[ANN] pyjamas 0.6pre3 released

2009-08-14 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
much as we'd very much like to declare a 0.6 stable release, really
really soon and move forward, the ChangeLog just keeps growing (133
and counting) with the bugfixes, testing and contributions since

pyjamas is a port of GWT to python, and includes a
python-to-javascript compiler and a widget UI toolkit that is similar
to pyqt4, pygtk2 etc.  applications can either be run as javascript
(in a web browser) or on the desktop (using pyjamas-desktop) as
python.  conceptually therefore, pyjamas is similar to adobe AIR -
except that it's python, not ActionScript, and it's entirely free
software.  hurrah!

key changes:

* the python-to-javascript has been significantly reworked, and now
includes a --strict option which adds python strict features at the
expense of speed.  to disable these, and obtain speed instead, use

* pyjamas-desktop has been merged into the pyjamas distribution, which
includes support for one stable browser engine (XULrunner, the same
engine behind firefox); pywebkitgtk (the engine behind safari and the
iphone) and MSHTML (IE's engine).  pywebkitgtk is useable (but
unfriendly - no DOM exception handling); MSHTML is even less friendly
- COM gets in the way at present, and eats even python exceptions).

there's a lot more that could be said, but you've probably noticed all
the other prerelease notices so 'nuff said, other than: thank you to
the people who've been helping and contributing with testing, patches
and more.

downloads and more information:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: mpmath 0.13 released

2009-08-14 Thread Fredrik Johansson
Hi all,

Version 0.13 of mpmath is now available from the website:

It can also be downloaded from the Python Package Index:

Mpmath is a pure-Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point
arithmetic that implements an extensive set of mathematical functions.
It can be used as a standalone library or via SymPy
(http://code.google.com/p/sympy/), and is also available as a
component of Sage (http://sagemath.org/).

Version 0.13 implements about 30 new special functions, including
Kelvin, Struve, Coulomb, Whittaker, associated Legendre, Meijer G,
Appell, incomplete beta, generalized exponential integral, Hurwitz
zeta and Clausen functions. The algorithms for hypergeometric-type
functions have been greatly improved to robustly handle arbitrarily
large arguments and limit cases of the parameters. Other new features
and bug fixes are included as well.

For a more comprehensive changelog, see:

For development tidbits and demonstrations of the new features, see
the blog: http://fredrik-j.blogspot.com/

Extensive documentation is available at:

Bug reports and other comments are welcome on the issue tracker at
http://code.google.com/p/mpmath/issues/list or the mpmath mailing
list: http://groups.google.com/group/mpmath

My work on mpmath 0.13 was made with the goal to bring
arbitrary-precision evaluation of special functions in Sage up to par
with Mathematica and Maple, and was kindly sponsored by the American
Institute of Mathematics under the support of National Science
Foundation Grant No. 0757627. Special thanks to Sage's lead developer
William Stein for offering his grant resources to support this
project, and for providing much encouragement. The new version of
mpmath will soon be available in Sage.


Fredrik Johansson

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[RELEASED] Python 3.1.1 Release Candidate

2009-08-14 Thread Benjamin Peterson
On behalf of the Python development team, I'm pleased to announce the first
release candidate of Python 3.1.1.

This bug fix release fixes many normal bugs and several critical ones including
potential data corruption in the io library.  The final version should be out
within the next week.

Python 3.1 focuses on the stabilization and optimization of the features and
changes that Python 3.0 introduced.  For example, the new I/O system has been
rewritten in C for speed.  File system APIs that use unicode strings now handle
paths with undecodable bytes in them. Other features include an ordered
dictionary implementation, a condensed syntax for nested with statements, and
support for ttk Tile in Tkinter.  For a more extensive list of changes in 3.1,
see http://doc.python.org/3.1/whatsnew/3.1.html or Misc/NEWS in the Python

To download Python 3.1.1 visit:


The 3.1 documentation can be found at:


Bugs can always be reported to:



Benjamin Peterson
Release Manager
benjamin at python.org
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.1.1's contributors)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon 2010: Call for Proposals

2009-08-14 Thread Aahz
Call for proposals -- PyCon 2010 -- http://us.pycon.org/2010/

Due date: October 1st, 2009

Want to showcase your skills as a Python Hacker? Want to have
hundreds of people see your talk on the subject of your choice? Have some
hot button issue you think the community needs to address, or have some
package, code or project you simply love talking about? Want to launch
your master plan to take over the world with python?

PyCon is your platform for getting the word out and teaching something
new to hundreds of people, face to face.

Previous PyCon conferences have had a broad range of presentations,
from reports on academic and commercial projects, tutorials on a broad
range of subjects and case studies. All conference speakers are volunteers
and come from a myriad of backgrounds. Some are new speakers, some
are old speakers. Everyone is welcome so bring your passion and your
code! We're looking to you to help us top the previous years of success
PyCon has had.

PyCon 2010 is looking for proposals to fill the formal presentation tracks.
The PyCon conference days will be February 19-22, 2010 in Atlanta,
Georgia, preceded by the tutorial days (February 17-18), and followed
by four days of development sprints (February 22-25).

Online proposal submission is open now! Proposals  will be accepted
through October 1st, with acceptance notifications coming out on
November 15th. For the detailed call for proposals, please see:


For videos of talks from previous years - check out:


We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Support the Python Software Foundation:

OptionParser How to: prog cmd [options] [arguments]

2009-08-14 Thread Steven Woody
I am using OptionParser, but I've not managed figure out a way to support
what I wanted command line format prog cmd [options] [arguments].
E.g., svn ls -r123 http://hello.world;.   Can I do this using OptionParser?


Life is the only flaw in an otherwise perfect nonexistence
   -- Schopenhauer

public key at http://subkeys.pgp.net:11371 (narkewo...@gmail.com)

Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 13, 10:36 pm, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman pfeld...@verizon.net
 Actually, I've tried both of these, and I get (different) errors in both

 In [1]: from mymath import *

 In [2]: reload(mymath)
 NameError: name 'mymath' is not defined

 In [3]: reload('mymath')
 TypeError: reload() argument must be module

Two problems here.

1. You have to call reload on an actual module object.  When you write
from mymath import * you are not actually binding the mytmath module
to the mymath symbol.  So, if you were to then write print mymath
Python would raise a NameError exception.

OTOH, if you were to write import mymath, then the symbol mymath
would bound to the mymath module.  If you then write print mymath,
Python would output module 'mymath' from '/wherever', the module
object.  Only then can you pass it to reload.

2. If you use from mymath import *, even if you were to reload the
mymath module (say, by importing it directly and calling reload on
that), you will find that the functions you had originally imported
will not be updated.  They will still refer to the old functions.
Why?  Because when you reload a module, it only affects that's
module's namespace.  When you import a function from a module, you are
now referencing the function from your own namespace.  Even if the
function in the module is replaced, the reference to that function in
your own namespace hasn't been replaced.

So, what do you do?

My advice is to dispense with importing functions altogether; only
import modules.  It's more typing and a bit less efficient, but it
makes everything more straightforward and consistent.

Carl Banks

Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread Raymond Hettinger
 I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
 a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
 certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

 class foo(object):
    def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
       self.start = a
       self.end = b

 from datetime import datetime
 c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
 d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
 afoo = foo(c,d)

 For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
 of foo to switch the start and end times.

 afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

 I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
 and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
 determine which values is being set.

You're on the right track, but it is easier to use property() than to
write your own custom descriptor with __get__ and __set__.

class foo(object):
def __init__(self,a = None,b = None):
self._start = a
self._end = b
def get_start(self):
return self._start
def set_start(self, value):
if self._end is None or value  self._end:
self._start = value
self._end = value
start = property(get_start, set_start)
def get_end(self):
return self._end
def set_end(self, value):
if self._start is None or value  self._start:
self._end = value
self._start = value
end = property(get_end, set_end)



Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-14 Thread Frank Millman
On Aug 14, 12:52 am, David davig...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Yes, I guess it would be more simple. Here is really what I am trying
 to do. I simplified the functions, but the purpose is to write some
 text in a local file every x seconds (here, I'm just writing the
 timestamp, i.e. a string representing the date  time, every 10
 seconds) and to transfer this file to a distant server via FTP every y
 seconds (20 seconds in the example below). My code is a little bit
 more complicated because each time I transfer the file, I delete the
 local file which is then recreated when data is written, but for
 simplicity I left this out in the code below. So, here is the code
 I've been using to test Frank's code. I've been struggling with using
 or not a While True loop or not, and everything I try seems to run
 into issues.

 import threading
 from datetime import datetime
 import ftplib

 class CFtpConnection:
 FTP Connection parameters
 def __init__(self, host, port, timeout, user, passwd):
 self.host = 
 self.port = 21
 self.timeout = 60
 self.user = 
 self.passwd = 

 class CStoreData(threading.Thread):
 Write timestamp in a file every 10 seconds in separate

 def __init__(self, timestamp):
 self.event = threading.Event()
 self.timestamp = timestamp

 def run(self):
 while not self.event.is_set():
 file_handler = open(Test.txt, 'a')

 def stop(self):

 class CTransferData(threading.Thread):
 Transfer timestamp file every 20 seconds in separate thread

 def __init__(self, ftp_connection):
 self.event = threading.Event()
 self.ftp_connection = ftp_connection

 def run(self):
 while not self.event.is_set():
 file_handler = open(Test.txt, 'r')
 Ftp_handler = ftplib.FTP('')
 self.ftp_connection.port, self.ftp_connection.timeout)
 Ftp_handler.storbinary(STOR Test.txt, file_handler)

 def stop(self):

 ftp_connection = CFtpConnection(, 21, 60, , )
 ftp_connection.host = ''
 ftp_connection.user = admin
 ftp_connection.passwd = admin

   timestamp = datetime.now()
   func_store_data = CStoreData(timestamp)

   func_transfer_data = CTransferData(ftp_connection)



Hi David

I think that the main problem is your use of  while(1) (usually written as 
'while 1' BTW). The effect is that you create multiple copies of CStoreData 
and CTransferData, each running simultaneously. As you bind them to the same 
name each time, the previous one presumably gets garbage collected. I don't 
know if this effectively kills the running thread or not. Either way, this 
is not what you want to happen.

Here are some initial thoughts -

1. You say that you want the main program to continue running in the 
background. Personally I find it easier to think of the main program running 
in the foreground, and each of the functions running in the background.

2. As you speak of launching several functions, you may want to keep a list 
of them to make it easier to stop them at the end.

3. Instead of passing 'timestamp' as an argument to each function, it is 
probably better to call datatime.now() within the function itself.

Based on these thoughts, maybe your program should look something like 
this -

running_functions = []

while 1:
if some_condition:  # start function to store data
func = CStoreData()

   if some_other_condition:  # start function to transfer data
func = CTransferData()

if end_condition:  # terminate program
break  # break out of while loop

time.sleep(0.1)  # to avoid hogging the cpu

# stop all running functions at end
for func in running_functions:

I hope this gives you some ideas.



Re: Nice copy in interactive terminal

2009-08-14 Thread casebash
I mainly develop on Linux these days, but if I ever end up doing
anything on windows I'll make sure to look at that.

On Aug 13, 6:56 pm, Elias Fotinis \(eliasf\) efoti...@y...@h00.com
 casebash wrote:
  I've been wondering for a while if there exists an interactive
  terminal which has nice copy feature (ie. I can copy code without
  getting the  in front of every line).

 It would help if we knew what platform you're interested in -- your
 User-Agent is G2/1.0, but I don't know what that is.  :o)

 On Windows, PythonWin can copy from the interactive window without the


socket.send : (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')

2009-08-14 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Hello everyone,

I get a (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable') error when I try to 
send a file using a socket. Is there s size limit? I tried sending a 
smaller file and ii poses no problem. Am I doing something wrong? Here 
is the code:

def sendMessage(host, port, msg):

   if isinstance(msg, unicode):
   msg = msg.encode(utf-8)
   sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

   sock.connect((host, port))
   totalsent = 0
   while totalsent  len(msg):
   sent = sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
   if sent == 0:
   raise RuntimeError, socket connection broken
   totalsent = totalsent + sent

Thank you,

Re: OptionParser How to: prog cmd [options] [arguments]

2009-08-14 Thread Javier Collado

I think that this isn't possible with optparse library.

However, it's possible with argparse (http://code.google.com/p/argparse/):

It's not a standard library, but it's worth to take a look at it.

Best regards,

2009/8/14 Steven Woody narkewo...@gmail.com:
 I am using OptionParser, but I've not managed figure out a way to support
 what I wanted command line format prog cmd [options] [arguments].
 E.g., svn ls -r123 http://hello.world.   Can I do this using OptionParser?
 Life is the only flaw in an otherwise perfect nonexistence
    -- Schopenhauer

 public key at http://subkeys.pgp.net:11371 (narkewo...@gmail.com)



Re: Plotting Quadratic Functions, pygame

2009-08-14 Thread Esmail

Hello Senad,

You might find this style guide useful too in your toolbox of
Python skills  tricks.


This is a great and helpful group of people here, we are lucky to
have access to groups like this.




Re: Plotting Quadratic Functions, pygame

2009-08-14 Thread Esmail

Hello Senad,

You might find this style guide useful too in your toolbox of
Python skills  tricks.


This is a great and helpful group of people here, we are lucky to
have access to groups like this.




Re: Format Code Repeat Counts?

2009-08-14 Thread jschwab
Thanks all! That was most helpful and informative.


Pygresql, and query meta informations

2009-08-14 Thread durumdara

Pygresql, DB-API.

I search for a solution to get meta information about last query,
because I must export these infos to Delphi.

Delphi have TDataSet, and it have meta structure that must be defined
before I create it.
For char/varchar fields I must define their sizes!

Pygresql is not retreive the field sizes.

Ok, it have solution that CHAR fields values have full size; but
varchars are not.
Ok, secondary I can calc all field lengths before I export, and I can
set THIS CALCULATED size to the field, but this is data dependent.

If I have NULL only, the field size = 0. Next query get 71 to the
field len. Next query is 234...

So I wanna ask that
a.) have I some special way in Pygresql to retreive the char/varchar
field's length?
b.) if not, how to I realize this (other ways)?

Thanks for your help:


Re: socket.send : (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')

2009-08-14 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:

Hello everyone,

I get a (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable') error when I try to 
send a file using a socket. Is there s size limit? I tried sending a 
smaller file and ii poses no problem. Am I doing something wrong? Here 
is the code:

def sendMessage(host, port, msg):

   if isinstance(msg, unicode):
   msg = msg.encode(utf-8)
 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   sock.connect((host, port))
   totalsent = 0
   while totalsent  len(msg):
   sent = sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
   if sent == 0:
   raise RuntimeError, socket connection broken
   totalsent = totalsent + sent

Thank you,

Actually, the original code didn't have the sock.setblocking(0), the 
problem I am trying to find is that the server does have 
sock.setblocking(0) (I can't change that) and it is getting the same 
error as my client has with the sock.setblocking(0), except it gets it 
on the accept() call. I tried modifying my code to be like this :

def sendMessage(host, port, msg):
   if isinstance(msg, unicode):

   msg = msg.encode(utf-8)
   burstSize = 4096
   sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

   sock.connect((host, port))
   while msg:
   sent = sock.send(msg[:burstSize])
   print Sending %d bytes... % sent
   if sent == 0:
   raise RuntimeError, socket connection broken
   msg = msg[burstSize:]

thinking maybe if I send small parts it would work better but this does 
not seem to change anything.
How are large msgs sent w/ a socket in python to a non-blocking server? 
The msg I'm trying to send is 175213 bytes long.


Re: socket.send : (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')

2009-08-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Friday 14 August 2009 09:15:34 Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I get a (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable') error when I try to
 send a file using a socket. Is there s size limit? I tried sending a
 smaller file and ii poses no problem. Am I doing something wrong? Here
 is the code:

 def sendMessage(host, port, msg):

 if isinstance(msg, unicode):
 msg = msg.encode(utf-8)

 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 sock.connect((host, port))

This is the problem - if the socket does not block, it will return
the  temporarily unavailable error when it is busy.

If you want to use it non blocking then you have to handle the
error in a try except, and loop.

- Hendrik

Re: socket.send : (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')

2009-08-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Friday 14 August 2009 09:47:50 Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
 Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
8 --

 Actually, the original code didn't have the sock.setblocking(0), the
 problem I am trying to find is that the server does have
 sock.setblocking(0) (I can't change that) and it is getting the same
 error as my client has with the sock.setblocking(0), except it gets it
 on the accept() call. I tried modifying my code to be like this :

 def sendMessage(host, port, msg):

 if isinstance(msg, unicode):
 msg = msg.encode(utf-8)

 burstSize = 4096

 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 sock.connect((host, port))
 while msg:
 sent = sock.send(msg[:burstSize])
 print Sending %d bytes... % sent
 if sent == 0:
 raise RuntimeError, socket connection broken
 msg = msg[burstSize:]

 thinking maybe if I send small parts it would work better but this does
 not seem to change anything.
 How are large msgs sent w/ a socket in python to a non-blocking server?
 The msg I'm trying to send is 175213 bytes long.

Google for netstring, and also look at sock.sendall instead of send.

- Hendrik

Re: Plotting Quadratic Functions, pygame

2009-08-14 Thread Bearophile
Senad Ibraimoski Of Belgrade:
 Hello, I'm a new guy to this group, my professor recommend this group
 to me, because I was boring him with questions.I'm new to python, and
 I have problem plotting Quadratic Functions. Using module pygame.

Python is a tool you use to learn something else, but tools are
important, they also help shape the way you think. So tell your
teacher that questions about tools are important enough.

If your purpose is to learn something then using Pygame to plot
functions is OK. If your purpose is just to plot them, and you don't
have strange needs, then MatPlotLib can be better.


Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 13:49:19 +0900, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
 According to the Python documentation, 'reload' reloads a previously
 imported module (so that changes made via an external editor will be
 effective). But, when I try to use this command, I get the following
 error message:
 TypeError: reload() argument must be module
 Any suggestions will be appreciated.
 Besides the other answers, do not use reload. It is removed in Py3
 because it cannot be made to work as people reasonably expect.

That's a damn shame, because it is very useful for interactive use once 
you get it's quirks. Is it gone-gone or just removed from built-ins? 

If the former, would the following be a reasonable replacement?

def reload(module):
if type(module) is not type(__builtins__):
raise TypeError(reload() argument must be module)
name = module.__name__
del globals()[name]
del sys.modules[name]
globals()[name] = __import__(name)

It seems to work for me, but I'm not sure if I've missed something.


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-14 Thread ryles
On Aug 13, 8:36 pm, goldtech goldt...@worldpost.com wrote:
 Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this?


Give the whole tutorial a good read.

Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
In the past, on this  group, I have made statements that said that on Linux, 
the serial port handling somehow does not allow transmitting and receiving at 
the same time, and nobody contradicted me.

I am running into the self same issue again.

What I normally do is to open the port like this:

port = open(/dev/ttyS0,r+b,0)

and then I unblock it with:

def unblock(f):
Given file 'f', sets its unblock flag to true.

fcntl.fcntl(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)

Then I can write a loop that uses a try-except to see if there are characters 
available, and that examines a queue to see if there is something to 
transmit, to give the appearance of full duplex functionality.

What I would really like is to have two threads - one that does blocking input 
waiting for a character, and one that examines an output queue and transmits 
the stuff it finds.

When I try to do this, it does not seem to work - as far as I can see, it is 
as if the underlying implementation is somehow single threaded - if it is 
waiting for a received character, it waits until something comes in before it 
will transmit anything.  So if you are talking to a device that does not 
respond, the whole thing freezes up waiting for a character that never comes, 
and nothing is transmitted either, despite the call to 
port.write(somestring).  The write blocks, and everything stops, waiting for 
the receipt to finish.

Is there a way to get full duplex, so that the transmit and receive are 
independent of each other?

Or are we stuck with a disk-like model that forces a sequence on reads and 

- Hendrik


Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

Actually, I've tried both of these, and I get (different) errors in both

In [1]: from mymath import *

In [2]: reload(mymath)
NameError: name 'mymath' is not defined

In [3]: reload('mymath')
TypeError: reload() argument must be module


Please don't top post :o)

1/ Do not use the 'from module import *' form, unless you don't have 
any other choice, it will set in your namespace an undefined number of 
symbols, you may get some name collisions which usually lead to very 
nasty bugs.

import mymath

will do the trick.

If you are of those lazy coders you can write

import mymath as mm

If you are using a few functions and don't what to prefix them with the 
module name you can also write

import mymath
from mymath import func1, func2, func3

# reload the functions
func1 = mymath.func1
func2 = mymath.func2
func3 = mymath.func3


Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 14 Aug 2009 05:34:52 -0300, Steven D'Aprano  
st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au escribió:

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 13:49:19 +0900, Terry Reedy wrote:

Besides the other answers, do not use reload. It is removed in Py3
because it cannot be made to work as people reasonably expect.

That's a damn shame, because it is very useful for interactive use once
you get it's quirks. Is it gone-gone or just removed from built-ins?

Just relocated:

p3 import imp
p3 imp.reload
built-in function reload

Gabriel Genellina


Re: OptionParser How to: prog cmd [options] [arguments]

2009-08-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 14, 12:18 am, Javier Collado javier.coll...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/8/14 Steven Woody narkewo...@gmail.com:

  I am using OptionParser, but I've not managed figure out a way to support
  what I wanted command line format prog cmd [options] [arguments].
  E.g., svn ls -r123http://hello.world;.   Can I do this using OptionParser?


 I think that this isn't possible with optparse library.

It's possible if you remove sys.argv[1] before invoking optparse.

 However, it's possible with argparse (http://code.google.com/p/argparse/):

 It's not a standard library, but it's worth to take a look at it.

It's more than worth looking at, it's a slam dunk.  It's superior to
optparse in every way I can think of.  Unless you don't want the third-
party dependency there is no reason to use optparse instead of

Carl Banks

Re: OptionParser How to: prog cmd [options] [arguments]

2009-08-14 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 14 Aug 2009 03:22:49 -0300, Steven Woody narkewo...@gmail.com  

I am using OptionParser, but I've not managed figure out a way to support
what I wanted command line format prog cmd [options] [arguments].
E.g., svn ls -r123 http://hello.world;.   Can I do this using  

Extract the cmd yourself, and pass the remaining arguments (that is,  
sys.argv[2:]) to parser.parse_args()

Gabriel Genellina


Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 8/13/2009 3:17 PM dippim said...

I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = a
  self.end = b

from datetime import datetime
c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo = foo(c,d)

For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
of foo to switch the start and end times.

afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
and reverse the values if necessary, 

why not...

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = min(a,b)
  self.end = max(a,b)



class foo(object):
   def __init__(self, start, end)
  self.start = start
  self.end = end

Problem solved by design :o)


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-14 Thread Duncan Booth
MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Operation  Result
|x or y|  x if x else y
|x and y|  y if x else x
|not x|  False if x else False

That's not a terribly good definition for the 'not' operator. Try:

  |not x| False if x else True

Duncan Booth http://kupuguy.blogspot.com

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Hendrik van Rooyen schrieb:
In the past, on this  group, I have made statements that said that on Linux, 
the serial port handling somehow does not allow transmitting and receiving at 
the same time, and nobody contradicted me.

I am running into the self same issue again.

What I normally do is to open the port like this:

port = open(/dev/ttyS0,r+b,0)

How about using pyserial? With that, I never had any problems accessing 
the the serial ports, and AFAIK no duplex-problems as well. And I 
seriously doubt that these are a python-related problem - python only 
has a very thin, direct layer above the posix-calls, and doesn't do 
anything that would explain your observed behavior. The GIL is not the 
issue here either - it won't interfer with blocking IO.


Re: get the pause status from amarok 2.1

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Sleepy Cabbage schrieb:
As the title says, I'm trying to find a way to get the pause status from 
amarok 2.1.

I'm running kubuntu 9.04 with kde 4.2.2, python 2.6.2.

Thanks in advance.

Not at my linux-system right now, but dcop and the respective 
python-module should help.


Re: need help calculating point between two coordinates.

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 14:26:54 -0700, PeteDK wrote:

 Hi there
 I'am working on a route comparison tool for carpools.
 The route comparison is based on 'steps' retrieved from google maps
 GDirection. These steps vary in length and i use the coordinates at the
 beginning of each step. However, sometimes the distance of these steps
 is too long(ex. driving 30-40 km. on the freeway). Therefore i would
 like to calculate/find the coordinate located in between two given
 Lets say one step starts at:
 and ends at:
 I would then like to calculate the point right in the middle of these

Can you assume that the coordinate system is virtually flat between those 
points? That is, are the distances small enough that the curvature of the 
earth isn't relevant?

If so, the following should be close enough:

def midpoint(a, b):
Return the two-dimensional point midway between points a and b.
x = (a[0] + b[0])/2.0
y = (a[1] + b[1])/2.0
return (x, y)

Otherwise, you can probably start here:




Re: Database query execution times in Python?

2009-08-14 Thread pwnedd

 Look up EXPLAIN

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't see any option to have EXPLAIN display
the query time though?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Re: How to reset document string

2009-08-14 Thread Anand K Rayudu

Dear Carl,

Your ideas are extremely good, and I liked idea 2 especially, based on 
that I am considering following approach.

Eg: let us say I have module named myModule and exposing myModule.myAPI
So I will now rename myModule as _myModule and write a python layer with 

So my python layer will look like this

file name myModule.py

import _myModule

def myAPI(arg1, arg2):
  @param  arg1 help string
  @param  arg2 help string
  _myModule.myAPI(arg1,arg2) # actual API

So I will provide mechanism which reads the help files and generates 
this binding python file and reload the module,

So now my python editor has the new python strings.
Also another advantages of this approach is if customer choses his own 
IDE he will still get the documentation of our APIs, by just ensuring 
these python files are in PYTHON_PATH

I think this is better approach, kindly please let me know your comments



On Aug 7, 2:54 am, Anand K Rayudu an...@esi-india.com wrote:

Dear All,

We have extended and embedded python into my our application.
We exposed few APIs to python using

 Py_InitModule(myModuleName, myMethods);
where my methods are

static PyMethodDef VistaDbMethods[] = {
   { (char *)myAPI,_myAPICFunctionPtr ,METH_VARARGS,usage: MyHelp) }

Now problem is ml_doc (Document string). Most of the time the strings
given by development team is not descriptive enough, so support team
want to enhance these docstring on need basis and supply to customer
The idea is we will provide get latest help option from application,
which will contact our webserver or allow user to pick new help
document,  which will re apply the help on fly.
 From then on our script editors will show the new enhanced help.
How do I achieve this.

Sounds very cool.  I have a few ideas.

1. Since you say you are embedding Python in your application, the
most direct way might be to modify the Python interpreter to allow the
__doc__ attribute to be changed.  You'd have to modify the PyCFunction
type (defined in methodobject.h and methodobject.c) to allow
overriding the compiled-in doc field.

2. Instead of replacing the __doc__ attribute of the function, just
replace the whole function with a wrapper.  So, for instance, if your
application decides to update the docstring for myModuleName.myAPI(),
instead of running code like this:

myModuleName.myAPI.__doc__ = 'new docstring'

run code like this:

def create_wrapper(func,docstring):
def wrapper(*args):
return func(*args)
wrapper.__doc__ = doc
return wrapper
myModuleName.myAPI = create_wrapper(
 myModuleName.myAPI,'new docstring')

So now myApi is a Python function with the new docstring that calls
the old function.  (Note: if you are concerned with efficiency, it's
possible to write a wrapper in C that has very little overhead.)

This approach has minor disadvantages (such as if any code write from
myModuleName import myAPI--it won't see the new version) but it may be
the easiest approach.

3. Instead of customizing the __doc__ attribute, store any custom
docstrings in a dictionary keyed by the function.

custom_doc[myModuleName.myApi] = 'new docstring'

Your script editor, when looking for documentation, will first search
in this custom area to see if the docstring has been overridden; if
so, use that; if not, use the docstring.  Something like this:

def documentation_to_use_in_script_editor(func):
return custom_doc[func]
except KeyError:
return func.__doc__

That has the negative of the special docstring not being visible at an
interactive prompt.

I have given you some fairly vague answers, hopefully that'll give you
some idea.  It sounds like you have an ambitious project, suggesting
that you are probably good enough to implement the suggestions.

Carl Banks


python-ldap and encodings

2009-08-14 Thread Matias


I'm using python-ldap to create some entries on my openldap server.

The problem is that some of those entries have accented characters and 
unicode text in general.

I'm wondering if there is any example or documentation on how to add
or modify ldap objects whose values contains non-ascii characters,
such as accents, and so on. As far as I understand, those values
should be encoded using base64, but if I do that, I don't know how to
indicate in the modlist that this is the encoded value and not the
value itself.

Any help will be bery appreciated.



Re: Format Code Repeat Counts?

2009-08-14 Thread MRAB

Scott David Daniels wrote:

MRAB wrote:

The shortest I can come up with is:
[ + ][.join(letters) + ]

Maybe a golf shot:

Even shorter:



Re: python-ldap and encodings

2009-08-14 Thread Matias

Matias wrote:


I'm using python-ldap to create some entries on my openldap server.

The problem is that some of those entries have accented characters and 
unicode text in general.

I'm wondering if there is any example or documentation on how to add
or modify ldap objects whose values contains non-ascii characters,
such as accents, and so on. As far as I understand, those values
should be encoded using base64, but if I do that, I don't know how to
indicate in the modlist that this is the encoded value and not the
value itself.

Any help will be bery appreciated.


Nevermind I was doing something really stupid.Don't ask please :-)


Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread greg

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

port = open(/dev/ttyS0,r+b,0)

What I would really like is to have two threads - one that does blocking input 
waiting for a character, and one that examines an output queue and transmits 
the stuff it finds.

You can't read and write with the same stdio file object
at the same time. Odd things tend to happen if you try.

You need to open *two* file objects, one for reading
and one for writing:

  fr = open(/dev/ttyS0,rb,0)
  fw = open(/dev/ttyS0,wb,0)

and give fr to the reading thread and fw to the
writing thread.

You could also try avoiding file objects altogether
and use the raw system calls in the os module. Since
you're not using any buffering, there's little reason
to use the stdio layer. If you do that, you should be
able to use the same file descriptor for reading and
writing without any trouble.


anyone with genomewide microarray analysis experience ?

2009-08-14 Thread trias


 I am trying to analyse some biological data from microarray experiments.
Different experiments have been stored in a SQL database.

 One of the things I would like to do is to fetch all data from a certain
distance from gene ATGs say 100+/- bp and calculate the bp average over all
genes over this region. 

 The microarray data has been normalised over each bp

Does anyone have some scripts I could use for this purpose. I work with

Thank you
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Re: anyone with genomewide microarray analysis experience ?

2009-08-14 Thread Jochen Schulz
  One of the things I would like to do is to fetch all data from a certain
 distance from gene ATGs say 100+/- bp and calculate the bp average over all
 genes over this region. 

I know absolutely nothing about your problem domain, but if your
distance function is metric, you can use this:


or that:


The latter (by Baerophile) is fast, the former (by me) has more
features. Baerophile has even faster implementations (non-Python) as

I am worried that my dreams pale in comparison beside TV docu-soaps.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Colin J. Williams

Terry Reedy wrote:

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
According to the Python documentation, 'reload' reloads a previously 
module (so that changes made via an external editor will be 
effective). But, when I try to use this command, I get the following 
error message:

TypeError: reload() argument must be module

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Besides the other answers, do not use reload. It is removed in Py3 
because it cannot be made to work as people reasonably expect.


It's typically a user module that needs to be reloaded.

It seems that  del sys.modules['moduleName'] has no effect.

Is there some other way of ensuring that any import goes to moduleName.py, 
instead of moduleName.pyc?

Colin W.

Re: csv.DictWriter.write_header()

2009-08-14 Thread Alan G Isaac
 On Aug 13, 1:15 pm, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 I do not understand the reason for your silly, sarcastic response.

On 8/13/2009 7:58 AM John Machin apparently wrote:
 Duck typing: ask a silly question, get a silly answer.

Maybe if you learned to be a more generous reader,
fewer questions would look silly to you.

On 8/13/2009 7:58 AM John Machin apparently wrote:
 I can imagine that one might (without reading the source) make do with
 the published APIs:

Now you get it.

 On Aug 13, 1:15 pm, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 So my question was, would this improve the class from
 a usability perspective?

On 8/13/2009 7:58 AM John Machin apparently wrote:
 Of course.

Thank you,

Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread dippim
On Aug 14, 5:45 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmic...@sequans.com
 Emile van Sebille wrote:
  On 8/13/2009 3:17 PM dippim said...
  I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
  a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
  certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

  class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
        self.start = a
        self.end = b

  from datetime import datetime
  c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
  d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
  afoo = foo(c,d)

  For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
  of foo to switch the start and end times.

  afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

  I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
  and reverse the values if necessary,

  why not...

  class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
        self.start = min(a,b)
        self.end = max(a,b)



 class foo(object):
     def __init__(self, start, end)
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

 Problem solved by design :o)


Emile and JM,

   Thanks for the response.  However, these solution only work at
instantiation.  If I change the value of start or end after
instantiation, then I can make start or end whatever I like without
regard to order.


Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Friday 14 August 2009 12:54:32 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 How about using pyserial? With that, I never had any problems accessing
 the the serial ports, and AFAIK no duplex-problems as well. And I
 seriously doubt that these are a python-related problem - python only
 has a very thin, direct layer above the posix-calls, and doesn't do
 anything that would explain your observed behavior. The GIL is not the
 issue here either - it won't interfer with blocking IO.

I will have a look at pyserial - have never used it before.

I agree that it is probably not a Python issue, and that the GIL is 
irelevant  - I was hoping that someone had already travelled the road and 
could give me a signpost.

In the meantime I have had another idea which I have also not tried yet, 
namely to do independent opens for reading and writing, to give me two file 
instances instead of one, and to try with that.  I have no idea if it would 
make any difference, or even work at all.

My normal stuff works, but I do not like it as it is essentially busy looping 
with short sleeps in between. In the eBox, it uses most of the processor just 
to move a few bytes of I/O in and out between the serial port and the TCP/IP,
and struggles to do that better than five times a second, while the message 
time on the 115200 baud port is only about 2 milliseconds.

- Hendrik

Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

dippim schrieb:

On Aug 14, 5:45 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmic...@sequans.com

Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 8/13/2009 3:17 PM dippim said...

I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?
class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = a
  self.end = b
from datetime import datetime
c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo = foo(c,d)
For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
of foo to switch the start and end times.
afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)
I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
and reverse the values if necessary,

why not...
class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = min(a,b)
  self.end = max(a,b)


class foo(object):
def __init__(self, start, end)
   self.start = start
   self.end = end

Problem solved by design :o)


Emile and JM,

   Thanks for the response.  However, these solution only work at
instantiation.  If I change the value of start or end after
instantiation, then I can make start or end whatever I like without
regard to order.

But for that, you don't need descriptors. All you need is a property:

class Foo(object):

   def __init__(self, start, end):
   self._start = start
   self._end = end

   def start(self):
   return start

   def start(self, value):
   if value = self._end:
  raise ValueError, Tried to set a value greater than end!
   self._start = value

   # repeat for end, switch relational op



Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Friday 14 August 2009 14:13:46 greg wrote:

 You can't read and write with the same stdio file object
 at the same time. Odd things tend to happen if you try.

 You need to open *two* file objects, one for reading
 and one for writing:

fr = open(/dev/ttyS0,rb,0)
fw = open(/dev/ttyS0,wb,0)

 and give fr to the reading thread and fw to the
 writing thread.

Does this actually work without somehow falling foul of the fact that 
the /dev/ttyS0 is only one thing?  - I know that there is no physical reason 
for not being able to go in and out at the same time - in my embedded stuff I 
do that routinely - but that is all assembler running on bare metal so it is  
under my own control.

 You could also try avoiding file objects altogether
 and use the raw system calls in the os module. Since
 you're not using any buffering, there's little reason
 to use the stdio layer. If you do that, you should be
 able to use the same file descriptor for reading and
 writing without any trouble.

Thanks for this - I now have my weekend cut out for me...

- Hendrik


Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread dippim
On Aug 14, 2:34 am, Raymond Hettinger pyt...@rcn.com wrote:

  I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
  a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
  certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

  class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
        self.start = a
        self.end = b

  from datetime import datetime
  c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
  d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
  afoo = foo(c,d)

  For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
  of foo to switch the start and end times.

  afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

  I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
  and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
  determine which values is being set.

 You're on the right track, but it is easier to use property() than to
 write your own custom descriptor with __get__ and __set__.

 class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a = None,b = None):
         self._start = a
         self._end = b
     def get_start(self):
         return self._start
     def set_start(self, value):
         if self._end is None or value  self._end:
             self._start = value
             self._end = value
     start = property(get_start, set_start)
     def get_end(self):
         return self._end
     def set_end(self, value):
         if self._start is None or value  self._start:
             self._end = value
             self._start = value
     end = property(get_end, set_end)


   This functionality is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!  I'll
be using this to solve my problem.

   Now that I'm on the right track, I'm still a bit confused about how
__get__ and __set__ are useful.  Admittedly, I don't need to
understand them to solve this problem, but perhaps they may be useful
in the future.  If I wanted to solve this problem using __get__ and
__set__ could it be done?

Thanks Again!

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread exarkun

On 01:38 pm, hend...@microcorp.co.za wrote:

On Friday 14 August 2009 12:54:32 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

How about using pyserial? With that, I never had any problems 

the the serial ports, and AFAIK no duplex-problems as well. And I
seriously doubt that these are a python-related problem - python only
has a very thin, direct layer above the posix-calls, and doesn't do
anything that would explain your observed behavior. The GIL is not the
issue here either - it won't interfer with blocking IO.

I will have a look at pyserial - have never used it before.

I agree that it is probably not a Python issue, and that the GIL is
irelevant  - I was hoping that someone had already travelled the road 

could give me a signpost.

In the meantime I have had another idea which I have also not tried 
namely to do independent opens for reading and writing, to give me two 
instances instead of one, and to try with that.  I have no idea if it 

make any difference, or even work at all.

My normal stuff works, but I do not like it as it is essentially busy 
with short sleeps in between. In the eBox, it uses most of the 
processor just
to move a few bytes of I/O in and out between the serial port and the 
and struggles to do that better than five times a second, while the 

time on the 115200 baud port is only about 2 milliseconds.

One strategy you might employ to get rid of the busy looping is to use 
Twisted and its serial port support.  This also addresses the full- 
duplex issue you've raised.


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-14 Thread Ethan Furman

MRAB wrote:

Gary Herron wrote:

goldtech wrote:

Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.


ss=1 and f


ss=0 and f


Python's Boolean operators don't turn arbitrary values into True and 
False values.  If you use it in any conditional, you'll get the same 
result as if it did, but it is occasionally it's nice to get the 
actual values used in the and instead of having the value distilled 
down to a True/False.

 From the Python manual:
These are the Boolean operations, ordered by ascending priority:

Operation Result Notes
|x or y| if x is false, then y, else x (1)
|x and y| if x is false, then x, else y (1)
|not x| if x is false, then |True|, else |False| (2)

The Pythonic table would be:

Operation Result
|x or y| x if x else y
|x and y| y if x else x
|not x| False if x else False


That last should be
|not x|   False if x else True


Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Hendrik van Rooyen schrieb:

On Friday 14 August 2009 14:13:46 greg wrote:

You can't read and write with the same stdio file object
at the same time. Odd things tend to happen if you try.

You need to open *two* file objects, one for reading
and one for writing:

   fr = open(/dev/ttyS0,rb,0)
   fw = open(/dev/ttyS0,wb,0)

and give fr to the reading thread and fw to the
writing thread.

Does this actually work without somehow falling foul of the fact that 
the /dev/ttyS0 is only one thing?  - I know that there is no physical reason 
for not being able to go in and out at the same time - in my embedded stuff I 
do that routinely - but that is all assembler running on bare metal so it is  
under my own control.

You could also try avoiding file objects altogether
and use the raw system calls in the os module. Since
you're not using any buffering, there's little reason
to use the stdio layer. If you do that, you should be
able to use the same file descriptor for reading and
writing without any trouble.

Thanks for this - I now have my weekend cut out for me...

You should *really* just use pyserial. No hassle, instant satisfaction.


Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals

2009-08-14 Thread Aahz
In article 6e13754c-1fa6-4d1b-8861-146bffec8...@h30g2000vbr.googlegroups.com,
Douglas Alan  darkwate...@gmail.com wrote:

My friend begs to differ with the above. It would be much better for
debugging if Python generated a parsing error for unrecognized escape
sequences, rather than leaving them unchanged. g++ outputs a warning
for such escape sequences, for instance. This is what I would consider
to be the correct behavior. (Actually, I think it should just generate
a fatal parsing error, but a warning is okay too.)

Well, then, the usual response applies: create a patch, discuss it on
python-ideas, and see what happens.

(That is, nobody has previously complained so vociferously IIRC, and
adding a warning is certainly within the bounds of what's theoretically
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Re: coding for multiple versions of python

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Martin v. L?wis mar...@v.loewis.de wrote:

 I'm guessing I need to configure cvs to copy files to both
 locations whenever I commit. Does that sound right? Is there a
 better way I'm not thinking of?

Just use one set of source files.

 If the set of files doesn't change too often, you can use symlinks.
 That's how Debian currently installs Python packages for multiple
 versions on a single system.

 Specifically, put the source code into /net/source/python/foo/*.py.
 Then, on each system, put symlinks to all .py files into
 lib/site-packages/foo. Then Python will place the .pyc files next
 to the symlinks, not next to the actual .py files.

Why would he need two sets of .py files?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I'm EMOTIONAL
  at   now because I have

Re: socket.send : (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Gabriel Rossetti gabriel.rosse...@arimaz.com wrote:

 I get a (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable') error when I
 try to send a file using a socket. Is there s size limit?

No, there's no size limit.  However, there is a bandwidth
limit.  You can't shove bytes into the pipe faster than they
come out the other end (at least not over the long term).

 I tried sending a smaller file and ii poses no problem. Am I
 doing something wrong?

Yes.  If you want to have the socket in non-blocking mode, then
you have to catch EAGAIN and retry the operation.

 def sendMessage(host, port, msg):

 if isinstance(msg, unicode):
 msg = msg.encode(utf-8)

 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 sock.connect((host, port))
 totalsent = 0
 while totalsent  len(msg):
 sent = sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
 if sent == 0:
 raise RuntimeError, socket connection broken
 totalsent = totalsent + sent

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I didn't order any
  at   WOO-WOO ... Maybe a YUBBA
   visi.com... But no WOO-WOO!

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Hendrik van Rooyen hend...@microcorp.co.za wrote:

 In the past, on this group, I have made statements that said
 that on Linux, the serial port handling somehow does not allow
 transmitting and receiving at the same time,

That's not true.  Linux/Unix does and always has supported
full-duplex communications on serial ports.

 and nobody contradicted me.

Um, sorry, I guess.

 What I would really like is to have two threads - one that
 does blocking input waiting for a character, and one that
 examines an output queue and transmits the stuff it finds.

That's the traditional way of doing full-duplex serial IO on
Unix back in the day before the select/poll system calls were

 When I try to do this, it does not seem to work - as far as I
 can see, it is as if the underlying implementation is somehow
 single threaded - if it is waiting for a received character,
 it waits until something comes in before it will transmit

Nope.   I'll try to dig up an example, but that approach has
always worked for me.

 So if you are talking to a device that does not respond, the
 whole thing freezes up waiting for a character that never
 comes, and nothing is transmitted either, despite the call to 
 port.write(somestring).  The write blocks, and everything
 stops, waiting for the receipt to finish.

I've never observed that behavior.

 Is there a way to get full duplex, so that the transmit and
 receive are independent of each other?

That's the way serial ports work on Unix.

 Or are we stuck with a disk-like model that forces a sequence
 on reads and writes?


Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Like I always say
  at   -- nothing can beat
   visi.comthe BRATWURST here in

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Hendrik van Rooyen hend...@microcorp.co.za wrote:

 In the meantime I have had another idea which I have also not tried yet, 
 namely to do independent opens for reading and writing, to give me two file 
 instances instead of one, and to try with that.  I have no idea if it would 
 make any difference, or even work at all.

That should work (and shouldn't make any difference)

 My normal stuff works, but I do not like it as it is
 essentially busy looping with short sleeps in between. In the
 eBox, it uses most of the processor just to move a few bytes
 of I/O in and out between the serial port and the TCP/IP, and
 struggles to do that better than five times a second, while
 the message time on the 115200 baud port is only about 2

What platform are you using?  I suppose it's possible that
there's something broken in the serial driver for that
particular hardware.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I feel ... JUGULAR ...

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, exar...@twistedmatrix.com exar...@twistedmatrix.com wrote:

 One strategy you might employ to get rid of the busy looping
 is to use Twisted and its serial port support.  This also
 addresses the full- duplex issue you've raised.

There are no such full-dulex issues.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! The PINK SOCKS were
  at   ORIGINALLY from 1952!!
   visi.comBut they went to MARS
   around 1953!!

Re: A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-14 Thread despen
Martin P. Hellwig martin.hell...@dcuktec.org writes:

 Sounds like a bad case of STRIS

I believe the correct technical term for it is potty mouth.

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 port = open(/dev/ttyS0,r+b,0)
 What I would really like is to have two threads - one that
 does blocking input waiting for a character, and one that
 examines an output queue and transmits the stuff it finds.

 You can't read and write with the same stdio file object at
 the same time. Odd things tend to happen if you try.

 You need to open *two* file objects, one for reading and one
 for writing:

fr = open(/dev/ttyS0,rb,0)
fw = open(/dev/ttyS0,wb,0)

Doh!  It didn't even occur to me that somebody would use python
file objects for serial ports, and I completely overlooked
the fact that the OP was doing that.

In short: don't do that -- it just messes things up.

 and give fr to the reading thread and fw to the writing

 You could also try avoiding file objects altogether and use
 the raw system calls in the os module.

That's definitely the way you should do serial port I/O.

 Since you're not using any buffering, there's little reason to
 use the stdio layer. If you do that, you should be able to use
 the same file descriptor for reading and writing without any

Do not use Python file objects.  Use the underlying file
descriptors: os.open(), os.read(), os.write().  That will
almost certainly solve your problems.

If you want examples of os.x() usage, below is the
PosixSerial.py module that I use for Linux-only applications.
For cross-platform work, use pyserial (whose Posix support is
based on the code below).

# Posix serial port class
# Copyright 2001-2009 Grant B. Edwards  gra...@visi.com

# You may use this code in any way you like so long as you
# leave this copyright notice.

# Though you are not required to, it would be nice if you send
# me a copy of bufixes or enhancements and allowed me to
# incorporate and distribute them.

import sys
import fcntl
import os
import struct
import termios
import string
import select

if string.split(sys.version)[0]  '2':
TERMIOS = termios
import TERMIOS

# construct dictionaries for baud rate lookups

baudEnumToInt = {}
baudIntToEnum = {}
for rate in 
i = eval('TERMIOS.B'+str(rate))
baudIntToEnum[rate] = i

# Do not know if these are right for anything except Linux
if sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
TIOCMGET = 0x5415
TIOCMBIS = 0x5416
TIOCMBIC = 0x5417
TIOCMSET = 0x5418

TIOCM_LE   =  0x001
TIOCM_DTR  =  0x002
TIOCM_RTS  =  0x004
TIOCM_ST   =  0x008
TIOCM_SR   =  0x010
TIOCM_CTS  =  0x020
TIOCM_CAR  =  0x040
TIOCM_RNG  =  0x080
TIOCM_DSR  =  0x100
TIOCM_OUT1 =  0x2000
TIOCM_OUT2 =  0x4000

TIOCM_zero_str = struct.pack('I',0)
TIOCM_one_str = struct.pack('I',1)
TIOCM_RTS_str = struct.pack('I',TIOCM_RTS)
TIOCM_DTR_str = struct.pack('I',TIOCM_DTR)

portNotOpenError = ValueError('port not open')

class Port:
 An object wrapper for Posix serial ports 
def __init__(self,path=None,noinit=False):
self.fd = None
if path:

def __tcsetattr(self):


def __tcgetattr(self):

self.iflag,self.oflag,self.cflag,self.lflag,self.ispeed,self.ospeed,self.cc = 

def open(self,path,noinit):
if self.fd:
self.path = path
self.fd = os.open(path,os.O_RDWR)
if not noinit:
self.iflag = 0
self.oflag = 0
self.lflag = 0

def close(self):
if self.fd:
self.fd = None

def fileno(self):
return self.fd;

def _write(self,data):
if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError
return os.write(self.fd,data)

def write(self,data):
if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError
t = len(data)
d = data
while t0:
n = os.write(self.fd,d)
d = d[n:]
t = t - n

def read(self,size=1024,timeout=None):
if not self.fd: raise portNotOpenError
if timeout is None:
return os.read(self.fd,size)
r,w,e = select.select([self.fd],[],[self.fd],timeout)
if r:
return os.read(self.fd,size)
raise timeout

def baud(self,rate=None):
if not 

Re: Is it possible to use python to get True Full Duplex on a Serial port?

2009-08-14 Thread exarkun

On 02:19 pm, inva...@invalid wrote:
On 2009-08-14, exar...@twistedmatrix.com exar...@twistedmatrix.com 

One strategy you might employ to get rid of the busy looping
is to use Twisted and its serial port support.  This also
addresses the full- duplex issue you've raised.

There are no such full-dulex issues.

There was a perceived issues.  Obviously it's possible to do full-duplex 
with Linux's serial port support (and all the other major platforms too, 
as far as I know), as long as you know how. :)  Twisted makes the how a 
lot simpler.


Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread Dave Angel

dippim wrote:

On Aug 14, 2:34 am, Raymond Hettinger pyt...@rcn.com wrote:


I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?
class foo(object):

   def __init__(self,a =one,b = None)
  self.start =
  self.end =
from datetime import datetime

c =atetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d =atetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo =oo(c,d)
For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance

of foo to switch the start and end times.
afoo.start =atetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)
I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment

and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
determine which values is being set.

You're on the right track, but it is easier to use property() than to
write your own custom descriptor with __get__ and __set__.

class foo(object):
def __init__(self,a =one,b = None):
self._start =
self._end =
def get_start(self):
return self._start
def set_start(self, value):
if self._end is None or value  self._end:
self._start =alue
self._end =alue
start =roperty(get_start, set_start)
def get_end(self):
return self._end
def set_end(self, value):
if self._start is None or value  self._start:
self._end =alue
self._start =alue
end =roperty(get_end, set_end)


   This functionality is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!  I'll
be using this to solve my problem.

   Now that I'm on the right track, I'm still a bit confused about how
__get__ and __set__ are useful.  Admittedly, I don't need to
understand them to solve this problem, but perhaps they may be useful
in the future.  If I wanted to solve this problem using __get__ and
__set__ could it be done?

Thanks Again!



Don't use this code as-is.  There is a nasty surprise waiting for the 
caller when he sets start and end, and discovers that one of them gets 
thrown out, and an old value still remains.

obj= foo(3, 5)
obj.start = 8
obj.end = 12
print obj.start, obj.end

will print out  3, 12.Not what the caller expected.

Four fixes, in order of preference:
0) Trust your user to read and obey your docstrings.  This was what JM 
was implying, by changing the names of the formal parameters.
1)  make a new method that sets both values, making these two properties 
readonly.  That new method would make sure the two parameters are 
self-consistent.  Making the actual values readonly can be done with a 
descriptor as well, or even a decorator.

2) Raise an exception in the getter methods if they're out of order
3) do the min/max logic on the getter methods, but I don't like that one 
at all.



Re: coding for multiple versions of python

2009-08-14 Thread Dave Angel

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Martin v. L?wis mar...@v.loewis.de wrote:


I'm guessing I need to configure cvs to copy files to both
locations whenever I commit. Does that sound right? Is there a
better way I'm not thinking of?

Just use one set of source files.


If the set of files doesn't change too often, you can use symlinks.
That's how Debian currently installs Python packages for multiple
versions on a single system.

Specifically, put the source code into /net/source/python/foo/*.py.
Then, on each system, put symlinks to all .py files into
lib/site-packages/foo. Then Python will place the .pyc files next
to the symlinks, not next to the actual .py files.

Why would he need two sets of .py files?

I can't speak for Martin, but his description doesn't have two sets of 
.py files, but two sets of symlinks pointing to the same .py files.  
It's the .pyc files that exist in two forms, since those are version 

He's assuming:
   1) an OS that supports symlinks
   2) two versions of Python on same system
   3) one set of pure-python sources that want to stay in synch for 
both versions.


Re: Format Code Repeat Counts?

2009-08-14 Thread Scott David Daniels

MRAB wrote:

Scott David Daniels wrote:

MRAB wrote:

The shortest I can come up with is:
[ + ][.join(letters) + ]

Maybe a golf shot:

Even shorter:



I was going by PEP8 rules. ;-)

--Scott David Daniels
Scott David dani...@acm.org

callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual class) 
that will raise an exception only if called without being overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the 

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every virtual 
method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)


Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 09:23:17 -0400, Colin J. Williams wrote:

 It's typically a user module that needs to be reloaded.

What's a user module?

 It seems that  del sys.modules['moduleName'] has no effect.

sys.modules is just a dictionary, I find it hard to believe that deleting 
from it has no effect. It works for me:

 import sys
 import math
 'math' in sys.modules
 del sys.modules['math']
 'math' in sys.modules

What behaviour do you get?

Of course deleting the math module from the cache doesn't do anything to 
the math module in your namespace:

module 'math' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/mathmodule.so'
 del math
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'math' is not defined

Of course deleting the module (or reloading it) doesn't have any effect 
on any objects you already have:

 import math
 func = math.sin
 del sys.modules['math']
 del math
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'math' is not defined

 Is there some other way of ensuring that any import goes to
 moduleName.py, instead of moduleName.pyc?

Delete moduleName.pyc.

Make sure the .pyc file doesn't exist in the first place.

Make sure the last modification date of the .py file is newer than the 
modification date of the .pyc file.


Re: Programming by Contract

2009-08-14 Thread Charles Yeomans

On Aug 14, 2009, at 12:09 AM, Scott David Daniels wrote:

Charles Yeomans wrote:

On Aug 11, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Ethan Furman wrote:

I have seen posts about the assert statement and PbC (or maybe it  
was DbC), and I just took a very brief look at pycontract (http://www.wayforward.net/pycontract/ 
) and now I have at least one question:  Is this basically  
another way of thinking about unit testing, or is the idea of PbC  
more along the lines of *always* checking the input/output of  
functions to ensure they are correct?  (*Contstant vigilance!* as  
Prof Moody would say ;)
I know asserts can be turned off, so they obviously won't work  
for the latter case, and having seen the sample of pycontract it  
seems it only does its thing during debugging.
So is Design (Programming) by Contract a fancy way of saying  
Document your inputs/outputs! or is there more to it?



Well, from the (apparently) complete lack of interest, I shall  
take away the (better?) documentation ideas and unit testing  
ideas, and not worry about the rest.  :)

Design by contract is complementary to unit testing (I notice that  
the author of PEP 316 appears confused about this).  DbC is,  
roughly speaking, about explicit allocation of responsibility.   
Consider this contrived example.

def foo(s):
   require(s is not None)
   ensure(hasattr(returnValue, '__iter__'))

yo might want two flags, REQUIRE_OFF, and ENSURE_ON that control
testing, and change the code above to:
 require(REQUIRE_OFF or s is not None)
 ensure(ENSURE_OFF or hasattr(returnValue, '__iter__'))

Python has no good way to turn off argument calculation by
manipulating function definition (at least that I know of).

For this purpose, it had occurred to me to do something like the  

def require(condition):
if condition:
return True
raise PreconditionFailure

def foo(s):
   assert require(s is not None)

Then it occurred to me to actually read the assert documentation,  
where I learned that one can pass a second expression to assert. So  
instead one might write

assert precondition, PreconditionFailure

though I think I prefer the former.

Charles Yeomans -- 

Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread dippim
On Aug 14, 10:48 am, Dave Angel da...@ieee.org wrote:
 dippim wrote:
  On Aug 14, 2:34 am, Raymond Hettinger pyt...@rcn.com wrote:


  I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
  a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
  certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

  class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a =one,b = None)
        self.start =
        self.end =

  from datetime import datetime
  c =atetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
  d =atetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
  afoo =oo(c,d)

  For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
  of foo to switch the start and end times.

  afoo.start =atetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

  I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
  and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
  determine which values is being set.

  You're on the right track, but it is easier to use property() than to
  write your own custom descriptor with __get__ and __set__.

  class foo(object):
      def __init__(self,a =one,b = None):
          self._start =
          self._end =
      def get_start(self):
          return self._start
      def set_start(self, value):
          if self._end is None or value  self._end:
              self._start =alue
              self._end =alue
      start =roperty(get_start, set_start)
      def get_end(self):
          return self._end
      def set_end(self, value):
          if self._start is None or value  self._start:
              self._end =alue
              self._start =alue
      end =roperty(get_end, set_end)


     This functionality is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!  I'll
  be using this to solve my problem.

     Now that I'm on the right track, I'm still a bit confused about how
  __get__ and __set__ are useful.  Admittedly, I don't need to
  understand them to solve this problem, but perhaps they may be useful
  in the future.  If I wanted to solve this problem using __get__ and
  __set__ could it be done?

  Thanks Again!


 Don't use this code as-is.  There is a nasty surprise waiting for the
 caller when he sets start and end, and discovers that one of them gets
 thrown out, and an old value still remains.

 obj= foo(3, 5)
 obj.start = 8
 obj.end = 12
 print obj.start, obj.end

 will print out  3, 12.    Not what the caller expected.

You're right about this and I appreciate the warning, but I think what
Raymond was going for was directional accuracy without a great deal of
his time wasted on details.  The explanation served the purpose of
moving me forward using property() and I'm thankful for it.

 Four fixes, in order of preference:
 0) Trust your user to read and obey your docstrings.  This was what JM
 was implying, by changing the names of the formal parameters.

Considering I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I don't wish to
start a philosophical discussion about the relative aptitude and
capabilities of the people who might use a class I build.  However, I
will say that as this particular requirement is imposed on this class
by the writer, shouldn't it be the writer's responsibility to enforce
it, especially, when the cost of enforcement is so low?

 1)  make a new method that sets both values, making these two properties
 readonly.  That new method would make sure the two parameters are
 self-consistent.  Making the actual values readonly can be done with a
 descriptor as well, or even a decorator.

 2) Raise an exception in the getter methods if they're out of order
 3) do the min/max logic on the getter methods, but I don't like that one
 at all.



Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-14 Thread dippim
On Aug 14, 10:48 am, Dave Angel da...@ieee.org wrote:
 dippim wrote:
  On Aug 14, 2:34 am, Raymond Hettinger pyt...@rcn.com wrote:


  I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
  a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
  certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

  class foo(object):
     def __init__(self,a =one,b = None)
        self.start =
        self.end =

  from datetime import datetime
  c =atetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
  d =atetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
  afoo =oo(c,d)

  For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
  of foo to switch the start and end times.

  afoo.start =atetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

  I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
  and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
  determine which values is being set.

  You're on the right track, but it is easier to use property() than to
  write your own custom descriptor with __get__ and __set__.

  class foo(object):
      def __init__(self,a =one,b = None):
          self._start =
          self._end =
      def get_start(self):
          return self._start
      def set_start(self, value):
          if self._end is None or value  self._end:
              self._start =alue
              self._end =alue
      start =roperty(get_start, set_start)
      def get_end(self):
          return self._end
      def set_end(self, value):
          if self._start is None or value  self._start:
              self._end =alue
              self._start =alue
      end =roperty(get_end, set_end)


     This functionality is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!  I'll
  be using this to solve my problem.

     Now that I'm on the right track, I'm still a bit confused about how
  __get__ and __set__ are useful.  Admittedly, I don't need to
  understand them to solve this problem, but perhaps they may be useful
  in the future.  If I wanted to solve this problem using __get__ and
  __set__ could it be done?

  Thanks Again!


 Don't use this code as-is.  There is a nasty surprise waiting for the
 caller when he sets start and end, and discovers that one of them gets
 thrown out, and an old value still remains.

 obj= foo(3, 5)
 obj.start = 8
 obj.end = 12
 print obj.start, obj.end

 will print out  3, 12.    Not what the caller expected.

You're right about this and I appreciate the warning, but I think what
Raymond was going for was directional accuracy without a great deal of
his time wasted on details.  The explanation served the purpose of
moving me forward using property() and I'm thankful for it.

 Four fixes, in order of preference:
 0) Trust your user to read and obey your docstrings.  This was what JM
 was implying, by changing the names of the formal parameters.

Considering I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I don't wish to
start a philosophical discussion about the relative aptitude and
capabilities of the people who might use a class I build.  However, I
will say that as this particular requirement is imposed on this class
by the writer, shouldn't it be the writer's responsibility to enforce
it, especially, when the cost of enforcement is so low?

 1)  make a new method that sets both values, making these two properties
 readonly.  That new method would make sure the two parameters are
 self-consistent.  Making the actual values readonly can be done with a
 descriptor as well, or even a decorator.

 2) Raise an exception in the getter methods if they're out of order
 3) do the min/max logic on the getter methods, but I don't like that one
 at all.



Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread MRAB

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual class) 
that will raise an exception only if called without being overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the 

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every virtual 
method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)

Why are you checking which class it's in? The method in the base class
will be called only if it hasn't been overridden in the subclass.

Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Jean-Michel Pichavant schrieb:

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual class) 
that will raise an exception only if called without being overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the 

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every virtual 
method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)

Python has no concept of virtual methods. A simple

class Stream(object):

   def resetStats(self):
   raise NotImplemented

is all you need. Once a subclass overrides resetStats, that 
implementatino is used.

Additionally, there are modules such as zope.interface out there, that 
let you define more formally what an interface is, and declare who's 
implementing it. I don't used this myself though, so I can't really 
comment to which extend it e.g. warns you if you subclass *without* 


retrieve item from nested list given index tuple

2009-08-14 Thread Alan G Isaac
`lst` is a nested list

`tpl` is the indexes for an item in the list

What is the nice way to retrieve the item?
(Speedy access is nice.)

I don't want to use NumPy, but I'd like somehow
to avoid an explicit loop.  I did consider using
eval.  E.g., eval('lst' + '[%d]'*len(tpl)%tpl).
It works but seems rather ugly.  I kind of like
reduce(list.__getitem__, tpl, lst) but the
reliance on reduce remains controversial enough
to see i removed from the Python 3 built-ins ...

Alan Isaac

Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 16:49:47 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 Hi fellows,
 Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual class)
 that will raise an exception only if called without being overridden ?
 Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the
 instance calling the method has defined that method as well.

I'm not entirely sure of the terminology -- is this the same as an 
abstract base class? Googling has not enlightened me. Given your example, 
it seems to be.

 class Stream(object):
 Interface of all stream objects
 def resetStats(self):
 Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the
 _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
 if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
 raise NotImplementedError()

The usual idiom I've seen for abstract methods is to simplify the check, 
and to put it *before* any work is done:

class Stream(object):
Interface of all stream objects
def resetStats(self):
if self.__class__ is Stream:
raise NotImplementedError()
_log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)

Even simpler is to just put the check in __init__, so to prevent the 
caller from creating an instance of the class:

class AbstractStream(object):
def __init__(self):
if self.__class__ is Stream:
raise NotImplementedError('abstract class')
def resetStats(self):
# This does not need to be over-ridden.
_log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
def whatever(self):
# This *must* be over-ridden, and *cannot* be called
raise NotImplementedError('abstract method')

If you have a lot of methods, you can probably reduce the boilerplate 
with decorators:

# Untested
from functools import wraps
def abstract(func):
# Abstract methods don't have to be over-ridden, so long as they
# are called from a subclass of the abstract class.
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.__class__ is Stream:
raise NotImplementedError()
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return inner

def virtual(func):
# Virtual methods must be over-ridden, and must not be called by
# inheritance.
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
return inner

class Stream(object):
def __init__(self):
def resetStats(self):
_log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
def whatever(self):


Why does my ftp script quit after couple of hours?

2009-08-14 Thread kk
This way the first time I did something with ftp stuff. I think that
generally it works but it stops working(quits or disappears) after
couple of hours of running.

This was a personal test-trial script for my own needs which was to
get my dynamic ip and broadcast to a client(I have a client script on
another computer). I sure could use something like DynDns for the same
purpose with easier management but I just wanted to give it a try to
see if i could even make it work .

Basically this script parses my ip from DynDns ip check page and
uploads it to the given ftp site. It works fine initially, it does
upload, it updates the Ip every hour but the problem is that after
couple of hours the Python console window disappears, I assume it
crashes.  I know it does upload at least couple times(works for couple
hours). it might be something to do with ftp connection. I will
investigate that but I just wanted to see if I have any logic or some
kind of contextual problem in the script.

Here is the link to Pastie page


OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
 right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct? What the hell 
would it actually do???


Re: Why does my ftp script quit after couple of hours?

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

kk schrieb:

This way the first time I did something with ftp stuff. I think that
generally it works but it stops working(quits or disappears) after
couple of hours of running.

This was a personal test-trial script for my own needs which was to
get my dynamic ip and broadcast to a client(I have a client script on
another computer). I sure could use something like DynDns for the same
purpose with easier management but I just wanted to give it a try to
see if i could even make it work .

Basically this script parses my ip from DynDns ip check page and
uploads it to the given ftp site. It works fine initially, it does
upload, it updates the Ip every hour but the problem is that after
couple of hours the Python console window disappears, I assume it
crashes.  I know it does upload at least couple times(works for couple
hours). it might be something to do with ftp connection. I will
investigate that but I just wanted to see if I have any logic or some
kind of contextual problem in the script.

Here is the link to Pastie page

The code isn't very robust if anything happens retrieving the IP-website 
- if for some reason the connection is broken, it won't catch any 
ensuing IO-exception.

Also your way of extracing the IP is rather awkward, a simple re (often 
not the right tool, but here certainl yes) would help:

 m = re.search(r(([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+), body)


Re: Why does my ftp script quit after couple of hours?

2009-08-14 Thread kk
Hi Diez

Thanks for your insight. The reason I chose the awkward method to
parse the ip digits is that I was not familiar with the regex module
and the Dyndns Ip page is pretty simple page. I guess it is time to
learn more about the Re module.

As far as robustness, I agree with your assestment. I guess my main
confusion with my result is that the console window just disappears. I
wonder if I can make the window stay even if it crashesor if there are
connection issues? I will createa  seperate log file to see if I can
catch any issues in a log file.


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
 right there.  --Steve Gonedes

 Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
 that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
write strings to a stream.

 What the hell
 would it actually do???

IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Bo Derek ruined
  at   my life!

Re: Why does my ftp script quit after couple of hours?

2009-08-14 Thread Francesco Bochicchio
On 14 Ago, 18:03, kk maymunbe...@gmail.com wrote:
 This way the first time I did something with ftp stuff. I think that
 generally it works but it stops working(quits or disappears) after
 couple of hours of running.

 This was a personal test-trial script for my own needs which was to
 get my dynamic ip and broadcast to a client(I have a client script on
 another computer). I sure could use something like DynDns for the same
 purpose with easier management but I just wanted to give it a try to
 see if i could even make it work .

 Basically this script parses my ip from DynDns ip check page and
 uploads it to the given ftp site. It works fine initially, it does
 upload, it updates the Ip every hour but the problem is that after
 couple of hours the Python console window disappears, I assume it
 crashes.  I know it does upload at least couple times(works for couple
 hours). it might be something to do with ftp connection. I will
 investigate that but I just wanted to see if I have any logic or some
 kind of contextual problem in the script.

 Here is the link to Pastie pagehttp://pastie.org/584152


Try catching the exception inside the main loop, to prevent your
program to exit in case of failure:

if __name__=='__main__':
  while True:
  err, det, tb = sys.exc_info()
  print ERROR =, err, det # gives you a description of the
occurred failure
  traceback.print_tb(tb) # this might be needed only for debug



Natural Language Processing in Python

2009-08-14 Thread Prateek

Can somebody please provide me link to a good online resource or e-
book for doing natural language processing programming in Python.


Re: Why does my ftp script quit after couple of hours?

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

kk schrieb:

Hi Diez

Thanks for your insight. The reason I chose the awkward method to
parse the ip digits is that I was not familiar with the regex module
and the Dyndns Ip page is pretty simple page. I guess it is time to
learn more about the Re module.

As far as robustness, I agree with your assestment. I guess my main
confusion with my result is that the console window just disappears. I
wonder if I can make the window stay even if it crashesor if there are
connection issues? I will createa  seperate log file to see if I can
catch any issues in a log file.

I'm not a Windows-user, but even there it should be possible to *first* 
open the console, and then start the script in it.

That will keep it open  you can see the stacktrace.

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread MRAB

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes
Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
write strings to a stream.

What the hell
would it actually do???

IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

It also returns cout, so you can chain them:

cout  Hello,   name  '\n';

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 14, 12:17 pm, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid wrote:

 On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:

  On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

  I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
  right there.  --Steve Gonedes

  Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume
  that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

 Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
 context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
 write strings to a stream.

There's a persistent rumor that it is *this* very abuse of
overloading that caused Java to avoid operator overloading all

But then then Java went and used + as the string concatenation
operator. Go figure!


P.S. Overloading left shift to mean output does indeed seem a bit
sketchy, but in 15 years of C++ programming, I've never seen it cause
any confusion or bugs.


Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

MRAB wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual 
class) that will raise an exception only if called without being 
overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the 

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every 
virtual method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)

Why are you checking which class it's in? The method in the base class
will be called only if it hasn't been overridden in the subclass.

Sorry guys (means guys *and* gals :op ), I realized I've not been able 
to describe precisely what I want to do.
I'd like the base class to be virtual (aka abstract). However it may be 
abstract but it does not mean it cannot do some usefull stuff.

Here is the schema of my abstract methods :

class Interface(object):
   def method(self):
   # -
   # some common stuff executed here
   # -
   print 'hello world'
   # -
   # here shall stand child specific stuff (empty in the interface 

   # -
   if self.__class__.method == Interface.method:
   raise NotImplementedError('You should have read the f** 
manual ! You must override this method.')

class GoodChild(Interface):
   def method(self):
  Interface.method(self) # I want to process the cool stuff done my 
the base Interface

  # Specific GoodChild stuff here
  print 'I am a good'
  return 'perfect'

class BadChild(Interface):
   pass #I'm too lazy

good = GoodChild()
bad = BadChild()

...hello world
...I am a good

...NotImplementedError: You should have read the f** manual ! You 
must override this method.

The reason I'd like to do so: I'll be providing the Interface, but child 
classes will be overridden by others. Having a reliable error RTFM 
feedback is a time saver, for me and the users.

I hope I clarified my issue.


Re: Python Permutations Problem

2009-08-14 Thread MRAB

Asanka Wasala wrote:

I am developing a spell checker for my language, and I came across
solving an interesing problem. It would be great if you can suggest
me  an optimized solution for the problem described below:

I have certain group of letters like these:

Group #1: c,r,b
Group #2: a,z,k
Group #3: h,t

Letters within the same group can be substituted/replaced with the
rest of the letters in that group.

(ie. Group #1 means letter 'c' can be replaced with either 'r' or 'b',
and letter r can be replaced with either c or b, and letter b can be
replaced with either r or c)

A group can have upto 3 letters, and letters do not overlap between
groups. There can be upto 25 such groups.
Given a word containing above letters, (e.g. 'cat'.) I want to
generate all possible words by subsituting letters in the groups.

eg. expected output:

cat rat bat
czt rzt bzt
ckt rkt bkt
cah rah bah
czh rzh bzh
ckh rkh bkh

My code is given below. But for complex words like 'cczzk' it
thows the 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' error. Therefore, can you
suggest me an optimized solution to achive the above task? Thanks in

This uses a generator in order:

def get_permutations(word, group_dict):
if word:
for first in group_dict[word[0]]:
for rest in get_permutations(word[1 : ], group_dict):
yield first + rest

def count_permutations(word, group_dict):
if word:
total = 1
for letter in word:
total *= len(group_dict[letter])
return total
return 0

group_def = ucrb azk ht

group_dict = {}
for group in group_def.split():
for letter in group:
group_dict[letter] = group

word = ucat

print There are %d permutations. % count_permutations(word, group_dict)

for perm in get_permutations(word, group_dict):
print perm

Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Jean-Michel Pichavant schrieb:

MRAB wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual 
class) that will raise an exception only if called without being 
overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except the 

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every 
virtual method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)

Why are you checking which class it's in? The method in the base class
will be called only if it hasn't been overridden in the subclass.

Sorry guys (means guys *and* gals :op ), I realized I've not been able 
to describe precisely what I want to do.
I'd like the base class to be virtual (aka abstract). However it may be 
abstract but it does not mean it cannot do some usefull stuff.

Here is the schema of my abstract methods :

class Interface(object):
   def method(self):
   # -
   # some common stuff executed here
   # -
   print 'hello world'
   # -
   # here shall stand child specific stuff (empty in the interface 

   # -
   if self.__class__.method == Interface.method:
   raise NotImplementedError('You should have read the f** 
manual ! You must override this method.')

class GoodChild(Interface):
   def method(self):
  Interface.method(self) # I want to process the cool stuff done my 
the base Interface

  # Specific GoodChild stuff here
  print 'I am a good'
  return 'perfect'

class BadChild(Interface):
   pass #I'm too lazy

good = GoodChild()
bad = BadChild()

...hello world
...I am a good

...NotImplementedError: You should have read the f** manual ! You 
must override this method.

The reason I'd like to do so: I'll be providing the Interface, but child 
classes will be overridden by others. Having a reliable error RTFM 
feedback is a time saver, for me and the users.

I hope I clarified my issue.

First of all, I doubt the above code really yields that output. You are 
missing a super-call there in GoodChild

And the whole problem goes magically away if you start using OO a bit:

class Base(object):

  def method(self):
  print some more work

  def _do_some_work_for_method(self):
  raise NotImplemented

So your subclasses must implement something else instead of method - and 
voila, without any hassle things work as expected.


Python Permutations Problem

2009-08-14 Thread Asanka Wasala
I am developing a spell checker for my language, and I came across
solving an interesing problem. It would be great if you can suggest
me  an optimized solution for the problem described below:

I have certain group of letters like these:

Group #1: c,r,b
Group #2: a,z,k
Group #3: h,t

Letters within the same group can be substituted/replaced with the
rest of the letters in that group.

(ie. Group #1 means letter 'c' can be replaced with either 'r' or 'b',
and letter r can be replaced with either c or b, and letter b can be
replaced with either r or c)

A group can have upto 3 letters, and letters do not overlap between
groups. There can be upto 25 such groups.
Given a word containing above letters, (e.g. 'cat'.) I want to
generate all possible words by subsituting letters in the groups.

eg. expected output:

cat rat bat
czt rzt bzt
ckt rkt bkt
cah rah bah
czh rzh bzh
ckh rkh bkh

My code is given below. But for complex words like 'cczzk' it
thows the 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' error. Therefore, can you
suggest me an optimized solution to achive the above task? Thanks in
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import re
def getPermutations(word):
def getSimilarLetters(letter):
if k:
return list
return letter


def perm(word):
for w in word:
if len(lst)0:
for l in lst:
if not (newwrd in list):

except RuntimeError:
return list


for i in list:
print i.encode('utf-8')
END of

Re: [Python-Dev] expy: an expressway to extend Python

2009-08-14 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Sat, 8/8/09, Stefan Behnel stefan...@behnel.de wrote:

 From: Stefan Behnel stefan...@behnel.de
 Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] expy: an expressway to extend Python
 To: python-...@python.org
 Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 4:55 PM
  More details at http://expy.sourceforge.net/
 I'm clearly biased, but my main concern here is that expy
 requires C code
 to be written inside of strings. There isn't any good
 editor support for
 that, so I doubt that expy is good for anything but very
 thin wrappers (as
 in the examples you presented).

Thanks a lot for the input -- I sort of recaptured the advantages of expy and 
listed four points in the new introduction at http://expy.sf.net/ homepage. 

Lacking of editor highlight support is quite a problem, but it is possible to 
create a support. For example, you can use this to indicate the start of 
embedded code highlight: 


and then the end mark is of course the enclosing 

 That said, you might want to look at the argument unpacking
 code generated
 by Cython. It's highly optimised through specialisation and
 has been
 benchmarked quite a bit faster than the generic Python
 C-API functions for
 tuple/keyword extracting. Since argument conversion seems
 to be more or
 less all that expy really does, maybe you want to reuse
 that code.

Oh sure, that's nice if that part can be adopted by expy-cxpy. Any help out on 
this would be very welcomed.



Re: A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-14 Thread vippstar
On Aug 14, 4:36 am, Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com wrote:
 • A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

Instead of writing a completely useless article you could had asked
for help in an emacs newsgroup, or wait until someone else does that
for you too (creating and publishing such configuration you desire).
Your article, except for the brief description of that mode, is
completely useless. Why would you fill your website with junk? Perhaps
because you like to write but you're too lazy to write something of

Re: retrieve item from nested list given index tuple

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 15:54:54 +, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 `lst` is a nested list
 `tpl` is the indexes for an item in the list

 What is the nice way to retrieve the item? (Speedy access is nice.)

Assuming you want to do this frequently, write a helper function, then 
use it:

# Untested
def extract(nested, indexes):
for index in indexes:
nested = nested[index]
return nested

 I don't want to use NumPy, but I'd like somehow to avoid an explicit
 loop.  I did consider using eval.  E.g., eval('lst' +
 '[%d]'*len(tpl)%tpl). It works but seems rather ugly.

And slow.

 I kind of like
 reduce(list.__getitem__, tpl, lst) but the reliance on reduce remains
 controversial enough to see i removed from the Python 3 built-ins ...

It's just moved into functools.

 lst = ['a', 'b', ['aa', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'cc']]
 from functools import reduce
 lst = ['a', 'b', ['aa', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'cc']]
 reduce(list.__getitem__, (2, 1, 0), lst)

However, it doesn't work too well as soon as you mix sequence types:

 reduce(list.__getitem__, (2, 1, 0, 0), lst)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: descriptor '__getitem__' requires a 'list' object but received 
a 'str'

Try this instead:

 from operator import getitem
 reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0), lst)
 reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0, 0), lst)

operator.getitem is less ugly too.


Re: csv.DictWriter.write_header()

2009-08-14 Thread Chris Withers

Alan G Isaac wrote:

On 8/13/2009 7:58 AM John Machin apparently wrote:

Duck typing: ask a silly question, get a silly answer.

Maybe if you learned to be a more generous reader,
fewer questions would look silly to you.

If you take a look at the crap that John very patiently wades through on 
the python-excel group, you might consider that a little light hearted 
sarcasm isn't much to put up with ;-)

FWIW, if you're using csv because you think .xls is too hard to 
generate, try xlwt :-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Colin J. Williams

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 09:23:17 -0400, Colin J. Williams wrote:

It's typically a user module that needs to be reloaded.

What's a user module?

A module written by a user, as distinguished from a libary

It seems that  del sys.modules['moduleName'] has no effect.

sys.modules is just a dictionary, I find it hard to believe that deleting 
from it has no effect. It works for me:

import sys
import math
'math' in sys.modules


del sys.modules['math']
'math' in sys.modules


What behaviour do you get?

Of course deleting the math module from the cache doesn't do anything to 
the math module in your namespace:


module 'math' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/mathmodule.so'

del math

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'math' is not defined

Of course deleting the module (or reloading it) doesn't have any effect 
on any objects you already have:

import math
func = math.sin
del sys.modules['math']
del math

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'math' is not defined



Is there some other way of ensuring that any import goes to
moduleName.py, instead of moduleName.pyc?

Delete moduleName.pyc.

Make sure the .pyc file doesn't exist in the first place.

Make sure the last modification date of the .py file is newer than the 
modification date of the .pyc file.

That's easier said than done, when one is working with an IDE.  The cached 
.pyc file might be different from that in the file.

Colin W.


Re: httplib incredibly slow :-(

2009-08-14 Thread Chris Withers

Aahz wrote:

Sorry, I mostly have been working on our Mac port, so I'm not sure what's
needed to make this work on Windows.  Did you try downloading the PyCurl
binary?  Maybe it statically links libcurl on Windows.

Shame it's not available as a bdist_egg, that's what I'm really after...

What do you need to know for a decent example?

Simple download of a file from a url with some auth headers added would 
do me.
Other than that, nice to haves would be how to build a http post with 
fields in a multi-part body, some of which might be files.



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

Re: A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-14 Thread vippstar
On Aug 14, 8:25 pm, fortunatus daniel.elia...@excite.com wrote:
 On Aug 14, 1:01 pm, vippstar vipps...@gmail.com wrote:

  Why would you fill your website with junk?

 The OP made it clear:

 Just wanted to express some frustration with whitespace-mode.

You took my question out of context and answered it. I read the
article, it's not like I missed any of it. Plus, it's not a real
answer. Because I wanted to. Why did you? Why would you?

Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant schrieb:

MRAB wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hi fellows,

Does anyone know a way to write virtual methods (in one virtual 
class) that will raise an exception only if called without being 
overridden ?
Currently in the virtual method I'm checking that the class of the 
instance calling the method has defined that method as well.


class Stream(object):
   Interface of all stream objects
   def resetStats(self):
   Reset the stream statistics. All values a zeroed except 
the date.

   _log.info('Reset statistics of %s' % self)
   if self.__class__.resetStats == Stream.resetStats:
   raise NotImplementedError()

It works but it's tedious, I have to add these 2 lines to every 
virtual method, changing the content of the 2 lines.

Maybe there is a nice/builtin way to do so (python 2.4)

Why are you checking which class it's in? The method in the base class
will be called only if it hasn't been overridden in the subclass.

Sorry guys (means guys *and* gals :op ), I realized I've not been 
able to describe precisely what I want to do.
I'd like the base class to be virtual (aka abstract). However it may 
be abstract but it does not mean it cannot do some usefull stuff.

Here is the schema of my abstract methods :

class Interface(object):
   def method(self):
   # -
   # some common stuff executed here
   # -
   print 'hello world'
   # -
   # here shall stand child specific stuff (empty in the 
interface method)

   # -
   if self.__class__.method == Interface.method:
   raise NotImplementedError('You should have read the 
f** manual ! You must override this method.')

class GoodChild(Interface):
   def method(self):
  Interface.method(self) # I want to process the cool stuff done 
my the base Interface

  # Specific GoodChild stuff here
  print 'I am a good'
  return 'perfect'

class BadChild(Interface):
   pass #I'm too lazy

good = GoodChild()
bad = BadChild()

...hello world
...I am a good

...NotImplementedError: You should have read the f** manual ! You 
must override this method.

The reason I'd like to do so: I'll be providing the Interface, but 
child classes will be overridden by others. Having a reliable error 
RTFM feedback is a time saver, for me and the users.

I hope I clarified my issue.

First of all, I doubt the above code really yields that output. You 
are missing a super-call there in GoodChild

And the whole problem goes magically away if you start using OO a bit:

class Base(object):

  def method(self):
  print some more work

  def _do_some_work_for_method(self):
  raise NotImplemented

So your subclasses must implement something else instead of method - 
and voila, without any hassle things work as expected.


It does yield that output, there's an unbound call to Interface.method.

Your solution will work, for sure. The problem is that it will dumb down 
the Base class interface, multiplying the number of methods by 2. This 
would not be an issue in many cases, in mine there's already too much 
meaningful methods in my class for me to add artificial ones.

Thanks for the tip anyway.


Re: A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-14 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

vippstar wrote:

On Aug 14, 8:25 pm, fortunatus daniel.elia...@excite.com wrote:

On Aug 14, 1:01 pm, vippstar vipps...@gmail.com wrote:

Why would you fill your website with junk?

The OP made it clear:

Just wanted to express some frustration with whitespace-mode.

You took my question out of context and answered it. I read the
article, it's not like I missed any of it. Plus, it's not a real
answer. Because I wanted to. Why did you? Why would you?
FYI, Xah Lee is a well known BTFL (Benevolent Troller For Life), you 
shouldn't argue about one of his post.


Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
I think I've spent enough time on this discussion, so I won't be directly 
responding to any of your recent points -- it's clear that I'm not 
persuading you that there's any justification for any behaviour for 
escape sequences other than the way C++ deals with them. That's your 
prerogative, of course, but I've done enough tilting at windmills for 
this week, so I'll just make one final comment and then withdraw from an 
unproductive argument. (I will make an effort to read any final comments 
you wish to make, so feel free to reply. Just don't expect an answer to 
any questions.)

Douglas, you and I clearly have a difference of opinion on this. Neither 
of us have provided even the tiniest amount of objective, replicable, 
reliable data on the error-proneness of the C++ approach versus that of 
Python. The supposed superiority of the C++ approach is entirely 
subjective and based on personal opinion instead of quantitative facts.

I prefer languages that permit anything that isn't explicitly forbidden, 
so I'm happy that Python treats non-special escape sequences as valid, 
and your attempts to convince me that this goes against the Zen have 
entirely failed to convince me. As I've done before, I will admit that 
one consequence of this design is that it makes it hard to introduce new 
escape sequences to Python. Given that it's vanishingly rare to want to 
do so, and that wanting to add backslashes to strings is common, I think 
that's a reasonable tradeoff. Other languages may make different 
tradeoffs, and that's fine by me.


Re: retrieve item from nested list given index tuple

2009-08-14 Thread Colin J. Williams

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 15:54:54 +, Alan G Isaac wrote:

`lst` is a nested list

`tpl` is the indexes for an item in the list

What is the nice way to retrieve the item? (Speedy access is nice.)

Assuming you want to do this frequently, write a helper function, then 
use it:

# Untested
def extract(nested, indexes):
for index in indexes:
nested = nested[index]
return nested

This looks OK for the first level of nesting.  We are not told much about tpl 
but suppose that:

lst= [a, [b, [c, d]], [e, f]] and that we wish to retrieve d and f from lst. 
tpl would need to be something like [[1, 1, 1], [2, 1]].

If that is the requirement, then Untested is only a step along the road, 
extract could be made recursive.

Colin W.

I don't want to use NumPy, but I'd like somehow to avoid an explicit
loop.  I did consider using eval.  E.g., eval('lst' +
'[%d]'*len(tpl)%tpl). It works but seems rather ugly.

And slow.

I kind of like
reduce(list.__getitem__, tpl, lst) but the reliance on reduce remains
controversial enough to see i removed from the Python 3 built-ins ...

It's just moved into functools.

lst = ['a', 'b', ['aa', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'cc']]
from functools import reduce
lst = ['a', 'b', ['aa', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], 'cc']]
reduce(list.__getitem__, (2, 1, 0), lst)


However, it doesn't work too well as soon as you mix sequence types:

reduce(list.__getitem__, (2, 1, 0, 0), lst)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: descriptor '__getitem__' requires a 'list' object but received 
a 'str'

Try this instead:

from operator import getitem
reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0), lst)


reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0, 0), lst)


operator.getitem is less ugly too.

Colin W.

Re: retrieve item from nested list given index tuple

2009-08-14 Thread Alan G Isaac
On 8/14/2009 1:09 PM Steven D'Aprano apparently wrote:
 Try this instead:
 from operator import getitem
 reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0), lst)
 reduce(getitem, (2, 1, 0, 0), lst)
 operator.getitem is less ugly too.

Yes, that's better.

Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 13:14:16 -0400, Colin J. Williams wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 09:23:17 -0400, Colin J. Williams wrote:
 It's typically a user module that needs to be reloaded.
 What's a user module?
 A module written by a user, as distinguished from a libary

You mean an end-user of the application? Or you mean the application 

I'm not sure there is any difference between user modules and library 
modules apart from what they do.

Perhaps it would help if you could explain the circumstances of when you 
would reload a module. During application development, for an incremental 
edit/reload/test cycle? Or while the completed application is being 

 Is there some other way of ensuring that any import goes to
 moduleName.py, instead of moduleName.pyc?
 Delete moduleName.pyc.
 Make sure the .pyc file doesn't exist in the first place.
 Make sure the last modification date of the .py file is newer than the
 modification date of the .pyc file.
 That's easier said than done, when one is working with an IDE.  The
 cached .pyc file might be different from that in the file.

If the IDE is getting in your way, then don't use it.

Or if you tell us what IDE you're using, and precisely what it is doing, 
somebody can tell you how to defeat the IDE's cache.

(That won't be me -- I don't use IDEs.)

Or perhaps you're entire approach is wrong, and you shouldn't be using 
reload() at all. Don't know.


Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Nigel Rantor

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Your solution will work, for sure. The problem is that it will dumb down 
the Base class interface, multiplying the number of methods by 2. This 
would not be an issue in many cases, in mine there's already too much 
meaningful methods in my class for me to add artificial ones.

Thanks for the tip anyway.

I suggest you reconsider.

You asked a question and have been given a standard way of achieving the 
desired outcome.

It's common in OO to use a Template pattern like this.

If you're not interested in finding out how loads of people have already 
solved the problem then why ask?

The methods that require overriding can be prefixed with an underscore 
so that people get a hint that they are an implementation detail rather 
than part of the public interface.

I don't see your problem, other than a vague aesthetic unease.




2009-08-14 Thread David C Ullrich
Probably this isn't news to anyone but me, but just in case:

Last I heard Komodo was a very highly regarded IDE that unfortunately
cost money. Yesterday I discovered that they now have an editor
available for free.

Doesn't contain all the features of the IDE, but just having glanced
at it it seems to contain more than I'll ever use. What I really
like about it is that one can write Komodo scripts in Python
(using an extensive API allowing various manipulations of the
current document).


Re: callable virtual method

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:49:26 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 Sorry guys (means guys *and* gals :op ), I realized I've not been able
 to describe precisely what I want to do. I'd like the base class to be
 virtual (aka abstract). However it may be abstract but it does not mean
 it cannot do some usefull stuff.
 Here is the schema of my abstract methods :
 class Interface(object):
 def method(self):
 # -
 # some common stuff executed here
 # -
 print 'hello world'
 # -
 # here shall stand child specific stuff (empty in the interface
 # -
 if self.__class__.method == Interface.method:
 raise NotImplementedError('You should have read the f**
 manual ! You must override this method.')

Okay, so I want to sub-class your Interface class. As you said, the 
methods in the abstract class are still useful, so in my class, I don't 
need any extra functionality for some methods -- I'm happy with just the 
common stuff. So I use normal OO techniques and over-ride just the 
methods I need to over-ride:

class GoodChild(Interface):
# no need to over-ride method, because it does everything I want
# but over-ride other methods that don't
def whatever(self):
print Whatever...
return Interface.whatever()

But now my class fails, with an insulting error message *wink*, and you 
force me to write a whole lot of crappy stupid boilerplate code:

class VerboseGoodChild(Interface):
# forced to over-ride methods for no good reason
def method(self):
return Interface.method(self)
def another_method(self):
return Interface.another_method(self)
def yet_another_method(self):
return Interface.yet_another_method(self)
def still_more_methods(self):
return Interface.still_more_methods(self)
# Whew! That was a waste of effort. Now at last over-ride the
# methods I need to:
def whatever(self):
print Whatever...
return Interface.whatever()

After the fourth such class, I say Bugger this for a game of soldiers 
and dump your Interface class for something else.

 The reason I'd like to do so: I'll be providing the Interface, but child
 classes will be overridden by others. Having a reliable error RTFM
 feedback is a time saver, for me and the users. I hope I clarified my

The usual way of implementing abstract base classes is to simply prohibit 
instantiation of the class, but allow all other inheritance. Putting 
useful functionality in methods, but then prohibiting subclasses from 
using them without jumping through hoops first, seems rather perverse to 


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