digits transferred for a float
  (you might feed 15 digits in, and only get 7 or 10 back)

 Having written adapters myself, I would not be confident that is true. It's
 convenient to use native formats for floats and ints, and strings for
 everything else. Regardless, you get trouble with (a) nulls (b) dates/times
 (c) decimal/currency (d) precision mismatches (e)  collation mismatches (f)
 blobs (g) Unicode (h) special values like NaN. It takes great attention to
 detail to be sure it all works, and I really don't want to write it (again).

 I'd just like to choose some product X and It Just Works!

Ah. Then feel free to have a look at Dejavu, wherein I've worked all
that out for you (okay, not NaN, but that wouldn't be hard).

A quick look over
shows proper string escaping, correct handling of 1/0 for True and
False, encoding, max precision, CURDATE, automatic scaling to BLOB
columns for bytes  255, and BLOB index limitations. All of the Null,
date/time, decimal, unicode, and other type adaptation support is in
the generic

The same goes for Postgres, MS Access, SQLite, and SQL Server. Firebird
and sqlite3 are in the works.

Simple docs at

Robert Brewer
System Architect
Amor Ministries


Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread Juho Schultz
vertigo wrote:
  Perhaps you meant something more along the lines of this:
  def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
  number = 0
  for index, word in enumerate(words):
  print %s %f % (index, word)
  number = number + 1
  print Total words: %d %(number)
  0 0.00
  1 1.00
  2 2.00
  3 3.00
  4 4.00
  5 5.00
  6 6.00
  7 7.00
  8 8.00
  9 9.00
  Total words: 10
  Or similar; I can't read your mind. Just know that enumerate(iterable)
  yields (index, value) for each item in iterable.

 sorry, i was not precise. words is a dictionary.
 1. How can i show it's all variable (with key and value) ?
 2. How can i show sorted dictionary (by key) ?
 3. Is there any function which could do fast iteration on elements of
 sorted dictionary ?


I hope this helps a bit:

 words = {help:20, copyright:25, credits:35}
# show dictionary
 for w, s in words.iteritems(): print w, s
credits 35
help 20
copyright 25
# show sorted dictionary
# dicts are not ordered, so you have to sort them.
 for w, s in sorted(words.iteritems()): print w, s
copyright 25
credits 35
help 20

Juho Schultz


Re: Wrapping classes with pure virtual functions

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Lambacher
On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 01:57:10PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having problems wrapping a hierarchy of classes, actually having
 problems wrapping the base class. I don't need to use the WrapClass
 mechanism since I don't want to override classes in Python. My code
 boils down to:
 class Base
   virtual ~Base()
   virtual void f() = 0;
 class Derived :
   public Base
   virtual void f()
   void g()
 int main()
   boost::python::class_Base class_base(Base);
Why are you trying to make this type visible to python?  It is pure virtual,
you can never instantiate it.
   boost::python::class_Derived class_derived(Derived);
   return 0;
 The first line inside main (the one exporting Base) is causing the
 compile time error:
 error C2259: 'Base' : cannot instantiate abstract class...
 The probem seems to be that struct value_holderBase holds a Base
 member instance by value, and this is not possible since Base can't be
 I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and boost 1.33.1.

Re: Class and instance question

2006-12-17 Thread Marco Wahl
rzed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

To simplify take

 class T(object):
 def __new__(self):
 self.a = 1


t = T()

and then you get

 print t.a
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'

While T.a is 1.

 So what the heck is 'T'? It seems that I can't instantiate it or
 derive from it, so I guess it isn't a proper class. But it's
 something; it has an attribute. What is it?

I don't know.

 How would it be used
 (or, I guess, how should the __new__() method be used)? Any hints?

The __new__ method should return the class.  In your
case return is None.  Further the parametername for the
__new__ method should be better cls to have a
distinction to the usual self for instances.


Best wishes


Why there isn't a sort method for array ?

2006-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that an array acts like an list very much, except it doesn't 
have a method sort.



Re: OT : Bug/Issue tracking systems

2006-12-17 Thread Phil Schmidt

I have worked with Trac a bit, only to demo it in my company. We ended
up not going with it (for reasons not related to Trac), but I found it
easy to set up and configure. I seems to be a very nice tool. I
especially like the wiki integration, as it makes it really easy to
link tickets with supporting information.



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 07:54:28 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 What if eager impurity isn't the very nature of the problem but, rather,
 is the very nature of Tilton's chosen solution?

That's the whole point which you keep missing - that a programming 
language is expressive precisely to the extent that it allows you to 
express the solution in the *programmer's* chosen form, not the 
paradigm imposed by the language.

You look down your nose at cells, but if that's the way kenny conceived 
of the problem - as a graph of changing state, why should he be forced 
to reconceptualize it according to someone else's notion of programming 
correctness (be that pure functional or any other paradigm)?

By asking this question you've implicitly admitted that to solve it *as 
he thought of it* in a pure functional language would require 
reconceptualizing it (i.e., the aforementioned jumping through 
hoops). We don't want to reconceptualize everything according to a 
particular paradigm, we want the flexibility to write the solution to 
the problem in the terms we think and talk about it, not the 
procrustean bed of pure functional semantics.


Re: converting mysql db into sqlite3.

2006-12-17 Thread skip

gordy You could probably use the mysqldump command with the proper
gordy options to export the contents of your mysql database to an ASCII
gordy text file that contains the SQL insert statements.  

Not sure where the original post is.  All I see is this reply.
In case the OP is listening, I believe you can do this in a fairly
straightforward manner with SQLAlchemy.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 07:54:28 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 After all,
 Haskell and OCaml are more popular that any given Lisp variant with similar
 features (e.g. pattern matching), AFAIK.

What doublespeak!

haskell and ocaml are more popular than any lisp library that tries to 
imitate Haskell and ocaml. So what! This only speaks to the relative 
unpopularity of imitating these features of haskell and ocaml when you 
already have lisp.


Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-17 Thread John Machin

dyork wrote:
 Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  This may come as a shock to you, but MySQL is not the only database
  engine on the planet. Your recommendation may apply to MySQL, but it is
  not true for all databases in general. I can name at least two examples
  (Informix and Oracle) of database engines that are supported under
  Python 2.5, and if I were less lazy I could probably find more.

 Of course, no question about it.

 However, the database is currently in MySQL and it's convenient to keep
 working with it, given the other apps and other tools I'm using.

 This would be the first time I've been told: don't use that database, the
 language doesn't like it.

Simple fact: mySQLdb is not yet available for Python 2.5.
Nobody has said (or even hinted) that the language doesn't like it.


Re: Wrapping classes with pure virtual functions

2006-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris Lambacher wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 01:57:10PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having problems wrapping a hierarchy of classes, actually having
  problems wrapping the base class. I don't need to use the WrapClass
  mechanism since I don't want to override classes in Python. My code
  boils down to:
  class Base
  virtual ~Base()
  virtual void f() = 0;
  class Derived :
  public Base
  virtual void f()
  void g()
  int main()
  boost::python::class_Base class_base(Base);
 Why are you trying to make this type visible to python?  It is pure virtual,
 you can never instantiate it.

Because I want to use subclasses of Base polymorphically from Python.
Python will receive an instance of some Base subclass through a another
exported function.

  boost::python::class_Derived class_derived(Derived);
  return 0;
  The first line inside main (the one exporting Base) is causing the
  compile time error:
  error C2259: 'Base' : cannot instantiate abstract class...
  The probem seems to be that struct value_holderBase holds a Base
  member instance by value, and this is not possible since Base can't be
  I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and boost 1.33.1.


Re: Class and instance question

2006-12-17 Thread Colin J. Williams
rzed wrote:
 I'm confused (not for the first time). 
 I create these classes:
 class T(object):
 def __new__(self):
 self.a = 1
 class X(T):
 def __init__(self):
 self.a = 4
 class Y:
 def __init__(self):
 self.a = 4
 class Z(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self.a = 4
 ... and these instances:
 t = T()
 x = X()
 y = Y()
 z = Z()
 and I want to examine the 'a' attributes.
 print T.a
 print y.a
 print z.a
 So far, it's as I expect, but:
 print x.a
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'
 print t.a
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'
 So what the heck is 'T'? It seems that I can't instantiate it or 
 derive from it, so I guess it isn't a proper class. But it's 
 something; it has an attribute. What is it? How would it be used 
 (or, I guess, how should the __new__() method be used)? Any hints?
__new__ should return something.  Since there is no return statement, 
None is returned.

You might try something like:

class T(object):
   def __new__(cls):
 cls= object.__new__(cls)
 cls.a= 1
 return cls
t= T()
print t.a

Colin W.


Re: No latin9 in Python?

2006-12-17 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
 Christoph Zwerschke schrieb:
 Shall I proceed writing such a patch? Shall I also add latin0 and l0
 which are other inofficial aliases?
 Sure, go ahead. I see no need for the latin0/l0 aliases, though: they
 predate the formal adoption of iso-8859-15, and should be phased out
 by now (I'm sure that somebody will provide an example of a software
 that still uses it, but I likely won't find that single example

Ok, I'll add the alias for latin9, the completely missing latin10, and 
will also have a look whether some other things are missing. But 
probably I'll only get round to doing so after the Christmas holidays.

-- Christoph

Re: How to test if two strings point to the same file or directory?

2006-12-17 Thread Sandra-24
It looks like you can get a fairly good apporximation for samefile on
win32. Currently I'm using the algorithm suggested by Tim Chase as it
is good enough for my needs.

But if one wanted to add samefile to the ntpath module, here's the
algorithm I would suggest:

If the passed files do not exist, apply abspath and normcase to both
and return the result of comparing them for equality as strings.

If both paths pass isfile(), try the mecahnism linked to in this thread
which opens both files at the same time and compares volume and index
information. Return this result. If that raises an error (maybe they
will not allow us to open them) Try comparing them using the approach
suggested by Tim Chase, but if that works there should be some
indication given that the comparison may not be accurate (raise a
warning?). If that also fails, raise an error.

This should allow samfile to be used on win32 in well over 99.9% of
cases with no surprises. For the rest it will either return a result
that is likely correct with a warning of some kind, or it will fail
entirely. It's not perfect, but you can't acheive perfection here. It
would, however, have far less surprises than newbies using == to
compare paths for equality. And it would also make os.path.samefile
available on another platform.

os.path.sameopenfile could be implemented perfectly using the
comparison of volume and index information alone (assuming you can get
a win32 handle out of the open file object, which I think you can)

If someone would be willing to write a patch for the ntpath tests I
would be willing to implement samefile as described above or as agreed
upon in further discussion. Then we can submit it for inclusion in the


Re: tuple.index()

2006-12-17 Thread Nick Maclaren

greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
|  A collection is inhomogeneous if, for some attribute that is needed
|  for at least one action on at least one element of the collection,
|  the attribute is not shared by all elements of the collection.
| If you mean attribute in the Python sense, then this
| is wrong, because you're just defining it in terms of
| concrete types again.

No, I am not.  I am using it in the normal English sense.

| There is no rigorous definition in Python terms, because
| Python doesn't formally embody the concept. But that
| doesn't mean the concept isn't real.

Of course the concept is real, but the point is that Python doesn't
embody the concept of homogeneity in lists, formally or informally,
as far as I know or anyone has pointed out.

Nick Maclaren.

Re: Changing variable to integer

2006-12-17 Thread vertigo
On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 17:00:46 +0100, Juho Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 vertigo wrote:
  Perhaps you meant something more along the lines of this:
  def PrintWordCountFloat(words):
 number = 0
 for index, word in enumerate(words):
 print %s %f % (index, word)
 number = number + 1
 print Total words: %d %(number)
  0 0.00
  1 1.00
  2 2.00
  3 3.00
  4 4.00
  5 5.00
  6 6.00
  7 7.00
  8 8.00
  9 9.00
  Total words: 10
  Or similar; I can't read your mind. Just know that enumerate(iterable)
  yields (index, value) for each item in iterable.

 sorry, i was not precise. words is a dictionary.
 1. How can i show it's all variable (with key and value) ?
 2. How can i show sorted dictionary (by key) ?
 3. Is there any function which could do fast iteration on elements of
 sorted dictionary ?


 I hope this helps a bit:

 words = {help:20, copyright:25, credits:35}
 # show dictionary
 for w, s in words.iteritems(): print w, s
 credits 35
 help 20
 copyright 25
 # show sorted dictionary
 # dicts are not ordered, so you have to sort them.
 for w, s in sorted(words.iteritems()): print w, s
 copyright 25
 credits 35
 help 20

Thanx, it's working :)

length of multidimensional table

2006-12-17 Thread vertigo

i have:
x = zeros([3,4],Float)

how can i check how many rows and columns x have ?
(what is the X and Y size of that table) ?


Re: length of multidimensional table

2006-12-17 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], vertigo wrote:

 i have:
 x = zeros([3,4],Float)
 how can i check how many rows and columns x have ?
 (what is the X and Y size of that table) ?

Try `x.getshape()`.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Jon Harrop
Raffael Cavallaro wrote:
 On 2006-12-17 07:54:28 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 What if eager impurity isn't the very nature of the problem but,
 rather, is the very nature of Tilton's chosen solution?
 That's the whole point which you keep missing - that a programming
 language is expressive precisely to the extent that it allows you to
 express the solution in the *programmer's* chosen form, not the
 paradigm imposed by the language.

That is the ideal, yes.

In practice, different languages encourage you to use different solutions.
For example, when faced with a problem best solved using pattern matching
in Lisp, most Lisp programmers would reinvent an ad-hoc, informally
specified and bug-ridden pattern matcher of their own. Do you not think
that Lispers typically compile their high-level algorithms into low-level
Lisp constructs like COND or IF?

 You look down your nose at cells, but if that's the way kenny conceived
 of the problem - as a graph of changing state, why should he be forced
 to reconceptualize it according to someone else's notion of programming
 correctness (be that pure functional or any other paradigm)?

Kenny isn't being forced to do anything.

 By asking this question you've implicitly admitted that to solve it *as
 he thought of it* in a pure functional language would require
 reconceptualizing it (i.e., the aforementioned jumping through

You are saying that solving it as he solved it requires a different
solution. How does that make Lisp any different to the next language?

 We don't want to reconceptualize everything according to a 
 particular paradigm, we want the flexibility to write the solution to
 the problem in the terms we think and talk about it, not the
 procrustean bed of pure functional semantics.

Of the programming paradigms that can be implemented in Lisp, Lisp doesn't
exactly make them easy. Moreover, every time you pick a random Lisp library
off the wall to implement some feature already found in most other
languages, you fragment the already tiny user base into even fewer people.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: length of multidimensional table

2006-12-17 Thread Wojciech Muła
vertigo wrote:
 i have:
 x = zeros([3,4],Float)

 how can i check how many rows and columns x have ?
 (what is the X and Y size of that table) ?

Data member x.shape (tuple) contains
dimensions of array.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Jon Harrop
Raffael Cavallaro wrote:
 haskell and ocaml are more popular than any lisp library that tries to
 imitate Haskell and ocaml.

Implementing pattern matching does not mean imitating Haskell or OCaml.

 This only speaks to the relative  
 unpopularity of imitating these features of haskell and ocaml when you
 already have lisp.

On the contrary, Lisp predates the features and, since their inception, most
Lisp programmers have moved on to newer languages.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: Wrapping classes with pure virtual functions

2006-12-17 Thread Carl Banks
 Chris Lambacher wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 01:57:10PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm having problems wrapping a hierarchy of classes, actually having
   problems wrapping the base class. I don't need to use the WrapClass
   mechanism since I don't want to override classes in Python. My code
   boils down to:
   class Base
 virtual ~Base()
 virtual void f() = 0;
   class Derived :
 public Base
 virtual void f()
 void g()
   int main()
 boost::python::class_Base class_base(Base);
  Why are you trying to make this type visible to python?  It is pure virtual,
  you can never instantiate it.

 Because I want to use subclasses of Base polymorphically from Python.
 Python will receive an instance of some Base subclass through a another
 exported function.

I don't know much about Boost.  Does it have anything like

You can't get polymorphism by direct access to a class.  C++ compiler
always knows the exact type of a direct, non-pointer-accessed object.
So even if you could create a class_Base, it would only ever be a
Base, and never a derived class.  You have to use pointers to get

As an alternative, consider wrapping the derived classes instead.  It
might not be much more work if Boost wraps everything nicely.

Carl Banks


first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread Evan
In matlab I can do the following:

 ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
ind = 3 5 7 2 4 7 824
 ind(1)  ans = 3
 ind(end) ans =24
 ind([1 end])  ans =  324

but I can't get the last line in python:

In [690]: ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
In [691]: ind[0]Out[691]: 3
In [692]: ind[-1:]  Out[692]: [24]
In [693]:  ??

How do I pull out multiple indices as in matlab?

Thanks, Evan


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 12:49:46 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 For example, when faced with a problem best solved using pattern matching
 in Lisp, most Lisp programmers would reinvent an ad-hoc, informally
 specified and bug-ridden pattern matcher of their own.

No, I think most of us would use an exising lisp pattern matcher, like 

 By asking this question you've implicitly admitted that to solve it *as
 he thought of it* in a pure functional language would require
 reconceptualizing it (i.e., the aforementioned jumping through
 You are saying that solving it as he solved it requires a different
 solution. How does that make Lisp any different to the next language?

Give kenny some credit for not being a complete idiot. Cells was 
originally designed to keep UI elements in sync with an internal 
application model. The UI domain is I/O, i.e., a side effect. To do 
this lazily invites situations where an inherently unpredictable user 
action forces a complex series of constraints to be computed before 
anything can be displayed to the user, so the user must wait while the 
lazy system catches up. To do this eagerly means that at any time, any 
unpredictable user action will cause already computed state to be 
displayed, because everything has been kept up to date automatically 
all along.

I'm saying that he conceived of the problem in the most natural way - 
state with mutations - and implemented it that way. He was not forced 
by his language to reconceive it purely functionally, have haskell 
implement the default lazy semantics, only to require the programmer to 
find an escape hatch from this default laziness since what he really 
wants is eager evaluation of side effects (i.e., I/O - syncing of model 
state with GUI display).

People habitually think of the world as state and mutations of state. 
We've been doing so for a minimum of tens of thousands of years, quite 
possibly a million or more. People are good at thinking about mutation. 
Maybe this should tell us something about the desirability of certain 
programming language semantics and that referential transparency is a 
bit overrated.

 We don't want to reconceptualize everything according to a particular 
 paradigm, we want the flexibility to write the solution to
 the problem in the terms we think and talk about it, not the
 procrustean bed of pure functional semantics.
 Of the programming paradigms that can be implemented in Lisp, Lisp doesn't
 exactly make them easy. Moreover, every time you pick a random Lisp library
 off the wall to implement some feature already found in most other
 languages, you fragment the already tiny user base into even fewer people.

Not all lisp programmers will be solving the same sorts of problems as 
each other, so naturally they'll be using different sets of libraries. 
This use of different sets of libraries for different tasks doesn't 
constitute laguage fragmentation.


Re: Wrapping classes with pure virtual functions

2006-12-17 Thread Roman Yakovenko

On 14 Dec 2006 13:57:10 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'm having problems wrapping a hierarchy of classes, actually having
problems wrapping the base class. I don't need to use the WrapClass
mechanism since I don't want to override classes in Python. My code
boils down to:

class Base
virtual ~Base()

virtual void f() = 0;

class Derived :
public Base
virtual void f()

void g()

int main()
boost::python::class_Base class_base(Base);
boost::python::class_Derived class_derived(Derived);
return 0;

namespace bpl = boost::python;
bpl::class_Base, boost::noncopyable(Base, bpl::no_init )
   .def( f, bpl::pure_virtual( Base::f ) );

bpl::class_ Derived, bpl::bases Base  ( Derived )
   .def( f, Derived::f )
   .def( g, Derived::g );

Few comments:
1. It is better to ask Boost.Python related questions on its mailing list:
2. If you just start with Boost.Python, try Py++
  ( )
Boost.Pythoncode generator
  It has nice GUI ( no need to learn any API ):

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

Re: first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread Rob Williscroft
Evan wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in 

 In matlab I can do the following:
 ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 ind = 3 5 7 2 4 7 824
 ind(1)  ans = 3
 ind(end) ans =24
 ind([1 end])  ans =  324
 but I can't get the last line in python:
 In [690]: ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 In [691]: ind[0]Out[691]: 3
 In [692]: ind[-1:]  Out[692]: [24]
 In [693]:  ??
 How do I pull out multiple indices as in matlab?

[ind[0], ind[-1]]

or if you need something that can be generalised:

  [ind[i] for i in [0, -1]]

so if you have:

  indexes_of_ind = [0, 2, -1, -2]

you can write:

  [ind[i] for i in indexes_of_ind]


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 12:52:34 -0500, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Implementing pattern matching does not mean imitating Haskell or OCaml.

We were explicitly comparing lisp with haskell and ocaml. Adding 
features built into haskell and ocaml but not present in ANSI common 
lisp would therefore constitute imitating haskell and ocaml in the 
context of this discussion. Surely you don't think I'm unaware of the 
fact that haskell and ocaml weren't the first languages to use some 
form of pattern matching. I acutally used SNOBOL once upon a time.


url filtering

2006-12-17 Thread vertigo

I want to do some text analysis based on html documents grabbed from  
Is there any library which could allow me easily getting text from html  
(cutting javascript, html tags and other not nececary data) ?


Re: url filtering

2006-12-17 Thread Dennis Benzinger
Am Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:14:32 +0100
schrieb vertigo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I want to do some text analysis based on html documents grabbed from  
 Is there any library which could allow me easily getting text from
 html documents
 (cutting javascript, html tags and other not nececary data) ?

Try Beautiful Soup:


Re: first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread Paul McGuire
Evan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 In matlab I can do the following:

 ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 ind = 3 5 7 2 4 7 824
 ind(1)  ans = 3
 ind(end) ans =24
 ind([1 end])  ans =  324

 but I can't get the last line in python:

 In [690]: ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 In [691]: ind[0]Out[691]: 3
 In [692]: ind[-1:]  Out[692]: [24]
 In [693]:  ??

 How do I pull out multiple indices as in matlab?

 Thanks, Evan

Or use the third element of a slice, which defines a stepsize, and pick a 
step that will go from the first to the last element:

 lst = list(ABCDEFG)
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
['A', 'G']

-- Paul



2006-12-17 Thread vertigo

What library/functions/classes could i use to create trees ?


Re: trees

2006-12-17 Thread Fredrik Lundh
vertigo wrote:

 What library/functions/classes could i use to create trees ?

what kind of trees?  using lists, tuples, or a class with child pointers 
is so extremely simple so it has to be something else you're after...



RE: trees

2006-12-17 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
vertigo wrote:

 What library/functions/classes could i use to create trees ?

I would suggest either a horticultural or religious class. I'm sure that
any library will contain functional texts on both.

Or you could just read the following:

Tim Delaney

Re: Need Simple Way To Determine If File Is Executable

2006-12-17 Thread Tim Roberts
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 16 dic, 04:47, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
os.stat(selected)[ST_MODE]  (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH

This will tell you that x.exe is executable, even if x.exe contains
 nothing but zeros.

Isn't the same with any other recipe, portable or not? Unless the OS
actually tries to load and examine the file contents, which the OS's
I'm aware of, don't do.

Yes, of course, you're right.  I was about to delve into a philosophical
discussion about the difference in handling this between Linux and Windows,
but they're both just conventions.  One is based on an arbitrary flag, one
is based on a file extension.  Contents are irrelevant.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: trees

2006-12-17 Thread John Nagle
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
 vertigo wrote:

What library/functions/classes could i use to create trees ?

SpeedTree, of course.

They have great downloadable demos.

John Nagle

Re: first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread Beliavsky

Evan wrote:
 In matlab I can do the following:

  ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 ind = 3 5 7 2 4 7 824
  ind(1)  ans = 3
  ind(end) ans =24
  ind([1 end])  ans =  324

 but I can't get the last line in python:

 In [690]: ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 In [691]: ind[0]Out[691]: 3
 In [692]: ind[-1:]  Out[692]: [24]
 In [693]:  ??

 How do I pull out multiple indices as in matlab?

If you want functionality similar to Matlab in Python, you should use
Numpy, which has the take function to do what you want.


Re: Need Simple Way To Determine If File Is Executable

2006-12-17 Thread Roger Upole

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 On 16 dic, 04:47, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
os.stat(selected)[ST_MODE]  (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH

This will tell you that x.exe is executable, even if x.exe contains
 nothing but zeros.

 Isn't the same with any other recipe, portable or not? Unless the OS
 actually tries to load and examine the file contents, which the OS's
 I'm aware of, don't do.

 Gabriel Genellina

On windows, you can use win32file.GetBinaryType to check if a file is actually
a binary executable.


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Re: first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread Robert Kern
Beliavsky wrote:
 Evan wrote:
 In matlab I can do the following:

 ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 ind = 3 5 7 2 4 7 824
 ind(1)  ans = 3
 ind(end) ans =24
 ind([1 end])  ans =  324
 but I can't get the last line in python:

 In [690]: ind = [3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24]
 In [691]: ind[0]Out[691]: 3
 In [692]: ind[-1:]  Out[692]: [24]
 In [693]:  ??

 How do I pull out multiple indices as in matlab?
 If you want functionality similar to Matlab in Python, you should use
 Numpy, which has the take function to do what you want.

Actually, in numpy, we also have fancy indexing similar to Matlab's:

In [1]: from numpy import *

In [2]: ind = array([3,5,7,2,4,7,8,24])

In [3]: ind[[0, -1]]
Out[3]: array([ 3, 24])

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Why there isn't a sort method for array ?

2006-12-17 Thread Tim Roberts

It seems that an array acts like an list very much, except it doesn't 
have a method sort.

What do you mean by array?  There is no such beast in the Python
language.  Do you mean the library module array?
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: first and last index as in matlab

2006-12-17 Thread sturlamolden

It's quite straight forward, actually. What you need to know is that -1
is the index of the last element in a sequence, and that slicing
excludes the 'end' value in 'start:end'. So if you type arr[0:N], you
get the subsequence

[arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], ..., arr[N-1]]

When comparing with Matlab, Python slicing works like this:

arr(1:end)   -  arr[:] or arr[0:]
arr(1:end-1)  - arr[:-1] or arr[0:-1]
arr(1:end-N) - arr[:-N] or arr[0:-N]
arr(end)  - arr[-1]
arr(1)  -  arr[0]
arr(1:2:end)  -  arr[::2] or arr[0::2]
arr(1:2:end-1)  - arr[:-1:2] or arr[0:-1:2]

Python slicing is not completely like Matlab, because it was adoped
from Haskell. It can do the same as Matlab's indexing, but the syntax
is different. If you think Matlab's indexing is more intuitive it is
just because you are more used to it.


Re: Need Simple Way To Determine If File Is Executable

2006-12-17 Thread Tim Daneliuk
Roger Upole wrote:
 Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 On 16 dic, 04:47, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   os.stat(selected)[ST_MODE]  (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH
 This will tell you that x.exe is executable, even if x.exe contains
 nothing but zeros.
 Isn't the same with any other recipe, portable or not? Unless the OS
 actually tries to load and examine the file contents, which the OS's
 I'm aware of, don't do.

 Gabriel Genellina

 On windows, you can use win32file.GetBinaryType to check if a file is actually
 a binary executable.

Yabut ... what about things like batch files?  Does it return them
as executable as well?


PGP Key:

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Slawomir Nowaczyk
On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 14:05:06 -0500
Kirk Sluder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# And there is something that is missing here in arguing about computer
# language notations in relationship to human language readability, or
# correspondence to spoken language. I'm not writing code for another
# human, I'm writing code for a machine. Often, the optimum expression
# of an mathematical concept for a machine is relatively baroque
# compared to the optimum expression for a human being.

Well, the memorable quote from Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs states that Programs should be written for people to read,
and only incidentally for machines to execute.

 Best wishes,
   Slawomir Nowaczyk

If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished.


Re: Why there isn't a sort method for array ?

2006-12-17 Thread John Machin

Tim Roberts wrote:
 It seems that an array acts like an list very much, except it doesn't
 have a method sort.

 What do you mean by array?  There is no such beast in the Python
 language.  Do you mean the library module array?

Indubitably the OP means objects created by the array function in the
array module. Does that help you answer his question?



Re: Good Looking UI for a stand alone application

2006-12-17 Thread Vincent Delporte
On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 09:37:04 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luc Heinrich)
Crossplatform toolkits/frameworks suck. All of them. No exception. If
you want your app to look *AND* feel great on all platform, abstract the
core of your application and embed it in platform native GUI code.

+1. Applications beyond very basic GUI's are better off rewriting the
GUI for each application, while keeping the business logic separate.
Even something as basic as QuickTime sucks on Windows.

I'd be curious to see the source code to Skype: I just installed the
Linux version, and it looks very nice. Maybe it was recompiled with


2006-12-17 Thread Gert Cuykens
I would like to lauch a server from outside the side package directory
how do i specify a path with import

import cherrypy

class HelloWorld:
 def index(self):
  return #external htm file Hello world! = True

if __name__ == '__main__':  # ??? dont know what is this for
 import os.path
 conf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
 cherrypy.tree.mount(HelloWorld()) # ??? dont know what is this for


server.socket_port = 8080

server.thread_pool = 10

Re: Good Looking UI for a stand alone application

2006-12-17 Thread Christophe Cavalaria
Vincent Delporte wrote:

 On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 09:37:04 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luc Heinrich)
Crossplatform toolkits/frameworks suck. All of them. No exception. If
you want your app to look *AND* feel great on all platform, abstract the
core of your application and embed it in platform native GUI code.
 +1. Applications beyond very basic GUI's are better off rewriting the
 GUI for each application, while keeping the business logic separate.
 Even something as basic as QuickTime sucks on Windows.
Read my second reply before reading that part again ;)

 I'd be curious to see the source code to Skype: I just installed the
 Linux version, and it looks very nice. Maybe it was recompiled with
They use QT. Back to read the first part of your post.


New os.path.exists() behavior - bug or feature?

2006-12-17 Thread klappnase
Hi all,
yesterday I installed Python-2.5 and python-2.4.4 on my windows2k box.
When trying to use os.path.exists() to detect which drives are present
on the system I noticed that
these behave differently:

Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type copyright, credits or license() for more information.

 import os
if os.path.exists('%s:\\' % char):
print '%s:\\' % char



Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type copyright, credits or license() for more information.

 import os
if os.path.exists('%s:\\' % char):
print '%s:\\' % char


When I insert a floppy into A: os.path.exists('A:\\') will return True
on Python-2.5, too.
Does anyone know, is this inconsistent behavior a bug or a new feature?

I also noticed that the Tix binaries are no longer present in 2.5, does
anyone know if it is
planned to remove them pemanently?

Thanks in advance



Re: tuple.index()

2006-12-17 Thread greg
Roy Smith wrote:

 The struct does lookup by name, the tuple is inherently index based.

I was trying to help people understand the distinction
we're talking about by showing an example of the same
distinction in another language where it's much clearer.

There are a great many ways in which C structs are
different from Python tuples, and C arrays are different
from Python lists. But they're not the aspects I'm
drawing an analogy between.


Re: Need Simple Way To Determine If File Is Executable

2006-12-17 Thread Roger Upole
Tim Daneliuk wrote:
 Roger Upole wrote:
 Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 On 16 dic, 04:47, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   os.stat(selected)[ST_MODE]  (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH
 This will tell you that x.exe is executable, even if x.exe contains
 nothing but zeros.
 Isn't the same with any other recipe, portable or not? Unless the OS
 actually tries to load and examine the file contents, which the OS's
 I'm aware of, don't do.

 Gabriel Genellina

 On windows, you can use win32file.GetBinaryType to check if a file is 
 a binary executable.


 Yabut ... what about things like batch files?  Does it return them
 as executable as well?

No, it's strictly for binary executables.


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writing serial port data to the gzip file

2006-12-17 Thread Petr Jakes
I am trying to save data it is comming from the serial port continually
for some period.
(expect reading from serial port is 100% not a problem)
Following is an example of the code I am trying to write. It works, but
it produce an empty gz file (0kB size) even I am sure I am getting data
from the serial port. It looks like g.close() does not close the gz
I was reading in the doc:

Calling a GzipFile object's close() method does not close fileobj,
since you might wish to append more material after the compressed

so I am completely lost now...

thanks for your comments.
Petr Jakes
 snippet of the code  
def dataOnSerialPort():
if data:
return data
return 0

while 1:
while dataOnSerialPort():
else: g.close()


Re: Is there a way to push data into Ical from Python ?

2006-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You might find this useful:

The Night Blogger wrote:
 Is there a way to pull  push data into (Apple Mac OS X Calendar) Ical from
 Python ?


Re: tuple.index()

2006-12-17 Thread Roy Smith
 greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Roy Smith wrote:
  The struct does lookup by name, the tuple is inherently index based.
 I was trying to help people understand the distinction
 we're talking about by showing an example of the same
 distinction in another language where it's much clearer.
 There are a great many ways in which C structs are
 different from Python tuples, and C arrays are different
 from Python lists. But they're not the aspects I'm
 drawing an analogy between.

Well, yeah, but it's kind of like saying a tangerine and an orange are 
very different things because one of them is like an apple and the other 
one is like a pear :-)

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Jon Harrop
Kaz Kylheku wrote:
 The removal for the need for manual object lifetime computation does
 not cause a whole class of useful programs to be rejected.

Sometimes you must be able to guarantee that a resource has been disposed
before you can continue. That is why we have finalisers in OCaml and
dispose in .NET (to manage external resources).

 In fact, all previously correct programs continue to work as before,

Removing (external) resource allocation will break some programs.

 and in addition, some hitherto incorrect programs become correct.
 That's an increase in power: new programs are possible without losing
 the old ones.

It is a trade-off. Aside from managing external resources, GC has
performance implications that affect the design decisions of real-time

 Wheas programs can't be made to conform to the pure functional paradigm
 by adjusting the semantics of some API function. Programs which don't
 conform have to be rejected,

You can rephrase any impure program as a pure program (Turing).

  Reliable GC gets rid of a large and
 important class of program errors and makes possible programming in a
 style that relies on it.
 Right. GC gets rid of /program errors/. Pure functional programming
 gets rid of /programs/.

Pure functional programming does not get rid of any programs.

Pure functional programming does get rid of program errors, e.g. concurrency

 You can make languages more powerful by removing features as well as by
 adding them.
 Note that changing the storage liberation request from an imperative to
 a hint isn't the removal of a feature. It's the /addition/ of a
 feature. The new feature is that objects can still be reliably used
 after the implementation was advised by the program that they are no
 longer needed. Programs which do this are no longer buggy. Another new
 feature is that programs can fail to advise the implementation that
 some objects are no longer needed, without causing a leak, so these
 programs are no longer buggy. The pool of non-buggy programs has
 increased without anything being rejected.

You have rejected all programs that rely upon a resource being disposed
before a certain point.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: writing serial port data to the gzip file

2006-12-17 Thread Leo Kislov

Petr Jakes wrote:
 I am trying to save data it is comming from the serial port continually
 for some period.
 (expect reading from serial port is 100% not a problem)
 Following is an example of the code I am trying to write. It works, but
 it produce an empty gz file (0kB size) even I am sure I am getting data
 from the serial port. It looks like g.close() does not close the gz
 I was reading in the doc:

 Calling a GzipFile object's close() method does not close fileobj,
 since you might wish to append more material after the compressed

 so I am completely lost now...

 thanks for your comments.
 Petr Jakes
  snippet of the code  
 def dataOnSerialPort():
 if data:
 return data
 return 0

 while 1:
 while dataOnSerialPort():
 else: g.close()

Your while loop is discarding result of dataOnSerialPort, so you're
probably writing empty string to the file many times. Typically this
kind of loop are implemented using iterators. Check if your s object
(is it from external library?) already implements iterator. If it does

for data in s:

is all you need. If it doesn't, you can use iter to create iterator for

for data in iter(s.readLine, ''):

  -- Leo


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Paul Rubin
Kaz Kylheku [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Incorrect, I believe.  The above is like saying Lisp's lack of
  optional manual storage allocation and machine pointers makes Lisp
  less powerful.
 That is true. By itself, that feature makes Lisp less poweful for
 real-world software dev, which is why we have implementation-defined
 escape hatches for that sort of thing.
 This is a bad analogy to the bondage-and-discipline of purely
 functional languages. [/] The removal for the need for manual object
 lifetime computation does not cause a whole class of useful programs
 to be rejected.

Did you just say two conflicting things?  It's that very rejection
that necessitates the escape hatches.  

 In fact, all previously correct programs continue to work as before,
 and in addition, some hitherto incorrect programs become correct.
 That's an increase in power: new programs are possible without losing
 the old ones.

There's more to power than making more programs possible.  We also
want to be able to distinguish correct programs from incorrect ones.
Lisp has the power to eliminate a large class of pointer-related
errors that are common in C programs, so Lisp is more powerful than C
in that regard.  Increasing the number of programs one can write in
the unfounded hope that they might be correct is just one way to
increase power.  You can sometimes do that by adding features to the
language.  Increasing the number of programs you can write that are
demonstrably free of large classes of errors is another way to
increase power.  You can sometimes do that by REMOVING features.
That's what the Lisp holdouts don't seem to understand.

 Right. GC gets rid of /program errors/. Pure functional programming
 gets rid of /programs/.

GC also gets rid of programs.  There are programs you can write in C
but not in Lisp, like device drivers that poke specific machine

 /Pure/ functional programming isn't about adding the feature of
 functional programming. It's about  eliminating other features which
 are not functional programming.

It seems to me that Haskell does some mumbo-jumbo to be purely
functional only in some theoretical sense.  In practice, its purity is
enforced only in functions with a certain class of type signatures
(i.e. most functions).  You can write impure code when needed, by
adding certain monads to the type signature of your function.  The
point is Haskell's static type system can then tell exactly which
parts of your code are pure and which are impure.  If you do something
impure in a funciton with the wrong signature, you get a compile time
error.  You can choose to write in a style that separates pure from
impure functional code in a Lisp program, but the compiler can't check
it for you.  If you get it wrong and call an impure function from your
pure code (say in a lock-free concurrent program), all kinds of
obscure bugs can result, like pointer errors in a C program.

Re: Class and instance question

2006-12-17 Thread Scott David Daniels
Colin J. Williams wrote:
 rzed wrote:
 class T(object):
 def __new__(self):
 self.a = 1
 t = T()

 and I want to examine the 'a' attributes.

 print T.a
 print t.a
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'a'

 So what the heck is 'T'? It seems that I can't instantiate it or 
 derive from it, so I guess it isn't a proper class. But it's 
 something; it has an attribute. What is it? How would it be used (or, 
 I guess, how should the __new__() method be used)? Any hints?

 __new__ should return something.  Since there is no return statement, 
 None is returned.
 You might try something like:
 class T(object):
   def __new__(cls):
 cls= object.__new__(cls)
 cls.a= 1
 return cls
 t= T()
 print t.a

Or, to use a bit more revealing names:
  class NewT(object):
  def __new__(class_):
  instance = object.__new__(class_)
  instance.a = 1
  return instance

You might have figured more of this out with:

  t = T()
  print repr(t)
  newt = NewT()
  print repr(newt)

--Scott David Daniels

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread xscottg

Paul Rubin wrote:

 [...]  There are programs you can write in C
 but not in Lisp, like device drivers that poke specific machine

I should assume you meant Common Lisp, but there isn't really any
reason you couldn't

 (poke destination (peek source))

in some version of Lisp that was meant for writing device drivers
(perhaps under a Lisp machine or something).

SIOD actually has (%%% memref address) for peek.


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