Announcing IronPython 2.0.1

2009-02-13 Thread Dave Fugate
Hello Python Community,

I’m pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.0.1.  IronPython 2.0.1 is a 
minor update to IronPython 2.0 which in turn is a CPython 2.5 compatible 
release running under the .NET platform.  Our top priority for this release was 
improving upon performance while retaining backwards compatibility with 
IronPython 2.0.  One of many notable areas we’ve improved upon is that 
float-integer comparisons are now 74% faster than they were in 2.0.  A full 
report documenting changes in interpreter performance from 2.0 to 2.0.1 can be 
found at  A 
special thanks goes out to Resolver Systems for helping us in identifying areas 
needing performance improvements.

In addition to numerous bug fixes in our IronPython 2.6 branch that were 
backported to 2.0.1, we also fixed the following CodePlex bugs specifically for 
this release:

• 20632:  can't write a __len__ returning a uint

• 20492:  TupleExpression.IsExpandable is internal, should be public

• 20605:  Compiling with pyc and PySerial module

• 20616:  wrong TypeError message when invoking str.join: implicit 
parameter 'self' not counted

• 20623:  InitializeModule needs to add refs to mscorlib/System
We’d like to thank everyone in the community who contributed to these bugs: 
fwereade, Eloff, neraun, and kuno.

You can download IronPython 2.0.1 at:

The IronPython Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

RELEASED Python 3.0.1

2009-02-13 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On behalf of the Python development team, I'm happy to announce the  
availability of Python 3.0.1, the first bug fix release of Python  
3.0.  Version 3.0.1 fixes dozens of bugs reported since the release of  
Python 3.0 on December 3rd, 2008.

Python 3.0 represents a major milestone in Python's history.  This new  
version of the language is incompatible with the 2.x line of releases,  
while remaining true to BDFL Guido van Rossum's vision.

For more information, links to documentation, and downloadable  
distributions, see the Python 3.0.1 release page:

To report bugs in Python 3.0.1, please submit them to the issue  
tracker at:


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Break large file down into multiple files

2009-02-13 Thread redbaron
 New to python I have a large file that I need to break up into
 multiple smaller files. I need to break the large file into sections
 where there are 65535 lines and then write those sections to seperate

If your lines are variable-length, then look at itertools recipes.

from itertools import izip_longest

def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') -- ABC DEF Gxx
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

with open(/file,r) as f:
for lines in grouper(65535,f,):
data_to_write = '\n'.join(lines).rstrip(\n)
write data where you need it here


Re: thread. question

2009-02-13 Thread Tim Wintle
On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 21:02 +0100, Christian Heimes wrote:
 The module was renamed to _thread to stop people from using it directly.
 The extension module is the interface to some low level types and
 functions. Especially the usage of thread.start_new_thread is
 problematic, since it bypasses Python's high level threading API.

Ok, I'll take that in - I'll have a look around the threading module to
see what it is that it bypasses so I can persuade myself that _thread is
bad ...

 For the rest I have to agree with Jean-Paul. If you need performance
 don't use threads! Threads and performance are orthogonal -- sometimes
 they are even contradictorily.

I've taken that in too - performance here is over a non-uniform
workload (essentially a web server), but I'm probably best offloading
just about all the work to a secondary process (already passed most of
it) and dealing with requests in a completely synchronous process.



Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

redbaron a écrit :

Don't really sure, but try to define your class as new-style one.

isinstance() works as well with classic classes.

Re: Invoking CutePDF from within Python

2009-02-13 Thread Tim Golden

John Henry wrote:
I have a need to invoke CutePDF from within a Python program.  

All I need is to say Print this to CUTEPDF and store as xyz.pdf.

Private Sub Print_PDF()

 lRetVal = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Custom PDF
Printer,  _
0, hKey, lRetVal)
 sValue = C:\Sample.pdf
 RegSetValueExString hKey, OutputFile, 0, REG_SZ, sValue, Len
 sValue = 1
 RegSetValueExString hKey, BypassSaveAs, 0, REG_SZ, sValue, Len

 Dim worddoc As Word.Document
 Set worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Open(C:\Sample.doc)
 wordapp.ActivePrinter = Custom PDF Printer

 sValue = 0
 RegSetValueExString hKey, BypassSaveAs, 0, REG_SZ, sValue, Len
 RegCloseKey (hKey)

Direct translation (untested since I don't have CutePDF installed)

import win32api
import win32con
import win32com

hKey, ret = win32api.RegCreateKeyEx (
 Software\Custom PDF Printer,

win32api.RegSetValueEx (hKey, OutputFile, None, win32con.REG_SZ, 
win32api.RegSetValueEx (hKey, BypassSaveAs, None, win32con.REG_SZ, r1)

word = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch (Word.Application)
doc = word.Documents.Open (rc:\sample.doc)
doc.ActivePrinter = Custom PDF Printer
word.Printout ()
doc.Close ()

win32api.RegSetValueEx (hKey, BypassSaveAs, None, win32con.REG_SZ, r0)


FWIW, I usually generate PDFs by printing to a Postscript printer
(some random Apple Laserthingy) and then using Ghostscript to
do the conversion. I'm happy to post if you're interested.



Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :

Hi there.
now i'm a complete newbie for python, and maybe my problem is stupid
but i cannot solve it myself

Others already addressed your problem (cf Paul and Diez answers). I'll 
just allow myself to point a couple other potential problems with your code:

##worldmap module
class GeoMap:
cells = []
activerow = 0
activecol = 0

Attributes defined at the class level are *class* attributes, shared by 
all instances of the class - that is, all instances will access the one 
same 'cells' list. Instance attributes are canonically created in the 
initialize method (__init__) that is automagically called on 
instanciation. IOW, you want to replace the above lines with:

 def __init__(self):
 self.cells = []
 self.activerow = 0
 self.activecol = 0

def addCell(self, acell):
if len(self.cells) == 0:

An empty list evals to False in a boolean context, so the above can be 
simply expressed as:

  if not self.cells:

  self.activerow = 0
acell.col = self.activerow
acell.row = self.activecol
self.activecol += 1

def addRow(self):
self.activerow += 1;
self.activecol = 0;

class GeoMapCell:
neighbours = (None, None, None, None, None, None, )
col = 0
row = 0

Same remark as above. You want to move all this code to the __init__ method.


Re: is there a project running (GUI Builder for Python ) ?

2009-02-13 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
azrael wrote:

 To be honest, in compare to Visual Studio, Gui Builders for wx widgets
 are really bad. Also completly for python there is not one good
 GuiBuilder. The only one I have seen that would come near VS was
 BoaConstructor, But the number of Bugs is just horrific. Too bad that
 no one is developing it further.

What are these horrific bugs - I was forced to use Boa on a project
recently, and I did not notice any - In fact, I was impressed because
everything that was there, seemed to be working properly.

- Hendrik


Re: Problem with objects copying each other in memory

2009-02-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Cameron Pulsford a écrit :

Thanks, that did it! Why is that the case though? Or rather, why do the 
assignments to temp.x and temp.y not effect the self.x and self.y? How 
come I only run into the problem with the list?

Because there's a huge difference between binding an object to a name 
and mutating an object ?

First point: Python's assignment  is really a binding of a name and an 
object _reference_ in a given namespace. Think of namespaces as 
name=object_ref dictionnaries. This implies that assignement never 
copies anything. So when you do:

 list1 = []
 list2 = list1

the second line actually creates *another* name=object pair referencing 
the *same* list object. IOW, list1 and list2 are two named references to 
a single object:

  list1 is list2
 id(list1) == id(list2)

So whether you access it thru name 'list1' or 'list2', if you mutate the 
object (like append/remove/replace an element of the list), you'll see 
the result thru the other name as well:

['foo', 'bar']
['foo', 'bar']

Note FWIW that list subscripting (somelist[x] = y) is really a method 
call (somelist.__setitem__(x, y)) in disguise, so the same reasonning 

Now *rebinding* a name is a different thing. It makes the name refer to 
another object, but has no impact on other name=object bindings 
refering to the previously bound object, ie:

 list2 = ['hou', 'lala']

Now list2 points to a newly created list object. This doesn't impact 
list1 of course:

['foo', 'bar']
 list1 is list2
 id(list1) == id(list2)


Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread martijnsteenwijk
Hi all,

I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
followed the description in,
but after running

C:\Python26\python build_ext -i

nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.

The result from the cmd is the following:
running build_ext
building `first` extension
error: None

Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong?

Thanks for replies in advance,

Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Marco Mariani

azrael wrote:

I know that there is already a standard python library, But
why not extending it. classify the standard library into subcategories
like Networking, DataBase, Computation, ..

If the standard library where that huge, python 3.0 would have been late 
by a couple of years.

Why not using this number of people and accomplish something great. If
anyone of us would write 10 line of good code, it would result a very
great and powerfull environment.

I totally want to write my 10 lines of great image processing or speech 
recognition software, but it's not how development works.


Re: Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread David Cournapeau
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
 followed the description in,
 but after running

 C:\Python26\python build_ext -i

 nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.

 The result from the cmd is the following:
 running build_ext
 building `first` extension
 error: None

It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
. IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.

Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.



Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 12, 10:49 am, redbaron wrote:
 Don't really sure, but try to define your class as new-style one.
 class GeoMap(object):

Well, the OP said he was using Python 3.0, where all classes are new-
style classes.

But that brings up another very slight possibility, though not a very
likely one in this case: the behavior of isinstance can be
customized.  It can happen unbeknownst to a user who subclasses a
class that does that.

Carl Banks

Levenshtein word comparison -performance issue

2009-02-13 Thread S.Selvam Siva
Hi all,

I need some help.
I tried to find top n(eg. 5) similar words for a given word, from a
dictionary of 50,000 words.
I used python-levenshtein module,and sample code is as follow.

def foo(searchword):
for word in self.dictionary-words:

 sort the disdict dictionary by values in descending order

similarwords=sorted(disdict, key=disdict.__getitem__, reverse=True)

return similarwords[:5]

foo() takes a search word and compares it with dictionary of 50,000 and
assigns each word a value(lies between 0 to 1).
Then after sorting in descending order it returns top 5 similar words.

The problem is, it* takes long time* for processing(as i need to pass more
search words within a loop),i guess the code could be improved to work
efficiently.Your suggestions are welcome...

Re: Break large file down into multiple files

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 05:43:02 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

On Feb 12, 11:02 pm, Gabriel Genellina

En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 04:44:54 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

 New to python I have a large file that I need to break upinto
 multiple smallerfiles. I need to break the large fileintosections
 where there are 65535 lines and then write thosesectionsto seperate
files.  I am familiar with opening and writingfiles, however, I am
 struggling with creating thesectionsand writing the different
sectionsto their ownfiles.

This function copies at most n lines from fin to fout:

def copylines(fin, fout, n):
   for i, line in enumerate(fin):
     if i+1=n: break

Now you have to open the source file, create newfilesas needed and  
repeatedly call the above function until the end of source file. You'll  

have to enhace it bit, to know whether there are remaining lines or not.

Gabriel Genellina

Gabriel ::

Thanks for the direction.  Do I simply define fin, fout and n as
variables above the def copylines(fin, fout, n): line?

Would it look like this?

fin = open('C:\Path\file')
fout = 'C:\newfile.csv')
n = 65535

Warning: see this FAQ entry

def copylines(fin, fout, n):
for i, line in enumerate(fin):
      if i+1=n: break

Almost. You have to *call* the copylines function, not just define it.  
After calling it with: copylines(fin, fout, 65535), you'll have the  
*first* chunk of lines copied. So you'll need to create a second file,  
call the copylines function again, create a third file, call... You'll  
need some kind of loop, and a way to detect when to stop and break out of  

The copylines function already knows what happened (whether there are more  
lines to copy or not) so you should enhace it and return such information  
to the caller.

It isn't so hard, after working out the tutorial (linked from ) you'll know enough Python to  
finish this program.

If you have some previous programming experience, Dive into Python (linked  
from the Beginners Guide above) is a good online book.

Feel free to come back when you're stuck with something.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:07:58 -0200, Carl Banks  

Well, the OP said he was using Python 3.0, where all classes are new-
style classes.

But that brings up another very slight possibility, though not a very
likely one in this case: the behavior of isinstance can be
customized.  It can happen unbeknownst to a user who subclasses a
class that does that.

Really? I didn't know that -- how do you do that?

Gabriel Genellina


Re: thread. question

2009-02-13 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 9, 7:34 am, Tim Wintle wrote:
 Thanks for both replies,

 On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 15:59 +0100, Christian Heimes wrote:
  You shouldn't use the thread module directly. It's not meant to be used
  by a user. Please stick to the threading module. You won't notice a
  slowdown, trust me :)

 I'm aware that thread is being renamed to _thread in python 3.0, but is
 it being depricated or anything like that?

 This is for an app that has been running for quite a long time and it's
 now time for fairly heavy optimisations as load is increasing (Believe
 me, I wouldn't have been looking at the C otherwise) - so I'll see if I
 do notice any effect with threading.

The threading module is likely to be slightly slower when spawning new
threads, because the Thread class has a bit of overhead that allows
you to do things like thread.join().

Simple locking will be same speed whether you use the threading or
thread module, because threading.Lock and thread.acquire return the
same type of object.  This is an implementation detail, though.

Carl Banks

Re: Levenshtein word comparison -performance issue

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:16:00 -0200, S.Selvam Siva  

I need some help.
I tried to find top n(eg. 5) similar words for a given word, from a
dictionary of 50,000 words.
I used python-levenshtein module,and sample code is as follow.

def foo(searchword):
for word in self.dictionary-words:

 sort the disdict dictionary by values in descending order

similarwords=sorted(disdict, key=disdict.__getitem__, reverse=True)

return similarwords[:5]

You may replace the last steps (sort + slice top 5) by heapq.nlargest - at  
least you won't waste time sorting 49995 irrelevant words...
Anyway you should measure the time taken by the first part (Levenshtein),  
it may be the most demanding. I think there is a C extension for this,  
should be much faster than pure Python calculations.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Peter Otten
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:07:58 -0200, Carl Banks
 Well, the OP said he was using Python 3.0, where all classes are new-
 style classes.

 But that brings up another very slight possibility, though not a very
 likely one in this case: the behavior of isinstance can be
 customized.  It can happen unbeknownst to a user who subclasses a
 class that does that.
 Really? I didn't know that -- how do you do that?
 class Type(type):
... def __instancecheck__(self, other): return True
 class A(metaclass=Type): pass
 class B: pass
 isinstance(B(), A)

See also

I doubt that this is the source of the OP's troubles, though.


Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:43:03 -0200, Peter Otten  

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:07:58 -0200, Carl Banks


But that brings up another very slight possibility, though not a very
likely one in this case: the behavior of isinstance can be
customized.  It can happen unbeknownst to a user who subclasses a
class that does that.

Really? I didn't know that -- how do you do that?

class Type(type):

... def __instancecheck__(self, other): return True

class A(metaclass=Type): pass


class B: pass


isinstance(B(), A)


See also

Ah, ok. Isn't menctioned in the main documentation though.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread martijnsteenwijk
On 13 feb, 10:53, David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
  Hi all,

  I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
  followed the description 
  but after running

  C:\Python26\python build_ext -i

  nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.

  The result from the cmd is the following:
  running build_ext
  building `first` extension
  error: None

 It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
 . IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
 You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
 sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.

 Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
 think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
 msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.



Thanks a lot for your reply. I downloaded  installed Visual C# 2008
express, but unfortunately this doesn't change anything in running the
setup file. Unfortunately, still no pyd file is produced...

Did I something wrong?

Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson

Terry Reedy wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to 
run it

*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a 
Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE 
doesn't issue a standard warning that says, Get out of here with your 
Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You have 
entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye.

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television.  Maybe they 
work together, maybe they crash the TV.  Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same 
resources that TK does may conflict with it.  There is no way that IDLE 
can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop programs.

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying to 
find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's execution 
facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think it's evident 
that I'm not going around this problem easily with the IDLE execution 
attempts, and that another solution is required.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active 
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune from 
such problems, correct?

Second, maybe I missed it above, but when I posted the output from the 
program that showed the failure, was there anything that said, IDLE 
problem or would even give a clue that's the culprit?

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for editing 
and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution of the program, 
I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. Perhaps there is a 
better way than clicking on it in the folder. For example, putting it on the 
desktop. As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I 
can easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to 
Dev5 at the end of each name.

Let me ask this. When I install Active Python, am I getting something beyond 
their interface? That is, does executing the code there result in using the 
same python interpreter that is used by IDLE? My use of their editor has 
been somewhat exasperating. It does not seem as friendly as the IDLE editor.

I still find it bizarre that the original creator of this program can spend 
months using IDLE to develop this program, and that I've spent maybe 10 days 
recently now adding to it without having much, if any, problem with IDLE and 
the programs execution within IDLE. I asked him almost a year ago what tool 
he used. IDLE, was the reply. Maybe it was really IDLE with no execution 
from inside IDLE. I'll ask him.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread David Cournapeau
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:58 PM, wrote:
 On 13 feb, 10:53, David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
  Hi all,

  I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
  followed the description 
  but after running

  C:\Python26\python build_ext -i

  nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.

  The result from the cmd is the following:
  running build_ext
  building `first` extension
  error: None

 It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
 . IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
 You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
 sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.

 Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
 think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
 msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.



 Thanks a lot for your reply. I downloaded  installed Visual C# 2008
 express, but unfortunately this doesn't change anything in running the
 setup file. Unfortunately, still no pyd file is produced...

I am not 100 % confident, but I think the problem is that for Visual
Studio express, you need to build the extension in a Visual Studio
shell (in the VS 2008 express menu). If that still does not work, I
will check on a windows VM (I need to do the bug report anyway).



Re: Invoking CutePDF from within Python

2009-02-13 Thread cm

Hi John,

All I need is to say Print this to CUTEPDF and store as xyz.pdf.
I can't answer you question but let me make a suggestion: Try 
PdfCreator. It lets you control all the process using an activex 
control. It has events to tell you when the jobs has finish, or report 
you of eventual errors.

Download it from, and look into the samples.

Best regards,


Re: Break large file down into multiple files

2009-02-13 Thread Chris
On Feb 13, 10:02 am, redbaron wrote:
  New to python I have a large file that I need to break up into
  multiple smaller files. I need to break the large file into sections
  where there are 65535 lines and then write those sections to seperate

 If your lines are variable-length, then look at itertools recipes.

 from itertools import izip_longest

 def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
     grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') -- ABC DEF Gxx
     args = [iter(iterable)] * n
     return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

 with open(/file,r) as f:
     for lines in grouper(65535,f,):
         data_to_write = '\n'.join(lines).rstrip(\n)
         write data where you need it here

I really would not recommend joining a large about of lines, that will
take some times.

fIn = open(input_filename, 'rb')
chunk_size = 65535

for i,line in enumerate(fIn):
if not i:   # First Line in the File, create a file to start
writing to
filenum = '%04d'%(i%chunk_size)+1
fOut = open('%s.txt'%filenum, 'wb')
if i and not i % chunk_size:   # Once at the chunk_size close the
old file object and create a new one
filenum = '%04d'%(i%chunk_size)+1
fOut = open('%s.txt'%filenum, 'wb')
if not i % 1000:


Re: Change in cgi module's handling of POST requests

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 02:43:48 -0200, Bob Kline  

Joshua Kugler wrote:
We just upgraded Python to 2.6 on some of our servers and a number of  

CGI scripts broke because the cgi module has changed the way it handles
POST requests.  When the 'action' attribute was not present in the  
form element on an HTML page the module behaved as if the value of the

attribute was the URL which brought the user to the page with the form,
but without the query (?x=y...) part.

[1] I haven't yet finished my attempts to parse the relevant RFCs; I  
assumed that the original authors and maintainers of this module (which  
includes the BDFL himself), would have been more adept at that than I  
am, which is one of the reasons I was hoping to find some discussion in  
the mailing list archives of the discussion of the proposed change in  
the module's behavior.

I noticed this change in behaviour too, and indeed, it is due to
But I could not find any RFC/standard/reccomendation/whatever that clearly  
states *what* should happen with a POST request directed to an URI having  
a query string itself. So I could not say it's a bug -- it's just...  
annoying in these cases (although it might be useful in some other cases,  
I think)
A posible workaround is to ensure all forms have an action attribute, and  
that it doesn't contain any query string.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Break large file down into multiple files

2009-02-13 Thread Tim Chase

New to python I have a large file that I need to break up
into multiple smaller files. I need to break the large file
into sections where there are 65535 lines and then write those
sections to seperate files.  I am familiar with opening and
writing files, however, I am struggling with creating the
sections and writing the different sections to their own

While this thread has offered many nice Python solutions, the 
split command is pretty standard on most Linux boxes:

  bash$ split -l 65535 infile.txt

which will do what you describe.  You can read the man page for 
more details.

So if you just want a fast route to a goal rather than going 
through the learning process (I'm all for learning how to do it 
too), this may be a quick answer.



Re: Break large file down into multiple files

2009-02-13 Thread Chris
On Feb 13, 1:19 pm, Chris wrote:
 On Feb 13, 10:02 am, redbaron wrote:

   New to python I have a large file that I need to break up into
   multiple smaller files. I need to break the large file into sections
   where there are 65535 lines and then write those sections to seperate

  If your lines are variable-length, then look at itertools recipes.

  from itertools import izip_longest

  def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
      grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') -- ABC DEF Gxx
      args = [iter(iterable)] * n
      return izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

  with open(/file,r) as f:
      for lines in grouper(65535,f,):
          data_to_write = '\n'.join(lines).rstrip(\n)
          write data where you need it here

 I really would not recommend joining a large about of lines, that will
 take some times.

 fIn = open(input_filename, 'rb')
 chunk_size = 65535

 for i,line in enumerate(fIn):
     if not i:   # First Line in the File, create a file to start
 writing to
         filenum = '%04d'%(i%chunk_size)+1
         fOut = open('%s.txt'%filenum, 'wb')
     if i and not i % chunk_size:   # Once at the chunk_size close the
 old file object and create a new one
         filenum = '%04d'%(i%chunk_size)+1
         fOut = open('%s.txt'%filenum, 'wb')
     if not i % 1000:


Whoops, day-dreaming mistake.  Use filenum = '%04d'%(i/chunk_size)+1
and not i%chunk_size.

Re: Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes wrote:
 Thanks a lot for your reply. I downloaded  installed Visual C# 2008
 express, but unfortunately this doesn't change anything in running the
 setup file. Unfortunately, still no pyd file is produced...
 Did I something wrong?

Yeah, you installed the C# environment. Python is written in C, so you
have to get Visual Studio C++ 2008. However a recent version of MinGW32
is sufficient to build most extensions.



get wget log message

2009-02-13 Thread JuergenRiemer

I didn't succeed to do the following:
I download a PDF file via wget yet I am not interested in the file
itself but the wget verbose output (log message) e.g. download speed,
total size, etc.
I know I could use  -o log.txt  and then read from that file yet
this seems not very elegant.
I am new to both wget/linux and python and am struggling for quite
some time now, could anyone help me here?

 thx a lot


Re: Problem building Python extension

2009-02-13 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On Feb 13, 10:53 am, David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
  Hi all,

  I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
  followed the description 
  but after running

  C:\Python26\python build_ext -i

  nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.

  The result from the cmd is the following:
  running build_ext
  building `first` extension
  error: None

 It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
 . IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
 You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
 sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.

 Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
 think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
 msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.



I already reported that:

--- Giampaolo

Re: get wget log message

2009-02-13 Thread JuergenRiemer
 itself but the wget verbose output (log message) e.g. download speed,
 total size, etc.

ahh I got it 1 minute after sending this post g



Re: Change in cgi module's handling of POST requests

2009-02-13 Thread Paul Boddie
On 13 Feb, 11:58, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 I noticed this change in behaviour too, and indeed, it is due to
 But I could not find any RFC/standard/reccomendation/whatever that clearly  
 states *what* should happen with a POST request directed to an URI having  
 a query string itself. So I could not say it's a bug -- it's just...  
 annoying in these cases (although it might be useful in some other cases,  
 I think)

The issue of distinguishing between query-originating parameters and
form-originating parameters has been around for a very long time, and
in my own work, especially where the cgi module has been used, I've
been careful to distinguish between the two types and to merge them
only if this is desired (get_fields vs. get_fields_from_path and
get_fields_from_body in WebStack). If the cgi module has now changed
its behaviour to just merge the two data sources, I can imagine that a
few applications aren't going to be happy any more, and since I doubt
that I'm the only one to take the approach I've just described, I can
imagine that I'm not alone in regarding this bug fix as more of a
regression if it has been done in a way which does not preserve the
behaviour of unmodified existing code.


Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Martin
2009/2/12 Christian Heimes
 Martin wrote:
 [typos igored as requested ;)]

 How does small and agile work with batteries included?

 The Python slogan says batteries included, not fusion reactor included.

I'd be fine with a fusion reactor, my objections would be if skynet
was included :)

 The rules are:


 It takes at least 1.5 years to get a new feature into an extension and
 at least 3 years to remove or change a feature. That's a major shop
 stopper for every fast moving piece of Python software.

True, I thought a bit more about it and decided for myself to be happy
with the way it is since I prefer quality to features :)



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Re: NNTPlib encoding issue

2009-02-13 Thread MRAB

mohit_ranka wrote:

I am getting unknown encoding like, =?Utf-8?B?QWRyaWFu?= (quotes for clarity) for name of
the author from nntplib module. which seems like an encoding issue
with NNTPLib module.

What should i do to get author name information in human readable

The original text was encoded in UTF-8 and then into base-64:

  ^ UTF-8

^ Base-64

So that's:


Re: An executable operational semantics for Python

2009-02-13 Thread gideon
On Feb 12, 5:14 pm, wrote:

  I've recently finished my Master's thesis on the semantics of Python.
  In my thesis I define the semantics of Python by rewriting an abstract
  machine. The sources that are used to produce my thesis can also be
  compiled into a working interpreter. Hence I call it an 'executable'

 Can it be used for some useful purpose?

The interpreter? Probably not. The semantics. Yes.

best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread News123

I'd like to do some web automation with python 2.5
- https:
- a cookiejar
- some forms to be filled in

what is the best set of modules.

As far as I understood, there is httplib, but it seems (if I understood
well) to be incoompatible with cookielib

I'm a newcomer to webautomation with python and would be thankful for
good suggestions.

I used so far perl with LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Cookies and some module (I
forgot the name) to handle parsing and filling in Forms.

thanks in advance for any pointers opinions


sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread Berend van Berkum
Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

I read the source, made numerous tests, but SGMLParser's keeps returning *tag* 
from previous parser instances. I'm totally confused why.. The content data it
returns is ok.


sp = MyParser()
sp.feed('testt /Test/test')
print sp.content, sp.markup

sp = MyParser()
print sp.content, sp.markup


('Test', [{'t': ({}, (0, 0))}, {'test': ({}, (0, 4))}]) 
('\n\r\n', [{'t': ({}, (0, 0))}, {'test': ({}, (0, 4))}, {'xml': ({}, (0, 

It keeps the tags from the previous session, while i'm sure the stack etc.
should be clean..

Any ideas?

regards, Berend


import sgmllib

class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):

content = ''
markup = []
span_stack = []

def handle_data(self, data):
self.content += data

def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attr):
stack = { tag: ( dict(attr), ( len(self.content), ) ) }

def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
prev_tag, ( attr, ( offset, ) ) = 

if tag:
# close all tags on stack until it finds a matching end 
# XXX: need to return to LEVEL, not same tag name
while tag != prev_tag:
span = { prev_tag: ( attr, ( offset, 0 ) ) }
self.markup.append( span )

prev_tag, ( attr, ( offset, ) ) = 

length = len( self.content ) - offset
span = { tag: ( attr, ( offset, length ) ) }
self.markup.append( span )

def do_unknown_tag(self, tag, attr):
assert not tag and not attr, do_unknown_tag %s, %s % (tag, 

def close(self):
self.content = ''
self.markup = []
self.span_stack = []

def parse_data(data):
sp = MyParser()
r = sp.content, sp.markup
return r

print parse_data('testt /Test/test')
print parse_data('xml\n/xml\r\n')
print parse_data('sgmlsTest 3/s/sgml')

- -- 
 web,  ()ASCII Ribbon
 email,  /\
 icq, 26727647;  irc, berend/mpe at

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread Joe Riopel
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:04 AM, News123 wrote:
 I'd like to do some web automation with python 2.5
 - https:
 - a cookiejar
 - some forms to be filled in
 what is the best set of modules.

I have automated some testing of our product, using it's web UI with
Python with urllib2 and urrlib. I don't actually fill in the forms, I
just recreate the post and set the values of the post variables (so I
don't get any form validation).

Check out:

Re: sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread MRAB

Berend van Berkum wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

I read the source, made numerous tests, but SGMLParser's keeps returning *tag* data 
from previous parser instances. I'm totally confused why.. The content data it

returns is ok.


sp = MyParser()
sp.feed('testt /Test/test')
print sp.content, sp.markup

sp = MyParser()
print sp.content, sp.markup


('Test', [{'t': ({}, (0, 0))}, {'test': ({}, (0, 4))}]) 
('\n\r\n', [{'t': ({}, (0, 0))}, {'test': ({}, (0, 4))}, {'xml': ({}, (0, 1))}])

It keeps the tags from the previous session, while i'm sure the stack etc.
should be clean..

Any ideas?

regards, Berend


import sgmllib

class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):

content = ''
markup = []
span_stack = []

These are in the _class_ itself, so they will be shared by all its
instances. You should so something like this instead:

def __init__(self):
self.content = ''
self.markup = []
self.span_stack = []

def handle_data(self, data):
self.content += data

def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attr):
stack = { tag: ( dict(attr), ( len(self.content), ) ) }

def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
prev_tag, ( attr, ( offset, ) ) = 

if tag:
# close all tags on stack until it finds a matching end 
# XXX: need to return to LEVEL, not same tag name
while tag != prev_tag:
span = { prev_tag: ( attr, ( offset, 0 ) ) }
self.markup.append( span )

prev_tag, ( attr, ( offset, ) ) = 

length = len( self.content ) - offset
span = { tag: ( attr, ( offset, length ) ) }
self.markup.append( span )

def do_unknown_tag(self, tag, attr):
assert not tag and not attr, do_unknown_tag %s, %s % (tag, 

def close(self):
self.content = ''
self.markup = []
self.span_stack = []

def parse_data(data):
sp = MyParser()
r = sp.content, sp.markup
return r

print parse_data('testt /Test/test')
print parse_data('xml\n/xml\r\n')
print parse_data('sgmlsTest 3/s/sgml')


Re: Invoking CutePDF from within Python

2009-02-13 Thread python

 FWIW, I usually generate PDFs by printing to a Postscript printer (some 
 random Apple Laserthingy) and then using Ghostscript to do the conversion. 
 I'm happy to post if you're interested.

If its not too much bother, I would be interested in learning how you're
interfacing to Python to Ghostscript.


Re: Invoking CutePDF from within Python

2009-02-13 Thread Tim Golden wrote:


FWIW, I usually generate PDFs by printing to a Postscript printer (some random 
Apple Laserthingy) and then using Ghostscript to do the conversion. I'm happy 
to post if you're interested.

If its not too much bother, I would be interested in learning how you're
interfacing to Python to Ghostscript.

Really boring, I'm afraid. Just popen and an .exe:

(There are a few dependencies I haven't shown but I
hope the approach is obvious; happy to explain / supply


ANN: Supy 1.1

2009-02-13 Thread Greg Ewing

SuPy 1.1 Available

Changes in this version:

- Added explicit ways of calling method names ending in '?' or '!'. Python
method names 'is_xxx' and 'xxx_ip' map to Ruby 'xxx?' and 'xxx!' respectively.
The plain name 'xxx' can still be used where there is no ambiguity.

- Ruby true and false are now converted to Python True and False.

- Ruby methods expecting a block can be called from Python by passing
a callable Python object with the keyword 'body'.

What is SuPy?

SuPy is a plugin for the Sketchup 3D modelling application
that lets you script it in Python.

Greg Ewing

Re: sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread Berend van Berkum
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 02:31:40PM +, MRAB wrote:
 Berend van Berkum wrote:
 import sgmllib
 class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
  content = ''
  markup = []
  span_stack = []
 These are in the _class_ itself, so they will be shared by all its
 instances. You should so something like this instead:
   def __init__(self):
   self.content = ''
   self.markup = []
   self.span_stack = []

Yes.. tested that and SGMLParser won't let me override __init__, 
(SGMLParser vars are uninitialized even with sgmllib.SGMLParser(self) call).
Tried some but not the following:
with a differently named init function and one boolean class var 'initialized'
it can check 'if self.initialized' in front of each handler. Does the trick.

Confusion dissolved :)

- -- 
 web,  ()ASCII Ribbon
 email,  /\
 icq, 26727647;  irc, berend/mpe at

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Invoking CutePDF from within Python

2009-02-13 Thread python

Wonderful! That's enough to get me started. Thank you very much.


Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread News123

Hi Joel,

This (the urllib2 methods you combined with cookielib) is what I am
currently trying to do.

I would just like to retrieve all the field names and default values of
a form. (Some forms are huge) and wondered thus whether there's already
a python module parsing a html documents for forms , form fields and
field vaules, returning an objcet. that could be modified and posted.



Joe Riopel wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:04 AM, News123 wrote:
 I'd like to do some web automation with python 2.5
 - https:
 - a cookiejar
 - some forms to be filled in
 what is the best set of modules.
 I have automated some testing of our product, using it's web UI with
 Python with urllib2 and urrlib. I don't actually fill in the forms, I
 just recreate the post and set the values of the post variables (so I
 don't get any form validation).
 Check out:

Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread Marco Mariani

News123 wrote:

I would just like to retrieve all the field names and default values of
a form. (Some forms are huge) and wondered thus whether there's already
a python module parsing a html documents for forms , form fields and
field vaules, returning an objcet. that could be modified and posted.

Re: [ANN] TracShell 0.1 released

2009-02-13 Thread J Kenneth King
J Kenneth King writes:

 I tend to work a lot with Trac for project management and have always
 found the browser interface to be a productivity killer. I always
 wanted a simple command-line interface to Trac, but having never found
 one I found a little free time and got off my laurels to make one.

 TracShell 0.1 is an early release, but it works. So far you can only
 query and view tickets, but planned updates include the obvious
 ability to create and edit tickets. Future plans will allow browsing
 of comments, change histories, attachments, and so forth.

 Please consider it really beta. The code needs a little tidying up
 around the edges. If you find any bugs, please report them and I'll
 fix them ASAP. Ideas, suggestions, and contributions are welcome.


Just added the ability to create tickets, more features forthcoming.

I highly recommend anyone using this tool to stick to the latest svn
versions. I'll package the feature-complete stables going forward.


Re: is there a project running (GUI Builder for Python ) ?

2009-02-13 Thread J Kenneth King writes:

 ..I come from Delphi, and compared to Delphi, even Visual Studio
 vanishes ;-)
 ...I don't even notice the difference between Delphi (which
 I'm still using)
 and wxPython.

 I think this story happened to other people to,
 so instead of putting a lot of effort in designing and maintaining a GUI
 it might be better to choose another solution.

 btw, the idea I used, can be seen 
 and the code can be found 


 You know, 10 or more years ago both Borland and Microsoft got it right
 when they incorporated a GUI with an IDE in their Delphi and Visual
 Basic products. As wonderful as the Python language is, it is very
 much a work in progress when compared to the ease of use of the
 aforementioned products. These products revolutionized the industry
 with their Rapid Applications Development (RAD).

 Python reminds me of a toolbox filled with a multitude of single use
 tools when all you need is a Skilsaw and a combination screwdriver.

... So use the combination screwdriver.

Python isn't all things to all people. It is what it is.

Re: sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread MRAB

Berend van Berkum wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 02:31:40PM +, MRAB wrote:

Berend van Berkum wrote:

import sgmllib

class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):

content = ''
markup = []
span_stack = []

These are in the _class_ itself, so they will be shared by all its
instances. You should so something like this instead:

def __init__(self):
self.content = ''
self.markup = []
self.span_stack = []

Yes.. tested that and SGMLParser won't let me override __init__, 
(SGMLParser vars are uninitialized even with sgmllib.SGMLParser(self) call).

OK, so SGMLParser needs to be initialised:

def __init__(self):
self.content = ''
self.markup = []
self.span_stack = []

Tried some but not the following:
with a differently named init function and one boolean class var 'initialized'
it can check 'if self.initialized' in front of each handler. Does the trick.

Confusion dissolved :)


Re: sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread andrew cooke

you are declaring class variables, not instance variables.  you need to
declare these in an __init__ method.  RTFM.

Berend van Berkum wrote:
 class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
 content = ''
 markup = []
 span_stack = []


Developer needed for Open Source Django/Pinax on-line community

2009-02-13 Thread synarcane
The Hub is a global community of innovators from every profession,
background and culture working at 'new frontiers' to tackle the
most pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges.  The Hub
has over 1000 members hotdesking in stunning spaces around the world.
The Hub aims to give its members the tools and resources they need to
take their ideas from inception to scale. To this end we are building
Open Source online platform to enable Hub members to collaborate
virtually. We have identified Pinax as the platform for building this
over the next few months.

The Hub+ team is the team which provides technology to Hubs globally.
are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic Python programmer to
work on a Django/Pinax project in a team committed to Open Source
software and open innovation. If you are interested in inspiring
initiatives and enjoy working in an innovative environment we'd like
to join our small team to help build the Hub's ambitious technical

There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved in other
edge technical projects with The Hub including real-time comet based
services, network visualisation, collaborative real-time mind-
guided navigation, VOIP triggering, and video messaging.

- Experienced Python developer
- Knowledge of Django development
- Javascript
- Basic HTML/CSS
- Based in London (or willing to move)

- Experience in Pinax
- JQuery / YUI
- Active in Open Source communities
- Interest in open innovation
- Twisted
- Comet / Orbited

Please send an e-mail by 23rd February 2009, to synnove.frederi...@the-, with some samples of your work, your CV and tell us why you
are interested in joining us.

Re: sgmllib parser keeps old tag data?

2009-02-13 Thread andrew cooke

Sorry, this reply was delayed (trying to use usenet...) and so now seems
(even more) bad tempered than needed.  Andrew

andrew cooke wrote:
 you are declaring class variables, not instance variables.  you need to
 declare these in an __init__ method.  RTFM.
 Berend van Berkum wrote:
 class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
 content = ''
 markup = []
 span_stack = []


Python knapsack problem

2009-02-13 Thread Kurioz


I got the assignment to solve the knapsack problem in Python. I have to find 
the solution to put items in a sack (I have only one item A, B and C) which 
maxWeight can't be larger than 6 kilograms.  Solution of this problem should 
be A and C but the only solution I'm getting is B and C which aren't true 
because weight of the B and C is 7 kilograms which is heavier than the 

If anyone could point me what am I doing wrong I'd be very grateful! Thanks 
in advance!


#1st array element is weight of an item, and 2nd array element is value
#Checking the values per one kilo
print vA,vB,vC
#Checking the values
while maxWeight6:
   if int(vA)int(vB) and int(vA)int(vC):
   print maxWeight

   elif int(vB)int(vA) and int(vB)int(vC):
   print maxWeight

   print maxWeight 


Re: Escaping my own chroot...

2009-02-13 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
  On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 09:31:56 -0600, Nick Craig-Wood 
 r0g wrote:
   I'm writing a linux remastering script in python where I need to chroot
   into a folder, run some system commands and then come out and do some
   tidying up, un-mounting proc  sys etc.
   I got in there with os.chroot() and I tried using that to get back out
   but that didn't work so... is my script trapped in there forever now or
   is there an un-hacky way to escape?
  If you still have root in the chroot (and you need root to get in there, so
  it's not implausible that you will), then you can get out.  Googling for
  escape chroot turns up lots of hits.  This page contains a fairly simple,
  explicit description of how to get out of a chroot:
  See the bulleted list in the Breaking chroot() section.  Since you also
  control the process before the chroot happens, breaking out is even simpler
  in your case (just open / before you chroot in the first place).  forking
  before doing the chroot may still be a good idea, but it's not the only

I admit it can be done, but I'm not sure it isn't hacky!


Enter a chroot and escape again

Run as root

import os
import sys

def ls(path):
List the path
print Directory listing of %r % path
for f in os.listdir(path):
print , f

def main():
if len(sys.argv)  2:
print sys.stderr, Need directory to chroot to as an argument
raise SystemExit(1)
chroot_dir = sys.argv[1]
print Opening root
root =, os.O_RDONLY)
print Before chroot
print Chrooting to %r % chroot_dir
print Breaking the chroot
for i in range(100):

if __name__ == __main__:

I ran this

$ mkdir chroot_test
$ touch chroot_test/in_the_chroot
$ sudo ./ chroot_test

And it produced this

Opening root
Before chroot
Directory listing of '/'
Chrooting to 'chroot_test'
Directory listing of '/'
Breaking the chroot
Directory listing of '/'

Nick Craig-Wood --

*nix tail -f multiple log files with Thread

2009-02-13 Thread David

Hi everyone,

I copied a program from C to track multiple log files. I would like to 
be able to print a label when a log file is updated. Here is the program;

from threading import Thread
import subprocess
from Queue import Queue

num_threads = 3
queue = Queue()
logfiles = [/var/log/messages,

def logtailer(i, q,):
while True:
lfile = q.get()
sudo = sudo
tail = tail
arg = -f
ret =[sudo, tail, arg, lfile])

for i in range(num_threads):
worker = Thread(target=logtailer, args=(i, queue))

for lfile in logfiles:


And here is a sample of the output;

[Fri Feb 13 08:58:48 2009] [error] [client] File does not 
exist: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/moodle/favicon.ico
[Fri Feb 13 08:58:51 2009] [error] [client] File does not 
exist: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/moodle/favicon.ico
Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo:david : TTY=pts/4 ; PWD=/home/david ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by david(uid=0)
Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root
Feb 13 09:10:01 opteron cron[10633]: (root) CMD (test -x 
/usr/sbin/run-crons  /usr/sbin/run-crons )

Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: Successful su for root by david
Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: + pts/6 david:root
Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened 
for user root by david(uid=1000) - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/theme/custom_corners/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 200 894 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/lib/speller/spellChecker.js HTTP/1.1 200 15980 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 13718 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/theme/custom_corners/styles.php HTTP/1.1 200 30709

I would like to be able to add a label like;

[Fri Feb 13 08:58:48 2009] [error] [client] File does not 
exist: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/moodle/favicon.ico
[Fri Feb 13 08:58:51 2009] [error] [client] File does not 
exist: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/moodle/favicon.ico

Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo:david : TTY=pts/4 ; PWD=/home/david ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by david(uid=0)
Feb 13 09:02:26 opteron sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root
Feb 13 09:10:01 opteron cron[10633]: (root) CMD (test -x 
/usr/sbin/run-crons  /usr/sbin/run-crons )

Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: Successful su for root by david
Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: + pts/6 david:root
Feb 13 09:18:33 opteron su[10678]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened 
for user root by david(uid=1000)

access_log - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/theme/custom_corners/favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 200 894 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/lib/speller/spellChecker.js HTTP/1.1 200 15980 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 13718 - - [13/Feb/2009:09:18:47 -0500] GET 
/theme/custom_corners/styles.php HTTP/1.1 200 30709

I can create the label like this;
def label()
print %s\n % lfile

But I have no idea how to get it to work when a thread is updated.

Powered by Gentoo GNU/LINUX


Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread Paul Rubin
News123 writes:
 I would just like to retrieve all the field names and default values of
 a form. (Some forms are huge) and wondered thus whether there's already
 a python module parsing a html documents for forms , form fields and
 field vaules, returning an objcet. that could be modified and posted.

BeautifulSoup may be of some help.

Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread News123
Hi Marco / Paul,


I'll look into
mechanize,ClientForm and BeautifulSoup.

All three are now installed. I'll just have to play with them.



News123 wrote:
 Hi Joel,
 This (the urllib2 methods you combined with cookielib) is what I am
 currently trying to do.
 I would just like to retrieve all the field names and default values of
 a form. (Some forms are huge) and wondered thus whether there's already
 a python module parsing a html documents for forms , form fields and
 field vaules, returning an objcet. that could be modified and posted.
 Joe Riopel wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:04 AM, News123 wrote:
 I'd like to do some web automation with python 2.5
 - https:
 - a cookiejar
 - some forms to be filled in
 what is the best set of modules.
 I have automated some testing of our product, using it's web UI with
 Python with urllib2 and urrlib. I don't actually fill in the forms, I
 just recreate the post and set the values of the post variables (so I
 don't get any form validation).

 Check out:

Fortran array in python (f2py?)...

2009-02-13 Thread tripp
Hello Folks,

I have a fortran program I use to process several satellite images.  I
currently output the results to a text file (~750 mb) which is then
read by a perl program that outputs a GIS-ready image using GDAL
(   There are python libraries for GDAL too.

I'd like to pipe the array directly to python from fortran (instead of
writing it out to a text file).  Is it possible to access an in-memory
fortran array with python?

I've looked at f2py, but I could not tell if this was possible.



Re: best set of modules for web automation without javascript

2009-02-13 Thread Matias Surdi

You should give a look to Selenium. It's great.

News123 wrote:


I'd like to do some web automation with python 2.5
- https:
- a cookiejar
- some forms to be filled in

what is the best set of modules.

As far as I understood, there is httplib, but it seems (if I understood
well) to be incoompatible with cookielib

I'm a newcomer to webautomation with python and would be thankful for
good suggestions.

I used so far perl with LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Cookies and some module (I
forgot the name) to handle parsing and filling in Forms.

thanks in advance for any pointers opinions



Re: something wrong with isinstance

2009-02-13 Thread Terry Reedy

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:43:03 -0200, Peter Otten 

class Type(type):

... def __instancecheck__(self, other): return True

class A(metaclass=Type): pass


class B: pass


isinstance(B(), A)


See also 

Ah, ok. Isn't menctioned in the main documentation though.

Lack reported in


Re: Python knapsack problem

2009-02-13 Thread Matimus
On Feb 13, 8:06 am, Kurioz wrote:

 I got the assignment to solve the knapsack problem in Python. I have to find
 the solution to put items in a sack (I have only one item A, B and C) which
 maxWeight can't be larger than 6 kilograms.  Solution of this problem should
 be A and C but the only solution I'm getting is B and C which aren't true
 because weight of the B and C is 7 kilograms which is heavier than the

 If anyone could point me what am I doing wrong I'd be very grateful! Thanks
 in advance!


 #1st array element is weight of an item, and 2nd array element is value
 #Checking the values per one kilo
 print vA,vB,vC
 #Checking the values
 while maxWeight6:
     if int(vA)int(vB) and int(vA)int(vC):
         print maxWeight

     elif int(vB)int(vA) and int(vB)int(vC):
         print maxWeight

         print maxWeight

You will need to check whether each item can fit before adding it.

Currently you are doing:

while there is room in the sac:
add the next most valuable item

You should be doing:

while there is room in the sac:
if the next most valuable item fits
   add it

But... once you fix that you will run into another issue.

You are using ints to compare. Casting floating point values to ints
will always
round down.

vA = 0.5
vB = 2....
vC = 2.0





Re: Levenshtein word comparison -performance issue

2009-02-13 Thread Terry Reedy

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:16:00 -0200, S.Selvam Siva escribió:

I need some help.
I tried to find top n(eg. 5) similar words for a given word, from a
dictionary of 50,000 words.
I used python-levenshtein module,and sample code is as follow.

def foo(searchword):
for word in self.dictionary-words:

 sort the disdict dictionary by values in descending order

similarwords=sorted(disdict, key=disdict.__getitem__, reverse=True)

return similarwords[:5]

You may replace the last steps (sort + slice top 5) by heapq.nlargest - 
at least you won't waste time sorting 49995 irrelevant words...

There is also no need to build the 5 entry word-distance dictionary.

import heapq, functools

def foo(searchword, n):
  distance = functools.partial(Levenshtein.ratio, searchword)
  return heapq.nlargest(n, words, distance)

If the distances are wanted along with the similar words, I strongly 
suspect that it would be faster to recalculate a small number than to 
generate the dict of 5 pairs.

Anyway you should measure the time taken by the first part 
(Levenshtein), it may be the most demanding. I think there is a C 
extension for this, should be much faster than pure Python calculations.

And such could be dropped into the code above.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Fortran array in python (f2py?)...

2009-02-13 Thread MRAB

tripp wrote:

Hello Folks,

I have a fortran program I use to process several satellite images.  I
currently output the results to a text file (~750 mb) which is then
read by a perl program that outputs a GIS-ready image using GDAL
(   There are python libraries for GDAL too.

I'd like to pipe the array directly to python from fortran (instead of
writing it out to a text file).  Is it possible to access an in-memory
fortran array with python?

I've looked at f2py, but I could not tell if this was possible.

How about outputting the results to the Python program via a pipe?

Re: Python knapsack problem

2009-02-13 Thread Terry Reedy

Kurioz wrote:

I got the assignment to solve the knapsack problem in Python. I have to 
find the solution to put items in a sack (I have only one item A, B and 
C) which maxWeight can't be larger than 6 kilograms.  Solution of this 
problem should be A and C but the only solution I'm getting is B and C 
which aren't true because weight of the B and C is 7 kilograms which is 
heavier than the maxWeight.

If anyone could point me what am I doing wrong I'd be very grateful! 
Thanks in advance!

There are several comments I could make, but your immediate problem is 
this: before putting something in the knapsack, you must check whether 
it will exceed the limit.  Since this is a class assignment, I will stop 


#1st array element is weight of an item, and 2nd array element is value
#Checking the values per one kilo
print vA,vB,vC
#Checking the values
while maxWeight6:
   if int(vA)int(vB) and int(vA)int(vC):
   print maxWeight

   elif int(vB)int(vA) and int(vB)int(vC):
   print maxWeight

   print maxWeight


Re: *nix tail -f multiple log files with Thread

2009-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes
David schrieb:
 Hi everyone,
 I copied a program from C to track multiple log files. I would like to
 be able to print a label when a log file is updated. Here is the program;

Don't use threads for the job. On Unix the preferred way is select()'ing
or poll()'ing multiple file descriptors.



Re: *nix tail -f multiple log files with Thread

2009-02-13 Thread Joe Riopel
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:03 PM, David wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I copied a program from C to track multiple log files. I would like to be
 able to print a label when a log file is updated. Here is the program;

Since you're calling tail itself, why not just use tail's ability to
tail multiple files? It too will output the label.

I am using tail from the GNU coreutils, version 5.97.

I did the following, using two xterms:

First, in one xterm window:
$ touch foo bar
$ tail -f foo bar

Then in another xterm:
$ echo Hi foo  foo
$ echo Hi bar  bar

Back in the first xterm window I see this:
$ tail -f foo bar
== foo ==

== bar ==

== foo ==
Hi foo

== bar ==
Hi bar

Re: *nix tail -f multiple log files with Thread

2009-02-13 Thread David

Joe Riopel wrote:

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:03 PM, David wrote:

Hi everyone,

I copied a program from C to track multiple log files. I would like to be
able to print a label when a log file is updated. Here is the program;

Since you're calling tail itself, why not just use tail's ability to
tail multiple files? It too will output the label.

I am using tail from the GNU coreutils, version 5.97.

I did the following, using two xterms:

First, in one xterm window:
$ touch foo bar
$ tail -f foo bar

Then in another xterm:
$ echo Hi foo  foo
$ echo Hi bar  bar

Back in the first xterm window I see this:
$ tail -f foo bar
== foo ==

== bar ==

== foo ==
Hi foo

== bar ==
Hi bar

Thanks Joe, sure am glad I asked. Oh well it was good practice as I am 
just learning python, I don't know how I missed that I could tail more 
than one file.

Powered by Gentoo GNU/LINUX


problems opening files

2009-02-13 Thread mike
I have aprogram that manipulates several text files, does some math
and saves new files then exits.

The program worked fine on the original set of data, but with new data
does not open the files as needed.  When I copy and paste the 'open
line' from the module to IDLE the file opens.

section of code that is not working and import statements below:

import statements

# combine point source data

from numpy import *
from string import *
import point_input

section of code-

while flag=='false':

stopping the module manually--

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\point_sources\, line
155, in module
print pathincbp+' not found'

IDLE commands---

open file 'c:/potomac_points_data/sub1/cbp_PA0026051.txt', mode 'r'
at 0x01450380

I am running in windows xp professional 2002 service pack 3 on a Xeon



Re: Fortran array in python (f2py?)...

2009-02-13 Thread tripp
On Feb 13, 1:27 pm, MRAB wrote:
 tripp wrote:
  Hello Folks,

  I have a fortran program I use to process several satellite images.  I
  currently output the results to a text file (~750 mb) which is then
  read by a perl program that outputs a GIS-ready image using GDAL
  (   There are python libraries for GDAL too.

  I'd like to pipe the array directly to python from fortran (instead of
  writing it out to a text file).  Is it possible to access an in-memory
  fortran array with python?

  I've looked at f2py, but I could not tell if this was possible.

 How about outputting the results to the Python program via a pipe?

The array I'd like to output is 8500 x 7500.  Would that be possible?
I'm NOT RAM limited.

Re: problems opening files

2009-02-13 Thread MRAB

mike wrote:

I have aprogram that manipulates several text files, does some math
and saves new files then exits.

The program worked fine on the original set of data, but with new data
does not open the files as needed.  When I copy and paste the 'open
line' from the module to IDLE the file opens.

section of code that is not working and import statements below:

import statements

# combine point source data

from numpy import *
from string import *
import point_input

section of code-

while flag=='false':

stopping the module manually--

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\point_sources\, line
155, in module
print pathincbp+' not found'

IDLE commands---


open file 'c:/potomac_points_data/sub1/cbp_PA0026051.txt', mode 'r'
at 0x01450380

I am running in windows xp professional 2002 service pack 3 on a Xeon

What exception is the open() raising? From the partial code you've
provided I can't tell whether the 'try' is catching any exception. The
traceback just tells me that you interrupted the script, not what is
not working actually means.

Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread Scott David Daniels

W. eWatson wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to 
run it

*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a 
Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE 
doesn't issue a standard warning that says, Get out of here with 
your Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You 
have entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye.

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television.  Maybe 
they work together, maybe they crash the TV.  Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same 
resources that TK does may conflict with it.  There is no way that 
IDLE can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop 

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying 
to find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's 
execution facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think 
it's evident that I'm not going around this problem easily with the IDLE 
execution attempts, and that another solution is required.

That's correct, but you still don't understand _why_ it is correct.
I suggest you re-read the thread and try to understand everything you
are being told.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active 
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune 
from such problems, correct?

Wrong.  I was the one who said that ActiveState had a product to debug
Python programs across a nertwork connection.  The product is _not_
ActivePython (the freely distributed system), but rather the Komodo IDE,
which does cost money.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for 
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution of 
the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. 
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder. For 
example, putting it on the desktop. As I look at the folder, previous 
copies only differ by a digit, I can easily find myself executing an 
earlier version, differing as Dev4, to Dev5 at the end of each name.

OK, you are using the oldest and least useful revision control system,
rename and remember.  I'd suggest you get and use bazaar, but you'll
just ask for shortcuts on how to use it without understanding what it does.

--Scott David Daniels

Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Bryan
I have a Python v2.5.2 server running and I found some undesirable
behavior in the xmlrpclib module that is included with that version of
Python.  The xmlrpclib version that is included with Python 2.6
changes the behavior for the better.  I nervous about upgrading my
Python install to 2.6 on this server because I remember reading in the
docs of a library I use that it targets the 2.5 branch.  What is the
best way to only upgrade the xmlrpclib in my 2.5 install?

Also, have you all had problems with libraries not specifying which
Python version they target?  I can't find a requirements for the
formencode library.  It is kind of scary upgrading my Python server
install without being sure all my libraries will work.  Experiences??


pdb in 3.0 very buggy (Win XP Home)

2009-02-13 Thread Aaron Brady
Hi, got a freeze when running 'pdb' in 3.0.

The program executes correctly with the command 'c', but freezes part
way through when running successive 'n' commands.  Platform Windows XP
Home.  Python 3.0 (r30:67507, Dec  3 2008, 20:14:27) [MSC v.1500 32
bit (Intel)] on win32.  The 'list' command was also not working
properly, printing '[EOF]' many places, even when prompted with
arguments for 'first' and 'last'.

/Screen dump:

C:\Documents and Settings\usr\Desktop\working\programs
\python30\python -m pdb

(Pdb) c
The program finished and will be restarted
(Pdb) n
- return self.raw.closed
(Pdb) n
- return self.buffer.closed
(Pdb) n
- return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_map)[0]
(Pdb) n
- return self.raw.closed
(Pdb) n
- return written
(Pdb) n
- return length
(Pdb) n
- return self.raw.closed
(Pdb) n
- return self.buffer.closed
(Pdb) n
- return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_map)[0]
(Pdb) n
- return self.raw.closed
(Pdb) n

- return written
(Pdb) n


class A:
def f( self ):
self.x= 0
print( self.x )
def g( self ):
self.x+= 1
print( self.x )

a= A()


Re: Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 13, 2:42 pm, Bryan wrote:
 I have a Python v2.5.2 server running and I found some undesirable
 behavior in the xmlrpclib module that is included with that version of
 Python.  The xmlrpclib version that is included with Python 2.6
 changes the behavior for the better.  I nervous about upgrading my
 Python install to 2.6 on this server because I remember reading in the
 docs of a library I use that it targets the 2.5 branch.  What is the
 best way to only upgrade the xmlrpclib in my 2.5 install?

 Also, have you all had problems with libraries not specifying which
 Python version they target?  I can't find a requirements for the
 formencode library.  It is kind of scary upgrading my Python server
 install without being sure all my libraries will work.  Experiences??


Well, you could put your current install in a virtualenv and then try
the new version of Python 2.6 in another virtualenv. See for more info.

As long as your 3rd party packages are pure python, you should be ok.
If they depend on c/c++ headers, then you may have issues.


Re: Fortran array in python (f2py?)...

2009-02-13 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-02-13 11:59, tripp wrote:

Hello Folks,

I have a fortran program I use to process several satellite images.  I
currently output the results to a text file (~750 mb) which is then
read by a perl program that outputs a GIS-ready image using GDAL
(   There are python libraries for GDAL too.

I'd like to pipe the array directly to python from fortran (instead of
writing it out to a text file).  Is it possible to access an in-memory
fortran array with python?

I've looked at f2py, but I could not tell if this was possible.

f2py makes Python extension modules that wrap FORTRAN code. Basically, what you 
would have to do is use f2py to wrap the subroutines of your FORTRAN program; 
your Python program will be the main driver. It is usually recommended that your 
Python program allocate the memory in the form of a numpy array, and pass it 
into your FORTRAN subroutines to be filled. F77 fixed arrays are well-supported; 
F90 allocatable arrays and pointers are not. You may need a fixed array shim 
layer around your Fortran 90 code if it uses these features.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Jason Scheirer
On Feb 13, 12:42 pm, Bryan wrote:
 I have a Python v2.5.2 server running and I found some undesirable
 behavior in the xmlrpclib module that is included with that version of
 Python.  The xmlrpclib version that is included with Python 2.6
 changes the behavior for the better.  I nervous about upgrading my
 Python install to 2.6 on this server because I remember reading in the
 docs of a library I use that it targets the 2.5 branch.  What is the
 best way to only upgrade the xmlrpclib in my 2.5 install?

 Also, have you all had problems with libraries not specifying which
 Python version they target?  I can't find a requirements for the
 formencode library.  It is kind of scary upgrading my Python server
 install without being sure all my libraries will work.  Experiences??


Python has always been pretty backwards-compatible and has a nice
roadmap for upgrades (with new languages features living in __future__
for a version or so before they're in the main version). With the
exception of 2.X-3, you can usually assume that any pure-Python
modules written for 2.x will work in 2.(x+1), and assuming they don't
issue any warnings, also in 2.(x+2).

What behavior, exactly, do you not like in xmlrpclib? Diffing the 2.5
and 2.6, only significant differences I see are checks for True/False
as builtins left over from pre-2.4 and some datetime handling.

Re: Upgrading standard library module

2009-02-13 Thread Bryan
On Feb 13, 1:52 pm, Jason Scheirer wrote:
 On Feb 13, 12:42 pm, Bryan wrote:

  I have a Python v2.5.2 server running and I found some undesirable
  behavior in the xmlrpclib module that is included with that version of
  Python.  The xmlrpclib version that is included with Python 2.6
  changes the behavior for the better.  I nervous about upgrading my
  Python install to 2.6 on this server because I remember reading in the
  docs of a library I use that it targets the 2.5 branch.  What is the
  best way to only upgrade the xmlrpclib in my 2.5 install?

  Also, have you all had problems with libraries not specifying which
  Python version they target?  I can't find a requirements for the
  formencode library.  It is kind of scary upgrading my Python server
  install without being sure all my libraries will work.  Experiences??


 Python has always been pretty backwards-compatible and has a nice
 roadmap for upgrades (with new languages features living in __future__
 for a version or so before they're in the main version). With the
 exception of 2.X-3, you can usually assume that any pure-Python
 modules written for 2.x will work in 2.(x+1), and assuming they don't
 issue any warnings, also in 2.(x+2).

 What behavior, exactly, do you not like in xmlrpclib? Diffing the 2.5
 and 2.6, only significant differences I see are checks for True/False
 as builtins left over from pre-2.4 and some datetime handling.

The xmlrpclib in my 2.5.2 install does not allow the marshaling of my
custom objects.  It checks the type of my object, and if it isn't in a
hard-coded list of types, then a Cannot marshal object of type
type exception message shows up.  The version in my Windows 2.6
install has a fall back case where if the type is not in the hard-
coded list, it simply calls Object.__dict__ to get a graph of the
object's values that can be marshaled into xmlrpc.

I am using xmlrpc through Pylons.  As a workaround, instead of
returning my custom objects in my xmlrpc server functions, I return

I also did not see anything in the revision log in the source file
about this change.

Re: *nix tail -f multiple log files with Thread

2009-02-13 Thread Jarkko Torppa
On 2009-02-13, Christian Heimes wrote:
 David schrieb:
 Hi everyone,
 I copied a program from C to track multiple log files. I would like to
 be able to print a label when a log file is updated. Here is the program;

 Don't use threads for the job. On Unix the preferred way is select()'ing
 or poll()'ing multiple file descriptors.

 File descriptors associated with regular files always select
 true  for  ready  to  read, ready to write, and error condi-

 Regular files always poll TRUE for reading and writing.

You have to either sleep or use kevent/completion/...

Jarkko Torppa, Elisa

Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread Rhodri James
On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:13:38 -, W. eWatson  

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying  
to find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's  
execution facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think  
it's evident that I'm not going around this problem easily with the IDLE  
execution attempts, and that another solution is required.

Congratulations, we've only been telling you this for the last few days.
I wonder, is there any chance that you've noticed the solution given?

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active  
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct?

Someone certainly suggested that something is based on Microsoft
Foundation Classes, which isn't very likely to be Tk-based :-)
Whatever that something is, I'm pretty sure it isn't called Active

Therefore, it is immune from such problems, correct?


Let me put it like this.  Your Tkinter program is listening out for
events like windows being moved, the mouse being clicked, keys being
pressed and so on.  IDLE also listens out for a selection of events
of the same sort.  A different graphical IDE will do the same, but will
trap and interpret the events in an entirely different manner that is
probably not even a little bit compatible with your program.  When
you run your program from inside *any* IDE, not just IDLE, it's a bit
of a lottery as to whether your program gets an event, or the IDE
does.  Chances are, *both* need to see it, at which point you're

It is possible to do this successfully, but only in a very limited
way and only if you're very careful.  If you think either of those
conditions hold, you are wrong.

Second, maybe I missed it above, but when I posted the output from the  
program that showed the failure, was there anything that said, IDLE  
problem or would even give a clue that's the culprit?

How can it?  It's not IDLE's problem, it's yours.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for  
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution of  
the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder.  
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder.

Typing at a command prompt.

For example, putting it on the desktop.

This causes an extra file read as Windows indirects through the desktop
link.  It's unlikely to be a noticeable delay at startup, but I'd
hesitate to call it better.

As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I can  
easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to  
Dev5 at the end of each name.

I'd suggest spending a while reading up on version control systems.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Simon Hibbs
On 13 Feb, 02:53, azrael wrote:

 All I hear when I talk to people who own or eork in SW companies is
 Python? Isn't that that small scripting language. This will never
 bring a real application. I am tired of hearing this. Even Microsoft
 implemented Python. Only because the GUI building I am thinking about
 of moving to IronPython. But this great comunity holds me bac on

I don't agree at all that Python can't compete with Visual Studio for
GUI development. There are Python modules for Eclipse if you need an
enterprise class IDE. For GUI design the PyQT GUI toolkit includes QT
Designer - a fully featured graphical GUI builder every bit as capable
as the one in Visual Studio. In fact I much prefer working in QT
Designer for GUI layout, the Signals/Slots model for hooking up to the
application  logic is just so much more elegant and robust.

If Eclipse is a bit heavyweight for you, and you're after a Pyhton
equivalent to VB, I can't recommend Eric enough. It's a Python IDE
written in Python using the PyQT toolkit, and integrates directly with
QTDesigner. IMHO it's far superior to anything Microsoft has to offer,
with full native support for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.

The only fly in the ointment in licensing. The QT toolkit will be
fully GPL and LGPL from version 4.4, but PyQT itself has a dual GPL/
commercial licensing structure. Still, it's relatively cheap and well
worth it if you're goingt to do commercial development.

Simon Hibbs

Turning a signature-changing decorator into a signature-preserving one

2009-02-13 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, everybody.

I have this signature-changing decorator
which I
want to turn into a signature-preserving one. Here's my try,
but I get
this error:

What am I doing wrong? I think it looks like this example:

Thanks in advance.

  - Gustavo.

PS: functols.wrap is not an option because my code has to work with
Python 2.4+.

Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Basilisk96
On Feb 12, 10:39 pm, Damon wrote:
 * Like R, every time there is a new version of Python, the repository
 should rebuild the packages, for all supported platforms, and make
 available all those that compile cleanly. R also forces you to write
 properly structured documentation for every exposed function, before
 the repository will accept it.

A very good idea indeed. I would love to start using Py3k today, but I
am still on 2.5 because I depend on win32 binaries for the majority of
my library packages. I can build some myself, but not all. A
repository of prebuilt binaries that stay in step with currently
available language releases would be most welcome.

Just my $0.02,

Which to install on my windows vista laptop?

2009-02-13 Thread Sue

Which python 2.6.1 file should I download for my windows vista home
premium laptop?  (32bit, AMD turion 64 x2)

the windows x86 MSI installer or the windows AMD64 MSI installer? 

Thank you!



Re: how can this iterator be optimized?

2009-02-13 Thread Basilisk96
On Feb 12, 1:15 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  I usually strive
  for comprehensions if a for loop can be reduced to such.

 Any particular reason?

Only two.
1.) I was impressed by their clarity and conciseness when I first
discovered them.
2.) I also read now and then that simple list comprehensions are
faster when compared with their for-loop equivalents because of the
way comprehensions are implemented under the hood. My example is a far
cry from a simple comprehension, however. :)

 If there's only one call to func(), and you ignore the (probably) fixed
 cost of jumping into a generator each time, then it shouldn't make any

 If you are comparing one call to func() in a for loop versus three calls
 to func() in a list comp or generator expression, then of course the for
 loop will be more efficient.

I agree. I would rather call func() only once per iteration in any
case. I will revise it to a plain for loop with a single call.


Re: Which to install on my windows vista laptop?

2009-02-13 Thread Kurioz
If you are using 32bit OS(which you are) then use the x86 MSI installer. 
AMD64 MSI installer is used only when you are using 64bit OS.
Sue wrote in message


Which python 2.6.1 file should I download for my windows vista home
premium laptop?  (32bit, AMD turion 64 x2)

the windows x86 MSI installer or the windows AMD64 MSI installer?

Thank you!



Re: Levenshtein word comparison -performance issue

2009-02-13 Thread Basilisk96
On Feb 13, 5:42 am, Gabriel Genellina
 You may replace the last steps (sort + slice top 5) by heapq.nlargest - at  
 least you won't waste time sorting 49995 irrelevant words...
 Anyway you should measure the time taken by the first part (Levenshtein),  
 it may be the most demanding. I think there is a C extension for this,  
 should be much faster than pure Python calculations.

It uses a modified fuzzy version of the Levenshtein algorithm, which
I found more useful than the strict version. The only quirk to it is
that it accepts nothing but unicode. Other than that, it's a keeper.
It is extremely fast.


Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Basilisk96 wrote:

 On Feb 12, 10:39 pm, Damon wrote:
  * Like R, every time there is a new version of Python, the repository
  should rebuild the packages, for all supported platforms, and make
  available all those that compile cleanly. R also forces you to write
  properly structured documentation for every exposed function, before
  the repository will accept it.

 A very good idea indeed. I would love to start using Py3k today, but I
 am still on 2.5 because I depend on win32 binaries for the majority of
 my library packages. I can build some myself, but not all. A
 repository of prebuilt binaries that stay in step with currently
 available language releases would be most welcome.

 Just my $0.02,

With Py3K, it's a little bit more complicated than rebuilding all the
packages. Because it broke compatibility, all of the C extensions have to be
rewritten before they'll work. That's why it's taking longer to create
Python 3 packages than to create 2.6 versions.



Easier to wrap C or C++ libraries?

2009-02-13 Thread argo785
When creating a Python binding to a C or C++ library, which is easier
to wrap, the C lib or the C++ one? Given a choice, if you had to
choose between using one of two libs, one written in C, the other in C+
+ -- both having approximately the same functionality -- which would
you rather deal with from your Python code?

It would seem to me that there's fewer design considerations when
wrapping a library written in C; you just wrap the functions. However,
since Python supports OOP nicely, it might also be that wrapping C++
code *could* also be staightforward... Are there many pitfalls when
having to map C++'s notion of OO to Python?

ANNOUNCING Tahoe, the Least-Authority Filesystem, v1.3

2009-02-13 Thread zooko


This Cloud Storage system is written entirely in Python except for  
the CPU-intensive parts (cryptography and erasure coding), which are  
provided as Python extension modules.  Thanks for making Python such  
a high-quality and effective tool!



ANNOUNCING Tahoe, the Least-Authority Filesystem, v1.3

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of Tahoe, the
Least Authority Filesystem.

Tahoe-LAFS is a secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem.  All
of the source code is available under a choice of two Free Software,
Open Source licences.

This filesystem is encrypted and distributed over multiple peers in
such a way it continues to function even when some of the peers are
unavailable, malfunctioning, or malicious.

Here is the one-page explanation of the security and fault-tolerance
properties that it offers:

This is the successor to v1.2, which was released July 21, 2008 [1].
This is a major new release, adding a repairer, an efficient backup
command, support for large files, an (S)FTP server, and much more.

See the NEWS file [2] and the known_issues.txt file [3] for more

In addition to the many new features of Tahoe itself, a crop of related
projects have sprung up, including Tahoe frontends for Windows and
Macintosh, two front-ends written in JavaScript, a Tahoe plugin for
duplicity, a Tahoe plugin for TiddlyWiki, a project to create a new
backup tool, CIFS/SMB integration, an iPhone app, and three incomplete
Tahoe frontends for FUSE. See Related Projects on the wiki: [4].


The version 1 branch of Tahoe is the basis of the consumer backup
product from Allmydata, Inc. -- .

Tahoe v1.3 is fully compatible with the version 1 branch of Tahoe.
Files written by v1.3 clients can be read by clients of all versions
back to v1.0 unless the file is too large -- files greater than about
12 GiB (depending on the configuration) can't be read by older clients.
v1.3 clients can read files produced by clients of all versions since
v1.0.  v1.3 servers can serve clients of all versions back to v1.0 and
v1.3 clients can use servers of all versions back to v1.0 (but can't
upload large files to them).

This is the fourth release in the version 1 series.  We believe that
this version of Tahoe is stable enough to rely on as a permanent store
of valuable data.  The version 1 branch of Tahoe will be actively
supported and maintained for the forseeable future, and future versions
of Tahoe will retain the ability to read files and directories produced
by Tahoe v1 for the forseeable future.


With Tahoe, you can distribute your filesystem across a set of
computers, such that if some of the computers fail or turn out to be
malicious, the entire filesystem continues to be available, thanks to
the remaining computers.  You can also share your files with other
users, using a simple and flexible access control scheme.

Because this software is new, we do not categorically recommend it as
the sole repository of data which is extremely confidential or
precious.  However, we believe that erasure coding, strong encryption,
Free/Open Source Software and careful engineering make Tahoe safer than
common alternatives, such as RAID, removable drive, tape, or on-line
storage or Cloud storage systems.

This software comes with extensive unit tests [5], and there are no
known security flaws which would compromise confidentiality or data
integrity.  (For all currently known issues please see the
known_issues.txt file [2].)

This release of Tahoe is suitable for the friendnet use case [6] --
it is easy to create a filesystem spread over the computers of you and
your friends so that you can share disk space and files.


You may use this package under the GNU General Public License, version
2 or, at your option, any later version.  See the file COPYING.GPL
[7] for the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.

You may use this package under the Transitive Grace Period Public
Licence, version 1.0.  The Transitive Grace Period Public Licence has
requirements similar to the GPL except that it allows you to wait for
up to twelve months after you redistribute a derived work before
releasing the source code of your derived work. See the file
COPYING.TGPPL.html [8] for the terms of the Transitive Grace Period
Public Licence, version 1.0.

(You may choose to use this package under the terms of either licence,
at your option.)


Tahoe works on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, and Solaris, and
probably most other systems.  Start with docs/install.html [9].


Please join us on the mailing list [10].  Patches that extend and
improve Tahoe are gratefully accepted -- the RoadMap page [11] shows
the next improvements that we plan to make and CREDITS [12] lists the
names of people who've contributed to the project.  The 

RELEASED Python 3.0.1

2009-02-13 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On behalf of the Python development team, I'm happy to announce the  
availability of Python 3.0.1, the first bug fix release of Python  
3.0.  Version 3.0.1 fixes dozens of bugs reported since the release of  
Python 3.0 on December 3rd, 2008.

Python 3.0 represents a major milestone in Python's history.  This new  
version of the language is incompatible with the 2.x line of releases,  
while remaining true to BDFL Guido van Rossum's vision.

For more information, links to documentation, and downloadable  
distributions, see the Python 3.0.1 release page:

To report bugs in Python 3.0.1, please submit them to the issue  
tracker at:


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


Re: Easier to wrap C or C++ libraries?

2009-02-13 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 When creating a Python binding to a C or C++ library, which is easier
 to wrap, the C lib or the C++ one? Given a choice, if you had to
 choose between using one of two libs, one written in C, the other in C+
 + -- both having approximately the same functionality -- which would
 you rather deal with from your Python code?

 It would seem to me that there's fewer design considerations when
 wrapping a library written in C; you just wrap the functions. However,
 since Python supports OOP nicely, it might also be that wrapping C++
 code *could* also be staightforward... Are there many pitfalls when
 having to map C++'s notion of OO to Python?

There is no question about it in my mind that wrapping C is easier.
Reason being that python is written in C and not C++.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: pdb in 3.0 very buggy (Win XP Home)

2009-02-13 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Aaron Brady castironpi at writes:

 Hi, got a freeze when running 'pdb' in 3.0.

This is a known issue because of the rewrite of the IO library in 3.0. It will
hopefully be fixed in 3.1. See for more


Re: Easier to wrap C or C++ libraries?

2009-02-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 5:35 PM, wrote:
 When creating a Python binding to a C or C++ library, which is easier
 to wrap, the C lib or the C++ one? Given a choice, if you had to
 choose between using one of two libs, one written in C, the other in C+
 + -- both having approximately the same functionality -- which would
 you rather deal with from your Python code?

 It would seem to me that there's fewer design considerations when
 wrapping a library written in C; you just wrap the functions. However,
 since Python supports OOP nicely, it might also be that wrapping C++
 code *could* also be staightforward... Are there many pitfalls when
 having to map C++'s notion of OO to Python?

You're asking two separate questions here.

(1) For Python bindings, is it easier to wrap C, or C++ libraries?
As Daniel points out, C is easier to wrap because CPython itself is
written in C, and C++ cannot be linked directly to C.

(2) Is it easier to use C or C++ bindings from Python code?
Interface-wise, the C++ bindings would be easier to work with at the
Python level as they are object-oriented.

In practice, C libraries are usually wrapped because that's easier to
do. However, to compensate for their procedural interface, people
often write another module on top of the raw Python bindings to expose
a public interface that appears more object-oriented, and make the
lower-level module internal/private.


Follow the path of the Iguana...

String concatenation performance with +=

2009-02-13 Thread Sammo
String concatenation has been optimized since 2.3, so using += should
be fairly fast.

In my first test, I tried concatentating a 4096 byte string 1000 times
in the following code, and the result was indeed very fast (12.352 ms
on my machine).

import time
t = time.time()
mydata = 
moredata = A*4096
for i in range(1000):
mydata += moredata # 12.352 ms
print %0.3f ms%(1000*(time.time() - t))

However, I got a different result in my second test, which is
implemented in a class with a feed() method. This test took 4653.522
ms on my machine, which is 350x slower than the previous test!

class StringConcatTest:
def __init__(self):
self.mydata = 

def feed(self, moredata):
self.mydata += moredata # 4653.522 ms

test = StringConcatTest()
t = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
print %0.3f ms%(1000*(time.time() - t))

Note that I need to do something to mydata INSIDE the loop, so please
don't tell me to append moredata to a list and then use .join after
the loop.

Why is the second test so much slower?

Re: String concatenation performance with +=

2009-02-13 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Sammo sammo2828 at writes:

 String concatenation has been optimized since 2.3, so using += should
 be fairly fast.

This is implementation dependent and shouldn't be relied upon.

 Note that I need to do something to mydata INSIDE the loop, so please
 don't tell me to append moredata to a list and then use .join after
 the loop.

Then why not just mutate the list and then call .join?

 Why is the second test so much slower?

Probably several reasons:

1. Function call overhead is quite large compared to these simple operations.
2. You are resolving attribute names.


Re: A little bit else I would like to discuss

2009-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Martin wrote:

 at first I wanted to file this under meta-discussions, but your lost
 paragraph got me thinking...
 2009/2/12 Christian Heimes
 Nobody is going to stop you from creating a large bundle of useful
 extensions as long as you follow the licenses. In fact lots of people
 may appreciate a bundle. But the Python core package will always stay
 small and agile.
 How does small and agile work with batteries included?

Well, it certainly isn't agile without batteries.

From my point of view:
  Would describe faster extension of the standard lib (rrd, yaml should
 IMHO already be in the standard lib). 

No, agile describes the language. It's easy to get things done *with*
Python. You're asking whether the Python-dev development process of getting
packages added to the standard library is agile. It absolutely is not, and
that is by design: python-dev doesn't want to fill the std lib up with
unnecessary, unused and buggy batteries just because one or two people
request them.

 I'm pretty sure other people 
 want to see other modules, but that's what agile + standard lib would
 mean for me. (Also I'm sometimes confused by the naming of modules but
 that's a different story)

The process for getting modules added to the std lib is on the Python

If you have a library you want added, go right ahead and make a PEP.

  just the opposite of batteries included

Says who? Batteries can be small, and adding a few new batteries to the pile
doesn't necessarily make the pile significantly bigger.

Small means it doesn't have unnecessary batteries.

 My absolute favorite would be
  * python as just python (no standard lib)

Would be a toy.

  * a (rather) fast moving standard lib available as an addon download

No no no, the std lib needs to be conservative, so that if you write code
that relies on the std lib, you can be confident that it will work
anywhere. The core language and std library are conservative, slowly
changing, so that developers have stability. You don't have to write code
like this:

if version == 2.5:
code block
elif version == 2.5.1b:
different code block
elif version == 2.5.1:
still different code block
elif version == 2.5.2:
if exists(module):
code block
something different again
elif version == 2.5.3:

If you want to live on the bleeding edge, with rapidly changing APIs and
libraries, they have a repository for that. It's called the Internet.



Re: RELEASED Python 3.0.1

2009-02-13 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On behalf of the Python development team, I'm happy to announce the
 availability of Python 3.0.1, the first bug fix release of Python 3.0.
  Version 3.0.1 fixes dozens of bugs reported since the release of Python 3.0
 on December 3rd, 2008.

 Python 3.0 represents a major milestone in Python's history.  This new
 version of the language is incompatible with the 2.x line of releases, while
 remaining true to BDFL Guido van Rossum's vision.

 For more information, links to documentation, and downloadable
 distributions, see the Python 3.0.1 release page:

 To report bugs in Python 3.0.1, please submit them to the issue tracker at:


Any chance of getting a Mac installer for this one?

Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson

Scott David Daniels wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to 
run it

*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a 
Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE 
doesn't issue a standard warning that says, Get out of here with 
your Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You 
have entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye.

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television.  Maybe 
they work together, maybe they crash the TV.  Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same 
resources that TK does may conflict with it.  There is no way that 
IDLE can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop 

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying 
to find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's 
execution facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think 
it's evident that I'm not going around this problem easily with the 
IDLE execution attempts, and that another solution is required.

That's correct, but you still don't understand _why_ it is correct.
I suggest you re-read the thread and try to understand everything you
are being told.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active 
pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune 
from such problems, correct?

Wrong.  I was the one who said that ActiveState had a product to debug
Python programs across a nertwork connection.  The product is _not_
ActivePython (the freely distributed system), but rather the Komodo IDE,
which does cost money.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't you, and had no relationship to what you brought 
up earlier several messages up the thread. There are other forums.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for 
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution 
of the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. 
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder. For 
example, putting it on the desktop. As I look at the folder, previous 
copies only differ by a digit, I can easily find myself executing an 
earlier version, differing as Dev4, to Dev5 at the end of each name.

OK, you are using the oldest and least useful revision control system,
rename and remember.  I'd suggest you get and use bazaar, but you'll
just ask for shortcuts on how to use it without understanding what it does.
It works for me, and, frankly, I'm not interested in going to Linux, SunOS 
or other revision systmes. These are way in my distant past, and the only 
reason I'm currently, and begrudgingly, once again writing programs is that 
the Python software program I am using is limited in its ability. I've 
finally, after 2-3 years of hoping someone else would do it, taken up the 
torch to add new features. Frankly, I'd rather be doing something else with 
my time.

And, yes, you are somewhat correct in your earlier assessment of my goals, 
the sooner this is over the better. You may not like my philosophy, but it 
serves me well at the moment, and I'm moving ahead nicely now.

As I recall from the old movie Desk Set, a conversation between their two 
characters regarding a puzzle he was about to give her as a test of her 
office abilities: Tracy cautions Hepburn, Never assume! before relating 
the famous detective problem. Never assume.

Nevertheless, thank you for your responses.
Be kind to your keyboard.


--Scott David Daniels

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: Untangling pythonWin and IDLE Processes on XP Pro

2009-02-13 Thread W. eWatson


How can it?  It's not IDLE's problem, it's yours.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for 
editing and syntax checking, but to guarantee successful execution 
of the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. 
Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder.

Typing at a command prompt.

For example, putting it on the desktop.

This causes an extra file read as Windows indirects through the desktop
link.  It's unlikely to be a noticeable delay at startup, but I'd
hesitate to call it better.

As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I can 
easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to 
Dev5 at the end of each name.

I'd suggest spending a while reading up on version control systems.

See my response to Scott. Thanks for your reply.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


  1   2   3   >