Elisa Media Center 0.5.34 Release

2009-03-31 Thread Olivier Tilloy
Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.34, code-named Always With Me, Always With You.

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

This release is a lightweight release, meaning it is pushed through
our automatic plugin update system.
As usual, for users running a version of Elisa = 0.5.27, the upgrade to
0.5.34 should be done automatically via the plugin repository.

As usual, tarballs are provided for distribution packagers.

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and introduces cool new features
(under the hood) in the widgets system and the styling engine.

A complete list of the issues fixed can be found at:


This is also summarised in the (attached) release notes.

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a media-centered evening,

Olivier, for the Elisa team

[1] http://www.gstreamer.net/
[2] https://code.fluendo.com/pigment/trac
Elisa 0.5.34 Always With Me, Always With You

This is Elisa 0.5.34, thirty-fourth release of the 0.5 branch.

New features since 0.5.33:

- CSS themes support named instances of widgets and widgets in a specific state
- CSS themes support unlimitedly deeply nested attributes

Bugs fixed since 0.5.33:

- 348048: feed lists are not reset in the RSS plugin
- 347859: TV Show posters not retrieved correctly from thetvdb
- 349429: remove anything between [ and ] in video filename before doing 
internet lookup


You can find source releases of Elisa on the download page:

Elisa Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website: http://elisa.fluendo.com

Support and Bugs

We use Launchpad for bug reports and feature requests:


All code is in a Bazaar branch and can be checked out from there.
It is hosted on Launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/elisa

Contributors to this release:

- Anna Wojdel
- David McLeod
- Florian Boucault
- Guillaume Emont
- Jesús Corrius
- Krzysztof Adamski
- Lionel Martin
- Marc Garcia
- Maxwell Young
- Olivier Tilloy
- Philippe Normand

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Data Plotting Library DISLIN 9.5

2009-03-31 Thread Helmut Michels

Dear Python users,

I am pleased to announce version 9.5 of the data plotting software

DISLIN is a high-level and easy to use plotting library for
displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots,
surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are supported
such as X11, VGA, PostScript, PDF, CGM, WMF, HPGL, TIFF, GIF, PNG,
BMP and SVG.

The software is available for the most C, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90/95
compilers. Plotting extensions for the interpreting languages Perl,
Python and Java are also supported.

DISLIN distributions and manuals in PDF, PostScript and HTML format
are available from the DISLIN home page


and via FTP from the server


All DISLIN distributions are free for non-commercial use. Licenses
for commercial use are available from the site http://www.dislin.de.

  Helmut Michels
  Max Planck Institute for
  Solar System Research   Phone: +49 5556 979-334
  Max-Planck-Str. 2   Fax  : +49 5556 979-240
  D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau   Mail : mich...@mps.mpg.de

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Davy's Ironpython Editor

2009-03-31 Thread daftspan...@gmail.com
DIE (Davy's Ironpython Editor) is a clutter free IronPython code
editor with some basic IDE features. The project intentions is to
create a editor along the lines of SPE or DrPython for the IronPython
world. DIE is easy to deploy (zero install) and will run from a USB
key etc.

This project is targeted at IronPython 2.0 and is developed on the
Windows Platform. Currently it uses the SyntaxBox component (LGPL) for
the text editing component. Source code is available via SVN.

If you want to take a look there are a couple of screen shots - please

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Unix programmers and Idle

2009-03-31 Thread Niklas Norrthon
On 31 Mar, 01:16, Dale Amon a...@vnl.com wrote:
 I wonder if someone could point me at documentation
 on how to debug some of the standard Unix type things
 in Idle. I cannot seem to figure out how to set my
 argument line for the program I am debugging in an Idle
 window. for example:

         vlmdeckcheck.py --strict --debug file.dat

 There must be a way to tell it what the command line args
 are for the test run but I can't find it so far.

As others have said it isn't. This is what I do:

I make sure my scripts are on the form:

# imports

# global initialization (not depending on sys.argv)

def main():
# initialization (might depend on sys.argv)
# script logic

# other functions

if __name__ == '__main__':

Then I have a trivial debug script named debug_whatever.py, which I
use as my entry point during debugging:

# debug_whatever.py:
import sys
sys.argv[1:] = ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']

import whatever

/Niklas Norrthon

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 30, 9:31 pm, Rhodri James rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk
 On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:59:12 +0100, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
  It's the configuration problem.  Right now you would use something
  like ConfigParser or optparse to populate some configuration object,
  which you would then pass around and extract values from.  This would
  provide two advantages over these approaches:  it would separate what
  can be configured from the mechanism by which it is configured -
  i.e., I, programmer, don't have to make a decision about what the end
  user has to do to give me those values.

 This would be a interesting idea, but ultimately no more than a veneer
 over the current set of configuration possibilities.  Quite how such a
 system would tell whether to get configuration data from command line
 parameters, a config file somewhere, or just pull bytes off the Z-wave
  from Mars, I'm not at all clear.

Not a veneer over; a foundation under.  As I acknowledged in my blog
post, this would require a small bit of bootstrapping, to configure
which end-user configuration system was used.  But this would simply
point to an adapter, that would map from the desired configuration
interface into the canonical standard api provided by the language

The problem with the current set of configuration possibilities is
that there's nothing really constant between them, unless the
programmer explicitly codes it, even though they're basically
accomplishing the same thing.  There's nothing amazingly special about
this proposal, it's just saying:  that basic thing that we do in a lot
of different ways, let's make as much of that as possible standard.  I
think that cutoff point is below the end-user interface, since there
are a lot of valid ways to want to actually inject config data
(command line, local files, from a db, etc.), but there's no reason
that the end-user interfaces can't rest on top of a lower-level common
format that the programmer can rely on.

   And it would allow the
  configurable surface of the program to be discoverable; I wouldn't
  have to poke through code or documentation that was maintained
  separate from the source code.

 Except that you still do.  

No, you don't.  If you do, then this proposal hasn't been implemented
(and the little code snippet I provided in my post, please don't
consider that a full implementation, it was just a sketch I threw
together in a really short time).  I'm not saying discoverability
magically arises; I'm saying that it's one the main points that would
be deliberately put into place.

 You've just specified a different way in
 which you have to do this, one that's a good deal less visible in
 the code

Why would it be less visible?  If it's syntax, you would know exactly
where it was just by looking.  I would argue that it's more clear - no
more boilerplate code spent shuffling around config objects that you
peel values out of, just write the code that does the work you're
actually trying to accomplish, with a small bit of syntax to mark that
the end user can provide an alternate value.

 and a lot less self-documenting because it's spread out all
 over the place.  

Actually, you get the best of both worlds.  You get to see clearly in
the code how the configured values are actually used, and you get the
gathered summary of configurable values from the discoverability

 It also has the major disadvantage from my point of
 view of requiring Python to do magic in the background to figure out
 just what is being configured.

If it's built into the language, it stops being magic, and turns into
how it works.

- Jason

 Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses


Re: Speech activated scripting/macroing for Windows

2009-03-31 Thread John Doe

This might be a better link.

After getting it to work, at first, it seems excellent for continuous 
command recognition (with speech activated scripting) in Windows. Yes!

Re: Re. suid/sudo in python

2009-03-31 Thread rustom
On Mar 30, 9:41 pm, Martin P. Hellwig martin.hell...@dcuktec.org
 Rustom Mody wrote:

 The essence of your program is that you only want information, that is
 great! Since that makes it all a bit simpler.

 How about writing a cronjob that outputs the require information into a
 file and then write a separate program that reads the output and
 displays it on the web site when requested?

I dont 'only want information.' I want to do everything that root can
do through a web interface

 I don't think this is necessary a python problem but a generic, SUID
 scripts considered dangerous, problem.

Yeah I know and I'm prepared for the consequences -- think of it as
running with the hardware ethernet interfaces down-ed.
Seems to contradict the web thing above so let me explain:

Machine runs vista - Vista runs VMware - VMware hosts ubuntu
Ubuntu behaves like a disk rack.
Through the web client running on Vista, I want to view and *Control*
the ubuntu disk rack (somewhat like manipulating the cups printer via

The context is that we want to teach a course on LVM, RAID, SCSI
actual disks  etc and during that we would like a nice summarised
picture in front of the class rather than arcane playing-around-ing
with fdisk, pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate, mdadm etc command lines.

I think I know what I am going to try (Got it from an old python list
posting here
which explains how perl does it)
Copy /usr/bin/python to ~/bin/python-su
make it suid
run the scripts under python-su

Any major holes (apart from the security ones :-) ) in my plan??

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread David Stanek
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:40 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've written a short post on including support for configuration down
 at the language level, including a small preliminary half-functional
 example of what this might look like in Python, available at

 The basic idea is that a language could offer syntactic support for
 declaring configurable points in the program.  The language system
 would then offer an api to allow the end user to discover a programs
 configuration service, as well as a general api for providing
 configuration values.

What value does this have over simply having a configuration file. In
your load testing application you could have easily checked for the
settings in a config object. I think that the discover-ability of
configuration can be handled with example configs and documentation.

blog: http://www.traceback.org
twitter: http://twitter.com/dstanek

Re: complaints about no replies last week

2009-03-31 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

 prueba...@latinmail.com writes:
  I myself asked about how to write a library to efficiently do union
  and intersection of sets containing time intervals some time ago on
  this list and got little to no answers. It is a tricky problem. Since
  I was getting paid I got an O(n*n) solution working. People on this
  list on the other hand do not get paid and answer whatever strikes
  their fancy. Sometimes the question is hard or confusing and nobody is
  motivated enough to answer.

 I wasn't around when you posted this I guess. Do you mean intervals sets
 on the (real) number line such as:

   1-3, 6-10 meaning all numbers between 1 and 3 and all numbers
   between 6 and 10.

 In this case I think you can achieve union and intersection in O(nlogn)
 where n is the total number of intervals in the interval sets to unify
 or intersect. There is an implementation below. I have chosen a very
 simple data structure for interval sets: an interval set is the list of
 its endpoints. E.g.

 1-3, 6-10 is the list [1, 3, 6, 10]

 This means that I can't specify whether an interval is closed or open.
 So in the implementation below all intervals are assumed to be open.
 The method could be made to work for any kind of intervals with the same
 complexity, there would just be a few more LOC.  I'm focusing on the
 principle - here it is:

 # Implementation of union and intersection of interval sets.

 from itertools import *

 def combine(threshold, intsets):
 endpoints = sorted(chain(*imap(izip, intsets, repeat(cycle([1,-1])
 height = 0
 compound = []
 for x, step in endpoints:
 old_height = height
 height += step
 if max(height, old_height) == threshold:
 return compound

 def union(*intsets):
 return combine(1, intsets)

 def intersection(*intsets):
 return combine(len(intsets), intsets)

 # tests

 def pretty(a):
 a = iter(a)
 return ', '.join(%s-%s % (a, b) for a, b in izip(a, a))

 tests = [
 ([1, 5, 10, 15], [3, 11, 13, 20]),
 ([2, 4, 6, 8], [4, 7, 10, 11]),
 ([0, 11], [5, 10, 15, 25], [7, 12, 13, 15]),

 for intsets in tests:
 print sets: , ; .join(imap(pretty, intsets))
 print union: , pretty(union(*intsets))
 print intersection: , pretty(intersection(*intsets))
 print -*20

 Is this what you were looking for?


I realised after posting last night that I must be

(1) solving the wrong problem
(2) solving it badly

- My implementation of the combine() function above is O(nlogn)
(because of the sorted() call) whereas it could be O(n) by iterating
over the interval in the parallel manner, hence (2).  This would make
union() and intersection() O(n).

- As the problem was solved by the OP in O(n^2) I must be solving the
wrong problem (1).

I apologise for this.

However it was a nice and compact implementation IMHO :)


Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread rustom
I am not sure I understand your solution. I certainly think that the
problem is big, very much bigger than is appreciated.
Think of the hoopla in the RoR world about convention-over-

On the other hand I feel that emacs is becoming messier and messier
because it has taken up something like your idea.  Originally there
was only setq (lisp for assignment).  Now there is the whole customize-
mess.  Then again I guess its not the idea that is wrong but its
current state of implementation.  To elaborate on this mess would be
too OT for this list.  Nevertheless its a good starting point for the
kind of thing you are talking of.

Re: Deleteing empty directories

2009-03-31 Thread CinnamonDonkey
Steven you are right, isDirEmpty() isn't even used. That's what
happens when you try to get a last minute thread going 5 minutes
before home time! ;-)

Thanx for the responses guys! It's been very useful :)

On 30 Mar, 16:38, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-
cybersource.com.au wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:14:55 -0700, CinnamonDonkey wrote:
  My understanding was that rmtree removes a whole tree not just the empty

 So it seems:


 I think what you want is os.removedirs().


 ['keep', 'die-die-die'] os.removedirs('root/die-die-die/empty/empty/empty')


  def isDirEmpty( path ):
      if not os.path.isdir( path ):
          return False

      contents = os.listdir( path )

      if len(contents) == 0:
          return True

      return False

 That can be simplified to:

 # untested
 def isDirEmpty(path):
     return os.path.isdir(path) and not len(os.listdir(path))

  def RecurseTree( path ):
      if not os.path.isdir( path ):
          return False

 What if it is a symbolic link to a directory?

      contents = os.listdir( path )

      if len(contents) == 0:
          print Deleting Empty Dir '%s' % (path,) #shutil.rmtree(path)

 Why do you go to the trouble of defining isDirEmpty() and then not use it?

          for item in contents:
              investigate = %s\\%s % (path, item) if
                  RecurseTree( investigate )

 As soon as you start recursively walking over directories, you should use
 os.walk. It will almost certainly do what you want.

  if __name__ == '__main__':
      RecurseTree( rc:\temp )

  But I'm not sure what the max recursion depth is in python?

 By default in my version:



 but it can be changed.

  Plus I think this could be more efficient.

 Probably, but why do you care? The file I/O probably will take 99% of the
 time, and I doubt you can improve that.

 Of course I could be wrong, so profile, profile, profile, and find out
 where the time really is being spent.



Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 2:54 am, David Stanek dsta...@dstanek.com wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:40 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've written a short post on including support for configuration down
  at the language level, including a small preliminary half-functional
  example of what this might look like in Python, available at

  The basic idea is that a language could offer syntactic support for
  declaring configurable points in the program.  The language system
  would then offer an api to allow the end user to discover a programs
  configuration service, as well as a general api for providing
  configuration values.

 What value does this have over simply having a configuration file.

Simply having a configuration file - okay.  What format?  What if
the end user wants to keep their configuration info in LDAP?  Did the
library I'm including make the same decisions, or do I have to do some
contortions to adapt?  Didn't I write basically this  exact same code
for the last umpteen projects I worked on, just schlepping around
config objects?

 In your load testing application you could have easily checked for the
 settings in a config object.

Not really easily, no.  It would have been repeated boilerplate across
many different test cases (actually, that's what we started with and
refactored away), instead of a simple declaration that delegated the
checking to the test runner.

 I think that the discover-ability of
 configuration can be handled with example configs and documentation.

Who's keeping that up to date?  Who's making sure it stays in sync
with the code?  Why even bother, if you could get it automatically
from the code?



Re: usb mass storage device detection

2009-03-31 Thread Tim Golden

prakash jp wrote:

Hi all,

I am interested in detecting usb mass storage devices, r there any scripts
in python to do so. Thanks in advance.

What? Detecting their presence in your pocket? :)

Which operating system are you using? It tends to
make a difference: these things are quite OS-specific.
If it's Windows, WMI is usually a good bet, altho' it
does depend on exactly what you're trying to do.


Re: unpack the source tarball on Windows

2009-03-31 Thread Michael Torrie
Mensanator wrote:
 Thanks. Still had to untar the ball, but I also downloaded a
 trial version of Winzip which took care of that.

Right.  The proper command is:

tar -xvjf tarball.tar.bz2

The recommended GUI for all things archival on Windows I think has to be
7zip.  And it's not cursed shareware either.  Open source.


Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread CTO
On the one hand, I can 110% see why you want to reduce boilerplate
code and provide a discoverable, common mechanism for automating the
two and three-quarters parsers that a lot of applications have to
write to handle a config file, CLI, and/or registry values, but why
introduce a syntax for it? A module would do just fine in terms of
function. Are you worried about the look of it, or do you want to make
a change to make it seem more mainstream? I don't see the


Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 23:06:50 -0700, jfager wrote:

 On Mar 30, 9:31 pm, Rhodri James rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk wrote:
 This would be a interesting idea, but ultimately no more than a veneer
 over the current set of configuration possibilities.  Quite how such a
 system would tell whether to get configuration data from command line
 parameters, a config file somewhere, or just pull bytes off the Z-wave
  from Mars, I'm not at all clear.
 Not a veneer over; a foundation under.  As I acknowledged in my blog
 post, this would require a small bit of bootstrapping, to configure
 which end-user configuration system was used.  But this would simply
 point to an adapter, that would map from the desired configuration
 interface into the canonical standard api provided by the language

Let's talk about a practical example. The ls command has the API that the 
-l switch means show me long options. You're suggesting that users 
should not interact with the user-interface, but directly with the 
implementation. You are, essentially, assuming that there is a one-to-one 
correspondence between data that the user inputs and variables in the 
implementation, and that users can understand the implementation.

But that's not necessarily the case. The switch -l might affect a dozen 
different variables. So instead of the user needing to learn *one* 
command line option (or click on one checkbox in a GUI, or whatever), you 
expect him to reason I want to see a long display of my files, so I need 
to set the value of line_width to 47, date_style to 3, show_perms to 
True, and format_into_columns to -1.

I don't think that's going to fly. Separation of interface and 
implementation is a Good Thing.

Or consider another scenario:

def ls:
if '-l' in sys.argv:
file_iterator = SimpleFilenameWriter()
file_iterator = DetailedFilenameWriter()

Under your proposal, the user would somehow have to create the 
appropriate instance and feed it to your program. That's simply not 
practical! So you still need some sort of proxy variable, virtually 
identically as you do now:

conf make_long_list = True

def ls(optionlist):
if make_long_list:
file_iterator = SimpleFilenameWriter()
file_iterator = DetailedFilenameWriter()

 The problem with the current set of configuration possibilities is that
 there's nothing really constant between them, unless the programmer
 explicitly codes it, even though they're basically accomplishing the
 same thing.  There's nothing amazingly special about this proposal, it's
 just saying:  that basic thing that we do in a lot of different ways,
 let's make as much of that as possible standard.

Over-generalization actually makes things more complicated. I think 
you're over-generalizing.

 You've just specified a different way in which you have to do this, one
 that's a good deal less visible in the code
 Why would it be less visible?  If it's syntax, you would know exactly
 where it was just by looking.

It could be *anywhere* in your project. It could be in some random 
library that you imported, and the user discovers that they can modify 
variables you didn't even know existed.

 Actually, you get the best of both worlds.  You get to see clearly in
 the code how the configured values are actually used, and you get the
 gathered summary of configurable values from the discoverability

I've learned to distrust discovery, ever since I learned that my 
doctests, which were supposedly all running without error, in fact hadn't 
been discovered at all, and not one single test was running. So even if 
you could get this working, I'd be luke-warm on the idea.


Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread John Machin
On Mar 31, 4:44 pm, venutaurus...@gmail.com
venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,
             I've a requirement where I need to create around 1000
 files under a given folder with each file size of around 1GB. The
 constraints here are each file should have random data and no two
 files should be unique even if I run the same script multiple times.
 Moreover the filenames should also be unique every time I run the
 script.One possibility is that we can use Unix time format for the
 file   names with some extensions. Can this be done within few minutes
 of time.

You should be able to write a simple script to create 1000 files with
unique names and each containing 1GB of doesn't-matter-what data and
find out for yourself how long that takes. If it takes much longer
than a few (how many is a few?) minutes, then it's pointless
worrying about other constraints like no two files should be
unique (whatever that means) and random data (why do you want to
create 1000GB of random data??) because imposing them certainly won't
make it run faster.

 Is it possble only using threads or can be done in any other
 way. This has to be done in Windows.

 Please mail back for any queries you may have,

This looks VERY SIMILAR to a question you asked about 12 days ago ...


Re: Relative Imports, why the hell is it so hard?

2009-03-31 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 31 Mrz., 04:55, Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar wrote:
 En Mon, 30 Mar 2009 21:15:59 -0300, Aahz a...@pythoncraft.com escribió:

  In article mailman.2591.1237922208.11746.python-l...@python.org,
  Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar wrote:

  I'd recommend the oposite - use relative (intra-package) imports when
  possible. Explicit is better than implicit - and starting with 2.7 -when
  absolute import semantics will be enabled by default- you'll *have* to
  use relative imports inside a package, or fail.

  Really?  I thought you would still be able to use absolute imports; you
  just won't be able to use implied relative imports instead of explicit
  relative imports.

 You're right, I put it wrongly. To make things clear, inside a package
 foo accessible thru sys.path, containing a.py and b.py:


 Currently, the a module can import b this way:

  from foo import b
 import foo.b
  from . import b
 import b

 When implicit relative imports are disabled (from __future__ import
 absolute_import, or after 2.7 supposedly) the last one won't find b.py
 (I hope I put it right this time).

 Gabriel Genellina

So it even breaks more code which is great ;)

Do you know of any near or far past attempts to re-design the import
system from the ground up? I do not mean a rather faithful and
accessible reconstruction such as Brett Cannons work but a radical re-
design which starts with a domain model and does not end with Loaders,
Importers and Finders which are actually services that pretend to be


Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 3:08 am, rustom rustompm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am not sure I understand your solution.

Any questions, please ask.

 I certainly think that the
 problem is big, very much bigger than is appreciated.
 Think of the hoopla in the RoR world about convention-over-

Certainly, it's a big problem.  I'm not saying this will solve it
completely, or anything like that.  I just want to identify the most
common, basic needs that can be solved once and provided as a service
to the programmer and the end user, and to get rid of some of the
repetitive work around dealing with configuration.

 On the other hand I feel that emacs is becoming messier and messier
 because it has taken up something like your idea.  Originally there
 was only setq (lisp for assignment).  Now there is the whole customize-
 mess.  Then again I guess its not the idea that is wrong but its
 current state of implementation.  To elaborate on this mess would be
 too OT for this list.  Nevertheless its a good starting point for the
 kind of thing you are talking of.

I don't think emacs is a great parallel, for a couple of reasons.
First, the customize system seems weird and out of place in a world
where the entrenched configuration mechanism is 'program it directly
in your .emacs file' - by the time you know enough emacs to be able to
improve the customize interface, you don't want to use it anymore.
Also, the lack of namespacing in elisp means there's not a great way
to automatically name and organize these points, so again it falls to
the individual programmers to decide, and they inevitably decide on
something slightly different from each other.

Any other web mail accessor like libgmail?

2009-03-31 Thread Ken
Is there other python wrapper such as libhotmail or libyahoomail?

curiously ask. :p

Re: Windows command line not displaying print commands

2009-03-31 Thread John Machin
On Mar 31, 11:42 am, Terry Reedy tjre...@udel.edu wrote:
 JonathanB wrote:
  Ok, I'm sure this is really simple, but I cannot for the life of me
  get any print statements from any of my python scripts to actually
  print when I call them from the windows command line. What am I doing

  print Hello World!

  command line:
  E:\Python\devpython hello.py


  I'm using Python 2.6.1

 I suspect that it opens the window, prints to it, and closes it in a
 blink of an eye.

What window? He's *already* in a Command Prompt window, he's typing a
command python hello.py, and getting only a blank line and another

  If so, adding an input prompt after the print will
 stop the window from closing until you respond to the prompt.

 a = input(hit return to close)



Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 3:30 am, CTO debat...@gmail.com wrote:
 On the one hand, I can 110% see why you want to reduce boilerplate
 code and provide a discoverable, common mechanism for automating the
 two and three-quarters parsers that a lot of applications have to
 write to handle a config file, CLI, and/or registry values, but why
 introduce a syntax for it? A module would do just fine in terms of
 function. Are you worried about the look of it, or do you want to make
 a change to make it seem more mainstream? I don't see the

Syntax is kind of a rubbery term.  I just mean that there should be a
clear and easy way to do it, that it should be considered a basic
service, and that if the best way to satisfy all the goals is to
integrate it directly into the language, that shouldn't be shied away

The example that I have on my blog post, I consider that 'syntax',
even though it's implemented as a function, mainly just because it
digs into the bytecode and modifies the normal way a function is
evaluated (the function's value is determined by where the output
would go).

Re: Cyclic GC rules for subtyped objects with tp_dictoffset

2009-03-31 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
[ Questions such as this might be better suited for the capi-sig list,
  http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/capi-sig ]

BChess bch...@gmail.com writes:

 I'm writing a new PyTypeObject that is base type, supports cyclic
 GC, and has a tp_dictoffset.  If my type is sub-typed by a python
 class, what exactly are the rules for how I'm supposed to treat my
 PyDict object with regards to cyclic GC?  Do I still visit it in my
 traverse () function if I'm subtyped?  Do I decrement the refcount
 upon dealloc?  By the documentation, I'm assuming I should always be
 using _PyObject_GetDictPtr() to be accessing the dictionary, which I
 do.  But visiting the dictionary in traverse() in the case it's
 subtyped results in a crash in weakrefobject.c.  I'm using Python

First off, if your class is intended only as a base class, are you
aware that simply inheriting from a dictless class adds a dict
automatically?  For example, the base object type has no dict, but
inheriting from it automatically adds one (unless you override that
using __slots__).  Having said that, I'll assume that the base class
is usable on its own and its direct instances need to have a dict as

I'm not sure if this kind of detail is explicitly documented, but as
far as the implementation goes, the answer to your question is in
Objects/typeobject.c:subtype_traverse.  That function gets called to
traverse instances of heap types (python subclasses of built-in
classes such as yours).  It contains code like this:

 if (type-tp_dictoffset != base-tp_dictoffset) {
 PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
 if (dictptr  *dictptr)

According to this, the base class is responsible for visiting its dict
in its tp_traverse, and the subtype only visits the dict it added
(which is why its location differs).  Note that visiting an object
twice still shouldn't cause a crash; objects may be and are visited an
arbitrary number of times, and it's up to the GC to ignore those it
has already seen.  So it's possible that you have a bug elsewhere in
the code.

As far as the decrementing goes, the rule of thumb is: if you created
it, you get to decref it.  subtype_dealloc contains very similar

/* If we added a dict, DECREF it */
if (type-tp_dictoffset  !base-tp_dictoffset) {
PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
if (dictptr != NULL) {
PyObject *dict = *dictptr;
if (dict != NULL) {
*dictptr = NULL;

So, if the subtype added a dict, it was responsible for creating it
and it will decref it.  If the dict was created by you, it's up to you
to dispose of it.

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 22:44:41 -0700, venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello all,
 I've a requirement where I need to create around 1000
 files under a given folder with each file size of around 1GB. The
 constraints here are each file should have random data and no two files
 should be unique even if I run the same script multiple times. 

I don't understand what you mean. No two files should be unique means 
literally that only *one* file is unique, the others are copies of each 

Do you mean that no two files should be the same?

 the filenames should also be unique every time I run the script. One
 possibility is that we can use Unix time format for the file   names
 with some extensions. 

That's easy. Start a counter at 0, and every time you create a new file, 
name the file by that counter, then increase the counter by one.

 Can this be done within few minutes of time. Is it
 possble only using threads or can be done in any other way. This has to
 be done in Windows.

Is it possible? Sure. In a couple of minutes? I doubt it. 1000 files of 
1GB each means you are writing 1TB of data to a HDD. The fastest HDDs can 
reach about 125 MB per second under ideal circumstances, so that will 
take at least 8 seconds per 1GB file or 8000 seconds in total. If you try 
to write them all in parallel, you'll probably just make the HDD waste 
time seeking backwards and forwards from one place to another.



Re: An inheritance question: getting the name of the one up class

2009-03-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 01:29:50 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 Oh, and while the gurus are at it, what would be the advantage (if any)
 of changing, say
 super(Human, self).__init__()
 None, if you use single inheritance everywhere.

But there's no disadvantage to using super with single inheritance (and 
new-style classes).

 super is very tricky; see:

As I understand it, the trickiness only comes about when you have diamond 
diagrams in your MRO.



Re: Windows command line not displaying print commands

2009-03-31 Thread John Machin
On Mar 31, 9:57 am, JonathanB doulo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mar 30, 6:28 pm, John Machin sjmac...@lexicon.net wrote:

  On Mar 31, 8:37 am, Irmen de Jong irmen.nos...@xs4all.nl wrote:
   Does just typing:


 Yes, just typing python takes me to my interactive prompt

   Or do you have a module in your E:\Python\dev directory called 'os', 
   'sys' or something
   else that may clobber one of the default library modules.

 The only module in the directory is called pyfind.py

So what do you classify hello.py as? A script?

Please tell us what other files are in the directory.

  or perhaps there's a file named python.bat that does nothing.

  What directory is Python installed in? What does your Windows PATH
  look like? Is this your very first attempt to do anything at all with
  Python or have you managed to get any output from a Python script
  before? If the latter, what have you changed in your environment? Does
  E: refer to a removable disk?

 Unfortunately, this problem is on my work computer, so I'm not in
 front of it right now. I've done the development on this in
 PortablePython, but I have python installed in C:/Python25 and that
 should be in my path (I went though and added it). I've never run a
 script that output to the command line before, only django apps.
 Django will output stuff though, which makes me wonder if I've somehow
 borked my stdout in the script. Not sure how I could have done that,
 but I'll post the script I've written in the next post just in case
 I'm somehow messing up the calls (although print var seems fairly
 user-proof...). E: does refer to a removable disc.

If hello.py doesn't print,  then the problem is unlikely to be in your
big script.

I suspect that your best approach would be to (a) ensure that you have
the latest release of Portable Python [there was one in the last few
days] and (b) ask the author for help.

Other things to try that might diagnose where the problem really is:
just follow my example below.

| C:\junkpython -c print 9876
| 9876
| C:\junkpython
| Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on
| win32
| Type help, copyright, credits or license for more
|  print hello
| hello
|  print 9876
| 9876
|  ^Z
| C:\junkcopy con test1.py
| print 9876
| ^Z
| 1 file(s) copied.
| C:\junkpython test1.py
| 9876
| C:\junkcopy con test2.py
| 1 / 0
| ^Z
| 1 file(s) copied.
| C:\junkpython test2.py
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File test2.py, line 1, in module
| 1 / 0
| ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero


Re: Ordered Sets

2009-03-31 Thread pataphor
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:57:39 -0700 (PDT)
Alex_Gaynor alex.gay...@gmail.com wrote:

 I really like the Ordered Set class(I've been thinking about one ever
 since ordered dict hit the std lib), is there any argument against
 adding one to the collections module?  I'd be willing to write a PEP
 up for it.

Suppose the implementation would use a circular linked list. Then the
iteration could start from any point, the thing is symmetric after all.
But this would also mean we could add items to the left of that new
starting point, since that would now be the 'end' of the circle. This
is something different from merely remembering insertion order. How do
you feel about that?


Re: An inheritance question: getting the name of the one up class

2009-03-31 Thread Michele Simionato
On Mar 31, 5:13 am, Nick mediocre_per...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Oh, and while the gurus are at it, what would be the advantage (if any) of
 changing, say
     super(Human, self).__init__()

What  others said. In Python 3.0 you would have a bigger advantage,
since you can just


without repetition.
I normally use super, because it is the recommended solution by Guido.
This is not to say that I am perfectly happy, by my gripe is more
multiple inheritance than against super itself.

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 3:40 am, Steven D'Aprano
ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 23:06:50 -0700, jfager wrote:
  On Mar 30, 9:31 pm, Rhodri James rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk wrote:
  This would be a interesting idea, but ultimately no more than a veneer
  over the current set of configuration possibilities.  Quite how such a
  system would tell whether to get configuration data from command line
  parameters, a config file somewhere, or just pull bytes off the Z-wave
   from Mars, I'm not at all clear.

  Not a veneer over; a foundation under.  As I acknowledged in my blog
  post, this would require a small bit of bootstrapping, to configure
  which end-user configuration system was used.  But this would simply
  point to an adapter, that would map from the desired configuration
  interface into the canonical standard api provided by the language

 Let's talk about a practical example. The ls command has the API that the
 -l switch means show me long options. You're suggesting that users
 should not interact with the user-interface, but directly with the
 implementation.  You are, essentially, assuming that there is a one-to-one
 correspondence between data that the user inputs and variables in the
 implementation, and that users can understand the implementation.

No, not at all.  I'm saying that the programmer shouldn't have to care
what the end-user's interface is, not there's no end-user interface at
all.  For the program 'ls', why should I, the programmer, care at all
how the end user actually specifies that they want 'long options'?  I
might think or know that a command line argument is the 'best' way,
but why should I even worry about it?  I should just tell them that
option exists, and then they can choose how to give me a value for it
in whatever way they please.

 But that's not necessarily the case. The switch -l might affect a dozen
 different variables. So instead of the user needing to learn *one*
 command line option (or click on one checkbox in a GUI, or whatever), you
 expect him to reason I want to see a long display of my files, so I need
 to set the value of line_width to 47, date_style to 3, show_perms to
 True, and format_into_columns to -1.

Not at all, not even a little bit.  Why wouldn't you just say some
variable 'long-lines' is configurable, and then use that to do all the
work you would have done by manually parsing the command-line
arguments for the -l flag?  You, the programmer, still have complete
control over what is or isn't visible to the end user, it's not like
I'm advocating that every variable in the system automagically become
end-user configurable without programmer input.

 I don't think that's going to fly. Separation of interface and
 implementation is a Good Thing.

Agreed, that's the whole point of this.  Use the interface provided by
the language, then let the end user provide their own implementation
(of course, there will be basic ones provided out of the box) of how
to specify their configuration values.

 Or consider another scenario:

 def ls:
     if '-l' in sys.argv:
         file_iterator = SimpleFilenameWriter()
         file_iterator = DetailedFilenameWriter()

 Under your proposal, the user would somehow have to create the
 appropriate instance and feed it to your program. That's simply not
 practical! So you still need some sort of proxy variable, virtually
 identically as you do now:

 conf make_long_list = True

 def ls(optionlist):
     if make_long_list:
         file_iterator = SimpleFilenameWriter()
         file_iterator = DetailedFilenameWriter()

This second one is what I intended (no optionlist param needed,
though).  I'm curious - why do you think this is a bad thing?  One toy
example looks pretty similar to how you would do things now, and
you're ready to throw out the whole concept?  Notice that you did
actually gain something that I think is significant - you no longer
have any hardcoded reference to the fact that make_long_list is
defined as a command line parameter.

  The problem with the current set of configuration possibilities is that
  there's nothing really constant between them, unless the programmer
  explicitly codes it, even though they're basically accomplishing the
  same thing.  There's nothing amazingly special about this proposal, it's
  just saying:  that basic thing that we do in a lot of different ways,
  let's make as much of that as possible standard.

 Over-generalization actually makes things more complicated. I think
 you're over-generalizing.

Keep throwing out examples of where this makes things more
complicated, it's good to work through all the concerns.

  You've just specified a different way in which you have to do this, one
  that's a good deal less visible in the code

  Why would it be less visible?  If it's syntax, you would know exactly
  where it was just by looking.

 It could be *anywhere* in your project. It 

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 30 Mrz., 15:40, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've written a short post on including support for configuration down
 at the language level, including a small preliminary half-functional
 example of what this might look like in Python, available 

 The basic idea is that a language could offer syntactic support for
 declaring configurable points in the program.  The language system
 would then offer an api to allow the end user to discover a programs
 configuration service, as well as a general api for providing
 configuration values.

 The included example implements the first bit and hints at the third,
 defining a function that looks up what variable its output will be
 assigned to and tries to find a corresponding value from a
 configuration source.  It's very preliminary, but I hope it gives a
 flavor of the general idea.

 Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The problem with your idea is that those declared declaration points
can be overlooked no matter how much syntactical support is added.
Lets say a resource file is loaded and there are a few of the config-
properties declared in modules you have written. Now an object wants
to access a resource defined in the file and fails because the
resource providing property could not be found since the property
defining module wasn't loaded yet and the property couldn't register
itself. That's why things are centralized as in optparse and the
workflow is  designed upfront or things are implemented locally and
individual units have to take care of their own.

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread David Stanek
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:19 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Simply having a configuration file - okay.  What format?  What if
 the end user wants to keep their configuration info in LDAP?  Did the
 library I'm including make the same decisions, or do I have to do some
 contortions to adapt?  Didn't I write basically this  exact same code
 for the last umpteen projects I worked on, just schlepping around
 config objects?

Ah I see your point here. During PyCon I was trying to add the ability
to inject configuration into objects that are constructed by the
snake-guice framework. The code is not yet in the Subversion
repository, but I did brain dump a little documentation[0]. It is
still very much a work in progress.

0. http://code.google.com/p/snake-guice/wiki/InjectingConfiguration

blog: http://www.traceback.org
twitter: http://twitter.com/dstanek

Re: PyFits for Windows?

2009-03-31 Thread W. eWatson

W. eWatson wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
It looks like PyFits downloads are for Linux. Isn't there anything 
available for Win (xp)?
I'm now on the scipy mail list. Things look hopeful, according to the 
first respondent, to meet my criteria mentioned in another sub-thread to 
this one:

I'm hoping the use of this library will be relative simple for my
purposes, which are basically to write an image to a fits file with a
somewhat simple header, which might include lat/long, date, image size,
date-time, and a comment.

Apparently, the first chapter or several pages or so of a manual 
distributed with PyFits is enough.

The link I mentioned in another sub-thread here about the U of Wash. is 

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page: www.speckledwithstars.net/


Re: Ordered Sets

2009-03-31 Thread pataphor
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:33:26 +0200
pataphor patap...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:57:39 -0700 (PDT)
 Alex_Gaynor alex.gay...@gmail.com wrote:
  I really like the Ordered Set class(I've been thinking about one
  ever since ordered dict hit the std lib), is there any argument
  against adding one to the collections module?  I'd be willing to
  write a PEP up for it.
 Suppose the implementation would use a circular linked list. Then the
 iteration could start from any point, the thing is symmetric after
 all. But this would also mean we could add items to the left of that
 new starting point, since that would now be the 'end' of the circle.
 This is something different from merely remembering insertion order.
 How do you feel about that?

And in case that didn't confuse you enough, how about this method?

def move(self,key1,key2):
#self == key1,(key2 ... end), (key1+1... key2-1)
links = self.links
if set([key1,key2]) and self :
start = self.start
a = links[key1][1]
b = links[key2][0]
c  = links[start][0]
links[key1][1] = key2
links[key2][0] = key1
links[a][0] = c
links[c][1] = a
links[b][1] = start
links[start][0] = b

This takes [key2:]  (isn't pseudo slice notation wonderful?) and
inserts it after key1.

for example:

R = OrderedSet(range(10))


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6]

All in O(1) of course. 


Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread andrea
On 31 Mar, 12:14, venutaurus...@gmail.com venutaurus...@gmail.com

 That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
 MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
 having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

In randomness is not necessary (as I understood) you can just create
one single file and then modify one bit of it iteratively for 1000
It's enough to make the checksum change.

Is there a way to create a file to big withouth actually writing
anything in python (just give me the garbage that is already on the

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread venutaurus...@gmail.com
On Mar 31, 1:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano
ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 22:44:41 -0700, venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello all,
              I've a requirement where I need to create around 1000
  files under a given folder with each file size of around 1GB. The
  constraints here are each file should have random data and no two files
  should be unique even if I run the same script multiple times.

 I don't understand what you mean. No two files should be unique means
 literally that only *one* file is unique, the others are copies of each

 Do you mean that no two files should be the same?

  the filenames should also be unique every time I run the script. One
  possibility is that we can use Unix time format for the file   names
  with some extensions.

 That's easy. Start a counter at 0, and every time you create a new file,
 name the file by that counter, then increase the counter by one.

  Can this be done within few minutes of time. Is it
  possble only using threads or can be done in any other way. This has to
  be done in Windows.

 Is it possible? Sure. In a couple of minutes? I doubt it. 1000 files of
 1GB each means you are writing 1TB of data to a HDD. The fastest HDDs can
 reach about 125 MB per second under ideal circumstances, so that will
 take at least 8 seconds per 1GB file or 8000 seconds in total. If you try
 to write them all in parallel, you'll probably just make the HDD waste
 time seeking backwards and forwards from one place to another.


That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

Authorize.net integration problem

2009-03-31 Thread Lakshman
I am trying to integrate Authorize.net SIM API into django views.

I am facing a problem in the fingerprint generation. I am repeatedly
getting that the fingerprint generated doesn't match the one the
server generates.

I have generated the md5 hash with the key provided as specified in
the SIM documentation.

Here is the code:

params = {
'x_login' : '4ffrBT36La',
'x_amount' : '100.00',
'x_show_form' : 'PAYMENT_FORM',
'x_type' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
'x_method' : 'CC',
'x_fp_sequence' : '123',
'x_version' : '3.1',
'x_relay_response' : 'FALSE',
params['x_fp_timestamp'] = int(time.time())

msg = '^'.join([params['x_login'],

fingerprint = hmac.new('9LyEU8t87h9Hj49Y',msg).hexdigest()

I would be glad if some one that has dealt with this earlier, points
out what the glitch is. Thanks in advance.

How to pass one HTML values to another HTML

2009-03-31 Thread Kalyan
   by using python and google app engine how can i pass one HTML values to
another HTML  .. i am very new to Python programing

Example :
 in one HTML i entered Name and Address fields and i submit the page at that
time i want to see those two values in another HTML page.. please reply me..

advance thanks


[ANN] Data Plotting Library DISLIN 9.5

2009-03-31 Thread Helmut Michels

Dear Python users,

I am pleased to announce version 9.5 of the data plotting software

DISLIN is a high-level and easy to use plotting library for
displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots,
surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are supported
such as X11, VGA, PostScript, PDF, CGM, WMF, HPGL, TIFF, GIF, PNG,
BMP and SVG.

The software is available for the most C, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90/95
compilers. Plotting extensions for the interpreting languages Perl,
Python and Java are also supported.

DISLIN distributions and manuals in PDF, PostScript and HTML format
are available from the DISLIN home page


and via FTP from the server


All DISLIN distributions are free for non-commercial use. Licenses
for commercial use are available from the site http://www.dislin.de.

  Helmut Michels
  Max Planck Institute for
  Solar System Research   Phone: +49 5556 979-334
  Max-Planck-Str. 2   Fax  : +49 5556 979-240
  D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau   Mail : mich...@mps.mpg.de

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Tim Chase

venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mar 31, 1:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano

The fastest HDDs can reach about 125 MB per second under
ideal circumstances, so that will take at least 8 seconds
per 1GB file or 8000 seconds in total.

That time is reasonable. 

You did catch the bit about the *fastest* HDDs (my emphasis). 
Unless you've got some massive RAID or Gig-E/Fiberchanel SAN, you 
likely don't have these ideal conditions.  Additionally, I've 
seen 125MB/sec as the read speeds -- sustained write speeds are 
often lower.  Under more real-world testing, you'll likely get 
throughput closer to 30-70MB/sec.  Call that roughly half the 
throughput, and you're up to 16,000 seconds, or about 4.5hr.  A 
far cry from the few minutes of time you first mentioned...

And this doesn't take into consideration the OS overhead of the 
filesystem type.  Some filesystem types are optimized for large 
sequential access, while others work better with smaller files. 
You then have things like OS permission overhead, directory-path 
overhead, and other disk I/O going on at the same time.



First project in python, want someone to hold my hand for 2 hours for $100

2009-03-31 Thread googleaccount
Hey, I have to generate this really big matrix from some data. It's
extremely straightforward for someone who has the slightest idea what
they are doing. I'd really like to learn how to do this but I've
gotten impatient with the tutorials because this should be so
straightforward. Email me or ideally send me a msg on freenode, my
username is steve186.



2009-03-31 Thread Brian
I'm running App Engine with Django. I'm having troubles executing
timezone conversion via pytz. I have looked at the Google example
implementation. The following works in IDLE:

 import pytz
 from pytz import common_timezones
 from pytz import timezone
 import datetime
 timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
 print timestamp

2009-03-22 11:02:41.578000
 translated = 
 print translated

2009-03-22 06:02:41.578000-05:00

I have tried to run the following in my app (modules imported, too):

def tz(request):
timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
translated = timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone
return respond(request, user, 'tz',

When I pull up the page, I get the following error:
UnknownTimeZoneError at /tz
Request Method: GET
Request URL:http://localhost:8080/tz
Exception Type: UnknownTimeZoneError
Exception Value:'US/Central'

Does this not work in App Engine for some reason?

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Tim Chase

andrea wrote:

On 31 Mar, 12:14, venutaurus...@gmail.com venutaurus...@gmail.com

That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

In randomness is not necessary (as I understood) you can just create
one single file and then modify one bit of it iteratively for 1000
It's enough to make the checksum change.

Is there a way to create a file to big withouth actually writing
anything in python (just give me the garbage that is already on the

Not exactly AFAIK, but this line of thinking does remind me of 
sparse files[1] if your filesystem supports them:

  f = file('%i.txt' % i, 'wb')
  data = str(i) + '\n'
  f.seek(1024*1024*1024 - len(data))

On FS's that support sparse files, it's blindingly fast and 
creates a virtual file of that size without the overhead of 
writing all the bits to the file.  However, this same 
optimization may also throw off any benchmarking you do, as it 
doesn't have to read a gig off the physical media.  This may be a 
good metric for hash calculation across such files, but not a 
good metric for I/O.




Re: Authorize.net integration problem

2009-03-31 Thread andrew cooke

have you printed msg and checked it is formatted correctly?  i have node
idea what the protocol is, but your use of join and string concatenation
in the generation of msg looks unusual to me.


Lakshman wrote:
 I am trying to integrate Authorize.net SIM API into django views.

 I am facing a problem in the fingerprint generation. I am repeatedly
 getting that the fingerprint generated doesn't match the one the
 server generates.

 I have generated the md5 hash with the key provided as specified in
 the SIM documentation.

 Here is the code:

 params = {
 'x_login' : '4ffrBT36La',
 'x_amount' : '100.00',
 'x_show_form' : 'PAYMENT_FORM',
 'x_type' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
 'x_method' : 'CC',
 'x_fp_sequence' : '123',
 'x_version' : '3.1',
 'x_relay_response' : 'FALSE',
 params['x_fp_timestamp'] = int(time.time())

 msg = '^'.join([params['x_login'],

 fingerprint = hmac.new('9LyEU8t87h9Hj49Y',msg).hexdigest()

 I would be glad if some one that has dealt with this earlier, points
 out what the glitch is. Thanks in advance.


Hands on Python - Problem with Local Cgi Server

2009-03-31 Thread Gary Wood
I have the DOS box with the message 
Localhost CGI server started 

But when i try this 
Back in the www directory, 

  1.. Open the web link http://localhost:8080/adder.html (preferably in a new 
window, separate from this this tutorial). 
  2.. You should see an adder form in your browser again. Note that the web 
address no longer includes 'cs.luc.edu'. Instead it starts with 
'localhost:8080', to reference the local Python server you started. Fill out 
the form and test it as before. 
  3.. Look at the console window. You should see a log of the activity with the 
server. Close the server window. 
  4.. Reload the web link http://localhost:8080/adder.html. You should get an 
error, since you refer to localhost, but you just stopped the local server.

I get the Windows Error 

Failed to Connect

  The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:8080.

  Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.

*  Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later.

*  Are you unable to browse other sites?  Check the computer's network 

*  Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect 
settings can interfere with Web browsing.

The py file brings up the DOS box as if its running ok 

'''Run a local cgi server from the current directory that treats *.cgi files
as executable python cgi scripts.'''

import http.server, sys, os

class CGIExtHTTPRequestHandler(http.server.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
'''This request handler mimics the Loyola server, which looks for CGI files
to end in '.cgi' and be in any directory as opposed to the CGIHTTPServer
expectation that the cgi script are of the form /cgi-bin/*.py.'''

def is_python(self, path):
Test whether argument path is a Python script: allow .cgi
return path.lower().endswith('.cgi')

def is_cgi(self):
'''As on xenon, go by extension only.'''
base = self.path
query = ''
i = base.find('?')
if i != -1:
query = base[i:]
base = base[:i]
if not base.lower().endswith('.cgi'):
return False
[parentDirs, script] = base.rsplit('/', 1)
self.cgi_info = (parentDirs, script+query)
return True

def run_server():
dirName = os.getcwd()
blanks = dirName.count(' ')
if 0  blanks:  # server cannot handle blanks in path names
print(The path to this directory contains {blanks} space(s):
Either rename directories to remove the blanks or
move this directory to a place with no blanks in the path.
Aborting the local server run!.format(**locals()))
input(Press return after reading this message.)

server_addr = ('localhost', 8080)
cgiServer = http.server.HTTPServer(server_addr, CGIExtHTTPRequestHandler)
sys.stderr.write('Localhost CGI server started\n.')




Re: Ordered Sets

2009-03-31 Thread Alex_Gaynor
On Mar 31, 5:52 am, pataphor patap...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:33:26 +0200

 pataphor patap...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:57:39 -0700 (PDT)
  Alex_Gaynor alex.gay...@gmail.com wrote:

   I really like the Ordered Set class(I've been thinking about one
   ever since ordered dict hit the std lib), is there any argument
   against adding one to the collections module?  I'd be willing to
   write a PEP up for it.

  Suppose the implementation would use a circular linked list. Then the
  iteration could start from any point, the thing is symmetric after
  all. But this would also mean we could add items to the left of that
  new starting point, since that would now be the 'end' of the circle.
  This is something different from merely remembering insertion order.
  How do you feel about that?

 And in case that didn't confuse you enough, how about this method?

     def move(self,key1,key2):
         #self == key1,(key2 ... end), (key1+1... key2-1)
         links = self.links
         if set([key1,key2]) and self :
             start = self.start
             a = links[key1][1]
             b = links[key2][0]
             c  = links[start][0]
             links[key1][1] = key2
             links[key2][0] = key1
             links[a][0] = c
             links[c][1] = a
             links[b][1] = start
             links[start][0] = b

 This takes [key2:]  (isn't pseudo slice notation wonderful?) and
 inserts it after key1.

 for example:

     R = OrderedSet(range(10))


 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6]

 All in O(1) of course.


My inclination would be to more or less *just* have it implement the
set API, the way ordered dict does in 2.7/3.1.


Re: Authorize.net integration problem

2009-03-31 Thread Lakshman Prasad
Yup. Unusual, it is.

But thats how their string specification syntax is. It includes a ^ at the

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:13 PM, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:

 have you printed msg and checked it is formatted correctly?  i have node
 idea what the protocol is, but your use of join and string concatenation
 in the generation of msg looks unusual to me.


 Lakshman wrote:
  I am trying to integrate Authorize.net SIM API into django views.
  I am facing a problem in the fingerprint generation. I am repeatedly
  getting that the fingerprint generated doesn't match the one the
  server generates.
  I have generated the md5 hash with the key provided as specified in
  the SIM documentation.
  Here is the code:
  params = {
  'x_login' : '4ffrBT36La',
  'x_amount' : '100.00',
  'x_show_form' : 'PAYMENT_FORM',
  'x_type' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
  'x_method' : 'CC',
  'x_fp_sequence' : '123',
  'x_version' : '3.1',
  'x_relay_response' : 'FALSE',
  params['x_fp_timestamp'] = int(time.time())
  msg = '^'.join([params['x_login'],
  fingerprint = hmac.new('9LyEU8t87h9Hj49Y',msg).hexdigest()
  I would be glad if some one that has dealt with this earlier, points
  out what the glitch is. Thanks in advance.


Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 5:57 am, Kay Schluehr kay.schlu...@gmx.net wrote:
 On 30 Mrz., 15:40, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've written a short post on including support for configuration down
  at the language level, including a small preliminary half-functional
  example of what this might look like in Python, available 

  The basic idea is that a language could offer syntactic support for
  declaring configurable points in the program.  The language system
  would then offer an api to allow the end user to discover a programs
  configuration service, as well as a general api for providing
  configuration values.

  The included example implements the first bit and hints at the third,
  defining a function that looks up what variable its output will be
  assigned to and tries to find a corresponding value from a
  configuration source.  It's very preliminary, but I hope it gives a
  flavor of the general idea.

  Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

 The problem with your idea is that those declared declaration points
 can be overlooked no matter how much syntactical support is added.
 Lets say a resource file is loaded and there are a few of the config-
 properties declared in modules you have written. Now an object wants
 to access a resource defined in the file and fails because the
 resource providing property could not be found since the property
 defining module wasn't loaded yet and the property couldn't register
 itself. That's why things are centralized as in optparse and the
 workflow is  designed upfront or things are implemented locally and
 individual units have to take care of their own.

What is a resource file?  How am I accessing the resource-providing
property of an unloaded module? That is, if a module isn't loaded,
how do I know about its properties?  Or conversely, if I know about
its properties, why isn't the module loaded?  In other words, why
would accessing a configuration point be any different than accessing
any other name in a module?

Re: Authorize.net integration problem

2009-03-31 Thread Aahz
In article ade24599-b5f8-48db-8019-9cd8859a5...@l19g2000vba.googlegroups.com,
Lakshman  scorpion...@gmail.com wrote:

I am facing a problem in the fingerprint generation. I am repeatedly
getting that the fingerprint generated doesn't match the one the
server generates.

How are you getting this?  Server error?  You're not giving us enough
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug it.  --Brian W. Kernighan

Re: Windows command line not displaying print commands

2009-03-31 Thread JonathanB
I think I found the problem. I recently removed Python 2.5 and
replaced it with 2.6. When I got in, I tried to run some django
commands and even they weren't producing output. On a hunch, I tried
to uninstall 2.6 and reinstall it, since now even django wasn't
producing output. When I tried, it told me that I couldn't because it
wasn't installed. I had to delete the folder and manually go through
and delete every instance of python in my registry. However, when I
reinstalled 2.6, it worked. Some of the registry entries were still
pointing to the defunct Python25 path rather than Python26. Now both
the simple hello.py script and the bigger script that I really wanted
to get working are producing output.

I apologize for the confusion caused by going the wrong direction with
my troubleshooting (from the simplest possible script to the more
complex script), next time I will be more sensible in my

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread jfager
On Mar 31, 6:02 am, David Stanek dsta...@dstanek.com wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:19 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Simply having a configuration file - okay.  What format?  What if
  the end user wants to keep their configuration info in LDAP?  Did the
  library I'm including make the same decisions, or do I have to do some
  contortions to adapt?  Didn't I write basically this  exact same code
  for the last umpteen projects I worked on, just schlepping around
  config objects?

 Ah I see your point here. During PyCon I was trying to add the ability
 to inject configuration into objects that are constructed by the
 snake-guice framework. The code is not yet in the Subversion
 repository, but I did brain dump a little documentation[0]. It is
 still very much a work in progress.


This is getting close :)  I think it would be nice if you didn't have
to come up with your own names (so that projects across different
authors would share more or less the same naming structure), and if
those names didn't encode their expectation of a particular end-user
configuration scheme.



Listing all python modules robustly

2009-03-31 Thread Brian
I've used the C api to write a method that can call any python module
function. I would like to extend the interface to allow dynamically listing
all python modules, and for a given module all functions, and for a given
function all argument types and the return types if possible.
Starting with the modules, I came up with this bit of code:

from pkgutil import walk_packages;


modules = [modules.append(item[1]) for item in walk_packages()]

I then took this to my various systems for testing. It works fine on OSX and
one of my Ubuntu boxes, but two of the Ubuntu boxes fail, each with a
different error message.  The failure is due to python importing every
single module and some of the modules failing. One example is the
UniConverter package - towards the end of __init__.py it calls sys.exit(0)
which kills the interpreter completely.

I've spent a ton of time trying to rewrite walk_packages to be robust to
failure, but so far without luck. Any advice is appreciated.


Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Dave Angel
I wrote a tiny DOS program called resize that simply did a seek out to a 
(user specified) point, and wrote zero bytes. One (documented) side 
effect of DOS was that writing zero bytes would truncate the file at 
that point.  But it also worked to extend the file to that point without 
writing any actual data.  The net effect was that it adjusted the FAT 
table, and none of the data.  It was used frequently for file recovery, 
unformatting, etc.   And it was very fast.

Unfortunately, although the program still ran under NT (which includes 
Win 2000, XP, ...), the security system insists on zeroing all the 
intervening sectors, which takes much time, obviously.

Still, if the data is not important (make the first sector unique, and 
the rest zeroes), this would probably be the fastest way to get all 
those files created.  Just write the file name in the first sector 
(since we'[ll separately make sure the filename is unique), and then 
seek out to a billion, and write one more byte.  I won't assume that 
writing zero bytes would work for Unix.

andrea wrote:

On 31 Mar, 12:14, venutaurus...@gmail.com venutaurus...@gmail.com

That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

In randomness is not necessary (as I understood) you can just create
one single file and then modify one bit of it iteratively for 1000
It's enough to make the checksum change.

Is there a way to create a file to big withouth actually writing
anything in python (just give me the garbage that is already on the



RE: Cannot register to submit a bug report

2009-03-31 Thread John Posner
We can try to debug this :)

 E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
 Database version: 

Any chance it's Spyware Doctor or some anti-virus flagging 
the message and hiding it?

I said:

  Thanks for the suggestion, but that's probably not it. No 
  message appears on my ISP mail server (Yahoo), either. 
  That's beyond the reach of my machine's Spyware Doctor.
  I plan to take Terry's suggestion: send a message to the Webmaster.

My ISP (ATT/Yahoo) was blocking email from the Python bug-tracker: The
sending system has been identified as a source of spam. I took a suggestion
from Martin Lowis on the tracker-discuss list: register under a different
email address. That solution worked fine.

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.12080

Re: win32com python AttributeError!

2009-03-31 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Mar 30, 11:17 pm, Michael mich...@zavelle.com wrote:
 Hi Python-list -

 Has anyone figured this out from Rebecca:

 Hi, I am having trouble with win32com for python.  I get the following
 error when I try to issue any command after using Dispatch.


 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#7, line 1, in ?
   File D:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py,
 line 504, in __setattr__
     raise AttributeError, Property '%s.%s' can not be set. %
 (self._username_, attr)
 AttributeError: Property 'Excel.Application.Visible' can not be set.

 I have programs that I used to use all the time and they simply won't
 run.  Is this an error with python or win32com or my setup?


 I have the same problem.


 myWord = Dispatch(Word.Application)
 myWord.Visible = 1   # or, True

 opens a word document but

 myExcel = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
 myExcel.Visible = 1    # or, True

 causes (as Rebecca notes above):

 AttributeError: Property 'Excel.Application.Visible' can
 not be set.



This works fine for me on Windows XP and Python 2.5. It looks like
Rebecca is using Python 2.2, which might be the issue. I would also
upgrade to the latest PyWin32 as well. I'm using 212.

- Mike

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread David Stanek
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:01 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mar 31, 6:02 am, David Stanek dsta...@dstanek.com wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:19 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Simply having a configuration file - okay.  What format?  What if
  the end user wants to keep their configuration info in LDAP?  Did the
  library I'm including make the same decisions, or do I have to do some
  contortions to adapt?  Didn't I write basically this  exact same code
  for the last umpteen projects I worked on, just schlepping around
  config objects?

 Ah I see your point here. During PyCon I was trying to add the ability
 to inject configuration into objects that are constructed by the
 snake-guice framework. The code is not yet in the Subversion
 repository, but I did brain dump a little documentation[0]. It is
 still very much a work in progress.


 This is getting close :)  I think it would be nice if you didn't have
 to come up with your own names (so that projects across different
 authors would share more or less the same naming structure), and if
 those names didn't encode their expectation of a particular end-user
 configuration scheme.

For my purpose I am writing the glue infrastructure that allows
components to be put together within an application. What I am missing
is a schema-like way to define configuration files. I have debated
starting a project to do that, but at this time I'm already
overextended :-)

blog: http://www.traceback.org
twitter: http://twitter.com/dstanek

RE: Style question - defining immutable class data members

2009-03-31 Thread John Posner
I said:

   My intent was to fix an obvious omission: a special case 
  was discussed in
   the Augmented assignment statements section, but an 
   special case was omitted from the Assignment statements section.

After finally getting registered at bugs.python.org (as described in another
thread), I submitted  my suggested change to the Python documentation. It's
issue 5621.


E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.12080

Re: Ordered Sets

2009-03-31 Thread pataphor
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 06:03:13 -0700 (PDT)
Alex_Gaynor alex.gay...@gmail.com wrote:

 My inclination would be to more or less *just* have it implement the
 set API, the way ordered dict does in 2.7/3.1.

As far as I can tell all that would be needed is read/write access to
two key variables: The iterator start position and the underlying map.
There is no need for more than basic set API since people can use
those two variables to subclass their own iterators.


methods and class methods

2009-03-31 Thread Zach Goscha
I just learned python programming and is wondering how to change a method to
a class method. Also what are the differences between a method and class

Thanks in advance
- Zach (Freshman student in High school)

Re: An inheritance question: getting the name of the one up class

2009-03-31 Thread Nick
Thanks for the replies. This has given me some incentive to start looking at 
Python 3. Oh, and thanks for the articles on super().



Re: methods and class methods

2009-03-31 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I just learned python programming and is wondering how to change a method to
 a class method.

class x( object ):
i_will_be_a_class_method( cls ): pass

 Also what are the differences between a method and class method.

A class method receives the class as its first argument while an
ordinary method receives the instance as its first argument. This fact
is reflected in the convention that for class methods the first
argument typically is called cls while for ordinary methods it's
called self.


Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

regex negative lookbehind assertion not working correctly?

2009-03-31 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a regex pattern to match an ID in a URL only if it 
is not a given ID. Here's an example, the ID not to match is 
14522XXX98, if my URL is /profile.php?id=14522XXX99 I want it to 
match and if it's /profile.php?id=14522XXX98 I want it not to. I tried 



which should not match, but it does, then I tried this :



which should match and it does. I then tried uring /positive lookbehind 
assertion/ instead and it does this :



which matches as it should and then I tried this :


Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

which doesn't match as it should. Could someone please explain why the 
negative lookbehind assertion is not working as I understand it? Also, 
notice how the last digit of the first expression is not matched, I get 
('14522XXX9',) instead of ('14522XXX98',), why? It does on the others

Thank you,

Re: Authorize.net integration problem

2009-03-31 Thread Stephen Chapman
Are they expecting the results in a specific order... because as you 
probably know a dictionary is never in the order that you add the items.

Lakshman Prasad wrote:

Yup. Unusual, it is.

But thats how their string specification syntax is. It includes a ^ at 
the end.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:13 PM, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org 
mailto:and...@acooke.org wrote:

have you printed msg and checked it is formatted correctly?  i
have node
idea what the protocol is, but your use of join and string
in the generation of msg looks unusual to me.


Lakshman wrote:
 I am trying to integrate Authorize.net SIM API into django views.

 I am facing a problem in the fingerprint generation. I am repeatedly
 getting that the fingerprint generated doesn't match the one the
 server generates.

 I have generated the md5 hash with the key provided as specified in
 the SIM documentation.

 Here is the code:

 params = {
 'x_login' : '4ffrBT36La',
 'x_amount' : '100.00',
 'x_show_form' : 'PAYMENT_FORM',
 'x_type' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE',
 'x_method' : 'CC',
 'x_fp_sequence' : '123',
 'x_version' : '3.1',
 'x_relay_response' : 'FALSE',
 params['x_fp_timestamp'] = int(time.time())

 msg = '^'.join([params['x_login'],

 fingerprint = hmac.new('9LyEU8t87h9Hj49Y',msg).hexdigest()

 I would be glad if some one that has dealt with this earlier, points
 out what the glitch is. Thanks in advance.

becomingguru.com http://becomingguru.com
lakshmanprasad.com http://lakshmanprasad.com



Re: An inheritance question: getting the name of the one up class

2009-03-31 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 31 Mar 2009 05:16:47 -0300, Steven D'Aprano  
ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au escribió:

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 01:29:50 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

Oh, and while the gurus are at it, what would be the advantage (if any)
of changing, say
super(Human, self).__init__()

None, if you use single inheritance everywhere.

But there's no disadvantage to using super with single inheritance (and
new-style classes).

It's ok *if* you follow the guidelines at the end of the harmful  

super is very tricky; see:

As I understand it, the trickiness only comes about when you have diamond
diagrams in your MRO.

With multiple inheritance, you *always* have a diamond diagram - every  
class inherits from object.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: complaints about no replies last week

2009-03-31 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 31, 2:56 am, Arnaud Delobelle arno...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
  prueba...@latinmail.com writes:
   I myself asked about how to write a library to efficiently do union
   and intersection of sets containing time intervals some time ago on
   this list and got little to no answers. It is a tricky problem. Since
   I was getting paid I got an O(n*n) solution working. People on this
   list on the other hand do not get paid and answer whatever strikes
   their fancy. Sometimes the question is hard or confusing and nobody is
   motivated enough to answer.

  I wasn't around when you posted this I guess. Do you mean intervals sets
  on the (real) number line such as:

        1-3, 6-10 meaning all numbers between 1 and 3 and all numbers
        between 6 and 10.

  In this case I think you can achieve union and intersection in O(nlogn)
  where n is the total number of intervals in the interval sets to unify
  or intersect. There is an implementation below. I have chosen a very
  simple data structure for interval sets: an interval set is the list of
  its endpoints. E.g.

      1-3, 6-10 is the list [1, 3, 6, 10]

  This means that I can't specify whether an interval is closed or open.
  So in the implementation below all intervals are assumed to be open.
  The method could be made to work for any kind of intervals with the same
  complexity, there would just be a few more LOC.  I'm focusing on the
  principle - here it is:

  # Implementation of union and intersection of interval sets.

  from itertools import *

  def combine(threshold, intsets):
      endpoints = sorted(chain(*imap(izip, intsets, repeat(cycle([1,-1])
      height = 0
      compound = []
      for x, step in endpoints:
          old_height = height
          height += step
          if max(height, old_height) == threshold:
      return compound

  def union(*intsets):
      return combine(1, intsets)

  def intersection(*intsets):
      return combine(len(intsets), intsets)

  # tests

  def pretty(a):
      a = iter(a)
      return ', '.join(%s-%s % (a, b) for a, b in izip(a, a))

  tests = [
      ([1, 5, 10, 15], [3, 11, 13, 20]),
      ([2, 4, 6, 8], [4, 7, 10, 11]),
      ([0, 11], [5, 10, 15, 25], [7, 12, 13, 15]),

  for intsets in tests:
      print sets: , ; .join(imap(pretty, intsets))
      print union: , pretty(union(*intsets))
      print intersection: , pretty(intersection(*intsets))
      print -*20

  Is this what you were looking for?


 I realised after posting last night that I must be

 (1) solving the wrong problem
 (2) solving it badly

 - My implementation of the combine() function above is O(nlogn)
 (because of the sorted() call) whereas it could be O(n) by iterating
 over the interval in the parallel manner, hence (2).  This would make
 union() and intersection() O(n).

 - As the problem was solved by the OP in O(n^2) I must be solving the
 wrong problem (1).

 I apologise for this.

 However it was a nice and compact implementation IMHO :)


I am pretty sure the problem can be solved in O(n log n). I just
wasn't feeling overly smart when I was writing the algorithm. N is on
average 4 and it had eventually to be implemented inside a framework
using C++ anyway, so it is pretty fast. I can’t believe that no
programmer has come over the same kind of problem before, yet my
Google fu didn’t do anything for me.

Well since I attracted a couple people's attention I will describe the
problem in more detail. Describing the problem properly is probably as
hard as solving it, so excuse me if I struggle a bit.

The problem is for a health insurance company and involves the period
of time a person is covered. Most insurance companies allow not only
for the main member to be insured but his family: the spouse and the
dependents (children). This additional coverage costs extra but less
than a full new insurance. So for example if Alice buys an insurance
worth at 100 dollars a month, she can insure her husband Bob for an
additional 50 dollars. Under certain circumstances Alice may go off
the insurance and only Bob stays. In that case the price goes back to
100 dollars or maybe there is a deal for 80 or something like that. In
other words the cost of the insurance is dependent on the combination
of family members that participate in it. Additionally not only do we
have different family compositions but also different insurance
products. So you can get medical, dental and vision insurance.

All that data is stored in a database that is not very tidy and looks
something like this:

First Day of Coverage, Last Day of Coverage, Relationship, Product
5/3/2005, 5/3/2005, D, M
9/10/2005, 10/10/2005, S, V
3/15/2005, 7/15/2005, M, M
3/1/2005, 6/1/2005, S, M
5/15/2005, 7/20/2005, D, D
9/10/2005, 1/1/2140, M, V
2/1/2005, 5/3/2005, M, 

Re: Introducing Python to others

2009-03-31 Thread David C. Ullrich
In article 
 Mensanator mensana...@aol.com wrote:

 On Mar 26, 11:42 am, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:
  David C. Ullrich wrote:
   In article mailman.2701.1238060157.11746.python-l...@python.org,
    Paddy O'Loughlin patrick.olough...@gmail.com wrote:
   Here's my favorite thing about Python (you'd of course
   remark that it's just a toy example, doing everything
   in as dumb but easily understood way as possible):
   print x+x
   class Vector():
     def __init__(self, data):
       self.data = data
     def __repr__(self):
       return repr(self.data)
     def __add__(self, other):
       return Vector([self.data[0]+other.data[0],
   x = Vector([1,2])
   print x+x
  that's cute, but if you show them 2.6 or 3 it's even cuter:
   from operator import add
   class Vector(list):
  ...   def __add__(self, other):
  ...     return map(add, self, other)
  ... x = Vector([1,2])
  [2, 4]
 Mind if I ask a question? In DU's code, both operands have to
 be instances of the Vector class?

Yes, in the code I posted. That code was not meant to be
an example of the right way to do anything, just an
illustration of how wonderful things like __add__ can be.

  x = Vector([1,2])
 [2, 4]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#60, line 1, in module
   File pyshell#55, line 7, in __add__
 return SV([self.data[0]+other.data[0],self.data[1]+other.data[1]])
 AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'data'
 Whereas with your version, other just has to be an iterable.
  x = Vector([1,2])
 [2, 4]
 [4, 5]
 [10, 11]
 [4, 6]
 Although it does require the same number of elements (because that's
 required by map and could be changed if necessary).
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#71, line 1, in module
   File pyshell#62, line 3, in __add__
 return map(add,self,other)
 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'
 What would you have to do to make this work?
  x+x+x  # expecting [3,6]
 [2, 4, 1, 2]

David C. Ullrich

Re: regex negative lookbehind assertion not working correctly?

2009-03-31 Thread andrew cooke

it is working - it's making the final 8 not be matched.

don't you want lookahead rather than lookbehind?  or force an end of string?


Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I am trying to write a regex pattern to match an ID in a URL only if it
 is not a given ID. Here's an example, the ID not to match is
 14522XXX98, if my URL is /profile.php?id=14522XXX99 I want it to
 match and if it's /profile.php?id=14522XXX98 I want it not to. I tried


 which should not match, but it does, then I tried this :


 which should match and it does. I then tried uring /positive lookbehind
 assertion/ instead and it does this :


 which matches as it should and then I tried this :

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

 which doesn't match as it should. Could someone please explain why the
 negative lookbehind assertion is not working as I understand it? Also,
 notice how the last digit of the first expression is not matched, I get
 ('14522XXX9',) instead of ('14522XXX98',), why? It does on the others

 Thank you,


Re: Introducing Python to others

2009-03-31 Thread David C. Ullrich
In article tm6dnzxrviq0qfbunz2dnuvz_rmdn...@pdx.net,
 Scott David Daniels scott.dani...@acm.org wrote:

 Mensanator wrote:
  On Mar 26, 11:42 am, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:
  that's cute, but if you show them 2.6 or 3 it's even cuter:
  from operator import add
  class Vector(list):
  ...   def __add__(self, other):
  ... return map(add, self, other)
  ... x = Vector([1,2])
  [2, 4]
  What would you have to do to make this work?
  x+x+x  # expecting [3,6]
  [2, 4, 1, 2]
  class Vector(list):
  def __add__(self, other):
  return type(self)(x + y for x, y in zip(self, other))

Question: I would have thought it would be 

  return type(self)([x + y for x, y in zip(self, other)])

What's this thing that looks like a list comprehension but isn't?


I didn't mean to start a big deal, but as long as it's started:
Of course returning that list as in Andrew's example is not what
we want. Someone said we should return a Vector instead. That's
probably what the demo should do, but in stuff like this that
I actually _use_ I tend to do something like what you do here
(with very different spelling, since type(self) wouldn't work
in the bad old days.) The reason of course being that we want
subclasses to return instances of the subclass automatically.

On the other hand I have this vague feeling that explicitly
inspecting the type like this is wrong - I've always wondered
whether this is the right way to do it. ???

  def __sub__(self, other):
  return type(self)(x - y for x, y in zip(self, other))
  def __repr__(self):
  return '%s(%s)' % (
  type(self).__name__, list.__repr__(self))
  x = Vector([1,2])
  x + x + x
 --Scott David Daniels

David C. Ullrich

Re: Introducing Python to others

2009-03-31 Thread andrew cooke
David C. Ullrich wrote:
 In article tm6dnzxrviq0qfbunz2dnuvz_rmdn...@pdx.net,
  Scott David Daniels scott.dani...@acm.org wrote:

 Mensanator wrote:
  On Mar 26, 11:42 am, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:
  that's cute, but if you show them 2.6 or 3 it's even cuter:
  from operator import add
  class Vector(list):
  ...   def __add__(self, other):
  ... return map(add, self, other)
  ... x = Vector([1,2])
  [2, 4]
  What would you have to do to make this work?
  x+x+x  # expecting [3,6]
  [2, 4, 1, 2]

  class Vector(list):
  def __add__(self, other):
  return type(self)(x + y for x, y in zip(self, other))

 Question: I would have thought it would be

   return type(self)([x + y for x, y in zip(self, other)])

 What's this thing that looks like a list comprehension but isn't?

it's a generator expression. 



Re: Listing all python modules robustly

2009-03-31 Thread Brian
Turns out that the Twisted framework provides better introspective support
than standard python, so problem solved!


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Brian brian.min...@colorado.edu wrote:

 I've used the C api to write a method that can call any python module
 function. I would like to extend the interface to allow dynamically listing
 all python modules, and for a given module all functions, and for a given
 function all argument types and the return types if possible.
 Starting with the modules, I came up with this bit of code:

 from pkgutil import walk_packages;


 modules = [modules.append(item[1]) for item in walk_packages()]

 I then took this to my various systems for testing. It works fine on OSX
 and one of my Ubuntu boxes, but two of the Ubuntu boxes fail, each with a
 different error message.  The failure is due to python importing every
 single module and some of the modules failing. One example is the
 UniConverter package - towards the end of __init__.py it calls sys.exit(0)
 which kills the interpreter completely.

 I've spent a ton of time trying to rewrite walk_packages to be robust to
 failure, but so far without luck. Any advice is appreciated.



Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread ritu

I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be accomplished? I
haven't been able to find any useful information to accomplish this
(my other option is to fire off a perl script from within m python
script that will tell me whether the file is binary), so any pointers
will be appreciated.


Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-03-31, Dave Angel da...@ieee.org wrote:

 I wrote a tiny DOS program called resize that simply did a
 seek out to a (user specified) point, and wrote zero bytes.
 One (documented) side effect of DOS was that writing zero
 bytes would truncate the file at that point.  But it also
 worked to extend the file to that point without writing any
 actual data.  The net effect was that it adjusted the FAT 
 table, and none of the data.  It was used frequently for file
 recovery, unformatting, etc.  And it was very fast.

 Unfortunately, although the program still ran under NT (which includes 
 Win 2000, XP, ...), the security system insists on zeroing all the 
 intervening sectors, which takes much time, obviously.

Why would it even _allocate_ intevening sectors?  That's pretty

 Is there a way to create a file to big withouth actually writing
 anything in python (just give me the garbage that is already on the

No.  That would be a monstrous security hole.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I'm having a MID-WEEK
  at   CRISIS!

urllib2 problem, data param not working?

2009-03-31 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Hello everyone,

I am having a problem with urllib2, when I do this :

   post = urllib.urlencode(post)
   request = urllib2.Request(url, post)
   response = urllib2.urlopen(request)

or this :

   post = urllib.urlencode(post)
   response = urllib2.urlopen(url, post)

or this :

   post = urllib.urlencode(post)
   request = urllib2.Request(url)
   response = urllib2.urlopen(request, post)

it doesn't work, it's like if the post params weren't added, and if I do 
this :

   post = urllib.urlencode(post)
   request = url + '?' + post
   response = urllib2.urlopen(request)

it works as expected, can anyone explain what is going on? I know that 
if I don't add the data ('post' in my case) param it uses an HTTP GET, 
could that be why it works when I add them manually?

Thank you,

Re: Relative Imports, why the hell is it so hard?

2009-03-31 Thread s4g

I was looking for a nice idiom for interpackage imports as I found
this thread.
Here come a couple of solutions I came up with. Any discussion is

I assume the same file structure

\ App
| main.py
| | __init__.py
| | module1.py
| | __init__.py
| | module2.py

When you run main.py all imports relative to \App work fine, so the
only problem is running a module from within a subpackage as a script.
I therefore assume we want to run module1.py as a script, which wants
to import module2.

I hope the following solutions are self-evident

= solution 1
-- in module1.py
import sys, os
if __name__ == '__main__':

import subpack2.module2

= solution 2
-- in subpack1/__init__.py
import sys, os

_top_package_level = 1   # with current package being level 0

_top_package = os.path.normpath(__file__ + '/..'*(_top_package_level
if _top_package not in sys.path:

-- in module1 or any module in the package, which requires import
relative to the package top
import __init__
import subpack2.module2

= solution 3
-- in package_import.py, somewhere on the PYTHONPATH ( perhaps in
standard lib ;)

def set_top_package(module, level):
_top_package = os.path.normpath(module + '/..'*(level+1))
if _top_package not in sys.path:

class absolute_import(object):
def __init__(self, module, level):
self.level = level
self.module = module

def __enter__(self):
sys.path.insert( 0,
os.path.normpath(self.module + '/..'*(self.level+1))

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
del sys.path[0]

-- in module1
import package_import
package_import.set_top_package(__file__, 1)
import subpack2.module2

-- or in module1
import package_import
with package_import.absolute_import(__file__, 1):
import subpack2.module2


Re: Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread Matt Nordhoff
ritu wrote:
 I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
 files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be accomplished? I
 haven't been able to find any useful information to accomplish this
 (my other option is to fire off a perl script from within m python
 script that will tell me whether the file is binary), so any pointers
 will be appreciated.

There isn't any perfect test. The usual heuristic is to check if there
are any NUL bytes in the file:

 '\0' in some_string

That can fail, of course. UTF-16-encoded text will have tons of NUL
bytes, and some binary files may not have any.

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-03-31, Steven D'Aprano ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au wrote:

[writing a bunch of files with a bunch of random data in each]

 Can this be done within few minutes of time. Is it possble
 only using threads or can be done in any other way. This has
 to be done in Windows.

 Is it possible? Sure. In a couple of minutes? I doubt it. 1000
 files of 1GB each means you are writing 1TB of data to a HDD.

1TB of random data.  Damn.  I don't know where you're going to
be able to find an entropy source that can produce that much
data in a reasonable amount of time. Typical entropy sources in
Desktop OSes based on keystrokes and network packets can
probably only manage a few hundred bits/second best case.

Even a hardware solution like those in some chipsets can't do
more than about 100K bits/second.

If your motherboard has a hardware RNG that'll do 100Kbps,
you're looking at about 3.8 years to generate 1TB of random

Of course it's possible the OP doesn't really require random

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Do you have exactly
  at   what I want in a plaid
   visi.compoindexter bar bat??

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Terry Reedy

venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:

That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

For most purposes (other than stress testing the HD and HD read 
routines], I suspect you would be better off directly piping the data 
into your product (or a special version of it).


Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Tim Chase

Is there a way to create a file to big withouth actually writing
anything in python (just give me the garbage that is already on the

No.  That would be a monstrous security hole.

Sure...just install 26 hard-drives and partition each up into 40 
1-GB unformatted partitions each, and then read directly from 


(ponders to self, does logical partitioning allow for that many 
partitions on a disk?)


Printing Out Called Function Calls

2009-03-31 Thread Victor Subervi
Due to screwy problems at my server farm that they refuse to fix, I need to
call lines that execute code from other files, like this:
theContent += `tidBits[i][y][:-2]`
but what that returns is this (as an example):
when I need it to execute the fn tableTop. What do?

Writing to Console on mac OS X

2009-03-31 Thread RGK
I'm on mac os x 10.4.11 running python 2.5.2, and Django 1.0, but this 
is a python question.

When doing django/mod_python stuff, I can write to the Apache error_log 
file with

sys.stderr.write(SOMETHING I WANT TO KNOW)

which had me wondering if there's not a means for a misc. python program 
to write to the Mac OS X console?   That would be much nicer than having 
to open up the error log and inspect stuff, as then I could see debug 
info stream past on a console window.

(This is console, as in the console run from /Applications/Utilities, 
not the bash Terminal)

Any help or suggestions appreciated. Thx.


Re: Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:23 PM, ritu ritu_bhandar...@yahoo.com wrote:


 I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
 files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be accomplished? I
 haven't been able to find any useful information to accomplish this
 (my other option is to fire off a perl script from within m python
 script that will tell me whether the file is binary), so any pointers
 will be appreciated.

All files are binary. The question is whether every byte in the file
represents a (whole or part of a) character or whether some of the data
represents a different data type. You could theoretically have a binary
file that appears in a text editor to be perfect English. How does your perl
script tell the difference?



Re: regex negative lookbehind assertion not working correctly?

2009-03-31 Thread MRAB

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a regex pattern to match an ID in a URL only if it 
is not a given ID. Here's an example, the ID not to match is 
14522XXX98, if my URL is /profile.php?id=14522XXX99 I want it to 
match and if it's /profile.php?id=14522XXX98 I want it not to. I tried 



which should not match, but it does, then I tried this :

How can '(\d+)' be capturing '14522XXX9'? '\d' matches only digits!

Anyway, your basic problem is that it initially matches '14522XXX98',
but then the lookbehind rejects that, so it backtracks and releases the
last character, giving '14522XXX9', which is not be rejected because
'14522XXX9' isn't '14522XXX98'.

Try putting a '\b' after the '\d+' to reject partial IDs.

Re: create a log level for python logging module

2009-03-31 Thread dj
On Mar 30, 4:18 pm, Vinay Sajip vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 On Mar 30, 4:13 pm, dj d.a.aberna...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am trying to create a log level called userinfo for the pythonlogging. I 
  read the source code and tried to register the level to theloggingnamespace 
  with the following source:

               fromloggingimport Logger

                           # create the custom log level
                                    class userinfo(Logger):
                                                 def userinfo(self, msg,
  *args, **kwargs):

  self._log(WARNING, msg, args, **kwargs)

                                # Register log level in thelogging.Logger 
                                Logger.userinfo = userinfo

  Has I am sure you guessed, it did not work. If you know how this is
  done or know what I am doing work or can provide a link to example
  code (because I have not been able to locate any), I would greatly
  appreciate it.
  My sincere and heartfelt thanks in advance.

 See the example script at


 which contains, amongst other things, an illustration of how to use
 custom logging levels in an application.


 Vinay Sajip

I got the code setup, however, I still get an error for my custom log

### Python code

import sys, logging

# log levels
ERROR = 40
USERINFO =25 # my custom log level
INFO = 20
DEBUG  = 10

# define the range

# level names

log_levels = {

CRITICAL : 'critical',
ERROR : 'error',
WARNING : 'warning',
USERINFO : 'userinfo',
INFO : 'info',
DEBUG : 'debug',


# associate names with our levels.
for lvl in log_levels.keys():
logging.addLevelName(lvl, log_levels[lvl])

# setup a log instance
logger = logging.getLogger('myLog')
hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()

# give it a try
print 'write logs'
logger.critical('this a critical log message')
logger.userinfo('this is a userinfo log message')   #call custom log

# Output from my interpreter

Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct  2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

Evaluating log_level_test.py
write logs
this a critical log message
AttributeError: Logger instance has no attribute 'userinfo'

I would love to know what I am doing wrong. Thanks again for your
help, it is really appreciated.


Re: Printing Out Called Function Calls

2009-03-31 Thread andrew cooke
Victor Subervi wrote:
 Due to screwy problems at my server farm that they refuse to fix, I need
 call lines that execute code from other files, like this:
 theContent += `tidBits[i][y][:-2]`
 but what that returns is this (as an example):
 when I need it to execute the fn tableTop. What do?

change server famrs?

use eval() or exec()?



Re: Cyclic GC rules for subtyped objects with tp_dictoffset

2009-03-31 Thread BChess
On Mar 31, 12:27 am, Hrvoje Niksic hnik...@xemacs.org wrote:
 [ Questions such as this might be better suited for the capi-sig list,

 BChessbch...@gmail.com writes:
  I'm writing a new PyTypeObject that is base type, supports cyclic
  GC, and has a tp_dictoffset.  If my type is sub-typed by a python
  class, what exactly are the rules for how I'm supposed to treat my
  PyDict object with regards to cyclic GC?  Do I still visit it in my
  traverse () function if I'm subtyped?  Do I decrement the refcount
  upon dealloc?  By the documentation, I'm assuming I should always be
  using _PyObject_GetDictPtr() to be accessing the dictionary, which I
  do.  But visiting the dictionary in traverse() in the case it's
  subtyped results in a crash in weakrefobject.c.  I'm using Python

 First off, if your class is intended only as a base class, are you
 aware that simply inheriting from a dictless class adds a dict
 automatically?  For example, the base object type has no dict, but
 inheriting from it automatically adds one (unless you override that
 using __slots__).  Having said that, I'll assume that the base class
 is usable on its own and its direct instances need to have a dict as

 I'm not sure if this kind of detail is explicitly documented, but as
 far as the implementation goes, the answer to your question is in
 Objects/typeobject.c:subtype_traverse.  That function gets called to
 traverse instances of heap types (python subclasses of built-in
 classes such as yours).  It contains code like this:

      if (type-tp_dictoffset != base-tp_dictoffset) {
          PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
              if (dictptr  *dictptr)

 According to this, the base class is responsible for visiting its dict
 in its tp_traverse, and the subtype only visits the dict it added
 (which is why its location differs).  Note that visiting an object
 twice still shouldn't cause a crash; objects may be and are visited an
 arbitrary number of times, and it's up to the GC to ignore those it
 has already seen.  So it's possible that you have a bug elsewhere in
 the code.

 As far as the decrementing goes, the rule of thumb is: if you created
 it, you get to decref it.  subtype_dealloc contains very similar

         /* If we added a dict, DECREF it */
         if (type-tp_dictoffset  !base-tp_dictoffset) {
                 PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
                 if (dictptr != NULL) {
                         PyObject *dict = *dictptr;
                         if (dict != NULL) {
                                 *dictptr = NULL;

 So, if the subtype added a dict, it was responsible for creating it
 and it will decref it.  If the dict was created by you, it's up to you
 to dispose of it.

My confusion stemmed from the fact that I wasn't actually,
technically, allocating a PyDict in this space.
PyObject_GenericSetAttr() does that automatically when it finds that
it's NULL.  But that seems to be the same as if I had made it myself
-- so I'm to dealloc either way.

Thank you for the very in-depth answer, though.  You're right: the
problem was elsewhere. The crash stemmed from using a negative number
for tp_dictoffset.  This doesn't seem to do the right thing when
subtyping -- the tp_dictoffset was pointing to the same memory as the
offset specified in the subtype's tp_weaklistoffset.  I missed the
sentence in the documentation that negative tp_dictoffsets should only
be used for variable-length objects.  Using a positive offset instead
worked like a charm.

Thanks again,

Re: Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread Josh Dukes
There might be another way but off the top of my head:

#!/usr/bin/env python

def isbin(filename):
   for b in fd.read():
   if ord(b)  127:
   return True
   return False

for f in ['/bin/bash', '/etc/passwd']:
   print %s is binary:  % f, isbin(f)

Of course this would detect unicode files as being binary and maybe
that's not what you want. How are you thinking about doing it in
perl exactly? 

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:23:05 -0700 (PDT)
ritu ritu_bhandar...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
 files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be accomplished? I
 haven't been able to find any useful information to accomplish this
 (my other option is to fire off a perl script from within m python
 script that will tell me whether the file is binary), so any pointers
 will be appreciated.


Josh Dukes
MicroVu IT Department

Re: Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread Josh Dukes
s/if ord(b)  127/if ord(b)  127 or ord(b)  32/

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:19:44 -0700
Josh Dukes josh.du...@microvu.com wrote:

 There might be another way but off the top of my head:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 def isbin(filename):
for b in fd.read():
if ord(b)  127:
return True
return False
 for f in ['/bin/bash', '/etc/passwd']:
print %s is binary:  % f, isbin(f)
 Of course this would detect unicode files as being binary and maybe
 that's not what you want. How are you thinking about doing it in
 perl exactly? 
 On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:23:05 -0700 (PDT)
 ritu ritu_bhandar...@yahoo.com wrote:
  I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
  files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be accomplished? I
  haven't been able to find any useful information to accomplish this
  (my other option is to fire off a perl script from within m python
  script that will tell me whether the file is binary), so any
  pointers will be appreciated.


Josh Dukes
MicroVu IT Department

Re: Does Python have certificate?

2009-03-31 Thread Aahz
In article f8fa8f79-2179-4e59-be5f-914a91ef1...@o11g2000yql.googlegroups.com,
Paddy3118  paddy3...@googlemail.com wrote:

The Academy of Research into Science Education being a true leader in
the field offers acclaimed accreditation for Python programmers. Those
who pass our strict exams and pay our modest fees will earn our
prestigious certification.

Those who show promise can advance to our Winter Improve Python to
Expert program, for an additional fee, and, be given expert tutoring
to help you gain our exemplary A.R.S.E./W.I.P.E certification which is
guaranteed to attract certain types of employers by its name alone.

Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug it.  --Brian W. Kernighan

Re: Cannot register to submit a bug report

2009-03-31 Thread Terry Reedy

John Posner wrote:

My ISP (ATT/Yahoo) was blocking email from the Python bug-tracker: The
sending system has been identified as a source of spam.

I hope you were able to suggest to them that that identification must be 
an error.  Frustrating given the spam sources that somehow do not get 

 I took a suggestion

from Martin Lowis on the tracker-discuss list: register under a different
email address. That solution worked fine.

Better than waiting for ATT to wise up. ;-)


Re: Ordered Sets

2009-03-31 Thread Alex_Gaynor
On Mar 31, 11:06 am, pataphor patap...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 06:03:13 -0700 (PDT)

 Alex_Gaynor alex.gay...@gmail.com wrote:
  My inclination would be to more or less *just* have it implement the
  set API, the way ordered dict does in 2.7/3.1.

 As far as I can tell all that would be needed is read/write access to
 two key variables: The iterator start position and the underlying map.
 There is no need for more than basic set API since people can use
 those two variables to subclass their own iterators.


The only issue with that is if we ever moved it to a C implementation
we'd probably use a more conventional linked list.


Re: Detecting Binary content in files

2009-03-31 Thread Josh Dukes
or rather:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import string

def isbin(filename):
   for b in fd.read():
  if not b in string.printable and b not in string.whitespace:
 return True
   return False

for f in ['/bin/bash', '/etc/passwd']:
   print %s is binary:  %f, isbin(f)

whatever... basically it's what everyone else said, every file is
binary so it all depends on your definitiion of binary. 

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:23:51 -0700
Josh Dukes josh.du...@microvu.com wrote:

 s/if ord(b)  127/if ord(b)  127 or ord(b)  32/
 On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:19:44 -0700
 Josh Dukes josh.du...@microvu.com wrote:
  There might be another way but off the top of my head:
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  def isbin(filename):
 for b in fd.read():
 if ord(b)  127:
 return True
 return False
  for f in ['/bin/bash', '/etc/passwd']:
 print %s is binary:  % f, isbin(f)
  Of course this would detect unicode files as being binary and maybe
  that's not what you want. How are you thinking about doing it in
  perl exactly? 
  On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:23:05 -0700 (PDT)
  ritu ritu_bhandar...@yahoo.com wrote:
   I'm wondering if Python has a utility to detect binary content in
   files? Or if anyone has any ideas on how that can be
   accomplished? I haven't been able to find any useful information
   to accomplish this (my other option is to fire off a perl script
   from within m python script that will tell me whether the file is
   binary), so any pointers will be appreciated.


Josh Dukes
MicroVu IT Department

Re: Printing Out Called Function Calls

2009-03-31 Thread Victor Subervi

 change server famrs?

Really. But I imagine they are all trash for the price I pay.

 use eval() or exec()?

eval worked, exec no. Thanks!



Re: Relative Imports, why the hell is it so hard?

2009-03-31 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 31 Mrz., 18:48, s4g rafals...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was looking for a nice idiom for interpackage imports as I found
 this thread.
 Here come a couple of solutions I came up with. Any discussion is

 I assume the same file structure

 \ App
 | main.py
 | | __init__.py
 | | module1.py
 | | __init__.py
 | | module2.py

 When you run main.py all imports relative to \App work fine, so the
 only problem is running a module from within a subpackage as a script.
 I therefore assume we want to run module1.py as a script, which wants
 to import module2.

 I hope the following solutions are self-evident

 = solution 1
 -- in module1.py
 import sys, os
 if __name__ == '__main__':

 import subpack2.module2

 = solution 2
 -- in subpack1/__init__.py
 import sys, os

 _top_package_level = 1   # with current package being level 0

 _top_package = os.path.normpath(__file__ + '/..'*(_top_package_level
 if _top_package not in sys.path:

 -- in module1 or any module in the package, which requires import
 relative to the package top
 import __init__
 import subpack2.module2

 = solution 3
 -- in package_import.py, somewhere on the PYTHONPATH ( perhaps in
 standard lib ;)

 def set_top_package(module, level):
     _top_package = os.path.normpath(module + '/..'*(level+1))
     if _top_package not in sys.path:

 class absolute_import(object):
     def __init__(self, module, level):
         self.level = level
         self.module = module

     def __enter__(self):
         sys.path.insert( 0,
             os.path.normpath(self.module + '/..'*(self.level+1))

     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
         del sys.path[0]

 -- in module1
 import package_import
 package_import.set_top_package(__file__, 1)
 import subpack2.module2

 -- or in module1
 import package_import
 with package_import.absolute_import(__file__, 1):
     import subpack2.module2

This and similar solutions ( see Istvan Alberts ) point me to a
fundamental problem of the current import architecture. Suppose you
really want to run a module as a script without a prior import from a
module path:

...A\B\C python my_module.py

then the current working directory C is added to sys.path which means
that the module finder searches in C but C isn't a known package.
There is no C package in sys.modules even if the C directory is
declared as a package by placing an __init__.py file in it. Same
goes of course with B and A. Although the ceremony has been performed
basically correct the interpreter god is not pacified and doesn't
respond. But why not? Because it looks up for *living* imported
packages in the module cache ( in sys.modules ).

I don't think there is any particular design idea behind it. The
module cache is just a simple flat dictionary; a no-brainer to
implement and efficient for look ups. But it counteracts a domain
model. All you are left with is those Finders, Loaders and Importers
in Brett Cannons importlib. Everything remains deeply mysterious and I
don't wonder that it took long for him to work this out.


Re: create a log level for python logging module

2009-03-31 Thread MRAB

dj wrote:

On Mar 30, 4:18 pm, Vinay Sajip vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

On Mar 30, 4:13 pm, dj d.a.aberna...@gmail.com wrote:

I am trying to create a log level called userinfo for the pythonlogging. I read 
the source code and tried to register the level to theloggingnamespace with the 
following source:
 fromloggingimport Logger
 # create the custom log level
  class userinfo(Logger):
   def userinfo(self, msg,
*args, **kwargs):
self._log(WARNING, msg, args, **kwargs)
  # Register log level in thelogging.Logger 
  Logger.userinfo = userinfo
Has I am sure you guessed, it did not work. If you know how this is
done or know what I am doing work or can provide a link to example
code (because I have not been able to locate any), I would greatly
appreciate it.
My sincere and heartfelt thanks in advance.

See the example script at


which contains, amongst other things, an illustration of how to use
custom logging levels in an application.


Vinay Sajip

I got the code setup, however, I still get an error for my custom log

### Python code

import sys, logging

# log levels
ERROR = 40
USERINFO =25 # my custom log level
INFO = 20
DEBUG  = 10

# define the range

# level names

log_levels = {

CRITICAL : 'critical',
ERROR : 'error',
WARNING : 'warning',
USERINFO : 'userinfo',
INFO : 'info',
DEBUG : 'debug',


# associate names with our levels.
for lvl in log_levels.keys():
logging.addLevelName(lvl, log_levels[lvl])

# setup a log instance
logger = logging.getLogger('myLog')
hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()

# give it a try
print 'write logs'
logger.critical('this a critical log message')
logger.userinfo('this is a userinfo log message')   #call custom log

# Output from my interpreter

Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct  2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
Evaluating log_level_test.py
write logs
this a critical log message
AttributeError: Logger instance has no attribute 'userinfo'

I would love to know what I am doing wrong. Thanks again for your
help, it is really appreciated.

I think that custom levels don't get their own method; you have to use:

logger.log(USERINFO, 'this is a userinfo log message')

although you could add it yourself with, say:

setattr(logger, 'userinfo', lambda *args: logger.log(USERINFO, *args))

Re: Creating huge data in very less time.

2009-03-31 Thread Irmen de Jong

venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mar 31, 1:15 pm, Steven D'Aprano
ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au wrote:

On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 22:44:41 -0700, venutaurus...@gmail.com wrote:

Hello all,
I've a requirement where I need to create around 1000
files under a given folder with each file size of around 1GB. The
constraints here are each file should have random data and no two files
should be unique even if I run the same script multiple times.

I don't understand what you mean. No two files should be unique means
literally that only *one* file is unique, the others are copies of each

Do you mean that no two files should be the same?

the filenames should also be unique every time I run the script. One
possibility is that we can use Unix time format for the file   names
with some extensions.

That's easy. Start a counter at 0, and every time you create a new file,
name the file by that counter, then increase the counter by one.

Can this be done within few minutes of time. Is it
possble only using threads or can be done in any other way. This has to
be done in Windows.

Is it possible? Sure. In a couple of minutes? I doubt it. 1000 files of
1GB each means you are writing 1TB of data to a HDD. The fastest HDDs can
reach about 125 MB per second under ideal circumstances, so that will
take at least 8 seconds per 1GB file or 8000 seconds in total. If you try
to write them all in parallel, you'll probably just make the HDD waste
time seeking backwards and forwards from one place to another.


That time is reasonable. The randomness should be in such a way that
MD5 checksum of no two files should be the same.The main reason for
having such a huge data is for doing stress testing of our product.

Does it really need to be *files* on the *hard disk*?

What nobody has suggested yet is that you can *simulate* the files by making a large set 
of custom file-like object and feed that to your application. (If possible!)

The object could return a 1 GB byte stream consisting of a GUID followed by 
random bytes
(or just millions of A's, because you write that the only requirement is to have a 
different MD5 checksum).
That way you have no need of a 1 terabyte hard drive and the huge wait time to create 
the actual files...


Re: udp package header

2009-03-31 Thread Artur M. Piwko
In the darkest hour on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 00:50:10 + (UTC),
R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com screamed:
 I got a problem. İ want to send udp package and get this package (server and 
 clinet ). it's easy to python but i want to look the udp header how can i 
 do ?

 The English word is 'packet'.

 If you are on Linux you can use raw sockets for this.

With a little drawback - raw sockets require root privilege.

[ Artur M. Piwko : Pipen : AMP29-RIPE : RLU:100918 : From == Trap! : SIG:210B ]
[ 19:19:19 user up 12028 days,  7:14,  1 user, load average: 0.36, 0.28, 0.54 ]

   God is an atheist.

custom handler does not write to log file

2009-03-31 Thread dj
It seems that you can create custom handlers and add them to the
logging.handlers namespace(http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-
But for reasons beyond my understanding my log file (test.log) is not
written to.

  my handler class
import logging.handlers

# create my handler class
class MyHandler(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
def __init__(self, filename):
logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler.__init__(self, filename,
maxBytes=10485760, backupCount=5)

# Register handler in the logging.handlers namespace
logging.handlers.MyHandler = MyHandler

  test app.py
import logging
import logging.handlers

from myhandler import MyHandler

# log file path
LOG_FILE_PATH='H:/python_experiments/logging/test.log'  # log file
#log file formatter
myformatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)
s %(lineno)d %(message)s')

# setup a log instance for myHandler
logger2 = logging.getLogger('myLog2')
hdlr2 = logging.handlers.MyHandler(LOG_FILE_PATH)

# give it a try
print 'using myHandler'
logger2.debug('this is a test of myHandler')
print 'after logger using myHandler'

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Thoughts on language-level configuration support?

2009-03-31 Thread Lorenzo Gatti
On 31 Mar, 09:19, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mar 31, 2:54 am, David Stanek dsta...@dstanek.com wrote:

  On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:40 AM, jfager jfa...@gmail.com wrote:

   The basic idea is that a language could offer syntactic support for
   declaring configurable points in the program.  The language system
   would then offer an api to allow the end user to discover a programs
   configuration service, as well as a general api for providing
   configuration values.

A configuration service? An end user that bothers to discover it?
API for providing configuration values? This suggestion, and the
companion blog post, seem very distant from the real world for a
number of reasons.

1) Users want to supply applications with the least amount of useful
configuration information as rarely and easily as possible, not to use
advanced tools to satisfy an application's crudely expressed
configuration demands.

Reducing inconvenience for the user entails sophisticated and mostly
ad hoc techniques: deciding without asking (e.g. autoconf looking into
C compiler headers and trying shell commands or countless applications
with user profiles querying the OS for the current user's home
directory), asking when the software is installed (e.g. what 8 bit
character encoding should be used in a new database), designing
sensible and safe defaults.

2) Practical complex configuration files (or their equivalent in a DB,
a LDAP directory, etc.) are more important and more permanent than the
applications that use them; their syntax and semantics should be
defined by external specifications (such as manuals and examples), not
in the code of a particular implementation.

User documentation is necessary, and having a configuration mechanism
that isn't subject to accidents when the application is modified is
equally important.

3) Configuration consisting of values associated with individual
variables is an unusually simple case. The normal case is translating
between nontrivial sequential, hierarchical or reticular data
structures in the configuration input and quite different ones in the

4) Your actual use case seems to be providing a lot of tests with a
replacement for the real configuration of the actual application.
Branding variables as configuration all over the program isn't an
useful way to help the tests and the actual application build the same
data structures in different ways.

  What value does this have over simply having a configuration file.

 Simply having a configuration file - okay.  What format?  What if
 the end user wants to keep their configuration info in LDAP?

Wait a minute. Reading the configuration from a live LDAP directory
is a major feature, with involved application specific aspects (e.g.
error handling) and a solid justification in the application's
requirements (e.g. ensuring up to date authentication and
authorization data), not an interchangeable configuration provider and
certainly not something that the user can replace.

Deciding where the configuration comes from is an integral part of the
design, not something that can or should be left to the user: there
can be value in defining common object models for various sources of
configuration data and rules to combine them, like e.g. in the Spring
framework for Java, but it's only a starting point for the actual
design of the application's configuration.

  In your load testing application you could have easily checked for the
  settings in a config object.

 Not really easily, no.  It would have been repeated boilerplate across
 many different test cases (actually, that's what we started with and
 refactored away), instead of a simple declaration that delegated the
 checking to the test runner.

A test runner has no business configuring tests beyond calling generic
setup and teardown methods; tests can be designed smartly and factored
properly to take care of their own configuration without repeating

  I think that the discover-ability of
  configuration can be handled with example configs and documentation.

 Who's keeping that up to date?  Who's making sure it stays in sync
 with the code?  Why even bother, if you could get it automatically
 from the code?

It's the code that must remain in sync with the documentation, the
tests, and the actual usage of the application. For example, when did
you last see incompatible changes in Apache's httpd.conf?

You seem to think code is central and actual use and design is a
second class citizen. You say in your blog post: Users shouldn’t have
to pore through the code to find all the little bits they can tweak.
They shouldn't because a well designed application has adequate
documentation of what should be configured in the form of manuals,
wizards, etc. and they shouldn't because they don't want to tweak
little bits, not even if they have to.


Lorenzo Gatti

RE: Cannot register to submit a bug report

2009-03-31 Thread John Posner
Terry Ready said: 

   My ISP (ATT/Yahoo) was blocking email from the Python bug-tracker:
   sending system has been identified as a source of spam.
  I hope you were able to suggest to them that that 
  identification must be 
  an error.  Frustrating given the spam sources that somehow 
  do not get 

The ATT web site carefully explained that only administrators, not mere
mortals, would be able to submit a this is not spam appeal. So I forwarded
the appropriate info to Martin Lowis, my Tracker-discuss benefactor.

   I took a suggestion
   from Martin Lowis on the tracker-discuss list: register under a
   email address. That solution worked fine.
  Better than waiting for ATT to wise up. ;-)

Fuggedaboudit! :-)

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.12080

Re: Writing to Console on mac OS X

2009-03-31 Thread Irmen de Jong

RGK wrote:
I'm on mac os x 10.4.11 running python 2.5.2, and Django 1.0, but this 
is a python question.

When doing django/mod_python stuff, I can write to the Apache error_log 
file with

sys.stderr.write(SOMETHING I WANT TO KNOW)

which had me wondering if there's not a means for a misc. python program 
to write to the Mac OS X console?   That would be much nicer than having 
to open up the error log and inspect stuff, as then I could see debug 
info stream past on a console window.

(This is console, as in the console run from /Applications/Utilities, 
not the bash Terminal)

Any help or suggestions appreciated. Thx.


Yeah, use the syslog facility, for instance:

import syslog
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ALERT, Here is my syslog alert message)

It seems that anything below alert level isn't shown in the console.
I don't how to change this.

You might want to consider using the Python logging module instead?


Re: Writing to Console on mac OS X

2009-03-31 Thread RGK

Thanks for the pointer Irmen. That works fine.

Also my unfamiliarity with the console app is showing - I just learned 
that there is a navigation pane activated by the 'logs' icon that allows 
me to see various system logs, including the Apache ones :p

You're right, I've heard a bit about the Python logging module, but 
never looked into it. This is a good reason to take a look.

Thanks again  Regards,

Irmen de Jong wrote:

RGK wrote:
I'm on mac os x 10.4.11 running python 2.5.2, and Django 1.0, but this 
is a python question.

When doing django/mod_python stuff, I can write to the Apache 
error_log file with

sys.stderr.write(SOMETHING I WANT TO KNOW)

which had me wondering if there's not a means for a misc. python 
program to write to the Mac OS X console?   That would be much nicer 
than having to open up the error log and inspect stuff, as then I 
could see debug info stream past on a console window.

(This is console, as in the console run from 
/Applications/Utilities, not the bash Terminal)

Any help or suggestions appreciated. Thx.


Yeah, use the syslog facility, for instance:

import syslog
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ALERT, Here is my syslog alert message)

It seems that anything below alert level isn't shown in the console.
I don't how to change this.

You might want to consider using the Python logging module instead?



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