Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 25)

2007-06-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  [R]edundant/useless/misleading/poor code is worse than
wrong. - Michele Simionato

Unit tests are not a magic wand that discover every problem that a
program could possibly have. - Paul Rubin

Some tricks to automatically enter the debugger when
an exception happens:

A recurring topic: using uniform collections of

Some concerns about eggs, the way they handle
dependencies, and restrictive environments:

Four different answers from four different persons to
the same problem: how to modify a variable in an outer
scope from inside the inner function

A conspicuous Pythonista shows his italian temper
discussing why redundant statements aren't any good:

A long thread about function annotations in Python 3.0
and its actual usefulness for argument type checking:

This lng thread started more than two weeks ago:
still about macros, programmable syntax, and what is
good for Scheme is not necesarily good for Python:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats.

Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Many Python conferences around the world are in 

Jython 2.2 RC1 is available

2007-06-25 Thread Charlie Groves
The Jython development team is pleased to announce that Jython 2.2rc1
is available for download:
  See for installation

This release candidate features a new socket module with support for
non-blocking sockets and SSL as well as many bug fixes.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

EuroPython 2007: The final week of online registration!

2007-06-25 Thread Paul Boddie
The final week of EuroPython online registration is here, with
registration via the conference Web site ending on Monday 2nd July.
EuroPython 2007 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on Monday 9th,
Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th July.

More information on registration can be found here:


It's not too late to plan your trip to Vilnius and to see influential
figures from the Python community (and other communities) in action:

 * Keynotes, featuring Guido van Rossum (creator of Python), Simon
   (co-creator of Django) and David Axmark (co-founder of MySQL):

 * Invited speakers, including Arlo Belshee (agile development

 * A comprehensive programme of talks, panels, sprints, Open Space and
   Lightning Talks:

See you in Vilnius!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

SpamBayes 1.1a4

2007-06-25 Thread skip

SpamBayes 1.1a4 (the fourth alpha release) is out.  You can download it from
SourceForge:  This is currently a
source only release.  There is as yet no Outlook installer.

What's New in 1.1a4?

Version 1.1a4 introduces a new application,  This
application is tailored to provide spam filtering by non-mail applications
such as Trac, Roundup, MoinMoin or your favorite blogging server.  The
external interface is XML-RPC.  It also implements a plugin architecture so
new protocol adapters can be added easily.

What is SpamBayes?

The SpamBayes project is working on developing a statistical (commonly,
although a little inaccurately, referred to as Bayesian) anti-spam filter,
initially based on the work of Paul Graham. The major difference between
this and other, similar projects is the emphasis on testing newer approaches
to scoring messages. While most anti-spam projects are still working with
the original graham algorithm, we found that a number of alternate methods
yielded a more useful response.

SpamBayes is not a single application. The core code is a message
classifier, however there are several applications available as part of the
SpamBayes project which use the classifier in specific contexts. For the
most part, the current crop of applications all operate on the client side
of things, however, a number of people have experimented with using
SpamBayes on mail servers to classify incoming mail for multiple users.

Contact, Help  Feedback

Please take the new alpha release out for a spin around the block.  Report
any feedback or problems you have with the new functionality to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  To get general help with SpamBayes, send your
questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Skip Montanaro - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: socket on cygwin python

2007-06-25 Thread bacon . chao
On Jun 25, 1:26 pm, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've installed cygwin with latest python 2.5.1, but it seems that the
  socket lib file do NOT support IPv6(cygwin\lib\python2.5\lib-dynload
  \_socket.dll), what can I do if I want to use IPv6?

 Use the Python binaries from If that is not acceptable,
 recompile Python for Cygwin to use WinSock2.


Thanks Martin.

But no VC/C++ tool installed on my PC, and I think recompile this file
it seems necessary. :(
So I tried to find a binary files on, but I can't find it.
Could you tell me the binary location for the file? Thank you.



Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Douglas Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And likewise, good macro programming can solve some problems that no
 amount of linting could ever solve.

I think Lisp is more needful of macros than other languages, because
its underlying primitives are too, well, primitive.  You have to write
all the abstractions yourself.  Python has built-in abstractions for a
few container types like lists and dicts, and now a new and more
general one (iterators), so it's the next level up.  Haskell abstracts
the concept of containers to something called monads, so operations
like loops and list comprehensions fall out automatically (it took me
a while to realize that--Haskell listcomps weren't a bright new idea
someone thought of adding to an otherwise complete language: they were
already inherently present in the list monad operations and their
current syntax is just minor sugaring and is actually restricted on
purpose to make the error messages less confusing).

So, a bunch of stuff one needs macros to do conveniently in Lisp, can
be done with Python's built-in syntax.  And a bunch of stuff that
Python could use macros for, are easily done in Haskell using delayed
evaluation and monads.  And Haskell is starting to grow its own macro
system (templates) but that's probably a sign that an even higher
level language (maybe with dependent types or something) would make
the templates unnecessary.

Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Jun 25, 1:43 am, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This wiki page suggests using a chroot jail to sandbox Python, but
  wouldn't running something like this in your sandboxed Python instance
  still break you out of the chroot jail:

   os.execle ('/usr/bin/python','-c','import os; os.execlp(/bin/sh)',

 Depending on how the chroot jail is set up, this command might not
 work - in the jail, /bin/sh might not exist.

This was my thought too.  I just figured there was something special
about this command that brought one to the real Python intrepreter
and then to the real /bin/sh.  That's odd, my ISP seem adament that
this is a way to break out.  I'll just have to put in the work to test
to locally I guess.

  So is a chroot jail not adequate for sandboxing Python?

 You have to define your threat model. If the threat to prevent is
 a malicious user getting at your data, or spreading a virus
 through your files, then chroot is perfectly adequate.

Yeah, sounds like my threat model.  Maybe prevent someone sending
spam, or DOS from my server too.



Re: subprocess.popen question

2007-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Jun 23, 6:46 am, SPE - Stani's Python Editor
 On Jun 23, 5:35 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  En Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:08:49 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

   I seemed to have it working sorta when I run it and save the results I
   am noticing that inspeit spaces correctly but when I save it to a
   file I can open it in wordpad there is only one line.  when I open in
   up in WinXound (Acsoundeditor) it is double spaced.  if I do it in a
   batch file the output file is spaced correctly..  when I do splitlines
   it is giving me one charecter down the page as output..  Do I need to
   do something or can I do something to put an end of line charecter in
   the output??


  print repr(your_data)

  to see exactly what you got.

  Gabriel Genellina

 Did you take in account that line endings on Windows are '\r\n' and
 not '\n'?

 -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

evedently when they converted awk from unix to windows (gawk) they
left the formating the same..  python is working corectly then.  gawk
seems to return the original line and then the changed line unless I
redirect it to a file  Thanks for the help, at this point it is up
to me to go through the different versions of awk to find out how they
work with the data...  (awke, gawk, mawk, nawk.. exc..)


Re: What was that web interaction library called again?

2007-06-25 Thread Harald Korneliussen
On Jun 22, 8:04 pm, felciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That was it! Thanks, I'd googled for hours.


Re: socket on cygwin python

2007-06-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:03:45 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 So I tried to find a binary files on, but I can't find it.
 Could you tell me the binary location for the file? Thank you.

Go to
Click on DOWNLOAD on the left
Choose the version/release/flavor you want.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-06-25 Thread Rob Warnock
Robert Uhl  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| However, the only two which matter are GNU emacs and XEmacs.
| Both have supported a GUI for 16 years now.  I don't have
| XEmacs installed, so I cannot tell you if it has the tutorial.
| I would be truly surprised if it didn't.

It does. And the default startup splash screen
tells you how to access it.


627 26th Avenue URL:
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607


Re: automatical pdf generating

2007-06-25 Thread Evan Klitzke
On 6/24/07, Jackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, all,

 There are 50 folders in my hard driver C:

 There are 4 pictures in each folder:

 For each folder, I want to print the 4 pictures into a single-paged
 pdf file (letter sized; print horizontally). All together, I want to
 get 50 pdf files with names: 01.pdf,02.pdf,...,50.pdf.

 Is it possible to use Python to realized the above process? I know
 there is a module named reportlab. Is there any easy command in the
 module to do my job?

It might be easier for you to use a simpler scripting language, like
bash. I realize that you're on Windows, but I've done a lot of neat
things to do PDF transformations in the past with bash and pdftk. In
addition to pdftk, there are a number of other open source tools for
manipulating pdfs (and I believe you can also use ImageMagick and
treat them as images). It might be worthwhile to install Cygwin and
explore this option.

Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-25 Thread Douglas Alan
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Douglas Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And likewise, good macro programming can solve some problems that no
 amount of linting could ever solve.

 I think Lisp is more needful of macros than other languages, because
 its underlying primitives are too, well, primitive.  You have to write
 all the abstractions yourself.

Well, not really beause you typically use Common Lisp with CLOS and a
class library.  If you ask me, the more things that can (elegantly) be
moved out of the core language and into a standard library, the

 Python has built-in abstractions for a few container types like
 lists and dicts, and now a new and more general one (iterators), so
 it's the next level up.

Common Lisp has had all these things for ages.

 And a bunch of stuff that Python could use macros for, are easily
 done in Haskell using delayed evaluation and monads.  And Haskell is
 starting to grow its own macro system (templates) but that's
 probably a sign that an even higher level language (maybe with
 dependent types or something) would make the templates unnecessary.

Alas, I can't comment too much on Haskell, as, although I am familiar
with it to some extent, I am far from proficient in it.  Don't worry
-- it's on my to-do list.

I think that first I'd like to take Gerry Sussman's new graduate
class, first, though, and I'll find out how it can all be done in


Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-06-25 Thread David Kastrup
Cor Gest [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Some entity, AKA JackT [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 wrote this mindboggling stuff:

 We don't care about the 1970 version of Emacs,
 because of course back then there WAS NO GUI.

 But if you are blind as bat, any 2007's GUI is useless.

Have you actually talked to a blind person about that?  They often
prefer the GUI applications since they tend to interact better with
screen readers and the accessibility software available for the GUI's
toolkits.  Sounds crazy, I know.

Anyway, Emacs plays in a league of its own for blind people due to

David Kastrup

printing html document with internet explorer

2007-06-25 Thread Fred Terp
I can print from all applications except explorer 7 which will automatically
convert all documents to HTML script before printing. I am sure this is a
simple setting but I can't find it.
Frederick D. Terp
14985 Rivers Edge Court #135
Fort Myers, Florida  33908-7920

Phone:   (239) 822-5439

Fax:(239) 415-8576

E-mail message checked by PC Tools Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.07560

automatically pdf files generating

2007-06-25 Thread Jackie Wang
Hi, all,
  There are 50 folders in my hard driver C:
  There are 4 pictures in each folder:
  For each folder, I want to print the 4 pictures into a single-paged pdf file 
(letter sized; print horizontally). All together, I want to get 50 pdf files 
with names: 01.pdf,02.pdf,...,50.pdf.
  Is it possible to use Python to realized the above process? I know there is a 
module named reportlab. Is there any easy command in the module to do my job?

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot 
with the All-new Yahoo! Mail  --

Re: The Modernization of Emacs

2007-06-25 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 13:02:18 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joel J. Adamson) wrote:
David Kastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 You know you can use something like
 C-x C-f /su::/etc/fstab RET
 (or /sudo::/etc/fstab) in order to edit files as root in a normal
 Emacs session?

 I did not know that.  That will save me huge amounts of time.  You're
 my hero.

If you like `C-x C-f /sudo::...', then it may also please you to know
that Tramp supports other remote access methods too, i.e.:

C-x C-f /ftp:
C-x C-f /ssh:

and it lets Emacs edit files in remote locations, as long as you have a
valid set of username/password credentials for the remote host :-)


convert hex to decimal - ala IBM Maniframe Assembly Language

2007-06-25 Thread Dan McGarigle
In re:


Dear Peter Maas


The Intel 80xxx architecture is horrible when compared to an IBM S/360, or
S/370, or S/390 or Z machines.

IBM mainframes performance is measured in Millions Of Instructions executed
per second, and not on some clock speed,

But rather, how many millions of completed instructions are executed in
1-second. Numbers like 428 are common MIPS rates.

That's 428,000,000 instructions completed by the CPU per second. I can't
relate to how many instructions get executed per second on a 2.8Ghz CPU
because I can't find out how many cycles each Intel instruction takes..

I really don't care how fast a clock goes. I care about how many
instructions are executed per second. 


As for converting a number from Hex to Decimal we do it this way, with one
(1) CVD instruction, on IBM mainframes.

START 0Tell the
assembler to start this program at relative location zero ( 0 ).

HEX2DEC BALR  6,0  Start the program
USING *,6 Tell the assembler to use Register
6 as the base of this program 

B Step01   Branch to Step01
to get started


Hexword   DS   FDefine a storage
area of a 4-byte word.

OutareaDS   PL8 Define a storage
area for an 8-byte packed decimal number, max = 999,999,999,999,999

* This is a comment
i.e. 999 trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand, 999 ones.

Visible  DS   CL15   Define a storage
area for a 15-byte displayable characters area.


Step01   EQU   *

 L R5,Hexword Put the 4-byte
hexadecimal number into General Purpose Register 5.

 CVDR5, Outarea Tell the CPU to
convert the 4-byte number into a 15 digit signed number in displayable

 UNPK  Visible(15),Outarea(8)   Make the 15-digit number

 OIVisible+14,X'F0  Correct the sign of
the last digit.

 BR   R14Return to the
operating system   

 END   Define the
end of the program to the assembler


Of course you didn't need to know any of this, except that I am sick of
hearing how great the Intel architecture is. 

Phooey !

IBM had INTEL beat into the ground in 1967, (way before the 8088 existed)
and has not looked back since.


Thanks for accepting a rant from a stranger.


Dan McGarigle   ( 36 years an IBM mainframe programmer and proud of it,
thank you ! )

El Segundo, CA  


Re: Which XML?

2007-06-25 Thread Stefan Behnel
 On Jun 24, 7:04 pm, Bruno Barberi Gnecco
 I've found a lot of XML libraries for Python. Any advices on which
 one to use (or *not* to use)? My requirements are: support for XPath,
 stability (a must, segfaults are not an option), with DOM API and good
 performance desirable.

 I use the minidom module for most of my XML work, but I don't think it
 has much in the way of XPath. I think lxml might work better for that
 sort of thing and I think it's part of ElementTree:

lxml is not part of ElementTree (only mostly compatible), but it's a must if
you want to have a simple API *and* XPath *and* good performance.

The API is not W3C-DOM compatible, but that's rather a plus IMHO.


Re: urllib interpretation of URL with ..

2007-06-25 Thread Duncan Booth
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is urllib wrong?
 I can't see how. HTTP 1.1 says that the parameter to the GET
 request should be an abs_path; RFC 2396 says that
 /../acatalog/shop.html is indeed an abs_path, as .. is a valid
 segment. That RFC also has a section on relative identifiers
 and normalization; it defines what .. means *in a relative path*.
 Section 4 is explicit about .. in absolute URIs:
 # The syntax for relative URI is a shortened form of that for absolute
 # URI, where some prefix of the URI is missing and certain path
 # components (. and ..) have a special meaning when, and only when,
 # interpreting a relative path.
 Notice the and only when: the browsers who modify above
 URL before sending it seem to be in clear violation of
 RFC 2396.

Section 5.2 is also relevant here. In particular:

   g) If the resulting buffer string still begins with one or more
  complete path segments of .., then the reference is
  considered to be in error.  Implementations may handle this
  error by retaining these components in the resolved path (i.e.,
  treating them as part of the final URI), by removing them from
  the resolved path (i.e., discarding relative levels above the
  root), or by avoiding traversal of the reference.

The common practice seems to be for client-side implementations to handle 
this using option 2 (removing them) and servers to use option 3 (avoiding 
traversal of the reference). urllib uses option 1 which is also correct but 
not as useful as it might be.


Emacs topic should be stopped....

2007-06-25 Thread Gabor Urban

Hi guys,

I was going through most of this topic, but I find this not relevant on THIS
mailing list...

A short summary: there are some people who are not disturbed by proven
facts. They are mostly attackers of emacs/Xemacs or vim... Or even linux and
open source. Quite funny, since this is a mailing list of an open source
programming language. :-

Arguments and logic are not working, it's been a 'religious' flame topic.

I am open to discuss this issue further in private..


Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (September 2007: Simon Fraser University)

2007-06-25 Thread Anthony Jones

The Grant Institute's Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop will be held at Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre, September 12 - 14
, 2007. Interested development professionals, researchers, faculty, and graduate students should register as soon as possible, as demand means that seats will fill up quickly. Please forward, post, and distribute this e-mail to your colleagues and listservs. 

All participants will receive certification in professional grant writing from the Institute. For more information call (213) 817 - 5308 or visit The Grant Institute at

Please find the program description below:

The Grant Institute
Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop
will be held at
Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia
September 12 - 14, 2007
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The Grant Institute's Grants 101 course is an intensive and detailed introduction to the process, structure, and skill of professional proposal writing. This course is characterized by its ability to act as a thorough overview, introduction, and refresher at the same time. In this course, participants will learn the entire proposal writing process and complete the course with a solid understanding of not only the ideal proposal structure, but a holistic understanding of the essential factors, 
which determine whether or not a program gets funded. Through the completion of interactive exercises and activities, participants will complement expert lectures by putting proven techniques into practice. This course is designed for both the beginner looking for a thorough introduction and the intermediate looking for a refresher course that will strengthen their grant acquisition skills. This class, simply put, is designed to get results by creating professional grant proposal writers. 

Participants will become competent program planning and proposal writing professionals after successful completion of the Grants 101 course. In three active and informative days, students will be exposed to the art of successful grant writing practices, and led on a journey that ends with a masterful grant proposal. 

Grants 101 consists of three (3) courses that will be completed during the three-day workshop. 

(1) Fundamentals of Program Planning

This course is centered on the belief that "it's all about the program." This intensive course will teach professional program development essentials and program evaluation. While most grant writing "workshops" treat program development and evaluation as separate from the writing of a proposal, this class will teach students the relationship between overall program planning and grant writing. 

(2) Professional Grant Writing

Designed for both the novice and experienced grant writer, this course will make each student an overall proposal writing specialist. In addition to teaching the basic components of a grant proposal, successful approaches, and the do's and don'ts of grant writing, this course is infused with expert principles that will lead to a mastery of the process. Strategy resides at the forefront of this course's intent to illustrate grant writing as an integrated, multidimensional, and dynamic endeavor. 
Each student will learn to stop writing the grant and to start writing the story. Ultimately, this class will illustrate how each component of the grant proposal represents an opportunity to use proven techniques for generating support.

(3) Grant Research

At its foundation, this course will address the basics of foundation, corporation, and government grant research. However, this course will teach a strategic funding research approach that encourages students to see research not as something they do before they write a proposal, but as an integrated part of the grant seeking process. Students will be exposed to online and database research tools, as well as publications and directories that contain information about foundation, corporation, and 
government grant opportunities. Focusing on funding sources and basic social science research, this course teaches students how to use research as part of a strategic grant acquisition effort.

$597.00 USDtuition includes all materials and certificates.

Each student will receive:
*The Grant Institute Certificate in Professional Grant Writing
*The Grant Institute's Guide to Successful Grant Writing
*The Grant Institute Grant Writer's Workbook with sample proposals, forms, and outlines

Registration Methods

1) On-Line- Complete the online registration form at under Register Now. We'll send your confirmation by e-mail. 

2) By Phone - Call (213) 817 -5308 to register by phone. Our friendly Program Coordinators will be happy to assist you and answer your questions. 

3) By E-mail - Send an e-mail with your name, organization, and basic contact information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will reserve your slot and send your Confirmation 

Re: comparing two lists and returning position

2007-06-25 Thread Charles Sanders
hiro wrote:
 bare in mind that I have a little over 10 million objects in my list
 (l2) and l1 contains around 4 thousand
 objects.. (i have enough ram in my computer so memory is not a

Glad to see you solved the problem with the trailing space.

Just one minor point, I did say

  or probably less efficiently ...

As far as i know, my suggestion's running time is
proportional to len(l1)*len(l2), which gets quite
big for your case where l1 and l2 are large lists.

If I understand how python dictionaries work, Paul Rubin's

  from itertools import izip, count
  pos = map(dict(izip(l2, count())).__getitem__, l1)

or the (I think) approximately equivalent

from itertools import izip, count
d = dict(izip(l2,count()))
pos = [ d[i] for i in l1 ]

or the more memory intensive

d = dict(zip(l2,range(len(l2
pos = [ d[i] for i in l1 ]

should all take take running time proportional to

For len(l1)=4,000 and len(l2)=10,000,000
Paul's suggestion is likely to take
about 1/100th of the time to run, ie
be about 100 times as fast. I was trying
to point out a somewhat clearer and simpler
(but slower) alternative.


multiple python versions of a 3rd party application/libarary

2007-06-25 Thread Karthik Krishnamurthy

  I maintain applications/libraries which I upgrade often at a different
location. For
example if I maintain mercurial at /opt/sfw/mercurial/0.9.3 I have
/opt/sfw/mercurial/0.9.3/lib/python2.4/site-packages. How can I get python
to look into
python2.4 and python2.4/site-packages automatically (assuming it is 2.4) and
for 2.5. That way I can keep them under the same directory.


Re: automatical pdf generating

2007-06-25 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Jackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There are 50 folders in my hard driver C:
  There are 4 pictures in each folder:
  For each folder, I want to print the 4 pictures into a single-paged
  pdf file (letter sized; print horizontally). All together, I want to
  get 50 pdf files with names: 01.pdf,02.pdf,...,50.pdf.

ImageMagick eats this sort of thing for lunch.  It is a set of command
line tools for unix.  You can get them with cygwin also


  montage -geometry 1000x1000+100+100 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 01.pdf

Which resizes each image to a max dimension of 1000 pixels and then
tiles them into a PDF.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
  On Jun 25, 1:43 am, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You have to define your threat model. If the threat to prevent is
  a malicious user getting at your data, or spreading a virus
  through your files, then chroot is perfectly adequate.
  Yeah, sounds like my threat model.  Maybe prevent someone sending
  spam, or DOS from my server too.

It all depends on how much stuff you put in your chroot!

If you don't put bin/sh in the chroot then you'll stop a lot of
exploits from working.

If you don't allow the chrooted user write permission to the chroot
then you will anyone uploading a shell or any other binaries, just
leaving you with the binaries in the chroot to worry about.

Nothing stops someone running os.fork() from python and spawning
processes to do bad stuff.  However in order to do that they would
have to have compromised your .py and sent some code to exec(), or
found a buffer overflow within python.  It is getting increasingly
unlikely but not impossible.

Note that root can break out of a chroot, so your users must
not be root in the chroot.

Chroots provide a reasonable level of security. If you are truly
paranoid about security then you want to check out selinux (as made
originally by the NSA).

From the selinux FAQ :-

  The Security-enhanced Linux kernel enforces mandatory access control
  policies that confine user programs and system servers to the
  minimum amount of privilege they require to do their jobs. When
  confined in this way, the ability of these user programs and system
  daemons to cause harm when compromised (via buffer overflows or
  misconfigurations, for example) is reduced or eliminated.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

ANN: YahooQuote 0.1.0

2007-06-25 Thread DavidM

After a 3-year break from working with it, I've just released version 0.1.0
(the first formally packaged release) of YahooQuote. As the name implies,
it's a stockmarket prices fetcher.

 - easily fetch stock price quotes and histories
 - fetch bulk histories across one or more of the major stockmarket
 - fast efficient automatic caching via a MetaKit database
 - pleasant object-oriented interface
 - thorough epydoc-generated API doco
 - simple examples

This supersedes the unpackaged YahooQuote module of 2004, and brings
YahooQuote up to date with the present Yahoo Finance web interface.

License: LGPL



Re: Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

2007-06-25 Thread Roedy Green
On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:14:08 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Maas,
see wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted
someone who said :

- Stick to astronomical time, which is absolutely consistent but
   which drifts from legal time?

depends what you are measuring. IF you are doing astronomy, your
advice would apply. If you are doing payrolls, you want effectively to
pretend the leap seconds never happened, just as Java does.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
The Java Glossary

Re: is this a valid import sequence ?

2007-06-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 05:08:00 +, Michele Simionato wrote:

 On Jun 24, 1:29 pm, Steven D'Aprano
 I would like to hear your opinion of whether the
 following two functions are equally as wrong:

 def f1(gizmo):
 global spam # holds the frommet needed for the gizmo

 def f2(gizmo):
 # global spam holds the frommet needed for the gizmo

 I'm sure they're both wrong, but I'd like to know if there are degrees of
 I am not Alex Martelli, but I will tell you my opinion anyway.
 To me f2 is not wrong: at worse you can say that the comment
 is redundant since it is already clear from the code that
 spam is a global, but it is not a big deal. As a code
 reviewer I would not have had issues with f2. OTOH I would
 have had serious issues with f1. Since the global
 statement in correct Python  code is solely used to declare
 that a global variable is being set in an inner scope, I
 would have to guess that:
 1. function f1 wrong; maybe the author cut and pasted it
from someplace, forgetting the line where the global
variable spam was set;
 2. maybe f1 is right, but then the author forgot to remove
the global declaration after the cut  paste;
 3. the author does not know Python, and he believes that he
has to use global to denote the fact that the method
gizmo.get_frommet(spam) is setting a global variable.
 So I would have had to look at get_frommet to see that actually
 'spam' is not set there, 

Why do you do that? I'm not arguing that you shouldn't, but I'm trying to
understand your reasoning. Are you assuming (for the sake of the argument)
that there's a bug somewhere in the code? If you're trying to track down a
bug, you'll likely need to look at get_frommet regardless of the presence
or absence of the global statement. Or are you trying to analyze the
entire module? If so, you also have to dig into get_frommet.

(I repeat, I'm not saying you shouldn't, but I'm trying to understand why
you think the way you do.)

 and finally I would have reached the
 conclusion that
 4. the author was completely wrong and used global without
knowing its meaning.

So you're with Alex that redundant == wrong?

I still can't my head around that. To me, redundant and wrong are
orthogonal, not synonyms. 

This code is wrong but not redundant (assuming you have a need for such
a function):

def sin_deg(x):
Return the sine of x degrees.
return math.sin(x/math.pi*180) # oops! should be x*math.pi/180

To me, this code is redundant but not wrong:

def sin(x):
return math.sin(x)

It's not wrong, because it does everything that it is supposed to do, and
nothing that it isn't supposed to do. 

Am I wrong?



Re: The Modernization of Emacs

2007-06-25 Thread Lars Brinkhoff
David Kastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I should think that version 2.3.1 would not even try ftp.  Is that
 on Multics?

Note that the GNU Emacs version jumped directly from 1.12 to 13.
See etc/ONEWS.1.

Re: is this a valid import sequence ?

2007-06-25 Thread Michele Simionato
On Jun 25, 1:46 pm, Steven D'Aprano

 To me, this code is redundant but not wrong:

 def sin(x):
 return math.sin(x)

 It's not wrong, because it does everything that it is supposed to do, and
 nothing that it isn't supposed to do.

I told you, redundant/useless/misleading/poor code is worse than
wrong: wrong code
speaks (you see the bug, you have no choice but to fix it) whereas
code is silent: you see how damaging it is only when doing
maintenance, i.e. too late,
so it tends to perpetuate itself forever (whereas a bug *has* to be
fixed, otherwise
the application does not work).

   Michele Simionato


Re: socket on cygwin python

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
 I've installed cygwin with latest python 2.5.1, but it seems that the
 socket lib file do NOT support IPv6(cygwin\lib\python2.5\lib-dynload
 \_socket.dll), what can I do if I want to use IPv6?

I don't think Cygwin supports IPv6. Use the native Windows Python.
Michael Hoffman

Re: Which XML?

2007-06-25 Thread Paul Boddie
On 25 Jun, 02:04, Bruno Barberi Gnecco
 I've found a lot of XML libraries for Python. Any advices on which
 one to use (or *not* to use)? My requirements are: support for XPath,
 stability (a must, segfaults are not an option), with DOM API and good
 performance desirable.

You might be interested in libxml2dom:

It uses libxml2 under the covers, meaning that it has good performance
and supports XPath, but I can't always guarantee stability: libxml2
can get quite upset in some situations, but I've worked fairly hard to
avoid triggering them. The module API is similar to PyXML/minidom and
I've found some time to add minimal support for DOM events and SVG,
although there's a long way to go in both of these areas. This is a
project with just me as the developer, although there are a number of
helpful users who have kindly provided bug reports and suggestions for
improvements over the years.



Re: Internationalised email subjects

2007-06-25 Thread bugmagnet
I'm an idiot!  Gabriel, you're right!  Turns out the ISP was running
Python 2.3, which has known issues with the GB2312 codec.  They've
upgraded to 2.4 and now everything runs smoothly!


Re: Which XML?

2007-06-25 Thread kyosohma
On Jun 25, 3:47 am, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jun 24, 7:04 pm, Bruno Barberi Gnecco
  I've found a lot of XML libraries for Python. Any advices on which
  one to use (or *not* to use)? My requirements are: support for XPath,
  stability (a must, segfaults are not an option), with DOM API and good
  performance desirable.

  I use the minidom module for most of my XML work, but I don't think it
  has much in the way of XPath. I think lxml might work better for that
  sort of thing and I think it's part of ElementTree:

 lxml is not part of ElementTree (only mostly compatible), but it's a must if
 you want to have a simple API *and* XPath *and* good performance.

 The API is not W3C-DOM compatible, but that's rather a plus IMHO.


Oops, sorry about the mis-information. I mis-read



Re: Changing sound volume

2007-06-25 Thread simon kagwe
 And finally a way that might work using ctypes:


Thanks for your reply.

I had already read about the Snack, but I can't use it since my program uses 
wxPython for the GUI and Snack requires tk. The best option was the ctypes 
method you told me about. I used the code in the sample, but I am getting the 
following error:

exceptions.WindowsError Error 11 while setting volume

The author of the code claims it works. What could be causing the above error?

[ I am using Python 2.4.4 and ctypes 1.0.1 ]



Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-06-25 Thread Martin Gregorie
Twisted wrote:
 The manuals came with the computers, at no additional charge. It was a
 different time. This isn't going to be true of any separately-
 purchased book or user-made printout concerning emacs. Also, the
 manuals provided a basic introduction for the beginning user. A
 traditional-unix-tool providing anything resembling that would
 genuinely shock me.

Oh, so manuals are OK and you'll read them if they are dead trees that 
came in the same box as the software, but not if they're HOWTOs, online 
documentation or O'Reilly books?

 I distinctly remember Winword circa 2002 not being able to
 retroactively change all of a bunch of like-formatted paragraphs
 easily. Not without delving into VBscript or something, anyway.
So you didn't read the free but thick and stodgy Word manual? Styles and 
  style sheets have been in Word since Word for DOS 5. Changing a style 
sheet has always affected all documents that reference it.

 Oh, because the implementation (of reveal codes and of everything
 else) was awful, not because of any intrinsic flaw in the idea itself.

If a word processor, which by definition is provides a WYSIWYG user 
interface, can't produce perfectly formatted text by editing a 
representation of the finished result then its a deeply flawed program 
and not fit for purpose.

By providing 'Reveal codes' and by being designed in such a way as to 
force its regular use, Wordperfect reveals itself as being no better 
than nrof or tex - its like expecting a user to write postscript source 
with a text editor and providing a separate window with a Postscript 
viewer to see what the final result will look like.

 Would you want to edit a Web page without being able to hand-hack the
Of course not, but HTML isn't anything to do with WYSIWYG and any system 
(Coldfusion, Front Page, HTML from Word) that pretends it is WYSIWG is 
both useless and perpetrating a fraud.

 What happened to the guys that did all this stuff after it became
It isn't obsolete despite going back a looong way. The hardware and 
software was originally developed as Future Series (intended S/360 
replacement), was canned in 1970 but resurfaced in the late 80s as 
System/38. A second generation appeared as AS/400, was renamed to (I 
think) Z-series and are now known as iSeries servers. Its good, reliable 
kit and easy to work with if you don't mind programming in RPG.

I know of no better one size fits all interface design than that 
provided by the OS/400 operating system. Its still called that. Its a 
pity the interface style hasn't been emulated by others.

 It would be nice if straightforward macro recording was standard in Windows
It was standard with Win 3.1 and 3.11 and it was bloody useless. Most 
people I know tried it once or twice before giving up and writing .BAT 
files or putting up with RSI. The problem was that it recorded 
keystrokes and mouse clicks. Even minor changes to the screen layout 
made it fail and the macros couldn't be edited or parameterised nor made 
to prompt for filenames, etc.

You can do better with Gnome, thanks to tcl, but I think most people go 
straight to Ruby or stick to plain vanilla shell scripts.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Re: Setuptools, build and install dependencies

2007-06-25 Thread Harry George
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Harry George wrote:

 We need to know the dependencies, install them in dependency order,
 and expect the next package to find them.  configure does this for
 hundreds of packages.  cmake, scons, and others also tackle this
 problem.  Python's old seems to be able to do it.  

 No, generic scripts don't do anything of that kind.

Ok, itself may not do the work, but from the end users'
perspective it works that way. runs a configure and a make,
which in turn find the right already-installed libraries.  The point
is, plays well in such an environment.

 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

Re: Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

2007-06-25 Thread Steve O'Hara-Smith
On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:17:27 GMT
Roedy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:14:08 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Maas,
 see wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted
 someone who said :
 - Stick to astronomical time, which is absolutely consistent but
which drifts from legal time?
 depends what you are measuring. IF you are doing astronomy, your
 advice would apply. If you are doing payrolls, you want effectively to
 pretend the leap seconds never happened, just as Java does.

Which leaves you about 30 seconds out by now - smelly.

C:WIN  |   Directable Mirror Arrays
The computer obeys and wins.| A better way to focus the sun
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Capturing and sending keys {Esperanto}

2007-06-25 Thread AJK
Hello there!

I've been googleing yet, and suppose it's hopeless to try, but better ask it...

I want to write a program which turns Cx to Ĉ, cx to ĉ et al WHILE
TYPING. (i.e. converting Esperanto x-system to real hats, for those
who know about this.) Therefore I though will need to capture the last
2 typed characters (from any application), send a double backspace and
after that send the correct letters (back to the same application)...

However, it seems inpossible to capture those letters, and maybe to
send them too...

Or am I wrong?



(project: - SVN Repository is free
viewable, project is GPL)

Ĉar Dio tiel amis la mondon, ke Li donis Sian solenaskitan Filon, por
ke ĉiu, kiu fidas al li, ne pereu, sed havu eternan vivon.
-Johano 3:16, La sankta Biblio-

Ĝoju ĉiam, preĝu senĉese, pri ĉio donu dankon.
-1 Tesalonikanoj 5:16-18a, La sankta Biblio-

Re: Reading multiline values using ConfigParser

2007-06-25 Thread Phoe6
On Jun 21, 7:34 pm, John Krukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there anyway, I can include multi-line value in the configfile? I

   Following the link to RFC 822 (
   indicates that you can spread values out over multiple lines as long as
   there is a space or tab character imeediately after the CRLF.

  Thanks for the response. It did work!

   config = ConfigParser()
   output = config.get(Information, Testcases)
   print output


  However, as I am going to provide Testcases.txt to be user editable,
  I cannot assume or ask users to provide value testcases surronded by
  spaces. I got to figure out a workaround here.

 Sounds like you're stuck modifying ConfigParser to do what you want, or
 writing your own configuration file parsing utilities.

 From looking through the ConfigParser source, looks like all the parsing

 work is inside the _read method, so shouldn't be too painful to make a
 subclass that does what you want.

I took the approach of Subclassing ConfigParser to support multiline
values without leading white-spaces, but am struct at which position
in _read I should modify to accomodate the non-leading whitespace
based multiline values.

I can guess, this portion in the _read function will require change,
any change to this affects the whole of parsing. :-(  Can someone who
has done this before or understands ConfigParser better help me?

# Section I am talking about
if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and 

value = line.strip()
if value:
cursect[optname] = %s\n%s % 
(cursect[optname], value)

# _read method

def _read(self, fp, fpname):
cursect = None
optname = None
lineno = 0
e = None
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
# comment or blank line?
if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] 
in rR:
# no leading whitespace
# continuation line

if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and 

value = line.strip()
if value:
cursect[optname] = %s\n%s % 
(cursect[optname], value)
# a section header or option header?
# is it a section header?
mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
sectname ='header')
if sectname in self._sections:
cursect = 
elif sectname == 
cursect = self._defaults
cursect = {'__name__':sectname}
self._sections[sectname] = 
# So sections can't start with a 
continuation line
optname = None
elif cursect is None:
ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno,
# an option line?
mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
optname, vi, optval ='option','vi','value')
if vi in ('=',':') and ';' in 
# ';' is a comment 
delimiter only if it follows
# a spacing character
pos = optval.find(';')
if pos != -1 and 
optval = 
optval = 

New Thread- Supporting Multiline values in ConfigParser

2007-06-25 Thread Phoe6
Am starting a new thread as I fear the old thread which more than a
week old can go unnoticed.
Sorry for the multiple mails.

I took the approach of Subclassing ConfigParser to support multiline
values without leading white-spaces, but am struct at which position
in _read I should modify to accomodate the non-leading whitespace
based multiline values.

I can guess, this portion in the _read function will require change,
any change to this affects the whole of parsing. :-(  Can someone who
has done this before or understands ConfigParser better help me?

# Section I am talking about
if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None
and optname:

value = line.strip()
if value:
cursect[optname] = %s\n%s %
(cursect[optname], value)

# _read method

def _read(self, fp, fpname):
cursect = None
optname = None
lineno = 0
e = None
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
lineno = lineno + 1
# comment or blank line?
if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and
line[0] in rR:
# no leading whitespace
# continuation line
print line:%s\tcursect:%s\toptname:%s%

if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None
and optname:

value = line.strip()
if value:
cursect[optname] = %s\n%s %
(cursect[optname], value)
# a section header or option header?
# is it a section header?
mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
sectname ='header')
if sectname in self._sections:
cursect =
elif sectname ==
cursect =
cursect =
self._sections[sectname] = cursect
# So sections can't start with
a continuation line
optname = None
elif cursect is None:
ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno,
# an option line?
mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
if mo:
optname, vi, optval ='option','vi','value')
if vi in ('=',':') and
';' in optval:
# ';' is a
comment delimiter only if it follows
# a spacing
pos =
if pos != -1
and optval[pos-1].isspace():
= optval[:pos]
optval =
# allow empty values
if optval == '':
optval = ''
optname =
cursect[optname] =
if not e:
e =
if e:
raise e



Re: What was that web interaction library called again?

2007-06-25 Thread John Pye
Harald Korneliussen wrote:
 I remember I came across a python library that made it radically
 simple to interact with web sites, connecting to gmail and logging in
 with four or five lines, for example. I thought, that's interesting,
 I must look into it sometime.

I was looking for something like this recently too. I don't believe
there is anything in the Python world quite as staggeringly
well-designed as the SimpleBrowser component nested within the
SimpleTest framework for PHP. If there is, I would like to know.

Here is a code snippet:

class TestOfLastcraft extends WebTestCase {
function testContact() {
$this-assertTitle(new PatternExpectation('/About Last Craft/'));

Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread walterbyrd
On Jun 24, 10:31 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers

  Especially since variables in python do not have to be explicitly


I have probably expressed this incorrectly. What I meant was:

 a = [1,2,3]
 b = a
 a[1] = 'spam'

Here, I have changed b, without an explicit assignment. After I
assigned a to b, I never did another b = yet b changed anyway
because I changed a. I am not saying there is anything wrong with
this, I'm just explaining what I meant.

So let's say I have list L, and I have a routine that expects every
item in L to be a dictionary like: {'name':'joe', 'job':'dev', 'pay':

Not only could the app crash if an incorrect item where inserted into
L. But the app could crash if an incorrect item were inserted in lists
X,Y, or Z.

Of course, you can always work around this by just  programming very
carefully, and doing a lot of error checking. That is always true in
any language.

But, I think sometimes it's helpful to use a structure that is little
more restrictive, to sort of enforce a degree of integrity. An example
I have already given: why use tuples instead of a list? Tuples are
actually a bit more restrictive.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the data structures that
exist in python. I was just wondering if there was a structure that
would restrict a collection to only allow certain types. The
restrictedlist class discussed in another thread may be the sort of
thing I was looking for.

BTW: I think polymorphism is great and all. But it does have (and IMO
should have) it's limitations. For example, I don't think you can
divide a string by another string.


Re: comparing two lists and returning position

2007-06-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Charles Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 from itertools import izip, count
 d = dict(izip(l2,count()))
 pos = [ d[i] for i in l1 ]
 or the more memory intensive
 d = dict(zip(l2,range(len(l2
 pos = [ d[i] for i in l1 ]

If you're itertools-phobic you could alternatively write

  d = dict((x,i) for i,x in enumerate(l2))
  pos = [ d[i] for i in l1 ]

dict access and update is supposed to take approximately constant time,
btw.  They are implemented as hash tables.

Re: Capturing and sending keys {Esperanto}

2007-06-25 Thread kyosohma
On Jun 25, 8:26 am, AJK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello there!

 I've been googleing yet, and suppose it's hopeless to try, but better ask 

 I want to write a program which turns Cx to Ĉ, cx to ĉ et al WHILE
 TYPING. (i.e. converting Esperanto x-system to real hats, for those
 who know about this.) Therefore I though will need to capture the last
 2 typed characters (from any application), send a double backspace and
 after that send the correct letters (back to the same application)...

 However, it seems inpossible to capture those letters, and maybe to
 send them too...

 Or am I wrong?



 (project: SVN Repository is free
 viewable, project is GPL)

 Ĉar Dio tiel amis la mondon, ke Li donis Sian solenaskitan Filon, por
 ke ĉiu, kiu fidas al li, ne pereu, sed havu eternan vivon.
 -Johano 3:16, La sankta Biblio-

 Ĝoju ĉiam, preĝu senĉese, pri ĉio donu dankon.
 -1 Tesalonikanoj 5:16-18a, La sankta Biblio-

I've never done this before, but theoretically, you should be able to
have a separate process monitor what you're typing and maybe do edits
in real time. At least, I assume that that is how MS Word works. I
have messed a little with sendkeys though. Here's the examples I found
on the net:

The msdn one is just the MS docs for Sendkeys.

One other alternative would be to type it all out and then run a
script to parse your document and basically just do a search and

Hopefully that helps your out a little at least.



Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Jun 25, 1:43 am, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This wiki page suggests using a chroot jail to sandbox Python, but
  wouldn't running something like this in your sandboxed Python instance
  still break you out of the chroot jail:

   os.execle ('/usr/bin/python','-c','import os; os.execlp(/bin/sh)',

 Depending on how the chroot jail is set up, this command might not
 work - in the jail, /bin/sh might not exist.

I followed up with my ISP.  Here's the answer I got:

The os.exec call prepends the chroot directory to the absolute path,
but does NOT provide chroot for the child process.  However, as long
as the environment is maintained, which contains an LD_PRELOAD, the
chroot will also be maintained.  If  LD_PRELOAD is removed or
ignored, then the chroot is ineffective.

Another way of saying it is that every process is responsible for
providing and maintaining the chroot through the LD_PRELOAD variable.
Those processes only maintain the chroot if that variable remains set.

The only solution that would bypass this problem altogether would be a
statically linked python. (is that possible?)  It would have to be
statically linked to a custom-modified glibc to provide the virtual
chroot environment.



Re: Changing sound volume

2007-06-25 Thread Laurent Pointal
simon kagwe a écrit :
 I am playing sounds using the winsound module. Is there a way I can change 

Maybe with pyGame, but you may have to switch from winsound to



Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread Josiah Carlson
 On Jun 25, 1:43 am, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This wiki page suggests using a chroot jail to sandbox Python, but
 wouldn't running something like this in your sandboxed Python instance
 still break you out of the chroot jail:
  os.execle ('/usr/bin/python','-c','import os; os.execlp(/bin/sh)',
 Depending on how the chroot jail is set up, this command might not
 work - in the jail, /bin/sh might not exist.
 I followed up with my ISP.  Here's the answer I got:
 The os.exec call prepends the chroot directory to the absolute path,
 but does NOT provide chroot for the child process.  However, as long
 as the environment is maintained, which contains an LD_PRELOAD, the
 chroot will also be maintained.  If  LD_PRELOAD is removed or
 ignored, then the chroot is ineffective.
 Another way of saying it is that every process is responsible for
 providing and maintaining the chroot through the LD_PRELOAD variable.
 Those processes only maintain the chroot if that variable remains set.
 The only solution that would bypass this problem altogether would be a
 statically linked python. (is that possible?)  It would have to be
 statically linked to a custom-modified glibc to provide the virtual
 chroot environment.

It seems to me that if a (potentially malicious) process needs to behave 
itself in order for chroot to not allow the process access to the full 
system, then chroot is broken.  But perhaps I don't understand the 
intent and scale of what chroot intends to do.

  - Josiah

How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Jason Zapman II
I've written a program.  To install this program, I'm going to need to
initialize some stuff for the users environment, specifically the name/
location of an internal state file.

Currently, I'm hard coding the location of this file, but that's in-
elegant.  What I'd like to do is just ask the user, with a suggested

My question is how do I save this answer?  It's kind of a chicken-and-
egg problem.

The only solution I've thought of is to write something that's self
modifying, but that's ugly (go in, grep for this variable
initialization, re-write that line with the new value, quit).  Is
there a better way to do this?  There almost has to be...

If not, are there some 'best practices' on how to do the self-

Thanks for any help;


Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread Eduardo \EdCrypt\ O. Padoan
 I don't think there is anything wrong with the data structures that
 exist in python. I was just wondering if there was a structure that
 would restrict a collection to only allow certain types. The
 restrictedlist class discussed in another thread may be the sort of
 thing I was looking for.

Just remenber that if you write a library using such a thing, your
(consenting adults) users will not be able to store objects in your
list that implement (part of) the interface of the type that you

EduardoOPadoan (eopadoan-altavix::com)

Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread kyosohma
On Jun 25, 10:02 am, Jason Zapman II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've written a program.  To install this program, I'm going to need to
 initialize some stuff for the users environment, specifically the name/
 location of an internal state file.

 Currently, I'm hard coding the location of this file, but that's in-
 elegant.  What I'd like to do is just ask the user, with a suggested

 My question is how do I save this answer?  It's kind of a chicken-and-
 egg problem.

 The only solution I've thought of is to write something that's self
 modifying, but that's ugly (go in, grep for this variable
 initialization, re-write that line with the new value, quit).  Is
 there a better way to do this?  There almost has to be...

 If not, are there some 'best practices' on how to do the self-

 Thanks for any help;

I would think you could pop-up some dialog when the program is first
run to ask where they want the file to be. On the first run though,
you can just have the config file located in the current working
directory with the script file itself. Then just move it or save a new
copy to the new location and delete the original.



Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread David E. Konerding DSD staff
 On Jun 25, 1:43 am, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This wiki page suggests using a chroot jail to sandbox Python, but
  wouldn't running something like this in your sandboxed Python instance
  still break you out of the chroot jail:

   os.execle ('/usr/bin/python','-c','import os; os.execlp(/bin/sh)',

 Depending on how the chroot jail is set up, this command might not
 work - in the jail, /bin/sh might not exist.

 I followed up with my ISP.  Here's the answer I got:

 The os.exec call prepends the chroot directory to the absolute path,
 but does NOT provide chroot for the child process.  However, as long
 as the environment is maintained, which contains an LD_PRELOAD, the
 chroot will also be maintained.  If  LD_PRELOAD is removed or
 ignored, then the chroot is ineffective.

 Another way of saying it is that every process is responsible for
 providing and maintaining the chroot through the LD_PRELOAD variable.
 Those processes only maintain the chroot if that variable remains set.

None of this makes any sense to me.  Once an application is running
inside a chroot, there is no easy manipulation the application
can do to break out.  The example you gave above executes a shell that
is in the chroot dir.  That's not really breaking out of the sandbox,
it's just accessing something inside the sandbox.

if your ISP is trying to enforce chroot through an LD_PRELOAD library,
they might be using 'fakechroot' which doesn't look very good to me.



Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Jason Zapman II
On Jun 25, 11:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would think you could pop-up some dialog when the program is first
 run to ask where they want the file to be. On the first run though,
 you can just have the config file located in the current working
 directory with the script file itself. Then just move it or save a new
 copy to the new location and delete the original.

The 'pop-up' is easy.  The problem is how does the program know where
it's state file is the SECOND time it is run?  I can't stash it in the
state file, since the program won't know where it is if it's not in
the CWD... (unless I'm missing something obvious).


amara bugs

2007-06-25 Thread Rustom Mody
I tried to install amara according to the recommendations on this
list. There were evidently compilation errors. The results are below

Also the quick reference gives 404 not found errors


$ sudo easy_install amara

Searching for amara
Best match: Amara
Processing Amara-
Amara is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing trimxml script to /usr/bin
Installing flextyper script to /usr/bin
Installing scimitar script to /usr/bin

Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Amara-
Processing dependencies for amara
Searching for 4Suite-XML=1.0.2
Best match: 4Suite-XML 1.0.2
Running 4Suite-XML-1.0.2/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:7:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:10: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before '*' token
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:14: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before '*' token
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:36: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before '*' token
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:57: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before '*' token
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:75: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or
'__attribute__' before 'numberMethods'
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:82: warning: return type defaults to 'int'
Ft/Lib/src/number.c: In function 'DL_EXPORT':
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:82: error: expected declaration specifiers before
Ft/Lib/src/number.c:99: error: expected '{' at end of input
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-06-25, walterbyrd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW: I think polymorphism is great and all. But it does have
 (and IMO should have) it's limitations. For example, I don't
 think you can divide a string by another string.

It might be a pointless new spelling for the .split method.

x = 'Smith, Ted, 15 Smedly Rd.
last, first, street = x / ', '


Neil Cerutti
Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even
longer. --David Acfield

server wide variables

2007-06-25 Thread Jay Sonmez
I want to be able to save some server variables as long as Apache runs
on the server (mod_python).

How is that possible in Python?


Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Steve Holden
 On Jun 25, 10:02 am, Jason Zapman II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've written a program.  To install this program, I'm going to need to
 initialize some stuff for the users environment, specifically the name/
 location of an internal state file.

 Currently, I'm hard coding the location of this file, but that's in-
 elegant.  What I'd like to do is just ask the user, with a suggested

 My question is how do I save this answer?  It's kind of a chicken-and-
 egg problem.

 The only solution I've thought of is to write something that's self
 modifying, but that's ugly (go in, grep for this variable
 initialization, re-write that line with the new value, quit).  Is
 there a better way to do this?  There almost has to be...

 If not, are there some 'best practices' on how to do the self-

 Thanks for any help;
 I would think you could pop-up some dialog when the program is first
 run to ask where they want the file to be. On the first run though,
 you can just have the config file located in the current working
 directory with the script file itself. Then just move it or save a new
 copy to the new location and delete the original.
Or, better still, leave it in place to act as the defaults for the next 
user who wants to start using this package?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
--- Asciimercial --
Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag the Internet
Many services currently offer free registration
--- Thank You for Reading -


Re: server wide variables

2007-06-25 Thread Stephen R Laniel
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 03:29:25PM -, Jay Sonmez wrote:
 I want to be able to save some server variables as long as Apache runs
 on the server (mod_python).
 How is that possible in Python?

Would setting environment variables help you? You'd use

Stephen R. Laniel
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
PGP key:

Re: Python's only one way to do it philosophy isn't good?

2007-06-25 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Douglas Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Python has built-in abstractions for a few container types like
 lists and dicts, and now a new and more general one (iterators), so
 it's the next level up.

 Common Lisp has had all these things for ages.

Rubbish. Do you actually know any common lisp?

There is precisely no way to express

for x in xs:

x = xs[key]

in either scheme or CL, which is a major defect of both language (although
there has been a recent and limited proposal for sequence iteration by c.
rhodes which is implemented as an experimental extension in sbcl). This is
stuff even C++, which is about the lowest-level language anyone uses for
general purpose programming these days has been able to express for decades
(modulo foreach syntax).

In a decent scheme it's easy enough to define your own collection
class/iteration protocol, which does allow you to do something like the above,
but of course only for container abstractions that you have some control over
yourself. Even in this limited sense you can forget about doing this in CL in
a way that meshes nicely with the existing primitives (inter alia because of
spurious inconsistencies between e.g. sequence and hash-access and
under-specification of the exception hierachy) and anything as expressive as
generators/coroutines in CL with reasonable effort and performance which won't
even allow you to write LOOPs over custom container types (the nonstandard
ITERATE package has limited support for this).


Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Steve Holden
Jason Zapman II wrote:
 On Jun 25, 11:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would think you could pop-up some dialog when the program is first
 run to ask where they want the file to be. On the first run though,
 you can just have the config file located in the current working
 directory with the script file itself. Then just move it or save a new
 copy to the new location and delete the original.
 The 'pop-up' is easy.  The problem is how does the program know where
 it's state file is the SECOND time it is run?  I can't stash it in the
 state file, since the program won't know where it is if it's not in
 the CWD... (unless I'm missing something obvious).
The traditional choices are the registry for Windows, and the /etc 
subtree for the various, almost uncountable, flavors of Unix and 
nixalikes. You're right, it's much more difficult per-system than 
per-user, since there are so many conventions.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
--- Asciimercial --
Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag the Internet
Many services currently offer free registration
--- Thank You for Reading -


Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Jason Zapman II
On Jun 25, 11:37 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The traditional choices are the registry for Windows, and the /etc
 subtree for the various, almost uncountable, flavors of Unix and
 nixalikes. You're right, it's much more difficult per-system than
 per-user, since there are so many conventions.

I forgot to mention that this is for Unix environments, so the
registry isn't an option, unfortunately (never thought I'd say
that... ;-) ).

Is there anything in the distutils.* stuff that would be useful?  This
isn't going to be a python package (it's a standalone program).



Re: Chroot Jail Not Secure for Sandboxing Python?

2007-06-25 Thread Paul Boddie
On 25 Jun, 16:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I followed up with my ISP.  Here's the answer I got:

 The os.exec call prepends the chroot directory to the absolute path,
 but does NOT provide chroot for the child process.  However, as long
 as the environment is maintained, which contains an LD_PRELOAD, the
 chroot will also be maintained.  If  LD_PRELOAD is removed or
 ignored, then the chroot is ineffective.

So it appears that as long as LD_PRELOAD is set (possibly to link the
process to some other libraries than is usually the case), any
affected processes are effectively jailed. This doesn't really sound
like a traditional chroot environment, though.

 Another way of saying it is that every process is responsible for
 providing and maintaining the chroot through the LD_PRELOAD variable.
 Those processes only maintain the chroot if that variable remains set.


 The only solution that would bypass this problem altogether would be a
 statically linked python. (is that possible?)  It would have to be
 statically linked to a custom-modified glibc to provide the virtual
 chroot environment.

Some solutions depend on linking to restricted libraries, and the Wiki
page you referenced probably talks about them as well. I was thinking
that if I were to attempt to properly sandbox  any current version of
CPython, I'd start off linking it to restricted libraries which
provide compatible interfaces for things like opening file handles;
then I'd put various policy controls in those libraries so that you
can have some control over what your programs do. Finally, you'd have
to stop arbitrary (extension) module loading in order to prevent
programs importing some nice modules and getting round the controls:
for example, importing socket or os to get access to file handles (or
to process creation which might get around the controls as suggested
above). Eventually, this arrives more or less at where Brett Cannon is
supposed to be right now with his sandboxed Python, perhaps by a
different route and with some different outcomes.

I notice that you've mailed me about a solution that I mentioned in
the past, but I'll respond here in order to air the ideas in public. I
looked into chroot jails and saw that some solutions exist for
populating directories with enough files for things like daemons or
services to be executed within the chroot environment. I also looked
at ways to break out of chroot environments, and there's a fairly well-
known trick involving open file handles which will do this effectively
for non-root users. What I then considered was the possibility of
avoiding population of a chroot filesystem by calling chroot and
setuid on a minimal jailer process which then loads a jailed program
after having imported a permitted set of modules.

I don't have the details with me now, but I'll probably upload the
code in the near future and post some kind of explanation of what it
does here. I'm tempted to say that the better solution involves the
restricted libraries solution mentioned above, and a nice side-effect
of that could be a more modular CPython that would benefit people
using the software in embedded environments: you'd have to insulate
the virtual machine from even the most central modules, meaning that
they could potentially be detached completely in places where memory
and storage are better used on other things.



Talks presentations online

2007-06-25 Thread M.-A. Lemburg

just wanted to let you know that we've put up a few of our conference
talks and presentations on the web-site:

At EuroPython this year, we'll be giving talks on relational
databases with Zope and show how mxTextTools can be put to good
use for parsing languages.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 25 2007)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2007-07-09: EuroPython 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania13 days to go

 Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread kyosohma
On Jun 25, 10:58 am, Jason Zapman II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 25, 11:37 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The traditional choices are the registry for Windows, and the /etc
  subtree for the various, almost uncountable, flavors of Unix and
  nixalikes. You're right, it's much more difficult per-system than
  per-user, since there are so many conventions.

 I forgot to mention that this is for Unix environments, so the
 registry isn't an option, unfortunately (never thought I'd say
 that... ;-) ).

 Is there anything in the distutils.* stuff that would be useful?  This
 isn't going to be a python package (it's a standalone program).


Well, I don't know what your user file does, but couldn't you create
a .ini type file to hold the user's choice for the other file's
location and save the ini to the current working directory?

Something like this:

ini file
usersChosenPath = /usr/Path/to/Config
/ini file

Kind of redundant, but I would think it would still work.



Re: urllib interpretation of URL with ..

2007-06-25 Thread John Nagle
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is urllib wrong?

 Section 5.2 is also relevant here. In particular:
  g) If the resulting buffer string still begins with one or more
 complete path segments of .., then the reference is
 considered to be in error.  Implementations may handle this
 error by retaining these components in the resolved path (i.e.,
 treating them as part of the final URI), by removing them from
 the resolved path (i.e., discarding relative levels above the
 root), or by avoiding traversal of the reference.
 The common practice seems to be for client-side implementations to handle 
 this using option 2 (removing them) and servers to use option 3 (avoiding 
 traversal of the reference). urllib uses option 1 which is also correct but 
 not as useful as it might be.

That's helpful.  Thanks.

In Python, of course, urlparse.urlparse, which is
the main function used to disassemble a URL, has no idea whether it's being
used by a client or a server, so it, reasonably enough, takes option 1.

(Yet another hassle in processing real-world HTML.)

John Nagle

Re: Capturing and sending keys {Esperanto}

2007-06-25 Thread Jakub Stolarski
On Jun 25, 3:26 pm, AJK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello there!

 I've been googleing yet, and suppose it's hopeless to try, but better ask 

 I want to write a program which turns Cx to  , cx to   et al WHILE
 TYPING. (i.e. converting Esperanto x-system to real hats, for those
 who know about this.) Therefore I though will need to capture the last
 2 typed characters (from any application), send a double backspace and
 after that send the correct letters (back to the same application)...

 However, it seems inpossible to capture those letters, and maybe to
 send them too...

 Or am I wrong?



 (project: SVN Repository is free
 viewable, project is GPL)

  ar Dio tiel amis la mondon, ke Li donis Sian solenaskitan Filon, por
 ke  iu, kiu fidas al li, ne pereu, sed havu eternan vivon.
 -Johano 3:16, La sankta Biblio-

  oju  iam, pre u sen ese, pri  io donu dankon.
 -1 Tesalonikanoj 5:16-18a, La sankta Biblio-

Under *nix it's easier to change xkb keymap.

If you interested only in gtk applications then there is gtk-im-extra
[1], which you can use to input cxapeloj. You can also look at scim
[2] sources. It supports gtk, qt and standard x applications.




listing all property variables of a class instance

2007-06-25 Thread André
Suppose I define a class with a number of variables defined as
properties.  Something like:

class MyClass(object):

def __init__(self):
self.some_variable = 42
self._a = None
self._b = pi

def get_a(self):
return self._a
def set_a(self, value):
self._a = value

def get_b(self):
return self._b
def set_b(self, value):
self._b = value

a = property(get_a,  set_a, None, a is a property)
b = property(get_b,  set_b, None, b is a property)

Is there a way to write a method that would list automatically all the
variables defined as a property (say by printing their docstring and/
or their value), and only those variables?



RE: Help With Better Design

2007-06-25 Thread Sells, Fred
 IMHO ... untested
 class LightBulb:
   def __init__(self, on=False): self.IsOn = on
   def turnOn(self): self.switchIt(True)
   def turnOff(self):self.switchIt(False)
   def switchIt(self, turnon):
   if self.isOn==turnon: print The Switch is Already %s %
([ON, OFF][self.isOn])
   else: self.isOn = turnon #or alternatively =!self.isOn
   def __repr__(self): return [ON, OFF][self.IsOn]
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ON  = ON
   OFF = OFF
   class LightBulb:
   def __init__(self, initial_state):
   self.state = initial_state
   def TurnOn(self):
   if self.state == OFF:
   self.state = ON
   print The Bulb Is Already ON!
   def TurnOff(self):
   if self.state == ON:
   self.state = OFF
   print The Bulb Is Aleady OFF!
  I've written code that looks a lot like that, and it's
  a perfectly acceptable pattern IMHO.  I don't bother
  with the variables ON and OFF, though, as they add no
  clarity to simply using 'ON' and 'OFF' for the states.
   The test portion of the code is actually longer than
   the class
   itself :-) 
  That's usually a good thing!  It means your code is
  concise, and your tests are exhaustive.  (But that
  doesn't mean you can't also refactor your tests.)
  Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from 
  someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

Re: socket on cygwin python

2007-06-25 Thread Jason Tishler
On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 01:53:18PM +0100, Michael Hoffman wrote:
  I've installed cygwin with latest python 2.5.1, but it seems that the
  socket lib file do NOT support IPv6(cygwin\lib\python2.5\lib-dynload
  \_socket.dll), what can I do if I want to use IPv6?
 I don't think Cygwin supports IPv6.

That was my impression too and seems to be substantiated by the


PGP/GPG Key: or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6

How to change default behavior

2007-06-25 Thread Mozis

I am using pyuniit for my test cases.

I want to change the default behavior to report the errors. I believe
it calls TextTestRunner class before calling my test_class(which is
child of TestCase class) to set up the framework for error reporting
and so on.  I can see that it makes the result variable of type
_TextTestResult class. So while reporting errors, it calls functions
of this class.

I want to overload the TextTestRunner class and want to make result of
type my class, so in further linage of function calls it should call
functions of my class instead of _TextTestResult.

But I was not able to find out how does python test framework calls
TextTestRunner automatically. Somehow I want to make it call my
overloaded class.

Could anybody help me out.  Thanks in anticipation.



Re: listing all property variables of a class instance

2007-06-25 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-06-25, André [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Suppose I define a class with a number of variables defined as
 properties.  Something like:

 class MyClass(object):

 def __init__(self):
 self.some_variable = 42
 self._a = None
 self._b = pi

 def get_a(self):
 return self._a
 def set_a(self, value):
 self._a = value

 def get_b(self):
 return self._b
 def set_b(self, value):
 self._b = value

 a = property(get_a,  set_a, None, a is a property)
 b = property(get_b,  set_b, None, b is a property)

 Is there a way to write a method that would list automatically
 all the variables defined as a property (say by printing their
 docstring and/ or their value), and only those variables?

This is off the cuff. There's likely a better way.

for k, v in MyClass.__dict__.iteritems():
  if isinstance(v, property):
print k, v.__doc__

Neil Cerutti
22 members were present at the church meeting held at the home of Mrs. Marsha
Crutchfield last evening. Mrs. Crutchfield and Mrs. Rankin sang a duet, The
Lord Knows Why. --Church Bulletin Blooper

Re: listing all property variables of a class instance

2007-06-25 Thread Jay Loden

Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Is there a way to write a method that would list automatically
 all the variables defined as a property (say by printing their
 docstring and/ or their value), and only those variables?
 This is off the cuff. There's likely a better way.
 for k, v in MyClass.__dict__.iteritems():
   if isinstance(v, property):
 print k, v.__doc__

The only way I could get this to work was to change the way the properties were 


class MyClass(object):

  def __init__(self):
self.some_variable = 42
self._a = None
self._b = pi
self.a = property(self.get_a,  self.set_a, None, a is a property)
self.b = property(self.get_b,  self.set_b, None, b is a property)

  def get_a(self):
return self._a
  def set_a(self, value):
self._a = value

  def get_b(self):
return self._b
  def set_b(self, value):
self._b = value

test = MyClass()
for k,v in test.__dict__.iteritems():
  if isinstance(v, property):
print k, v.__doc__

Re: The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

2007-06-25 Thread Andreas Eder
Hi Twisted,

 Twisted == Twisted  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Twisted That's entirely orthogonal to the issue of interface learning 
curve OR
Twisted interface ease-of-use. Emacs has deficiencies in both areas, if
Twisted principally the former. (For an example of the latter, consider
Twisted opening a file. Can't remember the exact spelling and 
Twisted of the file name? Sorry, bud, you're SOL.

Wrong, ever heard about input completion?

Twisted Go find it in some other app
Twisted and memorize the name, then return to emacs.

Wrong. Do you know dired?

For even more ease of use use someting like ido, or icicles. It
runs rings about Editors like Notepad.

Twisted Now THAT is what I call
Twisted disruptive context switching. Meanwhile even the lowly Notepad
Twisted responds to open by displaying a list of text files and tools to
Twisted navigate the folder hierarchy without having to do it blind, while
Twisted still letting you blind-type a path if you remember it. And you can
Twisted also paste the path in from the clipboard.

You can do so in emacs as well.

Twisted Unix systems don't even
Twisted *have* a proper system-wide clipboard and copy/paste capability. 
Twisted X there's a weak, text-only imitation, which doesn't help you much
Twisted when you want to copy a selection from an image in a paint program 
Twisted paste it into a CAD or web-design or specialized image-manipulation
Twisted tool or have to save it to a file and load it, 
which is
Twisted a pain in the butt and slowly clutters your hard drive with
Twisted temporary files you occasionally forget to delete.

You obviously have no clue about working under Unix either.


Wherever I lay my .emacs, there's my $HOME.

Re: Changing sound volume

2007-06-25 Thread kyosohma
On Jun 25, 7:48 am, simon kagwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And finally a way that might work using ctypes:



 Thanks for your reply.

 I had already read about the Snack, but I can't use it since my program uses
 wxPython for the GUI and Snack requires tk. The best option was the ctypes
 method you told me about. I used the code in the sample, but I am getting the
 following error:

 exceptions.WindowsError Error 11 while setting volume

 The author of the code claims it works. What could be causing the above error?

 [ I am using Python 2.4.4 and ctypes 1.0.1 ]


I'm not sure what the deal is. I just tested that script on my
workstation and it works fine for me. I think I have the latest
ctypes, but I can't figure out how to get the version number off of it
to be sure. I am running Python 2.4.3 on Windows XP SP2 though.

You might try that pygames idea. I've never tried it, but you'd think
that would work.



Re: Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

2007-06-25 Thread Martin Gregorie
Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
 On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:17:27 GMT
 Roedy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:14:08 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Maas,
 see wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted
 someone who said :

 - Stick to astronomical time, which is absolutely consistent but
   which drifts from legal time?
 depends what you are measuring. IF you are doing astronomy, your
 advice would apply. If you are doing payrolls, you want effectively to
 pretend the leap seconds never happened, just as Java does.
   Which leaves you about 30 seconds out by now - smelly.
Easy solution: always read Zulu time directly from a recognized 
real-time clock and store the result in a database as a 
ccyymmddhhmmssfff ASCII string where fff is milliseconds). By 
recognized real-time clock) that I mean an atomic clock and 
distribution network such as GPS or (in the UK or Germany) an MSF low 
frequency radio broadcast. NTP using tier-1 sources may do the job too. 
The clock interface may need to be JINI because most suitable receivers 
have serial interfaces.

This is certainly accurate for financial transactions: the UK CHAPS 
inter-bank network has a Rugby MSF receiver in each bank's gateway 
computer and uses that for all timestamps.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 25)

2007-06-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  [R]edundant/useless/misleading/poor code is worse than
wrong. - Michele Simionato

Unit tests are not a magic wand that discover every problem that a
program could possibly have. - Paul Rubin

Some tricks to automatically enter the debugger when
an exception happens:

A recurring topic: using uniform collections of

Some concerns about eggs, the way they handle
dependencies, and restrictive environments:

Four different answers from four different persons to
the same problem: how to modify a variable in an outer
scope from inside the inner function

A conspicuous Pythonista shows his italian temper
discussing why redundant statements aren't any good:

A long thread about function annotations in Python 3.0
and its actual usefulness for argument type checking:

This lng thread started more than two weeks ago:
still about macros, programmable syntax, and what is
good for Scheme is not necesarily good for Python:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats.

Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Many Python conferences around the world are in 

Re: listing all property variables of a class instance

2007-06-25 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jay Loden wrote:

 Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Is there a way to write a method that would list automatically
 all the variables defined as a property (say by printing their
 docstring and/ or their value), and only those variables?
 This is off the cuff. There's likely a better way.
 for k, v in MyClass.__dict__.iteritems():
   if isinstance(v, property):
 print k, v.__doc__
 The only way I could get this to work was to change the way the
 properties were defined/initalized:

That's because you iterate over the instance's `__dict__` and not over the
*class* `__dict__` like Neil does.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: eggs considered harmful

2007-06-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
On 21 Jun., 14:10, Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've asked before, and I'll ask again: If you are doing a Python
 project, please make a self-sufficient tarball available as well.

Alomost all projects I know of that provide eggs, also have a CVS or
SVN repository. Just download a tagged release and then use python whatever or easy_install . in the checkout. easy_install
can even do the checkout for you.

 You can have dependencies, as long as they are documented and can be
 obtained by separate manual download.

Eggs document dependencies better (i.e with version numbers) than most
other projects do, through the install_requires argument to the
setup() call in In an egg, this list is found in *-egg-

 Ok, itself may not do the work, but from the end users'
 perspective it works that way. runs a configure and a make,
 which in turn find the right already-installed libraries.  The point
 is, plays well in such an environment.

Configure etc. may be able to detect an installed version number of a
package/module because they include scripts to check for those. IMHO
it's silly to place the burden for checking for version numbers on the
developer who wants to distribute an app. The package/module should
provide a standard way to query the version number itself. This is
exactly one of things that setuptools is about.



Re: Changing sound volume

2007-06-25 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
simon kagwe wrote:
 And finally a way that might work using ctypes:

 Thanks for your reply.
 I had already read about the Snack, but I can't use it since my program uses 
 wxPython for the GUI and Snack requires tk. The best option was the ctypes 
 method you told me about. I used the code in the sample, but I am getting the 
 following error:
 exceptions.WindowsError Error 11 while setting volume
 The author of the code claims it works. What could be causing the above error?
 [ I am using Python 2.4.4 and ctypes 1.0.1 ]

That module looks suspiciously like one I have laying around on my 
computer. That's okay since I had posted it somewhere. Try setting 
SPEAKER_LINE_FADER_ID to 0. Apparently my assumption that it is always 0 
was wrong. If that works I have a more flexible version of the module 
which actually searches for the speak line fader id. It also has a 
GetSpeakerVolume function.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread Marius Gedminas
On Jun 24, 2:12 pm, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 7stud wrote:
  if hasattr(elmt, some_func):

 Personally, I prefer

 except AttributeError:
 # do stuff

That also hides attribute errors that occur within some_func.  I think
I'd rather know when elmt has an implementation of some_func that is
buggy.  Thus I prefer the hasattr version.


Re: listing all property variables of a class instance

2007-06-25 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:10:25 -0300, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch  

 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jay Loden wrote:
 Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Is there a way to write a method that would list automatically
 all the variables defined as a property (say by printing their
 docstring and/ or their value), and only those variables?

 This is off the cuff. There's likely a better way.

 for k, v in MyClass.__dict__.iteritems():
   if isinstance(v, property):
 print k, v.__doc__

 The only way I could get this to work was to change the way the
 properties were defined/initalized:

 That's because you iterate over the instance's `__dict__` and not over  
 *class* `__dict__` like Neil does.

I would iterate over dir(MyClass) instead - only because I prefer to hide  
such implementation details.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: pydoc with METH_VARGS

2007-06-25 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Stuart wrote:
 I'm asking if there's some sort of commenting or input file or
 something to customize the output pydoc generates. Thanks.

AFAIK, there is no way to do this. However, you can edit the doc string 
for your function, which can include the argument list. I believe this 
is what most of Python's built-in functions do.


Re: How to save initial configuration? (program installation)

2007-06-25 Thread Jason Zapman II
On Jun 25, 12:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ini file
 usersChosenPath = /usr/Path/to/Config
 /ini file

 Kind of redundant, but I would think it would still work.

Ok...  How do I tell the program where the INI file lives?

(What I want is to be able to ask the user

Where do you want the datafile to live? [/usr/local/etc]:

and save that answer somewhere, so future invocations of the program
just *KNOW* the answer.

I'm going to just have to write an 'install' program which just
substitutes the default assignment for the new one in the code...
almost a $PREFIX from ./configure or something like it.


Re: Why isn't this query working in python?

2007-06-25 Thread erikcw
On May 27, 11:06 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 27, 2007, at 4:01 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

  On May 26, 8:21 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On May 27, 5:25 am,erikcw[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 25, 11:28 am, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 09:51 -0500, Dave Borne wrote:
  I'm trying to run the following query:
  member_id=%s AND expire_date  NOW() AND completed=1 AND
  Shouldn't you be using the bind variable '?' instead of '%s' ?
  The parameter placeholder for MySQLdb is, indeed and
  unfortunately, %s.
  The OP is using parameter substitution correctly, though in an
  obfuscated fashion. 'sql' is a misnamed tuple containing both the
  string *and* the parameters, which is being unpacked with '*' into
  arguments to the execute call.
  The only problem I see is that the parameters should be a
  sequence, i.e.
  (self.uid,) instead of just (self.uid).
  Carsten Haese
  I tried adding the comma to make it a sequence - but now change.
  ('SELECT payment_id FROM amember_payments WHERE member_id=%s AND
  expire_date  NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id 11 AND product_id
  21)', (1608L,))
  What else could it be?
  Possibly a type mismatch. How is member_id declared in the CREATE
  TABLE? For diagnostic purposes, try passing in (1608,) and ('1608',).

  Here is a copy of the table schema and the first 2 rows.

  -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  -- version
  -- Host: localhost
  -- Generation Time: May 27, 2007 at 11:29 AM
  -- Server version: 5.0.27
  -- PHP Version: 4.4.2
  -- Database: `lybp_lybp`


  -- Table structure for table `amember_payments`

  CREATE TABLE `amember_payments` (
`payment_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`member_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`product_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`begin_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
`expire_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
`paysys_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`receipt_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`amount` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
`completed` smallint(6) default '0',
`remote_addr` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
`data` text,
`time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
`aff_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`payer_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`coupon_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`tm_added` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
`tm_completed` datetime default NULL,
`tax_amount` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
PRIMARY KEY  (`payment_id`),
KEY `member_id` (`member_id`),
KEY `payer_id` (`payer_id`),
KEY `coupon_id` (`coupon_id`),
KEY `tm_added` (`tm_added`,`product_id`),
KEY `tm_completed` (`tm_completed`,`product_id`)

  -- Dumping data for table `amember_payments`

  INSERT INTO `amember_payments` VALUES (423, 107, 1, '2004-10-01',
  '2004-10-21', 'authorize_aim', '5687944', 3.95, 1, '', NULL,
  '2004-11-30 19:21:43', 0, '', 0, '2004-11-30 19:21:43', '2004-11-30
  19:21:43', 0.00);
  INSERT INTO `amember_payments` VALUES (422, 107, 1, '2004-10-22',
  '2004-11-21', 'authorize_aim', '5873225', 9.95, 1, '', NULL,
  '2004-11-30 19:22:18', 0, '', 0, '2004-11-30 19:20:13', '2004-11-30
  19:20:13', 0.00);

  Thanks for your help!

  I feel obliged to point out that there ARE no rows meeting the criteria
  you query specified!

  mysql SELECT expire_date, NOW() FROM amember_payments;
  | expire_date | NOW()   |
  | 2004-10-21  | 2007-05-27 15:59:21 |
  | 2004-11-21  | 2007-05-27 15:59:21 |
  2 rows in set (0.02 sec)


  So I am not sure how you managed to get a manual query to work, but do
  be sure that the Python query you mentioned at the start of the thread

   sql = SELECT payment_id FROM amember_payments WHERE
  member_id=%s AND expire_date  NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id
  11 AND product_id 21), (self.uid)

  And doesn't the above comma, need to be a percent symbol?



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  machine to go back almost three years!


 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd
 Skype: holdenweb
 -- Asciimercial -
 Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag your way to fame!!
 tagged items: 

Python SVN down?

2007-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Going to this URL:

It gives me an error:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

And using SVN as so:

$ svn checkout ~/
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/projects/python/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/projects/python/trunk': could not connect to server

Gives me the above error.

Any ideas?  I didn't see an announcement about this anywhere.



Re: getting the size of an object

2007-06-25 Thread Simon Brunning
On 6/18/07, filox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is there a way to find out the size of an object in Python? e.g., how could
 i get the size of a list or a tuple?

mxTools includes a sizeof() function. Never used it myself, but MAL
isn't notorious for getting things wrong, so I'm sure it does what it
says on the tin.

Simon B.
GTalk: simon.brunning | MSN: small_values | Yahoo: smallvalues

Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
walterbyrd a écrit :
 On Jun 24, 10:31 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
Especially since variables in python do not have to be explicitly

 I have probably expressed this incorrectly. What I meant was:
a = [1,2,3]
b = a
a[1] = 'spam'
 Here, I have changed b, without an explicit assignment.

You haven't changed b, you have changed the object bound to name 'b'. 
Which happens to be also bound to name 'a'.

 After I
 assigned a to b,

Well, I guess the term assignment is misleading you then. binding 
would be more accurate - you bound names 'a' and 'b' to the same object. 
Then, whether you access this object via name 'a' or name 'b', you're 
still accessing the same object.

 I never did another b = yet b changed anyway

Doing 'b = some_other_object' would still not 'change b' - you don't 
change a name - but rebind name 'b' to another object.

You perhaps don't know this, but most statically typed languages have 
the notion of either pointers or references, that can cause similar - 
and usually worse - problems.

 because I changed a. I am not saying there is anything wrong with
 this, I'm just explaining what I meant.
 So let's say I have list L, and I have a routine that expects every
 item in L to be a dictionary like: {'name':'joe', 'job':'dev', 'pay':
 Not only could the app crash if an incorrect item where inserted into
 L. But the app could crash if an incorrect item were inserted in lists
 X,Y, or Z.

Yes - assuming names L, X, Y and Z are bound to the same list.

And it would also crash if one the dicts was modified between the moment 
it is added to the list and the moment you pass the list to your 
function. Which makes typed lists totally useless anyway. And even if 
you use a smarter 'correctness' test (like a callback function checking 
that every item added or inserted supports keying and has the correct 
keys), it would still be useless since you could still manage to modify 
one of the items of the list *after* it has been added to it.

 Of course, you can always work around this by just  programming very

You do program carefully, don't you ?-)

 and doing a lot of error checking.

That's usually not even necessary - most of the time (ie: almost 
always), you'll have a nice traceback in the minutes following the 
moment you introduced the error.

 That is always true in
 any language.

Nope. In Python, you seldom have to do error *checking* - the language 
do it for you (that's what exceptions are for). What you have to do is 
1/ testing, and 2/ error *handling*.

Now did you actually had any effective problem with Python's dynamism ? 
Or are you just scared ?

You know, Python is now something like 17 years old, and is used by a 
*lot* of peoples for a *lot* of programs - some of them far from 
trivial. I think you can be confident in this experience. IOW, just 
write your code, and you'll find out that the kind of problems you seem 
to fear so much will not happens that often.

 But, I think sometimes it's helpful to use a structure that is little
 more restrictive, to sort of enforce a degree of integrity.

Sometimes you do have to check the validity of the data you are supposed 
to work on, true - mostly when it comes to program inputs (be it wia 
files, sockets, forms, environment, whatever). Once this is done, you 
shouldn't have to worry too much - just let Python crash when there's 
something wrong, carefully read the traceback, and correct the offending 
code (which is very likely in the last modifications you made).

 An example
 I have already given: why use tuples instead of a list? Tuples are
 actually a bit more restrictive.

You don't use tuples instead of lists. Lists are collections, tuples 
are structured data.

 I don't think there is anything wrong with the data structures that
 exist in python. I was just wondering if there was a structure that
 would restrict a collection to only allow certain types.

Not builtin. You can roll your own if it makes you happy, but that would 
  be a waste of time - been here, done that, you see...

 restrictedlist class discussed in another thread may be the sort of
 thing I was looking for.

So please take time to read the whole thread.

 BTW: I think polymorphism is great and all. But it does have (and IMO
 should have) it's limitations.

Yes, indeed - if an object doesn't understand a message, then you have 
an exception. But since the only way to know if an object can handle a 
message is to send the message (please refer to my previous post), 
enforcing 'type'-based (with 'type'=='class') restriction in Python is 
not only useless, it's also harmful. IOW, stop fighting against the 
language - just use it.

 For example, I don't think you can
 divide a string by another string.

No, because this operation is not implemented for strings - IOW, strings 
doesn't understand this message. What would be the meaning of dividing 
strings anyway ? (while 

Re: Indenting in Emacs

2007-06-25 Thread John J. Lee
Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 John J. Lee wrote:
 Eugene Morozov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven W. Orr пишет:
   Ok. I'm not stupid but I do not see a 4.78 anywhere even though I
 see refs
 from google. I have 4.75 The SVN tree doesn't seem to even have

 I checked the latest copy out from sourceforge and that was 4.75 too.

 Can someone please tell me where to find the latest?

 It's from Emacs 22.

 Note that's a different python-mode to the old one that lives on SF.
 Yes, there are now two of them.

 Which one is better?

I've not noticed a big difference in usability.

I find indentation with the new mode very mildly more annoying than
the old mode.  YMMV on that.  There are probably annoyances with the
old mode that I've now forgotten about.

I'm told by an emacs developer at work that the new mode is more
emacsy in its implementation -- I don't know in what ways exactly, but
presumably that, plus the fact that the new mode is included with
emacs 22, will mean that it's likely to work better with other emacs
code (not that I ever had much problem with the old mode -- but then I
didn't push it very far).


Re: eggs considered harmful

2007-06-25 Thread Benji York
On Jun 21, 8:10 am, Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[snip description of unacceptable behaviors]
 These are unacceptable behaviors.  I am therefore dropping ZODB3

If you have bugs to report against ZODB, I sugest posting to zodb-dev
Benji York


Installing python under the linux

2007-06-25 Thread vedrandekovic

I have problem with installing Python on the Linux platform.Can you
tell me step by step how can I install
python on linux  ( please detailed ) , because I don't know anything
about linux and I really don't understand
python documentation about installing python on linux.



Re: eggs considered harmful

2007-06-25 Thread John J. Lee
Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John J. Lee) writes:
 2. You can run your own private egg repository.  IIRC, it's as simple
 as a directory of eggs and a plain old web server with directory
 listings turned on.  You then run easy_install -f URL package_name
 instead of easy_install package_name .  The distutils-sig archives
 will have more on this.

 Again, not speaking for anyone else: With 500 OSS packages, all of
 which play by the same tarball rules, we don't have resources to
 handle eggs differently.

You said earlier:

 The rules are that a) a very few authorized downloaders obtain
 tarballs and put them in a depot and b) other users get tarballs from
 the depot and build from source.

Not sure how this differs significantly from running a repository,
in the sense I use it above.


Re: Installing python under the linux

2007-06-25 Thread Grant Edwards

 I have problem with installing Python on the Linux platform.Can you
 tell me step by step how can I install
 python on linux  ( please detailed ) , because I don't know anything
 about linux and I really don't understand
 python documentation about installing python on linux.

Virtually all general-purpose server or client Linux distros
already have Python installed.

If you've managed to find one that doesn't, then you've got two

  1) Install it using the package manager for the distro in

  2) Build/Install it from source.

For somebody who knows so little about Linux, I'd strongly
recommend option 1.  We can't give you step-by-step
instructions unless you tell us what distro you're running.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I just remembered
  at   something about a TOAD!

Re: Installing python under the linux

2007-06-25 Thread Danyelle Gragsone

Python is usally already installed on most distros.  In a terminal
window type python to see if something happens.  Also please provide
what distro you are running.



 I have problem with installing Python on the Linux platform.Can you
 tell me step by step how can I install
 python on linux  ( please detailed ) , because I don't know anything
 about linux and I really don't understand
 python documentation about installing python on linux.




Re: Python SVN down?

2007-06-25 Thread Pulu
Can confirm the same behavior from locations in California and
Arizona.  The machine responds to pings but sends resets on any
connection to tcp port 80...

Asked in IRC, no response.

 Going to this URL:

 It gives me an error:
 Unable to connect
 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

 And using SVN as so:

 $ svn checkout
 svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/projects/python/trunk'
 svn: PROPFIND of '/projects/python/trunk': could not connect to server

 Gives me the above error.

 Any ideas?  I didn't see an announcement about this anywhere.



Re: Python SVN down?

2007-06-25 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann

 Going to this URL:
 It gives me an error:
 Unable to connect
 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
 Any ideas?

Clear case.

$ nc -v 80 [] 80 (www) : Connection refused

It _is_ down. Probably server maintenance.



BOFH excuse #37:

heavy gravity fluctuation, move computer to floor rapidly


Re: Collections of non-arbitrary objects ?

2007-06-25 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 walterbyrd a écrit :
 For example, I don't think you can divide a string by another string.
 No, because this operation is not implemented for strings - IOW, strings 
 doesn't understand this message. What would be the meaning of dividing 
 strings anyway ? (while concatening string is a well-known operation).

As someone else already mentioned dividing strings is splitting.  The Pike
language does this:

Scroll down to ``string / string``.  The definition of ``string / float``
is neat too.  Something I really miss in everyday programming in Python,
not.  ;-)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Setuptools, build and install dependencies

2007-06-25 Thread John J. Lee
Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Harry George wrote:

 We need to know the dependencies, install them in dependency order,
 and expect the next package to find them.  configure does this for
 hundreds of packages.  cmake, scons, and others also tackle this
 problem.  Python's old seems to be able to do it.  

 No, generic scripts don't do anything of that kind.

 Ok, itself may not do the work, but from the end users'
 perspective it works that way. runs a configure and a make,
 which in turn find the right already-installed libraries.  The point
 is, plays well in such an environment.

Some setuptools-based packages do that.  Some pure-distutils packages
do that.

Some setuptools-based packages don't do that.  Some pure-distutils
packages don't do that.

Regardless of that logic, it's true that, pragmatically, setuptools'
support for dependency resolution encourages an increasing reliance on
explicitly-declared dependencies on *Python* projects (project here
meaning something with a -- a project may contain several
Python packages / modules, and several projects may provide (parts of)
a single Python package, as with zope.*).  However, pre-setuptools,
one rarely saw Python packages being discovered using autotools
(configure c.).  *System* features (presence/absence of libraries,
c.) were indeed discovered that way.  I don't know of any Python
projects that previously used autotools and stopped doing so as part
of a switch to setuptools).


finding an element in a string

2007-06-25 Thread Miguel Oliveira
 I was wondering if you could help me with this:
 I want to make an if statement in which I would like to find a certain word in a sentence; here is what i have so far:

x = raw_input("how are you?")

if x == "fine":
 print "Good."

But that, obviously, will only respond "good" when one writes "fine". I was looking for a way for the program to respond "good" to any sentence that would contain the word "fine" in it.

I'm sure it's something ridiculously easy, but I have no idea how to do it! :)
 Thank you,
 Miguel :)MSN Busca: fácil, rápido, direto ao ponto.  Encontre o que você quiser. Clique aqui. 


Re: Installing python under the linux

2007-06-25 Thread vedrandekovic

Danyelle Gragsone je napisao/la:

 Python is usally already installed on most distros.  In a terminal
 window type python to see if something happens.  Also please provide
 what distro you are running.


  I have problem with installing Python on the Linux platform.Can you
  tell me step by step how can I install
  python on linux  ( please detailed ) , because I don't know anything
  about linux and I really don't understand
  python documentation about installing python on linux.


Probably my distro is ubuntu  --- I don't what is it, and ' want
install/build python from source


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