Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-14 Thread nagia . retsina
Τη Τετάρτη, 10 Απριλίου 2013 12:10:13 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Νίκος Γκρ33κ έγραψε:
 Hello, iam still trying to alter the code form python 2.6 = 3.3
 Everyrging its setup except that unicode error that you can see if you go to
 Can anyone help with this?
 I even tried to change print() with sys.stdout.buffer() but still i get the 
 same unicode issue.
 I don't know what to try anymore.

root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# pwd
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# cat 
exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
echo $0 $* 2
id 2
env | sort 2
set -x
exec /full/path/to/foo-py ${1+$@}

root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# python3 
  File, line 2
exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# 

As far as thr tail -f of the error_log:

root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# touch /var/log/httpd/error_log
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

and its empty even when at the exact same time i run 'python3' from 
another interactive prompt when it supposed to give live feed of the error 

Cameron would it be too much to ask to provide you with root access to my VPS 
server so you can have a look there too?

i can pay you if you like if you wait a few days to gather some money.

Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 13 Apr 2013 10:02:18 -0700, rusi wrote:

 To the OP:
 Steven is welcome to his views about use of databases.

I haven't given any views about databases. I've given my view on 
application developers -- specifically, Firefox -- using a not-quite ACID 
database in a way that is fragile, can cause data loss, and adds lots 
more complexity to the application AND the end-user experience. And for 
what? Simple data that would be much better in a simpler format, such as 

 Good to remember
 that everyone does not agree with him. This includes the firefox devs as
 well as python devs.

I don't see what the Python devs have to do with it. They don't use 
Sqlite for Python's internals, and the fact that there is a module for 
sqlite doesn't mean squat. There's a module for parsing Sun AU audio 
files, that doesn't mean the Python devs recommend that they are the best 
solution to your audio processing and multimedia needs.

I'm not saying that Sqlite doesn't have it's uses, although I personally 
haven't found them yet. And as for the Firefox devs, well, I'll just let 
Jamie Zawinski show their l33t des1gn ski11z in context:

Okay, that's ten years old. What do you think the odds are that Firefox 
has a nice, clean design by now? Well, I suppose it's possible, but when 
it takes a minimum of NINE files to do the equivalent of Hello World in 
Firefox, I wouldn't put money on it:

I mean, really -- bookmarks, in a single-user application, and they store 
it in a database. You can't even have two instances of Firefox running at 
the same time.

The consequences of this over-engineered solution is that Firefox is more 
complex and fragile than it needs be, and less reliable than it could be. 
When your bookmarks database gets corrupt, which is easy, the browser 
History and Back button stop working, which then pushes responsibility 
for fixing the database corruption back on the user. So the Firefox 
developers actually end up paying the costs of a non-lightweight 
implementation, but without the benefits. They don't even get to remove 
the old bookmarks to HTML code, since they still need it for manual 
exports and backups.

Considering the rest of the Firefox architecture (XUL, XUL everywhere!), 
using sqlite probably feels like a lightweight solution to the devs.

The Mork database structure used by Mozilla Firefox v1-2 is unusual to 
say the least.  It was originally developed by Netscape for their browser 
(Netscape v6) and the format was later adopted by Mozilla to be used in 
Firefox.  It is a plain text format which is not easily human readable 
and is not efficient in its storage structures.  For example, a single 
Unicode character can take many bytes to store.  The developers 
themselves complained it was extremely difficult to parse correctly and 
from Firefox v3, it was replaced by MozStorage which is based on an 
SQLite database.


كيف تعالج الهالات السوداء أسفل العين

2013-04-14 Thread 23alagmy
كيف تعالج الهالات السوداء أسفل العين

انشرا على الفيس بك

انشرها على تويتر

python install and dependencies

2013-04-14 Thread Marco

I have a some confusion about the package installation process.
Let's say I have manually installed Python 3.3, so I don't have 
distribute and pip. Now I want to install the bpython shell, so I 
download the source code and after I try to do python3.3 
I did so, and all it'is ok, but I don't have the dependencies 
(pygments), so when I run bpython, Python complains with an ImportError: 
No module named 'pygments'.

So I installed distribute, and after I removed and reinstalled bpython, 
and now python3.3 install has installed pygments too.

So my question is: if I want python3.3 install installs the 
dependencies of a package I need to have distribute?

And pip installs the dependencies because of it uses distribute?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Apr2013 23:00, wrote:
| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# pwd
| /home/nikos/public_html/foo-py
| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# cat 
| #!/bin/sh
| exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
| echo $0 $* 2
| id 2
| env | sort 2
| set -x
| exec /full/path/to/foo-py ${1+$@}
| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# python3 
|   File, line 2
| exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
|  ^
| SyntaxError: invalid syntax

That is because isn't a python script anymore, it is a shell script.
Its purpose is to divert stderr to a file and to recite various
things about the environment to that file in addition to any error

Just run it directly:


The #! line should cause it to be run by the shell.

I also recommend you try to do all this as your normal user account.
Root is for administration, such as stopping/starting apache and
so on. Not test running scripts from the command line; consider:
if the script has bugs, as root it can do an awful lot of damage.

| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# 
| As far as thr tail -f of the error_log:
| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# touch /var/log/httpd/error_log

That won't do you much good; apache has not opened it, and so it
will not be writing to it. It was writing to a file of that name,
but you removed that file. Apache probably still has its hooks in the old
file (which now has no name).

Restarting apache should open (or create if missing) this file for you.

| root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
| and its empty even when at the exact same time i run 'python3
|' from another interactive prompt when it supposed to
| give live feed of the error messages.

No, _apache_ writes to that file. So only when you visit the web
page will stuff appear there.

If you just run things from the command line, error messages will appear on 
your terminal. Or, after this line of the wrapper script:

  exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out

the error messages will appear in cgi.err.out.

| Cameron would it be too much to ask to provide you with root
| access to my VPS server so you can have a look there too?
| i can pay you if you like if you wait a few days to gather some money.

I really do not recommend that:

  - it is nuts to blithely allow a stranger root access to your system
  - you won't learn anything about CGI scripts

What you need for further debugging of your python issues is access
to the error messages from the CGI script. That is the purpose of
the wrapper script.

Get the wrapper running on the command line and then test it via the browser.

Cameron Simpson

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
 the courage to change the things that I can,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill
 because they pissed me off.
- Jeffrey Papen

Re: API design for Python 2 / 3 compatibility

2013-04-14 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Terry, Ethan:

Thanks a lot for your excellent advice. :-)

On 2013-04-13 19:32, Terry Jan Reedy wrote:
 Approach 2 matches (or should match), which became
 builtin open in Python 3. I would simply document that mimics in the same way that
 ftp_host.chdir, etcetera, match os.chdir, etc. Your
 principle will remain intact.

I didn't know about `` (or had forgotten it).

 Anyone writing *new* Py 2 code with any idea of ever
 running on Py 3 should be using anyway. That is
 why it was backported. You might be able to reuse some io
 code or subclass some io classes for your implementation.

Since I use `socket.makefile` to create the underlying file
objects, I can use `BufferedReader`/`BufferedWriter` and
`TextIOWrapper` to supply buffering and encoding/decoding.

On 2013-04-13 20:03, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Approach 2, because it is much saner to deal with unicode
 inside the program, and only switch back to some kind of
 encoding when writing to files/pipes/etc.

Yes, this is a much saner design. I just was hesitant
because of the introduced backward incompatibility and
wanted to get other's opinions.

 Since you are going to support python 3 as well you can
 bump the major version number and note the backward

Actually I plan to increase the version number from 2.8 to
3.0 because of the Python 3 support and already intend to
change some module names that will be visible to client
code. So this is also a good opportunity to clean up the
file interface. :)

Best regards,

Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread rusi
On Apr 14, 12:56 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Apr 2013 10:02:18 -0700, rusi wrote:
  To the OP:
  Steven is welcome to his views about use of databases.

 I haven't given any views about databases.

You are twisting use of databases to just about databases

And heres what you said:

 Using a database for such lightweight data as bookmarks is, in my
 opinion, gross overkill and adds to the complexity of Firefox. More
 complexity leads to more bugs…

Not that I would disagree with that for general databases, just for
something as atypical as sqlite.
In short, you are being hypnotized by the word 'database' and not
seeing that sqlite is a very strange instance of that species.

 I've given my view on
 application developers -- specifically, Firefox -- using a not-quite ACID
 database in a way that is fragile, can cause data loss,

Are you saying that flat-files dont lose data?

 and adds lots
 more complexity to the application AND the end-user experience. And for

Strange argument: If I call a one line re.match(..) that hooks into
5000 arcane lines of the re module, on whose account is the complexity
-- mine or python's?

From a programmer's POV if 10 lines of flat-file munging are reduced
to two lines of SQL its a reduction of 10 to 2.

 Simple data that would be much better in a simpler format, such as

  Good to remember
  that everyone does not agree with him. This includes the firefox devs as
  well as python devs.

 I don't see what the Python devs have to do with it. They don't use
 Sqlite for Python's internals, and the fact that there is a module for
 sqlite doesn't mean squat. There's a module for parsing Sun AU audio
 files, that doesn't mean the Python devs recommend that they are the best
 solution to your audio processing and multimedia needs.

Python made a choice to include AU file support when Sun existed and
looked more respectable than MS. Today the support continues to exist
probably for backward compatibility reasons.  The code's already
written. Why remove it?
Sure but it has its costs -- memory footprint, sources-size etc --
which are deemed negligible enough to not bother.

Likewise python 2.5 made a choice to include sqlite. Following RoR's D
Hansson we may call it an 'opinionated choice.'  That choice implies
that the devs decided that a fixed-cost of bundling sqlite with python
is deemed better than each programmer installing/rolling-his-own etc

 I'm not saying that Sqlite doesn't have it's uses, although I personally
 haven't found them yet. And as for the Firefox devs, well, I'll just let
 Jamie Zawinski show their l33t des1gn ski11z in context:

Faulty generalization fallacy:
Because some code in firefox is bad, every choice of firefox is bad?
[Actually I am surprised that you agree with *that example*: Would you
claim that a void returning, no-argument function is better than one
with arguments and return values?  Anyways thats really far away from
this discussion…]

To the OP:
Lets deconstruct ACID.

Lets say you write some stack code like this
  stack[top] = newvalue
  top += 1

And if you catch the machine state between the two assignments, you
will find an *inconsistent* stack because that code is *non-atomic*
Should you bother? Yes if you have concurrency, no if not.

Likewise Isolation is vacuously guaranteed if you are the sole guy
running your code.

As for Durability, if you randomly turn off your machine when your
program is running, yes you may lose the results of your program. You
may lose much else!

IOW if you are alone on your machine, all discussion of ACID is moot

Re: Unicode issue with Python v3.3

2013-04-14 Thread nagia . retsina
Τη Κυριακή, 14 Απριλίου 2013 12:28:32 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Cameron Simpson 
 On 13Apr2013 23:00, wrote:
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# pwd
 | /home/nikos/public_html/foo-py
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# cat 
 | #!/bin/sh
 | exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
 | echo $0 $* 2
 | id 2
 | env | sort 2
 | set -x
 | exec /full/path/to/foo-py ${1+$@}
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# python3 
 |   File, line 2
 | exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
 |  ^
 | SyntaxError: invalid syntax
 That is because isn't a python script anymore, it is a shell script.
 Its purpose is to divert stderr to a file and to recite various
 things about the environment to that file in addition to any error
 Just run it directly:
 The #! line should cause it to be run by the shell.
 I also recommend you try to do all this as your normal user account.
 Root is for administration, such as stopping/starting apache and
 so on. Not test running scripts from the command line; consider:
 if the script has bugs, as root it can do an awful lot of damage.
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# 
 | As far as thr tail -f of the error_log:
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# touch /var/log/httpd/error_log
 That won't do you much good; apache has not opened it, and so it
 will not be writing to it. It was writing to a file of that name,
 but you removed that file. Apache probably still has its hooks in the old
 file (which now has no name).
 Restarting apache should open (or create if missing) this file for you.
 | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
 | and its empty even when at the exact same time i run 'python3
 |' from another interactive prompt when it supposed to
 | give live feed of the error messages.
 No, _apache_ writes to that file. So only when you visit the web
 page will stuff appear there.
 If you just run things from the command line, error messages will appear on 
 your terminal. Or, after this line of the wrapper script:
   exec 2/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
 the error messages will appear in cgi.err.out.
 | Cameron would it be too much to ask to provide you with root
 | access to my VPS server so you can have a look there too?
 | i can pay you if you like if you wait a few days to gather some money.
 I really do not recommend that:
   - it is nuts to blithely allow a stranger root access to your system
   - you won't learn anything about CGI scripts
 What you need for further debugging of your python issues is access
 to the error messages from the CGI script. That is the purpose of
 the wrapper script.
 Get the wrapper running on the command line and then test it via the browser.
 Cameron Simpson
 Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
  the courage to change the things that I can,
 and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill
  because they pissed me off.
 - Jeffrey Papen

Well i trust you because you are the only one along with Lele that are helpimg 
me here:

i tried what you said:

root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# service httpd restart
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# python3 
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# cd foo-py/
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# ls
./  ../*
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# ./ 
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# cd ..
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# cat cgi.err.out 
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# cat /var/log/httpd/error_log 
root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin]# 

and i have run the script form browser but i still see nothing.

I insist that you will make the most of this if you access the VPS yourself.
it runs CentOS 6.4

Please accept, i trust you.

Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 9:17 PM, rusi wrote:
 On Apr 14, 12:56 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 I've given my view on
 application developers -- specifically, Firefox -- using a not-quite ACID
 database in a way that is fragile, can cause data loss,

 Are you saying that flat-files dont lose data?

If they do, a human being can easily open them up and see what's
inside. Suppose bookmarks are stored like this:

rSome-Browser-Name web bookmarks file - edit with care
title: Search engine
icon: whatever-format-you-want-to-use

title: Another search engine


title: My FTP Server
desc: Photos are in photos/, videos are in videos/
 Everything else is in other/
user: root
pass: secret

The parsing of this file is pretty simple. Blank line marks end of
entry; indented line continues the previous attribute (like RFC822),
everything else is attribute: value. (You might even be able to
abuse an RFC822 parser/compositor for the job.) The whole file has to
be read and rewritten for any edits, so it's unsuited to gigabytes of
content; but we're talking about *web browser bookmarks* here. I know
some people have a lot of them, but hardly gigs and gigs. And if you
think they will, then all you need to do is have multiple files, eg
one for each folder in the bookmark tree.

Now suppose it gets damaged somehow. Firstly, that's a lot less likely
with a simple file format and a write to temp file, then move temp
file over main file setup; but mainly, it's very easy to
resynchronize - maybe there'll be one bookmark (or a group of
bookmarks) that get flagged as corrupted, but everything after that
can be parsed just fine - as soon as you get to a blank line, you
start parsing again. Very simple. Well suited to a simple task. (Note,
however, that the uber-simple concept I've posited here would have the
same concurrency problems that Firefox has. At very least, it'd rely
on some sort of filesystem-level lock when it starts rewriting the
file. But this is approximately similar to running two instances of a
text editor and trying to work with the same file.)

 From a programmer's POV if 10 lines of flat-file munging are reduced
 to two lines of SQL its a reduction of 10 to 2.

The complexity exists in a variety of places. The two lines of SQL
hide a morass of potential complexity; so would a massive regex. The
file itself is way harder for external tools to manage. And all of it
can be buggy. With a simple flat-file system, chances are you can turn
it into a nested list structure and a dict for indexing (or possibly a
collections.OrderedDict), and then you have the same reduction - it's
just simple in-memory operations, possibly followed by a save() call.
All the options available will do that, whether flat-file or database.

 I don't see what the Python devs have to do with it. They don't use
 Sqlite for Python's internals, and the fact that there is a module for
 sqlite doesn't mean squat. There's a module for parsing Sun AU audio
 files, that doesn't mean the Python devs recommend that they are the best
 solution to your audio processing and multimedia needs.

 Python made a choice to include AU file support when Sun existed and
 looked more respectable than MS. Today the support continues to exist
 probably for backward compatibility reasons.  The code's already
 written. Why remove it?
 Sure but it has its costs -- memory footprint, sources-size etc --
 which are deemed negligible enough to not bother.

Actually, this is one place where I disagree with the current decision
of the Python core devs: I think bindings for other popular databases
(most notably PostgreSQL, and probably MySQL since it's so widely
used) ought to be included in core, rather than being shoved off to
PyPI. Databasing is so important to today's world that it would really
help if people had all the options right there in core, if only so
they're more findable (if you're browsing, you won't
know that psycopg is available). Currently the policy seems to be we
don't include the server so why should we include the client; I
disagree, I think the client would stand nicely on its own. (Does
Python have a DNS server module? DNS client? I haven't dug deep, but
I'm pretty sure I can do name lookups in Python, yet running a DNS
server is sufficiently arcane that it can, quite rightly, be pushed
off to PyPI.) But this is minor, and tangential to this discussion.

 Faulty generalization fallacy:
 Because some code in firefox is bad, every choice of firefox is bad?

It's a matter of windows into the philosophy, rather than specific
examples. Requiring nine files to do a Hello World extension
suggests a large corpus of mandatory boilerplate; imagine, for
instance, that my example bookmarks file structure had demanded

Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Ned Deily
In article,
 Chris Angelico wrote:
  Actually, this is one place where I disagree with the current decision
 of the Python core devs: I think bindings for other popular databases
 (most notably PostgreSQL, and probably MySQL since it's so widely
 used) ought to be included in core, rather than being shoved off to
 PyPI. Databasing is so important to today's world that it would really
 help if people had all the options right there in core, if only so
 they're more findable (if you're browsing, you won't
 know that psycopg is available). Currently the policy seems to be we
 don't include the server so why should we include the client; I
 disagree, I think the client would stand nicely on its own. (Does
 Python have a DNS server module? DNS client? I haven't dug deep, but
 I'm pretty sure I can do name lookups in Python, yet running a DNS
 server is sufficiently arcane that it can, quite rightly, be pushed
 off to PyPI.) But this is minor, and tangential to this discussion.

For the bindings to be useful, Python batteries-included distributions 
(like installers) would either need to also ship the various 
DB client libraries for all supported platforms (including Windows), 
which adds complexity and potentially intractable license issues, or 
there would need to be reverse-engineered implementations of the client 
libs or wire protocols, either option adding fragility and complex 
testing issues.  DNS client lookups use published, well-understood 
Internet-standard protocols, not at all like talking to a third-party 
database, be it open-source or not.  Sqlite3 is certainly an anomaly in 
that it is not-only open source but designed to be a lightweight, 
compatible library that runs on just about everything, and with a 
fanatical devotion to compatibility and documentation.  These days just 
about every major product or operating system platform ships with or 
uses a copy of sqllite3 for something.

 Ned Deily,


Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Cousin Stanley
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 23:26:05 +, Cousin Stanley wrote:

   The firefox browser keeps different sqlite database files for various

 Yes, and I *really* wish they wouldn't. 

 It's my number 1 cause of major problems with Firefox.

  Problems with software of any flavor,
  especially software that is used regularly
  and upon which we are somewhat dependent,
  are always a source of frustration  

  My own personal use of firefox over the years
  has been limited as I have not used it
  for my primary browser and have not experienced
  any problems with its bookmarks  

  I use opera as my primary browser
  and would very much like to convert
  the plain-vanilla bookmark.adr file
  that opera uses into an sqlite data base
  for diversity in bookmark searches 
  that would be independent of reglular
  browser usage  

$ grep FOLDER ~/.opera/bookmarks.adr | wc -l

$ grep URL ~/.opera/bookmarks.adr | wc -l

  Although there have been many reports entailing corruption 
  of the places.sqlite file, it isn't apparent to me 
  from the link above that sqlite itself is the culprit  

  Could the complexity/bugginess of the firefox code
  possibly be the cause instead ?

If Firefox works normally when you first open it 
 after starting up the computer but multiple symptoms arise 
 after you close and later reopen Firefox, it's likely 
 that a Firefox process from a previous session 
 did not close properly and the Places database 
 ( places.sqlite file ) is locked.

  If you check the headers of any of my posts here
  you will find that I post with a python-based news client
  named XPN that also uses sqlite for persistent storage,
  one sqlite database for each different newsgroup  

  I've used xpn daily for many years and have never experienced 
  a corrupted sqlite database file 

firefox + sqlite  buggy ? ... :-(

 python + sqlite  ok, hooray  :-)

 Using a database for such lightweight data as bookmarks is, in my 
 opinion, gross overkill and adds to the complexity of Firefox. 

 More complexity leads to more bugs, e.g.:

  These pages show problems that are 4 and 5 years old
  from 2008  2009 and are marked as Status: RESOLVED FIXED 
  at the top of the page  

  Are you still having firefox bookmark problems today ?

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread pyth0n3r
I came across a problem that when i deal with int data with ',' as thousand 
separator, such as 12,916, i can not change it into int() or float().
How can i remove the comma in int data?
Any reply will be appreciated!!


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Mark Janssen
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 11:57 AM, pyth0n3r wrote:
 I came across a problem that when i deal with int data with ',' as thousand
 separator, such as 12,916, i can not change it into int() or float().
 How can i remove the comma in int data?
 Any reply will be appreciated!!

for c in myStringNumber:
   if c != ',':


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 04/14/2013 02:57 PM, pyth0n3r wrote:

 I came across a problem that when i deal with int data with ',' as 
thousand separator, such as 12,916, i can not change it into int() or 

 How can i remove the comma in int data?
 Any reply will be appreciated!!


I would do int(num.replace(',', ''))


Lark's Tongue Guide to Python:

When a friend succeeds, I die a little.  Gore Vidal


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 02:57:35 +0800
pyth0n3r wrote:
 float(). How can i remove the comma in int data? Any reply will be

int(n.replace(',', ''))

D'Arcy J.M. Cain |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 788 2246 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Mark Janssen
 I would do int(num.replace(',', ''))

That's much more pythonic than my C-ish version


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 14/04/2013 19:57, pyth0n3r wrote:

I came across a problem that when i deal with int data with ',' as
thousand separator, such as 12,916, i can not change it into int() or
How can i remove the comma in int data?
Any reply will be appreciated!!

Use the string replace method thus.

 '12,916'.replace(',', '')

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this

Mark Lawrence


Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-04-14 09:40, Ned Deily wrote:
 DNS client lookups use published, well-understood 
 Internet-standard protocols, not at all like talking to a
 third-party database, be it open-source or not.

That said, even though DNS is a publicly documented standard, I've
reached for DNS code in the Python stdlib on multiple occasions
(usually to try and snag the MX record for a customer, so smtplib can
send stuff to it), and get disappointed each time.  I'd really love
if there was a simple DNS-lookup module available in the stdlib,
especially if it allowed overriding the server to ask.  I mean...POP,
IMAP and SMTP are all publicly documented standards that Python makes
easily accessible.  DNS would be a good addition.



Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Ned Deily wrote:
 In article,
  Chris Angelico wrote:
   Actually, this is one place where I disagree with the current decision
 of the Python core devs: I think bindings for other popular databases
 (most notably PostgreSQL, and probably MySQL since it's so widely
 used) ought to be included in core, rather than being shoved off to
 PyPI. Databasing is so important to today's world that it would really
 help if people had all the options right there in core, if only so
 they're more findable (if you're browsing, you won't
 know that psycopg is available). Currently the policy seems to be we
 don't include the server so why should we include the client; I
 disagree, I think the client would stand nicely on its own. (Does
 Python have a DNS server module? DNS client? I haven't dug deep, but
 I'm pretty sure I can do name lookups in Python, yet running a DNS
 server is sufficiently arcane that it can, quite rightly, be pushed
 off to PyPI.) But this is minor, and tangential to this discussion.

 For the bindings to be useful, Python batteries-included distributions
 (like installers) would either need to also ship the various
 DB client libraries for all supported platforms (including Windows),
 which adds complexity and potentially intractable license issues, or
 there would need to be reverse-engineered implementations of the client
 libs or wire protocols, either option adding fragility and complex
 testing issues.  DNS client lookups use published, well-understood
 Internet-standard protocols, not at all like talking to a third-party
 database, be it open-source or not.  Sqlite3 is certainly an anomaly in
 that it is not-only open source but designed to be a lightweight,
 compatible library that runs on just about everything, and with a
 fanatical devotion to compatibility and documentation.  These days just
 about every major product or operating system platform ships with or
 uses a copy of sqllite3 for something.

Understandable, but I'm actually referencing a discussion on either
python-dev or python-ideas where the statement was made that it didn't
make sense to include the client for something that the server for
wasn't included. I can't find the discussion thread off-hand, but
that, rather than the portability/complication issues, seemed to be
the primary line of argument.

I don't know about any others, but PostgreSQL's wire protocol isn't
all that difficult to work with, and since we're talking about
something where the far end is almost certainly going to consume some
time, it wouldn't hurt to implement it in pure Python. Based on it seems there are a few
modules that do just that (unchecked, but if they work on any platform
and don't require libpq, I strongly suspect they use Python's own
networking); if one of those is of sufficient code quality for the
stdlib, I think it would be an excellent addition. However, I am not a
core dev, therefore sqlite is the only one included.


Re: python-noob - which container is appropriate for later exporting into mySql + matplotlib ?

2013-04-14 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Tim Chase wrote:

 I'd really love if there was a simple DNS-lookup module available in 
 the stdlib, especially if it allowed overriding the server to ask.

pip install dnspython

Grammar question: Englisn and Python: qualified names

2013-04-14 Thread Chris Angelico
Quirky question time!

When you read out a qualified name, eg collections.OrderedDict, do you
read the qualifier (collections dot ordered dict), or do you elide
it (ordered dict)? I ask because it makes a difference to talking
about just one of them:

... or possibly a collections.OrderedDict...
... or possibly an collections.OrderedDict...

Written, the latter looks completely wrong; but if the name is read in
its short form, with the collections part being implicit, then an
is clearly correct! What do you think, experts and others?


Using xtopdf and pypyodbc to publish MS Access database data to PDF

2013-04-14 Thread vasudevram

Wrote a program that lets you publish your MS Access database data to PDF, 
using Python, ReportLab, xtopdf (my toolkit) and pypyodbc.

Sharing it here.


Note: Saw some comments about my blog post on the Python Reddit, which made me 
realize that I had not explained that similar code can be used to publish data 
from any ODBC database (for which you have an ODBC driver, and which is 
supported by pypyodbc), to PDF. All you have to do is change the connection 
string in the code, and maybe a few other small tweaks for differences between 
SQL dialects of different RDBMS's.


- Vasudev Ram


Re: Grammar question: Englisn and Python: qualified names

2013-04-14 Thread MRAB

On 14/04/2013 22:50, Chris Angelico wrote:

Quirky question time!

When you read out a qualified name, eg collections.OrderedDict, do you
read the qualifier (collections dot ordered dict), or do you elide
it (ordered dict)? I ask because it makes a difference to talking
about just one of them:

... or possibly a collections.OrderedDict...
... or possibly an collections.OrderedDict...

Written, the latter looks completely wrong; but if the name is read in
its short form, with the collections part being implicit, then an
is clearly correct! What do you think, experts and others?

I read what's there: a collections.OrderedDict vs an OrderedDict.

Threadpool item mailboxes design problem

2013-04-14 Thread Charles Hixson
What is the best approach to implementing actors that accept and post 
messages (and have no other external contacts).

So far what I've come up with is something like:
actors = {}
mailboxs = {}

Stuff actors with actor instances, mailboxes with multiprocessing.queue 
instances.   (Actors and mailboxes will have identical keys, which are 
id#, but it's got to be a dict rather than a list, because too many are 
rolled out to disk.)  And I'm planning of having the actors running 
simultaneously and continually in a threadpool that just loops through 
the actors that are assigned to each thread of the pool.

This lets any actor post messages to the mailbox of any other actor that 
it has the id of, and lets him read his own mail without 
multi-processing clashes.  But I'm quite uncertain that this is the best 
way, because, if nothing else, it means that each mailbox needs to be 
allocated large enough to handle the maximum amount of mail it could 
possibly receive.  (I suppose I could implement some sort of wait 
awhile and try again method.)  It would, however, be better if the 
mailbox could be specific to the threadpool instance, so less space 
would be wasted.  Or if the queues could dynamically resize.  Or if 
there was a threadsafe dict.  Or...  But I don't know that any of these 
are feasible.  (I mean, yes, I could write all the mail to a database, 
but is that a better answer, or even a good one?)

Charles Hixson


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:06:12 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

 for c in myStringNumber:
if c != ',':

Please don't write code like that. Firstly, it's long and bloated, and 
runs at the speed of Python, not C. Second, it runs at the speed of 
SOO Python, not fast Python, due to being an O(N**2) 

If you don't know what O(N**2) means, you should read this for an 


Re: Grammar question: Englisn and Python: qualified names

2013-04-14 Thread Ethan Furman

On 04/14/2013 02:50 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

Quirky question time!

When you read out a qualified name, eg collections.OrderedDict, do you
read the qualifier (collections dot ordered dict), or do you elide
it (ordered dict)? I ask because it makes a difference to talking
about just one of them:

... or possibly a collections.OrderedDict...
... or possibly an collections.OrderedDict...

Written, the latter looks completely wrong; but if the name is read in
its short form, with the collections part being implicit, then an
is clearly correct! What do you think, experts and others?

Explicit is better than implicit.  ;)

collections dot ordereddict

Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Mark Janssen
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:06:12 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

 for c in myStringNumber:
if c != ',':

 due to being an O(N**2)  algorithm.

What on earth makes you think that is an O(n**2) algorithm and not O(n)?


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:44:28 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:06:12 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

 for c in myStringNumber:
if c != ',':

 due to being an O(N**2)  algorithm.
 What on earth makes you think that is an O(n**2) algorithm and not O(n)?

Strings are immutable. Consider building up a single string from four 

s = ''
s += 'fe'
s += 'fi'
s += 'fo'
s += 'fum'

Python *might* optimize the first concatenation, '' + 'fe', to just reuse 
'fe', (but it might not). Let's assume it does, so that no copying is 
needed. Then it gets to the second concatenation, and now it has to copy 
characters, because strings are immutable and cannot be modified in 
place. Showing the *running* total of characters copied:

'fe' + 'fi' = 'fefi'  # four characters copied
'fefi' + 'fo' = 'fefifo'  # 4 + 6 = ten characters copied
'fefifo' + 'fum' = 'fefifofum'  # 10 + 9 = nineteen characters copied

Notice how each intermediate substring gets copied repeatedly? In order 
to build up a string of length 9, we've had to copy at least 19 
characters. With only four substrings, it's not terribly obvious how 
badly this performs. So let's add some more substrings, and see how the 
running total increases:

'fefifofum' + 'foo' = 'fefifofumfoo'  # 19 + 12 = 31
'fefifofumfoo' + 'bar' = 'fefifofumfoobar'  # 31 + 15 = 46
'fefifofumfoobar' + 'baz' = 'fefifofumfoobarbaz'  # 46 + 18 = 64
'fefifofumfoobarbaz' + 'spam' = 'fefifofumfoobarbazspam'  # 64 + 22 = 86

To build up a string of length 22, we've had to copy, and re-copy, and re-
re-copy, 86 characters in total. And the string gets bigger, the 
inefficiency gets worse. Each substring (except the very last one) gets 
copied multiple times; the number of times it gets copied is proportional 
to the number of substrings.

If the substrings are individual characters, then each character is 
copied a number of times proportional to the number of characters N; 
since there are N characters, each being copied (proportional to) N 
times, that makes N*N or N**2.


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:44:28 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:
 What on earth makes you think that is an O(n**2) algorithm and not O(n)?

 Python *might* optimize the first concatenation, '' + 'fe', to just reuse
 'fe', (but it might not). Let's assume it does, so that no copying is
 needed. Then it gets to the second concatenation, and now it has to copy
 characters, because strings are immutable and cannot be modified in

There are actually a lot of optimizations done, so it might turn out
to be O(n) in practice. But strictly in the Python code, yes, this is
definitely O(n*n).


Re: classes and sub classes?

2013-04-14 Thread Jason Friedman
 NwInvDb = NetworkInventoryDatabase, yes you are correct, it creates the
database handle and makes it ready for use.

I am interested in opinions.  I for one dislike abbreviations on the theory
that programs are read more than they are written.  I would probably use
this variable name:

network_inventory_db_connection = ...

And yes, I'm aware that db is an abbreviation.  I believe I am following
a few Zen principles:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules, Although
practicality beats purity.

What would others use?

Re: classes and sub classes?

2013-04-14 Thread MRAB

On 15/04/2013 02:38, Jason Friedman wrote:

  NwInvDb = NetworkInventoryDatabase, yes you are correct, it creates
the database handle and makes it ready for use.

I am interested in opinions.  I for one dislike abbreviations on the
theory that programs are read more than they are written.  I would
probably use this variable name:

network_inventory_db_connection = ...

And yes, I'm aware that db is an abbreviation.  I believe I am
following a few Zen principles:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules, Although practicality 
beats purity.

What would others use?

network could be abbreviated to net, inventory to inv (maybe OK
in this context; in another context it could an abbreviation for
inverse), and connection to con (maybe), giving net_inv_db_con,
or net_inv_db_connection.

The trick, of course, is to make it clear, but not annoyingly long.
Python itself has def, len, and lstrip, not define, length
and left_strip.

Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Rotwang

On 15/04/2013 02:14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 17:44:28 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:06:12 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

for c in myStringNumber:
if c != ',':

due to being an O(N**2)  algorithm.

What on earth makes you think that is an O(n**2) algorithm and not O(n)?

Strings are immutable. Consider building up a single string from four

s = ''
s += 'fe'
s += 'fi'
s += 'fo'
s += 'fum'

Python *might* optimize the first concatenation, '' + 'fe', to just reuse
'fe', (but it might not). Let's assume it does, so that no copying is
needed. Then it gets to the second concatenation, and now it has to copy
characters, because strings are immutable and cannot be modified in

Actually, I believe that CPython is optimised to modify strings in place 
where possible, so that the above would surprisingly turn out to be 
O(n). See the following thread where I asked about this:

(Sorry for linking to Google Groups. Does anyone know of a better c.l.p. 
web archive?)


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Walter Hurry
On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 11:29:17 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 There are actually a lot of optimizations done, so it might turn out to
 be O(n) in practice. But strictly in the Python code, yes, this is
 definitely O(n*n).

In any event, Janssen should cease and desist offering advice here if he 
can't do better than that.

Re: Threadpool item mailboxes design problem

2013-04-14 Thread Chris Rebert
On Apr 14, 2013 4:27 PM, Charles Hixson

 What is the best approach to implementing actors that accept and post
messages (and have no other external contacts).

You might look at how some of the existing Python actor libraries are
implemented (perhaps one of these might even save you from reinventing the

Kinda old:

 So far what I've come up with is something like:
 actors = {}
 mailboxs = {}

 Stuff actors with actor instances, mailboxes with multiprocessing.queue
instances.   (Actors and mailboxes will have identical keys, which are id#,
but it's got to be a dict rather than a list, because too many are rolled
out to disk.)  And I'm planning of having the actors running simultaneously
and continually in a threadpool that just loops through the actors that are
assigned to each thread of the pool.
 It would, however, be better if the mailbox could be specific to the
threadpool instance, so less space would be wasted.  Or if the queues could
dynamically resize.  Or if there was a threadsafe dict.  Or...  But I don't
know that any of these are feasible.  (I mean, yes, I could write all the
mail to a database, but is that a better answer, or even a good one?)

My recollection is that the built-in collection types are threadsafe at
least to the limited extent that the operations exposed by their APIs (e.g.
dict.setdefault) are atomic.
Perhaps someone will be able to chime in with more details.

Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Roy Smith
In article kkfodv$f5m$,
 Walter Hurry wrote:

 On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 11:29:17 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
  There are actually a lot of optimizations done, so it might turn out to
  be O(n) in practice. But strictly in the Python code, yes, this is
  definitely O(n*n).
 In any event, Janssen should cease and desist offering advice here if he 
 can't do better than that.

That's a little harsh.  Sure, it was a sub-optimal way to write the 
code (for all the reasons people mentioned), but it engendered a good 

Re: Threadpool item mailboxes design problem

2013-04-14 Thread 88888 Dihedral
Charles Hixson於 2013年4月15日星期一UTC+8上午7時12分11秒寫道:
 What is the best approach to implementing actors that accept and post 
 messages (and have no other external contacts).
 So far what I've come up with is something like:
 actors = {}
 mailboxs = {}
 Stuff actors with actor instances, mailboxes with multiprocessing.queue 
 instances.   (Actors and mailboxes will have identical keys, which are 
 id#, but it's got to be a dict rather than a list, because too many are 
 rolled out to disk.)  And I'm planning of having the actors running 
 simultaneously and continually in a threadpool that just loops through 
 the actors that are assigned to each thread of the pool.
 This lets any actor post messages to the mailbox of any other actor that 
 it has the id of, and lets him read his own mail without 
 multi-processing clashes.  But I'm quite uncertain that this is the best 
 way, because, if nothing else, it means that each mailbox needs to be 
 allocated large enough to handle the maximum amount of mail it could 
 possibly receive.  (I suppose I could implement some sort of wait 
 awhile and try again method.)  It would, however, be better if the 
 mailbox could be specific to the threadpool instance, so less space 
 would be wasted.  Or if the queues could dynamically resize.  Or if 
 there was a threadsafe dict.  Or...  But I don't know that any of these 
 are feasible.  (I mean, yes, I could write all the mail to a database, 
 but is that a better answer, or even a good one?)
 Charles Hixson

Actors can receive and response to messages to take actions
accordingly in time in one or more cores.

The timer is required and the message read/write operations 
are required.

Do you want the actors to gain new methods to evolve 
in the long run?


The type/object distinction and possible synthesis of OOP and imperative programming languages

2013-04-14 Thread Mark Janssen

I'm new to the list and hoping this might be the right place to
introduce something that has provoked a bit of an argument in my
programming community.

I'm from the Python programming community.  Python is an interpreted
language.  Since 2001, Python's has migrated towards a pure Object
model (ref:
Prior to then, it had both types and classes and these types were
anchored to the underlying C code and the machine/hardware
architecture itself.  After the 2001 type/class unification , it
went towards Alan Kay's ideal of everything is an object.  From
then, every user-defined class inherited from the abstract Object,
rooted in nothing but a pure abstract ideal.  The parser, lexer, and
such spin these abstrations into something that can be run on the
actual hardware.

As a contrast, this is very distinct from C++, where everything is
concretely rooted in the language's type model which in *itself* is
rooted (from it's long history) in the CPU architecture.   The STL,
for example, has many Container types, but each of them requires using
a single concrete type for homogenous containers or uses machine
pointers to hold arbitrary items in heterogeneous containers (caveat:
I haven't programmed in C++ for a long time, so it's possible this
might not be correct anymore).

My question is:  Is there something in the Computer Science literature
that has noticed this distinction/development in programming language
design and history?

It's very significant to me, because as languages went higher and
higher to this pure OOP model, the programmer+data ecosystem tended
towards very personal object hierarchies because now the hardware no
longer formed a common basis of interaction (note also, OOPs promise
of re-usable code never materialized).

It's not unlike LISP, where the power of its general language
architecture tended towards hyperpersonal mini macro languages --
making it hardly used, in practice, though it was and is so powerful,
in theory.

That all being said, the thrust of this whole effort is to possibly
advance Computer Science and language design, because in-between the
purely concrete object architecture of the imperative programming
languages and the purely abstract object architecture of
object-oriented programming languages is a possible middle ground that
could unite them all.

Thank you for your time.

Mark Janssen
Tacoma, Washington

Re: The type/object distinction and possible synthesis of OOP and imperative programming languages

2013-04-14 Thread Terry Jan Reedy
Note: cross-posting to mailing lists does not work well. Hence the reply 
only to python-list and the gmane mirror.

On 4/14/2013 11:48 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:

Python is an interpreted language.

I consider this a useless or even deceptive statement. Python is an 
object-based algorithm language. The CPython implementation (currently) 
*compiles* Python code to a virtual machine bytecode, similar to Java 
bytecode. This could change. Jython translates to Java, which is then 
compiled to Java bytecode. Do you call Java an 'interpreted' language? 
There are compilers that compile Python to the same 'object code' that C 
is compiled to.

Since 2001, Python's has migrated towards a pure Object model.

It migrated towards a pure class model.

model (ref:
Prior to then, it had both types and classes and these types were
anchored to the underlying C code and the machine/hardware
architecture itself.

I started with Python 1.3 and I have no idea what you mean by this. I 
think you are heavily confusing Python the language and CPython the 

After the 2001 type/class unification , it
went towards Alan Kay's ideal of everything is an object.

Everything has always been an object with value and identity.

This stands in contrast to the assemble/C model that everything (except 
registers) is a block of linear memory with an address.

My question is:  Is there something in the Computer Science literature
that has noticed this distinction/development in programming language
design and history?

To me, there should be, since this is a fundamental distinction in data 
models. I think the biggest problem in shifting from C to Python is 
'getting' the data model difference. For Lispers, the difference is the 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: howto remove the thousand separator

2013-04-14 Thread Ned Deily
In article kkfnun$kpj$, Rotwang 
 (Sorry for linking to Google Groups. Does anyone know of a better c.l.p. 
 web archive?)

 Ned Deily,


Re: Grammar question: Englisn and Python: qualified names

2013-04-14 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Hi Chris,

On 2013-04-14 23:50, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Quirky question time!
 When you read out a qualified name, eg collections.OrderedDict, do you
 read the qualifier (collections dot ordered dict), or do you elide
 it (ordered dict)? I ask because it makes a difference to talking
 about just one of them:
 ... or possibly a collections.OrderedDict...
 ... or possibly an collections.OrderedDict...
 Written, the latter looks completely wrong; but if the name is read in
 its short form, with the collections part being implicit, then an
 is clearly correct! What do you think, experts and others?

I think if you _write_ collections.OrderedDict, the
article you _write_ in front should match this. The phrase
an collections.OrderedDict looks odd to me, and if I read
it somewhere, it wouldn't cross my mind that the writer used
an collections.OrderedDict with the idea not to pronounce
collections. ;-) In my opinion, this is too subtle.

On the other hand, when you _speak_ about the ordered dict,
use the article matching what you actually say.

Best regards,

Re: [TYPES] The type/object distinction and possible synthesis of OOP and imperative programming languages

2013-04-14 Thread DeLesley Hutchins
I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but I'll give it a shot.  :-)

The C/C++ model, in which the types are anchored to the machine hardware,
in the exception, not the rule.  In the academic literature,  type theory
is almost entirely focused on studying abstract models of computation that
are purely mathematical, and bear no resemblance to the underlying
hardware.  The lambda calculus is the most general, and most commonly used
formalism, but there are many others; e.g. Featherweight Java provides a
formal model of objects and classes as they are used in Java.

Types and Programming Languages, by Benjamin Pierce, is an excellent
introductory textbook which describes how various language features,
including objects, can be formalized.  If you are interested in OOP, Abadi
and Cardelli's Theory of Objects is the obvious place to start, although
I'd recommend reading Pierce's book first if you want to understand it.
 :-)  Abadi and Cardelli discuss both class-based languages, and pure
object languages.  If you are interested in the type/object distinction in
particular, then I'll shamelessly plug my own thesis: Pure Subtype
Systems (available online), which describes a formal model in which types
are objects, and objects are types.  If you are familiar with the Self
language, then you can think of it as a type system for Self.

Once you have a type system in place, it's usually fairly straightforward
to compile a language down to actual hardware.  An interpreter, like that
used in Python, is generally needed only for untyped or dynamic
languages.  There are various practical considerations -- memory layout,
boxed or unboxed data types, garbage collection, etc. -- but the basic
techniques are described in any compiler textbook.  Research in the areas
of typed assembly languages and proof carrying code are concerned with
ensuring that the translation from high-level language to assembly language
is sound, and well-typed at all stages.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 8:48 PM, Mark Janssen dreamingforw...@gmail.comwrote:

 [ The Types Forum,]


 I'm new to the list and hoping this might be the right place to
 introduce something that has provoked a bit of an argument in my
 programming community.

 I'm from the Python programming community.  Python is an interpreted
 language.  Since 2001, Python's has migrated towards a pure Object
 model (ref:
 Prior to then, it had both types and classes and these types were
 anchored to the underlying C code and the machine/hardware
 architecture itself.  After the 2001 type/class unification , it
 went towards Alan Kay's ideal of everything is an object.  From
 then, every user-defined class inherited from the abstract Object,
 rooted in nothing but a pure abstract ideal.  The parser, lexer, and
 such spin these abstrations into something that can be run on the
 actual hardware.

 As a contrast, this is very distinct from C++, where everything is
 concretely rooted in the language's type model which in *itself* is
 rooted (from it's long history) in the CPU architecture.   The STL,
 for example, has many Container types, but each of them requires using
 a single concrete type for homogenous containers or uses machine
 pointers to hold arbitrary items in heterogeneous containers (caveat:
 I haven't programmed in C++ for a long time, so it's possible this
 might not be correct anymore).

 My question is:  Is there something in the Computer Science literature
 that has noticed this distinction/development in programming language
 design and history?

 It's very significant to me, because as languages went higher and
 higher to this pure OOP model, the programmer+data ecosystem tended
 towards very personal object hierarchies because now the hardware no
 longer formed a common basis of interaction (note also, OOPs promise
 of re-usable code never materialized).

 It's not unlike LISP, where the power of its general language
 architecture tended towards hyperpersonal mini macro languages --
 making it hardly used, in practice, though it was and is so powerful,
 in theory.

 That all being said, the thrust of this whole effort is to possibly
 advance Computer Science and language design, because in-between the
 purely concrete object architecture of the imperative programming
 languages and the purely abstract object architecture of
 object-oriented programming languages is a possible middle ground that
 could unite them all.

 Thank you for your time.

 Mark Janssen
 Tacoma, Washington


[issue13922] argparse handling multiple -- in args improperly

2013-04-14 Thread paul j3

paul j3 added the comment:

This patch removes only one '--', the one that put a '-' in the 
'arg_strings_pattern'.  It does this in 'consume_positionals' right before 
calling 'take_action'.  As before it does not do this if nargs is PARSER or 
REMAINDER. has two DoubleDashRemoval cases, that attempt to highlight the 
changes from production (delete all --) and development (delete first -- in 
each positional group) versions.

I have not made any changes to the documentation.  All it says now is:

If you have positional arguments that must begin with - and don’t look like 
negative numbers, you can insert the pseudo-argument '--' which tells 
parse_args() that everything after that is a positional argument:

Added file:

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[issue17720]'s load_appends should call append() on objects other than lists

2013-04-14 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti

Alexandre Vassalotti added the comment:

Alright alright! Here's a less bogus patch. :)

stage: needs patch - patch review
Added file:

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[issue17725] English mistake in Extending and Embedding Python doc page.

2013-04-14 Thread Kyle Simpson

New submission from Kyle Simpson:

The second sentence in says:

  Those modules can define new functions but also new
  object types and their methods.

The word but doesn't make sense here. I suppose that the
author meant to write:

  Those modules can not only define new functions but
  also new object types and their methods.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 186886
nosy: Kyle.Simpson, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: English mistake in Extending and Embedding Python doc page.

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[issue17636] Modify IMPORT_FROM to fallback on sys.modules

2013-04-14 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Thanks for working through that Phillip - falling back to sys.modules when the 
expected attribute was missing is actually something I suggested as a 
possibility years ago, and Guido's response at the time was If it was that 
easy, someone would have done it already.

Your analysis is one of the pieces that was missing, along with Brett's insight 
that the code that needs the fallback is the IMPORT_FROM bytecode rather than 
the import implementation.

I'm going to close the original circular import bug as being superseded by this 

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue17725] English mistake in Extending and Embedding Python doc page.

2013-04-14 Thread Kyle Simpson

Kyle Simpson added the comment:

I have provided a patch.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue992389] attribute error due to circular import

2013-04-14 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

The implementation of issue #17636 (making IMPORT_FROM fall back to sys.modules 
when appropriate) will make import x.y and from x import y equivalent for 
resolution purposes during import.

That covers off the subset of circular references that we want to allow, so I'm 
closing this one in favour of the more precisely defined proposal.

resolution:  - duplicate
status: open - closed
superseder:  - Modify IMPORT_FROM to fallback on sys.modules

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[issue17716] From ... import fails when parent package failed but child module succeeded, yet works in std import case

2013-04-14 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

The interpreter level problem covered by the current issue is that the 
difference between import mypkg.module_a and from mypkg import module_a is 
masking the fact that it is the original import mypkg that failed, and may 
still fail on the second and subsequent imports. That is, the user level code 
is at best dubious, but the interpreter is spitting out misleading error 
messages that obscure the real cause of the failure.

In the tests for #17636, we should ensure that all of the following 
consistently raise RuntimeError when the import fails (on both the initial and 
subsequent import attempts):

import badpkg.goodmod
raise RuntimeError(Always fails)

from badpkg import goodmod
raise RuntimeError(Always fails)

from . import goodmod
raise RuntimeError(Always fails)

Where that is the code in the following layout:



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[issue17668] re.split loses characters matching ungrouped parts of a pattern

2013-04-14 Thread Mike Hoy

Changes by Mike Hoy

nosy: +mikehoy

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[issue17726] faq/design: improve clarity

2013-04-14 Thread Tshepang Lekhonkhobe

New submission from Tshepang Lekhonkhobe:

I puzzled a bit on what that sentence meant.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: diff
messages: 186891
nosy: docs@python, tshepang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: faq/design: improve clarity
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue17716] From ... import fails when parent package failed but child module succeeded, yet works in std import case

2013-04-14 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

More generally, I think we may have to revisit the question of what we remove 
from sys.modules on failure if, as a side effect of the import, a child module 
was imported successfully.

In this situation, the possibilities are:

1. Remove the parent module, and all child modules. We don't currently do this 
because importing the child modules may have had side effects. However, I'm not 
sure this reasoning is sound, as the section of before the failure 
may have had side effects too, and we don't let that stop us from removing the 
parent module.

2. Remove just the parent module. That's what we currently do, and it's a 
problem because we're knowingly breaking one of the import state invariants 
(i.e. if a non top-level module is present in sys.modules, then all parent 
modules in the chain can be assumed to also be in sys.modules)

3. Leave the partially initialised parent module in sys.modules as well. This 
would be a bad idea, since it would lead to very inconsistent behaviour as to 
whether or not the parent module was left in sys.modules based on the contents 

To be honest, I think purging the entire subtree (option 1 above) would be 
better than what we do now - breaking state invariants is bad, because it can 
lead to surprising errors a long way from the actual source of the problem.

versions:  -Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.5

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[issue17726] faq/design: improve clarity

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset ab35b5e81317 by Georg Brandl in branch '2.7':
Closes #17726: small clarification in design FAQ.

New changeset f6fdf3457f74 by Georg Brandl in branch '3.3':
Closes #17726: small clarification in design FAQ.

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17711] Persistent id in pickle with protocol version 0

2013-04-14 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I think a string with character codes  256 will be better for 
test_protocol0_is_ascii_only(). It can be latin1 encoded (Python 2 allows any 
8-bit strings).

PyUnicode_AsASCIIString() can be slower than _PyUnicode_AsStringAndSize() 
(actually PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize()) because the latter can use cached value. 
You can check if the persistent id only contains ASCII characters by checking 
PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(pid_str) == size.

And what are you going to do with the fact that in Python 2 you can pickle 
non-ascii persistent ids, which will not be able to unpickle in Python 3?


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[issue17661] documentation of '%r' links to the wrong repr

2013-04-14 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Fixed, thanks.


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[issue17661] documentation of '%r' links to the wrong repr

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset dd5e7aef4d5b by Georg Brandl in branch '2.7':
Closes #17661: fix references to repr() going to module repr.

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage: needs patch - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17727] document that some distributions change defaults

2013-04-14 Thread Georg Brandl

New submission from Georg Brandl:

From the docs@ list:

Dear all,

the first paragraph of the documentation for the site module states that constructs four directories using a head and tail part, and that

one of the tail parts would be lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages on UNIX/Mac.

However, in my Python 3.2 installation on Ubuntu 12.04 this is actually 
lib/python3/dist-packages (so no .Y and a different subdirectory) !

This is also stated in the module’s doc string.

I don’t know why the Python documentation says something else, but that should 
be fixed.

Attached a patch to explain why the defaults may look different on some 
distributions.  Please review.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: site-patch.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 186897
nosy: barry, docs@python, doko, georg.brandl
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: document that some distributions change defaults
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue17618] base85 encoding

2013-04-14 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I want to see both algorithms to be similar so far as it is possible. It might 
be worth extract and reuse a common code. Mercurial's code looks far more 
optimal (for example a85encode has a quadratic complexity in result 


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[issue13638] PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject is undocumented

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4cc94d30926f by Georg Brandl in branch '2.7':
Closes #13638: document PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject,

New changeset ee848457930f by Georg Brandl in branch '3.3':
Closes #13638: document PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject,

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage: needs patch - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14462] In re's named group the name cannot contain unicode characters

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 2fa27a3818a2 by Georg Brandl in branch '3.3':
Closes #14462: allow any valid Python identifier in sre group names, as 

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3056] Simplify the Integral ABC

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4678259af5a4 by Georg Brandl in branch '2.7':
The Integral class does not contain implementations for the bit-shifting 
operations. (See #3056.)

New changeset 1d4ba14cc505 by Georg Brandl in branch '3.3':
The Integral class does not contain implementations for the bit-shifting 
operations. (See #3056.)

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17728] format() default precisions undocumented

2013-04-14 Thread Georg Brandl

New submission from Georg Brandl:

The docs for % formatting say what the default precision for presentation types 
e, f, g is.  I couldn't find the same for format().

assignee: eric.smith
components: Documentation
messages: 186902
nosy: eric.smith, georg.brandl
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: format() default precisions undocumented
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17729] advocacy howto improvements

2013-04-14 Thread Georg Brandl

New submission from Georg Brandl:

From docs@:

The howto-advocacy is interesting.

You might consider removing the following sentences, which I found personally 
gave me a negative impression:

python hasn't had all the publicity to my mind gives the impression that 
python is not popular.

python is definitely not a toy language that only usable for small tasks. 
This gives to me the impression that you feel many people think it is.

Section who's going to support it? a company needs to be able to call 
someone, pay for support right now, within one hour, not on a maybe basis. I 
feel either remove this section or suggest links to three companies providing 
python support.

Section python is freely available , how good can it be? I felt what I wanted 
to see was not that Linux and apache are good, but why python is good.

I think the advocacy howto was written quite a while ago and could use a 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 186903
nosy: akuchling, docs@python, georg.brandl
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: advocacy howto improvements
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17727] document that some distributions change defaults

2013-04-14 Thread Matthias Klose

Matthias Klose added the comment:

the local patch adds as documentation on Debian/Ubuntu:

For Debian and derivatives, this sys.path is augmented with directories
for packages distributed within the distribution. Local addons go
into /usr/local/lib/pythonversion/dist-packages, Debian addons
install into /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages.
/usr/lib/pythonversion/site-packages is not used.

I can improve the local information, but I'm not sure how much should be 
added/changed in the upstream documentation.

So maybe we should add an option for python-config to get the site dirs, or the 
list of site dirs too?


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[issue13050] RLock support the context manager protocol but this is not documented

2013-04-14 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Thanks, closing.

nosy: +georg.brandl
resolution:  - out of date
status: open - closed

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[issue16551] Cleanup the pure Python pickle implementation

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 3dff836cedef by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Closes #16551. Cleanup

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16550] treats 32bit lengths as signed, but as unsigned

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4ced30417300 by Alexandre Vassalotti in branch '3.3':
Issue #16550: Update the opcode descriptions of pickletools to use unsigned

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue2118] smtplib.SMTP() raises socket.error rather than SMTPConnectError

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset adc72ff451dc by R David Murray in branch 'default':
#2118: IOError is deprecated, use OSError.


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[issue15301] os.chown: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

2013-04-14 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Thank you, Mark. There is only one question. For what version is it 
appropriate? Only for 3.4 or for all maintained?


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[issue17413] format_exception() breaks on exception tuples from trace function

2013-04-14 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Thanks Ingrid and Mark.  The patch looks good; I put a couple of FYI comments 
on the review.

I'm pretty sure this patch is correct, but I'd like someone with more 
experience modifying the ceval loop to confirm, so I'm nosying Benjamin.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson
stage: needs patch - commit review
versions:  -Python 3.2

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[issue17713] test_logging fails in test_compute_rollover_weekly_attime

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 1494daf809c1 by Vinay Sajip in branch 'default':
Closes #17713: Fixed bug in test_compute_rollover_weekly_attime.

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17713] test_logging fails in test_compute_rollover_weekly_attime

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset efda51b85b31 by Vinay Sajip in branch 'default':
Issue #17713: additional tweak to test.


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[issue15301] os.chown: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

2013-04-14 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Oh...!  Serhiy, I thought you already checked in the AsIndex stuff.  Guess I 
was asleep at the switch.

Certainly the patch should go in for trunk.  I'd be comfortable with it going 
in for 3.3 as a bugfix but that's ultimately Georg's call.

I'll give you a comment or two on the diff.

nosy: +georg.brandl

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[issue17703] Trash can mechanism segfault during interpreter finalization in Python 2.7.4

2013-04-14 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +benjamin.peterson
priority: normal - release blocker

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[issue17730] code.interact() doesn't support no banner

2013-04-14 Thread Drekin

New submission from Drekin:

Currently, there is no way to run code.interact without a banner – empty string 
still means to print an empty line. If I want that behaviour, I must subclass 
code.InteractiveConsole and reimplement whole .interact method including the 
repl logic just not to print a banner. Maybe there should be .print_banner 
method for this.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 186914
nosy: Drekin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: code.interact() doesn't support no banner
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17703] Trash can mechanism segfault during interpreter finalization in Python 2.7.4

2013-04-14 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

On 12.04.2013 20:00, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Marc-André, does this patch work for you?
 Added file:

Thanks, Antoine. I can try this tomorrow.


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[issue16694] Add pure Python operator module

2013-04-14 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Thank you!
One optional thing, the code churn could be minimized in by 
writing operator = self.module at the beginning of each test method.
Otherwise, looks good to me.


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[issue16163] Wrong name in Lib/

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset c40b50d65a00 by Nick Coghlan in branch '3.3':
Close issue #16163: handle submodules in pkgutil.iter_importers

New changeset 3bb5a8a4830e by Nick Coghlan in branch 'default':
Merge fix for #16163 from 3.3

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16163] Wrong name in Lib/

2013-04-14 Thread Nick Coghlan

Changes by Nick Coghlan

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue9682] socket.create_connection error message for domain subpart with invalid length is very confusing

2013-04-14 Thread Mike Milkin

Mike Milkin added the comment:

I did not mean to take the decode out of the previos patch.  Sorry for the spam.

Added file:

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[issue9682] socket.create_connection error message for domain subpart with invalid length is very confusing

2013-04-14 Thread Mike Milkin

Changes by Mike Milkin

Removed file:

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[issue17703] Trash can mechanism segfault during interpreter finalization in Python 2.7.4

2013-04-14 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Benjamin Peterson added the comment:

Yes, let's not break thing in point releases.


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[issue17044] Implement PEP 422: Simple class initialisation hook

2013-04-14 Thread Daniel Urban

Daniel Urban added the comment:

I've attached a new patch. With this patch, type.__prepare__ has an optional 
keyword-only argument 'namespace', and returns it if it's specified. Also, 
__init_class__ is passed an argument: a mapping proxy of the mapping originally 
returned by __prepare__.

 Would it make sense to have the signature of __init_class__ parallel
I don't think so, because some of the arguments (name, bases) would be mostly 
useless, others would have a different meaning (namespace). Although, passing 
the keyword arguments from the class header might make some sense ... I'm not 

If everybody agrees with these changes, I'll create a patch for the PEP too.

Added file:

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[issue15866] encode(..., 'xmlcharrefreplace') produces entities for surrogate pairs

2013-04-14 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Should we really invest time to fix bugs related to astral (non-BMP) characters 
with rare codecs and error handlers (CJK codecs, xmlcharrefreplace error 
handler)? Python 3.3 is released and has a much better support of astral 
characters (in many places). I don't know for CJK codecs: Python 3.3 still uses 
the legacy Unicode API for CJK codecs and so depend on the wchar_t type (which 
is 16 bits on Windows). I just fixed Python 3.4 to use the new Unicode API (PEP 
393), which always support astral characters support and don't depend on the 
size of the wchar_t type.

I'm not against fixing Python 2.7, I'm just not interested.


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[issue17636] Modify IMPORT_FROM to fallback on sys.modules

2013-04-14 Thread Phillip J. Eby

Phillip J. Eby added the comment:

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Your analysis is one of the pieces that was missing,

Unfortunately, I just noticed it's actually incorrect in a pretty
important part  In my original example, I said, because of the
circularity, this will *also* happen if you import 'a' first.  This
statement is actually false.  Importing 'a' first in that example will
result in a.util == b.util:util, not a.util=b.util.  I made the
mistake because I was for some reason thinking that 'a' was going to
execute its import while being imported from b.util, and in that
scenario it will not.

That means there *is* an ordering dependency, and an ambiguity like
this one can lie dormant until long after you've introduced the
circularity.  :-(


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[issue17702] os.environ converts key type from string to bytes in KeyError exception

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 72df981e83d3 by Victor Stinner in branch '3.3':
Close #17702: os.environ now raises KeyError with the original environment

New changeset ea54559a4442 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
(Merge 3.3) Close #17702: os.environ now raises KeyError with the original

New changeset b0c002fa4335 by Victor Stinner in branch '3.3':
Issue #17702: use assertRaises() for the unit test

New changeset cc6c5b5ec4f2 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
(Merge 3.3) Issue #17702: use assertRaises() for the unit test

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17618] base85 encoding

2013-04-14 Thread Martin Morrison

Martin Morrison added the comment:

I've updated the Ascii85 algorithms to remove the quadratic complexity, and use 
a single struct.pack/unpack. They should now be much quicker for large input 

It's difficult to factor out commonality with b85* because the encodings and 
rules differ. This is especially true for decode (where Ascii85 allows 
arbitrary whitespace, so it either has to be stepped through as I've 
implemented it, or it would have to first be sanitised with .replace() or 
similar, which is expensive for large inputs). For encode, the special cases 
supported by Ascii85 make it impossible to *just* use a lookup table, and the 
simplified algorithm for encoding means it isn't necessary to use one at all. I 
also wanted to keep the Mercurial code intact as much as possible, so it can be 
kept in sync in future if necessary.

My notes from the previous diff also still apply if anyone has thoughts on 

Added file:

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[issue17221] Resort Misc/NEWS

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset dbb943399c9b by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #17221: Resort Misc/NEWS.

New changeset 7da08495b497 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #17221: Resort Misc/NEWS.

New changeset 6fdcea9e89a3 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #17221: Resort Misc/NEWS.

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17221] Resort Misc/NEWS

2013-04-14 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I commit patches since no one objected.

Not all errors are corrected. There are duplicates (`cat Misc/NEWS | sort | 
uniq -cd | sort -n`). I'm not sure that the line What's New in Python 3.3.1 
release candidate 1? in Misc/NEWS for 3.4 correct. The difference between 3.3 
and 3.4 is more than expected (`hg diff -r 3.3 -r default Misc/NEWS`).

stage: patch review - commit review

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[issue995907] memory leak with threads and enhancement of the timer class

2013-04-14 Thread Yael

Yael added the comment:

Added a class Threading.TimerPool. This new class spawns one thread, and that 
thread is running as long as there are active timers.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17244] py_compile.compile() fails to raise exceptions when writing of target file fails

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 04aaeae6ee7b by Brett Cannon in branch 'default':
Issue #17244: Don't mask exceptions raised during the creation of

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17244] py_compile.compile() fails to raise exceptions when writing of target file fails

2013-04-14 Thread Brett Cannon

Changes by Brett Cannon

resolution:  - fixed
stage: test needed - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17341] Poor error message when compiling invalid regex

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 65db865c0851 by R David Murray in branch '3.3':
#17341: Include name in re error message about invalid group name.

New changeset 227fed7a05d4 by R David Murray in branch 'default':
Merge #17341: Include name in re error message about invalid group name.

New changeset bbb3aa45b4ea by R David Murray in branch '2.7':
#17341: Include name in re error message about invalid group name.

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17353] Plistlib outputs empty data tags when deeply nested

2013-04-14 Thread Mike Milkin

Mike Milkin added the comment:

Looks like plistlib.writePlistToString is no loger in the plistlib.

nosy: +mmilkin

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17341] Poor error message when compiling invalid regex

2013-04-14 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Thanks Jason.

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue17693] Use _PyUnicodeWriter API for CJK decoders

2013-04-14 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset ffd4b72f7f95 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
Issue #17693: Fix memory/reference leaks


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[issue17618] base85 encoding

2013-04-14 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Hi and thanks for the patch!

 I named the Mercurial base85 implementation functions with the b85
 prefix. For the Ascii85 ones, I used a85. I considered overloading
 the same functions with a keyword argument to select which encoding,
 but rejected that. Thoughts?

I agree, it's better like this.

 I haven't made the changes to add a pure Python binascii module as
 suggested in msg186216. Although poorly named, already contains 
 a number of other encodings, so this seemed the best place for these too.

Yes, I think it's ok. I was thinking about binascii in the context of making a 
C version, but we can refactor things later anyway.

Now about the patch: I haven't read it in detail, but it seems to lack tests 
for b85decode and b85encode. It should be easy enough to get some test values 
by calling Mercurial's version.


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[issue15866] encode(..., 'xmlcharrefreplace') produces entities for surrogate pairs

2013-04-14 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

I tend to agree with Victor: if you want to fix 2.7 go ahead, but if that's too 
much work it's OK with me to close this issue.


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[issue10438] list an example for calling static methods from WITHIN classes

2013-04-14 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

After a discussion (at the Boston Python sprint, unfortunately I forget with 
who) of how difficult this could be to explain succinctly without confusing 
either java/C++ programmers on the one hand or Python programmers on the other 
hand, this, the wording in the attached patch occurred to me.  I'm not certain 
that adding the extra words is worth it, but if so this might do.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue13510] Clarify that readlines() is not needed to iterate over a file

2013-04-14 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

I would actually remove the whole section about readlines() or possibly just 
mention it briefly (something like If you want to read all the lines of a file 
in a list you can also use f.readlines().)
The sizehint arg is rarely used, so I don't see the point of going in such 
details about it in the tutorial.  In Lib/, there are only a couple of places 
where it's actually used:
Lib/ self._buffer = self._file.readlines(self._bufsize)
Lib/idlelib/ block = f.readlines(10)


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[issue13510] Clarify that readlines() is not needed to iterate over a file

2013-04-14 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 I would actually remove the whole section about readlines() or
 possibly just mention it briefly (something like If you want to read
 all the lines of a file in a list you can also use f.readlines().)
 The sizehint arg is rarely used, so I don't see the point of going in
 such details about it in the tutorial.

You are right, Ezio.


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