Re: Best strategy for finding a pattern in a sequence of integers

2008-11-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 18:10:02 +0100
Gerard flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 data = '''
 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10 6 6
 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10 6 6
 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10 6 6
 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10 6 6
 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1'''
 data = [int(x) for x in data.split()]
 from itertools import groupby

But groupby needs sorted data?

Suppose the rules do not conflict or overlap and between them divide
all the values, then maybe this would work:

class StateMachine:

def __init__(self,*rules):
self.rules = rules
self.state = len(rules) #deliberately unreachable
self.first = True

def change(self,x):
#check and/or change state 
for i,rule in enumerate(self.rules):
if rule(x):
if i == self.state: #no state change
return False 
else: #maybe state change
self.state = i 
if self.first: #set initial state, no change
self.first = False
return False
return True #state is changed
raise ValueError

def test():

data = '''
1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10 6 6
1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10
6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10
6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 10
6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1'''

data = map(int, data.split())

def rule1(x):
return x in set((0, 3, 9))
def rule2(x):
return x in set((6, 1, 10))

state = StateMachine(rule1,rule2)
L = []
res = []
for x in data:
if state.change(x):
L =[]
print res

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: Possible bug in Tkinter for Python 2.6

2008-11-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 10:57:53 +0100
Eric Brunel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying out Python 2.6 and I found what might be a bug in the
 Tkinter module. How can I report it?

maybe here:
 The possible bug is a traceback when trying to delete a menu item in
 a menu where no items have associated commands.


 It just seems the _tclCommands attribute on menus is initialized to
 None and never changed if none of the items actually have a command

I ran into the same issue after I downloaded PysolFC-1.1 . I actually
uploaded a patch for PysolFC for it for Python26 on Ubuntu and forgot
all about it, thinking it could be some API change. Thanks for nailing
down the problem a bit more and asking the questions here. It helped me
to discover the bug reporting facility. According to the link above
this bug is already reported and fixed, but it's nice to know anyway.

Now for some really strange bug that still breaks PysolFC-1.1 on windows
for me with Python26 ... (Python25 not affected):

  File c:\python26\lib\lib-tk\, line 1202, in configure
return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
  File c:\python26\lib\lib-tk\, line 1193, in _configure, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
_tkinter.TclError: image pyimage237 doesn't exist

I suspect there has been some upgrade or new compilation of tcl
that causes this behavior.



Re: Is psyco available for python 2.6?

2008-11-09 Thread Anton Vredegoor
On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 17:45:40 +0100
Gerhard Häring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 psyco seems to just work on Linux with Python 2.6. So it is probably 
 only a matter of compiling it on Windows for Python 2.6.

Yes. I compiled it using wp build --compiler=mingw32 with
cygwin, where wp was an alias for my windows xp python executable. 

For the OP and other people interested in windows binaries:

I am in no way connected to or involved in the psyco development
process -- except that I downloaded and compiled it -- but I have put a
zip file on line for people who have a lot of trust in me and little
patience for waiting for the official distribution. Just unpack it and
put it in your site-packages directory.



Re: need help with converting c function to python function

2007-07-05 Thread Anton Vredegoor
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

 i have a c function from some modbus documentation that i need to
 translate into python.
 it looks like this:
 unsigned short CRC16(puchMsg, usDataLen)
 unsigned char *puchMsg ;
 unsigned short usDataLen ;
unsigned char uchCRCHi = 0xFF ;
unsigned char uchCRCLo = 0xFF ;
unsigned uIndex ;
while (usDataLen--)
uIndex = uchCRCHi ^ *puchMsgg++ ;
uchCRCHi = uchCRCLo ^ auchCRCHi[uIndex} ;
uchCRCLo = auchCRCLo[uIndex] ;
return (uchCRCHi  8 | uchCRCLo) ;
 some of it i can make out, but i can't seem to figgure out
 this part ' auchCRCHi[uIndex};
 it looks like a typo, because there is a closing } that does not match
 the opening [.
 here is what i have so far, but is not giving me the right values
  def crc16(data):
  crc_hi = 0xff
  crc_lo = 0xff
  for x in data:
  crc_index = crc_hi ^ x
  crc_hi = crc_lo ^ (crc_hi | crc_index)
  crc_lo = crc_lo | crc_index
  return (crc_hi  8 | crc_lo)
 whaddya think?

Use lateral thinking. CRC usually means some standard data checking 
algorithm. If you google for crc16 you will find various python 
implementations. Off hand I would first try this one because he seems to 
have been thinking about it:

But I don't really know what it is you are looking for, cyclic 
redundancy check?


Re: Permutation over a list with selected elements

2007-06-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 Given a list of elements that are either a character or a character
 follows by a number, e.g.
 ['a', 'b', 'c1', 'd', 'e1', 'f', 'c2', 'x', 'e2']
 find all the permutations that are given by switching the positions of
 the elements that:
  (1) begins with the same letter, and
  (2) follows by a number.
 With the above list, some possible permutations are:
 ['a', 'b', 'c2', 'd', 'e1', 'f', 'c1', 'x', 'e2']
 ['a', 'b', 'c1', 'd', 'e2', 'f', 'c2', 'x', 'e1']
 ['a', 'b', 'c2', 'd', 'e2', 'f', 'c1', 'x', 'e1']

Another idea, untested. Also I am not sure whether sequences types are 
supposed to be returning functions ...


from operator import mul
from collections import defaultdict

class Swapper:
 Given a set of indices this class returns functions
 which will swap elements in a list *in place*.
 Each function corresponds to a permutation of the
 set of indices.

 def __init__(self,L):
 self.L = L
 self.n = reduce(mul,range(2,len(L)+1),1) #faculty

 def __getitem__(self,i):
 L = self.L
 if not -1iself.n:
 raise IndexError
 def func(R):
 Q = perm([R[j] for j in L],i)
 for j,x in zip(L,Q):
 R[j] = x
 return func

def perm(L,m):
 #permutation m of list L
 res = []
 T = L[::-1]
 for i in range(len(L),0,-1):
 m /= i
 return res[::-1]

def cross(args):
 #Raymond Hettinger's cross product function from ASPN
 ans = [[]]
 for arg in args:
 ans = [x+[y] for x in ans for y in arg]
 return ans

def find_sets_of_indices_to_permute(L):
 set_by_letter = defaultdict(list)
 for i, elem in enumerate(L):
 if len(elem)1:
 return set_by_letter.values()

def test():
 L =  ['a', 'b', 'c1', 'd', 'e1', 'f', 'c2', 'x', 'e2']
 I = find_sets_of_indices_to_permute(L) #Alex Martelli's function
 M = map(Swapper,I)
 for F in cross(M):
 # conserve the original list because
 #the functions modify a list in place
 R = list(L)
 # apply each permutation function one by one,
 # each is acting on a different set of indices
 for fn in F:
 print R

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: Create a new class on the fly

2007-06-02 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Alex Martelli wrote:

 You can find a few examples of me demonstrating the subject of your
 interest by searching for my name e.g. on; searching
 for my name on Amazon will show some books using similar techniques, and
 searching for my name on will find about 50,000 posts
 many of which exhibit essentially the same approach.  Unfortunately, I
 can't currently offer such courses commercially while staying employed
 as Uber Tech Lead for Google, Inc, but if the monies on offer make it
 worth my while for me to drop million bucks worth of stock options, plus
 a vigorish for my other comp package _and_ the incredible amount of
 happiness I get every day from my job (where I get to interact with
 truly brlliant people, who, if and when they leave an erroneous snippet
 in, are GRATEFUL to me for pointing it out, rather than RESENTFUL and
 DEFENSIVE), I'll surely consider that most seriously (as long as the
 monies in question are in escrow for my personal reassurance).

And still you are not bored with yourself? What a waste.

 Until such conditions should obtain, I'll just have to keep freely
 helping the people who are WORTH helping, and poking sarcastic funs at
 those who prove themselves ot be a waste of oxygen instead.

So you have found out about the trick of never being wrong, and what's 
worse you now have a large group of followers continually reinforcing 
you and thus keeping you stuck in the psychic plane.

 May you have the life you deserve,

It seems you already have it.


Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Duncan Booth wrote:

 Recently there has been quite a bit of publicity about the One Laptop Per 
 Child project. The XO laptop is just beginning rollout to children and 
 provides two main programming environments: Squeak and Python. It is an 
 exciting thought that that soon there will be millions of children in 
 countries such as Nigeria, Brazil, Uruguay or Nepal[*] who have the 
 potential to learn to program, but tragic if the Python community is too 
 arrogant to consider it acceptable to use anything but English and ASCII.

Please don't be too quick with assuming arrogance. I have studied social 
psychology for eleven years and my thesis was just about such a subject. 
I even held a degree in social psychology for some time before my 
government in their infinite wisdom decided to 'upgrade' the system so 
that only people holding *working* positions at a university would be 
able to convert their degrees to the new system. I suspect discerning 
people can still sense a twinge of disagreement with that in my 
professional attitude. However I still think the results of my research 
were valid.

The idea was to try and measure whether it would be better for foreign 
students visiting the Netherlands to be kept in their own separate 
groups being able to speak their native language and to hold on to their 
own culture versus directly integrating them with the main culture by 
mixing them up with Dutch student groups (in this case the main culture 
was Dutch).

I think I my research data supported the idea that it is best even for 
the foreigners themselves to adapt as quickly as possible to the main 
culture and start to interact with it by socializing with 'main culture' 

My research at that time didn't fit in at all with the political climate 
of the time and subsequently it was impossible for me to find a job. 
That didn't mean that I forgot about it. I think a lot of the same ideas 
would help the OLPC project so that they will not make the same mistake 
of creating separate student populations.

I believe -but that is a personal belief which I haven't been able to 
prove yet by doing research- that those people currently holding 
positions of power in the main culture actively *prevent* new groups to 
integrate because it would threaten their positions of power.

So instead of having a favorable view of teachers who are 'adapting' to 
their students culture I have in fact quite the opposite view: Those 
teachers are actually harming the future prospects of their students. 
I'm not sure either whether they do it because they're trying to protect 
their own positions or are merely complicit to higher up political forces.

Whatever you make of my position I would appreciate if you'd not 
directly conclude that I'm just being arrogant or haven't thought about 
the matter if I am of a different opinion than you.

 Yes, any sensible widespread project is going to mandate a particular 
 language for variable names and comments, but I see no reason at all why 
 they all have to use English.

Well I clearly do see a reason why it would be in their very best 
interest to immediately start to use English and to interact with the 
main Python community.

 [*] BTW, I see OLPC Nepal is looking for volunteer Python programmers this 
 Summer: if anyone fancies spending 6+ weeks in Nepal this Summer for no 
 pay, see[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04109.html

Thanks. I'll think about it. The main problem I see for my participation 
is that I have absolutely *no* personal funds to contribute to this 
project, not even to pay for my trip to that country or to pay my rent 
while I'm abroad.


Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor
HYRY wrote:
 - should non-ASCII identifiers be supported? why?
 Yes. I want this for years. I am Chinese, and teaching some 12 years
 old children learning programming. The biggest problem is we cannot
 use Chinese words for the identifiers. As the program source becomes
 longer, they always lost their thought about the program logic.

That is probably because they are just entering the developmental phase 
of being able to use formal operational reasoning. I can understand that 
they are looking for something to put the blame on but it is an error to 
give in to the idea that it is hard for 12 year olds to learn a foreign 
language. You realize that children learn new languages a lot faster 
than adults?

 English keywords and libraries is not the problem, because we only use
 about 30 - 50 of these words for teaching programming idea. They can
 remember these words in one week. But for the name of variable or
 function, it is difficult to remember all the English word. For
 example, when we are doing numbers, maybe these words: [odd, even,
 prime, minus ...], when we are programming for drawing: [line, circle,
 pixel, ...], when it's for GUI: [ button, event, menu...]. There are
 so many words that they cannot just remeber and use these words to
 explain there idea.

Again, it's probably not the language but the formal logic they have 
problems with. Please do *not* conclude that some child is not very good 
at math or logic or programming when they are slow at first. It doesn't 
tell one very much how good they might become later on and some 
premature idea the teacher might have formed about a pupil in that phase 
can even be harmful for their later perspectives.

 Eventlly, when these children go to high school and study enough
 English, I think they can use English words for programming. But as
 the beginning step, it is difficult to learn both  programming and

The older they get the harder it is for them to learn language. By 
withholding them English language experience at an early age you are 
doing them a disservice because later on they will have more trouble.

The other thing is trying to teach them formal operational logic when 
they are not yet ready for it. In that case it would be better to wait 
until they are ready, but unfortunately there are large variations in 
the age at which children become ready. Please do not confuse the two 
very different matters of language acquisition and formal operational 
logic. Language is learned at an early age while formal logic starts at 
about the age of eleven (but with very large variation among children).

 So, I made a little program, just replace all the Chinese words in the
 program to some sequency identifiers such as [a1, a2, a3, ...], So we
 can do programming in Chinese, and Python can still run it.

Why not use IronPython? But anyway you are actually making things worse 
by *not* teaching them the language now that they will need later on and 
by *teaching* them formal operational logic at an age when they just get 
disappointed and frustrated by not yet being able to understand it. 
Better go easy on them and teach them lots of English computing terms 
and only introduce logic when they show they are ready.



Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Martin v. Löwis:
  This PEP suggests to support non-ASCII letters (such as accented
  characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Kanji, etc.) in Python identifiers.
 I support this to ease integration with other languages and 
 platforms that allow non-ASCII letters to be used in identifiers. Python 
 has a strong heritage as a glue language and this has been enabled by 
 adapting to the features of various environments rather than trying to 
 assert a Pythonic view of how things should work.
Ouch! Now I seem to be disagreeing with the one who writes my editor. 
What will become of me now?


Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Neil Hodgson wrote:
 Anton Vredegoor:
 Ouch! Now I seem to be disagreeing with the one who writes my editor. 
 What will become of me now?
 It should be OK. I try to keep my anger under control and not cut 
 off the pixel supply at the first stirrings of dissent.

Thanks! I guess I won't have to make the obligatory Sovjet Russia joke 
now :-)

 It may be an idea to provide some more help for multilingual text 
 such as allowing ranges of characters to be represented as hex escapes 
 or character names automatically. Then someone who only normally uses 
 ASCII can more easily audit patches that could contain non-ASCII characters.

Now that I read about IronPython already supporting some larger 
character set I feel like I'm somewhat caught in a side effect of an 
embrace and extend scheme.


Re: Sorting troubles

2007-05-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
 I see. I figured that list comprehensions made another list(duh), but
 I thought I could relink the object(List) to the new list and keep it
 once the function ended.
 Is it possible to pass a reference(to an object.. Like 'List',
 basically) to a function and change the reference to point to
 something created inside a function? Or all data unreturned from a
 function is lost and no references kept?(The second, I'd guess, since
 it's local temporary scope, but you never know, maybe Python can :) )

Maybe this (untested):

def qsort(seq):
 if seq:
 pivot = seq.pop()
 Q = L,R = [],[]
 for x in seq:
 seq[:] = L+[pivot]+R


Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-13 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 In summary, this PEP proposes to allow non-ASCII letters as
 identifiers in Python. If the PEP is accepted, the following
 identifiers would also become valid as class, function, or
 variable names: Löffelstiel, changé, ошибка, or 売り場
 (hoping that the latter one means counter).

I am against this PEP for the following reasons:

It will split up the Python user community into different language or 
interest groups without having any benefit as to making the language 
more expressive in an algorithmic way.

Some time ago there was a discussion about introducing macros into the 
language. Among the reasons why macros were excluded was precisely 
because anyone could start writing their own kind of dialect of Python 
code, resulting in less people being able to read what other programmers 
wrote. And that last thing: 'Being able to easily read what other people 
wrote' (sometimes that 'other people' is yourself half a year later, but 
that isn't relevant in this specific case) is one of the main virtues in 
the Python programming community. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

At that time I was considering to give up some user conformity because 
the very powerful syntax extensions would make Python rival Lisp. It's 
worth sacrificing something if one gets some other thing in return.

However since then we have gained metaclasses, iterators and generators 
and even a C-like 'if' construct. Personally I'd also like to have a 
'repeat-until'. These things are enough to keep us busy for a long time 
and in some respects this new syntax is even more powerful/dangerous 
than macros. But most importantly these extra burdens on the ease with 
which one is to read code are offset by gaining more expressiveness in 
the *coding* of scripts.

While I have little doubt that in the end some stubborn mathematician or 
Frenchman will succeed in writing a preprocessor that would enable him 
to indoctrinate his students into his specific version of reality, I see 
little reason to actively endorse such foolishness.

The last argument I'd like to make is about the very possibly reality 
that in a few years the Internet will be dominated by the Chinese 
language instead of by the English language. As a Dutchman I have no 
special interest in English being the language of the Internet but 
-given the status quo- I can see the advantages of everyone speaking the 
*same* language. If it be Chinese, Chinese I will start to learn, 
however inept I might be at it at first.

That doesn't mean however that one should actively open up to a kind of 
contest as to which language will become the main language! On the 
contrary one should hold out as long as possible to the united group one 
has instead of dispersing into all kinds of experimental directions.

Do we harm the Chinese in this way one might ask by making it harder for 
them to gain access to the net? Do we harm ourselves by not opening up 
in time to the new status quo? Yes, in a way these are valid points, but 
one should not forget that more advanced countries also have a 
responsibility to lead the way by providing an example, one should not 
think too lightly about that.

Anyway, I feel that it will not be possible to hold off these 
developments in the long run, but great beneficial effects can still be 
attained by keeping the language as simple and expressive as possible 
and to adjust to new realities as soon as one of them becomes undeniably 
apparent (which is something entirely different than enthusiastically 
inviting them in and let them fight it out against each other in your 
own house) all the time taking responsibility to lead the way as long as 
one has any consensus left.



Re: OT somewhat: Do you telecommute? What do you wish the boss understood about it?

2007-05-04 Thread Anton Vredegoor
estherschindler wrote:

 * If you telecommute, full- or part-time, what *one* thing do you wish
 the CIO or IT Management would understand that they don't currently

I'm not currently telecommuting but last year I had a telecommuting job 
for half a year. What I would want to say to all future employers 
considering to hire telecommuting personnel is : Don't let the 
telecommuter pay the extra costs that are caused by telecommuting. And I 
don't mean only the financial aspects, I also mean the immaterial costs.

For example if one is working at home it can be hard for an employer to 
check whether the work is still progressing and if there are no 
immediate results there can be some suspicion that the employee is just 
sitting at home watching television or is out shopping, because hey, 
there's no way to check that anyway and people tend to become lazy if no 
one is watching them? So the employer can become tempted to find ways to 
check upon his employee by other means. Why not let him write a daily 
report of his activities even if you never read it? Why not ask for an 
open MSN chat window at all times so that one can check how fast the 
employee is responding? Is he at his desk *right now*?

These are all things that are not usually asked of the people sitting in 
the main office and create an extra burden for the employee. In fact the 
employee gets burdened with the costs of the employers insecurities. If 
one doesn't trust the employee then don't hire him or don't let him 
telecommute in the first place!

Then there are other aspects. For example sometimes I had to use an 
expensive mobile Internet connection when I was on the road or when the 
Internet connection at home didn't work. It was some account that lets 
one use some amount of megabytes for free but after that was used up 
there were high costs for each further megabyte. It was certainly the 
wrong kind of subscription but sometimes it's hard to determine whether 
one buys an expensive flat rate subscription with the risk of all this 
money never being used because one is using the home Internet connection 
all the time. On the other hand things can really get expensive if one 
has the cheap fixed megabytes type of account and the home Internet 
connection fails for an extended period or if one has to be on location 

So sometimes the wrong business decision was made. But if someone at the 
workplace has a HD crash or some other costly error happens this is 
normally not something the employee has to pay for. If one is informed 
about the costs and one doesn't read the emails but just says fix that 
server malfunction *now*, don't mind the connection costs one should 
not be scolding the employee for the large bills that appear one month 

Then there are things like travel costs and hotel costs, say we want the 
employee to be present at the office for a few days each month, the 
employee can pay for it in advance and the employer will reimburse him 
later on. Normally employees get a fixed paycheck each month and there 
are few extra costs involved and things can get arranged quickly.

However the extra costs for the telecommuter are highly variable and so 
there can be a situation where one has payed in advance out of ones own 
pocket and one has to ask more than once to receive the money back. If 
one has to ask too often this can be highly demoralizing, because this 
is time and money spent on the company without earning anything.

The employer maybe starts to think: Hey this guy is living in an 
expensive hotel and eating in restaurants while other people go there to 
have a vacation, so why should I have to pay for that? Well for the 
employee it's a completely different story, hotel rooms aren't fun if 
one arrives late at night and leaves early in the morning and cities 
remain tantalizing mysteries if one never has the time to do some 

There is also the idea that working at home is some luxurious privilege 
that the employee should be thankful for. I can tell you that even the 
nicest home can become a prison if one has to be there all the time. In 
fact any escape can be a relief so one is thankful to spend some time in 
a hotel room ... But that doesn't mean it's vacation! No way. It's just 
that other people get out of their homes normally at the beginning of 
the day, a telecommuter *has* to go out for a walk or go bicycling for 
half an hour or so during lunch break just to keep fit. A normal 
employee can integrate that into his routine of coming to work and 
having lunch at a nearby restaurant.

So all in all my conclusion is, if one wants the employee to be happy 
and loyal, don't destroy his good intentions by letting him pay for all 
kinds of luxuries that he didn't ask for and that aren't even much fun 
anyway. Even though such things might seem the most desirable working 
environments for those having to work in a crowded office where they 
have to go to each day, sitting alone at 

Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.

Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
peculiar way of avoiding this risk.

 Now maybe there are better ways to avoid this kind of unwanted
 effect but I wouldn't call Steve's suggestion ridiculous.

It's about as ridiculous as proving that a stiff parrot is dead by 
grabbing it by the legs and repeatedly hitting it's head on the counter.


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 It's about as ridiculous as proving that a stiff parrot is dead by 
 grabbing it by the legs and repeatedly hitting it's head on the counter.

Or to write it's where its is more appropriate.


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-25, Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.
 Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
 people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
 democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
 peculiar way of avoiding this risk.
 As far as I understood the idea was to reward excellence. The process
 to achieve this can be democratic, but in that case it is just a means
 to an end. The democratic process was not an end itself.

Yes, but this sub thread was about avoiding a suspicion of a conflict of 
interests. If this suspicion is to be avoided by just openly promoting 
the interests of the members of the PSF that is one hell of a way of 
solving the problem.


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Steve Holden wrote:

 I'm sorry, but while the PSF is a democratically-run organization its 
 franchise doesn't extend beyond the membership.

I didn't realize this was about an PSF internal affair. Of course a 
group of people can decide on its internal matters without asking anyone 
else, as long as its actions do not damage the larger community around 
it. I'm sorry to have interfered with your private discussions, they 
took place on an international newsgroup aimed at the global python 
community at large, you might consider taking it elsewhere, but since 
there is no moderation, go and spam this group with your posts as much 
as you like.

 You might as well suggest that America isn't being democratic because it 
 doesn't allow the French to vote for its president.

Neither France nor America strike me as being very democratic at the 
moment, because large parts of their communities have no way of voting 
on a person or party that represents their specific interests. It's the 
same way in the Netherlands where I live by he way, so no criticism is 
intended by me, in any way.

I was picturing this thread more in terms like the international court 
which at least constitutionally *tries* to be democratic in a global 
community alike manner, albeit unfortunately also failing miserably.

It seems current western democracies are preferable over the total chaos 
that we see in Iraq because its internal legal structure was removed 
without providing a functional alternative. History shows -to me- that 
even an evil dictator is better than that. That doesn't mean people 
shouldn't try to aim higher. Higher than accepting even a benevolent 

So in my case the question becomes if I would be willing to promote the 
interests of some group that doesn't represent me, for a chance that I 
may comply with their objectives, which I cannot influence. I'd say: No 
I don't want to do that, although I also wouldn't go out of my way in 
order to *not* comply.

Thanks for clearing it all up. Have a nice life.


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-24 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Steve Holden wrote:
 When cash is involved, it's important to avoid even the slightest
 hint of a suggestion of a suspicion of a conflict of interest; 
 that, I guess, is why firms that run contests with cash prizes
 always declare employees and their families not eligible, and why
 I think the PSF should do likewise in this case.
 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.

So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever

Re: TK-grid problem, please help

2007-04-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Ray wrote:

 hi, I have a question about how to use .grid_forget (in python/TK)
 I need to work on grid repeatly. everytime when a button is pressed,
 the rows of grid is different. such like, first time, it generate 10 
 rows of data.
 2nd time, it maybe only 5 rows. so I need a way to RESET the grid data
 every time. how can I do it? by grid_forger()?, then would anyone can 
 help on
 how to use grid_forget()
 the sample code as following:

I'm not sure if it solves your problem but this modification of your 
code at least *looks* like it works better. The entries are completely 
destroyed so that the next time you call the function they can be 

The trick I am using is to use a list in the arguments of the function 
but that is a bit of a hack, the list 'remembers' its state from the 
last time the function was called, I think one should use classes for 
bookkeeping such things instead.

from Tkinter import *

def mygrid(text,M = []):
   how to use grid_forget() to clean the grid??###
  while M:
  x = M.pop()
  rows = []
  for i in range(count):
  cols = []
  for j in range(4):
  e = Entry(frame3, relief=RIDGE)
  e.grid(row=i, column=j, sticky=NSEW)
  e.insert(END, '%d.%d' % (i, j))


frame1=Frame(root, width=150, height=100)


button=Button(frame1, text='generate grid', command=(lambda:


frame2=Frame(root, width=150, height=100)

button2=Button(frame2, text='exit', command=root.quit)

frame3=Frame(root, width=150, height=300)



Re: multiremberco

2007-04-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 This one gets the order wrong. With
 def test():
 L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 4, 'a', 5, 'a', 6, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')
 5 will appear before 4.

Thanks. This one will give 4 first and it uses a normal iterator.

from collections import deque

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = iter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 if pred(x) == p:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 return gen(1),gen(0)

def test():
#L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'a'
#L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
#L = 1, 'a', 3, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 'a'
 L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 4, 'a', 5, 'a', 6, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':

Because the function can be stopped and resumed anytime, it is possible 
that at the new point of execution the queue has changed.

For example if in these lines from the code above:

 if pred(x) == p:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()

I would make the change:

 if pred(x) == p:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 yield x

Then the output will be out of order ...

I wonder if this function is OK now.


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 from collections import deque
 def xsplitter(seq, pred):
  Q = deque(),deque()
  it = iter(seq)
  def gen(p):
  for x in it:
  if pred(x) == p:
  while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
  for x in gen(p):  yield x
  while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
  return gen(1),gen(0)

Do we even need the line

   for x in gen(p):  yield x


It seems to work the same without it.

from collections import deque

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = iter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 if pred(x) == p:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 return gen(1),gen(0)

What's up here? Was it a fata morgana? Am I overlooking something?


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 What's up here? Was it a fata morgana? Am I overlooking something?

Even more crazy version:

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = iter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 Q[pred(x) == p].append(x)
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 return gen(1),gen(0)


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 def xsplitter(seq, pred):
  Q = deque(),deque()
  it = iter(seq)
  def gen(p):
  for x in it:
  Q[pred(x) == p].append(x)
  while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
  while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
  return gen(1),gen(0)

This should be:

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = iter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 return gen(1),gen(0)

But I'm still not sure if this is the desired function. Is it normal for 
people to start replying to their own messages when they're studying 


Re: Expanding tkinter widgets to fill the window

2007-04-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
KDawg44 wrote:

 I am writing a GUI front end in Python using Tkinter.  I have
 developed the GUI in a grid and specified the size of the window.  The
 widgets are centered into the middle of the window.  I would like them
 to fill the window.  I tried using the sticky=E+W+N+S option on the
 widgets themselves and the window itself.
 How can I get this?

If at all possible post a short, self-contained, correct, example 
demonstrating your question.


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Try it with

 def test():
 L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

 The last print statement raises StopIteration...
 We, however, expected each iterator to contain
 two elements (one yielding 'a' then 'a', and
 the other yielding 1 then 2).
 Ouch! I never understood much about generators anyway.

How about this one?

from collections import deque

class sentinel(object):

class myiter(object):

 def __init__(self,seq):
 self.seq = seq
 self.index = -1

 def __iter__(self):
 return self

 def next(self):
 self.index +=1
 if self.index  len(self.seq):
 return self.seq[self.index]
 return sentinel

def mygen(seq):
 for x in seq:
 if x is sentinel: #way past bedtime
 raise StopIteration
 yield x

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = myiter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 if pred(x) == p:  yield x
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 return map(mygen,[gen(1),gen(0)])

def test():
 L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 Try it with

 def test():
 L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

 The last print statement raises StopIteration...
 We, however, expected each iterator to contain
 two elements (one yielding 'a' then 'a', and
 the other yielding 1 then 2).
 Ouch! I never understood much about generators anyway.
 How about this one?

No that can result in an infinite loop after yet another


This one however ...

from collections import deque

class sentinel(object):

class myiter(object):

 def __init__(self,seq):
 self.seq = seq
 self.index = -1

 def __iter__(self):
 return self

 def next(self):
 self.index +=1
 if self.index  len(self.seq):
 return self.seq[self.index]
 return sentinel

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = myiter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 if x is sentinel:  break
 if pred(x) == p:  yield x
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 return gen(1),gen(0)

def test():
 L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':



Re: multiremberco

2007-04-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 Um, no.  That one stops prematurely if
 your input sequence is:
 L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'a'

Ah, thanks!

 You get points for persistence, however.  :)

Maybe this one is better?

from collections import deque
from itertools import chain, repeat

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 sentinel = object()
 it = chain(seq,repeat(sentinel))
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 if  pred(x) != p and x is not sentinel:
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 if pred(x) == p: yield x
 else: break
 return gen(1),gen(0)

def test():
 L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'a'
#L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
#L = 1, 'a', 3, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 Maybe this one is better?

No, this one keeps generating output.

But this one stops at least:

from collections import deque
from itertools import chain, repeat

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 sentinel = object()
 it = chain(seq,repeat(sentinel))
 def gen(p):
 for x in it:
 if x is sentinel:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 elif pred(x) == p:
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 yield x
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 return gen(1),gen(0)

def test():
 L = 1, 2, 3, 'a', 'a'
#L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
#L = 1, 'a', 3, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':

Are there any other cases this doesn't cover?


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-18 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 I have modified, simplified and (hopefully) improved Steven's code
 like this (but it may be a bit slower, because the class It is inside
 the function?):

Here is a yet more simple version, I wonder if it still does the same 
thing, whatever it is you are looking for :-)

def xsplitter(iseq, pred):

 class It(object):
 def __init__(self, fun, parity):
 self.divert = fun
 self.parity = parity
 self.queue = collections.deque()

 def append(self, item):

 def __iter__(self):
 while self.queue:
 yield self.queue.popleft()
 for item in iseq:
 if pred(item) == self.parity:
 yield item
 for x in self:
 yield x

 it1 = It(lambda y: it2.append(y), True)
 it2 = It(lambda y: it1.append(y), False)
 return it1, it2


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-18 Thread Anton Vredegoor
 If you don't wish to use objects, you can replace them with
 a closure:
 import collections
 def xsplitter(iseq, pred):
 queue = [ collections.deque(), collections.deque() ]
 def it(parity):
 while True:
 if queue[parity]:
 yield queue[parity].popleft()
 el =
 if pred(el) == parity:
 yield el
 queue[not parity].append(el)
 except StopIteration:
 its = [ it(False), it(True) ]
 return its[True], its[False]
 idata = iter([1, 'a', 3, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 'a'])
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(idata, lambda x: x == 'a')
 from itertools import izip
 for el1, el2 in izip(it1, it2):
 print el1, el2
 Oh, I and do like your rewrite; it's much less
 repetitive and cleaner than my original version.

But still, the 'while True:' loop and the 'try-except' clause and the 
explicit StopIteration are not necessary ...

from collections import deque

def xsplitter(seq, pred):
 Q = deque(),deque()
 it = iter(seq)
 def gen(p):
 while Q[p]:  yield Q[p].popleft()
 for x in it:
 if pred(x) == p: yield x
 for x in gen(p):  yield x
 return gen(1),gen(0)

def test():
 L = 1, 'a', 3, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: multiremberco

2007-04-18 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 Try it with
 def test():
 L = 'a', 1, 2, 'a'
 it1, it2 = xsplitter(L, lambda x: x == 'a')
 The last print statement raises StopIteration...
 We, however, expected each iterator to contain
 two elements (one yielding 'a' then 'a', and
 the other yielding 1 then 2).

Ouch! I never understood much about generators anyway.


Re: combination function in python

2007-04-16 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 Isn't that what docstrings are for? Can't you leave
 the function name noverk() and add something to the
 effect of this function calculates combinations?
 Then it would show up in searches, wouldn't it?

Yes, a doc string would help finding it in searches, however since this 
thread now contains a collection of function names it will suffice.

There is also the other consideration of being able to easily read code 
that others write. Functions that try to do the same thing having the 
same name would help. If we had some module in the standard distro that 
would contain comb and fac and maybe a few other functions people could 
start using the same name to point to the same thing etc.

 def noverk(n,k):
 ? ? ?return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),xrange(k),1)
 This is a rather concise function which has the added advantage that it
 returns 0 when kn.
 import gmpy
 print gmpy.comb(4,8)
 ## 0

There is more to it than that. If I see the way the function computes 
the values it gives me hints about how I could write a function that 
lists all combinations.

For example the fact that one can divide the product 'on the fly' -I 
mean without computing the totals above and below the division bar- 
tells me something about how to tackle the problem of generating the 
corresponding combinatorial structure. I *love* combinatorial 
structures. Little functions like this have more than once helped me to 
understand them better.

Math is not so much my way of describing things, I like executable 
pseudo code better. Sometimes I had to read math formulas and have 
become somewhat used to that notation -it has its uses too- but if 
things are written down in code I can rely on the *computer* to execute 
the code instead of my brain which unfortunately is not as reliable.

These advantages are lost when one just imports some optimized code library.

 Perhaps you should use the name

Or maybe 'comb_in_executable_pseudocode', but maybe some other 
implementations posted in this thread would be better suited for that.

Anyway, I have the impression you just don't get the point of people 
posting various functions so that one can determine which algorithms 
work best or so that one can include each others ideas and create better 
functions that combine the best elements of all posted code. Cutting and 
pasting Python functions works a lot better in Usenet than importing C 

If no one posts code -even if it's not completely working code- how are 
we to learn from each other? The fact that someone else somewhere 
already saw the light and wrote the perfect function in optimized C or 
Fortran code should not stop us from 'reinventing the wheel' -as you 
call it- because one can get more proficient in wheel making in the 
process and every now and then it even leads to better wheels.

Don't even get me started about this archaic scheme of writing code only 
for 'work' instead of for gaining insight that you seem to promote.

 But when there *is* no documentation, that becomes a problem,
 doesn't it?

This thread is also documentation and I hope it will encourage people to 
post more code and share thoughts.

 Unless you don't know how to write the functions you need
 in which case you're better off relying on external
 modules. Have you ever wondered why Python even *has*
 a standard library? Why doesn't everyone just write
 the functionality they need?

The main virtue of Pythons standard library should be that it shows one 
how to do things and that it introduces a common naming scheme. That was 
what got me interested in python in the first place: Now I got to see 
how things work! No more dark secrets and proprietary code!

Sometimes it's better to sacrifice clarity for speed and write optimized 
lower level code but that doesn't mean there aren't large trade offs 

In the future if computers will become faster it would be wise to drop 
the optimized code libraries again and reintroduce the Python versions 
of the same because by then the Python versions would be fast enough and 
it would also result in a smaller code base (but a more functional and 
flexible and readable one).

What are you doing on this planet anyway if it's not trying to 
understand things?

 Since I'm also interested in the
 functions themselves -in this case- I'd rather have a
 few lines of code in my source than importing an
 optimized code library.
 Well, some people prefer optimized libraries because
 they have real work to do, not just acedemic excercizes.

Real work is just an excuse for having a larger slice of the cake than 
other people. Other people can be just as or even more essential in the 
whole process of developing code than those who get paid.

A reason against using third party libraries in general is not wanting 
to include too many external dependencies that would force the user to 
download all kinds of things from 

Re: proposed PEP: iterator splicing

2007-04-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 def some_gen():
yield *some_other_gen()
 comes to mind.  Less clutter, and avoids yet another temp variable
 polluting the namespace.

Well, not directly related to your question, but maybe these are some 
ideas that would help determine what we think generators are and what we 
would like them to become.

I'm currently also fascinated by the new generator possibilities, for 
example sending back a value to the generator by making yield return a 
value. What I would like to use it for is when I have a very long 
generator and I need just a slice of the values. That would mean running 
through a loop, discarding all the values until the generator is in the 
desired state and only then start doing something with the output. 
Instead I would like to directly set or 'wind' -like a file- a generator 
into some specific state. That would mean having some convention for 
generators signaling their length (like xrange):

  it = xrange(100)

Note: xrange didn't create a list, but it has a length!

Also we would need some convention for a generator to signal that it can 
jump to a certain state without computing all previous values. That 
means the computations are independent and could for example be 
distributed across different processors or threads.

  it = range(100)
[50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]

But currently this doesn't work for xrange:

  it = xrange(100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: sequence index must be integer

Even though xrange *could* know somehow what its slice would look like.

Another problem I have is with the itertools module:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
ValueError: Stop argument must be a non-negative integer or None.

I want islice and related functions to use long integers for indexing. 
But of course this only makes sense when there already are generator 
slices possible, else there would be no practical way to reach such big 
numbers by silently looping through the parts of the sequence until one 
reaches the point one is interested in.

I also have thought about the thing you are proposing, there is 
itertools.chain of course but that only works when one can call it from 
'outside' the generator.

Suppose one wants to generate all unique permutations of something. One 
idea would be to sort the sequence and then start generating successors 
until one reaches the point the sequence is completely reversed. But 
what if one wants to start with the actual state the sequence is in? One 
could generate successors until one reaches the 'end' and then continue 
by generating successors from the 'beginning' until one reaches the 
original state. Note that by changing the cmp function this generator 
could also iterate in reverse from any point. There only would need to 
be a way to change the cmp function of a running generator instance.

from operator import ge,le
from itertools import chain

def mutate(R,i,j):
 a,b,c,d,e = R[:i],R[i:i+1],R[i+1:j],R[j:j+1],R[j+1:]
 return a+d+(c+b+e)[::-1]

def _pgen(L, cmpf = ge):
 R = L[:]
 yield R
 n = len(R)
 if n = 2:
 while True:
 i,j = n-2,n-1
 while cmpf(R[i],R[i+1]):
 i -= 1
 if i == -1:
 while cmpf(R[i],R[j]):
 j -= 1
 R = mutate(R,i,j)
 yield R

def perm(L):
 F = _pgen(L)
 B = _pgen(L,le)
 return chain(F,B)

def test():
 P = '12124'
 g = perm(P)
 for i,x in enumerate(g):
 print '%4i) %s' %(i, x)

if __name__ == '__main__':



Re: proposed PEP: iterator splicing

2007-04-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 Maybe you should start by developing a design pattern first and
 publish it in the Cookbook. I have the fuzzy impression that the idea
 you are after, requires more powerfull control structures such as
 delimited continuations that are beyond ths scope of Pythons simple

I was reacting to a request for thoughts. I firmly believe that there 
should be a relatively unrestricted brainstorming phase before one tries 
to implement things. I have often noticed a lot of counterproductive 
bickering about use cases and implementations on the developers list, 
but luckily not so much here. There is something like premature 
optimizations with respect to creative processes too!


Re: combination function in python

2007-04-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Jussi Piitulainen wrote:

 There's probably even a really clever way to avoid that final
 division, but I suspect that would cost more in time and memory than
 it would save.

We're getting closer and closer to something I already posted a few 
times here. This implementation was unfortunate because I consistently 
used an uncommon name for it so people couldn't easily find it (mea 
culpa), and maybe also because it uses the despised reduce builtin.

def noverk(n,k):
 return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),xrange(k),1)

BTW I hereby give up the strange name for this and request a better name 
that everybody will use so there will be no confusion anymore. Maybe 
comb(n,k) ?

 Here's one non-clever one for integers n, k that uses n^k / k^k
 (falling powers) with the smaller of k and n - k as lower index:
 def choose(n, k):
if 0 = k = n:
ntok = 1
ktok = 1
for t in xrange(1, min(k, n - k) + 1):
   ntok *= n
   ktok *= t
   n -= 1
return ntok // ktok
return 0

Ha, my function uses smaller subproducts :-)


Re: combination function in python

2007-04-15 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 We're getting closer and closer to something I already posted a few
 times here. This implementation was unfortunate because I consistently
 used an uncommon name for it so people couldn't easily find it
 But then, who's looking for it?

The OP was trying to find it in the docs, assuming it was some kind of 
builtin function. I can see the logic of that and I can also see the 
logic of including some other smallish functions like for example fac. 
Failing that, the next recourse would be the Internet, or a Usenet 
search but that would imply well named Usenet posts and function names.

 (mea culpa), and maybe also because it uses the despised reduce builtin.

 def noverk(n,k):
 � � �return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),xrange(k),1)

This is a rather concise function which has the added advantage that it 
returns 0 when kn.

 BTW I hereby give up the strange name for this and request a better name
 that everybody will use so there will be no confusion anymore. Maybe
 comb(n,k) ?
 No, that name's already used by gmpy. And a single
 function doesn't replace all of gmpy's other
 functionality, many of which are needed in the
 same applications where comb() is used, so there's
 really no need for your function.

Actually, by proposing comb I am *honoring* gmpy and I'm also complying 
with it. In Python we use namespaces to differentiate between such 
things. You might want to read the documentation about it some time.

 Your time is better spent applying the tools provided
 by gmpy rather than trying to re-invent the wheel.

Please let me be the judge of how to spend my time. In this case it 
seems rather unjustified to introduce dependencies on external modules 
when only a few functions are needed. Since I'm also interested in the 
functions themselves -in this case- I'd rather have a few lines of code 
in my source than importing an optimized code library. There *are* 
situations where such things are completely justified, but I don't think 
this is one of them. You could take it up with the gmpy author and 
induce him to get gmpy included in the standard distro if you are so 


Re: Emergence of Grok

2007-04-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul McGuire wrote:

 I just stumbled upon a great-looking project, to make Zope3 more
 approachable to mere mortals such as myself.  Echoing the ROR mantra
 of convention over configuration, the Grok project (http://  aims to stand on the shoulders of Zope3, while
 providing the ease of development of ROR (for instance, no more ZCML).
 Philipp von Weitershausen has a set of slides at, and the Grok project
 page links to a number of tutorials.
 Am I the last person to hear about this?

No, not anymore since I learned about it later than you :-)

However I can assure you this won't work. I'll tell you why.

I'm a reasonably experienced python programmer and eager and interested 
to explore new -to me- paradigms, especially when there seems to be a 
possibility for making some money. I was lucky to find some programming 
job where I could learn zope and plone and make some money at the same 
time. I noticed that somewhere between pure python and zope there is a 
division where one cannot cross except by *paying* someone some money in 
order to learn how things work. When I told my employer at the time 
about this -he was totally *not* a programmer- the response was like, 
hey, but his other guy learned about it in one month etc, etc, or he 
just pointed at some plone programming colleagues who 'kicked ass'. Upon 
inspection of the 'ass kicking' colleagues' code I noticed that they had 
only a very rudimentary knowledge of python, or even didn't know much 
about programming altogether.

There is no way around paying money because however 'intuitive' the code 
seems to be to the developers it is just not possible to read their 
sourcecode and understand what they are doing. This is a result of 
rapidly changing conventions that make it impossible to reproduce or 
adapt working code to one's specific likings. So the code examples are 
just one offs, working only for this specific case. Any adaptation will 
break the code, forcing one to contact -and pay- the developers, who are 
probably already working on some more advanced version.

As result we see the emergence of 'more easy' solutions -like plone- 
which try to hide the complexities of zope for the end user but end up 
becoming even harder to 'grok' because the zope developers are racing 
ahead and don't bother to explain things unless they get paid. And why 
shouldn't they because they have to make a living too, don't they? Well 
I've got to make a living too and being forced to continually follow 
them around unable to pay for education and as a consequence not able to 
reproduce their code is just not financially feasible. Sorry, but this 
stuff is only 'grokkable' for the early adopters, however good ones' 
general python skills are.

The problem gets even worse because by now -in order to make any money 
programming zope at all- one has to learn the zillion different ways 
_plone_ makes things 'easier' (it's not like there is a clean slate when 
one starts to work at a zope/plone programming site). The plone 
community is generally despised by the zope community because they are 
even more programming for money and not for universal enlightenment. I 
even suspect some plone programmers of hiding essential information from 
colleagues because that make *them* the experts, it's either that or 
maybe they just don't know themselves why things work the way they do 
and can't answer questions. OK, lets give them the benefit of doubt.

While such deviousness generally cannot be assumed for the zope 
developers - try and ask questions on zope versus plone forums and 
notice the difference in attitude to persons asking for information- 
there is still a large difference in the way the zope community and the 
general python community 'think' about documentation. One can get close 
to understanding but in order to make it work there is no way around 
paying someone. I just know because I am good with python, I can read 
code and I know when things are not explained adequately. Essentially 
all this stuff is a pyramid scheme, only profitable for the well 
connected and/or the early adopters.

That doesn't mean that I haven't met a lot of enthusiastic and helpful 
zope developers and programmers, it's just that they don't understand or 
don't want to understand that money can be a show stopper for people 
wanting to learn about zope.



Re: Simple integer comparison problem

2007-04-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Bart Willems wrote:

 I have a feeling that there's a Python-solution that is shorter yet 
 better readable, I just can't figure it out yet...

Shorter (and faster for big lists): Yes. More readable: I don't know, I 
guess that depends on ones familiarity with the procedure.

import bisect

def grader(score):
 c = bisect.bisect([60,70,80,90],score)
 return 'FDCBA'[c]


Re: Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-31 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Oh, I see what you mean.  I don't see an obvious faster way to do it
 and I don't have the feeling that one necessarily exists.  As someone
 mentioned, you could do an n-way merge, which at least avoids using
 quadratic memory.  Here's a version using Frederik Lundh's trick of
 representing a lazy list as its head plus the generator for the tail:

That's a beautiful trick! I was just exploring some idea about 
traversing the matrix starting from the upper left and ending at the 
lower right by forming some kind of wave like front line. It's currently 
very slow but I hope it can be polished a bit.

Also I was trying to figure out if it could have any advantage over the 
straight row by row merge, but now that these lazy rows have appeared 
the field has changed a lot :-)

def typewriter(L,R):
 Z = [0] * len(R)
 M = [(L[0]+R[0],0)]
 while M:
 val,k = min(M)
 yield val
 Z[k] += 1
 M = []
 for k,x in enumerate(Z):
 if x  len(R):
 if not x:


Re: Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-30 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Reedy wrote:

 If I understand correctly, you want to multiiply each of m numbers by each 
 of n numbers, giving m*n products.  That is O(m*n) work.  Inserting (and 
 extracting) each of these is a constant size m priority cue takes, I 
 believe, O(log(m)) work, for a total of m*n*log(m).  That is faster than 
 O(m*n*log(m*n)) for sorting m*n random numbers.

According to this page:

You are very close. The only thing is whether the logarithmic factor can 
be removed.

But there's more:

If the input consists of n integers between - M and M, an algorithm of 
Seidel based on fast Fourier transforms runs in O(n + M log M) time 
[Eri99a]. The $ \Omega$(n2) lower bounds require exponentially large 

So maybe there is something at least for this specific case. I hope I'm 
not irritating someone by posting my thought processes here, since 
posting things sometimes seems to be the only way to find the links. I 
wonder if it's the selective attention that makes them turn up after 
posting or whether your talk about big O's has put me on the right track.

Thanks anyway. The problem is still open in general, but some hacks are 
possible, as Paul Rubin said.


Re: Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Reedy wrote:

 If I understand correctly, you want to multiiply each of m numbers by each 
 of n numbers, giving m*n products.  That is O(m*n) work.  Inserting (and 
 extracting) each of these is a constant size m priority cue takes, I 
 believe, O(log(m)) work, for a total of m*n*log(m).  That is faster than 
 O(m*n*log(m*n)) for sorting m*n random numbers.

Probably, I'm not very good with big O computations. Please forget my 
earlier post and please also ignore the unfortunate subject line. I want 
the cartesian product of the lists but I want the sums of the items. 
Suppose the function to combine the items is

 def f(i,j):
 return i+j

And the list we want to sort would be made like this:

LR = [f(i,j) for i in L for j in R]

That would be like in my original post. However if the function would 
have been:

 def g(i,j):
 return n*i+j

The resulting cartesian product of the list would be sorted a lot 
quicker, especially if the two lists -L and R- we start with are sorted. 
(n is the length of both lists here)

So if changing the way the items are combined influences sorting time, 
is there also a way to optimize the order of generating the items for 
later sorting.

I mean optimized for a specific combining function, in this case 
function f.

 I don't know how you would sort by hashing.

Me too. I also learned that hashing is O(1) for non-mathematicians.

Probably I'm suffering from a mild outbreak of spring. I'm currently 
trying to stop myself from starting to smoke again or writing critical 
posts about PyPy, if it explains anything.



Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Python's sorting algorithm takes advantage of preexisting order in a 
import random
import time

def test():
 n = 1000
 k = 2**28

 L = random.sample(xrange(-k,k),n)
 R = random.sample(xrange(-k,k),n)

 t = time.time()
 LR = [(i+j) for i in L for j in R]
 print time.time()-t
 print time.time()-t


 t = time.time()
 presorted_LR = [(i+j) for i in L for j in R]
 print time.time()-t
 print time.time()-t

if __name__=='__main__':

On this -very slow- computer this prints:

 d:\python25\pythonw -u

 Exit code: 0

Presorting the second sequence gains us more than three seconds. I 
wonder if there is a way to generate the combined items in such a way 
that sorting them is even faster? Is there some other sorting algorithm 
that can specifically take advantage of this way -or another way- of 
generating this list?

The final sequence is len(L)*len(R) long but it is produced from only 
len(L)+len(R) different items, is it possible to exploit this fact? I'd 
also be interested in a more general solution that would work for 
summing the items of more than two lists in this way.


Re: Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Well there are various hacks one can think of, but is there an actual
 application you have in mind?

Suppose both input lists are sorted. Then the product list is still not 
  sorted but it's also not completely unsorted. How can I sort the 
product? I want to know if it is necessary to compute the complete 
product list first in order to sort it. Is it possible to generate the 
items in sorted order using only a small stack?

Also, I have a sumfour script that is slow because of sorting. It would 
become competitive to the hashing solution if the sorting would be about 
ten times faster. If the items could be generated directly in order the 
script would also have only a very small memory footprint.

 If you really want the sum of several probability distriutions (in
 this case it's the sum of several copies of the uniform distribution),
 it's the convolution of the distributions being summed.  You can do
 that with the fast fourier transform much more efficiently than
 grinding out that cartesian product.  But I don't know if that's
 anything like what you're trying to do.

I want the product, but sorted in less time. If Fourier transforms can 
help, I want them :-)


Re: Hpw make lists that are easy to sort.

2007-03-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Reedy wrote:

 One could generate the items in order in less space by doing, for instance, 
 an m-way merge, in which only the lowest member of each of the m sublists 
 is present at any one time.  But I don't know if this (which is 
 O(m*n*log(m))) would be any faster (in some Python implementation) for any 
 particular values of m and m.

If hashing is O(n+m), it would mean that it would be faster.

I'm not sure if I can agree with your analysis. All information to 
generate the product is already inside the two lists we begin with. 
Doesn't that make the product less complex than a random n*m matrix? Or 
is that what you are saying with O(m*n*log(m)) ?


Re: A better webpage filter

2007-03-26 Thread Anton Vredegoor
John J. Lee wrote:

Thanks, I will look into it sometime. Essentially my problem has been 
solved by switching to opera, but old habits die hard and I find myself 
using Mozilla and my little script more often than would be logical.

Maybe the idea of having a *Python* script open at all times to which 
all content goes through is just too tempting. I mean if there's some 
possible irritation on a site theoretically I could just write a 
specific function to get rid of it. This mental setting works as a 
placebo on my web browsing experience so that the actual problems don't 
always even need  to be solved ... I hope I'm not losing all traditional 
programmers here in this approach :-)

 Not actually tried it myself, though did browse some of the code once
 or twice -- does some clever stuff.
 Lots of other Python-implemented HTTP proxies, some of which are
 relevant (though AFAIK all less sophisticated than webcleaner), are
 listed on Alan Kennedy's nice page here:
 A surprising amount of diversity there.

At least now I know what general category seems to be nearest to my 
solution so thanks again for that. However my solution is not really 
doing anything like the programs on this page (although it is related to 
removing ads), instead it tries to modulate a copy of the page after 
it's been saved on disk. This removes all kinds of links and enables one 
to definitely and finally reshape the form the page will take. As such 
it is more concerned with the metaphysical image the page makes on the 
users brain and less with the actual content or the security aspects.

One thing I noticed though on that (nice!) Alan Kennedy page is that 
there was a script that was so small that it didn't even have a homepage 
but instead it just relied on a google groups post! I guess you can see 
that I liked that one :-)

My filter is even smaller. I've tried to make it smaller still by 
removing the batch file and using cStringIO object) 
but that didn't work on windows.



Re: A better webpage filter

2007-03-26 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 If you don't mind using JavaScript instead of Python, UserJS is for you:

My script loads a saved copy of a page and uses it to open an extra tab 
with a filtered view. It also works when javascript is disabled.


A better webpage filter

2007-03-24 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Since a few days I've been experimenting with a construct that enables 
me to send the sourcecode of the web page I'm reading through a Python 
script and then into a new tab in Mozilla. The new tab is automatically 
opened so the process feels very natural, although there's a lot of 
reading, filtering and writing behind the scene.

I want to do three things with this post:

A) Explain the process so that people can try it for themselves and say 
Hey stupid, I've been doing the same thing with greasemonkey for ages, 
or maybe You're great, this is easy to see, since the crux of the 
biscuit is the apostrophe.  Both kind of comments are very welcome.

B) Explain why I want such a thing.

C) If this approach is still valid after all the before, ask help for 
writing a better Python

So here we go:

A) Explain the process

We need :

- mozilla firefox
- add-on viewsourcewith
- batch file (on windows):
d:\python25\python.exe D:\Python25\Scripts\ %1  out.html
start out.html
- a python script:

import sys

def htmlfilter(fname, skip = []):
 f = file(fname)
 data =
 L = []
 for i,x in enumerate(data):
 if x == '':
 j = i
 elif x =='':
 R = list(data)
 for i,j in reversed(L):
 s = data[i:j+1]
 for x in skip:
 if x in s:
 R[i:j+1] = ' '
 return ''.join(R)

def test():
 if len(sys.argv) == 2:
 skip = ['div','table']
 fname = sys.argv[1].strip()
 print htmlfilter(fname,skip)

if __name__=='__main__':

Now install the file in your Python scripts dir and adapt 
the batchfile to point to it.

To use the viewsourcewith add-on to open the batchfile: Go to some 
webpage, left click and view the source with the batchfile.

B) Explain why I want such a thing.

OK maybe this should have been the thing to start with, but hey it's 
such an interesting technique it's almost a waste no to give it a chance 
before my idea is dissed :-)

Most web pages I visit lately are taking so much room for ads (even with 
adblocker installed) that the mere 20 columns of text that are available 
for reading are slowing me down unacceptably. I have tried clicking 
'print this' or 'printer friendly' or using 'no style' from the mozilla 
menu and switching back again for other pages but it was tedious to say 
the least. Every webpage has different conventions. In the end I just 
started editing web pages' source code by hand, cutting out the beef and 
saving it as a html file with only text, no scripts or formatting. But 
that was also not very satisfying because raw web pages are *big*.

Then I found out I often could just replace all 'table' or 'div' 
elements with a space and the page -although not very html compliant any 
more- still loads and often the text looks a lot better. This worked for 
at least 50 percent of the pages and restored my autonomy and 
independence in reading web pages! (Which I do a lot by the way, maybe 
for most people the problem is not very irritating, because they don't 
read as much? Tell me that too, I want to know :-)

C) Ask help writing a better Python

Please. You see the code for yourself, this must be done better :-)


Re: A better webpage filter

2007-03-24 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 I use the Opera browser:
 Among other things (like having tabs for ages!):
 - enable/disable tables and divs (like you do)
 - enable/disable images with a keystroke, or only show cached images.
 - enable/disable CSS
 - banner supressing (aggressive)
 - enable/disable scripting
 - fit to page width (for those annoying sites that insist on using a  
 fixed width of about 400 pixels, less than 1/3 of my actual screen size)
 - apply your custom CSS or javascript on any page
 - edit the page source and *refresh* the original page to reflect your  
 All of this makes a very smooth web navigation - specially on a slow  
 computer or slow connection.

Thanks! I forgot about that one. It does what I want natively so I will 
go that route for now. Still I think there must be some use for my 
method of filtering. It's just too good to not have some use :-) Maybe 
in the future -when web pages will add new advertisement tactics faster 
than web browser builders can change their toolbox or instruct their 
users. After all, I was editing the filter script on one screen and 
another screen was using the new filter as soon as I had saved it.

Maybe someday someone will write a GUI where one can click some radio 
buttons that would define what goes through and what not. Possibly such 
a filter could be collectively maintained on a live webpage with an 
update frequency of a few seconds or something. Just to make sure we're 
prepared for the worst :-)


Re: [JOB] Sr. Python Developer, Northern VA

2007-03-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Steven D. Arnold wrote:

 Neosynapse is seeking a senior software developer located in or  

Subtract ten points from your credibility for writing senior here.

 willing to relocate to the Northern VA area to join a project  
 building one of the largest grid computing data platforms in the  
 world.  Skill and experience required for this engagement include:

Another 10 points minus for claiming to be the largest (biggest, 
industry leader etc.). Are you looking for a developer or is this just 
an ad for your company?

 * at least 7 years experience in professional software development;

Minus 20 points for using the term professional. Open source is cool.

 * at least 3 years of Python software development experience;

OK. You can ask for that. As long as you're not blind when someone shows 
you some code. I mean some people can't see code until it's connected to 
some 'job'.

 * proven experience with design, implementation, debugging and  
 documentation of large projects;

Hmm. Why, may I ask? Can you even code? Who are you anyway?

 * past experience with the development of networking client and  
 server software;

You really seem to know what you want, eh?

 * experience using SQL databases in the development of software  

Experience, experience, experience. Why don't you just re-hire the one 
you just fired because he wouldn't say yes to your absurd demands? I 
mean after he made a honest guesstimate of the time frame necessary for 
the job and you pinned him down to the minute?

 * excellent written and oral communication skills, including the  
 ability to clearly explain design choices and discuss alternatives  
 with colleagues and managers.


 The following skills are desirable but not mandatory:
 * experience using SAN file systems;
 * experience with general web software development;
 * experience writing applications that leverage Oracle databases;
 * experience writing and integrating C modules with Python;
 * experience with Ruby or Ruby on Rails.

* endure stupid boss messing with the creative process.

 You must be able to function independently as you will work from home  
 a significant amount of time on this project.  Limited travel to PA,  
 NJ, and CO will be required.  The initial phase of this project will  
 last 6 months, with follow-on work planned for approximately 3 years.

Says you. It could be anything from 3 months to ten years, depending on 
how often you change your mind.

 If interested and qualified for this position, please submit your  
 detailed resume, contact and rate requirements to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 with the subject line PY-5.  Principals only.

Go away with that resume  Why do you think you have a right to my 
personal info when you're not giving any? By the way, I'm in Europe, 
there's more than just US you know.




Re: [JOB] Sr. Python Developer, Northern VA

2007-03-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Steve Holden wrote:


 Feel better now?

Yes! But *now* I'm afraid it will have negative consequences for my 
future employability. However if it will lead to adjusting the kind of 
submissions at
it was probably worth it.


'thanks for asking'

Re: [JOB] Sr. Python Developer, Northern VA

2007-03-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 I think the steady increase in the number of active listings over the
  past couple years bodes well for the job prospects of Python 
 programmers as a whole.  There are currently 99 job postings on the 
 job board dating back to mid-December.  A year ago there were about 
 60, a year before that, about 40.

Agreed. There's now probably even room on the job market for those who
don't belong to the select elite of early adopters. We might even root
out the professionalist attitude and address the problem of tying people
to their resumes.

 A number of those companies seem to be fairly enlightened about the 
 use of open source software (search for open).  You can't expect 
 the world to completely change overnight.

If I never speak up there's little chance my ideas will get noticed.
But there's probably some better format possible for my message.

 Most companies probably still funnel external job postings through 
 their HR departments.  As a result, a certain amount of boilerplate 
 text and corporate puffery is bound to turn up in many postings. Be 
 thankful they at least found the job board or comp.lang.python and 
 aren't just trying to recruit through traditional channels.

Actually, I like people posting their jobs on an unmoderated forum. How
else would it be possible to try and get applicants and employers to
compare their ideas? I mean, not everyone is able to visit expensive
high-profile hiring fests like pycon.

 You'd probably never see job postings for the Space Telescope Science
  Institute or The World Wide Workshop for Children's Media Technology
  and Learning if they only appeared in the Washington Post or New
 York Times.

Sure. But my whole problem is that while I'd be immensely useful in a 
space telescope science institute or a genome database research 
institute or in an artists educational institute or in a psychological 
statistics institute or in a computer science or mathematics institute 
etc. there is no way people can see that, because they're thinking in 
resumes, job experience and formal education instead of in just asking 
themselves what needs to be done and can he do it. You know, like duck 
typing :-) From what I get around the 'net I gather the problem is a bit 
less pronounced in the US though.


Re: [JOB] Sr. Python Developer, Northern VA

2007-03-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Michael Bentley wrote:

 Perhaps it is different where you live, but here you can put on your  
 resume relevant things that aren't paying jobs.  Otherwise nobody  
 would ever get their first job, right?

Sure you can. But around here if one has been unemployed for a while 
it's nearly impossible to get hired ever again. It doesn't matter how 
many years programming Python one puts on the resume. Unpaid activities 
are just not *visible*. So HRM people keep asking questions like 'But 
what have you been doing?' In the end I just started my own company, and 
while I'm not always employed as a freelancer I can at least now say I'm 
running my own business.

The basic problem however is that it's just not anyones business whether 
one has been walking through the country making pictures or doing some 
desk job. All that should matter is can he do the job and is he 
motivated. Asking a person who he *is* (resume) is not Pythonic!

Especially if one never reads the output.


Re: [JOB] Sr. Python Developer, Northern VA

2007-03-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
John J. Lee wrote:

 You may not realise it if you haven't been applying for work since you
 did that, but I'm sure you've done a lot for your employability (I
 hate that word, it implies that it's a one-sided business, clearly
 false) by working as a freelancer.

Since I'm freelancing my leverage has been a lot better and it has 
resulted in a few short term regular job contracts. Unfortunately 
there's also the new problem that when people learn that they can also 
employ me as a freelancer they might prefer that, since it gives them 
less risk, but then they don't want to pay me a freelance tariff :-(

 Your original rant seemed rather one-sided, though.

Yes, I tried to let it slip that it was a rant. At least it has got some 
discussion going.

 The basic problem however is that it's just not anyones business
 whether one has been walking through the country making pictures or
 doing some desk job. All that should matter is can he do the job and
 is he motivated. Asking a person who he *is* (resume) is not Pythonic!
 I sympathise but conventional wisdom (which surely has a lot of truth
 in it) is that employers are not faced with the problem of minimising
 false negatives (failing to hire when they should have hired).  They
 are faced with the problem of minimising false positives (hiring when
 they should not have hired).  That's a gross simplification of course,
 but I'm sure you appreciate the point -- if you're hiring employees,
 being fairly risk-averse is probably quite rational.

So when we really mean business, you're back to static typing?

 I've often thought that randomness is a good thing here though,
 globally -- a world of perfectly rational selfish employers would fail
 to employ legions of highly productive people.  Luckily incompetence
 in hiring steps in often enough to save the day, in this best of all
 possible worlds 0.75 wink

For me it's easy: I just can't stand handing over my resume anymore 
(that's because of severe psychological damage caused by the Dutch 
social security system), so whatever happens, I'm forced to find 
rational employers. And with rational I mean a dynamically typing 
employer! I'm the kind of employee object that when it gets typechecked 
it raises a ResumeError.

 (no hiring incompetence at the employer I'm just about to move to, it
 goes without saying :-)

Well, on my next leisurely stroll along the river side, I will 
consciously enjoy the freedom of currently having no job instead of the 
usual I'm lucky I have no kids to worry about, just to humor you!


Re: To count number of quadruplets with sum = 0

2007-03-16 Thread Anton Vredegoor
n00m wrote:


Maybe this one could save a few seconds, it works best when there are 
multiple occurrences of the same value.


from time import time

def freq(L):
  D = {}
  for x in L:
  D[x] = D.get(x,0)+1
  return D

def test():
 t = time()
 f = file('m4000.txt')
 L = []
 for line in f:

 q,w,e,r = map(freq,zip(*L))
 sch,h = 0,{}
 for xk,xv in q.iteritems():
   for yk,yv in w.iteritems():
 if h.has_key(xk+yk):
   h[xk+yk] += xv*yv
   h[xk+yk] = xv*yv

 for xk,xv in e.iteritems():
   for yk,yv in r.iteritems():
 if h.has_key(-(xk+yk)):
   sch += h[-(xk+yk)]*xv*yv

 print sch
 print time()-t

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: number generator

2007-03-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 Since people are posting their solutions now (originally only hints
 were provided for the homework problem), here's mine:

Homework problem? Do you have some information from the OP that I can't 
find in this thread? Anyway, I consider the 'homework' idea and the 
associated self concept that turns people into -for example- 
backstabbing computer scientists who never release their code as the 
root of all evil in the educational system. Why should I uphold a moral 
code that I don't agree with? To me people posting homework problems are 
like refugees which I will help if I can.

 def genpool(n, m):
 if n == 1:
 yield [m]
 for i in xrange(1, m):
 for rest in genpool(n-1, m-i):
 yield rest + [i]
 import random
 print random.choice(list(genpool(n=4, m=20)))

OK back to the *computer* code. Great function! And it's ideally suited 
for memoization too. Too bad this memoizor doesn't accept keyword 
arguments, but for the rest it works fine and greatly speeds it up.

import random

def memoize(fn):
  cache = {}
  def proxy(*args):
  try: return cache[args]
  except KeyError: return cache.setdefault(args, fn(*args))
  return proxy

def genpool(n, m):
 if n == 1:
 yield [m]
 for i in xrange(1, m):
 for rest in genpool(n-1, m-i):
 yield rest + [i]

def test():
 print random.choice(list(genpool(5,50)))

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: number generator

2007-03-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 def genpool(n, m):
 if n == 1:
 yield [m]
 for i in xrange(1, m):
 for rest in genpool(n-1, m-i):
 yield rest + [i]

 import random
 print random.choice(list(genpool(n=4, m=20)))
 This generates a lot of the partitions more than once, with
 possibly unequal probability.

Well, I just noticed that with my memoization function it produces too 
little :-(

But I hope you notice that this function doesn't create only partitions 
but all possible outcomes?


Re: number generator

2007-03-14 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 def memoize(fn):
   cache = {}
   def proxy(*args):
   try: return cache[args]
   except KeyError: return cache.setdefault(args, fn(*args))
   return proxy

Sorry this doesn't work in this case. This works:

def memoize(fn):
  cache = {}
  def proxy(*args):
  try: return cache[args]
  except KeyError: return cache.setdefault(args, list(fn(*args)))
  return proxy

But then we lose all speed advantages from memoizing so
it's no good either.


Re: number generator

2007-03-13 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Dick Moores wrote:

 If the added constraint is instead that the probability of generating 
 a given list of length N be the same as that of generating any other 
 list of length N, then I believe my function does the job. Of course, 
 [1,46,1,1,1] and [1,1,46,1,1], as Python lists, are distinct. I ran 
 this test for M == 8 and N == 4:

Yes, I believe your function is OK. But the 'fencepost' method posted 
earlier in this thread also does this and it's faster AND it's only two 
line of code ...

 A = []
 B = []
 for x in range(10):
  lst = sumRndInt(8,4)
  if lst not in A:
  i = A.index(lst)
  B[i] += 1

Doesn't sorting break the correspondence between A and B? Also, a more 
pythonic way to count would be to convert the lst into a tuple and then 
do something with a dictionary. Dictionaries have faster lookup. For 

T = tuple(lst)
D[T] = D.get(T,0) + 1

in the loop in order to count the occurrences.

I'm totally fascinated with this stuff myself so it's a bit hard to 
guess whether someone still is interested, but anyway, here are some 
further explorations involving partitions. The code prints the number of 
distinct permutations for each partition.

from operator import mul

def part(m,n,r):
 L = [0]*n
 while m:
 x =  pn(m-1,n-1)
 if r  x:
 L[n-1] += 1
 m -= 1
 n -= 1
 for i in range(n):
 L[i] += 1
 r -= x
 m -= n
 return L

def memoize(fn):
 cache = {}
 def proxy(*args):
 try: return cache[args]
 except KeyError: return cache.setdefault(args, fn(*args))
 return proxy

def pn(m,n):
 if mn or n==0:
 return 0
 if m==n or n==1:
 return 1
 return pn(m-1,n-1)+pn(m-n,n)

def fac(n):
 if n == 1:
 return 1
 return n*fac(n-1)

def ncomb(n,k):
 return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),range(k),1)

def _np(T):
 if T:
 up = fac(sum(T))
 down = reduce(mul,map(fac,T))
 return up/down
 return 1

def nperm(L):
 f = dict((x,L.count(x)) for x in set(L))
 return _np(tuple(f.values()))

def test():
 m = 50
 n = 5
 total = 0
 for r in xrange(np):
 x = part(m,n,r)
 np = nperm(x)
 total += np
 print np,x
 assert total == ncomb(m-1,n-1)

if __name__=='__main__':

I posted some easy way of generating all outcomes by index -using a 
combinations function- before in this thread. Using just a single 
randint call one could output a random list of numbers adding up to 

But I think it would be possible to do it with distinct permutations of 
these partitions too. I think I did that in old thread. The only problem 
is that in order to look up which distinct permutation of which 
partition is indexed there should be a way to compute a table containing 
info about how many permutations a certain partition contributes to the 
total. But the code would then also need a distinct permutation by index 
function (I've got one but it's not exactly beautiful) while the code is 
becoming very complex even now without the extra lookup table, compared 
to the simple combinations code.

And compared to the two line fencepost method it's just crazy :-)

But I have a hunch there must be a way to generate such a table without 
actually computing any partitions at all and then one could do some kind 
of 3d bisect to look things up. Maybe in a few years, or sooner if 
someone posts an idea that simplifies things.


Re: number generator

2007-03-13 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Dick Moores wrote:

 Paul Rubin's fencepost method is about 14 times faster than mine for
 the same M == 8 and N == 4!  :(

Actually they looked a bit similar after I had mucked a bit with them 
:-) But indeed it's slow.

 Sorry, I don't understand this. Could you spell it out for me by 
 rewriting my above test to use it? Thanks!

OK here you go. I'm copying a modification from something that I used to 
check something else, I hope you recognize the code after my refactoring.

from itertools import islice
import random

def sumRndInt(m,n):
  while 1:
  L = [random.randint(1,m-n+1) for i in xrange(n)]
  if sum(L) == m:
  yield tuple(L)

def fencepost(m,n):
 while 1:
 t = sorted(random.sample(xrange(1,m), n-1))
 yield tuple((j-i) for i,j in zip([0]+t, t+[m]))

def freq(g,k):
 D = {}
 for x in islice(g,k):
 D[x] = D.get(x,0)+1
 return D

def test():
 m = 7
 n = 4
 k = 2
 R = freq(sumRndInt(m,n),k)
 F = freq(fencepost(m,n),k)
 assert sorted(R) == sorted(F)
 for x in sorted(R):
 print x,R[x],F[x]

if __name__=='__main__':

Re: number generator

2007-03-10 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 To make the solutions equi-probable, a simple approach is to
 recursively enumerate all possibilities and then choose one of them
 with random.choice().

Maybe it is possible to generate the possibilities by an indexing 
function and then use randint to pick one of them. I suppose this is 
like the bricks and bins problem this thread was about:

Except that the bins now have at least 1 brick in them (if we have 
positive numbers).

I posted a rather simplistic solution (but working I think) after Steven 
Taschuk made some insightful remarks. I believe it is possible to 
generate the list of numbers directly instead of permuting a list of '0' 
and '1' characters and then finding the positions of the '1' elements.


Re: number generator

2007-03-10 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Reedy wrote:

 Partitioning positive count m into n positive counts that sum to m is a 
 standard combinatorial problem at least 300 years old.  The number of such 
 partitions, P(m,n)  has no known exact formula but can be computed 
 inductively rather easily.  The partitions for m and n can be ranked in 
 lexicographic order from 0 to P(m,n)-1.  Given a rank r in that range, one 
 can calculate the particular partition that has that rank.  So a 
 equi-probable random count in the range can be turned into a equi-probable 
 random partition.

Yes that was one of my first ideas too. But later on Steven pointed out 
that one can view the problem like this:


That would be [3,4,3,1,2]

where the '1' elements are like dividing shutters that partition the row 
of '0'. This means that the problem is reduced to permutations (albeit 
unique permutations) which are a lot simpler to compute than partitions.

Ok I'll admit that I succeeded in translating my 'Goldberg' solution to 
this case, I can't expect anyone to dust off and read 4 year old threads 
anyway :-)

(by the way I'm still convinced that this code can be simplified a lot)

def starters(L):
 n,np,R = len(L),1,range(len(L))
 bf = [L[:i].count(L[i]) for i in R]
 for i in R: np = np*(n-i)/(bf[i]+1)
 return [(i,np*L[i:].count(L[i])/n) for i in R if not bf[i]]

def perm(index,L):
 remain,n = index,len(L)
 res,T = L[:],L[:]
 for i in range(n):
 for j,k in starters(T):
 if remain-k  0:
 res[i] = T.pop(j)
 remain -= k
 return res

def nperm(L):
 return reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,[k for j,k in starters(L)])

def bb(i,bricks,bins):
 L = [1] * (bins-1) + [0] * (bins-1)
 R = [1]
 for x in perm(i,L):
 if x:  R.append(1)
 else: R[-1]+=1
 return R

def test():
 bricks,bins =  7, 4
 L = [1] * (bins-1) + [0] * (bins-1)
 for i in range(nperm(L)):
 print bb(i,bricks,bins)

if __name__=='__main__':

 This topic is section 3.1 in Combinatorial Algorithms: Generation, 
 Enumeration, and Search by Kreher and Stinson.  The authors reference 
 several other books as their sources.

Great book!

 I plan to someday rewrite many of their pseudocode algorithms in Python.

That would be my dream job. If only I understood more of them. But I'm 
slowly making progress in other areas so that one day I will maybe 
reread the book and also understand the second half.


Re: number generator

2007-03-10 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

  L = [1] * (bins-1) + [0] * (bins-1)

replace these lines in the code by:

L = [1] * (bins-1) + [0] * (bricks-bins)


Re: number generator

2007-03-10 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Reedy wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 | Yes that was one of my first ideas too. But later on Steven pointed out
 | that one can view the problem like this:
 | 0001100010100
 | That would be [3,4,3,1,2]
 | where the '1' elements are like dividing shutters that partition the row
 | of '0'. This means that the problem is reduced to permutations (albeit
 If any of the 1s appear at the ends or together, then you would have 0s in 
 the partition, which is not allowed, as I understood the spec.

Yes, I was writing about the bricks and bins problem from 4 years ago 
which is very similar.

 | unique permutations) which are a lot simpler to compute than partitions.
 I think the simplicity is actually about the same.

Probably yes. It's like the difference between Pascal's triangle and the 
partition numbers' triangle. Anyway, Paul Rubin's idea in this same 
thread stimulated me to simplify my code a lot. It's rather late here so 
I hope I haven't slipped up again.

def comb(i,n,k):
 for j in range(k,0,-1):
 while noverk(n,j)  i :
  n -= 1
 i -= noverk(n,j)
 yield n

def noverk(n,k):
 return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),range(k),1)

def bb(i,bricks,bins):
 L = [j+1 for j in comb(i,bricks,bins-1)]
 return [(i-j) for i,j in zip([bricks]+L,L+[0])]

def test():
 bricks, bins = 6,4
 n = noverk(bricks-1,bins-1)
 for i in range(n):
 print bb(i,bricks,bins)

if __name__=='__main__':



Re: permutations - fast with low memory consumption?

2006-12-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Gerard Flanagan wrote:

 No claims with respect to speed, but the kslice function here:
 will give the 'k-subsets' which then need to be permuted -
 alternatively Google.

Maybe the function below could then do these permutations.


def _sorted(seq):
   Return a sorted copy of seq,
   preserving the type.
 res = seq[0:0]
 decorated = ((x,i) for i,x in enumerate(seq))
 for x,i in sorted(decorated):
 res += seq[i:i+1]
 return res

def _swap_and_reverse_tail(R,i,j):
  Swap R[i] and R[j], reverse R[i+1:].
 Returns a copy, preserving  the type.
 a,b,c,d,e = R[:i],R[i:i+1],R[i+1:j],R[j:j+1],R[j+1:]
 return a+d+(c+b+e)[::-1]

def permutations(seq):
  Generate sorted permutations of any sequence
  that can be indexed and sliced,  preserving the type.
  e.g. seq can be a string, list, tuple or  array.
 n = len(seq)
 if n == 1:
 yield seq[:]
 elif n = 2:
 R = _sorted(seq)
 while True:
 yield R
 i,j = n-2,n-1
 while R[i] = R[i+1] :
 i -= 1
 if i == -1:
 while R[i] = R[j]:
 j -= 1
 R = _swap_and_reverse_tail(R,i,j)

def test():
 seq = 'gkDr217sKGMNLPsrtqeiczxyq'
 P = permutations(seq)
 for i,x in enumerate(P):
 print '%s' %(x)
 if i == 10:

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: proof of concept python and tkinter gnugo interface

2006-12-01 Thread Anton Vredegoor
grindel wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor wrote:


 Here's the proof of concept, just copy it to some dir and run the 
 Python script:

 It needs Python 2.5 which you can get at:

 If you talking about a simple gui for gnu go it's been done to death. 
 see any misc. pandanet client and numerous other softwares such as 
 durish or go knot. If your client is going to do something uniquely 
 different from programs like this then you should focus in this aspect 
 of the program and develop other features later. It's also important 
 that it be able to read and write sgf files

It's uniquely different from numerous other softwares in that it is 
completely open source and runs from a standard Python installation (but 
of course one has to get a Gnugo executable from somewhere). I also 
implemented reading and writing SGF files and browsing through the move 
history now.

Total command set at the moment:

-click on a coordinate: generate a move there and go out of replay mode
-space bar: computer makes a move and goes out of replay mode
-up key: save an SGF file (only the moves)
-down key: read an SGF file
-left key: go into replay mode and undo a move
-right key: show next move, if at end goes out of replay mode

Remember we're still only talking about a proof of concept script! I 
just want to attract people, and put this script into an SVN somewhere.


Re: How do I access a main frunction from an import module?

2006-11-24 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Jim wrote:

 I have created an import module.  And would like to access a function
 from the main script, e.g.,
 def a():
 return None
 from abc import *
 def m():
 print 'something'
 return None

import sys
def a():
 return None


'now why would anyone want to do *that* ?'


proof of concept python and tkinter gnugo interface

2006-11-23 Thread Anton Vredegoor
For the last few days I've been doodling with a script that provides a 
graphical interface to gnugo by using its GTP protocol. At the moment 
the script is *very* basic, in fact the only thing it does is to allow 
one to click on a coordinate and place a move there OR press the space 
bar in order to let gnugo generate a move.

However, I feel that this idea has some potential, it could be made to 
undo or redo moves or load sgf-games. But most importantly: It could 
load the list of move suggestions from gnugo, do some computations 
itself in *Python* on that list and then generate a move.

So I thought that it would be best to present this script while it is 
still small and modifications can be done easily. In the end there's 
possibly a lot of potential and I think I'm going to need some help from 
people that are enthousiastic about Python or gnugo.

What I want to accomplish with this post is to get to know whether it 
would be a good idea to make it  a sourceforge project (it would be even 
better if some more experienced sourceforger would do it for me :-) or 
whether I should just go on doodling on this script by myself, gradually 
adapting it to fit my personal interests and come back to you in a few 
years with a more complete script.

Is there any need for such a beast for *more* people than just me to 
work on?

Here's the proof of concept, just copy it to some dir and run the Python 

It needs Python 2.5 which you can get at:


Re: code is data

2006-06-23 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Boddie wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 Yes, but also what some other posters mentioned, making Pythons internal
 parsing tree available to other programs (and to Python itself) by using
 a widely used standard like XML as its datatype.

Very interesting, it led me to some sxml describing pages and it also 
tricked me into reading some Python documentation that I had always 
considered to be hiding some arcane deep Python magic. I guess now that 
Python is officially entering tree territory (as opposed to providing 
third party functionality) it seems unavoidable that Python's officially 
endorsed tree datatype will also be used for some of its internal 
structures, thereby making it more accessible to programmers like me and 
to outside programmers.

 I was going to write a long reply to one of your previous messages, but
 the above link references a project which may intersect with some of
 your expectations. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the availability

Somehow I get the impression of getting away with my posts luckily, 
while you now are duping other interested readers into not reading your 
innermost feelings about this subject. Let's get it in the open, don't 
spare me :-)

 of Python AST processing tools is not a recent thing: the compiler
 module has been around for a long time, and it is possible to modify
 the AST and to generate bytecode from it; my own experiments have
 centred on producing other representations from the AST, and other more
 successful projects (eg. ShedSkin) produce other languages (eg. C++)
 from the AST.

Well maybe this trick of vehemently denying the existence of something 
on Usenet worked again, by materializing the thing as a reaction.

However, I knew of the existence of such languages but I am mostly 
interested in standardized code interchange, like for example with JSONP 
which fetches some external javascriptcode from another server using 
JSON and places the translated javascript into a webpage at the request 
of the clients browser or so it seems. Maybe a Python webserver could 
also emit pieces of javascript code by getting them from a *Python* code 
library after translating Python code on the fly?

That would open up the web to Python programmers without browsers 
needing to understand Python. Like Jython, but now as separately 
distributed functions from different servers.


Re: How to generate all permutations of a string?

2006-06-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Girish Sahani wrote:

   I want to generate all permutations of a string. I've managed to
 generate all cyclic permutations. Please help :)


Re: [OT] code is data

2006-06-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 You mean like 'converting' javascript to python or python to ruby (or
 converting any home-grown DSL to Python, etc) ?

Yes, but also what some other posters mentioned, making Pythons internal 
parsing tree available to other programs (and to Python itself) by using 
a widely used standard like XML as its datatype.

 Then there are some people who keep insisting they don't understand what
 I'm talking about until I simplify things enough to get them on-board,
 count me in then :(

Sorry about that.

 but then simply dismiss my ideas with 'you can already do that easily
 with this standard python construct'. This strategy was also eloquently
 refuted by some other poster, so I don't need to repeat it :-)

 I've gotten a lot of things to think about, so thanks all for your
 thoughts, but since this is getting way above my head I'll just wimp out
 and leave the rest of the thread to the experts!
 No way you will escape from your responsabilities so easily !-)

Ok, count me back in then too :-) Of course I will be available for 
further discussion. If more than ten people demand a PEP and no better 
champion is available (very unlikely) I'll even write a proposal.


Re: [OT] code is data

2006-06-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:


 The whole point of a code transformation mechanism like the one Anton is
 talking about is to be dynamic. Else one just needs a preprocessor...
 No, it is not the whole point. The point is 
 The idea is that we now have a fast parser (ElementTree) with a 
 reasonable 'API' and a data type (XML or JSON) that can be used as an 
 intermediate form to store parsing trees. Especially statically typed 
 little languages seem to be very swallow-able. Maybe I will be able to 
 reimplement GFABasic (my first love computer language, although not my 
 first relationship) someday, just for fun.
 No on-the-fly code generation here. He essentially wants lisp-style-macros
 with better parsing. Still a programming language. Not a data-monger.

The 'problem' is that a lot of incredibly smart people are reading and 
replying here who are seeing a lot more into my post than I was prepared 
for :-)

Anyway, the last few weeks I have been busy transforming MsWord 
documents into XML using Open Office, and next parsing this XML and 
transforming it into a special subset of HTML using ElementTree's 
XMLWriter class.

Then the output of the XMLWriter was put into a Zope/Plone page but I 
added special markup for footnotes, making them plone objects that could 
be separately edited, and I added image tags for images that were 
retrieved from a separate server using an XSLT script.

To accomplish that a special zope parser was written to recognize my 
nonstandard footnote and image tags, and to create the necessary 
objects, and to insert them into the page.

After that I came across some turbogears code (which is stacking code at 
different levels like it were those things you put under your beer 
glass) and still later I saw some JSON equivalents of XML. JSON looks a 
lot like Python dicts which makes it seem likely that javascript will be 
able to interface with Python more efficiently.

Remember that ElementTree comes from the same place that brought us PIL 
which is a package that can transform images into different types.

So if we can transform documents, images and XML, why not sourcecode?

Especially if it's not a conversion into a 'lossy' file format, (I 
consider dynamically typed code versus statically typed code the analog 
thing to JPEG versus bitmaps) it would be easy to convert all datatypes 
into the datatypes of another language, thereby making it possible to 
exchange code between languages. Algorithms just being things that 
convert sets of data-objects into other sets of data-objects.

Now if one would equate standardized code exchange between languages and 
within a language with macros then I guess there is nothing left for me 
to do but wait till a certain google bot comes knocking at my ip-address 
port 80 and transfers me to the google equivalent of Guantanamo.

But the whole point of distinguishing macros from official language 
structures *is* standardization, as some other clever poster already 
pointed out, so it would be extremely unfair to equate trans-language 
standardized code exchange with the guerrilla type macro activities that 
are plaguing the Lisp community.

Then there are some people who keep insisting they don't understand what 
I'm talking about until I simplify things enough to get them on-board, 
but then simply dismiss my ideas with 'you can already do that easily 
with this standard python construct'. This strategy was also eloquently 
refuted by some other poster, so I don't need to repeat it :-)

I've gotten a lot of things to think about, so thanks all for your 
thoughts, but since this is getting way above my head I'll just wimp out 
and leave the rest of the thread to the experts!



Re: [OT] code is data

2006-06-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
bruno at modulix wrote:

 I still don't get the point.

Well, I've got to be careful here, lest I'd be associated with the 
terr.., eh, the childp..., eh the macro-enablers.

The idea is to have a way to transform a Python (.py) module into XML 
and then do source code manipulations in XML-space using ElementTree.

But rest assured, there is no such module, nor will we ever need it for 


use cases are for the faint-hearted

[OT] code is data

2006-06-17 Thread Anton Vredegoor
With the inclusion of ElementTree (an XML-parser) in Python25 and recent 
developments concerning JSON (a very Pythonesque but somewhat limited 
XML notation scheme, let's call it statically typed XML) Python seems to 
have reached a stage where it now seems to be possible to completely 
swallow lesser languages code, modify it, and spit out new source code 
targeting the original language the code was written in, or even make a 
translation to other languages.

The idea is that we now have a fast parser (ElementTree) with a 
reasonable 'API' and a data type (XML or JSON) that can be used as an 
intermediate form to store parsing trees. Especially statically typed 
little languages seem to be very swallow-able. Maybe I will be able to 
reimplement GFABasic (my first love computer language, although not my 
first relationship) someday, just for fun.

Then there are things like cTypes (calling functions from native DLL's) 
and PyPy (implementing Python in Python).

All this taken together, to me it starts looking like we're now entering 
a territory that traditionally was exclusively in the Lisp domain.

Yes, Python had eval and exec for a long time already, and metatypes and 
generators are having some strange unexplored possibilities too, but the 
day will come soon (and at last when PyPy is reaching execution speeds 
close to cPython) where Python will be able to swallow smaller 
languages, and finally it will be able to swallow its own tail, like 
Lisp but then more powerful (because of the widely used standard data 
types and the code exchange between languages that that makes possible).

Your thoughts please.


Re: An oddity in list comparison and element assignment

2006-06-03 Thread anton . vredegoor
Alex Martelli wrote:


 Can somebody please shut down this bot? I think it's running out of 
 Much as you might love for somebody to shut me down, that
 (unfortunately, no doubt, from your viewpoint) is quite unlikely to
 happen.  Although making predictions is always difficult, especially
 about the future, the most likely course of events is that I shall
 continue for a while to survive, probably in tolerable health.

You've got that completely wrong. I was not trying to kill you but I was 
trying to revive you. A process that is not evolving is dead. Stopping 
it frees up valuable resources that enable it to become alive again.


'being alive is being mutable'

Re: An oddity in list comparison and element assignment

2006-06-02 Thread anton . vredegoor
Alex Martelli wrote:


Can somebody please shut down this bot? I think it's running out of 
control. It seems to be unable to understand that don't be evil might 
be good when you're small (at least it's not very bad) but that it 
becomes distinctly evil when you're big.

What is good when you're big? I really don't know and I think there's 
even not many other people who do. But simply forbidding things that are 
not precisely definable -the way mathematicians have been doing before 
physicists shook them out of it- seems to do more harm than good.

In my opinion it looks like there is a path from rigid rule adherence to 
slowly accepting more doubt and inconsistencies -because we're all 
adults here- and this has something to do with letting go of things like 
childish adherence to static typing and confusion between equality and 

Let me qualify that last paragraph before anyone concludes I have become 
disfunctional too and will lead everyone to their destruction.

There seem to always be certain unclear parts in a programming language 
and people are constantly trying out new structures in order to map some 
new territory. I remember sets, generators and metaclasses. Only after 
people noticing problems (don't modify the thing you're iterating over) 
ways are found to solve them (you can if you put everything back just at 
the right moment) and finally these ways are condensed into officially 
endorsed coding practices. Now we're struggling with immutability and 
sequences. They're not a problem if you know what you're doing, but what 
exactly is it that those who know what they're doing do? It indicates 
that maybe it's the birth of a new language construct.

But why should it stop there? I expect a certain openness and 
willingness to discuss controversial matters from a community even if it 
were only to educate newcomers. But it might be the case that such 
willingness to accept doubt, without it turning into actively seeking it 
-that seems to be foolish, but who am I to judge even that- is what 
makes it possible to develop higher language and cognitive structures.


'even if it means turning into lisp before moving on'

Re: integer to binary...

2006-06-01 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 does anyone know a module or something to convert numbers like integer
 to binary format ?
 for example I want to convert number 7 to 0111 so I can make some
 bitwise operations...

   def bits(i,n):
 return tuple((0,1)[ij  1] for j in xrange(n-1,-1,-1))

  (0, 1, 1, 1)


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 When you consider that there was just a big flamewar on comp.lang.lisp
 about the lack of standard mechanisms for both threading and sockets in
 Common Lisp (with the lispers arguing that it wasn't needed) I find it
 curious that someone can say Common Lisp scales well.

In comp.lang.python there are often discussions about which is the best 
web framework or what is the best gui. There seems to be some common 
meme in these kinds of discussions and the lambda controversy. I'm even 
ready to expand the concept even more and include documentation problems 
and polymorphic typing.

So what is the big advantage of using parens then that is making people 
give up documenting their code by naming functions? (See, I'm getting 
into the right kind of lingo for discussing these kind of questions)

Well, there seems to be some advantage to conceptually decoupling a 
function from what it is doing *now* (which can be easily named) and 
what it is doing in some other situation. Naming things is only a 
ballast and makes the mental model not fit the brain (introducing 
pythonic terminology here for the lispers).

This is a lot like polymorphic functions. For example an adding function 
   sometimes adds integers and sometimes floats or complex variables and 
it can be defined just once without specifying which type of parameters 
it is going to get. I assume this to be a piece of cake for most lispers 
and pythoneers, but possibly this could still confuse some static typers.

An anonymous function is like a polymorphic function in that it is 
possible to make the mental model about it polymorphic, instead of 
just its parameters. This enables the lispers to just take what it does 
and paste it where that needs to be done (inventing crypto speak here).

This is a very effective way of handling operations and it would 
surprise me if not 99 percent of the Python coders do things mentally 
this way too and only add names and documentation at the last possible 
moment (mental compile time documentation procedure).

So here we're integrating mental models concerning polymorphism into the 
way we talk and think about code, and naming things explicitly always 
seems to be a burden.

But now we let the other side of our brain speak for a moment, it was 
always the side that translated everything we wanted to say to each 
other here into mental Unicode so that we can hear what the others are 
saying (further diving into the linguistic pit I am digging here).

Yes, communication is what suffers from *not* naming things, and right 
after it documentation and standardization. How else are we going to 
communicate our findings verbally to the non coders and the trans coders?

Also naming functions and variables can help us create appropriate 
mental models that 'fix' certain things in place and keep them in the 
same state, because now they are 'documented'. This promotes people 
being able to work together and also it enables measuring progress, very 
important aspects for old world companies who won't understand the way 
things are evolving (even if they seem to have roaring success at the 

Not to say that I invented something new, it was always a theme, but now 
it's a meme,(he, he), the conflict between the scripture and the 
mysticism. It's such a pity that everyone understands some way or 
another that mysticism is the way things work but that none wants to 
acknowledge it.

What am I doing here coding Python one might ask, well, the knowledge 
has to be transfered to my brain first *somehow*, and until someone 
finds a better way to do that or until there is so much procedural 
information in my head that I can start autocoding (oh no) that seems to 
be the better option.



Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Well, if the document is UTF-8, you should decode it as UTF-8, of

Thanks. This and:

solved my problem with understanding the encoding.


proof that I understand it now (please anyone, prove me wrong if you can):

from zipfile   import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED

def by80(seq):
 it = iter(seq)
 while it:
 yield ''.join( for i in range(80))

def utfCheck(infn):
 zin   = ZipFile(infn, 'r', ZIP_DEFLATED)
 data ='content.xml').decode('utf-8')
 for line in by80(data):
 print line.encode('1252')

def test():
 infn = xxx.sxw

if __name__=='__main__':

Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Serge Orlov wrote:

 I extracted content.xml from a test file and the header is:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 So any xml library should handle it just fine, without you trying to
 guess the encoding.

Yes my header also says UTF-8. However some kind person send me an 
e-mail stating that since I am getting \x94 and such output when using 
repr (even if str is giving correct output) there could be some problem 
with the XML-file not being completely UTF-8. Or is there some other 
reason I'm getting these \x94 codes? Or maybe this is just as it should 
be and there's no problem at all? Again?


'octopussies respond only off-list'

Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Richard Brodie wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Yes my header also says UTF-8. However some kind person send me an e-mail 
 stating that 
 since I am getting \x94 and such output when using repr (even if str is 
 giving correct 
 output) there could be some problem with the XML-file not being completely 
 UTF-8. Or is 
 there some other reason I'm getting these \x94 codes?
 Well that rather depends on what you are doing. If you take utf-8, decode
 it to Unicode, then re-encode it as cp1252 you'll possibly get \x94. OTOH,
 if you see '\x94' in a Unicode string, something is wrong somewhere. 

Well, I mailed the content.xml to someone as a text attachment and it 
was damaged at the other end, whereas sending it as a file resulted in 
flawless transfer. So I guess there is something not quite UTF-8 in it.

However Firefox has no problem opening it either here or at the other 
persons computer (the undamaged file of course).

By the way, I also sent an MSwWord document (not as text) that I edited 
using OO back to the same person who is using MsWord and he is at the 
moment still recovering from an MSWord crash. Could it have something to 
do with the OO document being half as big as the MsWord Doc :-)


Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Serge Orlov wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 In fact there are a lot of printable things that haven't got a text
 attribute, for example some items with tag ()s.
 In my sample file I see text:s text:c=2/, is that you're talking
 about? Since my file is small I can say for sure this tag represents
 two space characters.

Or for example in firefox:

in Amsterdam

So, probably yes. If it doesn't have a text attribrute if you iterate 
over it using OOopy for example:

 o   = OOoPy (infile = fname)
 c = ('content.xml')
 for x in c.getiterator():
 if x.text:

Then we know for sure you have recreated my other problem.



Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 So, probably yes. If it doesn't have a text attribrute if you iterate 
 over it using OOopy for example:

Sorry about that, I meant if the text attribute is None, but there *is* 
some text.


Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 So if that is the case: What is the problem then? If you interpret
 the document as cp1252, and it contains \x93 and \x94, what is
 it that you don't like about that? In yet other words: what actions
 are you performing, what are the results you expect to get, and
 what are the results that you actually get?

Well, where do these cp1252 codes come from? The xml-file claims it's 

I just tried out some random decodings and cp1252 seemed to work. I 
don't like to have to guess this way. I think John wouldn't even allow 
it :-)


Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-27 Thread Anton Vredegoor
John Machin wrote:

 Firstly, this should be 'content.xml', not 'contents.xml'.

Right, the code doesn't do *anything* :-( Thanks for pointing that out. 
At least it doesn't do much harm either :-|

 Secondly, as pointed out by Sergei, the data is encoded by OOo as UTF-8 
 e.g. what is '\x94' in cp1252 is \u201d which is '\xe2\x80\x9d' in 
 UTF-8. The kill_gremlins function is intended to fix Unicode strings 
 that have been obtained by decoding 8-bit strings using 'latin1' instead 
 of 'cp1252'. When you pump '\xe2\x80\x9c' through the kill_gremlins 
 function, it changes the \x80 to a Euro symbol, and leaves the other two 
 alone. Because the \x9d is not defined in cp1252, it then causes your 
 code to die in a hole when you attempt to encode it as cp1252: 
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\x9d' in 
 position 1761: character maps to undefined

Yeah, converting to cp1252 was all that was necessary, like Sergei wrote.

 I don't see how this code repairs anything (quite the contrary!), unless 
 there's some side effect of just read/writestr. Enlightenment, please.

You're quite right. I'm extremely embarrassed now. What's left for me is 
just to explain how it got this bad.

First I noticed that by extracting from content.xml using OOopy's 
getiterator function, some \x94 codes were left inside the document.

But that was an *artifact*, because if one prints something using 
s.__repr__() as is used for example when printing a list of strings 
(duh) the output is not the same as when one prints with 'print s'. I 
guess what is called then is str(s).

Ok, now we have that out of the way, I hope.

So I immediately posted a message about conversion errors, assuming 
something in the open office xml file was not quite 1252. In fact it 
wasn't, it was UTF-8 like Sergei wrote, but it was easy to convert it to 
cp1252, no problem.

Then I also noticed that not all xml-tags were printed if I just 
iterated the xml-tree and filtered out only those elements with a text 
attribute, like 'if x.text: print x'

In fact there are a lot of printable things that haven't got a text 
attribute, for example some items with tag ()s.

When F pointed me to gremlins there was on this page the following text:


Some applications add CP1252 (Windows, Western Europe) characters to 
documents marked up as ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) or other encodings. These 
characters are not valid ISO-8859-1 characters, and may cause all sorts 
of problems in processing and display applications.


I concluded that these \x94 codes (which I didn't know about them being 
a figment of my representation yet) were responsible for my iterator 
skipping over some text elements, but in fact the iterator skipped them 
because they had no text attribute even though they were somehow 
containing text.

Now add my natural tendency to see that what I think is the case rather 
than neutrally observing the world as it is into the mix and of course I 
saw the \x94 disappear (but that was because I now was printing them 
straight and not indirectly as elements of a list) and also I thought 
that now the xml-parsing 'errors' had disappeared but that was just 
because I saw some text element appear that I thought I hadn't seen 
before (but in fact it was there all the time).

One man's enlightenment sometimes is another's embarrassment, or so it 
seems. Thanks to you all clearing up my perceptions, and sorry about all 
the confusion I created.

What I want to know next is how to access and print the elements that 
contain text but have no text attribute, that is, if it's not to taxing 
on my badly damaged ego.



not quite 1252

2006-04-26 Thread Anton Vredegoor
I'm trying to import text from an open office document (save as .sxw and 
  read the data from content.xml inside the sxw-archive using 
elementtree and such tools).

The encoding that gives me the least problems seems to be cp1252, 
however it's not completely perfect because there are still characters 
in it like \93 or \94. Has anyone handled this before? I'd rather not 
reinvent the wheel and start translating strings 'by hand'.


Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-26 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 I'm trying to import text from an open office document (save as .sxw and
  read the data from content.xml inside the sxw-archive using
 elementtree and such tools).

 The encoding that gives me the least problems seems to be cp1252,
 however it's not completely perfect because there are still characters
 in it like \93 or \94. Has anyone handled this before?
 this might help:

Thanks a lot! The code below not only made the strange chars go away, 
but it also fixed the xml-parsing errors ... Maybe it's useful to 
someone else too, use at own risk though.


from gremlins import kill_gremlins
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED

def repair(infn,outfn):
 zin  = ZipFile(infn, 'r', ZIP_DEFLATED)
 zout = ZipFile(outfn, 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED)
 for x in zin.namelist():
 data =
 if x == 'contents.xml':

def test():
 infn = .sxw
 outfn = 'dg.sxw'

if __name__=='__main__':

Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-26 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Not sure I understand the question. If you process data in cp1252,
 then \x94 and \x94 are legal characters, and the Python codec should
 support them just fine.

Tell that to the guys from open-office.


Re: Looking for resources for making the jump from Java to Python easier and more productive

2006-04-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
ToddLMorgan wrote:

 I'm just starting out with python, after having a long history with
 Java. I was wondering if there were any resources or tips from anyone
 out there in Python-land that can help me make the transition as
 successfully as possible? Perhaps you've made the transition yourself
 or just have experience with folks who have made the transition.

Some time ago I had to learn a bit of Java in order to be able to write 
some signed jython browser applets that I could use while working at a 
highly restricted public library computer. So I guess I was coming from 
the opposite direction :-) Anyway I wondered why (and how!) very small 
jython scripts could replace large blocks of java code.

Maybe looking at it from a jython perspective will be educational for 
you. I think it would be a lot of fun realizing how much java code can 
actually be 'automatically' generated or filled in by jython traversing 
its class system.

Also I'm hoping it would produce an opportunity for an advanced java 
coder to write some cool signed java applet in jython that would have 
the look and feel of for python but that would run from a 

I know it can be done because I did write some experimental but still 
already very functional things like a jython console webbrowser applet, 
a running from within a browser, and I hacked some other
jython editor-console (eclipse is good for such things) to add some 
functionality and do my own signing and library selection.

Don't ask for my code yet though, it's nowhere near presentable. Anyway, 
since then I found a job that gives me access to less locked down 
computers which is also fun.



Re: two generators working in tandem

2006-02-12 Thread Anton Vredegoor

Michael Spencer wrote:

 This returns an iterator that 'nests' an arbitrary number of sequences

 def nest(*sequences):
  def _nest(outer, inner):
  for outer_item in outer:
  if not isinstance(outer_item, tuple):
  outer_item = (outer_item,)
  for inner_item in inner:
  yield outer_item + (inner_item,)
  return reduce(_nest, sequences)


Here's a nonrecursive version. It creates a list of iterators that are
repeating their values just enough times to sychronize the nesting. I
wonder if 'ncycle' would be a useful generalization for itertools'
'cycle' function.


def ncycle(seq,n):
while True:
for x in seq:
for dummy in xrange(n):
yield x

def cross(*args):
p = 1
R = []
for arg in args[::-1]:
L = list(arg)
p *= len(L)
for dummy in xrange(p):
yield [ for x in R]

def test():
for x in cross(s1,s2,s3):
print x

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: Fast generation of permutations

2006-01-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Cool, I'd still like to know why (13**5)-13 = C(52,5) other than
 by just doing the arithmetic and comparing the results.  Maybe your
 tkinter script can show that.

That seems to be very hard :-) Unless I'm missing something.


def noverk(n,k):
return reduce(lambda a,b: a*(n-b)/(b+1),range(k),1)

print noverk(52,5)
print 13**5-13




Re: Fast generation of permutations

2006-01-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 Paul Rubin wrote:

  Cool, I'd still like to know why (13**5)-13 = C(52,5) other than
  by just doing the arithmetic and comparing the results.  Maybe your
  tkinter script can show that.

 That seems to be very hard :-) Unless I'm missing something.

Like a factor seven, you mentioned that a few posts back. Sorry about



Re: Intro to Pyparsing Article at ONLamp

2006-01-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul McGuire wrote:

 There are two types of parsers: design-driven and data-driven.  With
 design-driven parsing, you start with a BNF that defines your language or
 data format, and then construct the corresponding grammar parser.  As the
 design evolves and expands (new features, keywords, additional options), the
 parser has to be adjusted to keep up.

 With data-driven parsing, you are starting with data to be parsed, and you
 have to discern the patterns that structure this data.  Data-driven parsing
 usually shows this exact phenomenon that you describe, that new structures
 that were not seen or recognized before arrive in new data files, and the
 parser breaks.  There are a number of steps you can take to make your parser
 less fragile in the face of uncertain data inputs:
 - using results names to access parsed tokens, instead of relying on simple
 position within an array of tokens
 - anticipating features that are not shown in the input data, but that are
 known to be supported (for example, the grammar expressions returned by
 pyparsing's makeHTMLTags method support arbitrary HTML attributes - this
 creates a more robust parser than simply coding a parser or regexp to match
 'A HREF=' + quotedString)
 - accepting case-insensitive inputs
 - accepting whitespace between adjacent tokens, but not requiring it -
 pyparsing already does this for you

I'd like to add another parser type, lets call this a natural language
parser type. Here we have to quickly adapt to human typing errors or
problems with the tranmission channel. I think videotext pages offer
both kinds of challenges, so could provide good training material. Of
course in such circumstances it seems to be hardly possible for a
computer alone to produce correct parsing. Sometimes I even have to
start up a chess program to inspect a game after parsing it into a pgn
file and correct unlikely or impossible move sequences. So since we're
now into human assisted parsing anyway, the most gain would be made in
further inproving the user interface?

  For example, I had this
  experience when parsing chess games from videotext pages I grab from my
  videotext enabled TV capture card. Maybe once or twice in a year
  there's a chess page with games on videotext, but videotext chess
  display format always changes slightly in the meantime so I have to
  adapt my script. For such things I've switched back to 'hand' coding
  because it seems to be more flexible.

 Do these chess games display in PGN format (for instance, 15. Bg5 Rf8 16.
 a3 Bd5 17. Re1+ Nde5)? The examples directory that comes with pyparsing
 includes a PGN parser (submitted by Alberto Santini).

Ah, now I remember, I think this was what got me started on pyparsing
some time ago. The dutch videotext pages are online too (and there's a
game today):

But as I said there can be transmission errors and human errors. And
the dutch notation is used, for example a L is a B, a P is a K, D is Q,
T is R. I'd be interested in a parser that could make inferences about
chess games and use it to correct these pages!

  What I would like to see, in order to improve on this situation is a
  graphical (tkinter) editor-highlighter in which it would be possible to
  select blocks of text from an (example) page and 'name' this block of
  text and select a grammar which it complies with, in order to assign a
  role to it later. That would be the perfect companion to pyparsing.
  At the moment I don't even know if such a thing would be feasible...

 There are some commercial parser generator products that work exactly this
 way, so I'm sure it's feasible.  Yes, this would be a huge enabler for
 creating grammars.

And pave the way for a natural language parser. Maybe there's even some
(sketchy) path now to link computer languages and natural languages. In
my mind Python has always been closer to human languages than other
programming languages. From what I learned about it, language
recognition is the easy part, language production is what is hard. But
even the easy part has a long way to go, and since we're also using a
*visual* interface for something that in the end originates from sound
sequences (even what I type here is essentially a representation of a
verbal report) we have ultimately a difficult switch back to auditory
parsing ahead of us.

But in the meantime the tools produced (even if only for text parsing)
are already useful and entertaining. Keep up the good work.



Re: Fast generation of permutations

2006-01-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 def deals():
 for i in xrange(13**5):
 cards = [(i//p) % 13 for p in (1, 13, 169, 2197, 28561)]
 yield cards

This gives hands like [0,0,0,0,1] and [0,0,0,1,0] which are
permutations of one another.

Below is a piece of code that avoids this. Here's how to interprete its
output. Suppose one gets a hand like [0,1,2,3,4]. This means that it
would be possible to create 1024 (4**5) poker hands from this, by
coloring the cards.

Another hand, for example [0,0,1,2,3], would allow only 384 colorings,
because the two zeros would contribute choose 2 out of 4 (colors), so 6
colorings. The other numbers remain available for 4 colorings, which
gives 6*4**3 (==384) colorings for this hand.

Similar things happen for other partionings of the hands into numbers.
In fact I am now investigating a description based on integer
partitions  of the number 5. I am not sure whether I want to partition
based on colors or on numbers, that seems to arbitrary.

This is very fascinating. Maybe someday I'll make a tkinter script with
a visual tree structure allowing all kinds of numbers of cards, and
arbitrary numbers of variables to partition by.

This would then give result sets like those strange quantum particles,
such as quarks.

Have fun,


def hands(L = [0]):
if len(L) == 6:
if L[1] != L[-1]: #no five of a kind
yield L[1:]
for i in range(L[-1],13):
for H in hands(L+[i]):
yield H

def pprint(i,hand):
print '%5i:   ' %i,
for x in hand:
print '%2i ' % x,

def test():
H = hands()
total = 0
for i,x in enumerate(H):

if __name__=='__main__':


Re: Intro to Pyparsing Article at ONLamp

2006-01-28 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul McGuire wrote:

 I just published my first article on ONLamp, a beginner's walkthrough for

 Please check it out at, and be sure to
 post any questions or comments.

I like your article and pyparsing. But since you ask for comments I'll
give some. For unchanging datafile formats pyparsing seems to be OK.
But for highly volatile data like videotext pages or maybe some html
tables one often has the experience of failure after investing some
time in writing a grammar because the dataformats seem to change
between the times one uses the script. For example, I had this
experience when parsing chess games from videotext pages I grab from my
videotext enabled TV capture card. Maybe once or twice in a year
there's a chess page with games on videotext, but videotext chess
display format always changes slightly in the meantime so I have to
adapt my script. For such things I've switched back to 'hand' coding
because it seems to be more flexible.

(Or use a live internet connection to view the game instead of parsing
videotext, but that's a lot less fun, and I don't have internet in some

What I would like to see, in order to improve on this situation is a
graphical (tkinter) editor-highlighter in which it would be possible to
select blocks of text from an (example) page and 'name' this block of
text and select a grammar which it complies with, in order to assign a
role to it later. That would be the perfect companion to pyparsing.

At the moment I don't even know if such a thing would be feasible, or
how hard it would be to make it, but I remember having seen data
analyzing tools based on fixed column width data files, which is of
course in a whole other league of difficulty of programming, but at
least it gives some encouragement to the idea that it would be

Thank you for your ONLamp article and for making pyparsing available. I
had some fun experimenting with it and it gave me some insights in
parsing grammars.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-22 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 signal processing, for example.  Perhaps it could be improved by being
 more explicit about what the reader needs to know, and giving
 references to other books where the prerequisites can be found.

There are lots of good explanations, graphs, diagrams and such things
in the margins (I'm a few pages further in the book now) but the main
course seems to be mathematical formulas. The author should reverse the
roles these presentations play, move the archaic math jargon to the
margin, or better to a separate latech document, suitable for those
unwilling to join the rest of humanity.

A separate Python library would be handy too, and if not in the main
text it could still be useful for those who lack training in obscure
scientific dialects and want to understand things without any agreed
upon beforehand gibberish that is mainly meant to exclude those not in
the guild.

 I also don't think presenting the math in Python would make things any
 easier conceptually.  The math in Sussman and Wisdom's Structure and
 Interpretation of Classical Mechanics is all presented in Scheme, but
 it's still the same math that's normally presented as equations, and
 you have to think just as hard to understand it.

The problem for me is that I recognize many of the used concepts, but
they seem to be deliberately put in cryptic greek letters and
undecipherable gibberish. It would not be necessary to present the math
in Python, any reasonably consistent kind of pseudocode (but not Scheme
or math notation) would made things a lot more clear to me.

Something on a related subject with a presentation I like a bit better
(but it has its problems too, while your book has more of these nice
explanations and stuff, although in the margin):

The authors of this book also seems to think we cannot do without
obscure math notation, something which I disagree with very much, but
at least they provide some pseudo code and some computer code,
unfortunately in C but still better than nothing. The text of the book
is not downloadable, but the algorithms source codes are.

All of the books writers seem to have not caught up with the idea of
hyperlinks and continue to dwell in neolithical paper dreams :-)

If they only woke up and let someone like me write some Visual Python
code to illustrate the algorithms or even let me just write Python
implementations of the algorithms to accompany the books, I'd probably
have work for years to come.

 Math is a beautiful subject, and is not at all secret or inaccessible.
 Try to broaden your horizons a bit ;-).

I hope you're not trying to outexpertize me. You seem to be thinking
that you know more about math than me, probably because you have a
formal education in the subject?

If so, you're proving my point, and thank you very much.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 The first few pages are a review of probability theory but I think
 they assume you've seen it before.  The book's subject matter is more
 mathematical by nature than what most programmers deal with from day
 to day, and as such, the book is not for everyone.

And so the cycle repeats itself. We teach our students the world is all
about money, and sure enough, the world is all about money. If we would
continue to keep the interesting things away from most of the people,
by hiding it behind mathematical jargon we end up believing that
functional programming is connected to having a math degree and more
such self serving and self fullfilling prophecies.

An excellent book would break with this jargon advertising


but I'll give it one more try


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Terry Hancock wrote:

 On 19 Jan 2006 13:57:06 +0100
 Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician.
  The crucial point was that it was not (in standard Python)
  possible to have a matrix A and a matrix B and then do for
  A = A * B
  and have a matrix multiplication performed.

 Um, why not? I'm trying to think what would be the stumbling
 block. I don't use matrix multiplies much, but I have
 implemented 3D vector math so that * is the dot product
 and % is the cross product, which is pretty trivial to

Of course ! And to think that I even have used this trick a few times,
for example to implement set operations using long integers. I feel

In my defense I can only explain what happened. Four years ago (when I
knew a lot less of Python) I tried to use Numeric to do A*B for
matrices, but that resulted in something else than expected.

So I redefined the star operator by subclassing a *numeric python*
object but then it didn't work (the subclassing IIRC). Then it turned
out there was a Matrix module for Numeric that did exacly what was
asked, but by that time I was trying to understand Numeric by reading
the docs and 'selling Python' at the same time, which didn't work too
well ...

The main reason for that was that it was necessary to convince someone
not having any Python knowledge to install Python *and* some module
that I didn't know about and then that module needed *another* install
which I didn't know about, and the docs for Numeric were separate from
Python. Just too much at once.

I believe if I just had implemented matrix multiplication myself at the
time in plain Python I wouldn't have overcomplicated the matter in such
a way that I couldn't convince anyone else anymore :-)

So I got lost in Numerics complexities and that made me forget the
basic option.

By now I have used Numeric enough to make it likely that I could
explain its use to someone.

But even when I cured myself of this deficiency, the memory of failure
stayed in my head.

Witness a classic freudian fixation phenomenon in a Python learning
curve :-)

In order to prevent such mental damage for future Python programmers, I
propose to add a simple matrix multiplication module to the standard

 The only obstacle I've run into is that you can't
 (easily) define *new* operators and precedence levels.

 There *is* a trick for doing this that was posted on
 the list some time back, which involved overloading an
 operator to apply an operator:

 It would've allowed you to do something like this:

 a |dot| b
 a |cross| b

 or perhaps

 a dot b
 a cross b

 I don't remember where this is posted. The trick was in
 overloading the , , or | to interact specially with
 operator objects.

That's very nice. Thanks to you for mentioning this and to Jorge, who
provided the link to activestate for this recipe in another message.



Re: Sudoku solver: reduction + brute force

2006-01-20 Thread Anton Vredegoor

ago wrote:

[Something I mostly agree with]

 According to Anton the number of possible solutions can be reduced
 using 1) number swapping, 2) mirroring, 3) blocks/rows/columns
 swapping. All those operations create equivalent matrices. For a 9X9
 grid, this should give a reduction factor = (9!)*(48)*(6^12) minus the
 number of duplicated combinations given by the methods above. I am not
 sure how to calculate the number of duplicated combinations and
 therefore do not know if the result is good enough. As mentioned, I
 doubt that it is a viable approach, but I find it an intriguing
 approach nevertheless.

We could start hunting down net sites giving sudoku problems and claim
they are trying to sell us the same problem twice :-) Or produce
counterfeit problems ourselves and get rich quick.

But I wonder about that 6^12 term. Within each 3-row block there are 6
permutations. There are 3 3-row blocks and 3 3-column blocks. Then
between blocks (swapping complete 3-row blocks) permutations also give
a factor 6.

So in my count (but I suck at math) this term schould be: 6**8 (also
switching to Python exponentiation notation)



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 For an absolutely amazing translation feat, try Michael Kandel's
 Polish-to-English translation of Stanislaw Lem's The Cyberiad.

Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
notation when there's Python?

I prefer a nice Python function over some strange latech symbols. If
not Python there's always pseudo code or good old natural language.
Don't tell me those math formulas are what it 'really' is, or even that
it's more precise that way. The old trick of 'but there are some things
that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Juho Schultz wrote:

 Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
 a*2.5e-8 = x
 raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
 x = a*2.5e-8
 The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
 In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician. The crucial
point was that it was not (in standard Python) possible to have a matrix
A and a matrix B and then do for example:

A = A * B

and have a matrix multiplication performed. Since the whole conversation
started because there was a need to use this notation for a standard
mathematics course this didn't result in adopting Python for it.

Meanwhile there has been some progress in Python use there, and of
course there are specialized Python packages that enable this kind of
notation, but it remains true that there *is* an abyss between computer
science and mathematics. Mathematics should change ;-) 

But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like standard Python to have A*B 
for matrices.

The problem is that so called 'conventional' mathematical notations
leave many options for interpretation, depending on the context and on
mutual understanding between mathematicians, excluding
non-mathematicians very effectively.

A (Python) interpreter has no such problems and will allow precise
inspection of what is meant by a piece of code. It has additional
advantages in that it can function as a kind of mathematical
spellchecker for people like me who often miscode things.

Some mathematicians I know can write formulas page after page, while I,
if I were to write (or read) a page of formulas there would be at least
one mistake throwing me of course for the rest of the document, so that
I would need to go back again and again. 

Does that make me a bad mathematician or does it signify that
mathematical notation should change? For me the answer is clear, but
that could be because I can't read the stuff without the documentation,
and the documentation (mathematics) is considered to be known to
everyone (with a math education of course) but I doubt if that is really
the case and, even if it were the case it doesn't imply that being
explicit (in giving the procedures in computer and human readable form
at the same time, for example in Python) wouldn't be even better.


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