Announcing Wing IDE 101 for teaching intro programming courses

2007-08-04 Thread Wingware

We're pleased to announce the first public beta release of Wing IDE 101,
a free scaled back edition of Wing IDE that was designed for teaching
introductory programming courses.

We are releasing Wing IDE 101 to the general public in the hopes
that it may help others teach with or learn Python.  Wingware also
offers educational pricing for Wing IDE Professional, including steep
discounts for class room use.  If you are interested in teaching
Python with Wing IDE, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more

Key features of Wing IDE 101 include:

   * Powerful Editor -- Syntax highlighting, goto-definition, navigation
 menus, error indicators, auto-indent, and keyboard emulation for
 Visual Studio, VI/Vim, Emacs, and Brief.
   * Python Shell -- Evaluate files and selections in the integrated Python 
   * Graphical Debugger -- Set breakpoints and view stack and program data.

Note that Wing IDE 101 omits auto-completion and most other code intelligence
features found in the other Wing IDE products. This was by design, so that
students are more conscious of the details of the language and the modules
that they are learning about.

Wing IDE 101 is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is free for all
non-commercial uses and does not require a license code to run.  Wing 101
is not, however, open source.

The current release is 3.0 beta1 and is available here:

General information for beta testers is here:

More details on Wing 101's features are here:

Please direct bug reports and suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Website data-mining.

2007-08-04 Thread Miki

 I'm using Python for the first time to make a plug-in for Firefox.
 The goal of this plug-in is to take the source code from a website
 and use the metadata and body text for different kinds of analysis.
 My question is: How can I retrieve data from a website? I'm not even
 sure if this is possible through Python. Any help?
Have a look at
for getting the data and at
for handling it.




Re: Help: GIS

2007-08-04 Thread zxo102
On 8 3 ,   9 34 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 2, 10:46 pm, zxo102 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am new in GIS area and need your suggestions for where I can
  start from.  I have a python based web application with a database.
  Now I would like to add a GIS map into my application. When a user
  clicks a certain area in the GIS map, it can grab the data from the
  database via my python based application. Do I have to use MapServer
  or Grass or some other  backends for this purpose?
 Thanks  a lot.


 While I am not a part of our GIS department, they use ArcGIS which has
 Python support built in. If that's what you're using, you should be
 able to use the examples given on ESRI's 

 Hmmm...not much there. Here are some other links I found:

 I don't know if these will be much help. You really need to just dig
 in and start coding. I would recommend Programming Python 3rd Ed. by
 Lutz if you want something in hard copy. Dive Into Python is a free
 book that's online that I'm told is very good. Both have good
 examples, some of which are involved. All the web oriented Python
 books are a few years old, but the code in them still works, for the
 most part.


Mike, Thanks for your suggestion. I am looking for a python GIS
package (without any other GIS backends like mapserver) which can be
simply imported into my current python web application. I am not sure
if it is available. So far, the close one I found is Python
Cartographic Lab. But I can not find any examples for PCL. Anyway, I
am still on the way of the deep learning curve for GIS.



Re: How to pass a reference to the current module

2007-08-04 Thread James Stroud
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Hmm, it's a pain that there's no clean way to get at the current
 module.  PEP 3130 shows some icky and unreliable ways, e.g.
func = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'f')
 PEP 3130's goal was to add a clean way to do this.  Unfortunately it
 was rejected.

Yes, this is the essence of the problem. At least I'm not the only one 
to have needed (or at least wanted) this.


Re: Website data-mining.

2007-08-04 Thread Jay Loden
Miki wrote:
 I'm using Python for the first time to make a plug-in for Firefox.
 The goal of this plug-in is to take the source code from a website
 and use the metadata and body text for different kinds of analysis.
 My question is: How can I retrieve data from a website? I'm not even
 sure if this is possible through Python. Any help?
 Have a look at

Well, it's certainly interesting, but I'm not sure how it might help the OP get 
data from a website...

 for getting the data and at
 for handling it.

Registration is open for the 5th Python game challenge!

2007-08-04 Thread Richard Jones
The fifth PyWeek is only a month away. Come along and join the fun: write a
video game in a week!

There's some really interesting new libraries that have popped up recently.
Have a gander on the pyweek message board for more info.


Visit the PyWeek website for more information: 


- Invites all Python programmers to write a game in one week from scratch 
  either as an individual or in a team, 
- Is intended to be challenging and fun, 
- Will hopefully increase the public body of python game tools, code and 
- Will let a lot of people actually finish a game, and 
- May inspire new projects (with ready made teams!) 

Entries must be developed during the challenge, and must incorporate some 
theme decided at the start of the challenge. The rules for the challenge are 


Visit the PyWeek website:

Re: Help: GIS

2007-08-04 Thread momobear
On Aug 3, 11:46 am, zxo102 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new in GIS area and need your suggestions for where I can
 start from.  I have a python based web application with a database.
 Now I would like to add a GIS map into my application. When a user
 clicks a certain area in the GIS map, it can grab the data from the
 database via my python based application. Do I have to use MapServer
 or Grass or some other  backends for this purpose?
Thanks  a lot.


another link,, talk about
many python tools about GIS, hope help to u.


Auto run/Timer

2007-08-04 Thread Rohan
I would like my script to run once a week with out any external
More like a timer. Can it be done in python or should some other shell
scripting be used.
If anyone knows anything please let me know.


Re: Auto run/Timer

2007-08-04 Thread Stargaming
On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 08:27:05 +, Rohan wrote:

 I would like my script to run once a week with out any external
 More like a timer. Can it be done in python or should some other shell
 scripting be used.
 If anyone knows anything please let me know.

`cron` should be your way to go, IMO. `/etc/cron.weekly/` might be a 
starting point (copy your script into this directoy).

And, yes, it can be done using pure Python (but I wouldn't do it). See 

Re: How to pass a reference to the current module

2007-08-04 Thread James Stroud
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I suggest you're falling for the anti-pattern of Big Design Up Front,
 and are overly complicating your system just in case it's useful. Why
 not just _insist_ that and must be different
 modules? You're the application developer, you're allowed to do that.

The idea of the module I'm writing is to allow the user to define 
functions where they want and to create single-file python scripts that 
can make use of my API. The point of the module is to be beginner 
friendly, but maybe that is asking too much as user friendliness might 
be a potentially useful but provably unnecessary attribute.

 2. foo is defined in `main`
 Maybe you should just prohibit that? Do you really want to allow users to
 call arbitrary code in your main application at arbitrary times and places?

It would be the user's main and they would be importing my module. I 
would like my module to be aware of the contents of the user's module. I 
thought such a thing would be possible because it seems like something 
similar is happening in distutils py2app.

 But in any case, it shouldn't matter. main is the program running -- it
 has to be, because you can't import it from another program -- so
 globals()['foo'] will work.
 Possibility two (even when it is a properly named module) sets the stage 
 for a circular import, but I believe in python this is not entirely 
 worrisome. However, the combination above makes it difficult to pass a 
 reference to the `main` namespace without some sort of introspection. 
 That's what globals() is for.

On second thought this might not be horribly bad:

FunctionUser.do_something_with(globals(), 'doit', 7)


FunctionUser.do_something_with(UserDefined1.globals(), 'foo', 7)

 From a beginner-user's perspective (i.e. potential users of my module), 
it seems a little awkward, but might be more natural on the whole than 
the alternatives. However, if I had my druthers, I would rather have 
some way to pass a reference to the current module in the former case 
and have do_something_with() call globals(). I really like the idea of 
having the module or its namespace as an optional argument and 
implicitly using the calling global namespace if its left out. But 
perhaps this is bad design from an explicit is better than implicit 

 param1 = float
 param2 = 4

 __module__ = 'UserDefined1'
 __function__ = 'doit'
 I'm not sure why you need the quotation marks around the module and
 function names. What else could UserDefined1 be, other than a string?

Yes, those were typos. And to be consistent, the whole listing of the 
configuration file should be (note: 'doit'-do_something_with):

param1 = float
param2 = 4

__module__ = UserDefined1
__function__ = do_something_with
param1 = str
param2 = 30.0

param1 = float
param2 = float


With the user's main having the following in it:

from UserDefined1 import some_function
def foo(): [etc.]
def doit(): [etc.]

I'm afraid my previous listing of the config file could cause confusion.


Re: How to pass a reference to the current module

2007-08-04 Thread Peter Otten
James Stroud wrote:

 Yes, those were typos. And to be consistent, the whole listing of the
 configuration file should be (note: 'doit'-do_something_with):
 param1 = float
 param2 = 4
 __module__ = UserDefined1
 __function__ = do_something_with
 param1 = str
 param2 = 30.0
 param1 = float
 param2 = float
 With the user's main having the following in it:
 from UserDefined1 import some_function
 def foo(): [etc.]
 def doit(): [etc.]

Why don't you just let your userse write

def foo(param1=float, param2=4):

and dump the config file? Alternatively you can devise a decorator

@declare(float, int)
def foo(param1, param2=4):

The problem of mapping names to values, be they modules or functions, will
magically vanish.


Re: How to pass a reference to the current module

2007-08-04 Thread Paul Rubin
James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 FunctionUser.do_something_with(globals(), 'doit', 7)

How about instead of import FunctionUser, require

   from FunctionUser import do_something

In, write:

   frob = (some object that gets necessary stuff from module environment)

   def do_something(*user_args, __frob = frob): 
  # use __frob to access FunctionUser module contents as needed
  # ...
  (func, args) = getattr(FunctionUser, user_args[0]), user_args[1:]

Re: regexp problem in Python

2007-08-04 Thread Sönmez Kartal
On 4 A ustos, 00:41, Ehsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to find
 Jadeed_Mlak14.wmv?tsid=20070803-164051-9d637d11  or 3gp instead of
 wmv in the text file like this :
 some code
 function reportAbuse() {
 var windowname=abuse;
 var url=/abuse.jsp?link= +
 OpenWindow =,windowname,'toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500,height=500,left=50,top=50');
   function startDownload(){
 window.location =

 I use this pattern :

 but it returns only 'wmv' and '3gp' instead of

 what can I do? what's wrong whit this pattern? thanx for your comments

You could use r'window.location = (.*?\.(wmv|3gp);' as your regex
string, I guess..


how to run os.execv() to run command pslq dbname gen.command

2007-08-04 Thread Sonu
hello all ,
i need to run psql from my py file,,
for that i am using : os.execv(path for psql ,['psql dbname 
but its not working ..

the  command wht i want to run from this py file is :psql dbname 

where gen.command file contain some command to create csv file from

\o temp.csv
\f ,
select * from temp

if u have any idea plz help me,,


Re: bias in random.normalvariate??

2007-08-04 Thread Steve Holden
Robert Kern wrote:
 I'm a Python newbie and certainly no expert on statistics, but my wife
 was taking a statistics course this summer and to illustrate that
 sampling random numbers from a distribution and taking an average of
 the samples gives you a random number as the result (bigger sample -
 smaller variance in the calculated random number, converging in on the
 mean of the original distribution), I threw together this program:

 #! /usr/bin/python

 import random;

  #print x
  if xlo: lo=x
  if xhi: high=x
 print 'sample mean=', sum/samplen, '\n'
 print 'low value =', lo
 print 'high value=', high
 Your code has an error. In the middle of your code, you changed hi to 
Which very nicely makes the point that you can test algorithms driven by 
random data using statistical functions on the output!

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
--- Asciimercial --
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Many services currently offer free registration
--- Thank You for Reading -


Re: how to run os.execv() to run command pslq dbname gen.command

2007-08-04 Thread Steve Holden
Sonu wrote:
 hello all ,
 i need to run psql from my py file,,
 for that i am using : os.execv(path for psql ,['psql dbname 
 but its not working ..
I want to watch my TV, but it's not working. Can you tell me how to fix 
it? ...

 the  command wht i want to run from this py file is :psql dbname 
 where gen.command file contain some command to create csv file from
 \o temp.csv
 \f ,
 select * from temp
 if u have any idea plz help me,,
Perhaps you could post your code, and a copy of the error messages you 
see when you run this program? That will give a much better idea of what 
the problem is.

You do realise that the snippet you posted isn't even legal Python, right?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
--- Asciimercial --
Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag the Internet
Many services currently offer free registration
--- Thank You for Reading -


Re: Website data-mining.

2007-08-04 Thread Paul Boddie
Jay Loden wrote:
 Miki wrote:
  Have a look at

 Well, it's certainly interesting, but I'm not sure how it might help the OP 
 get data from a website...

A case of the Freudian clipboard, perhaps? ;-)



the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread dhr
newbie question:

Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on 
your shelf if you are going into Python? 


Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread markacy
On 4 Sie, 15:23, dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 newbie question:

 Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on
 your shelf if you are going into Python?

There are actually two of them:

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python by
Allen B. Downey, Jeffrey Elkner and Chris Meyers


Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim

Hope this helps :-)

Cheers and good luck,


[DISLIN] Polar Grid

2007-08-04 Thread MASI
in a polar graph if I define the position of the first label TOP or
BOTTOM,the grid doesn't show.
Is this a bug?

dislin.polmod('top', 'clockwise')
dislin.polar  (1.,0., 0.2, 0., 30.)

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Aahz
dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

newbie question:

Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on 
your shelf if you are going into Python? 

There really aren't any, assuming you're comfortable reading web-based
material.  If it's important to you to have a reference book, probably
_Python in a Nutshell_ would be best.  If you're looking for a tutorial,
I'll plug my own _Python for Dummies_.  ;-)

This is Python.  We don't care much about theory, except where it intersects 
with useful practice.  

Re: regexp problem in Python

2007-08-04 Thread Ehsan
On Aug 4, 1:22 pm, Sönmez Kartal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4 A ustos, 00:41, Ehsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I want to find
  Jadeed_Mlak14.wmv?tsid=20070803-164051-9d637d11  or 3gp instead of
  wmv in the text file like this :
  some code
  function reportAbuse() {
  var windowname=abuse;
  var url=/abuse.jsp?link= +
  OpenWindow =,windowname,'toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500­,height=500,left=50,top=50');
function startDownload(){
  window.location =

  I use this pattern :

  but it returns only 'wmv' and '3gp' instead of

  what can I do? what's wrong whit this pattern? thanx for your comments

 You could use r'window.location = (.*?\.(wmv|3gp);' as your regex
 string, I guess..- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

I didn't get what do you mean? i think i must just change the pattern
but I don't know how to find bestfit pattern


Re: Relative-importing *

2007-08-04 Thread Ben Finney

 Yes, I'm importing * for a reason, a good one, I think.

Reading your description, I must say I don't see a good reason.

 I have a set of modules (the number planned to reach about 400) that
 would be dynamically loaded by my program as needed, and they're
 somewhat similar to each other. I wish each of them to import * from
 a certain parent module, so that they'll receive whatever
 functions and variables I want all of them to share (using the
 parent module's __all__), which may be overrided by the child
 modules at their discretion. Sort of like class inheritance, but I'm
 not doing that because implementing that would be a lot more tedious
 and less elegant.

It seems to me, based only on this description, that class inheritance
would be far *more* elegant, and much easier to follow when reading
the code.

If all these functions and other objects are so closely-related that
they form the core of some inheritance-like system, what's so
inelegant about wrapping them in a class so that the inheritance is
explicit in the module where it happens?

 \  The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice |
  `\   within.  -- Mahatma Gandhi |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread O.R.Senthil Kumaran
  newbie question:
  Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on

Official Python Tutorial and all Library reference document is somewhat
similar to KR for C. You cannot expect the same kind of book, although a
variety of good books are available in Python.

Depending on your level there are lot of good books available in Python.
Go to Beginners Tutorials and take up any of the Book for
Programmers and Non Programmers list. 
Read more than one book and know for yourself as which one you will find it

Btw, do not miss to read Official Python Tutorial written by Guido. 

O.R.Senthil Kumaran

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread BartlebyScrivener
On Aug 4, 8:23 am, dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 newbie question:

 Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on
 your shelf if you are going into Python?

I second the comment about the Official Python Tutorial, however you
did say, on the shelf in which case I would recommend:

Python Essential Reference, David Beazley, 3rd edition Feb 2006
great, esp. if you already know some other programming language.



Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-08-04, dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 newbie question:

 Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd
 better have on your shelf if you are going into Python? 

C is such a small language that the same slim volume can be both
a great tutorial and an awesome language reference.

With Python, you won't find anything like that. Python is too

So get used to the idea of needing several books. ;)

Neil Cerutti

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Michael Tobis
On Aug 4, 9:32 am, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrot

 With Python, you won't find anything like that. Python is too

That's silly. Python is small in the sense that C is small. The Python
standard library is probably much bigger than the C standard library,
but Kernghan and Richie don't cover it.

KR is a unique book. I have never seen anything comparable for any
language. The closest Python equivalent is the official docs:

I think the core Python bookshelf is:

Learning Python (Lutxz  Ascher) and/or
Dive Into Python (Pilgrim) for tutorial

Python in a Nutshell (Martelli) AND
Python Essential Reference (Beazley) for reference

The latter two books are not perfect (both indexes are infuriating)
but I usually find that I can find what I am looking for in one or the

Like most people I eventually plan to read Moby Dick, War and Peace,
and Lutz's Programming Python. Maybe when I retire.



Re: (no) fast boolean evaluation ?

2007-08-04 Thread Paddy
On Aug 2, 10:47 pm, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I discovered that boolean evaluation in Python is done fast
 (as soon as the condition is ok, the rest of the expression is ignored).

 Is this standard behavior or is there a compiler switch to turn it on/off ?

 Stef Mientki

The following program shows a(clumsy)? way to defeat the short-

def f(x):
  print f(%s)=%s % ('x',x),
  return x
def g(x):
  print g(%s)=%s % ('x',x),
  return x

print \nShort circuit
for i in (True, False):
  for j in (True, False):
print i,j,:, f(i) and g(j)

print \nShort circuit defeated
for i in (True, False):
  for j in (True, False):
print i,j,:, g(j) if f(i) else (g(j) and False)

The output is:

Short circuit
True True : f(x)=True g(x)=True True
True False : f(x)=True g(x)=False False
False True : f(x)=False False
False False : f(x)=False False

Short circuit defeated
True True : f(x)=True g(x)=True True
True False : f(x)=True g(x)=False False
False True : f(x)=False g(x)=True False
False False : f(x)=False g(x)=False False

- Paddy.


Problems with headers in email.message

2007-08-04 Thread Slippy
Hi, python newbie, struggling to learn here. I'm trying to write a
simple program which posts messages to my google group (via email).
I'm using smtplib, email and email.message to build and send a
message, but all the header attributes are appearing in the message
body, so my messages are arriving with loads of junk in the body, no
subject line and only the skinniest of headers. I know I'm doing
something wrong, but I don't know what...

Here's a simplification of what I'm doingessentially, I've taken
from what I've learned at

-Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip
import smtplib, email
from email.message import Message
m = Message( )
m['From'] = 'Slippy [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
m['Subject'] = 'A Test Message'
m.set_payload('This is a test email. Please ignore')
s = smtplib.SMTP('')
failed =
s.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',str(m))
if failed:
 print 'Message sending failed.'
 print 'Message sent.'
print 'Bye.'
-Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip

Now, I get all the right responses, and the message sends ok. I go and
check my inbox, and the message is there, but the From, To and Subject
lines I created (as well as a preceding blank line and a From nobody
line) are in the message body, followed by the body text.

How do I assign values to the header?

I'd appreciate any help anyone can give me with this.


Re: I am giving up perl because of assholes on clpm -- switching to Python

2007-08-04 Thread grocery_stocker
On Jul 25, 12:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python is a better language, with php support, anyway, but I am fed up
 with attitudes of comp.lang.perl.misc. Assholes in this newsgroup ruin
 Perl experience for everyone. Instead of being helpful, snide remarks,
 back-biting, scare tactings, and so on proliferate and self
 reinforce. All honest people have left this sad newsgroup. Buy bye,
 assholes, I am not going to miss you!!!


In the beginning there was Mathematics
And all was good
Then one day God said Let there be the Lambda Calculus
And hence the Lambda Calculus was born.
However, God felt the the Lambda Calculus needed a mate
So god said Let there be Lisp
And thus, Lisp was born.

As the years went on, god became depressed by how impure the Lisp had
For from the Lisp, came Emacs Lisp, Java, Perl, Ruby, and Python.


Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-08-04, Michael Tobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 4, 9:32 am, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrot
 With Python, you won't find anything like that. Python is too

 That's silly. Python is small in the sense that C is small. 

What way of measuring makes that true?

 The Python standard library is probably much bigger than the C
 standard library, but Kernghan and Richie don't cover it.

The complete standard library, plus some Unix-centered stuff is
covered in KR. Python compares closely to C++ in the scope of
its built-in features.

 KR is a unique book. I have never seen anything comparable for
 any language.

That's partly because C is so small, though. Also Kernighan is a
good technical writer. I'm not sure of Ritchie's contribution, as
I haven't read any other books he wrote.

 The closest Python equivalent is the official docs:

 I think the core Python bookshelf is:

 Learning Python (Lutxz  Ascher) and/or
 Dive Into Python (Pilgrim) for tutorial

 Python in a Nutshell (Martelli) AND
 Python Essential Reference (Beazley) for reference

 The latter two books are not perfect (both indexes are
 infuriating) but I usually find that I can find what I am
 looking for in one or the other.

That's an excellent list.

 Like most people I eventually plan to read Moby Dick, War and
 Peace, and Lutz's Programming Python. Maybe when I retire.

Don't forget Rarnaby Budge, by Charles Dikkens, the well known
Dutch author.

Neil Cerutti

something wrong with wxPython list ?

2007-08-04 Thread Stef Mientki

All my posts to
seems to be rejected since today ?

Is there anything wrong with that list ?

Stef Mientki

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread kyosohma
On Aug 4, 8:23 am, dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 newbie question:

 Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on
 your shelf if you are going into Python?

I would recommend Programming Python 3rd Ed. by Lutz or Core Python
Programming by Chun. Lutz has more examples than Chun, but Chun has
lots of good information about the language's history. Both authors
share interesting facts about the language, some of which are pretty
obscure. Lutz has good case studies though, so it may be slightly more



Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread marduk
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 15:10 +, Michael Tobis wrote:
 Like most people I eventually plan to read Moby Dick, War and Peace,
 and Lutz's Programming Python. Maybe when I retire. 

LOL. Lutz's Programming Python is actually how I learned Python.


Re: Problems with headers in email.message

2007-08-04 Thread Tim Williams
On 04/08/07, Slippy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, python newbie, struggling to learn here. I'm trying to write a
 simple program which posts messages to my google group (via email).
 I'm using smtplib, email and email.message to build and send a
 message, but all the header attributes are appearing in the message
 body, so my messages are arriving with loads of junk in the body, no
 subject line and only the skinniest of headers. I know I'm doing
 something wrong, but I don't know what...

 Here's a simplification of what I'm doingessentially, I've taken
 from what I've learned at

 -Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip
 import smtplib, email
 from email.message import Message
 m = Message( )
 m['From'] = 'Slippy [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 m['To'] = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 m['Subject'] = 'A Test Message'
 m.set_payload('This is a test email. Please ignore')
 s = smtplib.SMTP('')
 failed =
 s.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',str(m))
 if failed:
  print 'Message sending failed.'
  print 'Message sent.'
 print 'Bye.'
 -Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip

 Now, I get all the right responses, and the message sends ok. I go and
 check my inbox, and the message is there, but the From, To and Subject
 lines I created (as well as a preceding blank line and a From nobody
 line) are in the message body, followed by the body text.

 How do I assign values to the header?

 I'd appreciate any help anyone can give me with this.

Your script (as posted) works fine for me.

  I did need to change one import line to:  from email.Message import
Message (note the capitalization), but that was all - originally it
stopped the script dead, so it wasn't the cause of your problem.


Tim Williams

Re: Problems with headers in email.message

2007-08-04 Thread Carsten Haese
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 15:38 +, Slippy wrote:
 import smtplib, email
 from email.message import Message
 m = Message( )
 m['From'] = 'Slippy [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 m['To'] = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 m['Subject'] = 'A Test Message'
 m.set_payload('This is a test email. Please ignore')
 s = smtplib.SMTP('')
 failed =
 s.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',str(m))
 if failed:
  print 'Message sending failed.'
  print 'Message sent.'
 print 'Bye.'
 -Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip
 Now, I get all the right responses, and the message sends ok. I go and
 check my inbox, and the message is there, but the From, To and Subject
 lines I created (as well as a preceding blank line and a From nobody
 line) are in the message body, followed by the body text.
 How do I assign values to the header?

The way you're doing it is fine as far as assigning headers goes. My
semi-educated guess is that either your mail-transfer agent or Google
Groups' MTA is being confused by the Unix From envelope (that's the
From nobody... you're seeing) that is included by str(m).

Try m.as_string() instead, which doesn't include the Unix From envelope.

I'd also like to point out that email.message is overkill for your
simple use case. An email message is simply a series of headers followed
by a blank line followed by the message body, which you can easily build
manually if the headers aren't too long and the body is plain text:

email_message = \
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s

%s % (email_from, email_to, email_subject, email_body)


Carsten Haese


Re: something wrong with wxPython list ?

2007-08-04 Thread kyosohma
On Aug 4, 11:01 am, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 All my posts to
 seems to be rejected since today ?

 Is there anything wrong with that list ?

 Stef Mientki

Somehow I doubt the people on this list will know. I checked the ASPN
archives, but they only show stuff from the 3rd. Not sure how often
they update anyway. Here's the link for future reference though:

I haven't received any of the wxPython digest since yesterday, so it
could be that it's down right now.



Re: Problems with headers in email.message

2007-08-04 Thread Carsten Haese
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 17:10 +0100, Tim Williams wrote:
 Your script (as posted) works fine for me.
   I did need to change one import line to:  from email.Message import
 Message (note the capitalization)

The modules inside the email package appear to have changed from
capitalized names to lowercase names for Python 2.5.

Carsten Haese


Re: (no) fast boolean evaluation ?

2007-08-04 Thread Paddy
On Aug 4, 4:18 pm, Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 2, 10:47 pm, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I discovered that boolean evaluation in Python is done fast
  (as soon as the condition is ok, the rest of the expression is ignored).

  Is this standard behavior or is there a compiler switch to turn it on/off ?

  Stef Mientki

 The following program shows a(clumsy)? way to defeat the short-

 def f(x):
   print f(%s)=%s % ('x',x),
   return x
 def g(x):
   print g(%s)=%s % ('x',x),
   return x

 print \nShort circuit
 for i in (True, False):
   for j in (True, False):
 print i,j,:, f(i) and g(j)

 print \nShort circuit defeated
 for i in (True, False):
   for j in (True, False):
 print i,j,:, g(j) if f(i) else (g(j) and False)

 The output is:

 Short circuit
 True True : f(x)=True g(x)=True True
 True False : f(x)=True g(x)=False False
 False True : f(x)=False False
 False False : f(x)=False False

 Short circuit defeated
 True True : f(x)=True g(x)=True True
 True False : f(x)=True g(x)=False False
 False True : f(x)=False g(x)=True False
 False False : f(x)=False g(x)=False False

 - Paddy.

And here are the bits for boolean OR:

print \n\nShort circuit: OR
for i in (True, False):
  for j in (True, False):
print i,j,:, f(i) or g(j)

print \nShort circuit defeated: OR
for i in (True, False):
  for j in (True, False):
print i,j,:, (g(j) or True) if f(i) else g(j)

- Paddy.


Re: Auto run/Timer

2007-08-04 Thread Irmen de Jong
Rohan wrote:
 I would like my script to run once a week with out any external
 More like a timer. Can it be done in python or should some other shell
 scripting be used.
 If anyone knows anything please let me know.

Have a look at my 'kronos' task scheduler, available from:

Things like this do require a Python process to be running all the time,
for obvious reasons. If you don't want that, you'll have to use a task
scheduler tool that your operating system provides (cron, for instance).


sqlite3 create table col width?

2007-08-04 Thread jim-on-linux
PY help,

Using sqlite3 v3.1.3

When I create a table collumn using;

newcollum VARCHAR(35),

I get a default of 10 spaces.

No matter what I set the size to I get 10 spqces, 
even using varchar(0) defaults to 10 spaces.

I would appreciae the help if someone could tell 
me what I'm missing, I want to varry the column 



Re: regexp problem in Python

2007-08-04 Thread Fabio Z Tessitore
Il Fri, 03 Aug 2007 14:41:52 -0700, Ehsan ha scritto:

maybe you can use this to solve your prob:

myurl =

if myurl.startswith('http') and ('wmv' in myurl or '3pg' in myurl):
# myurl is the complete address you want
print myurl


about re, I'm waiting for someone enlightening all us,

Re: regexp problem in Python

2007-08-04 Thread Sönmez Kartal
On 4 A ustos, 17:10, Ehsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 4, 1:22 pm, Sönmez Kartal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 4 A ustos, 00:41, Ehsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I want to find
   Jadeed_Mlak14.wmv?tsid=20070803-164051-9d637d11  or 3gp instead of
   wmv in the text file like this :
   some code
   function reportAbuse() {
   var windowname=abuse;
   var url=/abuse.jsp?link= +
   OpenWindow =,windowname,'toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500­,height=500,left=50,top=50');
 function startDownload(){
   window.location =

   I use this pattern :

   but it returns only 'wmv' and '3gp' instead of

   what can I do? what's wrong whit this pattern? thanx for your comments

  You could use r'window.location = (.*?\.(wmv|3gp);' as your regex
  string, I guess..- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 I didn't get what do you mean? i think i must just change the pattern
 but I don't know how to find bestfit pattern

If you append window.location =  and ';' to your pattern, it would
be more clear to detect it.

r'window.location = (.*?);'

... I have used this and it gave me ...
 data =  html
... some code
... function reportAbuse() {
... var windowname=abuse;
... var url=/abuse.jsp?link= +
... OpenWindow =
... OpenWindow.focus();
...   }
...   function startDownload(){
... window.location =
... //document.downloadForm.submit();
...   }
...   /script
... /head
... /html
 re.findall(r'window.location = (.*?);', data)
 print 'It works! :-)'
It works! :-)

Happy coding


Re: sqlite3 create table col width?

2007-08-04 Thread Paddy
On Aug 4, 6:51 pm, jim-on-linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PY help,

 Using sqlite3 v3.1.3

 When I create a table collumn using;

 newcollum VARCHAR(35),

 I get a default of 10 spaces.

 No matter what I set the size to I get 10 spqces,
 even using varchar(0) defaults to 10 spaces.

 I would appreciae the help if someone could tell
 me what I'm missing, I want to varry the column


Hi Jim,
You need to create a new thread for this new question so it gets
maximum visibility and so is more likely to be answered.

- Paddy.


Re: sqlite3 create table col width?

2007-08-04 Thread Carsten Haese
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 13:51 -0400, jim-on-linux wrote:
 PY help,
 Using sqlite3 v3.1.3
 When I create a table collumn using;
 newcollum VARCHAR(35),
 I get a default of 10 spaces.
 No matter what I set the size to I get 10 spqces, 
 even using varchar(0) defaults to 10 spaces.
 I would appreciae the help if someone could tell 
 me what I'm missing, I want to varry the column 

What you're missing is that sqlite columns are type-less. Column type
and size are irrelevant:

 import sqlite3
 conn = sqlite3.connect(:memory)
 cur = conn.cursor()
 cur.execute(create table t1 (c1 varchar(35)))
sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb7f6dbf0
 cur.executemany(insert into t1(c1) values(?),
... [ (X*i*10,) for i in range(10) ] )
 cur.execute(select * from t1)
sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb7f6dbf0
 for row in cur: print row

Even though the column was created to be 35 characters wide, it'll
happily accept 100-character strings.


Carsten Haese


Re: Website data-mining.

2007-08-04 Thread Miki

  I'm using Python for the first time to make a plug-in for Firefox.
  The goal of this plug-in is to take the source code from a website
  and use the metadata and body text for different kinds of analysis.
  My question is: How can I retrieve data from a website? I'm not even
  sure if this is possible through Python. Any help?
  Have a look 

 Well, it's certainly interesting, but I'm not sure how it might help the OP 
 get data from a website...
Ouch, let there be a lesson to me to *read* my posts before sending
them :)

Should have been

Miki (who can't paste) Tebeka


Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 3, 8:38 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) wrote:
  A naive approach to rank ordering (handling ties as well) of nested
  lists may be accomplished via:

 def rankLists(nestedList):
def rankList(singleList):
sortedList = list(singleList)
return map(sortedList.index, singleList)
return map(rankList, nestedList)

  unranked = [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 ], [ -1.1, 2.2,
  0, -1.1, 13 ] ]
  print rankLists(unranked)

 [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 0, 4, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2, 0, 4]]

  This works nicely when the dimensions of the nested list are small.
  It is slow when they are big.  Can someone suggest a clever way to
  speed it up?

 Each use of sortedList.index is O(N) [where N is len(singleList)], and
 you have N such uses in the map in the inner function, so this approach
 is O(N squared).  Neil's suggestion to use bisect replaces the O(N)
 .index with an O(log N) search, so the overall performance is O(N log N)
 [[and you can't do better than that, big-O wise, because the sort step
 is also O(N log N)]].

 beginner's advice to use a dictionary is also good and may turn out to
 be faster, just because dicts are SO fast in Python -- but you need to
 try and measure both alternatives.  One way to use a dict (warning,
 untested code):

   def rankList(singleList):
   d = {}
   for i, item in reversed(enumerate(sorted(singleList))):
   d[item] = i
   return [d[item] for item in singleList]

 If you find the for-clause too rich in functionality, you can of course
 split it up a bit; but note that you do need the 'reversed' to deal with
 the corner case of duplicate items (without it, you'd end up with 1s
 instead of 0s for the third one of the sublists in your example).  If
 speed is of the essence you might try to measure what happens if you
 replace the returned expression with map(d.__getitem__, singleList), but
 I suspect the list comprehension is faster as well as clearer.

 Another potential small speedup is to replace the first 3 statements
 with just one:

 d = dict((item,i) for i,item in reversed(enumerate(sorted(singleList

 but THIS density of functionality is a bit above my personal threshold
 of comfort (sparse is better than dense:-).


Thanks for breaking it down so thoroughly.  I try the different
recipes and see which gives the best trade offs between readability
and performance.  Agreed that dict() approach looks promising.


Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 3, 9:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 2, 10:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  A naive approach to rank ordering (handling ties as well) of nested
  lists may be accomplished via:

 def rankLists(nestedList):
def rankList(singleList):
sortedList = list(singleList)
return map(sortedList.index, singleList)
return map(rankList, nestedList)

  unranked = [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 ], [ -1.1, 2.2,
  0, -1.1, 13 ] ]
  print rankLists(unranked)

 [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 0, 4, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2, 0, 4]]

  This works nicely when the dimensions of the nested list are small.
  It is slow when they are big.  Can someone suggest a clever way to
  speed it up?

 Isn't there something wrong with the ordering?

 Pablo's answers are:
 [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]  correct

 [ 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 ] == [2, 0, 4, 1, 3] wrong?

 [ -1.1, 2.2, 0, -1.1, 13 ] == [0, 3, 2, 0, 4] wrong?

 Doing it in my head I get:
 [ 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 ] == [ 1, 3, 0, 4, 2 ]

 [ -1.1, 2.2, 0, -1.1, 13 ] == [0, 3, 2, 1, 4]

 What gives?

 Did I misunderstand what rank ordering (handling ties as well) means?

There are many ways to skin this cat.  I am considering the following


Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 3, 5:53 am, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-08-03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A naive approach to rank ordering (handling ties as well) of nested
  lists may be accomplished via:

 def rankLists(nestedList):
def rankList(singleList):
sortedList = list(singleList)
return map(sortedList.index, singleList)
return map(rankList, nestedList)

  unranked = [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 ], [ -1.1, 2.2,
  0, -1.1, 13 ] ]
  print rankLists(unranked)

 [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 0, 4, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2, 0, 4]]

  This works nicely when the dimensions of the nested list are
  small. It is slow when they are big.  Can someone suggest a
  clever way to speed it up?

 Use binary search instead of linear.

  import bisect
  import functools

  def rankLists(nestedList):
def rankList(singleList):
  sortedList = list(sorted(singleList))
  return map(functools.partial(bisect.bisect_left, sortedList), singleList)
return map(rankList, nestedList)

 Neil Cerutti
 Facts are stupid things. --Ronald Reagan

Very clean and precisely what I was looking for.  Thanks for expanding
my knowledge of the language.


Re: Problems with headers in email.message

2007-08-04 Thread Slippy
Carsten, changing to m.as_string() worked perfectly - Thanks for the

The actual project I'm working on is a lot more complex than the
simple case I've shown you, and does warrant the use of the message
parser, honest! :-)

On Aug 4, 5:14 pm, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 15:38 +, Slippy wrote:
  import smtplib, email
  from email.message import Message
  m = Message( )
  m['From'] = 'Slippy [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  m['To'] = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  m['Subject'] = 'A Test Message'
  m.set_payload('This is a test email. Please ignore')
  s = smtplib.SMTP('')
  failed =
  s.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',str(m))
  if failed:
   print 'Message sending failed.'
   print 'Message sent.'
  print 'Bye.'
  -Snip Here-Snip Here-Snip

  Now, I get all the right responses, and the message sends ok. I go and
  check my inbox, and the message is there, but the From, To and Subject
  lines I created (as well as a preceding blank line and a From nobody
  line) are in the message body, followed by the body text.

  How do I assign values to the header?

 The way you're doing it is fine as far as assigning headers goes. My
 semi-educated guess is that either your mail-transfer agent or Google
 Groups' MTA is being confused by the Unix From envelope (that's the
 From nobody... you're seeing) that is included by str(m).

 Try m.as_string() instead, which doesn't include the Unix From envelope.

 I'd also like to point out that email.message is overkill for your
 simple use case. An email message is simply a series of headers followed
 by a blank line followed by the message body, which you can easily build
 manually if the headers aren't too long and the body is plain text:

 email_message = \
 From: %s
 To: %s
 Subject: %s

 %s % (email_from, email_to, email_subject, email_body)


 Carsten Haese


Re: frequency analysis of a DB column

2007-08-04 Thread goldtech
Just wanted to thank the Posters for the help!


Lee G.


pyweek is happening august 02 - august 09

2007-08-04 Thread Laura Creighton
00:00 UTC 2007-09-02 to 00:00 UTC 2007-09-09 exactly.  See

PyconUK is happening. 8th and 9th September.

This means that those of us who generally do not see each other but are
going to PyconUK could put together an entry and then sprint together
on it before PyCon UK.  There would be this terrible torment -- do
I attend the con or get my game to work -- but it is still the
best chance some of us have to work together yet.

Talk to me if you are interested in maybe making a PyconUK pygame
team.  I think that this could be a lot of fun.  Sign up on if you think so, as well.  But mail me.

John -- assuming we want to meet up _before_ PyConUK -- can that
work?  Can you point us at a cheap hostel for a few days?

Laura Creighton

Re: I am giving up perl because of assholes on clpm -- switching to Python

2007-08-04 Thread Todd Wade
On Jul 22, 2:20 am, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

  Python is a better language, with php support,

 Python has php support ? My, I'm a professional web developper using
 both, and I didn't knew this.

As an aside, perl DOES support PHP:



Encoding DeprecationWarning

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey There,

Sorry if I am missing something here, but I get a DeprecationWarning
when importing a list which has some unicode characters in it (it's a
list of countries -- it's being raised on Åland), and I am left
wondering why. I am using the syntax u' to denote a unicode string.

If anyone would be so kind; what am I doing wrong?

Many Thanks,


Re: Encoding DeprecationWarning

2007-08-04 Thread Carsten Haese
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 12:07 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey There,
 Sorry if I am missing something here, but I get a DeprecationWarning
 when importing a list which has some unicode characters in it

Please copy and paste the full text of the warning.

Carsten Haese


Re: [pygame] pyweek is happening august 02 - august 09

2007-08-04 Thread Luke Paireepinart
Laura Creighton wrote:
 00:00 UTC 2007-09-02 to 00:00 UTC 2007-09-09 exactly.  See

 PyconUK is happening. 8th and 9th September.

 This means that those of us who generally do not see each other but are
 going to PyconUK could put together an entry and then sprint together
 on it before PyCon UK.  There would be this terrible torment -- do
 I attend the con or get my game to work -- but it is still the
 best chance some of us have to work together yet.

 Talk to me if you are interested in maybe making a PyconUK pygame
 team.  I think that this could be a lot of fun.  Sign up on if you think so, as well.  But mail me.

 John -- assuming we want to meet up _before_ PyConUK -- can that
 work?  Can you point us at a cheap hostel for a few days?

 Laura Creighton
Laura - Pyweek is happening the first week in September, not august.
Thanks for giving me a good scare, thinking i missed the first half already!

Re: sqlite3 create table col width?

2007-08-04 Thread jim-on-linux
On Saturday 04 August 2007 14:05, Carsten Haese 
 On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 13:51 -0400, jim-on-linux 
  PY help,
  Using sqlite3 v3.1.3
  When I create a table collumn using;
  newcollum VARCHAR(35),
  I get a default of 10 spaces.
  No matter what I set the size to I get 10
  spqces, even using varchar(0) defaults to 10
  I would appreciae the help if someone could
  tell me what I'm missing, I want to varry the
  column sizes.

 What you're missing is that sqlite columns are
 type-less. Column type

 and size are irrelevant:
  import sqlite3
  conn = sqlite3.connect(:memory)
  cur = conn.cursor()
  cur.execute(create table t1 (c1

 sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb7f6dbf0

  cur.executemany(insert into t1(c1)

 ... [ (X*i*10,) for i in range(10) ] )

  cur.execute(select * from t1)

 sqlite3.Cursor object at 0xb7f6dbf0

  for row in cur: print row


 Even though the column was created to be 35
 characters wide, it'll happily accept
 100-character strings.


 Carsten Haese

Right, the data is there. 
My question is framed wrong.  Your answer pointed 
out the flaw in the question.

Since I'm on linux, the database can be opened 
with Knoda.  Once opened the table collumns are 
always 10 spaces so all the data is not readable 
as presented.  Not quite a python problem.  

I can Tk a display for the data, just thought I 
could save time by letting the user open the 
table and read the data right from the table.

Thanks for the help.




Submit web form only client-side with Python? COM?

2007-08-04 Thread goldtech
Say I have have an HTML form , the user hits the submit button and I
what text they enetered into a HTML form field is written to a file.

But I don't have PHP, JAVA the usual client or server sided layers to
write the data to a file, and I'm not to keen on JavaScript. Note: I
can not add or download anything, I must use what I have.

But I have Python 2.1 and I'm on a WinXP desktop with the,
and usual active-x objects, MS-Office ect - what'd normally locally on
an XP work station.

So I can present the user with an HTML form in it - but how can I
write the form data to a local file on my work station?

If there isn't a web form way, could there be another way to get a box
to come up with input fields with the capability to submit the data to
a file?

Lee G.


Re: Trying to find zip codes/rest example

2007-08-04 Thread Van Lindberg
Jay Loden wrote:
 I don't remember the demo, but a little creative googling turned up

 Which matches the description above perfectly, so I assume it's what you were 
 after :-)
That is exactly what I was trying to find!  I bow down before your 
superior google-fu.




Re: wxpython with python 2.5

2007-08-04 Thread Cappy2112
On Aug 2, 9:34 am, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/2/07, G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any help in getting wxpython to run in 2.5 would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried posting a request for help on the wx list?


Question -- Running Programming Python Examples

2007-08-04 Thread chernevik
Here is a newbie question: how do I get the server examples in the
Preview chapter of  Progamming Python (Lutz) to run?  The code is
supposed to be a little webserver on which to run examples, but when I
run it it I get permission denied.  Running it as root gets address
already in use.

Here is the code (it's example 2.32); comments are from Lutz, not me:

webdir = '.'   # where your html files and cgi-bin script directory

port   = 80# default http://localhost/, else use http://localhost:/

import os, sys

from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer

from CGIHTTPServer  import CGIHTTPRequestHandler

# hack for Windows: os.environ not propogated

[deleted, I'm running linux]
. . .

os.chdir(webdir)   # run in html
root dir

srvraddr = (, port)  # my hostname,

srvrobj  = HTTPServer(srvraddr, CGIHTTPRequestHandler)

srvrobj.serve_forever()# run as
perpetual demon


My other python scripts run fine.

I'm running linux (debian).  I'm not running an webserver (that I know
of anyway).

I've fiddled with adding the subdirectory with the code to the python
path, but this doesn't seem to help either.  I'm new to all this, but
I've been able to make the other stuff work, and I can't even find the
beginning of what I'm supposed to research to fix this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for your time and


Re: Question -- Running Programming Python Examples

2007-08-04 Thread Erik Max Francis

 Here is a newbie question: how do I get the server examples in the
 Preview chapter of  Progamming Python (Lutz) to run?  The code is
 supposed to be a little webserver on which to run examples, but when I
 run it it I get permission denied.  Running it as root gets address
 already in use.

The first error is because non-root users cannot bind to ports lower 
than 1024.  The second error means just what it says:  The address is 
already in use, so you can't bind to port 80.  Something else is already 
bound to it; probably you have an HTTP server already running as part of 
your default software installation and don't realize it.

Choose another port.

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
   If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?
-- Lily Tomlin

Client-side HTML form processing with Python?

2007-08-04 Thread goldtech
I want to have an HTML form from a local local html file write a text
field's data to a local text file.

I have no client or server side tools like PHP, JAVA. I don't know
JavaScript. I can not add anything to the workstation I am using. It's
going to have to be a client-side solution - there's no CGI on the
server, no PHP.

It's XP with MS-Office, so I guess I have the usual active-x, and I
have Python 2.1.

Is there a way?  Thanks,
Lee G.


Re: Question -- Running Programming Python Examples

2007-08-04 Thread Gary Herron
 Here is a newbie question: how do I get the server examples in the
 Preview chapter of  Progamming Python (Lutz) to run?  The code is
 supposed to be a little webserver on which to run examples, but when I
 run it it I get permission denied.  Running it as root gets address
 already in use.

 Here is the code (it's example 2.32); comments are from Lutz, not me:

 webdir = '.'   # where your html files and cgi-bin script directory

 port   = 80# default http://localhost/, else use http://localhost:/
There's the trouble.   You need special permission to open any of the
ports up through 1023.  As root, you have permission, but apparently
some process already has that port opened, almost certainly a web server
you start up at boot time, probably apache.

So either kill off the web server that has port 80 opened, or better
yet, just change the port to something else.  A common choice is port
8080.  This does not require superuser permission, and is probably free. 
port = 8080

If you do that, then you access the server on port 8080 with url's that
look like this:

  http://localhost:8080/what/ever/..., or

Gary Herron

 import os, sys

 from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer

 from CGIHTTPServer  import CGIHTTPRequestHandler

 # hack for Windows: os.environ not propogated

 [deleted, I'm running linux]
 . . .

 os.chdir(webdir)   # run in html
 root dir

 srvraddr = (, port)  # my hostname,

 srvrobj  = HTTPServer(srvraddr, CGIHTTPRequestHandler)

 srvrobj.serve_forever()# run as
 perpetual demon


 My other python scripts run fine.

 I'm running linux (debian).  I'm not running an webserver (that I know
 of anyway).

 I've fiddled with adding the subdirectory with the code to the python
 path, but this doesn't seem to help either.  I'm new to all this, but
 I've been able to make the other stuff work, and I can't even find the
 beginning of what I'm supposed to research to fix this.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for your time and



Re: Best way to capture output from an exec'ed (or such) script?

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Aug 2, 7:32 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If your 
 web server is multithreaded (or you use some other way to process
  many simultaneous requests) you have to be more careful - remember that
  sys.stdout is global, you must find a way to distinguish between output
   from different processes all going into the same collector.

 Any ideas on how to do this?  Is it even possible?


I'm actually worried about this now.  Does anyone know of any
potential solutions?  Anything to at least get me started?



Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread Paul Rubin
dhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Is there a 'KR type of Python book? The book that you'd better have on 
 your shelf if you are going into Python? 

I don't think so, at least not if you are starting Python with
experience in other languages.  There are some books that are useful
but none are really crucial.  It's enough to just read the online
documentation, which will let you transfer your experience onto
Python, and then hang out here on clpy to soak up Python culture.

If you're less experienced in programming but not a complete beginner,
Dive Into Python looks pretty good and Python in a Nutshell also is
supposed to be excellent.  If you're a complete beginner, I'm not sure
what to suggest.

Re: Question -- Running Programming Python Examples

2007-08-04 Thread chernevik
That fixed it, and Gary's item on pointing my browser to the proper
port answered the next question percolating in my mind.  It now runs
as advertised.

Thanks to you both!


Re: Submit web form only client-side with Python? COM?

2007-08-04 Thread Paul Rubin
goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So I can present the user with an HTML form in it - but how can I
 write the form data to a local file on my work station?

The simplest way is with the cgi and CGIHTTPServer modules.  You'd
write your form in an html file, with the target set to a Python
script that you'd write as a cgi.  Then you'd write a trivial CGI HTTP
server (look at the example code in the comments) with CGIHTTPServer.
The user would point their browser at your server (you could make a
desktop shortcut for that), the browser shows the html file, and the
submit button sends the form contents to your cgi.

This is very basic, old-school web programming, not as flexible or
high-performance as using the fancy frameworks, but a lot simpler for
limited applications like what you're describing.

Re: Client-side HTML form processing with Python?

2007-08-04 Thread Paul Rubin
goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I have no client or server side tools like PHP, JAVA. I don't know
 JavaScript. I can not add anything to the workstation I am using. It's
 going to have to be a client-side solution - there's no CGI on the
 server, no PHP.

Oh wait, you're trying to write html on a remote web server that saves
files on the client?  Hmm, what browser?  Anyway you're going to have
to use browser scripting and use browser-dependent mechanisms to get
the user's permission to access the file system.  It is messy but
necessary.  Granting arbitrary file system access to remote web
servers would be a huge security hole.

Re: the one python book

2007-08-04 Thread rgrdev
Michael Tobis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Aug 4, 9:32 am, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrot

 With Python, you won't find anything like that. Python is too

 That's silly. Python is small in the sense that C is small. The Python
 standard library is probably much bigger than the C standard library,
 but Kernghan and Richie don't cover it.

 KR is a unique book. I have never seen anything comparable for any

That's very true.

 language. The closest Python equivalent is the official docs:

 I think the core Python bookshelf is:

 Learning Python (Lutxz  Ascher) and/or
 Dive Into Python (Pilgrim) for tutorial

I can recommend (for a big fat reference at a good price) Programming
Python by Mark Lutz from O'Reilly.

 Python in a Nutshell (Martelli) AND
 Python Essential Reference (Beazley) for reference

 The latter two books are not perfect (both indexes are infuriating)
 but I usually find that I can find what I am looking for in one or the

 Like most people I eventually plan to read Moby Dick, War and Peace,
 and Lutz's Programming Python. Maybe when I retire.

Aha. You heard of it :-;



Re: Client-side HTML form processing with Python?

2007-08-04 Thread Jay Loden
goldtech wrote:
 I want to have an HTML form from a local local html file write a text
 field's data to a local text file.
 I have no client or server side tools like PHP, JAVA. I don't know
 JavaScript. I can not add anything to the workstation I am using. It's
 going to have to be a client-side solution - there's no CGI on the
 server, no PHP.
 It's XP with MS-Office, so I guess I have the usual active-x, and I
 have Python 2.1.
 Is there a way?  Thanks,
 Lee G.

Even if serving a local page, some kind of web server would be necessary in
order to process the request from the submitted form, and execute the Python CGI
script. I know you said you can't add anything to the workstation, but you must
be able to at least add Python scripts and html files, so perhaps you can get
away with adding a self-contained web server? I recommend TinyWeb ( ). It's only 53k and supports all
the basic webserver functions, including CGI.

You can drop TinyWeb in your working directory, start it up with a simple
shortcut or batch file, and then have your local HTML form submit to a CGI
script processed through TinyWeb. I've used it for a very similar project
before, it's so tiny and lightweight that it really doesn't get in the way, and
the CGI portion works just fine with Python.

If you really can't add anything at all (not even Python packages??), the only
other way to do this that I can come up with would be to implement your own
simplistic web server in Python that receives the incoming request. Twisted has
a CGI-enabled web server in it, and CGIHTTPServer also offers one. However,
CGIHTTPServer uses os.fork and is not available on Windows: - but you could
possibly use it as a starting point.

Other than the above the only suggestion I can give would be to search for
another way to approach your problem. For instance, using an hta or using a
Tkinter/wxWidgets GUI instead of an html form.


Re: Submit web form only client-side with Python? COM?

2007-08-04 Thread Jay Loden
Paul Rubin wrote:
 goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So I can present the user with an HTML form in it - but how can I
 write the form data to a local file on my work station?
 The simplest way is with the cgi and CGIHTTPServer modules.  You'd
 write your form in an html file, with the target set to a Python
 script that you'd write as a cgi.  Then you'd write a trivial CGI HTTP
 server (look at the example code in the comments) with CGIHTTPServer.
 The user would point their browser at your server (you could make a
 desktop shortcut for that), the browser shows the html file, and the
 submit button sends the form contents to your cgi.
 This is very basic, old-school web programming, not as flexible or
 high-performance as using the fancy frameworks, but a lot simpler for
 limited applications like what you're describing.

CGIHTTPServer is not available on Windows (OP said they are on Win XP) due to
use of fork and exec to execute the CGI. I suggested a few other options in my
reply, but unfortunately CGIHTTPServer is not an option for this task.


Re: Encoding DeprecationWarning

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 from wt.lib.misc_lists import all_countries
__console__:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /
Django/wt/../wt/lib/ on line 141, but no encoding
declared; see for details


Re: Client-side HTML form processing with Python?

2007-08-04 Thread goldtech
Looks like  Tkinter is the way to do it.

There's always a way with Python - good stuff!


Re: Encoding DeprecationWarning

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 4, 11:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  from wt.lib.misc_lists import all_countries

 __console__:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /
 Django/wt/../wt/lib/ on line 141, but no encoding
 declared; see details

OK, well; no matter. Perhaps I should try actually reading the article
it recommended and add:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

To the file! What a doofus!



Re: Eclipse/PyDev question.

2007-08-04 Thread king kikapu
News (or, news to me :) )

The creator of PyDev, contacted me and told me that latest version of
PyDev need not require the whole SDK but only the Runtime Platfom is
OK. That means that we download only the 40MB file (and not the 120
one) and this does not include all the Java stuff that we see in SDK.
So, combined with PyDev, we have an editor just for Python!

I test it a few hours now and it is really fast!


Re: Eclipse/PyDev question.

2007-08-04 Thread king kikapu
Ah, and i think that the working set of Eclipse is smaller now...


Re: how to run os.execv() to run command pslq dbname gen.command

2007-08-04 Thread Alex Popescu
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Sonu wrote:
 hello all ,
 I want to watch my TV, but it's not working. Can you tell me how to
 fix it? ...

I can help you... but only with a couple of channels :-).

 i need to run psql from my py file,,
 for that i am using : os.execv(path for psql ,['psql dbname 
 but its not working ..

I assume the problem relies in the execution pathes, but as Steve has 
mentioned: without further details nobody will be able to help you.

.w( the_mindstorm )p.


Re: sqlite3 create table col width?

2007-08-04 Thread Ben Finney
jim-on-linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PY help,
 Using sqlite3 v3.1.3

You made this message a reply to an existing discussion, so your
message is now part of that existing discussion. Please start a new
discussion thread by composing a new message.

 \ True greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to |
  `\  others, not by how much you can coerce others to do what you |
_o__) want.  --Larry Wall |
Ben Finney

Formatting Results so that They Can be Nicely Imported into a Spreadsheet.

2007-08-04 Thread SMERSH009
Hi All.
Let's say I have some badly formatted text called doc:



23 years old

Los Gatos

United States

24 years old

San Francisco, California

United States

How would I get these results to be displayed in a format similar to:
friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
friendid;Male; 24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

The latter is a lot easier to organize and can be quickly imported
into Excel's column format.

Thanks Much,


Re: Encoding DeprecationWarning

2007-08-04 Thread Carsten Haese
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 15:52 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 4, 11:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   from wt.lib.misc_lists import all_countries
  __console__:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /
  Django/wt/../wt/lib/ on line 141, but no encoding
  declared; see details
 OK, well; no matter. Perhaps I should try actually reading the article
 it recommended

Right, that's why I asked you to post the full warning message, to get
you to take another look at it. Mission accomplished ;)

Carsten Haese


Re: [pygame] pyweek is happening august 02 - august 09

2007-08-04 Thread Laura Creighton
In a message of Sat, 04 Aug 2007 14:25:29 CDT, Luke Paireepinart writes:
Laura Creighton wrote:
 00:00 UTC 2007-09-02 to 00:00 UTC 2007-09-09 exactly.  See

 PyconUK is happening. 8th and 9th September.

 This means that those of us who generally do not see each other but are
 going to PyconUK could put together an entry and then sprint together
 on it before PyCon UK.  There would be this terrible torment -- do
 I attend the con or get my game to work -- but it is still the
 best chance some of us have to work together yet.

 Talk to me if you are interested in maybe making a PyconUK pygame
 team.  I think that this could be a lot of fun.  Sign up on if you think so, as well.  But mail me.

 John -- assuming we want to meet up _before_ PyConUK -- can that
 work?  Can you point us at a cheap hostel for a few days?

 Laura Creighton
Laura - Pyweek is happening the first week in September, not august.
Thanks for giving me a good scare, thinking i missed the first half alrea

You are welcome to the scare, but pyconUK is happening first week
of Sept too!  So my plan of a 'would not meet but for pyconUK
team' is still very alive.


Re: Formatting Results so that They Can be Nicely Imported into a Spreadsheet.

2007-08-04 Thread John Machin
On Aug 5, 9:35 am, SMERSH009 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All.
 Let's say I have some badly formatted text called doc:


 23 years old

 Los Gatos

 United States

 24 years old

 San Francisco, California

 United States

 How would I get these results to be displayed in a format similar to:
 friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
 friendid;Male; 24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

 The latter is a lot easier to organize and can be quickly imported
 into Excel's column format.

You write a script to read your input file and write it out either in
CSV format, using the Python csv module, or just use
';'.join(output_row) if you are sure that there are no ';' characters
in the data.

Is this a homework question?


Re: The Modernization of Emacs: keyboard shortcuts pain

2007-08-04 Thread Xah Lee
The following article a extended version of previous post.
A HTML version can be found at


Xah Lee, 2007-07

A important aspect in designing a keyboard shortcut set, for a
application that has intensive, repetitive, prolonged human-machine
interaction (such as coding and text editing), is to consider
ergonomic principles. Specifically: allocate keyboard shortcuts for
the most frequently used commands, and, the top most frequently used
commands should have most easily-pressed keystrokes. For example, they
should be on the home row.

This article shows why Emacs's keyboard shortcut set are the most
ergonomically unsound.


Emacs's keyboard shortcuts is very inefficient. The primary cause is
because, emacs's keyboard shortcuts are designed with a keyboard that
practically has the Ctrl and Alt key positions swapped.
Space Cadet keyboard

above: The Space-cadet keyboard (Source↗, 2007-07) .

The common keyboard used around emacs era in the 1980s are those
keyboards from Lisp Machines↗. (see Space-cadet keyboard↗) The
keyboard on lisp machines have the Control key right besides the space
bar (similar to the position of Alt keys on PC keyboards), and Meta to
the left of Control. So, the Control key is right under the thumb, and
the Meta is secondary to Control. This is why, the shortcuts for the
most used commands in emacs involve the Control key instead of the
Meta key. (e.g. The cursor movements: C-p, C-n, C-f, C-b, C-a, C-e,
the cut/paste/undo C-w, C-y, C-/, the kill-line C-k, the mark C-SPC,
the search C-s.) Lisp Machine's keyboards fell out of use alone with
Lisp Machines. Since the 1990s, the IBM PC keyboard↗ (and its
decedents) becomes the most popular and is used by more than 99% of
personal computers today. The PC keyboard does not have Meta key but
have Alt instead, which is practically used as Meta for emacs. The
Ctrl and Alt key's position are essentially swapped from the Control
and Meta on the Lisp Machine's keyboards. Emacs however, did not
change its keyboard shortcut set by switching the commands that are
mapped to the Control and Meta keys. This makes emacs keyboard
shortcuts very painful, and the frequent need to press the far-away
Control key makes the Emacs Pinky syndrome. (Many emacs-using
programer celebrities have injured their hands with emacs. (e.g.
Richard Stallman↗, Jamie Zawinski↗), and emacs's Ctrl and Meta
combinations are most cited as the major turn-off to potential users
among programers)


The shortcut's key choices are primarily based on first letter of the
commands, not based on key position and finger strength or ease of
pressing the key. For example, the single char cursor moving shortcuts
(C-p previous-line ↑, C-n next-line ↓, C-b backward-char ←, C-f
forward-char →) are scattered around the keyboard with positions that
are most difficult to press. (these shortcuts all together accounts
for 43% of all commands executed by a keyboard shortcut) Of these, the
most frequently used is C-n (next-line), which accounts for 20% of all
shortcut calls, but is assigned to the letter n, positioned in the
middle of the keyboard, which is one of the most costy key to press.
Similarly, the second most used among these is the C-p (previous-
line), accounting for 16% of all shortcut command calls, is located in
a position above the rigth hand's pinky, also one of the most costy
key to press.

(Here we assumes the QWERTY keyboard layout. On the Dvorak layout, it
is about as bad.)


A significant portion of emacs's major shortcuts (those with M-«key»
or C-«key») are mapped to commands that are almost never used today.
Some of these occupies the most precious space (Home row with Meta:
e.g. M-s (center-line), M-j (indent-new-comment-line), M-k (kill-
sentence)). Most programer who have used emacs for years never use
these commands. For example:

digit-argument, M-1 to M-9
negative-argument, M--

move-to-window-line, M-r
center-line, M-s
transpose-words, M-t
tab-to-tab-stop, M-i

M-g prefix, M-g
indent-new-comment-line, M-j
tmm-menubar, M-'

zap-to-char, M-z
back-to-indentation, M-m
tags-loop-continue, M-,
find-tag, M-.


For historical reasons, emacs do not use any keybindings involving the
Shift with a letter. (e.g. there's no “meta shift a”, or “control
shift a”) This is so because in early computing environment, such key
combination cannot be distinguished, due to a practical combination of
ASCII↗, Computer terminal↗, telnet↗.

Today, however, employing the Shift key as part of a shortcut with
other modifiers is common and convenient. For example, on Mac OS X,
Undo and Redo are Cmd+Z and Cmd+Shift+Z, Save and Save As are Cmd+S
and Cmd+Shift+S. On Mac and Windows, moving to next/previous field/
window/application often use the Shift key for reversing 

Re: os.listdir path error

2007-08-04 Thread Tim Roberts

I get SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string, which is
what should happen when you escape the double-quotes at the end. Not
sure how you're getting that WindowsErrors.

If I do  os.listdir('c:\python24')  instead, it works fine.

Yes, but only by accident.  It will fail again if you try to do
os.listdir('c:\tmp').  You need to use the right quoting.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Formatting Results so that They Can be Nicely Imported into a Spreadsheet.

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 4, 6:35?pm, SMERSH009 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All.
 Let's say I have some badly formatted text called doc:


 23 years old

 Los Gatos

 United States

 24 years old

 San Francisco, California

 United States

 How would I get these results to be displayed in a format similar to:
 friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
 friendid;Male; 24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

 The latter is a lot easier to organize and can be quickly imported
 into Excel's column format.

 Thanks Much,

d = doc.split('\n')

f = [i.split() for i in d if i]

g = [' '.join(i) for i in f]

rec = []
temprec = []
for i in g:
if i:
if i == 'friendid':
temprec = [i]

output = [';'.join(i) for i in rec if i]

for i in output: print i

##friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
##friendid;Male;24 years old;San Francisco, California;United


Re: libpq.dll for pgdb

2007-08-04 Thread Tim Roberts
ekzept [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the module PGDB which gives Python access to PostgreSql currently
wants for a copy of a properly located or proper libpq.dll library, on

anyone know what the current story on this is?

The story?  libpq.dll is the Postgres API interface library on Windows.
pgdb is a relatively thin Python wrapping of this generic API.  Pgdb is
ordinarily distributed as part of Postgres, so when you build it, you are
also building libpq.dll.

There are better choices than pgdb.  You might go searching for psycopg.
You'll still need libpq.  Here's one place to get it:
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread Cousin Stanley

 beginner's advice to use a dictionary is also good 
 and may turn out to be faster, just because dicts are 
 SO fast in Python -- but you need to try and measure 
 both alternatives.  

 One way to use a dict ( warning, untested code ) :

  def rank_list( single_list ) :

  d = { }

  for i , item in reversed( enumerate( sorted( single_list ) ) ) :

  d[ item ] = i

  return [ d[ item ] for item in single_list ]


  I tested it but I don't know how to fix it  :-)

  Both Pablo's original version and Neil's version work
  but I get the following traceback from your version 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 100, in module
test_01( list_source )
  File, line 87, in test_01
list_print( this_func( list_source ) )
  File, line 62, in rank_lists_02
return map( rank_list , nested_list )
  File, line 56, in rank_list
for i , item in reversed( enumerate( sorted( single_list ) ) ) :
TypeError: argument to reversed() must be a sequence

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet 
News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ 
= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =

Re: Formatting Results so that They Can be Nicely Imported into a Spreadsheet.

2007-08-04 Thread Jim Langston
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Aug 4, 6:35?pm, SMERSH009 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All.
 Let's say I have some badly formatted text called doc:


 23 years old

 Los Gatos

 United States

 24 years old

 San Francisco, California

 United States

 How would I get these results to be displayed in a format similar to:
 friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
 friendid;Male; 24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

 The latter is a lot easier to organize and can be quickly imported
 into Excel's column format.

 Thanks Much,

 d = doc.split('\n')

 f = [i.split() for i in d if i]

 g = [' '.join(i) for i in f]

 rec = []
 temprec = []
 for i in g:
if i:
if i == 'friendid':
temprec = [i]

 output = [';'.join(i) for i in rec if i]

 for i in output: print i

 ##friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
 ##friendid;Male;24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

also, I would suggest you use CSV format.  CSV stands for Comma Seperated 
Variable and Excel can load such a sheet directly.

Instead of seperating using ; seperate using ,  Of course, this provides a 
problem when there is a , in a string.  Resolution is to quote the string. 
Being such, you can just go ahead and quote all strings.  So you would want 
the output to be:

friendid,Female,23 years old,Los Gatos,United States
friendid,Male,24 years old,San Francisco, California,United States

Numbers should not be quoted if you wish to treat them as numeric and not 


Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread Alex Martelli
Cousin Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   for i , item in reversed( enumerate( sorted( single_list ) ) ) :
 TypeError: argument to reversed() must be a sequence

Oops, right.  Well then,

aux_seq = list(enumerate(sorted(single_list)))
for i, item in reversed(aux_seq): ...

or the like.



Comparing RFC1123 based Dates

2007-08-04 Thread Phoe6
I would like to parse RFC 1123 date format and compare two dates. I
find that
datetime module does not specifically confirms to any RFC. Any
suggestions as how I can handle the RFC 1123 date format using
standard libraries before I go to re based parsing?



Re: Efficient Rank Ordering of Nested Lists

2007-08-04 Thread Cousin Stanley

 Cousin Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   for i , item in reversed( enumerate( sorted( single_list ) ) ) :
 TypeError: argument to reversed() must be a sequence

 Oops, right.  Well then,

 aux_seq = list(enumerate(sorted(single_list)))
 for i, item in reversed(aux_seq): ...


  That fixed it. 


Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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Re: Formatting Results so that They Can be Nicely Imported into a Spreadsheet.

2007-08-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Aug 4, 9:21?pm, Jim Langston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  On Aug 4, 6:35?pm, SMERSH009 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All.
  Let's say I have some badly formatted text called doc:


  23 years old

  Los Gatos

  United States

  24 years old

  San Francisco, California

  United States

  How would I get these results to be displayed in a format similar to:
  friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
  friendid;Male; 24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

  The latter is a lot easier to organize and can be quickly imported
  into Excel's column format.

  Thanks Much,

  d = doc.split('\n')

  f = [i.split() for i in d if i]

  g = [' '.join(i) for i in f]

  rec = []
  temprec = []
  for i in g:
 if i:
 if i == 'friendid':
 temprec = [i]

  output = [';'.join(i) for i in rec if i]

  for i in output: print i

  ##friendid;Female;23 years old;Los Gatos;United States
  ##friendid;Male;24 years old;San Francisco, California;United States

 also, I would suggest you use CSV format.  

Well, the OP asked for a specific format. One is not
always at liberty to change it.

 CSV stands for Comma Seperated
 Variable and Excel can load such a sheet directly.

And Excel can load the shown format directly also,
just specify the delimiter.

 Instead of seperating using ; seperate using ,  Of course, this provides a
 problem when there is a , in a string.  

Which explains the popularity of using tabs as delimiters.
The data deliverable specification I use at work
uses the pipe character | which never appears as data
in this particular application.

 Resolution is to quote the string.

Which makes the file bigger and isn't necessary
when tabs and pipes are used as delimiters.

 Being such, you can just go ahead and quote all strings.  So you would want
 the output to be:

 friendid,Female,23 years old,Los Gatos,United States
 friendid,Male,24 years old,San Francisco, California,United States

Which I would do if I had a specification that
demanded it or was making files for others. For my
own use, I wouldn't bother as it's unnecessary work.

 Numbers should not be quoted if you wish to treat them as numeric and not

A good reason not to use quotes at all. Besides which,
Excel can handle that also.


Re: Comparing RFC1123 based Dates

2007-08-04 Thread Phoe6
Phoe6 wrote:
 I would like to parse RFC 1123 date format and compare two dates. I
 find that
 datetime module does not specifically confirms to any RFC. Any
 suggestions as how I can handle the RFC 1123 date format using
 standard libraries before I go to re based parsing?

 import time
 timeobj = time.strptime(Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT,%a, %d %b %Y 
 %H:%M:%S %Z)

was easy.



[ python-Bugs-1753891 ] subprocess raising No Child Process OSError

2007-08-04 Thread
Bugs item #1753891, was opened at 2007-07-14 03:06
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by gbrandl
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Threads
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: Duplicate
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: slowfood (slowfood)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: subprocess raising No Child Process OSError

Initial Comment:
The program below demostrates a No Child Process OSError on a multi-cpu 

This is extracted from a large system where we
are trying to manage many sub-processes,
some of which end up having little/no real work to
do so they return very fast, here emulated by
having the sub-process be an invocation of:
  Executable=/bin/sleep 0

Seems like some race condition, since if you make the
child process take some time (sleep 0.1) the frequency
of errors decreeses.
Error only shows up when there are more threads than 
have real CPU's by at least a factor of two, on dual core machines up 
NumThreads to 18 to get the failures.

Same error on both Python 2.4.3 with:
 Linux 2.6.18-gentoo-r3  Gentoo 
and Python 2.4.4 with:
 Linux 2.6.20-gentoo-r8

Any help appreciated -

= = = = Start code example ===

% python
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 442, in __bootstrap
  File, line 14, in run
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 413, in call
return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 1007, in wait
pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

Test finished
% cat
import subprocess, threading

# Params
Executable=/bin/sleep 0
NumThreads = 18
NumIterations = 10

class TestClass(threading.Thread):
   def __init__(self, threadNum):
   self.threadNum = threadNum
   def run(self):
   for i in range(NumIterations):

def test():
   allThreads = []
   for i in range(NumThreads):
   for i in range(NumThreads):
   for i in range(NumThreads):
   print Test finished

if __name__ == '__main__':

% python -V
Python 2.4.4
% uname -a
Linux 2.6.20-gentoo-r8 #2 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 1 13:22:56 PDT 2007 x86_64 
Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
% date
Fri Jul 13 19:26:44 PDT 2007

= = = = End code example ===


Comment By: Georg Brandl (gbrandl)
Date: 2007-08-04 07:25

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Closing too. Tying bugs is not supported by SF.


Comment By: slowfood (slowfood)
Date: 2007-08-03 20:07

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Managed to mark it as a duplicate, but not able to tie it to 1731717.
Sorry -


Comment By: slowfood (slowfood)
Date: 2007-08-03 20:01

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

I agree with abo that this looks to be a dup of 1731717, will try to mark
it as such.


Comment By: Donovan Baarda (abo)
Date: 2007-08-03 19:37

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Bugs 1754642 and 1753891 both look like duplicates of bug 1731717 to me. I
suggest marking them both as dups of 1731717 because that one has info on
the race-condition that causes this and discussions on how to fix it.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1753395 ] struni: assertion in Windows debug build

2007-08-04 Thread
Bugs item #1753395, was opened at 2007-07-13 13:35
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by doerwalter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: Python 3000
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Thomas Heller (theller)
Assigned to: Thomas Heller (theller)
Summary: struni: assertion in Windows debug build

Initial Comment:
When running Lib/test/ with a Windows debug build, I get an 
assertion in the MS runtime lib, in the isalpha(*p) call, file typeobject.c, 
line 1582.  The value of '*p' at the time of the call is 4660.

The assertion reported is:

File: istype.c
Line: 68
Expression; (unsigned)(c + 1) = 256


Comment By: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter)
Date: 2007-08-04 09:42

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Right, this should have been *p  255, even better would be *p  127.
Thomas, can you try that on Windows?


Comment By: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
Date: 2007-08-03 22:37

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I wonder if the test i  255 wasn't meant to be *p  255?  Please try
that, and submit if it works.  Looks like Walter Doerwald introduced this
bug in r55892.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1767511 ] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler

2007-08-04 Thread
Bugs item #1767511, was opened at 2007-08-04 11:21
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Alzheimer (alzheimer)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler

Initial Comment:
I seem to have misunderstood SocketServer completely, maybe someone can tell me 
if I was using the wrong thing after all.

I wanted to implement an UDP protocol in Python. For sending and receiving UDP 
packets, I chose SocketServer.UDPSocketServer along with the 

It is probably implied, but did not become clear to me just by reading the 
documentation, that apparently a server is meant to send back a packet for 
every packet it receives, no matter what. Which in turn means that you can't 
have servers talk to other servers, because they'd be sending packets back and 
forth endlessly then.

At least, that's what the DatagramRequestHandler is doing. It issues a 
socket.sendto in its finish() routine. Took me a while to find out where all 
the empty packets where coming from...

Does it make sense at all for an UDP server to do this? Sure, it works for 
simple protocols that do nothing but query/answer. But it's really useless for 
anything else.

The documentation could be more verbose on this behaviour, in any case.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1753395 ] struni: assertion in Windows debug build

2007-08-04 Thread
Bugs item #1753395, was opened at 2007-07-13 13:35
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by theller
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: Python 3000
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Thomas Heller (theller)
Assigned to: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Summary: struni: assertion in Windows debug build

Initial Comment:
When running Lib/test/ with a Windows debug build, I get an 
assertion in the MS runtime lib, in the isalpha(*p) call, file typeobject.c, 
line 1582.  The value of '*p' at the time of the call is 4660.

The assertion reported is:

File: istype.c
Line: 68
Expression; (unsigned)(c + 1) = 256


Comment By: Thomas Heller (theller)
Date: 2007-08-04 22:58

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

I confirm that the assertion in the windows debug build is gone now.


Comment By: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
Date: 2007-08-04 18:44

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I've committed the *p  127 patch.

Committed revision 56737.

However, we'll need to change this again now that we accept Unicode
identifiers.  Assigning to MvL.


Comment By: Walter Dörwald (doerwalter)
Date: 2007-08-04 09:42

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Right, this should have been *p  255, even better would be *p  127.
Thomas, can you try that on Windows?


Comment By: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
Date: 2007-08-03 22:37

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I wonder if the test i  255 wasn't meant to be *p  255?  Please try
that, and submit if it works.  Looks like Walter Doerwald introduced this
bug in r55892.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 