Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
pythonUser_07 wrote:
Some quick thoughts.
1- Python is not new relatively speaking.

Quite true, good point.
2)- Python is a natural language for learning basic scripting, but can
carry you through to object oriented program.
3)- Knowing python, instantly gets you access to jython.  I've found
jython incredibly helpful in learning java.  Finally, jython seems to
be the defacto test scripting language for java.

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean 
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best choice 
as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu operating 
system.  Unless Java becomes built-in, the ability to transition from 
Python to Jython isn't pertinent info when talking about the uuu 
project.  The idea is to have an easily maintainable (hence readable) OS 
core of functionality built with Python and to support advanced yet 
clean and simple modules which can run on the OS with support from the 

On the other hand, are you suggesting against Python in favor of Java?
- Arich

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.
While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

There is no intention to dictate, but instead to provide out-of-the-box, 
built-into-the-architecture support for a single language or a wide 
array of languages.  For now, this will begin with a single language and 
the question is merely which one.  Python has been chosen, but some 
would argue that others are a better choice, such as Lisp.  In the 
future, or whenever someone steps up to the plate, support for the CLR 
will be implemented, thus broadening the array of integrally supported 
programming languages (i.e IronPython, Boo, and so forth).

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Uuu-devel] languages] -- Why Python

2005-02-17 Thread Arich Chanachai
Mike Meyer wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mike Meyer wrote:

Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

These last two points kind of diverge from the point, no?  What I mean
is that we want to present the argument of why Python is the best
choice as THE built-in programming language for the revolutionary uuu
operating system.

A new operating system shouldn't be picking THE built-in programming
language. It should instead be providing mechanisms to allow arbitrary
programming languages to be used wherever they are required. Tying the
users of the OS - or of some application - down to a specific language
is a disservice to the developers and users of that OS or application.
While Python is an excellent language, and has a nice implementation
for embedding/extending applications, it's not necessarily the best
choice for all problems. You're be doing much better for your users to
allow them to choose the right language for the problem than to
dictate the language that has to be used.

There is no intention to dictate, but instead to provide
out-of-the-box, built-into-the-architecture support for a single
language or a wide array of languages.  For now, this will begin with
a single language and the question is merely which one.

Whatever the intentions may be, the *act* is one of dictation. Since
the point of the underlying OS is to increase the interconnections
between applications (assuming I've found the correct web page and
interpreted it correctly), the underlying architecture should be
language-neutral. That allows as many applications as possible to play
in the environment.
I did this with CORBA (see )
just to show that Unix can play in this arena as well as various
desktop OS's. Plan 9 provides a much better mechanism that allows any
programming language that can do file I/O to be used for building

When the CLR is integrated, it will allow a wide array of problem 
solving choices for uuu users.

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-12 Thread Arich Chanachai
Robert Kern wrote:
Arich Chanachai wrote:
 I have never seen a commercial license for a library
which stated that you did not have to pay the license fee until you 
have made that much money in sales from the software which you 
created, in part, from that library.  I would be in favor of such a 
license, but I haven't seen anything of the sort.
See their license option for shareware developers.
I stand corrected.  Nevertheless, my point stands as this is rare.  In 
fact, this thread began as a result of Trolltech releasing PyQt for 
windows with a GPL license option in addition to the commercial one, and 
you will notice that there is no special *deferment provision for 
shareware developers *in the specification of commercial license.*  *It 
would be a grand aid to developers if more companies took this noble and 
perhaps more effective approach (versus the gimme-money-now alternative 
which is quite dominant).  I would argue that such a provision is in the 
interests of the toolkit/library developer as this would allow fellows 
to adopt their technology (and eventually pay for this adoption), 
fellows who otherwise could not.


Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-12 Thread Arich Chanachai
Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho wrote:
Max M wrote:

GPL is not suitable for all kinds of software. It's nice if you are
sharing code with others, but if you are developing something like a
desktop application that you want to sell for money, using the GPL is a
bad idea.

If you're earning money, why not pay for the libraries that allowed you to
do so?

Exactly.  But what about those who know how to program but have not a 
cent of money?  I have never seen a commercial license for a library 
which stated that you did not have to pay the license fee until you have 
made that much money in sales from the software which you created, in 
part, from that library.  I would be in favor of such a license, but I 
haven't seen anything of the sort.

Be seeing you,

Be seeing you too, lol. 

- Arich

Re:, Website of Satan

2005-01-13 Thread Arich Chanachai
Jane wrote:
Lucas Raab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Jane wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
194 + 109 + 137 + 226 = 666
What is this website with such a demonic name and IP address?  What
evils are the programmers who use this language up to?

Some people have too much time on their hands...

Better get some ointment for that burn!!


You said that people have too much time on their hands, so he 
suggested ointment to prevent the irritation etc...  He was probably 
also getting at the topic of this thread (hint: Satan = Hell = Fire), so 
the ointment puts out the burn. 

Have fun folks!
- Arich

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-10 Thread Arich Chanachai
Arich Chanachai wrote:
Paul Rubin wrote:
Roose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Lots of bickering and just plain good sport snipped out

What I really wonder about is the possibility of integrating Mono with a 
kernel and building upward (the shell if you will) using IronPython.

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-09 Thread Arich Chanachai
John Roth wrote:
jtauber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

My experiment, Cleese, was making progress before I got distracted by
other things.

I should probably get back to it at some stage.

As my ex-wife was fond of saying, I wish you'd have
told me it was impossible before I did it.

John Roth
Is that why she divorced you?
You will notice that tauber says he stopped working on Cleese due to 
distraction not a lack of progress or a notion of impending 

James Tauber


Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-09 Thread Arich Chanachai
Roose wrote:

It's a difference of degree, but an important difference.  I haven't looked
at Linux or Windows NT source, but my guess is the assembly used is just
small functions for accessing special CPU instructions for atomicity,
context switching, and the like.
I KNOW they don't have huge amounts of assembly simply because they run on
different architectures.

But are you really going to write a virtual memory system in Python?  Are
you going to write a file system, and a task scheduler in Python?  Are you
going to have people write device drivers in Python? 

I'm not saying it
can't be done, but it would be a poor engineering decision, and the
rationale thus far seems to be Python is cool, I like OSes, let's write a
whole OS in Python.  If that's not the case then let me know what your
rationale is.


Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-09 Thread Arich Chanachai
Paul Rubin wrote:
OK, then give me an example of Lisp OS that runs on a PC.  I would like to
install it on my PC tomorrow.  Or maybe my Mac.  That was your whole point,
originally, that since it could be done in Lisp, why not Python?

Huh?  That's a non-sequitur, nothing prevents you from running Lisp on
your PC or Mac.  The same issues issues that apply to OS code, also
apply to user code.  The Lisp machine hardware wasn't needed only to
make the OS run fast.  The Lisp machine was developed so that people
could deploy large user-level applications written in Lisp, and the
hardware was there to support those applications.  And given such a
good Lisp environment, there was no reason to think of writing the OS
in anything other than Lisp.
In fact, the reason the Lisp machine died off was because general
purpose workstation hardware (and later, PC-class hardware) became
fast enough to run Lisp applications without needing special purpose
CPU's.  That same PC hardware speed is what makes it possible to run
user applications in Python.

So true, there was indeed a contextual reason for special hardware, and 
the context has since changed (dramatically).

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-09 Thread Arich Chanachai
Paul Rubin wrote:
Roose [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Upon reading back in the thread I see that you mean compiled Lisp,
no?  I was thinking that there would be a Lisp interpreter in a
kernel, which afaik doesn't exist.

Yes, compiled Lisp.  There are Python compilers too.\

???  You mean like Pyrex or some such?  I wouldn't exactly call these 
Python compilers, as that kind of obscures some underlying (critical) 

In any case, as I said before I don't think it is impossible, just a
poor engineering decision and I don't see the rationale behind it.

I don't see a convincing case against writing an OS even in
interpreted Python, though of course I'd want it to be compiled if
What do you think OS's do, that Python wouldn't be suitable for?  Your
examples of task switching and virtual memory are unconvincing.  Those
just require setting up some suitable tables and then calling a
low-level routine to poke some CPU registers.  File systems can be
more performance intensive, but again, in those, much of the cpu drain
can be relegated to low-level routines and the complexity can be
handled in Python.


Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-09 Thread Arich Chanachai
Paul Rubin wrote:
Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes, compiled Lisp.  There are Python compilers too.\

???  You mean like Pyrex or some such?  I wouldn't exactly call these
Python compilers, as that kind of obscures some underlying
(critical) facts.

Also psyco.
Directly to machine code how could anyone say this is not compiled 
Python.  I am right with you.  On the other hand however, its 
compilation occurs on-the-fly (JIT) and is no more compiled than Java.  
There is an argument either way.  I have heard of Java OSs in the works 
and possibly already existing...are these pure Java?

 And I think Pypy is currently set up to compile Python
into Pyrex and then run the Pyrex results through GCC.

But of course, who's going to argue that Pyrex produces compiled 
Python?  I expect many would beg to differ, and in fact might like to 
kiss your toes just for the mere pleasure of contradicting and arguing 
against any assertion that Pyrex produces compiled Python.

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-08 Thread Arich Chanachai
Peter Hansen wrote:
Paul Rubin wrote:
When Unix was first written, people thought implementing an OS in C
was ludicrous.  Everyone knew OS's had to be written in assembler.

Actually, when Unix was first written that belief was entirely
correct, and OSes *did* have to be written in assembler.
That is, pure C did not have the capability to handle all
that was required.  I recall it taking a good decade before it
became *common* to find C compilers with, for example, @interrupt
support to let the compiler generate code that properly saved
all registers and used RTI instead of RTS (or whatever it might
have been called one one's particular flavour of CPU).
If my memory serves me, you are entirely correct.
Now, once you added a few tiny interrupt handlers, and some context
switching (stack manipulation) routines, pretty much everything else
*could* be done in C, but that doesn't invalidate the point.
I think it's safe to say that none of pure C, pure Lisp, or pure Python
are really capable of being used as the *sole* language to build
an operating system.
It's also safe to say that this is a largely irrelevant point.
It would probably only be of academic interest to try to do
something like that.  Any practical attempt would not think more
than twice of resorting to a little glue in assembler or in
the form of canned byte sequences built by hand and stuck
into the appropriate places in memory...
Indeed indeed.  Once must remain focused and ask oneself what he/she is 
attempting to achieve.  In all likelihood, a little asm/c/python glue 
work won't hurt the objective, especially given that doing otherwise 
would entail a very  _low level_ reworking of Python that would take as 
much and likely more effort and skill than to resort to asm/c when 
Python falls incapable.  One could do a Python-Lisp OS w/ Lisp used for 
the Python incapable areas, but you would near entirely loose the 
benefits of Lisp in that respect--- it would have to be so low-level, 
could you call it Lisp?  (A question someone else here posed in this 

- Arich

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-07 Thread Arich Chanachai
Paul Rubin wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Hobbs) writes:

The problem when using Python instead of C for OS development is that
C was *specifically designed* to create an OS, while Python was designed
for completely different purposes. If you want to write an OS, it would
be wise to use a language that is suited for that purpose. If you
dislike C so much and prefer Python so much more, your first step should
be to design a Python dialect that is more appropriate for writing OS's.

But I thought Python was an all-purpose language.  After all, OS's
have been written in Lisp before too.

Pure Lisp?  Or a Lisp/C/Asm combo?  Lisp has a compiled flavor by the way.

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-07 Thread Arich Chanachai

Paul Rubin wrote:

  Arich Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  But I thought Python was an all-purpose language.  After all, OS's
have been written in Lisp before too.


Pure Lisp?  Or a Lisp/C/Asm combo?  Lisp has a compiled flavor by the way.

Compiled flavor?  Lisp has been compiled since the 1950's.  

:-) I was being sarcastic.

No, there was no C code on Lisp machines.  There was some low-level
code at the bottom whose capabilities were such that you could
accurately call it asm, but it was Lisp too, just a very restricted

Fair enough. But of course, there is doubt that the OP would require a
compilable version of Python capable of similarly restricted forms, and
as far I know, none such version exists. ;-)


Re: project

2005-01-06 Thread Arich Chanachai

jerry wise wrote:

  Thank you for responding. I have responded to Jeff several times, but he has not sent me anything back. I have read several of the pymedia docs, but truthfully they mean nothing to me because like I said, I have no experience in computer programming. You told me to look at the pymedia docs and subscribe to the list to help solve the .wav to .mp3 problem, but if the 10 files were .mp3 to begin with then all the combinations of the 10 would come out as .mp3s which would solve the space issue and there would be no need for any conversion, right?

You will notice a dearth of contributions from me here at this
community, and it can be inferred that this is a direct result of my
being _extremely_ busy working for a small software engineering company
in Boston which works its employees to near death. But nevermind that,
I like to help people as much as I can. 

You are entirely correct: you could manually convert your Wave files to
mp3 or ogg or else and then implement and execute an algorithm which
spits out each combination in the desired format etc... yes, you could
do this. You would need to specify how to name the files and so
forth. It is a learning process. First you need to write out all the
steps at a level of detail correlating to your level of programming
knowledge (you say nil?). Then you can ask us here how to implement
the various pieces in Python, given that you have already
carefully read the Python documentation on the relevant topics. 

I will keep responding to your messages, but I imagine I won't be much
use to you given my time constraints and your complete inexperience in
programming in general. If you have never programmed before, you need
to start with the Python beginner's tutorial on the Python website and
you need to play with the language and the various aspects of
programming so you can do something meaningful (as you intend to do).

Best Wishes.

- Arich


Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-06 Thread Arich Chanachai
David Brown wrote:
Hello. I recently came across a free operating system called Unununium (or
something like that) and it was developed in Python and Assembly.
Now, I have been looking for a way to make an operating system for a long
long time and the only possibilities I could find were C++ and assembly. I
don't mind assembly so much if I don't have to use it very often. But C++ is
so complicated and errors are pretty much impossible to find in the code for
So, I was wondering if it would be possible to find a bootloader that loads
a python file at startup or something...
Is there an example somewhere of a Python OS?

People don't make Python OSs because it's a serious pain in the 
Deng-Xiao-ping.  J/k, I am half kidding.  Go to google groups, and 
search for Python OS.  You will find that this topic has been discussed 
numerous times.  There was another project other than Unununium which 
was Python based, but it is not being developed any longer and I fail to 
remember what it was called.  So search away, you will find many 
results!  Alternatively you could contact the Unununium folks for help. 

Note also that there are Java OSs as well (and probably others).  But 
then again, if you don't like C++, you probably won't like Java.  They 
can be very different languages, but in my experience, the reasons why 
one does not like C++ is usually due to a quality/flaw that can also be 
found in Java.

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-06 Thread Arich Chanachai

Carl Banks wrote:

  Arich Chanachai wrote:
then again, if you don't like C++, you probably won't like Java.

can be very different languages, but in my experience, the reasons

one does not like C++ is usually due to a quality/flaw that can also

found in Java.

Oh, brother.

The Zen of Python says that "simple is better than complex" and
"complex is better than complicated".  Java does pretty well here.  C++
didn't even get "complicated is better than convoluted" right.  There's
are a ton of flaws in C++ not found in Java.


I knew this would get blown out of proportion, but I posted
nevertheless. I was saying that Java and C++ share flaws (some and
perhaps all of which could be perceived as qualities by someone) and
that these common flaws are often the reason why people do not like C++
or Java. This is speaking from experience, not statistical evidence.
In no way was I saying that both languages were the same or aligned at
particular levels of complexity/simplicity. Both have flaws and
qualities the other does not. Whether or not C++ has "a ton of flaws"
not found in Java or not, this was not my subject of discussion. I was
not speaking in quantitative terms as I was referring purely to those
flaws which are common to both and coming to a conclusion based on
experience with people who do not like C++ or Java.

- Arich

P.S. All in good fun but I am not your brother. ;-)


Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-06 Thread Arich Chanachai
Roose wrote:
What exactly do you mean by an operating system?
If you don't want to program in C/C++ then you're going to have a hard time.
I don't want to be too discouraging, but with that attitude I doubt you
would get very far.

Indeed, this is very true.
It sounds like you want to make more of an OS shell -- no?  You can
implement a shell on top of any OS and probably do it in a language like

He should just build around a linux core or use OS kit (if he is 

But if it is going to be a complete OS in pure Python, uh, it won't be!
You'll have to do a lot of stuff in C, at the least interface with the

He could use something like O' caml or Oz no?  I might be confused, but 
I understood them to be C/C++ comparable in terms of power and in that 
they both compile vs. VMs and interpreters (for O' caml this is optional 
I think).  Or what about D?

Re: project

2005-01-05 Thread Arich Chanachai
jerry wise wrote:
Please help me out! Your solution seems doable pretty easily, but I have very little experience in this so I need some help. At the very least respond, because I'm getting kind of desperate. Thank you so much. 


I'm getting kind of desperate, no kidding.  Firstly, did you ask Jeff 
to help you understand the algorithm?  Secondly, did you read up on the 
PyMedia docs?  Thirdly, what do you have very little experience in 
exactly and why are you so desperate?  Is this some sort of school project?

You need to be able to answer yes to the first two questions if you want 
my and/or likely anyone else's help.  I am very busy, but if you take 
the necessary preliminary steps, and do the work, there are many /very/ 
friendly and knowledgeable people here who would likely be willing to 
help you, given that you are willing to do some work/research yourself 
and ask good questions.

Best regards,