Announce : TimeDuration 0.1a released

2008-04-18 Thread Andrew Lee
This is a pure python module for parsing time interval strings,
normalizing, comparing and ordering time intervals.

This module is still in alpha phase.

It handles string like :

1 hour, 15 minutes and 23.2 seconds
1h 15min 23.2sec

Output from *nix uptime or time commands :

15 days, 23:04

It handles comparisons and sorting of TimeDuration objects.

It normalizes time interval strings, e.g. :

5 d, 27 h, 75 m 120 s

will normalize to

6 D 04:17:0.00


* Catch garbled input strings that might confuse the parser.
* Create an iterable class to handle slices, min, max, sums, average,
mean and stddev
* More testing


Author :

Andrew Lee (fiacre.patrick  - at -

Support the Python Software Foundation:

DoIt 0.1.0 Released

2008-04-18 Thread Eduardo Schettino
DoIt - A task execution tool (build-tool)

This is the first public release of DoIt

Release: DoIt 0.1.0
License: MIT


DoIt is a build tool that focus not only on making/building things but on
executing any kind of tasks in an efficient way. Designed to be easy to use
and get out of your way.

DoIt like most build tools is used to execute tasks defined in a
configuration file. Configuration files are python modules. The tasks can be
python functions (or any callable) or an external shell script. DoIt
automatically keeps track of declared dependencies executing only tasks that
needs to be update (based on which dependencies have changed).

In DoIt, unlike most(all?) build-tools, a task doesn't need to define a target
file to use the execute only if not up-to-date feature. This make DoIt
specially suitable for running test suites.

DoIt can be used to perform any task or build anything, though it doesn't
support automatic dependency discovery for any language.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: pyspread 0.0.1

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Manns
pyspread 0.0.1 is now available at:

pyspread is a spreadsheet that accepts a pure python expression in
each cell.

+ No non-python syntax add-ons
+ Access to python modules from cells
+ 3D grid
+ Numpy object array for representation of string entry into grid cell
+ Numpy object array for representation of eval function array
+ Cell access via slicing of numpy function array
+ X, Y, and Z yield current cell location for relative reference

Requires: Python 2.5, Numpy 1.0.4, and wxPython
License: GPL

Best Regards
Martin Manns
mmanns at

Support the Python Software Foundation:

How to set proxy for a python script to run

2008-04-18 Thread Adam
Hi, everyone, I am using /usr/share/system-config-language/ in Python.
For some reason I have to bypass the firewall using a proxy. I read
the urllib reference and set http_proxy=my proxy. But it didn't
work. Is there anyway that we can set the proxy?

Re: get quote enclosed field in a line

2008-04-18 Thread Skye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is there a simple way in perl, python, or awk/shell/pipe, that gets
  the user agent field in a apache log?

 Something like:
 # cut -d '' -f 6  httpd-access.log

Doesn't it feel like autosplit mode never gets any run time?

perl -laF'' -ne'print $F[5]' access_log


pprint module and newer standard types

2008-04-18 Thread Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
When  I try and use pprint on standard types I get varying 'quality of

Lists will wrap nicely to multiple lines as will dicts, but sets and
defaultdicts give one long unreadable line.
Is their a chance to get this changed so that more built-in types look
pretty when printed with pprint?

I just did a small trial on an early version of Python 3 and sets
don't seem to obey pprint.pprints width argument, the same way that
lists do:

Python 3.0a1 (py3k:57844, Aug 31 2007, 16:54:27) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
  from pprint import pprint as pp
  pp(list(range(3)), width=4)


  pp(set(range(3)), width=4)
{0, 1, 2}

- Paddy.

Re: How to have unittest tests to be executed in the order they appear?

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Finney
Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Surely, since suddenly implies you changed one small area of the
  code, that area of the code is the best place to look for what caused
  the failure.
 Sometimes it's the environment that's changed. Yes, I know, a good
 unit test doesn't depend on the environment, but in real life,
 that's sometimes difficult to achieve.

Fair enough, I hadn't considered that case of suddenly.

In that case, I would recommend a change to the test *reporter*, so
that the tests are still run in an arbitrary sequence, but the
failures are reported in some desired sequence.

 \ “Holy tintinnabulation, Batman!” —Robin |
  `\   |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

How to set proxy for a python script to run

2008-04-18 Thread Adam
Hi, I am using a script written in Python. For some reasons I should
pass the fireware by proxy setting. But it seems not work when I set
the 'http_proxy' 'ftp_proxy' environment variable.
I also expored 'HTTP_PROXY' 'FTP_PROXY', but the problem remained.
How can I set proxy for it to run the script?

Re: How to set proxy for a python script to run

2008-04-18 Thread Soltys
Adam pisze:
 Hi, everyone, I am using /usr/share/system-config-language/ in Python.
 For some reason I have to bypass the firewall using a proxy. I read
 the urllib reference and set http_proxy=my proxy. But it didn't
 work. Is there anyway that we can set the proxy?

I did sth. like this:

proxy_url = http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080
proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': proxy_url})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support)
src = urllib2.urlopen(url)

now you can easily read from src.


Free software is a matter of liberty not price

Re: why function got dictionary

2008-04-18 Thread Tim Roberts

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Q: why function got dictionary? What it is used for?
 because it is an object, and you can do e.g.

you mean an object in the following sense?


where could I read more about that?

This is a very useful feature.  As just one example, the CherryPy web
server framework lets you define a class to handle one directory in a web
site, where each page is mapped to member functions.  However, you also
need to include support functions that should not be exposed as web pages.
To do that, you just add an exposed attribute to the function:

class MyWebPage:
def index( self, ... ):
pass = 1

def notExposed( self, ... ):

def request( self, ... ):
pass = 1
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

codec for html/xml entities!?

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Bless
Hi friends, I've been OFF-Python now for quite a while and am glad
being back. At least to some part as work permits.

What's a good way to encode and decode those entities like euro; or
#8364; ?

I need isolated functions to process lines. Looking at the xml and
sgmlib stuff I didn't really get a clue as to what's the most pythonic
way. Are there library functions I didn't see?

FYI, here is what I hacked down and what will probably (hopefully...)
do the job.

Feel free to comment.

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
\, mb, 2008-03-14, 2008-03-18

import htmlentitydefs
import re

RE_OBJ_entity = re.compile('(.+?;)')

def entity2uc(entity):
Convert entity like #123; to unichr.

Return (result,True) on success or (input string, False)
otherwise. Example:
entity2cp('euro;')   - (u'\u20ac',True)
entity2cp('#x20ac;') - (u'\u20ac',True)
entity2cp('#8364;')  - (u'\u20ac',True)
entity2cp('foobar;') - ('foobar;',False)

gotCodepoint = False
gotUnichr = False
if entity.startswith('#'):
if entity[2] == 'x':
base = 16
digits = entity[3:-1]
base = 10
digits = entity[2:-1]
v = int(digits,base)
gotCodepoint = True
v = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint.get(entity[1:-1],None)
if not v is None:
gotCodepoint = True

if gotCodepoint:
v = unichr(v)
gotUnichr = True
if gotUnichr:
return v, gotUnichr
return entity, gotUnichr

def line_entities_to_uc(line):
result = []
cntProblems = 0
for e in RE_OBJ_entity.split(line):
if e.startswith(''):
e,success = entity2uc(e)
if not success:
cntProblems += 1
return u''.join(result), cntProblems

def uc2entity(uc):
cp = ord(uc)
if cp  127:
name = htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.get(cp,None)
if name:
result = '%s;' % name
result = '#x%x;' % cp
result = chr(cp)
return result

def encode_line(line):
return ''.join([uc2entity(u) for u in line])

if 1 and __name__==__main__:
import codecs
infile = 'temp.ascii.xml'
outfile = 'temp.utf8.xml'
of =,'wb','utf-8')
totalProblems = 0
totalLines = 0
for line in file(infile,'rb'):
line2, cntProblems = line_entities_to_uc(line)
totalLines += 1
totalProblems += cntProblems
print Summary:
print   Infile : %s % (infile,)
print   Outfile: %s % (outfile,)
print '  %8d %s %s' % (totalLines,
['lines','line'][totalLines==1], 'written.')
print '  %8d %s %s' % (totalProblems,
['entities','entity'][totalProblems==1], 'left unconverted.')
print '%s' % ('Done.',)

Have a nice day and
ru, Martin
(read you, ;-)

Re: codec for html/xml entities!?

2008-04-18 Thread Stefan Behnel
Martin Bless wrote:
 What's a good way to encode and decode those entities like euro; or
 #8364; ?

Hmm, since you provide code, I'm not quite sure what your actual question is.

So I'll just comment on the code here.

 def entity2uc(entity):
 Convert entity like #123; to unichr.
 Return (result,True) on success or (input string, False)
 otherwise. Example:
 entity2cp('euro;')   - (u'\u20ac',True)
 entity2cp('#x20ac;') - (u'\u20ac',True)
 entity2cp('#8364;')  - (u'\u20ac',True)
 entity2cp('foobar;') - ('foobar;',False)

Is there a reason why you return a tuple instead of just returning the
converted result and raising an exception if the conversion fails?


Re: Can't do a multiline assignment!

2008-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Michael Torrie schrieb:
 You didn't really write that at the Python's interpreter, did you?
 It's wrong. The way that would really go at the interpreter is like
 I did actually run it through the interpreter, but I didn't copy and
 past it to the e-mail.  Thought that I saw this behavior, but clearly I
 must not have.
 classvar1 and classvar2 might be class variables, but in they don't
 work as they would in C++ or Java (like the ones you declare with the
 'static' modified).
 Still, it's not pythonic to define instance variables in this way, as
 far as I can tell.

I've seen  used that for quite a while. It is more clear to provide 
defaults that way.


Re: Request a short code review

2008-04-18 Thread Sam

I would personally avoid using type as variable name, or key,
because built-in class type already exists. As I understand your code,
it was not your intention to override it.



Re: Database vs Data Structure?

2008-04-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
erikcw a écrit :
 I'm working on a web application where each user will be creating
 several projects in there account, each with 1,000-50,000 objects.
 Each object will consist of a unique name, an id, and some meta data.
 The number of objects will grow and shrink as the user works with
 their project.
 I'm trying to decided whether to store the objects in the database
 (each object gets it's own row) or to use some sort of data-structure
 (maybe nested dictionaries or a custom class) and store the pickled
 data-structure in a single row in the database (then unpickle the data
 and query in memory).


Fighting against the tool won't buy you much - except for 
interoperability and maintainance headeaches. Either use your relational 
database properly, or switch to an object db - like ZODB or Durus - if 
you're ok with the implications (no interoperability, no simple query 
langage, and possibly bad performances if your app does heavy data 

 A few requirements:
 -Fast/scalable (web app)
 -able to query objects based on name and id.
 -will play nicely with versioning (undo/redo)

Versionning is a somewhat othogonal problem.

 Any input on the best way to go?

My very humble opinion - based on several years of working experience 
with both the Zodb and many RDBMS - is quite clear : use a RDBMS and use 
it properly.

Re: Newbie question about range() structure

2008-04-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
(snip - already answered)
 def fact(n):
   total = 0
   n = int(n)
   while n  0:
   total *= n
   n -=1
   return total

You may be interested in a very different way to get the same result:

from operator import mul

def fact(n):
return reduce(mul, xrange(1, n+1), 1)


python server side scripting with apache2

2008-04-18 Thread syed mehdi
Hi Guys,
I want to do server side scripting in python for one of my applications. So
after installing apache2, python lib for apache2 (libapache2), and doing
some changes in default file in /etc/apache2/sites-available i was able to
execute python scripts in /var/www/ directory from client side.
but i want to place all of my python scripts in some other directory like
/home/username/myserver, so what changes i have to make in configuration
files at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or some other place (like
/etc/apache2/sites-available/default), so that my server side scripts placed
in this folder (/home/username/myserver) gets executed from client side
using some url like http://machine-ip/home/username/myserver/

Thanks  Regards

testing client-server sockets

2008-04-18 Thread Astan Chee
I have a client-server socket script in python. Something like this
Now the problem I have is that I want to try to connect the client to 
the server on the same machine, but it gives me a 'port already in use' 
error. I just want the client to connect to the server for testing 
purposes. Any suggestions on how I should do this?

Formulations of number theory: Complete, Consistent, Non-trivial. Choose two.

Animal Logic

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Re: testing client-server sockets

2008-04-18 Thread Astan Chee

Server code:

import os, sys, socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = ''
port = 5602
   while 1:
   conn, addr = s.accept()
   print 'client is at', addr
   data = conn.recv(100)
   data = data * 10
   z = raw_input()
except Exception:

Client code:

import sys, os, socket

   s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   host = 'hostIP'
   port = 5602
   i =0
   while True:
   data = s.recv(100)
   if (i5):
   print data
   if not data:
   print 'received', len(data), 'bytes'

David Harrison wrote:

On 18/04/2008, Astan Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a client-server socket script in python. Something like this
 Now the problem I have is that I want to try to connect the client to
 the server on the same machine, but it gives me a 'port already in use'
 error. I just want the client to connect to the server for testing
 purposes. Any suggestions on how I should do this?

Can you post the client / server code for us ?  It sounds like it's
likely to be a minor bug.


Formulations of number theory: Complete, Consistent, Non-trivial. Choose two.

Animal Logic

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Re: testing client-server sockets

2008-04-18 Thread David Harrison
On 18/04/2008, Astan Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Server code:

  import os, sys, socket
  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  host = ''
  port = 5602
  while 1:
  conn, addr = s.accept()
  print 'client is at', addr
  data = conn.recv(100)
  data = data * 10
  z = raw_input()
  except Exception:

  Client code:

  import sys, os, socket

  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  host = 'hostIP'
  port = 5602
  i =0
  while True:
  data = s.recv(100)
  if (i5):
  print data
  if not data:
  print 'received', len(data), 'bytes'

I just ran the code (albeit with a tiny change to send a small string
instead so I could see what was going on), and it seems to work fine
... anything else that might be different ?

Re: Metaprogramming Example

2008-04-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
andrew cooke a écrit :
 Ho, and yes : one day, you'll get why it's such a good thing to unite
 functions and methods !-)
 PS Is there anywhere that explains why Decorators (in the context of
 functions/methods) are so good?  I've read lots of things saying they
 are good, but no real justification of why.
 in the text above i wrote Decorators rather than Descriptors.  it
 was in response to bruno's comment, also above.  sorry for the

Ho, you meant Descriptors ?

Well, a first point is that the support for methods is built on a 
combination of two general purpose constructs - callable objects and 
the descriptor protocol - instead of being a special-case construct by 
itself. IOW, this is build *with* Python itself, instead of being built 
*into* Python.

Practically, this means that (amongst other niceties) :
- you can define functions outside classes and use them as instance or 
class methods
- you can add/replaces methods dynamically on a per-class or 
per-instance basis
- you can access the function object of a method and use it as a function
- you can define your own callable types, that - if you implement the 
appropriate support for the descriptor protocol - will be usable as 
methods too

 also, sorry for the inflammatory language

Which one ???

 by referring to the titanic
 i didn't mean that python was a disaster, rather that the iceberg is
 still there (i am not 100% sure what the iceberg is, but it's
 to do with making namespaces explicit in some places and not others).

I guess you're thinking of the self argument, declared in the function's 
signature but not explicitly passed when calling the method ?

If so, the fact is you *do* pass it explicitly - by calling the function 
*as a method of an objet*. Given the following definitions:

   def func(obj, data):
 print obj : %s - data : %s % (obj, data)

   class Foo(object):
 meth = func

   f = Foo()

What the difference between:

   func(f, 42)



In both cases, f is directly and explicitly involved as one of the 
targets of the call.

My 2 cents...

Air Max 90 paypal wholesaler ( paypal accept ) ( )Air Mir 90 paypal wholesaler ( paypal accept ) ( )

2008-04-18 Thread cheapair
We are the professional and serious  wholesaler of brand
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Shox R4  paypal wholesaler  ( paypal accept )   (  )
Shox R5  paypal wholesaler  ( paypal accept )   (  )

Re: testing client-server sockets

2008-04-18 Thread David Harrison
On 18/04/2008, Astan Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a client-server socket script in python. Something like this
  Now the problem I have is that I want to try to connect the client to
  the server on the same machine, but it gives me a 'port already in use'
  error. I just want the client to connect to the server for testing
  purposes. Any suggestions on how I should do this?

Can you post the client / server code for us ?  It sounds like it's
likely to be a minor bug.

Re: Can't do a multiline assignment!

2008-04-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 On Apr 17, 12:34 pm, Michael Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another thing to consider is that referencing a member of a class or
 instance already *is* a dictionary lookup.  It's how python works.  Thus
 dictionaries are optimized to be fast.  Since strings are immutable,
 python hashes them into a fast lookup pointer.  So every time you say
 mydict[mykey], it already knows the lookup pointer (hash) for mykey
 (the string) and can find the dictionary entry very quickly, ideally in
 O(1) time (well maybe log(N)).  Thus putting your headers in a
 dictionary is actually a really good idea for performance reasons.
 I didn't know about that, thanks. So after all the trouble I went
 through writing those 200 loc I actually maid it worse...

That's an understatement.

Re: testing client-server sockets

2008-04-18 Thread Astan Chee

Wierd. It works now. I must've changed something. Oh well, thanks anyway.

David Harrison wrote:

On 18/04/2008, Astan Chee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Server code:

 import os, sys, socket
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 host = ''
 port = 5602
 while 1:
 conn, addr = s.accept()
 print 'client is at', addr
 data = conn.recv(100)
 data = data * 10
 z = raw_input()
 except Exception:

 Client code:

 import sys, os, socket

 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 host = 'hostIP'
 port = 5602
 i =0
 while True:
 data = s.recv(100)
 if (i5):
 print data
 if not data:
 print 'received', len(data), 'bytes'

I just ran the code (albeit with a tiny change to send a small string
instead so I could see what was going on), and it seems to work fine
... anything else that might be different ?


Formulations of number theory: Complete, Consistent, Non-trivial. Choose two.

Animal Logic

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Fwd: is file open in system ? - other than lsof

2008-04-18 Thread bvidinli
the idea of eg does not work for me because,
what i do:

get list of files,
check 1st file open ?
process 1st file, (this may take several seconds... )

check 2nd file open?  i have to check it here, because 2nd file may be
opened while i process file 1
process 2nd file, (this may take several seconds... )

and so on.. 

in this case, having list of open files at begining of processes is useless...
anyway thanks.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17.Nis.2008 19:30
Subject: Re: is file open in system ? - other than lsof

Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   bvidinli schrieb:
   is there a way to find out if file open in system ? -
   please write if you know a way  other than lsof. because lsof if
slow for me.
   i need a faster way.
   i deal with thousands of files... so, i need a faster / python
way for this.
   On Linux there are symlinks from /proc/PID/fd to the open
   files. You could use this:
   #!/usr/bin/env python
   import os
   for pid in sorted(pids):
except ValueError:
fd_dir=os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'fd')
for file in os.listdir(fd_dir):
link=os.readlink(os.path.join(fd_dir, file))
except OSError:
print pid, link

Unfortunately I think that is pretty much exactly what lsof does so is
 unlikely to be any faster!

 However if you have 1000s of files to check you only need to do the
 above scan once and build a dict with all open files in whereas lsof
 will do it once per call so that may be a useful speedup.



import os

open_files = {}

for pid in sorted(pids):
 except ValueError:
 fd_dir=os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'fd')

 fds = os.listdir(fd_dir)
 except OSError:
 for file in fds:

 link=os.readlink(os.path.join(fd_dir, file))
 except OSError:

 if not os.path.exists(link):
 open_files.setdefault(link, []).append(pid)

 for link in sorted(open_files.keys()):
print %s : %s % (link, , .join(map(str, open_files[link])))

 You might want to consider depending
 on exactly what you are doing...

 Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --


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Re: Unicode chr(150) en dash

2008-04-18 Thread marexposed
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:57:21 -0700 (PDT)
hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Don't use old 8-bit encodings. Use UTF-8.

Yes, I'll try. But is a problem when I only want to read, not that I'm trying 
to write or create the content.
To blame I suppose is Microsoft's commercial success. They won't adhere to 
standars if that doesn't make sense for their business.

I'll change the approach trying to filter the contents with htmllib and mapping 
on my own those troubling characters.
Anyway this has been a very instructive dive into unicode for me, I've got 
things cleared up now.

Thanks to everyone for the great help.

Re: MySQL hardcoding?

2008-04-18 Thread marexposed
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 22:00:21 GMT
John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The empirical evidence from other recent postings is that you are 
 mucking about with Spanish-language newspaper articulos on the web ... 
 so why charset = Windows-1251, which is Cyrillic (i.e. Russian etc)?? 
 Perhaps you mean 1252 which is Microsoft's latin1 with extras.
Yes John, thanks. The only problem is MySQL doesn't include a cp1252 or 
Windows-1252 or ansi. I'm trying to find my way with different approaches.
But there is certainly a problem if an application goes to the wrong folder to 
get data as MySQL seems to be doing.


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Juergen Kareta
Diez B. Roggisch schrieb:
 And I have been benefiting from Python in general, so far. Thanks,

 But now... I'll probably stop posting here for now,  I may stop other
 things too.

 Just my 2c.
 You know what I was just wondering about? All these C-written 
 cross-platform libraries (which Python users benefit from, most probably 
 including evven you) that run on different unixes  windows, which are a 
 much greater diversity to handle than the not-even-yet-settled 
 differences between Py3K  2.x. How the heck do they do that?
 Oh, and these dreaded 64 bit processors, possibly with multi-cores, 
 which need changes in code as well, to be utilized to their power.
 But then, these guys most probably don't whine about diversity and 
 constant change, and cry out useless threats to people who probably 
 can't care less.
 Fare well, if you must. But getting mad over something which impact you 
 can't even judge right now is childish. Nothing else.

Re: What can we do about all the spam that the list is getting?

2008-04-18 Thread glen stark
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:30:18 -0500, Grant Edwards wrote:

 When using Google Groups can one kill all posts made via Google Groups? 
 Presuming he has no burning need to see his own posts (something that
 can't be said for everybody in the history of Usenet), it might still be
 a viable approach.

The problem is, if we had followed that advice, none of us would have seen 
his post.

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Rhamphoryncus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 17, 7:40 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd love to be wrong about that, but the GIL *has* been the subject of
  extensive efforts to kill it over the last five years, and it has
  survived despite the best efforts of the developers.

Sounds very interesting.  I particularly liked this bit from the web
page - an excellent solution to fine grained locking.  Sending only
immutable objects between threads is very like the functional approach
used by Erlang which is extremely good at concurrency.

Which objects can be shared between threads

You probably know how to append to a list or modify a dict. When
confronted with threading though you may start to wonder, what happens
if two threads modify a list or a dict simultaneously? There's two
common answers to this:

* 1. Corruption. This is the default in C, and to a lesser degree
Java. It doesn't limit you much and can be faster, but it requires
some deep voodoo to know when you're using it right. 

* 2. Locks. All the operations internally lock the object. This
makes them individually correct, but they'll be wrong again if you
try to compose them into larger operations. It also adds a
significant performance penalty. 

My priority is making it easy to write correct programs, and neither
of those options are good enough. Instead, I take a third option as my

* 3. Make sharing impossible, avoiding the question. list and dict
cannot be shared between threads. Any attempt to pass a list or
dict into something like a Queue will raise a TypeError. This
ensures any thread interaction is explicit, rather than
implicit. See also: The Zen of Python 

Of course if you couldn't share any objects then you'd just have
processes, which are quite awkward to use. Instead, I only make
mutable objects like list and dict unshareable, while immutable int
and str objects can still be shared. Further, mutable objects that
provide an explicit API for use between threads are also shareable.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Brand Watches CITIZEN Eco Drive Women's Black Dial 2-Hand Watch SY2030-54E Discount, Replica, Fake

2008-04-18 Thread blog189
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Re: Fwd: is file open in system ? - other than lsof

2008-04-18 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
On 2008-04-17, bvidinli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is there another way, any python command sequence that i can check if
 a file is open at the time of before i process file

 i am not interested in  the file may be written after i access it..
 the important point is  the time at i first access it.

 my routine is something like:
 for i in listoffiles:

This code does not give you what you are after; in between 'checkfileopen()' and
'processfile()' somebody may open the file and mess with it.

I quite doubt that you can get what you want, at OS level.

Even if you get exclusive open(), you are not safe imho.
After you opened the file for access (and before you perform the read() call),
another process may also open it, and alter the data while you are reading.
The same may happen between 2 read() calls.

Note that a read() at OS level is not the same as a read() at Python (or C
fread()) level. Python pretends to read an entire file in one call, but the OS
is using disk-blocks of the underlying file system as unit of read/write.

In other words, even if nobody messes with the file at the moment you open it,
you don't necessarily get an uncorrupted file afaik.


Re: Database vs Data Structure?

2008-04-18 Thread castironpi
On Apr 18, 12:23 am, I V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:30:33 -0700, erikcw wrote:
  use some sort of data-structure (maybe
  nested dictionaries or a custom class) and store the pickled
  data-structure in a single row in the database (then unpickle the data
  and query in memory).

 Why would you want to do this? I don't see what you would hope to gain by
 doing this, over just using a database.

Are databases truly another language from Python, fundamentally?

Re: Database vs Data Structure?

2008-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-04-18 05:37, erikcw wrote:
 I'm working on a web application where each user will be creating
 several projects in there account, each with 1,000-50,000 objects.
 Each object will consist of a unique name, an id, and some meta data.
 The number of objects will grow and shrink as the user works with
 their project.
 I'm trying to decided whether to store the objects in the database
 (each object gets it's own row) or to use some sort of data-structure
 (maybe nested dictionaries or a custom class) and store the pickled
 data-structure in a single row in the database (then unpickle the data
 and query in memory).
 A few requirements:
 -Fast/scalable (web app)
 -able to query objects based on name and id.
 -will play nicely with versioning (undo/redo)
 Any input on the best way to go?

Relational databases offer the best scalability and reliability,
so I'd go for those as backend.

If your data is mostly read-only and usually only touches
a small part of your database (e.g. the data for a day or two),
then you can increase query performance by keeping that part in
an in-memory database (e.g. use sqlite or Oracle TimesTen)
and only update the copy in case something changes in the

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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Re: Unicode chr(150) en dash

2008-04-18 Thread J. Clifford Dyer

On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:28 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:57:21 -0700 (PDT)
 hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Don't use old 8-bit encodings. Use UTF-8.
 Yes, I'll try. But is a problem when I only want to read, not that I'm trying 
 to write or create the content.
 To blame I suppose is Microsoft's commercial success. They won't adhere to 
 standars if that doesn't make sense for their business.
 I'll change the approach trying to filter the contents with htmllib and 
 mapping on my own those troubling characters.
 Anyway this has been a very instructive dive into unicode for me, I've got 
 things cleared up now.
 Thanks to everyone for the great help.

There are a number of code points (150 being one of them) that are used
in cp1252, which are reserved for control characters in ISO-8859-1.
Those characters will pretty much never be used in ISO-8859-1 documents.
If you're expecting documents of both types coming in, test for the
presence of those characters, and assume cp1252 for those documents.  

Something like:

for c in control_chars:
if c in encoded_text:
unicode_text = encoded_text.decode('cp1252')
unicode_text = encoded_text.decode('latin-1')

Note that the else matches the for, not the if.

You can figure out the characters to match on by looking at the
wikipedia pages for the encodings.



Re: Unicode chr(150) en dash

2008-04-18 Thread J. Clifford Dyer

On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 07:27 -0400, J. Clifford Dyer wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:28 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 20:57:21 -0700 (PDT)
  hdante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Don't use old 8-bit encodings. Use UTF-8.
  Yes, I'll try. But is a problem when I only want to read, not that I'm 
  trying to write or create the content.
  To blame I suppose is Microsoft's commercial success. They won't adhere to 
  standars if that doesn't make sense for their business.
  I'll change the approach trying to filter the contents with htmllib and 
  mapping on my own those troubling characters.
  Anyway this has been a very instructive dive into unicode for me, I've got 
  things cleared up now.
  Thanks to everyone for the great help.
 There are a number of code points (150 being one of them) that are used
 in cp1252, which are reserved for control characters in ISO-8859-1.
 Those characters will pretty much never be used in ISO-8859-1 documents.
 If you're expecting documents of both types coming in, test for the
 presence of those characters, and assume cp1252 for those documents.  
 Something like:
 for c in control_chars:
 if c in encoded_text:
   unicode_text = encoded_text.decode('cp1252')
 unicode_text = encoded_text.decode('latin-1')
 Note that the else matches the for, not the if.
 You can figure out the characters to match on by looking at the
 wikipedia pages for the encodings.

One warning: This works if you know all your documents are in one of
those two encodings, but you could break other encodings, like UTF-8
this way.  Fortunately UTF-8 is a pretty fragile encoding, so it's easy
to break.  You can usually test if a document is decent UTF-8 just by
wrapping it in a try except block:

unicode_text = encoded.text.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError: # I think that's the proper exception
# do the stuff above

None of these are perfect methods, but then again, if text encoding
detection were a perfect science, python could just handle it on its

If in doubt, prompt the user for confirmation.

Maybe others can share better best practices.



Ableton live 4.1.4 crack

2008-04-18 Thread slocumb . daphn
Ableton live 4.1.4 crack

Re: Unicode chr(150) en dash

2008-04-18 Thread John Machin
hdante wrote:

  The character code in question (which is present in the page), 150,
 doesn't exist in ISO-8859-1.

Are you sure?  Consider (re-)reading all of the Wikipedia article.

150 aka \x96 doesn't exist in ISO 8859-1. ISO-8859-1 (two hyphens) is a 
superset of ISO 8859-1 (one hyphen) and adds the not-very-useful-AFAICT 
control codes \x80 to \x9F.

 See (the entry for 150 is

You must have been looking at the table of the lite ISO 8859-1 (one 
hyphen). Reading further you will see \x96 described as SPA or Start of 
Guarded Area. Then there is the ISO-8859-1 (two hyphens) table, 
including \x96.


Re: index of list of lists

2008-04-18 Thread Kam-Hung Soh
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:25:51 +1000, Daniel Fetchinson  

 yes, there's a thread with the same title, but I believe mine is more
 appropriate title.
 so, as much as I search on the web, read manuals, tutorials, mail-lists
 (including this one) I cannot figure it out how to search a string in a
 list of lists.
 like this one:

 someList = [['somestring', 1, 2], ['oneother', 2, 4]]

 I want to search somestring in someList which is in practice a list
 of aprox. 200 lists. (hey, I'm a newbie python programmer, don't judge
 is the list.index the wrong approach?
 should I use numpy, numarray, something else?
 can anyone, be kind and help me with this?

 someList = [['somestring', 1, 2], ['oneother', 2, 4]]
 for alist in someList:
 if alist[0] == 'somestring':
 print Found it at index %d % someList.index( alist )
 # if you know it will only occur once you might say:


See also Section 4.5. Filtering Lists.

List comprehension:

[x for x in someList if x[0] == 'somestring']

Use filter() function:

filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'somestring', someList)

Kam-Hung Soh a href=;Software Salariman/a


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Robin Becker
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 You know what I was just wondering about? All these C-written 
 cross-platform libraries (which Python users benefit from, most probably 
 including evven you) that run on different unixes  windows, which are a 
 much greater diversity to handle than the not-even-yet-settled 
 differences between Py3K  2.x. How the heck do they do that? 
I'm in the process of attempting a straightforward port of a relatively simple 
package which does most of its work by writing out files with a more or less 
complicated set of possible encodings. So far I have used all the 2to3 tools 
a lot of effort, but still don't have a working version. This must be the worst 
way to convert people to unicode. When tcl went through this they chose the 
eminently sensible route of not choosing a separate unicode type (they used 
byte strings instead). Not only has python chosen to burden itself with two 
string types, but with 3 they've swapped roles. This is certainly the first 
I've had to decide on an encoding before writing simple text to a file.

Of course we may end up with a better language, but it will be a worse(more 
complex) tool for many simple tasks. Using a complex writing with many glyphs 
costs effort no matter how you do it, but I just use ascii :( and it's still an 

I find the differences in C/OS less hard to understand than why I need 
bytes(x,'encoding') everywhere I just used to use str(x).
-old fart-ly yrs-
Robin Becker


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Robin Becker schrieb:
 I'm in the process of attempting a straightforward port of a relatively 
 simple package which does most of its work by writing out files with a 
 more or less complicated set of possible encodings. So far I have used 
 all the 2to3 tools and a lot of effort, but still don't have a working 
 version. This must be the worst way to convert people to unicode. When 
 tcl went through this they chose the eminently sensible route of not 
 choosing a separate unicode type (they used utf8 byte strings instead). 
 Not only has python chosen to burden itself with two string types, but 
 with 3 they've swapped roles. This is certainly the first time I've had 
 to decide on an encoding before writing simple text to a file.

Which is the EXACT RIGHT THING TO DO! see below.
 Of course we may end up with a better language, but it will be a 
 worse(more complex) tool for many simple tasks. Using a complex writing 
 with many glyphs costs effort no matter how you do it, but I just use 
 ascii :( and it's still an effort.
 I find the differences in C/OS less hard to understand than why I need 
 bytes(x,'encoding') everywhere I just used to use str(x).

If you google my name + unicode, you see that I'm often answering 
questions regarding unicode. I wouldn't say I'm a recognized expert on 
the subject, but I certainly do know enough to deal with it whenever I 
encounter it.

And from my experience with the problems in general, and specificly in 
python, as well as trying to help others I can say that:

  - 95% of the times, the problem is in front of the keyboard.

  - programmers stubbornly refuse to *learn* what unicode is, and what 
an encoding is, and what role utf-8 plays. Instead, the resort to a 
voodoo-approach of throwing in various encode/decode-calls + a good deal 
of cat's feces in hope of wriggling themselves out of the problem.

  - it is NOT sensible to use utf8 as unicode-type - that is as bad as 
it can get because you don't see the errors, but instead mangle your 
data and end up with a byte-string-mess. If that is your road to heaven, 
by all means chose it - and don't use unicode at all. and be prepared 
for damnation :)

If your programs worked for now, but don't do anymore because of Py3K 
introducing mandatory unicode-objects for string-literals it pretty much 
follows that they *seem* to work, but very, very probably fail in the 
face of actual i18nized data.

The *only* sensible thing to do is follow these simple rules - and these 
apply with python 2.x, and will be enforced by 3k which is a good thing 

  - when you read data from somewhere, make sure you know which encoding 
it has, and *immediatly* convert it to unicode

  - when you write data, make sure you know which encoding you want it 
to have (in doubt, chose utf-8 to prevent loss of data) and apply it.

  - XML-parsers take byte-strings  spit out unicode. Period.

I neither want to imply that you are an Idiot nor that unicode doesn't 
have it's complexities. And I'd love to say that Python wouldn't add to 
these by having two string-types.

But the *real* problem is that it used to have only bytestrings, and 
finally Py3K will solve that issue.


SWIG (Python) - no constructor defined for concrete class

2008-04-18 Thread Stodge
Yet another SWIG question (YASQ!).

I'm having a problem with using an abstract base class. When
generating the Python bindings, SWIG thinks that all the concrete
classes that derive from this abstract class are abstract too and
won't create the correct constructor.

Abstract class:

[source lang=cpp]class CORE_API Shape
  virtual ~Shape()
  double  x, y;
  virtual void move(double dx, double dy);
  virtual double area(void) = 0;
  virtual double perimeter(void) = 0;
  static  int nshapes;
  Shape() {


Derived classes:

[source lang=cpp]class CORE_API Circle : public Shape
  double radius;
  Circle(double r): Shape(), radius(r)
  virtual double area(void);
  virtual double perimeter(void);

class CORE_API Square : public Shape
  double width;
  Square(double r): Shape(), width(r)
  virtual double area(void);
  virtual double perimeter(void);

SWIG file:

[source lang=cpp]class Shape
  virtual void move(double dx, double dy);
  virtual double area(void) = 0;
  virtual double perimeter(void) = 0;

class Circle: public Shape
Circle(double r);
virtual double area(void);
virtual double perimeter(void);

class Square: public Shape
Square(double r);
virtual double area(void);
virtual double perimeter(void);

C++ COde:

[source lang=cpp] Circle c(1.02);
std::cout  (c++)\t\tCircle\t  c.area()  std::endl;
Square s(9.20);
std::cout  (c++)\t\tSquare\t  s.area()  std::endl;


For some reason SWIG thinks that Circle and Square are abstract. Any
ideas why? I'm rather confused by this.

Thanks as always

Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Istvan Albert
On Apr 18, 1:39 am, Sverker Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some whine. Some just don't care. Why not whine?

Whining and ranting is actually good for the psyche. It is better to
get it out of your system.

As for your original post, no doubt there are substantial downsides to
introducing Py3K, but as Guido put it every language must change or

Of course we could end up with change and die as well. I for one am
an optimist, I think there are several substantial improvements to the
language that today may not be apparent for a casual observer, yet
will allow it to evolve into an even more powerful and fun language



Re: sampling without replacement

2008-04-18 Thread bearophileHUGS
AlexyBut in Python it's very slow...

I'm the first one to say that CPython is slow, but almost any language
is slow if you use such wrong algorithms like you do.
There are many ways to solve your problem efficiently, one of such
ways, among the simpler ones is to to not modify the original list:

 from random import shuffle, seed
 items = list(abcdefghijklm)
 it_items = iter(items)

If you don't want to extract the same element twice across different
runs of the program, then you may create a class like this:

from random import shuffle, seed

class Sampler(object):
def __init__(self, items, init_seed=1):
self.items = list(items)
self.last = len(self.items) - 1
self.init_seed = init_seed
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.items[:self.last+1])
def next(self):
if self.last  0:
raise StopIteration
self.last -= 1
return self.items[self.last+1]
def save(self, filename):
# saves self.last and self.init_seed on disk

samp = Sampler(abcdefghijklm)
print samp

That class code is raw, you may want to improve it in some ways.


Re: Data structure recommendation?

2008-04-18 Thread bearophileHUGS
Jochen Schulz:
 Could you please send me an email with an existing From: address? I
 tried to reply to you but apparently your From: is forged.

Sorry for the delay, I'll send you an email.
In the meantime I have created a fast BK-tree implementation for
Psyco, on my PC it's about 26+ times faster than mspace (that uses
psyco still), but it's less complete. You can find it here:

(I have created a D version too, that's about 4.5 times faster than my
Python version, so it's about 126 times faster than the mspace with


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Aaron Watters
On Apr 17, 12:27 pm, Michael Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's the big deal?

The big deal is that I would love to see Django
become the standard platform for web development,
for example.  That will be much less likely if
60% of the contributed tools for Django don't work
for Python 3000 and 20% don't work for Python 2.6.
Expecting volunteer contributors
to support both is not realistic.  It's hard enough
to support one adequately.  Even if you could hope
to support both with the same code, just testing in
both environments would be onerous.

It would be another matter entirely if py3k offered
major new functionality like full stackless microthreads
but it doesn't (afaik -- correct me please).
From my perspective it's just a pain in the @$$.
By the way, full stackless microthreads don't seem
to require breaking most (or any) existing code.

I really like developing in Python -- but it's hard
to keep doing it when the growth curve is so slow
and a so many people have deep reservations about it,
inspired in part, justifiably, by nonsense like this.
In fact, I basically stopped.  Then I came back. Now
I'm wondering if it was such a good idea...

   -- Aaron Watters

Re: Database vs Data Structure?

2008-04-18 Thread Aaron Watters

 My very humble opinion - based on several years of working experience
 with both the Zodb and many RDBMS - is quite clear : use a RDBMS and use
 it properly.

Yes, somewhere down the line you will want
to get a report of all the customers in Ohio,
ordered by county and zip code, who have a
rabbit cage project -- and if you just pickle
everything you will end up traversing the entire
database, possibly multiple times
to find it.  A little old fashioned
database design up front can save you a lot of pain.

   -- Aaron Watters


Another MySQL Images Question

2008-04-18 Thread Victor Subervi
If I grab an image in the database thus:

  sql = select pic1 from products where id=' + str(id) + ';
  pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0].tostring()
#  pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]  // either this or the above line
and try and re-insert it thus:

  cursor.execute('update products set pic1=%s where id=%s, ;',
(pic1, id))
it tells me I have an error in my MySQL syntax. What is the error?

Making Windows Larger in Tkinter

2008-04-18 Thread Doran, Harold
Thanks to some help I received on list the other day, I now have a very
nice windows-based application that implements multiple programs. This
is a very powerful tool. Now I am working to make this window pretty.
One problem I cannot find help on is how to make the windows a certain
size. For example, I have added in a root.title() with a lot of text in
the file below.

Is it possible to make the window box a specific size, or by default,
always be large enough to show the entire text in root.title?
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox

def callback():
print called the callback!

def message():
if tkMessageBox.askokcancel(Quit, Do you really wish to quit?):

def about():
tkMessageBox.showinfo(About, Foo?)

root = Tk()
root.title('Hello World: How Can we see the entire title?')

# create a menu
menu = Menu(root)

filemenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label=File, menu=filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label=New, command=message)
filemenu.add_command(label=Open..., command=callback)
filemenu.add_command(label=Exit, command=message)

helpmenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label=Help, menu=helpmenu)
helpmenu.add_command(label=About..., command=about)


Checking for unique fields: performance.

2008-04-18 Thread Shawn Milochik
I'm looping through a tab-delimited file to gather statistics on fill rates,
lengths, and uniqueness.

For the uniqueness, I made a dictionary with keys which correspond to the
field names. The values were originally lists, where I would store values
found in that field. Once I detected a duplicate, I deleted the entire
element from the dictionary. Any which remained by the end are considered
unique. Also, if the value was empty, the dictionary element was deleted and
that field considered not unique.

A friend of mine suggested changing that dictionary of lists into a
dictionary of dictionaries, for performance reasons. As it turns out, the
speed increase was ridiculous -- a file which took 42 minutes to run dropped
down to six seconds.

Here is the excerpt of the bit of code which checks for uniqueness. It's
fully functional, so I'm just looking for any suggestions for improving it
or any comments. Note that fieldNames is a list containing all column

#check for unique values
#if we are still tracking that field (we haven't yet
#found a duplicate value).
if fieldUnique.has_key(fieldNames[index]):
#if the current value is a duplicate
if fieldUnique[fieldNames[index]].has_key(value):
#sys.stderr.write(Field %s is not unique. Found a
duplicate value after checking %d values.\n % (fieldNames[index], lineNum))
#drop the whole hash element
#add the new value to the list
fieldUnique[fieldNames[index]][value] = 1

Excel Manipulation using Python

2008-04-18 Thread Krishna
I was trying to delete rows in an existing .xls file using python. How
do I do that? I was using the following code, it seem to work if I
type in python window, but if I save it in text editor and drage and
drop the .py file, it doesnt work. What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks
for your help!

import win32com.client
from time import sleep
excel = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)

def Extract():
excel.Visible = 0

for n in range(1,10):
print saved


Re: python persistence

2008-04-18 Thread castironpi
On Apr 1, 3:21 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 1, 11:34 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  En Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:47:33 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
c['0']= type('None',(),{})
Traceback (most recent call last):
pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle class '__main__.None': it's not
found as __main__.None

   Don't do that then. Or use the available pickle hooks to customize how  
   such classes may be pickled. All persistence mechanisms have  

   I don't see a problem with that; except that binaries come from
   disks.  You could have a Python session that runs entirely on disks +
   the ALU.

  (ALU? Do you mean CPU?) I don't understand this. Most programs are read  
   from disk. Most data is read from disk.

   I want to know if any, and correct me here, simple
   modification can store live objects.  I call a.append(it) and the
   memory update takes place on disk instead.

  Using ZODB, a.append(it) would mark `a` as dirty. When you latter commit  
  the transaction, it is stored back on disk.

   If you require that all objects referenced by on-disk objects be on-
   disk, that's an easy workaround.

  ZODB already does that.

 It's pretty close, but the database connection can get bulky.  If you
 |         __
 |File    | PyOb1 | PyOb2 |  ..  |
 |        |___|___|__|

 on disk, updating the reference counts and attributes would take a
 long time, but it's just right for some core applications.

 Strictly, I'm not in the real programming world [snip].

My intentions may be pedagogical but I can guarantee good.  I am
following the cases where databases are way-out-of-proportion
techniques, and you only need small numbers persistent.

I am looking for a step-by-step of everything that happens in line one
of the following program:

a= [ ]

What c-l-py says is that the compilation flags vary widely enough to
make my destination worthless.  Accepting concern, please only reply
in readers' free time.

I expect I wish to override routines and macros which are buried
pretty deep and used pretty pervasively throughout Python and inner
user extension modules, so I'll reemphasize that I'm only interested
in pass-time hobbyage.  Consultants need not reply (but of course

I foresee that writing my own disk-based-heap may be in order, which
would be why Bruno keeps directing us to relationals.  I would want an
arena file/pool file.

Zoom out to the big picture:

Session 1:

 managingfolder= '/live/Python/'
 manager['a']= [ 0 ]

Session 2:

 managingfolder= '/live/Python/'
[ 0 ]
 manager['a'].append( 0 )

Session 3:

 managingfolder= '/live/Python/'
[ 0, 0 ]

I would kind of expect a file per the diagram in obmalloc.c, and I
expect to specialize in CPython.

Object-specific allocators
_   __   __   
   [ int ] [ dict ] [ list ] ... [ string ]   Python core
+3 | - Object-specific memory - | -- Non-object memory --

struct pool_header and struct arena_object would probably appear, and
to explify priorities, performance would be a low priority, and it's a
high priority to stay all in Python.  (Aside, I certainly would
maintain Python is yes, still Python.)

Which event to use for out of focus window?

2008-04-18 Thread Marlin Rowley

I think I've found a bug in the wx Library. 

I've created an event  : EVT_IDLE that does something when the event is 
triggered, however, if your mouse pointer is out-of-focus on the window, the 
EVT_IDLE doesn't get called.  It's only when the window is put into focus that 
the IDLE event is called.  

I basically want the IDLE function to be called whether the window is in focus 
or not.

Is there a way to do this?



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Re: Excel Manipulation using Python

2008-04-18 Thread Tim Golden
Krishna wrote:
 I was trying to delete rows in an existing .xls file using python. How
 do I do that? I was using the following code, it seem to work if I
 type in python window, but if I save it in text editor and drage and
 drop the .py file, it doesnt work. What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks
 for your help!
 import win32com.client
 from time import sleep
 excel = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)
 def Extract():
   excel.Visible = 0
   for n in range(1,10):
   print saved

Several points worthy of note:

1) When you're dealing with Windows filenames, either make
the strings raw -- Open (rc:\trial.txt) -- or use the other
slashes =-- Open (c:/trial.xls).

2) You're not actually calling the Select and Delete
methods, merely referencing them. Try .Delete () etc.

3) You're saving the workbook every time round the loop,
but perhaps you knew that. Might prompt you everytime
as you're overwriting, but again, maybe you knew...


installing MySQLdb module

2008-04-18 Thread rgarcia
I've installed the developer tools package, but when running python build I get the following error:

python build
running build
running build_py
copying MySQLdb/ - build/lib.macosx-10.3-fat-2.5/MySQLdb
running build_ext
building '_mysql' extension
gcc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -
Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp -mno-fused-madd -fno-common -dynamic -
DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Dversion_info=(1,2,2,'final',0) -D__version__=1.2.2 -I/
Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/include/mysql -I/Library/Frameworks/
Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 -c _mysql.c -o build/
temp.macosx-10.3-fat-2.5/_mysql.o -arch i386 -arch ppc
_mysql.c:35:23:_mysql.c:35:23:  error: my_config.h: No such file or
my_config.h: No such file or directory

I googled around and people say you need the -dev package of mysql
in order to have the C headers...where can you download this for mac


PS I am running XAMPP ( if that
changes anything

Re: str class inheritance prob?

2008-04-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 so I’m trying to create a class that inherits from str, but I want to
 run some code on the value on object init.  this is what I have:

Others already gave you the technical solution (use __new__, not 
__init__). A couple remarks still:


 class Path(str):
 def __init__( self, path ):
 clean = str(path).replace('\\','/')
 while clean.find('//') != -1:
 clean = clean.replace('//','/')
 print 'cleaned on init:\t',clean
 self = clean

Assigning to self - or to any other local name - only impact the local 
namespace, it won't affect the object previously bound to that name.

2/ you may be interested in the existing path module:


Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 55, Issue 296

2008-04-18 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 17:25 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I really like developing in Python -- but it's hard
 to keep doing it when the growth curve is so slow
 and a so many people have deep reservations about it,
 inspired in part, justifiably, by nonsense like this.
 In fact, I basically stopped.  Then I came back. Now
 I'm wondering if it was such a good idea...
-- Aaron Watters

From what I've read, the slowness of the growth curve was actually one
of the major issues that prompted the Py3K push in the first place.  The
accumulated cruft had gotten heavy, and was slowing python down.  Py3K
is deliberately conservative, so that the transition will be as painless
as possible, but strips away the warts that were slowing things down.
Having print as a statement meant it was difficult to add functionality
there.  Supporting both new and old style classes meant that you
couldn't count on expected functionality in external libraries.  The
string/unicode dichotomy caused innumerable headaches for everybody.
The big changes you are hoping for to justify py3k won't come in python
3.0.  They'll come in python 3.2 and python 3.3.  

Of course, I'm well aware that I'm talking about vaporware, but making
the architectural changes now to make that advancement possible in the
future is the point of python 3.0.

In the meantime, your code will always work on Python 2.5.  If you're
worried about wild code, bundle it with its own interpreter when you
distribute it.  It'll survive.



Re: Another MySQL Images Question

2008-04-18 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
There are several problems with your SQL, but not all of them would be
caught by the computer.  Your SELECT statement is not parameterized.
This is a security problem.  *Always* parameterize your variables.  Your
UPDATE statement has an extraneous comma at the end, and it also has
quotes around the %ses that you don't need, because you already
parameterized that query.  Your dbapi interface will provide appropriate
quoting for whatever type of data you pass it.


On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:13 -0500, Victor Subervi wrote:
 If I grab an image in the database thus:
   sql = select pic1 from products where id=' + str(id) + ';
   pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0].tostring()
 #  pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]  // either this or the above
 and try and re-insert it thus:
   cursor.execute('update products set pic1=%s where id=%s, ;',
 (pic1, id))
 it tells me I have an error in my MySQL syntax. What is the error?
J. Cliff Dyer
Carolina Digital Library and Archives
UNC Chapel Hill


Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread Larry Bates

Python version: ActivePython
Platform: Windows

I wanted to install BeautifulSoup today for a small project and decided to use 
easy_install.  I can install other packages just fine.  Unfortunately I get the 
following error from BeautifulSoup installation attempt:

C:\Python25\Lib\SITE-P~1easy_install BeautifulSoup
Searching for BeautifulSoup
Best match: BeautifulSoup 3.0.5
Processing BeautifulSoup-3.0.5.tar.gz
Running BeautifulSoup-3.0.5\ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir c:\docume~1\larry\l
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python25\Scripts\, line 8, in module
 load_entry_point('setuptools==0.6c8', 'console_scripts', 'easy_install')()
and\, line 1671, in main
and\, line 1659, in with_ei_usage
and\, line 1675, in lambda
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 151, in setup
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 974, in run_commands
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 994, in run_command
and\, line 211, in run
and\, line 446, in easy_install
and\, line 476, in install_item
and\, line 655, in install_eggs
and\, line 930, in build_and_install
and\, line 919, in run_setup
C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 27, in run_setup
C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 63, in run
C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 29, in lambda
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 2, in module
 import py2exe
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 3, in module
 class TextCtrlTest(unittest.TestCase):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TestCase'

Thanks in advance for any clues.


Delete rows using xlrd?

2008-04-18 Thread Krishna
I want to delete some rows (by creating a loop may be) using xlrd. Is
this possible, if not how do I do that with python? Please help


Re: What can we do about all the spam that the list is getting?

2008-04-18 Thread ajaksu
On 16 abr, 14:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What can we do about all the spam that comp.lang.python is getting?
 Things are getting pretty bad.

I'm reporting most spam, but I don't have high hopes Google cares. We
could start a new group (non-usenet Google Groups allow message
removal), but I guess most people would rather simply plonk GG posts.

Perhaps we could find a way to tag spam threads that would auto-plonk
those threads in our preferred reader (email, newsreader and
Greasemonkey killfile)? This has the drawback that spam posted to ham
threads would be hard to block...


P.S.: I prefer posting from Google Groups, I'd rather avoid posting at
all than having to use a different client...

Pickle problem

2008-04-18 Thread Mario Ceresa
Hello everybody:
I'd like to use the pickle module to save the state of an object so to
be able to restore it later. The problem is that it holds a list of
other objects, say numbers, and if I modify the list and restore the
object, the list itself is not reverted to the saved one, but stays
with one element deleted.
An example session is the following:

Data is  A [1, 2, 3, 4]
saving a with pickle
Deleting an object: del a[3]
Now data is A [1, 2, 3]
Oops! That was an error: can you please recover to the last saved data?
A [1, 2, 3]  I'd like to have here A[1,2,3,4]!!

Is it the intended behavior for pickle? if so, are there any way to
save the state of my object?

Code follows
class A(object):
objects = []
then I run  the code:
import pickle
from core import A

a = A()

for i in [1,2,3,4]:

savedData = pickle.dumps(a)
print Saved data is ,a
print Deleting an object
del a.objects[3]
print a
print Oops! This was an error: can you please recover the last saved data?

print pickle.loads(savedData)

Thank you for any help!


py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-18 Thread Aaron Watters
Why is the migration to py3k a concern?
For example I have libraries which use string%dictionary
substitution where the dictionary is actually an object
which emulates a dictionary.  The __getitem__ for
the object can be very expensive and is only called when
needed by the string substitution.

In py3k string%dictionary is going away.  Why?
I have no idea.

The replacement is a string.format(...) method
which supports dictionary calling.
But dictionary
calling doesn't support dictionary emulation.
So in the example below the substitution works
but the call fails.

=== code

class fdict(dict):
def __getitem__(self, item):
return got(+item+)

def fn(**d):
print d[boogie]

if __name__==__main__:
fd = fdict()
print attempting string substitution with fake dictionary
print hello there %(boogie)s % fd # -- works
print now attempting function call with fake dictionary
fn(**fd) # -- fails

=== output

% python2.6
attempting string substitution with fake dictionary

hello there got(boogie)

now attempting function call with fake dictionary

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 17, in module
  File, line 7, in fn
print d[boogie]
KeyError: 'boogie'

 end of output

Consequently there is no simple way to translate
my code, I think.  I suspect you will find this kind of subtle
issue in many places.  Or worse, you won't find it
until after your program has been installed
in production.

It's a damn shame because
if string%dict was just left in it wouldn't be an issue.

Also, if making f(**d) support dict emulation
has any negative  performance implications
then I don't want it please.

sigh.  -- Aaron Watters


Re: tkinter, canvas, get color of image?

2008-04-18 Thread skanemupp
On 16 Apr, 00:46, Bryan Oakley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 13 Apr, 19:19, Bryan Oakley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  mapq = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\elmapovic.gif')
  w.create_image(10, 10, image = mapq, anchor = NW)
  after doing this is there any possibility of getting the
  characteristics of the GIF-picture(or bitmap if i use that)?
  it would be very helpfull if i for example could do something like
  canvas.getcolor(image, mouseclick.x,mouseclick.y) if u get the point.
  get the color of the image where i clicked.
  The image isn't painted on the canvas, so to answer your specific
  question, no, you can't get the color of a pixel on the canvas in the
  way that you ask.

  However, when you click on the canvas you can get the item that was
  clicked on and the x/y of the click. From that you can figure out which
  pixel of the image is under the cursor. And from that you can query the
  image for the color of a specific pixel.

  how do i get the item?

  with any of those methods?

  when i click the mouse i can get event.object u mean?

 You can use find_closest to find the object closest to the x,y of the
 event. You can also do find_withtag(tk.CURRENT) which returns the item
 under the mouse pointer.

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\pythonkod\mapexperiments
\, line 17, in callback
NameError: global name 'find_closest' is not defined

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

w = Canvas(master, width=400, height=625)
w.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)

mapq = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\images
w.create_image(30, 30, image = mapq, anchor = NW)

def key(event):
print pressed, repr(event.char)

def callback(event):
print repr(undermouse)

w.bind(Key, key)
w.bind(Button-1, callback)


Re: Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Larry Bates schrieb:
 Python version: ActivePython
 Platform: Windows
 I wanted to install BeautifulSoup today for a small project and decided 
 to use easy_install.  I can install other packages just fine.  
 Unfortunately I get the following error from BeautifulSoup installation 
 C:\Python25\Lib\SITE-P~1easy_install BeautifulSoup
 Searching for BeautifulSoup
 Best match: BeautifulSoup 3.0.5
 Processing BeautifulSoup-3.0.5.tar.gz
 Running BeautifulSoup-3.0.5\ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir 
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python25\Scripts\, line 8, in module
 load_entry_point('setuptools==0.6c8', 'console_scripts', 
 and\, line 1671, in main
 and\, line 1659, in with_ei_usage
 and\, line 1675, in lambda
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 151, in setup
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 974, in run_commands
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 994, in run_command
 and\, line 211, in run
 and\, line 446, in easy_install
 and\, line 476, in install_item
 and\, line 655, in install_eggs
 and\, line 930, in build_and_install
 and\, line 919, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 27, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 63, in run
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 29, in lambda
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 2, in module
 import py2exe
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 3, in 
 class TextCtrlTest(unittest.TestCase):
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TestCase'
 Thanks in advance for any clues.

I'm not sure what happens - but I think it is suspicious that these 
wstools get into the way. And it looks as if wstools.unittest imports 
itself, instead of the python-unittest - which must be solved with 
getting the sys.path fixed.


Tkinter, getting canvas-object, how?

2008-04-18 Thread skanemupp
so i load a gif onto a canvas and when i click the canvs i want to get
the color of the pixel that is clicked.
so i need to ge the object im clicking.
i was told in another thread to use find_withtag or find_closest but
it is not working, maybe im using the
method on the wrong object.
how do i do this?
and how do i then get specifics about that object, ie the pixel-color?

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\pythonkod\mapexperiments
\, line 17, in callback
NameError: global name 'find_closest' is not defined

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

w = Canvas(master, width=400, height=625)
w.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)

mapq = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\Users\saftarn\Desktop\Maps\provinces-of-
w.create_image(30, 30, image = mapq, anchor = NW)

def key(event):
print pressed, repr(event.char)

def callback(event):
print repr(undermouse)

w.bind(Key, key)
w.bind(Button-1, callback)


Re: How to set proxy for a python script to run

2008-04-18 Thread subeen
On Apr 18, 12:31 pm, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, everyone, I am using /usr/share/system-config-language/ in Python.
 For some reason I have to bypass the firewall using a proxy. I read
 the urllib reference and set http_proxy=my proxy. But it didn't
 work. Is there anyway that we can set the proxy?

Check the link:


Re: Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread Larry Bates
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Larry Bates schrieb:

 Python version: ActivePython
 Platform: Windows

 I wanted to install BeautifulSoup today for a small project and 
 decided to use easy_install.  I can install other packages just fine.  
 Unfortunately I get the following error from BeautifulSoup 
 installation attempt:

 C:\Python25\Lib\SITE-P~1easy_install BeautifulSoup
 Searching for BeautifulSoup
 Best match: BeautifulSoup 3.0.5
 Processing BeautifulSoup-3.0.5.tar.gz
 Running BeautifulSoup-3.0.5\ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir 
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python25\Scripts\, line 8, in module
 load_entry_point('setuptools==0.6c8', 'console_scripts', 
 and\, line 1671, in main
 and\, line 1659, in with_ei_usage
 and\, line 1675, in lambda
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 151, in setup
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 974, in run_commands
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 994, in run_command
 and\, line 211, in run
 and\, line 446, in easy_install
 and\, line 476, in install_item
 and\, line 655, in install_eggs
 and\, line 930, in build_and_install
 and\, line 919, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 27, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 63, in run
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 29, in lambda
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 2, in 
 import py2exe
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 3, in 
 class TextCtrlTest(unittest.TestCase):
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TestCase'

 Thanks in advance for any clues.
 I'm not sure what happens - but I think it is suspicious that these 
 wstools get into the way. And it looks as if wstools.unittest imports 
 itself, instead of the python-unittest - which must be solved with 
 getting the sys.path fixed.

Sharp eyes Diez, I overlooked that.  This is a path that I search for some
tools I've written.  It is set in PYTHONPATH environment variable.  I cleared
PYTHONPATH and easy_install BeautifulSoup worked.  Still not quite clear why.

Thanks loads.


Re: Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Larry Bates schrieb:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Larry Bates schrieb:

 Python version: ActivePython
 Platform: Windows

 I wanted to install BeautifulSoup today for a small project and 
 decided to use easy_install.  I can install other packages just 
 fine.  Unfortunately I get the following error from BeautifulSoup 
 installation attempt:

 C:\Python25\Lib\SITE-P~1easy_install BeautifulSoup
 Searching for BeautifulSoup
 Best match: BeautifulSoup 3.0.5
 Processing BeautifulSoup-3.0.5.tar.gz
 Running BeautifulSoup-3.0.5\ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir 
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python25\Scripts\, line 8, in module
 load_entry_point('setuptools==0.6c8', 'console_scripts', 

 and\, line 1671, in main

 and\, line 1659, in with_ei_usage

 and\, line 1675, in lambda
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 151, in setup
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 974, in run_commands
   File C:\Python25\lib\distutils\, line 994, in run_command

 and\, line 211, in run

 and\, line 446, in easy_install

 and\, line 476, in install_item

 and\, line 655, in install_eggs

 and\, line 930, in build_and_install

 and\, line 919, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 27, in run_setup
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 63, in run
 C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg\setuptools\sand, line 29, in lambda
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 2, in 
 import py2exe
   File C:\VOL1\Larry\Websafe\Python\wstools\, line 3, in 
 class TextCtrlTest(unittest.TestCase):
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TestCase'

 Thanks in advance for any clues.

 I'm not sure what happens - but I think it is suspicious that these 
 wstools get into the way. And it looks as if wstools.unittest 
 imports itself, instead of the python-unittest - which must be solved 
 with getting the sys.path fixed.

 Sharp eyes Diez, I overlooked that.  This is a path that I search for some
 tools I've written.  It is set in PYTHONPATH environment variable.  I 
 PYTHONPATH and easy_install BeautifulSoup worked.  Still not quite clear 

Mayb setuptools imports - but because of you having another one 
on the PYTHONPATH, it gets that instead of the one actually needed by 
setuptools? Only thing that helps is looking at, line 29.


Re: Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread John Nagle
Larry Bates wrote:
 Python version: ActivePython
 Platform: Windows
 I wanted to install BeautifulSoup today for a small project and decided 
 to use easy_install.  I can install other packages just fine.  
 Unfortunately I get the following error from BeautifulSoup installation 

easy_install usually seems to make things harder.

BeautifulSoup is one single .py file. That's all you need.
Everything else is excess baggage.

John Nagle

Re: I just killed GIL!!!

2008-04-18 Thread Rhamphoryncus
On Apr 18, 4:30 am, Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rhamphoryncus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Apr 17, 7:40 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'd love to be wrong about that, but the GIL *has* been the subject of
   extensive efforts to kill it over the last five years, and it has
   survived despite the best efforts of the developers.


 Sounds very interesting.  I particularly liked this bit from the web
 page - an excellent solution to fine grained locking.  Sending only
 immutable objects between threads is very like the functional approach
 used by Erlang which is extremely good at concurrency.

Although superficially similar, the details of Erlang are actually
pretty different.  It copies all objects passed between threads - it
was originally designed for fault tolerance (entire nodes going down),
not concurrency.  If you want a shared mutable object you need to use
a process as one, treating it as an actor.  Hopefully you can do
most of it in a one-way, message driven style, as otherwise you're
going to be transforming your synchronous calls into a series of

If you have a node farm, you want to upgrade it incrementally, and you
want it to be fault tolerant (nodes go down at random without kill the
whole thing), Erlang is much better than safethread.  That's at a
significant cost though, as it's only good at the one style.
Safethread is much better at a style useful on a single desktop.

Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Ivan Illarionov
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:16:35 -0700, Aaron Watters wrote:

 The big deal is that I would love to see Django become the standard
 platform for web development, for example.  That will be much less
 likely if 60% of the contributed tools for Django don't work for Python
 3000 and 20% don't work for Python 2.6. Expecting volunteer contributors
 to support both is not realistic.  It's hard enough to support one
 adequately.  Even if you could hope to support both with the same code,
 just testing in both environments would be onerous.

You shouldn't worry about Django. Python 3000 port has already started 
[1]. And the assumption that to support both is not realistic may be 
wrong [2] in this case.



Re: Another MySQL Images Question

2008-04-18 Thread Victor Subervi
Thank you. That worked.

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:48 AM, J. Cliff Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are several problems with your SQL, but not all of them would be
 caught by the computer.  Your SELECT statement is not parameterized.
 This is a security problem.  *Always* parameterize your variables.  Your
 UPDATE statement has an extraneous comma at the end, and it also has
 quotes around the %ses that you don't need, because you already
 parameterized that query.  Your dbapi interface will provide appropriate
 quoting for whatever type of data you pass it.


 On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:13 -0500, Victor Subervi wrote:
  If I grab an image in the database thus:
sql = select pic1 from products where id=' + str(id) + ';
pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0].tostring()
  #  pic1 = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]  // either this or the above
  and try and re-insert it thus:
cursor.execute('update products set pic1=%s where id=%s, ;',
  (pic1, id))
  it tells me I have an error in my MySQL syntax. What is the error?
 J. Cliff Dyer
 Carolina Digital Library and Archives
 UNC Chapel Hill


Re: Pickle problem

2008-04-18 Thread Jerry Hill
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Mario Ceresa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody:
  I'd like to use the pickle module to save the state of an object so to
  be able to restore it later. The problem is that it holds a list of
  other objects, say numbers, and if I modify the list and restore the
  object, the list itself is not reverted to the saved one, but stays
  with one element deleted.
  class A(object):
 objects = []

Your problem is in the class definition of A.  You declare objects as
a class variable, so it is shared between every instance of the class.
 When you pickle the instance a, then restore it, it continues to
reference the same list, which is help by the class.

You probably want the objects list to be an instance variable, like this:

class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.objects = []

If you make that change, pickling and unpickling works the way you expect.


Re: get quote enclosed field in a line

2008-04-18 Thread Michael Tosch
 is there a simple way in perl, python, or awk/shell/pipe, that gets
 the user agent field in a apache log?
 e.g. the typical line is like this: - - [07/Apr/2008:00:00:16 -0400] GET /
 Periodic_dosage_dir/lacru/manara.html HTTP/1.1 200 1933; Mozilla/
 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20080311
 Firefox/ -
 I want the part: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/

awk -F\ '{print $6}' httpd-access.log
awk -F\ 'NF6{print $6}' httpd-access.log

Michael Tosch @ hp : com

Re: py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-18 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 08:58 -0700, Aaron Watters wrote:
 Why is the migration to py3k a concern?
 For example I have libraries which use string%dictionary
 substitution where the dictionary is actually an object
 which emulates a dictionary.  The __getitem__ for
 the object can be very expensive and is only called when
 needed by the string substitution.
 In py3k string%dictionary is going away.  Why?
 I have no idea.
 The replacement is a string.format(...) method
 which supports dictionary calling.
 But dictionary
 calling doesn't support dictionary emulation.
 So in the example below the substitution works
 but the call fails.
 === code
 class fdict(dict):
 def __getitem__(self, item):
 return got(+item+)
 def fn(**d):
 print d[boogie]
 if __name__==__main__:
 fd = fdict()
 print attempting string substitution with fake dictionary
 print hello there %(boogie)s % fd # -- works
 print now attempting function call with fake dictionary
 fn(**fd) # -- fails
 === output
 % python2.6
 attempting string substitution with fake dictionary
 hello there got(boogie)
 now attempting function call with fake dictionary
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 17, in module
   File, line 7, in fn
 print d[boogie]
 KeyError: 'boogie'
  end of output
 Consequently there is no simple way to translate
 my code, I think.  I suspect you will find this kind of subtle
 issue in many places.  Or worse, you won't find it
 until after your program has been installed
 in production.
 It's a damn shame because
 if string%dict was just left in it wouldn't be an issue.
 Also, if making f(**d) support dict emulation
 has any negative  performance implications
 then I don't want it please.
 sigh.  -- Aaron Watters

I was with you on this issue right up until that last paragraph.  You
want it, but only if its free.  That's ridiculous.  Every thing a
computer does requires processor cycles. 

Do you really mean to tell me that string interpolation has been a major
bottleneck for you?  Now I think you're just whining because you like to
hear yourself whine.  Try coming up with a real standard for evaluation.
How much of a performance hit will actually cause you trouble?  1% extra
on string interpolation?  10%? 50%? 200%?

You do provide a link to a website called  And I just fed
you.  IHBT.  HAND. :-/

J. Cliff Dyer
Carolina Digital Library and Archives
UNC Chapel Hill


Re: Unicode chr(150) en dash

2008-04-18 Thread hdante
On Apr 18, 8:36 am, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hdante wrote:

   The character code in question (which is present in the page), 150,
  doesn't exist in ISO-8859-1.

 Are you sure?  Consider (re-)reading all of the Wikipedia article.

 150 aka \x96 doesn't exist in ISO 8859-1. ISO-8859-1 (two hyphens) is a
 superset of ISO 8859-1 (one hyphen) and adds the not-very-useful-AFAICT
 control codes \x80 to \x9F.

  See entry for 150 is

 You must have been looking at the table of the lite ISO 8859-1 (one
 hyphen). Reading further you will see \x96 described as SPA or Start of
 Guarded Area. Then there is the ISO-8859-1 (two hyphens) table,
 including \x96.


 Sorry, that's right, I should have been referring to the second

Re: Excel Manipulation using Python

2008-04-18 Thread Krishna
On Apr 18, 11:36 am, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Krishna wrote:
  I was trying to delete rows in an existing .xls file using python. How
  do I do that? I was using the following code, it seem to work if I
  type in python window, but if I save it in text editor and drage and
  drop the .py file, it doesnt work. What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks
  for your help!

  import win32com.client
  from time import sleep
  excel = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)

  def Extract():
     excel.Visible = 0

     for n in range(1,10):
             print saved


 Several points worthy of note:

 1) When you're dealing with Windows filenames, either make
 the strings raw -- Open (rc:\trial.txt) -- or use the other
 slashes =-- Open (c:/trial.xls).

 2) You're not actually calling the Select and Delete
 methods, merely referencing them. Try .Delete () etc.

 3) You're saving the workbook every time round the loop,
 but perhaps you knew that. Might prompt you everytime
 as you're overwriting, but again, maybe you knew...

 TJG- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Cool, That worked! Thanks for your help TJG!

Re: Pickle problem

2008-04-18 Thread George Sakkis
On Apr 18, 11:55 am, Mario Ceresa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody:
 I'd like to use the pickle module to save the state of an object so to
 be able to restore it later. The problem is that it holds a list of
 other objects, say numbers, and if I modify the list and restore the
 object, the list itself is not reverted to the saved one, but stays
 with one element deleted.
 An example session is the following:

 Data is  A [1, 2, 3, 4]
 saving a with pickle
 Deleting an object: del a[3]
 Now data is A [1, 2, 3]
 Oops! That was an error: can you please recover to the last saved data?
 A [1, 2, 3]      I'd like to have here A[1,2,3,4]!!

 Is it the intended behavior for pickle? if so, are there any way to
 save the state of my object?

 Code follows
 class A(object):
         objects = []
 then I run  the code:
 import pickle
 from core import A

 a = A()

 for i in [1,2,3,4]:

 savedData = pickle.dumps(a)
 print Saved data is ,a
 print Deleting an object
 del a.objects[3]
 print a
 print Oops! This was an error: can you please recover the last saved data?

 print pickle.loads(savedData)

 Thank you for any help!


The problem is that the way you define 'objects', it is an attribute
of the A *class*, not the instance you create. Change the A class to:

class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.objects = []

and rerun it; it should now work as you intended.


Re: py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-18 Thread Aaron Watters

 Try coming up with a real standard for evaluation.
 How much of a performance hit will actually cause you trouble?  1% extra
 on string interpolation?  10%? 50%? 200%?

You misread my comment.  I don't want function calls to support
dictionary emulation if there is a speed penalty because this is
such a special case and function calls are so important.
I don't really know, but I think fixing the above issue for
string.format(...) might involve changing the representation of
every python stack frame... not worth it in this case if there
is any penalty (afaik there isn't).

An alternative is to provide an alternate interface to string.format
that you could pass in an object which might emulate a dictionary,
like string.formatDict(D) -- or you could even adopt a shortcut
notation like string % D -- hey there's an idea!
   -- Aaron Watters


Python 2.5 adoption

2008-04-18 Thread Joseph Turian
How widely adopted is python 2.5?

We are doing some development, and have a choice to make:
a) Use all the 2.5 features we want.
b) Maintain backwards compatability with 2.4.

So I guess the question is, does anyone have a sense of what percent
of python users don't have 2.5?


Re: Request a short code review

2008-04-18 Thread james
Thank you all for posting insightful and useful comments.

Here is what I have based on your input:

def output_random_lesson_of_type(self, lesson_type=None):
Output a lesson of a specific type.
   If no type is passed in then output all types.
lessons = self.lesson_data[lessons]
if lesson_type:
lessons = [x for x in lessons if x[type] == lesson_type]
rand_lesson = choice(lessons)
inputs = self.create_lesson_inputs(rand_lesson)
print rand_lesson[output] % inputs
return rand_lesson, inputs

 - generator expression instead of filter
 - removed keyword 'type' in favor of lesson_type
 - wrap to 78 columns
 - remove error-check -- allow it to fail in the choice statement.
   I've decided to make a valid lesson_type an invariant anyway
   so the appropriate thing would be an assert - but I'll settle for
   a throw from choice if it receives an empty list
 - moved self.output_random logic into this function

The lesson data is loaded from YAML which explains why it is inside a
dictionary instead of a class.  I am currently exploring ways to allow
me to easily switch my data providers between SQLAlchemy and YAML.

Cheers again.  This is very valuable for me.  I am a true believer
that if one takes care in the smallest of methods then the larger code-
base will be all the better.


Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 04:10:48PM -0700, Sverker Nilsson wrote:
 do i dare to open  a thread about this?
 come on you braver men
 we are at least not bought by g***le
 but why? others have said it so many times i think
 but why? a few syntactic 'cleanups' for the cost of a huge rewrite of
 all the code that have been builtup from all the beginning when the
 once great Python came along and people began to use it and write code
 for it. Like all that code would have to be rewritten. blaah.
 and i have perhaps been drinking but i have been p**d all week since i
 began look into this:-(

Yo, no one here is a child so don't litter your title and text with hard
to read bullshit.

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Python 2.5 adoption

2008-04-18 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 18, 1:08 pm, Joseph Turian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How widely adopted is python 2.5?

 We are doing some development, and have a choice to make:
 a) Use all the 2.5 features we want.
 b) Maintain backwards compatability with 2.4.

 So I guess the question is, does anyone have a sense of what percent
 of python users don't have 2.5?


I think it depends more on what you want to do. If you're distributing
the software, you can just freeze it and make binaries and then it
doesn't matter. Or if you use Python at your business, you can do what
we do at my workplace: Put Python on the network and run all the
scripts from there.

Currently, we have 2.4 on our network, but I think we can upgrade it
to 2.5 without breaking anything. I develop in 2.5 and just put the
finished products on our network and they usually just work. But I
have yet to find good use cases for some of the cool whizz-bang extras
of 2.5, so I haven't pushed for the network upgrade.

I hope to figure out when, where and how to use generators and
decorators at some point, but I just haven't gotten that far a long
yet, I guess.


Re: Brand New!

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 04:37:40PM -0700, agent E 10 wrote:
 On Apr 14, 8:37 pm, Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 14, 9:00 pm, agent E 10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:    Hi, I'm brand 
  new to programming. Have any suggestions? I'm young.
   Was it a good idea to start with python? I was planning on creating a
   very simple program that asked yes/no questions for a school project.
  IMHO, Python is an excellent language to start with. Have you read the
   -Thanks!- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -
 No, I haven't. I have been reading off of this site is this a good site to
 learn off of? About how long will it take me to learn the basics of
 the language?
 -Thanks 4 all ur help! Agent E 10

Windows or Unix/Linux?

I find python is easier to learn in Linux environments, since it assumes
some familiarty with the shell.

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Brand New!

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 02:35:54AM -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:37:40 -0300, agent E 10 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  On Apr 14, 8:37 pm, Benjamin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 14, 9:00 pm, agent E 10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:    Hi,  
  I'm brand new to programming. Have any suggestions? I'm young.
   Was it a good idea to start with python? I was planning on creating a
   very simple program that asked yes/no questions for a school project.
  IMHO, Python is an excellent language to start with. Have you read the
  No, I haven't. I have been reading off of this site is this a good site to
  learn off of? About how long will it take me to learn the basics of
  the language?
 I'm unsure if teaching Javascript, VBScript and Python at the same time is  
 a good thing, I'd think one would get a language soup and mix all the  
 concepts, but if it works for you, go ahead.
 For other resources, see the beginners section in the Python wiki:

I agree and disagree! As long as the student understands how the
different parts play together, and the Web medium is what gets him
interested in python, I don't see any harm!

That's a pretty big assumption though!

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Brand New!

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 07:48:37AM +0200, Paul Scott wrote:
 On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 02:35 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
  I'm unsure if teaching Javascript, VBScript and Python at the same time is  
  a good thing, I'd think one would get a language soup and mix all the  
  concepts, but if it works for you, go ahead.
  For other resources, see the beginners section in the Python wiki:
 Well, as an example, I learnt Python to a decent level of competency in
 2 days. I looked through the Dive into Python tuts, and then had a look
 at the Python GUI FAQ (Which didn't really help much, as I started with
 a GTK based GUI app). A little bit of Googling and a couple of questions
 to this list gave me everything that I needed to roll out a pretty
 decent application in 5 days. Oh, and just by the way, I am _not_ a
 Computer Scientist or anything, I am a botanist, which means that if I
 can do that, just about anyone that can read can do it.
 Python has been long on my list of TODO's, and now, finally, it is
 there. I have immensely enjoyed it so far, and will continue to tinker
 well into the future.

I think that's wonderful! 

I think problem solving language independent. As long as you can break down 
what you need to do and conceptualize. You must have learned to do with with 
botany, so programming came natural :)

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-18 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:32:15 -0700, Nick Stinemates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yo, no one here is a child

Hi Nick,

Actually, there are a number of young people on the list.  So let's keep things
civil and try to avoid using harsh language.



Re: Installing BeautifulSoup with easy_install (broken?)

2008-04-18 Thread Stefan Behnel
John Nagle wrote:
easy_install usually seems to make things harder.
BeautifulSoup is one single .py file. That's all you need.
 Everything else is excess baggage.

I wouldn't call the installation of a single module Python package a good
example for the usual case.


ANN: pyspread 0.0.1

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Manns
pyspread 0.0.1 is now available at:

pyspread is a spreadsheet that accepts a pure python expression in
each cell.

+ No non-python syntax add-ons
+ Access to python modules from cells
+ 3D grid
+ Numpy object array for representation of string entry into grid cell
+ Numpy object array for representation of eval function array
+ Cell access via slicing of numpy function array
+ X, Y, and Z yield current cell location for relative reference

Requires: Python 2.5, Numpy 1.0.4, and wxPython
License: GPL

Best Regards
Martin Manns
mmanns at

Python Logging question

2008-04-18 Thread tpatch
I am new to Python and I am trying to understand how to utilize the 
RotatingFileHandler to rollover
when the file gets to a certain size.  I followed some examples that I have 
found for setting the size and
the number of files.  However, I am finding that when the log file gets close 
to the threshold I start getting
errors in the file saying the file is closed.

I am using Python 2.5 on Windows.

Is this a problem others have seen?
Is this a handler that is widely used or is there a better one that is 
generally used?

The error that I am receiving is shown below.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\Lib\logging\, line 73, in emit
if self.shouldRollover(record):
  File C:\Python25\Lib\logging\, line 147, in shouldRollover, 2)  #due to non-posix-compliant Windows feature
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

My configuration file is setup as such:


I would appreciate any feedback on this subject.




Re: program to Ping ip addresses

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 07:24:05AM -0700, shawn s wrote:
 I am trying to modify a small program i found off the internet as follows... 
 I can get the 'tracert' to work and it gives me all the info back. However, 
 when i replace the tracert with 'ping',  the commamd prompt shows 'testing' 
 and the script freezes... any suggestions as why it is doing that.
 import os
 import sys 
 xyz = 1
 while xyz==1:
 ip = raw_input(command  )
 zx = open(log.txt, a)
 if ip.lower()==exit:
 ask = raw_input(Are you sure you want to exit? (Y\\N) )
 if ask.lower()==y:
 elif ask.lower()==n:
 print(That's what I thought.)
 print(Wrong choice. Retard.)
 elif ip.lower()==range:
 stin = raw_input(Enter function: )
 sec = raw_input(Enter the first 3 sections: )
 b = raw_input(Enter beginning number: )
 e = int(raw_input(Enter ending number: ))
 while intb=e:
 print (stin + ' ' + sec + '.' + b )
 z = os.system(stin + ' ' + sec + '.' + b )
 print z
 if z==0:
 print(+str(sec)+.+str(b)+ is online.)
 zx.write(+str(sec)+.+str(b)+ is online.\n)
 elif z==1:
 print(Either +str(sec)+.+str(b)+ is offline, or ping 
 request has been blocked.)
 zx.write(Either +str(sec)+.+str(b)+ is offline, or ping 
 request has been blocked.\n)
 intb = intb + 1
 print(Wrong choice. Retard.)

I love that you call the users of your app retards :) That rocks!

ping runs forever. tracert doesnt.
 ping -w 5

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: How to have unittest tests to be executed in the order they appear?

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 03:14:39PM -0400, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
 However, do consider writing your tests so that order is irrelevant.
 If a test depends on a previous test running then it isn't a proprt
 self-contained test.  For one thing, you can't run a single test that
 way if you wanted to.

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Getting output into a string?

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:16:01PM +0200, David wrote:
   Still, about StringIO...
 The module description says you can use it to read and write strings
 as files, not that you can use strings *everywhere* you can use files.
 In your specific case, StringIO doesn't work, because the stdout
 redirection takes place at the operating system level (which uses real
 file handles), rather than in a python library (for which StringIO
 would probably work).

Just a note to all of those who are interested.

I have yet to get this to work properly for an app which runs indefinitely and 
you want to read the output at a specified interval. Right now the only way I 
can read is if the _close() method has been called.

Anyway, I wrote a wrapper around it so I could easily change the
implementation if I could ever find a better solution. Here's my code:

import subprocess
import os
import select

class ProcessMonitor:
def __init__(self):
self.__process = None
self.__stdin = None
self.__stdout = None

def _create(self, process):
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(process, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, 
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
self.__stdin = self.__process.stdout

self.__stdout = self.__process.stdout

def _close(self):

def _listen(self):

get from stdout

return .join(self.__stdout.readlines())

def _listen2(self):

My attempt at trying different things.

inp, out = self.__process.communicate()
print out

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Easiest way to get started with WebApps?

2008-04-18 Thread skanemupp
which is the easiest module to use to just get started with webapps
quicklya nd starting getting things up and running, not advanced stuff
just basic.

Re: python beginer

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:50:51PM +0530, ashish kamble wrote:
 can anyone tell me hw to start with webapplication scripting(e.g login
 if anyone has soln for this or simple e.g  that mention above please send me
 and have a nice day


Start with learning how to type.

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: insert python script in current script

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 01:41:13PM -0500, Larry Bates wrote:
 Prashant wrote:
  I was wondering is there any way to do this:
  I have written a class in python and __init__ goes like this:
  def __init__(self): = 'jack'
  self.age = 50
  import data
  now here there is in the same directory and contents are like:
  self.address = 'your address'
  self.status = 'single'
  The problem is 'self' is giving some error here. I need to know if
  somehow I can do this. It's like inserting the script as it's part of
  the file itself.
 Can you give a use case for doing this.  You would most likely be better 
 class person(object):
  def __init__(self, name=None, age=None):
 personInstance=person(name='jack', age='50)

Could it also be that he would like to have a base class? Cause that's
what It sounds like to me!

class Base:
   def __init__(self):
  self.address = address
  self.status = 1 //use numbers instead of strings :)

class Person(Base):
   def __init__(self):
  # now you have the self.address, self.status

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Python 2.5 adoption

2008-04-18 Thread John Nagle
Joseph Turian wrote:
 How widely adopted is python 2.5?
 We are doing some development, and have a choice to make:
 a) Use all the 2.5 features we want.
 b) Maintain backwards compatability with 2.4.
 So I guess the question is, does anyone have a sense of what percent
 of python users don't have 2.5?

Desktop or server?

If server, check what the major Linux distros, like Fedora
Core, are shipping with.

Check major shared hosting providers to see what they're offering
to their customers as standard.

John Nagle

Re: how turbo geras code works

2008-04-18 Thread Nick Stinemates
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 01:35:29AM -0700, reetesh nigam wrote:
  actually i have developed one small project but now i want to
 develope a project with the help of html..
 please help me out

OK. Done
Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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