Re: Python and microsoft outlook-using com, can I interact with msoutlook?

2006-04-04 Thread J Correia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Hi All,
 know that Microsoft Exchange has a com interface, CDO, but I can't seem to
find one for Microsoft outlook.
does anyone have code snippets for using msoutlook and python, or

Check out:

Also I've emailed you a pdf I'd downloaded a while back,
unfortunately I can't remember the source to credit here.

That should get you started.




Re: Beginner's question: executing scripts under Win XP pro

2006-03-25 Thread J Correia

Scott Souva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Your script may be working properly, but XP simply removes the window
 after the script runs.  Here is a simple fix that will stop at the end
 of the script and leave the Command window open:

 print Hello World

That'll work (it waits for input from the user, and, as soon as it
receives it shuts down the window).

Another way to do it is instead of doubleclicking on the script,
open a command prompt window (StartRuncmd OR
StartProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt) then type
'python' at the prompt.  Now the window stays open
until you specifically close it and you can rerun the script many times.




Re: Need design advice. What's my best approach for storing this data?

2006-03-17 Thread J Correia

Mudcat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I am trying to build a tool that analyzes stock data. Therefore I am
 going to download and store quite a vast amount of it. Just for a
 general number - assuming there are about 7000 listed stocks on the two
 major markets plus some extras, 255 tradying days a year for 20 years,
 that is about 36 million entries.

On a different tack, to avoid thinking about any db issues, consider 
to TC2000 ( they already have all that data,
in a database which takes about 900Mb when fully installed.
They also have an API which allows you full access to the database
(including from Python via COM).  The API is pretty robust and allows
you do pre-filtering (e.g. give me last 20 years of all stocks over $50
with ave daily vol  100k) at the db level meaning you can focus on using
Python for analysis.  The database is also updated daily.

If you don't need daily updates, then subscribe (first 30 days free) and
cancel, and you've got a snapshot db of all the data you need.

They also used to send out an evaluation CD which had all
the history data barring the last 3 months or so which is certainly
good enough for analysis and testing.  Not sure if they still do that.



Re: Pregunta sobre python

2005-11-14 Thread J Correia
Para Windows:

import win32api
handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, False, pid_del_proceso)
win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, -1)

Yves Glodt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Andres de la Cuadra wrote:
  Hola, me llamo Andres de la cuadra, soy un usuario de python en chile y me
  gustaría saber como puedo cerrer un programa a través de python. Yo se que
  con la librería os puedo ejecutar programas, pero no e encontrado una
  librería para poder cerrarlos

 Hola Andres,

 puedes cerrer un programa con os.kill, pero depende de tu plataforma,
 por ejemplo en linux (no se para windows):

 os.kill(pid_del_proceso, 9)

 Vas a tener mas excito si escribes en ingles, esta es une lista en
 ingles ;-)



Re: how to start a process and get it's pid?

2005-11-14 Thread J Correia

Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Daniel Crespo wrote:
 os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, c:/windows/notepad.exe)
 I don't get the correct PID.
 When I do os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, c:/windows/notepad.exe)
 I get 168 (for example), while in the tasklist appears notepad.exe with
 the 2476 PID.
  not sure, but the return value looks like a PID, so maybe you're seeing the
  PID for the cmd.exe instance used to run the program.  or something.

 I believe it's documented here that the return value is not
 the PID but the process handle.  I believe this can be converted to
 the PID with a convenient pywin32 call though at the moment I can't
 recall which.  Googling quickly suggests that
 win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle) will do the trick (the
 second item returned is the PID), but I'm fairly sure there's a simpler
 approach if you keep looking.  I recall there being a Cookbook recipe
 related to this too




Re: Searching for txt file and importing to ms access

2005-10-21 Thread J Correia
Mark Line [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I've also managed to connect to my access database, and just print out a
 field in a table, but I cant find anywhere on the web that will help me to
 import data?  Any help would be great?!


Another method of talking to MS Access is to set up an ODBC datasource...
Control Panel  Data Sources (ODBC).   Then download and import
the mx.ODBC module... this worked a lot faster in my setup than using the
win32com route and i find the clear SQL layout simpler to understand.

Attached is some sample code I used to quickly get some data from SQL Server,
process it, and load into Access, both set up as ODBC data sources.

Python Code
import mx.ODBC.Windows

dbc1 = mx.ODBC.Windows.Connect('SQLServer source', user='user',
password='xxx', clear_auto_commit=0)
dbc2 = mx.ODBC.Windows.Connect('MS Access source', user='user',
password='xxx', clear_auto_commit=0)

# Create cursors on databases.
crsr1 = dbc1.cursor()
crsr2 = dbc2.cursor()

# Get record(s)  from SQL Server database.

SELECT product_id, image
except Exception, err:
print *** Error extracting records from SQL Server***
print Exception:, Exception, Error:, err
results = crsr1.fetchall()  # fetch the results all at once into a
if not len(results): # No records found to be processed.
print No records returned from SQL Server table, aborting...
else:   # Have records to work with, continue processing
print len(results), records to be updated...

i = 0
for item in results:

   processing of each record goes here.

# Now update 1 record in the Access table.

SET image = '%s'
WHERE product_id = %d
   %   (new_image, product_id)
except Exception, err:
print *** Error updating records in MS Access***
print Exception:, Exception, Error:, err

i += 1

print All done... records written:, i

/Python Code




Re: Human readable number formatting

2005-09-27 Thread J Correia
Alex Willmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 When reporting file sizes to the user, it's nice to print '16.1 MB',
 rather than '16123270 B'. This is the behaviour the command 'df -h'
 implements. There's no python function that I could find to perform this
 formatting , so I've taken a stab at it:

 import math
 def human_readable(n, suffix='B', places=2):
 '''Return a human friendly approximation of n, using SI prefixes'''
 prefixes = ['','k','M','G','T']
 base, step, limit = 10, 3, 100

 if n == 0:
 magnitude = 0 #cannot take log(0)
 magnitude = math.log(n, base)

 order = int(round(magnitude)) // step
 return '%.1f %s%s' % (float(n)/base**(order*step), \
   prefixes[order], suffix)

 Example usage
  print [human_readable(x) for x in [0, 1, 23.5, 100, 1000/3, 500,
 100, 12.345e9]]
 ['0.0 B', '1.0 B', '23.5 B', '100.0 B', '0.3 kB', '0.5 kB', '1.0 MB',
 '12.3 GB']

 I'd hoped to generalise this to base 2 (eg human_readable(1024, base=2)
 == '1 KiB' and enforcing of 3 digits at most (ie human_readable(100) ==
 '0.1 KB' instead of '100 B). However I can't get the right results
 adapting the above code.

 Here's where I'd like to ask for your help.
 Am I chasing the right target, in basing my function on log()?
 Does this function already exist in some python module?
 Any hints, or would anyone care to finish it off/enhance it?

 With thanks


This'll probably do what you want with some minor modifications.

def fmt3(num):
for x in ['','Kb','Mb','Gb','Tb']:
if num1024:
return %3.1f%s % (num, x)
num /=1024

 print [fmt3(x) for x in [0, 1, 23.5, 100, 1000/3, 500, 100, 12.345e9]]
['0.0', '1.0', '23.5', '100.0', '333.0', '500.0', '976.6Kb', '11.5Gb']



Re: Using win32com for web automation

2005-07-26 Thread J Correia
 from win32com.client import Dispatch
 from time import sleep

 ie = Dispatch('InternetExplorer.Application')
 ie.Visible = 1

 while ie.ReadyState != 4:

 doc = ie.Document

 while doc.readyState != complete:
 sleep(1) = 'username'
 doc.loginForm.password.value = 'password'
 doc.loginForm.loginform.action = '/cs/'

I can't get to that site to test.
Try the following instead of the last line above:



Re: login website that using PHP

2005-06-20 Thread J Correia
frost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am trying to login a website that using PHP and javascript. This is
 what happend if you browse that website using IE, after you login, you
 can go anywhere without enter your name and password again, as long as
 you keep that IE open, but after you close that IE, then later on open
 that website in a new window, you need to login again. I guess some
 session is created as long as your original login window dose not

 How I can handle this in python? I want get some information from that
 website. But the login page is not what I want, how can I simulate
 regular IE browser? I mean after I login, I can get to other pages from
 it, but I find my programe can't go other place except the login page.

 Hope you could understand my question. Thank you very much!

Check here for some other examples, specifically 'Submitting values
 and clicking buttons in IE'


Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-06-13 Thread J Correia
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Resurrecting an old thread..
  It seems that this solution does not return events on objects within
  frames in webpages eg . if you go to - the page
  is composed of three frames called as topFrame main and address. Now
  when I click on say 'Select a Vehicle' which is within main - I do not
  get any Onclick event. I also do not get an OnMousemove event if I move
  the mouse. However, I do get on Mousemove event on a tag called as
  frameset (which is part of the top page).
  How does one get events from the frames then?
  As always thanks a lot.

Roger Upole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Each frame acts as a separate document.
 You should be able catch document events
 from a frame using something like
 win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(ie.Document.frames(nbr of
frame).document, your event class)


What Roger said is correct, however the frames you're wanting on that site are
running Flash apps.  I'm not aware of any method that allows one to intercept
clicks within a Flash app. And even if you could determine a click occurred,
you'd have to figure out where in the app precisely and what Flash will do with
information.  I suspect this is not possible by design (i.e. security reasons,



Re: separate IE instances?

2005-06-13 Thread J Correia
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Sorry about that I had an instance of ie running in the background that
 was version 0  didn't see the problem tell this morining when my
 computer started to not work.  it should be hwnds[1] should be
 hwnds[0].  I woud enumerate them like in the code below.

 If you have ie as your default browser you can use a
 shellExecute(0,None,some url here, None, None, 1)
 To open directley to that page.

 Here is a more complete script:
 import win32api, time
 from win32com.client import Dispatch
 a = win32api.ShellExecute(0,None,iexplore.exe,,None,1)
 b = win32api.ShellExecute(0,None,iexplore.exe,,None,1)
 hwnds = Dispatch(internetExplorerClassIdentity)
 # way I showed you before dosn't work verry well if more then one ie is
 #ieObj = hwnds[0]
 for i in range(hwnds.Count):
 if hwnds[i].LocationURL.lower().find(ishpeck)  -1:
 ieObj1 = hwnds[i]
 if hwnds[i].LocationURL.lower().find(google)  -1:
 ieObj2 = hwnds[i]



The thing to note is that hwnds brings back a list of all Internet Explorer
 objects running on your machine.  This *includes* things that might
not be obvious at first, like a simple Windows Explorer window
(or windows) you have running (since it uses IE in the background).
Printing hwnds.LocationName and hwnds.LocationURL in a loop
will show you exactly what processes are using IE at the time you run it.
Given that the returned list will vary each time you run your program
you'll definitely have to iterate through each hwnds item and check
if it is the browser session you want as shown in the above code.



Re: separate IE instances?

2005-06-07 Thread J Correia
 Chris Curvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I would have given up on this a long time ago, but I can create two
  IEXPLORE processes simultaneously (and get the behavior I want) by just
  manually launching them from the Start menu.   (Of course, that doesn't
  mean that I can launch them programmatically, but I'm hoping that
  someone can give me a definitive answer.)

J Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Right, I hadn't quite understood your problem when I posted my reply.  The
 posted does work and allow navigation, etc. but you do have the problem with
 sharing the same session cookies (I'm also on Win2k).  And to answer Martin,
 can definitely create as many iexplore.exe instances as you like in Windows.

 How to get Python to launch several instances with COM... not sure, although
 99% certain it is doable.  I'll hunt around and see if I can find a solution
 which I'll post back.

A very quick and very, very dirty method which might work is to start up
the instances as follows:
import win32api
a = win32api.ShellExecute(0,None,iexplore.exe,None,None,1)
b = win32api.ShellExecute(0,None,iexplore.exe,None,None,1)
 This creates the 2 instances of iexplore.exe in Windows you're looking for.

Then use code like this to attach to the already running instances:

Haven't tried it because I'm certain there's a much more elegant solution, but
depending on how quickly you need to get going it might be a possible short term
work around until someone posts the better way.  Perhaps you can also post some
more info on what you're actually trying to achieve... make it easier for
someone to
help or even suggest alternatives.



Re: separate IE instances?

2005-06-07 Thread J Correia
Chris Curvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 thanks for all the help.  I'll give the ShellExecute() approach a try
 in the morning.

 The short version of what I'm trying to do is

 Have my website login to a 3rd party website on behalf of my customer,
 fill out a form, and submit it.  I'm just using CGI to keep things
 simple, but overlapping requests from different customers are the
 problem.  The 3rd party site uses a lot of javascript, so mechanize
 isn't going to work.  I could use some kind of locking mechanism and
 single-thread access to IE, but that won't scale.   I guess the next
 approach would be to queue the requests and have a pool of worker
 processes (running as different users) process the requests and report

You might have a specific reason for using COM, but if not, have you
considered using the python urllib or urllib2 modules instead?
It should overcome the session cookie / overlapping request issues i think.


Re: separate IE instances?

2005-06-06 Thread J Correia
Chris Curvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need to create a set of IE instances that have different sets of
 session cookies.  I thought that using the win32com.DispatchEx function
 would do this, but it doesn't seem to.  In other words

 ie1 = win32com.DispatchEx(InternetExplorer.Application)
 ie2 = win32com.DispatchEx(InternetExplorer.Application)

 gives me two IE windows, but only one IEXPLORE process in Task Manager.
  And if I login to a site that uses session cookies to track sessions
 using ie1, when I move ie2 to the same site, ie2 is already logged in.

 Any help appreciated.


from win32com.client import Dispatch

ie1 = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(InternetExplorer.Application, None,\
ie1 = Dispatch(ie1)
ie2 = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(InternetExplorer.Application, None,\
ie2 = Dispatch(ie2)


Re: Pressing A Webpage Button

2005-06-03 Thread J Correia
Esben Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How do i know which methods the ie object has? dir(ie) doesn't show

For ie object:

For document object:


Re: Pressing A Webpage Button

2005-06-01 Thread J Correia
Elliot Temple [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How do I make Python press a button on a webpage?  I looked at
 urllib, but I only see how to open a URL with that.  I searched
 google but no luck.

 For example, google has a button   input type=submit value=Google
 Search name=btnG  how would i make a script to press that button?

 Just for fun, is there any way to do the equivalent of typing into a
 text field like the google search field before hitting the button?
 (I don't actually need to do this.)

You don't say which OS... if you're running IE on Windows you
can use COM as follows...

from win32com.client import Dispatch
from time import sleep

ie = Dispatch(InternetExplorer.Application)
ie.Visible = 1
while ie.ReadyState != 4:# Wait for browser to finish loading.
doc = ie.Document
doc.f.q.value = qwerty# form name is 'f'; search field name is 'q' click on button 'btnG'


Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-05-21 Thread J Correia
Roger Upole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 There does appear to be some sort of conflict between the two event
 hooks.  I wasn't seeing it before since IE was getting google from my
 browser cache and it was coming up almost instantaneously.  As soon
 as I switched the URL to a page that loads slowly, I got the same

Adding win32gui.PumpWaitingMessages() to the wait loop
 seems to allow both event hooks to run without blocking each other.


I added that line to the wait loop and while it does indeed speed it
 up dramatically (in 10 tests: min = 13 sec; max = 33, ave ~ 20 secs)
it's still nowhere near the 1-2 secs it takes without hooking the
IE events.  I also can't explain the wide differences between min
and max times since they seem to occur randomly
(e.g. min occurred on 7th run, max on 4th).

I assume that that response time won't be adequate for the original
poster's needs, due to the slowdown in browsing for his users.



Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-05-20 Thread J Correia
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thanks for the response again. The solution is pretty close but not yet
 This is what I observed.
 a) I tried to use the delay mechanism as suggested below
 while ie.ReadyState !- 4

 d=win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(ie.Document, Doc_Events)

 IE *fails* to load the webpage

Thought this was quite curious so tried it myself (on Python 2.3 Win2k
machine).  Put in some timing conditions and the problem is not that it
fails to load, but that it takes really long (min time during tests = 60
, maximum time 580 secs).

Tried using  just WithEvents, same problem.  The problem seems to
lie with the call to ie.ReadyState while trapping events.  2 things lead me
to believe this...
1) Interrupting the Python code after the browser window opens, results in
the window
 finishing and loading the URL immediately with no problems.
2) Running the code with just Dispatch (no events) and it works fine ( 1

All I can think is that each call to ie.ReadyState triggers some internal
event which hogs resources to process.

It seems like the problem is with IE Events only... so a possible workaround
(if all you need is the Doc events) is the following:
import win32com.client

class Doc_Events:
def Ononactivate(self):
print 'onactivate:', doc.location.href
def Ononclick(self):
print 'onclick fired.'
def Ononreadystatechange(self):
print 'onreadystatechange:', doc.readyState

ie = win32com.client.Dispatch(InternetExplorer.Application)
ie.Visible = 1

while ie.ReadyState != 4:

doc = ie.Document
doc_events = win32com.client.WithEvents(doc, Doc_Events)
# OR can use following:
# doc = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(ie.Document, Doc_Events)

while ie.ReadyState != 4 and doc.readyState != complete:
# readystate is case sensitive and differs for ie (R) and doc (r)
# ie.ReadyState: 0=uninitialised; 1=loading; 2=loaded;
#3=interactive; 4=complete



Re: Internet Explorer, COM+, Javascript and Python

2005-04-28 Thread J Correia

Roger Upole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Something like this should be close:

 import win32com.client, pythoncom
 res=ie.Document.Script._oleobj_.Invoke(id, 0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD,
 True, parameter or tuple of parameters )


Yes, that definitely works.  Only one minor correction:  it seems that to
pass multiple parameters you need to pass them sequentially seperated by
commas instead of in a tuple, i.e.
res=ie.Document.Script._oleobj_.Invoke(id, 0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD,
True, param1, param2, param3, . )

Useful test sitefor above code:


 Ishpeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need to make IE execute javascript in a web page with COM+ and
  Similarly to the way they do it in this article. . .

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Re: How to get rid of FutureWarning: hex/oct constants...

2005-04-05 Thread J Correia
Assuming you're just trying to get rid of the message each time the program
runs, the following suppresses it:

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning)

