Bookmarks database and Internet robot

2007-10-24 Thread Oleg Broytmann

Bookmarks database and Internet robot

   A set of classes, libraries, programs and plugins I use to manipulate my
bookmarks.html. I like Mozilla, but I need more features. I want to extend
Mozilla's Check for updates feature (Navigator4 called it Update

WHAT'S NEW in version 4.0.0 (2007-10-01)
   Extended support for Mozilla: charset and icon in bookmarks.
   Use the charset to add Accept-Charset header.
   Retrieve favicon.ico (or whatever link points to) and store it.

   The project celebrates 10th anniversary!

WHAT'S NEW in version 3.4.1 (2005-01-29)
   Updated to Python 2.4. Switched from CVS to Subversion.

WHAT'S NEW in version 3.4.0 (2004-09-23)
   Extended support for Mozilla: keywords in bookmarks.
   Updated to m_lib version 1.2.

   Master site:


   Oleg Broytmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Copyright (C) 1997-2007 PhiloSoft Design


 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ordereddict 0.3

2007-10-24 Thread Anthon van der Neut
I am pleased to announce version 0.3 of the ordereddict module.


added setkeys/setvalues/setitems

added slice retrieval, deletion, assigment

added .rename(oldkey, newkey) rename a key keeping same value and position

fixed .index(): non-existing key now returns ValueError instead of 

Changed the module name to _ordereddict (from ordereddict), as Jason
Kirstland probably rightfully suggested that any private implementation
likely has the (file)name A modulename with leading
underscore seams more common for extension modules anyway.

Solved the potential GC problem on Windows (already in 0.2a, 
downloadable, but unannounced)

 From the blurb on ordereddict's home-page:

This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary with Key Insertion
Order: updates of values do not affect the position of the key.

It implementation is directly derived from dictobject.c and its speed is
5-10% slower than dict() and 5-9 times faster than Larosa/Foord
excellent pure Python implemention.

This module has been tested under:
Ubuntu 7.04, gcc : Python 2.5.1
Ubuntu 7.04, gcc : Python 2.4.4
Ubuntu 6.06, gcc : Python 2.5.1
Windows XP, Visual Studio 2003: Python 2.5.1

ordereddict's home on the web is at
there you also find the links where the source can be downloaded.
The .zip file there included a precompiled .pyd file for Windows.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

New book on GUI programming with Python + Qt (PyQt4)

2007-10-24 Thread Mark Summerfield

A new book on Python GUI (graphical user interface) programming has just
been published in the US:

Title:Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt
Subtitle: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming
Author:   Mark Summerfield ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ISBN: 0132354187
Format:   Hardback, 648 pages

Python is normally installed with the Tkinter GUI library, because
Tk/Tcl has a liberal license and is quite small as GUI libraries go. But
there are several other cross-platform GUI libraries available,
including PyGtk and PyQt, as well as various platform-specific

The PyQt library is based on Trolltech's C++/Qt library that is the
foundation on which KDE (the K desktop environment) is built. PyQt has
far more widgets than Tkinter, produces much better looking applications
(because they look native on whatever platform they are running on), and
is easier to learn and use (because of its high-level signals and slots
communication mechanism). PyQt also offers many useful non-GUI classes,
including excellent support for threading.

The book covers PyQt4, and is best used with Python 2.5 and PyQt 4.2 or
better, on Windows, Mac OS X, or an X11-based Unix or Linux. No prior
knowledge of GUI programming is assumed, so don't worry if you've only
ever done web programming:-)

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd.,

PA HREF=;Rapid GUI Programming
with Python and Qt/A - A new book on writing GUI applications with the
PyQt4 library.  (24-Oct-07)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ffnet 0.6.1 released

2007-10-24 Thread Marek Wojciechowski
ffnet version 0.6.1 is released! Source packages,
Gentoo ebuilds and Windows binaries are available
for download at:

If you are unfamiliar with this package, see the end of
this message for a description.

This is mainly bugfix release.

- added 'readdata' function (simplifies reading training data
  from ASCII files)

- fixed bug preventing ffnet form working with scipy-0.6.0,
- importing ffnet doesn't need matplotlib now (really),
- corrections in fortran code generators

What is ffnet?
ffnet is a fast and easy-to-use feed-forward neural
network training solution for python.

Unique features
1. Any network connectivity without cycles is allowed.
2. Training can be performed with use of several optimization
   schemes including: standard backpropagation with momentum, rprop,
   conjugate gradient, bfgs, tnc, genetic alorithm based optimization.
3. There is access to exact partial derivatives of network outputs
   vs. its inputs.
4. Automatic normalization of data.

Basic assumptions and limitations:
1. Network has feed-forward architecture.
2. Input units have identity activation function,
   all other units have sigmoid activation function.
3. Provided data are automatically normalized, both input and output,
   with a linear mapping to the range (0.15, 0.85).
   Each input and output is treated separately (i.e. linear map is
   unique for each input and output).
4. Function minimized during training is a sum of squared errors
   of each output for each training pattern.
Excellent computational performance is achieved implementing core
functions in fortran 77 and wrapping them with f2py. ffnet outstands
in performance pure python training packages and is competitive to
'compiled language' software. Moreover, a trained network can be
exported to fortran sources, compiled and called in many
programming languages.

Basic usage of the package is outlined below:

from ffnet import ffnet, mlgraph, savenet, loadnet, exportnet
conec = mlgraph( (2,2,1) )
net = ffnet(conec)
input = [ [0.,0.], [0.,1.], [1.,0.], [1.,1.] ]
target  = [ [1.], [0.], [0.], [1.] ]
net.train_tnc(input, target, maxfun = 1000)
net.test(input, target, iprint = 2)
exportnet(net, xor.f)
net = loadnet(
answer = net( [ 0., 0. ] )
partial_derivatives = net.derivative( [ 0., 0. ] )

Usage examples with full description can be found in
examples directory of the source distribution or browsed


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: transforming list

2007-10-24 Thread sandipm
hi james,
  this is one implementation using python dictionaries.

report ={}
for row in data:
if not row[0] in report:
report[row[0]] = [row[0], row[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0]
if row[2]:
report[row[0]][row[2]+1] = row[3]
reports = report.values()

Sandip More

james_027 wrote:

 i have a list from a resultset like this
 1,Chicago Bulls,,,
 2,Cleveland Caveliers,,,
 4,Detroit Pistons,1,23686386.35
 4,Detroit Pistons,2,21773898.07
 4,Detroit Pistons,3,12815215.57
 4,Detroit Pistons,4,48522347.76
 4,Detroit Pistons,5,28128425.99
 4,Detroit Pistons,6,15681603.08
 4,Detroit Pistons,8,12627725.03
 4,Detroit Pistons,9,11417.00
 4,Detroit Pistons,10,945689.22
 4,Detroit Pistons,11,818246.57
 4,Detroit Pistons,12,1154292.77
 5,Phoenix Suns,1,23211445.97
 5,Phoenix Suns,3,11268469.53
 5,Phoenix Suns,4,49913569.61
 5,Phoenix Suns,5,26035236.09
 5,Phoenix Suns,7,113953310.50
 5,Phoenix Suns,8,17091769.84
 5,Phoenix Suns,10,818569.99
 5,Phoenix Suns,11,824602.19
 5,Phoenix Suns,12,1142018.11

 and I wish to transform it into something like this

 1, Chicago Bulls, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
 2, Cleveland Caveliers, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
 4, Detroit Pistons, 23686386.35, 21773898.07, 12815215.57,
 48522347.76, 28128425.99, 15681603.08, 0, 12627725.03, 11417.00,
 945689.22, 818246.57, 1154292.77
 5, Phoenix Suns, 23211445.97, 0, 11268469.53, 499113569.61,
 26035236.09, 0, 113953310.50, 17091769.84, 0, 818569.99, 824602.19,

 currently my solution is something like this the rows is the original
 list which is list of list ... the report is a list of list with the
 new arrangement that I want.

 report = []
 report_item = None
 temp_c_id = 0
 for row in rows:
 if not row[0] == temp_c_id:
 temp_c_id = row[0]
 if report_item: report.append(report_item)
 report_item = [row[0], row[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0]
 if row[2]:
 report_item[row[2]+1] = row[3]

 I feel this solution is not that good, can I make this more pythonic?!

 james :)


HTTPS Proxy authentication

2007-10-24 Thread Devraj
Hi Everyone,

I have successfully used the ConnectHTTPSHandler class published at

to handle HTTPS proxy connections. Has anyone implemented a Basic
authentication handler for ConnectHTTPSHandler? Or can I use urllib2
to handle the authentication?

If someone can share their code/suggestions it would be greatly

Thanks for your time.


Re: Lists and Sublists

2007-10-24 Thread Amit Khemka
On 10/24/07, Bruno Desthuilliers
 dineshv a écrit :
  We have a list of N (2,000) keywords (of datatype string).  Each of
  the N keywords has associated with it a list of names of varying
  numbers.  For example, keyword(1) will have a list of L1 names
  associated with it, keyword(2) will have a list of L2 names associated
  with it and so on with L1 not equal to L2 etc.  All keywords and names
  are immutable.
  Given a keyword(n) , we want to get hold of the associated list of Ln
  At anytime, we also want to add keywords to the list of N keywords,
  and to any of the associated Ln lists - both of which will grow to
  very large sizes.
  The data will be read into the Python data structure(s) from disk
  I am struggling to work out what is the ideal Python data structure
  for the above.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 keywords = {}
 keywords['python'] = ['fun', 'simple']
 keywords['another_p_language'] = ['line noise', 'cryptic']

To add you may want to have a look at shelve module , in case you
want to store this object to a file. It can be useful if the data set
is large and does not change frequently and you would want to save on
some startup time .


Amit Khemka

Re: Python - why don't this script work?

2007-10-24 Thread Ohmster
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:1193127053.740024.144730

 Do note that the reason you may not see images is that the website
 has, '''correctly''', identified your program as an automated bot and
 blocked it access to things...

Probably so, I did not get anything, even with all of that flurry of 
activity, the results were 0 images. :(

~Ohmster | ohmster /a/t/ ohmster dot com
Put messageforohmster in message body
(That is Message Body, not Subject!)
to pass my spam filter.

Re: japanese encoding iso-2022-jp in python vs. perl

2007-10-24 Thread Leo Kislov
On Oct 23, 3:37 am, kettle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am rather new to python, and am currently struggling with some
 encoding issues.  I have some utf-8-encoded text which I need to
 encode as iso-2022-jp before sending it out to the world. I am using
 python's encode functions:
  var = var.encode(iso-2022-jp, replace)
  print var

  I am using the 'replace' argument because there seem to be a couple
 of utf-8 japanese characters which python can't correctly convert to
 iso-2022-jp.  The output looks like this:

  However if use perl's encode module to re-encode the exact same bit
 of text:
  $var = encode(iso-2022-jp, decode(utf8, $var))
  print $var

  I get proper output (no unsightly question-marks):

 So, what's the deal?  

Thanks that I have my crystal ball working. I can see clearly that the
character of the input is 'HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER ME' (U+FF92)
which is
not present in ISO-2022-JP as defined by RFC 1468 so python converts
it into
question mark as you requested. Meanwhile perl as usual is trying to
guess what
you want and silently converts that character into 'KATAKANA LETTER
ME' (U+30E1)
which is present in ISO-2022-JP.

 Why can't python properly encode some of these

Because Explicit is better than implicit. Do you care about
Do you care about width of characters? What about full-width  (U
+FF02)? Python
doesn't know answers to these questions so it doesn't do anything with
input. You have to do it yourself. Assuming you don't care about
and width here is an example demonstrating how to deal with narrow

from unicodedata import normalize
iso2022_squeezing = dict((i, normalize('NFKC',unichr(i))) for i in
print repr(u'\uFF92'.translate(iso2022_squeezing))

It prints u'\u30e1'. Feel free to ask questions if something is not

Note, this is just an example, I *don't* claim it does what you want
for any character
in FF61-FFDF range. You may want to carefully review the whole unicode

  -- Leo.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-24 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Jon Ribbens wrote:

 On 2007-10-23, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yuk.  Reminds me of one of the Hitachi processors that
  has a single depth hardware link register that tells a 
  subroutine where it was called from.
 That's how ARM processors work, and they're everywhere these days.

Yes, worse luck.  The market has chosen...

- Hendrik


Re: Speed of Nested Functions Lambda Expressions

2007-10-24 Thread Duncan Booth
beginner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is really convenient to use nested functions and lambda
 expressions. What I'd like to know is if Python compiles fn_inner()
 only once and change the binding of v every time fn_outer() is called
 or if Python compile and generate a new function object every time. If
 it is the latter, will there be a huge performance hit? Would someone
 give some hint about how exactly Python does this internally?

You can use Python's bytecode disassembler to see what actually gets 
executed here:

 def fn_outer(v):
def fn_inner():
print V:%d,%d % (v,a)


 import dis
  2   0 LOAD_DEREF   1 (v)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
  7 STORE_DEREF  0 (a)

  3  10 LOAD_CLOSURE 0 (a)
 13 LOAD_CLOSURE 1 (v)
 19 LOAD_CONST   2 (code object fn_inner at 
01177218, file pyshell#3, line 3)
 25 STORE_FAST   1 (fn_inner)

  6  28 LOAD_FAST1 (fn_inner)
 34 POP_TOP 
 35 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

When you execute the 'def' statement, the two scoped variables a and v 
are built into a tuple on the stack, the compiled code object for the 
inner function is also pushed onto the stack and then the function is 
created by the 'MAKE_CLOSURE' instruction. This is then stored in a 
local variable (STORE_FAST) which is then loaded and called.

So the function definition is pretty fast, BUT notice how fn_inner is 
referenced by STORE_FAST/LOAD_FAST whereas a and v are referenced by 

The code for fn_inner also uses LOAD_DEREF to get at the scoped 

  4   0 LOAD_CONST   1 ('V:%d,%d')
  3 LOAD_DEREF   1 (v)
  6 LOAD_DEREF   0 (a)
 15 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

(its a bit harder to disassemble that one, I stuck a call to dis.dis 
inside fn_outer to get that)

If you do some timings you'll find that LOAD_DEREF/STORE_DEREF are 
rather slower than LOAD_FAST/STORE_FAST, so while the overhead for 
creating the function is minimal you could find that if you access the 
variables a lot (even in fn_outer) there may be a measurable slow-down.

If timings show that it is a code hotspot then you might find it better 
to nest the function but pass any required values in as parameters (but 
if you don't have evidence for this just write whatever is clearest).

realtime fs mirror application (backup, Python and Linux inotify)

2007-10-24 Thread Roc Zhou
Recently I started an open source project cutils on the sourceforge:

The document can be found at:

This project's mirrord/fs_mirror tool is a near realtime file system
mirroring application across 2 or more hosts, something like MySQL's
replication, but it's for the file system especially with a great
amountof small files, such as the php scripts and images of a website
or the
(vitual) websites.

There are several ways to use this tool. The simplest is to mirror a
host's file system to another host for backup, and use the rotate
function(in the future version) or rotate scripts to get a daily or
hourly snapshot with the hard link.

Or futhur more, you can use it this way:
  This graph should be displayed with monospaced fonts:

  |  worker  | -[mirrord] ---\
  +--+   |
 ..  |
  +--+   |
  |  worker  | -[mirrord] ---\
  +--+   |
  +--+  +--+
  |  worker  | -[mirrord] ---  |  backup  |
  +--+  +--+
   | |
   | |
   V |
  +--+   |
  |  rescue  | --- NFS

This is the multi to one backup, which is cost efficient. If one of
the worker hosts fails, you can subsitute the failed worker with the
rescue host, with the aid of any high available method, such as
project. By this way, you can use 1 or 2 hosts to support the HA of
more than 3 servers.

Or you can also use it as an IDS(Intrusion Detection System) like a
realtime tripware, or you can make a mirror chain that a host B
mirrors from A and be mirrored by C, etc ... I will also try to
research a way
to use it as a distributed implemetation with one write and multi-read

mirrord/fs_mirror makes use of inotify, which is a function afforded
by the recent Linux (from 2.6.12). It is a counterpart of FAM, since
Linux FAM has stopped so long.

Now it works for me, on a RHEL4 system and the LFS 6.2, I hope this
tool can be useful to you too.



Re: basic web auth and verification

2007-10-24 Thread Ralf Schönian
 Trying to figure out how to add login verfication. I believe it is
 logging me in, but theres no way to really tell..any ideas? or
 tutorials out there that can exaplain this to me?
 import urllib,urllib2,cookielib
 passlst = open(passfile, 'r').readlines()
 cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
 opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
 TheForm = urllib.urlencode({username:myid,password:mypas})
 request = urllib2.Request(url, TheForm)
 result = urllib2.urlopen(request)

I had the same trouble. There was a redirect after login a had to 
follow. Look at the following code.

 def login(self):
 ''' Log into web site. '''

 cj = CookieJar()

 self._br['session_key'] = Config.username
 self._br['session_password'] = Config.password
 for link in self._br.links(
 if 'Sign In' in self._br.title():
 raise ValueError('Wrong password')

Ralf Schoenian

Re: japanese encoding iso-2022-jp in python vs. perl

2007-10-24 Thread kettle
Thanks Leo, and everyone else, these were very helpful replies.  The
issue was exactly as Leo described, and I apologize for not being
aware of it, and thus not quite reporting it correctly.

At the moment I don't care about round-tripping between half-width and
full-width kana, rather I need only be able to rely on any particular
kana character be translated correctly to its half-width or full-width
equivalent, and I need the Japanese I send out to be readable.

I appreciate the 'implicit versus explicit' point, and have read about
it in a few different python mailing lists.  In this instance it seems
that perl perhaps ought to flash a warning notification regarding what
it is doing, but as this conversion between half-width and full-width
characters is by far the most logical one available, it also seems
reasonable that python might perhaps include such capabilities by
default, just as it currently includes the 'replace' option for
mapping missed characters generically to '?'.

I still haven't worked out the entire mapping routine, but Leo's hint
is probably sufficient to get it working with a bit more effort.

Again, thanks for the help.


 Thanks that I have my crystal ball working. I can see clearly that the
 character of the input is 'HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER ME' (U+FF92)
 which is
 not present in ISO-2022-JP as defined by RFC 1468 so python converts
 it into
 question mark as you requested. Meanwhile perl as usual is trying to
 guess what
 you want and silently converts that character into 'KATAKANA LETTER
 ME' (U+30E1)
 which is present in ISO-2022-JP.

  Why can't python properly encode some of these

 Because Explicit is better than implicit. Do you care about
 Do you care about width of characters? What about full-width  (U
 +FF02)? Python
 doesn't know answers to these questions so it doesn't do anything with
 input. You have to do it yourself. Assuming you don't care about
 and width here is an example demonstrating how to deal with narrow

 from unicodedata import normalize
 iso2022_squeezing = dict((i, normalize('NFKC',unichr(i))) for i in
 print repr(u'\uFF92'.translate(iso2022_squeezing))

 It prints u'\u30e1'. Feel free to ask questions if something is not

 Note, this is just an example, I *don't* claim it does what you want
 for any character
 in FF61-FFDF range. You may want to carefully review the whole unicode

   -- Leo.


trying to remember how to do inline code testing

2007-10-24 Thread Alex Hunsley
I can remember Python having a feature which allowed you to add some 
simple tests to your code, something like adding console output to your 
actual python script, like so:


... then python would actually run these queries and check that the 
expected results occurred.
I can't find the docs for this feauture anywhere, but I'm certain I 
didn't imagine this one!
Can anyone give me a reference?


Re: trying to remember how to do inline code testing

2007-10-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Alex Hunsley wrote:

 I can remember Python having a feature which allowed you to add some
 simple tests to your code, something like adding console output to your
 actual python script, like so:
 ... then python would actually run these queries and check that the
 expected results occurred.
 I can't find the docs for this feauture anywhere, but I'm certain I
 didn't imagine this one!
 Can anyone give me a reference?


Re: trying to remember how to do inline code testing

2007-10-24 Thread Alex Hunsley
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Alex Hunsley wrote:
 I can remember Python having a feature which allowed you to add some
 simple tests to your code, something like adding console output to your
 actual python script, like so:


 ... then python would actually run these queries and check that the
 expected results occurred.
 I can't find the docs for this feauture anywhere, but I'm certain I
 didn't imagine this one!
 Can anyone give me a reference?

Brilliant, thanks for that Diez!

building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Prateek

I'm trying to package my python program into a linux executable using
cx_freeze. The goal is that the user should require python on their

I've managed to make the binaries on Fedora Core 6 and they run fine.
However, when I move to Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu Server 7.04 and
xUbuntu Desktop 7.04), the program fails to run with the following

ImportError: no module named _md5

_md5 being imported by the hashlib module because the import of failed.

When I try to import the _hashlib module manually, I see that it
cannot find (The _hashlib module in the standard python
installation which came with Ubuntu works just fine). If I manually
copy the file from FC6 (its really a symlink pointing to to Ubuntu and make the symlink in /lib, it works
fine (the next error is related to libcrypto, libxslt and libjpeg (i'm
also using libxml, libxsl and PIL in my application).

I've scoured the net and it seems that is dynamically
linked to libssl which is not being integrated into the build by
cx_Freeze. Similarly, there are other files with the same problem.

Does anyone have any idea how to make cx_Freeze make a linux
executable which is portable across *nix distros?

Thanks in advance,
-Prateek Sureka


Re: python 2.5 scripting in vim on windows: subprocess problem

2007-10-24 Thread Dmitry Teslenko
On 22/10/2007, Andy Kittner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you running this on vim or gvim? If you are running on gvim, my
  guess is that the handles that you are passing are not valid. In
  either case, try creating explicit handles that are valid (such as for
  /dev/null) and create the process with these handles.
 Just as a side note: my vim was a gvim-7.1.140 with dynamic python
 support, so it doesn't look like a general problem.
I've also tried *-1-140 from cream's sourceforge website and it works
just like my custom-built one.

  I'm passing hadles that I get from subprocess.Popen. Just passing
  command to Popen constructor and using his handles to read data. No
  other handle-manipulations.
 When exactly does it throw the exception? Directly on creation of the
 Popen object, or when you try to read stdout?
It throws exception on subprocess.Popen object instantiation.
os.system() works fine but I want Popen functionality.

Extracting/finding strings from a list

2007-10-24 Thread neillee

Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Alexandre Badez
I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

lMandatory = []
lOptional = []
for arg in cls.dArguments:
  if arg is True:
return (lMandatory, lOptional)

I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...


Re: building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Prateek wrote:

 I'm trying to package my python program into a linux executable
 using cx_freeze. The goal is that the user should require python
 on their system.
 I've managed to make the binaries on Fedora Core 6 and they run
 fine. However, when I move to Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu Server 7.04
 and xUbuntu Desktop 7.04), the program fails to run with the
 following error:

I'm sorry I cannot help, but how many linux distros have no python
installed or no packages of it?


BOFH excuse #151:

Some one needed the powerstrip, so they pulled the switch plug.


Re: building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Boddie
On 24 Okt, 14:20, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-

 I'm sorry I cannot help, but how many linux distros have no python
 installed or no packages of it?

It's not usually the absence of Python that's the problem. What if
your application uses various extension modules which in turn rely on
various libraries (of the .so or .a kind)? It may be more convenient
to bundle all these libraries instead of working out the package
dependencies for all the target distributions, even if you know them



Re: name space problem

2007-10-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
BBands a écrit :
 On Oct 23, 4:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello. Indeed the doStuff function in the doStuff module can't do 'a.b
 = 0' (the double dot was just a typo, right?)
 because it doesn't know anything about an object named a.
 I was trying to understand why it worked when written in, but not when

because it's *not* included ? Python's imports are not includes, and 
the notion of global namespace in Python really means module's namespace.

 I think the right solution would be not to use 'a' as a global
 variable, but rather to pass it as an explicit parameter to the
 Does doing this make a copy of a?

No. Python nevers copy anything unless very explicitelly asked to. But 
remember that names are locals to their namespaces, so that rebinding 
'a' in doStuff won't affect the object originally bound to 'a' (mutating 
the object bound to 'a' will of course work as expected).


Re: Python Windows Installation

2007-10-24 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
TheFlyingDutchman wrote:
 I am trying to install Python 2.5 on Windows XP. It installs into
 the root directory on C:\ instead of C:\Python25 

BTW, what exactly is behind the idea to install to c:\python25
instead of %PROGRAMFILES%\python25?



BOFH excuse #339:

manager in the cable duct


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 12:09:40PM -, Alexandre Badez wrote regarding 
Better writing in python:
 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)
 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

I assume cls.dArguments is a dict, correct?

`for arg in cls.dArguments` takes each *key* for cls.dArguments and assigns it 
to arg, so the line 'if arg is True' will test the truth value of each key.  I 
assume (you haven't shown the details here) that your dict looks like this:

cls.dArguments = { 'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': True, 'd': False, '': True, 0: 
False }

and you want your for loop to do this:

lMandatory == [ 'a', 'c', '' ]
lOptional == [ 'b', 'd', 0 ]

in fact, since it's testing the truth value of the keys, not the values, you 
will get this:

lMandatory == [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
lOptional == [ '', 0 ]

In no particular order, of course.

Also, `if x is True:` should be written as `if x:`

Actually, come to think of it, what I said above is false, because the string 
'a' *is not* the boolean value True, per se: it is *equal to* True.  So if you 
change `if x is True:` to `if x == True:`  then everything I said above holds 
true, including that you should change `if x == True:` to `if x:`

As it stands, the only key in your dict that has a snowball's chance in key 
largo of being marked as mandatory is the boolean value True itself.



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:09:40 +, Alexandre Badez wrote:

 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code
 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)
 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

Drop the prefixes. `l` is for list?  `d` is for what!?  Can't be
dictionary because the code doesn't make much sense.

Where is `cls` coming from?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 24, 1:09 pm, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

import operator
return filter(cls.dArguments), filter(operator.not_, cls.dArguments)

Or just:

mandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in arg]
optional = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in not arg]
return mandatory, optional

Paul Hankin


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 24, 1:09 pm, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

import operator
return filter(cls.dArguments), filter(operator.not_, cls.dArguments)

Or just:

mandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in arg]
optional = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in not arg]
return mandatory, optional

Paul Hankin


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 24, 1:09 pm, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

import operator
return filter(cls.dArguments), filter(operator.not_, cls.dArguments)

Or just:

mandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in arg]
optional = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments in not arg]
return mandatory, optional

Paul Hankin


Re: Python Windows Installation

2007-10-24 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 24, 7:27 am, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 TheFlyingDutchman wrote:
  I am trying to install Python 2.5 on Windows XP. It installs into
  the root directory on C:\ instead of C:\Python25

 BTW, what exactly is behind the idea to install to c:\python25
 instead of %PROGRAMFILES%\python25?



 BOFH excuse #339:

 manager in the cable duct

That's just the default place that Python wants to install to. I
suppose one reason for this is because DOS is stupid when it comes to
spaces in paths. Other than that, I don't know why the Python
developers chose that as the default location.



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
with two of them:

# completely untested
lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
may have the syntax just slightly off. See the following links for
more information:



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Alexandre Badez
On 10/24/07, J. Clifford Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 12:09:40PM -, Alexandre Badez wrote regarding
 Better writing in python:
  lMandatory = []
  lOptional = []
  for arg in cls.dArguments:
if arg is True:
  return (lMandatory, lOptional)
  I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

 I assume cls.dArguments is a dict, correct?

 `for arg in cls.dArguments` takes each *key* for cls.dArguments and
 assigns it to arg, so the line 'if arg is True' will test the truth value of
 each key.  I assume (you haven't shown the details here) that your dict
 looks like this:

 cls.dArguments = { 'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': True, 'd': False, '': True,
 0: False }

 and you want your for loop to do this:

 lMandatory == [ 'a', 'c', '' ]
 lOptional == [ 'b', 'd', 0 ]

 in fact, since it's testing the truth value of the keys, not the values,
 you will get this:

 lMandatory == [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
 lOptional == [ '', 0 ]

 In no particular order, of course.

 Also, `if x is True:` should be written as `if x:`

 Actually, come to think of it, what I said above is false, because the
 string 'a' *is not* the boolean value True, per se: it is *equal to*
 True.  So if you change `if x is True:` to `if x == True:`  then everything
 I said above holds true, including that you should change `if x == True:` to
 `if x:`

 As it stands, the only key in your dict that has a snowball's chance in
 key largo of being marked as mandatory is the boolean value True itself.


Thanks for your try Cliff, I was very confused :P
More over I made some mistake when I post (to make it easiest).

Here is my real code:

dArguments = {
  'argName' : {
'mandatory' : bool, # True or False
[...], # other field we do not care here

lMandatory = []
lOptional = []
for arg in cls.dArguments:
  if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory']:
return (lMandatory, lOptional)

So, as you see, we agree each other about if bool or if bool is True ;)

So, my question was how to give it a better 'python like' look ?
Any idea ?


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-10-24, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

I don't think there's much improvement to be made. What are your
particular concerns? Is it too slow? Too verbose? Does it not
work correctly?

It appears to be an application of itertools.groupby, but that'll
almost certainly be less efficient. To use groupby, you have to
sort by your predicate, and build lists to save results. Your for
loop avoids the sorting.

Here's some instrumentality for ya:

from itertools import groupby
from operator import truth
from collections import defaultdict

result = defaultdict(list)
for k, g in groupby(sorted(cls.dArguments, key=truth), truth):

I like your initial attempt better.

P.S. I didn't realize until working out this example that extend
could consume an iterator.

Neil Cerutti
The word genius isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman
Einstein. --Joe Theisman

Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Harold Fellermann
Hi Alexandre,

On Oct 24, 2:09 pm, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

Please tell us, what it is you want to achieve. And give us some
for this function.

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

This snippet will seperate d.Arguments into two lists: one that
holds all elements that are references to True(!) and another list
that holds the rest. The condition 'if args is True' will only
be hold if arg actually _is_ the object _True_. This is probably
not what you want. Apart from that, you might go with

lMandatory = [ arg for arg in cls.dArguments if condition() ]
lOptional = [ arg for arg in cls.dArguments if not condition() ]

the second line could be rewritten

lOptional = list(set(cls.dArguments)-set(lMandatory))

If lMandatory and lOptional do not need to be lists, you can also

lMandatory = set(arg for arg in cls.dArguments if condition())
lOptional =  set(cls.dArguments) - lMandatory

But please, give us some more context of what you want to do.

- harold -


Re: transforming list

2007-10-24 Thread Scott David Daniels
sandipm wrote:
 hi james,
   this is one implementation using python dictionaries.
 report ={}
 for row in data:
 if not row[0] in report:
I'd use:
   if row[0] not in report:
 report[row[0]] = [row[0], row[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0]
 if row[2]:
 report[row[0]][row[2]+1] = row[3]
 reports = report.values()

or even:
 report ={}
 for code, team, game, bet in data:
 if code not in report:
 report[code] = [code, team, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 assert report[code][1] == team
 if game:
 report[code][game + 1] = bet
 reports = report.values()

-Scott David Daniels

ANNOUNCE: NUCULAR 0.1 Fielded Full Text Indexing [BETA]

2007-10-24 Thread aaron . watters
ANNOUNCE: NUCULAR 0.1 Fielded Full Text Indexing [BETA]

Nucular is a system for creating disk based full text indices
for fielded data. It can be accessed via a Python API
or via a suite of command line interfaces, and an example
Web based archive browser.

The 0.1 release adds a bunch of features and also improves
the internal data structures significantly.  Most importantly
the cosmetics of the example web interface isn't as
horrible as it was before :).

I'm calling it a beta because I think the core is pretty
stable and near future releases are likely to provide
enhancements or minor bugfixes rather than major changes.

Read more and download at:


Python source search:
Mondial geographic text search:
Gutenberg book search:


Nucular is intended to help store and retrieve
searchable information in a manner somewhat similar
to the way that stores and
retrieves job descriptions, for example.

Nucular archives fielded documents and retrieves them
based on field value, field prefix, field word prefix,
or full text word prefix, field range, or combinations
of these.


 -- Nucular is very light weight. Updates and accesses
do not require any server process or other system
support such as shared memory locking.

 -- Nucular supports concurrency. Arbitrary concurrent
updates and accesses by multiple processes or threads
are supported, with no possible locking issues.

 -- Nucular indexes and retrieves large collections quickly.

I hope you like.
   -- Aaron Watters

Q: Why is a giraffe's neck so long?
A: Because its head is so far from its body.


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Duncan Booth
Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for your try Cliff, I was very confused :P
 More over I made some mistake when I post (to make it easiest).
 Here is my real code:
 dArguments = {
   'argName' : {
 'mandatory' : bool, # True or False
 [...], # other field we do not care here
 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory']:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)
 So, as you see, we agree each other about if bool or if bool is
 True ;)
 So, my question was how to give it a better 'python like' look ?
 Any idea ?

For a 'python like' look lose the Hungarian notation (even Microsoft 
have largely stopped using it), increase the indentation to 4 spaces, 
and also get rid of the spurious parentheses around the result. 
Otherwise it is fine: clear and to the point.

If you really wanted you could write something like:

m, o = [], []
for arg in cls.dArguments:
(m if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory'] else o).append(arg)
return m, o

Or even:
m, o = [], []
action = [o.append, m.append]
for arg in cls.dArguments:
return m, o

but it just makes the code less clear, so why bother?

Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Alexandre Badez
Thanks for your try Cliff, I was very confused :P
More over I made some mistake when I post (to make it easiest).

Here is my real code:

dArguments = {
  'argName' : {
'mandatory' : bool, # True or False
[...], # other field we do not care here

lMandatory = []
lOptional = []
for arg in cls.dArguments:
  if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory']:
return (lMandatory, lOptional)

So, as you see, we agree each other about if bool or if bool is
True ;)

So, my question was how to give it a better 'python like' look ?
Any idea ?


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 24, 8:02 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

  lMandatory = []
  lOptional = []
  for arg in cls.dArguments:
if arg is True:
  return (lMandatory, lOptional)

  I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

 You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
 with two of them:

 # completely untested
 lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
 lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

 Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
 may have the syntax just slightly off. See the following links for
 more information:


After reading the others replies, it makes me think that I'm barking
up the wrong tree. Ah well.



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
 On 2007-10-24, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

You can do it shorter, not sure that it also qualifies as better

d = { True : [] , False : [] }
for arg in cls.arguments:
  d[arg == True].append(arg)

return d[True], d[False]

One potential problem here is that 'arg == True' may not be the same as 'if
arg:'. I couldn't come up with a better equivalent expression, maybe one of the
other readers knows more about this?



Parameters in context manager's __enter__ method?

2007-10-24 Thread skip

I am working on a file locking class which I'd like to work with Python
2.5's context managers.  The acquire method takes an optional timeout

class FileLock:
def acquire(self, timeout=None):

def __enter__(self):
return self

Can that optional timeout be somehow accommodated by the with statement?
(I'm thinking no, which may not be a big shortcoming anyway.)




Re: Is this a wx bug?

2007-10-24 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 23, 7:06 pm, Chris Carlen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 From listing 3.3 in 'wxPython in Action'
 Demonstrates that something funny happens when you clickhold in the
 frame, then drag the mouse over the button window.  The
 wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW event is missed.  The wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event is
 NOT missed when you clickhold the mouse button over the button, and
 leave the button window.

 import wx

 class MouseEventFrame(wx.Frame):
  def __init__(self, parent, id):
  wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title=Listing 3.3,
 size=(300, 100))
  self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
  self.button = wx.Button(self.panel, label=Not over, pos=(100,
  self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonClick, self.button)
  self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnEnterWindow)
  self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)

  # This is not critical to demonstrating the 'bug', but just provides
  # feedback that the wx.EVT_BUTTON events are working correctly
  # in relation to entering/leaving the button window.
  def OnButtonClick(self, event):
  if self.panel.GetBackgroundColour() == Green:
  else: self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(Green)

  def OnEnterWindow(self, event):

  def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
  self.button.SetLabel(Not over)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
  app = wx.PySimpleApp()
  frame = MouseEventFrame(None, id=-1)

 Good day!

 Christopher R. Carlen
 Principal LaserElectronics Technologist
 Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
 NOTE, delete texts: RemoveThis and
 BOGUS from email address to reply.

I cannot replicate this issue. It works correctly for me with Python
2.4, wxPython (msw-unicode) on Windows XP SP2.

What version of Python/wxPython are you using? OS? It may just be that
you need to upgrade your wxPython or it's a bug on Mac/Linux. You
should post this to the wxPython mailing group here:



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Alexandre Badez wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code
 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

What's better for you? Shorter? More performant? More readable?
Complying with best practice? Closely following a specific
programming paradigm?



BOFH excuse #403:

Sysadmin didn't hear pager go off due to loud music from bar-room


Re: building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Paul Boddie wrote:
 It's not usually the absence of Python that's the problem. What if
 your application uses various extension modules which in turn rely
 on various libraries (of the .so or .a kind)? It may be more
 convenient to bundle all these libraries instead of working out
 the package dependencies for all the target distributions, even if
 you know them all.

True, thanks for clarification.



BOFH excuse #218:

The UPS doesn't have a battery backup.


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 24, 2:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

  lMandatory = []
  lOptional = []
  for arg in cls.dArguments:
if arg is True:
  return (lMandatory, lOptional)

  I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

 You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
 with two of them:

 # completely untested
 lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
 lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

 Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
 may have the syntax just slightly off.

Your list comprehensions are right, but 'arg is True' and 'arg is
False' are better written as 'arg' and 'not arg' respectively.

Paul Hankin


Re: escape single and double quotes

2007-10-24 Thread Michael Pelz Sherman
Thanks Gabriel. You are correct - this is even documented in the MySQLdb User's 
Guide (, but it's certainly 
not intuitive, given how python string interpolation normally works.

Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: En Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:50:55 
-0300, Michael Pelz Sherman  

 Leif B. Kristensen wrote:

  SQL = 'INSERT into TEMP data = %s'
  c.execute(SQL,  text containing ' and ` and all other stuff we
 .  might
 .   read from the network)

 Sure, but does this work if you need more than one placeholder?

 Yes it works with more than one placeholder.

 Yes, BUT: I have found that all of the placeholders must be STRINGS!

 If I try to use other data types (%d, %f, etc.), I get an error:

 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line 149, in  
 query = query % db.literal(args)
 TypeError: float argument required

 It's not a huge problem to convert my non-string args, but it
 seems like this should be fixed if it's a bug, no?

No. The *MARK* is always %s - but the data may be any type (suitable for  
the database column, of course).
The only purpose of %s is to say insert parameter here. Other adapters  
use a question mark ? as a parameter placeholder, a lot less confusing, as  
it does not look like string interpolation.

Gabriel Genellina



win32com.client documentation?

2007-10-24 Thread Mark Morss
I am a unix person, not new to Python, but new to Python programming
on windows.  Does anyone know where to find documentation on
win32com.client?  I have successfully installed this module and
implemented some example code.  But a comprehensive explanation of the
objects and methods available is nowhere to be found.  I have been
able to find a somewhat out-of-date O'Reilly book, nothing more.

I want to be able to script the creation of Excel spreadsheets and
Word documents, interract with Access data bases, and so forth.


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Tim Chase
 Here is my real code:
 dArguments = {
   'argName' : {
 'mandatory' : bool, # True or False
 [...], # other field we do not care here
 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory']:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

I'm kinda confused, as you're iterating over cls.dArguments, so 
arg appears to be a dictionary (addressable with ['mandatory']), 
but then you're using it (the arg dictionary) as a key into 
cls.dArguments which seems suspect.  I suspect you want to do 
something like

   for arg in cls.dArguments:
 if arg['manditory']:
   return (lMandatory, lOptional)

I've done something like this in the past:

   def partition(i, f):
 # can be made into list-comprehensions instead if iters
 return (x for x in i if f(x)), (x for x in i if not f(x))

   odds,evens = partition(xrange(10), lambda x: x  1)
   print Odd numbers:
   for thing in odds: print thing
   print Even numbers:
   for thing in evens: print thing

which could be translated in your case to something like

   return partition(cls.dArguments,
 lambda x: x['manditory']

I don't know if you find it more pythonic or easier to read 
(which in a way is an aspect of more pythonic), but in some 
cases, I find this fits my brain better.



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread cokofreedom
On Oct 24, 4:15 pm, Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 24, 2:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

   lMandatory = []
   lOptional = []
   for arg in cls.dArguments:
 if arg is True:
   return (lMandatory, lOptional)

   I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

  You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
  with two of them:

  # completely untested
  lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
  lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

  Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
  may have the syntax just slightly off.

 Your list comprehensions are right, but 'arg is True' and 'arg is
 False' are better written as 'arg' and 'not arg' respectively.

 Paul Hankin

Anyone know why towards arg is True and arg is False, arg is None is
faster than arg == None ...


Re: Anagrams

2007-10-24 Thread cokofreedom
On Oct 24, 2:28 am, Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 23, 9:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This one uses a dictionary to store prime values of each letter in the
  alphabet and for each line multiple the results of the characters
  (which is unique for each anagram) and add them to a dictionary for
  printing latter.

  def anagram_finder():
  primeAlpha = {'a':2, 'b':3, 'c':5, 'd':7,'e' : 11, 'f':13, 'g':17,
'i':23, 'j':29, 'k':31, 'l':37, 'm':41, 'n':43, 'o':
  47, 'p':53,\
'q':59, 'r':61, 's':67, 't':71, 'u':73, 'v':79, 'w':
  83, 'x':89,\
'y':97, 'z':101}

 A somewhat nicer start: compute primes (naively) rather than typing
 out the dictionary.

 import string
 from itertools import ifilter, count

 def anagram_finder():
  primes = ifilter(lambda p: all(p % k for k in xrange(2, p)),
  primeAlpha = dict(zip(string.lowercase, primes))

 Paul Hankin

Towards itertools, apart from the lib page on Python does anyone know
of good tutorials of their usage...(beyond exploring myself it would
be nice to see good examples for usage and effective combinations...)


Re: TeX pestilence (was Distributed RVS, Darcs, tech love)

2007-10-24 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:07:37 -0400, Lew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Xah Lee wrote:
 i have written ... No coherent argument, 

I've long killfiled XL to the effect that all of his threads are
ignored altogether, since the guy is nice enough to only take part
to his own rants, but occasionally some posts slip out and now from
the Subject I infer that the new target for his hate is TeX, which
makes me wonder, given his views on Perl (and unixisms in general
iirc) what our friend would think about such a wonderful tool as
PerlTeX - from his POV certainly a synergy between two of the worst
devil's devices.  :)

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}-(map substr
256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:\r;print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread George Sakkis
On Oct 24, 10:42 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 24, 4:15 pm, Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Oct 24, 2:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Oct 24, 7:09 am, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code

lMandatory = []
lOptional = []
for arg in cls.dArguments:
  if arg is True:
return (lMandatory, lOptional)

I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

   You might look into list comprehensions. You could probably do this
   with two of them:

   # completely untested
   lMandatory = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is True]
   lOptional  = [arg for arg in cls.dArguments if arg is False]

   Something like that. I'm not the best with list comprehensions, so I
   may have the syntax just slightly off.

  Your list comprehensions are right, but 'arg is True' and 'arg is
  False' are better written as 'arg' and 'not arg' respectively.

  Paul Hankin

 Anyone know why towards arg is True and arg is False, arg is None is
 faster than arg == None ...

And quite often incorrect, especially the arg is True and arg is


Re: building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Boddie
On 24 Okt, 16:10, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  It's not usually the absence of Python that's the problem. What if
  your application uses various extension modules which in turn rely
  on various libraries (of the .so or .a kind)? It may be more
  convenient to bundle all these libraries instead of working out
  the package dependencies for all the target distributions, even if
  you know them all.

 True, thanks for clarification.

Any suggestions, then? ;-)

I've also run into similar issues with cx_Freeze: I wanted to package
a game written using PyGame, which itself requires some SDL libraries,
which in turn require different libraries like smpeg (if I remember
correctly). It gets to the point where one is effectively building a
Python distribution (another question asked recently but not answered
sufficiently), which has minimal linkage to other libraries - perhaps
the system C libraries, some X11 libraries, and nothing more. Some
ideas about doing that successfully (perhaps LSB enters the picture)
would be quite useful.



Re: How to find out which functions exist?

2007-10-24 Thread mrstephengross
 import module
 from inspect import getmembers, isclass
 classes = getmembers(module, isclass)

Ok, this makes sense. How can I do it inside the .py file I'm working
on? That is, consider this:

  class A:
  class B:
  import inspect
  print inspect.getmembers(this file, inspect.isclass) # how can I
express this file ?

Thanks again,


Re: win32com.client documentation?

2007-10-24 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 24, 9:35 am, Mark Morss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a unix person, not new to Python, but new to Python programming
 on windows.  Does anyone know where to find documentation on
 win32com.client?  I have successfully installed this module and
 implemented some example code.  But a comprehensive explanation of the
 objects and methods available is nowhere to be found.  I have been
 able to find a somewhat out-of-date O'Reilly book, nothing more.

 I want to be able to script the creation of Excel spreadsheets and
 Word documents, interract with Access data bases, and so forth.

Actually, the out-of-date book is still very relevant for most
applications. Chun's book, Core Python Programming also has a section
on using Python to manipulate Office documents.

The docs for PyWin32 currently reside here:

The com documents specifically can be found here:

As Tim Golden has mentioned before, Pywin32 is bound so closely to the
win32 calls that you can basically just look on MSDN and use the
syntax there in Python, for the most part.



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 Anyone know why towards arg is True and arg is False, arg is None is
 faster than arg == None ...

Perhaps reading about both the meaning of the 'is' operator might help ? 
  the expression 'arg is True' will only eval to true if 'id(arg) == 
id(True)'. Now Python objects does have a truth value by themselves. So 
an object can eval to false in a boolean test *without* being the False 
object itself.

For the record, True and False are late additions to the language - at 
first, it only had truth values of objects, basically defined as 'empty 
sequences and containers, numeric zeros and None are false, anything 
else is true unless either:
- the class implements the __len__ magic method and len(obj) == 0
- the class implements the magic method __non_zero__ (IIRC) and this 
obj.__non_zero__ returns false.

So the common idiom is to test the truth value of an object, which is 
expressed as if obj:  - using 'if obj == True:' being redundant and 
'if obj is True:' usually not what you want.

wrt/ None: Since being None is not the same thing as being false (even 
if the first imply the second) - there may be cases where you want to 
distinguish between an object with a false truth value from the None 
object itself - so you can't just use 'if not obj:'. Now since None is 
garanteed to be a singleton, it defines it's __cmp__ (the magic method 
for '==') as an identity test. So directly using the identity test is 
faster since it yields the exact same result as the equality test 
without the overhead of the additional method call.


Re: How to find out which functions exist?

2007-10-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
mrstephengross wrote:

 import module
 from inspect import getmembers, isclass
 classes = getmembers(module, isclass)
 Ok, this makes sense. How can I do it inside the .py file I'm working
 on? That is, consider this:
   class A:
   class B:
   import inspect
   print inspect.getmembers(this file, inspect.isclass) # how can I
 express this file ?

Then you can use globals(), like this:

classes = [v for v in globals().values() if isclass(v)]


Re: win32com.client documentation?

2007-10-24 Thread Matimus
On Oct 24, 7:35 am, Mark Morss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a unix person, not new to Python, but new to Python programming
 on windows.  Does anyone know where to find documentation on
 win32com.client?  I have successfully installed this module and
 implemented some example code.  But a comprehensive explanation of the
 objects and methods available is nowhere to be found.  I have been
 able to find a somewhat out-of-date O'Reilly book, nothing more.

 I want to be able to script the creation of Excel spreadsheets and
 Word documents, interract with Access data bases, and so forth.

That book, if you are talking about Python Programming on Win32 by
Mark Hamond and Andy Robinson, is the best resource that I know of.
There are a few other places for help, and two of those the help files
installed on your computer with win32com and the source code. You may
be able to find other tutorials and such online. What helped me though
was not a better understanding of these packages, but a better
understanding of COM in general. Once I had a fair understanding of
COM I had a much better experience. I found Inside COM by Dale
Rogerson to be a good general resource on learning COM, although there
are many books on the subject to choose from. I can't really help you
any more unless you come up with a specific example of what you are
trying to do.



Re: Speed of Nested Functions Lambda Expressions

2007-10-24 Thread beginner
On Oct 24, 2:52 am, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 beginner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It is really convenient to use nested functions and lambda
  expressions. What I'd like to know is if Python compiles fn_inner()
  only once and change the binding of v every time fn_outer() is called
  or if Python compile and generate a new function object every time. If
  it is the latter, will there be a huge performance hit? Would someone
  give some hint about how exactly Python does this internally?

 You can use Python's bytecode disassembler to see what actually gets
 executed here:

  def fn_outer(v):

 def fn_inner():
 print V:%d,%d % (v,a)


  import dis

   2   0 LOAD_DEREF   1 (v)
   3 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
   7 STORE_DEREF  0 (a)

   3  10 LOAD_CLOSURE 0 (a)
  13 LOAD_CLOSURE 1 (v)
  19 LOAD_CONST   2 (code object fn_inner at
 01177218, file pyshell#3, line 3)
  25 STORE_FAST   1 (fn_inner)

   6  28 LOAD_FAST1 (fn_inner)
  34 POP_TOP
  35 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

 When you execute the 'def' statement, the two scoped variables a and v
 are built into a tuple on the stack, the compiled code object for the
 inner function is also pushed onto the stack and then the function is
 created by the 'MAKE_CLOSURE' instruction. This is then stored in a
 local variable (STORE_FAST) which is then loaded and called.

 So the function definition is pretty fast, BUT notice how fn_inner is
 referenced by STORE_FAST/LOAD_FAST whereas a and v are referenced by

 The code for fn_inner also uses LOAD_DEREF to get at the scoped

   4   0 LOAD_CONST   1 ('V:%d,%d')
   3 LOAD_DEREF   1 (v)
   6 LOAD_DEREF   0 (a)
  15 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

 (its a bit harder to disassemble that one, I stuck a call to dis.dis
 inside fn_outer to get that)

 If you do some timings you'll find that LOAD_DEREF/STORE_DEREF are
 rather slower than LOAD_FAST/STORE_FAST, so while the overhead for
 creating the function is minimal you could find that if you access the
 variables a lot (even in fn_outer) there may be a measurable slow-down.

 If timings show that it is a code hotspot then you might find it better
 to nest the function but pass any required values in as parameters (but
 if you don't have evidence for this just write whatever is clearest).

Thanks for the detailed analysis, Duncan. Also thanks for showing how
the disassembler can be used to figure this out. I was just looking
for a tool like this. This is great. Thanks again.


Re: How to find out which functions exist?

2007-10-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 15:09:02 +, mrstephengross wrote:

 import module
 from inspect import getmembers, isclass
 classes = getmembers(module, isclass)
 Ok, this makes sense. How can I do it inside the .py file I'm working
 on? That is, consider this:
   class A:
   class B:
   import inspect
   print inspect.getmembers(this file, inspect.isclass) # how can I
 express this file ?

If you want the objects from the current module you can simply look at the
`globals()` dictionary.

from inspect import isclass
from itertools import ifilter

classes = set(ifilter(isclass, globals().itervalues()))

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

optparse help output

2007-10-24 Thread Dan
I've been using optparse for a while, and I have an option with a
number of sub-actions I want to describe in the help section:

parser.add_option(-a, --action,
Current supported actions: create, build, import, exp_cmd and

create   -- Vaguely depreciated, should create a new project, but it
not currently suppored. First create a project in SVN,
use import.

build-- Build the project (invoking make usually).

import   -- Put the project under metaman control. Assumes that
the current working directory is a SVN-controlled
sandbox. Metaman checks out its own copy, does analysis
to determine dependencies and the metadata to be

interact -- Creates a MetaMan object and starts the python interactive
interpreter. Designed for debugging or advanced usage.
The MetaMan object is bound to the identifier 'mm'. Only
use this option if you know what you're doing.

exp_cmd --  add an experiment for strataman.

Unfortunately, when I run the script with --help, this is what I get
for the -a option:
  -aACTION, --action=ACTION
Current supported actions: create, build,
exp_cmd and interact.  create   -- Vaguely
should create a new project, but it
is not
currently suppored. First create a project in
SVN, then
use import.  build-- Build the project
make usually).  import   -- Put the project
metaman control. Assumes that the
working directory is a SVN-controlled
sandbox. Metaman checks out its own copy, does
to determine dependencies and the metadata to
collected.  interact -- Creates a MetaMan
object and
starts the python interactive
Designed for debugging or advanced usage.
The MetaMan object is bound to the identifier
Only use this option if you know
you're doing.  exp_cmd --  add an experiment

Is there any way to get the formatting I want?



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 16:04:28 +0200, A.T.Hofkamp wrote:

 On 2007-10-24, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this

 lMandatory = []
 lOptional = []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
   if arg is True:
 return (lMandatory, lOptional)

 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...
 You can do it shorter, not sure that it also qualifies as better
 d = { True : [] , False : [] }
 for arg in cls.arguments:
   d[arg == True].append(arg)
 return d[True], d[False]
 One potential problem here is that 'arg == True' may not be the same as 'if
 arg:'. I couldn't come up with a better equivalent expression, maybe one of 
 other readers knows more about this?

With ``if arg:`` the interpreter asks `arg` for its boolean value.  So a
better way would be:


As `True` and `False` are instances of `int` with the values 1 and 0 it's
possible to replace the dictionary by a list:

tmp = [[], []]
for arg in cls.arguments:
return tmp[1], tmp[0]

Maybe that's nicer.  Maybe not.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: optparse help output

2007-10-24 Thread Tim Chase
 I've been using optparse for a while, and I have an option with a
 number of sub-actions I want to describe in the help section:
 parser.add_option(-a, --action,
[snipped formatted help]
 Unfortunately, when I run the script with --help, this is what I get
 for the -a option:
[snipped munged formatting of help]
 Is there any way to get the formatting I want?

I had the same issue:

and was directed by Ben Finney to check out a custom formatter. 
I got it working to my satisfaction and posted it in that thread:

It may be a little more kind in what it does with your help-text. 
  If you need variant behavior you can take my code and mung it 
even further.

The changes are basically a copypaste (including the comments, 
which Steven D'Aprano suggested might be better made into 
docstrings) of the format_description() and format_option() calls 
from the standard-library's source, and changing a few small 
lines to alter the behavior of calls to textwrap.*

Hope this helps,



Re: Anagrams

2007-10-24 Thread sandipm
 Is all inbuilt function in python? what it does?

 from itertools import ifilter, count

 def anagram_finder():
  primes = ifilter(lambda p: all(p % k for k in xrange(2, p)), count(2))
  primeAlpha = dict(zip(string.lowercase, primes))



Re: basic web auth and verification

2007-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 23, 12:55 am, Ralf Schönian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Trying to figure out how to add login verfication. I believe it is
  logging me in, but theres no way to really tell..any ideas? or
  tutorials out there that can exaplain this to me?


  import urllib,urllib2,cookielib

  passlst = open(passfile, 'r').readlines()
  cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
  opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
  TheForm = urllib.urlencode({username:myid,password:mypas})
  request = urllib2.Request(url, TheForm)
  result = urllib2.urlopen(request)

 I had the same trouble. There was a redirect after login a had to
 follow. Look at the following code.

  def login(self):
  ''' Log into web site. '''

  cj = CookieJar()

  self._br['session_key'] = Config.username
  self._br['session_password'] = Config.password
  for link in self._br.links(
  if 'Sign In' in self._br.title():
  raise ValueError('Wrong password')

 Ralf Schoenian- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Thank you very much, ill look into it..


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Bjoern Schliessmann a écrit :
 Alexandre Badez wrote:
 I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this code
 I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...
 What's better for you? Shorter? More performant? More readable?
 Complying with best practice? Closely following a specific
 programming paradigm?

I think the OP meant more pythonic.


Re: Anagrams

2007-10-24 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 24, 5:03 pm, sandipm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is all inbuilt function in python? what it does?

Help on built-in function all in module __builtin__:

all(iterable) - bool

Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable.

Paul Hankin


Re: TeX pestilence (was Distributed RVS, Darcs, tech love)

2007-10-24 Thread Byung-Hee HWANG
On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 12:19 -0400, Lew wrote:
 Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  4. Inargurated a massive collection of documents that are invalid
  HTML. (due to the programing moron's ingorance and need to idolize a
  leader, and TeX's inherent problem of being a typesetting system that
  is unsuitable of representing any structure or semantics)
 There's something a little fey about someone calling out a programing [sic] 
 moron's ingorance [sic] and then devolving right into blue speech.
 I think Xah Lee should look into:

Well, you are making a personal attack, it's dangerous. I wish to see
only discussions about TeX ;;

Byung-Hee HWANG * مجاهدين * InZealBomb 
I'll reason with him.
-- Vito Corleone, Chapter 14, page 200

Re: Anagrams

2007-10-24 Thread Tim Chase
  Is all inbuilt function in python? what it does?
 Help on built-in function all in module __builtin__:
 all(iterable) - bool
 Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable.

It may be helpful to know that any() and all() were added in 
Python 2.5



Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread beginner
On Oct 24, 9:04 am, A.T.Hofkamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 2007-10-24, Alexandre Badez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm just wondering, if I could write a in a better way this

  lMandatory = []
  lOptional = []
  for arg in cls.dArguments:
if arg is True:
  return (lMandatory, lOptional)

  I think there is a better way, but I can't see how...

 You can do it shorter, not sure that it also qualifies as better

 d = { True : [] , False : [] }
 for arg in cls.arguments:
   d[arg == True].append(arg)

 return d[True], d[False]

 One potential problem here is that 'arg == True' may not be the same as 'if
 arg:'. I couldn't come up with a better equivalent expression, maybe one of 
 other readers knows more about this?


d[bool(arg)].append(arg) resolves your concern?


How to best send email to a low volume list?

2007-10-24 Thread chris
I need to maintain a list of subscribers to an email list for a
newsletter that will be sent via a web form probably once a month.
I anticipate low numbers--tens to maybe one hundred subscribers at the
most.  Just curious what the best way to code this is.  Should I just
loop through the addresses and send one-off emails to each, or is it
better to somehow send to every recipient in one shot?  One thing I
would like to avoid in the latter scenario is each recipient being
able to see the entire list of recipients.  Also don't want to trigger
any kind of spam thing on my web host by sending out too many emails.

Anyway, any tips appreciated.



Re: How to best send email to a low volume list?

2007-10-24 Thread Adam Lanier
On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 16:54 +, chris wrote:
 I need to maintain a list of subscribers to an email list for a
 newsletter that will be sent via a web form probably once a month.
 I anticipate low numbers--tens to maybe one hundred subscribers at the
 most.  Just curious what the best way to code this is.  Should I just
 loop through the addresses and send one-off emails to each, or is it
 better to somehow send to every recipient in one shot?  One thing I
 would like to avoid in the latter scenario is each recipient being
 able to see the entire list of recipients.  Also don't want to trigger
 any kind of spam thing on my web host by sending out too many emails.
 Anyway, any tips appreciated.

Before you reinvent the wheel, you should look into using a mailing list
manager, Mailman for example:

Regardless, confirmed double-opt-in should be a requirement as should a
mechanism for subscribers to unsubscribe themselves.

Using a 'list address' as the from address and using bcc addressing will
prevent your recipients from being able to see all the other recipient


Re: optparse help output

2007-10-24 Thread Dan
On Oct 24, 12:06 pm, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've been using optparse for a while, and I have an option with a
  number of sub-actions I want to describe in the help section:

  parser.add_option(-a, --action,

 [snipped formatted help] )

  Unfortunately, when I run the script with --help, this is what I get
  for the -a option:

 [snipped munged formatting of help]

  Is there any way to get the formatting I want?

 I had the same issue:

 and was directed by Ben Finney to check out a custom formatter.
 I got it working to my satisfaction and posted it in that thread:

 It may be a little more kind in what it does with your help-text.
   If you need variant behavior you can take my code and mung it
 even further.

 The changes are basically a copypaste (including the comments,
 which Steven D'Aprano suggested might be better made into
 docstrings) of the format_description() and format_option() calls
 from the standard-library's source, and changing a few small
 lines to alter the behavior of calls to textwrap.*

 Hope this helps,


Thanks, Tim!

That was incredibly helpful. I did alter it to format paragraphs, but
maintain the double newlines. Also, I made a few changes to work with
the 2.3 version of optparse. Posted below for anyone who might want
it. (Also to work as a standalone .py file)


# From Tim Chase via comp.lang.python.

from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter
import textwrap

class IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(IndentedHelpFormatter):
  def format_description(self, description):
if not description: return 
desc_width = self.width - self.current_indent
indent =  *self.current_indent
# the above is still the same
bits = description.split('\n')
formatted_bits = [
  for bit in bits]
result = \n.join(formatted_bits) + \n
return result

  def format_option(self, option):
# The help for each option consists of two parts:
#   * the opt strings and metavars
#   eg. (-x, or -fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME)
#   * the user-supplied help string
#   eg. (turn on expert mode, read data from FILENAME)
# If possible, we write both of these on the same line:
#   -xturn on expert mode
# But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help
# string on a second line, indented to the same column it would
# start in if it fit on the first line.
#   read data from FILENAME
result = []
opts = option.option_strings
opt_width = self.help_position - self.current_indent - 2
if len(opts)  opt_width:
  opts = %*s%s\n % (self.current_indent, , opts)
  indent_first = self.help_position
else: # start help on same line as opts
  opts = %*s%-*s   % (self.current_indent, , opt_width, opts)
  indent_first = 0
  help_text =
# Everything is the same up through here
  help_lines = []
  help_text = \n.join([x.strip() for x in
  for para in help_text.split(\n\n):
help_lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(para, self.help_width))
if len(help_lines):
  # for each paragraph, keep the double newlines..
  help_lines[-1] += \n
# Everything is the same after here
  result.append(%*s%s\n % (
indent_first, , help_lines[0]))
  result.extend([%*s%s\n % (self.help_position, , line)
for line in help_lines[1:]])
elif opts[-1] != \n:
return .join(result)


Re: optparse help output

2007-10-24 Thread Steven Bethard
Dan wrote:
 On Oct 24, 12:06 pm, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been using optparse for a while, and I have an option with a
 number of sub-actions I want to describe in the help section:
 parser.add_option(-a, --action,
 [snipped formatted help] )

 Unfortunately, when I run the script with --help, this is what I get
 for the -a option:
 [snipped munged formatting of help]

 Is there any way to get the formatting I want?
 I had the same issue:

 and was directed by Ben Finney to check out a custom formatter.
 I got it working to my satisfaction and posted it in that thread:

 That was incredibly helpful. I did alter it to format paragraphs, but
 maintain the double newlines. Also, I made a few changes to work with
 the 2.3 version of optparse. Posted below for anyone who might want
 it. (Also to work as a standalone .py file)

You might consider posting it to the optik tracker:

A lot of people have had similar requests.


New to Vim and Vim-Python

2007-10-24 Thread Daniel Folkes
I am new to using Vim's scripts.

I was wondering if anyone uses Vim-Python and how to use it?   This
includes things like key bindings and such.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Folkes


Mobile Startup looking for sharp coders

2007-10-24 Thread Vangati
Plusmo is Hiring!

Plusmo's mission is to provide the ultimate mobile experience for
users by bringing together advanced technologies and easy to use
services for mobile phones. Plusmo's innovative widget service lets
users run cool widgets on their mobile phones. There are over 20,000
widgets and mobile mash-ups on Plusmo, most of them created and shared
by end users and publishers with no coding knowledge.

Join us in tackling the challenges of a rapidly growing service with
millions of mobile page views. Plusmo's founding team has a successful
track record with two mobile startups and extensive experience working
with mobile web standards.  Plusmo is well-funded and looking for
sharp coders and smart business minds to expand our team. If you want
to join a small company trying to change the world, then this is the
place for you!

Top 5 reasons to join Plusmo -
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Easiest way to get exit code from os.popen()?

2007-10-24 Thread mrstephengross
Hi folks. I'm using os.popen() to run a command; according to the
documentation, the filehandle.close() oepration is suppsoed to return
the exit code. However, when I execute something like exit 5,
close() returns 1280. Here's the code:

  pipe = os.popen(exit 5)
  print pipe.close() # prints 1280

Am I doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to get the exit



Test for a unicode string

2007-10-24 Thread goldtech

I have a regular expression test in a script. When a unicode character
get tested in the regex it gives an error:

UnicodeError: ASCII decoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

Question: Is there a way to test a string for unicode chars (ie. test
if a string will throw the error cited above).

 if  unicode string:
  print  'string's line #'
  process the string

How do I do if unicode string cited in pseudo-code above?

Thanks, still using Python 2.1


crontab library

2007-10-24 Thread Martin Marcher

is anyone aware of a crontab library.

Possibly even more complete, something that will let me
create/manipulate/delete crontab entries in a nice way and install the
new crontab accordingly.

I had a look at the crontab docs and never realized how complex it
actually is. So before I spend time in creating such a thing maybe
someone did it already :)



Re: crontab library

2007-10-24 Thread Guilherme Polo
2007/10/24, Martin Marcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 is anyone aware of a crontab library.

 Possibly even more complete, something that will let me
 create/manipulate/delete crontab entries in a nice way and install the
 new crontab accordingly.

 I had a look at the crontab docs and never realized how complex it
 actually is. So before I spend time in creating such a thing maybe
 someone did it already :)

When you say complex, are you talking about the possible ways to
define when your job runs ? You could use a parser for the time format
it uses, like this:

I believe using this parser or some other would cut all the
difficulty, then it is all about creating a gui/cli/etc based on it or
extend it.. it is up to you =)



-- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

Socket communication problem

2007-10-24 Thread Sandy Dunlop
I'm new here, and fairly new to Python. I have been playing around with
Python and started having a look at socket IO. I have written a script
that communicates over a network to a server which is written in C.
While trying to get this working, I have been running into a problem
where the Python client appears to hang when it should be receiving data
back from the server.

After a few successful exchanges of data, the server sends 3605 bytes to
the client, which the client receives. The server then sends 2 bytes to
the client, and the client doesn't get them. A client program written in
C# does not have this problem.

I have narrowed the problem down as far as I can, and have two small
scripts, client and server, and a data file they read from to know what
they should be sending and receiving. The problem can be replicated
using them within a few milliseconds of running them.

At first, I thought this may be caused by Nagel's algorithm, so I
disabled it explicitly using:

 s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

This made no difference.
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong here?

You can get the scripts and the 7K data file here:

Or all together in a zip file here:

Thanks in advance,


Re: Socket communication problem

2007-10-24 Thread Sandy Dunlop
Sandy Dunlop wrote:

 I'm new here, and fairly new to Python. I have been playing around with
 Python and started having a look at socket IO. I have written a script
 that communicates over a network to a server which is written in C.
 While trying to get this working, I have been running into a problem
 where the Python client appears to hang when it should be receiving data
 back from the server.

I forgot to add, I'm using Python 2.5.1 on OS X, and have also tried my 
program under Python 2.5.1 on Solaris 9.



Re: Socket communication problem

2007-10-24 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:42:49 +0100, Sandy Dunlop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm new here, and fairly new to Python. I have been playing around with
Python and started having a look at socket IO. I have written a script
that communicates over a network to a server which is written in C.
While trying to get this working, I have been running into a problem
where the Python client appears to hang when it should be receiving data
back from the server.

After a few successful exchanges of data, the server sends 3605 bytes to
the client, which the client receives. The server then sends 2 bytes to
the client, and the client doesn't get them. A client program written in
C# does not have this problem.

Neither the server nor client Python programs you linked to uses the socket
API correctly.  The most obvious mistake is that the code does not check the
return value of socket.send(), which you must do.

Twisted is a third-party library which abstracts many of the low-level
details of the BSD socket API away from you.  You might want to take a
look at it.


Re: Better writing in python

2007-10-24 Thread Alexandre Badez
On Oct 24, 3:46 pm, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a 'python like' look lose the Hungarian notation (even Microsoft
 have largely stopped using it)

I wish I could.
But my corporation do not want to apply coding rules

 increase the indentation to 4 spaces,

Well, it is in my python file.
I do not do it here, because I'm a bit lazy.

 and also get rid of the spurious parentheses around the result.


 Otherwise it is fine: clear and to the point.


 If you really wanted you could write something like:

 m, o = [], []
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
 (m if cls.dArguments[arg]['mandatory'] else o).append(arg)
 return m, o

 Or even:
 m, o = [], []
 action = [o.append, m.append]
 for arg in cls.dArguments:
 return m, o

 but it just makes the code less clear, so why bother?

And finally thanks again ;)


Re: Easiest way to get exit code from os.popen()?

2007-10-24 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 19:07:44 -, mrstephengross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi folks. I'm using os.popen() to run a command; according to the
documentation, the filehandle.close() oepration is suppsoed to return
the exit code. However, when I execute something like exit 5,
close() returns 1280. Here's the code:

  pipe = os.popen(exit 5)
  print pipe.close() # prints 1280

Am I doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to get the exit

   import os


Re: TeX pestilence (was Distributed RVS, Darcs, tech love)

2007-10-24 Thread J�rgen Exner
Lew wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
 i have written ... No coherent argument,

Actually the modified title is wrong. It should be

The Xah Lee pestilence

Please see his posting history of off-topic random rambling for details.

Oh, and PLEASE

 +---+ .:\:\:/:/:.
 |   PLEASE DO NOT   |:.:\:\:/:/:.:
 |  FEED THE TROLLS  |   :=.' -   - '.=:
 |   |   '=(\ 9   9 /)='
 |   Thank you,  |  (  (_)  )
 |   Management  |  /`-vvv-'\
 +---+ / \
 |  |@@@  / /|,|\ \
 |  |@@@ /_//  /^\  \\_\
   @x@@x@|  | |/ WW(  (   )  )WW
   \/|  |\|   __\,,\ /,,/__
\||/ |  | |  jgs (__Y__)



Re: Easiest way to get exit code from os.popen()?

2007-10-24 Thread Karthik Gurusamy
On Oct 24, 12:07 pm, mrstephengross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi folks. I'm using os.popen() to run a command; according to the
 documentation, the filehandle.close() oepration is suppsoed to return
 the exit code. However, when I execute something like exit 5,
 close() returns 1280. Here's the code:

   pipe = os.popen(exit 5)
   print pipe.close() # prints 1280

 Am I doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to get the exit

 print %#x % 1280
0x500 # first byte is your exit code; second gives signal info if

In any case, the best approach is to use the os module to interpret it
as given in other post (os.WEXITSTATUS(1280))




Re: crontab library

2007-10-24 Thread Martin Marcher
2007/10/24, Guilherme Polo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2007/10/24, Martin Marcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I had a look at the crontab docs and never realized how complex it
  actually is. So before I spend time in creating such a thing maybe
  someone did it already :)

 When you say complex, are you talking about the possible ways to
 define when your job runs ? You could use a parser for the time format
 it uses, like this:

This looks nice for starters. But the crontab(5) manpage has a lot
more - that's what I meant by complex. I guess it's just quite some
typing work :)

 * lists
  * 1,2,4
 * ranges
  * 1-3
 * steps
  * 1-12/2
  * */3
 * specials
  * @annually
  * @weekly
  * @daily
  * ...
 * mixes there of
  * 1-4,6,16-22/3
(this actually depends on which cron you use, the
lowest common denominator would be to use either lists or ranges
(or ranges with steps))

Then there is the difference of roots crontab where whe have a line
like this:

# minute hour dom month dow user command
0 * * * * nobody echo foo

A users crontab
# minute hour dom month dow command
0 * * * * echo foo

and all the variables one could use. with a few of them being
mandatory (LOGNAME, or USER depending on the OS), some of them being
standard variables (SHELL,
PATH) and of course custom variables.


Re: crontab library

2007-10-24 Thread Guilherme Polo
2007/10/24, Martin Marcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2007/10/24, Guilherme Polo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  2007/10/24, Martin Marcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I had a look at the crontab docs and never realized how complex it
   actually is. So before I spend time in creating such a thing maybe
   someone did it already :)
  When you say complex, are you talking about the possible ways to
  define when your job runs ? You could use a parser for the time format
  it uses, like this:

 This looks nice for starters. But the crontab(5) manpage has a lot
 more - that's what I meant by complex. I guess it's just quite some
 typing work :)

  * lists
   * 1,2,4
  * ranges
   * 1-3
  * steps
   * 1-12/2
   * */3

It supports all these, so your complex argument was cut down again.

  * specials
   * @annually
   * @weekly
   * @daily
   * ...

These specials aren't really complex, it is just some pre-sets

  * mixes there of
   * 1-4,6,16-22/3

Supports too, complexity is over again

 (this actually depends on which cron you use, the
 lowest common denominator would be to use either lists or ranges
 (or ranges with steps))

 Then there is the difference of roots crontab where whe have a line
 like this:

 # minute hour dom month dow user command
 0 * * * * nobody echo foo

 A users crontab
 # minute hour dom month dow command
 0 * * * * echo foo

For this you basically check how many fields it has, so you can
determine if there is an user especified or not.

 and all the variables one could use. with a few of them being
 mandatory (LOGNAME, or USER depending on the OS), some of them being
 standard variables (SHELL,
 PATH) and of course custom variables.

If you need to use these you should know how to use these, just write
them and let the crontab app handle it.


-- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-24 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
  I'm stuck trying to write a function that generates a factorial of a
  number using iteration and not recursion.  Any simple ideas would be

Here is the math geek answer ;-)

import math

def factorial(i):
n = i + 1
return math.exp(-n)*(n**(n-0.5))*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*(1. + 1./12/n + 
1./288/n**2 - 139./51840/n**3)

Works for non integer factorials also...

See here for background

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Socket communication problem

2007-10-24 Thread Sandy Dunlop
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

 Neither the server nor client Python programs you linked to uses the socket
 API correctly.  The most obvious mistake is that the code does not check the
 return value of socket.send(), which you must do.
 Twisted is a third-party library which abstracts many of the low-level
 details of the BSD socket API away from you.  You might want to take a
 look at it.

Thankyou. I've managed to get it working now that I'm using the socket 
API correctly. In case anyone else has the same issue in the future, 
I'll leave my solution here:

I'll have a look at Twisted - sounds good.



Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-24 Thread Lou Pecora
 Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Py-Fun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm stuck trying to write a function that generates a factorial of a
   number using iteration and not recursion.  Any simple ideas would be
 Here is the math geek answer ;-)
 import math
 def factorial(i):
 n = i + 1
 return math.exp(-n)*(n**(n-0.5))*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*(1. + 1./12/n + 
 1./288/n**2 - 139./51840/n**3)
 Works for non integer factorials also...
 See here for background

Well, that's Sterling's formula.  You do have to worry about 

How about (for intergers - simple-minded version):

def factorial(i):
   for n in xrange(i):
   return fact

There might even be an array method that can be adapted to get the 
product.  Is there a product method? (analogous to a sum method)

Then you could use,

   fact=arr.product()  # or something like that

-- Lou Pecora

Re: building a linux executable

2007-10-24 Thread Prateek
On Oct 24, 5:25 pm, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 24 Okt, 14:20, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-


  I'm sorry I cannot help, but how many linux distros have no python
  installed or no packages of it?

 It's not usually the absence of Python that's the problem. What if
 your application uses various extension modules which in turn rely on
 various libraries (of the .so or .a kind)? It may be more convenient
 to bundle all these libraries instead of working out the package
 dependencies for all the target distributions, even if you know them


Thanks Paul,

So I've bundled all the extension modules (cx_Freeze helped me out
with that). Here is what I did:

if sys.platform.startswith(linux):
import [add a bunch of imports here]

This import statement immediately imports all modules which will be
required. Hence, cx_Freeze is easily able to find them and I can put
all the .so files with the distro.

The problem is that some of these .so files ( are hard-
linked to /lib/ and /lib/ I cannot simply just
copy those (libssl/libcrypto) files into the distribution folder (and
cx_Freeze won't do anything about them because they are not Python
modules). I need a way to figure out how to get to refer
to a which is in the same directory (I would have thunk that
it should use the PATH environment variable - apparently not).

This seems to be a simple enough problem, doesn't it??

NB: Has the community come up with a better way to distribute Python
executables on linux? I'd also like to hear from folks who've got
linux distributables of medium to large scale python programs...


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 24, 4:05 pm, Lou Pecora [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Py-Fun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm stuck trying to write a function that generates a factorial of a
number using iteration and not recursion.  Any simple ideas would be

  Here is the math geek answer ;-)

  import math

  def factorial(i):
  n = i + 1
  return math.exp(-n)*(n**(n-0.5))*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*(1. + 1./12/n +
  1./288/n**2 - 139./51840/n**3)

  Works for non integer factorials also...

  See here for background

 Well, that's Sterling's formula.  You do have to worry about

 How about (for intergers - simple-minded version):

 def factorial(i):
for n in xrange(i):
return fact

Simple minded indeed.


 There might even be an array method that can be adapted to get the
 product.  Is there a product method? (analogous to a sum method)

 Then you could use,

fact=arr.product()  # or something like that

 -- Lou Pecora- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Re: Test for a unicode string

2007-10-24 Thread Martin Marcher
2007/10/24, goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Question: Is there a way to test a string for unicode chars (ie. test
 if a string will throw the error cited above).

yes there ist :)

 isinstance(ua, basestring)
 isinstance(ua, unicode)
 isinstance(a, unicode)
 isinstance(a, str)
 isinstance(ua, str)


Re: New to Vim and Vim-Python

2007-10-24 Thread Martin Marcher

2007/10/24, Daniel Folkes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am new to using Vim's scripts.
 I was wondering if anyone uses Vim-Python and how to use it?   This
 includes things like key bindings and such.

are you talking about

* how to use vim?
* how to create vim scripts?
 * sorry can't help (but has a couple of scripts you might
want to look at)
* how to use vim to create python scripts?

Personally I just left vim in favor of emacs - there's just a lot more
available that is ready to use vim emacs than with vim (in my case,
your use case may vary)



Re: Parameters in context manager's __enter__ method?

2007-10-24 Thread Matimus
On Oct 24, 7:06 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am working on a file locking class which I'd like to work with Python
 2.5's context managers.  The acquire method takes an optional timeout

 class FileLock:
 def acquire(self, timeout=None):

 def __enter__(self):
 return self

 Can that optional timeout be somehow accommodated by the with statement?
 (I'm thinking no, which may not be a big shortcoming anyway.)



I think a better solution might be to create a locking class, and a
seperate context manager class. That way you can pass the timeout as a
parameter to the context managers constructor:

fl = FileLock(...)
with FileLockContext(filelock=fl, timeout=1000):
   # do stuff

But another option along the same line might be to have the acquire
method return the context instance. Then you could write:

class FileLockContext(fl, timeout):

class FileLock:
def acquire(self, timeout=None):
# do acquiring
return FileLockContext(self, timeout)

fl = FileLock(...)
with fl.acquire(1000):
  #do stuff

Or, you could go the same path you are already, using a hybrid, and
pass timeout to the FileLock constructor.



ANN: Wing IDE 3.0.1 Released

2007-10-24 Thread Wingware

We're happy to announce version 3.0.1 of Wing IDE, an advanced development
environment for the Python programming language. It is available from:

This release focuses on fixing minor usability issues found in Wing 3.0 and
improves and expands the VI keyboard personality.  It is a free upgrade
for all Wing 3.0 users.

See the change log for details:

*About Wing IDE*

Wing IDE is an integrated development environment for the Python programming
language.  It provides powerful debugging, editing, code intelligence,
testing, and search capabilities that reduce development and debugging
time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand
and navigate Python code.

New features added in Wing 3.0 include:

* Multi-threaded debugger
* Debug value tooltips in editor, debug probe, and interactive shell
* Autocompletion and call tips in debug probe and interactive shell
* Automatically updating project directories
* Testing tool, currently supporting unittest derived tests (*)
* OS Commands tool for executing and interacting with external commands (*)
* Rewritten indentation analysis and conversion (*)
* Introduction of Wing IDE 101, a free edition for beginning programmers
* Available as a .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu
* Support for Stackless Python
* Support for 64 bit Python on Windows and Linux

(*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or
Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).

*Purchasing  Upgrading*

Wing IDE Professional  Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and require
a license  to run.  To upgrade a 2.x license or purchase a new 3.x license:


Any 2.x license sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost
1/2 the normal price to upgrade.


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


Re: win32com.client documentation?

2007-10-24 Thread Colin J. Williams
Mark Morss wrote:
 I am a unix person, not new to Python, but new to Python programming
 on windows.  Does anyone know where to find documentation on
 win32com.client?  I have successfully installed this module and
 implemented some example code.  But a comprehensive explanation of the
 objects and methods available is nowhere to be found.  I have been
 able to find a somewhat out-of-date O'Reilly book, nothing more.
 I want to be able to script the creation of Excel spreadsheets and
 Word documents, interract with Access data bases, and so forth.
You might download  and install Mark 
Hammond's PythonWin.

Colin W.

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